Pegida UK Official
The official British branch of the Dresden-born PEGIDA movement. We stand against radical Islam to protect our national identity. Press:
The BBC likes to nail the likes of the EDL or Pegida by focussing on the few in those groups who express extreme views or use violence, the BBC ignoring the underlying motivation and rationale behind either movement. In contrast they ignore the violence of the UAF who are often the actual cause of the violence at EDL rallies, and the BBC will tell us the EDL or Pegida are violent due to a few clashes as said usually instigated by the UAF, whilst telling us that Islam is the religion of peace….ignoring the fact that the Koran is very explicit in its sanctioning of violence to ensure the spread and reinforcement of Islam…an underlying violence to the religion…….a violence that even Tariq Ramadan admits is in the Koran.
‘I wouldn’t say Islam is a religion of peace…..People are naturally violent and religion channels that violence to serve its purpose…to get peace…it’s the way towards peace but it’s not the peaceful reality’
He then tries to turn it on its head….the problem, he says, is not the book but the reader….but the reader is reading a text that accepts people are violent and encourages people to use violence….so the problem is the text…non?
Use violence to move towards peace…but what is peace in Islam?….the domination of Islam over all other religions….with Islam on top there is no need for war…..‘They create a desert and call it peace’.
Back to Pegida……here is a look at Pegida UK that you won’t find at the BBC……the intrepid investigatiors can’t find anything racist about the group however they can’t resist levering in some suspicions…still, it’s far fairer than anything the BBC would do…the BBC being in league with the government to smear and undermine the EDL and no doubt Pegida UK now as well.
An Assessment of the PEGIDA UK rally
On a rainy Saturday 6th February, Pegida UK launched its inaugural demonstration in Birmingham, with similar rallies happening across Europe. An estimated 200 protesters attended the demonstration, which took place on a barren industrial estate miles from the city centre.
The march was peaceful and went smoothly without incident. No thugs, no fights, no Nazis, no inflammatory speeches. However, the rallies in other European countries did see some trouble with a fight in Dublin and some arrests in Calais. The new Pegida UK was keen to dispel allegations of racism or of being the EDL 2.0 but without the booze. They placed warnings on pre-protest information, saying Neo Nazis would not be accepted at the demonstration. Likewise, Tommy Robinson in his speech talked about meeting a man with swastika tattoo on his finger on Friday night, and then said (in an obviously frustrated voice): “six years on and I’m still having to tell you: if you’re a Nazi, if you’re a racist, and you’re watching this – you’re not welcome on the streets in the UK with us.”
Moreover, the people who attended the demonstration were not a singular, unitary, monolithic bloc. One protester NOTA Network interviewed said he came because he was worried about English identity and culture being threatened by Islam. Another one said he was not against “all immigration” but wanted “limited immigration”. And another protester said he was here to “defend free speech”. It would be slightly unwise to arrogantly dismiss them all as racists and xenophobes, though that doesn’t mean they were liberal democrats either.
There was not anything that struck me as worryingly racist in the interviews we did or at the rally generally. I say this as a black man who was with my friend Sam Sholli, who is of Iranian stock. We did not feel like we were in danger or anyone was racist towards us. They just seem to be people that are fed up with a status quo that is not working for them and their communities.
Pegida will never get a fair hearing from the media . Particularly the BBC/C4. They will try to deny it any mention .
It is getting like East Germany pre the fall of the Berlin wall. Suppression, distortion and lies. The three weapons of the authoritarian.
Noted Channel 4 did a piece on the Birmingham rally.
Classic Lefty set up, but Tommy and the local Brummie who got a comment in were both able to question the liberal shill as well as his Irish interculator( Poraig is it?).
Funnily enough Channel 4 didn`t let the liberal answer…we didn`t hear them anyway!
Pegida are now under the liberal thin skin…time to burrow in deeper.
Impressive first start, even in atrocious weather.
Tariq Ramadan quoted above is the classic double dealing pseudo intellectual that the Left love…but he`ll entice them to hell, and they`ll deserve it. Classic taqiyya merchant, but we all know that-except the Left who crave his felt slipper in their orifices.
I do hope that Pediga UK does become a voice for all who want an end to muslim immigration, to muslim no-go areas and the islamicisation of England. To all who share this hope, do get involved. Don’t let Channel 4 and the BBC present this initiative as all about violent racists.
Yes, there are a bunch of thugs who follow right-wing groups around the country just to have a drunken scrap, but then the UAF attract left-wing thugs too. In fact, the UAF never fail to turn up at legitimate EDL marches in order to confront or silence them. Freedom of speech – Civil liberties – What do the UAF know about these things?
Tommy Robinson’s move to discourage extreme right-wing thugs is commendable and will gain him more credibility amongst those who doubted him in the past. Let’s hope that more people will see Pegida UK as an approachable movement to which they can join without fear of being accused of racism.
The BBC have for decades pushed the ideal of multiculturalism in our society, a movement which has failed to such an extent that we are now seeing a seriously negative impact on our society. Multiculturalism is itself promoting divisions between races and religions.
