Someone posted this link to a petition against Obama speaking in Westminster in favour of staying in the EU. Maybe it is not a BBC Bias topic, but then if he speaks the BBC will go wild over it and use it as news to advance their case for staying in. Since yesterday it has doubled and is growing.
I’ve signed it. Britain Stronger in Europe (BSE, isn’t that a mad cow disease), are going for the black vote. It is a manipulation of the stupid amongst us.
Those of whom are thick enough to think- if Obama says it, it must be the right decision. Believe me, these dumb people are out there! I find this action insulting to the intelligence of all people, especially black people. I wonder though, if they will see it that way. I fear that many will fall for it. The stupid black rascist brother/sisterhood.
If the black’s in this country could for once stand up against this interefence then this would do much for social cohesion, community trust and good relations. They need to stand up for their country and for what is right, rather rather discriminate because of skin colour. A very cheap and expliotative shot by millionaires Cameron and Obama.
Watched the second part of the Simon Reeve travel log around Greece on BBC2 last night. Both parts were shameful. Two one hour programmes doesn’t do the country justice, but that wasn’t the point of these programmes, it seemed.
Every box was ticked.
Of all the delightful Greek islands that he could have visited, he chose Lesbos and Crete. Why Lesbos? So that he could meet despairing refugees of course.
Last night, he wasted no time in box ticking. We were straight into wealthy Greek ship owners and the damage they had done to the country by not paying tax etc etc. We had a whistlestop tour of the Peleponnes, so short as to almost have missed it. We had numerous interviews with non-english speaking Greeks, which were incorrectly/ inadequately translated so as to mis-inform (my wife who is fluent in Greek was able to point this out), Climate change was raised within the first 5 minutes and at various points obliquely throughout.
There was a whole section, maybe 15 minutes, (allocated inside a 1 hour programme) focused on the integration of muslims in the North East of the country , how women were being encouraged to learn Greek and stand on their own feet etc etc.
We had a long section about deep coal mining, and the impact that was having on climate etc.
We had a longish section on the subject of inter- christian strife amongst the monks on Mt Athos, presumably there to demonstrate that it wasn’t only the religion of peace that has such issues.
I could go on, but just to say that the programmes were a travesty. There are so many other great aspects of the country that he could have focused on, but he chose all the downside. Such a shame.
Absolutely agree. Reeve also was quite keen on the idea of repopulating the countryside (including here) with wolves and brown bears ! What no-one seems ever to point out is that the sea route from the Turkish coast to the nearest Greek islands is actually just a few miles and that it is entirely with the scope of the Turkish armed forces and police if they wanted to do so, to cut this off from illegal migrants. But of course they do not so choose because they are perfectly willing to recolonise their old enemy….
The first episode was a travesty, the second was unwatched in our house.
It was a despicable piece of television. BBC agendas hooked everywhere onto a subject that was used simply as a vehicle for bias.
It made no attempt to present Greece or her people, it looked for the exceptional throughout.
Though on reflection watching the soft leftie being run out of Exarchia by anarchists was a joy to behold, certainly raised a laugh to hear him describe the comrades as “scumbags” ( in part 1).
The trouble with many of these “documentaries”, is that they’re often presented by “eyecandy” for the laydees (and gents, too it seems).
So the messages the likes of us readily spot, go way over the tops of heads of those who watch because of who is fronting it.
I raise so many objections over the drivel that we often have to watch in this château because the presenter is pretty, and the rot coming out of his (or her) mouth doesn’t sink in to others watching, who have no idea of what’s going on.
Typically, if the Channel 4 “news” is watched here it’s because she likes Jon Snow, and Cathy Newman. The overbearing, left-wing bias doesn’t seem to penetrate her head, in anything like the near-to-exploding way it does mine.
Little wonder the Former UK has the government it does, and the electorate are so dim.
Reeve would of probably gone to Lesbos anyhow, prior to it being overun by illegals. It would of been to view the Lesbian scene over there, as it has become a must visit destination ,for girl on girl couples since the 1980`s. I guess that has dropped off these day,s as the new arrivals would disapprove of those activities .
I haven’t watched either episode, but a friend was telling me how much he enjoyed part one. The message he took from it was that on Crete everyone (including the clergy) have guns, and society is much the better for it.
I don’t think that was the line that the BBC was pushing.
And I don’t think we’ll see this news item covered on the BBC.
Portillo continuing to be absorbed by slavery and the blacks, as he continues his jaunt in America (which issupposed to be all about railways) . I mentioned this last week, hoping it would be a one, or perhaps two off – but the remorseless messaging continues. Others of his series have had some interesting political facts incorporated on the way, but this is very noticeable – and it’s every day, and tedious, too..
Is ALL BBC output cunningly dressed in subtle (and not-so subtle) messaging?
I agree. He spoke to a race hustler who said that modern day blacks are backward because slaves were not taught to read and write. Well my great-grandmother had to sign documents with an “x”, but that does not seem to have stopped me from learning how to read and write.
I would permit the BBC to continue with BBC 2 & 4 , payed for by other means , & Radio 2 3 4 & 4 extra plus some local stations payed by other means . The rest must go , as soon as possible.
As I’ve noted before, it’s not just the bias, it’s the sheer incompetence. For instance, last night on BBC1 London News – after the main propaganda 10:00 BBC1 News we were informed by some gobshite cub reporterette that HSBC – although opting to retain its HQ in London – was considering sending 1,000 staff to Paris in the event of Brexit. The gobshite declined to stoop to the first object of useful reportage: context. After the gobshite’s contribution, Mrs U asked me if I knew the total of HSBC staff in the UK out of which this 1,000 might be sent to France. Was it, say, 1,000 out of 2,000 – which would be a major item. I replied that I suspected that 1,000 was a relatively small proportion of the HSBC workforce. Actually – as I discovered from the paper press this morning – it’s a possible up to 1,000 out of 45,000/50,000 which, frankly, in the scheme of things , is a fleabite. Ignoring and/or refusing to provide contextual info is a major part of “Project Fear” (and, as it happens, a major constituent of (not) reporting on any part of the BBC Narrative). From a self-styled (or, rather, so-called) “world-class” news operation it’s just a basic – and trademark – failure of journalism.
Every contributor or browser on this site should read this. It is the most cogent justification for BBBCs existence and a truly depressing foretaste of what seems inevitable. ‘Things Can Only Get Worser’, to quote My Lord Kinnock.
As it says: “The only proposal for change is in dealing with complex complaints that are currently pushed upstairs to a unit of the Trustees, the Editorial Standards Committee. This is chaired by trustee Richard Ayre, who worked at the BBC for 30 years. A key lieutenant is Mark Damazer, a former controller of Radio 4 who made it the temple of right-on orthodoxy that it has become. The culture committee has accepted the blindingly obvious, that this is the equivalent of having foxes in charge of the hen house, but their solution defies belief”
I remember a BBC scientific advisor called Professor Peter Cox causing a rebellion of both members of Mensa and fellows of the Royal Society. The BBC also had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC.
In a complaint by Mensa members that got to the Trust Committee, the BBC said it had no scientific investigative journalists and also it claimed that it had access to 4,000 Climate Scientists, but not one of these was used as an Independent Scientific investigator into Professor Cox. In the complaint, Professor Peter Cox confused the southern ocean with the deep ocean. But because the BBC got Professor Peter Cox to investigate Professor Peter Cox, this error was not recognised. Professor Peter Cox of the Climate Systems Dynamics group at the University of Exeter is a founding member of the Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Intercomparison Fantasy, and was a lead-author on the IPCC Fourth and Fifth Assessment reports. Born in 1964 in London, he moved to Hassenbrook, Stanford-le Hope, Essex as a child. Left Palmers 6th Form College in 1982, and qualified with a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Imperial College London in 1990. He then joined the Hadley Centre. He is now destroying Britain’s scientific credibility as a member of the Science Advisory Group for the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. Peter Cox was responsible for the rebellion of 43 Royal Society members due to his contribution to the authorship of the “Climate Change Controversies” document. His role as scientific advisor to the BBC ended in 2008 after causing a rebellion amongst Mensa members over his role as scientific advisor to the BBC documentary “Hot Planet“ which apparently used the same unique scientific errors as in the Royal Society document. A Member complained on behalf of at least three other members, including me, about his contribution to the BBC documentary “Hot Planet”.
