Sam Gerrans writes on RT opinion page. He dissects the “liberal self-extermination policy” without the usual RT neo-con conspiracy smear.
“Prior to the mass invasion of Europe, liberals controlled debate by means of crude stop-words (bigot, racist, etc.) or accusations of a lack of compassion (with themselves as the arbiters of compassion, naturally). But there is a sea change occurring……..They (Europeans) have woken up and smelled the agenda: the ship has an iceberg embedded in the hull; and it was Political Correctness – or Cultural Marxism – which put it there.”
I commented on this a week or so ago that Russia Today is fast becoming a media source I will use. Never thought that sitting in a panzer on the Rhine 30 odd years ago, one day I’d trust a program called Russia today over the BBc.
Upon rising, I run through RT, EuroNews, Reuters, DM, Guardian, Brietbart, The Times – sometimes Al Jazeera – then bBBC, of course. RT is first as I find it’s a bench mark for clarity with a broad sweep of world events without obvious insidious modification.
When you can easily review a full-scope range of inputs with the internet & you can start to filter out the crap as you can see it for what it is – jaundiced bigotry with a social agenda. And such an obvious editorial direction is easily seen as it sticks out like dogs gonads.
Seriously, the BBC appears to operate in a vacuum without any awareness of other news sources. [fx: queue celestial harps] We are the truth and the light to save you from the evils of the right wing world. But now, the ‘waycists’ and ‘right wing’ people are starting to look more and more like the moderates they actually are.
I find RT worship very odd indeed. It seems to have given refuge to old Press TV stalwarts like Galloway and that slimy Iranian, whose name I can’t recall.
These days there is little to choose between the BBC, Russia Today and Al Jazeera. All are pushing agenda and narrative. In the case of the BBC it is the liberal-left orthodoxy, with RT it’s the paranoid Putin neo-conservative conspiracy theory, and AJ is a Sunni / Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece. It is interesting to compare RT and AJ when reporting on Syria and Yemen. RT accuses Saudi Arabia of bombing schools in Yemen, while AJ accuses Russia of the same in Syria. One thing all three “news” channels have in common though, is that they all like to give Israel a bashing.
Speaking of old Press TV stalwarts. Here’s chat show host and leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn. Now playing centre stage in the BBC’s parade of fools.
I really miss Press TV on satellite. Sheikh Al Galloway was always in his pseudo-Islamic highfallutin oratory mode. Salaam I’ll lick ’em Mustafa, …Salaam I’ll lick ’em George, the blesssings of the Prophet be upon you Mustafa, blah blah, only you George tell things as they are blah blah …you too Mustafa are highly intelligent because you recognise my supreme genius blah blah. This mutual anilinctus could last for minutes with each caller.
Rivetting TV.
Almost every caller seemed to be some Muslim (peace be up him) from London, Manchester or Birmingham who could barely speak English calling for the destruction of the Little Satan. Muslim radicalisation??? In Britain??? Unthinkable!!!
Report into the collapse of Kids company deserves a thread of its own considering the criticism of the BBC:
“The heaviest criticism is for the trustees led by the BBC’s Alan Yentob.
He’s described as someone who condoned excessive spending and lacked proper attention to his duties. The BBC is also accused of poor leadership for failing to take action against him when he tried to make suggestions about the BBC’s reporting of Kids Company.”
“Mr Yentob and Ms Batmanghelidjh kept insisting there had been no financial mismanagement. This report makes clear there certainly was.”
“While the committee’s report said ultimate responsibility for the charity’s closure was on its “negligent” trustees, including the BBC’s former creative director Alan Yentob who was chairman of Kids Company’s trustees, the government and regulators must also learn lessons from its failure. ”
There is no mention of the amounts of money given to the Kids Company charity by BBC administered Children in Need which has refused to reveal just how much money it handed over.
67. Mr Yentob was Chair of Trustees for 12 years. His actions in the weeks surrounding the charity’s collapse have received significant media attention, with allegations that he displayed a conflict of interest in his role at the BBC. Mr Yentob admitted that he stood behind the glass with the producer during a BBC interview with Ms Batmanghelidjh about the charity’s difficulties, and also made a phone call to another BBC journalist who was due to make a broadcast about the charity.127 Mr Yentob said that he was “emotionally upset and engaged” by the coverage, and regrets this action “if it was intimidating”.128 He has since resigned from his position as Creative Director at the BBC. Lord Hall of Birkenhead, BBC director general, said that Mr Yentob’s conduct was “improper” but had not affected BBC coverage of Kids Company.129
69. Mr Yentob denied historic failures in financial management and insisted that there were no questions about the financial resilience of Kids Company until 2014. Given the charity’s historic hand-to-mouth existence, its continual failure to build up reserves, significant periods on the brink of insolvency and its inability to meet its obligations to HMRC, this is an inaccurate and alarming interpretation. The evidence Mr Yentob gave to the Committee suggests a lack of proper attention to his dutiesas Chair of Trustees and a continuing inability to recognise those failures. With his fellow Trustees he was unwilling or unable to impose sufficient control. Together, they failed to exercise their proper function as Trustees.
70. Mr Yentob acknowledges his poor judgement in respect of his position at the BBC during the summer of 2015. His actions were unwise at best, and deliberately intimidating at worst. He has since resigned his main position at the BBC but he still retains substantial responsibilities within the organisation and oversees substantial budgets. It is not within the remit of this Committee to comment on the governance of the BBC, but the proper governance of conflicts of interest and standards of behaviour – particularly amongst its senior executives – is a very serious matter for any reputable organisation. That a senior figure could act in this way and it could take so long for action to be taken reflects poorly on the BBC’s leadership.
I think all these findings about Yentob must raise questions about how good he was in his job at the BBC (and probably applies to many others that work/worked there) – for example why a Labour MP should merit a high ranking and extremely highly paid job once he was voted out of office.
Listening to the Today Programme this morning, they were suggesting that Kids Company devoured around £42m over the period it was active. Nothing was said about who, if anyone, should be held responsible for the abject failure of this ponzi scheme, nor what has become of the £millions poured into it.
I think we know that there’s zero chance of Botney facing the music (he’s a BBC upper-echelon Elite, after all), and it’s fairly safe to say Batman is untouchable.
‘A BBC Spokesperson said: “As we’ve said before, BBC News considered whether Alan Yentob had influenced the BBC’s journalism on the reporting of Kids Company and they concluded that he did not. The BBC led the way in reporting this story and our journalism has been impartial.”
Utter BS, and hence BBC SOP, but how or why they are allowed to get away with it, lord know.
1) Anonymous spokseweasel. No backsides, no accountability.
2) Arrogant ‘BBC has looked at BBC’s navel, and BBC believes BBC is fluff free’. Again.
3) Impartiality is in their DNA because the BBC says so. Tell it often enough.
I don’t watch the extreme, left wing, fascist, biased bbc anymore so I was quite annoyed with myself this morning when i foolishly turned on to that bbbc news24 channel to be immediately greeted by what I suppose is considered in their world as ‘breaking news’… Ir was all about the problems of transgender people in Jamaica…………Immediately switched it on to another channel.
What has that news topic got to do with me?
Who are the bbbc broadcasting to?
Who in the UK could possibly be interested in this?
I shudder to think what it would be like in bbbc’s utopian world.
I would tend to ask Who Decides which news items are given the level of ‘headline worthiness’, and I bet there is nobody over the age of 50 making the decisions, because that age group are on countdown to their pension, couldn’t give a monkeys and don’t want to rock the boat. Which leaves us the just-left-Yuni generation, trying to outdo each other around the conference table in the name of diversity.
(pssst… noticed that Vera has ticked all the boxes in the first episode of the latest series : wheelchair bound office worker ; black pathologist (as in Midsomer) : mixed race relationship ; failed in the lesbian/gay couple though)
Brissles it’s your lucky day. From my archive of complaints to the BBc if I go back to 8/2/2012 this may give you insight into how the BBc decides to run a story. This was in response to the non-reporting of “men of Asian origin” in court for child grooming which the BBc did it’s best to avoid reporting on.
“Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
So, the bBBC won’t report it if it’s not unusual, which explains why they don’t tell us about Muslims raping white girls.
Just put Radio 4 on in my hotel room to hear something British … it’s a programme about how bad it is to grow up gay in Bombay … how that will entertain me no end ….
Just watched a piece of The Daily Politics about the Kids Co and Bernard Jenkin’s Report on the scandal.
Has anyone noticed, as today, with Bernard Jenkin, with the BBC that when it is criticised the person speaking is almost always shouted down. In this case with Jo Coburn, she jumped down his throat before he’d finished making his point and in went on speaking at length in an attempt to get him away from his point.
I’m pleased to say that Mr Jenkin is made of sterner stuff and she didn’t get away with it. He also pointed out that in an one of her attempts to question and sound good, he said she was simply quoting his report back to him.
He ended up with more criticism of the BBC and about its culture and this time she’d realised she was beaten and said little.
Watch out for attempts by the BBC to smear Mr Jenkin in the coming days.
I don’t know why there is surprise about Alan Yentob having no concerns about wasting large sums of money.He has no qualms about wasting other peoples hard earned taxes because he doesnt have to have.Its what the BBC does. BBC has a culture of spraying money at things and blow the expense.Money is on tap from the likes of us and unfortunately I’m not hopeful it will change any time soon.
Yes, quite. To the likes of Botney, it’s never real money, anyway, is it? It’s Toy Town money – when you’ve grown (quite literally) fat off the public teat over a lifetime spent professionally leeching I imagine one’s relationship to real, hard-earned money is at best tenuous, if not entirely dysfunctional.
As far as Botney is concerned, when you need more money, you shake the magic money tree and down it comes. It works for the BBC, and it worked for Kids’ Company for many years. The concept of actually going out into the real world and earning money in honest transactions is an alien concept to him. As soon as the government stopped shovelling money into Kids’ Company it folded, because it was always a bogus charity, just as the BBC is a bogus broadcaster. They deserve each other.
Just claiming my prize for today’s bBBC PC bull**** bingo game.
This is on the bBBC news website front page i.e. a top story in which we should all take serious priority interest.
The worst part about that article is not the subject matter, but the way the BBC pussy foots around the reality of the situation.
It’s prepared to talk about and to some extent criticise Jamaican culture which is undeniably staggeringly homophobic. It is not however prepared to criticise the brown eyed boys, who in the Fascists eyes are about all criticism.
It tells us that Maria Miller has told schools to make things easier for black & ‘Asian’ kids, but then completely refuses to even discuss the problems for ‘Asian’ kids. Only there aren’t problems for ‘Asian’ kids! There are problems for Muslim kids which Miller can’t being herself to say. No problems in India, Thailand, Japan, Russia, etc etc. The problems are entirely with the horrible religion of Islam which demands the murder of gay people and their social exclusion when murder isn’t an option.
The “Transgender race minorities face extra ‘hurdles’ coming out” codswallop looks like one of those plugs for iplayer programmes nobody wants to watch, masquerading as news. Some BBC t*at will be finding it difficult to comprehend the reasons why nobody wants to watch it.
Personally, I would consider a condition in which the ‘sufferer’ believed they were trapped in another’s body, to be a form of mental illness. So, it could be argued they are ‘disabled’?
Ultimately, each to their own. I’m just not sure why this appears to be the BBC’s chosen campaigning issue for 2016?
Ho, Ho, ho Ha ha. ha. You really could not make it up.
It is so awkward for the BBC to cover so many political misdemeanors, since the corporation is normally up to their neck involved in the same scams, inappropriate or illegal activity they wish to discuss!
Daily Politics now. It ought to be renamed the ‘Daily Hypocrites’.
Jo Coburn talking about Kids Company, Commons Committee Report: Where ‘two BBC salaries’ Yentob is up to his Eyeballs in the same mire!
Also next subject, John McDonnell Tax Avoidance Google Tax Returns.
No mention that the BBC enormous hypocritical , illegal scandal and scam of avoidance by paying many BBC top earners ‘self employment’, instead of PAYE, thereby avoiding hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in tax over the years.
Such a shame that programme guests do not have the guts to point out these hypocrisies being raised during their BBC interviews.
….And don’t ever, ever, mention that the rules surrounding ‘Film & TV Partnerships’ mean the luvvies can get tax breaks denied to people with real jobs. Don’t hold your breath waiting for any desperately contrived BBC shows in which a cake shop owner tries to qualify for these tax breaks by claiming he’s making a documentary about doughnuts.
Not to mention the conflicts of interests when senior BBC execs are married to independent programme production companies who naturally do not have to sell their products into a competitive marketplace, so long as their spouse can lavish masses of licence-payers cash precuring all the output that the “independent” production company can produce.
That is the very essense of corporatism. Tax reciepts buying private content on behalf of the end-users. Competition is vastly diminished and the “private” corporation and their state-funded client share out shit loads of free cash.
Daily Politics like the other mainstream tv politics programmes handpick their guests to fit the progressive left agenda.One rarely sees the tory MP Peter Davies on tv studios presumably because he is a rare bird who is not frightened to genuinely expose the nepotism and hypocrisy of the establishment .
Most journalist and tories and even now UKIP folk are conscious that they if they say something that might really rock the boat then they will not be invited back to tv/radio studios
The mainstream tv media also try to handpick `attractive` left wing guests.Note the regulars on the BBC and Sky `what the papers say` programmes.
Amazing how the BBC can distort reality to fit its agenda!
Polish is now the UKs second language with 800 000 Polish people living in Britain.
Well only if you take Pakistanis as British as there are around 2 million of them and at least 20% cannot even speak English to any reasonable standard! The fact that they have UK citizenship (thanks Tony!) officially makes them ‘British’, most people though, including themselves regard them as Pakistani immigrants !
Yeah, I would think Hindi is top, then Urdu. Even if you play around with national status, and whether or not someone has ticked English as the first or second language.
Since the Tory government have been in power I have noticed a significant rise in Polish, Middle Eastern and African people in South Wales.
For example, the selection choice of languages in doctors surgeries has gone from ‘English’ and ‘Welsh’ to the other languages to cater for this surge of migrants. The cues are getting longer……..
They were bound to invade eventually. There have been masses of immigrants in Cardiff for a long time, and it is inevitable nowadays they no longer are content to remain in urban centres but spread out to towns and even villages. There have been large numbers of Polish invaders in some parts of Wales too since 2004, LLanybydder ,Carmarthen and Llanelli. And it seems to me that once other immigrants hear Polish spoken and realise the place isnt homogenous ethnic British it gives them confidence to move in. The Poles just think because they are ‘white’ they will be welcomed everywhere, and undoubtedly they always find some mugs who will do that.
Following the criticism of Yentob & the BBC management in the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee report published today, I thought I’d take a look at the governance of the BBC charity ‘Children in Need’
There are a surprising number of senior BBC staff who are trustees:
Sir Terry Wogan KBE was a Trustee of the charity for many years, before being inaugurated as Life President in November 2010. Position now vacant.
Matt Baker is a TV and Radio Presenter. Seven and a half years on Blue Peter
Anne Bulford, OBE, joined the BBC as Managing Director, Finance and Operations in June 2013. She currently has responsibility at board level for key functions including Finance, Operations, Technology, Human Resources, Commercial Development and Legal & Business Assurance.
Danny Cohen was made Director, BBC Television in April 2013. In October 2010, he was appointed Controller of BBC One.
Donalda MacKinnon As Head of Programmes and Services for BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon is the senior editorial figure with accountability for all BBC Scotland content on radio, television and online including the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.
Charlotte Moore is the Controller of BBC One.
Ralph Rivera is the Director of BBC Future Media. In addition to his BBC Future Media role, he is a member of the BBC Executive Board. Reporting directly to the BBC’s Director-General.
13 people & 7 of them (a majority) are BBC people ! I’m particularly glad I decided not to donate any money to this particular charity!
Notwithstanding there was probably some good work done by Kids Co, one wonders just how much of the BBC collections, like Children in Need, was channeled by Yentob to Batwomans confirmed drug takers and other nefarious unjustified causes identified in the report.
BBC were certainly not keen to disclose in the Freedom of Info requests that they refused.
In view of the fact that under immigration stories The Guardian are no longer allowing comments (comment is free eh?) and Guido basically following suit and both intending to be more censorious towards off topic comments, how much longer will it be before sites such as this and Breitbart are also ‘forced’ to step up the censorship?
Is this the beginning of MSM/establishment ‘Project Fear’ as Douglas Murray calls it in reference to the forthcoming avalanche of pro EU propaganda and tales of end times if we’re ‘stupid’ enough to vote to leave. Is it the case that any descenting voices or opposing view must be silenced?
In all honesty, I find Guido’s comments largely unreadable because they are almost entirely off topic. So I don’t have a problem if he wants to tighten up on that. What worries me is that, while he doesn’t specifically say he doesn’t want comments on Islam, he does point people to Breitbart where it “is almost entirely focused on immigration and Islam”. Which implies that’s the reason, and that’s rather sinister the day after the Guardian.
To me, Islam is the single most important topic of our times, and is relevant in almost any area you care to discuss.
For a brief moment we were able to discuss immigration openly without the usual platitudinous cries of “racist” or “bigot” from the left and much of the chattering classes. Thanks in no small way to Nigel Farage. But it didn’t last – free speech was clearly much too dangerous. Far from the migration crisis being an opportunity for a “far-right” backlash it has been an opportunity to the left to shut down any debate. This time by actually censoring any opposition. Welcome to the police state.
If they think that stopping people talking will stop them thinking then they’re even more stupid than they seem. In truth, I don’t think they know how to respond and are flailing around as events spiral out of their control.
The internet and social media are by passing the media they no longer have control over the news. I’ve noticed a distinct change in comments being made on social media in the last year. The UAF scum types are just being slagged and blocked these days. Unfortunately for them they can’t throw virtual bricks in the cyber world.
Very astute comment. The current establishment now dimly knows that it is out of it’s depth. Events are in control now and all they can do is attempt to play down these events .
Outright censorship is a possibility but it never works for long.
The liberal world view is ending in chaos and as it was always going to end this way I personally have no sympathy for any of them.
To be charitable they are not malevolent in the main just stupid.
Predicting the state of Europe January 2017 is quite impossible.
