I don’t know if anyone heard the 5Live exploration of the government’s requriement that landlords ensure their tenants are not illegal immigrants but as always it is interesting what catches the eye of the BBC.
The BBC doesn’t think much of this government policy and was busily subverting it with endless criticisms that demonstrated how it will never work. Curiously though they completely brushed over what was a much more serious concern…that of forged passports.
The landlords often use agencies to check paperwork and identities of their potential tenants. One such agency the BBC spoke to said that they received anything up to 10 fake passports a week…was the BBC concerned about the fake passports? No. They were only concerned to show how difficult things must be for the poor old landlords…never mind that the agnecy clearly had no problem spotting the fakes.
One agency receiving maybe 10 passports a week…so up to 500 a year…and that is only one agency…just the tip of the fake passport mountain.
Perhaps the BBC could investigate this scandal which has serious national security implications…oh hang on, who might be using these fake passports? Fake immigrants? Hush that one up.
Whilst on that subject how about these ‘desperate’ migrants’ who fled to Europe because their lives were so at risk? And then promptly went home again as it was too cold. So they’d rather risk a martyrs death than turn the heating up a bit in their Authority provided homes?
Thousands of Iraqi migrants ask to be flown BACK to Iraq from Finland because they don’t like the country and it’s ‘too cold’ for them
Any suspicion that their lives weren’t at risk and they were just here for the freebies?
Just waiting for the BBC report into this one.
The BBC couldn’t spot a serial child sex abuser under its own nose for 30 odd years.
Yet it feels it can criticise the governments attempts to spot illegal immigrants.
To all those people who like to link this refugee situation with that of the Jewish refugees from Europe in the 1930s/40s, I have this to say, how many Jews wanted to go back to their home country while the Nazis reigned supreme? In other words how serious can the threat to existence be for some of these so called refugees?
Once again we have witnessed organisations like the BBC playing down comments from individuals such as Nigel Farage that among the genuine refugees there are a number of economic migrants/terrorists and criminals. As time goes on this is shown to be correct and the BBC and the lefty/luvee/liberal metropolitan elite along the looney left are wiping egg from their faces.
These traitorous, fascist, white man hating bast@rds will never feel an ounce of regret, shame or remorse for what has been a doomed vanity project from the very beginning. The UK has many faults but it’s proud and patriotic peoples are the most caring, compassionate anywhere in the world. We have created a society that is so comfortable, rich and easy that we have just allowed horrid, dangerous scum to infest and control our political and media elite. They are using what we the great British public have created to satisfy their sick fantasies and being utterly selfish to further their careers. They don’t care about us or our families. They will not be shedding any tears for those girls in Rotherham or Cologne and the countless more to come. They despise everything we hold dear to us. They will gladly wipe egg from their evil, bigoted faces as long as they keep getting their way
Surprised that you use the phrase “BBC care for poor landlords”.
All my experience of the BBC is that they hate landlords pretty much as they hate their Rachman cartoon archetypes that are the boilerplate for the Rigsbys, the Lady Porters…but, funnily enough not the Lady Nugees or the Blairs, Benns, Hodges and all the other property sharks of the Left .
No -“property is theft maan…unless you`re Emily Thornberry, in which case it`s “sanctified” by being done by a Lefty lawyer…or is that liar?
The scheme doesn’t work anyway. You only need one ‘legitimate’ person to sign the lease and the landlord then claims she (can’t keep saying he can we BBC :p) had no idea about the other 50 people in the house because of their right to peaceful enjoyment. Far better would be to impose a money transfer tax. If you want to send £500 to another country then it should cost you £1000. £500 will get spent locally then! This of course would not affect those who genuinely wish to contribute to British society but would affect all whether from EU or further afield who are only here to fleece the locals whilst sending vast sums of money every month to their motherland.
Sorry cockneyboy and Tothepoint, I agree with everything in your posts except…
“…the BBC and the lefty/luvee/liberal metropolitan elite along the looney left are wiping egg from their faces.”
“They will gladly wipe egg from their evil, bigoted faces as long as they keep getting their way”
You only have to watch interviews with these people on Newswatch (for example) to realise that these people have Teflon-coated faces. Have you ever seen a BBC producer or executive even admit (never mind apologise for) bias, omission, or misrepresentation?
Three “British” men arrested in Greece trying to smuggle arms into Turkey . ??!!
Later news and the BBC tell us they originated from Iraq and Kurdistan .
Now how come they ended up as ” British ” ? Could they have been ………. Asylum Seekers ?
The Foreign Office is involved , local consuls , expense , involvement .
Before the war , aliens were not allowed to partake in political activities . Makes sense when you see what we have to put up with now .
Why do we have to hand out citizenship to all these immigrants? I have lived in Spain, & Italy but I only had resident status in both. This meant I couldn’t vote or claim benefits (even though both were the EU), I was perfectly happy with this situation & to think of myself as a guest in both countries.
If Britain takes in genuine assylum seekers (& they have got to be genuine!) why not just grant them temporary residence, no need to hand out passports & all the benefits that go with that.
I remember back in the mid 80s going to the Questura in Siena to apply for my regular permesso di soggiorno, that boring document that made me legal for a while in Italy. The place was full of African immigrants, mostly Nigerians I think, who invariably ended up annoying people in restaurants by selling useless trinkets (if men), or being a prostitute beside a main road (if a woman). What really annoyed me that day was that all these non Europeans were blatently given priority to to be processed to get their documents (passports I am sure) than me a mere white European, I was constantly put at the back of the queue. This nonsense has been going on a long time!
Because they vote liblabcon.
This open door to everyone outside Europe nonsense is definitely a nightmare created by the EU decades ago, we can only really blame the liblabcons for making no attempt to change our relationship with the EU till now, & only the Cons are giving us the opportunity to have a say at last. The BBC who thinks everything the EU does & thinks is milk & honey have kept the EU surrealism in place in weak politicians’ minds, politicians who constantly run in fear of the Beeb.
‘My baby boy is sick, I need to get back home,’ said Alsaedi Hussein, buying a flight back to Baghdad at a small travel agency in Helsinki.
And as he wiped away non-existent tears with the palms of his hands – hands that remained as dry as the desert from which he came – the travel agency agreed to give him a hefty discount on his flight.
Sorry, I know that sounds harsh, but as someone who has worked with immigrants I’ve heard all the excuses – and it ALWAYS involves dying family members who never quite manage to die. They always get better! But that’s so they can use the same excuse next time they want time off work or monetary donations.