1pm News, Radio 4, Mark Mardell telling me that the whole of the programme would be dedicated to the crisis in Syria. I switched off. If only the BBC could do balance. If just sometimes they could tell the story of those cheating the system (not the children they claim to be, those that have come from Somalia, Pakistan or Bangladesh, those who come to use our NHS). But we know the story the BBC is going to promote and as much as I have sympathy for the real refugees, the BBC are using them and using the UK population. I have an ‘off’ button and too much agenda driven news by the BBC is causing me to use it.
If Obummer wants Great Britain to remain in the E.U. so much, let him get the U.S. Treasury to pay the £55,000,000 per day for the privilege instead of us having to.
Apologies again for this non BBC bias posting, and if already discussed; however this clip is fascinating and touches on Obama’s ‘strategy’!
Please watch until the end. The truth is really out there and made plain by this gentleman.
Mice Height Signed. Thanks. I believe it is of BBC bias relevance because St Obama’s views on the EU referendum will dominate BBC News and will be a means for them to plug the case for staying in.
Spooky Deborah.
I did exactly the same!…synchronicity or what?
And-if ever I worry about this-along come the BBC to give us some guff about some band who died.
Again-don`t get me wrong-it`s a tragedy for the families and friends.
But this is NOT news-some BBC clot was reporting from “The Cultural Quarter”…of Warrington!
FFS!…already the BBC are trying to make it seem like we lost Buddy Holly and Lynard Skynard, Hendrix and Bowie all in the same car.
Guess it`s too much to expect the dancing uncles at the BBC to resist the chicken hawk cliches…I mean, how does a car go over a bridge when the rest of the queue….let the police do their work…but to have the BBC trying to get us thinking that today the music died is really shroud waving pathetic “Number One” bollocks.
If they were only allowed to read news at 6 and 10 we`d have a chance-but they make this crap up on the hoof and it`s frankly embarrassing and trashes death when cretins like the BBC try to make us emote to order.
Deborah, I didn’t listen to the programme in question but the subject storyline is so broad as to have created an industry in itself. Its is easy for BBC/ MSM to chop it all up into bite size portions for the benefit us plebs who “don’t have the capacity to take it all in”.
The narratives they seek to avoid include:
1. Health tourism and its impact on the NHS (which you correctly mention), avoided for obvious reasons
2. The duplicity of the Turks who have taken EU money, and seem to be conducting their own hostilities with the Russians and Kurds, avoided because it would feed into a contrasting narrative about how untrustworthy these people are, the lack of an EU strategy on the migrant issue and a desire to avoid saying anything bad about the EU as a whole during the upcoming Referendum period
3. The impact of migration on European states, avoided because of the negative overtones the story carries.
There are others, but these are probably the main ones.
Well if it was a serious analysis of the civil war, it’s internal participants, outside parties, their motives and the potential outcomes, I would be very interested. But I’ve yet to hear this. No every bloody day the Syrian war is presented in terms of child refugees crossing from Turkey to Greece (EU). Today was no different. The BBC is not worth one tenth of its license fee.
On the other hand, bBBC TV ‘news’ today has been handed over to the luvvies. First, adulation for a pop band that no-one had heard of, who killed themselves by ignoring traffic signals and driving off a bridge. Then, they’re devoting the rest of the evening to advertising some films and actors that non-one has heard of.
Is this why we pay the TV poll-tax?
I’m glad I’m not alone in seeing a parade of actors/actresses (?) who are totally alien to me. But then, the type of films being made are either totally unfunny American junk that wouldn’t be humorous to a 5 year old, ear splitting wham bam action, or the mumblings – films that need sub-titles; all with never heard of before actors.
Does it matter Sir Arthur how the band died in respect of how much coverage it gets?
And if you really think it does, then I presume only one person in the car was doing the driving and not the whole band.
Funny isn’t it? The Politicians like to portray competence despite the fact they are either wholly incompetent, or wholly corrupt.
The Middle East NEEDS strong dictators without them the Islamic loons get straight down to fighting each other. The only way to prevent this is arrest, detention, and in some cases torture or death in custody. Now by our standards this might appear ‘barbaric’ ‘uncivilised’ and not the way things should be done, but then they are as ever judging by Western standards NOT the standards of the Middle East or Islam.
It’s often said that those who don’t learn the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. It seems our leaders cannot learn what happened in the last couple of decades ! Or alternatively they are so blinded by oil money that they are prepared to use our armed forces in the service of another country.
The regime change in Iraq, of Saddam Hussein – that went well! Or the removal of Colonel Gadhafi in Libya – equally successful, Mubarak in Egypt remind me how desirable the fall out was, and now the attempted removal of Bashar al Assad with almost certain equal success to the others!
There’s no questioning the fact that for decades the Assad family have kept a lid on Syria and the Muslim nutters, now as a result of our corrupt leaders we have hoards of migrants not only from Syria, but from Libya as well!
When will they learn that their meddling ends in disaster every time? Maybe the only time will be when the oil money dries up !
I do believe that the arts and drama graduates employed by BBC News are of the opinion that Western style democracy in the Middle East is instantly acceptable to populations whose use of the ballot would be to replace one absolute dictator with another. I recall during the so called Arab Spring how the almost permanent HYS’s on the subject depicted democracy in this way, and moderator’s regularly blocked attempts to point out that democracy requires protection of dissenters.
I am absolutely sure you are correct. The entire ‘Arab Spring’ was a complete work of fiction in itself, but no amount of attempting to explain the meaning of realpolitik seemed to get through to the fantasists in the ‘progressive’ media, led by the BBC.
A good read and a chuckle this morning with Christopher Booker’s column. How those at al-Beeb have tied themselves into knots again with climate change:
Global warming has fried BBC’s brains over flights to America
‘Climate sceptics” have been entertained by the extravagant coverage given by the BBC to the finding of a Reading University computer model that, thanks to climate change, airliners will take longer to cross the Atlantic. The computer found that a “doubling of atmospheric CO2” will increase the speed of the “jet stream”, adding an hour or two to flight times between Britain and America, thus requiring more fuel and thus causing air fares to rise.
Apart from the curious assumption that “atmospheric CO2” could double from its current 0.04 per cent, and the fact that airliners can drop out of the jet stream if it is against them, the model predicts that it would somehow be speeded up by the growing difference between heat at the tropics and cold at the poles.
But air temperatures in the Arctic have been rising faster than in the tropics, thus reducing the difference, not increasing it. The computer’s finding thus contradicts one of the basic tenets of global warming theory. What the BBC also failed to mention is that even its predicted rise in air fares would be very much less than that air passenger duty, designed to halt global warming, which currently adds between £73 and £438 to the price of a ticket.”
Tom Heap has just proved on Countryfile that dredging makes flooding worse..
How? A kids construction of a sand box….( curtesy of Val Singleton?)…
Yep…..dredging makes it worse….
Think of all the plebs watching now convinced by good old aunty beeb that dredging ( and therefore the EU ) are right after all?
A crass presentation straight from the set of blue peter methinks. But I thought to myself,,, yea, what is it with the rivers and floods? Why would anyone think that dredging makes it worse? I did a search….
There is one argument I found by some bloke. Sounds convincing to me but I need to search some more I think. Think of the good the BBC could have done (user numbers are dropping – FncK YEA!) if they were able to present balanced arguments and show people how to think – oh, they sort of are but they’re telling all what to think about one argument.
“We conclude that dredging can play an important role in
flood risk management in some cases, but is not a standalone
solution. It should be considered in the context of
a range of tools and the origins of different sources of
flood water, and comes with significant risks that must be
understood at a local and catchment scale.”
from this site’s sites publication section – I’ve only got the link from another site so I’m not sure where it might be on this site: http://www.wcl.org.uk/link-publications.asp
Nope, we’re even treated to the entire presenting team of Countryfile draped over straw bales in slinky eveningwear in one magazine this weekend. The Rani woman has about as much affinity with country living as that Dion Dublin (real name ???) has with property on Homes under the Hammer.
I got too angry with the Countryfile misinformation tonight and turned over.
To be fair to Dion, he does have a track record of investing in the property market. He was an excellent footballer and invested wisely in the property.
Oh, and he also played for Utd, Coventry City, Aston Villa, Celtic and England.
His appointment to Homes Under the Hammer, was carried out in accordance with standard practice in the broadcasting industry. The independent production company who make it interviewed and viewed tapes from dozens of potential candidates, narrowing these down to a shortlist of 12. The process of appointment took just under a year.
So my licence fee has to pay 3 presenters now instead of 2 then – and diversity has nothing to do with it ? He clearly had a successful career before wanting to ‘up his profile’ further on tv – and understand he ‘pundits’ on the radio as well. I just get annoyed for those unknowns who struggle and jump through hoops to get noticed, only to get beaten by someone who wants to up their already well known profile. Funny how ‘dozens of potential candidates’ didn’t quite cut the mustard in comparison to someone who kicked a football about.
I visit Holland from time to time and travel by train from the airport to Leiden. The fields there are all surrounded by drainage ditches. These are regularly cleaned of debris and vegetation to stop the fields from becoming waterlogged.
Back here in England my village is low lying and we need to keep the ditches clean because we will be flooded if we didn’t. Indeed back in 2007/8 we were because the District Council had stopped doing their part of the work — for reasons of ‘Green’.
Now, Greenies and the BBC, should the people of Holland abandon their fields, indeed large areas of their nation, should we in our village abandon our houses because dredging – for that is what it amounts to – is not effective and harmful and should not be done? Scale it up to rivers, what’s the difference?
With George Monbiot as ‘expert opinion’ in Countryfile, BBC-style common sense was in short supply as expected, but adding the utterly insane theories on reducing the impact of flood water made the show a true comedy. The creation of dams within hillside water-courses as a means of ‘slowing the flow’, the number of negative sides to dredging, the impact on ‘wildlife’, the selfishness of hill farmers – all was there to appreciate and enjoy. Only the mystery of why they still bother to call it Country – file was left unanswered.
I’m just a simple townie but to my mind the way to deal with surplus water is to build lakes into which the water can be deposited. This will in itself be controversial for the usual reasons, however the choice is flooding vs no flooding.
With the EU referendum possibly only four months away, am I expecting a balanced and impartial analysis of the pros and cons of our membership? No, of course I am not. I am expecting a torrent of pro-EU bias as the fateful day draws nearer. I have already decided my vote, but there are friends and family around me who have not, and they will be subject to the BBC’s agenda. Sadly, when I occasionally try to illustrate the BBC’s bias to some of them, I am regarded at best with bemusement and at worst as a flat-earther.
Here, David Keighley (Conservative Woman) sums it up:
“There’s growing evidence that as the EU referendum approaches, BBC is increasingly inhabiting a weird alternative universe where any concept of support for British interests seems to have all but vanished – together with all normal journalistic principles.”
“Britons held in Greece over large gun stash” states a headline on the Al Beeb webshite. Looks pretty normal and uneventful…. No wait! One’s reportedly an Iraqi kurd! So they are obviously not brits! They have never been brits. They were smuggling guns in because the Al Beeb believe they are part of a ‘criminal gang’. Yeah that’s right you lying, traitorous bast@rds! Its obviously what these patriotic British men are smuggling them in for! I wonder how these traitors would report on the next delivery of ‘gang land’ material being used during some ROPer enriching at Al Beebistan headquarters itself?
Settling down to the annual parade of multimillionaire champagne socialists, otherwise known as the BAFTAs on BBC1. Just how insufferablly wretched can this get..? Well, Dame Stephen Fry sets the tone from the off…this is Luvvidom Central, after all, and within the first five minutes the shameless, hypocritical oaf gets in a cheap jibe at Donald Trump…because, Republicans, right?
Fry is championing all the usual liberal regressive CAGW-supporting, pro-migrant idiots in the audience, from Damon to Ruffalo. Time to put the sick bag on stand-by. This is clearly going to be every bit as awful as I feared. Why do I put myself through this bollocks?
Have avoided the bBBC tonight have been watching The Jump, don’t ask why and now Deutschland 83.
But commercial channels offer us a whole new ball game of diversity, the ads are becoming insufferable, especially the latest Santander and Sainsburys ads, the latter having a mixed race couple and a rash of off white kids. The agenda is now so blatantly clear that even the most ardent Jeremy Kyle viewer couldn’t fail to notice.
I estimate 70 – 80 % of ads now follow the same agenda, especially bank ads.
Its unbearable, it wouldn’t be so bad if it were a true reflection, must follow my own advice of record and skip.
I’m happy to say I haven’t watched a minute of television all day and probably won’t. If I do, it will be something worth watching that I have pre-recorded so I can watch it when I want to and can fast-forward through the propaganda ads of delightfully mixed race families bouncing on shoddy sofas.
I don’t think I have watched a live TV programme other than the news for some years.
Like you Geoff, I too spend most of any telly watching time at the computer watching proper stuff like Douglas Murray or stuff on this site…why bother with BBC slop in 95% of their so-called “output”.
That said, saw the thing on the Shah-which was what the BBC used to do routinely.
They`ve gone from Elvis to Shaky haven`they?
AS for the ads-maybe we should boycott those companies that advertise as if half the population are gay, Muslim, black or what have you…juts sick of the tokenism and them ignoring the residual beige drabs like myself and family.
Need to tell those companies that insult me that I`ll not buy their crap-and a few Twitter campaigns to attack their “racist antiracist” adverts.
Might play in London-but these tokenist bits of crap certainly don`t represent the rest of this country…hurting them in the pocket might remind them of it.
“The agenda is now so blatantly clear that even the most ardent Jeremy Kyle viewer couldn’t fail to notice.”
Viewer? I think it has got to the point where even the participants, who only bring their one collective brain cell to that show, in between bouts of insane shouting, are noticing.
I had a letter this morning from the Chelsea Building Society, they are being taken over by the Yorkshire Building Society. On the front of the leaflet is a domestic cookery scene, the father is black, the two children are black, mother is white. Leaflets from the Post Office also reflect this. You are quite right there seems no escape from this mass miscegenation message. The BBC has been pushing the agenda for years from CBeebies upwards, unfortunately most people seem to accept it as the ‘norm’.
The only racism I have witnessed recently has been black on black when a black girl was walking hand in hand with a white man. A car with three black males inside pulled up and hurled abuse at the girl for not dating “her own”. Since Jerrod says black is white, I’m sure ZHE will find a justification for the poor mites.
Well its only soaps that portray families at each other’s throats, don’t you agree, eh Jerrod ? the ads are there to persuade us, the public, to buy a product, and not to instil upon us their own pc agenda. I’m neither racist nor homophobic, but how long before other lines are crossed in the advertising world when real offence to some will become a serious issue.
…and yet the merest inclination that such people may be consumers of the products you want to buy brings you and Geoff out in hives. You poor, poor people.
Must be terrible, having to watch all these adverts with people smiling and laughing, wondering why they don’t reflect your own life.
wondering why they don’t reflect your own life. …..
Hit the nail on the head there ! NONE of the ads reflect my life, nor those of people I know either ! – particularly where I live, so instead of seducing me to buy a product, it has the opposite effect when there is a pc agenda attached to it.
How many non white countries have an agenda of inflicting quotas of whites on their viewing public, whether it be news, sports, advertising, drama, etc.? Would you play the race card with them? How many politicians have stood up and said that multiculturalism does not work but then carry on regardless? Your culture is the core of your being, none of us ever asked for this mass attack on ours.
If “your culture” consists of sad individuals having hissy fits every time someone who isn’t white appears on an advert, it’s not really all that precious, is it?
And it must be tiring having to start every sentence with “I’m not racist, but…” in the vain hope that anybody foolish enough to listen will actually believe you.
Why do you bother and waste your time? Find yourself something more useful to do.
Try supporting something like ‘failed gay actors’.
Your call ………
Our esteemed Government has actually admitted that the indigenous population of this country will be in the minority by the middle of this century. Better keep your eyes tight shut.
“”The US has a profound interest in a “strong UK staying in a strong European Union”, says the US Secretary of State””
“”Last year, US President Barack Obama said the UK must stay in the EU to continue to have influence on the world stage””
“”In a speech to business, political and civic leaders in Hamburg, Mr Cameron said he would campaign “unequivocally” for the UK to stay in – if the EU agreed to the new terms of membership””
I’ve heard that tomorrow the BBC will explain the advantages to staying in the EU. But I then woke up.