The liberal MSM are stupid and, as the saying goes, those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Here is what eventually happens in even the most totalitarian regimes:
Will have to monitor how it goes on Breibart, but agree it could be the start of a worrying trend. I bet the MSM groan every time there’s a new bombing atrocity, rape, mugging, benefit fraud, election scandal etc carried out by their favoured group. But because it happens every day all over the world maybe they are trying to limit themselves to only report the very worst cases. Probably why the Germans are trying to suppress what people say on Facebook.
No different to Gordon’ Brown’s Gillian Duffy moment in 2010 and Emily Thornberry’s white van man slur last year. Their “we know better” attitude has kept them in opposition for two terms. The current lot will make it three in a row
They might shut down the debate and hope it goes away, but sites like this will ensure that people will remember
I personally hope they keep up the racist slurs. It will hurt them come election time
The controlled media immigration debate was about EU migrants, Poles, Rumanians, Bulgarians and the like. It enabled the opening of a debate on numbers…..the problem now for the authorities is that many people have noticed that they were lied to about the numbers but that Poles, Rumanians and Bulgarians aren’t pushing a whole culture on Britain, sure they open food shops and mini markets but they don’t demand submission.
The immigration debate has now been lost control of hence the attempts now being made to silence it again, attempts doomed to fail. The cats well and truly out of the bag.
You make a good point Embolden. Farage was able to frame the debate around migration from the newer members of the EU, although most of his supporters obviously knew that it was a much wider issue. It would seem that even he was not brave enough to venture into the dangerous area of Islamification. I sincerely hope you are right and attempts to stifle the truth will fail.
(1) Shutting down RT on Freeview as part of the “Anti-Putin sanctions Plan”
(2) Bankrupting the Daily Mail and Daily Express under the left-wing “Leveson Press Censorship Plan”
(3) Baring Google from Britain under the left-wing “Tax excuse Plan”
(4) Baring Free speech under a left-wing “Politically Incorrect Speech Act”
(5) Baring pamphleteers under a left-wing “Printing Press licence Act”
And finally
(6) A left-wing “Final Solution Act”
Turn on car radio this morning and its R5Live and gameshow Nicky…”We’ve had loads of tweets on Terry Wogan, here’s one from Selina ‘ I came to this country in 1970 and the 1st thing I bought was a radio, thanks Terry for making this immigrant feel welcome’. Switches radio off.
I’m surprised the glorified gameshow host didn’t try to turn it into a story about him and Wogan being his closest friend and mentor. Like Jingle Jangle before the truth came out
I listen to my Andy McNab and Chris Ryan audio books and wish I were them. They get to kill terrorists we only get them killing us. Finally park my car and ‘321 I’m back in the room’
Imagine if that was Rotherham Council. The Grandfather would have been dragged out by the Police at the very least, if he wasn’t lynched by the Muslim members of the council or audience. He would have been thrown into a cell and charged with a hate-crime and his grandchildren would be threatened with being taken into care.
It is not racism that keeps blacks out of universities
Posted on: 31 January 2016 By: Alexander
Britain, according to Dave, is racist, which “should shame our nation”. Actually, being led by such a nonentity is a greater reason to be ashamed.
A young black man, according to Dave, is more likely to find himself in prison than at a university. To someone currying favour with the progressivist crowd there can be only one explanation: racism. Our universities are reluctant to admit blacks, while our courts are eager to send them down.
This is a possible explanation, but it’s neither the only nor the likeliest one. In fact, considering the facts Dave cited, it doesn’t add up at all.
The racism explanation would make sense only if certain premises could be factually established:
Premise 1: Universities reject qualified black candidates.
Premise 2: Such candidates are as qualified as rival whites.
Premise 3: Black people are innocent of the crimes for which they are imprisoned.
Premise 4: If found guilty, a black is more likely to receive a custodial sentence than a white defendant with the same criminal record, who’s seen as presenting the same danger to society.
Since Dave failed to establish any of these premises, his diatribe is the same bien pensant drivel that has become his trademark.
He did say that “It’s disgraceful that if you’re black, it seems you’re more likely to be sentenced to custody for a crime than if you’re white.” But without the qualifications mentioned in Premise 4, this is yet another example of hollow chattering, something further emphasised by the word ‘seems’.
When a prime minister makes such a far-reaching claim, there can be no ‘seems’ about it. Either is or isn’t, that’s the choice, to be made on the basis of facts, scrutinised and analysed.
Dave accused his alma mater Oxford of “not doing enough” to attract black students. That softens the accusation: not doing enough may be treated as laziness or negligence, not racism. That charge would only stick if Premises 1 and 2 were established, which they weren’t.
If they could be established, Dave would have jumped at the chance. Hence one has to assume, without leaving the realm of logic, that neither of those assumptions is true. Therefore, even though universities are lackadaisical about dragging young blacks in, they don’t discriminate against them, meaning they aren’t racist.
Now what would constitute doing enough? Discriminating against more qualified white candidates in favour of black ones?
Apparently not. Since it would be nice to retain at least some conservative support, Dave hastened to add that he didn’t favour reverse discrimination.
However, in the good tradition of Islington salons he failed to state what he does favour, other than that Oxford should “go the extra mile” in search of more blacks. In which direction the extra mile should be travelled wasn’t specified.
Dave then shot himself in the foot, having first withdrawn it from his mouth. “White British men from poor backgrounds,” he said, “are five times less likely to go into higher education than others.”
I’m confused. So we’re talking not about race but family background, for poor white men don’t usually sport blackface at university interviews. Having first caught my breath after the dizzying turn in rhetoric, I must admit that finally we’ve uncovered a kernel of truth – though not the way Dave meant it.
A combination of various government policies have indeed covered Britain with a blanket of rotten council estates. While they don’t greet visitors with the sign “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”, they might as well do so.
The policies responsible for this tragic situation were enacted in social affairs, education and justice.
The massive welfare state created a culture of dependency, depriving youngsters of any incentive to seek a job that in all likelihood wouldn’t match the level of their benefits. At the same time, by effectively acting as provider father and depriving the family of its vital economic function, the state made real fathers redundant. That effectively destroyed the family, with every predictable social consequence.
The annihilation of grammar schools deprived boys from poor families of any educational, and therefore social, hoists, attaching youngsters to the rotten estates in perpetuity and leaving mostly crime as a way of supplementing their benefits and attaining peer respect.
And our justice system encourages crime, rather than punishing it in a ruthless and deterrent fashion. For example, a leading sociologist has calculated that a burglar commits, on average, 50 crimes before seeing the inside of a courthouse, and another 50 before going to prison, usually for a derisory term.
The prevailing belief is that prison represents not punishment commensurate with the crime, but a chance to rehabilitate a youngster who in any case is less guilty than society at large. Justice is thus no longer justice. It’s an extension of social services, and we know how effective those are.
The salient point here is that all those destructive policies come to us courtesy of intellectual and moral cripples like Dave, who spout progressivist drivel and then act on it to stay on the right side of the Zeitgeist.
This would be almost bearable if at some point they spared us their hare-brained, sanctimonious nonsense. Fat chance, as Dave is proving.
“The annihilation of grammar schools deprived boys from poor families of any educational, and therefore social, hoists, attaching youngsters to the rotten estates in perpetuity and leaving mostly crime as a way of supplementing their benefits and attaining peer respect.”
If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !
Worse than that employers would advertise for a ‘Grammar School Boy’ and even a lesser qualified one would be more likely to be employed than a better qualified comprehensive one.
The 11+ exam had everything to do with the selection for a Grammar School education.
Not who you knew. That was the point of the exam.
The exam wasn’t perfect. I should know as I passed it.
But some counties would take the top 50% of the 11+ candidates for Grammar Schools and other counties such as Surrey would only take the top 2%. Surrey’s logic was that there were so many rich parents that they could afford public school education anyway.
The first proposals to introduce comprehensive schools were in Wales. They were rejected because the Labour councils took the view that grammar schools were the ladder by which bright working class children could make good. The first county to adopt the system was Leicestershire (Tory). It was only later that the Labour Party adopted comprehensive education as part of its class war agenda, which had nothing to do with educating/helping the children.
In the late 1979/80 I was at a school meeting where the chairman of the Labour council was lucky to get out in one piece after telling the parents that it was worth writing off a generation of children to get grammar schools abolished.
As a declaration of interest I was brought up in a working class family, passed the 11+. made it to university and ended up in a good job. I wasn’t trapped but subsequent generations have been.
Most areas allowed what were called ‘automatic’ passes which meant that the kids taking the 11+ were the lesser ones, (in theory) If not enough passed it, then the automatics had to sit it as well. It allowed corruption at all levels, by those who knew teachers at the Grammar, or the primaries. I know, I saw it happen when in the last year of selection one teacher put her own son, who wasn’t even eligible because of his age through as an automatic pass !
I sat the 11+ but never found the results as I wasn’t ‘educated’ by the state.
I went to grammar school as did five other boys and four girls in my class . Four of the boys, including me , and the four girls were the children of coal miners, one boy was the son of a lorry driver and the other boy was the son of someone on the dole.
I think you overestimate our fathers’ wealth and influence.
You are so wrong. The grammar school system did enable quite a degree of social mobility. 8 out of the 30 kids in my class passed the 11-plus just after the war.. We were not “middle class” – it was a charitable boarding school, most of us had lost one or both parents.
We got through as a result of good work by dedicated teachers – Welshmen. And they tried to keep all the class moving forward together, great guys. Teaching in wooden army huts, no heating – but boy were they dedicated.
If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !
I do not know how old you are or where you were schooled, but in West Suffolk that was not the case. Indeed the county purchased 10 places for boys and girls at the local private schools for the top 11 plus exam results. My class had 2 out of the 10 of those for boys and from a school principally fed by a large council estate.
As for better qualified comprehensive ones I think you will find that the equalising down that comprehensive caused when replacing the grammar schools tore the heart out of the state school children who would now have been “at the top” if the grammar schools had not been abolished in so many places in the 70s.
Check the overall results of all schools in counties still with grammars and I think you will find they do better than those with comprehensives only.
You say “If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !”
Or maybe it was used by hard working families who aspired to something better for their children?
I sat the entrance exam for a grammar school and was lucky enough to be accepted. I had a daily journey to and from school that took one hour and fifteen minutes each way. It was a superb school and I worked my arse off – I had to just to keep up.
My parents were neither middle class nor well connected. They just wanted the best for their kids.
The reality of the comprehensive education system is that the ‘best’ schools attract the highest house prices for their catchment areas, so the result is selection by house price.
At least with the 11+ system there is a chance some poor but bright kids could get through. My father did and how wealthy was he ? Not very. His family got a council grant to buy him his school uniform.
There are flaws of course. It is morally indefensible to ‘write off’ those who do not pass, and there are serious questions about the 11+ as the best way of determining ability. But in a world of bog standard comprehensives, I can’t for the life of me see what’s wrong with a smattering of state Grammar Schools.
Agreed Sluff, the best comprehensive schools are made up largely of pupils who would have been heading for Grammar School anyway. House price and catchment areas are no block to enterprising parents either, some of whom make a daily motorised school run despite just living round the corner.
Well done Larry Dart, being the child of a coalminer and passing the 11+. I too was the child of a coalminer, and I took the exam in 1959. My results came back as failing, and my education thus followed being in the A stream at a comprehensive. A teacher friend of my father’s could not believed I had failed, so took it upon himself to actually check my exam paper at county headquarters. Surprise, I had passed ! but due to lack of Grammar places, the children of business people and doctors in my class got through (one doctor’s daughter constantly fell asleep in class, but she passed). Make of this what you will, but this personal experience will always make me believe that the system is ‘fixed’. As it turned out I didn’t do badly career wise, but at 11 years old I was short changed in my further educational ability, and although Yuni places are tuppence a bucketful right now, back then it was a massive achievement and the door could have been open for me.
Brissles, I am sorry that you were denied the opportunity to attend grammar school and I have a great deal of sympathy with your story. That tells me that there should have been more grammar school places, and it is not an argument for no grammar schools . Whilst not being perfect, I truly believe that grammar schools facilitated ‘social mobility’. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
I am grateful for the opportunity given to me.
PS. I have ‘liked’ your comment.
Fantastic exposition, AS, well worth reading through. Unfortunately, just as logic and reason didn’t prompt Mr Cameron to make those remarks in the first place, it won’t have any effect on him or his kind in causing a change of opinion. The only thing that’ll change his mind is if he seriously fears becoming a laughing stock for voicing such stupid statements. Unlikely.
It’s so good to see people standing up against the controllers. I think we are at a significant stage in the fightback. I confess to feeling slightly optimistic. The Great Grope of Cologne, while distressing for the victims, may come to be seen as a turning point in the battle against the multicultural idiocracy. The move by the Guardian and other media is a small but significant retreat. They have lost control of the debate and their tactical withdrawal a first sign of weakness. Expect calls for repression soon e.g “hate speech” etc.
A long way to go yet before the PC stranglehold slips for good but take heart. I think the great man said something like,” it is not the end , it is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning”.
Like the brave Grandfather in the clip we must continue to speak out.
I`m really going to have to do some maths on what the BBC are up to.
Randomly put radio 4 on a few minutes ago…and it`s yet ANOTHER bloody agitprop piece of crap about how hard it is to be gay/queer/trans/lezzy…in fact the list of perv options seems to go on for thirty seconds…as if being homo was a dark era of monochrome.
And-all this was based on some old queens hop around the slums of Bombay.
Now I have no problem at all with Indians being as gay and as Bronski as the next person-but we all heard “Smalltown Boy” by Little Jimmy and the band-so we`ve got the plot, we really have.
So why the hell are the BBC snooping around for yet MORE exotic variations on the sex n gender agenda?…as if we have to go to India to fret about Muslims and Hindus not being “accepted”.
Try and sniff around what it`s like to be UKIP in THIS country you dicks!
There`s just no news here-just global grievance farming and worldwide agenda settings for their coming world of no families, no business, no reading-just Islam, the magic money tree and lauding the criminal, cossetting the gay and the deviant.
If only gays and Muslims knew that the more they let the BBC speak for them and patronise them-the angrier, we the excluded the normal, the indigenous and the beige civilians of this nation become.
My guess now is that only 20% of “news” is any longer news as we`d once have known it-it`s all agenda fixing, attitude moulding,compliance craving shilling for Islamocommunalism or suchlike…and all under a limewash green ascientific pose of “saving the planet”.
Just so Islam gets to have it.
But it`s a controlled chat room, with someone else deciding what news is. Deviate too far on most outlets and dissident posts just disappear, usually on legal grounds.
Much of the “news” is spectacle, a diversion, a creation of a “now” that is often at odds with our lived experiences, our memories and our hope for the future….the video I`ve seen on here of the German Mayor trotting out the “news version” of the “migration issue” to howls of disbelief from the people he is trying to convince (who seem to see it as a question of islamisation) is a great example of this.
Bread and circuses.. it works for a while, but only for a while.
I am not so sure who is most pathetic the cloying, oversentimental, left wing agenda setting, duplicitous, manipulating, disengenous, down right lying, sexualy deviant, islam loving BBC or the self appointed worthies, luvvies and weirdos who buy into all this shit and who full are full of bluster and rightous indignation and who are incapable of realising that they are cutting their own throats as much as ours by buying into all this dishonest media wank!
Do they really think that Ibraheem will be that bothered who has the whitest throat when he draws his knife across it.
Talk about sleepwalking into oblivion!
Still disappointed that Sisters still their silent about Cologne. Come to think of it Benedict has been very quiet as well. Pity I was so looking forward for their wisdom on these matters.
It happened in the early 20th Century when they fought each other in Spain, they fought in Cable Street, and they fought similar battles in Germany , Communists Vs Fascists both factions of the same left wing ideology.
It didn’t happen in earlier years because the ideologies hadn’t been dreamed up, and because there was no communication to organise and transport to get them there, plus they all had to stay busy earning a living.
Why do left wing “anti-Fascists” chant “No Pasaran” at their rallies? (they were at it at Dover) don`t they know that the Spanish Republic, whose leftist supporters originated the slogan actually lost the Spanish Civil War, to Francos Fascists.
Ironically, part of Francos Fascist rebel army was made up of Moroccan (muslim) troops.
Perhaps more Ironically many on the left side were shot by the Soviet NKVD and its international collaborators. (see Orwells Homage to Catalonia)
Part of the British lefts naivete and political illiteracy is bound up with their never having lived under Fascism, Communism or Islamic government, wheras much of Europe has folk and recent memories of permutations of the three.
Islam is not the lefts friend, nor is Islam the friend of freedom.
LMAO Is this guy a piss taker or what? Sure enough though with a name like Daryush Valizadeh the BBC isn’t going to be making too much of a fuss, and neither is the feminazi lobby !
We survived the Armada, Trafalgar, Waterloo, The Kaiser and Hitler. What has our Car Moron done? He has turned his back on all the lives that were sacrificed to maintain our sovereignty and handed it on a plate to the Europeans under a ‘so called’ deal or settlement.
Vote to keep the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland out of the failed state.
Car Moron will go down in history along with Neville Chamberlain.
Lets have some ‘Tory’ comments about this? ………….
Don`t Panic ,you can still vote to leave , what ever the deal is on the table . But ranting & raving is getting us no where Taff , you have to convince the ” Don`t Knows” to vote “NO”. That is especially your Welsh Valley, Labourites , who would vote for anything , that had Labour pinned to its tail. England may vote to leave , but the Welsh , Scots & NI , lot may keep us in , & you would not like that would you .
“……you have to convince the ” Don`t Knows” to vote “NO”…..”
Absolutely spot on. We all have to do this and all the reasoned arguments are on the ‘Leave’ side. ‘Remain’ only have fear left, but fear is a powerful motivator.
Essexman you are right, we can vote to leave – thanks to UKIP.
The voting population of of Wales is insignificant to the total UK vote. No one is ranting – only you by your hasty comment.
Seriously though what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’ ? Your call.
In a tight situation, every vote, counts, how would you feel, if the Welsh Labourites, kept us in, & England, you, & a few others from Wales voted to leave.
