First off, how is this possible when we are all equal and gender has no baring upon ones ability to do a job?
Secondly, if it turns out to be the truth, the logical truth not just the BBC truth, then thats just how it is and good for them, I just wonder how eager the BBC would be to feature this study if the opposite stance was taken.
But then we already know its codswallop because the genders are totally equal, to suggest that women are better at a particular task because they are women is a greasy BBC slope as that raises the possibility of the reverse being true. And that would never do, would it?
So this study group looks at a single on-line community and then attempts to determine the ‘gender’ of its users by matching usernames with other communities – a bit like assuming that the owner of the domain name ‘superman’ is the same as ‘superman’ on Facebook, Linkedin, BiasedBBC, Google, Yahoo etc. Everyone who has tried to create an e-mail address like will know how clever that is.
Next they establish how ‘good’ the code is by how well people ‘like’ it, sort of more Facebook posts of cats get more ‘likes’ than dogs, so cats are better. Turns out that about three-quarters of people like cats and three-quarters of people like dogs, but cats ‘win’ by a few percentage points – “Go Cats!”
Surprisingly when people self-identify the ‘approval’ rating goes down, bit like when Mandy posts her new profile picture, ‘stuck-up bitch’, and Michael posts his, ‘poseur‘, but Michael doesn’t flaunt as much so doesn’t suffer as much as Mandy.
Then, and of course this is the real point as noted above, the researchers get the result that they wanted, and the BBC the story that they want, and they shout it from the roof tops. If the effect had gone the other way, (and been just as insignificant), it wouldn’t have been published. That is what is called bias.
The article also contains the key phrase “The paper is awaiting peer review.” In science, if your research hasn’t been peer reviewed then it could be completely false.
OK, but it WAS a first attempt…I assume his second effort was better…and, at last a land-based sport that our Izzy Wizzies can compete in…file under “not tripping on his long frock….but falling with style”
and … he was rushing to greet, (the just out of shot) Al BBC Social Justice Warrior Frank Gardiner.
To show his appreciation for all the Islamophile appeasement, since they last met
… being Islamic always have difficulty setting the timer.
The BBC seems to be obsessed with manipulating the minds of the public to accept that the Zika virus is linked to microcephaly and Guillain Barre syndrome, and to accept that unleashing genetically modified mosquitoes is the answer. Where, oh where, are the intelligent investigative journalists who might once have questioned what lies behind and who is raking in the cash? Since 2012 pregnant women in Brazil, Columbia and the UK, have been either forced, encouraged / emotionally blackmailed to accept vaccination for influenza and a combined whooping cough/tetanus/diptheria/polio (Tdap) vaccination. These vaccines were not tested on pregnant women or their unborn babies. The first Tdap vaccine used on pregnant women in the UK specifically stated that it was not to be used on pregnant women. The pharaceutical manufacturers of the vaccines must be laughing all the way to the bank. The company that makes the GM mosquitoes was bought in 2015 by a US company for $160 million and that company’s share prices rise with the MSM’s elevation of Zika Project Fear. And we have to carry on working to pay the weirdoes who control the BBC on an ‘ask no questions, just pay the price’ basis?
Good work, Pillar! I recommended following the money a week or so ago ( – I thought the immigration angle in the post above mine to be a little far-fetched), and it seems you’ve gone and done the work an investigative journalist should’ve.
Sticking my head above the parapet here…… there IS something on the Beeb I like…… Well, BBC4 to be exact, yet another Scandi whodunit. Tonight was Trapped and I’m hooked, now if I can just remember to watch it in the following weeks !!!!
I don’t agree. BBC 4, now and again, manages to produce some enjoyable programmes. Its essays on art history have been pretty good and you get the occasional gem like the recent Music Moguls history of pop star managers since the 1950s. But that’s the real tragedy: there are still people in the Corporation who know how to make watchable programmes but they have been marginalised by the cretins who patronise the mass market with endless reruns of Dad’s Army, mindless cookery and antique shows and drama so politically loaded that Stalin would have considered it safe fit for viewing.
Even Radio Four now and again manages to make a programme that isn’t about ‘the disabled’, ‘climate change’, or ‘asylum seekers’ (though they are few and far between, I admit).
What is needed is a massive cull. If the BBC were cut back right back to the core, even hardened sceptics might be surprised by what it can do. But while it continues to aim for the lowest common denominator, bloated on free money, it drags all British broadcasting down to its own banal, politically correct level.
GC Cooper- I agree the BBC do make excellent programs in particular comedy and documentaries (in my view).
Unlike some on this forum I have no wish to see the BBC destroyed but wish to see it’s political/social narratives to be unbiased and/or to reflect the views of the majority and not those of the metropolitan elite.