I’ve heard that tomorrow Bob Geldof will explain that his global promise in September 2015 to house Syrian refugees will happen by Monday. He’s an extremely rich and honest man so I have no reason to disbelieve him. But again, I then woke up.
scribbling scribe, yes, the BBC is locked in step with Obama’s US but there’s another US out there, in the same way that there is another Britain closer to the heart of the people and separate from the BBC travesty presentation of our country. This morning I’ve been listening to 4 hours of riveting US talk radio courtesy of America’s Coast to Coast programme on internet radio. Two hours from Rocco Galati (www.comer.org) on the world banks and his legal challenge to the Bank of Canada to offer interest free loans; then a further two hours from Jon Rappoport (nomorefakenews.com) on the Zika virus, the latest fake pandemic, and the hysteria promoted by the WHO with a great consideration of the reasons behind these scare tactics.
George Noory is the regular ‘anchor’ for the programme but there are a number of equally incisive and entertaining guest presenters with Richard Syrett (conspiracyshow.strangeplanet.ca) being the one on call today. If you haven’t got an internet radio then ditch the BBC and look for the real voice of America because it’s still there even if you don’t get it from the BBC.
The thing about Obama and the US Secretary of State saying that, is that many in this country will probably think, ‘fuck you yank, mind your own business’, and not take away a very positive effect from their views. And I think that whoever approves the spread or broadcast of these views knows that this is exactly the effect it will have. Also, Cameron is now almost universally despised, and he and his peers know this.
When various established hated villains (like Tony Blair) came out to strongly oppose Corbyn being elected Labour leader, along with all the manufactured bullshit around peoples’ memberships being suspended or cancelled, it was most definitely a sly – but ancient* – way of getting people to think Labour would somehow change into something different and better, if all these horrible powermongers hated this…man of the people.
*In James Boswell’s ‘Life of Samuel Johnston LL.D’, Johnston illustrates the well-established phenomenon very nicely for Boswell:
October 1773 –
” When I returned to the inn, I informed Dr Johnson of the Duke of Argyle’s invitation, with which he was much pleased, and readily accepted of it. We talked of a violent contest which was then carrying on, with a view to the next general election for Ayrshire; where one of the candidates, in order to undermine the old and established interest, had artfully held himself out as a champion for the independency of the county against aristocratick influence, and had persuaded several gentlemen into a resolution to oppose every candidate who was supported by peers. ‘Foolish fellows!’ said Dr Johnson. ‘Didn’t they see that they are as much dependent upon the peers one way as the other. The peers have but to OPPOSE a candidate, to ensure him success. It is said, the only way to make a pig go forward, is to pull him back by the tail. These people must be treated like pigs.’ ”
So, I think the BBC might be helpful in this particular article.
Headline on BBC news web site: Israel kills five Palestinian ‘Attackers.’
The link takes you to this headline: Five Palestinians killed ‘after attacking Israelis’
Note inverted commas around the words attackers.
The Oxford English dictionary lists this use of commas to draw attention to an unusual, ironic, or arguably inaccurate use.
So then, based on the headlines, there weren’t any attackers.
So I guess Hitler ‘invaded’ Europe, the bbc is ‘lefty-liberal’ and Alan Yentob has a ‘ludicrously large’ pension for a public sector worker.
HSBC to stay in the UK despite the oncoming vote on the European Union.?
“Which raises a challenge for those who argue that businesses could quit the UK if Britain were to leave the EU.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35575793
Remember the scare tactics that were used to frighten us that keeping out of the Euro Currency would be bad for the economy.
Then we had the uncertainty of even mentioning a referendum would cause uncertainty to the economy, Expect more scare tactics before we get the ‘Big Deal’ this week which is no deal at all .
I’ve known about Russia Today(RT News) for a while but last week I broke the daily(BBC) mould and started viewing RT website.
It was a revelation and the news/content is actually interesting and relevant. I now find myself wondering each morning if it’s really worth clicking on the BBC News website.
Meanwhile, tonight the BBC are carrying an article on why some Sikh women are now wearing the turban and another article is ” Israel kills five Palestinian ‘attackers’ “‘. And yes, as usual the wording and punctuation marks speaks for itself.
So, here’s one more who is no longer using the BBC for his source of news and trustworthy information.
I watch very, very little of al beebus output these days; but I must say the documentary on BBC4 this evening about the Shah of Iran and a three day ($640 million) knees up he threw in 1971 for the heads of state of virtually every country on earth, was very good.
This celebration of 2500 years of the Persian “empire” was one of the factors which led to his ousting and exile; and the subsequent rise of the Shia theocracy that has held sway there ever since and which re-ignited fundamentalist Islam throughout the world. It is well worth watching.
Just been watching some film footage of bombs exploding in civilian areas in Syria, and shots of people digging with their hands to rescue people from a collapsed block of flats. You can imagine the dialogue from the reporter. Yes, whatever we believe, these scenes are tragic, HOWEVER no-one has mentioned how Londoners during the Blitz were also doing this stoically on a daily basis and just getting on with it. Families were also split up when children were sent to foster homes in the country; but did the population of London, Coventry and the other cities that got a pasting, uproot en-masse and burden themselves in Scotland or Wales, or take to the boats and paddle across to Ireland or the Scillies ? er NO, they dealt with everything that was thrown at them. So, when these bleedin’ hearts start pontificating for charitable aid, then sorry I’m fresh out of sympathy. 70 years ago the people of this country had more bloody backbone than any of those taking shelter in safe countries and who are joined at the hip to their smartphones. And as for the Jungle at Calais, Dunkirk and possibly Zeebrugge, I’d send the bulldozers in to raze the land back to dust, and use water cannons to repel all boarders all the way back to the Mediterranean !
One major difference with this war though. Whilst our proud and patriotic peoples fought and died for freedom, those moving from the culturally enriched lands of doctors and engineers are looking to lock the entire world in continual darkness, not witnessed in thousands of years. A lunatic cult of psychopaths and rapists believe the entire world belongs to them and will kill everyone who isn’t with them. They make Hitler look like watching an episode of Pippa Pig (apologise for the insensitive use of animal there). Whilst we would fight and die to protect our brothers and sisters, these scumbags will take their own mother out and shoot her for not being enriched enough.
Even worse, the fact that these people have run away from their own countries, and in most cases, from their own ‘loved’ ones, they certainly wouldn’t stay and fight for whichever European country they pitch up in now. They would, as usual, turn tail and run.
Why does no-one ask what If these millions of ‘refugees’ had picked up a rifle and defended their country instead of turning tail and running to Europe?
We got on with it and backed our soldiers. My dad was fighting, mum put me under the stairs whilst the bombs fell,and auntie used to take the piss out of Lord Haw Haw. In those days you could criticise the enemy without being arrested for racism.
In the picture, real Londoners show some spirit. The Lambeth Walk
Interesting that the al-Beeb can devote a large percentage of its morning’s news to the late St. John Paul II’s private life casting aspersions over his celibabcy even though expert witnesses have said that the new papers released prove exactly the opposite, that his relationship with his former female friendly was purely platonic.
This is in total contrast to the lack of time and effort they spend scrutinising the life of another high-profile religious figure and his sexual proclivities, and those of his followers centuries later.
Eu de Cologne anyone to cover up the whiff of hypocisy?
This is only the usual kneejerk reaction of the BBC that anything dug up by Panorama – or, indeed, most things “learned” by the BBC – is automatically worthy of inclusion as the most important news of the day broadcast endlessly on its flagship “news” programmes. Unfortunately most of the Panorama product is basically unimportant information fit only to be added to the acres of dross produced in inordinate bulk by the £800million/year BBC news factory,
In the present case, genuine “news” might have been that John-Paul II had indeed not remained celibate. As it happens, he apparently did remain celibate and nothing of any lasting news value has been uncovered. Remember though – and this goes a long way to explaining the BBC fascination with this bit of gossip – John Paul was a hero of the Polish struggle against the nazis and, later and particularly, Soviet and home-grown communists. Such an admirable record marks him as a perennial target for W1A slander. OTOH, I can imagine that were the BBC to “learn” that the present pope had been guilty of breaking his priestly vows we wouldn’t hear a thing about it. Why? Because, by all accounts, Francis is a lefty – and warmism nutter – completely in tune with the BBC’s Narrative.
BBC London news plumbs new depths of pointlessness this morning. This time they use the first headline item of their short bulletine to plug the BBC show Inside Out London. “A new report out today…blah blah blah” Not news.
In other non-news we are told that HSBC are NOT moving their HQ to Hong Kong. Ok, I guess that’s a story of sorts. A dog that didn’t bark in the night. But why-oh-why did the BBC reporter need to add this: “The bank didn’t say anything about whether Britain’s future membership of the EU might affect their future decisions”
I noticed this too AISI!
Yesterdays stories from lunchtime-and from last night too-were merely reheated like bubble and squeak.
By this I guess we`re supposed to think that HSBC haven`t changed their minds since yesterday, lest we all have had sleepless nights about their leaving us.
Can`t remember the others-but they were all the same as yesterday except for the Baftacrap.
Was it too late to nominate Viola Beach for a lifetime achievement award to the soundtrack of our lives?…but at least they can have my flowers and “Why Oh Why” card , seeing as Dawkins seems determined not to meet his Maker just yet!
Reckon he just wanted to take the attention away from that guff about gravitational waves last week.
He cant just help that “Jealous Mind”-in a sense Alvin was always more authentic than Lennon eh?…John misheard him I guess!
Dopey Cof E eh?
Why the hell would one of them go in so early to Today to be summoned to the Savile Suite? Just to tell old “Thwacker” Humphrys-superannuated Head Boy made Gummy Governor of the BBCs perp School ,why they tweeted something about praying for archdunce Dawkins of the Church of the Poisoned Well?
A gormless performance, typical Cof E.
Had he known his Bible they`d have been better saying nothing but a couple of scriptures-take your pick
a)Ensure that you`re not trapped by deceptive and hollow philosophy, man made bollocks rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
THis stroke though happened on 5/2/16…were I bothered I`d love to know how the BBC mashed and trolled this into another story to piss on the church-the timeline leading up to Ed Stourtons inevtiable show trial of some bird of pray at the nunnery on Sunday might be the end of it…but fuck the trolls who dare to speak for the stroke victim…their hatred of him re women and Islam presumably no factors in his stroke then?
b) It`s a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God
c) Man dies one and is judged for it…and if it`s not Jesus to judge you…then it`ll be Moses, you poor sod!
d) The atheist and agnostic knows nothing but the natural world-and he`ll never know any other because only spiritual discernment is required-and they`re damned if they`ll be wanting THAT!
e)The message of the cross, the madness of the Gospel is foolishness to the living dead and zombies who are dying on their arses day by day in their empty and vacuous lives-but to the likes of me who are in the process of being saved by the day, it only confirms Gods power and the saving life, death and resurrection of my Saviour Jesus `The Christ` MessIR!
Of course I use artistic license here-all are paraphrases of mine, but don`t compromise the “red bits”
If anyone knows where they`re from-well done!…and if you don`t-well you`re now better informed than Dickie Dork!
Rejoice at that news!
Ah those famous Baftas!…very much our Donovan to their Dylan-the Oscars.
I myself always preferred my Showaddywaddy to Jerry Lee Lewis..so if the Oscars and real talent is a bit much…how much better to commemorate the Gang Show that is Will Gompertz and Nina Nannas domain.
Wonder how Will got THAT gig?…like La Di da Gunner Grahams gurning spawn after a session on Frankensteins table…certainly no-ones idea of a leading man-unless it`s walking Jenni Murrays gastric bands until she trust him with a chimwah-mwah!
Plug ugly-with due respect to Plug of course!
Let me guess-he`ll have Dimbly genes or memes that entitle him and all who bear his monicker to a sinecure at the BBC…it`ll peter out with his demise though, I`d expect…
No Danish Girl, No Trumbo, no Boston Paedo Show awards forthcoming…oh dear, poor BBC…they`ll have to find other pretexts to puff up these souffles of stories now, without being able to cite the “success of these films and the issues that they surely raise for all of us”
Raising issues?…erections by another name-but sadly, no lead in Tristrams pencils today!
Tommy has long said that this was the norm.
He`s been attacked a fair few times now, and-of course the Deep State that monitor him and incarcerate him leave him at the mercy of Islamic gangs in prison and outside-but do their damnest to stay a couple of metres away at all stages-but it is the States will that he die if he refuses to back down or sneak off in defeat.
Truly evil forces up there-where Islam meets the Deep State…just look at how the churches have ganged up on the Barnabas Trust-who, for ages now have reported fearlessly on what Islam does to Christians in all parts of the world(largely Muslim of course though)-and their founder Patrick Sookhdeo trashed and smeared beyond belief…and THIS by The Church of England, Evangelical Alliance AND MI5 and their honey traps in Prevent/Cage etc….truly-well evil is the only word for it!
If the Church and the police will sacrifice and entrap old blokes who`ve long been saying this kind of thing-what do you think that Tommy Robinson will be getting by way of attack?
God Bless and keep you Tommy…you`re on the side of the angels, despite how it must look to you this morning!
And let the fools who rule be in no doubt-we all ought to know by now that a Horst Wessell or a Stephen Biko become more potent as myths and martyrs than they do when allowed to speak freely and live…Mandela was a more rounded character as was Walesa by being flawed and incompetent after persecutions…had you made martyrs of them, it would have made the revolutions more bloody and faster.
The left give the firelighters, the police protect and cover the gangs-and Allahs little helpers do the rest…this will not end well if they continue to attack a decent brave patriot who only uses words…
13/02/2016 – Islington, London – Illegal immigrant accused of attempted kidnap
Illegal immigrant Abdi Waise appeared at court yesterday accused of impersonating a police officer and attempting to kidnap school children in North London. He has been charged with six counts of attempted kidnap, five counts of impersonating a police officer, false imprisonment, stalking and one count of inciting a 15-year-old boy to engage in sexual activity, the Evening Standard has reported.
Mr Waise already has a criminal record: he was jailed in 2009 for the brutal strangulation and rape of a woman in North London.
The taxpayer-funded legal aid folk, plus Liberty and a whole litany of like-minded leftie-luvvie-liberals, will even now be getting ready to make sure that Mr Waise’s ‘Yuman Rights’ are fully protected.
But which way will the ‘wimmins’ groups go on this one? ‘Far Left’ feminism or ‘Far Left’ pro-open-door immigration? Tough decision but I’m sure Al Beeb will ensure maximum coverage either way.
World of twitter devastated after King Twat abdicates in a hissy fit: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35577913
Calm down dear. Guess we won’t get to find out about those crisps after all.
The fact that the BBC still retain Fry after his truly disgusting ‘quip’ about sand in the Vaseline at a previous awards love-in tells you all you need to know about the nation’s most valuable resource.
S`pose Fry`s no longer brave enough to piss off to Belgium when things get a bit eggy for the poor fat lump!
He`s in and out of Twitter like a…well, you finish it for me….
Not sure what it is with these award ceremonies attraction to so called comedians? The Globes seem to have the same problem with Ricky Gervais, another serially unfunny individual who has made a successful living making “fun” at the discomfort of others.
Galling double-dealing hypocrites.
Admittedly Fry is a fake…but when his trolls bully him off Twitter, they know full well that he`s fragile and flaky.
These trolls should be getting prosecuted for attacking a vulnerable mental health survivor who is gay…homophobic hate crime, or bullying the mentally ill?…both counts.
Like I say, it`s THEIR weird world of entitlements, safe spaces and rights…not mine!
But these po-faced Brand/Fatch fuckwits need a few crabs and lobsters up their nighties…and i`m happy to use Fry as a fat surfbord if we start to get the leftiscum out of their prams and onto the pavement for “educating”.
It looks like a classic Twitter storm over nothing in particular and I would have sympathy for the person on the end of it but for the fact that he and his fellow lefties are the first to go holier-than-thou whenever someone they disagree with says something outwith permitted thought.
Has anyone else noticed that John Humphreys appears to have branched out into advertising voice-over work?
I’m not sure of my ground here, but someone with an uncannily similar voice, complete with similar sounding tone and inflections is now doing the Money Supermarket adverts specifically that one with the loose limbed dancing chappie who has a problem with self co-ordination, appearing in a suit. The most recent one.