So not only is the BBC Complaints process run by left-wing morons. But they got a computer modeller to scrutinise his own mistakes in Climate science. And then just quietly dumped him after rejecting the Complaint. And now Whittingdale thinks dumping the BBC Trust complains process will satisfy his fellow Mensa members.
Re: nofanofpoliticians and Simon Reeve on Greece. Some may recall the programme on Venezuela. This was a similar sorry tale of economic collapse. gang-run former housing projects, empty supermarket shelves, massive inflation, squandered oil reserves and corruption etc. However, no reference whatsoever was made to the cause of the economic collapse. Nothing, zilch. No mention of the inane attempts by Corbyn and Abbott’s hero Hugo Chavez’s spectacularly failed attempt to create a socialist Utopia there. It just happened. A natural phenomenon like say El Nino. Surprised Reeve didn’t blame it on climate change.
The blame for Venezuela has been articulated by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, whose Hon President is Ken Livingstone supported by Diane Abbott MP, Rodney Bickerstaffe, Colin Burgon, Kelvin Hopkins MP, Bruce Kent and Ann Pettifor. and 18 national trade unions. They endeavor to support and build activity around these objectives throughout Britain, within parliament, regional and local government, the trade unions, amongst women, lesbian and gay communities, black, Asian and Latin American communities, students and all others.
And what is the problem in that country?
The right wing opposition parties are destabilizing the revolution and demanding Thatcher style housing policies.
Interesting report on the bBBC website reference the recent Bavaria train crash.
The title of the piece is along the lines of ‘Who Owns Bavaria’s Trains’?
I was waiting for the answer to be the private sector and for the boot to be firmly put in. It is. But wait…..
It turns out the accident was due to a human error by the signals/track controller. These are public sector!!!!!
The trains were private sector but exonerated. In fact, quite a straightforward article. And yet…..
Do I hear a cry from the bBBC for all train services to be privatised ‘to improve safety’? Of course not.
But just imagine if ownership and blame was the other way round. Banner headlines. Stop press. ”Evil’ profit-making private companies cause deaths to boost profits’. You know it would happen and so do I.
Sometimes the bias is in what they choose not to say and not to headline.
Agree. The BBC standard operating procedure with news stories is to choose from a range of options depending on whether in their view the story helps or hinders their liberal left narrative. News value and truth do not figure in this political calculation.
If the story is helpful to their narrative then they boost it as much as possible , filling all their channels with it for days on end if necessary. They will of course wildly exaggerate to make their point and leave out any inconvenient bits that don’t fit. Their vox pops are notorious for discarding all but helpful comments and their interviews of ‘experts’ and quotes of ‘reports’, are totally one sided, balance being something they long ago abandoned. On the other hand if the story is unhelpful it will, if possible, be suppressed , or its importance will be massively downplayed, or if they can find an angle they will seek to undermine it in any way possible.
Unfortunately the BBC sets the news agenda for our country and we only hear and see what they want us to so that they can ‘mould’ public opinion to follow their liberal left views. Even in this age of social media the hated corporation still provides more ‘news and comment’ than all other sources put together. Their dominance enormously dangerous. On the Marr show on Sunday a panel was lamenting the demise of the Independent as a printed newspaper . They all strongly agreed that plurality of content was crucial to a healthy democracy. I completely agree. Why don’t these lefties say the same thing about broadcasting where the dominance of the BBC is far, far greater than that of any Press baron has ever been?
And as if by magic to prove doublethinker’s point, we note this story is getting full coverage, direct from the BBC news front page
“Missing doctor Rose Polge’s family ‘overwhelmed by support'”
………………The family of a missing junior doctor has said they are “overwhelmed by the support” of dozens of people who have helped to search for her along the Devon coast……………..
The BBC understands that a note was found in Ms Polge’s car.
It is believed its contents were mainly related to personal issues, but there was a passing reference to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt……………..
Obviously no agenda here at all !!
I would merely point out that statistically several people have probably gone missing in the UK today, and others will have died in accidents. Mysteriously none of them have made it to the bBBC’s news front page.
A ‘man’ has gone on trial, accused of planning an attack on military personnel in Britain (see Yes, a MAN. The fact that the BBC uses this particular term instantly tells you all you need to know – the suspect being one Junead Khan from Luton and apparent supporter of Islamic State (although he didn’t go to join them as it would have interfered with his day job). Still, the BBC managed to restrain themselves, describing him as just a ‘man’ rather than a ‘British man’.
Once your eyes are opened to the Al Beebs unashamedly and remorseless use of sensorship, misdirection and misleading statements and facts in certain articles and then the embarrassing, almost fanatical use of agenda carpet bombing in others, the Al Beeb is never the same again.
To use just ‘a man’ is denying the underlying truth of this religion of peace envoys actions and what he wanted to inflict on the people he and his fellow peace activists utterly despise. Thank you Al Beeb for at worst encouraging this slaughter or at best allowing it to happen because shoehorning the message that you delusionally believe in is more important.
Well thank heavens for that; I’ve been expecting it for a while and now it’s started. I’m referring to well heeled, left wing celebrities telling us mere mortals how to vote in the up coming European election. That intellectual giant, Emma Thompson, has warned us that we would be “mad” if we left. She went on to inform us that we “need to pull borders down not start erecting new ones”. Apparently, according to Emma, our nation is a really miserable place; “Cold, misty and cake filled.” Well….that’s what she said.
Quick on her heels, to add their considerable gravitas to the Remain campaign, were Michael Gambon and, transvestite comedian(?) and friend of Ed Miliband, Eddie Izzard. Phew!
I wonder who else might think we poor plebs need the benefit of their sage like wisdom. The Beckhams? Stephen Fry isn’t usually shy with his opinions. Jo Brand and her charming name sake, Russel, must put their gorgeous heads above the parapet. Oh, and of course, Benedict Cumberbatch.
We’re done for…
Emma Thompson (initials ET same as the alien) should be terated like an illegal alien and sent off to live in Somalia or Yemen. Should be banned from Britain. A traitor.
Hypocrite supreme, champagne socialist who sends her daughter to private school. Says the English are ‘rascists’ for not taking refugees. Born to wealthy acting parents who through their contacts got her her career started in acting.
Anti Isreal, anti semite. I wonder how many Jews have paid her wageses
Rumoured to be worth over 30 million pounds, owns a number of homes, spends a lot of her time living in USA, has not given any refugees a room in any of her homes.
These attention-seeking oafs are quite something aren`t they?
I guess they`d rather get a good review from the BBC and its gangrenous Guardian widget that actually reflect what a real person in the UK thinks.
So long in that bubble of theirs that they must think it`s normal to want more Cologne, more Calais and-well yes. more nannies and drug dealers with extras supplied on Shepherds Bush Green.
If only they knew that Rik Mayall, Harry Enfield ,Lisa Tarbuck and others with an independent turn of mind tend to live on in affections long after the likes of Unfunny Ed , Russell Skank and Jeremy Harpy have died on their arses-but continue to crawl around the BBC Charity Ring…Saviles Circle of Hell.
