The BBC has no qualms in identifying the colour of white ‘criminals’, even when they are not criminals. This is why the ‘evil’ white cop (Darren Wilson) killed an unarmed black teenager ‘Michael Brown’. Of course, when the facts come to light (not through the BBC) we find that Police Officer Darren Wilson acted honourably and in accordance with the law in dealing with a particularly stupid thuggish criminal who made some very bad choices. Facts don’t matter to the institutionally racist staff at the BBC who understand that white = bad and non-white = good.
No mention of colour or religion to develop a narrative in this case though:
If I may, BBC, I think your technique goes something like this:
“…..Some say that there is endemic racism within the Pakistani Muslim communities of the UK. Yet again we see young white children abused in the most violent way by men of predominantly Pakistani heritage, who submit to the barbaric medieval ‘religion’ of Mohammedism or Islam – which condones the sexual exploitation and enslavement of non-Muslim minors. For too long this anti kuffir conspiracy within the Labour Party, Local Councils and the Police force has been hidden due to institutional cuckoldry and racism. Muslim pressure groups from across the country have conspired to keep this behaviour out of the Mainstream media, despite the publication of the Jay and the Casey reports by the UK Government. Some say hundreds of thousands of white girls have been despoiled in this way. The BBC has picked up on ‘trending’ that #Whitegirlsmatter. Our journalists of integrity will be looking seriously into the fascism and patriarchy which appears to infect those who submit to Islam and to the very core belief systems of this pseudo-religious, anti-Semitic political system! Yes, you can trust that we at the BBC will be across this one!…”
If people want to know what’s going on they’re GOING POSTAL . As for the BBC – a sack of spineless amoral bottom feeders. Scrap the telly tax.
The BBC have decided to ignore everything that has happened in Cologne, Rotherham, every city in Europe infested by Muslim men and every single act undertaken by ISIS in the name of purest Islam, to shoehorn another sickening event in Islam’s war against the world to fit their ROP narrative. How many more innocent white girls will fall victim to the Muslim community preying on the sick, delusional and traitorous minds of the scumbags that run our councils, schools, social services, media and government. If any minority community in a Muslim country continually carried out these acts of war it would be a blood bath. And rightly so. Those denying or blatantly lying about the truth behind these relentless attacks on our people to fit their selfish, warped political views, have the blood and unimaginable pain of innocent young, defenceless girls on their hands
Indeed. Will this make the national BBC TV and Radio news?
Or stay buried within the local news for Leeds?
There have been other recent similar convictions in other towns. If the BBC was a News Service with journalists worthy of the name they would be connecting these cases and making many high-profile reports and be part of the movement to eradicate this engrained behavior (preying on young vulnerable white girls) by these sordid creeps from the Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Islamic community. No it’s not the “Asian” community you BBC idiots – Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, etc., are not dong this!
Imagine if these cases were groups of white Christians preying on young Islamic girls – wow there’d be nothing else on the BBC News at all.
I am now convinced more than ever that the BBC is a pernicious influence on our society. A self-serving, unaccountable, “state within a state” that should have it’s funding scrapped and left to fend for itself in a competitive environment. No wonder the BBC loves the EU – they are similar corporatist, undemocratic bodies that exist to serve and promote themselves by preying on the taxpayers.
The BBC has only one metric — Victim vs Oppressor.
Usually women are Victims (men being the Oppressors), but Muslims are higher on the Victimhood scale than European women, hence the BBC attempt to ignore the Cologne outrages.
Remember when Top Gear (white men) called Mexicans (sort of non-white) lazy? The BBC issued a grovelling apology to the Mexicans. Today, when the Mexicans (sort of white) stopped a Sikh (definitely not white) from boarding a plane, the BBC is four-square against the Mexicans, who have gone from being the victims of Top Gear and are now the oppressors of the Sikh.
Every BBC story fits into this category, and it makes understanding their coverage much easier.
Just as Islam executes apostates, the liberals cannot tolerate criticism of Islam. Imagine if they reported all the bad news stories about Islam that come up every day. Their couldn’t even be a pretence of the “religion of peace” shtick. This from my latest blog:
“That’s why anybody condemning Islam must be stamped on by our liberal masters. They don’t destroy critics of Islam because they are slandering a great and noble religion. They have to destroy them because they are telling the truth.
That’s why the Mail routinely labels all critics of Islam as “far-right”, a synonym for Nazi. And that’s why an article describing a PEGIDA march or an EDL punch up has more vitriol than one describing the murder of 130 innocent French enjoying a Friday night on the town.”
I really do not get the way liberals support Islam, the most illiberal religion on the planet. If Islam were to become the dominant religion here, the first thing they’d do away with (one way or another) is liberalism. It’s like the Jews voting for Hitler
Watch Nigel Farage Live tonight starts 7.30pm Say No To the EU.
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage will be in Bolton tonight for the next Say No to the EU Tour event, where he will discuss David Cameron’s sham renegotiation deal. You will be able to watch the whole Public Meeting from 7.50pm tonight (it says 7.30 on the viewing site window but 7.50 in the text).
Click on this link to watch>>>>>>>>
Breaking news in Bradford. Eleven “men” have received lengthy sentences for the systematic, long term rape of a thirteen year old girl. The usual, sordid and deeply ugly story, that we are all too familiar with, I’m afraid. One creep gets her hooked on alcohol and drugs and sells her on to his odious fellow travelers.
One of these vile specimens has managed to abscond to Bangladesh. Police say they’re attempting to get him back to face trial.
No need to worry. I’ve no doubt this charming enricher will soon be on his way back to Blighty.
As an asylum seeker!
That would be Eleven M****m men? Never to be put in print. The massive Elephant in the room is shitting on us all and stomping all over free speech and the facts
Much as I’d like to see this low life suffer I’d rather him fester in the Cesspit of Bangladesh. If ever there was a case for taking someones passport away its this but my bet is we won’t. If we put him on trial and he’s banged up, the taxpayer will have to keep him for the next few years- then when he comes out we won’t be able to deport him because of his ‘ right’ to a family life with his brood in Bradford. And who will be paying for them (over and above their existing benefits) while he’s in jail? Might as well just have to bankroll them with him out of the country.
Why on earth is anybody out on bail when they are on trial for offences like that?
What kind of judges would think that granting bail for such defendants is acceptable?
Witness intimidation, committing further crimes, absconding to another country etc etc
“Is Britain Racist?” tonight on BBC 3. Journalist Mona Chalabi investigates. Obviously we are – at least that is, white British people. Somehow i don’t suppose the investigation into our reprehensible bigotry will include the targeting of underage white girls by Pakistani gangs or even the statement by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown that she would like to see white men disappear as a race.
What a waste of our money. By any international comparison, Britain is amongst the least racist societies in the world.
I’ve come to realise that the BBC channels our license fee money to it’s chosen liberal-leftist, feminist, etc., groups by commissioning programmes like this and by inviting numerous commentators onto it’s programmes. Womens Hour must be a gold mine for leftist feminist groups.
Is Britain racist? Well compared to the shithole Mona Chalabi’s family came from we are must be like watching a box tick bingo, diversity love fest, piece of shite on Cbeebies! How dare the majority white population be continually race bated by the self proclaimed righteous and guardians of morality from ‘minority’ communities that were never asked for or wanted here. The fact that the natives have allowed this vile, bigoted woman to be on TV has answered her question. If she wanted to move back to the culturally enriched home lands of her people she would soon discover that the evil, racist, world hating white men of our wonderful islands are too bloody welcoming
Something never mentioned by the MSM and BBC is the fact that many Hindus and Sikhs despise Muslims and many Africans such as Nigerians have a similar mistrust or hatred of some of their fellow countryman.
The Metropolitan Elite would have us believe that the white ethnic British have a monopoly on racism and intolerance.
They are more racist than us because where they are from it’s not a crime to not like people who despise everything about you and your way of life. It’s human nature to want to protect the people you love and everything you care for. Words like racist and islamaphobia are just forms of name calling like we see in the playground. There should be factual and intellectual debates about why a dislike of someone exists. Its not an irrational fear to despise Islam and everything it stands for. Just like Sir Tommy said “how can we trust and accept a religion that will die and kill in the name of the words spoken by a man who killed hundreds and had ‘relations’ with young children”. That’s not irrational. The reason islamaphobia is used is because they cannot answer that question
End of last blog, so will publish again here if I may.
So hilarious. Tommy Robinson catches out Al Jazeera ex-BBC interviewer trying to trick him quoting from Old Testament, after intimating he was quoting from Quran. Tommy recognises the Bible quote and owns the guy. Brilliant.
What a great piece of footage. The media clowns have been slow to realise that it is so easy now to film an interview and post it online allowing others to make a direct comparison. They can be revealed for what they are so easily.
Tommy is now so media savvy that the only option available for those that claim to preside over us, and laughably assure us that they have our best interests at heart, will be to take him out of the game, citing some sort of freak “accident”….
That’s if the hard left or Islamist goons don’t get to him first that is..
Brilliant. Who is the dhimmi who is interviewing Tommy? Did he also put a veiled threat to see him down the pub for a ‘chat’ if he persisted? What a traitorous scum-bag the interviewer is. Worse than Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner.
Ex BBC I believe . His patronising “down the pub” comment shows his utter contempt for Tommy (who brilliantly made him look like an arse) and working class people in general.
That was beautiful to watch. Tommy handed that son of a bitch his arse, he absolutely owned him. I bet he collapsed in a heap of sweat and piss as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.
You notice that he seemed to “misunderstand” Tommy’s question about if a muslim was free to leave islam in Qatar, to be if you are free to leave Qatar? What a slimeball, he seemed so peeved that Tommy saw through his pathetic attempt to trap him; “oh, you’ve had that before?” Yes he probably has, by dhimmi scumbags just like you, you lying piece of reject beeboid filth.
Car Moron threatens us that if we leave the EU we will have migrant camps like the ‘jungle’ in places like Essex and Kent?
How the hell is this ? We have a natural border – The English Channel .
What do our Essex and Kent readers think about this ? – lets hear from you
Canada and other nations without the luxury of a ‘natural moat’ prevent this.
The illegal imigrants have only been heading to Calais and Sangatte for over twenty years because they know they have a chance of getting in .
Once we pay more attention to the security of our borders by getting our Border Forces back to where they were before the message will get home that they will not illegally invade our country.
France will soon get the message and deport the illegals and sort their problems out.
Scare tactics Mr Car Moron, scare tactics, in the hope of ensuring you a job in the EU Parliament. Put your country first .
Beyond the stealth editing, how often does one hear that with the BBC when the clowns in charge of the edit suite are peeling their faces off the inside of the windscreen?
On “news where you are” in London on BBC1 last night at around 10:30 pm, the “feelgood” final item (taking about 30% of time allotted) dealt with an “Open Day” at 25 mosques yesterday. Featured was Finsbury Park Mosque (famous imam alumnus was one Abu Hamza). Despite the tortured angles of the cameras there were, in truth, not many kaffirs in evidence. However, all was not lost. Besides PR for an outfit with very dubious antecedents the BBC gave the local MP a bit of free coverage. Yes none other than Jeremy Corbyn was shown with two Moslem children. Heartwarming possibly but, at the same time, a chilling illustration of the close links between two death-worshipping belief systems – Islam and extreme leftism – given approving publicity by an “impartial” BBC.
I am only interested in footage of a nation-wide ‘closing’ day for every mosque in this country…if only we had leaders with the will and determination to ensure this.
Got this little gem of the british army “ARSSE” website seems our esteemed biased bbc wont anytime soon mention any of these.
Right, another news broadcast, sponsored by Public Interest Lawyers. These “isolated cases” are starting to get a bit thick on the ground.
— Ostende (Belgium): gang rape of 17-year old girl by five Iraqis
— Düsseldorf: 12-year old girl raped by two “underage” refugees in children’s home (one of them is actually estimated to be 22 years old, but claims 17)
— Vienna: attempted rape
— Zwickau: repeated mass sexual assault in front of school / kindergarten
— Solingen: sexual assault
— Hanover: sexual assault (against female police officer — very clever)
— Munich: attempted rape / sexual assault
— Pinneberg: physical and sexual assault of a 75-year old woman
— Hanover: attempted rape
— Metzingen: sustained sexual assault against a 15-year old girl
— Hanover: attempted (gang) rape
— Brüggen: sustained sexual assault against 16-year old girl. Father of girl then posts a message on a social forum that includes some threats against the perpetrators; guess who gets done by police?
— Ludwigsburg: sustained sexual assault
— Bad Segeberg: massive sexual assault against 11-year old girl in public swimming pool
— Voerde: sexual assault / robbery
— Kassel: exposure & sexual assault
— Rüsselsheim: exposure & breach of the peace (wnaking in public)
— Reutlingen: sustained sexual assault
— Offenburg: sexual assault in the female changing rooms of a gym
— Northeim: sexual assault
— Vienna: American student gives shelter to deportee; gets raped and murdered in return
— Villach: attempted rape of 88-year old woman
— Marburg: sexual assault
— Sweden: wake for Alexandra Mezher has been cancelled in order to “not disturb refugees”
— Nottuln: 12-year old sexually assaulted on playground
— Meisenheim: mugging, sexual assault of 17-year old
— Wiesbaden: sexual assault on bus
— Tuttlingen: 19-year old girl sexually and physically assaulted
— Gärtringen: near-fatal stabbing
— Gütersloh: rape
— Tirol: attempted rape
— Leverkusen: 38 sexual assaults during first half of Carnival
— Wilhelmshaven: robbery; sexual assault of 11-year old girl in public swimming pool
— Bochum: robbery; attempted gang rape
— Düsseldorf: sexual assaults during Carnival
— Bocholt: sexual assault
— Limburg: grooming & sexual assault of two 13- and 14-year old girls
— Celle: mass sexual assault of two 11-year old girls in public swimming pool
— Eppelheim: sexual assault
— Sinsheim: sustained & repeated group sexual assaults, close to refugee home
— Moers: sexual assault against mother & child
— Schweinfurt: eight year-old girl raped in refugee center
— Quitzdorf: mother & child sexually assaulted on playground
— Landshut: 12-year old girl assaulted in public swimming pool
— Riesa: rape of six year-old girl (being a little bit covered up by police)
— Freiburg: migrants (poorly) pretend to be police officers and mug pedestrians
— Heppenheim: 17 year-old girl sexually assaulted by four Afghans
— Mainz: IS “commander” (who posed as refugee) and one potential suicide bomber arrested by police
I am writing to let you know the provisional finding of the Editorial Complaints Unit’s
investigation into the concerns you raised about a report on the above edition of Breakfast.
As I explained in my emails of 27 and 28 January, I have considered whether the reports on
the decision to charge a Chicago police office, Jason Van Dyke, with murder met the
requirements for due accuracy and due impartiality as set out in the BBC’s Editorial
I have watched the various versions of the story which were broadcast by Breakfast and I do
not believe there are grounds to uphold your complaint. I hope I can explain why I have
reached this decision.
I take your point that none of the reports explained the events which led up to the police
officer shooting the teenager, Laquan McDonald, including the fact he was armed with a
knife, damaged a police car and ignored instructions to drop his weapon. However, I noted
there were many other aspects of the incident which were also omitted. For example, the
report made no mention of the fact it had taken over a year for the police video footage of
the shooting to be released; it did not say the footage apparently showed Mr McDonald was
shot 16 times in approximately the same number of seconds; and it did not say the shooting
continued after he had fallen to the ground. In my view, all such background information
would have given the audience a better understanding of the context and the particular
circumstances of this event.
However, the omission of such information would not necessarily lead to a breach of the
BBC’s editorial standards. In order for me to uphold your complaint, I would have to
conclude that viewers were materially misled by the omission of the information you have
highlighted and their understanding of what took place had been significantly affected. I do
not believe that was the case. The new and salient fact was that Mr Van Dyke had been
charged with the murder of Mr McDonald. The report could have included the kind of
background details you suggest (or others as highlighted above) but that would not have changed the audience’s understanding of the new development, namely that a police officer had been charged with murder. I would add that it is generally accepted by viewers that brief news items, or updates on on-going news stories, will normally be limited to a summary of the latest development(s) and are unlikely to include comprehensive background information and details.
I note you have also asked how viewers are supposed to know “different opinions have been omitted from a story” and suggested there was no “opposing voice” leading to a one-sided presentation. The Editorial Guidelines refer to the concept of “due impartiality” where the term “due” means the impartiality “must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation. Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles”.
The guidelines also refer to the concept of Due Weight and say “Impartiality does not necessarily require the range of perspectives or opinions to be covered in equal proportions either across our output as a whole, or within a single programme, web page or item. Instead, we should seek to achieve “due weight”. For example, minority views should not necessarily be given equal weight to the prevailing consensus. Nevertheless, the omission of an important perspective, in a particular context, may jeopardise perceptions of the BBC’s impartiality”.
In this case, the language of the report was neutral and I don’t believe the wording went beyond stating new and relevant facts. The coverage did, at various times during the morning, also include a contribution from the Cook Country State Attorney, Anita Alvarez, but I think this was reasonable bearing in mind the requirements of the guidelines I have transcribed above. What’s more, viewers would have clearly understood Ms Alvarez was speaking as a prosecutor and would have judged her comments accordingly.
I appreciate you are unlikely to agree with my assessment, bearing in mind your previous comments. However, I would be happy to consider any comments you wish to make on my provisional finding before it is finalised. I’d be grateful if you could send me any comments by 22 February.
