Apols for my absence. BT stripped me of ALL broadband for a week and I am now catching up on all my various platforms. I think the BBC are playing a blinder FOR the Prime Minister at the moment. They are carefully playing along with the whole “Will he or won’t he get a deal on the EU” in the full knowledge that this is a foregone conclusion. The only time the BBC will facilitate a Conservative Government is when it’s Prime Minister is out to keep us IN the rancid EU. Regardless, this is where YOU detail the bias so let’s be hearing from you!!!
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Listen to today’s Making History on R4. You will hear Anne McElvoy admit that in the 80s she was supplying the East German company Robotron with western electronic components that they needed because they were so far behind the west. I couldn’t believe my ears. The self-incrimination occurs around the 13:00 mark.
Could Twitter be shutting down free speech because a Saudi has become their biggest share holder? The Guardian shutting down their comments because their leftish narratives are being demolished? Facebook working with the German Government to shut down criticism of immigration….
Twitter Recruits Crazed Feminist to Police Free Speech
Twitter has never been a .safe space for conservatives so nothing has really been lost. The creeping censorship is just the left’s fear showing through the veneer it always likes to show to the world. You know that so called freedom loving one.
The illiberal left is on the run now so we need to keep up the pressure and remember that now it is at it’s most dangerous.
AS to Cameron and the EU. What can we say ? How that man must wish he never promised us a referendum.
On a side but important note I urge you to read the latest Gates of Vienna post on the coming disintegration of Sweden. Looks like the place has had it. No wonder Cameron needs to get on with his useless negotiations. The EU is on the verge of implosion.
And we know that Facebook is responding to Merkel’s appeal to stifle bad news about the gimmies. Rushing in to suppress Facebook comments is the UK police (Thanks Dave and Teresa) who have arrested a man for saying offensive things about the seekers of asylum among the Skotch. Having made the arrest the cops are asking for informants to report other Facebook crimes.
Just to protect BBBC from the social media Stasi, may I respectfully point out what a fab job the gimmies are doing now they have began to arrive.
and in the Indie
Mhairi Black, a Scottish National Party (SNP) MP, and Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s international development minister, were among those raising concern about a spike in Islamophobic, racist and xenophobic abuse online.
“Could Twitter be shutting down free speech because a Saudi has become their biggest share holder?”
Alweed bin Talal is Twtter’s second largest individual share holder, after recently increasing his holding of 3% in 2011 to an overwhelming 4.4%.
Meanwhile, co-founder Evan Williams continues to own 12%.
So the answer to your question is no.
But if you’d rather believe someone who’s perfected the art of SPEAKING IN CAPS-LOCK TO TRY AND DISGUISE THE FACT HE’S AN IGNORANT FOOL and who is currently employed to advertise Alex Jones’ quack ‘erbal snake oil apocalypse remedies, then carry on.
The afore mentioned Saudi as well as his holding company actually owns 5% (and growing) of shares in Twitter, that’s over $1 billion in market value, if you think that’s not influential think again.
You will will also note that I suffixed my statements with question marks, no I don’t believe all I read.
Tonights look east-ten minutes of tory cuts i various guises. 630 version, bussiness leaders explain why we should stay in the e.u. agenda? Cough
When it comes to facts, the BBC struggles.
If confronted with this, the BBC complaints process will no doubt retreat behind the ‘beliefs’ over ever more senior and highly overpaid directors up to and including the Trust Eloi recently so ably exposed by David Keigthly in Conservative Woman.
No wonder Mr. Cameron and his loyal employees on various DCMS committees seem so forgiving.
The BBC was positively gleeful over their made-up faux pas by Prince William – Britain an ‘outward looking nation’.
Anti-Royal: Prince puts his foot in it. [tick]
Pro-EU: We have to have ‘relationships’ with other countries, (EU! EU! EU!),
even though, of course, he didn’t say it, (but the BBC ‘has been led to believe’ that he meant it. [tick]
I’m not sure why William thinks he is qualified to tell FO staff how to do their job anyway, but then every other celebrity thinks they have an Allah-given right to take our money and preach down to us so why not him?
Anyway wouldn’t an ‘outward looking nation’ be taking up its seats on UN committees and making trade deals with China, India and Brazil, rather sitting outside Jean-Claude Juncker’s office, waiting to be called in like a naughty schoolboy?
I’m not so sure it was a “made-up faux pas”. To me it seemed pretty obvious to what he was referring, and the timing adds to my suspicion. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if the speech wasn’t written by No10.
These things don’t just happen, anymore than Obama/ Kerry just happen to make mention of their desire that UK stays within EU last week.
Its all part of the lobbying that goes on, and the audience is twofold
1. The likes of you and I who may or may not be part of the 20% of voters that Cameron and his ilk need to impress, and
2. The EU establishment, who they are trying to exert pressure on.
Will Britain vote to remain an isolated province of a declining undemocratic European super state. Or will we vote for Prince William to inherit his 16 Global Realms.
The British Empire was the largest empire in history. By 1922 the British Empire held sway over 13,012,000 square miles, almost a quarter of the Earth’s total land area, the phrase “the empire on which the sun never sets” was often used to describe the British Empire, because its expanse across the globe meant that the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.
In fact this is still the case for the Royal Commonwealth in the 21st Century. Today, Her Majesty the Queen rules over 10,335,644 square miles of what is called the Commonwealth Realms or Royal Commonwealth, what could be described as the largest Empire in existence today.
As has been pointed out by constitutional experts in Australia. Britain cannot allow the Crown to be subject to European Sovereignty as long as the Crown has allegiance outside of EU control. But all this is threatened by the Euro-Isolationist Pro-EU traitors, who would threaten the future liberty of the Commonwealth Realms, as well as Britain itself.
The centralist trends of the EU, in contrast to the Self-Governing trends of the Commonwealth are inevitably leading to Civil unrest, and unless Britain takes this opportunity to leave the EU, we, with help from our Commonwealth friends, will inevitably only be able to obtain freedom by a Civil War against the Pro-EU Traitors.
“Today, Her Majesty the Queen rules over 10,335,644 square miles of what is called the Commonwealth Realms or Royal Commonwealth, what could be described as the largest Empire in existence today.”
You really shouldn’t be mixing statins with alcohol Richard.
“You really shouldn’t be mixing statins with alcohol”
Probably better than your £145.50pa dietary supplement of blue pills washed down with Kool Aid.
Excellent post, RP.
It could be entirely innocent and Prince William was merely stating a fact that – effectively – built that Commonwealth and continues on in many people within Britain. Not the desires of the economic & politico-strategic hegemony ends that the USA tends to often seek. And not the inward-restrictive, retrospective, forced alliances of the EU. Instead, a modernised (since 1950s) Commonwealth tends to recognise individual sovereignty while encouraging prosperity and responding with aid when the need arises.
It also seeks to inspire other independent nations that are outside the Commonwealth. It doesn’t dangle false monetary or fear bribes to try to ensnare others.
If you think I have used perjorative language above …
… tough!
It seems a total non story. How being “an outward looking nation” can equal IN I dont know, precisely the opposite case can be made.
“Extremism is contributing to and exploiting mass migration, the home secretary has warned.”
I think you’ll find that it’s the other way around luv!
Good Islam and Bad Islam
Our strategy, in Europe and America, under Bush and under Obama, has been to artificially subdivide a Good Islam from a Bad Islam and to declare that Bad Islam is not really Islam. Bad Islam, as Obama claims, “hijacked” a peaceful religion. Secretary of State Kerry calls Bad Islam’s followers, “apostates”. ISIS speaks for no religion. It has no religion. Which means the Islamic State must be a bunch of atheists.
Our diplomats and politicians don’t verbally acknowledge the existence of a Bad Islam. Even its name is one of those names that must not be named. There is only Good Islam. Bad Islam doesn’t even exist.
This isn’t just domestic spin, which it is, but it’s also an attempt at constructing an Islamic narrative. Our leaders don’t care what we think. They just want us to keep quiet and not offend Muslims. They do care a great deal about what Muslims think. And so, in their own clumsy way, they try to talk like Muslims.
You see the symptom yet fail to see the causes !
Wahabism is the ‘bad’ Islam which politicians dare not speak its name. I’m afraid it’s back to the bribery and corruption coming out of Saudi and other oil rich Sunni Muslim states promoting it and its ideals.
If Politicians aren’t being bribed or hoping to be, then you get people like Donald Trump, who all the rest name call because of the risks he poses to their nice gravy train.
It always makes me wonder why it is that the people cannot put two & two together when past leaders such as the Clintons, or Blairs leave office and suddenly become extremely wealthy ! Where do you think all this money is coming from and why are they being given it?
Did I see somewhere (BBC w/s?) that trafficking migrants into the EU was a £4bn business last year?
British Police Arrest Man For Syrian Migrants Facebook Post, Promise Zero Tolerance For ‘Offence’ Online
British Police have promised not to tolerate any speech that could cause offence on social media regarding Syrian migrants, after arresting a man for Facebook comments made about recent arrivals on his small Scottish Island.
The tiny Isle of Bute in the Firth of Clyde, which had a total population of just 6,498 in 2011, is expected to take in around 1,000 Syrian migrants, with 12 families already arriving since December last year (picture above).
However, commenting on the comparatively huge and sudden influx of Muslim immigrants online just became a very risky business for local residents.
“Good Islam, bad Islam”.
Surely this can be resolved with the greatest of ease by one simple question,
Was Muhamad of the several wives, including little Aisha, the Muhamad of the Quran and the various battles in which he led warrior bands in attacks on unbelievers, he that is referred to as the prophet or the messenger, That Muhamad whose image must not be portrayed, was he acting for good Islam, or bad Islam? was he a good Muslim or a bad Muslim?