To destroy the BBC would be to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’
I partly agree, but come down in favour of destruction. Others can make the good programmes. The rate at which good documentaries (think of debauched science documentaries) and PC/Diversity is destroying its drama and comedy shows is heading them towards a rapid death
Reluctantly, I have come down on the side of destruction. I think the BBC is unredeemable but I just don’t think it is true that there are no good programme makers left there.
The trouble is that like some twisted version of Gresham’s law, bad programme makers have almost entirely driven out the good.
Whether programmes of the type I mentioned would ever be made by a commercial channel remains to be seen – and if they would not, that would be a great shame.
12 child rapists, a 13-year-old girl in the tsunami of Islamic child rape attacks, , riots in Greek rapefugee centres, rabid antisemitism rise in German junior schools, having to post police to protect children in Swedish swimming pools, supposed erm desperate “refugees” throwing their passports away and going through 8 or even 10 countries to seek asylum, and marauding third world savages who terrorise people in their own homes at Calais, meanwhile “Zeebrugge Next – Set to be Overrun by Migrants Aiming For Britain” and French Prime Minister States: There Will Be Other Major Terror Attacks
BBC The Big Questions – The BBCs flagship moral/ethical debate show wants to know
… wait for it
is Buddhism too much about the self?
Apparently, at peak output, this new gas field off the Shetlands could supply all of Scotland’s average gas needs. And with total reliability too.
Not good enough I tell you, what Scotland wants is ruinously expensive, intermittent and unreliable energy from windmills that blight the landscape. I am sure the SNP and BBC will agree.
The demise of the Independent gave me a belly laugh as I hope it did others here. Even funnier, given the insignificance of the rag, look at the company it keeps on this page:
What next? School tuck shop to stop selling unprofitable sherbet dips.
Lol, Marr has got the editor of the failed paper on. He’s giving it large on why we must stay in the EU, no hint of circumspection. It wouldn’t cross his mind that telling British people what’s good for them might have hastened his, and his paper’s, demise.
There was much sympathetic talk, but no references to the collapse in its circulation, nor the reasons for this. It cannot be mentioned on the BBC that people may have stopped buying it because it constantly published stuff people did not wish to read and didn’t believe.
Whilst enjoying the death of the Indie I eagerly anticipate the ugly death of the Guardian. I hear it has restricted/banned comments on several of its articles.
Never mind, it presents itself as a champion of free speech.
Hope you can see the Guardian vid here..
Maybe the Guardian could convert that old Shoreditch hipster cafe that was losing them a fortune into a Dignitas Clinic for old dead and dying press studs like Polly, Owen and Yasmin.
Save hiring a bus to show them how Rupert and Sir Paul, Kelvin and Boris have managed to successfully keep their ideas in print and in business-WITHOUT the endless weed and pills that the BBC pass onto them by way of “sponsorship”…both Indie and Guardian would be dead long ago if the Beeb were not cross-subsiding the vermin…imagine Channel 4 boobies trying to actually compete to report these days, unlike Rod, Douglas, Melanie and Peter H!
No-just pipe through their old editorials on climate change and joining the Euro…they`ll fall asleep and fall off their high horses one by one.
Camilla as a trampoline to protect their fall?Or maybe the BBC could get saviles sticky bean bags out to cushion the Dead Heads of dying liberal lefty toadmeisters like them?
Add the President of the Czech Republic to Leaders in Hungary, Geert Wilders in Hollland, Poland etc, of those who see clearly the absolute National suicide reality of the democratic incompatibility of importing vast swathes of Is1am migrants:
These leaders are standing up for their inhabitants futures, with clear foresight. If only Cameron and Merkel would stand up for the same and apply such common sense:
Thanks for posting charlatans…and to Vlad for making it possible…can`t recommend Gates of Vienna highly enough.
I bet the EU rue the day that they let New Europe into any political influence-I`ve been over there, and there remains a residual bunch of old scholars and statemen/women who know full well that the EU is the EUSSR in embryo…only pink and lemon as opposed to red and yellow “occupation colours of those who were invariably “invited in by fraternal means”.
The EU get all their euphemisms , weasel words and methods from the Commi playbooks of Mao and Marx, their social policies and rationales from Soviet psychiatric wards.
Zeman is a hero-always is too!
We owe Sakharov, Bonner, Sharansky, Solzhenitsyn(and all whose names are now known only to God) EVERYTHING-we owe Walesa, Popieluszko, Havel and so many others for their sacrifices for us…and the likes now of Zeman, those EU refusninks of Sovakia, Poland and Hungary and Vaclav Klaus are the fruit of all that resistance to the EU “project”….Operation Dhimmigration for the coming Eurabian dream of theirs.
