One of our commenters (apologies can’t remember who) linked us to a tale of the ‘Lancaster Plan’ alleged plan that was concocted by the Establishment in order to not have to deal with the ‘Muslim problem’ that was inevitably going to ensue as bunches of Muslims swarmed into Europe…their plan was to prevent any objections and opposition to the encroaching Islamisation and silence debate and criticism to stop people realising there was a problem until it was too late. By doing so they hope to prevent outbreaks of violence against Muslims as people woke up to the realisation that British society was being conquered and colonised by Islam. They prefer to see Islam dominate than to see possible violence on the streets. Never mind that Islam is the end of history and the beginning of a new Dark Ages.
There is of course no such plan, in writing. However it most certainly is the plan in reality, by default and as a result of overweaning cowardice. A plan in which the BBC has a leading role in trying to quell discontent and disharmony by spreading disinformation…to ‘maintain cohesion and civil society’….the classic example being the repeated, and false, mantra that Islam is the religion of peace. Politicians are scared witless of actually doing anything concrete and taking the necessary actions to prevent the Islamisation of society, they would rather see Britain become Islamic than be the ones to go down in history as the racist and Islamophobic politicians who ‘fought’ Islam and Muslims…Cameron makes some ‘brave’ speeches denouncing so-called Islamism (that’s not Islam mind) and headline grabbing but half-hearted policies such as teaching Muslim women English or wishy-washy policies on the veil in schools and other public places but doesn’t actually make any of it law, leaving it to others to decide ‘in the circumstances’ if it is appropriate that someone should wear a veil…knowing full well most will not brave the storm of abuse they receive if they do stop a Muslim wearing the veil.
We have others who actually endorse the Islamification of Britain….remarkably so many of them Christian clergy…..Rowan Williams suggesting we should allow a parallel Muslim legal system to develop, one of his chums astonishingly suggests Christian clergy should wear beards to engratiate themselves with Muslims…and then there’s Trevor Phillips.
Trevor Phillips’ journey into Submission illustrates perfectly how the ‘Lancaster Plan’ works……the plan isn’t so much a pro-active plan needing a positive investment of thought, policy and ideology, it is merely a plan to stand back and let things happen, quell any voices of opposition (such as the EDL) and allow Islam to gradually dominate society as leading public figures eventually cave in to the relentless pressure from Muslim attack groups and their supporters in the media not to make negative comments about Islam and indeed finally submit and go the other way and start advocating for Islam for a quiet life.
That old bogey-man, Hitler, mastered the take-over of a society by terrorising it and at the same time making the Establishment think he was the answer….Muslim activists employ the same tactics….propaganda is far more effective when backed by terrorism…everytime a bomb goes off they are there denouncing the violence but claiming Muslims are the real victims and that the media needs to silence any debate about the role of Islam in terrorist ideology otherwise Muslims will feel ‘besieged’ and become ‘radical’….a blackmailing bluff that politicians dare not call…..these activists launch relentless attacks, in the media, poltically and in the courts, to bully and intimidate opponents who they know will eventually tire and submit as Hitler himself understood……
I realized the infamous intellectual terrorism of this movement targets the privileged-class, which is neither morally nor spiritually a match for such attacks. They tell a barrage of lies and slander against the individual adversary it considers most dangerous and keep it up until the nerves of the group being attacked give in and they sacrifice the hated figure just to have peace and quiet again. But the fools still do not get peace and quiet. The game begins again and is repeated until fear of the villain becomes a hypnotic paralysis.
They are successful in creating the impression that giving in is the only way to win peace and quiet from them while they quietly, cautiously, but unerringly, conquer one position after another, either by quiet extortion or by actual theft when the public attention is on other things. The public is distracted and either unwilling to be interrupted or they consider the situation too small to worry about and believe it is not worth provoking the angry foe again.
Trevor Phillips has fallen victim to the enormous pressure that any critic of Islam or Muslims is forced to endure.
In 2005 Trevor Phillips told us that we were sleepwalking into a segregated society with the Muslim community especially ‘marooned outside the mainstream’ and he predicted that this will have serious consequences …..
Those communities are set up for destruction.
