BbC to use facial expression technology!!!
Well, well. What will they spend our money on next?
I am speechless!! Wonder what facial expression I should use to express that?
Ah but, yes but, not but did you not notice this at the very start of the report? – ‘Facial coding technology will be used by the BBC to examine viewers’ subconscious reactions to their shows and discover any “emotional attachment” they have to the broadcaster, after a series of trials yielded positive results.” ‘
It’s those last eight words (sorry, would have italicised or emboldened them but cannot get those features to work on B-BBC – you’ll have to do the work & count) that give the game away.
“Yippee! We’ll spend some taxpayer money to do a survey using irrefutable new technology that is expensive so it must be right and that will convince the politicians that they will lose massive support if they restrict or do away with the BBC because the public REALLLYYYY LURVES USSS!!! And then we’ll have even more money because the Licence Fee will go up to £200!!! Wheeeheeeee!!!!!”
Frank Gardener has seemingly just woken from a 10 year coma to discuss the threat of IS in Libya. The threat is everywhere Islam is are as far as I can see but still not in Al Beeb land. Are we not reading daily about how the peaceful, caring, none violence, oppressed ROPers are being arrested for enriching plans? The bali nightclub bombings? 9/11? The London terror attacks? Mumbai massacre? These events have been missed by Frank. Its IS in Libya that may be the the problem out there. The dots as numerous as stars in the sky are not even attempted to be joined. What these ‘militants’ are at war with Frank doesn’t tell us but he calls them Jihadist like it’s a fashion statement. Let’s give you a hint Frank. The single thing that every single one of these events have in common is Islam. Its as simple as that. And so the denial continues relentlessly
Anyone have any ideas as who which group/organisation is behind the incredible Daily Mail upvote Bot?
The top comments on today’s Top Gear story have been overwhelmingly negative, yet tonight and according to one commentor, the now top comments have reversed opinion and suddenly had 2000 up votes added in minutes. Similar was happening on UKIP stories during the election.
I consider this highly sinister as the Daily Mail is the most read news site in the UK and the majority of unquestioning souls will take such as popular opinion and shameful of the Mail to let these comments remain.
It has been going on for weeks. In fact for so long that I can only conclude the Mail is quite happy with the situation as it could be resolved quite easily otherwise.
….But imagine its potential impact during the upcoming EU referendum, with such publications as the Guardian and even Guido shutting down comments, it would appear there as some very dark forces at large.
OK its only Top Gear we’re talking about here, but the agenda set by the presenters selected is clearly left leaning and someone clearly doesn’t like such being pointed out.
I agree and I also have no doubt at all that we’re about to see some seriously unpleasant tactics being used to get an ‘In’ vote – right down to ballot rigging.
There comes a point where people’s real feelings count more than any referendum outcome. You can rig a poll but all that shows is that you’ve failed to rig people’s opinions.
In this country we’re not used to a complete dissonance between obvious and deeply held public opinion and the official truth as relayed by the media. It may take a little while, but the real situation will inevitably assert itself. If it is not allowed to do so peaceably and without interference, then it will happen in a more catastrophic way. It can no more be held back than the sea-tide can be commanded.
The BBC’s increasingly frantic lies, distortions and censorship are symptoms of its failure to control the perceptions and opinions of its audience. Their controllers, and the politicians they serve, will eventually have to bail out – it’s only a matter of time.
See that BBC News at Ten is at it again tonight.
On the subject of Google’s taxes the Google search engine window was produced where eventually the question was typed asking about the taxes. However just before that two questions were typed in that had nothing to do with the subject in hand, I paraphrase the following:
1) How can we help the refugees?
2) How can we reduce prejudice?
Are they having a game or what?
It should be Cameron denying he was ‘mesmerised’ by her PR clout with the national broadcaster which, given the facts, would come unstuck pretty soon.
He’s hitched himself to some pretty hefty career anchors of late; she should be enough on her own to drag him. Botney and the BBC to oblivion all on her own.
As per usual, I’m late in ‘cottoning’ on, but decided to Google Dion Dublin – 3rd ‘diversity’ arm on Homes Under The Hammer – turns out he’s an ex pro footballer. At the very least I expected him to be a property developer, as are the long standing two other presenters, but no, just an ex player with an ‘interest’ in property. God almighty how do they do it ? I’m an ex estate agent of 22 years standing (in the days when you had to know what you were talking about) – so if another body was needed on the show, why not an expert rather than a football player ! Jeez I bet he was greeted through gritted teeth by Martin & Lucy. Still, if an ex model can become the host of Strictly, then why not a footballer (who’s just as wooden) on a renovation programme.
Like a demented dog licking it’s nuts, the BBC will not leave the ‘gender pay gap’ alone. Its a strange one this because aren’t the BBC championing the ‘no such thing as gender’ narrative? Who are the males and females in what the Al Beeb want us to believe is another shocking tale of how the white man is horrible to everyone? Do we have glory hunters switching sides? What are the ‘none of the above’ being paid, that all work at Gravy train city in Al Beebistan? We just don’t know. What tiny little snippet of detail the hate mongering, outrage champion will give us is that there’s a 9.4% pay gap in full time workers. Nothing to do with what the figures are in the same positions. Nothing to do with per industry. Nothing to do with what jobs are distorting the figures to benefit the people who have racistly ticked male in the gender box. Just the pay gap.
The devil is always in the detail. and the detail probably, while supporting an overall gap, will show that it is principally down to the job rather than the gender.
There is talk of the BBC being forced to disclose the money paid to “talent”. I’m sure the pay gap investigators will find more than a 9.4% gap in those figures! As they probably will throughout the world of “luvvies”.
The other economic assessment is that you could say women are increasing their employment chances by undercutting males.
Aunty’s more blatantly left-wing and smuttier young niece – that’s Channel 4
Last night Cathy Newman (with no difficult questions and no push back or counter opinion offered) conducted a peculiarly unpleasant interview with Labour MP Jess Phillip – she’s the one who on hearing that news was beginning to leak out about attacks on women in Cologne by… let’s say not your average German chaps… sounded off about that sort of thing happening every Friday night in Brum.
Thankfully not being Met Police officers we the audience are not oblidged to take her every claim and accusation as ‘credible and true’
The self-obsessed MP desperate to paint herself as victim and keen to dig herself out of the hole she dug for herself with previous comments paints a picture of her youth and adolescence where every male she encountered was a hardly restrained rapist and no Policeman could care less. Between public park and nightclubs Jess and her pals just minding their own business were forced to fight off sexual assualt at every turn.
And of course one group is maligned and damned as evil by this MP. One section of society is demonised – men.
But that’s ok. John Snow don’t care. His liberal media mates will lap it up because it’s only men being bashed.
Cathy Newman surely would have got Jess to sign an old used tampon for him to wave around instead of a willy next ” Only Women Bleed Day”,,,,happens every 28 days, but we don`t always know.
I myself look for signs that it`s due when Jon Snow is grumpily telling the Sri Lankan High Commissioner that he`d like to get flying again , and see for himself if his ladyboy pals have managed to sew themselves into a flattering suicide corset at last…the Church of England died when Snows red socks showed up through mums BUPA-assisted birth…where was Herod when we needed him?
That`s a joke-but Snow and the liberal left will wonder if I`m referring to other coloured socks being now available at Harrods…thikfux all!
Snow moans on about Sri Lanka every 28 days?…worth a Craig or Sue to confirm this my latest faeces!
Anybody else hear Christine “Blowers” Blowhard on Today before the 8am news?
Apparently we are not to further test kids at the start of school, age 5…and she argued with one of Morgans monkeys why this would not happen.
Usual crap on both sides-like watching monkeys throwing their shit at each other, but better than the usual endless charity appeals for Syri-idiots( Thank you Benny!)
Blowers said one thing that ought to get her sacked, or at least an investigation by Mike Rickshaw at OFSTED.
She said that one school she knew refused to TEACH kids for the first six weeks on arriving at the school, because some might do better than others seeing that they were already at different levels of ability.
So all that crap about not taking your kids out of school in September :and a leading teaching union tells me that at least ONE school she knows won`t teach the kids anything until they`re all equally handicapped/saddled with Socialist Equality cabbages to carry to the tests.
Outrageous…really is…can only imagine the NHS letting people get sicker and iller for weeks until they`re as sick and ill as the others on their ward…and the hospital can then send better figures back to Hunt.
Appalling stuff-and , to be honest-maybe the NHS ARE going to be doing that soon if they`re not already…THAT`S The reductio ad adsurdem of Socialism and their Pinkie Marxism.
The education of the small ones is a contentious matter in my opinion anyway. My generation did not start school until the term after the fifth birthday. It seemed to have been strictly enforced.
Today the children start far too young in my opinion and and testing at a very early stage is something I deplore.
I would rather delay schooling until the sixth year but that would never do as we have forced women into the work force whether they want to or not.
That was a result of the ruling class realising that if the old and accepted rule of one person able to earn a decent family income could be abolished then more profits and an increased GDP would result. That is what we have today except for a small privileged class at the very top.
Once again I stress that to be a conservative does not mean accepting the status quo in our society at all.
According to the biased BBC, no one on the Right died or was killed apparently, there were no massacres by Communists and Anarchists, no massacres of Anarchists BY Communists, no mass murders of Priests and rapes of nuns…..all airbrushed from history… it seems Franco must be, despite his winning the Civil War and maintaining peace and stability in Spain within NATO until the early 70s. Not a hint that in a Civil War there are (at least) two sides involved.
A useful distraction from the dire state of the current Spanish economy with its improving unemployment picture now down to 46 % for youth unemployment and 20.9% for the rest.
Rewriting history to the lefts preferences and delusions is quite the done thing it seems, apparently this is called “truth and reconciliation”.
I did wonder why we`d not heard much from Renzi lately-the BBC seemed awful fond of him when he first came to power-very much a template for Justin Trudeau type of simperings and knicker-wringers from the Left.
He says the EU are playing at archestras on the Titanic-which, I would have thought would have made a nice BBC soundbite this week of all weeks-what with the Brexit stuff and all.
But no-bad line here, Marco!
As for Varofuckup….well, basically if the EU hate him, we shall like him…like Trump and wee Tommy…Yanis can join the pantheon if he “gets off his bike and looks for REAL work”-overturning the EU and dumping the parasitic class would be just that-although I can`t imagine Eddie Mair or Paddy O Connell doing these NEW soundbites of his….oh, no…seems we`re having problems on the line there….
“So called”…”alleged”…indeed the soubriquets to precede ANY BBC coverage of “Europe”…”so called” and “alleged” correspondents and editors-every one of them.