This whole “No Borders” argument in as inane and as potentially disastrous as that that social experiment called Marxism that led to untold suffering and the deaths of millions in the Soviet Union. In fact given the total collapse in society that would be the result of such misplaced Idealism it would lead to the most disastrous future imaginable. It’s not difficult to see why ridiculous windbags like Thomson and Jo Brand el would promote this kind of tosh, but what is unforgivable is that the BBC is also happy to let all of this go unchallenged, whilst uttering platitudes like, “Well, the world is changing”.
Rumour has it that Ms Thompson is so enamoured by the idea that she is going to rip down all of the six high fences protecting all of her £1m+ properties….
The No Borders movement is an interesting example of how the left are financially supported. I strongly suggest an examination of Unbound Philanthropy, one of those private foundations used by the super wealthy to channel their excess funds (avoiding taxes by so doing) to pet charities and political projects.
You can find further details in the link below. But note they give nearly £3 million to open borders campaigning groups in the UK.
Here’s a few pro-mass migration/open borders groups who take money from Unbound Philanthropy:
British Future £180,000.00
British Refugee Council £15,000.00
Citizens UK £225,000.00
Hope Not Hate £200,000.00
Refugee Support Network £75,000.00
Resolution Foundation £50,000.00
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00
Asylum Aid £150,000.00
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00
Immigration Law Practitioners £120,000.00
Migrant and Refugee Community Forum
Migrants Rights Network £120,000.00
Migration Museum Project £60,000.00
Southall Black Sisters £90,000.00
Check their link for details of their objectives and movements they support here and in the US. Details of who they fund can be resourced from their spreadsheets in this link.
Luckily for the rest of us, the stupidity of the wankeratti lefty luvvies is only exceeded by their huge conceit and vaultingly high opinion of themselves.
They will be unable to resist spending the referendum campaign out there on the EU-BBC etc., lecturing us about what to think and how to vote. Hooray! Thompson, Izzard and Fry can join Blair, Cleggy and Heseltine. The more the merrier!
Hopefully, many of these lefty-luvvies will state they plan to leave the UK if we vote to leave the EU. Sadly, as always happens, they then won’t. Apparently that other tranny Paul Lillian O’Grady is still mincing around the UK despite promises made prior to the general election.
“A tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe, a cake-filled misery-laden grey old island… We should be taking down borders, not putting them up”
Emma Thompson should stick to what she is qualified to comment on: privilege, hypocrisy, acting and English Literature (her degree subject at Cambridge – what else?! Not a science, naturally, hence her readiness to comment on climate change issues).
I will take that last one back. Her poor use of English in this clip disqualifies her from commenting even on her native language. Almost every single word of it is questionable and/or badly expressed. What does ‘cloud-bolted’ mean? Seriously, anyone? Did she mean ‘cloud-blotted’? What does ‘sort-of Europe’ mean? And is Britain really that rainy, apart from some western areas? Is Ireland also ‘sort-of’ Europe? And I thought that the spoiled bitch would approve of our lovely cakes! Are we really so misery-laden? ‘Grey’ and ‘old’ are, of course, standard Lefty codes to attack the older indigenous British – not Black or vibrant enough! ‘We should’ – she has no right to lecture us from her position of detached privilege behind de facto ‘borders’ which her wealth affords her. The sentence quoted is also a massive non sequitur, since our climate cannot be changed by opening the borders, as she seems to imply.
The fact that someone like Thompson is even quoted shows how far intellectual standards have declined in the UK. She is usually talking about herself when making apparently general comments. For instance, SHE adopted Tindy, a boy from Africa … so Britain has to adopt lots of Third World people too, whatever the cost; SHE has suffered episodes of depression … so we have to be a ‘misery-laden’ island, ‘cloud-bolted’, ‘rainy’, ‘grey’ (yes Emma, I too did Eng Lit ‘O’ Level and I’m loving ALL your depressive imagery!!); she considers herself a citizen of the world, flies to Hollywood to get awards and goes to summits in order to pose as virtuous … so we all have to do away with borders.
The fact that the BBC, and it’s like , require us (ordinary Joe Public) to listen to ‘tomes of wisdom’ from such as Emma Thompson enrages me (as a paid up member of Joe Public)
Who is she other than a privileged, educated and perhaps capable and talented actress? She is no more qualified than me or my milkman to espouse definitive opinions over issues such as border control and continuing membership of the EU. She knows f**k all other than the issues that surround her individual world eg how easily (and cheaply) can I obtain cleaners/housekeepers/nannies etc. in my various properties etc.
Open Borders and similar organisations need looking at, in particular who funds them? In addition the MSM particularly the BBC need to interview representatives of these organisations (although they are rather coy in defining any leaders) and ask them such questions as:
How do you think your policies of totally open uncontrolled borders will help Britain?
How will this help the British working class/ taxpayers and other responsible citizens who have bourne you, funded you and in the main given you a good education and a potentially comfortable life which could be destroyed in a relatively short time by an open borders policy, please explain.
The BBC only too ready to put EDL, NF (I’m not a supporter) UKIP and other organisations ‘on the stand’ but to my knowledge haven’t done the same with this bunch of anarchists, misguided students and well heeled bored wanker activists.
Unfortunately people like Thompson, the media classes and the political classes use the hated white working class/middle-class as a physical buffer and financial giver. The very people who do the tedious/tiresome jobs. You know the dullards who keep things running.
Except the old working class are disappearing and then soon after them the middle class and their replacements aren’t going to be as accepting. These immigrants and will be at their well-healed gated homes…and what will the likes of Thompson do then?
A quick example of 4 billion pounds worth of reporting skills. One of the reporters, name of Dan Damon, has managed to leave Broadcasting House, and find a condemned BT phone box in Great Portland Street, right by his office. It has a notice declaring that as it is little used, it may be removed. No problems there, but as it has a broken handset, it is of little use anyway. So far, accurate, but not particularly difficult reportage by Dan. It is when he gets to the notice posted by BT on the box, that Dan fails to note the farcical part of his own story. He has put a photo on of the notice, telling anyone walking by that the phone, that is not being use sufficiently used (as it is broken) may be removed. The bit he misses is in the line below ‘ To find out the location of the nearest alternative public pay phone, please call 0800 661 610. So, a story by Dan, who does not travel far in his search for a story, and misses the bloody punch line!
Dan missed another trick, he could have left a further notice underneath advising people wanting to find a public phone to call 0800 661 610 on their mobiles.
So the only reason for tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the UK are the conflicts abroad. How prescient of Muslim groups to have started their wars with each other 1,400 years before the modern conflicts.
Well Scribe also rather presumptuous of Aunty to think many of us give a flying F*** any more of what these enrichers are doing to eachother.
I guess many of them like to practice their enriching techniques on each other before showing the indigenous population how much they appreciate living in our western society. All these good things to look forward to!
Aunty thinks we should care cos Aunty knows best! – Oh my bleeding heart!
P.S. The Jocks seem to be in favour of staying in and will demand a second referendum if it goes against their wishes.
That being the case, it appears the Jock vote can be ignored and left uncounted as it will not affect them. The rest of us (England, Wales and N. Ireland) can then have a genuine, representative, democratic result.
I was listening to the description (R4 6pm News) of Cameroon’s latest machinations with our E.U. “partners” and it struck me listening to it of just what a nightmare creation the European Union is; to achieve anything (even the trivialities our blessed leader is trying to achieve) requires so much compromise, so much contrivance, involves so many complications and so much chicanery.
Why would the leader of any country, who genuinely had the best interests of that country and its people at heart, want to be involved with it in any fashion or form? Or would even consider for a second the enmeshment of his or her country within it?
I think Al because the majority of the politicians who make the decisions dont give a fig about the population as a whole.
