Tonight the BBC has been running a story about how a court found Starbucks had discriminated against a woman with dyslexia because she had not been able to accurately record the temperatures of fridges milk & water.
There must be hundreds of cases passing through the tribunals every day – the vast majority lose of course, but it’s only when you hear the womans voice that the BBC agenda comes to the fore.
Meseret Kumulchew was her name, and she is of course black. Had she been white it is doubtful that the BBC would have shown any interest at all.
If Starbucks had continued to employ her and customers had come down with food poisoning because the fridges were running warm would the BBC have exonerated Starbucks because their employee was incompetent?
I think the story would have been incompetent company poisons customers – and it would have run for at least a week.
Basically Starbucks will be in the dock on “You and Yours” if they let her poison someone( or , God forbid not serve the froth at 55 degrees).
But now she`s lost her job, it will be Law in Action…with a twist from “In Touch” seeing as there`s a named so called diagnosis for being a bit thick.
Oh-and Michael Rosens berkfest will want to explore her made-up words and accuse us all of being intolerant of her crap English…
And Laurie Taylor will be on hand to discuss the collective oppression of thick students in a Holloway Polytechnic seminar held in Jimi Hendrix` old flat.
The BBC and the tribunal seem to have completely overlooked the obvious, in that the employee was unable to do her job because of an undisclosed condition. It was her responsibility to inform her employer. Given that she was putting the customers at risk how can Starbucks have behaved otherwise? If the Glasgow bin driver had been sacked before he killed six people would the tribunal have arrived at a similar verdict? I suspect not. Victim culture seems to have a very particular set of politically correct hierarchies.
I think similar is playing out with the Bijan Ebrahimi case which the MSM were all over today, especially the BBC and especially lhe BBC locally. Of course no one condones this despicable murder, one which has also resulted in two policemen being imprisoned for ignoring his pleas, but I seriously wonder were it not for the victims background, would we be hearing so much about it?
I also raises the question,what of other people being ignored by the police. I’m thinking eg parents in Rochdale…Obviously not the same magnitude…
The BBC will now employed Meseret Kumulchew in the BBC canteen. The BBC only employs those who are not able to accurately record the temperatures of fridges milk & water, under the BBC’s equality for inferior peoples quotas. The BBC only employs White Males if they provide evidence that they are mentally retarded by left-wing thoughts, but must do their utmost to pretend that they are impartial. If they fail, the BBC Complaints possess will uphold your bias with “Black is White” legal advice from lawyers.
The clue for that incident being reported may be in the sentence from the article ‘ “Dow Jones, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, denied the allegation”
Could anyone answer the question as to how much of of our International Aid Development money is being used for the Syrian Crisis.
are the billions the taxpayer funds (I think 2.2 billion pounds) even being used from the International Aid Budget or is it from an unknown pot of money, if so under what title is it named, and has it been budgeted for by Mr Osborne in the financial spending year.
I sincerely hope he has not just added it to the 1 1/2 trillion pound debt we already have. If he has the amount of Syrian money will have interest on it.
It’s just Mickey mouse money the government conjures up, I believe the true level of the national debt is far higher than that, as that astronomical figure doesn’t include “unfunded future liabilities”.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford.
I would assume its coming from the foreign aid budget because its so big that they have problems finding how to spend it, a bit like EU regional development funding. If its additional funding then the Gov’t has truly lost the plot.
Just caught up on a couple of things that friends here have posted up.
One was Tommy Robinsons recent interview with Dave Rubin
Another was UKIPs Bolton meeting re leaving the EU last night.
When you hear them all uninterrupted, they speak well-their messages are genuinely chilling in terms of the importance, and I now have far more respect for a Nuttall or what Tommy suffers in his righteous cause.
Thanks for posting these up for me…and I now see why the BBC harry and smear UKIP and Tommy at every opportunity.
The truth, if allowed to go through uninterrupted, would destroy them…but once you`ve seen REAL questioning, and REAL public meetings(not QT Potemkin mockeries)…you`ll not go back to the BBC again.
Won`t watch Al Jazeera ever again, having seen Tommys defenestration of Peter Dobbies IS Trojan Arse…and why bother with the BBC when Dave Rubin or the Glasov Gang are available….might get my License fee divvied up and split between REAL broadcasters
Precisely chrisH, the same reason you only get a five second clip (maximum) of a Donald Trump speech, any decent airtime and people would begin to question the need for all the fuss al beebus is making about him and his (perfectly sensible) views.
We have become conditioned to the antagonistic and adversarial interview where the BBC hack is obliged to attack and undermine/distort what the interviewee is saying. Now it may be necessary to grill a politician who has something to hide, but most people have something that can contribute to a subject and the role of the interviewer should be primarily to help extract it without blocking off or shouting the speaker down. We know BBC interviewers can do this, as they spend most of their time giving easy interviews to each other – as when they politely interview their Middle East/European/North American Editors.
Following the PEGIDA march in B’Ham, and the Al Jazeera interview with Tommy Robinson, Ezra Levant interviews Raheem Kassam (Breitbart). Please watch from 17:10 to 27:30 mins. Kassam sees the manner of Saturday’s march as a model for future PEGIDA events, and if replicated will challenge the MSM’s stereotypical narrative of this growing movement.
You are going to have to up the bias quotient reportage amongst the mainstream media, and possibly offer an associate website to highlight the shameless skewing of news from others, not just the BBC. We all know Channel Four is Loon Central, but ITV and increasingly, Sky News delivers the sort of stuff any BBC type would, no doubt, approve.
This evening we had coverage on Sky of the primary in New Hampshire, and there was a lengthy interview by Jeremy Thompson with someone with a ‘Hillary’ badge, about the primary and who was more electable, Bernie or Hillary. No Republican was similarly interviewed. Then barely less than an hour later, we had Ian King interviewing a former Democrat strategist on the primary. Again, although this guy gave his opinion of both parties and their candidates, it definitely wasn’t from a Republican perspective. Seems for all UK media outlets that impartiality doesn’t extend to the right.
I keep hearing comparisons (BBC Guardian etc) being made between today’s “refugee” crisis and the unspeakable horrors inflicted on Jewish people during the last war. We are constantly being reminded of the 1940’s when Britain “did the right thing.” We are told every day that Britain took in many Jewish people escaping the death camps and saved thousands of lives. Clearly the message is Britain did the right thing then; it should do the right thing now.
I was just wondering. During that most shameful episode in mankind’s history how many Jewish folk did Muslim nations give sanctuary to?
How many?! Oh I see…
Thought so…
If you read about Haj Amin Al Husseini you will find the Arab worlds dirty fingerprints all over the holocaust. Al Husseini is known to have traveled to the death camps and believed to have seen the gas chambers. He wrote approvingly to other Arab leaders expressing his approval they cannot ever claim not to have known what was going on.
Post war Al Husseini was described as an architect of the holocaust yet deranged French leader De Gaulle offered him sanctuary from a world which thought he should have been held to account. He was able to escape from France to Egypt when it seemed the Israelis might assassinate him.
In terms of numbers of Jews – many did flee to British Administered Palestine, where in gratitude they began a terrorist insurgency against us !
“Terrorist insurgency”, strong term but I know where you are coming from, I prefer it a reaction to that arch Jew hating labour foreign minister Ernest Bevin who sent survivors from the death camps back there.
Oh dear, another do gooder who knows nothing about history and makes it up to suit his own prejudices!
Firstly I never said anything to intimate that the Arab world were the sole perpetrators.
Secondly although there are too many names there to classify, Hitler was positively not a Christian! In Fact when he’d finished with the Jews the priests would have been next. He was a BIG admirer of Islam & might even have converted himself .
Himmler was another hater of Christians and attempted to establish his own strange pagan re birth of the Norse mythological Gods .
Just remember that many of the German people engaged with Nazism as enthusiastically as many of todays British people have with Fascism in this iteration.
Even the far left so called ‘independent’ calls Husseini out for his Fascism, even if it does go to extraordinary lengths to lessen the effects the man had on the region.
Don`t know if I`m missing something here-but as I watched Channel 4s puff for their “Disability Games”…did they REALLY say there was a “Last Leg” coming up for them to advertise?
Were they being funny?…or literal…I never know these days with the liberal left and their media ciphers.
Answer from the left on why young Muslims are becoming radicalised? The left always reply poverty, no prospects, isolated from society and do not have the opportunities the rest of the UK (white people) have. We need more investment.
Got that. Next
Reply from the left when Camer-silver spoon states money is available to provide classes to teach Muslim women English? The Muslims that are becoming radicalised are all post graduates, so clearly this policy is pointless as these “radicals” (haha) come from well educated, well to do families. This policy is just fueling islamaphobia.
Did that make sense to you either?
How many times have Al Beeb challenged both responses? I’m guessing the same number of Qataris have left Islam Peter Dobbie
Anyone else see mon night BBC2 “Greece with Simon Reeve”?
Part one of a two-part series in which the presenter takes a tour of the country, travelling from the islands of the Aegean to Athens. Along the way he meets local people including gun-toting priests and the last sponge-divers in the world, and discovers how they are coping with their country’s current crises
Of course BBC being BBC they couldnt resist a propaganda opportunity, so Reeve goes to Lesbos and drives along the east coast road pointing out Turkey across the sea, and the sight of abandoned life jackets littering the beaches!
Great excitement: “Theres a boat coming in now!” Well there would be, one arrives on average every six minutes.
Reeve rushes down to greet them all smiles and welcome, manages to find a Syrian couple with two little ones. By now the fool is in tears, despite the fact that the family are absolutely fine having had an uneventful one hour crossing from Turkey. I really do wonder what macho Arab men think of these weedy Europeans who are usually the first they meet.
He went on to greet a young Afghan, and here was the interesting bit of the story, which I am surprised the BBC didnt cut, the Afghan said that he had heard that the borders of Europe are open, and this was why he and a few friends decided to leave. Reeve was absolutely stunned by the fact that this news had travelled half way round the world. Most of us will not be so shocked, although perhaps a little surprised to see it stated so baldly.
How can Simon Reeve be surprised when every one of these scientists, surgeons and Nobel prize winners that are climbing off the boats have IPhone 6’s, twitter accounts and blogs (Day one: even though I am 36 I will pretend that I am 15 and plead racism. Day 2: gone out to enrich the infidels. Checked out some war booty. Muhammad (peace be upon him) would have loved the place as the eldest I saw there was 7)?? The only people who believe they are fleeing certain death in war torn Syria are arse wipes like him. They are kitted out in more designer gear than the pondlife on towie!
Mr Reeve is a conscious role-model for maleness in modern Western society – based on vulnerability, sensitivity and a preference for the collective over the individual. In order to epitomise this process of psychological gender-transformation, Mr Reeve is propelled into situations where a traditional response would have been to challenge the migrant’s self-justification or worse. He is anxious to demonstrate an alternative.
He proceeds to enact a public miracle, a saintly act of self-abasement at the feet of a person unencumbered by anything other than appetite. He demonstrates the moral virtue of making a gift of our Western wealth and civilisation, putting it on a plate, and handing it to that person, saying ‘take, eat, for it is rightfully yours’.
In previous centuries Mr Reeve would likely have been found in a religious procession, a flagellant whipping his back to a bloody pulp and acquiring virtue in the process. He is a man curiously out of time.
He`s just Brian Cox on a skateboard that dopey kid Reeve.
Only a vacuous airhead like him could weep as some self-styled “Syrians” show up and hug him before going to become “cameramen in Europe”.
I`d now be watching our new cameraman for his seedy upskirt photostreams soon to come, as he rifled Reeves bag soon afterwards no doubt….either that or sack the BBC ones and replace them with these new cheaper ones like our Syrian chums.
Bunch of Mirrormen Zeligs this lot-if you dressed as a striking doctor, they`d no doubt all tell you that they`re all surgeons.
Won`t have to be brain surgeons though to make the BBCs greensticks swallow whatever guff the UNHCR have told them to say…the gullible liberal lefty oafs are chosen for their compliance, parrot training and hoop jumping…whether it`s to “teach” or to “report”…s`all the same shit, maan!
One minute Simple Simon was a hollerin` at the injustice of it all-next minute women he`d picked up to go to Athens are getting bundled out of his car, because the men needed them to carry them or maybe to check for landmines-until the camels came over, or they`d blagged a few donkeys from DonkeyWorld, Pireaus.
Poor Simon didn`t know why….so he`d have left a portable shrine with a card saying “WHY” on it at the point where this mum and daughter were turfed out of his car so that he could carry the drugs and guns safely in Athens for them.
The BBC are Islams grifters…and Simon Reeves airhead under his floppy fringe would inflate a few Lesbian day trips , were he to be fracked at the cracked septum…for today I am a doctor!
It was wonderful to see his incomprehension at the Cretan priest who said he needed a gun to protect his religion, his island and his nation. Against whom? The priest knew, but Simon is not telling us. “This isn’t our culture” he bleated as he was handed a gun. Maybe not yours mate, but the time will come when you will have to learn or die. The Cretans have been invaded often enough to know the difference. Some people do not come in peace, and only hot lead will sufffice.
Miss Shouty Montague just interviewed Bernie Saunders’ brother, a retired academic here in England. When he said Bernie would go out and speak directly to the people and if elected would address their concerns by mounting a revolution to address inequality Miss Shouty immediately drew the comparison with the Corbynutta.
“Both candidates are riding on a wave of discontent with mainstream politics.”
“Both” referring to Trump and Sanders, it was the “mainstream politics” part that highlights just how high the BBC ivory tower is, so far above the clouds they can’t even see the little people anymore. It is Barack Hussein Obama II and Hillary who are subversive, promoters of strange ideology . Trump is mainstream.
Main scream media more like!
That Trump is Tops is a joy to me-and that Uncle Albert Corbyn over there might roll Hillary over her pork barrel is a bonus.
Let it be Trump v the Colonel please Lord-Trump`s not costing them anything-a free President!
And if Hillary can be that harpie wasp chewing bag of wind we all know her to be…oh it`d be grand to see Bill peg out on the trail, as America gives us all a good laugh and puts politics to scorn.
Imagine Snow, Mardell, Webb and Morris etc on the beltway next November-could we get Donald to refuse them permission to leave for a few weeks as he gets that campaign to ban him “sorted” with the lefty gobshites of our media?
Inserting Jim Naughtie into a well-oiled drum by the runway would-for me-be a fine way to start the Presidency Mr Trump sir!
Mainstream media my bottom-Donald Trumps them out, and his lavender wind is-it turns out-a jetstream!…
I think the left-wing BBC confuse POWER with intelligence, but intelligent people are a minority who are not in power at the moment, due to rule by the more numerous people of mediocre IQ on the left of politics. Something that can only improve if the people vote for Trump, or UKIP in Britain, in future.
With an IQ of 164, I can vouch for the lack of power of intelligent people in Government, due to an upper-class twit like Cameron keeping mature experienced and intelligent Tories out of the Cabinet, or sacking them and replacing them with ridiculously young and inexperienced low IQ dolly birds.
Many posts on this forum are testament to the folly that has become known as “Climate Change” and heavily promoted by the BBC. Over the last couple of months I have come to hang my head down in complete despair at the narrative that is constantly fed to us by the BBC and that from other MSM to include other radio outlets. The effort to big up any perceived weather event as “Climate Change” is, I find, after having 40 years of meteorological understanding and professional experience, quite outstanding. Terminology has been changed, terminology that has stood since the beginning of time, but changed in an effort to provide “evidence” of “Climate Change”. Today, I have heard for the first time yet another change of language, not the one of extensive “chilliness” but that of “Wintry Rain”. It has all gone beyond a joke, this is really getting quite pathetic, but then, that is the real world our lefty friends live in isn’t it? Pathetic.
… where would romantic songwriters be, TOB, without ‘Summer Rain’ ? 😉
On a slightly different note, by this time in the new year last year, I had been told by BBC R4 that the carbon emissions for 2014 had reached new record levels and that 2014 was, according to the CES, the warmest year ever. I confess I am now probably listening to BBC R4 a little less than last year but I don’t recall hearing the similar statistics for 2015. Could it be that the carbon emissions level has climbed again but the (rather selective) Central England temperature numbers are down?
Wouldn’t suit the AGW/CC narrative, if that were the case, which might explain the silence.
I only hear of results (400 ppm) from the top of a Hill in Hawaii. I do not hear about any confirmation using Chemical methods of measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels, from any where else in the World. Hawaii seems to have a monopoly, which seem very fishy indeed.
A scientific paper by Ernst-Georg Beck showed that the Victorians where more competent than present day scientists, but then they weren’t frozen into inaction by what is the biggest ideological madness in History.
So its possible that in reality, the Carbon Dioxide levels are now falling, and this information is being suppressed by mass disbelief within the scientific community. And who would believe an amateur enthusiast who measured CO2 levels the old fashioned way.
But then, as I have said before, the main problem with the Brainwashing is that its designed to avert attention from the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming. Which actually does not exist in separation from warming from Nitrogen & Oxygen by Atmospheric pressure.
….but I don’t recall hearing the similar statistics for 2015. Could it be that the carbon emissions level has climbed again but the (rather selective) Central England temperature numbers are down?
Nah, they’re just awaiting publication of the latest ‘adjusted’ temperatures, which tend to be ‘adjusted’ (upwards, always upwards) by about 0.2 degrees to show a warming over the year of 0.01 degree and where 0.1 degree is the margin of error for temperature measurement.
In other words, they adjust the temperature by more than the margin of error to prove a warming of one tenth of the margin of error.