In a nutshell, I would feel very annoyed to say the least, especially as we have had a Tory ‘leader’ telling us he wanted ‘in’, even before his negotiations began with the ‘Failed State’.
I think that you will be surprised by the amount of votes that will come from Wales in favour of getting out.
Now that you have ‘muddied the water’ from my main question to you and have avoided answering it, please have the courtesy to give a candid reply re ………..
“what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’? “
Your call.
How could the BBC do it? A BBC blurb actually uses the phrase ” Radio 4 – A Curious Bunch” .
Will Chukka be tweeting his outrage? I suppose self-dehumanisation in an ironic BBC way is halal.
They made that so obvious when Sarah Montague said to the American speaker who gave the news that Trump had lost “I can see a smile on your face” It is amazing that they feel they can emphasise an opinion freely from their interviewer without any fear of complaint to their unacceptable biased reporting . It is not as we couldn’t hear that the American speaker was very pleased!!!
There is a solution . Let them know they cannot get away with such an unprofessional news service. Bombard them with complaints at this abuse of their Charter. Make them work in using some of your tax money you pay them in employing people and using resources to answer complaints. .
Carol Kirkwood caught a little off balance this morning
Yes, she did inject the right amount of BBC moral imperative into her weather “temperatures are about where they SHOULD be…”
But oh dear, under the high pressure of ad lib banter from silly Billy Turnbull she failed to keep up the strongest of fronts for the Met Office. Bill and Louise asked “What’s the name of the next storm… we know it begins with ‘I’ and it’s the turn of a girl’s name?”
Carol knows it will begin with ‘I’ but she is phased for a moment “I’ve got better things to do than remember the names of storms… it’s Iris”
Better things to do, you and us both Carol.
Not content with making a bit of joke out of the Met Office’s shiny new liasion with the Irish and latest wheeze to frighten the bejesus out of the elderly and naive into fear of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Weirding our Bill and Lulu ask an ad lib tricky question about the coloured Weather Warnings.
Again Carol and the Met Office sound awfully silly “Green Warnings mean there is no warning and Red Warnings – you’ll never see – mean, er…. threat to life”
Years ago on an afternoon BBC2 or Channel Four would always air an old British black and white (sometimes colour) film from the 40s, 50s or 60s, I used to record them to watch later in the evening to wallow in the Britain that was.
I always have a quick scan of the TV guides in the morning, but all that seems to be on are antique shows, smulzy American made for TV films or Jeremy Kyle type tosh, I can’t recall such a film on one of the main channels for years.
Why is this? Such films would be popular with the retitred, or is it because they scared of reminding us and exposing to others that Britain was not always the politically correct, multicultural cess pit of today and not as portrayed in modern drama productions depicting such eras and yes people smoked..
There is plenty of great stuff in the archives right up until the 90s, which personally I rather watch over today’s tedious post Blair PC crap.
I’m not really talking about bawdy oft repeated Carry On Films, I’m talking about the more true to life, gritty and classic British films of that period ie Blow Up, Ipcress File, Taste Of Honey, Friday Night Saturday Morning, even Brief Encounter. In many cases the settings and external scenes are more interesting than the plot lines.
Had a quick scan of More 4’s weekday schedule, I can’t see any classic British films.
Fair enough, but i was really talking about the ‘main’ channels, who seriously ventures beyond channel 9 (BBC4) when scanning the EPG guide in the forlorn hope maybe of finding a gem on channel 762+1? How long did it take you?
Often I’ve sat with the remote on evening and scanned all the channels, rarely, very rarely is there something I would pause at to watch, In fact the higher you go the more alarming the channels get, Christ knows what a Gay Rabbit is, is it a channel or something you need a couple of AA’s for?
I digress, the above films have also been repeated endless times and not really the genre of film I meant and something tucked away on a minor channel will not reveal to the masses a forgotten Britain…
Try finding “talking pictures” tv channel – it’s on freeview and Sky. There is the best and worst of British from the 30s onward as well as a fair amount of vintage American TV and movies. Well worth a try!
It has been the same on the Today programme. But as I mentioned here a couple of days ago, it was already clear that the result hung on how well Trump could get his voters out – including many new voters – against the well-established Cruz machine in Iowa. For Cruz, a big question was whether his principled opposition to ethanol subsidies would be damaging in a Corn state. It was by no means an obvious win for Trump. But next week we have New Hampshire, where Trump had a clear lead in the opinion polls.
Marco Rubio has obviously gathered momentum and looks set to become the candidate backed by the Republican Establishment’s big bucks. Expect both Cruz and Trump to turn fire on Rubio – especially on immigration.
The BBC has so far failed to report the obvious fact that Iowa signals the probable end of most of the other campaigns – Carson got 10% but others such as Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Kasich, Huckerbee and Santorum got 4% or less. Difficult to see any of these candidates surviving unless one or other of them pulls a big result in New Hampshire.
Re. 08:33
It’s a shame ‘F’ has gone. We could have had a transgender name like freaky f?ckwit.
I see some rare timelapse footage of a storm passing over Glasgow has been captured.
Of course this is cutting edge scientific journalism at its best because there have never been dark clouds blowing across the Glasgow skies before in its entire history. Amazing.
FFS stop this bullshit.
End the bigotry of the storm naming system, end it now!
Where are the social justice warriors?
Anyone else noticing the lack of diversity in the storm naming system?
Where`s Delroy, Aleesha, Lenroy, Farouk, Iftikhar, Haroun? all perfectly good names for storm events and then of course there is Britains most popular boys Christian name, sorry…..given name…..the BIG M.
What about gender free names? Kim, Jack, Vic, why this obsessive “male-female” gender alternation?
What about communitaire names? storms Jacques, Angela and Herman to show our love and respect for the EU
Something must be done! end the bigotry of the storm naming system, end it now!
“We ought to warn you, there are flashing lights in the following report”
What they ought to have warned us about this short interview with Mariah Carey was that the report would contain a clip of a performance by this skriking otave-bashing diva.
Louise Minchin seemed to be a fan but our house eunuch Bill minching Turnbull was more taken with Mariah’s hefty new diamond ring (35 carat). Up the revolution.
Couple of gems on Today this morning just after 08.00.
Lyse Doucet solemnly reported that King Abdullah of Jordan is coming to a donors meeting in London to try to obtain money to develop Jordans infrastructure to support Syrian refugees who otherwise will need to come to Europe.
She unquestioningly quoted King Abdullah as saying that Jordan has “always stood shoulder to shoulder with the West”.
Sorry Lyse, but you should be able to remember that Jordan emphatically did not stand with the West when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 90-91 nor when the coalition booted him out again, but strangely enough Hafez al Assads Syria did. Perhaps we should be helping the Syrian government to develop its infrastructure to protect its minorities against the Sunni fundamentalists.
One other, John Humphreys, discussing Camerons renegotiation of our relationship with Europe said that some would accuse Cameron of “running up the red flag”….interesting Freudian slip, surely he meant running up the white flag?
Any way John and Lyse, thanks for the laughs you provide in your serious news analysis.
Nothing is perfect and in the imperfections (that’s being kind) of the Middle East, I think Jordan has had a pretty reasonable record. For a start they have had a tolerable long-term relationship with Israel. And they are looking after 1 million + refugees. And they have managed not to implode when all around has been chaos.
For sure there will be many unsavoury aspects to them but my sense is to cut them a bit of slack.
My comment was more concerned with the bias of the BBC reporting…the unquestioning acceptance of Jordans pro-western credentials, the re writing of history…. King Abdullah told a flat lie which Doucet happily repeated, in order to sell us the idea that Sunni Jordan should get more money from the West.
Jordan also offered safe haven for HAMAS leaders for a good while…remember the shelling of West Jerusalem, the Mossads botched attack on Khalid Meshaal? that was “friendly Jordan”.
The Jordanian government plays an excellent diplomatic game, and has claim over the Hijaz, which we can expect to see re-activated if the Sauds ever fall to even crazier fundies, I`m afraid it is Jordan`s fate to be a useful counter in the great game, it`s a counter that has to be paid for.
In 1970, some two-thirds of the Jordanian population was Palestinian. People tend to forget that Jordan killed thousands of innocent Palestinians in order to get rid of the PLO influence during Black September. This is not something the BBC wants to remind us of as it does not fit their agenda of seeing Jordan as a “friendly Jordan”
Biased BBC news website – page 1 headline
“Australian migration to NZ hits new high”
Now I wonder what the subtext of that story is?
But read on…..
25,000 went from Aus to NZ
24,000 went from NZ to Aus
(Oh that we in the UK had that ‘problem’)
So errr……actually there is no story at all. Just the bBBC’s insatiable biased narrative to normalise stories about immigration.
Wonder how many of the total were transgender ethnic minorities? Surprised the bBBC didn’t comment on that.
It was surprising that they didn’t make any reference to the impact of the Ozzie invaders on the indigenous Maori people. Although if they did, they might have to explain why the Maori – Polynesian immigrants who arrived in the 13th Century – are ‘indigenous’ whereas Britons who have lived in this land since the last Ice Age – 11,000 years ago – are not.
Article 7
Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person.
Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom,
peace and security as distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to
any act of genocide or any other act of violence, including forcibly
removing children of the group to another group.
Article 8
Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be
subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and
redress for:
Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them
of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values
or ethnic identities;
Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing
them of their lands, territories or resources;
Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim
or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
Any form of forced assimilation or integration;
Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite
racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them
But I think it is worth mentioning a conclusion from the Black Tea Patriots – Yes Black Republicans BBC – which disputes the narrative of the BBC for whom Republicans gather their votes from racist red necks.
Shared on Facebook with Conservatives of Color and The Black Tea Patriots.
Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives Facebook Page
“Republicans are racists” = THE BIGGEST LIE IN AMERICAN POLITICS TODAY. Maybe in America today, period.
Cruz, Rubio, Carson combine for 60% of total Iowa Republican caucus-goer votes. So …Obama’s bitter-clingers out there in fly-over country (do you get more stereotypical “middle of the country/farmland, redneck, bible clutch’n, gun tote’n, V8 pickup truck drive’n” than IOWA?)… turned out the vast majority vote for two Cuban-Americans and a black-American.
Come on BBC, let’s have some honest reporting for this election, not racial stereotyping.
Maybe nothing more than sour grapes and Twitter should always be taken with a big pinch of salt, but some are claiming something wasn’t quite right, sounds a bit Thanet and Tower Hamlets!
Regards the referendum .Im an outer and always have been.Look at the decimation of our fishing industry and manufacturing industries as a result of the so called single market. Free movement of people is a big issue but not the only one.
What I am really surprised and depressed about is the in fighting among the various leave campaigns not to mention individuals. We are having to fight the BBC and MSM propaganda so don’t let’s fight amongst each other.That is a gift to Cameron .If Wales votes to remain so be it ,they have a Labour government currently so another layer of propaganda to deal with.
There are many sensible informed people throughout the UK and if Leave get their act together then who knows .MSM is enjoying stirring the pot.
And that infighting is perfectly demonstrated above by petty bickering between Essexman and taffman. It’s not important right now whether it’s only due to UKIP that we’re getting a referendum, the important thing is that we have got a referendum and we’re not likely to get another in a hurry. Unless we vote the wrong way.
You can take it as read that Essexman is voting Leave, so go and persuade someone who isn’t so sure. Pull the BBC up for any anti-Leave bias and put in a complaint whenever you see it. Put them under pressure: I intend to lodge a complaint every time I see them talking about “Europe” when they mean the EU. This is not the time for public fights, because if you do that you may as well go and join the EUphiles.
EM – I think that what annoys so many on here about folk such as yourself is the constant belittling of and sniping at Farage and UKIP; without the pressure from whom, it is certain that Camoron would NEVER have offered a referendum on Britain’s EU membership.
He is a pro-EU Progressive, like Bliar. Why do you think Dave and Gideon admired him so much when he was in office? Yet you still support a party bearing the moniker “Conservative” when it and the majority of its leaders are anything but.
Dave’s opening position, BEFORE he negotiated anything with the EU hierarchy, was to state openly that he wanted to remain within it. WTF kind of way to initiate a negotiation is that? Of anything? Let alone the future of your country. He’s no good, you and a great many others need to wake up to that.
Never mentioned Farage & Ukip recently . He & they are a small cog in the wheel , of many groups & organisations that want to leave the EU . They don`t have the “Divine Right” on Brixit . Apart from the Kipper disciples , Farage is a Marmite politician to many voters.
It seems Cameron has indeed failed to deliver very much on EU negotiations, presented as some kind of ‘victory’. It is indeed a Chamberlain moment.
He has a veto – but only for political diktats, no veto over business, Human rights, or freedom of movement.
He has a slight control over benefits for migrant workers, but only for new arrivals, and those already here will continue to be able to claim, making them even less likely to leave because they would not be eligible on re-entry.
Worse still, this has to be agreed by other EU nations and will be graduated over the 4 year period.
In fact, even the BBC seem unimpressed with Lazy Davey’s ‘achievement’!
The EU ‘renegotiation’ has been a set up from the start. Other EU states refuse what are already insipid demands then make last minute concessions which are in any case worthless.I really do hope that voters aren’t fooled by this or by the fear factor being instilled by business and the establishment . If you really are worried about migration , a Muslim population of 3 million and rising, the anti- democratic nature of EU decision making and the basic incompatibility of the UK and continental views of free markets and enterprise, then vote to leave.
‘Set up’ is an understatement. Plan B (if there is a vote for Brexit) will entail negotiating something like a Norway deal whereby there probably is a financial saving in cost of trading membership but still being sub-servant to EU rules including free movement of labour in other words uncontrolled immigration from the EU.
Cameron has his own Brexit organisation run by David Hannan who has stated on Newsnight that there will still be free movement of Labour.
Cameron will probably be gracious enough to allow Parliament to decide the issue on a vote (no problem with Labour, SNP and LibDems and most of the others). Perhaps some opposition from a handful of Tory backbenchers but it will transpire that we will have a new agreement that is not too dissimilar from the present one.
This is my fear and I hope I’m wrong
Is it my imagination or are the vast majority of BBCs ‘The One Show’ guests other BBC employees? Last night show was an hour long fawning tribute to a recently deceased BBC employee.
“He was such a generous man when it came to Children in Need”
If nothing else last nights One Show demonstrated just how dumbed down BBC TV has become. Excerpts of Wogan’s evening chat show showed the quality of guests he attracted and like him or not, Wogan was professional, witty and intelligent, didn’t resort to bad language and crudity (Ross and Norton) when chatting to them, not some pretty box ticking airheads.
Remember Wogan occupied the same slot that the One Show now fills….
I see Cameron’s campaign to be loved by the BBC is still full on despite the endless contempt they show him in return (OK he deserves it). Just as it looked as if conservatives had won a tiny victory over the U-turn of Oriel College the Conservative leader wades in to the help of the rabid socialists with his jibe of institutional racist.
Why can’t they love him? He’s one of them. I almost feel sorry for our much misunderstood leader.
Not one ball of the 6 Nations has been kicked but bbc.con are already giving England a mauling.
Is Hartley the right captain for England?
Will Wales wind up England’s Hartley?
The English exile happier as a Scot
Scotland need big guns fit and firing
Humble veteran Alisdair Dickinson tells…of his Calcutta Cup victory.
I am amazed at the very little coverage given by MSM, (including the BBC), of Poland’s recent investigation by the EU into the possible breaking of EU Rules.
They are looking into whether Poland has broken the EU ‘rule of law, with newly elected, right wing, Polish Government’s recent clear out of ‘Lefty’ Judiciary and state Media employees
In essence the newly elected Law and Justice party has sacked a load of ‘old Commies’ Judges and State media executives, built up under previous governing parties and reflected often deeply corrupt, post-communist elite.
The BBC should be very worried if this trend is followed through by the heir to Blair? Or maybe not?
Lots of talk in the German media about Poland’s infringement of Rechtsstaatlichkeit, a state’s observance of the rule of law. El Presidente Martin Schultz looks concerned. Could it all be payback because of Poland’s “lack of European solidarity” and ” disregard for European values”? All code for not doing what Mad Ma Merkel wants in relation to “refugee” quotas. Christ may have died on the cross to atone for the sins of the world, but Messiah Merkel seems determined to crucify the German people on the “refugee cross” to finally atone for the sins of the Nazi past. Some Germans really do think that Germany will be thought of abroad as a font of goodness and light because of Merkel’s folly.
I am just back from a week’s walking on La Gomera in the Canaries. Lots of Ger,mans there – and they all seemed to be apologising for Frau Merkel’s madness.
As usual, I noticed that all the transport facilities – mountain roads and long tunnels, harbours, bus stations etc were far better than we enjoy at home. And year by year we are still shelling out for new projects in the very prosperous Canary Isles ! Madness.
Tried BBC World News just once at the apartment – on came droning Lyse Doucet, OFF went the telly.
Well Sheila, no, but I am ashamed that whilst the hospitals are in crisis and there are homeless ex service men rough sleeping all over the UK, child benefit is being paid to migrant workers for children not resident in the UK.
I listened to Jezza Whine today, the first topic was the Great Camerloonian E.U. Climbdown; he introduced the segment by asking whether what Dave has got from the E.U. would make you more inclined to vote to remain, he didn’t follow that by asking whether it made you less likely to do so or more in favour of voting “Out”.
The first guest was Fatty Soames who seemed to believe that even if Dave HAD got sweet F.A. it was still worth us remaining because the E.U. is so wonderful. The next guest was Daniel Hannan, who on this occasion was excellent and was allowed a fair go, it was a pity the two of them didn’t go head to head, although al beebus probably knew who would have had the best of it – which is why they didn’t.
Vine then took some calls, first an elderly lady who had voted for the E.E.C. 40 years ago and thought it was marvellous, she was a “Federalist” who believed we should have a United States of Europe complete with a President and us in the Eurozone.
The next caller was a Croat whose English was so bad I couldn’t understand what he was saying. That just about summed up al beebus: you have one caller who is of the extreme end of the pro-E.U. scale, then the next is a foreign national who won’t even be able to vote in the referendum. Where was the balance?
Whine then read out some (surprising) comments from people who correctly realize what Dave has won for Britain – nowt.
I hope that enough of us vote to get out of this economic and societal mad house. Those Britons who wish to remain within it should be able to move there, if they so wish, between the referendum result and our actual Brexit.