Most of these bastards both Labour and Conservative are attracted to the glamour, power and financial rewards of office and will spout any bull that comes to mind so that they and their ilk can maintain their positions.
Look at people such as Boris Johnson (said to be a great admirer of Churchill). Still sitting on the fence I bet his arse cheeks are now getting as red as a BBC news editorial team . What courage!
And then we have caMORON – God what a joke, shirtsleeves rolled up, fevered brow working to the small hours, standing up for blighty and sorting out the BIG DEAL.
And suddenly Voila! there it is Europe,s caved in and Dave showed em. Whoopee we dont have to pay migrants child benefit for however many years. Except this had probably all been agreed months ago, and it will probably do “Jack shit” to make any real impression on inward migration.
I am afraid that on the whole integrity and political courage died years ago. And those (like Farage) who have had the courage to say the truth have been neatly sidelined, and suffered repeated character assasination in order to blunt the undoubted truths they deliver. And to keep the Status still Quo!
If the sheep do vote to stay in I guess the country will get what it deserves!
I thought I’d try Radio 4 this afternoon. The intention was to listen from 3 to 5, but I didn’t make it.
“Making History” was quite good, except for the comments on 1916 – a quick dig at the ruling class because of the Battle of the Somme and blaming the current problems of the Middle East on the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
It went downhill fast with “Costing The Earth”, which wasn’t unexpected. A history of coal quickly brought in climate Change, greenhouse gasses and the rest of the BBC’s green agenda. However, there was an interesting change of tone when the story reached the 1980s. Suddenly coal miners were the elite of the working class, doing a vital job to keep Britain functioning until the evil Thatcher fought Scargill and closed lots of pits. Then we were back to the horrors of CO2 emissions.
I then went to make a phone call and when I returned to the radio there was some woman putting a tune to an interview with John Bercow – Speaker of the House of Commons. I gave up and decided silence was preferable to Radio 4.
If it is any consolation I had a similarly traumatic experience whilst driving today. Have posted a comment on the new thread about that silly woman Anne McElvoy reminiscing about the cold war. Her friends who worked for Robotron, the East German computer company, were always asking her to bring this bit or that bit as they couldn’t get them and they were desperately needed. For younger readers, she was admitting to supplying the then enemy with western technology. Nice to know.
Yup, I’ve stopped listening to the AlBeeb now. Stop watching it’s programs too. What a shame – how far it has fallen over last 30 years. Talking only to and for itself now. A luvies, metropolitan elite broadcasting service that we the public have to pay for.
Got an internet radio – listen to US or Oz news stations. TV, well Sky does for sports and that’s it now.
Much as I despise Coogan in all manner of ways-for Gods sake Partridge is a genius…and he`s the perfect blend of Evan Davis and James O Brien-if he had wit, or did a bit of planning.
Oh joy!
If this isn`t the typical dogs dinner that Labour now represents-then what is?
And it was going so well too_Martha Kearney told me that St Pancras and Holborn just LOVED Corbyn earlier on TWATO!
Wonder why they didn`t ask anyone from his constituency next door-they couldn`t ALL be using migrants to make them a bespoke Vendetta mask could they?
But not to worry-Martha tells me that they`re going “oop north tomorrow”-so Bennis Skinners Clay Cross cabbages can tell the BBC how great Jereny is from THAT end of the pinhead camera!
Anyway here`s Jacks, Hatties and old Mother Hewitts old mucker back again-Tom O Carroll…not to be confused with the unfunny Scouse teacher.
Note that last line- no-ones going to believe a word of what Tom O Carroll says….well, if HE`S not the successor to Jeremy then who is?…continuity is key here.
Maybe the BBC will find him a job on Look North as their childrens presenter…seems to have the right pedigree for the Beeb.
He either worked for the AlBeeb or had the same mates as Jimmy Savile. He is the exception to the general rule. Ukip are the whipping boys of the child friendly Liebour.
Just listened to bits of that Shabhama Mahmood piece of drivel re Shia/Sunni tensions in the UK.
You don`t say dear?…1400 years of cutting each others throats, and fighting over the ricin for whitey, the window seat for the plane, just by the wing?…and they`re a bit eggy up in Bradford are they?
Well, I`ll be!
She ended her piece of Muslim mousse by asking herself “what had she learned?”
Well-happy to fund her hajj aren`t I?…she`s presumably not left islam…so my guess is that she learned nothing.
If she did someone Islamic would be cross about it anyway.
PS-hope Tommy Robinson is OK…but , doubtless the BBC are happy to report a fear in the town of an-anti Muslim backlash…bad Tommy!
Any stats yet on % paedos who are Shia? opposed to those who are Sunni?
By that calculus alone, do I judge them…reckon it`ll be the Sunnis who are the child friendly option to bet upon.
Could Twitter be shutting down free speech because a Saudi has become their biggest share holder? The Guardian shutting down their comments because their leftish narratives are being demolished? Facebook working with the German Government to shut down criticism of immigration….
Twitter Recruits Crazed Feminist to Police Free Speech
The way the BBC crowd treat news (as a never-ending succession of calls for something must be done ie more public spending) you might assume they really do think the tax payer should fund preachy lefty journos…
Oh you see what I did there? I was just thinking of the sad face shown to the Indy and the smiley one always shown to the Guardian and then I inadvertently went and made a TV Licence gag.
The perils of sugar – that’s almost criminal – but let’s tax it anyway…is that our thought for today?
No, that was Jamie Oliver’s gig yesterday. Today our favourite mockney and his BBC enablers are on the case of the misshapen vegetables – no, not Billy Turnbull’s gonads – I mean those funny veg Esther Rantzen used to make hay with but which the supermarkets (grrrr) reject. I thought we were about to go foodbanks but I’m guessing they get fed to the pigs or something.
Down at the bijou farm shop the posh poor farmer almost said ‘equality’ but saved complete ridicule with the word ‘quality’.
What would a BBC campaign be without a loaded vox pop. Queue a succession of “I would buy misshapen veg, it probably tastes better”
But this being Britain there’s always a naughty little boy ready to call out the naked emperor – one lad standing next to his reject veg approving mum tells us (honestly) “No”.
At last a lone soul refusing to consume his daily portion of BBC approved greens.
Controversial views indeed – I noticed that boy, despite the mike being snatched away the moment they realised he wasn’t going to toe the line. Still, he was white, male and juvenile – what can you expect? He wasn’t called William Brown by any chance?
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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Fedup2Mar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Someone has noticed the slaughter of non Muslims in Syria – now who could that be – well according to…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
Someone posted this link to a petition against Obama speaking in Westminster in favour of staying in the EU. Maybe it is not a BBC Bias topic, but then if he speaks the BBC will go wild over it and use it as news to advance their case for staying in. Since yesterday it has doubled and is growing.
I’ve signed it. Britain Stronger in Europe (BSE, isn’t that a mad cow disease), are going for the black vote. It is a manipulation of the stupid amongst us.
Those of whom are thick enough to think- if Obama says it, it must be the right decision. Believe me, these dumb people are out there! I find this action insulting to the intelligence of all people, especially black people. I wonder though, if they will see it that way. I fear that many will fall for it. The stupid black rascist brother/sisterhood.
If the black’s in this country could for once stand up against this interefence then this would do much for social cohesion, community trust and good relations. They need to stand up for their country and for what is right, rather rather discriminate because of skin colour. A very cheap and expliotative shot by millionaires Cameron and Obama.
Acronym for Obama’s interference
Butt Out Obama BOO
Watched the second part of the Simon Reeve travel log around Greece on BBC2 last night. Both parts were shameful. Two one hour programmes doesn’t do the country justice, but that wasn’t the point of these programmes, it seemed.