Let us hear Kerry, Cameron, Obama, Merkl and all the rest answer this question, was Muhammad a good or bad muslim? And can they explain their opinion on this question? They’re clearly the experts.
This is good embolden!
Now-in this vein-was Muhammad a Shia or a Sunni?
Discuss, over a hooker and a mint tea on the curry mile-firstly at a Sunni curry house( that`ll be nearly all of them)…and then at a Shia( more Lebanese, Kurdish or Persian/Iranian…but there ARE Afghan ones once in a while!).
Let`s ask Shabena Mahmood from last nights “File On Four” to get herself educated on this topic…I foresee a Millwall-Luton kinda clash here, I`d pay to watch the results come in…taking an entrance poll at A&E would confirm the prediction..he was a Sunni delight who went Shite…
As I expect you know, Mohammed was neither a Shia or a Sunni. Basically, the difference between Sunni and Shia came about after Mohammed’s death where his followers could not agree who should become the new head of the ‘religion’.
Naturally this dispute escalated into violence, and so the rest is history. Sunni and Shia factions have been in dispute – at war effectively – ever since.
So Sunnis and Shias did not differ on matters of religious substance but merely on disagreement about power and control of the ‘religion’. Of course, the two factions have developed some minor disagreements about how they interpret the books of Islam since then. But the origin of the long lasting dispute was purely political.
One must wonder how a religion of peace couldn’t find a way to resolve such a minor issue? Surely one of the world’s great mysteries?
Yes, correct there my mancunian friend-did know, but rather imagine that Sunni and Shia would have fun debating the “relative virtues” of either case.
Sense it`s not on the UNs “to do list” to bring peace between these two giants of progressive thought over the years…happen to think that Iran and Saudi will go to war over Turkish dismemberment within our lifetimes-then we`re in Revelation territory…with a triumphant Iran with the bomb.
Rather puts the “First 100 Days of UKIP” into perspective eh?….not that the BBc would dare to muse on such big things.
Not when Andrew Mitchell has yet to say sorry to the plebs in Esperanto as we speak….
Imagine a beef between two mafia families and you have the essence of the Sunni/Shia split: it’s over who has the right to run rackets in which territory.
Thanks for bringing up shia or sunni chrish now i cant get sonny and chers ive got you babe out of my feckin head and in a curious twist my mind converts ive got you babe to abugrade { not right spelling but cant be arsed googling it} so like i say thanks
ps read article 50 of lisbon treaty am i reading it wrong do the eu have a two year veto if we brexit?
Sunni and Shia / Sonny and Cher; the same comparison also pops into my head every time I hear the 2 peaceful factions of the RoP mentioned. By an amazing co-incidence, didn’t Sonny used to beat the Shi’ite out of Cher? Now I think about it I might be getting muddled up with Ike and Tina Turner but then the joke doesn’t work.
Regardless, I shall get my coat.
Happy to oblige
There is and only ever will be 1 Islam. Only someone who is not Muslim can wrongly say otherwise. Whether we believe it to be the biggest pile of horse shit is irrelevant. The whole truth and purpose of Islam is that Muhammad is the final prophet. He heard the words from God himself. These instructions for life are the instructions for mankind. No man can ever change them, and to even talk about changing the words of God is to attack God himself. Its punishable by death in all Islamic texts. The only good Muslim is the one who lives the life written in the Koran. They are the rules. ISIL believe they alone on this planet are living the life God instructed them to. Living as ordered in the Koran is sharia. Muslims know this. Why do you think so many Muslims are leaving to live in the caliphate? Muslims believe the only judgment that counts is God’s. Why the fuck would they care what infidels like Cameron think? The only good Muslims are in ISIL. There isn’t any discussion required
This sounds very much like a cartoon my daughters used to watch. The villain says:
“That’s all just well enough because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Mojo Jojo. One shall be the number of Mojo Jojos in the world, and the number of Mojo Jojos in the world shall be one. Two Mojo Jojos is too many and three is right out. So the only Mojo Jojo there is room for in the world shall be me, and being the only Mojo Jojo in the world, I will rule the world in which there is only one Mojo Jojo.”
Powerpuff Girls I think it was.
The liberal, left wing gobshites will read what I wrote above and say it is islamaphobic or racist, or whatever simpleton drivel they close debate down with. Its none of those. Its fact. Maybe the non believer’s are destined for hell fire and Muslims are right. Its not the point. To dismiss someones belief in God and in Islam as bad is the sort of shit that is driving more Muslims to join the fight. We are not them. They are not us. We should never have mixed. The truth is that there are millions of good Muslims it’s just that we stand against everything they believe in
Maybe so tothepoint-but you`re correct-so they can go and hang themselves…or a gay…or a teenage girl…which they will, as Allah wills it too.
Any hope?…well, am reading on the Ottoman Empire , which seemed to be as enlightened as Islam can be during the second half of the 19th Century. Seem that there WAS an opening of the Koran…and some relatively decent Sultans and Pashas did create microclimates of civility-and Jews did seek out Turkey and Egypt as we gave then pogroms in Europe, as well as anti-semitic crap from both Christians and liberals.
I draw the conclusion that if a Muslim leader shows that he has a large domain to rule over-lets the nutjobs stick to welfare, education and preaching, but with severe repression of those who stray past his limits(and moderate repression for all the others who challenge his edicts, army and right to rule)…then we get a Muslim society that`s as good as they can do.
FFS-that I have to READ this stuff tells me that we`re stuffed really…but it`s no more a possibility as the Roman Empires collapse or the rise and fall of Weimar,,,,both of which also are stages from history that pertain to me at the minute.
We`re past Islams tilling point of 38 degrees, populations that will vote and fight in the coming years…so as long as we know our history and where the protections need to be secreted…then at least we KNOW what`s coming…hence Cologne and Calais being such issues to us all.
Outside the BBC and Westminster of course…..
What we need is an impartial news organisation that investigates threats to free speech and presents the facts in news bulletins to allow the public to make up their minds.
Instead we have a police force that seems happy to transform into a stasi-like thought police where it only prosecutes people who it realises the political class will support their persecution.
It is very worrying that the BBC do not report this arrest of a man as a very high priority “this is the country we have become where we have no freedom of speech”. Of course, the line I am sure they will take (if they take any line at all) will be to suggest the police are ‘cracking down on hate speech – and a jolly good thing this is too’.
If the police arrested people such as this man on direct orders of a politician – and said this is why they were arresting him – then I would have at least some respect for them. However, it seems they are content to pro-actively act as the state secret police and actively participate in the persecution of people with different ideas.
If you had said twenty years ago that I would be contemplating the police as a malignant force for evil in our country – I would have thought it completely unthinkable. Now it seems those officers who will do the bidding of the fascist left are in the ascendant and presumably rise to positions of influence far quicker than officers with any sense of justice or decency.
This is a worrying development which I sadly hear without any sense of surprise.
Perhaps I am naive but I believe/hope the majority of officers in the lower ranks might still be decent people? Certainly the police officers I have known personally (sadly now long retired or passed on) would have been shocked and disgusted by these actions.
This is undoubtedly correct. A properly functioning news organisation would be investigating every last aspect of this case and taking on the Scottish police force very aggressively. It needs to be established who instigated this policy and how it is being implemented. It also needs to be established just how legal it is. It is not for these jumped-up gauleiters to start making the law themselves and when they do, they need to be in the receiving end of prosecutions themselves.
Were the BBC not fully behind the actions of the accurately named ‘thought police’ this is what it would be doing.
Police Scotland are the SNP’s Stasi. If Scotland ever did become an independent state, it would most closely resemble East Germany.
I’ve said for years when Salmond trotted out his utopia, people assume it matched theirs, all shiny and colourful, but his idea of paradise would be 1950’s Eastern Europe.
I am Scottish but live in Gambia which is a dictatorship. But people are more free there than in Scotland. I am visiting Scotland now and the fear of ordinary decent people is palpable.
The Scottish Police are indeed “Stasi “, totally under the control of the SNP fascists. I cry for my country .
ChrisH- If everyone in the West just pulled their heads out of the arses for just a second, and looked at the history of Islam and it’s reaction to other faiths since its very beginning, they too would be afraid and worried for the future. If everyone just looked at the purpose of Islam, what it’s pillars are and it’s instructions to it’s followers they would be afraid. Our man made laws mean nothing to them. God’s law is eternal. Its a sin to believe otherwise. The traitorous scumbags who lie about Islam being peaceful and compatible with our culture are doing so because they have a personal, sickening agenda. These people are the same as those traitors in the epic tails of old where the secrets were given to the enemy or the gates unlocked to allow their own people to be slaughtered. The traitors allowing the Islamification of the West to take place do not care about us or our families because they know what is going to happen or just don’t care. There are 2 options to be played out. Everyone in the West converts after and unimaginable death and humiliation. We end the destruction of our way of life now before its too late. The hell we are witnessing in Syria will be on our streets. Its only a matter of time
More Obama love on the front page of the BBC website, or should I say more Trump bashing. Obama helpfully informs us that the Presidency is a “serious job”. This is the man who invited clock boy to the White House.
Yo! This Pres dude is also movin in the music promo biz, man, with showin’ support and givin’ up the lurve here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35530845
Hmm I wonder how many Cybernats were arrested in the run up to last years Scottish referendum. I believe some were responsible for some quite vile slurs, racist remarks and general nastiness. Zero tolerance on certain offences seems to be a one way street.
Good news from Scotland on the BBC this morning.
