Craig at Is the BBC biased? [hell yeah] brought this to the world’s attention…from the BBC’s Analysis programme….
The ‘island of Ireland’? Does the BBC not recognise Northern Ireland then? Does the BBC not understand there is already a border between Ireland and Northern Ireland?
And oh yes…we don’t want any of thise ‘divisive’ things called borders do we? And ‘revive dangerous tensions’? Do they not read the news? Maybe they’ve missed the fact that the ‘war’ goes on.
I heard the Irish Prime Minister mention on BBC news a few days ago that a Brexit would require a border to be enforced between Ireland and Northern Ireland and there’s silly me thinking that the border was already there!
I live in northern ireland and there is no border other than the road signs change to oirish. There has been no border for many years now, hope that helps. oh and its a little know fact that people who have eu passports some may say not really from eu countries btw and use this as a way to get into britain they fly to dublin cross the nonexistant border and get a ferry from belfast to the mainland uk. they dont tend to want to stay in northern ireland for some reason.
Spudicus, thanks for the info. Sounds like a situation from one of Spike Milligan’s book written in the 60s (I can’t remember the title)
Would you be thinking of ‘Puckoon’?
Yep that’s the one.
Well that is a loophole that needs sorting out. But if as it seems we won’t be able to rely on 25 miles of seawater as a barrier to unwanted immigration there’s not a hope in hell to seal the border between Ulster & Oirland
I`ve said this before, but-as a first generation Irish descendent-I would vote to leave if only to knock the smirks off all those England baiting paddies who I grew up with.
Not the REAL Irish-but the Pogue loving, Costello sucking, Christy spouting Anglo-Euro phonies who sang their empty rebel songs about Mountjoy and Kilmainham…but always got a gig on some “Hibernian Sciences” piece of crap as offered by Glasgow or Liverpool Poly to trash the English, and wheel out Boycott and the bloody potato famine-yet again!
These NORAID tossers would drink to the death of local squaddies, whilst always having a copy of the Guardian or Troops Out under their Wolfe Tones LP…and would always drink to the old country,but never dreamed of going back to live there themselves.
Plastic paddies and faux rebels like that series of gombeens and useless little presidents like their current preposterous gnome…Von Rumpoy in miniature-Michael Higgins…not that Robinson or MacAleese were any better.
Only Ireland could give the world a self preening prick on a stick like Peter Sutherland at the UN.
No-the Irish wanted Britain gone, and now we have, Hope to God we leave them with their empty milking machines blagged from old CAP grants…their tied up fishing boats, which they gave over to the EU…by FAR the biggest coloniser and neutraliser of that famed Irish culture.
Nah…they sold themselves down the Liffey , let the EU(and not us) pick up the vets bill for Celtic mange.
THEN-let`s hand Scotland over to Brussels too, if they re-elect Celtic cabbage like Sturgeon and Salmond.
Let them pick up the tab for their Braveheart schtick…we`ve had enough…give England back to the English eh Macca?
There was a border in Ireland long before the EU existed. We managed then, we’ll manage now. UK & Southern Ireland will get on fine without the EU.
Come on chrisH-say what you mean!
Sorry Donbob…still picking splinters out of my arse having sat on the shillelagh for too long I expect!
Hope to wipe a misty eye and dream of old Erin, and a time when once again Lithuainian gangs aren`t robbing Limerick hospitals by dressing up in pyjamas to pass as patients.
Having seen the junior doctors out on the lash yesterday…brought it all back to me!
Funny how THAT hospital scam I mention hasn`t caught on over here yet….
I’ve often thought when viewing pro-British patriotic Northern Irish communities, ‘couldn’t we exchange them for all the pro-IRA, pro-Celtic, British-hating rubbish that inhabit Greater Glasgow?’
Everyone would win!
My Bantry Bay Catholic ancestors survived the split caused by Ireland breaking from the British Union. My Great Grandfather remained a loyal Irish catholic member of the Royal Navy, his brother became a founding member of the Irish Navy. All was well with both Irish Nationalism and British Nationalism in the family. But I think it would be silly for Ireland to remain under rule from Brussels, rather than under Home rule. I think a solution for the Irish question would be a referendum for a Free State, rather than an Easter Rising in 2017 against the EU.
It has all happened before. During WW2, The Irish Republic was neutral. German ships could call into their ports, and Germans could travel there. Northern Ireland is part of the UK, and was at war with Germany. I believe that the travel documents were checked at the point of entry to the UK mainland. I have heard that there was a little friction in places where the Royal Navy and the German Navy met. (Perhaps a history lesson for the BBC is in order.)
I’d like to leave a little comment for all the brave Irishmen who joined the British army to fight fascism – and how their country treated them:
Thank you for the link Joeadamsmith,
it was very revealing and sadly consistent with the side some Irish Catholics took during the war. There were quite a number who were on the side of the Nazi’s. After Germany had surrendered, I remember hearing of many escaping high ranking Nazi’s being sheltered by the Irish Catholics before venturing over to other parts of the world. The immorality is breathtaking.
On the subject of pardoning these soldiers. This does not seem enough, I would like to hear the Irish Catholics state just how disgusted and ashamed of themselves they are of their actions. A pardon is not enough in my opinion.
Analysis programme:
‘If the UK leaves the EU, what happens on the island of Ireland? Its people would be living on either side of an EU border’.
‘The ‘island of Ireland’? Does the BBC not recognise Northern Ireland then? Does the BBC not understand there is already a border between Ireland and Northern Ireland?’
I do wish you’d run this stuff past at least one other person before posting, otherwise you’ll continue to embarrass yourself.
Ireland is an island. When referring to the whole island, both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, a description such as ‘the island of Ireland’ would be accurate.
The BBC, and the programme do appear to understand there is a border between the two, as the very next line goes on to say that (in the event of a Brexit) ‘Its people would be living on either side of an EU border’. The entire point is to examine what would happen in the event of a Brexit, in regard to the border between the two countries….given they’re not one country.
With all due respect, English comprehension does not appear to be your forte.