Every box was ticked.
Of all the delightful Greek islands that he could have visited, he chose Lesbos and Crete. Why Lesbos? So that he could meet despairing refugees of course.
Last night, he wasted no time in box ticking. We were straight into wealthy Greek ship owners and the damage they had done to the country by not paying tax etc etc. We had a whistlestop tour of the Peleponnes, so short as to almost have missed it. We had numerous interviews with non-english speaking Greeks, which were incorrectly/ inadequately translated so as to mis-inform (my wife who is fluent in Greek was able to point this out), Climate change was raised within the first 5 minutes and at various points obliquely throughout.
There was a whole section, maybe 15 minutes, (allocated inside a 1 hour programme) focused on the integration of muslims in the North East of the country , how women were being encouraged to learn Greek and stand on their own feet etc etc.
We had a long section about deep coal mining, and the impact that was having on climate etc.
We had a longish section on the subject of inter- christian strife amongst the monks on Mt Athos, presumably there to demonstrate that it wasn’t only the religion of peace that has such issues.
I could go on, but just to say that the programmes were a travesty. There are so many other great aspects of the country that he could have focused on, but he chose all the downside. Such a shame.
Absolutely agree. Reeve also was quite keen on the idea of repopulating the countryside (including here) with wolves and brown bears ! What no-one seems ever to point out is that the sea route from the Turkish coast to the nearest Greek islands is actually just a few miles and that it is entirely with the scope of the Turkish armed forces and police if they wanted to do so, to cut this off from illegal migrants. But of course they do not so choose because they are perfectly willing to recolonise their old enemy….
The first episode was a travesty, the second was unwatched in our house.
It was a despicable piece of television. BBC agendas hooked everywhere onto a subject that was used simply as a vehicle for bias.
It made no attempt to present Greece or her people, it looked for the exceptional throughout.
Though on reflection watching the soft leftie being run out of Exarchia by anarchists was a joy to behold, certainly raised a laugh to hear him describe the comrades as “scumbags” ( in part 1).
The trouble with many of these “documentaries”, is that they’re often presented by “eyecandy” for the laydees (and gents, too it seems).
So the messages the likes of us readily spot, go way over the tops of heads of those who watch because of who is fronting it.
I raise so many objections over the drivel that we often have to watch in this château because the presenter is pretty, and the rot coming out of his (or her) mouth doesn’t sink in to others watching, who have no idea of what’s going on.
Typically, if the Channel 4 “news” is watched here it’s because she likes Jon Snow, and Cathy Newman. The overbearing, left-wing bias doesn’t seem to penetrate her head, in anything like the near-to-exploding way it does mine.
Little wonder the Former UK has the government it does, and the electorate are so dim.
Reeve would of probably gone to Lesbos anyhow, prior to it being overun by illegals. It would of been to view the Lesbian scene over there, as it has become a must visit destination ,for girl on girl couples since the 1980`s. I guess that has dropped off these day,s as the new arrivals would disapprove of those activities .
I haven’t watched either episode, but a friend was telling me how much he enjoyed part one. The message he took from it was that on Crete everyone (including the clergy) have guns, and society is much the better for it.
I don’t think that was the line that the BBC was pushing.
And I don’t think we’ll see this news item covered on the BBC.—Gerard-Batten-MEP.html
Portillo continuing to be absorbed by slavery and the blacks, as he continues his jaunt in America (which issupposed to be all about railways) . I mentioned this last week, hoping it would be a one, or perhaps two off – but the remorseless messaging continues. Others of his series have had some interesting political facts incorporated on the way, but this is very noticeable – and it’s every day, and tedious, too..
Is ALL BBC output cunningly dressed in subtle (and not-so subtle) messaging?
I agree. He spoke to a race hustler who said that modern day blacks are backward because slaves were not taught to read and write. Well my great-grandmother had to sign documents with an “x”, but that does not seem to have stopped me from learning how to read and write.
What has any of this got to do with railways?
In our household my wife and I have opened an early bottle of Bucks Fizz to celebrate the link below.
In fairness, we don’t need much of an excuse to imbibe in anything from the vine.
Good riddance.
One down, three to go.
I would permit the BBC to continue with BBC 2 & 4 , payed for by other means , & Radio 2 3 4 & 4 extra plus some local stations payed by other means . The rest must go , as soon as possible.
Make the whole lot ‘pay by subscription’.
Simple. End of.
As I’ve noted before, it’s not just the bias, it’s the sheer incompetence. For instance, last night on BBC1 London News – after the main
propaganda10:00 BBC1 News we were informed by some gobshite cub reporterette that HSBC – although opting to retain its HQ in London – was considering sending 1,000 staff to Paris in the event of Brexit. The gobshite declined to stoop to the first object of useful reportage: context. After the gobshite’s contribution, Mrs U asked me if I knew the total of HSBC staff in the UK out of which this 1,000 might be sent to France. Was it, say, 1,000 out of 2,000 – which would be a major item. I replied that I suspected that 1,000 was a relatively small proportion of the HSBC workforce. Actually – as I discovered from the paper press this morning – it’s a possible up to 1,000 out of 45,000/50,000 which, frankly, in the scheme of things , is a fleabite. Ignoring and/or refusing to provide contextual info is a major part of “Project Fear” (and, as it happens, a major constituent of (not) reporting on any part of the BBC Narrative). From a self-styled (or, rather, so-called) “world-class” news operation it’s just a basic – and trademark – failure of journalism.New this week from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Dame Janet Smith Review Findings Delivered to BBC
– BBC Plans to Axe Television and Radio Divisions
– BBC Three Adopts Online Only Format
Depressing news about the MPs failure to tackle the BBC.
This is a good read from Conservative Woman.
Every contributor or browser on this site should read this. It is the most cogent justification for BBBCs existence and a truly depressing foretaste of what seems inevitable. ‘Things Can Only Get Worser’, to quote My Lord Kinnock.
As it says: “The only proposal for change is in dealing with complex complaints that are currently pushed upstairs to a unit of the Trustees, the Editorial Standards Committee. This is chaired by trustee Richard Ayre, who worked at the BBC for 30 years. A key lieutenant is Mark Damazer, a former controller of Radio 4 who made it the temple of right-on orthodoxy that it has become. The culture committee has accepted the blindingly obvious, that this is the equivalent of having foxes in charge of the hen house, but their solution defies belief”
I remember a BBC scientific advisor called Professor Peter Cox causing a rebellion of both members of Mensa and fellows of the Royal Society. The BBC also had trouble with Professor Cox regarding the predictions of a Barbecue Summer and Mild Winters and his prominent role in the Climategate Scandal and with the IPCC.
In a complaint by Mensa members that got to the Trust Committee, the BBC said it had no scientific investigative journalists and also it claimed that it had access to 4,000 Climate Scientists, but not one of these was used as an Independent Scientific investigator into Professor Cox. In the complaint, Professor Peter Cox confused the southern ocean with the deep ocean. But because the BBC got Professor Peter Cox to investigate Professor Peter Cox, this error was not recognised. Professor Peter Cox of the Climate Systems Dynamics group at the University of Exeter is a founding member of the Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Intercomparison Fantasy, and was a lead-author on the IPCC Fourth and Fifth Assessment reports. Born in 1964 in London, he moved to Hassenbrook, Stanford-le Hope, Essex as a child. Left Palmers 6th Form College in 1982, and qualified with a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Imperial College London in 1990. He then joined the Hadley Centre. He is now destroying Britain’s scientific credibility as a member of the Science Advisory Group for the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. Peter Cox was responsible for the rebellion of 43 Royal Society members due to his contribution to the authorship of the “Climate Change Controversies” document. His role as scientific advisor to the BBC ended in 2008 after causing a rebellion amongst Mensa members over his role as scientific advisor to the BBC documentary “Hot Planet“ which apparently used the same unique scientific errors as in the Royal Society document. A Member complained on behalf of at least three other members, including me, about his contribution to the BBC documentary “Hot Planet”.