” the next is a foreign national who won’t even be able to vote in the referendum”
I’m sure the millions of East Europeans temporarily resident in this country will be allowed to vote as 90% will vote to stay in. It will be fiddled asmuch as they can.
Interestingly the blog also tells us;
‘If Britain votes to leave the EU, then all Britons will lose something that many Britons cherish – European citizenship. Under EU law, all citizens of the European Union have joint citizenship: their own nationality, and European citizenship.’
Now then, I do not cherish EU citizenship in any form. So for the avoidance of doubt Mr Junker – I hereby renounce my EU Citizenship, resenting the fact that without my consultation my citizenship has been appropriated by an entity I do not recognise.
I liked the comment that was read out, along the lines of “If I have a car I can decide where I want to go and when. The EU is like a bus where I have to ask 27 other people if it is OK”. Even Vine liked that!
As someone else said, we can’t even get them to vote for our Eurovision song so not much hope for anything important.
Cameron’s ‘deal’ is so trivial and technical that I can’t see him selling it to anyone. Where’s the meat?
I think the bBBC may have a problem here.
On the one hand they hate Cameron. But by dissing his non-renegotiation, how does that square with their pro-EU narrative?
They can hardly criticise him for not doing enough, given that they are pro-EU fanatics to start with.
Yet if they do criticise him for his lack of renegotiation, it kills their pro-EU argument.
I think the term is Zugswang. Or is it Norton’s fork? Well either way, intellectually they are stuffed.
Not that a little hypocrisy won’t come easy to the ‘Far Left’ newsroom editorial team.
“Girls living in Zaatari Refugee Camp or in Mafraq in the north of Jordan were asked to discuss their goals and imagine their future personal and professional lives.”
And what do they want to be?
Haja, 12, future astronaut
Fatima, 11, future surgeon
Muntaha, 12, future photographer
Malack, 16, future police officer
Fatima, 16, future architect
Wissam, 15, future pharmacist
Rama, 13, future doctor
Nour, 18, future lawyer
Sarah, 15, future fashion designer
Nesrine, 11, future police officer
Merwa, 13, future painter
Amani, 10, future pilot
Bassima, 17, future dairy chef
Fatima, 12, future teacher
Hiba, 9, future paediatrician
I wonder what the boys will say?
Mohammed, 12, future suicide bomber
Ahmed, 13, future rapist
Omar, 28, future child
“First we have a natty little number all in black with a little slit at the top like a letterbox. If the model feels too exposed she can always don a pair of very sexy dark glasses.
Next we have another creation, again in black, which has been likened to a full ninja outfit. Although this one hangs loosely from the shoulders and drops to the floor in a shapeless mass.
Finally we have Sarah’s most daring design: you can actually see the model’s whole face all the way up to the hairline and is intended for that most modern of women who choose to dress daringly. The most exciting thing about this is its colour – I can’t decide if it’s light black or dark black! Very well done Sarah.”
I would love someone on this site to advocate an argument for Britain staying in the EU. I myself, am a very strong supporter of the leave EU. It would be good if the person could produce a sensible and intelligent argument. I say this because I cannot understand anyone voting for the stay in EU. I must be missing something of great importance. Surely the independence of a Britain which can sustain itself very well without the EU is both important and obvious. Well it is to me anyway.
I am becoming very concerned about the polls. Admittedly I live in a small rural village but I don’t know anyone including relatives, who thinks we should stay in the EU. Not one person. Where are these people who support the EU ahead of our country?
Wronged. Good point re staying in the eu. Also, i am yet to meet anyone in the real world who supports continued mass gimmigration ,the only time you hear the pros are in the media- usually bbbc brainwashing.
“I would love someone on this site to advocate an argument for Britain staying in the EU.”
Wronged, if we leave the EU we will be governed by British politicians, who will be able to decide things for themselves without instructions from Brussels or Berlin. And they will be the ones to negotiate the leaving terms with Merkel.
Nigel is too far from power, so that leave Dave and George or Jeremy.
If that doesn’t scare you enough to vote “Remain” nothing will.
. . . . . but at least we can vote them out, a.s.a.p., and take our ballot box revenge. Currently no-one in Europe appears to be able to touch Merkel, which means she must be being protected by Juncker. Merkel may be still be gone soon, though, if the Germans get really upset over a disturbed way of life. If we stay in we live with Juncker for longer and there may be worse waiting in the wings. Martin Schultz?
You can’t seriously trust politicians who do not want to have their accounts audited can you ? When did the EU last audit their accounts, RJ have you ever wondered why they have not done so for a long while?
It is naivety on your part to assume that EU MP’s are any better than our own, they are as bad if not worse in my opinion, just look at Shengan and immigration, look at Greece, and they want a corrupt and terrorist supporting muslim country like Turkey to become a part of their family!! Corruption amongst EU MP’s is rife, even worse than ours I’m afraid!!!
Me too. My partner works in TV and would consider themselves “liberal” but wants out. All my friends and colleagues as far as I know (apart from 1 definite in) want out and ALL damn the (supposed) consequences of us leaving.
The media will pull every damn trick to get us to stay. Watch the Daily Mail. They are Euro sceptic at present but wait till the referendum…they’ll change.
PS The Guardian will no longer allow any HYS on “Multiculturalism, Islam and Immigration.” Its an editorial decision and is kicking up a right stink in liberal circles – apparently the HYS writers are not to be trusted with their views.
I know a girl that believes in ‘no borders’. She also moans incessantly on Facebook about ‘austerity’. She seems incapable of realising that ‘no borders’ = no tax jurisdiction, no NHS, no state education, no welfare, no law and order, etc.
There are millions of these idiots in London and the surrounding area.
I like the idea of no borders and being free to move, live & work where I want, Grimer, absolutely anywhere in the world.
I’m realistic enough to recognise that it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. I also recognise that Britain runs a near enough open borders policy and it’s not doing our economy much good, despite what some people claim about the benefits of inward migration.
I don’t think your idea that open borders means no tax jurisdictions or the rest that you think will go missing with such a policy. There are all sorts of ways of raising taxes with open borders, as they did over a hundred years ago. The concept of borders & Passports are relatively new, Visas go back a bit further but it’s really only in the twentieth century that the world has completely shut down, for obvious reasons.
“International passenger numbers are expected to grow from 1.11 billion in 2011 to 1.45 billion passengers in 2016, bringing 331 million passengers for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3%. “
Not bad for a a ‘world that has completely shut down’!
I don’t think you’re grasping the implications of *no* borders. You can have a border that is ‘open’ and still have a working state. You can’t have ‘no border’ and have a functioning state. The tax jurisdiction is defined by the border. It has nothing to do with passports or visas.
You have to bear in mind that most people, including our MPs, have no idea about what the EU is or does.
Consequently they believe myths like that they won’t be able to live or work in ‘Europe’ if we leave the EU. If this were true then there would be no American, Australian or Canadian people living and working here, they aren’t EU citizens yet they managed it!
They might believe that we have ‘influence’ in the world via the EU. Well we don’t have influence within the EU, Qualified Majority Voting means that we get ‘null point’, as the great Wogan would say. Much of what the EU proposes is actually driven by meetings at UN level, where ‘nobodys’ like Norway get a seat and even a chairmanship while we look on hoping that the EU representative might put our interests before the other 27.
Fear and ignorance are the EU’s greatest weapon. ALL the politicians love it because any idea, however wacky, can be fed through the back-door to the commission, imposed at EU level and locked into law without any hope for appeal. Change in the EU is like herding cats, impossible.
Well, not many of us expected Dave to cobble together much of a deal, so I won’t lie and say I’m disappointed.
However, whilst we all knew he would come home and tell us that the “new deal” is made of the finest thread and so delicately woven (or do I mean spun?) that only the most sophisticated people can see it, I was hoping that some of the cabinet might dissent and show some backbone. Alas it’s looking unlikely. Theresa May has already capitulated and waffled something like, “Ooh yes, this looks really interesting. I think we can work with this.” Eh?
I don’t expect too many of the other so called “sceptics” to do anything that might harm their parliamentary careers. They’ve got their big house in the country to consider. If we do vote to accept this paltry con job the EU commissars will know that they’ve got us by the gonads and that we are too feeble to put up a fight for our democracy. This “deal” is shabby, pathetic and as valid as the piece of paper Neville Chamberlain waved as he returned, triumphantly after his meeting with Adolf.
Vote out!
Well Jeff, maybe Dave could wave his white underpants – he certainly doesnt need them to support his balls cos he gave those away years ago ! The colour certainly suits him and they would make a good flag for him too!
I said it re Jess Phillips-and here we go again with Sir Lenworth Henry.
Anybody other than a favoured lefty would get hounded out of his non-job for threatening arson…but, hey, The Court of Jon Snow/Harriet Harman always choose the REAL villains for their docks.
Let`s see what happens if Donald Trump does that to Al Sharpton shall we?
Only the BBC and liberal elites will confect some kind of “deal” between Cameron and the EU.
A complete non-story…will someone tell Cameron that most of the issues concern “non-EU” migrants…which the EU won`t do a damn thing about,as we all saw in Cologne….Molenbeek..Paris…Madrid…Malmo…Copenhagen?…need we go on?
This is a classic Chomsky play -haven`t the useful idiots of the Left learned that we TOO know their game….major on minors, but make it seem like it`s a raging controversy.
And-as we know-both Islam and the BBC major on minors better than most.
Even the BBC can hardly raise a care about two fleas fighting over a fart…and that is all Cameron has “obtained”.
If -after Schengen, Eurozone catastrophes, Steve Thorburn and Neil Herron…Calais Jungles and Cologne-we STILL think that the EU is any answer-as opposed to the very source of evil itself-then we DESERVE Islams stanley knife at the throats of the next generations…for we preferred to see Mandelson, Clarke, Heseltine and Kinnock smile than act on the evidence of what will happen to our Jewish friends if we let the EU roll us over and into hell.
Did anyone else catch the little box ticking gem of a programme on Radio 4 this morning; Alvin Hall’s ‘The Gospel Truth’?
Admittedly, the alarm bells were starting to ring before it started but I gave it a go. I lasted all of about one minute. In that time Alvin managed to include the Charleston shooting and Barack Obama singing Amazing Grace at the memorial service to the victims.
I have no doubt there is an interesting programme to be made about Gospel in the US, and this might have been it, but I cannot be bothered to have the BBC’s agenda pushed down my throat.
Why else would the BBC employ this “financial wizard” to tell us all how to run our budgets?
Was he not the pocket-sized little black chap with the glasses and that Castro State of Mind (either San Fran or the Cuban maestro?…it`s all the same to them).
He used to give us all money advice on the BBC-then it all rather fell apart when he went bankrupt as I recall.
Still-the BBC specialise in recycling, reclaiming and chopshopping his like-and create something !”absolutely fabulosa darlings!”
Like Little Richards Tiny Tom of a brother…but without any genius or God-given talent…unlike Mr Penniman himself!
Lawdy Chile…not you Adrian, you fat Baggie( only 5p at the till still)
Top Ten BBC flops.
1. Raj Persaud
2. Alan Yentob
3. Vicky Pryce
4. Johan Hari
5. Stuart Hall
6. Chris Denning
7.Jonathan King
8.Rolf Harris
9. Russell Brand
10. Mark Thompson/Jay Hunt…Peters and Lee of BBC, without voices or the excuses of blindness and the cruise ship singalongs.
NB…no room for Savile-who is a good thing as far as we`re concerned-that oily saveloy still proves to be a barium meal disguised as an enema, so he`s a “Symptom Of Our Age”…time to thank him eh Beeb?
I’m not going to oppose the leave campaigb, but we should make sure we differentiate between Europe, a collection of wonderful democratic countries we all like to visit, with generally wonderful people, and the appalling self-serving EU elite, undemocratic and unaccountable.
The ideal would be Brexit followed by lots of other exits followed by EU dissolution, followed by the creation of a minimalist new EEC,
IMO there is a need to counterbalance the US, China, Russia, and Japan.Not to mention ISIS and all the other atrocious groups. We are too small to do this on our own, regrettably.
I am really bored by this defeatist rubbish. I hear it all day from the BBC: ‘Britain isn’t big/rich/powerful enough to…’.
We are actually a damn site bigger out of the EU than in it. Locked in its deathlike embrace we lose our right to bargain and deal to the EU’s – and that is never done in our favour.
This very negative talk, you need to believe in your country a bit more. We will still be in NATO with a seat at the top table
‘IMO there is a need to counterbalance the US, China, Russia, and Japan.Not to mention ISIS and all the other atrocious groups. We are too small to do this on our own, regrettably.’
Interesting how other countries seem to manage, and very well too. !!!
Yes, we still have our permanent seat in the UN security council, I’m sure Dave would love to give it away to show how virtuous he is, and the EU would just as much love to get their grubby, undemocratic hands on it.
If Dave had any sense in his negotiations, he could have used this as bait to get what he says he wanted. Of course, he never wanted anything in the first place, so I’m sure the thought never occurred to him.
The US would never allow the UK to give up its seat on the Permanent Council as it guarantees them another vote. That is the actual explanation for why the UK is still on it.
I’m just not sure your thesis is quite correct. My sense is that some small countries are small enough to be ignored which works both ways – they just quietly get on with stuff and no-one notices. Other countries can and do join other systems – APAC, ASEAN, NAFTA for example. You’re right about NATO and the UN of course, which in a way just shows that an isolationist route is not the way to go.
The EU is of course corrupt to the core and is not the answer either, but there could be merit in a (predominantly Northern) European free trade group with similar economies, GDP per capita, and sensible borrowing policies , who play by the rules.
A BBC Vacancy you are unlikely to see advertised:-
‘A position has arisen for a white heterosexual British male whose family can be traced back for at least three generations.
A knowledge of British history for the past thousand years would be a distinct advantage. An awareness that ‘Nelson’ didn’t refer only to a South African terrorist would be seen as a positive step by the selection panel.
The ideal candidate would be fluent in English and have no familiarity with Jamaican ‘street patois’.
A resistance to ‘political correctness’ would be seen as advantageous.
Additionally, the candidate should be able to demonstrate a barbed wit that belittles pompous, puritanical left wing idealists .
The desire of the candidate to reverse his assigned gender from birth would meet with a degree of animosity bordering on hostility from the selection panel’.
That last sentence is probably very much the case, as the Fascist left don’t actually like the people they use as tools / weapons to beat anyone that fails to agree with them!
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Sam Gerrans writes on RT opinion page. He dissects the “liberal self-extermination policy” without the usual RT neo-con conspiracy smear.
“Prior to the mass invasion of Europe, liberals controlled debate by means of crude stop-words (bigot, racist, etc.) or accusations of a lack of compassion (with themselves as the arbiters of compassion, naturally). But there is a sea change occurring……..They (Europeans) have woken up and smelled the agenda: the ship has an iceberg embedded in the hull; and it was Political Correctness – or Cultural Marxism – which put it there.”
I won’t be expecting this sort of analysis on the BBC or any of our other wretched MSM.
We have certainly reached a sorry state of affairs when RT is now regarded as more reliable source of news.
I commented on this a week or so ago that Russia Today is fast becoming a media source I will use. Never thought that sitting in a panzer on the Rhine 30 odd years ago, one day I’d trust a program called Russia today over the BBc.
Quite right, Dave.
Upon rising, I run through RT, EuroNews, Reuters, DM, Guardian, Brietbart, The Times – sometimes Al Jazeera – then bBBC, of course. RT is first as I find it’s a bench mark for clarity with a broad sweep of world events without obvious insidious modification.
When you can easily review a full-scope range of inputs with the internet & you can start to filter out the crap as you can see it for what it is – jaundiced bigotry with a social agenda. And such an obvious editorial direction is easily seen as it sticks out like dogs gonads.
Seriously, the BBC appears to operate in a vacuum without any awareness of other news sources. [fx: queue celestial harps] We are the truth and the light to save you from the evils of the right wing world. But now, the ‘waycists’ and ‘right wing’ people are starting to look more and more like the moderates they actually are.
I find RT worship very odd indeed. It seems to have given refuge to old Press TV stalwarts like Galloway and that slimy Iranian, whose name I can’t recall.
These days there is little to choose between the BBC, Russia Today and Al Jazeera. All are pushing agenda and narrative. In the case of the BBC it is the liberal-left orthodoxy, with RT it’s the paranoid Putin neo-conservative conspiracy theory, and AJ is a Sunni / Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece. It is interesting to compare RT and AJ when reporting on Syria and Yemen. RT accuses Saudi Arabia of bombing schools in Yemen, while AJ accuses Russia of the same in Syria. One thing all three “news” channels have in common though, is that they all like to give Israel a bashing.
Speaking of old Press TV stalwarts. Here’s chat show host and leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn. Now playing centre stage in the BBC’s parade of fools.
I really miss Press TV on satellite. Sheikh Al Galloway was always in his pseudo-Islamic highfallutin oratory mode. Salaam I’ll lick ’em Mustafa, …Salaam I’ll lick ’em George, the blesssings of the Prophet be upon you Mustafa, blah blah, only you George tell things as they are blah blah …you too Mustafa are highly intelligent because you recognise my supreme genius blah blah. This mutual anilinctus could last for minutes with each caller.
Rivetting TV.
Almost every caller seemed to be some Muslim (peace be up him) from London, Manchester or Birmingham who could barely speak English calling for the destruction of the Little Satan. Muslim radicalisation??? In Britain??? Unthinkable!!!
Where has the Shitty Sheikh been lately?
Amusingly, as I was reading this I was thinking “RT: Radio Times, now that is a surprise”!
I had to go to the link before I realised my obvious mistake.
Report into the collapse of Kids company deserves a thread of its own considering the criticism of the BBC:
“The heaviest criticism is for the trustees led by the BBC’s Alan Yentob.
He’s described as someone who condoned excessive spending and lacked proper attention to his duties. The BBC is also accused of poor leadership for failing to take action against him when he tried to make suggestions about the BBC’s reporting of Kids Company.”
“Mr Yentob and Ms Batmanghelidjh kept insisting there had been no financial mismanagement. This report makes clear there certainly was.”