Arrghh! but BBC Climate change is different from ‘other’ climate changes such as that reported in Sydney AUSTRALIA for example shows no change at all. But then the UK variable weather conditions every day is a BBC ‘climate change’ and Prophet Harrabin and his many followers. If is rains or shines that ‘proves’ their point that they (think) they can control the weather by having less (CO2) or more (UN AGENDA 21). The fact that CO2 appears to make little difference (as naturally occurring C02 is far greater). This video explains in far more detail the scientific complexity by dispelling six impossible claims (without bias). And according to Lord Monkton – If we banned all Co2 emissions (as the UN IPCC would have us believe) over the next 30 years, based on this pseudo scientific ‘CONSENSUS’ by the left led Green Lobby. Lord Monkton (using the same IPCC published figures) states that to reduce ‘Climate Change temperature by 1 degree would take 30 years- (and remember reducing C02 is not scientifically proven to be that effective). It would mean an immediate ban on all industrial products, a ban on diesel generators (that support Wind farms), a ban on Coal as well as Oil (including all bio-fuels), a ban on fracking, oil exploration, paint (volatile petroleum spirits and turpentine), Scotch Whisky (in fact all alcoholic drinks), Lemonade (contains carbon Dioxide), Bread (contains Yeast which makes Carbon Dioxide with sugars), and Cakes (contains self raising flour giving off carbon dioxide) and no heating oil for anyone including North Sea gas, Russian Gas (as used by BRITISH GAS), LPG gas (propane and Camping GAZ), Wood (all of it either in compost or burnt) would all have to be sequestrated. And they never mention that it would mean the end of all AIR TRAVEL. The use of any of the above would have to be banned or restricted. Simply by having any ‘Animals’ alive as farming herds (Beef or Dairy) would have to be reduced to an extent that famine would follow. No pets allowed. None of this is makes sense (expect to the UN IPCC) but it is a useful tool in creating a new world order. Control of populations (ending of family rights to have their own children), limiting food supplies (to the approved type (veggieburgers) ), control of world resources (globalists), and an end to ‘world poverty’ as (welcoming diverse nations as one brother at lower cost) observed by Karl Marx of Camden town, London. The EU is fully compliant with all of this. We in the UK can only obey -unless we get out. Of course poverty (as always) will be imposed on all nations that ‘sign up’ to it but like the luvvies ‘BBC charter’ signing – it make the left feel virtuous (albeit stupid). The value for money BBC. What they don’t report will harm us.
If more people knew about the Length of the Solar Cycle and its correlation with Climate Change, then they would not waste so much time reading all that bullshit. Just think of it, they have conferences with 40,000 worthless ignorant people with IQ’s in the lower 98 percent of the population, producing bullshit.
And to bring you all up to date on the real evidence of “Global Warming” thus leading to “Climate Change”, the results are now in on the reporting stations (private and otherwise) for the Dartmoor area of Great Britain. 2015 had temperature and rainfall below average, that despite having the closing month of December above average in both temperature and rainfall. And for what it is worth, as you won’t here this from Mr Harrabin and thereby the BBC, the result of all this inclement weather (storminess) is the result of a cooling planet and not a warming one. Fact.
I am afraid you have made a fundamental error, one which is inexcusable in climate change circles. You have reported ‘actual’ data. You should know this is of no use until it has been adjusted at which point it becomes ‘acceptable’ data. Once your observations have been adjusted you will be surprised to see just how much warmer and wetter Dartmoor was in 2015.
Old Bloke,
Retraining courses are available at any ‘uni’ that has a pseudo-science dept offering courses in Climate Science. However, the Holy Mecca of climate scientology is the UEA. Just say Roger sent you and everything should be fine.
Well, actually, it is probably better to do English Literature or History of Art or Women’s Studies or somesuch at Uni to train as a Climate Change authority. Doing something near scientific, such as Agricultural Science, is a bit dangerous as well evidenced by a popular spokesperson.
Keep an eye on this developing piece of software – it is going to screw NASA, NOAA and the IPCC once and for all. Currently USA only, it will be going global. Real data, before it’s, er, “tweaked” – and you can do-it-yourself:
Do I recall, TOB, that it was your good self who recorded a frost in every month in Devon in 2015? If not, perhaps the proper scientist on this site who did so, will own up, so that I can get the credit right. I’ve started to quote that statistic to one or two folk in conversation about weather and global warming and climate change and stuff. The response tends to be open mouthed silence so the data collected will slowly become proven as very useful in debate.
Secondly, I concur and have observed in some posts and debates elsewhere that the likely effect of global warming is, eventually, global cooling. And very clean atmospheres. Which could lead to more warming. And then more cooling. As the RAF types would say “What goes up, must come down.” And probably there would have been at least one who would dryly observe “What goes up hot, comes down cold unless you have been unlucky enough to have been shot down in flames, old chap.”
I have met real enthusiasts, no doubt disciples of the Harrabin, who insist that car companies, oil companies & motorists are completely evil for destroying the polar ice caps, making glaciers melt and polar bears go hungry, notwithstanding the fact that when they are not scavenging on land from humans, their hunting territory is water. I sometimes ask them why it isn’t raining constantly. They usually reply that it is because the planet is getting hotter. I then tend to observe that our particular space on the planet is a year or three (or four or five or six) from a widespread, blisteringly good summer. So they then blame it on the Climate Change, and the wind & the storms & the rain. So then I ask, merely to jolly the conversation along, what happens to temperature when it rains.
A bit late replying but, yes it was me who pointed out that Dartmoor had recorded a frost day every month last year. Also, a fellow follower had gone up to the mountains of Scotland and had recorded a record number of lying snow heaps during their summer. At the same time, our Met Office were telling us that the U.K. had the hottest ever year. Well, this hottest year “evah” has since been debunked, but the narrative got out there.
BBC Breakfast this morning, male sofa jockey mentions the families of Pub bombing victims wanting the inquest reopened.
The people were brutally murdered “probably” by the IRA.
Probably !!!!!! I couldn’t believe my ears, who else does he think did it…He also got in that it was 40 years ago, the implication being that we should just forget it about, unlike Bloody Sunday of course, which must never be forgotten.
Casciani trying to play it down by saying “He’s a student from London who was accused of preparing some kind of major terrorism plan”.
“Some sort”, Casciani says, as if he was planning to let off a Penny banger in Trafalgar Square. Actually, he was accused of planning to target former Prime Minister Tony Blair or to carry out a Mumbai-style rampaging gun attack on the streets of London. I wonder why the BBC failed to mention this, despite that fact that it’s no secret?
Damnation! Some Muzzie plans to assassinate the most treacherous duplicitous corrupt Prime Minister we’ve ever had – which would have been the sweetest irony.
I suspect the BBC are erring very much on the side of caution given that the trial is currently proceeding.
Breakfast the bias remains the same Trump winning in New Hampshire is glossed over as well he was the favourite.
However serious and shocking news. Because of climate change it may take longer to fly to America. Yes climate change might alter wind patterns
On the upside it’ll be faster to fly back, possibly.
“Climate change ‘to make transatlantic flights longer”, well into the article hides the line,
“While at present there is no firm observational evidence of changes in the jet stream”, and a bit further on,
“This study builds on the concept that my team published last year showing that there is a two-way relationship between climate change and air travel,” said Dr Kristopher Karnauskas”, nice fat climate change study grant in the offing maybe?
If the BBC ran a report stating rain was wet I’d go outside and check.
That’s already the case on some routes. Last year I travelled to Thailand; it took 13hrs London-Bangkok, 11.5hrs Bangkok-London. Something to do with the direction of the following wind.
Obiwan, are you sure it was that way round, if the aircraft is on a general easterly track, it would benefit from the jetstream, eg London to Bangkok. West bound aircraft would be facing, it therefore, the journey times would be longer.
Essexman: I remember when this used to be a typical ‘GCSE Maths’ problem. It went something like this: ‘I drove from Cambridge to Cardiff at an average speed of 50 mph, it was heavy traffic, but I managed to drive back at an average speed of 70 mph. Why wasn’t my average speed for the round trip 60mph ? What average speed for the return journey would make the round trip average 60 mph ?’
(You can substitute Cambridge and Cardiff (for London and New York), and the Car is one of those Eurostar Airbusses flying at ten times the Car speed (guessing 600mph tops). Ignore the headwind as it cancels out both ways) BUT of course transatlantic Airplanes do not necessarily fly the same route (as you say) so there may be no headwind at all (which makes the BBC claim even more ridiculous)! The answer can be found here.
How rich is this……….
‘While immigrant youngsters might face cultural, social and economic disadvantages, the top 10% of 15-year-old students with an immigrant background in the United States did just as well as the top 10% without an immigrant background, as measured by the international Pisa tests.’
So let’s get this straight – immigrants can achieve as well as non-immigrants – OK no problem with that. But this is the bit I have a problem with…………
‘In fact, when accounting for social background, these high-achieving immigrant teenagers were almost a school year ahead.’
So, you achieve the same but because you are an immigrant you are actually doing better. What a complete and total crock of sh1t.
Depends what age they start at, does it not? If immigrant & indigenous start at same point age 5, say, then you are correct. What is solely different then is the well-known ‘Tiger Mum’ effect.
If the immigrant comes in at say, age 13, then I would have said unless bi-lingual before entry, there has been a considerable catch-up. That would lends some validity to the study, would it not?
It will have an influence in this case. When you are really a 36 year old I would imagine the ability to learn is starting to fade, though I may be doing them a disservice because from leaving the hell of war torn Syria, the doctors have managed to aquire brand new iPhones and designer gear
If there are parents and a birth certificate, RD, then probably no. But you are wise to ask: 170cm children with hairy upper lips in primary schooling may enjoy all sorts of advantages.
‘In fact, when accounting for social background, these high-achieving immigrant teenagers were almost a school year ahead.’
So, you achieve the same but because you are an immigrant you are actually doing better. What a complete and total crock of sh1t
That is the impression they wish to give, promoting the idea that immigrants are just ‘better.’
However there is a fairly simple explanation which they ignore.
. Immigrants often take a step or three down the social ladder when they emigrate to a new country, so someone who was perhaps a a university graduate and a teacher in the Third World country he came from becomes a taxi driver in Britain or the USA. Their children are then rated as ‘working class background’ but its not really surprising if they both have a higher IQ and have more parental support to achieve than a genuine working class child of British or US background. These children usually do well, because their parent are very keen for their children to recover the social status they have lost.
Here’s more climate change bullshit.
The headline on the bbc.con front page says
‘Climate change ‘lengthens Atlantic flights’ – present tense, sounds like a statement of fact?
Click on the link and jump into the future ‘Climate change ‘to make transatlantic flights longer” – a prediction of the future?
Read on and we get to the words ‘could’ and ‘likely’ – oops, statement of fact just flew out of the window.
Lets get down to the crux shall we?
‘on average, flights will only gain and lose a few minutes each way,’ – well why are we even talking about it then?
Just as I thought, another scaremongering non-story from the Cbeebies science class.
Yes but those minutes could prove critical to BBC non-journalists rushing to-from the US in order to cheer for Hillary (now holed below the waterline and sinking fast) or criticise Trump.
The poor luvvies at the Beeb don’t even have the use of Concorde any more. I feel their pain, I really do.
Yes , it doesn’t matter if the jet stream is blowing at 60 kts or 160 kts, West bound aircraft would use more fuel, but eastbound, would use less,it’s all factored into fuel costs & fares. The difference is Zero, unless the day you went out, it was 160 kts & the day you came back it was 60 kts. But other aircraft going the other way would benefit. Total non story bollox.
Hardly Aryan! An interview like that takes away the enormity of the event to the point of switching off. A good example of what is happening in Europe, presumably an African, likely with German nationality but speaking pigin English but without the slightest hint of a German accent.
There is no clue in the interview that this happened in Germany, could have happened anywhere in Southern Europe as its its stuffed with nationless inhabitants like this, Marxism in action.
I wonder how long it took the BBC to find a witness to suit their agenda?
Probably, like everyone else on this forum, I couldn’t stop laughing at the “report” about transatlantic flights taking longer because of the change to the Jetstream caused by “Climate Change”. First the presumption is that winds will get stronger. Well, there is some merit in that comment, for, as the World cools and the Northern Hemisphere cools also, the wind is ‘forced’ to become stronger because of the atmospheric changes. But hey, hang on a minute! We have all been told that because the globe is getting warmer, temperatures are rising. The trouble is with these numpties, they do not understand that if the temperatures rose then the winds of the Jetstream would become LESS strong not more strong. So, by deduction of fact and historical data, they have confirmed by making this statement, that the earth is cooling not getting warmer.
Also, there are many flight paths across the Atlantic known as “tracks” and Airline accountants aren’t that stupid to allow their pilots to fly directly into a 250 mph plus wind at 40,000 ft,so they deviate around the core winds. Yes, more air miles might be accomplished but with lighter winds on a different track then a schedule might/could and is maintained. The comment has already been made that flight times will be quicker if pilots use the Jetstream (a bumpy trip guaranteed) i.e, from the West to East but all that gained time could be lost on the ground at either Heathrow or Gatwick, when a very chuffed captain touches down 30 minutes early on the tarmac only to be told by sniggering ATC that they will have to wait for 30 minutes before a gate/ramp becomes available.
Did you hear about the other report yesterday about the increase in shark attacks on humans? All because of “Climate Change” as the seas are getting warmer. Eh?
Concerning the CET data set. Word is out that the Met Office have reduced considerably the number of reporting stations within the historical boundaries of the CET? Now, I wonder why they would do that, you know like, remove all the rural ones and keep in all the urban ones and most definitely the one at Heathrow? Can’t possible think can you?
The Atlantic Track system is adjusted to cater to jet stream forecasts on a daily basis. Always has been. Nothing like a good tail wind on the way back from the US of A…
Obiwan, are you sure it was that way round, if the aircraft is on a general easterly track, it would benefit from the jetstream, eg London to Bangkok. West bound aircraft would be facing, it therefore, the journey times would be longer.
My understanding of the carbon dioxide hypothesis, confirmed by experts, Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling. Is that the storms would get less and less as the contrast between the surface and six miles up, would reduce. This was the position of the IPCC until it contradicted its own hypothesis, with a need for alarmism. This is also why the Worlds top Hurricane expert, Chris Landsea resigned from the IPCC in disgust.
So the storms should be getting less due to man-made Climate Change. But are temporarily getting worse due to an El Nino.
I suggest that this proves that the left-wing mind is inferior.
And there’s more….
It’s getting worse ! The headline is now
“How jet stream is making UK-US return flights longer” – to me this is a clear statement of fact. However, if you listen to the video it starts of with (I’m paraphrasing here) “they’ve worked out that IF you double the amount of CO2 that causes a change in the jet stream and stronger westerly winds” IF being the operative word.
Current CO2 is 400 ppm. To get a doubling (go back to when it was 200 ppm) you have to go back thousands of years – even the industrial revolution did not double it.
So we have gone from a theoretical study to a statement “jet stream is making UK-US return flights longer”
More distorted BBC bias science.
Did anyone else have the misfortune to hear that sanctimonious tw@t Steve Coogan on Front Row last night? If you must torture yourself here is the listen again link:
The misery starts at 20:45 with Coogan disappearing up his own fundamanent of self-importance at 26:50.
The whole programme is sh*te of the most risible kind.
i have just watched Prime Ministers Questions on bBBC. Not one question on Camerons faux pas on Calais migrants, not one question on Aleppo, and not one question on todays Doctors strike.
This sort of sums up just how bad the opposition are?
Labour are bad enough but the SNP come across as even worse and bordering on the pathetic.
The SNP are concerned about just one thing. How best to stir up grievance between Scotland & England. If you bear that in mind you’ll see the reasoning behind everything they say.
The thing the SNP should be concerned about, very concerned about, is the oil price. Funny old thing, neither Krankie nor Slippery Salmond seem keen to draw attention to it.
Indeed, but no-one seems terribly keen to hold their feet to the fire over it. It has long puzzled me why the SNP seem to get such an easy ride from the media.
Coogan explains how Alan Partridge moved on from being a ‘Daily Mail xenophobe’ (cue snigger from interviewer) to (paraphrased) ‘a liberal minded David Cameron type who embraces diversity’.
Oh God, somebody please burst that fucking bubble so these socialist twats can see the world around them.
Just tuned in and then tuned out of R4’s new sitcom ‘The Reluctant Persuaders’ in the car. Supposedly based on an advertising agency in London. No-one said, but that would have to have been an ad agency in the sixties. It was like Mad Men, but without the plot, production values or humour.
What got me really though was the continuity announcer ushering on the show: “And now, from the murky world of advertising.” Working I suppose in the ‘advertising industry’ I feel like whipping myself up into a froth of mock outrage and falling into a Twitter frenzy of pity and distress like any other minority group would. Funny how the BBC would never say for instance: “in the murky world of kids charities”, or “the murky world of nationalised broadcasting”, “the murky world of Islamic gender politics”. Now if the BBC was what it should be, we could have some great comedy about those subjects.
The title is presumably a homage to Vance Packard’s 1957 classic “The Hidden Persuaders” but the irony is lost on the BBC, who in its propaganda uses the same subliminal messages and crude appeals to basic emotions that Packard warned about, but doesn’t manage to give us anything as useful as decent washing-up liquid or good razor blades in return for the £145.50.
I do not think the BBC have reported on the row over the Doritos advert that appeared during the US Superbowl. It is going viral on the internet and consists of a scene in a hospital where a pregant woman is having an ultrasound whilst her stupid husband is eating crisps. The nurse draws attention to the scan of the ‘beautiful baby’ and husband waves crisps at it.
I have mentioned it here because the video I have attached reveals much about the mindset of the fascist left,which clearly includes the BBC’s tendency to misreport and censor what is considered alien to its rabid progressive/left agenda.
Reaction to the Doritos advert has been severe; the left, feminists, pro-choice organizations, and opinion blockers condemned the advert because it ‘humanised the baby’ , yes humanised it, the ultrasound scan looks like a living baby as it is supposed to if it is is healthy and normal. But we cannot have women thinking that pregnant women have babies inside them; they might not exercise their choice to abort.
Now to the video. Please don’t be put off from watching it, despite the fact that it is one of those over used Hitler in the Bunker, clips. This one is different, as it reveals just how the fascist left seek to control information.
This is awful.
Poor woman, poor family, poor decent Calaisians-and a disgusting dereliction of duty from Sarkozys era, Blair/Brown and the European Union.
Yet all we get from the BBC, Moutet and Hollande is that liberal bullshit where islam and migration are “victims”.
Real French people like this are suffering in a way I`d no idea about.
Utterly appalling-and real trouble coming soon…especially as the Left and the BBC. the EU and Merkel will do all they can to shut the likes of this woman down in the cause of “giving offence to Anjem” or Polly”
Thanks for this Tom…real testimony is badly needed more than ever before Zuckerberg polishes Merkels jackboots with his tongue…as if the BBC haven`t licked them to a good shine already.
Its uncanny and extremely disconcerting that I’ve watched similar videos from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Greece even to a lesser degree from Americans and Australians and of course we know what what is happening here, its happening world wide.
Maybe someone can enlighten me, why are our white politicians, Police, the MSM and ‘minority groups’ so supportive of white genocide, which if things ultimately play out in the direction they’re heading will also bring the demise of them and theirs, WTF is happening in the Western World?
This makes me even more angry when my local BBC keep pushing the Calais Aid crap.
