The BBC is utterly shameless in the way it shapes its news output to hide inconvenient facts that at other times would be headline news.
Last week we put up a post about the BBC hiding the fact that children in Kent who needed the care services were being transported around the country because the Council was forced to supply their care services to immigrant children in preference to local kids. The BBC showed absolutely no interest in investigating this issue…because of course it would reflect badly upon their own narrative about the blessing that is immigration.
The very next day the BBC then spent the day running a story about mental health patients being forced to travel far away from their homes, familys and friends to get treatment…naturally this was a ‘scandal’. Indeed today we have exactly the same thing as an offical report is published on that very subject…
Mental health beds search ‘a scandal’
The practice of sending mentally ill adults in England long distances for care is unacceptable and must end, a report by experts says.
The Independent Commission, chaired by ex-NHS chief executive Lord Crisp, said some cases were potentially dangerous.
Some 500 patients travel more than 50km (31 miles) to access care each month – as acute inpatient beds or services are unavailable in their areas, it said.
The government has asked the NHS to cut unnecessary out-of-area treatments.
The Today programme thought this story was so important that it gave it pride of place at 08:10 and 5Live continued discussing the subject all morning…and no doubt is still doing so now.
Incredible, or not, that when given the chance to put the boot into the government on the NHS the BBC is always there….except when it may also concern other subjects close to the BBC’s heart which override not only its antipathy towards the government but also its sense of duty and legal requirement to provide us with accurate, truthful and impartial news.
Clearly the children of Kent, and of course the women of Cologne, don’t figure too highly in the BBC’s concerns, they can go hang…what’s important is to keep up the narrative, the deception, that all immigrants are good and bring only benefits to Europe.
Shameless is probably not the most appropriate word for the BBC journalists who would rather see women raped and assaulted or children torn apart from their families at a time when they need them most than admit mass immigration will never work and will tear countries, Europe, apart.
Hope those BBC journalists are proud of their cheerleading for open borders and mass immigration regardless of the price that others have to pay for their moral grandstanding.
‘Migrants are pushing NHS to breaking point’: Top cancer doctor warns health tourists are bleeding hospitals dry with demand for treatment
Professor Angus Dalgleish is preparing speech speaking out against EU
Says British hospitals are struggling to cope with demand from refugees
Will insist this considerable expense partly explains NHS’s £3billion deficit
As Britain is no longer a manufacturing superpower, all real money has to come from SMBs. Muslim immigration has substantial costs, as most of them are unemployable ( Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese), or don’t wish to work. In addition ,the women have high birth rates, thus increasing costs to the NHS, and social security Benefits later.
To all that, add security measures expenses in the hundreds of millions, and we a have a situation where the financial Jihad itself will break the back of the UK economy, and thus the UK.
There is no doubt that all this is happening in Europe as well. Which means that the policy is coming from the EU, though ministers are prohibited from laying blame at the EU’s door. We have no redress anywhere. Our government blames the EU, while the EU itself is unaccountable.
The only way is to leave the EU. If the EU is not brought down soon, its present immigration policy will lead to the Islamification of Europe – a fate far worse then death.
Our departure will mean the loss of very large amounts of money to the EU. It will also lose substantial fishing grounds. But best of all, a major precedent will have been set, encouraging other states to leave the EU.
Once again, and a third time, in living memory, Britain will have rescued Germany and Europe from a catastrophe.
Great post, David Vincent’s book 2030: Your Children’s Future in Islamic Britain has detail about the actual cost to the taxpayer of the unassimilated and unemployable Muslim community currently weighing in at a cool three million and costing us £42 billion each year, and that figure does not include their cost their free NHS treatment, state education or cost to the prison service where they are grossly overrepresented. None of this mentioned by the BBC who now routinely conveyer belt propaganda from the terrorist supporting Muslim Council of Britain straight across the airwaves. The Tories view of the BBC as some sort of bastion of middle England is so out of synch with reality it really does now require intervention from what’s left of our non-pansified security services.
Isn`t Islam itself a mental health category?
Thought some recent defence lawyers tried that one on, citing imagined semtex in an electronic tag as an excuse?
Muslims and Mental Illness-wonder if The OU will fund this research for me?
The Muslims would sign up-they want to bleed the universities and the NHS dry?…economic jihad , I believe they call it.
A religion founded by a paedophile who thought it was OK to behead non-believers? Sounds fine to me, can’t see any problem there.
Hear, hear, NCBBC. I am sick of being expected to believe that immigration is good for the UK. People, the few I know that still think the sun shines out of the backside of the BBC, tell me that the NHS would crumble without its migrant workers. When I question them about its migrant patients, its migrant birth rate, its migrant-imported diseases and dirty habits, they have no answer, but they still don’t ‘get it’.
NCBBC ” ‘Migrants are pushing NHS to breaking point’: Top cancer doctor warns health tourists are bleeding hospitals dry with demand for treatment
Professor Angus Dalgleish is preparing speech speaking out against EU ”
Interesting that you should post that. I was not aware of it. Thanks.
I don’t know whether, in searching last year for emotive pictures of women & children migrants and refugees, the BBC Picture Researchers noticed something striking about the pictures of male youths and men that they rejected for public viewing: the very high proportion who were photographed smoking cigarettes.
There’s a medical demographic time bomb awaiting European health services in the future.
Is there anything that the BBC does which one can admire in isolation from their dangerous liberal left 24/7 crusading news and current affairs propaganda? Perhaps a few drama programmes each year, but these are rare gems hidden in a swamp of PC anti British, anti western tripe. Perhaps the odd documentary, but again 90%+ of all their docs contain overt liberal left propaganda. Their history is just aimed at re-writing history from a liberal perspective with little regard to balance or the truth and is so anti British as to be laughable. All of their comedy seems boringly PC when you would think that the whole culture of Political Correctness would provide a rich harvest for ‘normal’ comedians and satirists to work with. I expect that their children’s programmes are riddled with liberal left lessons to ensure that young people obediently follow the correct line of thought.
