Apols for my absence. BT stripped me of ALL broadband for a week and I am now catching up on all my various platforms. I think the BBC are playing a blinder FOR the Prime Minister at the moment. They are carefully playing along with the whole “Will he or won’t he get a deal on the EU” in the full knowledge that this is a foregone conclusion. The only time the BBC will facilitate a Conservative Government is when it’s Prime Minister is out to keep us IN the rancid EU. Regardless, this is where YOU detail the bias so let’s be hearing from you!!!
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BRISSLES February 18, 2016 at 1:47 pm
Re: Midsomer Murders
“…I do wish they’d bring George back though for the next season, the continual Kam this and Kam that , and the irritating dialogue between her and Nelson is getting on my najjers…”
So do I, but I’m afraid the actor who played George, Barry Jackson, sadly died in Dec 2013.
Oh, sorry to hear that. Bit of a foot in mouth moment from me then !
I saw part of a “new” diversity series Midsummer a week or so ago the pathologist was in a church looking at bones although wouldn’t you have thought some one would of collected them and taken them to the lab? When it kicked of and the villain took her hostage. If she had stood still they would have mistaken her for a tree her acting is that wooden.
The “Chucky egg” complaint continues. Mrs Dave asked me to aggressively pursue the complaint as she is sick and tired of hearing the BBC bleating on about food waste.
Complaint Summary: Reply does not relate to the complaint
Full Complaint: This was my original complaint: Full Complaint: Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/35493930 We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason. Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again.
This is your reply: “Thanks for getting in touch with us about the Chucky Egg Challenge. The challenge is to encourage our audience to get involved with the excitement of the Six Nations. The aim of the game is to pass the egg to your opponent (like you would a rugby ball) as many times as you can in twenty seconds and not drop it. The person who drops the egg loses the game”.
As you will note I didn’t ask about the “game” I was complaining that after enduring being lectured at length by the BBc about food waste and it’s fascination with what we throw away it suddenly decides to promote food waste by smashing eggs. To compound this “what to buy and why, decided to fill luggage with eggs and drop them out of an aircraft boarding hatch. with Naga being “surprised” they all broken. Does this mean the BBC will now stop running it’s seeming endless diatribe against the public “wasting food” as it appears you are happy enough to waste eggs in pointless articles.
Right on, Dave666.
The TOADY programme were bashing on about the Sugar Tax this am (R4 8.00-9am) – again – and not asking intelligent questions. “Humphrys! You, of all people, should know better.”
BBC: “The nation is obese. Something must be done. We must have a tax on food.”
If you visit the BBC web-site, the Homepage routinely carries a bar of three mini-window + link images of food linking to recipes or food programmes elsewhere on the web-site. IN ADDITION, there will frequently be ONE OR MORE* extra mini-windows + links, above this bar section, to additional items ON FOOD! Yesterday, the BBC was bemoaning the fact that our nation has turned away from eating liver. Illustration showed a plate piled high with enough liver, at least, for a dinner party of four. I hope it was a serving dish. It may not have been.
I can imagine some wealthy or high earners (BBC presenters?) piling a heap of mashed potato on top of that plate and scoffing the lot.
That’s by the way. If you then click the ‘News’ clicky at top, left of centre (now, there’s a thing!) on the Home Page and scroll down just over a third, you reach ‘The Papers’ window + clicky, the daily front pages, photographed in all their glory (usually with some well out of focus so they are unreadable) for you to see. What do we see proclaimed across these newspaper front pages, even the politically correct ones like the Gruaniad? Yes, you guessed right! Sorry. No prize – award yourself a packet of potato crisps. I should point out here that nutritionists will tell you that fried potato crisps – if it’s the real thing in a decent bag of crisps with not too much salt – is one of the healthiest & beneficial ways to eat some potato.
Prominent across the front of many of those newspapers’ front pages, often above the masthead, will be items about food. Pictures of food. Tasters, ho ho, for articles about food. Plugs for recipes by celebrity chefs, celebrities or chefs who are being made into celebrities by, among others, the BBC. Tasters for book reviews of the latest recipe book by celebrities or celebrity chefs or chefs who . . . . .
Here is a question for the BBC: Do you not think that with so much about food on the web-site, let alone the endless programmes about food on the three major BBC channels (Radio 4, BBC1 and BBC2) that YOU, THE BBC, ARE PART OF THE CAUSE OF OBESITY in this nation of ours?
[* Sorry to appear shouty, but I cannot get the italics or embolden features to work when posting on this site. Can it be fixed, please?]
Don`t know about you-but all this push-me, pull -you crap from the BBC over Daves referendum is a joy.
Reminds me of the BBC block bookings in previous times-Leveson, Climate Change in Rio/Kyoto or Paris, SNP and Referendum up there, anything to do with Labour/Lefty politics where it`s internal crap no-one but Owen Jones could care about.