I had thought that Hungary or another Eastern state would be the first to push back against the cultural marxists but it looks as if France could soon produce new men and women like that brave lady who will start to make the future very interesting and rather difficult for the marxists and virtue signallers.
I see that the Foreign Legion General Piquemal has obviously been forced to compromise a bit. A sure sign that the governments are starting to panic. It was a stupid thing to do to arrest such a man.
France is nowhere near as docile as England.
Looked too far gone to me last time I was there Dave, I’d hesitantly propose France as a candidate for first EU country to lose territory, out in the sticks not so bad, but urban areas, forget it.
“I ask myself where the cultural enrichment is. Because if it is to sack, to destroy, to steal, to rape and so on the French were fully capable of doing it for themselves, one had only to ask.”
On the subject of advertising and the increasingly apparent imbalance of sensitivies – where for instance men can be ridiculed for just being male whereas certain groups are protected – just like was it suggested by the left in their appeals to Mr Leveson at the time of his press show trials.
Well, there was this advert on commercial radio in which a woman is driving in her car with her mother. At the touch of a button some new gizmo reads aloud the woman’s latest text message. Unfortunately it is an intimate message from a man “Can’t wait to see you in your nurse’s uniform” The seemingly unaware mother says “Got a new job, dear?” You get the joke.
So suddenly this ad is now being broadcast with a slight edit. The word ‘nurse’s’ has been expunged – no doubt due to complaints from…? Nursing unions, perhaps? The quiet Pee Cee compulsory liberalisation of our culture goes on apace, albeit almost unnoticed.
No doubt the errant copywriter will be sure to self-edit next time.
Some good entries today on the bBBC HYS about the New Hampshire results.
A good amount of correspondents are now pretty wised up to the bBBC bias and are voting on comments accordingly.
So the ‘Trump is mad’ type comments are not getting anything like the adulation the HYS editors expected.
Meanwhile one cannot help noticing there are TWO live HYS streams for the US results while UK issues are given no discussion opportunity. Presumably there is nothing important to talk about (like immigration, referendum, housing, doctors strikes, Trident, police abuse enquiries etc.)
Bias by stifling debates which might go against the approved narratives.
Just listening to Question Time in Parliament earlier.
Corbyn is a car crash isn`t he?-he simply is a plank.
As for that guff about some Labour No mark who graciously is saving us a few weeks salary by slinking off to the great ForgeMasters Lodge in the clouds?….if only we could buy a 38 second bit of crap on iTunes to send the pointless socialist sadsack off and up the colliery chimney.
Been an MP for less than a year, an ex miner who , no doubt was gleeful about Thatchers death…so I`m guessing he was a typical backbench labour nonentity who filled council beanbags for years before he got the gig to be a Labour MP.
And then-within a year-he inconveniently pegs out, and leaves Labour to get another low bore socialist nodding derrick.
But no-ones laughing at the mockery that these slavering godless socialists make of each other when they try to behave like normal people.
This Harry Harperson-Hairpin arse miner is a bit of nutty slacker…no wonder Corbyn managed to find out who he was before he kissed the NUM badge and waved to the gallery.
Can we get a jobshare carer for Corbyn?…that similarly aged scuttlebuck Sanders in the USA seems far less demented.
Corbyn is a car crash isn`t he?-he simply is a plank.
Who told you that ChrisH – Lilly from Leeds, Bob from Bolton (sorry couldn’t be Bob – Bolton has none of them left its’ full of fucking jihadis now).
He thinks it comes across a cool but he just sounds like a complete fucking halfwit when he starts with that bollocks .
He has lost some weight apparently…but still plenty meat on those bones.
But could she manage an Abbott?…let alone a Batmangedgheli?
If only the Border Police will let us know which of their fragrant, vulnerable teenage waifs may NOT be Syrian after all-but from the Somali Head cutters and cannibal League?
Got to be at least one pork roast between them-just tell them its Islington Chicken,,,for that is what they are, when Islam comes calling.
There’s another New York billionaire (far, far wealthier than Trump) who may throw his hat into the ring as a third party candidate in the (eventual) presidential election, which could f*** Hillary completely.
Pat Buchanan:-
Bloomberg vs. Trump? “Run, Mike, Run!”
The morning of the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump, being interviewed on “Morning Joe,” said that he would welcome his “friend” Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race.
Which is probably the understatement of 2016.
The three-term mayor of New York and media mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion, making him one of the richest men on earth, told the Financial Times on Monday he is considering a run.
Bloomberg had earlier confided he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s ability to turn back the challenge of Bernie Sanders, regards Trump’s rise with trepidation, and is appalled by the pedestrian character of the campaign rhetoric.
“I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an insult to the voters,” said Bloomberg; the public deserves “a lot better.”
This haughty disdain calls to mind the late Adlai Stevenson. Yet, if Bloomberg runs, his electoral vote tally would likely make Adlai, by comparison, look like Richard Nixon on his 49-state romp in 1972.
Republicans should give Mayor Mike every encouragement to enter the race. For though he threatens to spend a billion dollars of his own money to buy the presidency, his name on the ballot as a third-party candidate could send the Democratic nominee straight down to Davy Jones’s locker.
With Bloomberg siphoning off millions of liberal votes, Democrats would not only lose red states they customarily write off, winning solid blue states would require a far steeper climb.
Third Party candidates have played crucial roles in presidential politics. Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt killed the re-election hopes of his successor President William Howard Taft in 1912, by running as the Bull Moose candidate and delivering the nation to Woodrow Wilson.
Strom Thurmond carried four Deep South states in 1948 and George Wallace carried five Deep South states in 1968. Both sought to throw the election into the U.S. House. Neither succeeded.
Ross Perot got 19 percent of the popular vote in 1992 and 8 percent in 1996. Though he did not carry a single state either time, as a candidate of the populist center-right, Perot peeled off a third of the votes George H. W. Bush had won in 1988–to sink Bush in 1992.
Why would Bloomberg, who has great wealth and is willing to part with it, not be able to beat Trump, or another Republican nominee, if he plunged a billion dollars into his campaign?
Though he may be a pioneer in modern media and a man with a golden touch, Bloomberg is 74 years old this week, uncharismatic, and does not fill up a room the way the Donald does. He lacks a common touch and is a social liberal, pro-abortion and pro-same-sex marriage.
Moreover, he is a compulsive nanny-stater who outlawed smoking in New York bars, restaurants and public places, prohibited the sale of cigarettes to anyone under 21, forbade trans-fats in restaurants, sodas larger than 16 ounces, chain restaurant menus without calorie counts, cellphones in school, non-fuel-efficient cabs, greenhouse gas emissions, and non-hurricane-proof buildings in coastal areas.
While not well-known nationally, Bloomberg is a zealot about tougher gun control laws and his candidacy would produce a deluge of contributions to the National Rifle Association. This obsession, along with his social views, would sink him in Red State America.
Nor is Bloomberg, despite three straight victories running for mayor, a great political athlete.
In his last race, as the Republican and Independent candidate, Bloomberg spent $102 million to defeat an underfunded Democrat comptroller, but managed to win only 51 percent of the vote.
If Clinton, or even Sanders, were at the top of the Democratic ticket in New York State, either would crush Bloomberg in his home town, especially with the GOP nominee, say Trump, siphoning off all of the Republican-conservative votes Bloomberg received to become mayor.
Now only would Bloomberg lose the Big Apple, his statewide vote would come mostly from the Democratic nominee, giving Republicans the best opportunity to carry the Empire State since Ronald Reagan coasted to re-election in 1984.
By spending a billion dollars, Bloomberg could blanket the nation with ads. But once Republican oppo research groups defined him for Middle America, perhaps 4 in 5 of his votes would come out of the basket upon which Democrats rely.
For example, as a Jewish-American, Bloomberg might do well in the Dade-Broward-Palm Beach County corridor, taking votes that Clinton or Sanders would need to carry Florida. Yet, where would Bloomberg get the rest of his votes to win the Sunshine State?
Clearly, Bloomberg is envious of the success of the Donald, since he descended on that escalator at Trump Towers on June 16.
The problem for Bloomberg is that, while this is the year of the outsider, with populist revolts breaking out in both parties, Sanders and Trump caught the lightning early, while he was restructuring his media empire. And, to be candid, Michael Bloomberg is no barn burner.
The BBC are so thick aren`t they?
If Mike “Interesting” Bloomberg DOES enter the race-hope they repeatedly refer to him as “multi billionaire” at the start of every introduction to him.
Seems to do wonders for Donalds ratings every time , particularly enjoyed when they do that Billy Idol sneer as they say it.
Don`t tell the Beeb-but over there, most Americans surely prefer a free President than the prospect of bankrolling Clintons dry cleaning once again.
Don pays his way-make a good slogan that!
Here`s hoping the Guardian email Ohio again to beg them to vote for Bernie…the liberal left are deluded fools making Trump a shoo-in.
Here`s hoping too that Don won`t visit THIS cesspit, until he gets half a million grovelling apologies and no Labour/SNP MPs allowed to his banquets-THAT would hurt the fatheaded loons!
I have started driving from Brighton to Twickenham rather than putting my hands in the pathetic rail service that goes by the name of ‘Southern Rail’. I mentioned this as I have got into the habit of listening to Radio 4 / World Service which is without doubt the most biased radio station currently operating.
Today I got to hear that Clintons debacle in New Hampshire was just a blip (no mention of the huge margin of defeat to her Democratic Rival), Trumps victory was only mentioned in passing…the World Service was then replaced by Radio 4 which provided me with the following bits of information
1. A Doctors spokesman advised that the government was making the current dispute ‘political’ and putting lives at risk, no alternative view was sought (e.g. holding a strike put lives at risk & is this not really about receiving enhanced weekend pay)
2. Brexit: A group of pro-EU business leaders were interviewed and agreed that leaving the EU was bad, no alternative view was sought
We then had ‘thought for the day’ which was…well odd!
Then finally I was treated to ‘Farming Today’ in which we were treated to more talking heads advising against A) Brexit, B) allowing housing association tenants to buy their property and C) Beavers (which was interesting) but no actual farming news!!
So about 1hr 30 minutes of Pro-Democrat and Pro-EU views without any alternative views luckily the BBC advises that they are impartial, oh well the Beaver article was interesting!.
BTW: if you go onto the LBC website you can catch the most amazing phone-call in which a Scottish caller absolutely nails Salmond and offers to go outside and fight!
Do you know what I like about Alex Salmond…f@ck all. The way he talks down to the first caller is disgusting and he does it because he doesn’t actually have a counter argument. This nasty little man is one of the most divisive politicians in this country.
Misomer making up for Brian True-May’s failing for his omission of ethnics in his screenplays – tonight’s episode has given Kam Kam the pathologist a huuuuuge part, (do pathologists generally make up a large part of an investigating team ? or is this poetic license) – poor old George her predecessor was kept much more in his place . I don’t feel comfortable with the continual Kam this and Kam that, which is now a big part of the dialogue. Not forgetting slipping in a vicar of colour. I cant help feeling that come what may, ethnics are shoed into a part whether its relevant or not, purely to satisfy diversity numbers and to keep the likes of Sir ‘enery happy.
@Brissles, I know what you mean, the programme has definitely gone downhill recently. I used to really like it but nowadays I watch it just to laugh at the efnics shoehorned into parts to which they’re not suited. I know what you mean about this ‘Kam this, Kam that’ bollocks. Of course, she’s a genius because all efnics in TV programmes are geniuses. And they’re never, ever killers either so you can discount them as suspects cos it’ll always be a middle aged white guy. If you’re a big fan of whodunnits like me, these things are becoming more and more pointless because its never the blackie and they make up half the cast. Maybe, they do this because blacks and ethnic minorities make up such a large part of the REAL crime statistics. With MSM, it’s like they’ve done it to purposely rub poor, old Brian True-Mays face in diversity. Unfortunately, they all seem to be the same now with honourable exceptions of Endevour and Father Brown. Lewis and Vera are pretty terrible these days for it too.
I see that tonight’s BBC News at 10 has organised it’s own survey and poll of undecided voters, taken place at Lichfield Cathedral.
The general tone of the short discussion was to stay in the EU and reinforced by the vote which was 9-7 in favour of remaining in Europe (surprise, surprise!)
Are they going to produce more of these at different venues and if so will at least some of them reflect the current trend of the decided, who at the moment are showing marginal support for Brexit?
Radio 4 had some slop pumped from Lichfield on at just after five O’clock. They had ‘assembled a group of people’ to give their opinions on British identity vis-à-vis being part of the EU. The first person to give their (pro EU) opinion was a woman who I thought sounded a little…dusky, and you could’ve knocked me over with a palm frond when she said she wasn’t originally from Britain, and had moved here from…..*Off Switch*
Why the hell do I tune in?! Masochism, it must be masochism.
I heard that but interestingly the same report was edited differently for the TV news. I wonder why?
And did anyone notice that the ‘voting’ at the end of the TV report was IN/OUT in green/red?
The referendum question is of course LEAVE/REMAIN which we remember was officially recognised to be more impartial wording.
So by definition a nice little bit of proven visual bias from the bEUBC thrown in for good measure.
Yea, I saw a bit of that but nearly threw the tv out the window when they had the vote cards. About the size of two pages of A4 with ‘IN’ on one side and ‘OUT’ on the other. Colour coded to help with the decision with green for ‘IN’ and red for ‘OUT’.
Yes, that’s right, green for ‘safe and go’ and red for ‘stop, danger’. Why put colours on them? ‘IN’ vs ‘OUT’ are quite clear aren’t they? No shared letters and two versus three letters…. But the colours to help give the message of a desired response. Too many times do we see indicators for the correct response on the BBC.
Right, I’m off to Russia Today to get some actual news.
It looks like Al Beeb’s ‘Lord Hall Hall’ could be under fire…………… “effectively accountable to no-one” according to a new report by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee………………….
I’ve said this before on this forum (and others) and I’m saying it again. Coincidence? Last night, the skies cleared and by 6.00pm there were signs of a frost. (800 ft amsl) By 9.00pm out here on Dartmoor, pretty well much everything was coated in ice. Out of curiosity I went onto BBC iplayer ( I do not have a TV) and had a look at the 6.00pm BBC Spotlight weather forecast. Their presenter told us that night time temperatures would get down to one degree or just about freezing, and their map of the South West, in particular Devon, only showed temperatures at towns on the coast at sea level but with a minus one in Somerset. What was not mentioned was any inland temperatures. These, on Dartmoor, got down to the lowest of the winter so far at MINUS 7. Once again, is this rank poor forecasting, a deliberate policy to big up temperatures or a collusion between the BBC and Met Office to misinform the public or all three? This is happening all over the U.K. on the BBC (via the Met Office) as the lowest temperatures for a region are wrongly stated. But then I guess they would say, as a cop out to any challenge on their legitimacy to forecast correctly, it was only a forecast..yeah right, a pis* poor forecast at that then.
Strange reaction from perfect hairdo Charlie Stayt who was this moring’s house eunuch – sitting there with Naga on the red sofa no testosterone show he something about ‘usual compromises’
Did anyone out there catch exactly what he said or understand what he meant?
The BBC don’t get it. As everyone on this blog understands, the whole point of the original Top Gear was the anti-establishment, non-PC, jokey approach, unafraid to tear down leftist ideals, with matchless commentary from all three presenters, especially Clarkson. The re-incarnation of ‘Not-Top-Gear’ is going to be a ‘right-on’, PC-conformist, Polly Toynbee-approved, humourless mish-mash. It will surely fail, and surely will not bring the international riches that the original did (and does). For myself, I’ll give Amazon try. However, I take comfort from the fact that James May will continue to make great programmes for the BBC.
The ‘original’ Top Gear was actually a motoring magazine program presented by Noel Edmonds, William Woollard and Quentin Wilson which gave informative reviews on cars and tips such as buying second hand etc, the BBC of old.
Under Clarkson it morphed into an excellent and irreverent entertainment program, Evans neither has the intelligence or sense of humour to continue in that vain and it’ll flop.
William Woollard, I remember him working alongside the great Raymond Baxter on Tomorrow’s World. Another knowledgeable old school presenter with infectious enthusiasm. Not suitable for today’s BBC unfortunately. A former RAF fighter pilot and recent convertee to Buddhism guarantee him a black-balling.
Top Gear will fail and the BBC will not be able to work out why. They will be convinced that the zombie corpse that is now stumbling around in the post-Clarkson era is more appropriate for the viewer.
The BBC will learn nothing until it is held properly accountable and hit financially when it fails to meet the viewers’ and listeners’ needs.
Never gave a damn about Top Gear.
Just don`t care enough about cars.
But if it employed Noel and Jeremy Clarkson, then it clearly was a bastion of independent thought, as far as the BBC was concerned…very dangerous, but too profitable to shut down.
Clarksons idiocy last year cost the decent Richard Hammond his job…unfair seeing as the bloke nearly died in it, a few years back.
Now when I hear that the overwrought, overemployed Evans is getting the chance to create anew…so Volkswagen get a weekly pounding ,and Matt Leblanc shows us all how to wear a crash helmet for the disability scooter trial tests( an no winners-all must tap the rainbow tape in time, whilst linking arms)…then I`m glad it`s not MY former fave that the BBC are crashing into Saviles Spongy Wall of Wonder.
It`ll end up like Dr Who…dissolving in its own tears, and playing twister with its own neural networks until it catches fire and fizzles into…well, the BBC will be gone by then hopefully.
Yep-compulsory disability scooter driving tests, insurance and special licenses for wide loads and chip runs….will the BBC “fix that” for me?…might email Corbyn to get the BBC sniffisox running wild!
Geoff, I agree that Evans has neither intelligence or sense of humour, but he clearly has ‘clout’ at the Beeb (must be his millionaire status) to be never out of work there. Even in the early days of his ‘celebrity’ I neither watched or listened to him – just never found him funny; but then I don’t see the attraction of those 2 trillionaire school boys Ant & Dec either. Thinking about it, I must be a rarity in terms of viewing audience; I never watch soaps; have never seen a Simon Cowell produced programme; never watched a reality show (apart from Strictly); or those blokey banter ‘slap each other on the back’ type of panel shows either. Living on my own I’m not obliged to watch the viewing habits of others in a household, and this can be quite gratifying !!!!
BRISSLES, I’m similar to you: I can’t stand Evans or Ant and Dec; don’t watch soaps, never seen a Cowell show. I watch strictly and most of the skating one though I can’t abide Schofield, I avoid most panel shows as they are just an excuse for invective against the Right. I did watch the first couple of series of Big Brother until I realised what a pile of steaming crap it was.