Where Sir Lord Norman Tebbit dared to go-now goes Yanis!…
I heard a bit of Princess Nikki Campbell’s show this morning. The discussion was on gravitational waves, so you would think things could be kept civil. However, that was until a man from Cambuslang came on, who seemed to believe the world was 6000 years old. A Creationist! You could hear the contempt in Nikki’s voice as the poor man was slammed down, without even the ability to respond. “Deal with it!” sneered the Princess.
Strangely, I feel if Mohammed from Blackburn had phoned up to make the same point, there is just a chance that Princess Nikki might not have been quite so quick to treat him like an idiot. I wonder why that might be?
The BBC’s in-house Islamic scholar, Sheikh Nikki epitomises the unholy alliance between the leftists and the islamists. He can’t abide the English, sneers at Christians, shouts down any opinion that fails to meet his approval, and yet trumpets the glories of muslims and islam. He’s read The Book don’t you know, and counts many followers of the RoP as his friends and mentors. And this from a man who says he has four daughters! Better order those pastel-coloured hijabs Nikki, because with the propaganda you spout on a daily basis, they are soon going to need them. I can just imagine Campbell with one of those pathetic hate-beards broadcasting his anti-Western bilge from the top of the Media City Minaret.
One recent example of his Marxoid agenda came when some poor sap called in (on the migrant crisis) and wanted to stand up for the indigenous population of this country, only to be terminated by Campbell who referred to the word indigenous as “perjorative”. There are names for the likes of Campbell. Politeness prevents me from using them.
Does Crumble feel the same about the terms “Indiginous Americans” or “Indiginous Australians”! Or does he resort to calling them “Red Indians” and “Aborigines”!
It’s quite good in a way if the BBC become obsessed by one position whether Climate Change, Gender, Equality or even Donald Trump.
Eventually they undermine it themselves, as I was pointing out a while back.
On that very issue of Trump and his electioneering ‘statements’ (taken partially and/or out of context by the BBC & others) they had an item on Mexico on BBC R4 TODAY (12/2/2016) and on the BBC website which seemed to mention a lot of corruption and criminality and some more corruption and violence and crime and some drug trafficking and corruption & crime.
Strange as it might seem I find it worrying that no-one is putting forward valid reasons for remaining in the EU. I don’t mean that I just disagree with them, for instance people produce valid, (but wrong!), reasons for nationalisation or comprehensive education, they just have no substance.
For instance several Euro-elections ago Jack Straw’s pro-EU arguments were ‘x% of our trade is with the EU and cheap air fares’. Well as we had been cut off from trading with Australia and New Zealand it was hardly surprising that the proportion of trade with the EU had increased and the so-called cheap fares just meant that they were starting to become comparable with the non-EU transatlantic fares that we had long been used to.
This week we have had Boris’ dad on the BBC telling us that the EU is good for the environment because he sits on various committees. Whoopy doo! So we can only talk to France, Belgium, Holland etc. if we are in the same club? Rubbish! What is different is that when we are in ‘the club’ we have to follow the line of the other 27, outside the EU we can negotiate our own bi-lateral arrangements that suit us.
Sadly the ‘man in the street’ seems to be satisfied with the same non-reasons – “I won’t be able to holiday in Spain” etc.
There is only one valid reason for being in the EU – its very raison d’être – to form a European Super State. A state with no common language or culture – yet. One nation under Allah and Arabic? Could explain a lot.
Al Beeb is now having difficulty in broadcasting recent news as it conflicts with the ‘agenda’ it has been running with over the past year. Trump, The EU and Brexit, illegal immigrants, today’s terrorists at the Old bailey etc…… Never mind, we had ‘Horses can recognise emotion in humans’, look at there a squirrel over there, oh yes and there those gravitational waves .
Fill the news with pap and bury the headlines.
Yes, I remember Botney saying that Jack Nicholson told him that. Or was it Mick Jagger? Definitely not Jimmy Savile, that’s for sure. Never met the man. Or Rolf Harris. Or Stuart Hall. No, never. Roman Polanski on the other hand, now there was a charming lunch companion.
BBc Breakfast and a story that has been running all day. Equal pay. Now I’m a bit confused with this because everywhere I’ve worked men and women have had the same wages. Everywhere Mrs Dave has worked has had the same pay for men and women, so she tells me. So who are all these evil companies paying different rates?
Meanwhile on North West we have a junior Doctor declaring the enforced pay deal( although trying to find what exactly the deal is doesn’t seem to be have made clear by the media) only applies to England and not the rest of the UK. So he and others are looking to go elsewhere and there I was thinking they just cared about the patients.
As I’ve said many times, the Fascists don’t actually believe any of the nonsense they come out with, it’s just a weapon to attack those they regard as their enemies, just like diversity was to ‘rub the rights noses in it’.
Here is something they seem to have missed out from their news reporting, and I have to admit, it shocked me!
Applying to an employment tribunal will now cost you ‘from’ £390 ! If the case gets to the hearing stage you will have to pay a whopping £950 on top of that fee.
For most people even if they win, they won’t get as much back as the court fees cost! Hardly anyone wins in any event!
So we have the BBC bleating on about this and that nicety, and how they would like the world to be, belabouring anyone trying to earn a living, but all the time ignoring the fact that when and if, discrimination actually does happen (which is rare) none of the people they claim to be speaking on behalf of will be able to afford the massive court fees to access the laughingly titled ‘justice’ system !
One of my friends was diagnosed with skin cancer. After his treatment the Doctor advised him to not to work outside. His employers then refused to change his job and move him indoors. He took advice and was told that he could possibly win a case against them. Surprisingly he a, didn’t have the spare cash and b, didn’t want to take a gamble. You now also have to be in the job 2 years when it used to be 1. This was a result of “too many people going to tribunal”. In the back of my mind I think Vince Cable was involved in this but I could have got that completely wrong.
Incidentally many years ago Mrs Dave 666 won a constructive dismissal case. The company changed it’s name and refused to pay, after not bothering to turn up for the case.
Why was the BBC and various MPs so agitated yesterday by Matt Brittin from Google being unable (for which I read unwilling) to explain to them how much he is paid in a year?
Why didn`t Brittin tell them all to get stuffed as he is employed by a private company and therefore beholden to the shareholders (and the Tax man) and not to politicians and media monkeys?
Remember these are the MPs and the BBC that are so evasive when discussing the respective dollops of public money paid by us to keep them in the style they have become accustomed to.
Market forces and technology remove filth from newsagents’ shelves…
The Independent (sic) newspaper is to cease as a printed edition from March, although will continue online, according to a report on fellow-travellers website, the BBC (see It is helpfully pointed out that it was “far behind the sales of rival national newspapers, which ranged from the Sun on 1.8 million to the Guardian on 166,000.” Be interesting to know what the number is for the Guardian without the bulk sales to the BBC. If any.
The downside to the demise of the Independent is that with nowhere else to find a safe haven for their egos, readers may well buy the Guardian instead. On the other hand, since this would only increase sales by 28,000 or less, the viability of the BBC house mag is still under serious financial pressure….and then what happens to the reservoir of ‘informed opinion’ so frequently tapped by the bBBC? Yentob and Hall’s combined salaries couldn’t keep it afloat for more than a week or so. Even if Polly sacked one of her Tuscan gardeners and replaced him with a couple of Syrians on bed and board to help the fund, that’s a very short-term solution.
Who knows what the answer might be?
Will the demise of the printed version of the Independent mean that the BBC will be giving it the same sort of coverage that they give to that other on-line news outlet known as Breitbart? In other words nil – doubt it somehow.
No doubt the BBC will be keen to offer jobs to any of the Guardian socialists who get made redundant. I read in the Telegraph this morning , that the Guardian is looking to shed jobs and I have no doubt that there are current discussions between the Guardian and BBC about which of the Guardian’s employees the BBC are able to offer jobs to.
Business as usual then. Just the normal game of musical chairs in which grade B types alternate between the BBC, Guardian and Labour Party (sometimes with a stint as a charity director, trade Union publicity officer or parliamentary researcher). Only instead of taking the chairs away, they keep adding them.
A piece of barely concealed propaganda on TWATO this afternoon, when they went to see how a Syrian family who got to Germany were getting on.
Talk about striking it lucky! The BBC had just happened to follow a family who are keen to integrate into Germany and indeed had become firm friends with a German family, so much so that they were really beginning to appreciate German values. Cue much laughter, happy voices and attempts to sing Happy Birthday in German. Imagine how embarrasing it might have been for the Beeb had they been following a family who went to Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Phew! Close one there, but they got away with it.
If the BBC have ever similarly decided to follow how the immigration has affected some German families, I’d be delighted if someone pointed me to it. Because I’ve often seen and heard these stories from the migrants’ point of view but not once have I heard it from the German perspective.
I swear this integrating family comes from the pool of actors who happen to live near the BBC studios in Manchester and are available to play the roes of migrants, activists in the Middle East, freedom fighters, and doctors in bombed hospitals in Gaza.
And no doubt this Syrian family will be so keen to integrate that they can hardly wait to tuck into all those pork based foods so beloved by the Germans. Or perhaps not …….
As here, every post is well worth the investment, but ITTB does excel with cold, hard fact.
The numbers here should have the BBC rushing for the bunker, hotly pursued by John Whittingdale and Jess Norman, with the entire UK population patiently waiting for Aunty doing the decent thing before a few loyal kapos torch the corpse.
We often hear Europhiles claiming that the European Union has been responsible for the peace that it has benefited from over the last 40 years. Well, witness the invasion of the continent’ over the last year, which they have still failed to stop? Not very good to say the least, so don’t let them kid you.
Now it looks as if the real ‘peace keepers’ – NATO are taking action………..
The Uk were part of NATO many years before it walked blinfolded into the EU.
The very mention of these wraiths and sprites of old is a provocation that may summon them up.
A well-intended incantation that might go wrong if there is any kind of alert on their devices!
I myself have greatly enjoyed life without them…it`s good club, getting new members and drive-by wits every so often, so I`ve got my paper up and harrumping comfortably here at Chez AntiBeeb.
Maybe when we`re out of Europe…we might reflect on “great trolls” we have all known on this site with some grudging affection-sharpened our wits, grew us a second skin etc-but, hope Edward Scottyhands types aren`t attracted here just yet….
Been coming to this establishment since November 2009…I could check out any time I liked…but Glenn Freys option is not the way to do so…
A joy to see a “commentator” like Katie fighting fire with fire.
About time the shouty types at RT, like Ansar getting harried, talked over and being mocked as they spout.
An object lesson in how to deal with the Left, the RT cretins and taqiyya agitprops like Mo Ansar.
All on the “right” need to watch this….so ta, nogginator!
Remember BBC “when Nikki Campbell met Mo” palava, on nearly every TBQs, how about “BBC Breakfast met Mo”, another … “BBC Newsnight met Mo” BBC still giving him airtime with fellow extremist Medhi “kaffirs animals” Hasan, and it was already out, the guy was a total fabricator.