And second, even if there is no calamity, these marooned communities will steadily drift away from the rest of us, evolving their own lifestyles, playing by their own rules and increasingly regarding the codes of behaviour, loyalty and respect that the rest of us take for granted as outdated behaviour that no longer applies to them. We know what follows then: crime, no-go areas and chronic cultural conflict.
We have the chance to prevent this happening; but we have to act now. We have a vital duty: to make sure that, insofar as it lies in the hands of our own communities, we are a safer society, not just next week, or next year, but in the next generation and the one after that.
A vital duty to stop that segregation….to stop crime, no-go areas (yes those) and chronic cultural conflict (bit late for that). How times change….no doubt due to the barrage of abuse Phillips received as a result of that speech in 2005.
Trevor Phillips now says that Muslims should be allowed to live separate and parallel lives as they will never integrate..…indeed...“it was disrespectful to suppose that Muslim communities would change”….
Muslim communities are “unlike others in Britain” and “will not integrate in the same way”, according to the former head of the equalities watchdog.
He claimed that we should accept that Muslims “see the world differently from the rest of us.”
Mr Phillips said part of the integration process was for “the rest of us to grasp that people aren’t going to change their views simply because we are constantly telling them that basically they should be like us.”
Phillips has blown apart the narrative that there is a ‘British Islam’, that Muslims will integrate, that Islam will reform to fit in with a liberal, democratic, Western progressive society. It won’t. We’ve always known that. The BBC et al just refused to admit it because then they would have to start explaining what that will mean for Britain, for Europe, for the World, as Europe, one of the main bulwarks of freedom, democracy, liberal beliefs, succumbs to an ideology that is directly opposed to so much of its own beliefs.
Any wonder that the BBC has not published a word of Phillips’ speech, nor has the Guardian? The BBC knows full well he has made the speech…Nicky Campbell had quotes from it at the ready this morning because he knew it would be mentioned on his programme….he used the quotes to try and crush criticism of Islam strangely enough.
Campbell’s programme was about the Ofsted announcement that schools could be marked down if they allowed pupils or staff to wear the veil. Consider that Phillips’ comments were a highly dramatic and devastating admission about how society is being shaped, one that has enormous and unpleasant ramifications for everyone, you would be justified in asking why the BBC chose instead to talk about a relatively minor matter of wearing the veil in public.
Campbell thinks of himself as an expert in Islam and the Koran having been mentored and intellectually succoured, or is that suckered, by the clown Mo Ansa. As we’ll see, Campbell is mistaken…Mo Ansa had no answer.
John Morris, former Ofsted official, stated (8 mins 50 secs in) that Trevor Phillips said that Muslim communities were “unlike others in Britain” and “will not integrate in the same way”.
Campbell jumps in and states that Morris was quoting Phillips ‘rather selectively’…Phillips said it would be disrespectful to expect Muslims to change…Trevor Phillips is actually calling for tolerance Campbell claims. Campbell says Morris is ‘falsely inferring from what he is saying’. No he wasn’t, he quoted exactly what Phillips said and did so in correct relation to what was being discussed.
It seems a highly appropriate quote in a discussion about the veil in that it shows that Muslims have no intention of integrating, and indeed cannot…the veil is jst one very obvious example of that. It is Campbell who selectively quotes and inteprets as he wants….is Phillips calling for tolerance or is he saying because Muslims refuse to integrate we should just roll over and accept that?…that’s submission not tolerance.
At least we know Campbell knows what Phillips has said…so again I ask why is that not the subject of this discussion when it is such a bombshell admission with cataclysmically dire consequences for our society?
Campbell, who as you may expect, is always edging towards acceptance of the veil, then claims that this is not a religious requirement but merely cultural…..if that is the case then why do Muslims have such an issue with a ban in certain places?
Campbell states that the Koran makes no mention of the veil and there is no Koranic requirement for the veil to be worn. The Koran however does clearly stipulate that women must cover up if they go out in public…but in fact the preferred place for a woman is to stay closed up in the home away from the eyes of other men.
And stay in your houses and (do) not display yourselves (as was the) display (of the times of) ignorance the former.
It shall be no offence for the Prophet’s wives to be seen unveiled by their fathers, their sons, their brothers, their brothers’ sons, their sisters’ sons, their women, or their slave–girls. Women, have fear of God; surely God observes all things.
Prophet, enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believers to draw their veils close round them. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and not be molested. God is ever forgiving and merciful.