It`s always bad when old Kevin Howlett is wheeled in at THAT time in the morning.
He`s sad at the fact that the SNP want to federalaise the BBC-and Wales and Ulster are looking at the same maybe?
Oh dear-Kevin and MIshal, Sarah seemed awful sad…as if their fey support for Scottish independence would not have that as a consequence…so well done Stodgy and Fat Eck for spotting this cavern to drive your bus through.
Great news- and to see the pain from Team Toady as they saw shortbread recipes replacing their own piece of shite on Radio Scotland…midge advancing technologies on BBC Ullapool…and how to squeeze semtex into a sporran or haggis for the cybernats online?…oh the horror.
Looking forward to the BBC telling us why the Scots freeload off us license fee payers down here-as opposed to the SNP telling us why we still owe the Logie-Baird estate and that of Kenneth McKellar for ever-so the Scots in effect are paying for the rest of us.
Which end of the pogo stick will be Tony Halls..and which will be Sturgeons ?…Be good to see-and if Naughtie and Wark aren`t weeping into their drambuie this afternoon, then they don`t see where this could go.
For once I`m with the odious SNP…break up the BBC!
Will happily pay for Stenhousemiur-Alloa games to be streamed down here for me to watch in the local pub…no…honestly!…
“Looking forward to the BBC telling us why the Scots freeload off us license fee payers down here-as opposed to the SNP telling us why we still owe the Logie-Baird estate and that of Kenneth McKellar for ever-so the Scots in effect are paying for the rest of us.
Which end of the pogo stick will be Tony Halls..and which will be Sturgeons ?”
Heh, quite.
I wouldn’t make the enemy of your enemy your friend for the time being, though, as it may well be a fracturing of the overfed institution, but it’ll also be an injection of new life into a part of it.
Delenda est has the right idea.
Hewlett let slip at 2h49m25s that the BBC is getting only £3.23m (sic) [he meant billion] which means that some more folk must be giving up on TV Licences either because they have stopped watching, are watching legally on ‘catch up & internet TV’ or are watching broadcast TV illegally with little fear of being caught.
At my reckoning 95% (BBC’s estimate, IIRC, of how many legally chose not to watch or are entitled to a free Licence) of 25+m ‘households’ should equal £3.46bn or more of fixed, guaranteed revenue for the BBC. £230m – or more – decline in revenues. Ouch! That has got to hurt.
The latest overseas sales numbers are out, apparently, and things do not look good there either. According to the Metro or the Standard yesterday, Doctor Who & Top Gear are no longer selling well. They are being outdone by Hyacinth Bucket in ‘Keeping Up Appearances’.
Can they really afford to pay Chris Evans £5m+ ?
Yellow Weather Warning!!! – for possible snow falls of 2cm ‘over hills’
Amount of sugar in some warm drinks “Almost Criminal” – roll on the Sugar Tax
Nicolas Whitchell somewhat snarky about the Huff Post coup in getting Kate to guest edit
Just another day on planet BBC News Channel
Yes, a sugar tax is the answer from the analysis provided by the BBC health correspondents, Fergus Walsh and Nick Twiggle, whose medical qualifications seem to escape me. Walsh has a degree in English literature which is useful, I suppose, but I cannot locate where the other one obtained his medical knowledge .
Whoever wrote that piece forgot that teaspoon sizes vary considerable. They made no effort to ask what teaspoon was used, what its capacity is.
They also failed to ask about the sugars occurring naturally in the components of these drinks. The worst ‘offenders’ in the BBC’s list were not what I would call conventional coffee house drinks. No effort to enquire what proportion they comprise in overall sales or how many units are sold each day, nor the customer profile. What if they were all drunk by slim to average adults, without any ill-effect at all, and not by obese people?
The whole thing was hooked up to a Press Release from a pressure group. No question from a Mandy Rice-Davies check applied to it at all!
No question asked about the dangers or the efficacy or the impact of indirect taxation.
The whole article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35593007 was so full of holes it is a real BBC shamer. It is also a disgrace to the claim to be journalism. If I was the Editor, or the Subby even, it would have been thrown back with a blue pencil slash through it and a snarled “Do it again. Go & ask questions. Do it right.”
Yes, the BBC continues its promotion of the Remain camp. Noted on the Today programme this morning, an interview with a director of a company that does business in Europe or perhaps has its HQ there (sorry, I didn’t catch the details) who was clearly reluctant to state any preference for Remain or Leave, but the insistent interviewer (Michal Hussain?) persisted in asking in several different ways whether he would prefer to remain, and in the end he capitulated and said he would. Doubtless she and her bosses thought “job well done”, but to me it was a disgraceful display of bias. Meanwhile, does anyone know whether the BBC has covered the news that “eighty business and community leaders with strong links to the Commonwealth last night savaged David Cameron’s EU deal” ? [ http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/644651/Britain-business-leaders-commonwealth-links-open-letter-David-Cameron-Brexit-referendum%5D
Link should be this?
This url does seem to work http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/644651/Britain-business-leaders-commonwealth-links-open-letter-David-Cameron-Brexit-referendum
Watched ‘Back in Time for the Weekend’ last night on BBC2, a pleasant, light, stroll down the memory lane of the 1970s. How harmless could it be?
Alas, even such a mild programme as this has to get in some multi-culti propaganda. Cut to a section on black music and black DJs. The dialogue was as follows
“But not everyone’s attitudes were always so enlightened (we see archive film of violence, police, and National Front marches). Britain in the 70s remained rife with racial tension”
Cut to interview with …..Margaret Thatcher. From 1978.
“People really are rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture. If you want good race relations you’ve got to allay people’s fears on numbers”
I’m sure the production team thought they were on a nice little Guardianista winner with this one, carefully and deliberately painting the ‘evil’ Thatcher as a racist. But in fact a spectacular own goal was scored as all it proved was how right she has been all along, and just how absolutely relevant are her words today.
An unexpected result!
Love the way the BBc didn’t mention it was NF just like they don’t now. To be honest I switched off when Nelson appeared although I noted they completely avoided mention Glam rock or anarchy in 1977 I mean it mannnnnnn. But instead went for Hi-energy dance.
BREAKING NEWS: “Bombardier Cuts 1,340 UK Jobs As Sales Fall. Hundreds of jobs are set to go at an aerospace division in Belfast and a train factory in Derby.”
Eh? What? I thought as we are in the EU all jobs were safe forever and ever as we live under the ever giving money tree at the end of the garden and golden rainbow where money and jobs are endless? No doubt the BBC will be hauling the pro EU mob in front of the camera that never lies and asking the difficult questions.
I know we like to have a go at Cameron on this site but just to take an alternative view on a personal level.
1. Who else has even tried? (well except for MT). Blair? Brown? Nah. It can’t be wrong to try, even if we are sceptical and cynical about the background and the motives. No-one else has tried for 20 + years.
2. Would you like to go round cap-doffing to 27+ nonentities, requiring their agreement? How demeaning. It must really stick in his gut.
And in a funny way, watching him ‘negotiate’ has done us all a service, as it nicely shows the EU for the moth-eaten rag-bag institution it has come to represent.
So two cheers to Cameron. I wouldn’t want to do it, would you?
He didn’t do it, Farage did it. Cameron is an opportunist-fraud who will say anything and do anything to stay in power. He feared Farage and UKIP and was forced to offer the referendum to cling on to power and prevent a meltdown in the Tory ranks. Don’t forget the official Tory party policy is to remain in Europe – they are part of the problem, not the solution.
The only reason Camerloon promised a referendum was because of the pressure he believed UKIP were exerting on Tory marginal seats prior to the last GE; he felt comfortable in making such a promise because he didn’t think he would have to deliver on it: the Conservatives weren’t expected to win an overall majority.
It was a hostage to fortune which in hindsight he didn’t have to make, because voters were frightened away from Labour by the Marxist Miliband – which is what led to an outright Conservative win and UKIP caused more damage electorally to Labour than the Tories.
Therefore another coalition with the LibDums would have enabled him to use them as a convenient foil for his not being able to offer a referendum, “I’d love to let the British people haver their say, but..but..etc”.
I’m sorry Sluff, I do not believe that Cameron is pursuing his ‘negotiations’ in anything like this vein. I do not think he is ‘negotiating’ with any seriousness at all.
His opening lines with each apparatchik will be along the lines of “Of course, we both know we want the UK to remain in the UK and all I am trying to do is come up with a way of convincing the UK electorate that the EU presents a better deal. I don’t really want any changes myself and I hope we can mutually agree some wording which sounds as if it promises something, but in reality offers nothing. THAT is my aim”.
I agree that he probably finds this slightly demeaning, but only in the sense where his position – of having to fool the UK electorate – will be mutually understood by both parties and they will sympathise and appreciate the weak position he is in. I’m sure that many of them will think he is a weak and pathetic politician, but will not say this as this is exactly what the political class are happy with as the ‘leaders’ of the EU subservient statelets.
More slaves, last night, with Portillo.
Strange, isn’t it, that the whole of the United States and its railways, appears to have been condensed by Portillo and/or the BBC into small entities where he can talk at length about slaves, whilst the vast majority of the rest of the country is ignored.
I appreciate that slavery formed a large part of the cause of the Civil War, and tended to be a Southern “thang”, but to go on about it ad nauseam when we wanted to hear about trains, I find a bit galling.
Boxes ticked, Michael? New series lined up for behaving? I wonder…
Same again tonight Goat, looking at the synopsis on Freeview. Apparently he visits a former slave market in Virginia. No agenda, obviously.
Typical scummy BBC.