Amazingly BBC they then continued, with another “when Tommy met Mo” which ended with old Mo waddling off down the road
… obviously on the way to RT, where he is now the social political commentator Mo.
It amazes me how they all think it’s a god-given right to settle in Europe and use every Leftard argument to shout down those who dare try to point out the truth.
Brilliant performance by Katie. Can we clone her and put 650 of her in Parliament???
6 oclock news tonight gives us the news that we are living longer- prompting viewers to get in touch to say how. First up, 67 yr old who puts his long life down to his mothers cooking? and the fact that winters are now a lot milder! Agenda, no way.
Channel 4 clearly most put out at those damn plebs who failed to buy enough Independents.
Oh the shame, those poor hacks like Mark Steel and dear Yasmin forced to seek yet MORE BBC work now, due to us all thinking the paper an Israel baiting, Europhile, climate change fanatical rag…both versions!
Don`t remember TOO many tears when poor Rupert had to close the News Of the World.
But of course not-for that was right wing rag, and not too good for the rest of us unlike the Indie.
Cathy Newman said so-and the Guarian is next, insh`Allah!
But then I looked behind sad Cathy…and that blow up of the condemned Indie up on the screen featured JOHANN HARI!
Yes, no-one at Channel 4 thought to pick a back issue that did NOT seek a serial plagiarist, and thoroughly nasty piece of work.
So back I thought-and raised a chilled white , knowing that there is a God, who gets His revenge…and relatively quickly in this case.
Maybe the Guardian would employ Johann as a feature writer ….he`s the Eddie Izzard of Cause Killings…an origami albatross!
I well remember just after 9/11 that rag published an op ed that was appalling. I cannot remember the writer but I hope he/she remembers and is ashamed. Best news for a long time. Goodbye and good riddance.
I don’t remember anything on the BBC about terrorists smuggling guns and ammunition to Greek refugee camps. Perhaps it was another story that they suppressed in case it worried us.
“A Point of View” on Radio 4 at 8:50 pm on Friday.
I suppose the clue is in the title – it is just one person’s view – but it’s interesting to note who gets invited to speak …
Tonight it was Adam Gopnik on political pundits and their reaction to the New Hampshire primaries (the victories for Sanders and Trump). A quick bit of internet research on Gopnik confirmed what I’d expected. He thinks Obama is a “mild-mannered, conflict-adverse centrist”; the Democrats are “center Right” and the Republicans “extreme Right”; the problem of guns in the US is “something stupidly simple and easy to fix”; the San Bernardino Massacre was about guns not Islam. You get the general idea: it’s all promising stuff for a potential BBC guest presenter.
In the ten-minute talk, he said that Trump was an “oafish real estate developer from Queens” and Sarah Palin a “dim-witted part-time politician from Alaska”. We learnt that “no-one seriously doubts that if Barack Obama could run again [i.e. for a third term] he would win again”. Gopnik recalled being amused when Obama was re-elected in 2012 and the Republican pundits were proved wrong, and said he enjoys revisiting clips of that election night on the internet, if he’s feeling down. Another gem about Republican supporters was that “they’re Republicans BECAUSE they’re angry”.
In Gopnik’s view, “Bernie Sanders represents the ‘extremist ideology’ that has governed all of Western Europe mostly successfully for the past 70 or so years”. On Trump: “my own best guess is that he will never be elected President, that the loony side will retreat and …”. There is no real groundswell of support for Trump, it’s just a minority of a minority, and anyway nothing has really changed in the US.
Maybe they should have a “Views their own” segment, where staff posts that have quietly had to be removed (albeit with no other consequence) from Twitter are shared and weighed against BBC Editorial They Are Just Guidelines Really?
Interesting to see the BBC News on Facebook engaging in jolly japes in typically impartial fashion…
A week to forget for Jeremy Hunt?
James Blunt even gave him his Cockney rhyming slang title, as Newsbeat reports.
They even engaged in some rare badinage, as you do when it’s in the professional DNA..
Michael Wright
We all know what rhymes with Hunt……
BBC News
runt? :/
Yes, BBC, ‘we’ do all know, not least thanks to the geriatric kindegarden occupied by Naughtie, Marr, etc.
Thing is, whilst such juvenile posturing may play well with the other kids in the gang, it rather shreds your legitimacy as anything other than a uniquely funded student activist group.
“” An average summer is very difficult to find these days””, ? Hold on there bald eagle, isn’t an average just that, an average? I dare say you would be hard pushed to find a household with 2.2 kids as well.
BBC this morning talking about what the impact would be on agriculture re: Brexit. Our contribution to the EU for agriculture is Gbp 6bn and we receive back Gbp 3bn. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist does it . This should be the underlying message from the leave campaign start focusing on how much we pay in and what we actually get back. It is all around us a general decay of the UK- no go areas , decaying infrastructure , RAF has 3 planes and a cotton reel, health system falling apart . So on what planet is it a good idea to give away our money to the EU and various banana republics around the World. Over to you Mr Cameron wtf is going on ?
Breakfast news discussing the closure of the independent, the fella they have in to comment says that the guardian website is the biggest free news website in the world. I dont know for certain, but ill bet thats not true.
Channel 4 news were in mourning for the Indy last night. Cathy Newman’s lefty alma mater dead and gone. Job cuts threatened at the Guardian – shock horror! Damn those horrible right-wing press barons – they used their papers to further their own political ends, dontcha know. As if cycling Jon, that Harry Chrishna Welsh Guru, arbeit Matt Frei, Paul news, phew, tell me your story it’s all kicking off Mason and the rest would ever dream of such a thing! What impose North London Marx-ish views on the news, who us Guv? Leveson, where are you mate? Of course none of the lefty journos can see the wood for the dead trees – their favourite rags are UNPOPULAR. Gosh, no wonder these folk like the EU keeping the nasty British electorate in check.
Curse the need to be supported by a willing audience…
But wait… what if there was a way to ensure near limitless funds to continue such vital work via the imposition of a tax on all who read papers, even if few actually do want to go near the Indy? By compulsion, of course.
Yes, that was Andreas Whittam-Smith doncha know?
To be fair, I`d have regarded him as OK when I was a lefty fool-paternalist privileged type like Evans, Levin or suchlike…and a decent liberal cove if you`ve GOT to choose one.
Plenty double barrel names around in the brahmin class isn`t there…can`t they make up their minds?
My only comment-don`t want to appear to be the Tombstone undertaker but he looked a bit waxy, and had crows feet and crevices on his mug that may require a Vernier gauge!
Benn grew a beard to stop me measuring I`d say…but I was wise to that.
After their despicable trashing of Mrs T when she died-the Left deserve THEIR coffins mocking…any news on that Bob Crow Tax to make rich council house squatters pay THEIR share of the tax burden?
The Left started this-looking forward to finishing it…fun being Toriscum innit?
it’s like Rainbow TV this morning on breakfast. We have a gay black bloke doing the sport and Tomasz fudge-packer doing the weather all giggling away with Naga no talent and that other bloke who nobody knows his name
Fellow contributors have already mentioned the tragic demise of the splendid Independent newspaper.
I’m sure everyone here will miss it.
I thought that I would jot down this fine and honest organ’s last headline; just for old time’s sake…
“Calais refuges terrorised by armed far right militia”
Yep, that’s what it says. So, unsurprisingly, no mention of the awful plight of the Calais residents at the hands of these economic migrants. Nothing about the aborted Shakespeare production, given by misguided thespians, who fled because the audience were armed to the teeth with knives and machetes. Nothing about the appalling crime wave, the anti French graffiti or the fact that residents are living in a situation of daily terror in an occupied town.
Anyone feel like doing the media work for them. Check out Unbound Philanthropy who channel funds from the US to open boarders organizations in the UK.
Refugee organizations, Hope not Hate, all the BBC and Indie goodies. It is quite revealing as to who is backing the left.
Digging away at Unbound Philanthropy I saw that £200,000 was given to Hope Not Hate last year, also Refugee Support Network £75,000.00
Resolution Foundation £50,000.00
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00
Asylum Aid £150,000.00
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00
Immigration Law Practitioners £120,000.00
Migrant and Refugee Community Forum
Migrants Rights Network £120,000.00 and on and on.
A few bob like this comes in handy and trickles down to the street thugs of Antifa
The “Student Action for Refugees” caught my attention so I had a search and found one of the founding members was Andy Davies, formerly of Panorama and currently channel 4 Home Affairs Correspondent.
I’m sure he is impartial all the same. I don’t have a problem with anybody working in the media holding left of centre or hard left political opinions, the problem I have is when they are ALL like that. How about some of that diversity they all push regarding the political background of their own staff? Same with the tired old lefty commentators doing the endless BBC circuit lining their pockets with licence fee money, but thats the problem with the left isn’t it? They constantly harp on about equality and diversity but the reality is they practice anything but, they have no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who disagrees with them.
The French people have a long tradition of taking action when their governments don’t do what they want them to. ( Brits pl note) Is it to be wondered at that a group of folks have finally given up on their government looking out for their interests and decided to to do something about it ? Right across western Europe governments have long been in thrall of mass migration and multiculturalism , largely against their people’s wishes, and things have got to the stage where the authorities are actually putting the needs and wishes of their own people behind those of the unwanted migrants. So whilst violent reaction is unpleasant, because the authorities ignore their people’s wishes on an issue of critical importance, it is the only way that most Europeans have of resisting the migrant influx that their leaders seem to welcome. Either the governments stop the migration or the people will try to do it themselves. The elite have been warned.
I like Michael Portillo’s railway extravaganzas, generally. However his current series is based in the USA, and it’s beginning to become obvious to me that he’s dwelling perhaps a little too long on slavery issues, rather than those of the railway.
I find it disturbing that so many “racial” issues are creeping into what used to be innocuous, and informative documentaries.
I saw last evenings programme and noted the same, Portillo was describing how a Mr Smith? an Englishman arrived and, after surveying the area brought in ‘the first black slave’ to help with the settlement of the area, following this up with some remark about the problems which followed. This reference to slavery and the implied evils of the English settlers was entirely gratuitous and irrelevant, as it was in the 17th century, well before railways, and clearly to me was included because it fits the BBC agenda of belittling our English and colonial past. References to the indigenous population were entirely favourable too, the impression given was they were welcoming to the struggling incomers, fitting again nicely into the BBC’s wide agenda and intended as a message for today.
He should stick to railways on which he is doing a good job.
Sadly, Portillo has gone to the very squishy side of the Conservative party. Had he not, of course, there would be absolutely no chance of him ever appearing on the BBC.
To me Portillo is the voice of reason and balance among a hotbed of the usual BBC lefty/liberal luvees.
(which does not include Andrew Neal) Together they help to keep my sanity intact.
Still though eh?…what a load of origami winding sheets and shrouds can now be furnished.
Lots of fat fish and flounders who can now be finally wrapped up, now they`ve had their chips.