I have no issues with people making the most of their skills, doing whatever they can to earn a crust, but in the past the BBC has railed against people with more than one role.
The same ‘serious’ newscaster that inadvertently brought us Band Aid, but not too serious to appear in I’m A Celebrity and voice over such insipid ads.
It must be nice to be on the BBC payroll, retire relatively young, yet still use their BBC ‘fame’ be able to rake in six figure sums for appearing in reality TV shows and do voice-overs to prop up their pensions, nice work if you can get it…
Maybe I’m being a bit thick, but can someone explain to me just how a Virgin Atlantic pilot was hit by a ‘military strength’ laser?
We’re told the plane was at 8000 feet and obviously climbing, how exactly is the pilot venerable from the ground at such an angle. Do ‘military strength’ lasers go around corners, are we not being told the whole story, or more than likely I’m missing something?
I think we are all missing something here: a considerable lack of effort and enquiry and questioning by Station/Channel/Network Heads, Producers, Editors, journalists & presenters. Nothing in that story seems to ring true to me unless – if it was a miltary strength laser – it was an accidental or deliberate air-to-air attack.
I am starting to get a bit concerned that the BBC is getting very like the ‘red top’ newspapers and including content in their news operation that is dubiously worthy of a comic for children. It could be that one day someone will let a story through, that has no real substance, that causes a serious panic and damage and/or loss of life.
In simple terms: the laser energy is scattered/refracted as it transits the cockpit glazing and fills the cockpit with very bright light that destroys the pilots’ night vision (at best), rendering him/her unable to see flight instrumentation. The natural ‘look at bright event’ reaction can cause temporary retinal damage leading to temporary blindness which won’t help either, especially in the high workload environment immediately after departure in the London Terminal Control Area. And these are the results of morons using low-powered ‘presentation pointer’ type lasers. The lasting effects inflicted on the Handling Pilot in this case suggests that a higher power laser was used (“other incapacitating devices are are available”!), although I suggest that its usual tabloid bo££ocks that has engendered the use of the ‘military strength’ label.
There’s plenty of examples of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a Laser incident on YouTube; it ain’t big, it isn’t funny and it is festeringly dangerous.
In many respects, i respect Izzard for his charitable endeavours. But then he goes and ruins it by championing a thug like Mandela.
Regardless of his political and sexual orientation, Izzard seems like a decent bloke. It’s a shame the BBC have made him their poster boy on the pure basis that he is: 1) leftie
2) Trans
3) Pro-EU
I’m sure there are plenty more to add to the list (feel free to contribute)
Personally I’m very grateful to Eddie Izzard. He’s removed the need to do any serious reading/research regarding the important political issues with which we are faced.
Simply look at the way he votes/campaigns and do the opposite………works every time.
Here’s an odd thing. A film which has never been broadcast by the BBC, yet is only available on iPlayer concerning the influence Saudi Arabia, and Wahabist Islam is having on the world today. How political leaders have attempted to simplify complex issues which they almost certainly don’t understand themselves into black & white, good & evil to be spoon fed to the masses.
It’s called bitter lake a reference to a meeting between Roosevelt & Faisal on Egypt’s Great Bitter Lake in 1945, where an alliance was made which according to the film maker still affects us to this day.
“Peter Hitchens wrote that “the simple, devastating explanation of how and why Britain’s Helmand military intervention went so completely wrong from the beginning – despite its good intentions – is so good, so concise and so powerful that it alone justifies the film.” Hitchens said that the film “surprises, captivates, creates in the mind a demand to know what is happening, and then answers it,” and concluded his review with simply “See it, please.””
Jasper Rees, for The Daily Telegraph, called the film “visually astonishing” and “an all-you-can-eat feast of impressionistic subtlety”. Beyond the “extraordinary visuals”, “the hypnotic jumble of footage”, and the “insistent soundtrack pump[ing] out a manipulative pulse of music from East and West, telling you what to feel”, Rees was less convinced by the film’s narrative, describing it as “like being hectored by a dazzling know-all with x-ray vision who espies connections across the map of history.” Rees was critical of the absence of fact-checking, and of the “only significant interview, with a Helmand veteran whose task is simply to repeat everything Curtis has already claimed. Mainly we are just invited to take his word for it”. He concluded that “the egotism and grandiloquence are maddeningly at odds with the sustained brilliance of the spectacle”, and “In the end, Adam Curtis sounds like just another prophet asking us to have faith in his vision. Which is an irony.”
To be honest I found much of the film to be little more than padding to make it so long, and with little being added to what was being said the key points being at 15:00, 28:00, 40:00, 50:00 & 58:30 through to the end. It seems it really takes an hour to even get to the point !
It pulls no punches about Wahabism though, calling it backwards & intolerant, and at times a host of other accusations.
If you haven’t seen it before it’s certainly worth a watch !
Ah, Adam Curtis. Long gone are the days when I would feverishly follow his programmes, working my way through all of them and thinking that here was something REAL, that ooh the establishment must not like this sort of thing. His voice – through the hypnotic music and images – so trustworthy and comforting, enriching us with this…secret information!
Any slight criticism of his stuff can be brushed aside when this little gem exists:
It was made by filmmaker Adam Curtis, the same man responsible for ‘The Power of Nightmares’, which argues that radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organisation, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth perpetuated in an attempt to unite people, and which Alan is referring to when he often claims the BBC denies that al-Qaeda existed.
By the same logic then the BBC must also think Wahabism is backwards & intolerant. Presumably this will form part of Alan’s meme in future…….or I suspect, not.
Along with most of the civilized world, even the Saudi Royals view the Wahhabi as a bunch of feral, backwards sand-niggers. The BBC hardly need to gild the lily.
Oh sod it! Just heard that Emma Thompson has said it would be madness to leave the EU, so now what am I going to do? Still, if Em says, I suppose I’ll just have to change my mind. I mean, she’s the expert.
Oh I know darling. It will be simply preposterous having to fill in forms every time we want another gardener from Poland. Heaven knows what will happen when we go to Cannes. I mean it might cause climate change all that bureaucracy.
You are very wise to listen to Emma’s warnings as she is a very gifted individual. Similarly, if you have any doubts about global warming she can help with that too. Not as clever as Kenneth Brannagh though because he had the sense to ditch her.
Well this is the dilemma – no pun intended. When celebrities, with access to the world’s greatest authorities – people like George Monbiot, Robert Peston and Jeremy Clar…I mean Corbyn – when they are prepared to stake their reputation by offering the ignorant general public such valuable advice, how can we ignore it? Could you turn down the chance of being numbered among the elite?
It`s my own fault I know.
After Winnie Robertsons whinnying last week about the fate of the nations greyhounds, I told myself that life`s too short to bother my arse with that Gripewater bowel-constriction of a show.
But tune in I did today-only to be berated about the lack of disabled access to online shopping.
Have now put intsy-wincy ramps towards key letters on my board, and have created both a lift service to the function keys, and a fire exit at each corner of my computer screen for each pinkie to escape from in the event of a terrorist incident.
Winnie-what IS she on?
My cursor keys are now unable to be used as I upgrade that section of my computer keypad to make it disability friendly…I`m sorry about this inconvenience to myself, but when my fingers are blind and arthritic, I shall see it all as an investment…
WTF is that Winnie Robertson on about? Can’t stand the woman’s patronising tone; her radio voice sounds like she thinks she is talking to a 95 year old with senile dementia (Think Claire Rayner reporting on a fire at an orphanage and you get the idea).
My 8 year old son informed me in a very excited manner this morning that he had seen something he called ‘sun-snow’. This was an apt description as I had also seen some snow flurries from cumulus clouds as the sun shone brightly through the gaps. Given the infantile descriptions of the weather we get now from the likes of Tomas Schaferknacker I thought maybe I should offer my boy’s services to the BBC. Should they accept I shall, of course, accompany him at all times when he is anywhere near Mr Jingle Jangle’s old hunting ground.
So poor old Stephen Fry has been hoisted on his own petard, after saying something ‘wrong’ last night, the Fascists have finally accused the witchfinder general of witchcraft in an astonishing turn around. And so the biter is bitten and flounced off in a hissy fit. Yesterdays left wing Fascists are being replaced by a new even more savage breed.
Fry complains of a new set of ‘isms’ and ‘phobias’ and that the old ‘isms’ and ‘phobias’ that he knew and loved are no longer valid!
What a Pr***!! We could all see that the original isms and phobias held no water, yet there is something of satisfaction seeing those idiots who began this idiocy being attacked by their creation, as ever more ‘progressive’ fools get it even more wrong !
It’s true, the left will eat itself. When Dr Germaine Greer makes the point that a person with a penis in a dress is not actually a woman, she is “no-platformed” by the NUS fascists. It must be very confusing being an old lefty nowadays. It is far easier if you always believed that all leftists are deranged, and it is quite satisfying to see this truth demonstrated every single day.
Critics of the BBC who claim that our national broadcaster sets itself against religious faith have got it all wrong. They could hardly be further from the truth. The BBC routinely espouses, spreads and reinforces a comprehensive system of faith-based beliefs.
In fact, when you think about it, where better to find our modern gospels than on the BBC?
To begin with they hold to the creation myth that the world’s warmer climes were a place of universal peace, happiness and plenty where men and women once lived harmoniously and man never raised a hand against another – that is until the introduction of evil in the form of British colonialism.
No religion on the BBC? Nonsense.
They daily remind us of the great original sins we have within us: racism, a lack of forgiveness for criminals and perhaps that darkest sin – the fact that actually we wince every time we hear Let them Know its Christmas.
They give us useful catchesims for daily life such as: private bad, public good. All government spending is investment. Palestine good: Israel bad. UN good, EU very very good.
They teach us to remember our important daily obsequiences like recycling, paying our TV licence fee, budging up to make way for more immigration and forgetting what some of our fellow Europeans might have done in the war.
They warn of the wrongs of mistaken heresies such as private enterprise, inheritance and patriotism.
They regularly warn of the gross blasphemies that we must not utter such as negatively naming another’s sexuality or colour.
They remind us that the Devil can become incarnate as in the case of Margaret Thatcher.
They give us a modern Judas who was once on the side of the Angels but was forever exiled for his betrayal and lust for silver – Tony Blair.
There are many other fallen Angels who once erred but that we must now forgive – such as John Prescott, Peter Mandleson and Jackie Smith.
Some tame Devils who have repented and seen the light – Chris Patten and Michael Portillo spring to mind.
They teach us parables such as that of the bad city (London) and the good city (Liverpool).
They warn us not to cut too deep or too fast and advise us that we can always borrow and spend our way out of any difficulties.
BBC people are very religious – they never miss their annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury even though it is usually rubbish. While on the subject of their medicine – they advocate free access to drugs for all and they don’t forget the old and infirm because they hold the NHS as sacrosanct.
The BBC warns us of the bad writings which we ought to avoid – found in most of the tabloids.
There are some good texts and although few of us are sufficiently learned or have the righteous standing to actually read it nonetheless the BBC is full of the wonderful good news to be found in the Guardian.
They will never let us forget the names of our modern saints such as Stephen Lawrence, Charles De Menenes and Blair Peach – who died for us.
They remind us that there is a living saint over the water and that he can do no wrong – Barrack Obama.
I must admit that the path to BBC truth is not an easy one. There are some difficult leaps of faith to be made but I do try to believe that the weather is rapidly getting warmer, that our economic woes are all the fault of the bankers and of 9/11 – that the US had it coming.
“Syrian hospital strike deliberate” reads the main headline on the Al Beeb webshite. Once again the Al Beeb jihadi brigade doing more to recruit the next batch of religious peace envoys to enrich the west with the “real” form of lslam than any religion of peace state website. Who and why was the hospital hit? Of course we won’t hear about that as the people killed are all highly intelligent engineers and doctors, killed by the evil oppressors and their western backers. Peace enrichers raping, enslaving, and carrying out genocide… Doesn’t seem to draw the same anger and repulsion as alleged innocents killed by alleged Assad and his allies.
The West is desperate to stop Russia changing the facts on the ground ahead of a ceasefire.. Hence the ramped up reporting. Standard procedure in battle to gain as much advantage as possible ahead of any ceasefire.
Tommy Robinson has been hurt by a vicious attack on Sunday evening.
This guy is a marked man
The BBC not worthy of any comment unless he fits their pro immigration / any other view nasty nazi agenda.
US network ABC, wanted a live interview with him, they got J Gaunt to do it last week,
Why not an ABC interviewer?, with him wandering around Luton? … oh yes after last time.
Being firmly anti-EU i’m more inclined to read and view material that supports Brexit so it’s a little depressing that some of the pundits I admire, like Peter Hitchens and Charles Murray, are seemingly resigned to the view that we’ll be stupid enough to vote to stay in.
But there might be one factor that could benefit the exit campaign and swing an ‘unexpected’ win for us.
Opinion polls are so often wrong because those polled only have to answer a question. The don’t actually have to get themselves down to a polling booth.
It’s often said that those most keen to leave are the older people who have had more time to see our sovereignty disappear. Those people are absolutely determined to cast their vote.
The great swathe of sheeple who are not really as bothered or, if pushed to give an opinion, would rather stick with the status quo, may not feel as determined to get themselves down to the polls, especially if they believe opinion polls predicting a “stay in” vote.
Younger people (who’ve never known an independent Britain) are also less inclined to vote and this could be to our advantage.
I’d be casting my vote even if I’d just fallen down the stairs and had to crawl to the polling station. A lot of “stay in” voters may be more inclined to stay in their gardens supping a beer on a warm summer’s evening.
I think the determination to cast a Brexit vote will outweigh the determination to cast a “stay in” vote.
Project Fear is in full swing. I spoke to my brother today, last week his company, a small buildings supply company of about 100 employees had their profits briefing, a briefing given to all staff.
They were told by a director that things were pretty rosy, sales strong, profits up, but there was just one cloud on the horizon, that being if we voted to come out of Europe, they were told would be ‘damaging’ to the future prospects of the company…
My brother wanted to query what he was being told, but liking his job and needing the money wasn’t brave enough to question, neither did anyone else at the meeting.
This is just one small company and I expect similar to be happening all over the UK. Project Fear is up and running and the sheep fearful for their future will vote in, just as Douglas Murray predicts. Sadly I fear after hearing this I tend to agree…
So they won’t be able to buy their London Brick Company bricks from the Germans anymore?
But think of all the opportunities for building shanty towns for the new Europeans fleeing France!
Fear is all they have and they know it.
There is no argument for staying in that has any validity. None at all that a free man or woman can accept. Our MPs and these businessmen need to understand that they do not have any right to cede our sovereignity to any other body or person. It is ours by right of birth and cannot be given to anyone even by ourselves for to do so betrays future generations. Why this simple fact is not continually spoken and discussed is beyond me except that to do so destroys the case for staying.
In any case this rush is because the EU is about to implode. The invasion is growing apace and this means the eastern states will have to make a choice. Stay or leave immediately.
Just wait till the weather eases and then the chaos really starts.
People just need to be told that the Single Market is not the EU, and you can be a member of the former without being a member of the latter. The EU is a system of political union, it has nothing to do with free trade.
I think it is important if you can talk to young family members about Brexit, as all the IN arguments can be shown to be wanting. I myself have until about 10 years ago been fairly pro UK EU membership, but would now vote for Brexit (if allowed as an expat!). This view is based simply on the fact that the EU has ceased to function and shown itself unable to react and address major crises, namely the financial crisis from 2008 which is still unresolved and the current migrant crisis. Only a madman (or a country as desperate as Bosnia) would want to join such a club, especially one with such a high membership fee.
Know what you mean.
Poor old Peter and Doug have to LIVE in that f***ing bubble…and must get pretty despondent sometimes being the perpetual person of colour in the woodpile.
These heroes need a bit of R&R at times-and certainly a good hose down after all that contact with evil lefties and Billy Idolising liberal sneer merchants.
But-they need to know that we`ve decided already-and , like the election last year, good times are coming.
Makes no difference of course to a large part-our useless politicians and civil servants will have to stop joyriding on the EU Titanic, and learn to use a sextant again.
As things stand they`re polishing the chandeliers, and pretending that they`re working.