So this is the Provision report on my complaint to the omission of facts in a Breakfast report. Same old BBc still covering the bias. It was obvious he was shot & not obvious about the omissions I complained about. Still “due impartiality” that’s the first time the complaints department has pulled this one on me. Normally it is “balance over a period of time” or “we seek all views”
“due” means the impartiality “must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation. Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles”. All very well and good who decides on the weight of the balance because it never seems to be very neutral from where I’m standing. To prevent a sarcasm overload I’ll leave it a short time before I comment. Needless to say this was exactly the response I expected.
The BBC seems to have completely forgotten that its duty is to provide as much of the context as possible and let us decide what we think. They insult our intelligence with such obvious manipulation of the facts in order to steer opinion.
As usual I went on a little fishing trip on the internet to see if I can spot the person responsible for the “reply”. I found this
“Thank you for your email.
I hope I can clarify the points I was attempting to make.
In your initial email to BBC Complaints you said:
Please can you explain precisely why this change was made, why it was unacknowledged, what the source or sources of the substituted images were, whether Laura Kuenssberg’s narration which continued to inform audiences that the substituted film was “shown for the first time” “just as MPs voted” – i.e. on the evening of Thursday 29 August 2013 – was accurate and how the re-editing of the programme in this manner accords with BBC Editorial Standards?
I therefore understood you to have asked four separate questions:
why this change was made
why it was unacknowledged
what the source or sources of the substituted images were
whether Laura Kuenssberg’s narration which continued to inform audiences that the substituted film was “shown for the first time” “just as MPs voted” – i.e. on the evening of Thursday 29 August 2013 – was accurate and how the re-editing of the programme in this manner accords with BBC Editorial Standards?
As I explained, only one of those (the final point) is an issue which the ECU can address. I will await your further email by 16 June before I begin an investigation into the replacement of the footage and whether it led to a led to a breach of the BBC’s editorial standards.
“BBC Complaints” is the Capita office in Belfast. But I would say that your email was probably constructed by Fraser Steel. Fraser Steel is Immigration, Colin Tregear is Science, they even swap email identities to confuse, when they sent them direct to the complainants. But there are 29 other people in the Editorial Complaints Unit in London, but it looks like only two others in the unit are allowed to contact complainants directly, rather than go through Capita in Belfast.
The BBC says there are no guidelines to prevent them from doing ‘this’, no guidelines to require them to do ‘that’.
It is very convenient, isn’t it? What they are saying is that they no longer need to use integrity or honesty in their reporting, commentaries and discussions, nor be strictly factual.
I believe that if you tell them that you are thinking of changing sex, then they would be more likely to uphold your complaint and even give you an interview with Colin Tregear, the Editorial Complaints Unit, Complaints Director.
The minute the BBC alight on the ‘belief’ of a BBC staff member about BBC activity, you know they know they are in untenable situation in matters of sensible argument.
Sadly, the BBC also knows the BBC has nothing to worry about in this regard, as the BBC does not actually have to account for anything, to anyone, uniquely.
Having bemoaned the lack of HYS against issues of any importance recently the good old BBC has proved me wrong again. Here you can comment on proposed changes to Twitter.
Now I’m not quite sure what Twitter is but, apparently, Stephen Fry has used it to tell us which flavour of crisps he is eating (I would have guessed @rse flavour).
Can’t see this post lasting long.
185. Posted by NigeM
15 minutes ago
Bit rich coming from the BBC which filters the news, removing what it doesn’t want us to see and pushing its own agenda. There was a march by PEGIDA in Birmingham last weekend. The BBC ignored it, why? Why don’t we get impartial views on the EU and climate change? The BBC is too comfortable with its guaranteed income of £4bn of our money. I predict this post will be moderated.
Another great comment on the thread following the Twitter non-story:
240. Posted by JunkkMale
9 Feb 2016 02:16
Of course it should. But to do so it will need a unique funding mechanism to act as a pulpit for an out of touch minority to espouse their opinions in guise of news. £145.50 per annum from all in the UK by compulsion should cover it.
There was a story on breakfast about a “Finnish man” being detained I can’t seem to find anything on that story I was not listening very closely but his name didn’t sound like it was Scandinavian.
Didn’t watch it hate the “music” Beyouncy does. Apparently black power salutes being given. What would have been the case if it was white power salutes I wonder.
“With references to the Black Lives Matter movement, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, Beyoncé’s half-time show at the Super Bowl on Sunday might be the most radical political statement from the superstar in her 20-year career.
Backing dancers wearing Black Panther-style berets and clad in black leather were photographed after the performance posing with raised fists evocative of the black power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.
Snapped backstage, the dancers also held a picture with the slogan “Justice 4 Mario Woods”, who was shot dead last December by police in San Francisco, this year’s Super Bowl host city.
Woods, who was reportedly armed with a knife, was filmed as he was shot dead after being surrounded by about a dozen police officers. A lawyer representing Woods’s family has said he is investigating bringing possible criminal charges, claiming the officers acted like a “firing squad”.
The dancers’ visual homage to the Black Panthers marked 50 years since the formation of the group, which had its roots in Oakland, less than 50 miles from the stadium where the Super Bowl was played.
Founded by Huey P Newton and Bobby Seale, the movement was a revolutionary black nationalist organisation and one of the most influential civil rights group of the late 60s, but its connections to illegal activities led then-FBI director J Edgar Hoover to call it “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country”.
Beyoncé was widely tipped to be preparing to make a deeply political statement with her Super Bowl show after releasing a surprise single and video, Formation, on Saturday, which referenced both Hurricane Katrina and the recent mass protests across the US over police killings of unarmed young black men.
The video shows Beyoncé sitting on top of a police car and includes scenes showing a young black boy dancing in front of lines of riot police, who put their hands up, before cutting to a wall of graffiti that reads: “Stop shooting us.”
On Friday, Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z announced that he would donate $1.5million (£1m) raised at a charity concert run by his streaming service Tidal last year to the Black Lives Matter movement and other social justice organisations.
Beyonceé’s performance was not the only political statement of the night, with Coldplay’s set featuring a marriage-equality inspired rainbow wave of placards held up across the stadium, which spelled out “‘Believe In Love”.
Commentators said the message was indicative of how far the gay rights movement has come. “This was a combination of local pride – I was born and used to live in San Francisco – and the simple reminder of the country’s progress on LGBTQ acceptance,” wrote Seth Millstein of Bustle.
“Even five years ago, it wouldn’t have been conceivable for the Super Bowl to express an unabashedly pro-gay message during the half-time show.”
Black Power?…fine!
Confederate flag?…no, inflammatory!Remind me again-where did the Black Panthers stand on gun control?…the role of women?…
Chase the tumbleweed, but don`t forget to gyrate and look cool like the Black Panther of Childrens TV…Michael Jackson…mind all the trikes though, as you step over them all though.
.. which I am now reading. The author at times has the American tendency to talk with bags of pebbles in his mouth, an addiction to jargon which is only noticeable because it is unfamiliar jargon. However, what he is saying (and which is said in different ways throughout the parent site, ), is pertinent and informative to our own urgent discussions on what to do about jihad here in the UK. I recommend it to anyone who wants to pick up a reclaimed language and clearer vision of what is happening, the power relations between jihad and the left, and a basis for demanding a saner and more effective response to a mis-described and sanitised threat to our society.
I would be interested in hearing comments on the views it expresses, whether in agreement or disagreement. Any takers?
No problem Stuart.
Like yourself, I find it a bit wordy and “systems powerpointish”…but what I got out of it was
a) the two pronged attack on the West by Islam and Socialist forces…that work on both sides to crack the west like a nut in a pincer movement.
b) I see the Stateside forces as being a parasitic wasp that paralyses the body politic, while busily letting other insects weave their gossamer strands around any efforts to struggle, let alone speak out to prevent them.
c) The Umma=liberal substrate of unquestioned adherence to liberal capitulations in the cause of a quiet life, or a gated community to broadcast from…Peter Dobbie in Qatar maybe?
d) The Dawah=perpetual scourges and nit picking grievance hustlers paid for by Obama, EU/UN, “cheridees” or “academic fundings”…CAIR, Tell Mama etc
e) The Jihad is the perpetual lawfare, civilisational wars that originate in critical theory, post modernism and enforcing compliance based on codes of policital correctness.
Friends of mine would not risk the Pegida march, seeing as they work in the public sector-and would lose their jobs without face coverings…
I see the symmetry myself, so it helped me greatly.
Can I leave you with a perennial of mine…from Chris Parry in 2006…if THAT`S Not prophecy for today…then what is?…left his job soon after, and was sacked soon again after that…so draw conclusions before “drawing conclusions” will be seen as being a hate crime against Muslims…it already is offensive to the liberals of course.
And here`s a version that makes it clear that
“20,000 jihadists currently fly-papered in Iraq will be sex-starved, already fused into “white companies” to enact terrorism on a flaccid and decadent west that provides only WiFi, SIM cards and boarding passes to and fro from hell.
All young blokes, all Muslims on a mission-and soon we`ll not be safe to cruise the Med any more.
But did Blair and his Defence chumps listen at that time?..not as long as Brown could remove the body armour, and pay for a thick black marker pen to sign off on the deaths.
Called it Dianne I think!
On R4 news this morning; I hear that Camerloon thinks that if Brexit happens the French won’t allow British immigration officers in Calais and this would mean we would have camps like “The Jungle” in the south east of England (WTF?).
If that were true and it is only by the grace of France that we don’t have shanty towns springing up in Kent and Essex; isn’t that a terrible indictment of him and his government, to allow our country to fall into a position where the security or otherwise of its border is at the whim of another sovereign state?
A sovereign state which has allowed illegal immigrants to freely move through its territory, as long as they ended up on our doorstep.
I see the beginnings of a panic arising amongst our “Elite” similar to that which emerged prior to the Scottish referendum; when they promised the earth as it looked like they were going to lose after their scaremongering didn’t appear to have done the job.
The difference being that on the E.U. referendum, there are no promises they can make – they can only spread despondency and I’m not sure it will be enough.
I hope it won’t be enough.
Agreed. When I read Cameron’s comments about the shanty town moving across the channel I thought ‘Well then Cameron, you’re the PM, stop it happening’. Our politicians are a spineless bunch. Always ready to roll over rather than take action. They like the EU precisely because they can blame a faceless bureaucracy for our problems and just shrug their shoulders.
Correct Steve…my fear is that if, i hope, we vote for an exit….then we have a leader and govt that has the will and strength for the challenge of steering the nation through a rocky path, against furious pro EU interests, determined to undermine the new regime. Cameron has to go, the Labour Party exclude themselves for a start, so who?….as our present and past leaders have all fallen back on the get out, default position of blaming the EU when thwarted in reform. They will be alone…..and it’s all on their shoulders.
No, our politicians are simply lazy, it’s a hall mark of old Etonians, and there’s a lot in the cabinet. They like the EU because they can allow the EU to make 90% of the countries laws for them.
On top of that Cameron read all about Tony Bliar and is seeking to emulate him. Rather than actually implementing some policy changes, he’s too frightened to change anything, because he is so removed from the people, that he doesn’t know the difference between what they like and what they don’t !
Even if the French send our border guards back across the channel there is a perfectly simple solution, given the political will – you make the ferry terminals like airports, you create a small area in the terminal complex that is “water-side”, just like an airport has air-side. Anyone who arrives in this area who doesn’t have the appropriate paperwork is immediately returned on the next ferry/train.
Cameron is now showing just how absolutely desperate he is to remain in the EU. Well, maybe not him personally, but certainly those who are pulling his strings from the boardrooms of the big businesses who want the endless stream of cheap labour.
Essentially, the EU suits the patrician class which runs both it and the big businesses which rule our lives. They have far more in common with one another than with people like us, or the average Frenchman or German. They go to the same schools, they eat the same foods, read the same books, marry into the same caste – they are about as unlike us as Martians would be.
Being able to strike one deal that cuts out the possibility of uncomfortable competition using ridiculous compliance standards, thus allowing the EU market to be more or less owned by a handful of big companies, works fine for them, as does pretending to political differences which are paper thin.
Every few years they go through the ritual of staging sham elections – then proceed to do whatever the hell they were going to do anyway. Cameron is one of them. In every conceivable way.
When I was a child, the passport control was on the ferry. My father used to have to visit the office and get disembarkation cards for our family. No card, no entry to France. There is no reason why these people should be allowed off the boats.
If they’re found in the back of a lorry at the UK side, then they can be placed back on the ferry, in the brig, and sent back to France. It really isn’t very difficult – so long as the politicians want to do it.
In essence Camoron is implying that without our continued E.U. membership facilitating the acquiescence of the French in allowing the U.K. border to be in Calais, he could no longer guarantee to preserve the integrity of the border and therefore safeguard the lives of the subjects of the country for which he is the elected prime minister.
If he has concluded that to be the case, then in the interests of national security he should resign; to allow for the selection of someone who is capable of ensuring the proper defence of the frontiers of the kingdom and protection of those who reside within it.
Sorry-simply got to put up the whole Tommy Robinson/Al Jazeera “Inside Story”.
Only a Swiss public sector shill and an ex-BBC hack in Qatar could be so self-righteous, and they`re left flailing in Tommys dust.
(Combined intake of Anjems people by Switzerland and Qatar?…one girls netball team underage at best!)
Qick rosewater and a Turkish slipper bath for old Dobbin….I`d avoid the kebabs in Doha for the next few days.
Agree dave s.
Hope he`s OK and watching his back-can`t imagine that the BBC and Al Jazeera won`t be in cahoots after this fisking at the heart of their evil empire.
All well and good to preen like Frost or Rageh Omar…but they`re the safe socks that the liberals like to roll out by way of “passionate debate”.
As soon as you tell Qatar and its BBC ciphers about Islam on their channel….well, who knows?
Pray for the guy, and his victory…
Hilarious b*ll*cks coming out from the BBC website about the US Primaries.
It would appear that they have employed a member of the Democratic Party’s elect Hillary at all costs campaign as their ‘North America Reporter’, one Anthony Zurcher.
Here’s his latest offering: “US election 2016: The horror story of a Republican debate”
Listening to the BBC’s output you’d be forgiven for not knowing that at this moment in time over 150 FBI agents are actively investigating fraud and corruption charges against Clinton, in addition to her breaking the law over her use of a private email server and her instructions to junior staff to remove security classifications from documents before they were emailed to her.
You’d not be hearing about a major scam the Clintons have been running when she was Secretary of State and unedifying, corrupt countries were given favourable considerations. In return these countries, like Algeria gave large sums of money to the “Clinton Foundation”. You’d not be hearing about the humungous fees that the Clinons were given for speaking engagements as pay offs.
The scandal over her unsecured email server, which most insiders now think was hacked by the Russians and Chinese, and which contained the most sensitive of state secrets, may well be just the tip of the iceberg.
Then there’s the White House dimension. Will the idiot clown lean on his politically appointed bagwoman in Justice to try and squash the FBI investigation, and if so what will all those FBI agents do?
But of course, just like Pakistani rape gangs roaming the English countryside, this has little or no “news value” in the BBC bubble.
However if the head of steam becomes so great that it cannot be ignored any longer you just know that the BBC’s line will be that it is one “vast right wing Republican conspiracy”. Even the old crone Clinton has stopped using that phrase because everyone has noticed that she cackles everytime she utters it. And just about every observer, except the BBC’s Zurcher, has deduced that whenever the old crone cackles she’s lying.
One day someone will explain to me why it is illegal for a bank to give a politician a bribe of $200,000, but absolutely fine to pay them $200,000 to give a thirty minute speech to some bored executives in their lunch hour? I’d ask Gordon Brown, but he’s too busy giving speeches to Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan. Personally, I’d rather listen to Chubby Brown, but I wouldn’t even pay him $200,000.
Please can someone just ask Cameron, or one of the beeboids, on air, why they think that a refugee camp, like the jungle, near Folkestone would be a problem? Make them explain. Then make them explain how they plan to secure the borders if the will of the people is Brexit.
Cameron and all the other politicians would be toast if that situation was allowed to develop, they and their media chums know that. That’s why the agreement with France was made in the first place.
Hope everyone heard the report from Gothenberg and towns in Sweden tonight on PM. Even the BBC couldn’t spin what is unfolding there.
Gangs of migrants tooled up with knives and guns according to a Somali kid they interviewed. Police dealing nightly with disturbances involving scores (up to a hundred) of Afghans, Somalis and Syrians fighting each other and stealing from passers by in shopping malls. Police spokesman said it had got much worse since last summer.
The PM report on Gothenberg is on the iplayer. Gavin Lee reports from 22:25 in.
Our pathetic excuse of a prime minister’s latest pronouncements regarding the “refugee” crisis in Calais should, I hope, turn out to be a wonderful own goal. This really is scraping beyond the bottom of the barrel.
If, as he fears, the French rip up this Anglo / French agreement, then what does that tell us about our EU allies?
Is he telling us that the only argument for remaining in this corrupt organisation is that we’re afraid of being bullied. So what? Who gives a toss? In the past this country has managed to defend itself against invasion facing the might of the Spanish Armada. We defeated Napoleon. And in the 1940’s the most terrifying war machine that the world had seen was sweeping its way across Europe. It didn’t get here. If we really don’t want them here then what chance do a mob of third world spongers really stand? Absolutely no chance!
Cameron is, believe it or not, occupying the same residence as Maggie Thatcher and Winston Churchill.
Thank Christ the Falklands war was 30 years ago….
These aren’t Conservatives. They are a self serving elite in the guise of Tories.