Smell of sour vinegar and all taken with a pinch of verucca salt….fun to see the slugs dissolve in their own juices eh?
Must be simple to be dead men walking when you wrote your own obituaries way back before the BBC/Channel 4 took you on…and we carry these talentless twats like Marr, Newman and Urban.
Handbags and Bad rags…is it papier mache grade standard…and who NOW will continue to pay for Johann Haris John Bull printing press apprenticeship ?
Poor Mark Steel, poor Yasmin…very poor!
Wonder if Rupe would reopen the News of the World for them all, if they begged a bit?
Anyone remember “The Sunday Correspondent”? A quality, decent M.O.R tabloid that lasted just a year in the late eighties? Buried by the introduction of the… “Independent on Sunday.” Yep, didn’t bother the Independent then. Good to see The Inde’ go. “Guardian lite” as we call it at Polly’s Villa.
A few of us have planned a celebration when The Guardian finally disappears as a paper…which it will…then where will the Toynbee creature and the rest of them end up? Take a guess…the Bloodsucking Bollinger Collective awaits.
Collapsed under its self-virtue and joyless Union agitations as I recall.
Couldn`t give it away up here in the North East, despite the never-ending free vouchers that were given out with it.
Was written by committee by Labours waling wall, and was so badly financed and cobbled together that it was an object lesson in how the media needs to be left to professionals like Rupert, Kelvin and Donald.
Yes I know Don`s never run a paper-but just wanted to pile on the professional boss class who graciously let their wealth trickle down to the miserable incompetent sponges of the print unions and their fatuous hacks.
The Indie today-should we not be taking bets on the Glorious Day when the Guardian squeezes its last Dignitas Edition out from under Polly Toynbees rubber ringed commode?
Guido’s “Oddly partisan for a Dimbleby” shows what an idiot he has become. No wonder his commenters have gone elsewhere. That is what having too much contact with the political class does – it taints.
Oh they did the same when I went to an edition last year!
Not Dimbly though who was too busy matching pith helmet to laundered linen suit, as sat on by virginal interns who added value to the town with the usual riders demanded by local bumpkins ever so grateful for the BBC futon flatbed to park up.
No-more subtle they were then…some warm up man got the town wrong, thought the local contacts name was Lee Rigby!…o, h and we got a loop of “great BBC tunes” as we walked in and walked out…ever so grateful!
Utterly counterproductive in that the only theme tune they played that was still around and worth the license fee was “I`m Sorry, I haven`t a Clue”…all the rest was stuff they`ve LONG been making(Dads Army)…or only reminds us how shit they are today(Newsnight).
At least they reminded many of us how low they`ve sunk…and it won`t take too much to scuttle the Pirate Radio gargoyles with the emptiest heads…a bat up the Naughtie please Mr Nutkins!
Blondes have more fun? Not the two babes on Today this morning – Sarah Montague, and Lisa Markwell (editor of The Independent on Sunday) mourning the death of The Independent.
“We’ve always found it terribly depressing that people will happily pay £3.70 for an appalling coffee from a take-out place and yet they won’t pay £1.60 , £2.20 on Sunday, for a novel’s worth of terrific writing” [not exactly verbatim].
I had the same trouble when I set up my street-stall selling bull-shit sandwiches, the buggers kept walking past and going to Prat a Munchie.
Their apparent shock that people won’t buy the secondhand sub-Marxist twaddle peddled by that doomed rag shows how far from reality these clowns have strayed from anything even remotely resembling reality.
A delight when we disappoint the likes of Saran and Lisa isn`t it?
If only we could appoint a new World Government headed up by a Miliband or a Clintobama…and replace the current sorry ingrates in their white vans and matching faces with multicultured colours of benetton types like Chukka, Anjem of Michael Adebowale…with the likes of Sarah and Lisa to wave a lavender hankie by the noses of the poor on the way to Prat a Minger.
Oh the humanity!…poor Monty, poor Markie!
And on they go to rub our noses in their diversity-but with one less Peoples Daily Workshy Fop Rag to wipe their glowing brows with.
Any therapy they might go to…at our expense of course?
Cue a bit of jus dilution, as they weep over the canapes at their Islington suppers or Cotswolds caterwaulings tonight…and we`ll just have to line the cats litter tray with something that was more successful in absorbing the leaks and stoolage of Chairman Meow!
If the “elites” of the West are so keen on assisting those poor souls seeking refuge from persecution and poverty in the Third World, then why not include these people?
Isn’t it odd how the BBC manage to get their pathetic, weak, lily-livered apologist political correctness into every walk of life. i just heard some clueless bint interviewing Eddie Jones after he had said he wants England to go out and ‘smack’ Italy on Sunday. According to the bint , that is disrespectful.
Sorry Eddie, the game’s up, you are an Italiaphobe. Welcome to the world of the left wing media. As your punishment you’ll have to put a couple of Syrian refugees in the side.
seismic…I noted that also. I expect the extreme, far left, politically correct bbbc doris hasn’t ever even touched a rugby ball……..Pure bbbc just putting their usual agenda into ANY section of pre prepared video and , of course trying to undermine ANYTHING that is English. I expect that they are quite disappointed they have to broadcast the rugby anyway (well, half of it)
My God!
Just came across this opening to a debate a few years ago by Ibn Warraq.
Never heard such a ten minute onslaught into Islam and relativism -and such a defence of all the West and of all that WE “bang on about “!
Brilliant-do listen, God Bless this titan…knew he was good-but not THIS good?
Brilliant…can`t wait to hear Terry Ramalamadingdongs reply to THAT!
Saw this one yesterday-it`s a Doug Festival for me at the minute!
Note again that the two Muslims who support the motion.
Utterly shameless, even when they clearly are as “enlightened” as Islam gets.
When rumbled, both of them revert to type-just can`t be helped.
Again-taqiyya, taqiyya and taqiyya…the flimsy defences just collapse on even the slightest attack.
After watching that debate, the only question left was how did Islam come to be known as a religion of peace. Not even muslims could claim this. It is about as valid a question as Is the World Flat?
So a quick search of the origins of the slogan The Religion of Peace. It seems an Urdu speaking Muslim called ishtiaq husain qureshi wrote the book ‘The Religion of Peace’ in 1930. He did not speak arabic, as all his titles are in Urdu or English.
And not surprisingly, ‘The Religion of Peace’ was written in English. So it was a description of islam, not a translation of the word islam. So Islam spent 1300 of its 1390 years (approx) not being a religion of peace.
The term was not put to use until the 1970’s. No doubt something to do with the civil rights movement spanning the globe. Even the IRA got in on the act. No follower of islam can honestly use the term any more than i can claim i come from narnia. Both terms come from works of fiction.
Although, I think Nicki Campbell will be discussing ‘Should Narnian’s be given equal rights?’ in the morning.
chrisH – thanks for linking that; some great stuff in there:
“Life in the West is an open book whereas under Islam it is a closed book.”
“Islamic heaven is a cosmic brothel.”
The reason why people like Ibn Warraq, Hirsi Ali and Sam Solomon are so hated by Muslims is that they have seen the inside of the sausage factory and so when they speak their words carry a tremendous amount of force, which is difficult for Muslims and their apologists to counter.
Just listened to Tariq at 26 mins….and if he doesn`t personify the taqiyya slithery Islamic cover required by his chums, then I can`t think of anybody who does it.
Utterly shameless deceit from A to Z….but worth a watch if you want to see evil in as many forked tongues as you`d like.
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BbC to use facial expression technology!!!
Well, well. What will they spend our money on next?
I am speechless!! Wonder what facial expression I should use to express that?
Must be some pretty sophisticated coding to detect bending over with two fingers stuck in the mouth.
Ah but, yes but, not but did you not notice this at the very start of the report? – ‘Facial coding technology will be used by the BBC to examine viewers’ subconscious reactions to their shows and discover any “emotional attachment” they have to the broadcaster, after a series of trials yielded positive results.” ‘
It’s those last eight words (sorry, would have italicised or emboldened them but cannot get those features to work on B-BBC – you’ll have to do the work & count) that give the game away.
“Yippee! We’ll spend some taxpayer money to do a survey using irrefutable new technology that is expensive so it must be right and that will convince the politicians that they will lose massive support if they restrict or do away with the BBC because the public REALLLYYYY LURVES USSS!!! And then we’ll have even more money because the Licence Fee will go up to £200!!! Wheeeheeeee!!!!!”
Guest Who:
“Must be some pretty sophisticated coding to detect bending over with two fingers stuck in the mouth.”
Sadness, puzzlement, happiness, fear, rejection, surprise…and eagerness.
Frank Gardener has seemingly just woken from a 10 year coma to discuss the threat of IS in Libya. The threat is everywhere Islam is are as far as I can see but still not in Al Beeb land. Are we not reading daily about how the peaceful, caring, none violence, oppressed ROPers are being arrested for enriching plans? The bali nightclub bombings? 9/11? The London terror attacks? Mumbai massacre? These events have been missed by Frank. Its IS in Libya that may be the the problem out there. The dots as numerous as stars in the sky are not even attempted to be joined. What these ‘militants’ are at war with Frank doesn’t tell us but he calls them Jihadist like it’s a fashion statement. Let’s give you a hint Frank. The single thing that every single one of these events have in common is Islam. Its as simple as that. And so the denial continues relentlessly
Anyone have any ideas as who which group/organisation is behind the incredible Daily Mail upvote Bot?
The top comments on today’s Top Gear story have been overwhelmingly negative, yet tonight and according to one commentor, the now top comments have reversed opinion and suddenly had 2000 up votes added in minutes. Similar was happening on UKIP stories during the election.
I consider this highly sinister as the Daily Mail is the most read news site in the UK and the majority of unquestioning souls will take such as popular opinion and shameful of the Mail to let these comments remain.
It has been going on for weeks. In fact for so long that I can only conclude the Mail is quite happy with the situation as it could be resolved quite easily otherwise.
….But imagine its potential impact during the upcoming EU referendum, with such publications as the Guardian and even Guido shutting down comments, it would appear there as some very dark forces at large.
OK its only Top Gear we’re talking about here, but the agenda set by the presenters selected is clearly left leaning and someone clearly doesn’t like such being pointed out.
I agree and I also have no doubt at all that we’re about to see some seriously unpleasant tactics being used to get an ‘In’ vote – right down to ballot rigging.
Project Fear!
There comes a point where people’s real feelings count more than any referendum outcome. You can rig a poll but all that shows is that you’ve failed to rig people’s opinions.
In this country we’re not used to a complete dissonance between obvious and deeply held public opinion and the official truth as relayed by the media. It may take a little while, but the real situation will inevitably assert itself. If it is not allowed to do so peaceably and without interference, then it will happen in a more catastrophic way. It can no more be held back than the sea-tide can be commanded.
