The BBC have been to the fore in cheerleading for the UK to accept many more refugee ‘children” from the tsunami that has fanned across Europe. Here’s an item they ran earlier….
The government has stopped short of accepting Labour and the Liberal Democrat’s proposal of resettling 3,000 refugee children in the UK from mainland Europe, although the government will now resettle more under 18s from the war torn areas around Syria. Speaking live in the studio is Kirsty McNeill, Campaigns Director at Save the Children.
Note the biased way in which this is written. How DARE the elected government “stop short” of accepting what the Opposition demand? And as for the immigrant hustling Save the Children “Campaigns Director” – when she speaks of all these poor “Syrian’ “Children” I wonder could she clarify if that group includes the 15 year old “Syrian” “refugee” “child” who stabbed the 22 year old Swedish woman to death a few days ago? (He was a Somali, unsurprisingly, but then again so are so many of these “Syrians”)
The BBC has blatantly colluded with those rabidly pro-Immigrant groups for some time now – determined to populate the UK with as many third world economic migrants as possible. It’s the BBC that is the menace.
I watched a programme last night about Nicholas Winton and his rescue of the Czech children (well it was Holocaust Memorial Day). Why did I feel the sub text was if this good man helped so many innocent children, why are we not doing more today for the Syrians). So when I woke up this morning to hear that the Uk is being pressed to take in more orphans the circle was being completed. But it is different. The children in the BBC programme last night were undoubtedly children, they were escaping certain death, Winton had records of who exactly they were and they were not living in another safe country (Turkey or France for example) before being brought here.
Another point about the kindertransport is that many parents let their children go to safety whilst they stayed behind because they were not allowed to leave. However, these Syrians are sending the young men to “safety” while leaving the children behind to defend themselves.
“…many parents let their children go to safety whilst they stayed behind because they were not allowed to leave.”
They were “allowed to leave”; they just weren’t allowed into the UK or anywhere else.
They were not all allowed to leave that easily. Many hoops had to be negotiated and many palms greased to get a visa to leave. Agreed that more countries could have managed to take the relatively small numbers, but they had great difficulty in getting permission to leave. That’s why they let their children go when they had a chance knowing that they would probably never see them again.
Absolutely correct. My late father’s boss tried to get his parents and brothers out and failed. He had left in late 1933 when it was relatively easy. Later on it was very difficult and sometimes impossible.
Pressed by unelected bodies, and the media . The BBc having been giving the “charity” for representatives of “Charity” save the children a platform all day. As usual no voices saying we don’t want them.
“I watched a programme last night about Nicholas Winton and his rescue of the Czech children”
Surely you mean; “a bunch of jews”?
When Cameron said “bunch” he was not being offensive. But, since the fascists have claimed that the word is racist, the use of it by one of them now is deliberately offensive. So, zero is a racist while Cameron isn’t.
Greetings , haven’t we communicated before ?
I repeat my question to you when you used another pseudonym ………….
Why do you feel the need to contribute to this site ?
“Why do you feel the need to contribute to this site ?”
I like your cartoon, did you draw it your self . Does it mean your mother thinks its past you bed time ?
I would appreciate your reply in words so that we can understand your gist ?
1 hr on …………………Either his mum has given him a telling off or his Al Beeb manager has given him something more useful to do?
Your play zero .
Hey Zero, remember your post when you mocked people for their gullibility in thinking that Murdoch supported open immigration? When I pointed out that he had written in favour of it in the Wall St Journal, you went quiet. Was it your day off then and your colleague’s turn to play games?
it was I who first posted that not taffman… it doesn`t represent anything about him… however here is one that I feel is all you zero….
and heres another to represent ur hypocrisy and two faced facile unwarranted ignorance to how you look to those of us on the forum…
You are the answer to the question nobody ever asked … You arrogant little social cripple…
it`s ironic that you push the same views as those who woud have euphanised you based on the assumption that only a sub human level of cognitive response could be such an imbecile… you would now be residing in a jar on mengeles mantlepiece and ur skin would be the lampshade in his science library… Can I ask you something though? Do u have to shave ur monobrow daily? Is it hard to find the long sleeved (Knuckle dragger) version of the Obersturmfurhers Deathcamp jacket since you killed all the tailors at Birkenau back in 1944… your uniform must look almost as shabby as your arguements..
Pathetic. Try a bit harder if you want to be taken seriously.
To “zero” – That “bunch of Jews”, saved from certain death had they been left behind, came to this country, they assimilated, they became Britons, many of them did fine things for this country if you should ever stir yourself from your sordid, fetid, little mind of hatred and investigate the freely available facts.
They did what *ALL* immigrants should have done over the past years since Blair created his open door policy in order to [he hoped] increase his bedrock of supporters.
“Zero” – that “bunch of Jews” are in greater danger than you or I will ever be because of the massive influx of the Religion of Peace. You just go on spouting your empty phrases about “bunches of Jews” and ignore the great danger facing us all.
You truly are a total “ZERO” !!!
The irony is that a Jew is now safer in Israel than in Malmo or parts of Paris and London. I wonder why?
Even more ironic is that despite this the majority of Jews in Malmo Paris and London are advocates of mass immigration!