Their smeary hatchet job on John Paul II this morning was the usual sly snide stuff beloved of scum like Stourton and Longley, Duffy and the other BBC shills who bend down and face Ariel Towers, as demanded by their paymasters.
Whether JPII fancied clever and beautiful women philosophers is a dead issue-means nothing…he died in 2005 and there is no evidence that he did anything about it-despite Ed carrying his letters around, and hoping to sniff the womans shroud to check for for any scent of Lewinsky or whatever.
His crime, I`m guessing is that he helped bring the Commies to their knees in Poland and elsewhere-so, like Thatcher and Reagan he`s always fair game to dig up and chuck a few divvies at.
Funnily enough-Reagan ALSO wrote plenty before he became President, scabrous take downs of the left, hippies, Red China and the Soviet Union…but Stourton would not read any of THAT out-and nor would the BBC make a programme about it-would only show THEM that the “Fascist God In Motion” was correct-prophetic, funny and nailed the left at every turn,,,and we`d not want the listener to ever think he was anything but the cowboy actor who prevented a Jessie Jackson or Andrew Young becoming President.Would we?
No-this Holy Trinity that brought the Soviets to their knees won`t be forgiven-and it`s a trgedy that the spineless Catholics only go down on their knees now to suck the BBCs satanic lollipop…and not thank God for Karol Wotjyla.
It really IS time that the Christians of this country gave out fatwas on the likes of Stourton-our Muslim friends show us how such apostates need Satans wind up their nightshirts if they trash better men that they will ever be.
Don`t the churches DO rebuttal units?…for the media need defanging once and for all when they dare to talk about religion-and Christianity in particular…why should Islam have a monopoly on threats and even violence, when it comes to the BBCs lazy musings?…if the buggers would only stick to their own gods of sport, NHS and climate changeypoos…then they could let the adults deal with faith. These clowns wander round the landmines, but it`s WE that get the danger later.
Twitter to excommunicate Stourton anybody? Talk isn`t cheap at £145,50 but his bile at not seeing the womans letters made it a bitter and nasty piece of crap-they`d never do anything similar about Abu Hamza would they?…let alone old Mo?
Well put, Mr H. JPII is an object of enormous Polish pride – to attack his reputation, even in such a crack-brained way, is to join in a campaign of collateral erosion aimed at softening up Poland’s reputation in the eyes of others, perhaps as a preamble to some serious regime-change efforts later on. When public opinion is being courted and subverted, every drip helps. Very nasty, unprincipled hypocrisy on the part of Mr Stourton.
Ta Mr Beaker.
I too have a great love of Poland, and all things “New Europe”.
Funny that “this arouses public fear”….but then again, they`re happy to “raise awareness” of THEIR issues with their OWN agendas that cause most right-thinking people great offence.
But then -we don`t understand irony, can`t appreciate Tracey Emin or what have you.
This picture is viceral, powerful and more than raises awareness-it tells truths, that art was once supposed to do.
But the “wrong people” will see it, and it`s not the Piss Christ now is it?
Well done Poland-create your naive art whilst the more supine end of Europe dares not to do so.
Now let me see, I wonder what would happen if a group of middle eastern men came here and raped women and even buggered a few men?
Oh yes, we kicked them out and said we would never have them again.
It’s a shame that Merkel can’t do the same in Cologne.
It’s rare to find myself disagreeing, ChrisH, but if the woman had not sold his letters, the whole situation would have remained under wraps – as deservedly wrapped as only a Vatican package can be – and the Stourton-inspired ‘sleeze’ remained a twinkle of BBC-funded hope in his morally celibate lifestyle.
Didn`t know she`d sold them beltane-which shows rather that I`d made my mind up in advance I guess.
Hope my parallel with Ronnie remains valid though…and, to be fair; it`s not that there was anything bad said re JPII…it`s the lazy commissioning that sees the catholics as a bit of sport, but Islam or anti-Left implications as “best not discussed”.
Patten, Longley, Stourton etc-house trained BBC suckups to the awful Pope Francis….but fearless foes and trawler followers to the mighty Wotyjla and Ratzinger…why the hell don`t they do a programme on why Benedict resigned?
I`d guess Regensburg 2006 myself…another scalp to Islam maybe?
When I heard that the front-man of the Eagles of Death Metal band that had been playing at the Bataclan when it was attacked by Islamist terrorists had said that it wouldn’t have happened if everyone had been armed. My immediate thought was, well the BBC won’t like that, how will they report it?
The answer was simpler than I thought, they haven’t reported his words at all. This BBC piece reports on the return of Jesse Hughes and the Eagles of Death Metal to Paris. The article includes plenty of ‘peace and love’ messages but nothing about his views on gun control.
Oddly the equally left-wing Guardian newspaper manages to report Jesse Hughes’ views in their piece. Here’s how that article starts:
‘The frontman of the Eagles of Death Metal, the band that was performing at the Bataclan theatre in Paris when 90 people were murdered by terrorists last year, has remembered his terror at encountering a gunman backstage – and argued for universal access to guns.’
Now why could the BBC not report Jesse Hughes’ views? Are they so wedded to being pro gun-control that any contrary views by someone that the public might feel sympathy for cannot be reported? Do they care so little for impartial reporting at the BBC?
If you read a bit further down The Guardian’s article another interesting fact is revealed:
‘In separate comments to Agence France-Presse, Hughes, a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, said: “I don’t go anywhere in America without a gun anymore. That sucks. And I’m not paranoid. I’m not a cowboy… but I want to be prepared.”’
Jesse Hughes, the front man of Eagles of Death Metal is a supporter of Donald Trump – I don’t think an invitation to appear on the Question Time panel will be arriving any time soon.
The BBC allegedly unbiased by charter but in reality biased by nature.
More here
Never heard of the Eagles of Death Metal any more that I`d heard of Viola Beach.
And when I saw the former up on the stage with U2-and the media seeing this as a Gettysburg moment in all their stinking hypocrisies-then I nearly puked.
But-in the light of Mr Hughes comments, both about guns and about Trump-I shll look out for his band, and quietly doff my stetson.
I mean Ted Nugents muslc is awful-but I like ANY artist who`s not a liberal gonk like the 95%
But-like with Tommy Robinson being assaulted-the BBC would rather we find this out for ourselves.
Fair enough-but go to subscription you traitorous cyclops of lefty slime!
The world-renowned Tyga turns Mc Cartney away at some after Grammy crap event!
And this is NEWS?
Sarah , Mishal and some camp classique from the Sun( don`t allow Rupes boys into the Today studio-so this must be BIG!) musing about our mud-haired national treasure pulling his pants down to show his thong, and being seen as a nobody or a seedy grandad on dope…
Fine by me!
Act your age Paul…an early night would have been best.
And yet-given his David Blaine brilliance of 2003…Macca has signs of scallydom that remain a tonic…
The bBBC server was unlocatable for me earlier today – specifically and solely bBBC. I hope it was just tech problems? Glad it’s back..
PS via TalkTalk DNS
Me too, sky broadband
Me too.
It was down for everyone. A useful site is “Is it down right now”. It will tell you if a site is unreachable for everyone or if it’s a local problem.
Thanks, noted.
Me as well I’m on Orange, or is that E3 soon to be BT who we fell out with over internet @5 years ago and then went with Orange as it wasn’t BT.
As sure as the sun rises in the morning Breakfast is off on one of it’s little agenda stories. Yes it’s sugar again. The BBc has learned from a group..it’s action on sugar isn’t it? Action on sugar (see I knew it would be, apparently they are a charity?) tell us there can be up to 25 teaspoons in a drink Sloth then proceeds to pile some very heaped teaspoons into a glass just to hammer home the point. Yes drinks with syrup in them or caramel even http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35593007 blah blah blah.
As sure as the sun rises in the morning Breakfast is off on one of it’s little agenda stories. Yes it’s sugar again. The BBc has learned from a group..it’s action on sugar isn’t it? Action on sugar (see I knew it would be, apparently they are a charity?) tell us there can be up to 25 teaspoons in a drink Sloth then proceeds to pile some very heaped teaspoons into a glass just to hammer home the point. Yes drinks with syrup in them or caramel even http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35593007 blah blah blah.
I’m not sure how this came out twice. It’s been one of those days a water pipe just started leaking here. No reason it’s not been cold enough
Ditto the water leak – they must be in fashion.
National news story covered on BBC main headlines and yet on the web site it’s relegated to the regional news for Manchester.
“The ringleader of a child sex grooming gang has appealed against deportation from Britain on human rights grounds.
Shabir Ahmed, 63, claimed his child sex offence convictions in 2012 was a conspiracy to “scapegoat” Muslims, an immigration tribunal heard.
Ahmed, who is serving a 22-year jail sentence, appeared at the First Tier Immigration Tribunal, sitting at Manchester Crown Court.”
There are so many issues raised by this that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
First there’s the fact that despite being in the UK for 50 years this filth can actually be deported back to Pakistan, giving hope that others can, but raising the question of why it can only be done by the presiding judge declaring a ‘non conducive order’ . This should be automatic not up to a judges discretion.
Then there’s the hated Human Rights Act – which was implemented in a corrupt way by the corrupt Tony BLiar whose wife just happened to be a ‘uman rights lawyer and has made a small fortune from it. BLiar gave the EHRA supremacy over UK law in a way other European signatories do not.
Then there’s the fact that there’s the damage to the EU at a time when a referendum is nigh. No wonder the BBC want to bury stories like this!
Wait………………..any second zero will be along to defend him
Not to be confused with zero…but…
when I get stories like this, it`s like watching a comedy slide show of the liberal left reduced to absurdity.