The’ll stitch us up in Europe because this is not about the EU (nor is it about political parties any more) this is about US, the people, versus the media/ political establishment. And f%ck do they hate us even having even a sniff of power.
They will support each other to the hilt. Cameron has f*cked up big time with referendum – never expecting to have to hold it. Thinking that if he got in again he could blame a Liberal Democrat coalition for stymieing the referendum.
At least we can now see that the Conservatives aren’t really Conservatives and have been lieing about Europe for years
I see that the French authorities banned any Pegida style demonstration in Calais at the weekend. A small group led by the former commander of the Foreign Legion was arrested.
I mark this as a very significant event. I have no doubt the general speaks for millions of patriotic Frenchmen,
We shall have to wait and see.
On the lunchtime news we had a report from the Shetlands where a new gas pipeline has just come on stream. Something like a £2 billion investment and supply for 2 million homes (pretty constant too, I’d guess, unlike the useless windfarts).
However, the tone was extremely positive with not a single mention of ‘carbon’ emissions or the need for sustainable energy – not even the obligatory interview with an eco-fascist from Friends of the Earth (why don’t they just re-name themselves Enemies of Mankind?).
And, get this, our intrepid BBC reporter even told us how this new supply is critical to our energy security (admittedly, without explaining why).
I heard the early version on R4 at approx. 0630. There was a passing mention of some climate change b*ll*cks but it was something about gas, whilst still a fossil fuel, being much cleaner. As you state, there was none of the usual Harrabinesque histrionics about the imminent end of the world. Maybe the BBC pension has invested in it?
Amazing. However much one thinks this is incredulous, if only half true. My God this is shocking. Very interesting viewing this Rubin Report – New York TV Station, – episode with UK Pediga rep:
Thank you Charlatans for posting this and the previous Al Jazeera clip. This one hour interview with Tommy Robinson is as compelling a watch as I can remember seeing. The honesty, courage and integrity of this man shone through. His stories of growing up in Luton, forming his first protest movement, his imprisonment in a murderous environment, his understanding of where we are now, and his concern for his eight year old daughter being indoctrinated in the local multicultural school all showed me a different TR to the one I had expected.
As others here have mentioned, PEGIDA and specifically Tommy Robinson are very unwelcome intruders in the liberal-left BBC narrative, and we have seen this week-end the BBC’s no-platforming of PEGIDA. There is going to have to be a realignment of the establishment view of this protest movement. They are not far-right extremists, they are a vanguard of concerned citizens. The far-right extremists were battling it out in Dover the previous week-end, and in Calais the week-end before that. Look at the 10,000 people who turned out in Dresden. Not a whiff of tear-gas. Peaceful protest by ordinary people.
Not sure about George (although I agree with his view here) ever since he prevented Tommy Robinson from speaking (after allowing him on his radio show a few years back) and subsequently insulting Tommy and then switching him off. George is more than capable of holding a debate so why?
I believe that George’s stance is influenced by political survival and the views of his supporters, whoever they are at any given time.
The analogy of running with the foxes and the hounds comes to mind.
It’s difficult to know what to make of it from the details given. It may be just a storm in a teacup, or it may not.
But whatever the truth about goings on in Crewe, the fact remains hat the BBC is clearly either suppressing or downplaying stories which could show migrants in a bad light, to such an extent that we are now forced to turn to (with all due respect to Breitbart) a tiny team of underfunded, under-resourced reporters to bring us the truth.
There’s a wonderful line in a film spoken by the great Maggie Smith….. “if I can’t pronounce it I don’t want to eat it”. Well, I’m finding on a daily basis that my intelligence is being slowly eroded because I cannot pronounce (correctly) the names of either ethnic news readers or presenters that tv channels in this country now tend to employ. I long ago gave up watching Wimbledon when the Eastern Europeans with all the z’s in names became a major force, – the same with foreign players in our football league. Dhashni David on Sky gives me the shudders when she smiles, and Faisal Islam just stares creepily at me. An alien to this planet watching our tv ouput, would never believe that this is a mainly Christian country with over 90% of the population being white. What is happening ?
But then Sports->Women->Asian is unnatural too but so BBC.
If they could find a homosexual Muslim transgender citizen of Monaco that died in WW1 they would fill our screens with them rather than show the ‘big picture’.
What is happening. I had the same thought – I don’t watch a lot of TV but this Saturday I flicked on Channel 4 horse racing fronted by an Islamic presenter. Its not a bad program in itself but was frequently interrupted by DUBAI advertising the ‘many wonders of Islam’. The Arabs ‘like’ horses so it is a shared interest and yet its a worrying trend here in the UK that Arab money buys ‘prestige’ to hide the ever present Saudi atrocities across the Arabic regions. Vast tracts of London prime property is also Arab financed (including major landmarks such as the Shard). And then we have the BBC HQ in Salford Quay, Manchester which is rented from a duo of property speculators which is joint owned by Labour property speculators (at 25%) and Arabic property investors (75%). For the BBC – this price of ‘independence’ rental is not secret – plus they still have the ‘TAX FREE” breaks as would a ‘real’ charity (i.e. relief on business rates), flexible ‘off shore’ tax free funding, several ‘private’ BBC ventures that make little profit but keep the top cats in kitty litter. Many of our top Universities are accepting funds for ‘Islamic studies’ which are also disturbing when the hordes arrive, the ‘students’ will have everything ready for them. A home from home. England has been put up for sale and sold.
That she may be, until she opens her mouth and smiles. A great deal of women believe David Beckham is gorgeous, until he too deigns to speak, then its a Tweety Pie re-incarnation !
More pathetic pro-EU BBC propaganda, with Evan Davis interviewing Rob Wainwright, head of EU quango Europol (an intelligence gathering operation for European countries with no legal jurisdiction unlike the international Interpol, and thus another layer of unnecessary bureaucracy ). Of course the soft-balling interview climaxed with Davis suggesting Wainwright was probably going to vote for staying in the EU, which his interviewee duly obliged with bilge about putting the safety of the British people first, and yes, he would be voting to stay in the EU. Quell surprise, and job done Newsnight.
That was a hard question: “Would you like to leave your cushy number with its tax free salary and massive pension, and go back to the UK and do some actual police work?”
Would Thatcher have voted to stay in the EU ? – watch Al Beeb’s take and bias on this .
What do think Margaret would have done ?
IMHO she would have sorted them out years ago !
BBC hero-worship of one Jurgen Klopp continues this morning.
Following a convenient appendix problem that kept him away from the bench for the ticket price demo at Anfield we are told the German is soon fully recovered. BBC spin on his words imply he somehow endorsed or supported the protest. In fact the live clip of his press conference shows nothing of the sort. His statement was neutral and bland. BBC reporters are allowing their own condescending tip of the hat to the scoucers to blur their reporting.
Meanwhile Rory Bremner gets a BBC plug for his live shows because – wait for this – he’s going to visit ‘storm/flood-damaged towns’.
Unbelievable. Perhaps Rory can come to your town and do an impression of Klopp walking on the flood waters.
I noticed that he avoided doing an impression of Corbyn but put the boot into Jeremy hunt via cameron and had a dig at Trump. Floods all the fault of the tories Blah Blah Blah. Aren’t labour jolly good and everybody made a big mistake on May 7 2015.?
some revolving door left wing rent a gob was doing the paper review LOL on sky news……another leftist shit fest with ad breaks……but anyway…….normal dig at Donald with the typical old canard of “imagine Trump in charge of the nuclear arsenal”
what a load of old bollocks they do spout
know what’s infinitely more dangerous and scary?Leftist retards in free reign over the MSM pumping incessant bilge and lefty agenda filled programmes into people’s living rooms day and daily…..toxic to the max
and of course “funny man” Bremner does the usual hypocrite leftard dig at the man’s appearance
funny how they can do that without the merest hint of irony,but BatmanJelly never gets a mention?
A walking advert for a very bad curtain shop
wankists one and all…….their Ceaucescu moment cant come soon enough
Gosh what a diverse place Shetland has become since I went there a while back.
Caught up with Fridays episode last night, our hero DI is surrounded by it, his daughter’s new boyfriend is ‘of colour’ his female boss just happens to be a lesbian with baby and even he succumbed to a (very attractive) Asian lady, mixed relationships obviously very common on Shetland, maybe someone can correct me?
There is absolutely no BBC product that isn’t stuffed with agenda, their lack of subtlety makes so bloody obvious that they’re not even trying to hide it, if it wasn’t so sad it would be bloody funny.
I do wonder if the dumbed down majority/masses actually see the agenda, or do they lap it up an believe it?
The worst thing about that Shetland show isn’t the unlikely effniks, it’s that nearly everybody there speaks with a west-central scottish accent. And then you can move onto judging the drama by its terrible structure, script and acting. Laughably bad.
This “mixed-race/diversity” agenda is everywhere now.
Shetland was massively over the top as you point out but there are so many other examples.
Any advert featuring a couple/family is only out of the ordinary now if the said couple/family is not mixed race.
I watched “Lucky Man” on Sky – Asian female bobby in relationship with white colleague.
Try watching Midsomer Murders on ITV now – my God!! Every week features a mixed race couple and plenty of other smatterings of racial/gender/sexual equality – couple of weeks ago we had a female, Asian, lesbian RAF officer – I shit you not.
I can honestly say – and I live in the NE of England – that I know no mixed race couples. There are none at my children’s schools, there are none at my place of work. So where is this “normality” that is being rammed down our throats?
Could it have anything to do with the pressure to accept the hoards currently invading Europe?
The agenda is there for all to see – if people don’t they are willfully blind.
But then, with horrors stories such as Rotherham, Keighley etc there is plenty of “head burying” going on.
My goodness,I continue to be amazed why the Conservatives put up with such a lying, weak and lazy leader such as Cameron. This latestet episode with regards to scaremongering epitomises his deviant untrustworthy personality. As I have said before I feel very sorry for the Conservative voter, but even they must be so embarrassed with the low level of morality embraced by leader. How depressing.
His use in the politics of fear has completely backfired. His utter arrogance assumes us to be fools. The French have said that they would not, I repeat, not pull out of its border arrangements with UK should the the UK vote to leave the EU. Cameron’s threat that the migrant camps currently based in Calais would move to Kent because France would pull out of current border arrangements. Vast numbers would arrive overnight.
As Prime Minister of this country, Cameron should know that the 2003 treaty is an entirely separate entity to membership of the EU. Cameron’s claim is therefore completely undermined. Not only that, but any potential change to this treaty would require two years notice. So Cameron is either poorly briefed of intentionally lying.
I’ve often wondered why these migrants at Calais don’t seek asylum in France, I gather that with regards to France, gaining access to asylum is more difficult than it is in Britain where all any migrant has to do is foot on on our soil and then they can immediately claim asylum. So clearly the asylum laws in this country need to change. My point then follows, why hasn’t Camerloon sorted out our asylum laws instead of making false comments about the Calais migrant issue. Make our asylum laws stricter, similar to France (with delays,inertia) and the Calais camp may well go.
Saying that maintaining the current position on border controls would be unchanged does rely rather heavily on the French not telling lies or reneging on agreements.
At what point did the French change their policy of not doing us any favours, ever?
Yes Beltane, you raise a good a point and I have upticked your comment as a result, however, my point is that I want to have belief in our Prime Minister demonstrating a degree of integrity. Dave has shown himself to be wanting in this domain. If the French renege on the the treaty then so be it, shame on them if they do, but we must maintain our dignity and honesty. This is a quality Cameron seems to lack. I have many Conservative friends and they feel very let down with Camerons pro EU stance.
If the French authorities let the swarm reach the ferries the resulting chaos at the docks and on the ferries will paralyse the ferry system, which will have a massive impact on Calais. The current position is bad for Calais, but throwing the problem at the ferry companies will destroy the town’s economy.
RJ, absolutely. It is unlikely that the French will renege on the treaty, however if they choose to do so then our second front is a thing called border control and if this needs to be increased then we can recruit more people to aid it’s function. This can be financed by using some of the 55 million a day we will save by not being in the EU. This will in turn also reduce unemployment and give proper jobs to a number of people.
So the French have the satisfaction of kicking us in the balls and we have the desired result of properly controlling our borders and reducing unemployment. Luvly jubbly! everyone’s a winner (except for the illegal immigrants!)
And what about the disabled?
We have a wheelchair bound person featuring on Silent Witness and another one in the office of Vera I think (or another of the cop shows).
I’ve looked at Wheelchair use statistics in the past – most wheelchair users, surprise, surprise, are very old and infirm. The number of working age full-time wheelchair users is tiny, despite what the ‘disability industry’ would have you believe.
It is therefore the case that able-bodied people are increasingly ‘under-represented’ in TV drama, something which presumably the politically correct bBBC executives are pleased about.
My thoughts exactly Geoff, on the Shetland ‘mix’. Vera (another Anne Cleeves writing) is going down that route too, with an ethnic Pathologist – as on Midsomer. Why get rid of the previous ‘white” actor who held the role ? his repartee with ‘Vera’ was entertaining in itself. Its oh so blatant now, and like the above poster, I only see mixed race couples on the television – not where I live; but of course these relationships are no doubt much more prevalent where tv progs (and advertisements) are made i.e. London and Salford !!!
As in my previous post above about over-egging of ethnicity, I’m getting thoroughly cheesed off AND uncomfortable with it all.
Sadly, this isn’t just BBC policy – it’s a conspiracy by almost the entire broadcast media. In fact (and I confess I haven’t gone back to research the actual dates) my impression is that it probably began with TV advertising and then spread to drama. As you say, it has now reached ludicrous proportions but that won’t stop the meeejah dahlings propagandising their fantasy version of reality.
I’m at the point that I can’t watch drama of any description, Shetland one might think would be devoid of it, the same with Call The Midwife, but no both are stuffed with diversity and were it not for Mrs G watching them, I wouldn’t, but she can see it as well.
Its also creeping into quiz shows, The Chase (the only one I watch) often has questions relating to Islamic culture, as though the answers should be common knowledge.
As far as the ads go, if they’re not pushing sob sob emotive help the foreigner charity porn, or if you’re over 60 you’re stupid, infirm, we want your money and you should be planning your funeral, nearly every ad runs to the formula of strong women, mixed race couples, men are emasculated and extremely stupid.
I find it not only uncomfortable, but I also find my blood pressure rise in disbelief in what has happened and in a relatively short period of time to this country. I’m thinking of patenting a wrist strap for the remote control (same as a Wii remote) so that at least you can throw the remote at the screen, but keep your 50″ safe, (37 in my case, but that’s my problem!)
Lefties believe that wars are fought due to nationalism and tribalism hence their support for miscegenation which they believe will solve all problems. But of course the biggest present day cause of war is religion, yet on this they are strangely quiet – unless they think that when we are all muslim we will all be at peace, conveniently forgetting that muslims are mainly killed by…………muslims
I gave up with British drama ages ago, the BBC is not the only offender but it is by far the worst for trying to show us a multicultural wonderland, albeit with some nasty white villains – portrayed usually as grasping businessmen or wife-beating yobs. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had shoehorned an ethnic person into their latest War & Peace.
Anyway nowadays I just stick to iPlayer documentaries. I watched Winter Watch recently, which was based in Scotland. Delroy Lindo made an appearance – he is an experienced birdwatcher and does know his stuff, but apart from him the studio audience in the ‘Unsprung’ show was noticeably devoid of any person of colour. I was very surprised the BBC didn’t bother to bus in any ethnics to the Highlands, maybe it was a little chilly!
I had a watch of Vera the other night. As is usual with these cop shows, the plot was stupid when you thought about it, but I was also taken by the fact that very few of the actors could manage a North East accent. Although it is set in Newcastle, you would think most people there speak a sort of generic “Northern” accent, perhaps as taught at Rada.
As to the mixed race couples thing, it is so obvious as to be laughable. The latest is some pathetic car advert which gives Ant’n’Dec (who do at least have Geordie accents) a chance to earn a few more much needed quid doing the voiceover, while a mixed race couple look at some car I won’t be buying.
It’s not just the BBC, the entire liberal arts establishment is the same. The thing they seem not to to have thought through is that if mixed race relationships were as common as they imply, given that Britain is 85% white, within a couple of generations we would have bred out “people of colour” altogether. I suspect that would not be the result these left wing airheads want though, is it?
Not bragging but just have to say where we live in the South of France near Spanish border, a face with a hint of colour is unusual and a dare I say it a black one (what IS the PC word this week??) is so rare you have to look twice when driving past. In 2 years have not seen a mixed race couple . We normally joke when we see a non- white person that they must be on their way to Calais.
Mrs Kitty , is that Perpignan?I have been down to the Spanish border from there. When Sarkozy was President, took the train to Port Bou,not sure on spelling, crossed into Spain & on return French Police wanted to see my passport, which I didn’t have. I said, what about Schengen, they said, we check all documents now.I had only my Holiday Inn, keycard & driving licence. Luckily they could see I was of European stock, & let me in.
More rural near Quillan but we go to Perpignan for the Rugby league. At the moment with state of emergency we carry our passports all the time. We often see customs officials whizzing around as people try to smuggle booze , cigs and funny substances from Andora via our mountain road.
We went over the border here on the sea corniche road from Collioure into Spain and came back down the main road next to the Motorway. We had no passports and there was an almighty queue at the border. OMG we thought, we can’t get back into France. It turned out on the other side of the border were a row of shops with the worst parking arrangements imaginable. Just one car backing out of a space brought the whole road to a standstill, hence the queue.