The BBC’s increasingly frantic lies, distortions and censorship are symptoms of its failure to control the perceptions and opinions of its audience. Their controllers, and the politicians they serve, will eventually have to bail out – it’s only a matter of time.
See that BBC News at Ten is at it again tonight.
On the subject of Google’s taxes the Google search engine window was produced where eventually the question was typed asking about the taxes. However just before that two questions were typed in that had nothing to do with the subject in hand, I paraphrase the following:
1) How can we help the refugees?
2) How can we reduce prejudice?
Are they having a game or what?
Is Batman…. playing the ‘racism’ card ?……………………….
Top Trumps.
It should be Cameron denying he was ‘mesmerised’ by her PR clout with the national broadcaster which, given the facts, would come unstuck pretty soon.
He’s hitched himself to some pretty hefty career anchors of late; she should be enough on her own to drag him. Botney and the BBC to oblivion all on her own.
Taffman -Yes, it’s more effective than the sizism card.
As per usual, I’m late in ‘cottoning’ on, but decided to Google Dion Dublin – 3rd ‘diversity’ arm on Homes Under The Hammer – turns out he’s an ex pro footballer. At the very least I expected him to be a property developer, as are the long standing two other presenters, but no, just an ex player with an ‘interest’ in property. God almighty how do they do it ? I’m an ex estate agent of 22 years standing (in the days when you had to know what you were talking about) – so if another body was needed on the show, why not an expert rather than a football player ! Jeez I bet he was greeted through gritted teeth by Martin & Lucy. Still, if an ex model can become the host of Strictly, then why not a footballer (who’s just as wooden) on a renovation programme.
Could be that ol’ devil called – the casting couch!
Like a demented dog licking it’s nuts, the BBC will not leave the ‘gender pay gap’ alone. Its a strange one this because aren’t the BBC championing the ‘no such thing as gender’ narrative? Who are the males and females in what the Al Beeb want us to believe is another shocking tale of how the white man is horrible to everyone? Do we have glory hunters switching sides? What are the ‘none of the above’ being paid, that all work at Gravy train city in Al Beebistan? We just don’t know. What tiny little snippet of detail the hate mongering, outrage champion will give us is that there’s a 9.4% pay gap in full time workers. Nothing to do with what the figures are in the same positions. Nothing to do with per industry. Nothing to do with what jobs are distorting the figures to benefit the people who have racistly ticked male in the gender box. Just the pay gap.
The devil is always in the detail. and the detail probably, while supporting an overall gap, will show that it is principally down to the job rather than the gender.
There is talk of the BBC being forced to disclose the money paid to “talent”. I’m sure the pay gap investigators will find more than a 9.4% gap in those figures! As they probably will throughout the world of “luvvies”.
The other economic assessment is that you could say women are increasing their employment chances by undercutting males.
Plus unaccountable, don’t forget. Totally… unaccountable.
That’s how the trust and transparency has really been taken to the hearts of the public compelled by law to fund this vital service so uniquely.
Aunty’s more blatantly left-wing and smuttier young niece – that’s Channel 4
Last night Cathy Newman (with no difficult questions and no push back or counter opinion offered) conducted a peculiarly unpleasant interview with Labour MP Jess Phillip – she’s the one who on hearing that news was beginning to leak out about attacks on women in Cologne by… let’s say not your average German chaps… sounded off about that sort of thing happening every Friday night in Brum.
Thankfully not being Met Police officers we the audience are not oblidged to take her every claim and accusation as ‘credible and true’
The self-obsessed MP desperate to paint herself as victim and keen to dig herself out of the hole she dug for herself with previous comments paints a picture of her youth and adolescence where every male she encountered was a hardly restrained rapist and no Policeman could care less. Between public park and nightclubs Jess and her pals just minding their own business were forced to fight off sexual assualt at every turn.
And of course one group is maligned and damned as evil by this MP. One section of society is demonised – men.
But that’s ok. John Snow don’t care. His liberal media mates will lap it up because it’s only men being bashed.
I do hope Jon copped a feel and pinched her iPhone on her way out. No problem, she says
Cathy Newman surely would have got Jess to sign an old used tampon for him to wave around instead of a willy next ” Only Women Bleed Day”,,,,happens every 28 days, but we don`t always know.
I myself look for signs that it`s due when Jon Snow is grumpily telling the Sri Lankan High Commissioner that he`d like to get flying again , and see for himself if his ladyboy pals have managed to sew themselves into a flattering suicide corset at last…the Church of England died when Snows red socks showed up through mums BUPA-assisted birth…where was Herod when we needed him?
That`s a joke-but Snow and the liberal left will wonder if I`m referring to other coloured socks being now available at Harrods…thikfux all!
Snow moans on about Sri Lanka every 28 days?…worth a Craig or Sue to confirm this my latest faeces!
Anybody else hear Christine “Blowers” Blowhard on Today before the 8am news?
Apparently we are not to further test kids at the start of school, age 5…and she argued with one of Morgans monkeys why this would not happen.
Usual crap on both sides-like watching monkeys throwing their shit at each other, but better than the usual endless charity appeals for Syri-idiots( Thank you Benny!)
Blowers said one thing that ought to get her sacked, or at least an investigation by Mike Rickshaw at OFSTED.
She said that one school she knew refused to TEACH kids for the first six weeks on arriving at the school, because some might do better than others seeing that they were already at different levels of ability.
So all that crap about not taking your kids out of school in September :and a leading teaching union tells me that at least ONE school she knows won`t teach the kids anything until they`re all equally handicapped/saddled with Socialist Equality cabbages to carry to the tests.
Outrageous…really is…can only imagine the NHS letting people get sicker and iller for weeks until they`re as sick and ill as the others on their ward…and the hospital can then send better figures back to Hunt.
Appalling stuff-and , to be honest-maybe the NHS ARE going to be doing that soon if they`re not already…THAT`S The reductio ad adsurdem of Socialism and their Pinkie Marxism.
This decent article makes my point better than I can-but Labour caused all this, and -without Gove-the Tories are doing the same now.
The education of the small ones is a contentious matter in my opinion anyway. My generation did not start school until the term after the fifth birthday. It seemed to have been strictly enforced.
Today the children start far too young in my opinion and and testing at a very early stage is something I deplore.
I would rather delay schooling until the sixth year but that would never do as we have forced women into the work force whether they want to or not.
That was a result of the ruling class realising that if the old and accepted rule of one person able to earn a decent family income could be abolished then more profits and an increased GDP would result. That is what we have today except for a small privileged class at the very top.
Once again I stress that to be a conservative does not mean accepting the status quo in our society at all.
Here`s an amazing account of the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath.
According to the biased BBC, no one on the Right died or was killed apparently, there were no massacres by Communists and Anarchists, no massacres of Anarchists BY Communists, no mass murders of Priests and rapes of nuns…..all airbrushed from history… it seems Franco must be, despite his winning the Civil War and maintaining peace and stability in Spain within NATO until the early 70s. Not a hint that in a Civil War there are (at least) two sides involved.
A useful distraction from the dire state of the current Spanish economy with its improving unemployment picture now down to 46 % for youth unemployment and 20.9% for the rest.
Rewriting history to the lefts preferences and delusions is quite the done thing it seems, apparently this is called “truth and reconciliation”.
I did wonder why we`d not heard much from Renzi lately-the BBC seemed awful fond of him when he first came to power-very much a template for Justin Trudeau type of simperings and knicker-wringers from the Left.
He says the EU are playing at archestras on the Titanic-which, I would have thought would have made a nice BBC soundbite this week of all weeks-what with the Brexit stuff and all.
But no-bad line here, Marco!
As for Varofuckup….well, basically if the EU hate him, we shall like him…like Trump and wee Tommy…Yanis can join the pantheon if he “gets off his bike and looks for REAL work”-overturning the EU and dumping the parasitic class would be just that-although I can`t imagine Eddie Mair or Paddy O Connell doing these NEW soundbites of his….oh, no…seems we`re having problems on the line there….
“So called”…”alleged”…indeed the soubriquets to precede ANY BBC coverage of “Europe”…”so called” and “alleged” correspondents and editors-every one of them.
Where Sir Lord Norman Tebbit dared to go-now goes Yanis!…
I heard a bit of Princess Nikki Campbell’s show this morning. The discussion was on gravitational waves, so you would think things could be kept civil. However, that was until a man from Cambuslang came on, who seemed to believe the world was 6000 years old. A Creationist! You could hear the contempt in Nikki’s voice as the poor man was slammed down, without even the ability to respond. “Deal with it!” sneered the Princess.
Strangely, I feel if Mohammed from Blackburn had phoned up to make the same point, there is just a chance that Princess Nikki might not have been quite so quick to treat him like an idiot. I wonder why that might be?
The BBC’s in-house Islamic scholar, Sheikh Nikki epitomises the unholy alliance between the leftists and the islamists. He can’t abide the English, sneers at Christians, shouts down any opinion that fails to meet his approval, and yet trumpets the glories of muslims and islam. He’s read The Book don’t you know, and counts many followers of the RoP as his friends and mentors. And this from a man who says he has four daughters! Better order those pastel-coloured hijabs Nikki, because with the propaganda you spout on a daily basis, they are soon going to need them. I can just imagine Campbell with one of those pathetic hate-beards broadcasting his anti-Western bilge from the top of the Media City Minaret.
One recent example of his Marxoid agenda came when some poor sap called in (on the migrant crisis) and wanted to stand up for the indigenous population of this country, only to be terminated by Campbell who referred to the word indigenous as “perjorative”. There are names for the likes of Campbell. Politeness prevents me from using them.
Does Crumble feel the same about the terms “Indiginous Americans” or “Indiginous Australians”! Or does he resort to calling them “Red Indians” and “Aborigines”!
He is a joke.
It’s quite good in a way if the BBC become obsessed by one position whether Climate Change, Gender, Equality or even Donald Trump.
Eventually they undermine it themselves, as I was pointing out a while back.
On that very issue of Trump and his electioneering ‘statements’ (taken partially and/or out of context by the BBC & others) they had an item on Mexico on BBC R4 TODAY (12/2/2016) and on the BBC website which seemed to mention a lot of corruption and criminality and some more corruption and violence and crime and some drug trafficking and corruption & crime.
What did Trump say about Mexico, BBC?
If you truly love Big Brother, you can hold two mutually exclusive positions, and believe them both to be true.
Ignorance is strength citizens!
The total incompetency and uselessness of the European Union is exemplified by the mess they are now in and their inability to act swiftly, is reflected in this mornings headlines ……………..
Migrants and Steel dumping……………….
And …………..
‘Horse and stable door anyone’? Time do get out of this failed manufactured state before they drag us down with them
Vote Brexit and vote UKIP
Strange as it might seem I find it worrying that no-one is putting forward valid reasons for remaining in the EU. I don’t mean that I just disagree with them, for instance people produce valid, (but wrong!), reasons for nationalisation or comprehensive education, they just have no substance.