It`s at times like these that I can turn off the BBC and all its orifices, and get the garden done or catch up with Ann Coulter and Mark Steyn…with no news to bother getting aerated about `til next week.
Happy Holidays!
The Film Programme introduces us to the work of John Lasseter, animator and film maker. We are told that stereotyping is rife in society, (what still, even after the 24/7 brainwashing for the last 40 years?).
Thankfully we have anthropomorphic rabbits standing on two legs to put us right! Seems that it is OK for fellow bunnies to call each other ‘cute’, (really? isn’t that sexist now?), but not for other animals.
Think for the children! They will never need to think for themselves in Lasseter’s utopia. Zootropolis will join Paddington Bear on my list of cartoons unsuitable for children.
If you want to see a good film out now go & see Deadpool, ( not the Clint Eastwood,Dirty Harry one),totally Un PC, the BBC would hate it, & very funny, all the cast Hideously White, apart from an Indian Taxi Driver, & a blind black woman, who have the piss taken out of them too. Not coming to a BBC channel ever!
Paddington, we are told by the arch racist Michael Bond, comes from ‘darkest Peru’. We should no-platform him immediately and burn his hate filled books.
The BBC isn’t bad; it is just drawn that way.
Radio 4 PM News from Brussels.
“and UKIP was holding a small demonstration in order to trash David Cameron’s efforts” !
How on earth could the presenter seriously think that a small demo could even come close to trashing anyone’s efforts? It could have been phrased ‘in order to draw attention to the problems’ or to show their discontent. It’s pretty obvious the BBC are wanting a successful negotiation or they simply will not be able to sell the remaining in the EU argument anywhere near as easily as if he loses.
Sly juxtaposition of ‘UKIP’ and ‘trash’ from EU-BBC.
Either that, Thoughtful, or the BBC felt that Cameron’s efforts at negotiation were so pitiful that anything larger than a ‘small demonstration’ would be completely excessive – in fact, a waste of a good demonstration – in order to ‘trash’ Cameron’s efforts at negotiation of a EU deal.
Decent Moral Maze there for once.
Claire Fox and Mighty Melanie make a fine double handed fist of it-and chinless daddys boys like Matthew Taylor(Lauries boy, need I add?) get a pasting.
Couple of good speakers who call out anti-semitism on campus, and the Standpoint guy too.
The Left really ARE f***in thick-and it showed again last night.
Recorded coverage of the Supreme Court Judgment on the joint enterprise law which allows people to be convicted of murder even if they did not inflict the fatal blow
This is the corrupt law which the corrupt BLiar government enacted purely to convict those accused of the murder of their patron saint Stephen Lawrence.
It is not known who struck the fatal blow, just the assertion that one of them did. Todays judgement might will overturn the dodgy convictions of some admittedly unpleasant men who were undoubtedly fitted up by the state which changed several laws in order to convict them.
Wonder when the BBC will get around to discussing that possibility?
This headed up TWATO at lunchtime.
The BBC always like the “wrong un wronged” stories-the criminals friend, always sniffing around their briefs in solidarity with the oppressed.
AS in the Soviet Union, who used them to police the dissidents and kill them for Uncle Joe…same as today, but only psychically I guess-for now.
Basically anything that frees the likes of Duggan or that gang of scum that killed Gary Newlove( Swellings and Team) has got to be a good thing as far as the BBC and the loop di loves of the Left are concerned.
Lots of angering of the families of the victims…rubbing the Rights faces in EU Rights Laws so the Mail will be hopping.
ANd-need I add -lots of work for the likes of Shiner, Khan, Pierce, Mansfield and Robertson, Cherie and Justine, Amal and Batmans Stockwell posse?
Bulger and Newlove hardly contribute to the coffers of Matrix Chambers or Public Interest Lawyers.
And-in the case of Phil-less airmiles chasing dummied shrouds in Iraq to try and imprison a few more squaddies-so less work, more money if he can meet them out of Belmarsh.
Swellings and Venables continue to give to the probation industry, the charity do-gooders and the Open University too…and don`t the Beeb get off on that smell of serge and sweat from the nastiest prison sweatshop?
Great telly and apparently this judgement will give the crims “hope”.
Which is more than the f***in courts have EVER given the victim of any murdering scumboil…and The mum of one of the Shakespeare girls killed in Birmingham, New Years Eve 2001/2 made that clear to Martha.
But hardly with the wordy heft of a lawyer smelling gold…so she was rather ignored.
Now-there IS a place in hell for those who encourage murder and profit from it…and the lefty luvvies above will be manacled to their vulnerable charges and victims of Denning before they go before Judge Moses…or Jesus if the courts are full that day.
Hell the certain last abode for this lot-no further questions yer honour…
BBC blowing their trumpet on the pope-mobile.
The pope lays into Donald Trump saying he’s not Christian for wanting to build a wall to keep Mexicans out. It’s not in the gospel apparently.