But no gendarmes or Police National to check us back in……….
Bit off topic, but nice part of the world. Europe, of course. Not EU.
More nanny nonsense from the newscaster that knows best.
Now sun tan lotion is measured in teaspoons apparently. They don’t specify if it should be taken internally or externally, or if there is a sugar-free version.
I would have thought the BBC would be encouraging people to darken their skin not discouraging it?
Perhaps these BBC drama series are actually set two generations in the future when we will be living in Eurabia and white christians will be obliged to pay a tax to avoid converting to Islam.
BBC websites dominate the market in online news views
Subtext – a triumph for the BBC, a vindication of its attitudes and beliefs, a verification it is in tune with the public.
Not mentioned – the ‘domination’ is entirely driven by a monster budget paid for by licence fee payers. Most of the rest of the market have to find their own funding, and so work on fractions of the bBBC budget.
This is just a classic share-of-voice marketing story. As in advertising, the advertising spend as a % of the total spent approximates to the market share, only in this case the ‘market’ does not really operate as it is totally distorted by the bBBC’s funding – or sponging.
I look forward to the BBC agitating as to whether such a large share of the media audience is healthy in a democracy and should be broken up. After all, had it been Rupert…
I think he made the referendum pledge as a way to shoot Ukip’s fox at the general election, but he did not expect to have to go through with it, because he imagined he would be in coalition with the LibDems again, something which suited him, as he is a wet Tory of the Heseltine variety.
Actually winning an outright majority, and having to put his pledge into action must have been a huge shock to him. You can see his heart wasn’t in it by the pathetic “renegotiation” he pretended he did, which was straight out of Harold Wilson’s 1975 playbook. The difference is that in 1975 Britain was the sick man of Europe, and we thought the Common Market would help us. In 2016 Britain has recovered, the EU is sinking, and Merkel has just invited the muslim world to come and live here.
Anyone who votes to stay in this sinking ship needs his head examined.
I see that the polls ( which probably have under-recorded the leave vote anyway) now show a leave majority in at least one instance. I think Cameron and the whole establishment of pro-immigration pro-EU dictatorship traitors are going to get a hell of a kicking in this referendum.
Cameron and all in his cabinet who have cravenly followed his lead should resign from the government after the referedum vote to leave. If Boris Johnson, Michael Gove etc had any guts they would start openly supporting leave now. The reward could be to replace Cameron.
Only the first salvo in a slurry of ignorance disguised as “informing “us so that we might be scared off from voting to leave.
But Cameron will not be hounded by the BBC for this porkie for Islam…for the ends always justify their means.
And if it lingers as a miasma over just a few waverers…well the BBC will keep it “on the record”
Lazy, phoned-in portents of what we`ll be getting…hopefully, it`ll stain the BSE cause.
Definitely NOT a story that You and Yours will be rushing to follow up on.
The good doctor will probably need to check his brake cables for the next few weeks.
It is an article of faith at the BBC that only immigrants keep the NHS going. Native Britons are too thick or lazy to be doctors, nurses or cleaners. The only problem the NHS has is the number of old, white bed blockers who refuse to die quickly enough to make room for the new population Tony Blair imported, though many hospitals seem to be doing their best to help the old folk on their way as quickly as possible.
Think I now see what they meant about the NHS “depending on immigration”.
Until now I thought it was to get more brain surgeons…now I know it`s because we`re not ill enough, get too much attention when we are-and the doctors would be lounging around on strike or at the golf club near Harley St if they relied on whitey and her granny for supply.
Hence the need for more sick migrants with ever more-interesting diseases to keep them occupied-like Soduku, or the Daily Mail crossword.
Never occurred to me that we weren`t ill enough to justify all that NHS care like mid-Staffs etc.
Thank Allah for FGM, thank the BBC for transgendering types-all of who(by stress- testing our glorious NHS) save the NHS, keep it fresh and fit for when dad needs a drain, niece needs a fracture dealt with.
Surely the NHS could now trawl the world for more diseases in need of our reconsideration…TB, diptheria, dengue?…the university hospitals have been seeking medically qualified, let`s now seek more ill people from those places….(if THAT`S not on the BBC within a week, they`re not tuning in here as much as i thought!)
Would be interesting to know how much of the medical care provided by the NHS is taken by immigrants. We always hear that immigrants are keeping the NHS going, but are immigrants also responsible for the increase in demand for services?
If you have been to a hospital in Birmingham recently you would have a fairly good idea of the answer to this. Yes there are many hard working immigrant staff but there also appears to be a significant proportion of ‘immigrant’ patients. I’m not sure whether the NHS records the ethnicity of patients but it would be useful to know that statistic.
Of coure they are making heavy use of maternity services in particular, but also Third Worlders and Eastern Europeans with health problems are deliberately coming here to steal NHS care. The rise in TB and HIV is entirely due to foreigners.
Noted in the daily Mail that the Queen would listen to Wogan-but never to “Today” because it angered her.
I myself see that useless lefty piece of Wailing War crap to be an unplumbed Deschamps art installation for the left.
I see it as the Lefts morning bidet…a suitably comforting place to put your old nakkas in a warm bath of self-regard…sets them up for day, as long as the lower orders pick out the pubes and flannel flakes after they`re all done.
Pity that we the cleaning staff at this f***in hotel of theirs pay THEM to dump their bollocks and fannyflaps in it, for us to maintain and clean…most hotels I know THEY`D be paying to wet their wangs..yet we the soumises sponge them down on cue.
An umplumbed B`day by the Calais jungle, tackle on display for any passing trade with dusky musky potential…that`s our BBC “fagship”…sorry, just heard Mishal Husain telling the Hillsborough survivors that it`s only right to pay more to watch footy…a true fan like Mishal WOULD know wouldn`t she?…a phone-it-in phoney to match MontyGoo
I see that the trailer for the TV programme “Happy Valley” takes a passing gratuitous swipe at Cameron & May over massaged crime figures. I do not doubt the government’s capacity for spin, but did BBC programmes take similar incidental swings at the past Labour government?
Actually, he’s a strange choice for the BBC, he’s a devout Christian, from Wiki…
“Walker is the son of a Baptist preacher, and his own Christian faith developed in his youth and early adulthood He has never worked or played sport on Sundays as a result”
I was interested at the BBC’ interest in the US Superbowl. How nice of our state broadcaster to show an interest in the sporting activities of our friends across the pond. Ah, But Beyonce was the half time star doing her Black lives Matter/Hate white cops / love the Black Panthers routine. I noticed on a US blog that she had an escort of motorcycle cops who blocked the roads for her safe transport to the site And I bet the BBC never mentioned that many cops turned their backs on her in protest when she did her routine.
And after all the fuss about the racist Oscars, and we have a racist Superbowl performance.
Just in case you don’t get the message in the BBC’s support for Beyonce’e (controversial – my word here) performance, there is a further BBC article at the bottom of the piece titled, ‘Why do the US police keep killing unarmed black men?’
Yup-the Good Rebellion is here.
Black Power-and the Black Panthers that came with it were rapists, gun toting bullies and thugs who kidnapped and tortured their way around every idiot white lefty cause , swapping Mao quotes as they killed innocent businessmen or abused teenage kids.
Yup-very Islamic, before we knew it.
Malcolm X?….now we get an affectionate tribute to him?…from a billionaire bootyshaker who married another faux rebel-and seems happy to be channeling chief kiddie fiddler Michael Jackson?
Still-as long as the sponsors and the Great God Sport is assuaged eh?
Nest week?…Dianne Abbott dressed in Jimmy Saviles string vest and sweatpants parking up in the Labour pink van at Brentfords next match?…KKK dancers behind her maybe waving a confederate flag?
Dumbed-down BBC news, and worse still sport, can hold just about one-and-half Pee-Cee narrative ideas in the collective brain at any one time.
Don’t believe me? Our reporter from Dunblane on the new Andy Murray tartan sprog ponders (à la Alan Partridge):
“I wonder if this could be a future British Wimmin’s Tennis Number One…?”
For goodness sake! I thought these days we shopped in Australia for plastic Brits as Wimmin’s Tennis Number Ones?
In any case since when did the BBC sign up to genetic determinism to the extent that the sporran droppings of that mardy ‘anyone but England’ blubber of the tennis world ‘dour’ circuit and last minute SNP divide Britain Tweeter would a priori drop a world beating she grunter and groaner of the modern game?
How it passed the hive minders I do not know but I watched “Went the Day Well” on Film 4 . The film about a German invasion of an English village .
It would never never get made today or anything remotely like it. The people and the attitudes had more in common with our distant ancestors who fought at Hastings and at Waterloo than with the metropolitan decadents infesting England now.
It has everything they really hate. An idyllic and unmistakeable English village. The fields and the the countryside are perfectly portrayed. The courage of the English of all clases and particularly of the women ( how something like that must annoy our liberated useless wimmin)
The determination to remain defiant and humorous whatever happens is a theme throughout. A perfect antidote to the BBC and the liberal media’s portrayal of a fine people as basically rubbish now.
Try to watch it and wonder at just what a fine nation we once were and need to be again.
And to those who say there is no such place as England or people as the English this film gives the lie to that.
That’s why the usual suspects hate the Armed Forces, as they have been operating like that from the Medieval Period. Royal Navy, & the Armies of the Nobility, then Cromwell founded the New Model Army,which is the basis of England’s 1st Standing Army (State employed) that we have now.
News at lunchtime – some halfwit taking Starbucks to court as they didn’t take into account her dyslexia when she was caught falsifying temperature and product records. Naturally she’s coloured and probably muslim. Tearfully she recounts how she ‘thought about suicide’.
The TV was quickly switched off by my good lady before the remote was launched at it.
Fucking BBC emoting over this pish yet not a thing about the child raped by 11 muslims in Oldham.
I’ve often thought they hit a new low, but this time they really are the scum of the earth.
As I was listening to this report, I could hear a small, irritating whine. At first I thought it was a mosquito with the Zita virus, but fortunately it turned out to be the sound of the world’s smallest violin. Oh, the humanity! How dare Starbucks think they have a right to expect their employees to be able to read and write! Next thing, they will expect them to be able to make a decent cup of coffee (only joking, that would be a real breach of their human rights).
Maybe if she`d thought more about how to make a latte-or help her employers pay less tax, as any employee should-then she`d have had less time to fiddle her eco charts.
Maybe the BBC could now employ her to tell us how many viewers their shows get…how many junior doctors are on strike…or how many Germans care about Volkswagens product fiddles.
Oh those poor victimised engine testers at VW….
I thought that the Starbucks piece was trivial rubbish and not worthy of coverage on a national news programme. I can only assume that the BBC was pursuing its usual multi-culti, anti- white agenda. The fault that Starbucks made was in promoting a woman to a job in which she could not fulfill key criteria. Once they had realised their error they should have given her a different job. We can’t do workarounds for every person who cannot record simple data when its part of the job requirement.Before our crazy EU inspired employment laws emerged this would have been beyond dispute. Now theres a lefty uproar and another example of our grievance culture.
On the subject of inappropriate people being employed to keep lefties happy, there was a You and Yours almost 20 years ago where a Nigerian lady had applied for a job at a small company which involved, amongst other things, telephone sales. However, she had trouble reading and speaking English so didn’t get the job. She complained of discrimination and a SJW came on the programme to support her. What the small businessman who owned the company should have done, explained the lady SJW, was to employ an English speaker AND the Nigerian lady. After 6 months our talented immigrant should have got a grasp of the work expected and the English lady could be disposed of. Of course the cost of all this, as the company did not have access to the Socialist Money Tree, would have to be from the bottom line of the company – that is the Wicked Capitalist’s wages. Any normal person would have asked about the fairness to the redundant English worker cast aside, the whole cost of this “solution”, and did the SJW have any experience in the real world of business. Nothing from the presenter, though but definitely I got the impression that she was equally appalled at this “injustice” to a guest of our fair island. What planet do these Beebs live on!
There can now be little doubt that our Prime Minister courts BBC approval as a priority. Hence the liberal nature of Dave’s peculiar and distracting initiatives. Just think about his recent foray into prison reform. Cameron paints a picture of prison failure “failure of our system today is scandalous” Well just one moment, Mr Cameron, this is a ‘public service’ run by civil servants – don’t blame and shame all of us. You tax us to pay you to run this stuff – and have done for decades – so if there are failings put the blame where it is due. But no, apparently the state of the prison service “should shame us all”. Of course the media led by the BBC lap it up.
This is a similar tactic to that used by President Obama who regularly berates US society at large and delights his liberal media worshippers by characterising the US people as bigoted and backward and in need of a sound professorial ticking off from the great man.
I think I heard Cameron wail about 40% of prisoners going on to re-offend. That’s because they’re villains!
They`re very good at Islamic conversion though-which in a sense we should all be happy about-those Sunday School trips out and a long-prayed for return to colouring books and bible study.
Lord knows how much we`re paying for all the schoolgirl dolls though…
Agreed AISI,
Cameron is very similar to Blair, both liars, both arrogant, both completely detestable, both liberal, Cameron could fit easily into right wing Labour.
The fact the supposedly “most powerful” man (woman/woman now man/man now woman/man who has op to become woman but doesn’t want to be gender identified) in the whole of UKistan has to pander to those fuckwits, shows how royaly screwed we are. The more I see of our traitorous scumbag political and media elite, the more I see the similarities with the peace loving 13 year old doctors and engineers we are begging to come and enrich us. All inbreds, at war with the evil racist white population and ready to blame it all on the nasty natives for forcing the ROPers into enriching thousands of innocent, defenceless underage girls.
Listening to some book program on Radio 4 before the news, I thought the 2 guests a little strange. The woman sounded a bit butch and the man sounded a bit effeminate. Imagine my surprise to find out later that the guy is bisexual and the woman is trans. BBC catering for its core audience again as usual.
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NTDWI BBC. Anti white people bias.
The BBC has no qualms in identifying the colour of white ‘criminals’, even when they are not criminals. This is why the ‘evil’ white cop (Darren Wilson) killed an unarmed black teenager ‘Michael Brown’. Of course, when the facts come to light (not through the BBC) we find that Police Officer Darren Wilson acted honourably and in accordance with the law in dealing with a particularly stupid thuggish criminal who made some very bad choices. Facts don’t matter to the institutionally racist staff at the BBC who understand that white = bad and non-white = good.
No mention of colour or religion to develop a narrative in this case though:
If I may, BBC, I think your technique goes something like this:
“…..Some say that there is endemic racism within the Pakistani Muslim communities of the UK. Yet again we see young white children abused in the most violent way by men of predominantly Pakistani heritage, who submit to the barbaric medieval ‘religion’ of Mohammedism or Islam – which condones the sexual exploitation and enslavement of non-Muslim minors. For too long this anti kuffir conspiracy within the Labour Party, Local Councils and the Police force has been hidden due to institutional cuckoldry and racism. Muslim pressure groups from across the country have conspired to keep this behaviour out of the Mainstream media, despite the publication of the Jay and the Casey reports by the UK Government. Some say hundreds of thousands of white girls have been despoiled in this way. The BBC has picked up on ‘trending’ that #Whitegirlsmatter. Our journalists of integrity will be looking seriously into the fascism and patriarchy which appears to infect those who submit to Islam and to the very core belief systems of this pseudo-religious, anti-Semitic political system! Yes, you can trust that we at the BBC will be across this one!…”
If people want to know what’s going on they’re GOING POSTAL . As for the BBC – a sack of spineless amoral bottom feeders. Scrap the telly tax.
The BBC have decided to ignore everything that has happened in Cologne, Rotherham, every city in Europe infested by Muslim men and every single act undertaken by ISIS in the name of purest Islam, to shoehorn another sickening event in Islam’s war against the world to fit their ROP narrative. How many more innocent white girls will fall victim to the Muslim community preying on the sick, delusional and traitorous minds of the scumbags that run our councils, schools, social services, media and government. If any minority community in a Muslim country continually carried out these acts of war it would be a blood bath. And rightly so. Those denying or blatantly lying about the truth behind these relentless attacks on our people to fit their selfish, warped political views, have the blood and unimaginable pain of innocent young, defenceless girls on their hands
Even an SNP councillor is starting to get the idea!
So the complainant said “I considered many of the people she was referring to as friends.”
Rest assured love, if they were muslims the friendship wasn’t reciprocated!
One SNP representative who won’t get an invite to Question Time.
‘They’ must be reading this site ? …………………….
Indeed. Will this make the national BBC TV and Radio news?
Or stay buried within the local news for Leeds?
There have been other recent similar convictions in other towns. If the BBC was a News Service with journalists worthy of the name they would be connecting these cases and making many high-profile reports and be part of the movement to eradicate this engrained behavior (preying on young vulnerable white girls) by these sordid creeps from the Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Islamic community. No it’s not the “Asian” community you BBC idiots – Chinese, Japanese, Hindus, etc., are not dong this!
Imagine if these cases were groups of white Christians preying on young Islamic girls – wow there’d be nothing else on the BBC News at all.
I am now convinced more than ever that the BBC is a pernicious influence on our society. A self-serving, unaccountable, “state within a state” that should have it’s funding scrapped and left to fend for itself in a competitive environment. No wonder the BBC loves the EU – they are similar corporatist, undemocratic bodies that exist to serve and promote themselves by preying on the taxpayers.
Seems that the Beeb are burying this story on the regional page of the website, with no mention on the TV national news. Shameful.
The BBC has only one metric — Victim vs Oppressor.