Off-topic possibly, but a few days back someone ( cant recall who) recommended a good read:
After America get ready for armageddon, by Mark Steyn.
I followd the advice and have begun reading, and must say a big thankyou to the original poster of the info….it is rivetting stuff……do not miss it.
Probably me – I finished it a week, or so, ago. It is an excellent book, and prophetic. It shows us, readily, the deep doo-doo we are all in – not just America, either. The only change, since he wrote it, was the unexpected decline in oil prices, where he was expecting them to soar through the roof.
I recommend it to anyone, and everyone who has even the slightest interest in our inevitable decline.
Many thanks OG, much appreciated.
The oil price shift could be detrimental either rising or falling.
I’m only about a quarter of the way through….and it’s easy when reading to miss the point of when it was written, because so much has come true since he wriote it.
There are indeed powerful lessons for Europe of course…and the deterioration in our circumstances and leaders is mindblowing.
Lol, Hammond on Marr. ‘There are 150,000 moderate opposition forces in Syria today’. So they’ve more than doubled since Cameron’s ‘dodgy’ claim of 70,000 a couple of months ago. He opens his mouth and lies tumble out, the man is an absolute disgrace.
Needless to say, he’s a big fan of the EU and Camerons brilliant treaty negotiations.
These elites, like Cameron and Hammond and countless others, must be removed from Lording it over us. This is not a party political point, there are just as many oily Establishment figures in the Labour party for example.
The best way to do this is to vote to LEAVE THE EU. We can then demand their resignations from their positions of power and we will also be able to reform the BBC, if not dismantle it completely.
I intended to add – it is worth emphasising – don’t be fooled by their claims that they believe that being in the EU is in our best interests. They don’t believe that. They know that if we, the people, vote to leave, they will have to go too, so they are fighting simply to save their own skins.
Has anyone been, er, “following” the awful “Real Marigold Hotel” series – repeats just finished on BBC2?
It’s about a disparate bunch of “Z” lest so-called “celebrities”, who take a trip to India, with retirement in mind, based on the original Film.
What a bunch of whining, whingeing spenders of the licence tax. I was cringing throughout (it was only on because the other ‘alf wanted to see it, having been to India , herself).
It ticked all the boxes with the participants though…
Miriam Margolyse – Jewish, obese, lesbian “actor”
Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘has been’
Wayne Sleep – ageing old-queen dancer (with a ‘husband’, and very interested in the Indian “Gay scene”, which he learned to his chagrin was a membership best kept to oneself, in India.
Roy Walker – ageing ex-quiz master, and probably the sanest of the bunch
Bobby George – blustering old darts player
Rosemary Shrager – obese chef, who shouts a lot
Patti Boulaye – one-time singer, and wearer of false eyelashes which make her look ridiculous
Jan Leeming – ex- news presenter, who told us so many times that she didn’t really want another bloke (she’s had six), but wouldn’t turn down any offers, because, you know, she lives on her own, and can be quite lonely. Oh, and she lives alone. Did you know that she lived on her own? Well she does, so any offers will be greedily scrutinised (she lives on her own , you know).
If I saw any of that lot wandering the streets of Jaiphur, I’d turn and walk the other way, as quickly as the heat and humidity would allow. What a shower.
Didn’t watch it but sounds like seven hells. One slight adjustment to your fine summary : Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘has been’ should read: Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘never was’
Brings to mind a memory about my old dad when he heard a bit of Indian music always used to say “Ah, India, my India” – he wasn’t a relic of the Raj, I think this was just a quote from some old TV show from before my time that romanticized the subcontinent – no doubt from the BBC
I think the most obvious omission throughout was that these ‘celebs’ were looking for a potential second home in Jaipur in which to ‘over winter’. This is significantly different from full retirement in an entirely alien culture but best not spoil the story-line, eh?
That ongoing search for balance – I bet they don’t find it
BBC News Channel paper review last night hosted by Chris Rogers by the way sporting a distracting amount of blusher and an alarming electric blue suit welcomed two “familiar faces” – as our Chris puts it. No names no frack drills. Or to put it another way a couple of BBC trustees – as in Luke Warm from Porridge, not actual members of the BBC Trust, you understand.
One journo guy from The People was very keen for “Balance” on the EU and the in/out debate around which this paper review revolved.
He was not coming down on either side but kept banging on about the fairness of debate and the real issues to be put to people – how will this really affect people, he kept asking? He left me wondering how naive he could be to really expect a definite and accurate pounds shillings and pence calculation for every individual.
I fear a forthcoming Cameron claim of say £3000 a year cost of Brexit and this bumbling journo will be ready and willing to swallow it hook, line and Burroso.
Meanwhile if we assume this guy was on the fence his female colleague was not. She was very pro-EU and although at first she played us along by simply trashing anti-EU newspapers and their claims, by about three quarters into the paper review she admitted her decidedly pro-EU stance.