For instance several Euro-elections ago Jack Straw’s pro-EU arguments were ‘x% of our trade is with the EU and cheap air fares’. Well as we had been cut off from trading with Australia and New Zealand it was hardly surprising that the proportion of trade with the EU had increased and the so-called cheap fares just meant that they were starting to become comparable with the non-EU transatlantic fares that we had long been used to.
This week we have had Boris’ dad on the BBC telling us that the EU is good for the environment because he sits on various committees. Whoopy doo! So we can only talk to France, Belgium, Holland etc. if we are in the same club? Rubbish! What is different is that when we are in ‘the club’ we have to follow the line of the other 27, outside the EU we can negotiate our own bi-lateral arrangements that suit us.
Sadly the ‘man in the street’ seems to be satisfied with the same non-reasons – “I won’t be able to holiday in Spain” etc.
There is only one valid reason for being in the EU – its very raison d’être – to form a European Super State. A state with no common language or culture – yet. One nation under Allah and Arabic? Could explain a lot.
Al Beeb is now having difficulty in broadcasting recent news as it conflicts with the ‘agenda’ it has been running with over the past year. Trump, The EU and Brexit, illegal immigrants, today’s terrorists at the Old bailey etc…… Never mind, we had ‘Horses can recognise emotion in humans’, look at there a squirrel over there, oh yes and there those gravitational waves .
Fill the news with pap and bury the headlines.
>If name-dropping were an Olympic sport, Yentob would be suspected of doping.<
One of a number of good quotes from this FT passage which will appear in the weekend FT.
He comes across as insufferably self important.
Yes, I remember Botney saying that Jack Nicholson told him that. Or was it Mick Jagger? Definitely not Jimmy Savile, that’s for sure. Never met the man. Or Rolf Harris. Or Stuart Hall. No, never. Roman Polanski on the other hand, now there was a charming lunch companion.
Who is this Ishtiaq Hussain ‘of Northampton’ that just happens to ‘get through’ to the Jeremy Vine show week after week?
Apparently he is an expert on Syria now as well as ‘moderate’ Islam.
I suspect he is either on ‘speed dial’ or has the show’s producer’s phone number. A bit of transparency please BBC.
BBc Breakfast and a story that has been running all day. Equal pay. Now I’m a bit confused with this because everywhere I’ve worked men and women have had the same wages. Everywhere Mrs Dave has worked has had the same pay for men and women, so she tells me. So who are all these evil companies paying different rates?
Meanwhile on North West we have a junior Doctor declaring the enforced pay deal( although trying to find what exactly the deal is doesn’t seem to be have made clear by the media) only applies to England and not the rest of the UK. So he and others are looking to go elsewhere and there I was thinking they just cared about the patients.
As I’ve said many times, the Fascists don’t actually believe any of the nonsense they come out with, it’s just a weapon to attack those they regard as their enemies, just like diversity was to ‘rub the rights noses in it’.
Here is something they seem to have missed out from their news reporting, and I have to admit, it shocked me!
Applying to an employment tribunal will now cost you ‘from’ £390 ! If the case gets to the hearing stage you will have to pay a whopping £950 on top of that fee.
For most people even if they win, they won’t get as much back as the court fees cost! Hardly anyone wins in any event!
So we have the BBC bleating on about this and that nicety, and how they would like the world to be, belabouring anyone trying to earn a living, but all the time ignoring the fact that when and if, discrimination actually does happen (which is rare) none of the people they claim to be speaking on behalf of will be able to afford the massive court fees to access the laughingly titled ‘justice’ system !
One of my friends was diagnosed with skin cancer. After his treatment the Doctor advised him to not to work outside. His employers then refused to change his job and move him indoors. He took advice and was told that he could possibly win a case against them. Surprisingly he a, didn’t have the spare cash and b, didn’t want to take a gamble. You now also have to be in the job 2 years when it used to be 1. This was a result of “too many people going to tribunal”. In the back of my mind I think Vince Cable was involved in this but I could have got that completely wrong.
Incidentally many years ago Mrs Dave 666 won a constructive dismissal case. The company changed it’s name and refused to pay, after not bothering to turn up for the case.
Why was the BBC and various MPs so agitated yesterday by Matt Brittin from Google being unable (for which I read unwilling) to explain to them how much he is paid in a year?
Why didn`t Brittin tell them all to get stuffed as he is employed by a private company and therefore beholden to the shareholders (and the Tax man) and not to politicians and media monkeys?
Remember these are the MPs and the BBC that are so evasive when discussing the respective dollops of public money paid by us to keep them in the style they have become accustomed to.
Market forces and technology remove filth from newsagents’ shelves…
The Independent (sic) newspaper is to cease as a printed edition from March, although will continue online, according to a report on fellow-travellers website, the BBC (see It is helpfully pointed out that it was “far behind the sales of rival national newspapers, which ranged from the Sun on 1.8 million to the Guardian on 166,000.” Be interesting to know what the number is for the Guardian without the bulk sales to the BBC. If any.
The downside to the demise of the Independent is that with nowhere else to find a safe haven for their egos, readers may well buy the Guardian instead. On the other hand, since this would only increase sales by 28,000 or less, the viability of the BBC house mag is still under serious financial pressure….and then what happens to the reservoir of ‘informed opinion’ so frequently tapped by the bBBC? Yentob and Hall’s combined salaries couldn’t keep it afloat for more than a week or so. Even if Polly sacked one of her Tuscan gardeners and replaced him with a couple of Syrians on bed and board to help the fund, that’s a very short-term solution.
Who knows what the answer might be?
Will the demise of the printed version of the Independent mean that the BBC will be giving it the same sort of coverage that they give to that other on-line news outlet known as Breitbart? In other words nil – doubt it somehow.
This is the way forward.
The BBC without state-enforced payment would simply cease to exist.
All the multiculty, anti-British, mixed-race, pro-EU slurry would have no outlet and be consigned to history.
THAT’S why successive UK governments have continued to fund it.
No doubt the BBC will be keen to offer jobs to any of the Guardian socialists who get made redundant. I read in the Telegraph this morning , that the Guardian is looking to shed jobs and I have no doubt that there are current discussions between the Guardian and BBC about which of the Guardian’s employees the BBC are able to offer jobs to.
Business as usual then. Just the normal game of musical chairs in which grade B types alternate between the BBC, Guardian and Labour Party (sometimes with a stint as a charity director, trade Union publicity officer or parliamentary researcher). Only instead of taking the chairs away, they keep adding them.
A piece of barely concealed propaganda on TWATO this afternoon, when they went to see how a Syrian family who got to Germany were getting on.
Talk about striking it lucky! The BBC had just happened to follow a family who are keen to integrate into Germany and indeed had become firm friends with a German family, so much so that they were really beginning to appreciate German values. Cue much laughter, happy voices and attempts to sing Happy Birthday in German. Imagine how embarrasing it might have been for the Beeb had they been following a family who went to Cologne on New Year’s Eve. Phew! Close one there, but they got away with it.
If the BBC have ever similarly decided to follow how the immigration has affected some German families, I’d be delighted if someone pointed me to it. Because I’ve often seen and heard these stories from the migrants’ point of view but not once have I heard it from the German perspective.
I swear this integrating family comes from the pool of actors who happen to live near the BBC studios in Manchester and are available to play the roes of migrants, activists in the Middle East, freedom fighters, and doctors in bombed hospitals in Gaza.
And no doubt this Syrian family will be so keen to integrate that they can hardly wait to tuck into all those pork based foods so beloved by the Germans. Or perhaps not …….
‘The EU referendum is too important to be left to the BBC’ : City A.M. radio newscast. Dated 5th February. Worth a listen before the weekend news propaganda restarts on the joys of immigration, sex transplants, virtues of gayness and those funny Radio 4 ‘BBC comedians’ again. It really is too important a subject to be left to the BBC news team.
As here, every post is well worth the investment, but ITTB does excel with cold, hard fact.
The numbers here should have the BBC rushing for the bunker, hotly pursued by John Whittingdale and Jess Norman, with the entire UK population patiently waiting for Aunty doing the decent thing before a few loyal kapos torch the corpse.
We often hear Europhiles claiming that the European Union has been responsible for the peace that it has benefited from over the last 40 years. Well, witness the invasion of the continent’ over the last year, which they have still failed to stop? Not very good to say the least, so don’t let them kid you.
Now it looks as if the real ‘peace keepers’ – NATO are taking action………..
The Uk were part of NATO many years before it walked blinfolded into the EU.
One of the videos (seen recently here – in German) has been dubbed into English. Its worth a replay ‘Merkel has destroyed Germany’. A real worry for our children, I have children this age.
Off topic I know , but has anyone seen ‘Edward’ or ‘Scotty’ (or whatever he calls himself now)?
The very mention of these wraiths and sprites of old is a provocation that may summon them up.
A well-intended incantation that might go wrong if there is any kind of alert on their devices!
I myself have greatly enjoyed life without them…it`s good club, getting new members and drive-by wits every so often, so I`ve got my paper up and harrumping comfortably here at Chez AntiBeeb.
Maybe when we`re out of Europe…we might reflect on “great trolls” we have all known on this site with some grudging affection-sharpened our wits, grew us a second skin etc-but, hope Edward Scottyhands types aren`t attracted here just yet….
Been coming to this establishment since November 2009…I could check out any time I liked…but Glenn Freys option is not the way to do so…
The BBC s favourite Walter Mittee character, Mo Ansar turns up minus his desert gear, to try and lig a new
gravy train … K Hopkins is great fun
A joy to see a “commentator” like Katie fighting fire with fire.
About time the shouty types at RT, like Ansar getting harried, talked over and being mocked as they spout.
An object lesson in how to deal with the Left, the RT cretins and taqiyya agitprops like Mo Ansar.
All on the “right” need to watch this….so ta, nogginator!
Remember BBC “when Nikki Campbell met Mo” palava, on nearly every TBQs, how about “BBC Breakfast met Mo”, another … “BBC Newsnight met Mo” BBC still giving him airtime with fellow extremist Medhi “kaffirs animals” Hasan, and it was already out, the guy was a total fabricator.
Amazingly BBC they then continued, with another “when Tommy met Mo” which ended with old Mo waddling off down the road
… obviously on the way to RT, where he is now the social political commentator Mo.
It amazes me how they all think it’s a god-given right to settle in Europe and use every Leftard argument to shout down those who dare try to point out the truth.
Brilliant performance by Katie. Can we clone her and put 650 of her in Parliament???
Wow. I really enjoyed that. She nailed him for speaking in labels.
I don’t know if Katie speaks for the British people but she speaks for me!
Brilliant! Thanks for posting nogginator.