This creep should long ago have had his bits stuffed into his fat mouth in a Lahore sewer pipe…but his utterings represent very much the craven hypocrisy of the Left.
Hence the mortal silence of the liberal media.
His using of “institutional racism” is a pearl…his “blaming of the Muslim for everything” another-his saying that Theresa May etc is an Islamophobe and caused his winkle to pop out of his jellybag…need I go on?…is the left liberal elites “get out of the kids home” card for their resident and perpetual perpitude…the Muslim who`s already been into Cheries knicker drawer or Jenni Tonges community activism course-and , at least learned SOME English, apart from “is fourteen bigger than nine or not?”
Hate to say this-but when I watch anything like “Saints and Scroungers” “Benefits Street” etc…coppers and courts getting mocked and laughed at by the scummy crims that are on display…I I just have to see that they are Blairs boys, Majors mums and ickle victims of Tory cuts and no Obama over here.
Bloody funny-yes and tragic too-but they`re the canaries in the marsh gas re our do-called country and its culture.
When people like this paedo get dealt with properly-we`ll begin again…but until then, all you can do is smile and wave away what sense we used to have here in the UK…
David: “I think the BBC are playing a blinder FOR the Prime Minister at the moment.”
Quickly put on hold at lunchtime today on Wat0 (Radio 4 1pm): busy trying to undermine Dave with Boris and then trying to undermine Boris with Dave. After that, they had a go at cosying up to Corbyn after the froideur of recent weeks and doing it in Chesterfield of all places.
Those who rate Boris as a future leader of the Conservatives and potential prime minister, need to mark well how he conducts himself over this “deal” his old school chum is negotiating on our behalf and then how he chooses to position himself politically when it is concluded.
I think he’s just a chancer; but he may prove me wrong.
Al, think you missed the adjectives ‘cunning’ and ‘calculating’ in front of chancer. Apart from that, spot on!
Anyone who, like Cameron or Johnson, supports Turkish entry to the EU, is unfit to be Prime Minister of this country.
SSShhhh don’t talk about this as it might give the ‘bigots’ ammunition, and we all know it’s not a problem unless it’s someone white !
Far leftist liberal Laurie Taylor and his program Thinking (not) allowed today:
Museums and nationalism, Imagining utopias
Museums and the ‘nation’: What can we learn about nationalism by looking at a country’s cultural institutions? Laurie Taylor talks to Peggy Levitt, Professor of Sociology at Wellesley College, and author of a study which explores how museums today represent diversity and make sense of immigration and globalisation. She interviewed a range of museum directors, curators, and policymakers and heard the inside stories of the famous paintings and objects which define collections across the globe; from Europe to the United States, Asia, and the Middle East. They’re joined by Julian Spalding, the art critic and writer.
Also, imagining utopias. Professor Craig Calhoun, director of the London School of Economics and Political Science, considers the role of impossible dreams in shaping our reality.
I think that anyone just reading this could imagine the bias without needing to tune in !
Ta thoughtful.
Tuned in, dropped out and turned off as soon as the title of Peggy( what kind of name is THAT for a lefty professor then?..ah wait…sociology at Lady Jane College, Marlow)
Was it “Artifacts and Anal Dialysis”…something like that.
But you refused to bale out like some sap with some living to do.
So I salute you sir….if only Dennis Taylor could be persuaded into the corduroy jacket and smell of old dope under the armpits…to talk shite like our Lorry.
“The Coterminous Calamity of the Cue Ball, and its relationship to the inverted optical experience which-in a real sense-was due to the Thatcher junta refusing to bathe contacts lenses in school milk”
Off you go Lorry…it writes itself you dim bulb of Baal!
One of my many objections to the Bbc is its actual website.
Many moons ago when I was growing up, there was no Internet, no Google and so on. We read the news in newspapers or listened to it on the radio or a TV if you were lucky enough to have one in your family. If we ever needed to find out more information on anything perhaps for a school project or how to look after hens or whatever, a trip to the local library was all that was needed. I remember many hours spent there and especially wandering into the adult section and browsing through all the wonderful books on so many topics! And remember those lovely little brown library cards we all had?
Anyway, I digress…nowadays everyone uses the Internet and one has to admit there is a lot of stuff up there. BUT why oh why does the BBC website have to compete with libraries and encyclopaedias and the Internet in the breadth of information on its website. It is SO annoying and worse still – some of their facts are just wrong as we know, or at least never balanced. If they only stuck to what they should be doing – and do it well. And finally, I suppose WE are paying for all this stuff from them too??
…why oh why does the BBC website have to compete with libraries and encyclopaedias and the Internet in the breadth of information on its website.
To brainwash the nation with its version of current affairs, history, politics, science, religion and everything else. Think ‘Ministry of Truth’ from Orwell’s ‘1984’.
The BBC now has circa 70% share of news output in the UK and, with its increasing regional news coverage, is also decimating local newspapers which are unable to compete financially with the £4 billion p.a. broadcasting Godzilla.
Still, I’m sure Hacked Off and their ilk won’t be happy until it’s 100% (minus whatever the Guardian’s share is, of course).
Isn`t Evan Davis quite the culture buff?
Last night-in some chain wave to being “well read” and “classical”…Evan told us that the fifth circle of hell was reserved for journalists or others..wasn`t really listening to be truthful, but it did precede some piece about Botty being available at the Courtauld.
No sniggering at the back missus!
Ah but, no but…he wasn`t feeling THAT brave was he?
because the eighth circle of hell is inhabited by sowers of schism and discord, scandal even.
Now Evan might take that as a “Remain In Europe” voting recommendation like Maggies,,,as in “how would Dante have voted?
But it`s actually a named place in hell for Muhammad and his mate Ali…both of who split the Faithful in Dantes opinion by setting up the Satanic Islamic Schism between God and the Faithful believers,,,and, clearly the Sunni/Shia split(which is past hell anyway)..it`s the deliberate trashing of Judeo-Christianity and the persecution of it that keeps Mo and his mugwumps in that Eighth circle.
S`pose Evan didn`t see the need to mention this detail-but a bit of Interfaith dialogue based on this would be worth a watch.
Noting too that Karl Marx had his “reservations” about the “challenge of Islam” in his New York Tribune piece from April 1854( God, It`s dull, and it was written from his garret in The British Library, but gave the impression that he had BEEN out in Jerusalem…an early BBC pioneer then eh?
The Left like Marx-so feel free to quote what HE thought of the musselmen of Mohamet.
Maybe though an ice bucket to cool off their unused brains though should they overheat at the contradictions forced on them.
Oh-and did anybody else see Orla Guerin suitably chastened up in Saudi?…few steps behind her master, with only a coy glimpse of wrist available to the manly brute.
She surely should have been dealt with for this show of flesh…and the lugubrious misery looked like the Scottish Widows glumball more than ever…a Black Widow in effect, when fearlessly covering up to take tea with the bearded boss class of Saudi!
But-as ever-no irony there at the Beeb is there?
Surprise, surprise.
Waldemar Januszczak on ‘The Renaissance Unchained’ (BBC4) unleashes a totally out-of-context, Thornberry-style rant against England’s adoption of St George as its patron saint, associating him with an England flag he sees ‘tattooed on on the foreheads of skinheads’ and which is merely a rallying point for the Far Right, all oh so ironic when he’s not even English doncha know but Turkish/Palestinian (or some such) – all delivered in that sneering Lefty tone that is telling you anything put forward as English culture is laughable and totally worthless.
The irony of his use of the term ‘Palestinian’ in an ancient historical context when it was in fact invented by Yasser Arafat circa 1964 (Palestine never having been a nation or a state), totally passed him by.
This was not a first – not even a second – for the BBC. Whenever the topic of St George comes up we get the same self-hating, scathing diatribe.
Watch out for it – it’s bound to happen again.
True, St George was about as English as Waldemar Januszcak.
I thought Palestine was a Roman Occupational name for one of their last provinces, renamed from Judea/Samaria by way of signalling to the Jews that they no longer had a country, after their rioting in Jerusalem a good few years after Jesus had been crucified..and then again for the last time sixty or so years later.
In other words-no Arab aspiration, no Muslim basis-just Roman need to wipe out any vestige of Jewish resistance or a claim to their former lands-and possibly based on Phoenicians with the prefix “Syrian” to complete the Judenrein construct of Rome.
So Arafat can stick this in his keffiyah as he slowly burns…and other surrounding states have conceded that Palestine is just a construct to keep the war on Jews an never-ending one…no such country as far as I know, unless you want to remain Mercia as a nation state as well.
And-CERTAINLY-no such thing as a Palestinian people-now THAT sounds like a 1964 confection of convenience for the Lefty retards in need of a cultural teddy bear to snuggle in the cold winds of reality.
Don`t call it Muhammad though-or your wifes arse might get a thrashing…they`re brave like that!
Sorry but that’s not right as it’s mentioned in the Old Testament too – probable that Philistine was Palestine also.
Ancient Philistia, a name used in the Bible to refer to a pentapolis in the Southern Levant, established by Philistines c.1175 BC and existing in various forms until the Assyrian conquest in 8th century
Palaistinê or Palaestina names used by Greek and Romans to refer to parts of the Levant during the Persian and Hellenic periods
Paralia (Palestine), the coastal eparchy of Palestine during Hellenistic and Roman times.
Syria Palaestina or Roman Palestine, a Roman province (135-390 CE) (135-330 CE), a province of the Roman Empire following merger of renamed Iudaea with Roman Syria
Fair enough thoughtful, no reason to doubt you.
Prefer to think though that Israel had…and still has-by far the greater claim to the region.