So not only is the BBC Complaints process run by left-wing morons. But they got a computer modeller to scrutinise his own mistakes in Climate science. And then just quietly dumped him after rejecting the Complaint. And now Whittingdale thinks dumping the BBC Trust complains process will satisfy his fellow Mensa members.
Re: nofanofpoliticians and Simon Reeve on Greece. Some may recall the programme on Venezuela. This was a similar sorry tale of economic collapse. gang-run former housing projects, empty supermarket shelves, massive inflation, squandered oil reserves and corruption etc. However, no reference whatsoever was made to the cause of the economic collapse. Nothing, zilch. No mention of the inane attempts by Corbyn and Abbott’s hero Hugo Chavez’s spectacularly failed attempt to create a socialist Utopia there. It just happened. A natural phenomenon like say El Nino. Surprised Reeve didn’t blame it on climate change.
The blame for Venezuela has been articulated by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, whose Hon President is Ken Livingstone supported by Diane Abbott MP, Rodney Bickerstaffe, Colin Burgon, Kelvin Hopkins MP, Bruce Kent and Ann Pettifor. and 18 national trade unions. They endeavor to support and build activity around these objectives throughout Britain, within parliament, regional and local government, the trade unions, amongst women, lesbian and gay communities, black, Asian and Latin American communities, students and all others.
And what is the problem in that country?
The right wing opposition parties are destabilizing the revolution and demanding Thatcher style housing policies.
It is Fatcher’s fault.
Interesting report on the bBBC website reference the recent Bavaria train crash.
The title of the piece is along the lines of ‘Who Owns Bavaria’s Trains’?
I was waiting for the answer to be the private sector and for the boot to be firmly put in. It is. But wait…..
It turns out the accident was due to a human error by the signals/track controller. These are public sector!!!!!
The trains were private sector but exonerated. In fact, quite a straightforward article. And yet…..
Do I hear a cry from the bBBC for all train services to be privatised ‘to improve safety’? Of course not.
But just imagine if ownership and blame was the other way round. Banner headlines. Stop press. ”Evil’ profit-making private companies cause deaths to boost profits’. You know it would happen and so do I.
Sometimes the bias is in what they choose not to say and not to headline.
Agree. The BBC standard operating procedure with news stories is to choose from a range of options depending on whether in their view the story helps or hinders their liberal left narrative. News value and truth do not figure in this political calculation.
If the story is helpful to their narrative then they boost it as much as possible , filling all their channels with it for days on end if necessary. They will of course wildly exaggerate to make their point and leave out any inconvenient bits that don’t fit. Their vox pops are notorious for discarding all but helpful comments and their interviews of ‘experts’ and quotes of ‘reports’, are totally one sided, balance being something they long ago abandoned. On the other hand if the story is unhelpful it will, if possible, be suppressed , or its importance will be massively downplayed, or if they can find an angle they will seek to undermine it in any way possible.
Unfortunately the BBC sets the news agenda for our country and we only hear and see what they want us to so that they can ‘mould’ public opinion to follow their liberal left views. Even in this age of social media the hated corporation still provides more ‘news and comment’ than all other sources put together. Their dominance enormously dangerous. On the Marr show on Sunday a panel was lamenting the demise of the Independent as a printed newspaper . They all strongly agreed that plurality of content was crucial to a healthy democracy. I completely agree. Why don’t these lefties say the same thing about broadcasting where the dominance of the BBC is far, far greater than that of any Press baron has ever been?
And as if by magic to prove doublethinker’s point, we note this story is getting full coverage, direct from the BBC news front page
“Missing doctor Rose Polge’s family ‘overwhelmed by support'”
………………The family of a missing junior doctor has said they are “overwhelmed by the support” of dozens of people who have helped to search for her along the Devon coast……………..
The BBC understands that a note was found in Ms Polge’s car.
It is believed its contents were mainly related to personal issues, but there was a passing reference to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt……………..
Obviously no agenda here at all !!
I would merely point out that statistically several people have probably gone missing in the UK today, and others will have died in accidents. Mysteriously none of them have made it to the bBBC’s news front page.
A ‘man’ has gone on trial, accused of planning an attack on military personnel in Britain (see Yes, a MAN. The fact that the BBC uses this particular term instantly tells you all you need to know – the suspect being one Junead Khan from Luton and apparent supporter of Islamic State (although he didn’t go to join them as it would have interfered with his day job). Still, the BBC managed to restrain themselves, describing him as just a ‘man’ rather than a ‘British man’.
Once your eyes are opened to the Al Beebs unashamedly and remorseless use of sensorship, misdirection and misleading statements and facts in certain articles and then the embarrassing, almost fanatical use of agenda carpet bombing in others, the Al Beeb is never the same again.
To use just ‘a man’ is denying the underlying truth of this religion of peace envoys actions and what he wanted to inflict on the people he and his fellow peace activists utterly despise. Thank you Al Beeb for at worst encouraging this slaughter or at best allowing it to happen because shoehorning the message that you delusionally believe in is more important.
Well thank heavens for that; I’ve been expecting it for a while and now it’s started. I’m referring to well heeled, left wing celebrities telling us mere mortals how to vote in the up coming European election. That intellectual giant, Emma Thompson, has warned us that we would be “mad” if we left. She went on to inform us that we “need to pull borders down not start erecting new ones”. Apparently, according to Emma, our nation is a really miserable place; “Cold, misty and cake filled.” Well….that’s what she said.
Quick on her heels, to add their considerable gravitas to the Remain campaign, were Michael Gambon and, transvestite comedian(?) and friend of Ed Miliband, Eddie Izzard. Phew!
I wonder who else might think we poor plebs need the benefit of their sage like wisdom. The Beckhams? Stephen Fry isn’t usually shy with his opinions. Jo Brand and her charming name sake, Russel, must put their gorgeous heads above the parapet. Oh, and of course, Benedict Cumberbatch.
We’re done for…
Emma Thompson supports Remain. As a reward Cameron will make her a Dame
“Emma Thompson supports Remain. As a reward Cameron will make her a Dame”
Which pantomime?
It won’t be as the front end of the horse, that’s for sure.
Emma Thompson (initials ET same as the alien) should be terated like an illegal alien and sent off to live in Somalia or Yemen. Should be banned from Britain. A traitor.
Hypocrite supreme, champagne socialist who sends her daughter to private school. Says the English are ‘rascists’ for not taking refugees. Born to wealthy acting parents who through their contacts got her her career started in acting.
Anti Isreal, anti semite. I wonder how many Jews have paid her wageses
Rumoured to be worth over 30 million pounds, owns a number of homes, spends a lot of her time living in USA, has not given any refugees a room in any of her homes.
These attention-seeking oafs are quite something aren`t they?
I guess they`d rather get a good review from the BBC and its gangrenous Guardian widget that actually reflect what a real person in the UK thinks.
So long in that bubble of theirs that they must think it`s normal to want more Cologne, more Calais and-well yes. more nannies and drug dealers with extras supplied on Shepherds Bush Green.
If only they knew that Rik Mayall, Harry Enfield ,Lisa Tarbuck and others with an independent turn of mind tend to live on in affections long after the likes of Unfunny Ed , Russell Skank and Jeremy Harpy have died on their arses-but continue to crawl around the BBC Charity Ring…Saviles Circle of Hell.