But we`ve decided-can only do so knowing that Nigel will be happy afterwards.
Tempted to sign it; but remembering Samuel Johnson’s analogy, I think it will be a very good thing to have the arrogant cunt strut into Parliament and deliver his speech. This will irritate many.
He has but to ENDORSE the concept to help ensure it fails.
It should be to ban Obama from coming into the UK, and then another for the Clintons. Another for Mad Merkel, Hollande etc. The right should do one for every one the left do.
“Sailing from France, an invading army is about to land in Wales. The leader of this army was a REFUGEE, a fugitive, a man who had spent half of his 28 years on the run.”
Penn described Henry VII as a ‘refugee’ a further two times in the next 20 minutes. The term refugee is relatively recent. Henry VII was an exile or he had been exiled. Technically, he was also a traitor. Penn is using the term refugee retroactively.
“As King Henry VII he would create the dynasty that bore his name: The Tudors. But Henry VII remains obscure, eclipsed by the monarch he deposed Richard III , by the glamour and notoriety of his WIFE-KILLING son Henry VIII and the CHARISMA of his grand-daughter Elizabeth I.”
That wasn’t all.
“But while Henry was trying the convince THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY he was there to stay … in early 1493 Henry got wind of another plot . Yorkist exiles in Europe were GROOMING a young man called Perkin Warbeck to impersonate one of the princes in The Tower.”
Lastly, I think Penn’s description of the ‘Council Learned’ as something that, “overrode the normal processes of government, of law … it acts with complete impunity, it is totally unaccountable … this was a process that struck fear and rage and frustration into those people who were caught up in its dealings” was totally lost on him.
No wonder the Guardian is on it’s last legs. However wife killer was a common term used to describe Henry V111. William Cobbett referred to him as such. .
Doyle, there was a time when the BBC made good programmes. Your post has reminded me of their series “The Shadow of the Tower”. A 13 part series on the reign of Henry VII with James Maxwell as Henry. That’s a series I would watch again.
Of course if Penn had changed his emphasis very slightly I’d have liked your first quote:
“Sailing from France, an invading army is about to land in Wales. The leader of this army was a REFUGEE, a fugitive, a man who had spent half of his 28 years on the run.”
What he seems to be saying is that an army of refugees invaded the country, killed and replaced the leading members of the government, took control and ruled in their own interests from then on.
A lesson for us all from a BBC programme. Perhaps I will watch it on the laptop.
It got better as it went on although the first 20 minutes ruined it for me. There was also the odd use of modern language in a historical context i.e. refugee, international community etc that ran through the full hour. I’ve never read Penn’s book on Henry VII but it would be interesting to know whether he refers to Henry as such [a refugee] or whether the BBC Editorial Dept have had a go re-writing his script. I’d definitely recommend you watch it but only for the reasons above and not because it’s especially enlightening [he was miserly which is not exactly a revelation]. With about 10 minutes to go he’s run out of things to say about Henry and concentrates on his son instead. It’s that sort of programme.
As the European Referendum fast approaches, expect more propaganda from Al Beeb and sad to say, the rest of the MSM .
More importantly to this site more Al Beeb ‘Troll’ activity .
Using the ‘buzz’ words frequently used by the ‘so-called’ reporters working for Al Beeb – they are getting ‘desperate’.
Al Beeb knows that if we pull out of Europe their end is nigh.
The European Union is running scared, they are afraid that Britain leaving the union will lead to its break up. They rely more on us than we do on them Mr Car Moron. We import more goods from them than they take from us http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-35583140
1. The BBC
2. David Cameron
3. Tony Blair
4. Barry Obama
5. Peter Mandelson
6. Kinnocks
7. Morgan Stanley
8. The Labour Party
9. J P Morgan
10. The CBI
11. Eurocrats
12. Millibands
13. internationalists
14. Merkel, Hollande, Junker, Barroso, Draghi
15. The French
16. George Soros
17. Luxemburg
18. Multi Nationals
19. Banksters
20. The 1%
21. Profiteers from cheap labour
Who wants to leave the EU?
1. Freedom lovers.
2. Patriots.
3. Those who understand what we in the UK are, where we came from and how we got here.
Is it too much to demand that your government controls immigration so as to protect the safety and security of the people of the UK and their common welfare system and public services? We need to take control, because as members of the EU we can not control who enters our country, in what numbers and at what rate. With this madness, planning school numbers, hospital provision, housing requirements, trainee doctor/nurse/engineer numbers a decade in advance, all become meaningless – pinning a tail on the donkey planning. Then there is energy demand. No! We have to take control and to do that we must leave the EU.
Vote Leave. For a chance to heal our democracy and institutions.
Taffman. Leave nothing to chance I reckon. Face to face, day to day conversations. Leafleting, street stalls, whatever it takes. We need to help more folk wake up to the dangers of remaining shackled to the EU and the prosperity that could ensue from such freedom (if folk also stop voting LibLabCon).
Very good angryman, Goldman Sachs are huge fundraisers of Remain also.
I’ve had a good look at the list of the ‘remains’.
Now could somehow please tell me in all honesty that these people/groups/instsitutions will support a referendum based on truth, integrity with electoral corruption or illegal intereference.
I do not trust these people.
Do I think the referendum will be fixed ? Of course I do.
I believe that for the leave EU supporters to win they will need about three times as many votes as the stay. Even then the result will be descibed as a close run thing. The Albeeb will then be seeking a rerun because it was such a close result!
Watch out for an electorate vote of 23 million people voting from Tower Hamlets all of whom want to stay in the EU!
As yet, I`ve yet to mean anybody whose brain stem is intact who would want to stay in the EU.
The EU are despised-and Cameron rumbled as an irrelevant pipsqueak who surely doesn`t REALLY think that his “tortured negotiations” mean a gobbet to anybody!
He`s a berk in that this “methodology” of his was well-predicted months ago.
No changes-but blow hard over utter irrelevancies as if they matter…as if Chomsky hadn`t said that this is what the liberal elite always do.
He`s doing exactly as Nigel said…and I`ve nothing but contempt for his posture politicking.
Good list Angryman…all I tell my buch are the following
a) The EU is basically an attempt to create a green USSR. with the nations all hogtied for Islam
b) The United Currency wasn`t even attempted by Hitler…although the eco terrorism, the howling down of free speech and techniques to ensure compliance are very Goebbels.
c) The borders of the EU are being made so intolerable that we might beg for an Eu Army-but as we`ve seen in Kosovo…it`d be a bunch of dope-addled lesbians and IS infiltrate translating
d) COLOGNE?…CALAIS/JUNGLE?…vote yes, get THEM!
You`d have to be mad-literally mad( to quote that sage seer Mr Powell!)
Oh-and for the 21st year running -the EUs accounts have not been signed off by any accountancy firm-no, not even Arthur Andersen himself!…but the BBC didn`t seem to think that I needed to know that…banging on about Europe I believe being a coming crime, I`ll bet…
After years of being lectured about food waste the BBc breakfast crew decided it would be fun to throw eggs, and well waste food. When I pointed out the hypocrisy this is the less than adequate reply to my complaint I have just received
“Reference CAS-3691987-GL3N7W
Thanks for getting in touch with us about the Chucky Egg Challenge.
The challenge is to encourage our audience to get involved with the excitement of the Six Nations. The aim of the game is to pass the egg to your opponent (like you would a rugby ball) as many times as you can in twenty seconds and not drop it. The person who drops the egg loses the game.
We’re sorry that you’re unhappy with this game and we’ve made our sport editors aware of your concerns.
Thank you once again for taking the time and trouble to contact us.
.Now this was my complaint. Still nice of them to tell me what it was for…Yes I got that when it was shown. Also very nice of them to explain the rules of “Chucky egg” as it’s so complex I might have had a few problems there.
“Full Complaint: Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/35493930 We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason. Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again..”
They managed to outdo themselves a day or so later Dave. In tests of a range of suitcases, dragged at speed along a road, the contents were comprehensively shattered. The suitcases were full of eggs, probably several hundred in all. Tops the old Chucky Egg Challenge, eh?
O/T. To those with a more detailed interest in science and scientific publications, this could be a major breakthrough in the dissemination of knowledge.
Edward Snowden in a labcoat!
Only no agents of the UK or USA will die, and the world can freely check on “that science” and ensure that Harrabins science-and that of those who pay him at Common Purpose, 38 Degrees, Plane Stupid, Greenpeace. Friends of the Earth-and, of course The UEA.
Be good too , to check on all the health crap that our Chief Matron at the NHS peddles us re booze and obesity.
Funnily enough though-never anti-depressants, Ritalin or the link between dope and mental illness and long term schizophrenia…
This lobby of the media, the greenies and the elf self -service requires a good checking…and thanks to Alexandra for allowing us now to scrutinise Big Dope!
BBC don`t seem to be reporting it though-bet it pisses them off…not an act of treachery for them to gloat over, you see.
The Al Beeb jihadi brigade are stating the bombing of the hospital in Syria is a war crime, and stating the international humanitarian law to justify that statement. How many factions involved in the conflicts of the middle east are abiding by that law? Obviously not one Islamic country because Muhammads cult is only thing that counts and living life as he did is the only thing written in law.
So let’s get this straight, and I will answer using PC, left wing bullshite so loved by the Al Beeb. The free world is at war with militants that have never and will never recognise any law not Muhammads and use our pursuit of law against us to inflict daily atrocities and win more hearts and minds to their cause. Thanks again BBC for helping along and encouraging that dangerous and unwinnable narrative
Dartmoor, has now had at least one frost day for January and February 2016. Remember, I reported last year that Dartmoor had a frost day every month during 2015 and I’m pretty sure it will happen again this year. No doubt, our Met Office will be informing us that the U.K. will be the warmest “evah”. Oh, they have already done that haven’t they and all endorsed by our “Climate Scientists” at the BBC.
Oh dear, BBC Breakfast runs a short film report on EU migration featuring a number of London’s dark-skinned population saying “we’re full now… that’s enough…. you have to control your borders…” and then whoops-a-daisy the film report begins to run twice. It’s not all double one-way traffic – we have a Polish lorry driver who reckons “When I came to England I didn’t know there was a benefit system” But overall the report is a rare expression of on the ground opinion. And silly old auntie pushed the wrong button and played it twice. Of course the sofa-dwellers notice and urgently interupt the repeat feature to bring us… some nice photos of frosty weather.
Just a normal Tuesday (or any day) full of the usual bias on the Today programme. I see that earlier posts here have covered the bombing of hospitals in Syria. I had wondered if the definition of hospital there was the same as Gaza,I.e.somewhere to base terrorist activities. But I could rely on the Today to not ask that question.
We then had a story about how wicked Tory cuts to housing benefit has meant planned developments for the old or the disabled are now not being built because the rents won’t cover the build. Go to Harrogate to a development with only one lift and narrow corridors. Interview an old man who says the corridors are really busy and isn’t it dreadful that he isn’t going to get his new flat. But surely the place should always be full and presumably has always been like it is. No explanation of why it has got worse presumably because for those living there, it hasn’t.
Then on to a Daily Mail story. The BBC only takes up the ones they like. So all the stories about Labour cronies acting as Chief Executives and Health Authorities receiving enormous pay packages was ignored. However the inadequacies of the 111 system highlighted by the Labour MP Gisella Stewart who created the NHS Direct scheme allowed to go unchallenged. If I ever rang NHS Direct I always waited a couple of hours for a call back for a nurse to tell me to go to hospital ‘to be on the safe side’. In the end I took NHS out of the loop and saved the waiting time. My experience with 111 I can only praise highly. As for the story of the 111 worker in Dorset the Today highlighted of the call from the lady whose husband might have a DNR in place, surely the obvious was for her to send the paramedics and let them on the ground decide the correct procedure.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China https://www.cnbc.com/2025/03/08/trade-war-china-to-slap-retaliatory-tariffs-on-some-canadian-products.html Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the War Speech – 15 February 2003 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16BtpSCufU0 54,730 views 7 Jul 2016 In 2003, I…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 H E Mr Yassine El Oued, Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to the United Kingdom “1 bottle of olive…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 15:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The NDP is ending its governance agreement with the Liberals Deal that ensured Liberal minority government’s survival was the first…
1pm News, Radio 4, Mark Mardell telling me that the whole of the programme would be dedicated to the crisis in Syria. I switched off. If only the BBC could do balance. If just sometimes they could tell the story of those cheating the system (not the children they claim to be, those that have come from Somalia, Pakistan or Bangladesh, those who come to use our NHS). But we know the story the BBC is going to promote and as much as I have sympathy for the real refugees, the BBC are using them and using the UK population. I have an ‘off’ button and too much agenda driven news by the BBC is causing me to use it.
Apologies for non BBC bias post, but thought many here might like to sign this petition to stop Obama interfering in the EU referendum –
I hope he does – the British don’t like being dictated to. We’re a stubborn lot.
Maybe Ian Katz could be persuaded to work on a BBC/Obama special to try and swing the ‘correct’ result? This could be a real win/win all round.
If Obummer wants Great Britain to remain in the E.U. so much, let him get the U.S. Treasury to pay the £55,000,000 per day for the privilege instead of us having to.
If he won’t – he should keep his snout out.
Perhaps we should encourage him? Given his success in bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago what could go wrong?
Apologies again for this non BBC bias posting, and if already discussed; however this clip is fascinating and touches on Obama’s ‘strategy’!
Please watch until the end. The truth is really out there and made plain by this gentleman.
Mice Height Signed. Thanks. I believe it is of BBC bias relevance because St Obama’s views on the EU referendum will dominate BBC News and will be a means for them to plug the case for staying in.
Spooky Deborah.
I did exactly the same!…synchronicity or what?
And-if ever I worry about this-along come the BBC to give us some guff about some band who died.
Again-don`t get me wrong-it`s a tragedy for the families and friends.
But this is NOT news-some BBC clot was reporting from “The Cultural Quarter”…of Warrington!
FFS!…already the BBC are trying to make it seem like we lost Buddy Holly and Lynard Skynard, Hendrix and Bowie all in the same car.
Guess it`s too much to expect the dancing uncles at the BBC to resist the chicken hawk cliches…I mean, how does a car go over a bridge when the rest of the queue….let the police do their work…but to have the BBC trying to get us thinking that today the music died is really shroud waving pathetic “Number One” bollocks.
If they were only allowed to read news at 6 and 10 we`d have a chance-but they make this crap up on the hoof and it`s frankly embarrassing and trashes death when cretins like the BBC try to make us emote to order.
A tragic shame, to be sure.
Sadly for the BBC Facebook does allow comments, so their wall to wall grieving online has not been complemented as sensitively as they may have hoped.
Deborah, I didn’t listen to the programme in question but the subject storyline is so broad as to have created an industry in itself. Its is easy for BBC/ MSM to chop it all up into bite size portions for the benefit us plebs who “don’t have the capacity to take it all in”.
The narratives they seek to avoid include:
1. Health tourism and its impact on the NHS (which you correctly mention), avoided for obvious reasons
2. The duplicity of the Turks who have taken EU money, and seem to be conducting their own hostilities with the Russians and Kurds, avoided because it would feed into a contrasting narrative about how untrustworthy these people are, the lack of an EU strategy on the migrant issue and a desire to avoid saying anything bad about the EU as a whole during the upcoming Referendum period
3. The impact of migration on European states, avoided because of the negative overtones the story carries.
There are others, but these are probably the main ones.
Out of interest, who would be interested in listening to a radio programme on the crisis in Syria?
I don’t know anyone.
Well if it was a serious analysis of the civil war, it’s internal participants, outside parties, their motives and the potential outcomes, I would be very interested. But I’ve yet to hear this. No every bloody day the Syrian war is presented in terms of child refugees crossing from Turkey to Greece (EU). Today was no different. The BBC is not worth one tenth of its license fee.
On the other hand, bBBC TV ‘news’ today has been handed over to the luvvies. First, adulation for a pop band that no-one had heard of, who killed themselves by ignoring traffic signals and driving off a bridge. Then, they’re devoting the rest of the evening to advertising some films and actors that non-one has heard of.
Is this why we pay the TV poll-tax?