So I make that one and a half for Remain and none for Leave.
Well done BBC. The pity is that the three agreed the papers could not be trusted on this and that the voters would have to rely on broadcasters for balance!
I thought in these cases the BBC presenter was supposed to play ‘some people might say’?
We’ll have to pause here whilst the Devil calls for another lawyer. Our showily attired Chris certainly wasn’t going to weigh in with any UKIP talking points.
Is anyone still seriously in any doubt that the BBC is pro-EU?
I read via Guido (it must have been a boring morning!) that the BBC has decided to run an eye over the Tories’ manifesto pledges, seeing which they have kept and which…. well, you get the idea, I’m sure. One assumes the second list will take but a few seconds of airtime.
I have no issue with the BBC doing this sort of thing but casting my mind back, I can’t remember the Corporation having done anything similar during the Blair/Brown junta’s lost years. Can anyone else?
As usual, the BBC seems to be acting as ‘Her Majesty’s (dis)loyal opposition’ – from the far Left edge of the spectrum.
If you didn’t manage to catch the BBC’s Artsnight on Friday you really should look it up on the I-player. It was so excruciatingly awful that it was good. The prog’ was dedicated to women in the arts and interviewed “artist” Sarah Lucas. Sarah is an “artist in the same vein as Tracey and Damien; ie neither have any discernible talent so they produce complete tat that sets out to shock and has about as much to do with real art as professional wrestling has to do with sport.
Sarah has an exhibition on at the moment. This mainly depicts sculptures showing the lower half of the naked female body. These figures have their legs wide open and a cigarette is strategically placed in a rather intimate area. Everyone involved treated this utterly puerile codswallop with such po faced reverence that it could easily have been from a Monty Python skit . Pseuds’ corner really had nothing on this.
Towards the end of the prog’ they interviewed an art collector who specialises in women artists. She dragged us through her gallery of pretentious crap, waffling pompously about the “elevating and empowering merits,” of something that looked like a broken lampshade, until we reached a small alcove. “In here” she told us breathlessly, “is what I call my Mona Lisa.” The camera peered into the recesses of the room and at first I thought it was out of focus, but it wasn’t. Staring back at us was a misshapen blob of a “face” made up of many colours; the sort of thing my daughter might have done when she was nine and Daddy would have said, “oh that’s lovely,” and put it somewhere where no-one could be frightened it.
If Leonardo was still around he’d be contacting his lawyers.
One day, when the the BBC is no more, we’ll look back on this and laugh.
I like to think that these kind of ‘artists’ are only to well aware that they are talentless producers of tat, and a bit like the conmen in the emperors new clothes are just milking it for everything they can get until they are found out, while laughing uncontollably on the inside at those who fawn all over them. The alternative is just to depressing to contemplate.
Jeff- Yes I see this programme and also thought ‘Monty Python’ plus Harry Enfield etc.
I know a bit about this and remember being involved in a row (when I worked in a University) involving a cleaner who had unknowingly destroyed a so called work of art by sweeping it off the floor.
I would also add that the BBC arts interviewer was pushing the feminist agenda extremely hard and seemed to insert questions related to the feminist cause at every opportunity, almost out of context of the presentation of this pathetic pornographic so called art.
I see that ‘project fear’ has launched a more subtle approach from the Cameron pro EU camp. Philip Hammond on the BBC Andrew Marr show today stated that:
‘ There is a fear that if Britain leaves (the EU) the contagion will spread and those that feel we will get a great deal with Europe forget that the countries remaining in the European Union will be looking over their shoulder at people in their own countries saying if the Brits can do it why can’t we? and they (the countries) will not have an interest in demonstrating that we (Britain) can succeed outside the European Union’
So presumably these countries would be prepared to lose billions of euros of trade in order to prevent their own people insisting that they leave the European Union?
A case of cutting off their nose to spite their face? Yeah right, try again!
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“Women write better code, study suggests”
First off, how is this possible when we are all equal and gender has no baring upon ones ability to do a job?
Secondly, if it turns out to be the truth, the logical truth not just the BBC truth, then thats just how it is and good for them, I just wonder how eager the BBC would be to feature this study if the opposite stance was taken.
But then we already know its codswallop because the genders are totally equal, to suggest that women are better at a particular task because they are women is a greasy BBC slope as that raises the possibility of the reverse being true. And that would never do, would it?
Women might better battered cod?…at least SOME Womans Hour femmies are being “radicalised” By old Fanny Craddock…and about time too!