This whole “No Borders” argument in as inane and as potentially disastrous as that that social experiment called Marxism that led to untold suffering and the deaths of millions in the Soviet Union. In fact given the total collapse in society that would be the result of such misplaced Idealism it would lead to the most disastrous future imaginable. It’s not difficult to see why ridiculous windbags like Thomson and Jo Brand el would promote this kind of tosh, but what is unforgivable is that the BBC is also happy to let all of this go unchallenged, whilst uttering platitudes like, “Well, the world is changing”.
Rumour has it that Ms Thompson is so enamoured by the idea that she is going to rip down all of the six high fences protecting all of her £1m+ properties….
The No Borders movement is an interesting example of how the left are financially supported. I strongly suggest an examination of Unbound Philanthropy, one of those private foundations used by the super wealthy to channel their excess funds (avoiding taxes by so doing) to pet charities and political projects.
You can find further details in the link below. But note they give nearly £3 million to open borders campaigning groups in the UK.
Here’s a few pro-mass migration/open borders groups who take money from Unbound Philanthropy:
British Future £180,000.00
British Refugee Council £15,000.00
Citizens UK £225,000.00
Hope Not Hate £200,000.00
Refugee Support Network £75,000.00
Resolution Foundation £50,000.00
Student Action for Refugees £40,000.00
Asylum Aid £150,000.00
Bail for Immigration Detainees £240,000.00
Immigration Law Practitioners £120,000.00
Migrant and Refugee Community Forum
Migrants Rights Network £120,000.00
Migration Museum Project £60,000.00
Southall Black Sisters £90,000.00
Check their link for details of their objectives and movements they support here and in the US. Details of who they fund can be resourced from their spreadsheets in this link.
More details of funding for Open Borders. I wonder if the BBC are interested.
Luckily for the rest of us, the stupidity of the wankeratti lefty luvvies is only exceeded by their huge conceit and vaultingly high opinion of themselves.
They will be unable to resist spending the referendum campaign out there on the EU-BBC etc., lecturing us about what to think and how to vote. Hooray! Thompson, Izzard and Fry can join Blair, Cleggy and Heseltine. The more the merrier!
Hopefully, many of these lefty-luvvies will state they plan to leave the UK if we vote to leave the EU. Sadly, as always happens, they then won’t. Apparently that other tranny Paul Lillian O’Grady is still mincing around the UK despite promises made prior to the general election.
Full quote, via Guido:-
Emma Thompson backs Remain and slags off Britain:
“A tiny little cloud-bolted, rainy corner of sort-of Europe, a cake-filled misery-laden grey old island… We should be taking down borders, not putting them up”
Emma Thompson should stick to what she is qualified to comment on: privilege, hypocrisy, acting and English Literature (her degree subject at Cambridge – what else?! Not a science, naturally, hence her readiness to comment on climate change issues).
I will take that last one back. Her poor use of English in this clip disqualifies her from commenting even on her native language. Almost every single word of it is questionable and/or badly expressed. What does ‘cloud-bolted’ mean? Seriously, anyone? Did she mean ‘cloud-blotted’? What does ‘sort-of Europe’ mean? And is Britain really that rainy, apart from some western areas? Is Ireland also ‘sort-of’ Europe? And I thought that the spoiled bitch would approve of our lovely cakes! Are we really so misery-laden? ‘Grey’ and ‘old’ are, of course, standard Lefty codes to attack the older indigenous British – not Black or vibrant enough! ‘We should’ – she has no right to lecture us from her position of detached privilege behind de facto ‘borders’ which her wealth affords her. The sentence quoted is also a massive non sequitur, since our climate cannot be changed by opening the borders, as she seems to imply.
The fact that someone like Thompson is even quoted shows how far intellectual standards have declined in the UK. She is usually talking about herself when making apparently general comments. For instance, SHE adopted Tindy, a boy from Africa … so Britain has to adopt lots of Third World people too, whatever the cost; SHE has suffered episodes of depression … so we have to be a ‘misery-laden’ island, ‘cloud-bolted’, ‘rainy’, ‘grey’ (yes Emma, I too did Eng Lit ‘O’ Level and I’m loving ALL your depressive imagery!!); she considers herself a citizen of the world, flies to Hollywood to get awards and goes to summits in order to pose as virtuous … so we all have to do away with borders.
Pass the sick-bucket, please!
The fact that the BBC, and it’s like , require us (ordinary Joe Public) to listen to ‘tomes of wisdom’ from such as Emma Thompson enrages me (as a paid up member of Joe Public)
Who is she other than a privileged, educated and perhaps capable and talented actress? She is no more qualified than me or my milkman to espouse definitive opinions over issues such as border control and continuing membership of the EU. She knows f**k all other than the issues that surround her individual world eg how easily (and cheaply) can I obtain cleaners/housekeepers/nannies etc. in my various properties etc.
Open Borders and similar organisations need looking at, in particular who funds them? In addition the MSM particularly the BBC need to interview representatives of these organisations (although they are rather coy in defining any leaders) and ask them such questions as:
How do you think your policies of totally open uncontrolled borders will help Britain?
How will this help the British working class/ taxpayers and other responsible citizens who have bourne you, funded you and in the main given you a good education and a potentially comfortable life which could be destroyed in a relatively short time by an open borders policy, please explain.
The BBC only too ready to put EDL, NF (I’m not a supporter) UKIP and other organisations ‘on the stand’ but to my knowledge haven’t done the same with this bunch of anarchists, misguided students and well heeled bored wanker activists.
It is a very dangerous strategy for an entertainer to slag off the hand that feeds her. To insult her entire home nation is not very wise, is it?
Unfortunately people like Thompson, the media classes and the political classes use the hated white working class/middle-class as a physical buffer and financial giver. The very people who do the tedious/tiresome jobs. You know the dullards who keep things running.
Except the old working class are disappearing and then soon after them the middle class and their replacements aren’t going to be as accepting. These immigrants and will be at their well-healed gated homes…and what will the likes of Thompson do then?
A quick example of 4 billion pounds worth of reporting skills. One of the reporters, name of Dan Damon, has managed to leave Broadcasting House, and find a condemned BT phone box in Great Portland Street, right by his office. It has a notice declaring that as it is little used, it may be removed. No problems there, but as it has a broken handset, it is of little use anyway. So far, accurate, but not particularly difficult reportage by Dan. It is when he gets to the notice posted by BT on the box, that Dan fails to note the farcical part of his own story. He has put a photo on of the notice, telling anyone walking by that the phone, that is not being use sufficiently used (as it is broken) may be removed. The bit he misses is in the line below ‘ To find out the location of the nearest alternative public pay phone, please call 0800 661 610. So, a story by Dan, who does not travel far in his search for a story, and misses the bloody punch line!
Dan missed another trick, he could have left a further notice underneath advising people wanting to find a public phone to call 0800 661 610 on their mobiles.
On Radio 4 tonight, and I kid ye not …
Sunni Shia Splits? File on 4: Are international conflicts creating tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the UK?
So the only reason for tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims in the UK are the conflicts abroad. How prescient of Muslim groups to have started their wars with each other 1,400 years before the modern conflicts.
Well Scribe also rather presumptuous of Aunty to think many of us give a flying F*** any more of what these enrichers are doing to eachother.
I guess many of them like to practice their enriching techniques on each other before showing the indigenous population how much they appreciate living in our western society. All these good things to look forward to!
Aunty thinks we should care cos Aunty knows best! – Oh my bleeding heart!
Scribling Scribe, Are you saying that there were Middle East Moslem conflicts before Bush’n Blair?
Wise people them Welsh!
Well done you Taffy’s. Proud of you.
My local poll would back that up.
As would the European Election.
P.S. The Jocks seem to be in favour of staying in and will demand a second referendum if it goes against their wishes.
