Had a little chuckle today when I heard a BBC presenter announce that…
‘Outside the corridors of power there is more support than you might imagine for David Cameron’s renegotiations with the EU’
Well yeah, fancy that, imagine that….The People are sick of the EU’s undemocratic impositions….just how long has she been asleep? The BBC canvassed the views of a few Continentals and though the may have some warm feelings for the EU immigration is a big problem for them. Bloody xenophobic Little Englanders Frenchies!
Later on (around 15:00 on 5Live) was treated to a lovie (Laurence Fox) telling us how awful nationalism is and what a shame we see borders going back up in Europe….we must have open borders and embrace the immigrant. Wonder if he locks his house door when he leaves for work? Bet he does. What a Fascist.
I cannot see what is wrong with nationalism, in my definition it is a sense of pride in one’s own country. Nationalism wasn’t the cause for conflict in the last century, that was the result of despotic leaders who had no respect for other nations and the nationalistic feelings of those in those other countries.
A sense of pride in one’s country is all part and parcel of having some sort of pride in oneself, one’s town or village, one’s house, how one dresses etc. Lack of pride in one tends to involve similar lack in all the others…in short a slob.
Nobody criticises a Yorkshireman for going on about how great Yorkshire is, it is no different from an Englishman talking up England, sadly those who do that are becoming a rarity.
Odd though that the English are particularly chauvinistic about their country when there is an international football match on, pity they cannot keep that spirit going all the time, that would rattle the Beeb!
What is wrong with nationalism?
It does not fit in the the Albeeb global Marxist position.
Personally I do not want any non-whites living in our country.
I also do not want any Marxist Albeeb types here either.
With sufficient sacrifices we can have both.
Some Marxists and some members of the Islamocancer might hurt during this process; still omelettes and eggs.
If the current trends of Islamification of the UK and Europe continues, there will be conflict on unimaginable scales. Its already happening. How can it stop now unless millions are forced to leave their homes? It should never have come to this. Native Europeans weren’t happy with multiculturalism, but we put up with it. Things are going too far. People feel like they are being abandoned by the state. The state they love. The state they always believed would protect them.
Its OK for lunatics like ‘no nuts’ Laurence to be talking about no borders, but the reality is scum like him and the other selfish, traitorous, freedom hating bast@rds who think like him, will be the first to feel how peaceful and tolerant Islam is when it is in full enriching mode.
Nationalism creates a belonging. An identity to believe in. To know that no matter how much those vile, pedo cult loving, cowardly bast@rds who are going around enriching the ‘nothing to do with Islam’ state, try and intimidate the rest of the world, I know my fellow brits will be there for me and my loved ones. Laurence you will never be forgiven for the damage you and your socialist traitors have done. The hurt you are going to cause. The deaths on both sides which both Christian and Muslims never asked for or wanted. People like you try and play God and believe that you have that God given right to force change on the lives of others.
Whatever the outcome, the days of the left are numbered, and it was all their own making. Muslims cannot allow them to exist. Europeans will never forgive them. They are so detached from reality, they do not see the world they are creating
Don’t think Laurence Fox’s Dad or Uncle share those opinions.
I am introducing this on a thread with few comments, in the hope that it will be read more frequently than the start of the week threads.
I am being stalked by at least three male Muzzies, one of whom has threatened to kill me.
I do comment on other fora, but BBBC receives most of my diatribes against the ROP.
I do not know how they were able to identify me.
David, Alan please allow changes of non-de-plume, please check and report to users any security breaches.
Users please do not use your real names on BBBC, please do not give any details that would enable you to be identified.
God bless you all.
delenda, I assume you have contacted the police, who I would guess say there is nothing they can do about it.
Thank you for your concern.
The police, you must be kidding, they are on the other side.
I am concerned that these people can directly threaten you with impunity. And yes, I expected your answer on the police and that’s the worst bit about it.
Only one has threatened me.
Not a word though.
Just moved his hand from one side of his body to the other. As you do.
At throat level, with a pause, and a smile, at a certain point.
No doubt a half-decent Barrister could explain this away to a jury.
It would not be admissible in court.
I am not in any doubt.
BBC delenda est,
Do you think these comments would be admissible in court?
“These scum are not ELITE, they are breathing piles of excrement who need to have their breathing permanently terminated and be placed the ground where their putrefying remains may perform, in death, some useful function to atone, in some small way, for the evil of their lives.”
“Meet these people on the beaches and kill them. Keep killing them until they lose their desire to invade.”
“Rounding them up, etc. No good. They will try again. Killing them prevents this. It also prevents them producing offspring.”
“admissible in court”
Yes, a paraphrase of a speech, by the then Prime Minister, in 1940, stating that any
efforts were acceptable to repel an invader in a wartime situation.
That would be admissible in court, and would be a valid defence against any, and all
I might even get a medal. Because I am a patriot.
Whereas . . .
TWATO at 1.40 comparing the contrasting fortunes of our declining east coast ports, Liverpool and Glasgow, with the thriving container port of Southampton. The reason for the contrast is, according to Al JaBeeBa, the increasing trade with the prosperous EU and the decline in the importance of the Americas, combined with the desire of the European countries to cease the constant wars and the tyrannical power of the communist or fascist regimes which begot them.
Not a word about the plucky British Tommy having saved them from this, nor that the democracy which allowed (the rest of) Europe to flourish had been established here for four centuries.
Same old bollocks, our leaving the EU will lead to more world wars!
Well, the bBBC being what it is, totally out of touch with the real world, it probably comes as shock to them that in a free market, goods and services tend to go to where the most demand is. Which is usually where the growth is. Which is usually where the public sector is least.
Something the marxist students in the bBBC can’t quite understand.
For two days running now, the BBC News at 2pm has given us soundbites from the BMA/junior doctors based on what they said on TWATO in the previous hour.
But-in both cases,-not the balancing soundbites from either NHS Employers or the Dept of Health.
So-as ever-the one sided account of the SJWs at the BBC is given full head-and any opposing view from our elected Ministers is not played to us all again.
Bias?…what of it…we do as we f***in like now after Duggan and Cliff Richard!
All I`d say to the doctors is not to be too pleased at the fact that Channel 4 and the BBC are backing them as ever.
Those of us NOT in your mushy orbit of self righteous collective solidarity of groupthink loath you…and if the liberals are backing the doctors-no matter how strong their case-the good working people of this country will loath THEIR cause as well.