Evans certainly has some sort of clout, where else in the real world could an employee who had previously walked out on an employer be welcomed back with open arms and offered the keys to the company safe?
No soaps in this household either, stopped watching such panel shows ages ago when I realised they were nothing other than lefty mouth pieces.
The rather sad point though is the powers that be at the Al Beeb brigade are selfishy creating a program that they will enjoy and not what the existing fan base want to watch. They are so self important and detached from reality, they believe that if they and their stuck up, sh1t eating, ROPer enriched circle of delusional friends don’t like it, no one else will. The new program will be so shit it will prevent me from even being able to watch re-runs of Clarksons show for fear of gnawing through my own wrists because of terrifying flash backs!
The whole show will be riddled in utter PC shite about inclusion, unity and every other bile inducing fairytale crap the socially backward left find interesting.
The people who used to like the show won’t watch it. Those who pretend they will, will soon realise that watching a program about cars is pretty sad and boring. The only thing that made Top Gear a watchable show was the ‘fu(k the BBC’ attitude of the previous presenters. That’s finished. The show is finished. Another nail wonderfully hammered in its own coffin by Al Beeb
Interesting report from the Commons Culture Media and Sport Select Committee. Attacks BBC culture of arrogance and says Tony Hall is accountable to no-one. Sounds like the beginning of the end for Fairhead and the pathetic BBC Trust. I’d be wary, however, of taking the Charter Renewal out of the ‘political cycle’ by extending the Charter to 10 or 12 years without a change to the BBC’s overwhelming market power and left wing attitudes.
The BBC is having trouble with their Radio listeners. They are refusing (dissenters) to listen to the UK’s ‘favourite’ state ‘bulllshit’ broadcaster and figures are down by more than 10%. BBC Radio Directors claimed that this is due to ‘other’ broadcasters i.e. competition is fierce. We are all ‘switching OFF’ the BBC. I wonder why? ‘Average Briton spent just 10.1 hours a week tuning in to BBC radio in last three months of 2015′.
Note: it gets worse for the BBC: 14 % drop on a decade already. By 2014 – it is reported – that ‘attention span’ has dropped to ten hours per week. Radio 1 is even worse with only 1.2 hours for the BBC’s top national ‘yoof’ music channel. The average ‘tuning in’ for Radio 4 national ‘news and opinion’ is down to just ‘2.6 hours’ per week. That probably includes ‘The Archers’ for good measure. The rest of the time is a turn off.
And that is why ITV is responding ITV is responding to covering the Queens 90th Birthday (as the BBC is now well known for its anti-monarchist stance and the Marxist Staff could not care less anyway).
But the BBC Radio Directors frantically worried as the BBC listening figures are in long term decline – year on year. Whilst other broadcasters (i.e. Classic FM) are doing quite well, a lot better. Thanks to our money (our taxpayer money – the BBC TV tax is still a state tax) it (BBC) will not admit – ever- admit that it has anything to do with its discredited liberal bias towards news reporting of what it finds in The Guardian newspaper. The Guardian itself is now in difficulty (it has no state subsidy)…
So I looked at the latest Guardian UK readership and that is stil falling too. The CEO of ‘The Guardian’ blames the dominance of the BBC for giving (The Guardian) ‘news’ away for free! That indeed is THE PROBLEM with the BBC. And how will they survive without The Guardian?
“The Guardian itself is now in difficulty (it has no state subsidy)…”. Really? How about the BBC subsidising their journalists’ salaries with frequent (I’d say constant) appearances across the whole spectrum of programmes. I’m expecting to see Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee on Top Gear!
And with all the adverts for BBC and public sector jobs in the Guardian, we are subsidising the lefty rag through our taxes and license fees yet again.
No large organisations need to pay for advertising in newspapers, all they need to do is put their jobs on their websites – certainly for a monopoly like the BBC there is no need at all for them to advertise.
My own average R4 listening hours dropping to zero has absolutely nothing to do with ‘other’ broadcasters and everything to do with the BBC promoting perversion as normal and banging the drum for every ‘ism’ going. An anti white British agenda doesn’t exactly endear them to me either along with the migrant lies and perpetual left wing slant on absolutely everthing, which frankly is just boring now. Suppressing news that doesn’t fit with their twisted views, and a totally biased Euro position, seriously Goebbels had nothing on the BBC. Sacking any who don’t fit, turning drama into a vehicle to further promote their strange deviant agenda, no, I think I can quite safely say the reason I have switched off the BBC has nothing to do with ‘other’ broadcasters being available.
Oldspeaker, I tend to agree. Radio 4 is, de facto, Socialist-Progressive Radio by any other name. Doesn’t matter what time of day you tune in, or to what programme, you’ll find the leftist agenda seeping through. Sometimes it’s blatant in-yer-face stuff, most times it’s subtle, sneaky stuff hidden behind misdirection or gentle ‘nudging’.
My own tolerance for such incessant political bullsh*ttery has reached a new low. The BBC is clearly entirely unfit for purpose; compromised beyond operational competency, totally unable to meet the requirements of impartiality mandated by its own Charter.
Close it down or send it out into the digital subscription market to justify any possible reason for its continued existence.
Neither does the Queen.
Bet she gave up listening to ANY BBC output after Wogan left in 2009.
So it`s quite OK to bring down the Beeb as a patriotic duty nowadays.
Today-“hated by the Queen since 1992”.
So we`re in good company, maybe one of us here is her!
Gawd bless yer ma`am!
I’ve given up on any BBC radio listening now, apart from Today, which irritates the hell out of me but is my de facto alarm clock. I expect I’ll make the final switch-off within the next few months, just need to find an alternative news-summary radio channel.
I’ve got lots of old radio dramas from the 80’s and 90’s which I recorded on cassette. I’ve recently started going through them, and the difference is stark. Today, you can just take it for granted that any drama or book slot on the BBC is going to be used as a vehicle for progressive messaging. It’s just so tedious.
When it was first broadcast, I used to think The Professionals was completely naff – Hudson for God’s sake! – as bad as Abba. I now record it from the Drama channel and know I can watch all those Granadas, Marinas and Princesses screaming their tyres and relax for an hour without any temptation whatever to throw things at the screen. Sad but true. I think the Beeb are about to fall off a cliff of popularity, a descent from which they will never recover.
Interesting that Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe should choose the Guardian in which to bare his soul and explain police positions on harassment of people in high places. He’s obviously not very keen on having his opinions become public knowledge.
I just hope Clive James (lasts long enough, and) finds a new journalistic home when the G goes feet up. A delightful man, showing dangerous signs of a re-emergence of dissent (as is Ms Greere, hooray!).
“”Would a vote to leave the EU threaten economic activity? Much of British industry certainly fears so””. (Where is the evidence for this sweeping, provocative and mischievous statement??).
“”This is what the EU has meant to Britain over the decades – trade. It is why the prime minister we associate most strongly with Euro-scepticism, Margaret Thatcher, was in fact the prime minister who took the UK deeper into the European embrace than any other British leader””. (Of course, the BBC bring MT into the equation when it suits, and totally misrepresent her).
Subtle but not subtle enough to go unnoticed by any thoughtful/interested person. An acceptable statement only if balanced by an alternative view. Not exactly unbiased reporting!
At the end of the day business is business, money is money, market is market (see Thatcher/Adams etc.) and this will override any political/ideological view – unless artificially manipulated by exterior forces for reasons best known to themselves (Bilderberg etc.)
Well Lenin did say that capitalists would sell him the rope to hang them with.
Membership of the EU is about the extinction of the nation state, not about trade at all. The fact is we can be members of the Single Market without membership of the EU. Business “leaders” should get on with running their companies, and remember that they have only one vote in this referendum, the same as everybody else.
So the scintillating new Top Gear team is twice the size of the old one – fairly predictable staffing from an organisation so keen on using other people’s money to keep their hopes alive – and contains at least one whose miniature opinions are constantly derided by F1 cognoscenti. Looks like a success just waiting to happen….
One of the seemingly endless BBC online job creation schemes, BBC Ouch (no, me either) is running a piece today on a female dance instructor who I am most surprised has not been invited to join the TG team too, to bump up the Cohen ratio.
Never mind, a plentiful and cheaper supply of doctors marching their way to us via Turkey and Calais….
A clinic in Switzerland looks almost more inviting than being treated by that couple of ‘strikers’ what has happened to this country? Hardly Call The Midwife…
I do wonder how many of thee photo-friendly clowns actually ARE doctors.
In my local town yesterday, there were an awful lot of hi-viz jackets that would not have been doctors…more like Corbyns mates who tend to fluff and fill out any agitprop demo-whether its Brand and Occupy, or “Save the NHS” type of rubble.
The junior doctors are all extras from “Neighbours” with that ridiculous Aussie inflection at every interview.. and every sentence start with “so”.
Bunch of Rag Week drop outs , and stunts like the above are catastrophic…and only the liberal media think it so “brill, amazing and awesome” that some homeless cardboard box is turned into a few media placards with grinches on them…oh, how brill!
Last thing I saw were a couple of am dram face painters pretending to be a Grim Reaper chasing a poor doctor down the street by way of cutting him/her!
Oh no!…boo….and cue the NHS song that deprived Justin Bieber of his drugs money and Paxo over Christmas.
One big bloody pantomine these days…if only Mick McGahey or a real bloke was leading any union these days-not these lily livered milksops to whom every day is a street theatre audition.
My solution-let them all loose on the dressing up box and ten minutes in the meds cabinet if they show up on Saturday…THAT`D bring `em in as a poncing chorus line….” It Aint` Half Hot Mum” needs a repeat!
Presumably, like the BBC, market forces and the ability to choose will not apply, so any suggesting that they’d prefer to be spared the minIStrations of these Hippocratically–challenged Mo Wolfies will find a world of hurt coming their way. Ironically.
Junior Doctors in their second year of training earn £42 K pa if they are prepared to work more than 40 hours per week. They will of course be given more pay if they agree or have the new contract forced on them.
Not a bad salary for a trainee!
Most people don’t realise that trainee & junior doctors are not employed by the NHS until they reach the grade of registrar, they are employed directly by the government.
At 1/2 hour this might put off some, but it is 1/2 hour well spent.
I didn’t know of this man.
His analysis is honest, forthright and coherent.
Very disturbing.
Thanks for this Tom.
Yet again, another link that will last a lifetime.
Astonishingly good presentation from Mr Igler, quite the clearest, starkest and comprehensive analysis of the whole muliticulti shebang and all its little helpers.
A must-watch …and half an hour is just about how long it takes for the cretins at Channel 4 to match their socks with the hankie as they cry for all the junior doctors as I write.
Igler says it how it is, it`s urgent and matters badly…whereas the BBC and Channel 4 pop bubbled farts with their toes in their fetid jacuzzi….thank God for George-and thanks again Tom.
A good news story for this esteemed website.
The bBBC HYS today features the new Top Gear presenting team as ….errr….the all-important story worthy of the public’s comments!
But have no fear. It hasn’t taken long for contributors to notice the ‘tick box’ politically correct spread of presenters – 1 black, 1 white, 1 ginger, 1 female, 1 American, 1 German…… and the top rated comments on the HYS itself are not slow to point this out.
No transgenders though. Or wheelchair users. Some casting executive may be for the high jump.
And good news for the dicky-di-doe hair styling community, for any who can recall rugby songs from a different time. But still, I bet Danny Cohen and Baron Lenny are spitting bullets.
Which is why on Thursday scientists around the world were able to hail the announcement as yet another confirmation of their “standard model” of the cosmos, and the beginning of a new era of discovery.’
If only they could examine climate change using the same method. They have, probably unwittingly, restated the scientific method; the bit missing from climate science.
The difference between this science and climate “science” is that had the evidence in this case not supported the prediction, the scientists would have started again or even called into question the science behind the prediction. In climate “science” the evidence (on the dubious assumption that objective evidence is actually sought in climate “science” and just not made up by the “scientists”) would have been tweaked to agree with the prediction and squeezed into another “definitive” computer simulation.
Questions That I Would Never Think To Ask In A Million Years – #657
How do ‘gay’ men meet in Kenya?
Clearly of great importance to Radio 4’s PM programme.
Personally I would have liked someone to have given an answer to the unasked question relating to an earlier story:
How do people get to be MPs when they don’t understand the difference between revenue and profits, percentages or the tax laws that they legislated for?
I also switched off when the rubbish about how gay men meet in Kenya came on. What a low point radio 4 has sunk to. I have listened to news programmes on radio 4 for 40 years but I now find myself doing so increasingly less. When will someone get to grips with the shambles that the bbc has become?
I seem to recall Radio 4 factual or drama output in recent times about gays in Kenya, Nigeria, Bangladesh, … Gays are only about 3% of the general population even in the degenerate West and, for cultural reasons, less than that in Africa. Why is the BBC so obsessed with them? Any ideas Eddie, Evan, Rev Richard, Matthew P, Stephen, Clare & Alice, Sandi, Jane, Susan C, Sue P et al?
I find it hilarious when the Lefty BBC, embracing the Rousseau ‘noble savage’ idea, worships the Africans … until the latter show more traditional disapproving attitudes to men having anal sex with each other, at which point they are implied to be backward. As noted by others, Radio 4 is going downhill fast and I listen to less and less of it.
JimS, good post …. Yet again I tried to listen to R4 as I find it nauseating to listen to. I switch it on exactly at the moment they were seriously introducing this subject as a ‘news’ item and that is as far as far as it went as I immediately switched it back off again.
Earlier on people were discussing the loss of listeners/viewers to extreme left, biased, fascist bbc……I can’t imagine why this is the case….lol
Just saw Jess Phillips on Channel 4 giving the old soft soap douche sharing piece to Cathy Newman.
Cathy McGowans transitioning brother meeting Anne of Cleves.
I`d forgotten what the Left does when they`re rumbled for being lying, vindictive gobby Lefties who equate a boozed up Brummie at a burger van at 2am with a co-ordinated international gang rape by thousands of Muslim blokes on New Years Eve in the Cathedral grounds of the city centre as the police look on.
Of course-Jess claims she TOO is a victim…not only that, but she`s a survivor…and still all blokes are doing it-in fact the Muslims probably are better at that sort of thing, and stuff a kebab into your handbag if they`ve not crapped in it…classy!
Remember this one-any crisis?…personalise it, make it up, lie/exaggerate as needs be…but as long as you`re a victim or a survivor…and a passionate champion in the right cause of liberal sewage pipes…then Broadcasting House and Channel 4 will spray the lavender around and consign another white lad to some unproven allegation.
F888Channel 4 and its lies….and lets hope Phillips gets such a kicking out in the next election…even though Rotherham would rather vote for Labour fiddlers of expenses and of kiddies than let the Red Tribe down…but Islam will deal with them hopefully before we have to.
I had this on whilst I was cooking and Mrs 7 was doing the Torygraph crossword.
I normally get a tut-tut when raving about lefty MSM bias! However, in this instance Mrs 7 did happen to politely comment that Newman was “effing leading that dozy cow instead of interviewing her”.
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GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
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Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
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pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tonight the BBC has been running a story about how a court found Starbucks had discriminated against a woman with dyslexia because she had not been able to accurately record the temperatures of fridges milk & water.
There must be hundreds of cases passing through the tribunals every day – the vast majority lose of course, but it’s only when you hear the womans voice that the BBC agenda comes to the fore.
Meseret Kumulchew was her name, and she is of course black. Had she been white it is doubtful that the BBC would have shown any interest at all.
I am probably being a bit dim here, but surely if she can’t do the job she is employed to do, then that should be her problem, not Starbuck’s.
If Starbucks had continued to employ her and customers had come down with food poisoning because the fridges were running warm would the BBC have exonerated Starbucks because their employee was incompetent?
I think the story would have been incompetent company poisons customers – and it would have run for at least a week.
Basically Starbucks will be in the dock on “You and Yours” if they let her poison someone( or , God forbid not serve the froth at 55 degrees).
But now she`s lost her job, it will be Law in Action…with a twist from “In Touch” seeing as there`s a named so called diagnosis for being a bit thick.
Oh-and Michael Rosens berkfest will want to explore her made-up words and accuse us all of being intolerant of her crap English…
And Laurie Taylor will be on hand to discuss the collective oppression of thick students in a Holloway Polytechnic seminar held in Jimi Hendrix` old flat.
The root cause of it all being climate change…obviously.
The tactic is just a basic Alinskyite one of engendering an irresolvable conflict where your opponent is put in the wrong whatever he does.
The BBC and the tribunal seem to have completely overlooked the obvious, in that the employee was unable to do her job because of an undisclosed condition. It was her responsibility to inform her employer. Given that she was putting the customers at risk how can Starbucks have behaved otherwise? If the Glasgow bin driver had been sacked before he killed six people would the tribunal have arrived at a similar verdict? I suspect not. Victim culture seems to have a very particular set of politically correct hierarchies.
That would be one way out – she effectively broke her contract with her employer.
Best not to hold your breath, though.
I think similar is playing out with the Bijan Ebrahimi case which the MSM were all over today, especially the BBC and especially lhe BBC locally. Of course no one condones this despicable murder, one which has also resulted in two policemen being imprisoned for ignoring his pleas, but I seriously wonder were it not for the victims background, would we be hearing so much about it?
I also raises the question,what of other people being ignored by the police. I’m thinking eg parents in Rochdale…Obviously not the same magnitude…
The BBC will now employed Meseret Kumulchew in the BBC canteen. The BBC only employs those who are not able to accurately record the temperatures of fridges milk & water, under the BBC’s equality for inferior peoples quotas. The BBC only employs White Males if they provide evidence that they are mentally retarded by left-wing thoughts, but must do their utmost to pretend that they are impartial. If they fail, the BBC Complaints possess will uphold your bias with “Black is White” legal advice from lawyers.
Signed: Mr Aunty of the House of Lords: Tony Hall
“Had she been white it is doubtful that the BBC would have shown any interest at all.”
Like this bloke you mean?
The clue for that incident being reported may be in the sentence from the article ‘ “Dow Jones, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, denied the allegation”
BBC playing top trumps again
Get back to work Zero – Question Time audiences don’t pick themselves !
Could anyone answer the question as to how much of of our International Aid Development money is being used for the Syrian Crisis.
are the billions the taxpayer funds (I think 2.2 billion pounds) even being used from the International Aid Budget or is it from an unknown pot of money, if so under what title is it named, and has it been budgeted for by Mr Osborne in the financial spending year.