And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty.
Campbell also has an oft repeated mantra that there is no one Muslim community…there are many different ones….however, again, that’s just not true…there may be different cultural communities who happen to be Muslim but there is only one Islam, one God, one Faith, one Mosque…that’s the founding essence of Islam…it was revealed because Christians and Jews did not follow their scriptures to the word and broke up into sects…the Koran orders…..
Turn to Him and fear Him. Be steadfast in prayer and serve no other god besides Him.
Do not divide your religion into sects, each exulting in its own doctrines.
Do not divide your religion into sects…hence break-away sects such as Shias and Ahmadis etc are not considered Muslims.
There is a reason the Islamic State hold up one finger, it has a very real meaning…and there is a reason they feel able to kill Shias and anyone else not considered Muslim. It’s in the Koran.
Campbell is either entirely ignorant and is bluffing his way or knows what the Koran says and is lying. Either way he is covering up the truth, a very important truth and one that reveals exactly the thinking of those who ‘radicalise’ and explains their actions. You might think that was important. It is. Which is why the BBC doesn’t like to admit it as it owuld start to raise very difficult and unpleasnt questions about Islam…as lefty academic David Goodhart said…the more people get to know about Islam the more alien they will find it. The BBC’s aim is to stop you finding out those inconvenient truths.
The European political elites and the Muslim hordes are natural allies.
Consider the three words uttered by the new Polish prime minister last week. “Patriotism, conservatism, Christianity.” (He was, of course, vilified by the BBC for saying them).
These are three of the most disgusting words in the Euro-lexicon, and also represent three major oppositions to the continued Muslim swarm.
Is it any surprise that Merkel and her “progressive” cronies are more than happy to use the migrant hordes to do their work of ruining Europe for them? That’s why she gave them all a free invitation to Europe.
David and Alan.
Suggestion – ban, suspend or otherwise punish, all and every contributor who describes those pseudo-organisms whose treason constitutes a continuing danger to Western culture as ELITE.
These scum are not ELITE, they are breathing piles of excrement who need to have their breathing permanently terminated and be placed in the ground where their putrefying remains may perform, in death, some useful function to atone, in some small way, for the evil of their lives.
We, BBBC users, sympathisers, have the moral high ground. There must be no more pussy-footing around
the evils of most European leaders. No more subservience to their Marxist supporters at the BBC, or apologies to the nastiness that is Islam. They are scum and this needs to be repeated, endlessly, until the filth start to understand the complete contempt in which they, and their beliefs, are held.
The BBC is responsible for more deaths than any other impartial, neutral, broadcaster in history.
These deaths are in the future, Europe is about to become flamboyant, in the original sense of the word. From these flames must arise an altered Western civilisation. A civilisation which excludes the possibility of more traitors arising within it. A civilisation which, when writing the history of these flamboyant times, has a special chapter exposing forever the reality of that vanished broadcaster, with its vile beliefs.
Are you sure you are not an agent provocateur? Sometimes I wonder. To call for violence against a specific group of people however much you dislike them is against the law . In the dangerous world we are maybe about to enter that will be enough to get this blog silenced.
Your contribution deserves a reply.
If the owners of this valuable site feel that my comments in any way risk its continuation I invite them to edit or delete them. If necessary ban me.
The law, Dave, is the problem, because it is their law, the law of the enemy. Laws which they do not hesitate to ignore, to “interpret” as they wish to curtail the statements of the free they are unable to indoctrinate.
Dave, you must have heard of the mass murders in the Soviet Union, the PRC and almost every Marxist state which has existed. Mass murders which were carried out without much concern for keeping them secret. Secrecy which was deemed to be unnecessary because the universal conquest of Communism was near.
If the Marxists take over Europe there will be mass murder on a scale which dwarfs their previous bloodbaths. All any any laws will simply be ignored.
We need our own laws, then we need to impose them on the left.
Ah, to dream. Well, delenda, when you lull yourself to sleep tonight with thoughts of Broadcasting House and Pacific Quay on fire, find comfort in that you’re not the only one.
The situation is very serious, and likely to get worse before it gets better.
Numerous EU noises recently about an EU armed service, because they know this is a serious weakness, one that they are many years from remedying.