Usually women are Victims (men being the Oppressors), but Muslims are higher on the Victimhood scale than European women, hence the BBC attempt to ignore the Cologne outrages.
Remember when Top Gear (white men) called Mexicans (sort of non-white) lazy? The BBC issued a grovelling apology to the Mexicans. Today, when the Mexicans (sort of white) stopped a Sikh (definitely not white) from boarding a plane, the BBC is four-square against the Mexicans, who have gone from being the victims of Top Gear and are now the oppressors of the Sikh.
Every BBC story fits into this category, and it makes understanding their coverage much easier.
Just as Islam executes apostates, the liberals cannot tolerate criticism of Islam. Imagine if they reported all the bad news stories about Islam that come up every day. Their couldn’t even be a pretence of the “religion of peace” shtick. This from my latest blog:
“That’s why anybody condemning Islam must be stamped on by our liberal masters. They don’t destroy critics of Islam because they are slandering a great and noble religion. They have to destroy them because they are telling the truth.
That’s why the Mail routinely labels all critics of Islam as “far-right”, a synonym for Nazi. And that’s why an article describing a PEGIDA march or an EDL punch up has more vitriol than one describing the murder of 130 innocent French enjoying a Friday night on the town.”
Rest at:
I really do not get the way liberals support Islam, the most illiberal religion on the planet. If Islam were to become the dominant religion here, the first thing they’d do away with (one way or another) is liberalism. It’s like the Jews voting for Hitler
Watch Nigel Farage Live tonight starts 7.30pm Say No To the EU.
UKIP Leader Nigel Farage will be in Bolton tonight for the next Say No to the EU Tour event, where he will discuss David Cameron’s sham renegotiation deal. You will be able to watch the whole Public Meeting from 7.50pm tonight (it says 7.30 on the viewing site window but 7.50 in the text).
Click on this link to watch>>>>>>>>
Breaking news in Bradford. Eleven “men” have received lengthy sentences for the systematic, long term rape of a thirteen year old girl. The usual, sordid and deeply ugly story, that we are all too familiar with, I’m afraid. One creep gets her hooked on alcohol and drugs and sells her on to his odious fellow travelers.
One of these vile specimens has managed to abscond to Bangladesh. Police say they’re attempting to get him back to face trial.
No need to worry. I’ve no doubt this charming enricher will soon be on his way back to Blighty.
As an asylum seeker!
That would be Eleven M****m men? Never to be put in print. The massive Elephant in the room is shitting on us all and stomping all over free speech and the facts
Much as I’d like to see this low life suffer I’d rather him fester in the Cesspit of Bangladesh. If ever there was a case for taking someones passport away its this but my bet is we won’t. If we put him on trial and he’s banged up, the taxpayer will have to keep him for the next few years- then when he comes out we won’t be able to deport him because of his ‘ right’ to a family life with his brood in Bradford. And who will be paying for them (over and above their existing benefits) while he’s in jail? Might as well just have to bankroll them with him out of the country.
Why on earth is anybody out on bail when they are on trial for offences like that?
What kind of judges would think that granting bail for such defendants is acceptable?
Witness intimidation, committing further crimes, absconding to another country etc etc
Al…because the prisons are full to beyond capacity..that’s why.
full beyond capacity by fellow enrichers.
“Is Britain Racist?” tonight on BBC 3. Journalist Mona Chalabi investigates. Obviously we are – at least that is, white British people. Somehow i don’t suppose the investigation into our reprehensible bigotry will include the targeting of underage white girls by Pakistani gangs or even the statement by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown that she would like to see white men disappear as a race.
What a waste of our money. By any international comparison, Britain is amongst the least racist societies in the world.
I’ve come to realise that the BBC channels our license fee money to it’s chosen liberal-leftist, feminist, etc., groups by commissioning programmes like this and by inviting numerous commentators onto it’s programmes. Womens Hour must be a gold mine for leftist feminist groups.
Is Britain racist? Well compared to the shithole Mona Chalabi’s family came from we are must be like watching a box tick bingo, diversity love fest, piece of shite on Cbeebies! How dare the majority white population be continually race bated by the self proclaimed righteous and guardians of morality from ‘minority’ communities that were never asked for or wanted here. The fact that the natives have allowed this vile, bigoted woman to be on TV has answered her question. If she wanted to move back to the culturally enriched home lands of her people she would soon discover that the evil, racist, world hating white men of our wonderful islands are too bloody welcoming
Why are programmes like this not fronted by a white man?
Something never mentioned by the MSM and BBC is the fact that many Hindus and Sikhs despise Muslims and many Africans such as Nigerians have a similar mistrust or hatred of some of their fellow countryman.
The Metropolitan Elite would have us believe that the white ethnic British have a monopoly on racism and intolerance.
They are more racist than us because where they are from it’s not a crime to not like people who despise everything about you and your way of life. It’s human nature to want to protect the people you love and everything you care for. Words like racist and islamaphobia are just forms of name calling like we see in the playground. There should be factual and intellectual debates about why a dislike of someone exists. Its not an irrational fear to despise Islam and everything it stands for. Just like Sir Tommy said “how can we trust and accept a religion that will die and kill in the name of the words spoken by a man who killed hundreds and had ‘relations’ with young children”. That’s not irrational. The reason islamaphobia is used is because they cannot answer that question
End of last blog, so will publish again here if I may.
So hilarious. Tommy Robinson catches out Al Jazeera ex-BBC interviewer trying to trick him quoting from Old Testament, after intimating he was quoting from Quran. Tommy recognises the Bible quote and owns the guy. Brilliant.
What a great piece of footage. The media clowns have been slow to realise that it is so easy now to film an interview and post it online allowing others to make a direct comparison. They can be revealed for what they are so easily.
Well … give this a listen at 22mins 20 secs, its much more like it.
I think that its called saving the best till last ? 😀
The modern Lord Haw Haw courtesy of Al-Jazeera.
Tommy is now so media savvy that the only option available for those that claim to preside over us, and laughably assure us that they have our best interests at heart, will be to take him out of the game, citing some sort of freak “accident”….
That’s if the hard left or Islamist goons don’t get to him first that is..
Brilliant. Who is the dhimmi who is interviewing Tommy? Did he also put a veiled threat to see him down the pub for a ‘chat’ if he persisted? What a traitorous scum-bag the interviewer is. Worse than Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner.
Ex BBC I believe . His patronising “down the pub” comment shows his utter contempt for Tommy (who brilliantly made him look like an arse) and working class people in general.
That was beautiful to watch. Tommy handed that son of a bitch his arse, he absolutely owned him. I bet he collapsed in a heap of sweat and piss as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.
You notice that he seemed to “misunderstand” Tommy’s question about if a muslim was free to leave islam in Qatar, to be if you are free to leave Qatar? What a slimeball, he seemed so peeved that Tommy saw through his pathetic attempt to trap him; “oh, you’ve had that before?” Yes he probably has, by dhimmi scumbags just like you, you lying piece of reject beeboid filth.
Car Moron threatens us that if we leave the EU we will have migrant camps like the ‘jungle’ in places like Essex and Kent?
How the hell is this ? We have a natural border – The English Channel .
What do our Essex and Kent readers think about this ? – lets hear from you
Canada and other nations without the luxury of a ‘natural moat’ prevent this.
The illegal imigrants have only been heading to Calais and Sangatte for over twenty years because they know they have a chance of getting in .
Once we pay more attention to the security of our borders by getting our Border Forces back to where they were before the message will get home that they will not illegally invade our country.
France will soon get the message and deport the illegals and sort their problems out.
Scare tactics Mr Car Moron, scare tactics, in the hope of ensuring you a job in the EU Parliament. Put your country first .
“We need to move the debate on…”
Beyond the stealth editing, how often does one hear that with the BBC when the clowns in charge of the edit suite are peeling their faces off the inside of the windscreen?
On “news where you are” in London on BBC1 last night at around 10:30 pm, the “feelgood” final item (taking about 30% of time allotted) dealt with an “Open Day” at 25 mosques yesterday. Featured was Finsbury Park Mosque (famous imam alumnus was one Abu Hamza). Despite the tortured angles of the cameras there were, in truth, not many kaffirs in evidence. However, all was not lost. Besides PR for an outfit with very dubious antecedents the BBC gave the local MP a bit of free coverage. Yes none other than Jeremy Corbyn was shown with two Moslem children. Heartwarming possibly but, at the same time, a chilling illustration of the close links between two death-worshipping belief systems – Islam and extreme leftism – given approving publicity by an “impartial” BBC.
As I commented previously it was dodgy camera angles a go go in north west’s report on the non-event.
I am only interested in footage of a nation-wide ‘closing’ day for every mosque in this country…if only we had leaders with the will and determination to ensure this.
Got this little gem of the british army “ARSSE” website seems our esteemed biased bbc wont anytime soon mention any of these.
Right, another news broadcast, sponsored by Public Interest Lawyers. These “isolated cases” are starting to get a bit thick on the ground.
— Ostende (Belgium): gang rape of 17-year old girl by five Iraqis
— Düsseldorf: 12-year old girl raped by two “underage” refugees in children’s home (one of them is actually estimated to be 22 years old, but claims 17)
— Vienna: attempted rape
— Zwickau: repeated mass sexual assault in front of school / kindergarten
— Solingen: sexual assault
— Hanover: sexual assault (against female police officer — very clever)
— Munich: attempted rape / sexual assault
— Pinneberg: physical and sexual assault of a 75-year old woman
— Hanover: attempted rape
— Metzingen: sustained sexual assault against a 15-year old girl
— Hanover: attempted (gang) rape
— Brüggen: sustained sexual assault against 16-year old girl. Father of girl then posts a message on a social forum that includes some threats against the perpetrators; guess who gets done by police?
— Ludwigsburg: sustained sexual assault
— Bad Segeberg: massive sexual assault against 11-year old girl in public swimming pool
— Voerde: sexual assault / robbery
— Kassel: exposure & sexual assault
— Rüsselsheim: exposure & breach of the peace (wnaking in public)
— Reutlingen: sustained sexual assault
— Offenburg: sexual assault in the female changing rooms of a gym
— Northeim: sexual assault
— Vienna: American student gives shelter to deportee; gets raped and murdered in return
— Villach: attempted rape of 88-year old woman
— Marburg: sexual assault
— Sweden: wake for Alexandra Mezher has been cancelled in order to “not disturb refugees”
— Nottuln: 12-year old sexually assaulted on playground
— Meisenheim: mugging, sexual assault of 17-year old
— Wiesbaden: sexual assault on bus
— Tuttlingen: 19-year old girl sexually and physically assaulted
— Gärtringen: near-fatal stabbing
— Gütersloh: rape
— Tirol: attempted rape
— Leverkusen: 38 sexual assaults during first half of Carnival
— Wilhelmshaven: robbery; sexual assault of 11-year old girl in public swimming pool
— Bochum: robbery; attempted gang rape
— Düsseldorf: sexual assaults during Carnival
— Bocholt: sexual assault
— Limburg: grooming & sexual assault of two 13- and 14-year old girls
— Celle: mass sexual assault of two 11-year old girls in public swimming pool
— Eppelheim: sexual assault
— Sinsheim: sustained & repeated group sexual assaults, close to refugee home
— Moers: sexual assault against mother & child
— Schweinfurt: eight year-old girl raped in refugee center
— Quitzdorf: mother & child sexually assaulted on playground
— Landshut: 12-year old girl assaulted in public swimming pool
— Riesa: rape of six year-old girl (being a little bit covered up by police)
— Freiburg: migrants (poorly) pretend to be police officers and mug pedestrians
— Heppenheim: 17 year-old girl sexually assaulted by four Afghans
— Mainz: IS “commander” (who posed as refugee) and one potential suicide bomber arrested by police
There was to be fair links in each statement to the appropriate news story in each case and cos im fik i have no idea how to transfer those links across so in fairness to you and the original source
Good post. Thanks for links.
I am writing to let you know the provisional finding of the Editorial Complaints Unit’s
investigation into the concerns you raised about a report on the above edition of Breakfast.
As I explained in my emails of 27 and 28 January, I have considered whether the reports on
the decision to charge a Chicago police office, Jason Van Dyke, with murder met the
requirements for due accuracy and due impartiality as set out in the BBC’s Editorial
I have watched the various versions of the story which were broadcast by Breakfast and I do
not believe there are grounds to uphold your complaint. I hope I can explain why I have
reached this decision.
I take your point that none of the reports explained the events which led up to the police
officer shooting the teenager, Laquan McDonald, including the fact he was armed with a
knife, damaged a police car and ignored instructions to drop his weapon. However, I noted
there were many other aspects of the incident which were also omitted. For example, the
report made no mention of the fact it had taken over a year for the police video footage of
the shooting to be released; it did not say the footage apparently showed Mr McDonald was
shot 16 times in approximately the same number of seconds; and it did not say the shooting
continued after he had fallen to the ground. In my view, all such background information
would have given the audience a better understanding of the context and the particular
circumstances of this event.
However, the omission of such information would not necessarily lead to a breach of the
BBC’s editorial standards. In order for me to uphold your complaint, I would have to
conclude that viewers were materially misled by the omission of the information you have
highlighted and their understanding of what took place had been significantly affected. I do
not believe that was the case. The new and salient fact was that Mr Van Dyke had been
charged with the murder of Mr McDonald. The report could have included the kind of
background details you suggest (or others as highlighted above) but that would not have changed the audience’s understanding of the new development, namely that a police officer had been charged with murder. I would add that it is generally accepted by viewers that brief news items, or updates on on-going news stories, will normally be limited to a summary of the latest development(s) and are unlikely to include comprehensive background information and details.
I note you have also asked how viewers are supposed to know “different opinions have been omitted from a story” and suggested there was no “opposing voice” leading to a one-sided presentation. The Editorial Guidelines refer to the concept of “due impartiality” where the term “due” means the impartiality “must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation. Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles”.
The guidelines also refer to the concept of Due Weight and say “Impartiality does not necessarily require the range of perspectives or opinions to be covered in equal proportions either across our output as a whole, or within a single programme, web page or item. Instead, we should seek to achieve “due weight”. For example, minority views should not necessarily be given equal weight to the prevailing consensus. Nevertheless, the omission of an important perspective, in a particular context, may jeopardise perceptions of the BBC’s impartiality”.
In this case, the language of the report was neutral and I don’t believe the wording went beyond stating new and relevant facts. The coverage did, at various times during the morning, also include a contribution from the Cook Country State Attorney, Anita Alvarez, but I think this was reasonable bearing in mind the requirements of the guidelines I have transcribed above. What’s more, viewers would have clearly understood Ms Alvarez was speaking as a prosecutor and would have judged her comments accordingly.
I appreciate you are unlikely to agree with my assessment, bearing in mind your previous comments. However, I would be happy to consider any comments you wish to make on my provisional finding before it is finalised. I’d be grateful if you could send me any comments by 22 February.
So this is the Provision report on my complaint to the omission of facts in a Breakfast report. Same old BBc still covering the bias. It was obvious he was shot & not obvious about the omissions I complained about. Still “due impartiality” that’s the first time the complaints department has pulled this one on me. Normally it is “balance over a period of time” or “we seek all views”
“due” means the impartiality “must be adequate and appropriate to the output, taking account of the subject and nature of the content, the likely audience expectation and any signposting that may influence that expectation. Due impartiality is often more than a simple matter of ‘balance’ between opposing viewpoints. Equally, it does not require absolute neutrality on every issue or detachment from fundamental democratic principles”. All very well and good who decides on the weight of the balance because it never seems to be very neutral from where I’m standing. To prevent a sarcasm overload I’ll leave it a short time before I comment. Needless to say this was exactly the response I expected.
The BBC seems to have completely forgotten that its duty is to provide as much of the context as possible and let us decide what we think. They insult our intelligence with such obvious manipulation of the facts in order to steer opinion.
As usual I went on a little fishing trip on the internet to see if I can spot the person responsible for the “reply”. I found this
“Thank you for your email.
I hope I can clarify the points I was attempting to make.
In your initial email to BBC Complaints you said:
Please can you explain precisely why this change was made, why it was unacknowledged, what the source or sources of the substituted images were, whether Laura Kuenssberg’s narration which continued to inform audiences that the substituted film was “shown for the first time” “just as MPs voted” – i.e. on the evening of Thursday 29 August 2013 – was accurate and how the re-editing of the programme in this manner accords with BBC Editorial Standards?
I therefore understood you to have asked four separate questions:
why this change was made
why it was unacknowledged
what the source or sources of the substituted images were
whether Laura Kuenssberg’s narration which continued to inform audiences that the substituted film was “shown for the first time” “just as MPs voted” – i.e. on the evening of Thursday 29 August 2013 – was accurate and how the re-editing of the programme in this manner accords with BBC Editorial Standards?
As I explained, only one of those (the final point) is an issue which the ECU can address. I will await your further email by 16 June before I begin an investigation into the replacement of the footage and whether it led to a led to a breach of the BBC’s editorial standards.
In response to your comment about the paragraph in my email which you found “astonishing”, I can only say the point I was making was that there is no formal policy which obliges BBC News to inform viewers that footage has been changed or to confirm when asked the source of material used. It is a matter for BBC News to decide whether to provide that information. I will however consider in my forthcoming investigation whether the material which was inserted into the BBC News Channel report met the requirements of the Editorial Guidelines on Accuracy, bearing in mind the script line.”
Which seems to be remarkably similar in tone to the reply I received.
The BBc say it’s within their rules / guidelines is the message to take away.