The Jews were there far before the Muslims-and the Jews were run out of the region to wander the earth because the Romans wanted them out, as far as I know.
Yes, the Philistines bit is correct as well, I`m sure.
Happen to think that Israel is the canary over in that region…it`s a matter of survival for Israel, which isn`t asking too much to be allowed to provide a sanctuary for a people who`ve been traduced and abused way too often.
And happen to think that Muhammads claim to Jerusalem is as fatuous and contrived as it`s possible to be….I`m a Christian, Jesus was Jewish-and that land is His land as far as I`m concerned.
But ta for the corrections…appreciate it!
Life is simple to me at times…but the Palestinian claim and grievance only exists to torment the Jews, and to keep the sore running-could have been resolved years ago, had it not suited Islam to create the longest running “refugee crisis” in world history.
True, St George was about as English as Waldemar Januszcak.
Though born and bred in England, in a previous series he went out of his way to tell us how ‘Polish’ he is, with no acknowledgement at all of the superior education, health care, opportunity and security the country of his birth had given him.
As for St George, he’s about as English as St Patrick is Irish, but the BBC choose to treat that particular patron saint with a little more reverence.
Or as Scottish as St Andrew.
Anyway, George was neither Turkish nor Palestinian, as neither people were in the area until several hundred years after his martyrdom (when they invaded).
Saint George is also the patron saint of Romania. That explains a lot. I think he founded The Big Issue.
Anyway, I’m expecting our patron saint to be changed to St Lawrence any time soon. St Mohammed doesn’t really work for a multitude of reasons.
We can always revert back to Saint Edmund. (November 20th ).
Sounds a bit Blackadder to me.
Time we adopted the Dragon flag of Wessex. No ifs and buts about that. Now that is a flag that the left would really hate.
That reminds me of a joke told to me by a Welshman – “Most countries put their women on a pedestal, we put them on our flag.”
I’ll get my coat.
Can you believe that I already possess a white dragon flag.
Unemployment falls to 10 year low and yesterday inflation was 0.3%. But tonight the BBC spend the first 15 minutes of PM focusing on claims that the UK economy is fragile, wage growth is low ( despite being nearly 2% above the inflation rate!) and a hiccup in the world economy will see the UK plunge into recession and slump.
The panel more or less said that this was not really the case and that the UK was doing quite well and much better than most other economies. But of course the experts on the panel talk in detail and use financial jargon so the BBC headlines are what people probably focus on and these leave people believing that the UK is close to a basket case. Just the opposite of the truth, but this won’t bother the BBC, they have managed to completely undermine the good unemployment figures and low inflation rate. Job done.
As I used to frequently remind Steffie & Robert and other BBC w/s members (back in the days of BBC Editors Blogging and the public being allowed to comment & discuss) the wage statistics are an average. There will be losers as well as winners in creating that average.
And so Turkey has officially joined Europe – well you would think so as the FRONT Page of AlBeeb Europe section carries this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world/europe
3% of the country in Europe?
Millions of Muslims able to freely get revenge on Germany for oppressing them back in the “Gastarbeiter Era”?
Open Borders with Syria and Iraq to name but two?
Still eh?…Boris has Turkish blood someway back-and the likes of Hannan and The liberal Tories agree that they should be welcomed.
Turkeys voting for Turkey?…unbelievably stupid-but what else will we expect with these nutters?
S`pose there`s no chance of them pissing off from Cyprus eh?…an illegal occupation that never makes the BDS, the UN or EU blacklists….let alone the BBCs news.
As opposed to the legit one of Israel…which is never off the airwaves of liberal hate lists.
They`re probably only doing this to rub Greeces face in diversity…big, big error.
I just realised that the campaign to stay in the EU is called Britain Stronger in Europe
seems strangely apt……explains the derangement doesnt it 🙂
Long after BSE had been eradicated and our animal welfare and testing was of a standard the rest of Europe could only dream of, we were still being treated like pariahs by the EU and in particular by those primitive agrarians just the other side of the Channel.
One more good reason to get out of the EU – you can’t trust the bastards.
“No ifs, no buts, no public sector cuts”. Tonights look east live from the protest in milton keynes. I counted 9 protesters, filmed from a narrow angle of course.
Another edition of “The Slave Trade in the USA” with Michael Portillo, this evening, oh, and by the way – there are some railways in the USA, but they are of secondary importance.
It’s getting beyond a joke, and making me rather cross.
Whatever the programme is you are watching on the BBC, always be alert to The Agenda.
They never, ever disappoint.
So, for example, ‘Greece with Simon Reeve’ last Sunday where he visits the massive open cast coal mine which provides Greece with 50% of its energy. Reeve slickly segues into ‘climate change’ and how Greece should be converting to solar power to Save The Planet.
Yes Simon, the sun favour Greece quite considerably with its presence but not all the fucking* time. Did you not notice that on your travels you fuckwit dimshit*?
*Apologies for the language but now and again………well, it’s the BBC and you just can’t fucking** well help yourself.
Yep, Points West quick on street vox-pop n Cheltenham ‘how are you going to vote in the forth coming referendum?’ amazingly they could only find four people, guess what 3 to one in favour of staying in….
In such circumstances I would love to know what ended up on the cutting room floor in order stick to the agenda and sway public opinion.
The migration figures from those from other E.U. states show steep increase in those coming here; but there’s no need for worry as R4 news at 6pm informs me that the additional 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians have all “come to work” – yeah, right.
A tootle round the once respectable white-working class terraces of Derby one afternoon might disabuse R4 of that idea…though probably not. Though if you include doing up unregistered cars flogging them and/or taking them back east as work (whilst claiming and using the NHS) then it is work…of sorts.
Reminds me of a bit from Charlie Huq’s Weekly Self-Loathing Wipe on the working rights issue I watched on youtube two years ago, where, as if to point and guffaw, ‘quod erat demonstrandum’ at the lawyer (at 2:05), and the obvious drug dealer who must be taken at his word (at 4:46), he seems satisfied that we’re a nation of ungrateful scum.
Lovely chap.
(warning: watching any more of this clip than just after the two times I’ve specified WILL make your blood boil)
The media tried to make a laughing stock of Farage when he predicted these kind of numbers. Any hint of contrition from the BBC and the rest? You must be joking.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, “1 in 6 Romanians broke UK laws” and “… half of all convictions for pick-pocketing on the London Underground were handed out to immigrants from that country [Romania]” (Daily Mail report 17.02.2016). Romania was also second in the league-table of crimes committed by citizens of EU countries in the UK in 2015: 1st was Poland with 10,300; 2nd Romania with 6,249 (Source: National Police Chiefs’ Council).
There’s some stats to play with here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35594650 and here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35572817.
Not enough questions asked by BBC journalists – yet again.
For example, the economically inactive stats for women are given (without prior year comparatives) but unless I missed it in the text there was no report of the number of economically inactive men. For those economists who think excessive State employment played no part in the 2007-2009 crisis there is this: “There were 5.35 million people employed in the public sector in September 2015, according to ONS, down 59,000 on a year earlier. It is the lowest figure since comparable records began in 1999, the ONS says.”
BBC Online News:
“”France: Front National raided over EU fraud allegations””
“”Investigators want to know if the party has used EU money allocated exclusively for MEPs’ assistants at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to pay general staff salaries””
Is this a serious matter? The whole EU Management process is unaccountable and wastes billions. Yet the Front National is worthy of a police raid as EU money has allegedly been paid to pay members of staff rather than some other members of staff.
Not covered by Sky. Some people might say that the Biased BBC had a Left Wing agenda?
The BBC understands and has also learned that there are those who say that Bob Geldof is fluffing up his cushions at home whilst waiting today for a family of Syrian migrants to take up residence with him.
He did promise internationally that he would do this to set an example to us all and no doubt also to expose the far right as well. By doing this, he has been preventing a far right backlash which otherwise would have certainly occurred.
Bless you, Sir Bob.
Would somebody investigate the EU for ITS fraud-systematic and over 21 years now without accounts getting signed off?
Donal?…Winifred?…Watchdog or Money Box?….
Need I ask? Nah.
By all accounts,according to David Mellor, the reason for not auditing the accounts is because there is a 4 billion pound black hole which has been syphoned off into certain areas which they cannot /will not source.
It would be hugely embarrassing for them to do so,notwithstanding the criminal proceedings that would destroy many high ranking careers.
Things are getting interesting Tim Montgomerie quits the Tories, Peter Bone and Tom Pursglove to address the UKIP conference…
I like a gamble and my suggested odds for Boris coming out for quitting the EU – 25 to 1. Hope I am wrong but he is establishment through and through and ambitious. None of these so called Tory big beasts ( what an appropriate term) will do anything to threaten their careers or upset the EU liberal consensus.
After all Mrs Merkel might not like it.
Why on earth the BBC is manufacturing an air of crisis I have no idea except that it must play it’s part in the charade or else.
The whole thing is sickening. Voting out is no longer an act of considered judgement it is an existential necessity.
According to Iain Dale on the LBC, he believes that Boris will vote to stay but Gove may well in the end vote to exit the EU. He suggested that the recent Cameron prison reforms were used a a sop to persuade Gove to vote to stay in the EU.
Boris has rarely spoken against the EU. I am unsure as to the source of his ever going to vote to leave. He has always been a europhile.
RAF Fighters intercept Russian bombers……….
Remember, If ‘Jers’ was in charge of our Defence our planes would be armed with the most up-to-date paint balls .
The Labour Party has ‘no chance’.
The £3.00 that keeps on giving satisfaction.
Paint balls?
