Strange how the BBC gives Corbyn and Co such an easy ride when they all have well known extreme views and are hard left Marxist fanatics who have no interest in the good of the people but whose sole intent is to tear down the Establishment and rout the rich. They want to level down rather than improve life for those less fortunate.
How different if you are a from a Far Right group…then the BBC issues its ‘warnings from history’ and will do its level best to undermine and discredit you……of course you don’t have to be Far Right at all to be vilified…just say something negative about immigration and you’re a target….ala UKIP and Trump.
Why is Corbyn not labelled ‘hard -left’ or an extremist? Why no warnings from history about Corbyn’s brand of politics and what they will bring to Britain should he manage to organise enough hard-left activists and at the same time fool enough middle of the road voters to vote for him?
We know ultimately what Corbyn’s brand of intolerant, one party Socialism brings to a country…the disastrous economics, the commissars enforcing social policies, the ‘terror’ the activists like to inflict as they try to embed their power…and ultimately the real terror of the political prisons and the erasing of opponents.
You may think the Corbyn bandwagon is a rickety old Trabant on the road to nowhere but it would be wrong to underestimate the power of a few fanatics to game the system and the gullibility of a few good men and women…especially when the BBC, one fo the world’s most powerful and influential broadcasters seeems to have gone missing from the debate about Corbyn….no doubt influenced by Nick Robinson’s tirade telling his colleagues to be nice to Corbyn.
Here is the real face of the Red Menace….the Corbyn bandwagon takes to the road…..
The BBC will be very well looked after under Corbyn’s thumb. In fact, the whole of the public sector will be bolstered at the sacrifice of the private sector. And we all know what’ll happen then, don’t we?
That’s right – we’ll all be equally as poor as each other.
As usual, the BBC think they can get away with blatant right-wing ridicule by publishing not-so-good pictures on BBC local news web pages;
I’d like to see them publish an equally ugly image of Corbyn on the website, although, to be fair, Corbyn does seem to have a permanent poker-face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.
Not sure they have thought this through, unless they are exempting pension deals.
I’d quite fancy parity with Botney.
Corbyn’s left wing credentials must be the envy of many a BBC flunky, however he does appear to be taking orders from the same central office as the rest of them on some issues. He may well have begun his political career with honourable intentions and a heart of pure socialism but I think theres something of the stooge about him lately, he appeals to the disenfranchised and disconnected but is no real threat to the malevolence emanating from the EU. Heres a line or two from the redder than red Socialist Labour Party EU and immigration policy,
5 European Union – Immigration – Migration
“The Socialist Labour Party is totally committed to complete withdrawal from
the European Union. That is the only way Britain can begin to regain control
of our economy, sovereignty and our political power and end the free
movement of capital and labour. The free movement of capital and labour
both threaten the independence of not only Britain but of all countries which
are members of this United States of Europe.”
“The government and the media continue to brainwash the people of Britain
by blaming the massive increase in people coming into Britain as immigrants
including people who are seeking asylum from persecution in their own land.
There is a fundamental difference between immigration and economic
migration from countries who are members of the European Union. The facts
dispel this continuing misinformation.”
Now thats socialism, can you imgine the Labour party even daring to think such ‘heresy’. Corbers is a member of
the same sinister club as the rest of them and will be useful only to split the vote and further dilute opposition
to the ever more malign EU.
Among other things the SLP appear to reflect what was one of the concerns in the Trade Union movement a few years back, namely protection of their members jobs from importation of cheap plentiful labour. This ideal has long since been abandoned by most mainstream Labour politicians as well as MPs of most parties (if it ever was there in the first place)
Corbyn was known to be anti EU (the same as Tony Benn, Foot etc.) However on being elected leader he changed his mind and it seems he doesn’t talk about it much. He certainly doesn’t seem to actively support staying in the EU and leaves this up to Alan Johnson and all.
Labour MPs avoid the question when asked about Corbyn’s commitment to EU membership. As do some of them when asked about different opinions regarding Trident.
All in all the Labour Party is in a shambles and does not have clear policies enough to govern and the electorate know this.
Red Menace I don’t think so.