Only those who need the immense propaganda power to the BBC to help pursue their political agenda can find anything of value in this corrupt , biased , statist and highly dangerous organisation. We need to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Doublethinker, I agree with everything you say, but I’d recommend “Father Brown”. The first series had a lot of Polish refugees (which was accurate) and now the odd episode has a non-white “good guy” (perhaps an Indian doctor), but it’s not turned into a parody like Midsomer Murders.
I might have been a bit quick with my recommendation of Father Brown. Last Friday’s episode was the Indian doctor as captain of the cricket team and today’s had the noble traveller boy winning the heart of the toff’s daughter. Nowhere near the depths of Midsomer, but now to be taken episode by episode.
Forgive me for bringing up LBC again but they’ve also been droning on about this healthcare matter and as far as I heard no attempt was made to examine why this situation should occur other than opine it might be due to lack of funding. I think there is collusion between the bbc and other radio stations. Again I wonder whether the subject matter is dictated by some central body. Does the bbc provide other news programmes with their content?
The bBC have parachuted the likes of Shelagh Fogarty & Beverley Turner into LBC. They already employ the Newsnight Wannabe, James O’Brien. They are there (IMHO) to keep LBC “on-message”. The media dominance of the bBC needs to be curtailed, especially leading up to the EU referendum.
Another impossible to swallow dose of reality again Alan. The BBC are as fanatical and dedicated to the filtering, the re-engineering, and the omission of news to fit their agenda, as any of history’s regimes that suppressed freedom. The sole purpose of the endless production line of lies, deceit, and misdirection in every article is to influence and force reaction and control. The BBC are using every brainwashing technique available to control it’s viewer’s. The BBC have long ceased to be an independent, impartial, media organisation, who were free from interference and pressure. They have long ceased to provide a news service that offers the full facts to allow the public to make up their own minds. The reason for this North Korean style filtering of information is because the reality of what is happening will be worse than any of us on here fear. No matter how bad things get, the people in control of the BBC will continue to lie and deceive us, because to do otherwise they will have admitted they were wrong. Have you ever met anyone schooled in the arts of socialism and driven by left wing policies to ever admit they were wrong? Once the left admit they have been wrong about this, they are wrong about everything they believe in.
Keep up the fight.
The BBC are always quick to analyse government failure when it comes to the NHS, but when it comes down to forces (almost) out of our control, the BBC backs off for fear of exposing a health system that is basically FUCKED!!!
I’ve said it before, but thank God for this site, without which I would think I was going mad, the way I am so consistently told by the BBC, in oh so many ways, that the obvious answer cannot possibly be true even though it is staring us in the face.
Concerned newsreader/presenter: “Government cuts are evil. NHS out of money. Tory misrule has lead to housing crisis. EU leaders say Britain is not doing enough. We must do more, pay more, take more expensive people on board or we will be pariahs of the universe.”
Me, at home, steam rising: “But WHY do you think that might be? Are you actually journalists or just pretending to be? What are the real stories? How did we get to this state?”
BBC: “Britain has pledged another billion to a foreign country. Next item, NHS struggling to cope…”
“Caring hard-left activist says we should tear down borders and house anyone who wants to come. (Cue, virtuous smiles.) Next item, worst-ever housing situation (caring single mother of four is interviewed, rather than young working couple)”
“…Britain’s steel industry decimated. Next item, EU calls for more standardisation and global trade deals, Govt will be forced to follow EU directive.”
Not once do the dots get joined up. Are they stupid – or is it agenda-driven malice and contempt for us?
Stella, Quite right ! When I bring up the BBC and the topics which are discussed here, most people look at me as if I am crazy. I cannot understand why so many people cannot see the crap that is going on in GB and Europe .
Wonderfully put Stella.
I think all of us on here began where you did, and we all knew what the Al Beeb was telling us didn’t fit. They throw suggestive language and misleading articles on all their media outlets. If anyone has watched Derren Brown then you will understand how influential and misleading the structure of any form of communication can be.
The BBC basically provides a production on the facts to provide a ‘news’ service that should state that it’s ‘based on true events’. They push agenda and topics that only match their own and use snippets of statements to provide evidence, even though the context of the statement would prove to the viewers it wasn’t meant that way. They use derogatory language to try and utterly discredit anyone who champions a different narrative to their own.
Every day we on here read between the lines and see that it never matches up. It cannot because its all just a big Web spun with lies, deceit, and misdirection. The reality is that the BBC and political elite are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the British public long enough to achieve their objectives. They all know that most people just want the easy life. They are just sheep, happy to let others to do the thinking for them.
It’s not just health and immigration. Apart from a quick mention in the newspaper review last week, the BBC has completely ignored the OECD report that but Britain at the bottom of the European league table for literacy and second bottom for numeracy and that people were leaving school without the attainment to undertake their university degrees.
You might have thought that it was an opportunity for the BBC to give both barrels to the government, until you read the report that is, where you discover that the report was deferred for 4 years and this state of affairs covers the entirety of Labour’s period of office.
The BBC is so enthralled by the public sector, teachers and in particular the unions they will not go there.
The BBC will only let you know what they want you to know.
The following line and thread title fit nicely, taken from
“Chancellor Merkel’s welcome of migrants in Germany was not universally well-received” You don’t say.
And a little truthism slips out regarding climate change too,
“The globalists see a gradual withering away of the nation state, weakened in the face of global challenges such as climate change,”