More like Paisley patterned tie dye batik rainbow shades…dyes organically and sustainably sourced of course.
And-a gaily scented inkpad to roll a thumbprint(or-more likely-a joint) of any REALLY bad people who claim Yvette Cooper as their new landlady, and refuse to fight for IslamUK.
Restrictions on my using a blow football straw to defend myself?…limited to those ones you get on top of a small Ribena…for ceremonial purposes only.
“Extremely dry conditions have caused masses of tumbleweed to pile up outside homes in rural Australia” . Global Warming Agenda Anyone ?
I thought that it was the wind that blew these things about ? They have just happened to have blown into this town . If the wind was the other way – no problem.
Tumble weed relies on dry conditions weather to move about.
A Biblical and prophetic picture of the signs of the times surely.
Does this Aussie town have a mosque at one end of it, and a gay rights community centre at the other.
And does the BBC do a Flying Doctor series, or teach Skippys owners from a marvellous shard-like creation in the middle of the Main Street that links them both?
Can imagine the henna`d hairy panic that ensues after prayers every Friday.
The tumbleweed is going nowhere as well?
Come on!…my bible reading for today is this parable!
My local news did a report on how migrants “contributed to the local economy” – that old cliché spouted by the outside journalist, in a nearby city in the Eastern region. She walked down a busy road, stacked full of foreign shops, and asking the local populace whether they would vote In or Out of the EU. Of course, being the Beeb, most wanted In !!! my gripe though, was, this business of ‘contributing to the local economy’ – um, surely the migrant shop owners are contributing to their own bank balance, or, as we all know, gets sent home to fund dependants in their homeland. Opening a business, they employ their own, and sell mainly to their own, so apart from taxes, I fail to see where the local economy benefits from a foreign shop opening.
10 ways the UK’s eating habits have changed
1) 10 “butchers” within walking distance. Only one sells pork.
2) I need Google Translate when I use the “local” shops because the products are not in English.
3) I find it hard to source meat with blood in it so no rare steaks anymore.
4) After 8.30pm you can’t buy “Bread” here only Chleb.
5) I can’t buy English mustard locally so no traditional breakfast.
6) If I ask for Black Pudding nobody understands me. That is of course if they speak any English at all.
7) The word Pork removed from Sainsbury’s and now called “Meat” makes my shopping take longer.
8) Only Beef and Turkey sausages available in local shops.
9) No local food stores with a hygiene rating above 3. Is it worth the risk?
10) I don’t want meat brutally slaughtered in the presence of an Imam.
Yeah my eating habits have changed but not through MY choice.
I was walking down a terraced street three days ago (sort I was brought up in) piles of rubbish stacked up to my chest, several clearly unemployed eastern Europeans standing in the middle of the street yakking. One, a middle age man, spat a great length of flem on to the pavement. Further up the road a small band of Roma boys were eyeing up another small band of immigrants clearly with the intent of trouble. The corner shops at each end specialized solely in Eastern European foods. You would be hard pushed to believe you were in the UK.
Then, incongruously, two RAF Puma helicopters sailed low overhead and were gone. The sight was bazaar. What the hell are we protecting ourselves from? We have given our country away. Created by political establishment in cohorts with the media and of course our willfully ignorant BBC.
oops…”bizarre” not “bazaar” that particular word’s originated from a foreign open market…hold on…maybe I was right first time…
In my old patch of Moston, Manchester I remember the helicopters coming out one evening overhead.
September 1990.
The rumour was that somebody with the postcode had paid their poll tax,
Lumb Lane in Manningham, Bradford, was more or less like that decades ago (except Morrisons, not Sainsburys, in Bradford, and you might have been able to find black pudding).
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
Has anyone researched links with the BBC , Islamists and left leaning politicians ? Although these are all family connections it doesn’t have to be.
The Housing enforcer. Matt Allwright does a mostly boo hoo day after day telling us about the housing shortage, but never why there might be a housing shortage and almost every episode the dreadful conditions people are living in. Of course these people being 99% not English. Housing benefit a go go.
We hardly ever get to see the landlords though, do we? I wonder who they might possibly be ……….?
I am hard pushed to think of a country that the British have emigrated to, where they can purchase Buy to Let properties in huge numbers, or ones to do up and sell for staggering profits, the way that ethnics are able to do once they reach these shores – be it 50 or 5 years ago. Buying in Islamabad is probably not an option I suppose, seeing as how most of the city is a project too far to do up, and no-one to sell to.
My Dad’s generation are very quickly disappearing. Now they’re old men who reflect upon the dangers they faced during WW2 and wonder if their efforts were worthwhile. “They’ve given the country away,” they will say. “I went to fight to defend this country from invasion; look at it now!”
The BBC always use the phrase “educated youngsters” to describe those young people who love multi culturalism and adore the EU. They stick a microphone in front of them and you hear the usual unchallenged cliches; the silly assumptions and the belief that before mass immigration this island of ours was a dark, miserable place. These daft kids believe this because the education system and the media has brainwashed them with relentless propaganda.
The other afternoon, feeling pretty ill (well, that’s my excuse) I took a brief gander at Pointless, a BBC quiz programme. Two of the competitors were young men; bright lads, been to uni’ and probably likely to vote to remain in the EU. One of the questions was, “In which country did the Battle of Waterloo take place?” Not exactly tricky, is it? Oh dear. These two had no idea whatsoever and eventually plumped for “England” probably thinking it happened somewhere close to the railway station and they also thought it occurred in the middle 1500’s. Sad, isn’t it? It’s not their fault. They’ve been “educated” by a system that distorts our history and has force fed them an ideology that they blithely follow. It absolutely terrifies me that educated youngsters like this have the right to vote. But vote they will and, I don’t doubt they will both vote to remain. After all, didn’t Germany and France save us from American occupation during the second world war?
When was that? 1066…
“the belief that before mass immigration this island of ours was a dark, miserable place”
That is how it genuinely appears to them. They associate B &W television, lack of smartphones, narrower range of food, awful cars in some instances, different popular music (the only kind), absence of celebrities they could identify with (they tended to be older), and films and TV programmes with a slower pace and words that you actually had to listen to, with the homogeneous nature of the country as it was. It looked dull.
All improvements over the last 50 years have coincided with immigration and must, therefore, be a consequence of it. They might have a limited argument with the wider range of food now available, but that was happening anyway due to foreign travel.
They are unable to see the differences in crime, social cohesion and the declining common culture. The BBC and their teachers certainly want to discourage any investigations along those lines.
Younger generations through lack of experience and any historical perspective (thanks to the BBC and a dumbed down, Britain-hating history curriculum) cannot work out the consequences of what is happening.
Where, for example, do they learn about what it was really like in the 1970s when the unions were virtually running the country? Not from the leftist, pro-union BBC.
Nor can they see through the global warming scam and the consequences of relying on those wonderful ‘renewables’ – again, thanks to an education system dominated by environmentalism and a BBC in hock to its 28gate mates.
Ditto the EU and immigration. They have been brainwashed.
By the time they wake up it will be too late or, knowing the BBC and their chums on the Left, they will find a way of pinning the blame on someone else – the Baby Boomer generation seem an easy target these days.
Whenever I watch the magnificent “World At War” , I sense an urgency amongst them all-a sense that this all needed to be told before they all got too old or feeble to tell it as it was.
And that it all mattered-whether it was in Holland or Java-it was all of a piece-hence the WORLD bit of the title.
And only the best values of production and scripts, coherence and purpose over nearly 30 one-hour episodes as it was unfolded by the best brains and storytellers available to them at the time.
And though the BBC didn`t make the series-surely to God they could have done-couldn`t they?
And I`m really glad that they did.
Because in reality our parents were bloody tired and worn out by what happened-not for them the academic discourse and the Nuremberg transcripts.
They wanted peace-ANY peace…and it was left to the liberal left to grab the culture-Beatles, Floyd, hippies, Grosvenor Square and Oz, Godspell and Hair, LSE and Life Of Brian….they gave up, minded the grandkids and thanked Harold that their kids were now working in schools, hospitals or Leyland.
This educated bunch that followed are our grandees now, never fought in their lives but talked as if they had…Lefties to a person, culturally captured and their virus of social justice infected every area of public and popular culture, as they marched through them all…from the highest court of appeal to the lowest nursery assistant training course.
Thankfully we stil have the imprint of what happened , and it`s no folk memory.
But “Tomorrow DID belong to them”, because they taught it and indoctrinated the Brand-like snowflakes we see at Oriel College today.
If only Thatcher had worked on the fact that the cultural revolution needed guns as much as her economic one did.
Had she employed a Powell, even shored up a Joseph with the likes of Scruton?….she could have done it.
Gove was as good as we`ve had since-and look how he was binned by todays Tories.
Still-we know the Left…and we`ll be hurting them at every chance we get.
All these comments on WW2 are on the nail – my old man did his bit too, Dunkirk etc etc – but there’s an aspect that might be overlooked. The real damage was done in WW1, when first-born sons with a true sense of responsibility and heritage and lineage were mown down in droves (average front-line life expectancy of a Second Lieutenant 3 weeks) to leave second and thirds – the also-rans who would normally have gone into the church or the law – to run the estate, family home, business or whatever. It is not a coincidence that such a gross number of today’s MPs are trained lawyers!
We have suffered from this awful winnowing ever since, and so has the rest of Europe, which is why minnows like Merkel, Junker, Hollande, Tusk and Cameron are in positions of power today.