“While the committee’s report said ultimate responsibility for the charity’s closure was on its “negligent” trustees, including the BBC’s former creative director Alan Yentob who was chairman of Kids Company’s trustees, the government and regulators must also learn lessons from its failure. ”
There is no mention of the amounts of money given to the Kids Company charity by BBC administered Children in Need which has refused to reveal just how much money it handed over.
67. Mr Yentob was Chair of Trustees for 12 years. His actions in the weeks surrounding the charity’s collapse have received significant media attention, with allegations that he displayed a conflict of interest in his role at the BBC. Mr Yentob admitted that he stood behind the glass with the producer during a BBC interview with Ms Batmanghelidjh about the charity’s difficulties, and also made a phone call to another BBC journalist who was due to make a broadcast about the charity.127 Mr Yentob said that he was “emotionally upset and engaged” by the coverage, and regrets this action “if it was intimidating”.128 He has since resigned from his position as Creative Director at the BBC. Lord Hall of Birkenhead, BBC director general, said that Mr Yentob’s conduct was “improper” but had not affected BBC coverage of Kids Company.129
69. Mr Yentob denied historic failures in financial management and insisted that there were no questions about the financial resilience of Kids Company until 2014. Given the charity’s historic hand-to-mouth existence, its continual failure to build up reserves, significant periods on the brink of insolvency and its inability to meet its obligations to HMRC, this is an inaccurate and alarming interpretation. The evidence Mr Yentob gave to the Committee suggests a lack of proper attention to his dutiesas Chair of Trustees and a continuing inability to recognise those failures. With his fellow Trustees he was unwilling or unable to impose sufficient control. Together, they failed to exercise their proper function as Trustees.
70. Mr Yentob acknowledges his poor judgement in respect of his position at the BBC during the summer of 2015. His actions were unwise at best, and deliberately intimidating at worst. He has since resigned his main position at the BBC but he still retains substantial responsibilities within the organisation and oversees substantial budgets. It is not within the remit of this Committee to comment on the governance of the BBC, but the proper governance of conflicts of interest and standards of behaviour – particularly amongst its senior executives – is a very serious matter for any reputable organisation. That a senior figure could act in this way and it could take so long for action to be taken reflects poorly on the BBC’s leadership.
I think all these findings about Yentob must raise questions about how good he was in his job at the BBC (and probably applies to many others that work/worked there) – for example why a Labour MP should merit a high ranking and extremely highly paid job once he was voted out of office.
Would that be the same guy who was appointed to a £295,000 per year bBBC job without it ever being openly advertised by any chance?
Listening to the Today Programme this morning, they were suggesting that Kids Company devoured around £42m over the period it was active. Nothing was said about who, if anyone, should be held responsible for the abject failure of this ponzi scheme, nor what has become of the £millions poured into it.
I think we know that there’s zero chance of Botney facing the music (he’s a BBC upper-echelon Elite, after all), and it’s fairly safe to say Batman is untouchable.
Neither should be allowed anywhere near a company directorship in the future. Both should be barred from that for a significant period.
Some might argue they should face a court of law too.
‘A BBC Spokesperson said: “As we’ve said before, BBC News considered whether Alan Yentob had influenced the BBC’s journalism on the reporting of Kids Company and they concluded that he did not. The BBC led the way in reporting this story and our journalism has been impartial.”
Utter BS, and hence BBC SOP, but how or why they are allowed to get away with it, lord know.
1) Anonymous spokseweasel. No backsides, no accountability.
2) Arrogant ‘BBC has looked at BBC’s navel, and BBC believes BBC is fluff free’. Again.
3) Impartiality is in their DNA because the BBC says so. Tell it often enough.
I don’t watch the extreme, left wing, fascist, biased bbc anymore so I was quite annoyed with myself this morning when i foolishly turned on to that bbbc news24 channel to be immediately greeted by what I suppose is considered in their world as ‘breaking news’… Ir was all about the problems of transgender people in Jamaica…………Immediately switched it on to another channel.
What has that news topic got to do with me?
Who are the bbbc broadcasting to?
Who in the UK could possibly be interested in this?
I shudder to think what it would be like in bbbc’s utopian world.
Close them down
I would tend to ask Who Decides which news items are given the level of ‘headline worthiness’, and I bet there is nobody over the age of 50 making the decisions, because that age group are on countdown to their pension, couldn’t give a monkeys and don’t want to rock the boat. Which leaves us the just-left-Yuni generation, trying to outdo each other around the conference table in the name of diversity.
(pssst… noticed that Vera has ticked all the boxes in the first episode of the latest series : wheelchair bound office worker ; black pathologist (as in Midsomer) : mixed race relationship ; failed in the lesbian/gay couple though)
Brissles it’s your lucky day. From my archive of complaints to the BBc if I go back to 8/2/2012 this may give you insight into how the BBc decides to run a story. This was in response to the non-reporting of “men of Asian origin” in court for child grooming which the BBc did it’s best to avoid reporting on.
“Reference CAS-1288417-M8C02L
Thanks for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you’re unhappy at the lack of coverage of a court case in Liverpool.
Choosing the stories to include in our bulletins; the order in which they appear and the length of time devoted to them is a subjective matter and one which we know not every viewer and listener will feel we get right every time.
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
Essentially this is a judgement call rather than an exact science but BBC News does appreciate the feedback when viewers and listeners feel we may have overlooked or neglected a story.
I’d like to assure you that I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Kevin Freeburn
BBC Complaints
Whatever happened to their logs?
Factors such as whether it’s news that has just come in and needs immediate coverage, how unusual the story is and how much national interest there is in the subject matter will all play a part in deciding the level of coverage and where it falls within a bulletin.
So, the bBBC won’t report it if it’s not unusual, which explains why they don’t tell us about Muslims raping white girls.
The thing was this was 2012 and the sheep weren’t supposed to know what was going on.
Just put Radio 4 on in my hotel room to hear something British … it’s a programme about how bad it is to grow up gay in Bombay … how that will entertain me no end ….
Just watched a piece of The Daily Politics about the Kids Co and Bernard Jenkin’s Report on the scandal.
Has anyone noticed, as today, with Bernard Jenkin, with the BBC that when it is criticised the person speaking is almost always shouted down. In this case with Jo Coburn, she jumped down his throat before he’d finished making his point and in went on speaking at length in an attempt to get him away from his point.
I’m pleased to say that Mr Jenkin is made of sterner stuff and she didn’t get away with it. He also pointed out that in an one of her attempts to question and sound good, he said she was simply quoting his report back to him.
He ended up with more criticism of the BBC and about its culture and this time she’d realised she was beaten and said little.
Watch out for attempts by the BBC to smear Mr Jenkin in the coming days.
I don’t know why there is surprise about Alan Yentob having no concerns about wasting large sums of money.He has no qualms about wasting other peoples hard earned taxes because he doesnt have to have.Its what the BBC does. BBC has a culture of spraying money at things and blow the expense.Money is on tap from the likes of us and unfortunately I’m not hopeful it will change any time soon.
Yes, quite. To the likes of Botney, it’s never real money, anyway, is it? It’s Toy Town money – when you’ve grown (quite literally) fat off the public teat over a lifetime spent professionally leeching I imagine one’s relationship to real, hard-earned money is at best tenuous, if not entirely dysfunctional.
As far as Botney is concerned, when you need more money, you shake the magic money tree and down it comes. It works for the BBC, and it worked for Kids’ Company for many years. The concept of actually going out into the real world and earning money in honest transactions is an alien concept to him. As soon as the government stopped shovelling money into Kids’ Company it folded, because it was always a bogus charity, just as the BBC is a bogus broadcaster. They deserve each other.
Just claiming my prize for today’s bBBC PC bull**** bingo game.
This is on the bBBC news website front page i.e. a top story in which we should all take serious priority interest.
Trangender AND ethnic minority. If only they were also disabled……………..
One has to assume it’s all they talk about at BBC Towers and, in the bubble they live in, they assume it must be important to everyone else.
The worst part about that article is not the subject matter, but the way the BBC pussy foots around the reality of the situation.
It’s prepared to talk about and to some extent criticise Jamaican culture which is undeniably staggeringly homophobic. It is not however prepared to criticise the brown eyed boys, who in the Fascists eyes are about all criticism.
It tells us that Maria Miller has told schools to make things easier for black & ‘Asian’ kids, but then completely refuses to even discuss the problems for ‘Asian’ kids. Only there aren’t problems for ‘Asian’ kids! There are problems for Muslim kids which Miller can’t being herself to say. No problems in India, Thailand, Japan, Russia, etc etc. The problems are entirely with the horrible religion of Islam which demands the murder of gay people and their social exclusion when murder isn’t an option.
It’s absolutely incredible.
At the time of writing there are TWO transgender stories on the bBBC news website front page!
And BOTH involve ethnicity.
Obviously in the bBBC bubble there is just nothing else important happening in the world.
The “Transgender race minorities face extra ‘hurdles’ coming out” codswallop looks like one of those plugs for iplayer programmes nobody wants to watch, masquerading as news. Some BBC t*at will be finding it difficult to comprehend the reasons why nobody wants to watch it.
Personally, I would consider a condition in which the ‘sufferer’ believed they were trapped in another’s body, to be a form of mental illness. So, it could be argued they are ‘disabled’?
Ultimately, each to their own. I’m just not sure why this appears to be the BBC’s chosen campaigning issue for 2016?
Ho, Ho, ho Ha ha. ha. You really could not make it up.
It is so awkward for the BBC to cover so many political misdemeanors, since the corporation is normally up to their neck involved in the same scams, inappropriate or illegal activity they wish to discuss!
Daily Politics now. It ought to be renamed the ‘Daily Hypocrites’.
Jo Coburn talking about Kids Company, Commons Committee Report: Where ‘two BBC salaries’ Yentob is up to his Eyeballs in the same mire!
Also next subject, John McDonnell Tax Avoidance Google Tax Returns.
No mention that the BBC enormous hypocritical , illegal scandal and scam of avoidance by paying many BBC top earners ‘self employment’, instead of PAYE, thereby avoiding hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in tax over the years.
Such a shame that programme guests do not have the guts to point out these hypocrisies being raised during their BBC interviews.
….And don’t ever, ever, mention that the rules surrounding ‘Film & TV Partnerships’ mean the luvvies can get tax breaks denied to people with real jobs. Don’t hold your breath waiting for any desperately contrived BBC shows in which a cake shop owner tries to qualify for these tax breaks by claiming he’s making a documentary about doughnuts.
Not to mention the conflicts of interests when senior BBC execs are married to independent programme production companies who naturally do not have to sell their products into a competitive marketplace, so long as their spouse can lavish masses of licence-payers cash precuring all the output that the “independent” production company can produce.
That is the very essense of corporatism. Tax reciepts buying private content on behalf of the end-users. Competition is vastly diminished and the “private” corporation and their state-funded client share out shit loads of free cash.
Daily Politics like the other mainstream tv politics programmes handpick their guests to fit the progressive left agenda.One rarely sees the tory MP Peter Davies on tv studios presumably because he is a rare bird who is not frightened to genuinely expose the nepotism and hypocrisy of the establishment .
Most journalist and tories and even now UKIP folk are conscious that they if they say something that might really rock the boat then they will not be invited back to tv/radio studios
The mainstream tv media also try to handpick `attractive` left wing guests.Note the regulars on the BBC and Sky `what the papers say` programmes.
Amazing how the BBC can distort reality to fit its agenda!
Polish is now the UKs second language with 800 000 Polish people living in Britain.
Well only if you take Pakistanis as British as there are around 2 million of them and at least 20% cannot even speak English to any reasonable standard! The fact that they have UK citizenship (thanks Tony!) officially makes them ‘British’, most people though, including themselves regard them as Pakistani immigrants !
Yeah, I would think Hindi is top, then Urdu. Even if you play around with national status, and whether or not someone has ticked English as the first or second language.
Siarad Cymraeg?
Sorry I’d have to get my father in law to translate that one.
Do you speak Welsh? (I’m certain DG’s reply is more grammatically correct).
I was just pointing out that stating Polish is Britain’s second language might be open to debate.
“I was just pointing out that stating Polish is Britain’s second language might be open to debate.”
Given the huge numbers of them here, I doubt that!
Remember many of the Pakistanis are second or third generation and barely speak Urdu.
Ydw rhif saith, ydw, dw i’n siarad Cymraeg.
For those that might not speak Welsh, here is an introductory lesson (starts at 2:20):
Alan – Can we have a “down” vote?
If you go to Wrexham you’d get further by speaking Polish.
Since the Tory government have been in power I have noticed a significant rise in Polish, Middle Eastern and African people in South Wales.
For example, the selection choice of languages in doctors surgeries has gone from ‘English’ and ‘Welsh’ to the other languages to cater for this surge of migrants. The cues are getting longer……..
Where are the Tory supporters or bloggers on this site ??????
They were bound to invade eventually. There have been masses of immigrants in Cardiff for a long time, and it is inevitable nowadays they no longer are content to remain in urban centres but spread out to towns and even villages. There have been large numbers of Polish invaders in some parts of Wales too since 2004, LLanybydder ,Carmarthen and Llanelli. And it seems to me that once other immigrants hear Polish spoken and realise the place isnt homogenous ethnic British it gives them confidence to move in. The Poles just think because they are ‘white’ they will be welcomed everywhere, and undoubtedly they always find some mugs who will do that.
Following the criticism of Yentob & the BBC management in the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee report published today, I thought I’d take a look at the governance of the BBC charity ‘Children in Need’
There are a surprising number of senior BBC staff who are trustees:
Sir Terry Wogan KBE was a Trustee of the charity for many years, before being inaugurated as Life President in November 2010. Position now vacant.
Matt Baker is a TV and Radio Presenter. Seven and a half years on Blue Peter
Anne Bulford, OBE, joined the BBC as Managing Director, Finance and Operations in June 2013. She currently has responsibility at board level for key functions including Finance, Operations, Technology, Human Resources, Commercial Development and Legal & Business Assurance.
Danny Cohen was made Director, BBC Television in April 2013. In October 2010, he was appointed Controller of BBC One.
Donalda MacKinnon As Head of Programmes and Services for BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon is the senior editorial figure with accountability for all BBC Scotland content on radio, television and online including the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.
Charlotte Moore is the Controller of BBC One.
Ralph Rivera is the Director of BBC Future Media. In addition to his BBC Future Media role, he is a member of the BBC Executive Board. Reporting directly to the BBC’s Director-General.
13 people & 7 of them (a majority) are BBC people ! I’m particularly glad I decided not to donate any money to this particular charity!
Notwithstanding there was probably some good work done by Kids Co, one wonders just how much of the BBC collections, like Children in Need, was channeled by Yentob to Batwomans confirmed drug takers and other nefarious unjustified causes identified in the report.
BBC were certainly not keen to disclose in the Freedom of Info requests that they refused.
I would be amazed if Children in Need was not used as a slush fund for Kids’ Company.
In view of the fact that under immigration stories The Guardian are no longer allowing comments (comment is free eh?) and Guido basically following suit and both intending to be more censorious towards off topic comments, how much longer will it be before sites such as this and Breitbart are also ‘forced’ to step up the censorship?
Is this the beginning of MSM/establishment ‘Project Fear’ as Douglas Murray calls it in reference to the forthcoming avalanche of pro EU propaganda and tales of end times if we’re ‘stupid’ enough to vote to leave. Is it the case that any descenting voices or opposing view must be silenced?
In all honesty, I find Guido’s comments largely unreadable because they are almost entirely off topic. So I don’t have a problem if he wants to tighten up on that. What worries me is that, while he doesn’t specifically say he doesn’t want comments on Islam, he does point people to Breitbart where it “is almost entirely focused on immigration and Islam”. Which implies that’s the reason, and that’s rather sinister the day after the Guardian.
To me, Islam is the single most important topic of our times, and is relevant in almost any area you care to discuss.
Forbidding critical discussion of Islam is true Islamophobia.
For a brief moment we were able to discuss immigration openly without the usual platitudinous cries of “racist” or “bigot” from the left and much of the chattering classes. Thanks in no small way to Nigel Farage. But it didn’t last – free speech was clearly much too dangerous. Far from the migration crisis being an opportunity for a “far-right” backlash it has been an opportunity to the left to shut down any debate. This time by actually censoring any opposition. Welcome to the police state.
If they think that stopping people talking will stop them thinking then they’re even more stupid than they seem. In truth, I don’t think they know how to respond and are flailing around as events spiral out of their control.
The internet and social media are by passing the media they no longer have control over the news. I’ve noticed a distinct change in comments being made on social media in the last year. The UAF scum types are just being slagged and blocked these days. Unfortunately for them they can’t throw virtual bricks in the cyber world.
Very astute comment. The current establishment now dimly knows that it is out of it’s depth. Events are in control now and all they can do is attempt to play down these events .
Outright censorship is a possibility but it never works for long.
The liberal world view is ending in chaos and as it was always going to end this way I personally have no sympathy for any of them.
To be charitable they are not malevolent in the main just stupid.
Predicting the state of Europe January 2017 is quite impossible.
The liberal MSM are stupid and, as the saying goes, those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Here is what eventually happens in even the most totalitarian regimes:
“Comrades, sit down and keep calm ………be quiet! what’s the matter with you all”.
This, in effect, is what our leaders and our media are saying to us Europeans as our societies and nations are gradually Islamised.
Will have to monitor how it goes on Breibart, but agree it could be the start of a worrying trend. I bet the MSM groan every time there’s a new bombing atrocity, rape, mugging, benefit fraud, election scandal etc carried out by their favoured group. But because it happens every day all over the world maybe they are trying to limit themselves to only report the very worst cases. Probably why the Germans are trying to suppress what people say on Facebook.
No different to Gordon’ Brown’s Gillian Duffy moment in 2010 and Emily Thornberry’s white van man slur last year. Their “we know better” attitude has kept them in opposition for two terms. The current lot will make it three in a row
They might shut down the debate and hope it goes away, but sites like this will ensure that people will remember
I personally hope they keep up the racist slurs. It will hurt them come election time
The controlled media immigration debate was about EU migrants, Poles, Rumanians, Bulgarians and the like. It enabled the opening of a debate on numbers…..the problem now for the authorities is that many people have noticed that they were lied to about the numbers but that Poles, Rumanians and Bulgarians aren’t pushing a whole culture on Britain, sure they open food shops and mini markets but they don’t demand submission.
