Why oh why is A&E struggling? asks the BBC.
Winters are always busy in the NHS and there are always difficult weeks. This one is unusual because of the scale of the increase in demand.
So what’s going on? Nobody, it seems, has a very clear answer.
Nobody except the BBC of course….it’s all down to a surge of elderly patients…and oh yes….people have such trust in the NHS’s A&E they wouldn’t go anywhere else…
Heads of emergency departments point out there has not been a sudden new spike in numbers of people coming through their doors. They argue that there has been a steadily increasing trend going back a couple of years.
Familiar factors are quoted, including numbers of frail, elderly patients with multiple conditions needing an increasing range of care and treatment.
But the surge in hospital attendances was by no means dominated by the over-65s.
One theory being put forward is that A&E is a well-regarded “brand” amongst the public and is trusted to deliver high quality care even with a wait.
This could tie in with people feeling that their local GP practice is overburdened and a perception that appointments are not easy to get. In a 24/7 culture people increasingly expect instant service, including from the NHS.
So much tosh from our ‘well-regarded’ news brand. A&E is the only ‘Brand’ available to most people, well-regarded or not….and GP’s overburdened? Why?
A ‘steadily increasing trend’ over the last few years? No coincidence immigration has surged and we have had nearly 1 million migrants, net, flood in over the last three years alone? Any wonder GP surgeries and A&E are chocablock?
Odd how the BBC completely fails to mention immigration when talking about a strange surge in numbers using the NHS.
It’s ‘balance’ BBC-styly.
Just as those bobbing about the Med or peacefully rioting in Europe or toasting Marshmallows in Calais are almost all ‘children’ of hue, so those log-jamming the envy of the world corridors of hospitals and GP waiting rooms are exclusively hideously white aged crones.
At least few are seeking midwife services. There’s a crisis there… for some reason.
A trusted Brand.
I thought the subject would be Russell Brand, twisted Brand, a nearly illiterate, ex (so he assures us) us) junkie with a history of imbecillic Lefty outbursts which do not have the persuasiveness to convert an earthworm to Marxism. A twisted brand who is quite content to put his snout in the champagne socialist Islamic trough that is the BBC.
But it was not.
So I thought the subject must be Jo Brand, twisted Brand, a huge hideous lump of ugliness so severe that if she goes into a building the wallpaper unrolls from the walls and curls up on the floor. Unlike her namesake Jo is not an ex junkie but an ex (allegedly) alcoholic. Like Russ she also sucks permantly on the BBC teat, paid for by white people she despises. Like Russ she also has a chip on her shoulder which is so large it is surprising she was not borm black and entitled. Like Russ she is a one trick pony whose subject is extreme Socialism, which fits because she looks tailor-made for the post of a guard in the Gulag.
But it was not.
The subject was A&E, a section of the IHS. The IHS which is the “envy of the world”, in the sense that IslamicAlBeeb is the “world’s mosted trusted broadcaster”: these preposterous titles indicate, to the exoteric, that these are Marxist organisations which are not as described and not fit for purpose.
To be fair the IHS is not a political organisation like AlBeeb. It is not dedicated to the extinction of the white race. Its employees are not serial traitors. Serial liars. Serial Grade A ****s.
But the IHS does have its problems. It has a record of neglecting patients, but only white patients. It has a record of abusing patients, but only white patients. It has a record of causing the death of patients, but only white patients, by starvation. It has a record of coving up these excesses and abuses, mainly by non-white staff.
IHS senior medical staff have a history of ignoring these abuses. IHS senior administrative staff are mostly lefty quango hopping trough snufflers who are appointed because they know the correct handshake.
Much could be said about the inadequacies of the IHS, but I should note that many IHS staff are hard-working and dedicated.
Here is my idea, a musical entitled Twisted Brands. Starring the hilarious Russ as DG of AlBeeb and the equally funny Jo as The Minister of Elth. With a cast of untalented, overpaid, ethnics. Libretto by J Corbyn.
What do you think?
The NHS is so admired by BBC employees, they have license fee payer funded healthcare insurance and go private.
Blaming an ageing population – particularly one that that the Left can’t wait to see dead and buried because of their ‘conservative’ views on life – is a very convenient distraction from the millions of immigrants that have arrived on these shores over the past 15+ years who common sense tells any of us with an ounce of the stuff must be putting a tremendous strain on NHS services, especially as there is no sign of new hospitals being built to accommodate this extra demand (despite aforementioned immigrants bringing a ‘net economic benefit’ to the country /sarc).
However, research reveals a different story:
Remarkably, 52 per cent of those who come to A&E are sent away without needing treatment, or given only “guidance and advice”. Equally interestingly, among the heaviest users are people in their twenties. This age group is among the healthiest in society – but they visit A&E more often than people in their sixties and seventies. Is a new consumer generation using the emergency room as convenience medicine?
But as a report by Quality Watch, an initiative of the Health Foundation and Nuffield Trust think tanks, found, “attendances at the major [Type 1] A&E units, where waits are a significant issue, have only increased in line with population growth….”
Yet more inconvenient truths never to be broadcast on your trusted BBC.
The BBC are not the slightest bit interested in reality: the only thing they care about is the election of another Labour government.
Quite correct. However I cannot see why, as they previously had 13 years to “Save the World” and left it in a worse state than before. Maybe they just like power for powers’ sake ….and the wealth that they allegedly despise.
Not scientific, I know, but I had to spend a couple of days in hospital last year. I was in a bay of six patients and I was the only patient aged over sixty. I was also the only one whose first language was English.
Did that include the staff?
Call me stupid, but if the problem appears to be people using A&E instead of Doctor’s surgeries, should we not relocate all Doctor’s surgeries to the hospitals so that everything is in the one place, referrals can be instant, and a massive saving can be made in terms of property?
What a wonderful idea.