Katie did so very well. Truth is on her side. If I chance upon her in a pub, she can buy me a beer.
By coincidence I saw this live. Brilliant show by Katie the usual performance by mo.
6 oclock news tonight gives us the news that we are living longer- prompting viewers to get in touch to say how. First up, 67 yr old who puts his long life down to his mothers cooking? and the fact that winters are now a lot milder! Agenda, no way.
The state retirement qualification age will probably increase again then.
Channel 4 clearly most put out at those damn plebs who failed to buy enough Independents.
Oh the shame, those poor hacks like Mark Steel and dear Yasmin forced to seek yet MORE BBC work now, due to us all thinking the paper an Israel baiting, Europhile, climate change fanatical rag…both versions!
Don`t remember TOO many tears when poor Rupert had to close the News Of the World.
But of course not-for that was right wing rag, and not too good for the rest of us unlike the Indie.
Cathy Newman said so-and the Guarian is next, insh`Allah!
But then I looked behind sad Cathy…and that blow up of the condemned Indie up on the screen featured JOHANN HARI!
Yes, no-one at Channel 4 thought to pick a back issue that did NOT seek a serial plagiarist, and thoroughly nasty piece of work.
So back I thought-and raised a chilled white , knowing that there is a God, who gets His revenge…and relatively quickly in this case.
Maybe the Guardian would employ Johann as a feature writer ….he`s the Eddie Izzard of Cause Killings…an origami albatross!
I well remember just after 9/11 that rag published an op ed that was appalling. I cannot remember the writer but I hope he/she remembers and is ashamed. Best news for a long time. Goodbye and good riddance.
I’ve only just come across this story from last autumn.
I don’t remember anything on the BBC about terrorists smuggling guns and ammunition to Greek refugee camps. Perhaps it was another story that they suppressed in case it worried us.
The BBC is on our side really. Isn’t it?
“A Point of View” on Radio 4 at 8:50 pm on Friday.
I suppose the clue is in the title – it is just one person’s view – but it’s interesting to note who gets invited to speak …
Tonight it was Adam Gopnik on political pundits and their reaction to the New Hampshire primaries (the victories for Sanders and Trump). A quick bit of internet research on Gopnik confirmed what I’d expected. He thinks Obama is a “mild-mannered, conflict-adverse centrist”; the Democrats are “center Right” and the Republicans “extreme Right”; the problem of guns in the US is “something stupidly simple and easy to fix”; the San Bernardino Massacre was about guns not Islam. You get the general idea: it’s all promising stuff for a potential BBC guest presenter.
In the ten-minute talk, he said that Trump was an “oafish real estate developer from Queens” and Sarah Palin a “dim-witted part-time politician from Alaska”. We learnt that “no-one seriously doubts that if Barack Obama could run again [i.e. for a third term] he would win again”. Gopnik recalled being amused when Obama was re-elected in 2012 and the Republican pundits were proved wrong, and said he enjoys revisiting clips of that election night on the internet, if he’s feeling down. Another gem about Republican supporters was that “they’re Republicans BECAUSE they’re angry”.
In Gopnik’s view, “Bernie Sanders represents the ‘extremist ideology’ that has governed all of Western Europe mostly successfully for the past 70 or so years”. On Trump: “my own best guess is that he will never be elected President, that the loony side will retreat and …”. There is no real groundswell of support for Trump, it’s just a minority of a minority, and anyway nothing has really changed in the US.
Any thoughts, good folk of Biased BBC?
He sounds as bright as the cat in Tom and Jerry . A real BBC find by the sound of it.
Just another one to add to the trampoline list……..someone you would never tire jumping up and down on
Maybe they should have a “Views their own” segment, where staff posts that have quietly had to be removed (albeit with no other consequence) from Twitter are shared and weighed against BBC Editorial They Are Just Guidelines Really?
Interesting to see the BBC News on Facebook engaging in jolly japes in typically impartial fashion…
A week to forget for Jeremy Hunt?
James Blunt even gave him his Cockney rhyming slang title, as Newsbeat reports.
They even engaged in some rare badinage, as you do when it’s in the professional DNA..
Michael Wright
We all know what rhymes with Hunt……
BBC News
runt? :/
Yes, BBC, ‘we’ do all know, not least thanks to the geriatric kindegarden occupied by Naughtie, Marr, etc.
Thing is, whilst such juvenile posturing may play well with the other kids in the gang, it rather shreds your legitimacy as anything other than a uniquely funded student activist group.
Hope it was worth it.
BBC Online News:
“”21st Century US ‘dustbowl’ risk assessed
By Jonathan Amos BBC Science Correspondent, Washington DC””
“”…….the potential losses would be far worse later this century if Earth’s climate heats up as expected””
“”…..especially if future climate change is not moderated by a reduction in the emission of heat-trapping gases from the burning of fossil fuels””
“”… running multiple simulations on a climate model to test whether there really is some sort of teleconnection between the two””
“”…… extreme weather is going to be an ever-present threat in the future””
“” An average summer is very difficult to find these days””
The BBC Left Wing Biased message drones on. And of course, the existing counter view is never considered.
It’s Settled Science and no debate allowed.
“” An average summer is very difficult to find these days””, ? Hold on there bald eagle, isn’t an average just that, an average? I dare say you would be hard pushed to find a household with 2.2 kids as well.
Meanwhile, quietly in a corner of the sky, the sun slowly goes to sleep…
And North America prepares for a record freeze…
Thank you, CO2 based global warming.
And thank YOU idiot warmist “climate scientists”, and blinkered BBC, for your unshakable belief in the unbelievable.
BBC this morning talking about what the impact would be on agriculture re: Brexit. Our contribution to the EU for agriculture is Gbp 6bn and we receive back Gbp 3bn. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist does it . This should be the underlying message from the leave campaign start focusing on how much we pay in and what we actually get back. It is all around us a general decay of the UK- no go areas , decaying infrastructure , RAF has 3 planes and a cotton reel, health system falling apart . So on what planet is it a good idea to give away our money to the EU and various banana republics around the World. Over to you Mr Cameron wtf is going on ?
Breakfast news discussing the closure of the independent, the fella they have in to comment says that the guardian website is the biggest free news website in the world. I dont know for certain, but ill bet thats not true.
Channel 4 news were in mourning for the Indy last night. Cathy Newman’s lefty alma mater dead and gone. Job cuts threatened at the Guardian – shock horror! Damn those horrible right-wing press barons – they used their papers to further their own political ends, dontcha know. As if cycling Jon, that Harry Chrishna Welsh Guru, arbeit Matt Frei, Paul news, phew, tell me your story it’s all kicking off Mason and the rest would ever dream of such a thing! What impose North London Marx-ish views on the news, who us Guv? Leveson, where are you mate? Of course none of the lefty journos can see the wood for the dead trees – their favourite rags are UNPOPULAR. Gosh, no wonder these folk like the EU keeping the nasty British electorate in check.
Curse the need to be supported by a willing audience…
But wait… what if there was a way to ensure near limitless funds to continue such vital work via the imposition of a tax on all who read papers, even if few actually do want to go near the Indy? By compulsion, of course.
It’s so crazy, it could just work.
Had to smile when some old lefty fossil from the Indy was asked something along the lines of : “Do you blame the Ruskie oligarch who owns the paper?”
“Oh no, he put lots of money in and left us alone to do whatever we wanted”
Just substitute oligarch for Licence Payers and that folks is the pretty much the BBC preferred business model.
Yes, that was Andreas Whittam-Smith doncha know?
To be fair, I`d have regarded him as OK when I was a lefty fool-paternalist privileged type like Evans, Levin or suchlike…and a decent liberal cove if you`ve GOT to choose one.
Plenty double barrel names around in the brahmin class isn`t there…can`t they make up their minds?
My only comment-don`t want to appear to be the Tombstone undertaker but he looked a bit waxy, and had crows feet and crevices on his mug that may require a Vernier gauge!
Benn grew a beard to stop me measuring I`d say…but I was wise to that.
After their despicable trashing of Mrs T when she died-the Left deserve THEIR coffins mocking…any news on that Bob Crow Tax to make rich council house squatters pay THEIR share of the tax burden?
The Left started this-looking forward to finishing it…fun being Toriscum innit?
both the BBC and Daily Mail websites get more views than the Guardian
It’s the Daily Mail not the Guardian.
Thats what i thought, the mail. Anyway, the “expert” on the breakfast sofa said the guardian. Fraudian slip i spose guv
it’s like Rainbow TV this morning on breakfast. We have a gay black bloke doing the sport and Tomasz fudge-packer doing the weather all giggling away with Naga no talent and that other bloke who nobody knows his name
Sounds as though today our Naga is running the harem of house eunuchs.
Saturday morning and we’re still on Mondays thread! Time for a new one please
Fellow contributors have already mentioned the tragic demise of the splendid Independent newspaper.
I’m sure everyone here will miss it.
I thought that I would jot down this fine and honest organ’s last headline; just for old time’s sake…
“Calais refuges terrorised by armed far right militia”
Yep, that’s what it says. So, unsurprisingly, no mention of the awful plight of the Calais residents at the hands of these economic migrants. Nothing about the aborted Shakespeare production, given by misguided thespians, who fled because the audience were armed to the teeth with knives and machetes. Nothing about the appalling crime wave, the anti French graffiti or the fact that residents are living in a situation of daily terror in an occupied town.
Anyone feel like doing the media work for them. Check out Unbound Philanthropy who channel funds from the US to open boarders organizations in the UK.
Refugee organizations, Hope not Hate, all the BBC and Indie goodies. It is quite revealing as to who is backing the left.
Digging away at Unbound Philanthropy I saw that £200,000 was given to Hope Not Hate last year, also Refugee Support Network £75,000.00
Resolution Foundation £50,000.00
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00
Asylum Aid £150,000.00
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00
Immigration Law Practitioners £120,000.00
Migrant and Refugee Community Forum
Migrants Rights Network £120,000.00 and on and on.
A few bob like this comes in handy and trickles down to the street thugs of Antifa
The “Student Action for Refugees” caught my attention so I had a search and found one of the founding members was Andy Davies, formerly of Panorama and currently channel 4 Home Affairs Correspondent.
I’m sure he is impartial all the same. I don’t have a problem with anybody working in the media holding left of centre or hard left political opinions, the problem I have is when they are ALL like that. How about some of that diversity they all push regarding the political background of their own staff? Same with the tired old lefty commentators doing the endless BBC circuit lining their pockets with licence fee money, but thats the problem with the left isn’t it? They constantly harp on about equality and diversity but the reality is they practice anything but, they have no tolerance whatsoever for anyone who disagrees with them.