So this study group looks at a single on-line community and then attempts to determine the ‘gender’ of its users by matching usernames with other communities – a bit like assuming that the owner of the domain name ‘superman’ is the same as ‘superman’ on Facebook, Linkedin, BiasedBBC, Google, Yahoo etc. Everyone who has tried to create an e-mail address like will know how clever that is.
Next they establish how ‘good’ the code is by how well people ‘like’ it, sort of more Facebook posts of cats get more ‘likes’ than dogs, so cats are better. Turns out that about three-quarters of people like cats and three-quarters of people like dogs, but cats ‘win’ by a few percentage points – “Go Cats!”
Surprisingly when people self-identify the ‘approval’ rating goes down, bit like when Mandy posts her new profile picture, ‘stuck-up bitch’, and Michael posts his, ‘poseur‘, but Michael doesn’t flaunt as much so doesn’t suffer as much as Mandy.
Then, and of course this is the real point as noted above, the researchers get the result that they wanted, and the BBC the story that they want, and they shout it from the roof tops. If the effect had gone the other way, (and been just as insignificant), it wouldn’t have been published. That is what is called bias.
The article also contains the key phrase “The paper is awaiting peer review.” In science, if your research hasn’t been peer reviewed then it could be completely false.
The BBCs thoughts and prayers are with the family of the Jihadi deceased…
Eddie the Eagle takes some IZAL firelighters home for his mum, express delivery…
Nah….Even the fallen Jihadi had more basic style and panache than Eddie the Eagle..
OK, but it WAS a first attempt…I assume his second effort was better…and, at last a land-based sport that our Izzy Wizzies can compete in…file under “not tripping on his long frock….but falling with style”
and … he was rushing to greet, (the just out of shot) Al BBC Social Justice Warrior Frank Gardiner.
To show his appreciation for all the Islamophile appeasement, since they last met
… being Islamic always have difficulty setting the timer.
Why has that pile of sand got a dunces cap on?…he seems the smartest bloke on the street!
Now that’s a sport I would like all Muslims to take up.
Beheadings perhaps?
Sorry. My above comment was in answer to Lobster’s excellent question.
I just posted it in the wrong place.
The BBC seems to be obsessed with manipulating the minds of the public to accept that the Zika virus is linked to microcephaly and Guillain Barre syndrome, and to accept that unleashing genetically modified mosquitoes is the answer. Where, oh where, are the intelligent investigative journalists who might once have questioned what lies behind and who is raking in the cash? Since 2012 pregnant women in Brazil, Columbia and the UK, have been either forced, encouraged / emotionally blackmailed to accept vaccination for influenza and a combined whooping cough/tetanus/diptheria/polio (Tdap) vaccination. These vaccines were not tested on pregnant women or their unborn babies. The first Tdap vaccine used on pregnant women in the UK specifically stated that it was not to be used on pregnant women. The pharaceutical manufacturers of the vaccines must be laughing all the way to the bank. The company that makes the GM mosquitoes was bought in 2015 by a US company for $160 million and that company’s share prices rise with the MSM’s elevation of Zika Project Fear. And we have to carry on working to pay the weirdoes who control the BBC on an ‘ask no questions, just pay the price’ basis?
Good work, Pillar! I recommended following the money a week or so ago ( – I thought the immigration angle in the post above mine to be a little far-fetched), and it seems you’ve gone and done the work an investigative journalist should’ve.
Bad BBC.
Sticking my head above the parapet here…… there IS something on the Beeb I like…… Well, BBC4 to be exact, yet another Scandi whodunit. Tonight was Trapped and I’m hooked, now if I can just remember to watch it in the following weeks !!!!
The only good programmes on the BBC are not made by the BBC. Doesn’t seem like a very good deal for £4bn a year somehow.
I don’t agree. BBC 4, now and again, manages to produce some enjoyable programmes. Its essays on art history have been pretty good and you get the occasional gem like the recent Music Moguls history of pop star managers since the 1950s. But that’s the real tragedy: there are still people in the Corporation who know how to make watchable programmes but they have been marginalised by the cretins who patronise the mass market with endless reruns of Dad’s Army, mindless cookery and antique shows and drama so politically loaded that Stalin would have considered it safe fit for viewing.
Even Radio Four now and again manages to make a programme that isn’t about ‘the disabled’, ‘climate change’, or ‘asylum seekers’ (though they are few and far between, I admit).
What is needed is a massive cull. If the BBC were cut back right back to the core, even hardened sceptics might be surprised by what it can do. But while it continues to aim for the lowest common denominator, bloated on free money, it drags all British broadcasting down to its own banal, politically correct level.
GC Cooper- I agree the BBC do make excellent programs in particular comedy and documentaries (in my view).
Unlike some on this forum I have no wish to see the BBC destroyed but wish to see it’s political/social narratives to be unbiased and/or to reflect the views of the majority and not those of the metropolitan elite.