I sincerely hope he has not just added it to the 1 1/2 trillion pound debt we already have. If he has the amount of Syrian money will have interest on it.
It’s just Mickey mouse money the government conjures up, I believe the true level of the national debt is far higher than that, as that astronomical figure doesn’t include “unfunded future liabilities”.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford.
I would assume its coming from the foreign aid budget because its so big that they have problems finding how to spend it, a bit like EU regional development funding. If its additional funding then the Gov’t has truly lost the plot.
Just caught up on a couple of things that friends here have posted up.
One was Tommy Robinsons recent interview with Dave Rubin
Another was UKIPs Bolton meeting re leaving the EU last night.
When you hear them all uninterrupted, they speak well-their messages are genuinely chilling in terms of the importance, and I now have far more respect for a Nuttall or what Tommy suffers in his righteous cause.
Thanks for posting these up for me…and I now see why the BBC harry and smear UKIP and Tommy at every opportunity.
The truth, if allowed to go through uninterrupted, would destroy them…but once you`ve seen REAL questioning, and REAL public meetings(not QT Potemkin mockeries)…you`ll not go back to the BBC again.
Won`t watch Al Jazeera ever again, having seen Tommys defenestration of Peter Dobbies IS Trojan Arse…and why bother with the BBC when Dave Rubin or the Glasov Gang are available….might get my License fee divvied up and split between REAL broadcasters
Precisely chrisH, the same reason you only get a five second clip (maximum) of a Donald Trump speech, any decent airtime and people would begin to question the need for all the fuss al beebus is making about him and his (perfectly sensible) views.
We have become conditioned to the antagonistic and adversarial interview where the BBC hack is obliged to attack and undermine/distort what the interviewee is saying. Now it may be necessary to grill a politician who has something to hide, but most people have something that can contribute to a subject and the role of the interviewer should be primarily to help extract it without blocking off or shouting the speaker down. We know BBC interviewers can do this, as they spend most of their time giving easy interviews to each other – as when they politely interview their Middle East/European/North American Editors.
Following the PEGIDA march in B’Ham, and the Al Jazeera interview with Tommy Robinson, Ezra Levant interviews Raheem Kassam (Breitbart). Please watch from 17:10 to 27:30 mins. Kassam sees the manner of Saturday’s march as a model for future PEGIDA events, and if replicated will challenge the MSM’s stereotypical narrative of this growing movement.
You are going to have to up the bias quotient reportage amongst the mainstream media, and possibly offer an associate website to highlight the shameless skewing of news from others, not just the BBC. We all know Channel Four is Loon Central, but ITV and increasingly, Sky News delivers the sort of stuff any BBC type would, no doubt, approve.
This evening we had coverage on Sky of the primary in New Hampshire, and there was a lengthy interview by Jeremy Thompson with someone with a ‘Hillary’ badge, about the primary and who was more electable, Bernie or Hillary. No Republican was similarly interviewed. Then barely less than an hour later, we had Ian King interviewing a former Democrat strategist on the primary. Again, although this guy gave his opinion of both parties and their candidates, it definitely wasn’t from a Republican perspective. Seems for all UK media outlets that impartiality doesn’t extend to the right.
I keep hearing comparisons (BBC Guardian etc) being made between today’s “refugee” crisis and the unspeakable horrors inflicted on Jewish people during the last war. We are constantly being reminded of the 1940’s when Britain “did the right thing.” We are told every day that Britain took in many Jewish people escaping the death camps and saved thousands of lives. Clearly the message is Britain did the right thing then; it should do the right thing now.
I was just wondering. During that most shameful episode in mankind’s history how many Jewish folk did Muslim nations give sanctuary to?
How many?! Oh I see…
Thought so…
If you read about Haj Amin Al Husseini you will find the Arab worlds dirty fingerprints all over the holocaust. Al Husseini is known to have traveled to the death camps and believed to have seen the gas chambers. He wrote approvingly to other Arab leaders expressing his approval they cannot ever claim not to have known what was going on.
Post war Al Husseini was described as an architect of the holocaust yet deranged French leader De Gaulle offered him sanctuary from a world which thought he should have been held to account. He was able to escape from France to Egypt when it seemed the Israelis might assassinate him.
In terms of numbers of Jews – many did flee to British Administered Palestine, where in gratitude they began a terrorist insurgency against us !
“Terrorist insurgency”, strong term but I know where you are coming from, I prefer it a reaction to that arch Jew hating labour foreign minister Ernest Bevin who sent survivors from the death camps back there.
“If you read about Haj Amin Al Husseini you will find the Arab worlds dirty fingerprints all over the holocaust.”
Meanwhile, I suppose this bunch of “White Christians” had nothing to do with it:
You’re a “White Christian” aren’t you, “Thoughtful”…
I think You will find that it was socialists and not Christians. And that’s you Zero.
Oh dear, another do gooder who knows nothing about history and makes it up to suit his own prejudices!
Firstly I never said anything to intimate that the Arab world were the sole perpetrators.
Secondly although there are too many names there to classify, Hitler was positively not a Christian! In Fact when he’d finished with the Jews the priests would have been next. He was a BIG admirer of Islam & might even have converted himself .
Himmler was another hater of Christians and attempted to establish his own strange pagan re birth of the Norse mythological Gods .
Just remember that many of the German people engaged with Nazism as enthusiastically as many of todays British people have with Fascism in this iteration.
Even the far left so called ‘independent’ calls Husseini out for his Fascism, even if it does go to extraordinary lengths to lessen the effects the man had on the region.
Don`t know if I`m missing something here-but as I watched Channel 4s puff for their “Disability Games”…did they REALLY say there was a “Last Leg” coming up for them to advertise?
Were they being funny?…or literal…I never know these days with the liberal left and their media ciphers.
A quick game of WFT!!’
Answer from the left on why young Muslims are becoming radicalised? The left always reply poverty, no prospects, isolated from society and do not have the opportunities the rest of the UK (white people) have. We need more investment.
Got that. Next
Reply from the left when Camer-silver spoon states money is available to provide classes to teach Muslim women English? The Muslims that are becoming radicalised are all post graduates, so clearly this policy is pointless as these “radicals” (haha) come from well educated, well to do families. This policy is just fueling islamaphobia.
Did that make sense to you either?
How many times have Al Beeb challenged both responses? I’m guessing the same number of Qataris have left Islam Peter Dobbie
Anyone else see mon night BBC2 “Greece with Simon Reeve”?
Of course BBC being BBC they couldnt resist a propaganda opportunity, so Reeve goes to Lesbos and drives along the east coast road pointing out Turkey across the sea, and the sight of abandoned life jackets littering the beaches!
Great excitement: “Theres a boat coming in now!” Well there would be, one arrives on average every six minutes.
Reeve rushes down to greet them all smiles and welcome, manages to find a Syrian couple with two little ones. By now the fool is in tears, despite the fact that the family are absolutely fine having had an uneventful one hour crossing from Turkey. I really do wonder what macho Arab men think of these weedy Europeans who are usually the first they meet.
He went on to greet a young Afghan, and here was the interesting bit of the story, which I am surprised the BBC didnt cut, the Afghan said that he had heard that the borders of Europe are open, and this was why he and a few friends decided to leave. Reeve was absolutely stunned by the fact that this news had travelled half way round the world. Most of us will not be so shocked, although perhaps a little surprised to see it stated so baldly.
How can Simon Reeve be surprised when every one of these scientists, surgeons and Nobel prize winners that are climbing off the boats have IPhone 6’s, twitter accounts and blogs (Day one: even though I am 36 I will pretend that I am 15 and plead racism. Day 2: gone out to enrich the infidels. Checked out some war booty. Muhammad (peace be upon him) would have loved the place as the eldest I saw there was 7)?? The only people who believe they are fleeing certain death in war torn Syria are arse wipes like him. They are kitted out in more designer gear than the pondlife on towie!
Mr Reeve is a conscious role-model for maleness in modern Western society – based on vulnerability, sensitivity and a preference for the collective over the individual. In order to epitomise this process of psychological gender-transformation, Mr Reeve is propelled into situations where a traditional response would have been to challenge the migrant’s self-justification or worse. He is anxious to demonstrate an alternative.
He proceeds to enact a public miracle, a saintly act of self-abasement at the feet of a person unencumbered by anything other than appetite. He demonstrates the moral virtue of making a gift of our Western wealth and civilisation, putting it on a plate, and handing it to that person, saying ‘take, eat, for it is rightfully yours’.
In previous centuries Mr Reeve would likely have been found in a religious procession, a flagellant whipping his back to a bloody pulp and acquiring virtue in the process. He is a man curiously out of time.
He`s just Brian Cox on a skateboard that dopey kid Reeve.
Only a vacuous airhead like him could weep as some self-styled “Syrians” show up and hug him before going to become “cameramen in Europe”.
I`d now be watching our new cameraman for his seedy upskirt photostreams soon to come, as he rifled Reeves bag soon afterwards no doubt….either that or sack the BBC ones and replace them with these new cheaper ones like our Syrian chums.
Bunch of Mirrormen Zeligs this lot-if you dressed as a striking doctor, they`d no doubt all tell you that they`re all surgeons.
Won`t have to be brain surgeons though to make the BBCs greensticks swallow whatever guff the UNHCR have told them to say…the gullible liberal lefty oafs are chosen for their compliance, parrot training and hoop jumping…whether it`s to “teach” or to “report”…s`all the same shit, maan!
One minute Simple Simon was a hollerin` at the injustice of it all-next minute women he`d picked up to go to Athens are getting bundled out of his car, because the men needed them to carry them or maybe to check for landmines-until the camels came over, or they`d blagged a few donkeys from DonkeyWorld, Pireaus.
Poor Simon didn`t know why….so he`d have left a portable shrine with a card saying “WHY” on it at the point where this mum and daughter were turfed out of his car so that he could carry the drugs and guns safely in Athens for them.
The BBC are Islams grifters…and Simon Reeves airhead under his floppy fringe would inflate a few Lesbian day trips , were he to be fracked at the cracked septum…for today I am a doctor!
It was wonderful to see his incomprehension at the Cretan priest who said he needed a gun to protect his religion, his island and his nation. Against whom? The priest knew, but Simon is not telling us. “This isn’t our culture” he bleated as he was handed a gun. Maybe not yours mate, but the time will come when you will have to learn or die. The Cretans have been invaded often enough to know the difference. Some people do not come in peace, and only hot lead will sufffice.
Miss Shouty Montague just interviewed Bernie Saunders’ brother, a retired academic here in England. When he said Bernie would go out and speak directly to the people and if elected would address their concerns by mounting a revolution to address inequality Miss Shouty immediately drew the comparison with the Corbynutta.
Jeremy Vine has already had Saunders’ and Corbyn’s siblings on – ‘compare and contrast’ – the BBC’s ‘dream ticket’?
Unfortunately Corbyn’s brother went off the rails and tried to convince ‘I am a believer’ Saunders’ brother that ‘Climate Change’ is a lie. Whoops!
Black armbands at the bbc
Donald cleans up and Hitlery flops
The MSM in America are no different to our own.
Hypocrite Lefty bile generator on overload
Another media outlet stranded in bubble of out of touch stupidity
Well, if I wasn’t sure about voting for him, that would make my mind up. Possibly not in the way they’d intended.
From the British branch of the Hillary fan club,
“Both candidates are riding on a wave of discontent with mainstream politics.”
“Both” referring to Trump and Sanders, it was the “mainstream politics” part that highlights just how high the BBC ivory tower is, so far above the clouds they can’t even see the little people anymore. It is Barack Hussein Obama II and Hillary who are subversive, promoters of strange ideology . Trump is mainstream.
Main scream media more like!
That Trump is Tops is a joy to me-and that Uncle Albert Corbyn over there might roll Hillary over her pork barrel is a bonus.
Let it be Trump v the Colonel please Lord-Trump`s not costing them anything-a free President!
And if Hillary can be that harpie wasp chewing bag of wind we all know her to be…oh it`d be grand to see Bill peg out on the trail, as America gives us all a good laugh and puts politics to scorn.
Imagine Snow, Mardell, Webb and Morris etc on the beltway next November-could we get Donald to refuse them permission to leave for a few weeks as he gets that campaign to ban him “sorted” with the lefty gobshites of our media?
Inserting Jim Naughtie into a well-oiled drum by the runway would-for me-be a fine way to start the Presidency Mr Trump sir!
Mainstream media my bottom-Donald Trumps them out, and his lavender wind is-it turns out-a jetstream!…
These lefties just don’t like, or know how to handle, democracy.
I think the left-wing BBC confuse POWER with intelligence, but intelligent people are a minority who are not in power at the moment, due to rule by the more numerous people of mediocre IQ on the left of politics. Something that can only improve if the people vote for Trump, or UKIP in Britain, in future.
With an IQ of 164, I can vouch for the lack of power of intelligent people in Government, due to an upper-class twit like Cameron keeping mature experienced and intelligent Tories out of the Cabinet, or sacking them and replacing them with ridiculously young and inexperienced low IQ dolly birds.
Many posts on this forum are testament to the folly that has become known as “Climate Change” and heavily promoted by the BBC. Over the last couple of months I have come to hang my head down in complete despair at the narrative that is constantly fed to us by the BBC and that from other MSM to include other radio outlets. The effort to big up any perceived weather event as “Climate Change” is, I find, after having 40 years of meteorological understanding and professional experience, quite outstanding. Terminology has been changed, terminology that has stood since the beginning of time, but changed in an effort to provide “evidence” of “Climate Change”. Today, I have heard for the first time yet another change of language, not the one of extensive “chilliness” but that of “Wintry Rain”. It has all gone beyond a joke, this is really getting quite pathetic, but then, that is the real world our lefty friends live in isn’t it? Pathetic.
Ah but …
… where would romantic songwriters be, TOB, without ‘Summer Rain’ ? 😉
On a slightly different note, by this time in the new year last year, I had been told by BBC R4 that the carbon emissions for 2014 had reached new record levels and that 2014 was, according to the CES, the warmest year ever. I confess I am now probably listening to BBC R4 a little less than last year but I don’t recall hearing the similar statistics for 2015. Could it be that the carbon emissions level has climbed again but the (rather selective) Central England temperature numbers are down?
Wouldn’t suit the AGW/CC narrative, if that were the case, which might explain the silence.
Have you heard anything?
I only hear of results (400 ppm) from the top of a Hill in Hawaii. I do not hear about any confirmation using Chemical methods of measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels, from any where else in the World. Hawaii seems to have a monopoly, which seem very fishy indeed.
A scientific paper by Ernst-Georg Beck showed that the Victorians where more competent than present day scientists, but then they weren’t frozen into inaction by what is the biggest ideological madness in History.
So its possible that in reality, the Carbon Dioxide levels are now falling, and this information is being suppressed by mass disbelief within the scientific community. And who would believe an amateur enthusiast who measured CO2 levels the old fashioned way.
But then, as I have said before, the main problem with the Brainwashing is that its designed to avert attention from the core basics of calibrating carbon dioxide warming. Which actually does not exist in separation from warming from Nitrogen & Oxygen by Atmospheric pressure.
….but I don’t recall hearing the similar statistics for 2015. Could it be that the carbon emissions level has climbed again but the (rather selective) Central England temperature numbers are down?
Nah, they’re just awaiting publication of the latest ‘adjusted’ temperatures, which tend to be ‘adjusted’ (upwards, always upwards) by about 0.2 degrees to show a warming over the year of 0.01 degree and where 0.1 degree is the margin of error for temperature measurement.
In other words, they adjust the temperature by more than the margin of error to prove a warming of one tenth of the margin of error.
And they call that science.
Arrghh! but BBC Climate change is different from ‘other’ climate changes such as that reported in Sydney AUSTRALIA for example shows no change at all. But then the UK variable weather conditions every day is a BBC ‘climate change’ and Prophet Harrabin and his many followers. If is rains or shines that ‘proves’ their point that they (think) they can control the weather by having less (CO2) or more (UN AGENDA 21). The fact that CO2 appears to make little difference (as naturally occurring C02 is far greater). This video explains in far more detail the scientific complexity by dispelling six impossible claims (without bias). And according to Lord Monkton – If we banned all Co2 emissions (as the UN IPCC would have us believe) over the next 30 years, based on this pseudo scientific ‘CONSENSUS’ by the left led Green Lobby. Lord Monkton (using the same IPCC published figures) states that to reduce ‘Climate Change temperature by 1 degree would take 30 years- (and remember reducing C02 is not scientifically proven to be that effective). It would mean an immediate ban on all industrial products, a ban on diesel generators (that support Wind farms), a ban on Coal as well as Oil (including all bio-fuels), a ban on fracking, oil exploration, paint (volatile petroleum spirits and turpentine), Scotch Whisky (in fact all alcoholic drinks), Lemonade (contains carbon Dioxide), Bread (contains Yeast which makes Carbon Dioxide with sugars), and Cakes (contains self raising flour giving off carbon dioxide) and no heating oil for anyone including North Sea gas, Russian Gas (as used by BRITISH GAS), LPG gas (propane and Camping GAZ), Wood (all of it either in compost or burnt) would all have to be sequestrated. And they never mention that it would mean the end of all AIR TRAVEL. The use of any of the above would have to be banned or restricted. Simply by having any ‘Animals’ alive as farming herds (Beef or Dairy) would have to be reduced to an extent that famine would follow. No pets allowed. None of this is makes sense (expect to the UN IPCC) but it is a useful tool in creating a new world order. Control of populations (ending of family rights to have their own children), limiting food supplies (to the approved type (veggieburgers) ), control of world resources (globalists), and an end to ‘world poverty’ as (welcoming diverse nations as one brother at lower cost) observed by Karl Marx of Camden town, London. The EU is fully compliant with all of this. We in the UK can only obey -unless we get out. Of course poverty (as always) will be imposed on all nations that ‘sign up’ to it but like the luvvies ‘BBC charter’ signing – it make the left feel virtuous (albeit stupid). The value for money BBC. What they don’t report will harm us.
If more people knew about the Length of the Solar Cycle and its correlation with Climate Change, then they would not waste so much time reading all that bullshit. Just think of it, they have conferences with 40,000 worthless ignorant people with IQ’s in the lower 98 percent of the population, producing bullshit.