The French people have a long tradition of taking action when their governments don’t do what they want them to. ( Brits pl note) Is it to be wondered at that a group of folks have finally given up on their government looking out for their interests and decided to to do something about it ? Right across western Europe governments have long been in thrall of mass migration and multiculturalism , largely against their people’s wishes, and things have got to the stage where the authorities are actually putting the needs and wishes of their own people behind those of the unwanted migrants. So whilst violent reaction is unpleasant, because the authorities ignore their people’s wishes on an issue of critical importance, it is the only way that most Europeans have of resisting the migrant influx that their leaders seem to welcome. Either the governments stop the migration or the people will try to do it themselves. The elite have been warned.
I like Michael Portillo’s railway extravaganzas, generally. However his current series is based in the USA, and it’s beginning to become obvious to me that he’s dwelling perhaps a little too long on slavery issues, rather than those of the railway.
I find it disturbing that so many “racial” issues are creeping into what used to be innocuous, and informative documentaries.
Thanks for the warning. I’ll use fast forward whenever we get to the ‘slavery’ bits.
I saw last evenings programme and noted the same, Portillo was describing how a Mr Smith? an Englishman arrived and, after surveying the area brought in ‘the first black slave’ to help with the settlement of the area, following this up with some remark about the problems which followed. This reference to slavery and the implied evils of the English settlers was entirely gratuitous and irrelevant, as it was in the 17th century, well before railways, and clearly to me was included because it fits the BBC agenda of belittling our English and colonial past. References to the indigenous population were entirely favourable too, the impression given was they were welcoming to the struggling incomers, fitting again nicely into the BBC’s wide agenda and intended as a message for today.
He should stick to railways on which he is doing a good job.
Sadly, Portillo has gone to the very squishy side of the Conservative party. Had he not, of course, there would be absolutely no chance of him ever appearing on the BBC.
To me Portillo is the voice of reason and balance among a hotbed of the usual BBC lefty/liberal luvees.
(which does not include Andrew Neal) Together they help to keep my sanity intact.
If the native Americans really did welcome the first white settlers, remind me how it ended for them? Think it won’t happen to us?
Guess who used to work for the now defunct Independent?
“”The BBC’s Andrew Marr, a former editor of the Independent….””
“”The first front page of the Independent was written by Mark Urban, now BBC Newsnight’s diplomatic correspondent””
Left Wing newspaper to Left Wing Biased BBC. They have no shame.
Yes, well, they have no other potential employers, either
Still though eh?…what a load of origami winding sheets and shrouds can now be furnished.
Lots of fat fish and flounders who can now be finally wrapped up, now they`ve had their chips.
Smell of sour vinegar and all taken with a pinch of verucca salt….fun to see the slugs dissolve in their own juices eh?
Must be simple to be dead men walking when you wrote your own obituaries way back before the BBC/Channel 4 took you on…and we carry these talentless twats like Marr, Newman and Urban.
Handbags and Bad rags…is it papier mache grade standard…and who NOW will continue to pay for Johann Haris John Bull printing press apprenticeship ?
Poor Mark Steel, poor Yasmin…very poor!
Wonder if Rupe would reopen the News of the World for them all, if they begged a bit?
Anyone remember “The Sunday Correspondent”? A quality, decent M.O.R tabloid that lasted just a year in the late eighties? Buried by the introduction of the… “Independent on Sunday.” Yep, didn’t bother the Independent then. Good to see The Inde’ go. “Guardian lite” as we call it at Polly’s Villa.
A few of us have planned a celebration when The Guardian finally disappears as a paper…which it will…then where will the Toynbee creature and the rest of them end up? Take a guess…the Bloodsucking Bollinger Collective awaits.
Collapsed under its self-virtue and joyless Union agitations as I recall.
Couldn`t give it away up here in the North East, despite the never-ending free vouchers that were given out with it.
Was written by committee by Labours waling wall, and was so badly financed and cobbled together that it was an object lesson in how the media needs to be left to professionals like Rupert, Kelvin and Donald.
Yes I know Don`s never run a paper-but just wanted to pile on the professional boss class who graciously let their wealth trickle down to the miserable incompetent sponges of the print unions and their fatuous hacks.
The Indie today-should we not be taking bets on the Glorious Day when the Guardian squeezes its last Dignitas Edition out from under Polly Toynbees rubber ringed commode?
Guido nails it on Bumbledim’s tirade against the far right who want to harm auntie.
Guido’s “Oddly partisan for a Dimbleby” shows what an idiot he has become. No wonder his commenters have gone elsewhere. That is what having too much contact with the political class does – it taints.
“– and quite a test of his status as an impartial presenter – “.
One almost knowingly failed, as if it was of no consequence.
Oh they did the same when I went to an edition last year!
Not Dimbly though who was too busy matching pith helmet to laundered linen suit, as sat on by virginal interns who added value to the town with the usual riders demanded by local bumpkins ever so grateful for the BBC futon flatbed to park up.
No-more subtle they were then…some warm up man got the town wrong, thought the local contacts name was Lee Rigby!…o, h and we got a loop of “great BBC tunes” as we walked in and walked out…ever so grateful!
Utterly counterproductive in that the only theme tune they played that was still around and worth the license fee was “I`m Sorry, I haven`t a Clue”…all the rest was stuff they`ve LONG been making(Dads Army)…or only reminds us how shit they are today(Newsnight).
At least they reminded many of us how low they`ve sunk…and it won`t take too much to scuttle the Pirate Radio gargoyles with the emptiest heads…a bat up the Naughtie please Mr Nutkins!
Blondes have more fun? Not the two babes on Today this morning – Sarah Montague, and Lisa Markwell (editor of The Independent on Sunday) mourning the death of The Independent.
“We’ve always found it terribly depressing that people will happily pay £3.70 for an appalling coffee from a take-out place and yet they won’t pay £1.60 , £2.20 on Sunday, for a novel’s worth of terrific writing” [not exactly verbatim].
I had the same trouble when I set up my street-stall selling bull-shit sandwiches, the buggers kept walking past and going to Prat a Munchie.
Their apparent shock that people won’t buy the secondhand sub-Marxist twaddle peddled by that doomed rag shows how far from reality these clowns have strayed from anything even remotely resembling reality.
A delight when we disappoint the likes of Saran and Lisa isn`t it?
If only we could appoint a new World Government headed up by a Miliband or a Clintobama…and replace the current sorry ingrates in their white vans and matching faces with multicultured colours of benetton types like Chukka, Anjem of Michael Adebowale…with the likes of Sarah and Lisa to wave a lavender hankie by the noses of the poor on the way to Prat a Minger.
Oh the humanity!…poor Monty, poor Markie!
And on they go to rub our noses in their diversity-but with one less Peoples Daily Workshy Fop Rag to wipe their glowing brows with.
Any therapy they might go to…at our expense of course?
Cue a bit of jus dilution, as they weep over the canapes at their Islington suppers or Cotswolds caterwaulings tonight…and we`ll just have to line the cats litter tray with something that was more successful in absorbing the leaks and stoolage of Chairman Meow!
If the “elites” of the West are so keen on assisting those poor souls seeking refuge from persecution and poverty in the Third World, then why not include these people?
Perhaps the BBC will send a team there
Isn’t it odd how the BBC manage to get their pathetic, weak, lily-livered apologist political correctness into every walk of life. i just heard some clueless bint interviewing Eddie Jones after he had said he wants England to go out and ‘smack’ Italy on Sunday. According to the bint , that is disrespectful.
Sorry Eddie, the game’s up, you are an Italiaphobe. Welcome to the world of the left wing media. As your punishment you’ll have to put a couple of Syrian refugees in the side.
seismic…I noted that also. I expect the extreme, far left, politically correct bbbc doris hasn’t ever even touched a rugby ball……..Pure bbbc just putting their usual agenda into ANY section of pre prepared video and , of course trying to undermine ANYTHING that is English. I expect that they are quite disappointed they have to broadcast the rugby anyway (well, half of it)
Well said, EG.
She probably went to a school where competitive sports were banned.
My God!
Just came across this opening to a debate a few years ago by Ibn Warraq.
Never heard such a ten minute onslaught into Islam and relativism -and such a defence of all the West and of all that WE “bang on about “!
Brilliant-do listen, God Bless this titan…knew he was good-but not THIS good?
Brilliant…can`t wait to hear Terry Ramalamadingdongs reply to THAT!
D Murray is excellent too, it used to be only on audio, now full vid
oh … while you re down there 😀
Saw this one yesterday-it`s a Doug Festival for me at the minute!
Note again that the two Muslims who support the motion.
Utterly shameless, even when they clearly are as “enlightened” as Islam gets.
When rumbled, both of them revert to type-just can`t be helped.
Again-taqiyya, taqiyya and taqiyya…the flimsy defences just collapse on even the slightest attack.
After watching that debate, the only question left was how did Islam come to be known as a religion of peace. Not even muslims could claim this. It is about as valid a question as Is the World Flat?
So a quick search of the origins of the slogan The Religion of Peace. It seems an Urdu speaking Muslim called ishtiaq husain qureshi wrote the book ‘The Religion of Peace’ in 1930. He did not speak arabic, as all his titles are in Urdu or English.
And not surprisingly, ‘The Religion of Peace’ was written in English. So it was a description of islam, not a translation of the word islam. So Islam spent 1300 of its 1390 years (approx) not being a religion of peace.
The term was not put to use until the 1970’s. No doubt something to do with the civil rights movement spanning the globe. Even the IRA got in on the act. No follower of islam can honestly use the term any more than i can claim i come from narnia. Both terms come from works of fiction.
Although, I think Nicki Campbell will be discussing ‘Should Narnian’s be given equal rights?’ in the morning.
chrisH – thanks for linking that; some great stuff in there:
“Life in the West is an open book whereas under Islam it is a closed book.”
“Islamic heaven is a cosmic brothel.”
The reason why people like Ibn Warraq, Hirsi Ali and Sam Solomon are so hated by Muslims is that they have seen the inside of the sausage factory and so when they speak their words carry a tremendous amount of force, which is difficult for Muslims and their apologists to counter.
Just listened to Tariq at 26 mins….and if he doesn`t personify the taqiyya slithery Islamic cover required by his chums, then I can`t think of anybody who does it.
Utterly shameless deceit from A to Z….but worth a watch if you want to see evil in as many forked tongues as you`d like.
Transgender on the voice. Cant sing either, obviously drafted in for the beebs own reasons
I have to ask, why on a Saturday night would one put oneself through such torture in watching such turgid BBC cr@p?
Especially when Dads Army is on the other side… !
This explains Islam’s stance against Valentine’s Day:
“”Pakistan president condemns St Valentine’s Day””
“”President Mamnoon Hussain told students that it was a Western tradition and conflicted with Muslim culture””
UK next?
Is there anything on this earth that doesn’t “conflict with muslim culture”?
Paradoxically yes,
To comply with muslim culture you would have to send your Valentine to the cousin your family had arranged for you to marry.