“BBC Complaints” is the Capita office in Belfast. But I would say that your email was probably constructed by Fraser Steel. Fraser Steel is Immigration, Colin Tregear is Science, they even swap email identities to confuse, when they sent them direct to the complainants. But there are 29 other people in the Editorial Complaints Unit in London, but it looks like only two others in the unit are allowed to contact complainants directly, rather than go through Capita in Belfast.
The BBC says there are no guidelines to prevent them from doing ‘this’, no guidelines to require them to do ‘that’.
It is very convenient, isn’t it? What they are saying is that they no longer need to use integrity or honesty in their reporting, commentaries and discussions, nor be strictly factual.
I believe that if you tell them that you are thinking of changing sex, then they would be more likely to uphold your complaint and even give you an interview with Colin Tregear, the Editorial Complaints Unit, Complaints Director.
Maybe Davina 666 but only at weekends?
The minute the BBC alight on the ‘belief’ of a BBC staff member about BBC activity, you know they know they are in untenable situation in matters of sensible argument.
Sadly, the BBC also knows the BBC has nothing to worry about in this regard, as the BBC does not actually have to account for anything, to anyone, uniquely.
Having bemoaned the lack of HYS against issues of any importance recently the good old BBC has proved me wrong again. Here you can comment on proposed changes to Twitter.
Now I’m not quite sure what Twitter is but, apparently, Stephen Fry has used it to tell us which flavour of crisps he is eating (I would have guessed @rse flavour).
Can’t see this post lasting long.
185. Posted by NigeM
15 minutes ago
Bit rich coming from the BBC which filters the news, removing what it doesn’t want us to see and pushing its own agenda. There was a march by PEGIDA in Birmingham last weekend. The BBC ignored it, why? Why don’t we get impartial views on the EU and climate change? The BBC is too comfortable with its guaranteed income of £4bn of our money. I predict this post will be moderated.
Another great comment on the thread following the Twitter non-story:
240. Posted by JunkkMale
9 Feb 2016 02:16
Of course it should. But to do so it will need a unique funding mechanism to act as a pulpit for an out of touch minority to espouse their opinions in guise of news. £145.50 per annum from all in the UK by compulsion should cover it.
There was a story on breakfast about a “Finnish man” being detained I can’t seem to find anything on that story I was not listening very closely but his name didn’t sound like it was Scandinavian.
Meanwhile you just knew the BBc were going to swoon over this.
Didn’t watch it hate the “music” Beyouncy does. Apparently black power salutes being given. What would have been the case if it was white power salutes I wonder.
“With references to the Black Lives Matter movement, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, Beyoncé’s half-time show at the Super Bowl on Sunday might be the most radical political statement from the superstar in her 20-year career.
Backing dancers wearing Black Panther-style berets and clad in black leather were photographed after the performance posing with raised fists evocative of the black power salute by Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.
Snapped backstage, the dancers also held a picture with the slogan “Justice 4 Mario Woods”, who was shot dead last December by police in San Francisco, this year’s Super Bowl host city.
Woods, who was reportedly armed with a knife, was filmed as he was shot dead after being surrounded by about a dozen police officers. A lawyer representing Woods’s family has said he is investigating bringing possible criminal charges, claiming the officers acted like a “firing squad”.
The dancers’ visual homage to the Black Panthers marked 50 years since the formation of the group, which had its roots in Oakland, less than 50 miles from the stadium where the Super Bowl was played.
Founded by Huey P Newton and Bobby Seale, the movement was a revolutionary black nationalist organisation and one of the most influential civil rights group of the late 60s, but its connections to illegal activities led then-FBI director J Edgar Hoover to call it “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country”.
Beyoncé was widely tipped to be preparing to make a deeply political statement with her Super Bowl show after releasing a surprise single and video, Formation, on Saturday, which referenced both Hurricane Katrina and the recent mass protests across the US over police killings of unarmed young black men.
The video shows Beyoncé sitting on top of a police car and includes scenes showing a young black boy dancing in front of lines of riot police, who put their hands up, before cutting to a wall of graffiti that reads: “Stop shooting us.”
On Friday, Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z announced that he would donate $1.5million (£1m) raised at a charity concert run by his streaming service Tidal last year to the Black Lives Matter movement and other social justice organisations.
Beyonceé’s performance was not the only political statement of the night, with Coldplay’s set featuring a marriage-equality inspired rainbow wave of placards held up across the stadium, which spelled out “‘Believe In Love”.
Commentators said the message was indicative of how far the gay rights movement has come. “This was a combination of local pride – I was born and used to live in San Francisco – and the simple reminder of the country’s progress on LGBTQ acceptance,” wrote Seth Millstein of Bustle.
“Even five years ago, it wouldn’t have been conceivable for the Super Bowl to express an unabashedly pro-gay message during the half-time show.”
Black Power?…fine!
Confederate flag?…no, inflammatory!Remind me again-where did the Black Panthers stand on gun control?…the role of women?…
Chase the tumbleweed, but don`t forget to gyrate and look cool like the Black Panther of Childrens TV…Michael Jackson…mind all the trikes though, as you step over them all though.
This looks like the sort of U.S. series al beebus would love.
ChrisH –
OT your post here but relevant to much comment.. You previously pointed to:
Click to access Strategic-Overview-Coughlin-010216.pdf
.. which I am now reading. The author at times has the American tendency to talk with bags of pebbles in his mouth, an addiction to jargon which is only noticeable because it is unfamiliar jargon. However, what he is saying (and which is said in different ways throughout the parent site, ), is pertinent and informative to our own urgent discussions on what to do about jihad here in the UK. I recommend it to anyone who wants to pick up a reclaimed language and clearer vision of what is happening, the power relations between jihad and the left, and a basis for demanding a saner and more effective response to a mis-described and sanitised threat to our society.
I would be interested in hearing comments on the views it expresses, whether in agreement or disagreement. Any takers?
Thanks for pointing out this source.
No problem Stuart.
Like yourself, I find it a bit wordy and “systems powerpointish”…but what I got out of it was
a) the two pronged attack on the West by Islam and Socialist forces…that work on both sides to crack the west like a nut in a pincer movement.
b) I see the Stateside forces as being a parasitic wasp that paralyses the body politic, while busily letting other insects weave their gossamer strands around any efforts to struggle, let alone speak out to prevent them.
c) The Umma=liberal substrate of unquestioned adherence to liberal capitulations in the cause of a quiet life, or a gated community to broadcast from…Peter Dobbie in Qatar maybe?
d) The Dawah=perpetual scourges and nit picking grievance hustlers paid for by Obama, EU/UN, “cheridees” or “academic fundings”…CAIR, Tell Mama etc
e) The Jihad is the perpetual lawfare, civilisational wars that originate in critical theory, post modernism and enforcing compliance based on codes of policital correctness.
Friends of mine would not risk the Pegida march, seeing as they work in the public sector-and would lose their jobs without face coverings…
I see the symmetry myself, so it helped me greatly.
Can I leave you with a perennial of mine…from Chris Parry in 2006…if THAT`S Not prophecy for today…then what is?…left his job soon after, and was sacked soon again after that…so draw conclusions before “drawing conclusions” will be seen as being a hate crime against Muslims…it already is offensive to the liberals of course.
And here`s a version that makes it clear that
“20,000 jihadists currently fly-papered in Iraq will be sex-starved, already fused into “white companies” to enact terrorism on a flaccid and decadent west that provides only WiFi, SIM cards and boarding passes to and fro from hell.
All young blokes, all Muslims on a mission-and soon we`ll not be safe to cruise the Med any more.
But did Blair and his Defence chumps listen at that time?..not as long as Brown could remove the body armour, and pay for a thick black marker pen to sign off on the deaths.
Called it Dianne I think!
On R4 news this morning; I hear that Camerloon thinks that if Brexit happens the French won’t allow British immigration officers in Calais and this would mean we would have camps like “The Jungle” in the south east of England (WTF?).
If that were true and it is only by the grace of France that we don’t have shanty towns springing up in Kent and Essex; isn’t that a terrible indictment of him and his government, to allow our country to fall into a position where the security or otherwise of its border is at the whim of another sovereign state?
A sovereign state which has allowed illegal immigrants to freely move through its territory, as long as they ended up on our doorstep.
I see the beginnings of a panic arising amongst our “Elite” similar to that which emerged prior to the Scottish referendum; when they promised the earth as it looked like they were going to lose after their scaremongering didn’t appear to have done the job.
The difference being that on the E.U. referendum, there are no promises they can make – they can only spread despondency and I’m not sure it will be enough.
I hope it won’t be enough.
Al Shubtill,
Agreed. When I read Cameron’s comments about the shanty town moving across the channel I thought ‘Well then Cameron, you’re the PM, stop it happening’. Our politicians are a spineless bunch. Always ready to roll over rather than take action. They like the EU precisely because they can blame a faceless bureaucracy for our problems and just shrug their shoulders.
Correct Steve…my fear is that if, i hope, we vote for an exit….then we have a leader and govt that has the will and strength for the challenge of steering the nation through a rocky path, against furious pro EU interests, determined to undermine the new regime. Cameron has to go, the Labour Party exclude themselves for a start, so who?….as our present and past leaders have all fallen back on the get out, default position of blaming the EU when thwarted in reform. They will be alone…..and it’s all on their shoulders.
Where has Cameron been living?
London’s Shanty Towns
No, our politicians are simply lazy, it’s a hall mark of old Etonians, and there’s a lot in the cabinet. They like the EU because they can allow the EU to make 90% of the countries laws for them.
On top of that Cameron read all about Tony Bliar and is seeking to emulate him. Rather than actually implementing some policy changes, he’s too frightened to change anything, because he is so removed from the people, that he doesn’t know the difference between what they like and what they don’t !
Even if the French send our border guards back across the channel there is a perfectly simple solution, given the political will – you make the ferry terminals like airports, you create a small area in the terminal complex that is “water-side”, just like an airport has air-side. Anyone who arrives in this area who doesn’t have the appropriate paperwork is immediately returned on the next ferry/train.
Cameron is now showing just how absolutely desperate he is to remain in the EU. Well, maybe not him personally, but certainly those who are pulling his strings from the boardrooms of the big businesses who want the endless stream of cheap labour.
It’s cheap labour and so much more.
Essentially, the EU suits the patrician class which runs both it and the big businesses which rule our lives. They have far more in common with one another than with people like us, or the average Frenchman or German. They go to the same schools, they eat the same foods, read the same books, marry into the same caste – they are about as unlike us as Martians would be.
Being able to strike one deal that cuts out the possibility of uncomfortable competition using ridiculous compliance standards, thus allowing the EU market to be more or less owned by a handful of big companies, works fine for them, as does pretending to political differences which are paper thin.
Every few years they go through the ritual of staging sham elections – then proceed to do whatever the hell they were going to do anyway. Cameron is one of them. In every conceivable way.
When I was a child, the passport control was on the ferry. My father used to have to visit the office and get disembarkation cards for our family. No card, no entry to France. There is no reason why these people should be allowed off the boats.
If they’re found in the back of a lorry at the UK side, then they can be placed back on the ferry, in the brig, and sent back to France. It really isn’t very difficult – so long as the politicians want to do it.
In essence Camoron is implying that without our continued E.U. membership facilitating the acquiescence of the French in allowing the U.K. border to be in Calais, he could no longer guarantee to preserve the integrity of the border and therefore safeguard the lives of the subjects of the country for which he is the elected prime minister.
If he has concluded that to be the case, then in the interests of national security he should resign; to allow for the selection of someone who is capable of ensuring the proper defence of the frontiers of the kingdom and protection of those who reside within it.
Sorry-simply got to put up the whole Tommy Robinson/Al Jazeera “Inside Story”.
Only a Swiss public sector shill and an ex-BBC hack in Qatar could be so self-righteous, and they`re left flailing in Tommys dust.
(Combined intake of Anjems people by Switzerland and Qatar?…one girls netball team underage at best!)
Qick rosewater and a Turkish slipper bath for old Dobbin….I`d avoid the kebabs in Doha for the next few days.
Oh, the fragrance of lefty camel shit when stuffed up their noses!
Tommy is someone they really do not like. Far too good for them to trap . He really needs to watch his back and needs good friends now.
Agree dave s.
Hope he`s OK and watching his back-can`t imagine that the BBC and Al Jazeera won`t be in cahoots after this fisking at the heart of their evil empire.
All well and good to preen like Frost or Rageh Omar…but they`re the safe socks that the liberals like to roll out by way of “passionate debate”.
As soon as you tell Qatar and its BBC ciphers about Islam on their channel….well, who knows?
Pray for the guy, and his victory…
Hilarious b*ll*cks coming out from the BBC website about the US Primaries.
It would appear that they have employed a member of the Democratic Party’s elect Hillary at all costs campaign as their ‘North America Reporter’, one Anthony Zurcher.
Here’s his latest offering: “US election 2016: The horror story of a Republican debate”
Listening to the BBC’s output you’d be forgiven for not knowing that at this moment in time over 150 FBI agents are actively investigating fraud and corruption charges against Clinton, in addition to her breaking the law over her use of a private email server and her instructions to junior staff to remove security classifications from documents before they were emailed to her.
You’d not be hearing about a major scam the Clintons have been running when she was Secretary of State and unedifying, corrupt countries were given favourable considerations. In return these countries, like Algeria gave large sums of money to the “Clinton Foundation”. You’d not be hearing about the humungous fees that the Clinons were given for speaking engagements as pay offs.
The scandal over her unsecured email server, which most insiders now think was hacked by the Russians and Chinese, and which contained the most sensitive of state secrets, may well be just the tip of the iceberg.
Then there’s the White House dimension. Will the idiot clown lean on his politically appointed bagwoman in Justice to try and squash the FBI investigation, and if so what will all those FBI agents do?
But of course, just like Pakistani rape gangs roaming the English countryside, this has little or no “news value” in the BBC bubble.
However if the head of steam becomes so great that it cannot be ignored any longer you just know that the BBC’s line will be that it is one “vast right wing Republican conspiracy”. Even the old crone Clinton has stopped using that phrase because everyone has noticed that she cackles everytime she utters it. And just about every observer, except the BBC’s Zurcher, has deduced that whenever the old crone cackles she’s lying.
One day someone will explain to me why it is illegal for a bank to give a politician a bribe of $200,000, but absolutely fine to pay them $200,000 to give a thirty minute speech to some bored executives in their lunch hour? I’d ask Gordon Brown, but he’s too busy giving speeches to Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan. Personally, I’d rather listen to Chubby Brown, but I wouldn’t even pay him $200,000.
Please can someone just ask Cameron, or one of the beeboids, on air, why they think that a refugee camp, like the jungle, near Folkestone would be a problem? Make them explain. Then make them explain how they plan to secure the borders if the will of the people is Brexit.
Cameron and all the other politicians would be toast if that situation was allowed to develop, they and their media chums know that. That’s why the agreement with France was made in the first place.
Hope everyone heard the report from Gothenberg and towns in Sweden tonight on PM. Even the BBC couldn’t spin what is unfolding there.
Gangs of migrants tooled up with knives and guns according to a Somali kid they interviewed. Police dealing nightly with disturbances involving scores (up to a hundred) of Afghans, Somalis and Syrians fighting each other and stealing from passers by in shopping malls. Police spokesman said it had got much worse since last summer.
The PM report on Gothenberg is on the iplayer. Gavin Lee reports from 22:25 in.
(Hope no one minds my repeating the post)
Our pathetic excuse of a prime minister’s latest pronouncements regarding the “refugee” crisis in Calais should, I hope, turn out to be a wonderful own goal. This really is scraping beyond the bottom of the barrel.
If, as he fears, the French rip up this Anglo / French agreement, then what does that tell us about our EU allies?
Is he telling us that the only argument for remaining in this corrupt organisation is that we’re afraid of being bullied. So what? Who gives a toss? In the past this country has managed to defend itself against invasion facing the might of the Spanish Armada. We defeated Napoleon. And in the 1940’s the most terrifying war machine that the world had seen was sweeping its way across Europe. It didn’t get here. If we really don’t want them here then what chance do a mob of third world spongers really stand? Absolutely no chance!
Cameron is, believe it or not, occupying the same residence as Maggie Thatcher and Winston Churchill.
Thank Christ the Falklands war was 30 years ago….
A “Conservative” government today wouldn’t be able to retake the Falklands – it doesn’t have the backbone nor the military capability to do so.
These aren’t Conservatives. They are a self serving elite in the guise of Tories.
The’ll stitch us up in Europe because this is not about the EU (nor is it about political parties any more) this is about US, the people, versus the media/ political establishment. And f%ck do they hate us even having even a sniff of power.
They will support each other to the hilt. Cameron has f*cked up big time with referendum – never expecting to have to hold it. Thinking that if he got in again he could blame a Liberal Democrat coalition for stymieing the referendum.
At least we can now see that the Conservatives aren’t really Conservatives and have been lieing about Europe for years
Can’t be repeated enough my friend…nowhere near enough….the sheeple need it hammered into their skulls for their own good.
I see that the French authorities banned any Pegida style demonstration in Calais at the weekend. A small group led by the former commander of the Foreign Legion was arrested.
I mark this as a very significant event. I have no doubt the general speaks for millions of patriotic Frenchmen,
We shall have to wait and see.
On the lunchtime news we had a report from the Shetlands where a new gas pipeline has just come on stream. Something like a £2 billion investment and supply for 2 million homes (pretty constant too, I’d guess, unlike the useless windfarts).