And to bring you all up to date on the real evidence of “Global Warming” thus leading to “Climate Change”, the results are now in on the reporting stations (private and otherwise) for the Dartmoor area of Great Britain. 2015 had temperature and rainfall below average, that despite having the closing month of December above average in both temperature and rainfall. And for what it is worth, as you won’t here this from Mr Harrabin and thereby the BBC, the result of all this inclement weather (storminess) is the result of a cooling planet and not a warming one. Fact.
Old Bloke,
I am afraid you have made a fundamental error, one which is inexcusable in climate change circles. You have reported ‘actual’ data. You should know this is of no use until it has been adjusted at which point it becomes ‘acceptable’ data. Once your observations have been adjusted you will be surprised to see just how much warmer and wetter Dartmoor was in 2015.
Steve, where do I sign on the dotted line for retraining? I do apologise, I did not know what I was thinking about, please forgive me.
Does anyone know how Mr Harrabin’s strawberries are doing?
Old Bloke,
Retraining courses are available at any ‘uni’ that has a pseudo-science dept offering courses in Climate Science. However, the Holy Mecca of climate scientology is the UEA. Just say Roger sent you and everything should be fine.
Well, actually, it is probably better to do English Literature or History of Art or Women’s Studies or somesuch at Uni to train as a Climate Change authority. Doing something near scientific, such as Agricultural Science, is a bit dangerous as well evidenced by a popular spokesperson.
A very good point. Having looked at the CVs of the BBC’s science/environment team you are spot on.
Keep an eye on this developing piece of software – it is going to screw NASA, NOAA and the IPCC once and for all. Currently USA only, it will be going global. Real data, before it’s, er, “tweaked” – and you can do-it-yourself:
Do I recall, TOB, that it was your good self who recorded a frost in every month in Devon in 2015? If not, perhaps the proper scientist on this site who did so, will own up, so that I can get the credit right. I’ve started to quote that statistic to one or two folk in conversation about weather and global warming and climate change and stuff. The response tends to be open mouthed silence so the data collected will slowly become proven as very useful in debate.
Secondly, I concur and have observed in some posts and debates elsewhere that the likely effect of global warming is, eventually, global cooling. And very clean atmospheres. Which could lead to more warming. And then more cooling. As the RAF types would say “What goes up, must come down.” And probably there would have been at least one who would dryly observe “What goes up hot, comes down cold unless you have been unlucky enough to have been shot down in flames, old chap.”
I have met real enthusiasts, no doubt disciples of the Harrabin, who insist that car companies, oil companies & motorists are completely evil for destroying the polar ice caps, making glaciers melt and polar bears go hungry, notwithstanding the fact that when they are not scavenging on land from humans, their hunting territory is water. I sometimes ask them why it isn’t raining constantly. They usually reply that it is because the planet is getting hotter. I then tend to observe that our particular space on the planet is a year or three (or four or five or six) from a widespread, blisteringly good summer. So they then blame it on the Climate Change, and the wind & the storms & the rain. So then I ask, merely to jolly the conversation along, what happens to temperature when it rains.
They usually get a bit annoyed then.
Can’t imagine why.
Hi Up2,
A bit late replying but, yes it was me who pointed out that Dartmoor had recorded a frost day every month last year. Also, a fellow follower had gone up to the mountains of Scotland and had recorded a record number of lying snow heaps during their summer. At the same time, our Met Office were telling us that the U.K. had the hottest ever year. Well, this hottest year “evah” has since been debunked, but the narrative got out there.
BBC Breakfast this morning, male sofa jockey mentions the families of Pub bombing victims wanting the inquest reopened.
The people were brutally murdered “probably” by the IRA.
Probably !!!!!! I couldn’t believe my ears, who else does he think did it…He also got in that it was 40 years ago, the implication being that we should just forget it about, unlike Bloody Sunday of course, which must never be forgotten.
Casciani trying to play it down by saying “He’s a student from London who was accused of preparing some kind of major terrorism plan”.
“Some sort”, Casciani says, as if he was planning to let off a Penny banger in Trafalgar Square. Actually, he was accused of planning to target former Prime Minister Tony Blair or to carry out a Mumbai-style rampaging gun attack on the streets of London. I wonder why the BBC failed to mention this, despite that fact that it’s no secret?
Damnation! Some Muzzie plans to assassinate the most treacherous duplicitous corrupt Prime Minister we’ve ever had – which would have been the sweetest irony.
I suspect the BBC are erring very much on the side of caution given that the trial is currently proceeding.
Breakfast the bias remains the same Trump winning in New Hampshire is glossed over as well he was the favourite.
However serious and shocking news. Because of climate change it may take longer to fly to America. Yes climate change might alter wind patterns
On the upside it’ll be faster to fly back, possibly.
“Climate change ‘to make transatlantic flights longer”, well into the article hides the line,
“While at present there is no firm observational evidence of changes in the jet stream”, and a bit further on,
“This study builds on the concept that my team published last year showing that there is a two-way relationship between climate change and air travel,” said Dr Kristopher Karnauskas”, nice fat climate change study grant in the offing maybe?
If the BBC ran a report stating rain was wet I’d go outside and check.
I chuckled at that. It may take longer to fly to NY into stronger headwinds but less time coming back with a following wind- zero sum game.
That’s already the case on some routes. Last year I travelled to Thailand; it took 13hrs London-Bangkok, 11.5hrs Bangkok-London. Something to do with the direction of the following wind.
Really, this is nothing new at all.
Obiwan, are you sure it was that way round, if the aircraft is on a general easterly track, it would benefit from the jetstream, eg London to Bangkok. West bound aircraft would be facing, it therefore, the journey times would be longer.
Essexman: I remember when this used to be a typical ‘GCSE Maths’ problem. It went something like this: ‘I drove from Cambridge to Cardiff at an average speed of 50 mph, it was heavy traffic, but I managed to drive back at an average speed of 70 mph. Why wasn’t my average speed for the round trip 60mph ?
What average speed for the return journey would make the round trip average 60 mph ?’
(You can substitute Cambridge and Cardiff (for London and New York), and the Car is one of those Eurostar Airbusses flying at ten times the Car speed (guessing 600mph tops). Ignore the headwind as it cancels out both ways) BUT of course transatlantic Airplanes do not necessarily fly the same route (as you say) so there may be no headwind at all (which makes the BBC claim even more ridiculous)! The answer can be found here.
How rich is this……….
‘While immigrant youngsters might face cultural, social and economic disadvantages, the top 10% of 15-year-old students with an immigrant background in the United States did just as well as the top 10% without an immigrant background, as measured by the international Pisa tests.’
So let’s get this straight – immigrants can achieve as well as non-immigrants – OK no problem with that. But this is the bit I have a problem with…………
‘In fact, when accounting for social background, these high-achieving immigrant teenagers were almost a school year ahead.’
So, you achieve the same but because you are an immigrant you are actually doing better. What a complete and total crock of sh1t.
Depends what age they start at, does it not? If immigrant & indigenous start at same point age 5, say, then you are correct. What is solely different then is the well-known ‘Tiger Mum’ effect.
If the immigrant comes in at say, age 13, then I would have said unless bi-lingual before entry, there has been a considerable catch-up. That would lends some validity to the study, would it not?
Depends whether that’s their real age, surely?
It will have an influence in this case. When you are really a 36 year old I would imagine the ability to learn is starting to fade, though I may be doing them a disservice because from leaving the hell of war torn Syria, the doctors have managed to aquire brand new iPhones and designer gear
If there are parents and a birth certificate, RD, then probably no. But you are wise to ask: 170cm children with hairy upper lips in primary schooling may enjoy all sorts of advantages.
That is the impression they wish to give, promoting the idea that immigrants are just ‘better.’
However there is a fairly simple explanation which they ignore.
. Immigrants often take a step or three down the social ladder when they emigrate to a new country, so someone who was perhaps a a university graduate and a teacher in the Third World country he came from becomes a taxi driver in Britain or the USA. Their children are then rated as ‘working class background’ but its not really surprising if they both have a higher IQ and have more parental support to achieve than a genuine working class child of British or US background. These children usually do well, because their parent are very keen for their children to recover the social status they have lost.
Here’s more climate change bullshit.
The headline on the bbc.con front page says
‘Climate change ‘lengthens Atlantic flights’ – present tense, sounds like a statement of fact?
Click on the link and jump into the future ‘Climate change ‘to make transatlantic flights longer” – a prediction of the future?
Read on and we get to the words ‘could’ and ‘likely’ – oops, statement of fact just flew out of the window.
Lets get down to the crux shall we?
‘on average, flights will only gain and lose a few minutes each way,’ – well why are we even talking about it then?
Just as I thought, another scaremongering non-story from the Cbeebies science class.
Yes but those minutes could prove critical to BBC non-journalists rushing to-from the US in order to cheer for Hillary (now holed below the waterline and sinking fast) or criticise Trump.
The poor luvvies at the Beeb don’t even have the use of Concorde any more. I feel their pain, I really do.
Yes , it doesn’t matter if the jet stream is blowing at 60 kts or 160 kts, West bound aircraft would use more fuel, but eastbound, would use less,it’s all factored into fuel costs & fares. The difference is Zero, unless the day you went out, it was 160 kts & the day you came back it was 60 kts. But other aircraft going the other way would benefit. Total non story bollox.
Classic lefty arsehole
Tragic train collision in Bavaria.

Fortunately there was a local on hand to interviewed by Jenny (I feel your pain) Hill.
Sorry, not sure what happened there…
Joe Adediran, typical forty-percentile representative of his new German age group.
Hardly Aryan! An interview like that takes away the enormity of the event to the point of switching off. A good example of what is happening in Europe, presumably an African, likely with German nationality but speaking pigin English but without the slightest hint of a German accent.
There is no clue in the interview that this happened in Germany, could have happened anywhere in Southern Europe as its its stuffed with nationless inhabitants like this, Marxism in action.
I wonder how long it took the BBC to find a witness to suit their agenda?
“I wonder how long it took the BBC to find a witness to suit their agenda?”
Less than 10 seconds Geoff.
Probably, like everyone else on this forum, I couldn’t stop laughing at the “report” about transatlantic flights taking longer because of the change to the Jetstream caused by “Climate Change”. First the presumption is that winds will get stronger. Well, there is some merit in that comment, for, as the World cools and the Northern Hemisphere cools also, the wind is ‘forced’ to become stronger because of the atmospheric changes. But hey, hang on a minute! We have all been told that because the globe is getting warmer, temperatures are rising. The trouble is with these numpties, they do not understand that if the temperatures rose then the winds of the Jetstream would become LESS strong not more strong. So, by deduction of fact and historical data, they have confirmed by making this statement, that the earth is cooling not getting warmer.
Also, there are many flight paths across the Atlantic known as “tracks” and Airline accountants aren’t that stupid to allow their pilots to fly directly into a 250 mph plus wind at 40,000 ft,so they deviate around the core winds. Yes, more air miles might be accomplished but with lighter winds on a different track then a schedule might/could and is maintained. The comment has already been made that flight times will be quicker if pilots use the Jetstream (a bumpy trip guaranteed) i.e, from the West to East but all that gained time could be lost on the ground at either Heathrow or Gatwick, when a very chuffed captain touches down 30 minutes early on the tarmac only to be told by sniggering ATC that they will have to wait for 30 minutes before a gate/ramp becomes available.
Did you hear about the other report yesterday about the increase in shark attacks on humans? All because of “Climate Change” as the seas are getting warmer. Eh?
Concerning the CET data set. Word is out that the Met Office have reduced considerably the number of reporting stations within the historical boundaries of the CET? Now, I wonder why they would do that, you know like, remove all the rural ones and keep in all the urban ones and most definitely the one at Heathrow? Can’t possible think can you?
The Atlantic Track system is adjusted to cater to jet stream forecasts on a daily basis. Always has been. Nothing like a good tail wind on the way back from the US of A…
Obiwan, are you sure it was that way round, if the aircraft is on a general easterly track, it would benefit from the jetstream, eg London to Bangkok. West bound aircraft would be facing, it therefore, the journey times would be longer.
My understanding of the carbon dioxide hypothesis, confirmed by experts, Patrick Michaels and Robert Balling. Is that the storms would get less and less as the contrast between the surface and six miles up, would reduce. This was the position of the IPCC until it contradicted its own hypothesis, with a need for alarmism. This is also why the Worlds top Hurricane expert, Chris Landsea resigned from the IPCC in disgust.
So the storms should be getting less due to man-made Climate Change. But are temporarily getting worse due to an El Nino.
I suggest that this proves that the left-wing mind is inferior.
Oh dear. ‘Eurosceptic’ Boris Johnson’s dad tells us why we should stay in the EU via Jeremy Vine.
The labels on the tin are different and the contents are the same.
And there’s more….
It’s getting worse ! The headline is now
“How jet stream is making UK-US return flights longer” – to me this is a clear statement of fact. However, if you listen to the video it starts of with (I’m paraphrasing here) “they’ve worked out that IF you double the amount of CO2 that causes a change in the jet stream and stronger westerly winds” IF being the operative word.
Current CO2 is 400 ppm. To get a doubling (go back to when it was 200 ppm) you have to go back thousands of years – even the industrial revolution did not double it.
So we have gone from a theoretical study to a statement “jet stream is making UK-US return flights longer”
More distorted BBC bias science.
Did anyone else have the misfortune to hear that sanctimonious tw@t Steve Coogan on Front Row last night? If you must torture yourself here is the listen again link:
The misery starts at 20:45 with Coogan disappearing up his own fundamanent of self-importance at 26:50.
The whole programme is sh*te of the most risible kind.
i have just watched Prime Ministers Questions on bBBC. Not one question on Camerons faux pas on Calais migrants, not one question on Aleppo, and not one question on todays Doctors strike.
This sort of sums up just how bad the opposition are?
Labour are bad enough but the SNP come across as even worse and bordering on the pathetic.
The SNP are concerned about just one thing. How best to stir up grievance between Scotland & England. If you bear that in mind you’ll see the reasoning behind everything they say.
The thing the SNP should be concerned about, very concerned about, is the oil price. Funny old thing, neither Krankie nor Slippery Salmond seem keen to draw attention to it.
Indeed, but no-one seems terribly keen to hold their feet to the fire over it. It has long puzzled me why the SNP seem to get such an easy ride from the media.
Coogan explains how Alan Partridge moved on from being a ‘Daily Mail xenophobe’ (cue snigger from interviewer) to (paraphrased) ‘a liberal minded David Cameron type who embraces diversity’.
Oh God, somebody please burst that fucking bubble so these socialist twats can see the world around them.
Does he mean Alan Partridge moved from being funny to being boring? A bit like himself, in fact.
Just tuned in and then tuned out of R4’s new sitcom ‘The Reluctant Persuaders’ in the car. Supposedly based on an advertising agency in London. No-one said, but that would have to have been an ad agency in the sixties. It was like Mad Men, but without the plot, production values or humour.
What got me really though was the continuity announcer ushering on the show: “And now, from the murky world of advertising.” Working I suppose in the ‘advertising industry’ I feel like whipping myself up into a froth of mock outrage and falling into a Twitter frenzy of pity and distress like any other minority group would. Funny how the BBC would never say for instance: “in the murky world of kids charities”, or “the murky world of nationalised broadcasting”, “the murky world of Islamic gender politics”. Now if the BBC was what it should be, we could have some great comedy about those subjects.
The title is presumably a homage to Vance Packard’s 1957 classic “The Hidden Persuaders” but the irony is lost on the BBC, who in its propaganda uses the same subliminal messages and crude appeals to basic emotions that Packard warned about, but doesn’t manage to give us anything as useful as decent washing-up liquid or good razor blades in return for the £145.50.
I do not think the BBC have reported on the row over the Doritos advert that appeared during the US Superbowl. It is going viral on the internet and consists of a scene in a hospital where a pregant woman is having an ultrasound whilst her stupid husband is eating crisps. The nurse draws attention to the scan of the ‘beautiful baby’ and husband waves crisps at it.
I have mentioned it here because the video I have attached reveals much about the mindset of the fascist left,which clearly includes the BBC’s tendency to misreport and censor what is considered alien to its rabid progressive/left agenda.
Reaction to the Doritos advert has been severe; the left, feminists, pro-choice organizations, and opinion blockers condemned the advert because it ‘humanised the baby’ , yes humanised it, the ultrasound scan looks like a living baby as it is supposed to if it is is healthy and normal. But we cannot have women thinking that pregnant women have babies inside them; they might not exercise their choice to abort.
Now to the video. Please don’t be put off from watching it, despite the fact that it is one of those over used Hitler in the Bunker, clips. This one is different, as it reveals just how the fascist left seek to control information.
(A note. I have an open mind on the issue of abortion, but object to the tactics employed by the pro-choice fascists)
Perhaps this is a truer picture of what is happening in Calais, different from that propagated by BBC.
This is awful.
Poor woman, poor family, poor decent Calaisians-and a disgusting dereliction of duty from Sarkozys era, Blair/Brown and the European Union.
Yet all we get from the BBC, Moutet and Hollande is that liberal bullshit where islam and migration are “victims”.
Real French people like this are suffering in a way I`d no idea about.
Utterly appalling-and real trouble coming soon…especially as the Left and the BBC. the EU and Merkel will do all they can to shut the likes of this woman down in the cause of “giving offence to Anjem” or Polly”
Thanks for this Tom…real testimony is badly needed more than ever before Zuckerberg polishes Merkels jackboots with his tongue…as if the BBC haven`t licked them to a good shine already.
Its uncanny and extremely disconcerting that I’ve watched similar videos from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Greece even to a lesser degree from Americans and Australians and of course we know what what is happening here, its happening world wide.
Maybe someone can enlighten me, why are our white politicians, Police, the MSM and ‘minority groups’ so supportive of white genocide, which if things ultimately play out in the direction they’re heading will also bring the demise of them and theirs, WTF is happening in the Western World?
This makes me even more angry when my local BBC keep pushing the Calais Aid crap.
Thanks Tom for posting.
I had thought that Hungary or another Eastern state would be the first to push back against the cultural marxists but it looks as if France could soon produce new men and women like that brave lady who will start to make the future very interesting and rather difficult for the marxists and virtue signallers.
I see that the Foreign Legion General Piquemal has obviously been forced to compromise a bit. A sure sign that the governments are starting to panic. It was a stupid thing to do to arrest such a man.
France is nowhere near as docile as England.
Looked too far gone to me last time I was there Dave, I’d hesitantly propose France as a candidate for first EU country to lose territory, out in the sticks not so bad, but urban areas, forget it.