But the BBC dare not discuss this or – when it does dip its toe into this debate – ensures that a ‘balanced view’ is aired by employing the predictable use of the art of distraction; diversity, enrichment, tolerance, inclusion – all of the things multiculturalism is not!
Edward, you have summed it up very well.I completely agree. What a shame though. If we had a better balanced bBBC we could have a better educated society.
The minute a corporation like the bBBC shows itself to not just biased but very biased, it in turn therefore, reinforces restlessness, disorder and contempt. This is especially frustrating when it could so easily be the stabilising glue that opens up values of honesty and integrity in our society.
People are not stupid and see through the bBBC political bias.They understand its endeavours and not very well hidden agenda, to destroy a Nations culture and spirit. It disharmonises a society and encourages division and factions.
Its uses language to humiliate and those who disagree with its warped anti British values. Its wilful use of the left being good and the right as bad, when the greatest murdering dictatorships in the world have been of a Left extraction, namely Mao and Stalin and possibly Hitler. .
Its insouciant acceptance of rudeness and a lack of condemnation in its usage of the labelling as ‘ists’ of those who it disagrees with is shocking.
What a shame and what an oppotunity missed. This is how I see the bBBC today. It is traiterous in its operation and is therefore quite clealy, an enemy of the state. What a shame.
The trouble is, Wronged, that many of the U.K. Population are thick, brainwashed or have suffered the biased state education.
There was also a time when the bbc actually was a respected news channel and some people still believe that they are truthful. Hard to believe I know.
When most of the msm are also in the lie peddling business (Breitbart, biased bbc and to a lesser extent, the DE) it’s not surprising that the stay in side still have a lot of supporters.
On the bright side, as the truths gradually come to light, more are seeing things as they really are. A good thing for honest, good citizens.
Edit on the above:
When most of the msm are also in the lie peddling business (EXCEPT Breitbart, biased bbc and to a lesser extent, the DE)
Sorry for missing the except. I really should proof read.
Just to back up my comment “The BBC have for decades pushed the ideal of multiculturalism in our society”, here is an excerpt from the booklet that accompanies the DVD of The Changes – a BBC children’s (!) TV series from 1975…
“…it is the oldest surviving BBC science fictionTV serial developed and scheduled exclusively for children. Its critical stance towards the social reality of 1970s Britain, which it presents in a barely estranging fashion as racist, misogynistic, and ambivalent towards the environmental consequences of modernity…”,
For anyone who isn’t familiar with this BBC production, it’s the story of a society that turns against machines and electronics for some unfathomable reason and focusses on a teenage girl who befriends a group of Sikhs on her way to finding her family, who she has become separated from. The Sikhs are, for some completely unknown reason, immune to the ‘noise’ that is causing all the disruption. As everyone falls into a state of delirium, the Sikhs remain calm and rational, whilst everyone around them seem to be going mad.
I’m sure you can see the underlying intent here; ridicule the white British, and portray ethnic minorities as the superior group. Indeed, the DVD extra – ‘At Home in Britain’ – makes no attempt to play down the original plan to produce a blatant piece of pro-immigrant/ethnic minority propaganda.
The BBC might not dare produce anything as openly prejudiced as this these days, but the intent is still there and they do it with much more subtlety.
Edward it’s not subtle. I was researching (some time ago) on banned advertising in the US (not entirely banned here). Early Tobacco Advertising uses suggestive techniques. Its originally used ‘subliminal advertising’ is mainly used on TV and Radio) it did mean rapid flashing images or almost inaudible sounds (not immediately noticed (or heard) by the viewer or listener – but if it gets repeated over and over – its becomes a hypnotic thought suggestion. This ‘flashing’ technique has been banned but not ‘suggestive repetition’. ADVERTISING is after all – still legal. The power of ‘suggestion’ techniques remains a ‘black art’ – used extensively (despite denials) by the BBC in its daily propaganda wars. The BBC will deny this but the effect is they do distort reality. Make dangerous situations ‘safe’ (healthy) when quite obviously they are not. The BBC survives only because of this self serving power of mass suggestion which is incredibly cheap (for skint left wingers) compared to commercial ITV (for example) selling desirable ‘products’. We can usually spot BBC ‘message’ in its rapid repetition in all its programming ( its not that subtle in practice ). It may not be the truth but if you listen to the BBC for long enough it becomes a ‘virtual reality’. They have combined power and stupidity.
At present on Wikipedia the usual types are describing Pegida as Neo-Nazi! Anyone can edit Wikipedia so sign up and join in.
Well, yes, but expect a fight, which you will almost certainly lose. As was proved with Wikipedia’s coverage of the ‘man made global warming’ scam, it is policed by SJWs with public sector non-job sinecures, which gives them the time to make sure nothing but the ‘right’ opinions prevail (see also Facebook, Twitter etc etc etc).
Certainly with a defeatist attitude you’ll lose. By definition. Things can change. For example the Birmingham pub bombings *are* now attributed to the Iraqi.
For Iraqi read IRA
Currently there does seem to a prospect of a less extreme left wing Wikipedia article on Pegida. It seems to me that often those who care don’t know what’s right, while those who know what’s right don’t care.