The immigration debate has now been lost control of hence the attempts now being made to silence it again, attempts doomed to fail. The cats well and truly out of the bag.
This was a reply to oldartist at 5.11.
You make a good point Embolden. Farage was able to frame the debate around migration from the newer members of the EU, although most of his supporters obviously knew that it was a much wider issue. It would seem that even he was not brave enough to venture into the dangerous area of Islamification. I sincerely hope you are right and attempts to stifle the truth will fail.
Probable Future Censorship:
(1) Shutting down RT on Freeview as part of the “Anti-Putin sanctions Plan”
(2) Bankrupting the Daily Mail and Daily Express under the left-wing “Leveson Press Censorship Plan”
(3) Baring Google from Britain under the left-wing “Tax excuse Plan”
(4) Baring Free speech under a left-wing “Politically Incorrect Speech Act”
(5) Baring pamphleteers under a left-wing “Printing Press licence Act”
And finally
(6) A left-wing “Final Solution Act”
Turn on car radio this morning and its R5Live and gameshow Nicky…”We’ve had loads of tweets on Terry Wogan, here’s one from Selina ‘ I came to this country in 1970 and the 1st thing I bought was a radio, thanks Terry for making this immigrant feel welcome’. Switches radio off.
I’m surprised the glorified gameshow host didn’t try to turn it into a story about him and Wogan being his closest friend and mentor. Like Jingle Jangle before the truth came out
Ah, that made me laugh. Would’ve done exactly the same.
How can anyone listen to that station? Radio 3 is all I will ever listen to in the car.
I listen to my Andy McNab and Chris Ryan audio books and wish I were them. They get to kill terrorists we only get them killing us. Finally park my car and ‘321 I’m back in the room’
I wonder when we’ll see something like this reported fairly on al beebus?
Oh yes of course, never.
The liberal mind set in one……”anything for a quiet life”.
Amazing video, thanks for posting.
Imagine if that was Rotherham Council. The Grandfather would have been dragged out by the Police at the very least, if he wasn’t lynched by the Muslim members of the council or audience. He would have been thrown into a cell and charged with a hate-crime and his grandchildren would be threatened with being taken into care.
Good article about Camerloon.
It is not racism that keeps blacks out of universities
Posted on: 31 January 2016 By: Alexander
Britain, according to Dave, is racist, which “should shame our nation”. Actually, being led by such a nonentity is a greater reason to be ashamed.
A young black man, according to Dave, is more likely to find himself in prison than at a university. To someone currying favour with the progressivist crowd there can be only one explanation: racism. Our universities are reluctant to admit blacks, while our courts are eager to send them down.
This is a possible explanation, but it’s neither the only nor the likeliest one. In fact, considering the facts Dave cited, it doesn’t add up at all.
The racism explanation would make sense only if certain premises could be factually established:
Premise 1: Universities reject qualified black candidates.
Premise 2: Such candidates are as qualified as rival whites.
Premise 3: Black people are innocent of the crimes for which they are imprisoned.
Premise 4: If found guilty, a black is more likely to receive a custodial sentence than a white defendant with the same criminal record, who’s seen as presenting the same danger to society.
Since Dave failed to establish any of these premises, his diatribe is the same bien pensant drivel that has become his trademark.
He did say that “It’s disgraceful that if you’re black, it seems you’re more likely to be sentenced to custody for a crime than if you’re white.” But without the qualifications mentioned in Premise 4, this is yet another example of hollow chattering, something further emphasised by the word ‘seems’.
When a prime minister makes such a far-reaching claim, there can be no ‘seems’ about it. Either is or isn’t, that’s the choice, to be made on the basis of facts, scrutinised and analysed.
Dave accused his alma mater Oxford of “not doing enough” to attract black students. That softens the accusation: not doing enough may be treated as laziness or negligence, not racism. That charge would only stick if Premises 1 and 2 were established, which they weren’t.
If they could be established, Dave would have jumped at the chance. Hence one has to assume, without leaving the realm of logic, that neither of those assumptions is true. Therefore, even though universities are lackadaisical about dragging young blacks in, they don’t discriminate against them, meaning they aren’t racist.
Now what would constitute doing enough? Discriminating against more qualified white candidates in favour of black ones?
Apparently not. Since it would be nice to retain at least some conservative support, Dave hastened to add that he didn’t favour reverse discrimination.
However, in the good tradition of Islington salons he failed to state what he does favour, other than that Oxford should “go the extra mile” in search of more blacks. In which direction the extra mile should be travelled wasn’t specified.
Dave then shot himself in the foot, having first withdrawn it from his mouth. “White British men from poor backgrounds,” he said, “are five times less likely to go into higher education than others.”
I’m confused. So we’re talking not about race but family background, for poor white men don’t usually sport blackface at university interviews. Having first caught my breath after the dizzying turn in rhetoric, I must admit that finally we’ve uncovered a kernel of truth – though not the way Dave meant it.
A combination of various government policies have indeed covered Britain with a blanket of rotten council estates. While they don’t greet visitors with the sign “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”, they might as well do so.
The policies responsible for this tragic situation were enacted in social affairs, education and justice.
The massive welfare state created a culture of dependency, depriving youngsters of any incentive to seek a job that in all likelihood wouldn’t match the level of their benefits. At the same time, by effectively acting as provider father and depriving the family of its vital economic function, the state made real fathers redundant. That effectively destroyed the family, with every predictable social consequence.
The annihilation of grammar schools deprived boys from poor families of any educational, and therefore social, hoists, attaching youngsters to the rotten estates in perpetuity and leaving mostly crime as a way of supplementing their benefits and attaining peer respect.
And our justice system encourages crime, rather than punishing it in a ruthless and deterrent fashion. For example, a leading sociologist has calculated that a burglar commits, on average, 50 crimes before seeing the inside of a courthouse, and another 50 before going to prison, usually for a derisory term.
The prevailing belief is that prison represents not punishment commensurate with the crime, but a chance to rehabilitate a youngster who in any case is less guilty than society at large. Justice is thus no longer justice. It’s an extension of social services, and we know how effective those are.
The salient point here is that all those destructive policies come to us courtesy of intellectual and moral cripples like Dave, who spout progressivist drivel and then act on it to stay on the right side of the Zeitgeist.
This would be almost bearable if at some point they spared us their hare-brained, sanctimonious nonsense. Fat chance, as Dave is proving.
“The annihilation of grammar schools deprived boys from poor families of any educational, and therefore social, hoists, attaching youngsters to the rotten estates in perpetuity and leaving mostly crime as a way of supplementing their benefits and attaining peer respect.”
If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !
Worse than that employers would advertise for a ‘Grammar School Boy’ and even a lesser qualified one would be more likely to be employed than a better qualified comprehensive one.
The 11+ exam had everything to do with the selection for a Grammar School education.
Not who you knew. That was the point of the exam.
The exam wasn’t perfect. I should know as I passed it.
But some counties would take the top 50% of the 11+ candidates for Grammar Schools and other counties such as Surrey would only take the top 2%. Surrey’s logic was that there were so many rich parents that they could afford public school education anyway.
The first proposals to introduce comprehensive schools were in Wales. They were rejected because the Labour councils took the view that grammar schools were the ladder by which bright working class children could make good. The first county to adopt the system was Leicestershire (Tory). It was only later that the Labour Party adopted comprehensive education as part of its class war agenda, which had nothing to do with educating/helping the children.
In the late 1979/80 I was at a school meeting where the chairman of the Labour council was lucky to get out in one piece after telling the parents that it was worth writing off a generation of children to get grammar schools abolished.
As a declaration of interest I was brought up in a working class family, passed the 11+. made it to university and ended up in a good job. I wasn’t trapped but subsequent generations have been.
Most areas allowed what were called ‘automatic’ passes which meant that the kids taking the 11+ were the lesser ones, (in theory) If not enough passed it, then the automatics had to sit it as well. It allowed corruption at all levels, by those who knew teachers at the Grammar, or the primaries. I know, I saw it happen when in the last year of selection one teacher put her own son, who wasn’t even eligible because of his age through as an automatic pass !
I sat the 11+ but never found the results as I wasn’t ‘educated’ by the state.
I went to grammar school as did five other boys and four girls in my class . Four of the boys, including me , and the four girls were the children of coal miners, one boy was the son of a lorry driver and the other boy was the son of someone on the dole.
I think you overestimate our fathers’ wealth and influence.
You are so wrong. The grammar school system did enable quite a degree of social mobility. 8 out of the 30 kids in my class passed the 11-plus just after the war.. We were not “middle class” – it was a charitable boarding school, most of us had lost one or both parents.
We got through as a result of good work by dedicated teachers – Welshmen. And they tried to keep all the class moving forward together, great guys. Teaching in wooden army huts, no heating – but boy were they dedicated.
If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !
I do not know how old you are or where you were schooled, but in West Suffolk that was not the case. Indeed the county purchased 10 places for boys and girls at the local private schools for the top 11 plus exam results. My class had 2 out of the 10 of those for boys and from a school principally fed by a large council estate.
As for better qualified comprehensive ones I think you will find that the equalising down that comprehensive caused when replacing the grammar schools tore the heart out of the state school children who would now have been “at the top” if the grammar schools had not been abolished in so many places in the 70s.
Check the overall results of all schools in counties still with grammars and I think you will find they do better than those with comprehensives only.
You say “If only the grammar school system was as noble as this then you might have had a point! Instead it was used by middle class families to get their children a better education without the expense of paying for it! People used to get their kids into the grammar school based on who they were & who they knew !”
Or maybe it was used by hard working families who aspired to something better for their children?
I sat the entrance exam for a grammar school and was lucky enough to be accepted. I had a daily journey to and from school that took one hour and fifteen minutes each way. It was a superb school and I worked my arse off – I had to just to keep up.
My parents were neither middle class nor well connected. They just wanted the best for their kids.
The reality of the comprehensive education system is that the ‘best’ schools attract the highest house prices for their catchment areas, so the result is selection by house price.
At least with the 11+ system there is a chance some poor but bright kids could get through. My father did and how wealthy was he ? Not very. His family got a council grant to buy him his school uniform.
There are flaws of course. It is morally indefensible to ‘write off’ those who do not pass, and there are serious questions about the 11+ as the best way of determining ability. But in a world of bog standard comprehensives, I can’t for the life of me see what’s wrong with a smattering of state Grammar Schools.
Agreed Sluff, the best comprehensive schools are made up largely of pupils who would have been heading for Grammar School anyway. House price and catchment areas are no block to enterprising parents either, some of whom make a daily motorised school run despite just living round the corner.
Well done Larry Dart, being the child of a coalminer and passing the 11+. I too was the child of a coalminer, and I took the exam in 1959. My results came back as failing, and my education thus followed being in the A stream at a comprehensive. A teacher friend of my father’s could not believed I had failed, so took it upon himself to actually check my exam paper at county headquarters. Surprise, I had passed ! but due to lack of Grammar places, the children of business people and doctors in my class got through (one doctor’s daughter constantly fell asleep in class, but she passed). Make of this what you will, but this personal experience will always make me believe that the system is ‘fixed’. As it turned out I didn’t do badly career wise, but at 11 years old I was short changed in my further educational ability, and although Yuni places are tuppence a bucketful right now, back then it was a massive achievement and the door could have been open for me.
Brissles, I am sorry that you were denied the opportunity to attend grammar school and I have a great deal of sympathy with your story. That tells me that there should have been more grammar school places, and it is not an argument for no grammar schools . Whilst not being perfect, I truly believe that grammar schools facilitated ‘social mobility’. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
I am grateful for the opportunity given to me.
PS. I have ‘liked’ your comment.
Fantastic exposition, AS, well worth reading through. Unfortunately, just as logic and reason didn’t prompt Mr Cameron to make those remarks in the first place, it won’t have any effect on him or his kind in causing a change of opinion. The only thing that’ll change his mind is if he seriously fears becoming a laughing stock for voicing such stupid statements. Unlikely.
It’s so good to see people standing up against the controllers. I think we are at a significant stage in the fightback. I confess to feeling slightly optimistic. The Great Grope of Cologne, while distressing for the victims, may come to be seen as a turning point in the battle against the multicultural idiocracy. The move by the Guardian and other media is a small but significant retreat. They have lost control of the debate and their tactical withdrawal a first sign of weakness. Expect calls for repression soon e.g “hate speech” etc.
A long way to go yet before the PC stranglehold slips for good but take heart. I think the great man said something like,” it is not the end , it is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning”.
Like the brave Grandfather in the clip we must continue to speak out.
I`m really going to have to do some maths on what the BBC are up to.
Randomly put radio 4 on a few minutes ago…and it`s yet ANOTHER bloody agitprop piece of crap about how hard it is to be gay/queer/trans/lezzy…in fact the list of perv options seems to go on for thirty seconds…as if being homo was a dark era of monochrome.
And-all this was based on some old queens hop around the slums of Bombay.
Now I have no problem at all with Indians being as gay and as Bronski as the next person-but we all heard “Smalltown Boy” by Little Jimmy and the band-so we`ve got the plot, we really have.
So why the hell are the BBC snooping around for yet MORE exotic variations on the sex n gender agenda?…as if we have to go to India to fret about Muslims and Hindus not being “accepted”.
Try and sniff around what it`s like to be UKIP in THIS country you dicks!
There`s just no news here-just global grievance farming and worldwide agenda settings for their coming world of no families, no business, no reading-just Islam, the magic money tree and lauding the criminal, cossetting the gay and the deviant.
If only gays and Muslims knew that the more they let the BBC speak for them and patronise them-the angrier, we the excluded the normal, the indigenous and the beige civilians of this nation become.
My guess now is that only 20% of “news” is any longer news as we`d once have known it-it`s all agenda fixing, attitude moulding,compliance craving shilling for Islamocommunalism or suchlike…and all under a limewash green ascientific pose of “saving the planet”.
Just so Islam gets to have it.
There’s too much room for news. Non-news is now news. News has become a global chat room.
But it`s a controlled chat room, with someone else deciding what news is. Deviate too far on most outlets and dissident posts just disappear, usually on legal grounds.
Much of the “news” is spectacle, a diversion, a creation of a “now” that is often at odds with our lived experiences, our memories and our hope for the future….the video I`ve seen on here of the German Mayor trotting out the “news version” of the “migration issue” to howls of disbelief from the people he is trying to convince (who seem to see it as a question of islamisation) is a great example of this.
Bread and circuses.. it works for a while, but only for a while.
I am not so sure who is most pathetic the cloying, oversentimental, left wing agenda setting, duplicitous, manipulating, disengenous, down right lying, sexualy deviant, islam loving BBC or the self appointed worthies, luvvies and weirdos who buy into all this shit and who full are full of bluster and rightous indignation and who are incapable of realising that they are cutting their own throats as much as ours by buying into all this dishonest media wank!
Do they really think that Ibraheem will be that bothered who has the whitest throat when he draws his knife across it.
Talk about sleepwalking into oblivion!
Still disappointed that Sisters still their silent about Cologne. Come to think of it Benedict has been very quiet as well. Pity I was so looking forward for their wisdom on these matters.
The very recent clashes in Dover between the Anti-Fascists (UAF) and the ‘Far-Right’ have left me slightly confused.
Why are two white British groups fighting over an influx of muslims?
This would never have happened in 1700, 1800 or 1900. Why have we reached this point?
Divide and rule.
It happened in the early 20th Century when they fought each other in Spain, they fought in Cable Street, and they fought similar battles in Germany , Communists Vs Fascists both factions of the same left wing ideology.
It didn’t happen in earlier years because the ideologies hadn’t been dreamed up, and because there was no communication to organise and transport to get them there, plus they all had to stay busy earning a living.
That’s my point.
Why do left wing “anti-Fascists” chant “No Pasaran” at their rallies? (they were at it at Dover) don`t they know that the Spanish Republic, whose leftist supporters originated the slogan actually lost the Spanish Civil War, to Francos Fascists.
Ironically, part of Francos Fascist rebel army was made up of Moroccan (muslim) troops.
Perhaps more Ironically many on the left side were shot by the Soviet NKVD and its international collaborators. (see Orwells Homage to Catalonia)
Part of the British lefts naivete and political illiteracy is bound up with their never having lived under Fascism, Communism or Islamic government, wheras much of Europe has folk and recent memories of permutations of the three.
Islam is not the lefts friend, nor is Islam the friend of freedom.
LMAO Is this guy a piss taker or what? Sure enough though with a name like Daryush Valizadeh the BBC isn’t going to be making too much of a fuss, and neither is the feminazi lobby !
We survived the Armada, Trafalgar, Waterloo, The Kaiser and Hitler. What has our Car Moron done? He has turned his back on all the lives that were sacrificed to maintain our sovereignty and handed it on a plate to the Europeans under a ‘so called’ deal or settlement.
Vote to keep the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland out of the failed state.
Car Moron will go down in history along with Neville Chamberlain.
Lets have some ‘Tory’ comments about this? ………….
Don`t Panic ,you can still vote to leave , what ever the deal is on the table . But ranting & raving is getting us no where Taff , you have to convince the ” Don`t Knows” to vote “NO”. That is especially your Welsh Valley, Labourites , who would vote for anything , that had Labour pinned to its tail. England may vote to leave , but the Welsh , Scots & NI , lot may keep us in , & you would not like that would you .
Essexman you are right, we can vote to leave- thanks to UKIP
Uptick for EM.
“……you have to convince the ” Don`t Knows” to vote “NO”…..”
Absolutely spot on. We all have to do this and all the reasoned arguments are on the ‘Leave’ side. ‘Remain’ only have fear left, but fear is a powerful motivator.
Believe in Britain. Vote Leave.
Essexman you are right, we can vote to leave – thanks to UKIP.
The voting population of of Wales is insignificant to the total UK vote. No one is ranting – only you by your hasty comment.
Seriously though what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’ ? Your call.
In a tight situation, every vote, counts, how would you feel, if the Welsh Labourites, kept us in, & England, you, & a few others from Wales voted to leave.