I dont pay a penny to sub their incessant sgenda driven garbage
I’m glad I’m not alone in seeing a parade of actors/actresses (?) who are totally alien to me. But then, the type of films being made are either totally unfunny American junk that wouldn’t be humorous to a 5 year old, ear splitting wham bam action, or the mumblings – films that need sub-titles; all with never heard of before actors.
Just caught the start of the luvvie fest, steven fry straight in with the anti trump “gag”
And i just caught him saying about the departed ‘its hard to believe we wont see those faces again’
Yeah….well its hard to accept having to see his ugly head all over the tv
Does it matter Sir Arthur how the band died in respect of how much coverage it gets?
And if you really think it does, then I presume only one person in the car was doing the driving and not the whole band.
Funny isn’t it? The Politicians like to portray competence despite the fact they are either wholly incompetent, or wholly corrupt.
The Middle East NEEDS strong dictators without them the Islamic loons get straight down to fighting each other. The only way to prevent this is arrest, detention, and in some cases torture or death in custody. Now by our standards this might appear ‘barbaric’ ‘uncivilised’ and not the way things should be done, but then they are as ever judging by Western standards NOT the standards of the Middle East or Islam.
It’s often said that those who don’t learn the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. It seems our leaders cannot learn what happened in the last couple of decades ! Or alternatively they are so blinded by oil money that they are prepared to use our armed forces in the service of another country.
The regime change in Iraq, of Saddam Hussein – that went well! Or the removal of Colonel Gadhafi in Libya – equally successful, Mubarak in Egypt remind me how desirable the fall out was, and now the attempted removal of Bashar al Assad with almost certain equal success to the others!
There’s no questioning the fact that for decades the Assad family have kept a lid on Syria and the Muslim nutters, now as a result of our corrupt leaders we have hoards of migrants not only from Syria, but from Libya as well!
When will they learn that their meddling ends in disaster every time? Maybe the only time will be when the oil money dries up !
I do believe that the arts and drama graduates employed by BBC News are of the opinion that Western style democracy in the Middle East is instantly acceptable to populations whose use of the ballot would be to replace one absolute dictator with another. I recall during the so called Arab Spring how the almost permanent HYS’s on the subject depicted democracy in this way, and moderator’s regularly blocked attempts to point out that democracy requires protection of dissenters.
I am absolutely sure you are correct. The entire ‘Arab Spring’ was a complete work of fiction in itself, but no amount of attempting to explain the meaning of realpolitik seemed to get through to the fantasists in the ‘progressive’ media, led by the BBC.
Here is the headline:
Pair charged with slavery offences in Rochdale
and here is the article:
Yes, you have all guessed correctly.
Bet they haven’t !
Sanjeev Chopra is a Hindu Indian name, not a Muslim one. I doubt that there are high numbers of Hindus in Rochadale!
Rochadale, that’s in Italy isn’t it?
A good read and a chuckle this morning with Christopher Booker’s column. How those at al-Beeb have tied themselves into knots again with climate change:
Global warming has fried BBC’s brains over flights to America
‘Climate sceptics” have been entertained by the extravagant coverage given by the BBC to the finding of a Reading University computer model that, thanks to climate change, airliners will take longer to cross the Atlantic. The computer found that a “doubling of atmospheric CO2” will increase the speed of the “jet stream”, adding an hour or two to flight times between Britain and America, thus requiring more fuel and thus causing air fares to rise.
Apart from the curious assumption that “atmospheric CO2” could double from its current 0.04 per cent, and the fact that airliners can drop out of the jet stream if it is against them, the model predicts that it would somehow be speeded up by the growing difference between heat at the tropics and cold at the poles.
But air temperatures in the Arctic have been rising faster than in the tropics, thus reducing the difference, not increasing it. The computer’s finding thus contradicts one of the basic tenets of global warming theory. What the BBC also failed to mention is that even its predicted rise in air fares would be very much less than that air passenger duty, designed to halt global warming, which currently adds between £73 and £438 to the price of a ticket.”
Of course, my mood was soon brought to earth by seeing that climate change “expert!!!” George Monbidiot being interviewed on Countryfile.
Tom Heap has just proved on Countryfile that dredging makes flooding worse..
How? A kids construction of a sand box….( curtesy of Val Singleton?)…
Yep…..dredging makes it worse….
Think of all the plebs watching now convinced by good old aunty beeb that dredging ( and therefore the EU ) are right after all?
Hi DC,
A crass presentation straight from the set of blue peter methinks. But I thought to myself,,, yea, what is it with the rivers and floods? Why would anyone think that dredging makes it worse? I did a search….
There is one argument I found by some bloke. Sounds convincing to me but I need to search some more I think. Think of the good the BBC could have done (user numbers are dropping – FncK YEA!) if they were able to present balanced arguments and show people how to think – oh, they sort of are but they’re telling all what to think about one argument.
“We conclude that dredging can play an important role in
flood risk management in some cases, but is not a standalone
solution. It should be considered in the context of
a range of tools and the origins of different sources of
flood water, and comes with significant risks that must be
understood at a local and catchment scale.”
It’s a PDF link:
Click to access Floods_and_Dredging_a_reality_check.pdf
from this site’s sites publication section – I’ve only got the link from another site so I’m not sure where it might be on this site:
I’ll STFU now.
That would be why farmers in properly drained fenland areas are compelled to do it, then, to maintain their land.
Are there no depths of Green idiocy to which the BBC will not stoop?
Nope, we’re even treated to the entire presenting team of Countryfile draped over straw bales in slinky eveningwear in one magazine this weekend. The Rani woman has about as much affinity with country living as that Dion Dublin (real name ???) has with property on Homes under the Hammer.
I don’t so much mind them being idiots. What offends is that they assume I am one, too.
“What offends is that they assume I am one, too.”
I don’t think there are many people who would just ‘assume’ you were and idiot… 😉
Is Zero your IQ
I think you’re wildly overestimating there Nibor 🙂
I got too angry with the Countryfile misinformation tonight and turned over.
To be fair to Dion, he does have a track record of investing in the property market. He was an excellent footballer and invested wisely in the property.
Pretty sure it is his real name. He is famously the inventor of The Dube:
Oh, and he also played for Utd, Coventry City, Aston Villa, Celtic and England.
His appointment to Homes Under the Hammer, was carried out in accordance with standard practice in the broadcasting industry. The independent production company who make it interviewed and viewed tapes from dozens of potential candidates, narrowing these down to a shortlist of 12. The process of appointment took just under a year.
So my licence fee has to pay 3 presenters now instead of 2 then – and diversity has nothing to do with it ? He clearly had a successful career before wanting to ‘up his profile’ further on tv – and understand he ‘pundits’ on the radio as well. I just get annoyed for those unknowns who struggle and jump through hoops to get noticed, only to get beaten by someone who wants to up their already well known profile. Funny how ‘dozens of potential candidates’ didn’t quite cut the mustard in comparison to someone who kicked a football about.
Another lifetime contracted BBC celebrity being groomed for our ‘entertainment’.
I visit Holland from time to time and travel by train from the airport to Leiden. The fields there are all surrounded by drainage ditches. These are regularly cleaned of debris and vegetation to stop the fields from becoming waterlogged.
Back here in England my village is low lying and we need to keep the ditches clean because we will be flooded if we didn’t. Indeed back in 2007/8 we were because the District Council had stopped doing their part of the work — for reasons of ‘Green’.
Now, Greenies and the BBC, should the people of Holland abandon their fields, indeed large areas of their nation, should we in our village abandon our houses because dredging – for that is what it amounts to – is not effective and harmful and should not be done? Scale it up to rivers, what’s the difference?
With George Monbiot as ‘expert opinion’ in Countryfile, BBC-style common sense was in short supply as expected, but adding the utterly insane theories on reducing the impact of flood water made the show a true comedy. The creation of dams within hillside water-courses as a means of ‘slowing the flow’, the number of negative sides to dredging, the impact on ‘wildlife’, the selfishness of hill farmers – all was there to appreciate and enjoy. Only the mystery of why they still bother to call it Country – file was left unanswered.
Country File lost any credibility it had for me when they showcase bio-dynamic farming a few years ago.
I’m just a simple townie but to my mind the way to deal with surplus water is to build lakes into which the water can be deposited. This will in itself be controversial for the usual reasons, however the choice is flooding vs no flooding.
With the EU referendum possibly only four months away, am I expecting a balanced and impartial analysis of the pros and cons of our membership? No, of course I am not. I am expecting a torrent of pro-EU bias as the fateful day draws nearer. I have already decided my vote, but there are friends and family around me who have not, and they will be subject to the BBC’s agenda. Sadly, when I occasionally try to illustrate the BBC’s bias to some of them, I am regarded at best with bemusement and at worst as a flat-earther.
Here, David Keighley (Conservative Woman) sums it up:
“There’s growing evidence that as the EU referendum approaches, BBC is increasingly inhabiting a weird alternative universe where any concept of support for British interests seems to have all but vanished – together with all normal journalistic principles.”
“Britons held in Greece over large gun stash” states a headline on the Al Beeb webshite. Looks pretty normal and uneventful…. No wait! One’s reportedly an Iraqi kurd! So they are obviously not brits! They have never been brits. They were smuggling guns in because the Al Beeb believe they are part of a ‘criminal gang’. Yeah that’s right you lying, traitorous bast@rds! Its obviously what these patriotic British men are smuggling them in for! I wonder how these traitors would report on the next delivery of ‘gang land’ material being used during some ROPer enriching at Al Beebistan headquarters itself?
I’m shocked… ‘15yo’ boy who killed Swedish social worker is in fact an adult – migration agency
https://www.rt.com/news/332310-sweden-refugee-killed-adult/ The title says it all really.
I haven’t even bothered to go to the BBC as I can not believe they would be running with this. (Do post a link if I’m wrong.)
The chances of that are hovering around zero. So you never know.
No update at all on the website
Settling down to the annual parade of multimillionaire champagne socialists, otherwise known as the BAFTAs on BBC1. Just how insufferablly wretched can this get..? Well, Dame Stephen Fry sets the tone from the off…this is Luvvidom Central, after all, and within the first five minutes the shameless, hypocritical oaf gets in a cheap jibe at Donald Trump…because, Republicans, right?
Fry is championing all the usual liberal regressive CAGW-supporting, pro-migrant idiots in the audience, from Damon to Ruffalo. Time to put the sick bag on stand-by. This is clearly going to be every bit as awful as I feared. Why do I put myself through this bollocks?
Have avoided the bBBC tonight have been watching The Jump, don’t ask why and now Deutschland 83.
But commercial channels offer us a whole new ball game of diversity, the ads are becoming insufferable, especially the latest Santander and Sainsburys ads, the latter having a mixed race couple and a rash of off white kids. The agenda is now so blatantly clear that even the most ardent Jeremy Kyle viewer couldn’t fail to notice.
I estimate 70 – 80 % of ads now follow the same agenda, especially bank ads.
Its unbearable, it wouldn’t be so bad if it were a true reflection, must follow my own advice of record and skip.
I’m happy to say I haven’t watched a minute of television all day and probably won’t. If I do, it will be something worth watching that I have pre-recorded so I can watch it when I want to and can fast-forward through the propaganda ads of delightfully mixed race families bouncing on shoddy sofas.
I don’t think I have watched a live TV programme other than the news for some years.
Like you Geoff, I too spend most of any telly watching time at the computer watching proper stuff like Douglas Murray or stuff on this site…why bother with BBC slop in 95% of their so-called “output”.
That said, saw the thing on the Shah-which was what the BBC used to do routinely.
They`ve gone from Elvis to Shaky haven`they?
AS for the ads-maybe we should boycott those companies that advertise as if half the population are gay, Muslim, black or what have you…juts sick of the tokenism and them ignoring the residual beige drabs like myself and family.
Need to tell those companies that insult me that I`ll not buy their crap-and a few Twitter campaigns to attack their “racist antiracist” adverts.
Might play in London-but these tokenist bits of crap certainly don`t represent the rest of this country…hurting them in the pocket might remind them of it.
“The agenda is now so blatantly clear that even the most ardent Jeremy Kyle viewer couldn’t fail to notice.”
Viewer? I think it has got to the point where even the participants, who only bring their one collective brain cell to that show, in between bouts of insane shouting, are noticing.
I had a letter this morning from the Chelsea Building Society, they are being taken over by the Yorkshire Building Society. On the front of the leaflet is a domestic cookery scene, the father is black, the two children are black, mother is white. Leaflets from the Post Office also reflect this. You are quite right there seems no escape from this mass miscegenation message. The BBC has been pushing the agenda for years from CBeebies upwards, unfortunately most people seem to accept it as the ‘norm’.
Yes, it must be terrible having to be inflicted with adverts containing families who are portrayed as happy and not in the slightest bit racist.
What utter bastards, eh, Geoff…
The only racism I have witnessed recently has been black on black when a black girl was walking hand in hand with a white man. A car with three black males inside pulled up and hurled abuse at the girl for not dating “her own”. Since Jerrod says black is white, I’m sure ZHE will find a justification for the poor mites.
Well its only soaps that portray families at each other’s throats, don’t you agree, eh Jerrod ? the ads are there to persuade us, the public, to buy a product, and not to instil upon us their own pc agenda. I’m neither racist nor homophobic, but how long before other lines are crossed in the advertising world when real offence to some will become a serious issue.
> I’m neither racist nor homophobic
…and yet the merest inclination that such people may be consumers of the products you want to buy brings you and Geoff out in hives. You poor, poor people.
Must be terrible, having to watch all these adverts with people smiling and laughing, wondering why they don’t reflect your own life.
wondering why they don’t reflect your own life. …..
Hit the nail on the head there ! NONE of the ads reflect my life, nor those of people I know either ! – particularly where I live, so instead of seducing me to buy a product, it has the opposite effect when there is a pc agenda attached to it.
> > wondering why they don’t reflect your own life. …..
> Hit the nail on the head there !
Well, at least we agree that people who are happy have nothing in common with you.
> NONE of the ads reflect my life, nor those of people I know either !
Yeah, there aren’t enough stupid, whinging, lying, I’m-not-a-racist-butters in adverts, are there? I wonder why.
You mean everything portrayed in the adverts is real?
Next you’ll be telling me the Sugar Puff Monster ain’t real….
How many non white countries have an agenda of inflicting quotas of whites on their viewing public, whether it be news, sports, advertising, drama, etc.? Would you play the race card with them? How many politicians have stood up and said that multiculturalism does not work but then carry on regardless? Your culture is the core of your being, none of us ever asked for this mass attack on ours.
If “your culture” consists of sad individuals having hissy fits every time someone who isn’t white appears on an advert, it’s not really all that precious, is it?
And it must be tiring having to start every sentence with “I’m not racist, but…” in the vain hope that anybody foolish enough to listen will actually believe you.
Scott’s back.
Yes definitely. Scott – Terrorists are “kinda hot” has returned under a new guise.
Did you forget to do your usual trick of switching accounts before pretending to agree with yourself? You’re losing your touch.
Why do you bother and waste your time? Find yourself something more useful to do.
Try supporting something like ‘failed gay actors’.
Your call ………
Al-Beeb were pushing self-poisoners yesterday:
Just a suggestion.
Our esteemed Government has actually admitted that the indigenous population of this country will be in the minority by the middle of this century. Better keep your eyes tight shut.
I’ve no idea how anyone could “settle down” to watch that drivel, Obi…
Obiwan. Stick with it in the interest of reporting BBC Bias. I fully understand the pain.
BBC Online News:
“”The US has a profound interest in a “strong UK staying in a strong European Union”, says the US Secretary of State””
“”Last year, US President Barack Obama said the UK must stay in the EU to continue to have influence on the world stage””
“”In a speech to business, political and civic leaders in Hamburg, Mr Cameron said he would campaign “unequivocally” for the UK to stay in – if the EU agreed to the new terms of membership””
I’ve heard that tomorrow the BBC will explain the advantages to staying in the EU. But I then woke up.
I’ve heard that tomorrow Bob Geldof will explain that his global promise in September 2015 to house Syrian refugees will happen by Monday. He’s an extremely rich and honest man so I have no reason to disbelieve him. But again, I then woke up.