My Dad would have been 93 this month (RN) today’s generations are far removed from those that experienced WW2, one would have to be at least 90 to have seen service and very soon we’ll be down to the Harry Patch’s of WW2. We grew up with our Fathers and Grandfathers memories of both wars, we watched classic WW2 films, we drew pictures of Spitfire v Fokker dogfights and we played on wasteland left from Hitlers bombs, so still we have these vivid stories and memories. My Dad told me stories of seeing a Spitfire crash land, and being 16 in the Home Guard, all very real to me.
This is why I can only vote one way, our generation hasn’t had a war to fight, but the bravest thing we could ever do to repay our fathers, grandfathers and ggrandfathers bravery as well as those on the home front is vote out, a no brainer for me.
I too think back on previous generations who actually fought to save this nation from its enemies-both elsewhere, and here with the enemy within.
When we last fought for our lives, the BBC was muzzled and muted-but, to be fair, the BBC grandees had NOT been infiltrated, not has the USSR created their Oxbridge and BBC rings of spies that came with our victory-which the Left clearly thought was the wrong result. The winning socialist was Uncle Joe, not Uncle Adolf-and so Joe was the man whose beehive had to be replicated here in Britain-with themselves to rule on eugenics, curriculum and best means to deal with “undesirable trains of thought”.
I think there are a few levels of warfare we`ll be needing.
1. By the time I need to have a pitchfork ready as they walk up the path-it`s too late, the state will probably have turned it into a letter opener by then anyway.
2. If I`ve created or joined a defensive Dadas Army of the old but willing-it`s passive, reflex reactions and not much use for what`s coming.
3. If I create or become part of an expeditionary force to see the nature of the enemy NOW-not as I`d like it to be sometime in the future-then at least I can discern the right tools and the softspots, get the contacts and the lifeboats ready for the coming storms
4. To be honest, the last one is beyond us now-even if the Calais jungle is removed tomorrow-THAT is the EuroIslamic future in bridgehead formation…and both the EUSSR and Islam know that Cologne only needed more hushing up…and they`re working on that one.
Hence the distracting crap over whether Cameron sets his hair parting to the left or right-and the air buffet of Sarah Montague in Brussels to gossip over nothing much.
I envisage a thumping vote to get out-anything less, and it`ll be time to move to New Europe withing a few years.
Hope the English aren`t so stupid as to give the BBC and Cameron any house room whatsoever…lying weasels.
Geoff, my Dad would have been 103 this year – he was in the Black Watch in Egypt in WW2 (went out there on the Queen Mary!) – and what to me is interesting is the way the BBC and the Left have re-framed WW2 as being a fight against ‘Fascism’ or ‘Nazism’. I think my Dad might have occasionally referred to ‘the Nazis’ but most of the time as far as he was concerned he was fighting ‘the Germans’ and that was how we understood it too as we played out our war games as kids. Similarly with the war films, documentaries and kids’ comics of the time – Fascism and Nazism rarely got a mention.
Spot on, our Airfix models of Messerschmitts, Heinkels, Stukas, Dorniers and Focke-Wulfs were all always referred to as German never anything else.
Compared to what our grandfathers (mine a Japanese POW caught in Singapore and my other in the RN) went through its so easy to go down to the booth and vote NO and damn the consequences – which we know will be small if not insignificant. We owe it to our grandparents and great grandparents.
Off topic with sincere apologies. But the Merkel /May/Cameron axis are now in the process of arresting people for criticising their immigration policies. This is getting serious. People are suggesting organisations like Me We, which I confess have not heard of until recently. Our freedom of speech is eroding fast and it might be worth a thought.
Jeff: “The other afternoon, feeling pretty ill (well, that’s my excuse) I took a brief gander at Pointless, a BBC quiz programme. Two of the competitors were young men; bright lads, been to uni’ and probably likely to vote to remain in the EU. One of the questions was, “In which country did the Battle of Waterloo take place?” Not exactly tricky, is it? Oh dear. These two had no idea whatsoever and eventually plumped for “England”. ”
Well, in a way they could be forgiven, Jeff. My instant reply to that question as someone well into middle-age would have been Belgium. Technically, I would have been a bit wrong.
Strictly speaking it appears to be the UK. Before anyone gets too excited, it was the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, not THE United Kingdom.
You are correct to point out the lack of historical & political awareness of the younger generations today. They probably have not had the exposure to those subjects that a 1950/1960/1970s Grammar or Secondary School education would have provided. A good Comprehensive ought to teach it but what with filling in target forms, other compliance issues, sex education, on-line social behaviour & awareness teaching, I guess there’s not much time anymore.
I love watching Pointless, just to have a laugh at the blatant lack of intelligence of the contestants. I shake my head in disbelief that a chap, clearly in his late 20’s wasn’t sure that his answer of Charles Dickens would be correct for being the author of David Copperfield, or that a Yuni student with hesitancy and screwed up face said that the capital of Denmark was Copenhagen. The sad thing is, give ’em a subject on the latest rappers or who won the last season of X factor and the answer would be immediate. (even poor old Paul McCartney is being forgotten as he couldn’t get into a nightclub ! oh the humiliation — what chance Frank Sinatra being remembered in 20 years time)
I didn’t see the episodes you refer to but have seen similar years ago, I’m not sure about the intelligence of the contestants but the lack of rounded general knowledge among some of the younger participants is startling. I would laugh but then I remember that these people can vote, to be fair they have a lot more distractions to learning than we did, but then again knowledge has never been so easy to access.
Sinatra, Sinatra…..is that Sinitta’s dad?
Lol ! but that may not be as funny as it sounds come 2025 ! I despair that my nephews in their late 20’s confess to never having heard of Fred Astaire (even worse that me, their Aunty has spent my life worshipping the man !). Please, don’t reply to this saying none of you on here haven’t either, or I’ll take to the gin bottle.
To be fair the BBC reporter I heard on radio 4 this morning admitted that Cameron will not get all he wants ( which isn’t much) and that a deal will be done even if it takes another emergency summit next week. I’ll be interested to see if the BBC joins Cameron in portraying this deal as a ‘ victory’ . I just don’t see how this approach will convince voters between now and June or that enough of them will be intimidated by Project Fear. The referendum will give voters a chance to blow a huge raspberry at the political establishment and I think they will take it. With 3.2 million foreign workers in the UK and the ever growing non British population ( in which I include Muslims ) people will decide enough is enough. If Boris joins Theresa May in running scared of all this I can’t see he will do his chances of succeeding Cameron any good at all. So who will be the next PM? Enter Gove?
The BBC might not present Cameron’s deal as a victory, but the same pro EU propaganda can be presented by focusing on rebels among the Conservatives whose negative and narrow minded views prevent them from seeing it as a victory. In that way the BBC can claim that it gave equal time to the pro and anti EU positions.
Today programme this Thursday morning. Sarah in Belgium stopped a giggly group of young people and asked them whether the UK should leave the EU. She didn’t ask why this group from Spain, Denmark, and three or four other countries were all in Belgium together. Their English was excellent and their knowledge of the EU and the things David Cameron is asking for was good. Now bearing in mind that Brussels is about 50% Muslim how strange that not one of the group appeared to come from a Middle East background. It was also surprising (?) that all but one thought it important that the British vote to stay in. I think if I walked the streets of my local town and asked a random group of teenagers, they would neither have an opinion nor care. And bearing in mind those young men on Pointless and their Waterloo we are not just talking the poor or feckless.
And the sarah bandwagon of the day rumbles on.
Martha has all her cupcakes in a row this afternoon-grumpy liberal in Poland and two lovely girls sharing a line from Brussels HQ…one Irish, one German.
And -ALL funnily enough-unhappy with Camerons efforts to lick the icing off the chocolate bombe that is the EU.
Big continent that Europe-s`pose there`s no chance of the EU letting anybody into the BBC dustpipe facility to tell us that-well the EUs a corrupt malevolent basket case that has brought Fascism and Islam lopping onto Dover beach for the first time since 1942….is there?
No…but let`s hear more from Martha about EU competencies shall we?
For the BBC could get all their liberal preening prepaid “voices from Europe” in a row for Marthas shop window-but sure as hell, we couldn`t hear from most of them-silence and howling feedback instead.
Bloody Tories not funding the Beeb enough is it?…how DARE the BBC lecture us on “incompetence or lack of transparency” in anything…when they`re repeatedly useless at getting a clear line and then maintaining it for a few minutes.
Can`t blame the brimstone fumes from Nigel Farage either-who normally gets cut out and lines downed as a ritual.
Muslims want a borderless umma, and don`t recognise nations unless it suits them-so no doubting where all the Muslim votes will go if they`re true to Islamic caliphate planning.
Don`t even ask them-nor bother asking any “I`d like to teach the world to sing”/”One Love” dippikids who`ve been in yuni long after any pretence of independent though has long bolted…need MSc or PhD for THAT these days…
From the Comment column on page 14 of Wednesday’s Daily Mail:
“There was barely a dry eye in the house! Yesterday, BBC3 disappeared from Britain’s TV screens, depriving licence-fee payers of shows such as Hotter Than My Daughter and Snog, Marry, Avoid. But with nine TV and 17 national radio stations still throttling the life out of its commercial rivals, nobody should shed too many tears for what is still a bloated monolith, imposing a left-of-centre agenda through its manifold outlets.”
Smash the BBC!
I’m not missing it. It looks like one of the ITV stations has picked up Family Guy which seemed to be on every bloody time I switched onto BBc3
Further to our comments of Midsomer suddenly going all ethnic, the Daily Mail today has exactly reported those thoughts ! so its not only US on here then. (I do wish they’d bring George back though for the next season, the continual Kam this and Kam that , and the irritating dialogue between her and Nelson is getting on my najjers)