The other sort of noises made lately are statements made by very senior members of the armed services of several EU states. Warning statements, warning the current government leaders. This is most unusual in the UK.
When the civil strife in the UK begins the army will be called out to restore order. I believe that there is some evidence that the top brass will be unwilling to order their troops to fire on indigenous people. I also believe that the top brass does not expect those orders to be obeyed if they are made.
British troops, God bless and preserve them, are the only part of the “public sector” not polluted or contaminated by lefty anti-white propaganda. Many of these troops have had recent, close up, contact with Islam elsewhere, and they are not impressed. I have spoken recently to all the serviceman I know, they are all disgusted with the behaviour of recent governments.
These are just normal squaddies, not colonels, and may not be a representative sample, but they would have no problems firing on the Muzzies, or MPs.
I don’t think it’s wise to be optimistic about what may happen if the armed forces get involved in a mass domestic uprising. No doubt there are a number of ways in which large groups of possibly armed civvies can be surrounded and controlled without too much bloodshed, but eggs have to be broken, and orders will be followed. That £3.5 billion worth of ~600 General Dynamics light Scout tanks the MOD ordered recently won’t all be earmarked for overseas action, either.
It’s a huge hill to climb to even get to the point where chaos reigns, if you ever really want to get to that point. People here can’t legally even so much as get hold of a simple handgun, let alone a combat rifle; and if you want an illegal flow of weapons to arm the strong and the healthy in the populace, it’ll have to come from a nation – or an entity within a nation – that is as intent in seeing the status quo here collapse as the people who feel too oppressed by it. And that means you’ll be in their debt, which in turn will mean the country will belong to them. But even the set of circumstances leading to the right people ensuring that flow of equipment, is extremely unlikely.
/Armchair General
Best idea, really, would be to move.
What I was envisaging was roadblocks on roads into Bradford or Leicester.
Stop lorries going to supermarkets, starve the Muzzies.
Muzzies are already invading white areas on the European mainland.
The situation you describe regarding weapons accurately describes the situation between Islamic State (or whatever it is called) and Muslim invaders in Europe.
You can bet that every boat carrying invaders also carries weapons. Weapons that nobody is finding, because nobody is looking, can’t have cultural upset can we.
So next time white people will have water pistols and the Muzzies will have sub-machine guns. But Cameron, EU and Co will tell white people forcibly evicted from their homes not to be so sensitive.
So the Muzzies will be given carte blanche, again.
So vote to leave the EU and vote UKIP.
What Blair, Brown and Cameron have done is treason, which will not be forgotten.
BBC delenda est
“What I was envisaging was roadblocks on roads into Bradford or Leicester.
Stop lorries going to supermarkets, starve the Muzzies.”
Woops! I went a little off the deep end. Got carried away. Treacherous chaps, fantasies.
Will be voting ‘Out’, though. Don’t you worry.
The police are all that stand in the way. And a great many of them hate themselves for it.
Our police are completely ineffectual. Faced by any kind of mob, be it muslim gangs or antifa scum, they acquiesce or run.
Not like the force that dealt with the flying pickets and Scargill division, who stood,fought back and counter-attacked.
How I wish for Broadcasting House to be trashed and the rats inside chased back to Hampstead just like the City Of London protests………………….Perhaps we could get some celebrity children to lob fire extinguishers at the police?
The article on the Lancaster Plan was a nice piece of fiction but I don’t think it’s a blueprint for the future. I readily admit that I can’t really rationalise the attitude of the left liberal uk elite in tolerating porous borders, mass muslim immigration, growing Muslim ghettos that are no go areas for Christian heritage people and a determination to mute criticism of these developments.
However, I remain convinced that the non muslim population will react in a number of ways to remove the left liberal elite from power . There will be a combination of direct action on the streets and attempts to get a political party or coalition into power that does not take the view of the left liberal elite .
If these developments do not work in the period to 2025 then the prospects of outright civil war increase markedly . I don’t think a policy of just letting a Muslim takeover occur will be allowed to happen . Any fool can see that it can’t in any case be managed as the fictional Lancaster Plan states.
The first step has to be to get the hell out of the EU, get back control of our borders.
The second step is to allow the people to hear the truth by shutting down the BBC and allowing the market to provide news coverage so pay for what you wish to see and hear.