That being the case, it appears the Jock vote can be ignored and left uncounted as it will not affect them. The rest of us (England, Wales and N. Ireland) can then have a genuine, representative, democratic result.
I was listening to the description (R4 6pm News) of Cameroon’s latest machinations with our E.U. “partners” and it struck me listening to it of just what a nightmare creation the European Union is; to achieve anything (even the trivialities our blessed leader is trying to achieve) requires so much compromise, so much contrivance, involves so many complications and so much chicanery.
Why would the leader of any country, who genuinely had the best interests of that country and its people at heart, want to be involved with it in any fashion or form? Or would even consider for a second the enmeshment of his or her country within it?
I think Al because the majority of the politicians who make the decisions dont give a fig about the population as a whole.
Most of these bastards both Labour and Conservative are attracted to the glamour, power and financial rewards of office and will spout any bull that comes to mind so that they and their ilk can maintain their positions.
Look at people such as Boris Johnson (said to be a great admirer of Churchill). Still sitting on the fence I bet his arse cheeks are now getting as red as a BBC news editorial team . What courage!
And then we have caMORON – God what a joke, shirtsleeves rolled up, fevered brow working to the small hours, standing up for blighty and sorting out the BIG DEAL.
And suddenly Voila! there it is Europe,s caved in and Dave showed em. Whoopee we dont have to pay migrants child benefit for however many years. Except this had probably all been agreed months ago, and it will probably do “Jack shit” to make any real impression on inward migration.
I am afraid that on the whole integrity and political courage died years ago. And those (like Farage) who have had the courage to say the truth have been neatly sidelined, and suffered repeated character assasination in order to blunt the undoubted truths they deliver. And to keep the Status still Quo!
If the sheep do vote to stay in I guess the country will get what it deserves!
I thought I’d try Radio 4 this afternoon. The intention was to listen from 3 to 5, but I didn’t make it.
“Making History” was quite good, except for the comments on 1916 – a quick dig at the ruling class because of the Battle of the Somme and blaming the current problems of the Middle East on the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
It went downhill fast with “Costing The Earth”, which wasn’t unexpected. A history of coal quickly brought in climate Change, greenhouse gasses and the rest of the BBC’s green agenda. However, there was an interesting change of tone when the story reached the 1980s. Suddenly coal miners were the elite of the working class, doing a vital job to keep Britain functioning until the evil Thatcher fought Scargill and closed lots of pits. Then we were back to the horrors of CO2 emissions.
I then went to make a phone call and when I returned to the radio there was some woman putting a tune to an interview with John Bercow – Speaker of the House of Commons. I gave up and decided silence was preferable to Radio 4.
If it is any consolation I had a similarly traumatic experience whilst driving today. Have posted a comment on the new thread about that silly woman Anne McElvoy reminiscing about the cold war. Her friends who worked for Robotron, the East German computer company, were always asking her to bring this bit or that bit as they couldn’t get them and they were desperately needed. For younger readers, she was admitting to supplying the then enemy with western technology. Nice to know.
Yup, I’ve stopped listening to the AlBeeb now. Stop watching it’s programs too. What a shame – how far it has fallen over last 30 years. Talking only to and for itself now. A luvies, metropolitan elite broadcasting service that we the public have to pay for.
Got an internet radio – listen to US or Oz news stations. TV, well Sky does for sports and that’s it now.
BT Sport has English rugby and any important Pro 12 game is on Scrum V or S4C.
Much as I despise Coogan in all manner of ways-for Gods sake Partridge is a genius…and he`s the perfect blend of Evan Davis and James O Brien-if he had wit, or did a bit of planning.
Oh joy!
If this isn`t the typical dogs dinner that Labour now represents-then what is?
And it was going so well too_Martha Kearney told me that St Pancras and Holborn just LOVED Corbyn earlier on TWATO!
Wonder why they didn`t ask anyone from his constituency next door-they couldn`t ALL be using migrants to make them a bespoke Vendetta mask could they?
But not to worry-Martha tells me that they`re going “oop north tomorrow”-so Bennis Skinners Clay Cross cabbages can tell the BBC how great Jereny is from THAT end of the pinhead camera!
Anyway here`s Jacks, Hatties and old Mother Hewitts old mucker back again-Tom O Carroll…not to be confused with the unfunny Scouse teacher.
Note that last line- no-ones going to believe a word of what Tom O Carroll says….well, if HE`S not the successor to Jeremy then who is?…continuity is key here.
Maybe the BBC will find him a job on Look North as their childrens presenter…seems to have the right pedigree for the Beeb.
bBBC have this story partially hidden. Labour suspends paedophilia rights campaigner Tom O’Carroll
Sorry to shout but it does annoy me.
Sorry forgot to post link
See link
“Former Bury UKIP chairman jailed for grooming children and having 200,000 child porn images”
“Excuse me Sir, can we inspect your hard drive?”
I feel quite safe – I don’t work for AlBeeb!
He either worked for the AlBeeb or had the same mates as Jimmy Savile. He is the exception to the general rule. Ukip are the whipping boys of the child friendly Liebour.
“the same mates as Jimmy Savile”
Quite possible…
Look out ‘Scotts’ about!
Just listened to bits of that Shabhama Mahmood piece of drivel re Shia/Sunni tensions in the UK.
You don`t say dear?…1400 years of cutting each others throats, and fighting over the ricin for whitey, the window seat for the plane, just by the wing?…and they`re a bit eggy up in Bradford are they?
Well, I`ll be!
She ended her piece of Muslim mousse by asking herself “what had she learned?”
Well-happy to fund her hajj aren`t I?…she`s presumably not left islam…so my guess is that she learned nothing.
If she did someone Islamic would be cross about it anyway.
PS-hope Tommy Robinson is OK…but , doubtless the BBC are happy to report a fear in the town of an-anti Muslim backlash…bad Tommy!
Any stats yet on % paedos who are Shia? opposed to those who are Sunni?
By that calculus alone, do I judge them…reckon it`ll be the Sunnis who are the child friendly option to bet upon.
Could Twitter be shutting down free speech because a Saudi has become their biggest share holder? The Guardian shutting down their comments because their leftish narratives are being demolished? Facebook working with the German Government to shut down criticism of immigration….
Twitter Recruits Crazed Feminist to Police Free Speech
So…, what’s today’s cause for concern, then?
The way the BBC crowd treat news (as a never-ending succession of calls for something must be done ie more public spending) you might assume they really do think the tax payer should fund preachy lefty journos…
Oh you see what I did there? I was just thinking of the sad face shown to the Indy and the smiley one always shown to the Guardian and then I inadvertently went and made a TV Licence gag.
The perils of sugar – that’s almost criminal – but let’s tax it anyway…is that our thought for today?
No, that was Jamie Oliver’s gig yesterday. Today our favourite mockney and his BBC enablers are on the case of the misshapen vegetables – no, not Billy Turnbull’s gonads – I mean those funny veg Esther Rantzen used to make hay with but which the supermarkets (grrrr) reject. I thought we were about to go foodbanks but I’m guessing they get fed to the pigs or something.
Down at the bijou farm shop the posh poor farmer almost said ‘equality’ but saved complete ridicule with the word ‘quality’.
What would a BBC campaign be without a loaded vox pop. Queue a succession of “I would buy misshapen veg, it probably tastes better”
But this being Britain there’s always a naughty little boy ready to call out the naked emperor – one lad standing next to his reject veg approving mum tells us (honestly) “No”.
At last a lone soul refusing to consume his daily portion of BBC approved greens.
Controversial views indeed – I noticed that boy, despite the mike being snatched away the moment they realised he wasn’t going to toe the line. Still, he was white, male and juvenile – what can you expect? He wasn’t called William Brown by any chance?