I was shocked when I heard a BBC reporter label Bernie Saunders, the Democratic candidate for President, “far left”. But then, the BBC are very much in the Hitlery Clinton camp, so I guess they can afford one small exception to their normal rule of Left = Good. Right = Bad. All other ills are the fault of the “far right, hard right or extreme right”, even when vile actions of the extreme, hard, far left are being condemned. NAZI-ism, Communism and socialism are all FAR LEFT, not that the BBC would EVER dare tell the truth about that. Read any Hitler speech, he kept banging on about the evil of the “millionaire classess” and all the economic ideals he promoted were collections of policies all characterised as classic socialism, and he admitted it was socialism.
Although the term “Far left” does exist for them, it is a term to be used very sparingly. Hard left or Extreme left does not appear to normally exist in their vocabulary at all.
Another story not to be found on the BBC: NHS could collapse due to immigration from the EU:
Funny whenever the BBC reports strains in the NHS the ONLY causes of such strains are old (white) people living longer and tory cuts. Immigration is NEVER mentioned. Yet here is a proffessor in the NHS showing it for what it is. The EU nakedly sponging off the NHS, whilst maintaining their own private health care systems in many other EU member states.
Labour can only now be understood in terms of Marx transcending all that they now say and do.
Whether its Stalin( Socialism in one country)
Hitler( Socialism starts in one country,then attacks the above Socialist for not being as progressive, but seeks a pan-Socialist utopia for the chosen people…German then, Eurabian Muslims today)
Mao( spiritual Communism, based on the elite running things, Albanian grievance fermenting)
Trotsky(International rescue socialism)
is easily figured out.
Just because it comes with aromatherapy oils and a rainbow knit with pastel shades available doesn`t make it “liberal”.
These are jackboot Greens, who slunk off out of Lefty causes when the Berlin wall fell-and they all went into the Greens-and now they`re in Corbyns brave new world).
Corbyn is no Marxist! He is just another boring stupid eclectic left wing social reformist. He believes in keeping the capitalist system intact (after all where do he & his friends get all their wealth from) yet he is desirous of addressing the ‘grievances’ of the working class & those he considers ‘victims’ e.g. the Palestinians. I agree we do not want him in charge of this country because he would wreck it, because social reformism of his type ignores the laws of economics & leads to economic decline & crisis. To accuse him of wanting a one party state & a dictatorship with commissars, political prisoners & the erasing of opponents is simply the creation of phantoms of your own imagining & pure rant. It’s sheer scare mongering. I voted to put Corbyn into the leadership of the Labour party because I thought with many others that he would wreck the Labour party’s chances of wining an election & so far we have been proved right. There’s no sinister agenda from some powerful evil left-wing group behind him, he no doubt has his extremist cronies with whom he associates but he knows that if he gets into power he has little or no chance of pleasing these creatures, because as prime minister he will not be a dictator & will have to listen to other people & argue his case. I do not fear Corbyn, I just think that he will make a very poor leader & will make us suffer economically. He will probably also give us more political correctness, diversity, silly minority rights, curtailment of free speech etc., but aren’t we already getting that from the present lot? ( & it’ll get worse).
” To accuse him of wanting a one party state & a dictatorship with commissars, political prisoners & the erasing of opponents is simply the creation of phantoms of your own imagining & pure rant. ”
Isn’t that what Momentum is setting out to do within the Party with JC’s blessing?
The aim being to produce an extremely “narrow church” with no dissenting voices?
There seem to be no shortage of people keen to take on “Napoleon” roles!
You`re right of course.
Corbyn is a low grade, hi bore plodder…uncharismatic, thick and a homeopathic dilution of even a Tony Crosland or a Fred Mulley.
Just a suggestion box for all manner of grievances in a corduroy laundry bag…and always up for a Give A Show projection on his grizzled bonce.
Maybe we`ll find that dangerous..Blair was a similar cipher of everybodys wishes-and all thought that he`d agreed with them, until they saw Campbells goons later on.
Corbyn is old school labour. His dream of re-nationalising private sector companies will rapidly turn into a nightmare. I can just about remember how nationalised industries used to work – or not work to be precise.
jobs-for-the-boys culture
jobs for life
inefficiencies – cushy non-productive jobs
when the business model fails as they all did – the taxpayers are fleeced with tax hikes to subsidise the top and bottom-heavy mess that is a naionalised company. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.