To destroy the BBC would be to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’
I partly agree, but come down in favour of destruction. Others can make the good programmes. The rate at which good documentaries (think of debauched science documentaries) and PC/Diversity is destroying its drama and comedy shows is heading them towards a rapid death
Reluctantly, I have come down on the side of destruction. I think the BBC is unredeemable but I just don’t think it is true that there are no good programme makers left there.
The trouble is that like some twisted version of Gresham’s law, bad programme makers have almost entirely driven out the good.
Whether programmes of the type I mentioned would ever be made by a commercial channel remains to be seen – and if they would not, that would be a great shame.
12 child rapists, a 13-year-old girl in the tsunami of Islamic child rape attacks, , riots in Greek rapefugee centres, rabid antisemitism rise in German junior schools, having to post police to protect children in Swedish swimming pools, supposed erm desperate “refugees” throwing their passports away and going through 8 or even 10 countries to seek asylum, and marauding third world savages who terrorise people in their own homes at Calais, meanwhile “Zeebrugge Next – Set to be Overrun by Migrants Aiming For Britain” and French Prime Minister States: There Will Be Other Major Terror Attacks
BBC The Big Questions – The BBCs flagship moral/ethical debate show wants to know
… wait for it
is Buddhism too much about the self?
knew it … those damn Buddhists eh!
Apparently, at peak output, this new gas field off the Shetlands could supply all of Scotland’s average gas needs. And with total reliability too.
Not good enough I tell you, what Scotland wants is ruinously expensive, intermittent and unreliable energy from windmills that blight the landscape. I am sure the SNP and BBC will agree.
The demise of the Independent gave me a belly laugh as I hope it did others here. Even funnier, given the insignificance of the rag, look at the company it keeps on this page:
What next? School tuck shop to stop selling unprofitable sherbet dips.
Lol, Marr has got the editor of the failed paper on. He’s giving it large on why we must stay in the EU, no hint of circumspection. It wouldn’t cross his mind that telling British people what’s good for them might have hastened his, and his paper’s, demise.
Its all about role-play, and Al Beeb loves role play.
There was much sympathetic talk, but no references to the collapse in its circulation, nor the reasons for this. It cannot be mentioned on the BBC that people may have stopped buying it because it constantly published stuff people did not wish to read and didn’t believe.
Too close to home for the BBC, methinks.
Whilst enjoying the death of the Indie I eagerly anticipate the ugly death of the Guardian. I hear it has restricted/banned comments on several of its articles.
Never mind, it presents itself as a champion of free speech.
Hope you can see the Guardian vid here..
Maybe the Guardian could convert that old Shoreditch hipster cafe that was losing them a fortune into a Dignitas Clinic for old dead and dying press studs like Polly, Owen and Yasmin.
Save hiring a bus to show them how Rupert and Sir Paul, Kelvin and Boris have managed to successfully keep their ideas in print and in business-WITHOUT the endless weed and pills that the BBC pass onto them by way of “sponsorship”…both Indie and Guardian would be dead long ago if the Beeb were not cross-subsiding the vermin…imagine Channel 4 boobies trying to actually compete to report these days, unlike Rod, Douglas, Melanie and Peter H!
No-just pipe through their old editorials on climate change and joining the Euro…they`ll fall asleep and fall off their high horses one by one.
Camilla as a trampoline to protect their fall?Or maybe the BBC could get saviles sticky bean bags out to cushion the Dead Heads of dying liberal lefty toadmeisters like them?
At last the truth is getting through.
Add the President of the Czech Republic to Leaders in Hungary, Geert Wilders in Hollland, Poland etc, of those who see clearly the absolute National suicide reality of the democratic incompatibility of importing vast swathes of Is1am migrants:
These leaders are standing up for their inhabitants futures, with clear foresight. If only Cameron and Merkel would stand up for the same and apply such common sense:
My God, some real politicians doing what they were elected to do! I’d forgotten what they looked like.
Will our leader ‘stand up’ and do the same ?
Thanks for posting charlatans…and to Vlad for making it possible…can`t recommend Gates of Vienna highly enough.
I bet the EU rue the day that they let New Europe into any political influence-I`ve been over there, and there remains a residual bunch of old scholars and statemen/women who know full well that the EU is the EUSSR in embryo…only pink and lemon as opposed to red and yellow “occupation colours of those who were invariably “invited in by fraternal means”.
The EU get all their euphemisms , weasel words and methods from the Commi playbooks of Mao and Marx, their social policies and rationales from Soviet psychiatric wards.
Zeman is a hero-always is too!