As you know, the BBC famously has a high regard for anything the US says and does. It always reports US actions and statements without criticism.
scribbling scribe, yes, the BBC is locked in step with Obama’s US but there’s another US out there, in the same way that there is another Britain closer to the heart of the people and separate from the BBC travesty presentation of our country. This morning I’ve been listening to 4 hours of riveting US talk radio courtesy of America’s Coast to Coast programme on internet radio. Two hours from Rocco Galati (www.comer.org) on the world banks and his legal challenge to the Bank of Canada to offer interest free loans; then a further two hours from Jon Rappoport (nomorefakenews.com) on the Zika virus, the latest fake pandemic, and the hysteria promoted by the WHO with a great consideration of the reasons behind these scare tactics.
George Noory is the regular ‘anchor’ for the programme but there are a number of equally incisive and entertaining guest presenters with Richard Syrett (conspiracyshow.strangeplanet.ca) being the one on call today. If you haven’t got an internet radio then ditch the BBC and look for the real voice of America because it’s still there even if you don’t get it from the BBC.
The thing about Obama and the US Secretary of State saying that, is that many in this country will probably think, ‘fuck you yank, mind your own business’, and not take away a very positive effect from their views. And I think that whoever approves the spread or broadcast of these views knows that this is exactly the effect it will have. Also, Cameron is now almost universally despised, and he and his peers know this.
When various established hated villains (like Tony Blair) came out to strongly oppose Corbyn being elected Labour leader, along with all the manufactured bullshit around peoples’ memberships being suspended or cancelled, it was most definitely a sly – but ancient* – way of getting people to think Labour would somehow change into something different and better, if all these horrible powermongers hated this…man of the people.
*In James Boswell’s ‘Life of Samuel Johnston LL.D’, Johnston illustrates the well-established phenomenon very nicely for Boswell:
October 1773 –
” When I returned to the inn, I informed Dr Johnson of the Duke of Argyle’s invitation, with which he was much pleased, and readily accepted of it. We talked of a violent contest which was then carrying on, with a view to the next general election for Ayrshire; where one of the candidates, in order to undermine the old and established interest, had artfully held himself out as a champion for the independency of the county against aristocratick influence, and had persuaded several gentlemen into a resolution to oppose every candidate who was supported by peers. ‘Foolish fellows!’ said Dr Johnson. ‘Didn’t they see that they are as much dependent upon the peers one way as the other. The peers have but to OPPOSE a candidate, to ensure him success. It is said, the only way to make a pig go forward, is to pull him back by the tail. These people must be treated like pigs.’ ”
So, I think the BBC might be helpful in this particular article.
*Johnson, not Johnston. Measly 5 minutes edit time.
Headline on BBC news web site: Israel kills five Palestinian ‘Attackers.’
The link takes you to this headline: Five Palestinians killed ‘after attacking Israelis’
Note inverted commas around the words attackers.
The Oxford English dictionary lists this use of commas to draw attention to an unusual, ironic, or arguably inaccurate use.
So then, based on the headlines, there weren’t any attackers.
So I guess Hitler ‘invaded’ Europe, the bbc is ‘lefty-liberal’ and Alan Yentob has a ‘ludicrously large’ pension for a public sector worker.
Alan Yentob is a shit eating, socially retarded, fuckwit, who hates everything about the most successful ‘race’ of people’s in the history of man.
Note: I wasnt going to put any inverted commas in but we need to stand with our European brothers at this time of social cleansing 🙂
HSBC to stay in the UK despite the oncoming vote on the European Union.?
“Which raises a challenge for those who argue that businesses could quit the UK if Britain were to leave the EU.”
Remember the scare tactics that were used to frighten us that keeping out of the Euro Currency would be bad for the economy.
Then we had the uncertainty of even mentioning a referendum would cause uncertainty to the economy, Expect more scare tactics before we get the ‘Big Deal’ this week which is no deal at all .
I’ve known about Russia Today(RT News) for a while but last week I broke the daily(BBC) mould and started viewing RT website.
It was a revelation and the news/content is actually interesting and relevant. I now find myself wondering each morning if it’s really worth clicking on the BBC News website.
Meanwhile, tonight the BBC are carrying an article on why some Sikh women are now wearing the turban and another article is ” Israel kills five Palestinian ‘attackers’ “‘. And yes, as usual the wording and punctuation marks speaks for itself.
So, here’s one more who is no longer using the BBC for his source of news and trustworthy information.
I too, have switched to RT for news on TV. Absolute breath of fresh air.
Obama/EU/Climate/pronouncements studied, analysed and questioned if required.
Russia Today is the most wonderfully impartial and insightful broadcaster there’s ever been…………(there’s a KGB man standing behind me while I type).
At the BBC? Always possible…. or at least someone with a great deal in common with one.
Only if you are in a time warp the KGB was superseded in the 1990s.
I watch very, very little of al beebus output these days; but I must say the documentary on BBC4 this evening about the Shah of Iran and a three day ($640 million) knees up he threw in 1971 for the heads of state of virtually every country on earth, was very good.
This celebration of 2500 years of the Persian “empire” was one of the factors which led to his ousting and exile; and the subsequent rise of the Shia theocracy that has held sway there ever since and which re-ignited fundamentalist Islam throughout the world. It is well worth watching.
Just been watching some film footage of bombs exploding in civilian areas in Syria, and shots of people digging with their hands to rescue people from a collapsed block of flats. You can imagine the dialogue from the reporter. Yes, whatever we believe, these scenes are tragic, HOWEVER no-one has mentioned how Londoners during the Blitz were also doing this stoically on a daily basis and just getting on with it. Families were also split up when children were sent to foster homes in the country; but did the population of London, Coventry and the other cities that got a pasting, uproot en-masse and burden themselves in Scotland or Wales, or take to the boats and paddle across to Ireland or the Scillies ? er NO, they dealt with everything that was thrown at them. So, when these bleedin’ hearts start pontificating for charitable aid, then sorry I’m fresh out of sympathy. 70 years ago the people of this country had more bloody backbone than any of those taking shelter in safe countries and who are joined at the hip to their smartphones. And as for the Jungle at Calais, Dunkirk and possibly Zeebrugge, I’d send the bulldozers in to raze the land back to dust, and use water cannons to repel all boarders all the way back to the Mediterranean !
One major difference with this war though. Whilst our proud and patriotic peoples fought and died for freedom, those moving from the culturally enriched lands of doctors and engineers are looking to lock the entire world in continual darkness, not witnessed in thousands of years. A lunatic cult of psychopaths and rapists believe the entire world belongs to them and will kill everyone who isn’t with them. They make Hitler look like watching an episode of Pippa Pig (apologise for the insensitive use of animal there). Whilst we would fight and die to protect our brothers and sisters, these scumbags will take their own mother out and shoot her for not being enriched enough.
Even worse, the fact that these people have run away from their own countries, and in most cases, from their own ‘loved’ ones, they certainly wouldn’t stay and fight for whichever European country they pitch up in now. They would, as usual, turn tail and run.
Why does no-one ask what If these millions of ‘refugees’ had picked up a rifle and defended their country instead of turning tail and running to Europe?
We got on with it and backed our soldiers. My dad was fighting, mum put me under the stairs whilst the bombs fell,and auntie used to take the piss out of Lord Haw Haw. In those days you could criticise the enemy without being arrested for racism.
In the picture, real Londoners show some spirit. The Lambeth Walk
Interesting that the al-Beeb can devote a large percentage of its morning’s news to the late St. John Paul II’s private life casting aspersions over his celibabcy even though expert witnesses have said that the new papers released prove exactly the opposite, that his relationship with his former female friendly was purely platonic.
This is in total contrast to the lack of time and effort they spend scrutinising the life of another high-profile religious figure and his sexual proclivities, and those of his followers centuries later.
Eu de Cologne anyone to cover up the whiff of hypocisy?
And the louise munchkin thing asked whether his sainthood should be questioned
This is only the usual kneejerk reaction of the BBC that anything dug up by Panorama – or, indeed, most things “learned” by the BBC – is automatically worthy of inclusion as the most important news of the day broadcast endlessly on its flagship “news” programmes. Unfortunately most of the Panorama product is basically unimportant information fit only to be added to the acres of dross produced in inordinate bulk by the £800million/year BBC news factory,
In the present case, genuine “news” might have been that John-Paul II had indeed not remained celibate. As it happens, he apparently did remain celibate and nothing of any lasting news value has been uncovered. Remember though – and this goes a long way to explaining the BBC fascination with this bit of gossip – John Paul was a hero of the Polish struggle against the nazis and, later and particularly, Soviet and home-grown communists. Such an admirable record marks him as a perennial target for W1A slander. OTOH, I can imagine that were the BBC to “learn” that the present pope had been guilty of breaking his priestly vows we wouldn’t hear a thing about it. Why? Because, by all accounts, Francis is a lefty – and warmism nutter – completely in tune with the BBC’s Narrative.
BBC London news plumbs new depths of pointlessness this morning. This time they use the first headline item of their short bulletine to plug the BBC show Inside Out London. “A new report out today…blah blah blah” Not news.
In other non-news we are told that HSBC are NOT moving their HQ to Hong Kong. Ok, I guess that’s a story of sorts. A dog that didn’t bark in the night. But why-oh-why did the BBC reporter need to add this: “The bank didn’t say anything about whether Britain’s future membership of the EU might affect their future decisions”
I noticed this too AISI!
Yesterdays stories from lunchtime-and from last night too-were merely reheated like bubble and squeak.
By this I guess we`re supposed to think that HSBC haven`t changed their minds since yesterday, lest we all have had sleepless nights about their leaving us.
Can`t remember the others-but they were all the same as yesterday except for the Baftacrap.
Was it too late to nominate Viola Beach for a lifetime achievement award to the soundtrack of our lives?…but at least they can have my flowers and “Why Oh Why” card , seeing as Dawkins seems determined not to meet his Maker just yet!
Reckon he just wanted to take the attention away from that guff about gravitational waves last week.
He cant just help that “Jealous Mind”-in a sense Alvin was always more authentic than Lennon eh?…John misheard him I guess!
Dopey Cof E eh?
Why the hell would one of them go in so early to Today to be summoned to the Savile Suite? Just to tell old “Thwacker” Humphrys-superannuated Head Boy made Gummy Governor of the BBCs perp School ,why they tweeted something about praying for archdunce Dawkins of the Church of the Poisoned Well?
A gormless performance, typical Cof E.
Had he known his Bible they`d have been better saying nothing but a couple of scriptures-take your pick
a)Ensure that you`re not trapped by deceptive and hollow philosophy, man made bollocks rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
THis stroke though happened on 5/2/16…were I bothered I`d love to know how the BBC mashed and trolled this into another story to piss on the church-the timeline leading up to Ed Stourtons inevtiable show trial of some bird of pray at the nunnery on Sunday might be the end of it…but fuck the trolls who dare to speak for the stroke victim…their hatred of him re women and Islam presumably no factors in his stroke then?
b) It`s a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Living God
c) Man dies one and is judged for it…and if it`s not Jesus to judge you…then it`ll be Moses, you poor sod!
d) The atheist and agnostic knows nothing but the natural world-and he`ll never know any other because only spiritual discernment is required-and they`re damned if they`ll be wanting THAT!
e)The message of the cross, the madness of the Gospel is foolishness to the living dead and zombies who are dying on their arses day by day in their empty and vacuous lives-but to the likes of me who are in the process of being saved by the day, it only confirms Gods power and the saving life, death and resurrection of my Saviour Jesus `The Christ` MessIR!
Of course I use artistic license here-all are paraphrases of mine, but don`t compromise the “red bits”
If anyone knows where they`re from-well done!…and if you don`t-well you`re now better informed than Dickie Dork!
Rejoice at that news!
Stream of consciousness?
How many days to go now until the Californian Popcorn Industry Awards?
Leonardo – that bloke who play that bloke who drowned unessesarily in the Titanic – he grew up in a tough neighbourhood, doncha know.
Luvvie luvvie luvvie…
Lisa Muzimba – that’s a bloke and he’s not a new West Brom centre back
Ah those famous Baftas!…very much our Donovan to their Dylan-the Oscars.
I myself always preferred my Showaddywaddy to Jerry Lee Lewis..so if the Oscars and real talent is a bit much…how much better to commemorate the Gang Show that is Will Gompertz and Nina Nannas domain.
Wonder how Will got THAT gig?…like La Di da Gunner Grahams gurning spawn after a session on Frankensteins table…certainly no-ones idea of a leading man-unless it`s walking Jenni Murrays gastric bands until she trust him with a chimwah-mwah!
Plug ugly-with due respect to Plug of course!
Let me guess-he`ll have Dimbly genes or memes that entitle him and all who bear his monicker to a sinecure at the BBC…it`ll peter out with his demise though, I`d expect…
No Danish Girl, No Trumbo, no Boston Paedo Show awards forthcoming…oh dear, poor BBC…they`ll have to find other pretexts to puff up these souffles of stories now, without being able to cite the “success of these films and the issues that they surely raise for all of us”
Raising issues?…erections by another name-but sadly, no lead in Tristrams pencils today!
Where is the news about the attack on Tommy Robinson which left him seriously injured?
It happened on Saturday 13/2/16.
They are probably awaiting instructions from May and Cameron on how to spin it – blame Robinson for it.
Well, it is not as if he has mishandled a piece of bacon – that would be the main story.
Tommy has long said that this was the norm.
He`s been attacked a fair few times now, and-of course the Deep State that monitor him and incarcerate him leave him at the mercy of Islamic gangs in prison and outside-but do their damnest to stay a couple of metres away at all stages-but it is the States will that he die if he refuses to back down or sneak off in defeat.
Truly evil forces up there-where Islam meets the Deep State…just look at how the churches have ganged up on the Barnabas Trust-who, for ages now have reported fearlessly on what Islam does to Christians in all parts of the world(largely Muslim of course though)-and their founder Patrick Sookhdeo trashed and smeared beyond belief…and THIS by The Church of England, Evangelical Alliance AND MI5 and their honey traps in Prevent/Cage etc….truly-well evil is the only word for it!
If the Church and the police will sacrifice and entrap old blokes who`ve long been saying this kind of thing-what do you think that Tommy Robinson will be getting by way of attack?
God Bless and keep you Tommy…you`re on the side of the angels, despite how it must look to you this morning!
And let the fools who rule be in no doubt-we all ought to know by now that a Horst Wessell or a Stephen Biko become more potent as myths and martyrs than they do when allowed to speak freely and live…Mandela was a more rounded character as was Walesa by being flawed and incompetent after persecutions…had you made martyrs of them, it would have made the revolutions more bloody and faster.
The left give the firelighters, the police protect and cover the gangs-and Allahs little helpers do the rest…this will not end well if they continue to attack a decent brave patriot who only uses words…
Has anyone seen this reported on the BBC
13/02/2016 – Islington, London – Illegal immigrant accused of attempted kidnap
Illegal immigrant Abdi Waise appeared at court yesterday accused of impersonating a police officer and attempting to kidnap school children in North London. He has been charged with six counts of attempted kidnap, five counts of impersonating a police officer, false imprisonment, stalking and one count of inciting a 15-year-old boy to engage in sexual activity, the Evening Standard has reported.
Mr Waise already has a criminal record: he was jailed in 2009 for the brutal strangulation and rape of a woman in North London.
The taxpayer-funded legal aid folk, plus Liberty and a whole litany of like-minded leftie-luvvie-liberals, will even now be getting ready to make sure that Mr Waise’s ‘Yuman Rights’ are fully protected.
But which way will the ‘wimmins’ groups go on this one? ‘Far Left’ feminism or ‘Far Left’ pro-open-door immigration? Tough decision but I’m sure Al Beeb will ensure maximum coverage either way.
Stephen Fry, National Treasure’s favorite National Treasure, at the centre of a lefty non-story ‘I am more sanctimonious than you’ episode:
How I love it when these people turn in on each other over something that is of no importance to real people. The comments have nailed it. I remember a time when the BBC would have had nothing to do with a presenter after this sort of incident.
Stick to tweeting about crisps Stephen.
World of twitter devastated after King Twat abdicates in a hissy fit:
Calm down dear. Guess we won’t get to find out about those crisps after all.
The fact that the BBC still retain Fry after his truly disgusting ‘quip’ about sand in the Vaseline at a previous awards love-in tells you all you need to know about the nation’s most valuable resource.
HI beltane above!