However, the tone was extremely positive with not a single mention of ‘carbon’ emissions or the need for sustainable energy – not even the obligatory interview with an eco-fascist from Friends of the Earth (why don’t they just re-name themselves Enemies of Mankind?).
And, get this, our intrepid BBC reporter even told us how this new supply is critical to our energy security (admittedly, without explaining why).
Summat funny going on.
Nor the fact that by all accounts it will be illegal to cook by gas or have a gas fire if the lunatics are able to implement their Paris concorde.
Of course, we might (finally) rise up and wring their necks if they try it, so perhaps they are keeping quiet for a reason.
I heard the early version on R4 at approx. 0630. There was a passing mention of some climate change b*ll*cks but it was something about gas, whilst still a fossil fuel, being much cleaner. As you state, there was none of the usual Harrabinesque histrionics about the imminent end of the world. Maybe the BBC pension has invested in it?
Thanks to denton for telling me of Nigel Farage and UKIPs meeting tonight in Bolton.
Far better than the BBC bollo currently on…
Amazing. However much one thinks this is incredulous, if only half true. My God this is shocking. Very interesting viewing this Rubin Report – New York TV Station, – episode with UK Pediga rep:
Thank you Charlatans for posting this and the previous Al Jazeera clip. This one hour interview with Tommy Robinson is as compelling a watch as I can remember seeing. The honesty, courage and integrity of this man shone through. His stories of growing up in Luton, forming his first protest movement, his imprisonment in a murderous environment, his understanding of where we are now, and his concern for his eight year old daughter being indoctrinated in the local multicultural school all showed me a different TR to the one I had expected.
As others here have mentioned, PEGIDA and specifically Tommy Robinson are very unwelcome intruders in the liberal-left BBC narrative, and we have seen this week-end the BBC’s no-platforming of PEGIDA. There is going to have to be a realignment of the establishment view of this protest movement. They are not far-right extremists, they are a vanguard of concerned citizens. The far-right extremists were battling it out in Dover the previous week-end, and in Calais the week-end before that. Look at the 10,000 people who turned out in Dresden. Not a whiff of tear-gas. Peaceful protest by ordinary people.
BBC Gold. It is the marmite man himself, George Galloway. Explaining in simple terms why all Britons of a ‘left’ persuasion should Vote Leave.
Marmite Gorgeous George – the BBC just don’t know what they are gonna get.
Not sure about George (although I agree with his view here) ever since he prevented Tommy Robinson from speaking (after allowing him on his radio show a few years back) and subsequently insulting Tommy and then switching him off. George is more than capable of holding a debate so why?
I believe that George’s stance is influenced by political survival and the views of his supporters, whoever they are at any given time.
The analogy of running with the foxes and the hounds comes to mind.
Here’s another story the BBC is hiding from us, once again courtesy of Breitbart London
It’s difficult to know what to make of it from the details given. It may be just a storm in a teacup, or it may not.
But whatever the truth about goings on in Crewe, the fact remains hat the BBC is clearly either suppressing or downplaying stories which could show migrants in a bad light, to such an extent that we are now forced to turn to (with all due respect to Breitbart) a tiny team of underfunded, under-resourced reporters to bring us the truth.
Sooner or later something will have to give.
There’s a wonderful line in a film spoken by the great Maggie Smith….. “if I can’t pronounce it I don’t want to eat it”. Well, I’m finding on a daily basis that my intelligence is being slowly eroded because I cannot pronounce (correctly) the names of either ethnic news readers or presenters that tv channels in this country now tend to employ. I long ago gave up watching Wimbledon when the Eastern Europeans with all the z’s in names became a major force, – the same with foreign players in our football league. Dhashni David on Sky gives me the shudders when she smiles, and Faisal Islam just stares creepily at me. An alien to this planet watching our tv ouput, would never believe that this is a mainly Christian country with over 90% of the population being white. What is happening ?
Karthi Gnanasegaram‘s ‘smile’ is scary and unnatural.
But then Sports->Women->Asian is unnatural too but so BBC.
If they could find a homosexual Muslim transgender citizen of Monaco that died in WW1 they would fill our screens with them rather than show the ‘big picture’.
What is happening. I had the same thought – I don’t watch a lot of TV but this Saturday I flicked on Channel 4 horse racing fronted by an Islamic presenter. Its not a bad program in itself but was frequently interrupted by DUBAI advertising the ‘many wonders of Islam’. The Arabs ‘like’ horses so it is a shared interest and yet its a worrying trend here in the UK that Arab money buys ‘prestige’ to hide the ever present Saudi atrocities across the Arabic regions. Vast tracts of London prime property is also Arab financed (including major landmarks such as the Shard). And then we have the BBC HQ in Salford Quay, Manchester which is rented from a duo of property speculators which is joint owned by Labour property speculators (at 25%) and Arabic property investors (75%). For the BBC – this price of ‘independence’ rental is not secret – plus they still have the ‘TAX FREE” breaks as would a ‘real’ charity (i.e. relief on business rates), flexible ‘off shore’ tax free funding, several ‘private’ BBC ventures that make little profit but keep the top cats in kitty litter. Many of our top Universities are accepting funds for ‘Islamic studies’ which are also disturbing when the hordes arrive, the ‘students’ will have everything ready for them. A home from home. England has been put up for sale and sold.
Oh , come on , Dhashni David is gorgeous .
It’s a matter of opinion. She’s no Clare Balding at least.
A trip to SpecSavers is in order for you, old chap.
Oh , come on , Dhashni David is gorgeous ………….
That she may be, until she opens her mouth and smiles. A great deal of women believe David Beckham is gorgeous, until he too deigns to speak, then its a Tweety Pie re-incarnation !
Essex man would appear to like ethnic minority females as much as Jezza Corbyn does.
Joke !
Whats the difference between a Pakistani Military base and a Pakistani Elementary Army school ?
I don’t know, I don’t care, I just fly the damn drone !
Fact !
Pakistan Army motto:-
“Faith in Allah, fear of Allah and Jihad in the Path of Allah.”
Nice folk – so glad we have an ever increasing number of them here in Britain.
‘Faith in Allah, fear of Allah and Jihad in the Path of Allah.’
Coincidentally, they are the first three restaurants as you walk up Brick Lane.
More pathetic pro-EU BBC propaganda, with Evan Davis interviewing Rob Wainwright, head of EU quango Europol (an intelligence gathering operation for European countries with no legal jurisdiction unlike the international Interpol, and thus another layer of unnecessary bureaucracy ). Of course the soft-balling interview climaxed with Davis suggesting Wainwright was probably going to vote for staying in the EU, which his interviewee duly obliged with bilge about putting the safety of the British people first, and yes, he would be voting to stay in the EU. Quell surprise, and job done Newsnight.
That was a hard question: “Would you like to leave your cushy number with its tax free salary and massive pension, and go back to the UK and do some actual police work?”
I wonder what the answer was?
Would Thatcher have voted to stay in the EU ? – watch Al Beeb’s take and bias on this .
What do think Margaret would have done ?
IMHO she would have sorted them out years ago !
A simple message to our Tory MP’s who visit this site.
Merkel’s lunacy and Al Beeb’s propaganda are culpable for encouraging the mass invasion of Europe and subsequently Great Britain.
What are you and your government doing about it?
Remember this ……….
Tory MPs visiting this site? If one did then he or she would have to attend self criticism classes and abase themselves before the dear leader.
Not seen on Al Beeb for years – some common sense ………………….
A brief gulp in the BBC Farce… Before they remember that their views, uniquely, are their own, and no harm can come of tweeting anything awkward…
seen else here
BBC hero-worship of one Jurgen Klopp continues this morning.
Following a convenient appendix problem that kept him away from the bench for the ticket price demo at Anfield we are told the German is soon fully recovered. BBC spin on his words imply he somehow endorsed or supported the protest. In fact the live clip of his press conference shows nothing of the sort. His statement was neutral and bland. BBC reporters are allowing their own condescending tip of the hat to the scoucers to blur their reporting.
Meanwhile Rory Bremner gets a BBC plug for his live shows because – wait for this – he’s going to visit ‘storm/flood-damaged towns’.
Unbelievable. Perhaps Rory can come to your town and do an impression of Klopp walking on the flood waters.
Charlie Stait on with Rory Bremner…..’comedy can go places we as news cant’
Wanna bet Charlie….wanna bet?
Oh the irony
I noticed that he avoided doing an impression of Corbyn but put the boot into Jeremy hunt via cameron and had a dig at Trump. Floods all the fault of the tories Blah Blah Blah. Aren’t labour jolly good and everybody made a big mistake on May 7 2015.?
some revolving door left wing rent a gob was doing the paper review LOL on sky news……another leftist shit fest with ad breaks……but anyway…….normal dig at Donald with the typical old canard of “imagine Trump in charge of the nuclear arsenal”
what a load of old bollocks they do spout
know what’s infinitely more dangerous and scary?Leftist retards in free reign over the MSM pumping incessant bilge and lefty agenda filled programmes into people’s living rooms day and daily…..toxic to the max
and of course “funny man” Bremner does the usual hypocrite leftard dig at the man’s appearance
funny how they can do that without the merest hint of irony,but BatmanJelly never gets a mention?
A walking advert for a very bad curtain shop
wankists one and all…….their Ceaucescu moment cant come soon enough
If you’re referring to this morning, Tuesday, it was Sam Delaney, former editor of Heat magazine.
I don’t condone violence, but I could cheerfully slap the obnoxious oik before he’s even opened his mouth.
Gosh what a diverse place Shetland has become since I went there a while back.
Caught up with Fridays episode last night, our hero DI is surrounded by it, his daughter’s new boyfriend is ‘of colour’ his female boss just happens to be a lesbian with baby and even he succumbed to a (very attractive) Asian lady, mixed relationships obviously very common on Shetland, maybe someone can correct me?
There is absolutely no BBC product that isn’t stuffed with agenda, their lack of subtlety makes so bloody obvious that they’re not even trying to hide it, if it wasn’t so sad it would be bloody funny.
I do wonder if the dumbed down majority/masses actually see the agenda, or do they lap it up an believe it?
The worst thing about that Shetland show isn’t the unlikely effniks, it’s that nearly everybody there speaks with a west-central scottish accent. And then you can move onto judging the drama by its terrible structure, script and acting. Laughably bad.
Excellent post Geoff.
This “mixed-race/diversity” agenda is everywhere now.
Shetland was massively over the top as you point out but there are so many other examples.
Any advert featuring a couple/family is only out of the ordinary now if the said couple/family is not mixed race.
I watched “Lucky Man” on Sky – Asian female bobby in relationship with white colleague.
Try watching Midsomer Murders on ITV now – my God!! Every week features a mixed race couple and plenty of other smatterings of racial/gender/sexual equality – couple of weeks ago we had a female, Asian, lesbian RAF officer – I shit you not.
I can honestly say – and I live in the NE of England – that I know no mixed race couples. There are none at my children’s schools, there are none at my place of work. So where is this “normality” that is being rammed down our throats?
Could it have anything to do with the pressure to accept the hoards currently invading Europe?
The agenda is there for all to see – if people don’t they are willfully blind.
But then, with horrors stories such as Rotherham, Keighley etc there is plenty of “head burying” going on.
My goodness,I continue to be amazed why the Conservatives put up with such a lying, weak and lazy leader such as Cameron. This latestet episode with regards to scaremongering epitomises his deviant untrustworthy personality. As I have said before I feel very sorry for the Conservative voter, but even they must be so embarrassed with the low level of morality embraced by leader. How depressing.
His use in the politics of fear has completely backfired. His utter arrogance assumes us to be fools. The French have said that they would not, I repeat, not pull out of its border arrangements with UK should the the UK vote to leave the EU. Cameron’s threat that the migrant camps currently based in Calais would move to Kent because France would pull out of current border arrangements. Vast numbers would arrive overnight.
As Prime Minister of this country, Cameron should know that the 2003 treaty is an entirely separate entity to membership of the EU. Cameron’s claim is therefore completely undermined. Not only that, but any potential change to this treaty would require two years notice. So Cameron is either poorly briefed of intentionally lying.
I’ve often wondered why these migrants at Calais don’t seek asylum in France, I gather that with regards to France, gaining access to asylum is more difficult than it is in Britain where all any migrant has to do is foot on on our soil and then they can immediately claim asylum. So clearly the asylum laws in this country need to change. My point then follows, why hasn’t Camerloon sorted out our asylum laws instead of making false comments about the Calais migrant issue. Make our asylum laws stricter, similar to France (with delays,inertia) and the Calais camp may well go.
Saying that maintaining the current position on border controls would be unchanged does rely rather heavily on the French not telling lies or reneging on agreements.
At what point did the French change their policy of not doing us any favours, ever?
Yes Beltane, you raise a good a point and I have upticked your comment as a result, however, my point is that I want to have belief in our Prime Minister demonstrating a degree of integrity. Dave has shown himself to be wanting in this domain. If the French renege on the the treaty then so be it, shame on them if they do, but we must maintain our dignity and honesty. This is a quality Cameron seems to lack. I have many Conservative friends and they feel very let down with Camerons pro EU stance.
If the French authorities let the swarm reach the ferries the resulting chaos at the docks and on the ferries will paralyse the ferry system, which will have a massive impact on Calais. The current position is bad for Calais, but throwing the problem at the ferry companies will destroy the town’s economy.
RJ, absolutely. It is unlikely that the French will renege on the treaty, however if they choose to do so then our second front is a thing called border control and if this needs to be increased then we can recruit more people to aid it’s function. This can be financed by using some of the 55 million a day we will save by not being in the EU. This will in turn also reduce unemployment and give proper jobs to a number of people.
So the French have the satisfaction of kicking us in the balls and we have the desired result of properly controlling our borders and reducing unemployment. Luvly jubbly! everyone’s a winner (except for the illegal immigrants!)
And what about the disabled?
We have a wheelchair bound person featuring on Silent Witness and another one in the office of Vera I think (or another of the cop shows).
I’ve looked at Wheelchair use statistics in the past – most wheelchair users, surprise, surprise, are very old and infirm. The number of working age full-time wheelchair users is tiny, despite what the ‘disability industry’ would have you believe.
It is therefore the case that able-bodied people are increasingly ‘under-represented’ in TV drama, something which presumably the politically correct bBBC executives are pleased about.
In ‘doing their bit’ for the wheelchair user, the Beeb are in good company…
My thoughts exactly Geoff, on the Shetland ‘mix’. Vera (another Anne Cleeves writing) is going down that route too, with an ethnic Pathologist – as on Midsomer. Why get rid of the previous ‘white” actor who held the role ? his repartee with ‘Vera’ was entertaining in itself. Its oh so blatant now, and like the above poster, I only see mixed race couples on the television – not where I live; but of course these relationships are no doubt much more prevalent where tv progs (and advertisements) are made i.e. London and Salford !!!
As in my previous post above about over-egging of ethnicity, I’m getting thoroughly cheesed off AND uncomfortable with it all.
Sadly, this isn’t just BBC policy – it’s a conspiracy by almost the entire broadcast media. In fact (and I confess I haven’t gone back to research the actual dates) my impression is that it probably began with TV advertising and then spread to drama. As you say, it has now reached ludicrous proportions but that won’t stop the meeejah dahlings propagandising their fantasy version of reality.
I’m at the point that I can’t watch drama of any description, Shetland one might think would be devoid of it, the same with Call The Midwife, but no both are stuffed with diversity and were it not for Mrs G watching them, I wouldn’t, but she can see it as well.
Its also creeping into quiz shows, The Chase (the only one I watch) often has questions relating to Islamic culture, as though the answers should be common knowledge.
As far as the ads go, if they’re not pushing sob sob emotive help the foreigner charity porn, or if you’re over 60 you’re stupid, infirm, we want your money and you should be planning your funeral, nearly every ad runs to the formula of strong women, mixed race couples, men are emasculated and extremely stupid.
I find it not only uncomfortable, but I also find my blood pressure rise in disbelief in what has happened and in a relatively short period of time to this country. I’m thinking of patenting a wrist strap for the remote control (same as a Wii remote) so that at least you can throw the remote at the screen, but keep your 50″ safe, (37 in my case, but that’s my problem!)
Lefties believe that wars are fought due to nationalism and tribalism hence their support for miscegenation which they believe will solve all problems. But of course the biggest present day cause of war is religion, yet on this they are strangely quiet – unless they think that when we are all muslim we will all be at peace, conveniently forgetting that muslims are mainly killed by…………muslims
I gave up with British drama ages ago, the BBC is not the only offender but it is by far the worst for trying to show us a multicultural wonderland, albeit with some nasty white villains – portrayed usually as grasping businessmen or wife-beating yobs. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had shoehorned an ethnic person into their latest War & Peace.
Anyway nowadays I just stick to iPlayer documentaries. I watched Winter Watch recently, which was based in Scotland. Delroy Lindo made an appearance – he is an experienced birdwatcher and does know his stuff, but apart from him the studio audience in the ‘Unsprung’ show was noticeably devoid of any person of colour. I was very surprised the BBC didn’t bother to bus in any ethnics to the Highlands, maybe it was a little chilly!
Am enjoying ITVs Deutschland 83 on a Sunday, apart from the black American/German general its wonderfully German!
Your final sentence sums it up for me Brissles. It is getting very “uncomfortable”. Scary even.
But then the whole societal mood feels that way. I think we are on the precipice of a very significant and very ugly breaking point.
I had a watch of Vera the other night. As is usual with these cop shows, the plot was stupid when you thought about it, but I was also taken by the fact that very few of the actors could manage a North East accent. Although it is set in Newcastle, you would think most people there speak a sort of generic “Northern” accent, perhaps as taught at Rada.