We owe Sakharov, Bonner, Sharansky, Solzhenitsyn(and all whose names are now known only to God) EVERYTHING-we owe Walesa, Popieluszko, Havel and so many others for their sacrifices for us…and the likes now of Zeman, those EU refusninks of Sovakia, Poland and Hungary and Vaclav Klaus are the fruit of all that resistance to the EU “project”….Operation Dhimmigration for the coming Eurabian dream of theirs.
Off-topic possibly, but a few days back someone ( cant recall who) recommended a good read:
After America get ready for armageddon, by Mark Steyn.
I followd the advice and have begun reading, and must say a big thankyou to the original poster of the info….it is rivetting stuff……do not miss it.
Probably me – I finished it a week, or so, ago. It is an excellent book, and prophetic. It shows us, readily, the deep doo-doo we are all in – not just America, either. The only change, since he wrote it, was the unexpected decline in oil prices, where he was expecting them to soar through the roof.
I recommend it to anyone, and everyone who has even the slightest interest in our inevitable decline.
Many thanks OG, much appreciated.
The oil price shift could be detrimental either rising or falling.
I’m only about a quarter of the way through….and it’s easy when reading to miss the point of when it was written, because so much has come true since he wriote it.
There are indeed powerful lessons for Europe of course…and the deterioration in our circumstances and leaders is mindblowing.
Lol, Hammond on Marr. ‘There are 150,000 moderate opposition forces in Syria today’. So they’ve more than doubled since Cameron’s ‘dodgy’ claim of 70,000 a couple of months ago. He opens his mouth and lies tumble out, the man is an absolute disgrace.
Needless to say, he’s a big fan of the EU and Camerons brilliant treaty negotiations.
These elites, like Cameron and Hammond and countless others, must be removed from Lording it over us. This is not a party political point, there are just as many oily Establishment figures in the Labour party for example.
The best way to do this is to vote to LEAVE THE EU. We can then demand their resignations from their positions of power and we will also be able to reform the BBC, if not dismantle it completely.
I intended to add – it is worth emphasising – don’t be fooled by their claims that they believe that being in the EU is in our best interests. They don’t believe that. They know that if we, the people, vote to leave, they will have to go too, so they are fighting simply to save their own skins.
Has anyone been, er, “following” the awful “Real Marigold Hotel” series – repeats just finished on BBC2?
It’s about a disparate bunch of “Z” lest so-called “celebrities”, who take a trip to India, with retirement in mind, based on the original Film.
What a bunch of whining, whingeing spenders of the licence tax. I was cringing throughout (it was only on because the other ‘alf wanted to see it, having been to India , herself).
It ticked all the boxes with the participants though…
Miriam Margolyse – Jewish, obese, lesbian “actor”
Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘has been’
Wayne Sleep – ageing old-queen dancer (with a ‘husband’, and very interested in the Indian “Gay scene”, which he learned to his chagrin was a membership best kept to oneself, in India.
Roy Walker – ageing ex-quiz master, and probably the sanest of the bunch
Bobby George – blustering old darts player
Rosemary Shrager – obese chef, who shouts a lot
Patti Boulaye – one-time singer, and wearer of false eyelashes which make her look ridiculous
Jan Leeming – ex- news presenter, who told us so many times that she didn’t really want another bloke (she’s had six), but wouldn’t turn down any offers, because, you know, she lives on her own, and can be quite lonely. Oh, and she lives alone. Did you know that she lived on her own? Well she does, so any offers will be greedily scrutinised (she lives on her own , you know).
If I saw any of that lot wandering the streets of Jaiphur, I’d turn and walk the other way, as quickly as the heat and humidity would allow. What a shower.
Didn’t watch it but sounds like seven hells. One slight adjustment to your fine summary : Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘has been’ should read: Sylvester McCoy – ageing ex Dr. Who ‘never was’
Brings to mind a memory about my old dad when he heard a bit of Indian music always used to say “Ah, India, my India” – he wasn’t a relic of the Raj, I think this was just a quote from some old TV show from before my time that romanticized the subcontinent – no doubt from the BBC
I think the most obvious omission throughout was that these ‘celebs’ were looking for a potential second home in Jaipur in which to ‘over winter’. This is significantly different from full retirement in an entirely alien culture but best not spoil the story-line, eh?
That ongoing search for balance – I bet they don’t find it
BBC News Channel paper review last night hosted by Chris Rogers by the way sporting a distracting amount of blusher and an alarming electric blue suit welcomed two “familiar faces” – as our Chris puts it. No names no frack drills. Or to put it another way a couple of BBC trustees – as in Luke Warm from Porridge, not actual members of the BBC Trust, you understand.
One journo guy from The People was very keen for “Balance” on the EU and the in/out debate around which this paper review revolved.
He was not coming down on either side but kept banging on about the fairness of debate and the real issues to be put to people – how will this really affect people, he kept asking? He left me wondering how naive he could be to really expect a definite and accurate pounds shillings and pence calculation for every individual.