“I ask myself where the cultural enrichment is. Because if it is to sack, to destroy, to steal, to rape and so on the French were fully capable of doing it for themselves, one had only to ask.”
Comedy gold, if it wasn’t so tragic.
The whole article in the New Observer is eye opening if only it were available to more people.
I’m not very computer savvy but someone out there must get it going because the MSM aren’t interested.
On the subject of advertising and the increasingly apparent imbalance of sensitivies – where for instance men can be ridiculed for just being male whereas certain groups are protected – just like was it suggested by the left in their appeals to Mr Leveson at the time of his press show trials.
Well, there was this advert on commercial radio in which a woman is driving in her car with her mother. At the touch of a button some new gizmo reads aloud the woman’s latest text message. Unfortunately it is an intimate message from a man “Can’t wait to see you in your nurse’s uniform” The seemingly unaware mother says “Got a new job, dear?” You get the joke.
So suddenly this ad is now being broadcast with a slight edit. The word ‘nurse’s’ has been expunged – no doubt due to complaints from…? Nursing unions, perhaps? The quiet Pee Cee compulsory liberalisation of our culture goes on apace, albeit almost unnoticed.
No doubt the errant copywriter will be sure to self-edit next time.
Some good entries today on the bBBC HYS about the New Hampshire results.
A good amount of correspondents are now pretty wised up to the bBBC bias and are voting on comments accordingly.
So the ‘Trump is mad’ type comments are not getting anything like the adulation the HYS editors expected.
Meanwhile one cannot help noticing there are TWO live HYS streams for the US results while UK issues are given no discussion opportunity. Presumably there is nothing important to talk about (like immigration, referendum, housing, doctors strikes, Trident, police abuse enquiries etc.)
Bias by stifling debates which might go against the approved narratives.
Just listening to Question Time in Parliament earlier.
Corbyn is a car crash isn`t he?-he simply is a plank.
As for that guff about some Labour No mark who graciously is saving us a few weeks salary by slinking off to the great ForgeMasters Lodge in the clouds?….if only we could buy a 38 second bit of crap on iTunes to send the pointless socialist sadsack off and up the colliery chimney.
Been an MP for less than a year, an ex miner who , no doubt was gleeful about Thatchers death…so I`m guessing he was a typical backbench labour nonentity who filled council beanbags for years before he got the gig to be a Labour MP.
And then-within a year-he inconveniently pegs out, and leaves Labour to get another low bore socialist nodding derrick.
But no-ones laughing at the mockery that these slavering godless socialists make of each other when they try to behave like normal people.
This Harry Harperson-Hairpin arse miner is a bit of nutty slacker…no wonder Corbyn managed to find out who he was before he kissed the NUM badge and waved to the gallery.
Can we get a jobshare carer for Corbyn?…that similarly aged scuttlebuck Sanders in the USA seems far less demented.
Corbyn is a car crash isn`t he?-he simply is a plank.
Who told you that ChrisH – Lilly from Leeds, Bob from Bolton (sorry couldn’t be Bob – Bolton has none of them left its’ full of fucking jihadis now).
He thinks it comes across a cool but he just sounds like a complete fucking halfwit when he starts with that bollocks .
One won for the gipper!
Well done fat Nick…at last a rightie who seems like he wants to WIN the next election!
Clealry he didn’t want to be her lunch. I’m sure she could have eaten him in one sitting.
He has lost some weight apparently…but still plenty meat on those bones.
But could she manage an Abbott?…let alone a Batmangedgheli?
If only the Border Police will let us know which of their fragrant, vulnerable teenage waifs may NOT be Syrian after all-but from the Somali Head cutters and cannibal League?
Got to be at least one pork roast between them-just tell them its Islington Chicken,,,for that is what they are, when Islam comes calling.
I wonder why that repulsive woman doesn’t normally use her title of Lady Nugee? Sounds like good socialist stock doesn’t she.
‘New York Billionaire Donald Trump’
Ah, always wondered what his full name was.
Thanks BBC!
Yes, and it’s all his own money, and not the American taxpayer’s. That must really stick in the throats of the Beeboids.
There’s another New York billionaire (far, far wealthier than Trump) who may throw his hat into the ring as a third party candidate in the (eventual) presidential election, which could f*** Hillary completely.
Pat Buchanan:-
Bloomberg vs. Trump? “Run, Mike, Run!”
The morning of the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump, being interviewed on “Morning Joe,” said that he would welcome his “friend” Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race.
Which is probably the understatement of 2016.
The three-term mayor of New York and media mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion, making him one of the richest men on earth, told the Financial Times on Monday he is considering a run.
Bloomberg had earlier confided he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s ability to turn back the challenge of Bernie Sanders, regards Trump’s rise with trepidation, and is appalled by the pedestrian character of the campaign rhetoric.
“I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an insult to the voters,” said Bloomberg; the public deserves “a lot better.”
This haughty disdain calls to mind the late Adlai Stevenson. Yet, if Bloomberg runs, his electoral vote tally would likely make Adlai, by comparison, look like Richard Nixon on his 49-state romp in 1972.
Republicans should give Mayor Mike every encouragement to enter the race. For though he threatens to spend a billion dollars of his own money to buy the presidency, his name on the ballot as a third-party candidate could send the Democratic nominee straight down to Davy Jones’s locker.
With Bloomberg siphoning off millions of liberal votes, Democrats would not only lose red states they customarily write off, winning solid blue states would require a far steeper climb.
Third Party candidates have played crucial roles in presidential politics. Ex-President Theodore Roosevelt killed the re-election hopes of his successor President William Howard Taft in 1912, by running as the Bull Moose candidate and delivering the nation to Woodrow Wilson.
Strom Thurmond carried four Deep South states in 1948 and George Wallace carried five Deep South states in 1968. Both sought to throw the election into the U.S. House. Neither succeeded.
Ross Perot got 19 percent of the popular vote in 1992 and 8 percent in 1996. Though he did not carry a single state either time, as a candidate of the populist center-right, Perot peeled off a third of the votes George H. W. Bush had won in 1988–to sink Bush in 1992.
Why would Bloomberg, who has great wealth and is willing to part with it, not be able to beat Trump, or another Republican nominee, if he plunged a billion dollars into his campaign?
Though he may be a pioneer in modern media and a man with a golden touch, Bloomberg is 74 years old this week, uncharismatic, and does not fill up a room the way the Donald does. He lacks a common touch and is a social liberal, pro-abortion and pro-same-sex marriage.
Moreover, he is a compulsive nanny-stater who outlawed smoking in New York bars, restaurants and public places, prohibited the sale of cigarettes to anyone under 21, forbade trans-fats in restaurants, sodas larger than 16 ounces, chain restaurant menus without calorie counts, cellphones in school, non-fuel-efficient cabs, greenhouse gas emissions, and non-hurricane-proof buildings in coastal areas.
While not well-known nationally, Bloomberg is a zealot about tougher gun control laws and his candidacy would produce a deluge of contributions to the National Rifle Association. This obsession, along with his social views, would sink him in Red State America.
Nor is Bloomberg, despite three straight victories running for mayor, a great political athlete.
In his last race, as the Republican and Independent candidate, Bloomberg spent $102 million to defeat an underfunded Democrat comptroller, but managed to win only 51 percent of the vote.
If Clinton, or even Sanders, were at the top of the Democratic ticket in New York State, either would crush Bloomberg in his home town, especially with the GOP nominee, say Trump, siphoning off all of the Republican-conservative votes Bloomberg received to become mayor.
Now only would Bloomberg lose the Big Apple, his statewide vote would come mostly from the Democratic nominee, giving Republicans the best opportunity to carry the Empire State since Ronald Reagan coasted to re-election in 1984.
By spending a billion dollars, Bloomberg could blanket the nation with ads. But once Republican oppo research groups defined him for Middle America, perhaps 4 in 5 of his votes would come out of the basket upon which Democrats rely.
For example, as a Jewish-American, Bloomberg might do well in the Dade-Broward-Palm Beach County corridor, taking votes that Clinton or Sanders would need to carry Florida. Yet, where would Bloomberg get the rest of his votes to win the Sunshine State?
Clearly, Bloomberg is envious of the success of the Donald, since he descended on that escalator at Trump Towers on June 16.
The problem for Bloomberg is that, while this is the year of the outsider, with populist revolts breaking out in both parties, Sanders and Trump caught the lightning early, while he was restructuring his media empire. And, to be candid, Michael Bloomberg is no barn burner.
So all together now: “Run, Mike, Run!”
The BBC are so thick aren`t they?
If Mike “Interesting” Bloomberg DOES enter the race-hope they repeatedly refer to him as “multi billionaire” at the start of every introduction to him.
Seems to do wonders for Donalds ratings every time , particularly enjoyed when they do that Billy Idol sneer as they say it.
Don`t tell the Beeb-but over there, most Americans surely prefer a free President than the prospect of bankrolling Clintons dry cleaning once again.
Don pays his way-make a good slogan that!
Here`s hoping the Guardian email Ohio again to beg them to vote for Bernie…the liberal left are deluded fools making Trump a shoo-in.
Here`s hoping too that Don won`t visit THIS cesspit, until he gets half a million grovelling apologies and no Labour/SNP MPs allowed to his banquets-THAT would hurt the fatheaded loons!
I have started driving from Brighton to Twickenham rather than putting my hands in the pathetic rail service that goes by the name of ‘Southern Rail’. I mentioned this as I have got into the habit of listening to Radio 4 / World Service which is without doubt the most biased radio station currently operating.
Today I got to hear that Clintons debacle in New Hampshire was just a blip (no mention of the huge margin of defeat to her Democratic Rival), Trumps victory was only mentioned in passing…the World Service was then replaced by Radio 4 which provided me with the following bits of information
1. A Doctors spokesman advised that the government was making the current dispute ‘political’ and putting lives at risk, no alternative view was sought (e.g. holding a strike put lives at risk & is this not really about receiving enhanced weekend pay)
2. Brexit: A group of pro-EU business leaders were interviewed and agreed that leaving the EU was bad, no alternative view was sought
We then had ‘thought for the day’ which was…well odd!
Then finally I was treated to ‘Farming Today’ in which we were treated to more talking heads advising against A) Brexit, B) allowing housing association tenants to buy their property and C) Beavers (which was interesting) but no actual farming news!!
So about 1hr 30 minutes of Pro-Democrat and Pro-EU views without any alternative views luckily the BBC advises that they are impartial, oh well the Beaver article was interesting!.
BTW: if you go onto the LBC website you can catch the most amazing phone-call in which a Scottish caller absolutely nails Salmond and offers to go outside and fight!
Thanks for that, 3 mins 20 in.
Do you know what I like about Alex Salmond…f@ck all. The way he talks down to the first caller is disgusting and he does it because he doesn’t actually have a counter argument. This nasty little man is one of the most divisive politicians in this country.
Misomer making up for Brian True-May’s failing for his omission of ethnics in his screenplays – tonight’s episode has given Kam Kam the pathologist a huuuuuge part, (do pathologists generally make up a large part of an investigating team ? or is this poetic license) – poor old George her predecessor was kept much more in his place . I don’t feel comfortable with the continual Kam this and Kam that, which is now a big part of the dialogue. Not forgetting slipping in a vicar of colour. I cant help feeling that come what may, ethnics are shoed into a part whether its relevant or not, purely to satisfy diversity numbers and to keep the likes of Sir ‘enery happy.
And naturally the said black vicar was in a relationship with a white woman.
Also had a nice mixed race couple at the start but alas the Asian female part got bumped off early doors.
The agenda is so apparent it’s farcical
@Brissles, I know what you mean, the programme has definitely gone downhill recently. I used to really like it but nowadays I watch it just to laugh at the efnics shoehorned into parts to which they’re not suited. I know what you mean about this ‘Kam this, Kam that’ bollocks. Of course, she’s a genius because all efnics in TV programmes are geniuses. And they’re never, ever killers either so you can discount them as suspects cos it’ll always be a middle aged white guy. If you’re a big fan of whodunnits like me, these things are becoming more and more pointless because its never the blackie and they make up half the cast. Maybe, they do this because blacks and ethnic minorities make up such a large part of the REAL crime statistics. With MSM, it’s like they’ve done it to purposely rub poor, old Brian True-Mays face in diversity. Unfortunately, they all seem to be the same now with honourable exceptions of Endevour and Father Brown. Lewis and Vera are pretty terrible these days for it too.
Next week Barnaby investigates the murders during a drugs turf war in the Cawston ghetto.
I see that tonight’s BBC News at 10 has organised it’s own survey and poll of undecided voters, taken place at Lichfield Cathedral.
The general tone of the short discussion was to stay in the EU and reinforced by the vote which was 9-7 in favour of remaining in Europe (surprise, surprise!)
Are they going to produce more of these at different venues and if so will at least some of them reflect the current trend of the decided, who at the moment are showing marginal support for Brexit?
Radio 4 had some slop pumped from Lichfield on at just after five O’clock. They had ‘assembled a group of people’ to give their opinions on British identity vis-à-vis being part of the EU. The first person to give their (pro EU) opinion was a woman who I thought sounded a little…dusky, and you could’ve knocked me over with a palm frond when she said she wasn’t originally from Britain, and had moved here from…..*Off Switch*
Why the hell do I tune in?! Masochism, it must be masochism.
I heard that but interestingly the same report was edited differently for the TV news. I wonder why?
And did anyone notice that the ‘voting’ at the end of the TV report was IN/OUT in green/red?
The referendum question is of course LEAVE/REMAIN which we remember was officially recognised to be more impartial wording.
So by definition a nice little bit of proven visual bias from the bEUBC thrown in for good measure.
Hello Sluff. I haven’t watched TV in years, so I didn’t see what different way they edited it, but the green/red thing you noticed made me laugh.
*jazz hands* ‘Psychology!’ *jazz hands*
Yea, I saw a bit of that but nearly threw the tv out the window when they had the vote cards. About the size of two pages of A4 with ‘IN’ on one side and ‘OUT’ on the other. Colour coded to help with the decision with green for ‘IN’ and red for ‘OUT’.
Yes, that’s right, green for ‘safe and go’ and red for ‘stop, danger’. Why put colours on them? ‘IN’ vs ‘OUT’ are quite clear aren’t they? No shared letters and two versus three letters…. But the colours to help give the message of a desired response. Too many times do we see indicators for the correct response on the BBC.
Right, I’m off to Russia Today to get some actual news.
It looks like Al Beeb’s ‘Lord Hall Hall’ could be under fire…………… “effectively accountable to no-one” according to a new report by the Culture, Media and Sport Committee………………….
I’ve said this before on this forum (and others) and I’m saying it again. Coincidence? Last night, the skies cleared and by 6.00pm there were signs of a frost. (800 ft amsl) By 9.00pm out here on Dartmoor, pretty well much everything was coated in ice. Out of curiosity I went onto BBC iplayer ( I do not have a TV) and had a look at the 6.00pm BBC Spotlight weather forecast. Their presenter told us that night time temperatures would get down to one degree or just about freezing, and their map of the South West, in particular Devon, only showed temperatures at towns on the coast at sea level but with a minus one in Somerset. What was not mentioned was any inland temperatures. These, on Dartmoor, got down to the lowest of the winter so far at MINUS 7. Once again, is this rank poor forecasting, a deliberate policy to big up temperatures or a collusion between the BBC and Met Office to misinform the public or all three? This is happening all over the U.K. on the BBC (via the Met Office) as the lowest temperatures for a region are wrongly stated. But then I guess they would say, as a cop out to any challenge on their legitimacy to forecast correctly, it was only a forecast..yeah right, a pis* poor forecast at that then.
I see Top Gear are going with a cast of 1000s
As usual with the BBC all boxes ticked
Strange reaction from perfect hairdo Charlie Stayt who was this moring’s house eunuch – sitting there with Naga on the red sofa no testosterone show he something about ‘usual compromises’
Did anyone out there catch exactly what he said or understand what he meant?
Surely the bBBC can find a space for a transgender wheelchair user in the line-up.
Does a man wearing a wig count?
The BBC don’t get it. As everyone on this blog understands, the whole point of the original Top Gear was the anti-establishment, non-PC, jokey approach, unafraid to tear down leftist ideals, with matchless commentary from all three presenters, especially Clarkson. The re-incarnation of ‘Not-Top-Gear’ is going to be a ‘right-on’, PC-conformist, Polly Toynbee-approved, humourless mish-mash. It will surely fail, and surely will not bring the international riches that the original did (and does). For myself, I’ll give Amazon try. However, I take comfort from the fact that James May will continue to make great programmes for the BBC.
The ‘original’ Top Gear was actually a motoring magazine program presented by Noel Edmonds, William Woollard and Quentin Wilson which gave informative reviews on cars and tips such as buying second hand etc, the BBC of old.
Under Clarkson it morphed into an excellent and irreverent entertainment program, Evans neither has the intelligence or sense of humour to continue in that vain and it’ll flop.
William Woollard, I remember him working alongside the great Raymond Baxter on Tomorrow’s World. Another knowledgeable old school presenter with infectious enthusiasm. Not suitable for today’s BBC unfortunately. A former RAF fighter pilot and recent convertee to Buddhism guarantee him a black-balling.
Top Gear will fail and the BBC will not be able to work out why. They will be convinced that the zombie corpse that is now stumbling around in the post-Clarkson era is more appropriate for the viewer.
The BBC will learn nothing until it is held properly accountable and hit financially when it fails to meet the viewers’ and listeners’ needs.
Never gave a damn about Top Gear.
Just don`t care enough about cars.
But if it employed Noel and Jeremy Clarkson, then it clearly was a bastion of independent thought, as far as the BBC was concerned…very dangerous, but too profitable to shut down.
Clarksons idiocy last year cost the decent Richard Hammond his job…unfair seeing as the bloke nearly died in it, a few years back.
Now when I hear that the overwrought, overemployed Evans is getting the chance to create anew…so Volkswagen get a weekly pounding ,and Matt Leblanc shows us all how to wear a crash helmet for the disability scooter trial tests( an no winners-all must tap the rainbow tape in time, whilst linking arms)…then I`m glad it`s not MY former fave that the BBC are crashing into Saviles Spongy Wall of Wonder.
It`ll end up like Dr Who…dissolving in its own tears, and playing twister with its own neural networks until it catches fire and fizzles into…well, the BBC will be gone by then hopefully.