In a nutshell, I would feel very annoyed to say the least, especially as we have had a Tory ‘leader’ telling us he wanted ‘in’, even before his negotiations began with the ‘Failed State’.
I think that you will be surprised by the amount of votes that will come from Wales in favour of getting out.
Now that you have ‘muddied the water’ from my main question to you and have avoided answering it, please have the courtesy to give a candid reply re ………..
“what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’? “
Your call.
How could the BBC do it? A BBC blurb actually uses the phrase ” Radio 4 – A Curious Bunch” .
Will Chukka be tweeting his outrage? I suppose self-dehumanisation in an ironic BBC way is halal.
Bbbc breakfast – im sensing that thay are quite pleased about trumps result.
They made that so obvious when Sarah Montague said to the American speaker who gave the news that Trump had lost “I can see a smile on your face” It is amazing that they feel they can emphasise an opinion freely from their interviewer without any fear of complaint to their unacceptable biased reporting . It is not as we couldn’t hear that the American speaker was very pleased!!!
There is a solution . Let them know they cannot get away with such an unprofessional news service. Bombard them with complaints at this abuse of their Charter. Make them work in using some of your tax money you pay them in employing people and using resources to answer complaints. .
Carol Kirkwood caught a little off balance this morning
Yes, she did inject the right amount of BBC moral imperative into her weather “temperatures are about where they SHOULD be…”
But oh dear, under the high pressure of ad lib banter from silly Billy Turnbull she failed to keep up the strongest of fronts for the Met Office. Bill and Louise asked “What’s the name of the next storm… we know it begins with ‘I’ and it’s the turn of a girl’s name?”
Carol knows it will begin with ‘I’ but she is phased for a moment “I’ve got better things to do than remember the names of storms… it’s Iris”
Better things to do, you and us both Carol.
Not content with making a bit of joke out of the Met Office’s shiny new liasion with the Irish and latest wheeze to frighten the bejesus out of the elderly and naive into fear of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Weirding our Bill and Lulu ask an ad lib tricky question about the coloured Weather Warnings.
Again Carol and the Met Office sound awfully silly “Green Warnings mean there is no warning and Red Warnings – you’ll never see – mean, er…. threat to life”
Every time I watch the lovely Carol I don’t seem to be able to concentrate on the weather.
I confess to a similar weakness in focus retention where Carol is concerned. 😉
Years ago on an afternoon BBC2 or Channel Four would always air an old British black and white (sometimes colour) film from the 40s, 50s or 60s, I used to record them to watch later in the evening to wallow in the Britain that was.
I always have a quick scan of the TV guides in the morning, but all that seems to be on are antique shows, smulzy American made for TV films or Jeremy Kyle type tosh, I can’t recall such a film on one of the main channels for years.
Why is this? Such films would be popular with the retitred, or is it because they scared of reminding us and exposing to others that Britain was not always the politically correct, multicultural cess pit of today and not as portrayed in modern drama productions depicting such eras and yes people smoked..
There is plenty of great stuff in the archives right up until the 90s, which personally I rather watch over today’s tedious post Blair PC crap.
Carry On Films on ITV 3, usually on quite often, along with the Brilliant “Rising Damp”, More 4 do show, classic British films, on a regular basis.
I’m not really talking about bawdy oft repeated Carry On Films, I’m talking about the more true to life, gritty and classic British films of that period ie Blow Up, Ipcress File, Taste Of Honey, Friday Night Saturday Morning, even Brief Encounter. In many cases the settings and external scenes are more interesting than the plot lines.
Had a quick scan of More 4’s weekday schedule, I can’t see any classic British films.
Ice Cold in Alex ,Friday 1700 Film 4;The 39 steps 1200 Fri ,More 4 ; Reach for the Sky , More 4 Sat ,1015; The African Queen , Monday,1500 , Film 4.
Fair enough, but i was really talking about the ‘main’ channels, who seriously ventures beyond channel 9 (BBC4) when scanning the EPG guide in the forlorn hope maybe of finding a gem on channel 762+1? How long did it take you?
Often I’ve sat with the remote on evening and scanned all the channels, rarely, very rarely is there something I would pause at to watch, In fact the higher you go the more alarming the channels get, Christ knows what a Gay Rabbit is, is it a channel or something you need a couple of AA’s for?
I digress, the above films have also been repeated endless times and not really the genre of film I meant and something tucked away on a minor channel will not reveal to the masses a forgotten Britain…
Try finding “talking pictures” tv channel – it’s on freeview and Sky. There is the best and worst of British from the 30s onward as well as a fair amount of vintage American TV and movies. Well worth a try!
It has been the same on the Today programme. But as I mentioned here a couple of days ago, it was already clear that the result hung on how well Trump could get his voters out – including many new voters – against the well-established Cruz machine in Iowa. For Cruz, a big question was whether his principled opposition to ethanol subsidies would be damaging in a Corn state. It was by no means an obvious win for Trump. But next week we have New Hampshire, where Trump had a clear lead in the opinion polls.
Marco Rubio has obviously gathered momentum and looks set to become the candidate backed by the Republican Establishment’s big bucks. Expect both Cruz and Trump to turn fire on Rubio – especially on immigration.
The BBC has so far failed to report the obvious fact that Iowa signals the probable end of most of the other campaigns – Carson got 10% but others such as Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Kasich, Huckerbee and Santorum got 4% or less. Difficult to see any of these candidates surviving unless one or other of them pulls a big result in New Hampshire.
How about this fact BBC?
None of the last 6 Republican candidates who won in Iowa went on to be the Republican candidate.
Re. 08:33
It’s a shame ‘F’ has gone. We could have had a transgender name like freaky f?ckwit.
I see some rare timelapse footage of a storm passing over Glasgow has been captured.
Of course this is cutting edge scientific journalism at its best because there have never been dark clouds blowing across the Glasgow skies before in its entire history. Amazing.
FFS stop this bullshit.
End the bigotry of the storm naming system, end it now!
Where are the social justice warriors?
Anyone else noticing the lack of diversity in the storm naming system?
Where`s Delroy, Aleesha, Lenroy, Farouk, Iftikhar, Haroun? all perfectly good names for storm events and then of course there is Britains most popular boys Christian name, sorry…..given name…..the BIG M.
What about gender free names? Kim, Jack, Vic, why this obsessive “male-female” gender alternation?
What about communitaire names? storms Jacques, Angela and Herman to show our love and respect for the EU
Something must be done! end the bigotry of the storm naming system, end it now!
Storm Angela has already hit Europe hard.
“We ought to warn you, there are flashing lights in the following report”
What they ought to have warned us about this short interview with Mariah Carey was that the report would contain a clip of a performance by this skriking otave-bashing diva.
Louise Minchin seemed to be a fan but our house eunuch Bill minching Turnbull was more taken with Mariah’s hefty new diamond ring (35 carat). Up the revolution.
Couple of gems on Today this morning just after 08.00.
Lyse Doucet solemnly reported that King Abdullah of Jordan is coming to a donors meeting in London to try to obtain money to develop Jordans infrastructure to support Syrian refugees who otherwise will need to come to Europe.
She unquestioningly quoted King Abdullah as saying that Jordan has “always stood shoulder to shoulder with the West”.
Sorry Lyse, but you should be able to remember that Jordan emphatically did not stand with the West when Iraq invaded Kuwait in 90-91 nor when the coalition booted him out again, but strangely enough Hafez al Assads Syria did. Perhaps we should be helping the Syrian government to develop its infrastructure to protect its minorities against the Sunni fundamentalists.
One other, John Humphreys, discussing Camerons renegotiation of our relationship with Europe said that some would accuse Cameron of “running up the red flag”….interesting Freudian slip, surely he meant running up the white flag?
Any way John and Lyse, thanks for the laughs you provide in your serious news analysis.
Nothing is perfect and in the imperfections (that’s being kind) of the Middle East, I think Jordan has had a pretty reasonable record. For a start they have had a tolerable long-term relationship with Israel. And they are looking after 1 million + refugees. And they have managed not to implode when all around has been chaos.
For sure there will be many unsavoury aspects to them but my sense is to cut them a bit of slack.
Fair comment Sluff.
My comment was more concerned with the bias of the BBC reporting…the unquestioning acceptance of Jordans pro-western credentials, the re writing of history…. King Abdullah told a flat lie which Doucet happily repeated, in order to sell us the idea that Sunni Jordan should get more money from the West.
Jordan also offered safe haven for HAMAS leaders for a good while…remember the shelling of West Jerusalem, the Mossads botched attack on Khalid Meshaal? that was “friendly Jordan”.
The Jordanian government plays an excellent diplomatic game, and has claim over the Hijaz, which we can expect to see re-activated if the Sauds ever fall to even crazier fundies, I`m afraid it is Jordan`s fate to be a useful counter in the great game, it`s a counter that has to be paid for.
Better with money than blood.
In 1970, some two-thirds of the Jordanian population was Palestinian. People tend to forget that Jordan killed thousands of innocent Palestinians in order to get rid of the PLO influence during Black September. This is not something the BBC wants to remind us of as it does not fit their agenda of seeing Jordan as a “friendly Jordan”
Biased BBC news website – page 1 headline
“Australian migration to NZ hits new high”
Now I wonder what the subtext of that story is?
But read on…..
25,000 went from Aus to NZ
24,000 went from NZ to Aus
(Oh that we in the UK had that ‘problem’)
So errr……actually there is no story at all. Just the bBBC’s insatiable biased narrative to normalise stories about immigration.
Wonder how many of the total were transgender ethnic minorities? Surprised the bBBC didn’t comment on that.
It was surprising that they didn’t make any reference to the impact of the Ozzie invaders on the indigenous Maori people. Although if they did, they might have to explain why the Maori – Polynesian immigrants who arrived in the 13th Century – are ‘indigenous’ whereas Britons who have lived in this land since the last Ice Age – 11,000 years ago – are not.
I think we’re not allowed to be indigenous, because we’d qualify for protection under the UN Charter for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Click to access DRIPS_en.pdf
Article 7
Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person.
Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom,
peace and security as distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to
any act of genocide or any other act of violence, including forcibly
removing children of the group to another group.
Article 8
Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be
subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and
redress for:
Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them
of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values
or ethnic identities;
Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing
them of their lands, territories or resources;
Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim
or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
Any form of forced assimilation or integration;
Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite
racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them
Trump beaten by Cruz, and for once the BBC say something sensible when describing the Iowa result as ‘a victory for organisation over enthusiasm’.
But I think it is worth mentioning a conclusion from the Black Tea Patriots – Yes Black Republicans BBC – which disputes the narrative of the BBC for whom Republicans gather their votes from racist red necks.
Shared on Facebook with Conservatives of Color and The Black Tea Patriots.
Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives Facebook Page
“Republicans are racists” = THE BIGGEST LIE IN AMERICAN POLITICS TODAY. Maybe in America today, period.
Cruz, Rubio, Carson combine for 60% of total Iowa Republican caucus-goer votes. So …Obama’s bitter-clingers out there in fly-over country (do you get more stereotypical “middle of the country/farmland, redneck, bible clutch’n, gun tote’n, V8 pickup truck drive’n” than IOWA?)… turned out the vast majority vote for two Cuban-Americans and a black-American.
Come on BBC, let’s have some honest reporting for this election, not racial stereotyping.
Maybe nothing more than sour grapes and Twitter should always be taken with a big pinch of salt, but some are claiming something wasn’t quite right, sounds a bit Thanet and Tower Hamlets!
Regards the referendum .Im an outer and always have been.Look at the decimation of our fishing industry and manufacturing industries as a result of the so called single market. Free movement of people is a big issue but not the only one.
What I am really surprised and depressed about is the in fighting among the various leave campaigns not to mention individuals. We are having to fight the BBC and MSM propaganda so don’t let’s fight amongst each other.That is a gift to Cameron .If Wales votes to remain so be it ,they have a Labour government currently so another layer of propaganda to deal with.
There are many sensible informed people throughout the UK and if Leave get their act together then who knows .MSM is enjoying stirring the pot.
And that infighting is perfectly demonstrated above by petty bickering between Essexman and taffman. It’s not important right now whether it’s only due to UKIP that we’re getting a referendum, the important thing is that we have got a referendum and we’re not likely to get another in a hurry. Unless we vote the wrong way.
You can take it as read that Essexman is voting Leave, so go and persuade someone who isn’t so sure. Pull the BBC up for any anti-Leave bias and put in a complaint whenever you see it. Put them under pressure: I intend to lodge a complaint every time I see them talking about “Europe” when they mean the EU. This is not the time for public fights, because if you do that you may as well go and join the EUphiles.
Yes I am voting to leave, but I think,the SNP/ Labourites in Scotland may keep us in , together with the Welsh Valley Labourites.
EM – I think that what annoys so many on here about folk such as yourself is the constant belittling of and sniping at Farage and UKIP; without the pressure from whom, it is certain that Camoron would NEVER have offered a referendum on Britain’s EU membership.
He is a pro-EU Progressive, like Bliar. Why do you think Dave and Gideon admired him so much when he was in office? Yet you still support a party bearing the moniker “Conservative” when it and the majority of its leaders are anything but.
Dave’s opening position, BEFORE he negotiated anything with the EU hierarchy, was to state openly that he wanted to remain within it. WTF kind of way to initiate a negotiation is that? Of anything? Let alone the future of your country. He’s no good, you and a great many others need to wake up to that.
Never mentioned Farage & Ukip recently . He & they are a small cog in the wheel , of many groups & organisations that want to leave the EU . They don`t have the “Divine Right” on Brixit . Apart from the Kipper disciples , Farage is a Marmite politician to many voters.
So, re my previous question to you in case you missed it ………
“what’s your opinion on your leader and his ‘big deal’? “
Your call.
Mr Car Moron doesn’t want to leave, perhaps he could be persuaded by ‘Teresa the appeaser’. Remember her promise ?
It seems Cameron has indeed failed to deliver very much on EU negotiations, presented as some kind of ‘victory’. It is indeed a Chamberlain moment.
He has a veto – but only for political diktats, no veto over business, Human rights, or freedom of movement.
He has a slight control over benefits for migrant workers, but only for new arrivals, and those already here will continue to be able to claim, making them even less likely to leave because they would not be eligible on re-entry.
Worse still, this has to be agreed by other EU nations and will be graduated over the 4 year period.
In fact, even the BBC seem unimpressed with Lazy Davey’s ‘achievement’!
In terms of foreign EU migrants and numbers the EU has refused to give way.
The EU ‘renegotiation’ has been a set up from the start. Other EU states refuse what are already insipid demands then make last minute concessions which are in any case worthless.I really do hope that voters aren’t fooled by this or by the fear factor being instilled by business and the establishment . If you really are worried about migration , a Muslim population of 3 million and rising, the anti- democratic nature of EU decision making and the basic incompatibility of the UK and continental views of free markets and enterprise, then vote to leave.
‘Set up’ is an understatement. Plan B (if there is a vote for Brexit) will entail negotiating something like a Norway deal whereby there probably is a financial saving in cost of trading membership but still being sub-servant to EU rules including free movement of labour in other words uncontrolled immigration from the EU.
Cameron has his own Brexit organisation run by David Hannan who has stated on Newsnight that there will still be free movement of Labour.
Cameron will probably be gracious enough to allow Parliament to decide the issue on a vote (no problem with Labour, SNP and LibDems and most of the others). Perhaps some opposition from a handful of Tory backbenchers but it will transpire that we will have a new agreement that is not too dissimilar from the present one.
This is my fear and I hope I’m wrong
Cameron has asked for an extra half-teaspoon of gruel from the EU Beadle, and they have graciously deigned to allow it. Whoop-de-doo.
Only if over 50% of the member states agree.
All the member states governments have to agree, on every aspect of changing Britains EU membership terms.
Is it my imagination or are the vast majority of BBCs ‘The One Show’ guests other BBC employees? Last night show was an hour long fawning tribute to a recently deceased BBC employee.
“He was such a generous man when it came to Children in Need”
They forgot to mention he picked up a £10K fee every time he hosted Children in Need.
If nothing else last nights One Show demonstrated just how dumbed down BBC TV has become. Excerpts of Wogan’s evening chat show showed the quality of guests he attracted and like him or not, Wogan was professional, witty and intelligent, didn’t resort to bad language and crudity (Ross and Norton) when chatting to them, not some pretty box ticking airheads.
Remember Wogan occupied the same slot that the One Show now fills….
I see Cameron’s campaign to be loved by the BBC is still full on despite the endless contempt they show him in return (OK he deserves it). Just as it looked as if conservatives had won a tiny victory over the U-turn of Oriel College the Conservative leader wades in to the help of the rabid socialists with his jibe of institutional racist.
Why can’t they love him? He’s one of them. I almost feel sorry for our much misunderstood leader.
Not one ball of the 6 Nations has been kicked but bbc.con are already giving England a mauling.
Is Hartley the right captain for England?
Will Wales wind up England’s Hartley?
The English exile happier as a Scot
Scotland need big guns fit and firing
Humble veteran Alisdair Dickinson tells…of his Calcutta Cup victory.
Is it just me or are the BBC anti-English?
In a word, yes. But of course, there’s English and “English”.
I am amazed at the very little coverage given by MSM, (including the BBC), of Poland’s recent investigation by the EU into the possible breaking of EU Rules.
They are looking into whether Poland has broken the EU ‘rule of law, with newly elected, right wing, Polish Government’s recent clear out of ‘Lefty’ Judiciary and state Media employees
In essence the newly elected Law and Justice party has sacked a load of ‘old Commies’ Judges and State media executives, built up under previous governing parties and reflected often deeply corrupt, post-communist elite.
The BBC should be very worried if this trend is followed through by the heir to Blair? Or maybe not?
Lots of talk in the German media about Poland’s infringement of Rechtsstaatlichkeit, a state’s observance of the rule of law. El Presidente Martin Schultz looks concerned. Could it all be payback because of Poland’s “lack of European solidarity” and ” disregard for European values”? All code for not doing what Mad Ma Merkel wants in relation to “refugee” quotas. Christ may have died on the cross to atone for the sins of the world, but Messiah Merkel seems determined to crucify the German people on the “refugee cross” to finally atone for the sins of the Nazi past. Some Germans really do think that Germany will be thought of abroad as a font of goodness and light because of Merkel’s folly.