I fear a forthcoming Cameron claim of say £3000 a year cost of Brexit and this bumbling journo will be ready and willing to swallow it hook, line and Burroso.
Meanwhile if we assume this guy was on the fence his female colleague was not. She was very pro-EU and although at first she played us along by simply trashing anti-EU newspapers and their claims, by about three quarters into the paper review she admitted her decidedly pro-EU stance.
So I make that one and a half for Remain and none for Leave.
Well done BBC. The pity is that the three agreed the papers could not be trusted on this and that the voters would have to rely on broadcasters for balance!
I thought in these cases the BBC presenter was supposed to play ‘some people might say’?
We’ll have to pause here whilst the Devil calls for another lawyer. Our showily attired Chris certainly wasn’t going to weigh in with any UKIP talking points.
Is anyone still seriously in any doubt that the BBC is pro-EU?
I cant find anything on Al Beeb about these ‘Britons’ yet ?
Those ‘men’ again.
The concern must now be how many have got through successfully prior to these ” Iraqi-born British subjects in their 20s.” being caught.
I read via Guido (it must have been a boring morning!) that the BBC has decided to run an eye over the Tories’ manifesto pledges, seeing which they have kept and which…. well, you get the idea, I’m sure. One assumes the second list will take but a few seconds of airtime.
I have no issue with the BBC doing this sort of thing but casting my mind back, I can’t remember the Corporation having done anything similar during the Blair/Brown junta’s lost years. Can anyone else?
As usual, the BBC seems to be acting as ‘Her Majesty’s (dis)loyal opposition’ – from the far Left edge of the spectrum.
If you didn’t manage to catch the BBC’s Artsnight on Friday you really should look it up on the I-player. It was so excruciatingly awful that it was good. The prog’ was dedicated to women in the arts and interviewed “artist” Sarah Lucas. Sarah is an “artist in the same vein as Tracey and Damien; ie neither have any discernible talent so they produce complete tat that sets out to shock and has about as much to do with real art as professional wrestling has to do with sport.
Sarah has an exhibition on at the moment. This mainly depicts sculptures showing the lower half of the naked female body. These figures have their legs wide open and a cigarette is strategically placed in a rather intimate area. Everyone involved treated this utterly puerile codswallop with such po faced reverence that it could easily have been from a Monty Python skit . Pseuds’ corner really had nothing on this.
Towards the end of the prog’ they interviewed an art collector who specialises in women artists. She dragged us through her gallery of pretentious crap, waffling pompously about the “elevating and empowering merits,” of something that looked like a broken lampshade, until we reached a small alcove. “In here” she told us breathlessly, “is what I call my Mona Lisa.” The camera peered into the recesses of the room and at first I thought it was out of focus, but it wasn’t. Staring back at us was a misshapen blob of a “face” made up of many colours; the sort of thing my daughter might have done when she was nine and Daddy would have said, “oh that’s lovely,” and put it somewhere where no-one could be frightened it.
If Leonardo was still around he’d be contacting his lawyers.
One day, when the the BBC is no more, we’ll look back on this and laugh.
I like to think that these kind of ‘artists’ are only to well aware that they are talentless producers of tat, and a bit like the conmen in the emperors new clothes are just milking it for everything they can get until they are found out, while laughing uncontollably on the inside at those who fawn all over them. The alternative is just to depressing to contemplate.
Jeff- Yes I see this programme and also thought ‘Monty Python’ plus Harry Enfield etc.
I know a bit about this and remember being involved in a row (when I worked in a University) involving a cleaner who had unknowingly destroyed a so called work of art by sweeping it off the floor.
I’m sure I’ve seen that ‘tat’ before so it’s not even original. Apart from the cigarette.
I would also add that the BBC arts interviewer was pushing the feminist agenda extremely hard and seemed to insert questions related to the feminist cause at every opportunity, almost out of context of the presentation of this pathetic pornographic so called art.
I see that ‘project fear’ has launched a more subtle approach from the Cameron pro EU camp. Philip Hammond on the BBC Andrew Marr show today stated that:
‘ There is a fear that if Britain leaves (the EU) the contagion will spread and those that feel we will get a great deal with Europe forget that the countries remaining in the European Union will be looking over their shoulder at people in their own countries saying if the Brits can do it why can’t we? and they (the countries) will not have an interest in demonstrating that we (Britain) can succeed outside the European Union’
So presumably these countries would be prepared to lose billions of euros of trade in order to prevent their own people insisting that they leave the European Union?
A case of cutting off their nose to spite their face? Yeah right, try again!
This does not sound good. Again.
According to bbc,taxi ‘catches fire’ outside airport