Don`t know that one-but why do I see a crack at Islamic State here?…
S`pose Fry`s no longer brave enough to piss off to Belgium when things get a bit eggy for the poor fat lump!
He`s in and out of Twitter like a…well, you finish it for me….
Not sure what it is with these award ceremonies attraction to so called comedians? The Globes seem to have the same problem with Ricky Gervais, another serially unfunny individual who has made a successful living making “fun” at the discomfort of others.
Oh I don`t know.
Come on-if he`s not skewering the whole liberal culture in these two efforts…and at least he`s showing us them for the c***ts that they are!
I note the BBC are giving him another hour of prime time tonight at 9pm on BBC1.
“The Not So Secret Life of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On” jeez, does anyone apart from the BBC luvvies really give a S&%t about the boring to55er?
It all feeds into the “Mental Health and we’re not spending enough looking after those who suffer with it” leftie- meme
Galling double-dealing hypocrites.
Admittedly Fry is a fake…but when his trolls bully him off Twitter, they know full well that he`s fragile and flaky.
These trolls should be getting prosecuted for attacking a vulnerable mental health survivor who is gay…homophobic hate crime, or bullying the mentally ill?…both counts.
Like I say, it`s THEIR weird world of entitlements, safe spaces and rights…not mine!
But these po-faced Brand/Fatch fuckwits need a few crabs and lobsters up their nighties…and i`m happy to use Fry as a fat surfbord if we start to get the leftiscum out of their prams and onto the pavement for “educating”.
Well put! You’re on fire today.
It looks like a classic Twitter storm over nothing in particular and I would have sympathy for the person on the end of it but for the fact that he and his fellow lefties are the first to go holier-than-thou whenever someone they disagree with says something outwith permitted thought.
Has anyone else noticed that John Humphreys appears to have branched out into advertising voice-over work?
I’m not sure of my ground here, but someone with an uncannily similar voice, complete with similar sounding tone and inflections is now doing the Money Supermarket adverts specifically that one with the loose limbed dancing chappie who has a problem with self co-ordination, appearing in a suit. The most recent one.
I have no issues with people making the most of their skills, doing whatever they can to earn a crust, but in the past the BBC has railed against people with more than one role.
The Big, bad wolf…
Could be someone from Dead Ringers doing an impersonation?
That would be Michael Buerk (and I HATE that ad with a passion – can’t bear to watch it)
The same ‘serious’ newscaster that inadvertently brought us Band Aid, but not too serious to appear in I’m A Celebrity and voice over such insipid ads.
It must be nice to be on the BBC payroll, retire relatively young, yet still use their BBC ‘fame’ be able to rake in six figure sums for appearing in reality TV shows and do voice-overs to prop up their pensions, nice work if you can get it…
Maybe I’m being a bit thick, but can someone explain to me just how a Virgin Atlantic pilot was hit by a ‘military strength’ laser?
We’re told the plane was at 8000 feet and obviously climbing, how exactly is the pilot venerable from the ground at such an angle. Do ‘military strength’ lasers go around corners, are we not being told the whole story, or more than likely I’m missing something?
I was wondering the same thing. I sometimes wonder, in cases like this, whether or not a mountain is being made out of molehill.
I think we are all missing something here: a considerable lack of effort and enquiry and questioning by Station/Channel/Network Heads, Producers, Editors, journalists & presenters. Nothing in that story seems to ring true to me unless – if it was a miltary strength laser – it was an accidental or deliberate air-to-air attack.
I am starting to get a bit concerned that the BBC is getting very like the ‘red top’ newspapers and including content in their news operation that is dubiously worthy of a comic for children. It could be that one day someone will let a story through, that has no real substance, that causes a serious panic and damage and/or loss of life.
In simple terms: the laser energy is scattered/refracted as it transits the cockpit glazing and fills the cockpit with very bright light that destroys the pilots’ night vision (at best), rendering him/her unable to see flight instrumentation. The natural ‘look at bright event’ reaction can cause temporary retinal damage leading to temporary blindness which won’t help either, especially in the high workload environment immediately after departure in the London Terminal Control Area. And these are the results of morons using low-powered ‘presentation pointer’ type lasers. The lasting effects inflicted on the Handling Pilot in this case suggests that a higher power laser was used (“other incapacitating devices are are available”!), although I suggest that its usual tabloid bo££ocks that has engendered the use of the ‘military strength’ label.
There’s plenty of examples of what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a Laser incident on YouTube; it ain’t big, it isn’t funny and it is festeringly dangerous.
If Islam truly is a Religion of Peace, would it’s ‘extremists’ not be extremely peaceful?
As quiet as Quakers?
(The modern variety, that is. Seem to recall that the originals were the Pentecostals of their day.)
I think you should look at the leadership of Community Organisations. The Quakers are still very vocal.
Really? The Political Wing?
I thought it was the Provisional Wing of the Quakers that caused all the trouble. :-p
Eddie Izzard to run 27 marathons in 27 days for Sport Relief:
In many respects, i respect Izzard for his charitable endeavours. But then he goes and ruins it by championing a thug like Mandela.
Regardless of his political and sexual orientation, Izzard seems like a decent bloke. It’s a shame the BBC have made him their poster boy on the pure basis that he is: 1) leftie
2) Trans
3) Pro-EU
I’m sure there are plenty more to add to the list (feel free to contribute)
Personally I’m very grateful to Eddie Izzard. He’s removed the need to do any serious reading/research regarding the important political issues with which we are faced.
Simply look at the way he votes/campaigns and do the opposite………works every time.
Here’s an odd thing. A film which has never been broadcast by the BBC, yet is only available on iPlayer concerning the influence Saudi Arabia, and Wahabist Islam is having on the world today. How political leaders have attempted to simplify complex issues which they almost certainly don’t understand themselves into black & white, good & evil to be spoon fed to the masses.
It’s called bitter lake a reference to a meeting between Roosevelt & Faisal on Egypt’s Great Bitter Lake in 1945, where an alliance was made which according to the film maker still affects us to this day.
“Peter Hitchens wrote that “the simple, devastating explanation of how and why Britain’s Helmand military intervention went so completely wrong from the beginning – despite its good intentions – is so good, so concise and so powerful that it alone justifies the film.” Hitchens said that the film “surprises, captivates, creates in the mind a demand to know what is happening, and then answers it,” and concluded his review with simply “See it, please.””
Jasper Rees, for The Daily Telegraph, called the film “visually astonishing” and “an all-you-can-eat feast of impressionistic subtlety”. Beyond the “extraordinary visuals”, “the hypnotic jumble of footage”, and the “insistent soundtrack pump[ing] out a manipulative pulse of music from East and West, telling you what to feel”, Rees was less convinced by the film’s narrative, describing it as “like being hectored by a dazzling know-all with x-ray vision who espies connections across the map of history.” Rees was critical of the absence of fact-checking, and of the “only significant interview, with a Helmand veteran whose task is simply to repeat everything Curtis has already claimed. Mainly we are just invited to take his word for it”. He concluded that “the egotism and grandiloquence are maddeningly at odds with the sustained brilliance of the spectacle”, and “In the end, Adam Curtis sounds like just another prophet asking us to have faith in his vision. Which is an irony.”
To be honest I found much of the film to be little more than padding to make it so long, and with little being added to what was being said the key points being at 15:00, 28:00, 40:00, 50:00 & 58:30 through to the end. It seems it really takes an hour to even get to the point !
It pulls no punches about Wahabism though, calling it backwards & intolerant, and at times a host of other accusations.
If you haven’t seen it before it’s certainly worth a watch !
Ah, Adam Curtis. Long gone are the days when I would feverishly follow his programmes, working my way through all of them and thinking that here was something REAL, that ooh the establishment must not like this sort of thing. His voice – through the hypnotic music and images – so trustworthy and comforting, enriching us with this…secret information!
Any slight criticism of his stuff can be brushed aside when this little gem exists:
The Loving Trap
It was made by filmmaker Adam Curtis, the same man responsible for ‘The Power of Nightmares’, which argues that radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organisation, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth perpetuated in an attempt to unite people, and which Alan is referring to when he often claims the BBC denies that al-Qaeda existed.
By the same logic then the BBC must also think Wahabism is backwards & intolerant. Presumably this will form part of Alan’s meme in future…….or I suspect, not.
Along with most of the civilized world, even the Saudi Royals view the Wahhabi as a bunch of feral, backwards sand-niggers. The BBC hardly need to gild the lily.
Oh sod it! Just heard that Emma Thompson has said it would be madness to leave the EU, so now what am I going to do? Still, if Em says, I suppose I’ll just have to change my mind. I mean, she’s the expert.
Oh I know darling. It will be simply preposterous having to fill in forms every time we want another gardener from Poland. Heaven knows what will happen when we go to Cannes. I mean it might cause climate change all that bureaucracy.
You are very wise to listen to Emma’s warnings as she is a very gifted individual. Similarly, if you have any doubts about global warming she can help with that too. Not as clever as Kenneth Brannagh though because he had the sense to ditch her.
Well this is the dilemma – no pun intended. When celebrities, with access to the world’s greatest authorities – people like George Monbiot, Robert Peston and Jeremy Clar…I mean Corbyn – when they are prepared to stake their reputation by offering the ignorant general public such valuable advice, how can we ignore it? Could you turn down the chance of being numbered among the elite?
It`s my own fault I know.
After Winnie Robertsons whinnying last week about the fate of the nations greyhounds, I told myself that life`s too short to bother my arse with that Gripewater bowel-constriction of a show.
But tune in I did today-only to be berated about the lack of disabled access to online shopping.
Have now put intsy-wincy ramps towards key letters on my board, and have created both a lift service to the function keys, and a fire exit at each corner of my computer screen for each pinkie to escape from in the event of a terrorist incident.
Winnie-what IS she on?
My cursor keys are now unable to be used as I upgrade that section of my computer keypad to make it disability friendly…I`m sorry about this inconvenience to myself, but when my fingers are blind and arthritic, I shall see it all as an investment…
WTF is that Winnie Robertson on about? Can’t stand the woman’s patronising tone; her radio voice sounds like she thinks she is talking to a 95 year old with senile dementia (Think Claire Rayner reporting on a fire at an orphanage and you get the idea).
My 8 year old son informed me in a very excited manner this morning that he had seen something he called ‘sun-snow’. This was an apt description as I had also seen some snow flurries from cumulus clouds as the sun shone brightly through the gaps. Given the infantile descriptions of the weather we get now from the likes of Tomas Schaferknacker I thought maybe I should offer my boy’s services to the BBC. Should they accept I shall, of course, accompany him at all times when he is anywhere near Mr Jingle Jangle’s old hunting ground.
So poor old Stephen Fry has been hoisted on his own petard, after saying something ‘wrong’ last night, the Fascists have finally accused the witchfinder general of witchcraft in an astonishing turn around. And so the biter is bitten and flounced off in a hissy fit. Yesterdays left wing Fascists are being replaced by a new even more savage breed.
Fry complains of a new set of ‘isms’ and ‘phobias’ and that the old ‘isms’ and ‘phobias’ that he knew and loved are no longer valid!
What a Pr***!! We could all see that the original isms and phobias held no water, yet there is something of satisfaction seeing those idiots who began this idiocy being attacked by their creation, as ever more ‘progressive’ fools get it even more wrong !
He says he ‘wants to leave the planet’
Calling NASA….calling NASA……One pompous twat avaialable for one way trip to anywhere but here
Preferably using Pink Floyd’s “Set The Controls for The Heart of The Sun” as a navigation aid.
It’s true, the left will eat itself. When Dr Germaine Greer makes the point that a person with a penis in a dress is not actually a woman, she is “no-platformed” by the NUS fascists. It must be very confusing being an old lefty nowadays. It is far easier if you always believed that all leftists are deranged, and it is quite satisfying to see this truth demonstrated every single day.
Thought for the Day
Critics of the BBC who claim that our national broadcaster sets itself against religious faith have got it all wrong. They could hardly be further from the truth. The BBC routinely espouses, spreads and reinforces a comprehensive system of faith-based beliefs.
In fact, when you think about it, where better to find our modern gospels than on the BBC?
To begin with they hold to the creation myth that the world’s warmer climes were a place of universal peace, happiness and plenty where men and women once lived harmoniously and man never raised a hand against another – that is until the introduction of evil in the form of British colonialism.
No religion on the BBC? Nonsense.
They daily remind us of the great original sins we have within us: racism, a lack of forgiveness for criminals and perhaps that darkest sin – the fact that actually we wince every time we hear Let them Know its Christmas.
They give us useful catchesims for daily life such as: private bad, public good. All government spending is investment. Palestine good: Israel bad. UN good, EU very very good.
They teach us to remember our important daily obsequiences like recycling, paying our TV licence fee, budging up to make way for more immigration and forgetting what some of our fellow Europeans might have done in the war.
They warn of the wrongs of mistaken heresies such as private enterprise, inheritance and patriotism.
They regularly warn of the gross blasphemies that we must not utter such as negatively naming another’s sexuality or colour.
They remind us that the Devil can become incarnate as in the case of Margaret Thatcher.
They give us a modern Judas who was once on the side of the Angels but was forever exiled for his betrayal and lust for silver – Tony Blair.
There are many other fallen Angels who once erred but that we must now forgive – such as John Prescott, Peter Mandleson and Jackie Smith.
Some tame Devils who have repented and seen the light – Chris Patten and Michael Portillo spring to mind.
They teach us parables such as that of the bad city (London) and the good city (Liverpool).
They warn us not to cut too deep or too fast and advise us that we can always borrow and spend our way out of any difficulties.
BBC people are very religious – they never miss their annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury even though it is usually rubbish. While on the subject of their medicine – they advocate free access to drugs for all and they don’t forget the old and infirm because they hold the NHS as sacrosanct.
The BBC warns us of the bad writings which we ought to avoid – found in most of the tabloids.
There are some good texts and although few of us are sufficiently learned or have the righteous standing to actually read it nonetheless the BBC is full of the wonderful good news to be found in the Guardian.
They will never let us forget the names of our modern saints such as Stephen Lawrence, Charles De Menenes and Blair Peach – who died for us.
They remind us that there is a living saint over the water and that he can do no wrong – Barrack Obama.
I must admit that the path to BBC truth is not an easy one. There are some difficult leaps of faith to be made but I do try to believe that the weather is rapidly getting warmer, that our economic woes are all the fault of the bankers and of 9/11 – that the US had it coming.
“Syrian hospital strike deliberate” reads the main headline on the Al Beeb webshite. Once again the Al Beeb jihadi brigade doing more to recruit the next batch of religious peace envoys to enrich the west with the “real” form of lslam than any religion of peace state website. Who and why was the hospital hit? Of course we won’t hear about that as the people killed are all highly intelligent engineers and doctors, killed by the evil oppressors and their western backers. Peace enrichers raping, enslaving, and carrying out genocide… Doesn’t seem to draw the same anger and repulsion as alleged innocents killed by alleged Assad and his allies.
The West is desperate to stop Russia changing the facts on the ground ahead of a ceasefire.. Hence the ramped up reporting. Standard procedure in battle to gain as much advantage as possible ahead of any ceasefire.
Tommy Robinson has been hurt by a vicious attack on Sunday evening.
This guy is a marked man
The BBC not worthy of any comment unless he fits their pro immigration / any other view nasty nazi agenda.
A brave man indeed trying to lead a normal life in spite of the pressure and threats. A real Englishman who deserves all our support.
US network ABC, wanted a live interview with him, they got J Gaunt to do it last week,
Why not an ABC interviewer?, with him wandering around Luton? … oh yes after last time.
Has the left become the right, or should I be watching this from behind my laptop!
Being firmly anti-EU i’m more inclined to read and view material that supports Brexit so it’s a little depressing that some of the pundits I admire, like Peter Hitchens and Charles Murray, are seemingly resigned to the view that we’ll be stupid enough to vote to stay in.
But there might be one factor that could benefit the exit campaign and swing an ‘unexpected’ win for us.
Opinion polls are so often wrong because those polled only have to answer a question. The don’t actually have to get themselves down to a polling booth.
It’s often said that those most keen to leave are the older people who have had more time to see our sovereignty disappear. Those people are absolutely determined to cast their vote.