I am just back from a week’s walking on La Gomera in the Canaries. Lots of Ger,mans there – and they all seemed to be apologising for Frau Merkel’s madness.
As usual, I noticed that all the transport facilities – mountain roads and long tunnels, harbours, bus stations etc were far better than we enjoy at home. And year by year we are still shelling out for new projects in the very prosperous Canary Isles ! Madness.
Tried BBC World News just once at the apartment – on came droning Lyse Doucet, OFF went the telly.
Not BBC exactly but Shelagh Fogerty ex BBC on LBC .Totally misrepresenting the nothing Cameron has achieved and turning it back onto us the listener.
Phone in …..”are you ashamed that we are stopping migrants getting benefits?”
Well Sheila, no, but I am ashamed that whilst the hospitals are in crisis and there are homeless ex service men rough sleeping all over the UK, child benefit is being paid to migrant workers for children not resident in the UK.
I listened to Jezza Whine today, the first topic was the Great Camerloonian E.U. Climbdown; he introduced the segment by asking whether what Dave has got from the E.U. would make you more inclined to vote to remain, he didn’t follow that by asking whether it made you less likely to do so or more in favour of voting “Out”.
The first guest was Fatty Soames who seemed to believe that even if Dave HAD got sweet F.A. it was still worth us remaining because the E.U. is so wonderful. The next guest was Daniel Hannan, who on this occasion was excellent and was allowed a fair go, it was a pity the two of them didn’t go head to head, although al beebus probably knew who would have had the best of it – which is why they didn’t.
Vine then took some calls, first an elderly lady who had voted for the E.E.C. 40 years ago and thought it was marvellous, she was a “Federalist” who believed we should have a United States of Europe complete with a President and us in the Eurozone.
The next caller was a Croat whose English was so bad I couldn’t understand what he was saying. That just about summed up al beebus: you have one caller who is of the extreme end of the pro-E.U. scale, then the next is a foreign national who won’t even be able to vote in the referendum. Where was the balance?
Whine then read out some (surprising) comments from people who correctly realize what Dave has won for Britain – nowt.
I hope that enough of us vote to get out of this economic and societal mad house. Those Britons who wish to remain within it should be able to move there, if they so wish, between the referendum result and our actual Brexit.
” the next is a foreign national who won’t even be able to vote in the referendum”
I’m sure the millions of East Europeans temporarily resident in this country will be allowed to vote as 90% will vote to stay in. It will be fiddled asmuch as they can.
I was under the impression that non-U.K. citizen suffrage in the E.U. referendum had been kiboshed.
I’m convinced they will be allowed.
If true – a disgrace.
Will postal votes be allowed?
No. They will not be allowed to vote…as the whinger in his Eurofanatic blog notes.
Interestingly the blog also tells us;
‘If Britain votes to leave the EU, then all Britons will lose something that many Britons cherish – European citizenship. Under EU law, all citizens of the European Union have joint citizenship: their own nationality, and European citizenship.’
Now then, I do not cherish EU citizenship in any form. So for the avoidance of doubt Mr Junker – I hereby renounce my EU Citizenship, resenting the fact that without my consultation my citizenship has been appropriated by an entity I do not recognise.
How about British expats in Europe?
The “Independent” seems to think these are referendum votes worth chasing.
I liked the comment that was read out, along the lines of “If I have a car I can decide where I want to go and when. The EU is like a bus where I have to ask 27 other people if it is OK”. Even Vine liked that!
As someone else said, we can’t even get them to vote for our Eurovision song so not much hope for anything important.
Cameron’s ‘deal’ is so trivial and technical that I can’t see him selling it to anyone. Where’s the meat?
Yes; that was an analogy worth remembering.
I think the bBBC may have a problem here.
On the one hand they hate Cameron. But by dissing his non-renegotiation, how does that square with their pro-EU narrative?
They can hardly criticise him for not doing enough, given that they are pro-EU fanatics to start with.
Yet if they do criticise him for his lack of renegotiation, it kills their pro-EU argument.
I think the term is Zugswang. Or is it Norton’s fork? Well either way, intellectually they are stuffed.
Not that a little hypocrisy won’t come easy to the ‘Far Left’ newsroom editorial team.
I don’t think al beebus truly hates Camoron; Osborne and he are both Progressives, as are those who run that organization.
There can only be one word that can describe Cameron, Osborne and the BBC, and their cosying up in their relationship with Britain to the EU.
That word is TRAITOR.
When I grow up, I want to be…
“Girls living in Zaatari Refugee Camp or in Mafraq in the north of Jordan were asked to discuss their goals and imagine their future personal and professional lives.”
And what do they want to be?
Haja, 12, future astronaut
Fatima, 11, future surgeon
Muntaha, 12, future photographer
Malack, 16, future police officer
Fatima, 16, future architect
Wissam, 15, future pharmacist
Rama, 13, future doctor
Nour, 18, future lawyer
Sarah, 15, future fashion designer
Nesrine, 11, future police officer
Merwa, 13, future painter
Amani, 10, future pilot
Bassima, 17, future dairy chef
Fatima, 12, future teacher
Hiba, 9, future paediatrician
I wonder what the boys will say?
Mohammed, 12, future suicide bomber
Ahmed, 13, future rapist
Omar, 28, future child
Abdullah 19, all of the above.
And Sarah’s first designs on the catwalk:
“First we have a natty little number all in black with a little slit at the top like a letterbox. If the model feels too exposed she can always don a pair of very sexy dark glasses.
Next we have another creation, again in black, which has been likened to a full ninja outfit. Although this one hangs loosely from the shoulders and drops to the floor in a shapeless mass.
Finally we have Sarah’s most daring design: you can actually see the model’s whole face all the way up to the hairline and is intended for that most modern of women who choose to dress daringly. The most exciting thing about this is its colour – I can’t decide if it’s light black or dark black! Very well done Sarah.”
Accessorise it with a selection from our new range of suicide vests. Guaranteed to make your day go with a Bang.
I would love someone on this site to advocate an argument for Britain staying in the EU. I myself, am a very strong supporter of the leave EU. It would be good if the person could produce a sensible and intelligent argument. I say this because I cannot understand anyone voting for the stay in EU. I must be missing something of great importance. Surely the independence of a Britain which can sustain itself very well without the EU is both important and obvious. Well it is to me anyway.
I am becoming very concerned about the polls. Admittedly I live in a small rural village but I don’t know anyone including relatives, who thinks we should stay in the EU. Not one person. Where are these people who support the EU ahead of our country?
Wronged. Good point re staying in the eu. Also, i am yet to meet anyone in the real world who supports continued mass gimmigration ,the only time you hear the pros are in the media- usually bbbc brainwashing.
The Polls were famously wrong at the GE.
“I would love someone on this site to advocate an argument for Britain staying in the EU.”
Wronged, if we leave the EU we will be governed by British politicians, who will be able to decide things for themselves without instructions from Brussels or Berlin. And they will be the ones to negotiate the leaving terms with Merkel.
Nigel is too far from power, so that leave Dave and George or Jeremy.
If that doesn’t scare you enough to vote “Remain” nothing will.
You have a point …
. . . . . but at least we can vote them out, a.s.a.p., and take our ballot box revenge. Currently no-one in Europe appears to be able to touch Merkel, which means she must be being protected by Juncker. Merkel may be still be gone soon, though, if the Germans get really upset over a disturbed way of life. If we stay in we live with Juncker for longer and there may be worse waiting in the wings. Martin Schultz?
You can’t seriously trust politicians who do not want to have their accounts audited can you ? When did the EU last audit their accounts, RJ have you ever wondered why they have not done so for a long while?
It is naivety on your part to assume that EU MP’s are any better than our own, they are as bad if not worse in my opinion, just look at Shengan and immigration, look at Greece, and they want a corrupt and terrorist supporting muslim country like Turkey to become a part of their family!! Corruption amongst EU MP’s is rife, even worse than ours I’m afraid!!!
I should have added a “sarc” tag.
Me too. My partner works in TV and would consider themselves “liberal” but wants out. All my friends and colleagues as far as I know (apart from 1 definite in) want out and ALL damn the (supposed) consequences of us leaving.
The media will pull every damn trick to get us to stay. Watch the Daily Mail. They are Euro sceptic at present but wait till the referendum…they’ll change.
PS The Guardian will no longer allow any HYS on “Multiculturalism, Islam and Immigration.” Its an editorial decision and is kicking up a right stink in liberal circles – apparently the HYS writers are not to be trusted with their views.
Watch the BBC follow suit…
I know a girl that believes in ‘no borders’. She also moans incessantly on Facebook about ‘austerity’. She seems incapable of realising that ‘no borders’ = no tax jurisdiction, no NHS, no state education, no welfare, no law and order, etc.
There are millions of these idiots in London and the surrounding area.
I like the idea of no borders and being free to move, live & work where I want, Grimer, absolutely anywhere in the world.
I’m realistic enough to recognise that it isn’t going to happen anytime soon. I also recognise that Britain runs a near enough open borders policy and it’s not doing our economy much good, despite what some people claim about the benefits of inward migration.
I don’t think your idea that open borders means no tax jurisdictions or the rest that you think will go missing with such a policy. There are all sorts of ways of raising taxes with open borders, as they did over a hundred years ago. The concept of borders & Passports are relatively new, Visas go back a bit further but it’s really only in the twentieth century that the world has completely shut down, for obvious reasons.
From IATA:
“International passenger numbers are expected to grow from 1.11 billion in 2011 to 1.45 billion passengers in 2016, bringing 331 million passengers for a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.3%. “
Not bad for a a ‘world that has completely shut down’!
I don’t think you’re grasping the implications of *no* borders. You can have a border that is ‘open’ and still have a working state. You can’t have ‘no border’ and have a functioning state. The tax jurisdiction is defined by the border. It has nothing to do with passports or visas.
You have to bear in mind that most people, including our MPs, have no idea about what the EU is or does.
Consequently they believe myths like that they won’t be able to live or work in ‘Europe’ if we leave the EU. If this were true then there would be no American, Australian or Canadian people living and working here, they aren’t EU citizens yet they managed it!
They might believe that we have ‘influence’ in the world via the EU. Well we don’t have influence within the EU, Qualified Majority Voting means that we get ‘null point’, as the great Wogan would say. Much of what the EU proposes is actually driven by meetings at UN level, where ‘nobodys’ like Norway get a seat and even a chairmanship while we look on hoping that the EU representative might put our interests before the other 27.
Fear and ignorance are the EU’s greatest weapon. ALL the politicians love it because any idea, however wacky, can be fed through the back-door to the commission, imposed at EU level and locked into law without any hope for appeal. Change in the EU is like herding cats, impossible.
Well, not many of us expected Dave to cobble together much of a deal, so I won’t lie and say I’m disappointed.
However, whilst we all knew he would come home and tell us that the “new deal” is made of the finest thread and so delicately woven (or do I mean spun?) that only the most sophisticated people can see it, I was hoping that some of the cabinet might dissent and show some backbone. Alas it’s looking unlikely. Theresa May has already capitulated and waffled something like, “Ooh yes, this looks really interesting. I think we can work with this.” Eh?
I don’t expect too many of the other so called “sceptics” to do anything that might harm their parliamentary careers. They’ve got their big house in the country to consider. If we do vote to accept this paltry con job the EU commissars will know that they’ve got us by the gonads and that we are too feeble to put up a fight for our democracy. This “deal” is shabby, pathetic and as valid as the piece of paper Neville Chamberlain waved as he returned, triumphantly after his meeting with Adolf.
Vote out!
Well Jeff, maybe Dave could wave his white underpants – he certainly doesnt need them to support his balls cos he gave those away years ago ! The colour certainly suits him and they would make a good flag for him too!
I said it re Jess Phillips-and here we go again with Sir Lenworth Henry.
Anybody other than a favoured lefty would get hounded out of his non-job for threatening arson…but, hey, The Court of Jon Snow/Harriet Harman always choose the REAL villains for their docks.
Let`s see what happens if Donald Trump does that to Al Sharpton shall we?
Why the hell is Jess Phillips still there in Yardley?-any real democratic accountability would have binned her by now.
Only the BBC and liberal elites will confect some kind of “deal” between Cameron and the EU.
A complete non-story…will someone tell Cameron that most of the issues concern “non-EU” migrants…which the EU won`t do a damn thing about,as we all saw in Cologne….Molenbeek..Paris…Madrid…Malmo…Copenhagen?…need we go on?
This is a classic Chomsky play -haven`t the useful idiots of the Left learned that we TOO know their game….major on minors, but make it seem like it`s a raging controversy.
And-as we know-both Islam and the BBC major on minors better than most.
Even the BBC can hardly raise a care about two fleas fighting over a fart…and that is all Cameron has “obtained”.
If -after Schengen, Eurozone catastrophes, Steve Thorburn and Neil Herron…Calais Jungles and Cologne-we STILL think that the EU is any answer-as opposed to the very source of evil itself-then we DESERVE Islams stanley knife at the throats of the next generations…for we preferred to see Mandelson, Clarke, Heseltine and Kinnock smile than act on the evidence of what will happen to our Jewish friends if we let the EU roll us over and into hell.
They just never give up, do they?
It’s the s*** they pull like this that is the reason why fewer and fewer people watch it.
There is no end to the audacity of the BBC. A complete licence boycott is necessary.
Did anyone else catch the little box ticking gem of a programme on Radio 4 this morning; Alvin Hall’s ‘The Gospel Truth’?
Admittedly, the alarm bells were starting to ring before it started but I gave it a go. I lasted all of about one minute. In that time Alvin managed to include the Charleston shooting and Barack Obama singing Amazing Grace at the memorial service to the victims.
I have no doubt there is an interesting programme to be made about Gospel in the US, and this might have been it, but I cannot be bothered to have the BBC’s agenda pushed down my throat.
The real Gospel crowd in Iowa just voted Ted Cruz to his win in Iowa.
Why else would the BBC employ this “financial wizard” to tell us all how to run our budgets?
Was he not the pocket-sized little black chap with the glasses and that Castro State of Mind (either San Fran or the Cuban maestro?…it`s all the same to them).
He used to give us all money advice on the BBC-then it all rather fell apart when he went bankrupt as I recall.
Still-the BBC specialise in recycling, reclaiming and chopshopping his like-and create something !”absolutely fabulosa darlings!”
Like Little Richards Tiny Tom of a brother…but without any genius or God-given talent…unlike Mr Penniman himself!
Lawdy Chile…not you Adrian, you fat Baggie( only 5p at the till still)
Top Ten BBC flops.
1. Raj Persaud
2. Alan Yentob
3. Vicky Pryce
4. Johan Hari
5. Stuart Hall
6. Chris Denning
7.Jonathan King
8.Rolf Harris
9. Russell Brand
10. Mark Thompson/Jay Hunt…Peters and Lee of BBC, without voices or the excuses of blindness and the cruise ship singalongs.
NB…no room for Savile-who is a good thing as far as we`re concerned-that oily saveloy still proves to be a barium meal disguised as an enema, so he`s a “Symptom Of Our Age”…time to thank him eh Beeb?
Surely you aren’t accusing this Alvin Hall of being camp?
I’m not going to oppose the leave campaigb, but we should make sure we differentiate between Europe, a collection of wonderful democratic countries we all like to visit, with generally wonderful people, and the appalling self-serving EU elite, undemocratic and unaccountable.
The ideal would be Brexit followed by lots of other exits followed by EU dissolution, followed by the creation of a minimalist new EEC,
IMO there is a need to counterbalance the US, China, Russia, and Japan.Not to mention ISIS and all the other atrocious groups. We are too small to do this on our own, regrettably.
Compared with Japan, say?
I am really bored by this defeatist rubbish. I hear it all day from the BBC: ‘Britain isn’t big/rich/powerful enough to…’.
We are actually a damn site bigger out of the EU than in it. Locked in its deathlike embrace we lose our right to bargain and deal to the EU’s – and that is never done in our favour.
This very negative talk, you need to believe in your country a bit more. We will still be in NATO with a seat at the top table
‘IMO there is a need to counterbalance the US, China, Russia, and Japan.Not to mention ISIS and all the other atrocious groups. We are too small to do this on our own, regrettably.’
Interesting how other countries seem to manage, and very well too. !!!
Yes, we still have our permanent seat in the UN security council, I’m sure Dave would love to give it away to show how virtuous he is, and the EU would just as much love to get their grubby, undemocratic hands on it.
If Dave had any sense in his negotiations, he could have used this as bait to get what he says he wanted. Of course, he never wanted anything in the first place, so I’m sure the thought never occurred to him.
The US would never allow the UK to give up its seat on the Permanent Council as it guarantees them another vote. That is the actual explanation for why the UK is still on it.
I’m just not sure your thesis is quite correct. My sense is that some small countries are small enough to be ignored which works both ways – they just quietly get on with stuff and no-one notices. Other countries can and do join other systems – APAC, ASEAN, NAFTA for example. You’re right about NATO and the UN of course, which in a way just shows that an isolationist route is not the way to go.
The EU is of course corrupt to the core and is not the answer either, but there could be merit in a (predominantly Northern) European free trade group with similar economies, GDP per capita, and sensible borrowing policies , who play by the rules.
A BBC Vacancy you are unlikely to see advertised:-
‘A position has arisen for a white heterosexual British male whose family can be traced back for at least three generations.
A knowledge of British history for the past thousand years would be a distinct advantage. An awareness that ‘Nelson’ didn’t refer only to a South African terrorist would be seen as a positive step by the selection panel.
The ideal candidate would be fluent in English and have no familiarity with Jamaican ‘street patois’.
A resistance to ‘political correctness’ would be seen as advantageous.
Additionally, the candidate should be able to demonstrate a barbed wit that belittles pompous, puritanical left wing idealists .
The desire of the candidate to reverse his assigned gender from birth would meet with a degree of animosity bordering on hostility from the selection panel’.
I wish…
That last sentence is probably very much the case, as the Fascist left don’t actually like the people they use as tools / weapons to beat anyone that fails to agree with them!