Yep-compulsory disability scooter driving tests, insurance and special licenses for wide loads and chip runs….will the BBC “fix that” for me?…might email Corbyn to get the BBC sniffisox running wild!
Geoff, I agree that Evans has neither intelligence or sense of humour, but he clearly has ‘clout’ at the Beeb (must be his millionaire status) to be never out of work there. Even in the early days of his ‘celebrity’ I neither watched or listened to him – just never found him funny; but then I don’t see the attraction of those 2 trillionaire school boys Ant & Dec either. Thinking about it, I must be a rarity in terms of viewing audience; I never watch soaps; have never seen a Simon Cowell produced programme; never watched a reality show (apart from Strictly); or those blokey banter ‘slap each other on the back’ type of panel shows either. Living on my own I’m not obliged to watch the viewing habits of others in a household, and this can be quite gratifying !!!!
BRISSLES, I’m similar to you: I can’t stand Evans or Ant and Dec; don’t watch soaps, never seen a Cowell show. I watch strictly and most of the skating one though I can’t abide Schofield, I avoid most panel shows as they are just an excuse for invective against the Right. I did watch the first couple of series of Big Brother until I realised what a pile of steaming crap it was.
Evans certainly has some sort of clout, where else in the real world could an employee who had previously walked out on an employer be welcomed back with open arms and offered the keys to the company safe?
No soaps in this household either, stopped watching such panel shows ages ago when I realised they were nothing other than lefty mouth pieces.
The rather sad point though is the powers that be at the Al Beeb brigade are selfishy creating a program that they will enjoy and not what the existing fan base want to watch. They are so self important and detached from reality, they believe that if they and their stuck up, sh1t eating, ROPer enriched circle of delusional friends don’t like it, no one else will. The new program will be so shit it will prevent me from even being able to watch re-runs of Clarksons show for fear of gnawing through my own wrists because of terrifying flash backs!
The whole show will be riddled in utter PC shite about inclusion, unity and every other bile inducing fairytale crap the socially backward left find interesting.
The people who used to like the show won’t watch it. Those who pretend they will, will soon realise that watching a program about cars is pretty sad and boring. The only thing that made Top Gear a watchable show was the ‘fu(k the BBC’ attitude of the previous presenters. That’s finished. The show is finished. Another nail wonderfully hammered in its own coffin by Al Beeb
Interesting report from the Commons Culture Media and Sport Select Committee. Attacks BBC culture of arrogance and says Tony Hall is accountable to no-one. Sounds like the beginning of the end for Fairhead and the pathetic BBC Trust. I’d be wary, however, of taking the Charter Renewal out of the ‘political cycle’ by extending the Charter to 10 or 12 years without a change to the BBC’s overwhelming market power and left wing attitudes.
The BBC must have trouble not corpsing when they read stuff like this.
The BBC is having trouble with their Radio listeners. They are refusing (dissenters) to listen to the UK’s ‘favourite’ state ‘bulllshit’ broadcaster and figures are down by more than 10%. BBC Radio Directors claimed that this is due to ‘other’ broadcasters i.e. competition is fierce. We are all ‘switching OFF’ the BBC. I wonder why?
‘Average Briton spent just 10.1 hours a week tuning in to BBC radio in last three months of 2015′.
Note: it gets worse for the BBC: 14 % drop on a decade already. By 2014 – it is reported – that ‘attention span’ has dropped to ten hours per week. Radio 1 is even worse with only 1.2 hours for the BBC’s top national ‘yoof’ music channel. The average ‘tuning in’ for Radio 4 national ‘news and opinion’ is down to just ‘2.6 hours’ per week. That probably includes ‘The Archers’ for good measure. The rest of the time is a turn off.
And that is why ITV is responding ITV is responding to covering the Queens 90th Birthday (as the BBC is now well known for its anti-monarchist stance and the Marxist Staff could not care less anyway).
But the BBC Radio Directors frantically worried as the BBC listening figures are in long term decline – year on year. Whilst other broadcasters (i.e. Classic FM) are doing quite well, a lot better. Thanks to our money (our taxpayer money – the BBC TV tax is still a state tax) it (BBC) will not admit – ever- admit that it has anything to do with its discredited liberal bias towards news reporting of what it finds in The Guardian newspaper. The Guardian itself is now in difficulty (it has no state subsidy)…
So I looked at the latest Guardian UK readership and that is stil falling too. The CEO of ‘The Guardian’ blames the dominance of the BBC for giving (The Guardian) ‘news’ away for free! That indeed is THE PROBLEM with the BBC. And how will they survive without The Guardian?
“The Guardian itself is now in difficulty (it has no state subsidy)…”. Really? How about the BBC subsidising their journalists’ salaries with frequent (I’d say constant) appearances across the whole spectrum of programmes. I’m expecting to see Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee on Top Gear!
And with all the adverts for BBC and public sector jobs in the Guardian, we are subsidising the lefty rag through our taxes and license fees yet again.
No large organisations need to pay for advertising in newspapers, all they need to do is put their jobs on their websites – certainly for a monopoly like the BBC there is no need at all for them to advertise.
What a brilliant concept Popeye. Polly Toynbee teaching little Owen how to drive. Will he pass first time?
Two below pars in an unreasonably subsidised blah
My own average R4 listening hours dropping to zero has absolutely nothing to do with ‘other’ broadcasters and everything to do with the BBC promoting perversion as normal and banging the drum for every ‘ism’ going. An anti white British agenda doesn’t exactly endear them to me either along with the migrant lies and perpetual left wing slant on absolutely everthing, which frankly is just boring now. Suppressing news that doesn’t fit with their twisted views, and a totally biased Euro position, seriously Goebbels had nothing on the BBC. Sacking any who don’t fit, turning drama into a vehicle to further promote their strange deviant agenda, no, I think I can quite safely say the reason I have switched off the BBC has nothing to do with ‘other’ broadcasters being available.
Oldspeaker, I tend to agree. Radio 4 is, de facto, Socialist-Progressive Radio by any other name. Doesn’t matter what time of day you tune in, or to what programme, you’ll find the leftist agenda seeping through. Sometimes it’s blatant in-yer-face stuff, most times it’s subtle, sneaky stuff hidden behind misdirection or gentle ‘nudging’.
My own tolerance for such incessant political bullsh*ttery has reached a new low. The BBC is clearly entirely unfit for purpose; compromised beyond operational competency, totally unable to meet the requirements of impartiality mandated by its own Charter.
Close it down or send it out into the digital subscription market to justify any possible reason for its continued existence.
I used to listen a lot to R4 but CAN’T STAND IT now.
The biased bile and dismissive flippant comments to content and interviewees who dare have a different opinion is just appalling.
Who the hell do they think they are to be telling the listeners what to think and that they must be driven into “right thought”?
Neither does the Queen.
Bet she gave up listening to ANY BBC output after Wogan left in 2009.
So it`s quite OK to bring down the Beeb as a patriotic duty nowadays.
Today-“hated by the Queen since 1992”.
So we`re in good company, maybe one of us here is her!
Gawd bless yer ma`am!
I’ve given up on any BBC radio listening now, apart from Today, which irritates the hell out of me but is my de facto alarm clock. I expect I’ll make the final switch-off within the next few months, just need to find an alternative news-summary radio channel.
I’ve got lots of old radio dramas from the 80’s and 90’s which I recorded on cassette. I’ve recently started going through them, and the difference is stark. Today, you can just take it for granted that any drama or book slot on the BBC is going to be used as a vehicle for progressive messaging. It’s just so tedious.
When it was first broadcast, I used to think The Professionals was completely naff – Hudson for God’s sake! – as bad as Abba. I now record it from the Drama channel and know I can watch all those Granadas, Marinas and Princesses screaming their tyres and relax for an hour without any temptation whatever to throw things at the screen. Sad but true. I think the Beeb are about to fall off a cliff of popularity, a descent from which they will never recover.
Try LBC.
That’ similarly biased but so crude and unprofessional its less annoying than the BBCs attempts to make the propaganda subliminal!
Interesting that Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe should choose the Guardian in which to bare his soul and explain police positions on harassment of people in high places. He’s obviously not very keen on having his opinions become public knowledge.
He probably finds he has a common purpose with the Grauniad hacks.
I just hope Clive James (lasts long enough, and) finds a new journalistic home when the G goes feet up. A delightful man, showing dangerous signs of a re-emergence of dissent (as is Ms Greere, hooray!).
How long before The Stig ‘comes out’ ?
As…. the missing link!
And on that bombshell…
BBC Online News:
“”Would a vote to leave the EU threaten economic activity? Much of British industry certainly fears so””. (Where is the evidence for this sweeping, provocative and mischievous statement??).
“”This is what the EU has meant to Britain over the decades – trade. It is why the prime minister we associate most strongly with Euro-scepticism, Margaret Thatcher, was in fact the prime minister who took the UK deeper into the European embrace than any other British leader””. (Of course, the BBC bring MT into the equation when it suits, and totally misrepresent her).
No BBC opportunity missed to support the EU.
Are the BBC becoming desperate? Are the people not following the BBC script?
Subtle but not subtle enough to go unnoticed by any thoughtful/interested person. An acceptable statement only if balanced by an alternative view. Not exactly unbiased reporting!
At the end of the day business is business, money is money, market is market (see Thatcher/Adams etc.) and this will override any political/ideological view – unless artificially manipulated by exterior forces for reasons best known to themselves (Bilderberg etc.)
Well Lenin did say that capitalists would sell him the rope to hang them with.
Membership of the EU is about the extinction of the nation state, not about trade at all. The fact is we can be members of the Single Market without membership of the EU. Business “leaders” should get on with running their companies, and remember that they have only one vote in this referendum, the same as everybody else.
So the scintillating new Top Gear team is twice the size of the old one – fairly predictable staffing from an organisation so keen on using other people’s money to keep their hopes alive – and contains at least one whose miniature opinions are constantly derided by F1 cognoscenti. Looks like a success just waiting to happen….
Apart from Sabine scintillating isn’t the word I’m using think I’ll give this whole thing a big miss.
One of the seemingly endless BBC online job creation schemes, BBC Ouch (no, me either) is running a piece today on a female dance instructor who I am most surprised has not been invited to join the TG team too, to bump up the Cohen ratio.
Oh pity the Junior doctors, standing up for their patients, the NHS, against tyranny.
The BBC appear to have disappeared their HYS on the subject.
See the picture below. Not very bright are they? Is this the best our imported doctors can do?
Hunt, rhymes with c***t. Geddit.
Any sympathy I might have had for the junior doctors went in that one picture.
Never mind, a plentiful and cheaper supply of doctors marching their way to us via Turkey and Calais….
A clinic in Switzerland looks almost more inviting than being treated by that couple of ‘strikers’ what has happened to this country? Hardly Call The Midwife…
They look like a right pair of smug “Hunts” themselves.
I do wonder how many of thee photo-friendly clowns actually ARE doctors.
In my local town yesterday, there were an awful lot of hi-viz jackets that would not have been doctors…more like Corbyns mates who tend to fluff and fill out any agitprop demo-whether its Brand and Occupy, or “Save the NHS” type of rubble.
The junior doctors are all extras from “Neighbours” with that ridiculous Aussie inflection at every interview.. and every sentence start with “so”.
Bunch of Rag Week drop outs , and stunts like the above are catastrophic…and only the liberal media think it so “brill, amazing and awesome” that some homeless cardboard box is turned into a few media placards with grinches on them…oh, how brill!
Last thing I saw were a couple of am dram face painters pretending to be a Grim Reaper chasing a poor doctor down the street by way of cutting him/her!
Oh no!…boo….and cue the NHS song that deprived Justin Bieber of his drugs money and Paxo over Christmas.
One big bloody pantomine these days…if only Mick McGahey or a real bloke was leading any union these days-not these lily livered milksops to whom every day is a street theatre audition.
My solution-let them all loose on the dressing up box and ten minutes in the meds cabinet if they show up on Saturday…THAT`D bring `em in as a poncing chorus line….” It Aint` Half Hot Mum” needs a repeat!
These two should possibly be prosecuted for impersonating a member of a licensed profession.
Presumably, like the BBC, market forces and the ability to choose will not apply, so any suggesting that they’d prefer to be spared the minIStrations of these Hippocratically–challenged Mo Wolfies will find a world of hurt coming their way. Ironically.
Junior Doctors in their second year of training earn £42 K pa if they are prepared to work more than 40 hours per week. They will of course be given more pay if they agree or have the new contract forced on them.
Not a bad salary for a trainee!
Most people don’t realise that trainee & junior doctors are not employed by the NHS until they reach the grade of registrar, they are employed directly by the government.
The days of Dr. Gillespie coming out of hours in his Austin to treat a poorly family member seem long over.
About the only time Doctors now appear willing to make house calls is via Glasgow Arrivals.
And they are not likely to be named Gillespie.
At 1/2 hour this might put off some, but it is 1/2 hour well spent.
I didn’t know of this man.
His analysis is honest, forthright and coherent.
Very disturbing.
Thanks for this Tom.
Yet again, another link that will last a lifetime.
Astonishingly good presentation from Mr Igler, quite the clearest, starkest and comprehensive analysis of the whole muliticulti shebang and all its little helpers.
A must-watch …and half an hour is just about how long it takes for the cretins at Channel 4 to match their socks with the hankie as they cry for all the junior doctors as I write.
Igler says it how it is, it`s urgent and matters badly…whereas the BBC and Channel 4 pop bubbled farts with their toes in their fetid jacuzzi….thank God for George-and thanks again Tom.
A good news story for this esteemed website.
The bBBC HYS today features the new Top Gear presenting team as ….errr….the all-important story worthy of the public’s comments!
But have no fear. It hasn’t taken long for contributors to notice the ‘tick box’ politically correct spread of presenters – 1 black, 1 white, 1 ginger, 1 female, 1 American, 1 German…… and the top rated comments on the HYS itself are not slow to point this out.
No transgenders though. Or wheelchair users. Some casting executive may be for the high jump.
“No transgenders though” you’ve obviously not heard the rumours about The Stig…..
It is well known that the Stig is completely smooth down below, like an Action Man. And he can talk to dolphins.
Trans-species. I’ve never seen him photographed with Mr Spock.
And good news for the dicky-di-doe hair styling community, for any who can recall rugby songs from a different time. But still, I bet Danny Cohen and Baron Lenny are spitting bullets.
Here is an article about real science:
It was originally in the Grauniad. I liked this bit:
‘The finding completed the scientific arc of prediction, discovery and confirmation: first they calculated what they should be able to detect, then decided what the evidence should look like, and then devised the experiment that clinched the matter.
Which is why on Thursday scientists around the world were able to hail the announcement as yet another confirmation of their “standard model” of the cosmos, and the beginning of a new era of discovery.’
If only they could examine climate change using the same method. They have, probably unwittingly, restated the scientific method; the bit missing from climate science.
The difference between this science and climate “science” is that had the evidence in this case not supported the prediction, the scientists would have started again or even called into question the science behind the prediction. In climate “science” the evidence (on the dubious assumption that objective evidence is actually sought in climate “science” and just not made up by the “scientists”) would have been tweaked to agree with the prediction and squeezed into another “definitive” computer simulation.
Questions That I Would Never Think To Ask In A Million Years – #657
How do ‘gay’ men meet in Kenya?
Clearly of great importance to Radio 4’s PM programme.
Personally I would have liked someone to have given an answer to the unasked question relating to an earlier story:
How do people get to be MPs when they don’t understand the difference between revenue and profits, percentages or the tax laws that they legislated for?
I also switched off when the rubbish about how gay men meet in Kenya came on. What a low point radio 4 has sunk to. I have listened to news programmes on radio 4 for 40 years but I now find myself doing so increasingly less. When will someone get to grips with the shambles that the bbc has become?
‘Shambles’ is a very good word to describe it. The wheels are coming off, I think.
I seem to recall Radio 4 factual or drama output in recent times about gays in Kenya, Nigeria, Bangladesh, … Gays are only about 3% of the general population even in the degenerate West and, for cultural reasons, less than that in Africa. Why is the BBC so obsessed with them? Any ideas Eddie, Evan, Rev Richard, Matthew P, Stephen, Clare & Alice, Sandi, Jane, Susan C, Sue P et al?
I find it hilarious when the Lefty BBC, embracing the Rousseau ‘noble savage’ idea, worships the Africans … until the latter show more traditional disapproving attitudes to men having anal sex with each other, at which point they are implied to be backward. As noted by others, Radio 4 is going downhill fast and I listen to less and less of it.
Smash the BBC!
Er, do they first fly to London, claim asylum, and then meet?
JimS, good post …. Yet again I tried to listen to R4 as I find it nauseating to listen to. I switch it on exactly at the moment they were seriously introducing this subject as a ‘news’ item and that is as far as far as it went as I immediately switched it back off again.
Earlier on people were discussing the loss of listeners/viewers to extreme left, biased, fascist bbc……I can’t imagine why this is the case….lol
Perhaps Eddy Mair has a holiday to Kenya booked.
Likely a Kenyan Cottage or Heath North of the river. Facilated by BBC Pink Pop Up, who are developing an App. Apparently.
Just saw Jess Phillips on Channel 4 giving the old soft soap douche sharing piece to Cathy Newman.
Cathy McGowans transitioning brother meeting Anne of Cleves.
I`d forgotten what the Left does when they`re rumbled for being lying, vindictive gobby Lefties who equate a boozed up Brummie at a burger van at 2am with a co-ordinated international gang rape by thousands of Muslim blokes on New Years Eve in the Cathedral grounds of the city centre as the police look on.
Of course-Jess claims she TOO is a victim…not only that, but she`s a survivor…and still all blokes are doing it-in fact the Muslims probably are better at that sort of thing, and stuff a kebab into your handbag if they`ve not crapped in it…classy!
Remember this one-any crisis?…personalise it, make it up, lie/exaggerate as needs be…but as long as you`re a victim or a survivor…and a passionate champion in the right cause of liberal sewage pipes…then Broadcasting House and Channel 4 will spray the lavender around and consign another white lad to some unproven allegation.
F888Channel 4 and its lies….and lets hope Phillips gets such a kicking out in the next election…even though Rotherham would rather vote for Labour fiddlers of expenses and of kiddies than let the Red Tribe down…but Islam will deal with them hopefully before we have to.
I had this on whilst I was cooking and Mrs 7 was doing the Torygraph crossword.
I normally get a tut-tut when raving about lefty MSM bias! However, in this instance Mrs 7 did happen to politely comment that Newman was “effing leading that dozy cow instead of interviewing her”.