It’s interesting to note that the voices (we know who they are) that have been demanding that Britain takes more refugees/illegal immigrants have also in the past rejected comments that these people include a quantity of terrorists and criminals.
However it now seems that they are (rightfully) concerned that a large number of children have been or could be abducted, raped or sold into child prostitution by err.. terrorists and criminals; and there’s me thinking that these refugees/ illegal immigrants were all nice respectable families running from a worn torn situation – fool!
I heard Dame Stephanie Shirley on TWATO with a gushing…nay, fawning…Martha Karno.
Clearly this woman is old and a few bats up out up in the belfry…but, for a kindertransport survivor; she`s exactly the kind of self-abasing liberal dope that the BBC love…Ha`aretz on heels!
For her-a clever. rich philanthropist who fought for womens equality-to equate her heroic journey and struggle with what is being requested from us in 2016, is appalling.
And sometimes the only Jews that the BBC use are the Islamic-compliant ones.
Look “Steve”-these children are NOT the kind that you were-you were NOT pushing Christians off the trains, wanting day glo wristbands to garrotte an old Jewish mother…your boys were NOT groping, raping and leching over French or British women…and you were running from the Nazis who`d send you to the gas chambers…most of the Muslims coming over will want to run the gas over our descendents if we let them grow up here (and most of them will be at least 17…not children…and want Sharia, which is why ISIS is packing their toothbrush, shaving knife and suicide vests)
If -after Holocaust Day-we are STiLL letting the BBC equate economic thugs with no papers but hatred for us and our women with the death-defying, entitled, legal and planned entry of a few Jewish kids who were soon to have been killed-then SOMEONE needs to call them out on it…and for a Jewish kindertransport heroine to do this is really depressing-which is what the BBC intended I expect.
Oh-and whatever names the Jewish children gave their teddy bear…they`d NOT go on the rampage and kill nuns, want teachers flogged had they named it Elijah or Moses!
Useful dupe, poor old trout…it`s hard enough fighting to cut through the gloopy crap of the BBC without useful idiots of Liberaland to make the job harder.
ChrisH, good points. In case you are not aware there are countless videos on YouTube recording what happens when normal, indigenous people arrange a small march through a muslim infested town. The real hatred of muslims for us true inhabitants of our lands comes out in the open. If this hatred isn’t racial then it has to be due to the cult of islam. If, for example Britain First paraded through a Sikht or Hindu enclave, would we expect to see threats and violence? I doubt it. But do the same in a muslim ghetto and you must be fearful for your safety. So, common denominator – race? No it’s islam. And their facilitators? The collectivists in the local government organisations, including the police, and the media, especially the bbc.
Well they certainly don’t struggle to find them. Jews are way ‘over represented’ at the BBC given their tiny proportion of the population.
Same for gays and non whites.
How about this for over representation then….?
Not all Muslims are terrorists … However . .. mostly the terrorists all seem to be Muslims….
thats what …. some might say ……
I had the misfortune of hearing the start of this piece. It came shortly after a programme on how the current Third World invasion of Germany will “give the economy a bounce”.
I had to switch off, but I assume they soon returned to their usual schedule of programmes about African Americans in the 1960’s.
The Dame rather undermined the BBC myth of Britain as a moral superpower throughout the ages throwing open its borders to welcome the persecuted and downtrodden when she revealed that the Kindertransport was not that popular with the British public in 1939.
Yes David.
a) Cameron has the means to emasculate this terrorist organisation.
b) If Cameron was a genuine “Conservative” he would have grasped with alacrity the opportunity to muzzle this anti Conservative monster.
a) and b) are the the first parts of our syllogism which entail the conclusion :-
c) Cameron is not a Conservative and is part of the problem, not its solution.
You already knew this.
Let us remember THIS Icon of BBC fantasy…the original Mr Pastry, but without the Savile issues noramlly associated with anything to do with the BBC,
Long live Mr Pastry.
Did you know Mr Pastry financed a number of swimming baths around the country? He should have been given the role of Dr Who
There are over 50 muslim countries so if islam is so great why aren’t all these muslim gimmegrants swarming into other muslim countries, after all there are a bunch of them to choose from. In fact if the collectivists love islam so much why aren’t they flocking to these countries to live amongst these peaceful muslims? In addition why do Western charities do more to help muslims than they do for Christians? Is this something the unbiased bbc could be bothered to investigate and give us the results of their unbiased investigations? No, I thought not. Therefore I’ll keep supporting Christian charities and let allah take care of his own spawn.
John. I know that your questions are rhetorical, but I’ll answer the first one; “why aren’t all these muslim gimmegrants swarming into other muslim countries?”.
At the very start of this “crisis” Saudi and the other Gulf states said that they would not accept any “refugees” because of the number of terrorists mixed in with them. If the Saudi government knew of this danger then so did every government in Western Europe. The Saudi government put the safety of their own people first, and I’m not going to object to that. European governments put the safety of their own people last, and I do object to that. The politicians are not stupid, they knew what they were doing and we will live with the consequences for ever – and for all too many people, starting with that poor young woman in Sweden, “live” will turn out to be the wrong word.
Also a lot of Arabs don`t trust the pilots of Arabic Airlines…. yes they are all stupid and ignorant… but not that stupid or ignorant eh??