The great swathe of sheeple who are not really as bothered or, if pushed to give an opinion, would rather stick with the status quo, may not feel as determined to get themselves down to the polls, especially if they believe opinion polls predicting a “stay in” vote.
Younger people (who’ve never known an independent Britain) are also less inclined to vote and this could be to our advantage.
I’d be casting my vote even if I’d just fallen down the stairs and had to crawl to the polling station. A lot of “stay in” voters may be more inclined to stay in their gardens supping a beer on a warm summer’s evening.
I think the determination to cast a Brexit vote will outweigh the determination to cast a “stay in” vote.
Project Fear is in full swing. I spoke to my brother today, last week his company, a small buildings supply company of about 100 employees had their profits briefing, a briefing given to all staff.
They were told by a director that things were pretty rosy, sales strong, profits up, but there was just one cloud on the horizon, that being if we voted to come out of Europe, they were told would be ‘damaging’ to the future prospects of the company…
My brother wanted to query what he was being told, but liking his job and needing the money wasn’t brave enough to question, neither did anyone else at the meeting.
This is just one small company and I expect similar to be happening all over the UK. Project Fear is up and running and the sheep fearful for their future will vote in, just as Douglas Murray predicts. Sadly I fear after hearing this I tend to agree…
So they won’t be able to buy their London Brick Company bricks from the Germans anymore?
But think of all the opportunities for building shanty towns for the new Europeans fleeing France!
Fear is all they have and they know it.
There is no argument for staying in that has any validity. None at all that a free man or woman can accept. Our MPs and these businessmen need to understand that they do not have any right to cede our sovereignity to any other body or person. It is ours by right of birth and cannot be given to anyone even by ourselves for to do so betrays future generations. Why this simple fact is not continually spoken and discussed is beyond me except that to do so destroys the case for staying.
In any case this rush is because the EU is about to implode. The invasion is growing apace and this means the eastern states will have to make a choice. Stay or leave immediately.
Just wait till the weather eases and then the chaos really starts.
People just need to be told that the Single Market is not the EU, and you can be a member of the former without being a member of the latter. The EU is a system of political union, it has nothing to do with free trade.
I think it is important if you can talk to young family members about Brexit, as all the IN arguments can be shown to be wanting. I myself have until about 10 years ago been fairly pro UK EU membership, but would now vote for Brexit (if allowed as an expat!). This view is based simply on the fact that the EU has ceased to function and shown itself unable to react and address major crises, namely the financial crisis from 2008 which is still unresolved and the current migrant crisis. Only a madman (or a country as desperate as Bosnia) would want to join such a club, especially one with such a high membership fee.
Know what you mean.
Poor old Peter and Doug have to LIVE in that f***ing bubble…and must get pretty despondent sometimes being the perpetual person of colour in the woodpile.
These heroes need a bit of R&R at times-and certainly a good hose down after all that contact with evil lefties and Billy Idolising liberal sneer merchants.
But-they need to know that we`ve decided already-and , like the election last year, good times are coming.
Makes no difference of course to a large part-our useless politicians and civil servants will have to stop joyriding on the EU Titanic, and learn to use a sextant again.
As things stand they`re polishing the chandeliers, and pretending that they`re working.
But we`ve decided-can only do so knowing that Nigel will be happy afterwards.
Please sign.
to prevent Obama From Speaking In Westminster Regarding The In/Out Referendum.
Nearly 10000 (10pm 15/02/16).
Tempted to sign it; but remembering Samuel Johnson’s analogy, I think it will be a very good thing to have the arrogant cunt strut into Parliament and deliver his speech. This will irritate many.
He has but to ENDORSE the concept to help ensure it fails.
DDDD, true, but Blair’s endorsement is doing that
It should be to ban Obama from coming into the UK, and then another for the Clintons. Another for Mad Merkel, Hollande etc. The right should do one for every one the left do.
Henry VII: The Winter King presented by someone called Thomas Penn who unsurprisingly, has written for the Guardian.
The intro gives you an idea …
“Sailing from France, an invading army is about to land in Wales. The leader of this army was a REFUGEE, a fugitive, a man who had spent half of his 28 years on the run.”
Penn described Henry VII as a ‘refugee’ a further two times in the next 20 minutes. The term refugee is relatively recent. Henry VII was an exile or he had been exiled. Technically, he was also a traitor. Penn is using the term refugee retroactively.
“As King Henry VII he would create the dynasty that bore his name: The Tudors. But Henry VII remains obscure, eclipsed by the monarch he deposed Richard III , by the glamour and notoriety of his WIFE-KILLING son Henry VIII and the CHARISMA of his grand-daughter Elizabeth I.”
That wasn’t all.
“But while Henry was trying the convince THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY he was there to stay … in early 1493 Henry got wind of another plot . Yorkist exiles in Europe were GROOMING a young man called Perkin Warbeck to impersonate one of the princes in The Tower.”
Lastly, I think Penn’s description of the ‘Council Learned’ as something that, “overrode the normal processes of government, of law … it acts with complete impunity, it is totally unaccountable … this was a process that struck fear and rage and frustration into those people who were caught up in its dealings” was totally lost on him.
No wonder the Guardian is on it’s last legs. However wife killer was a common term used to describe Henry V111. William Cobbett referred to him as such. .
‘The International Community’
Ahahahahaha. Oh God.
Doyle, there was a time when the BBC made good programmes. Your post has reminded me of their series “The Shadow of the Tower”. A 13 part series on the reign of Henry VII with James Maxwell as Henry. That’s a series I would watch again.
Of course if Penn had changed his emphasis very slightly I’d have liked your first quote:
“Sailing from France, an invading army is about to land in Wales. The leader of this army was a REFUGEE, a fugitive, a man who had spent half of his 28 years on the run.”
What he seems to be saying is that an army of refugees invaded the country, killed and replaced the leading members of the government, took control and ruled in their own interests from then on.
A lesson for us all from a BBC programme. Perhaps I will watch it on the laptop.
It got better as it went on although the first 20 minutes ruined it for me. There was also the odd use of modern language in a historical context i.e. refugee, international community etc that ran through the full hour. I’ve never read Penn’s book on Henry VII but it would be interesting to know whether he refers to Henry as such [a refugee] or whether the BBC Editorial Dept have had a go re-writing his script. I’d definitely recommend you watch it but only for the reasons above and not because it’s especially enlightening [he was miserly which is not exactly a revelation]. With about 10 minutes to go he’s run out of things to say about Henry and concentrates on his son instead. It’s that sort of programme.
As the European Referendum fast approaches, expect more propaganda from Al Beeb and sad to say, the rest of the MSM .
More importantly to this site more Al Beeb ‘Troll’ activity .
Using the ‘buzz’ words frequently used by the ‘so-called’ reporters working for Al Beeb – they are getting ‘desperate’.
Al Beeb knows that if we pull out of Europe their end is nigh.
The European Union is running scared, they are afraid that Britain leaving the union will lead to its break up. They rely more on us than we do on them Mr Car Moron. We import more goods from them than they take from us
Who wants the UK to remain in the the EU?
1. The BBC
2. David Cameron
3. Tony Blair
4. Barry Obama
5. Peter Mandelson
6. Kinnocks
7. Morgan Stanley
8. The Labour Party
9. J P Morgan
10. The CBI
11. Eurocrats
12. Millibands
13. internationalists
14. Merkel, Hollande, Junker, Barroso, Draghi
15. The French
16. George Soros
17. Luxemburg
18. Multi Nationals
19. Banksters
20. The 1%
21. Profiteers from cheap labour
Who wants to leave the EU?
1. Freedom lovers.
2. Patriots.
3. Those who understand what we in the UK are, where we came from and how we got here.
Is it too much to demand that your government controls immigration so as to protect the safety and security of the people of the UK and their common welfare system and public services? We need to take control, because as members of the EU we can not control who enters our country, in what numbers and at what rate. With this madness, planning school numbers, hospital provision, housing requirements, trainee doctor/nurse/engineer numbers a decade in advance, all become meaningless – pinning a tail on the donkey planning. Then there is energy demand. No! We have to take control and to do that we must leave the EU.
Vote Leave. For a chance to heal our democracy and institutions.
Perhaps the people of Great Britain are beginning to wake up?
Taffman. Leave nothing to chance I reckon. Face to face, day to day conversations. Leafleting, street stalls, whatever it takes. We need to help more folk wake up to the dangers of remaining shackled to the EU and the prosperity that could ensue from such freedom (if folk also stop voting LibLabCon).
Vote Leave! GO!
Very good angryman, Goldman Sachs are huge fundraisers of Remain also.
I’ve had a good look at the list of the ‘remains’.
Now could somehow please tell me in all honesty that these people/groups/instsitutions will support a referendum based on truth, integrity with electoral corruption or illegal intereference.
I do not trust these people.
Do I think the referendum will be fixed ? Of course I do.
I believe that for the leave EU supporters to win they will need about three times as many votes as the stay. Even then the result will be descibed as a close run thing. The Albeeb will then be seeking a rerun because it was such a close result!
Watch out for an electorate vote of 23 million people voting from Tower Hamlets all of whom want to stay in the EU!
As yet, I`ve yet to mean anybody whose brain stem is intact who would want to stay in the EU.
The EU are despised-and Cameron rumbled as an irrelevant pipsqueak who surely doesn`t REALLY think that his “tortured negotiations” mean a gobbet to anybody!
He`s a berk in that this “methodology” of his was well-predicted months ago.
No changes-but blow hard over utter irrelevancies as if they matter…as if Chomsky hadn`t said that this is what the liberal elite always do.
He`s doing exactly as Nigel said…and I`ve nothing but contempt for his posture politicking.
Good list Angryman…all I tell my buch are the following
a) The EU is basically an attempt to create a green USSR. with the nations all hogtied for Islam
b) The United Currency wasn`t even attempted by Hitler…although the eco terrorism, the howling down of free speech and techniques to ensure compliance are very Goebbels.
c) The borders of the EU are being made so intolerable that we might beg for an Eu Army-but as we`ve seen in Kosovo…it`d be a bunch of dope-addled lesbians and IS infiltrate translating
d) COLOGNE?…CALAIS/JUNGLE?…vote yes, get THEM!
You`d have to be mad-literally mad( to quote that sage seer Mr Powell!)
Oh-and for the 21st year running -the EUs accounts have not been signed off by any accountancy firm-no, not even Arthur Andersen himself!…but the BBC didn`t seem to think that I needed to know that…banging on about Europe I believe being a coming crime, I`ll bet…
After years of being lectured about food waste the BBc breakfast crew decided it would be fun to throw eggs, and well waste food. When I pointed out the hypocrisy this is the less than adequate reply to my complaint I have just received
“Reference CAS-3691987-GL3N7W
Thanks for getting in touch with us about the Chucky Egg Challenge.
The challenge is to encourage our audience to get involved with the excitement of the Six Nations. The aim of the game is to pass the egg to your opponent (like you would a rugby ball) as many times as you can in twenty seconds and not drop it. The person who drops the egg loses the game.
We’re sorry that you’re unhappy with this game and we’ve made our sport editors aware of your concerns.
Thank you once again for taking the time and trouble to contact us.
Kind regards
Laura McCammond
BBC Complaints”
I don’t think that covers my issues with this.
Complaint Summary: Hypocrasy
.Now this was my complaint. Still nice of them to tell me what it was for…Yes I got that when it was shown. Also very nice of them to explain the rules of “Chucky egg” as it’s so complex I might have had a few problems there.
“Full Complaint: Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/35493930 We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason. Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again..”
They managed to outdo themselves a day or so later Dave. In tests of a range of suitcases, dragged at speed along a road, the contents were comprehensively shattered. The suitcases were full of eggs, probably several hundred in all. Tops the old Chucky Egg Challenge, eh?
O/T. To those with a more detailed interest in science and scientific publications, this could be a major breakthrough in the dissemination of knowledge.
One to bookmark.
Many thanks for the link Angryman. I was unaware of the site, but it has been bookmarked as you have recommended.
I expect that the pal-reviewers are shitting bricks. Reminiscent of Climategate, perhaps?
Edward Snowden in a labcoat!
Only no agents of the UK or USA will die, and the world can freely check on “that science” and ensure that Harrabins science-and that of those who pay him at Common Purpose, 38 Degrees, Plane Stupid, Greenpeace. Friends of the Earth-and, of course The UEA.
Be good too , to check on all the health crap that our Chief Matron at the NHS peddles us re booze and obesity.
Funnily enough though-never anti-depressants, Ritalin or the link between dope and mental illness and long term schizophrenia…
This lobby of the media, the greenies and the elf self -service requires a good checking…and thanks to Alexandra for allowing us now to scrutinise Big Dope!
BBC don`t seem to be reporting it though-bet it pisses them off…not an act of treachery for them to gloat over, you see.
The Al Beeb jihadi brigade are stating the bombing of the hospital in Syria is a war crime, and stating the international humanitarian law to justify that statement. How many factions involved in the conflicts of the middle east are abiding by that law? Obviously not one Islamic country because Muhammads cult is only thing that counts and living life as he did is the only thing written in law.
So let’s get this straight, and I will answer using PC, left wing bullshite so loved by the Al Beeb. The free world is at war with militants that have never and will never recognise any law not Muhammads and use our pursuit of law against us to inflict daily atrocities and win more hearts and minds to their cause. Thanks again BBC for helping along and encouraging that dangerous and unwinnable narrative
Bombing hospitals move along nothing to see here.
The Kunduz airstrike was called-in by Afghan soldiers who didn’t want the non-muslim hospital on their land. Nobody mentioned that.
There have been some record breaking COLD events in the USA over the last 7 days. Global Warming really kicking in isn’t it Mr Harrabin:
Dartmoor, has now had at least one frost day for January and February 2016. Remember, I reported last year that Dartmoor had a frost day every month during 2015 and I’m pretty sure it will happen again this year. No doubt, our Met Office will be informing us that the U.K. will be the warmest “evah”. Oh, they have already done that haven’t they and all endorsed by our “Climate Scientists” at the BBC.
That wasn’t meant to happen
Oh dear, BBC Breakfast runs a short film report on EU migration featuring a number of London’s dark-skinned population saying “we’re full now… that’s enough…. you have to control your borders…” and then whoops-a-daisy the film report begins to run twice. It’s not all double one-way traffic – we have a Polish lorry driver who reckons “When I came to England I didn’t know there was a benefit system” But overall the report is a rare expression of on the ground opinion. And silly old auntie pushed the wrong button and played it twice. Of course the sofa-dwellers notice and urgently interupt the repeat feature to bring us… some nice photos of frosty weather.
Often the lazy narrative pushers just don’t join the dots.
Word association this morning:
Internet = uncontrolled (by Government or BBC) dangerous porn infested threat to the children – something must be done
Mrs Henderson Presents = marvelous luvvie show bravely putting two fingers up to censorship, risque but the BBC will happily stroke that
Just a normal Tuesday (or any day) full of the usual bias on the Today programme. I see that earlier posts here have covered the bombing of hospitals in Syria. I had wondered if the definition of hospital there was the same as Gaza,I.e.somewhere to base terrorist activities. But I could rely on the Today to not ask that question.
We then had a story about how wicked Tory cuts to housing benefit has meant planned developments for the old or the disabled are now not being built because the rents won’t cover the build. Go to Harrogate to a development with only one lift and narrow corridors. Interview an old man who says the corridors are really busy and isn’t it dreadful that he isn’t going to get his new flat. But surely the place should always be full and presumably has always been like it is. No explanation of why it has got worse presumably because for those living there, it hasn’t.
Then on to a Daily Mail story. The BBC only takes up the ones they like. So all the stories about Labour cronies acting as Chief Executives and Health Authorities receiving enormous pay packages was ignored. However the inadequacies of the 111 system highlighted by the Labour MP Gisella Stewart who created the NHS Direct scheme allowed to go unchallenged. If I ever rang NHS Direct I always waited a couple of hours for a call back for a nurse to tell me to go to hospital ‘to be on the safe side’. In the end I took NHS out of the loop and saved the waiting time. My experience with 111 I can only praise highly. As for the story of the 111 worker in Dorset the Today highlighted of the call from the lady whose husband might have a DNR in place, surely the obvious was for her to send the paramedics and let them on the ground decide the correct procedure.