As to the mixed race couples thing, it is so obvious as to be laughable. The latest is some pathetic car advert which gives Ant’n’Dec (who do at least have Geordie accents) a chance to earn a few more much needed quid doing the voiceover, while a mixed race couple look at some car I won’t be buying.
It’s not just the BBC, the entire liberal arts establishment is the same. The thing they seem not to to have thought through is that if mixed race relationships were as common as they imply, given that Britain is 85% white, within a couple of generations we would have bred out “people of colour” altogether. I suspect that would not be the result these left wing airheads want though, is it?
Not bragging but just have to say where we live in the South of France near Spanish border, a face with a hint of colour is unusual and a dare I say it a black one (what IS the PC word this week??) is so rare you have to look twice when driving past. In 2 years have not seen a mixed race couple . We normally joke when we see a non- white person that they must be on their way to Calais.
Mrs Kitty , is that Perpignan?I have been down to the Spanish border from there. When Sarkozy was President, took the train to Port Bou,not sure on spelling, crossed into Spain & on return French Police wanted to see my passport, which I didn’t have. I said, what about Schengen, they said, we check all documents now.I had only my Holiday Inn, keycard & driving licence. Luckily they could see I was of European stock, & let me in.
More rural near Quillan but we go to Perpignan for the Rugby league. At the moment with state of emergency we carry our passports all the time. We often see customs officials whizzing around as people try to smuggle booze , cigs and funny substances from Andora via our mountain road.
Ok, thanks , maybe down your way later in the year.
We went over the border here on the sea corniche road from Collioure into Spain and came back down the main road next to the Motorway. We had no passports and there was an almighty queue at the border. OMG we thought, we can’t get back into France. It turned out on the other side of the border were a row of shops with the worst parking arrangements imaginable. Just one car backing out of a space brought the whole road to a standstill, hence the queue.
But no gendarmes or Police National to check us back in……….
Bit off topic, but nice part of the world. Europe, of course. Not EU.
More nanny nonsense from the newscaster that knows best.
Now sun tan lotion is measured in teaspoons apparently. They don’t specify if it should be taken internally or externally, or if there is a sugar-free version.
I would have thought the BBC would be encouraging people to darken their skin not discouraging it?
Maybe we the BBC thinks the answer is to wear your pyjamas out with a tea towel on your head….?
Perhaps these BBC drama series are actually set two generations in the future when we will be living in Eurabia and white christians will be obliged to pay a tax to avoid converting to Islam.
Views. Indeed.
BBC websites dominate the market in online news views
Subtext – a triumph for the BBC, a vindication of its attitudes and beliefs, a verification it is in tune with the public.
Not mentioned – the ‘domination’ is entirely driven by a monster budget paid for by licence fee payers. Most of the rest of the market have to find their own funding, and so work on fractions of the bBBC budget.
This is just a classic share-of-voice marketing story. As in advertising, the advertising spend as a % of the total spent approximates to the market share, only in this case the ‘market’ does not really operate as it is totally distorted by the bBBC’s funding – or sponging.
I look forward to the BBC agitating as to whether such a large share of the media audience is healthy in a democracy and should be broken up. After all, had it been Rupert…
I see Call Me Dave has been shot down in flames
Someone should tell him when you’re so far down in a hole stop digging……..but there again if he wants to dig his own grave who are we to stop him.
Dave is a buffoon and the EU are running rings around him.
I think he made the referendum pledge as a way to shoot Ukip’s fox at the general election, but he did not expect to have to go through with it, because he imagined he would be in coalition with the LibDems again, something which suited him, as he is a wet Tory of the Heseltine variety.
Actually winning an outright majority, and having to put his pledge into action must have been a huge shock to him. You can see his heart wasn’t in it by the pathetic “renegotiation” he pretended he did, which was straight out of Harold Wilson’s 1975 playbook. The difference is that in 1975 Britain was the sick man of Europe, and we thought the Common Market would help us. In 2016 Britain has recovered, the EU is sinking, and Merkel has just invited the muslim world to come and live here.
Anyone who votes to stay in this sinking ship needs his head examined.
Excellent post RiC.
I see that the polls ( which probably have under-recorded the leave vote anyway) now show a leave majority in at least one instance. I think Cameron and the whole establishment of pro-immigration pro-EU dictatorship traitors are going to get a hell of a kicking in this referendum.
Cameron and all in his cabinet who have cravenly followed his lead should resign from the government after the referedum vote to leave. If Boris Johnson, Michael Gove etc had any guts they would start openly supporting leave now. The reward could be to replace Cameron.
Only the first salvo in a slurry of ignorance disguised as “informing “us so that we might be scared off from voting to leave.
But Cameron will not be hounded by the BBC for this porkie for Islam…for the ends always justify their means.
And if it lingers as a miasma over just a few waverers…well the BBC will keep it “on the record”
Lazy, phoned-in portents of what we`ll be getting…hopefully, it`ll stain the BSE cause.
Hello, BBC – about this NHS problem – how come someone can explain the real problem, rather than dodge around it, like you do? Eh?
Definitely NOT a story that You and Yours will be rushing to follow up on.
The good doctor will probably need to check his brake cables for the next few weeks.
It is an article of faith at the BBC that only immigrants keep the NHS going. Native Britons are too thick or lazy to be doctors, nurses or cleaners. The only problem the NHS has is the number of old, white bed blockers who refuse to die quickly enough to make room for the new population Tony Blair imported, though many hospitals seem to be doing their best to help the old folk on their way as quickly as possible.
Think I now see what they meant about the NHS “depending on immigration”.
Until now I thought it was to get more brain surgeons…now I know it`s because we`re not ill enough, get too much attention when we are-and the doctors would be lounging around on strike or at the golf club near Harley St if they relied on whitey and her granny for supply.
Hence the need for more sick migrants with ever more-interesting diseases to keep them occupied-like Soduku, or the Daily Mail crossword.
Never occurred to me that we weren`t ill enough to justify all that NHS care like mid-Staffs etc.
Thank Allah for FGM, thank the BBC for transgendering types-all of who(by stress- testing our glorious NHS) save the NHS, keep it fresh and fit for when dad needs a drain, niece needs a fracture dealt with.
Surely the NHS could now trawl the world for more diseases in need of our reconsideration…TB, diptheria, dengue?…the university hospitals have been seeking medically qualified, let`s now seek more ill people from those places….(if THAT`S not on the BBC within a week, they`re not tuning in here as much as i thought!)
Would be interesting to know how much of the medical care provided by the NHS is taken by immigrants. We always hear that immigrants are keeping the NHS going, but are immigrants also responsible for the increase in demand for services?
If you have been to a hospital in Birmingham recently you would have a fairly good idea of the answer to this. Yes there are many hard working immigrant staff but there also appears to be a significant proportion of ‘immigrant’ patients. I’m not sure whether the NHS records the ethnicity of patients but it would be useful to know that statistic.
Of coure they are making heavy use of maternity services in particular, but also Third Worlders and Eastern Europeans with health problems are deliberately coming here to steal NHS care. The rise in TB and HIV is entirely due to foreigners.
Noted in the daily Mail that the Queen would listen to Wogan-but never to “Today” because it angered her.
I myself see that useless lefty piece of Wailing War crap to be an unplumbed Deschamps art installation for the left.
I see it as the Lefts morning bidet…a suitably comforting place to put your old nakkas in a warm bath of self-regard…sets them up for day, as long as the lower orders pick out the pubes and flannel flakes after they`re all done.
Pity that we the cleaning staff at this f***in hotel of theirs pay THEM to dump their bollocks and fannyflaps in it, for us to maintain and clean…most hotels I know THEY`D be paying to wet their wangs..yet we the soumises sponge them down on cue.
An umplumbed B`day by the Calais jungle, tackle on display for any passing trade with dusky musky potential…that`s our BBC “fagship”…sorry, just heard Mishal Husain telling the Hillsborough survivors that it`s only right to pay more to watch footy…a true fan like Mishal WOULD know wouldn`t she?…a phone-it-in phoney to match MontyGoo
I see that the trailer for the TV programme “Happy Valley” takes a passing gratuitous swipe at Cameron & May over massaged crime figures. I do not doubt the government’s capacity for spin, but did BBC programmes take similar incidental swings at the past Labour government?
Going well so far in the comments…
Who the fuck is he?
He looks like the sort of kid who gets his dinner money stolen every day.
“He looks like the sort of kid who gets his dinner money stolen every day “……….
Luv it ! I’m still chuckling !
Is he Willy Turnbull’s replacement ? too much to hope its Munchetty the Nag
Actually, he’s a strange choice for the BBC, he’s a devout Christian, from Wiki…
“Walker is the son of a Baptist preacher, and his own Christian faith developed in his youth and early adulthood He has never worked or played sport on Sundays as a result”
yeah Dan is actually a decent guy,,,,what he’s doing with that shower I dont know
The bBC are obviously short of Black lesbians at the moment.
I was interested at the BBC’ interest in the US Superbowl. How nice of our state broadcaster to show an interest in the sporting activities of our friends across the pond. Ah, But Beyonce was the half time star doing her Black lives Matter/Hate white cops / love the Black Panthers routine. I noticed on a US blog that she had an escort of motorcycle cops who blocked the roads for her safe transport to the site And I bet the BBC never mentioned that many cops turned their backs on her in protest when she did her routine.
And after all the fuss about the racist Oscars, and we have a racist Superbowl performance.
Just in case you don’t get the message in the BBC’s support for Beyonce’e (controversial – my word here) performance, there is a further BBC article at the bottom of the piece titled, ‘Why do the US police keep killing unarmed black men?’[img" alt="12717559_10206160580590577_669750537979470749_n.jpg?oh=efbce83652266f7bd6c5aa966b6495cc&oe=5732B2E3[img" />
I notice it’s all right for Beyonce to use only black sistas in her routine. I suppose there were no white girls who could dance at the auditions.
I wonder why none of the “sistas” had their hair blonde and straight, like Beyonce, maybe she doesn’t like the competition.
Black/Girl power indeed.
Yup-the Good Rebellion is here.
Black Power-and the Black Panthers that came with it were rapists, gun toting bullies and thugs who kidnapped and tortured their way around every idiot white lefty cause , swapping Mao quotes as they killed innocent businessmen or abused teenage kids.
Yup-very Islamic, before we knew it.
Malcolm X?….now we get an affectionate tribute to him?…from a billionaire bootyshaker who married another faux rebel-and seems happy to be channeling chief kiddie fiddler Michael Jackson?
Still-as long as the sponsors and the Great God Sport is assuaged eh?
Nest week?…Dianne Abbott dressed in Jimmy Saviles string vest and sweatpants parking up in the Labour pink van at Brentfords next match?…KKK dancers behind her maybe waving a confederate flag?
Perhaps ‘outrageous’ Miley Cyrus could do next year with a troupe dressed in KKK outfits…………..
Please don’t give her any ideas.
Dumbed-down BBC news, and worse still sport, can hold just about one-and-half Pee-Cee narrative ideas in the collective brain at any one time.
Don’t believe me? Our reporter from Dunblane on the new Andy Murray tartan sprog ponders (à la Alan Partridge):
“I wonder if this could be a future British Wimmin’s Tennis Number One…?”
For goodness sake! I thought these days we shopped in Australia for plastic Brits as Wimmin’s Tennis Number Ones?
In any case since when did the BBC sign up to genetic determinism to the extent that the sporran droppings of that mardy ‘anyone but England’ blubber of the tennis world ‘dour’ circuit and last minute SNP divide Britain Tweeter would a priori drop a world beating she grunter and groaner of the modern game?
How it passed the hive minders I do not know but I watched “Went the Day Well” on Film 4 . The film about a German invasion of an English village .
It would never never get made today or anything remotely like it. The people and the attitudes had more in common with our distant ancestors who fought at Hastings and at Waterloo than with the metropolitan decadents infesting England now.
It has everything they really hate. An idyllic and unmistakeable English village. The fields and the the countryside are perfectly portrayed. The courage of the English of all clases and particularly of the women ( how something like that must annoy our liberated useless wimmin)
The determination to remain defiant and humorous whatever happens is a theme throughout. A perfect antidote to the BBC and the liberal media’s portrayal of a fine people as basically rubbish now.
Try to watch it and wonder at just what a fine nation we once were and need to be again.
And to those who say there is no such place as England or people as the English this film gives the lie to that.
That’s why the usual suspects hate the Armed Forces, as they have been operating like that from the Medieval Period. Royal Navy, & the Armies of the Nobility, then Cromwell founded the New Model Army,which is the basis of England’s 1st Standing Army (State employed) that we have now.
And Thora Hird shooting Germans. Alan Bennett wouldn’t approve.
News at lunchtime – some halfwit taking Starbucks to court as they didn’t take into account her dyslexia when she was caught falsifying temperature and product records. Naturally she’s coloured and probably muslim. Tearfully she recounts how she ‘thought about suicide’.
The TV was quickly switched off by my good lady before the remote was launched at it.
Fucking BBC emoting over this pish yet not a thing about the child raped by 11 muslims in Oldham.
I’ve often thought they hit a new low, but this time they really are the scum of the earth.
As I was listening to this report, I could hear a small, irritating whine. At first I thought it was a mosquito with the Zita virus, but fortunately it turned out to be the sound of the world’s smallest violin. Oh, the humanity! How dare Starbucks think they have a right to expect their employees to be able to read and write! Next thing, they will expect them to be able to make a decent cup of coffee (only joking, that would be a real breach of their human rights).
Maybe if she`d thought more about how to make a latte-or help her employers pay less tax, as any employee should-then she`d have had less time to fiddle her eco charts.
Maybe the BBC could now employ her to tell us how many viewers their shows get…how many junior doctors are on strike…or how many Germans care about Volkswagens product fiddles.
Oh those poor victimised engine testers at VW….
The excellent actress, (aren’t they all actors now?) Rebecca Root is on A Good Read. She is so good that she sounds like a man!
The BBC’s latest gender agenda.
And don`t forget “her “sister Beattie!
I thankew….
I thought that the Starbucks piece was trivial rubbish and not worthy of coverage on a national news programme. I can only assume that the BBC was pursuing its usual multi-culti, anti- white agenda. The fault that Starbucks made was in promoting a woman to a job in which she could not fulfill key criteria. Once they had realised their error they should have given her a different job. We can’t do workarounds for every person who cannot record simple data when its part of the job requirement.Before our crazy EU inspired employment laws emerged this would have been beyond dispute. Now theres a lefty uproar and another example of our grievance culture.
On the subject of inappropriate people being employed to keep lefties happy, there was a You and Yours almost 20 years ago where a Nigerian lady had applied for a job at a small company which involved, amongst other things, telephone sales. However, she had trouble reading and speaking English so didn’t get the job. She complained of discrimination and a SJW came on the programme to support her. What the small businessman who owned the company should have done, explained the lady SJW, was to employ an English speaker AND the Nigerian lady. After 6 months our talented immigrant should have got a grasp of the work expected and the English lady could be disposed of. Of course the cost of all this, as the company did not have access to the Socialist Money Tree, would have to be from the bottom line of the company – that is the Wicked Capitalist’s wages. Any normal person would have asked about the fairness to the redundant English worker cast aside, the whole cost of this “solution”, and did the SJW have any experience in the real world of business. Nothing from the presenter, though but definitely I got the impression that she was equally appalled at this “injustice” to a guest of our fair island. What planet do these Beebs live on!
There can now be little doubt that our Prime Minister courts BBC approval as a priority. Hence the liberal nature of Dave’s peculiar and distracting initiatives. Just think about his recent foray into prison reform. Cameron paints a picture of prison failure “failure of our system today is scandalous” Well just one moment, Mr Cameron, this is a ‘public service’ run by civil servants – don’t blame and shame all of us. You tax us to pay you to run this stuff – and have done for decades – so if there are failings put the blame where it is due. But no, apparently the state of the prison service “should shame us all”. Of course the media led by the BBC lap it up.
This is a similar tactic to that used by President Obama who regularly berates US society at large and delights his liberal media worshippers by characterising the US people as bigoted and backward and in need of a sound professorial ticking off from the great man.
I think I heard Cameron wail about 40% of prisoners going on to re-offend. That’s because they’re villains!
They`re very good at Islamic conversion though-which in a sense we should all be happy about-those Sunday School trips out and a long-prayed for return to colouring books and bible study.
Lord knows how much we`re paying for all the schoolgirl dolls though…
Agreed AISI,
Cameron is very similar to Blair, both liars, both arrogant, both completely detestable, both liberal, Cameron could fit easily into right wing Labour.
The fact the supposedly “most powerful” man (woman/woman now man/man now woman/man who has op to become woman but doesn’t want to be gender identified) in the whole of UKistan has to pander to those fuckwits, shows how royaly screwed we are. The more I see of our traitorous scumbag political and media elite, the more I see the similarities with the peace loving 13 year old doctors and engineers we are begging to come and enrich us. All inbreds, at war with the evil racist white population and ready to blame it all on the nasty natives for forcing the ROPers into enriching thousands of innocent, defenceless underage girls.
I know why he wants to make prisons better places – they’ll be ready for when the cabinet ends up there
Listening to some book program on Radio 4 before the news, I thought the 2 guests a little strange. The woman sounded a bit butch and the man sounded a bit effeminate. Imagine my surprise to find out later that the guy is bisexual and the woman is trans. BBC catering for its core audience again as usual.