Child abuse by the Catholic church on an industrial scale is not in the gospel either so shut your cakehole you hypocrite.
It will be a cold day in hell before I take orders from an Argie.
Child abuse on an industrial scale is not in the gospel either. No but it is in the Qur’an criticism of its followers are part of what the Pope is moaning about.
Mathew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
What would frankie know about Christianity?
That was a very foolish intervention by the Pope; if he dislikes walls so much – why didn’t he demand Mexico take down the one they put up along the border with Guatemala to keep out immigrants?
How much coverage does the BBC give to the Pope’s views on abortion ?
E mail from the Comrades at 38 degrees. Conservatives are coming around to see that the BBC needs defending. Cowardly shits.
The government’s trying to weaken the BBC, but it’s not going to plan. [1] 300,000 of us demanded the government leave the BBC alone – and now two Conservative Lords have joined in. [2] They’ve said that the government’s out of step with public opinion and they need to leave the BBC well alone. [3]
This could be the start of a chain reaction if MP after MP decides to break cover and speak out too. Butit’ll only happen if enough of us email our MPs to ask one simple question: which side are they on – the public’s or the government’s?
The more of us that email our MPs, the more pressure they’ll feel to speak out in favour of the BBC.And the more MPs who say they support the BBC, the harder it’ll be for the government to get away with undermining it.
Please can you email your MP to ask them a simple question: when it comes to the BBC, which side are they on?
Email my MP
The two Lords told the government that the British public think the BBC is the most trusted source of news. And they’re right. [4] But this year the BBC is being reviewed, and it looks like the government wants to cut and change the BBC beyond recognition.
This could be the start of a split in the Conservative party. And that could be bad news for the government’s “war on the BBC”. [5] But it’ll only happen if we use this news to encourage our MPs to break cover and speak out too. Together, we can prove that it’s not just the public who want the BBC protected – Conservative politicians are on our side too.
Please can you email your MP now, asking them whether they agree with their Conservative colleagues that the BBC needs protecting?
Oh yeah.
The BBC’s man in the USA Jon Sopel continues to denigrate Donald Trump. Whatever one thinks of Mr Trump, he has significant support from the US electorate and personal bias against him should be avoided by our national broadcaster. Well that’s the theory. The reality is very different. Sopel refers on R4 PM to Trump’s reaction to papal criticism of him as ‘outrageous’. I’m not a Catholic and so I’m no believer in papal infallibility. Far from it. In fact I think that successive Popes in the modern era have a lot to answer for.
This South American Pope wants to ‘build bridges’ to help more illegal Mexican immigrants to enter the US. Perhaps he would also like to open up the channel tunnel to pedestrian traffic so that the Calais jungle can walk into the UK en masse too? Well I’d take Mr Trump’s views on these matters every time and I don’t see why it’s ‘outrageous’. Nor am I being ‘unchristian ‘ , to quote the Bishop of Rome.
I cant take anything seriously from a man who so blatantly dyes his hair. McCartney is bad enough, but Sopel takes it to another level.
There seemed to be a pretty big wall around the Vatican gardens the last time I visited Rome. Howz about Pope Frank taking a few thousand Mexican ‘migrants’ into the Holy See? They are fellow RC’s after all, and look at the wonderful example of Bob Geldof and Yvette Cooper, who have opened their hearts and their homes to the refugees….er…
On the continuing farce being played out in painful slow motion in Brussels, the place where 500 euros gets you a gun in 30mins, apparently. http://qz.com/551371/brussels-where-e500-buys-a-gun-in-30-minutes-has-become-europes-jihadi-capital/
Lets just for a moment pretend that real negotiations are taking place and the result was not predetermined months ago,
If anybody really needs proof that the whole charade is an attempt to hoodwink the British public and that Dave has utterly failed then here it is,
“Former Labour leader Lord Kinnock, who was a European commissioner, said Mr Cameron had “probably done as well as could be expected” ”
A ringing endorsement like that from the gravy train riding minstrel himself, as good as the kiss of death.
What a useless w****r John Major was, making that creature a commissioner; like Tebbit said at the time (about Kinnock) he’s not fit to run a fish and chip shop.
That moment when the BBC has to choose which of two enemies to support against the other. Trump or Christianity as expressed by the Pope? They choose the Pope. Trump ain’t a Christian because he wants to build a wall to keep Mexicans out.
So vital it had to be breaking (or so breaking it had to be vital):
BBC News
Breaking News
Pope questions Trump’s Christianity
Pope questions Donald Trump’s Christianity, says someone “who thinks only about building walls? is not Christian”
For more details, see the BBC News website
I think Aunty just had a ‘moment’
Here is the wall around the Vatican. Would the BBC like to comment on whether the Pope is a Christian or not?
They certainly wouldn’t like to comment on who the Leonine Walls were constructed to keep out, very un-PC.
Trump gives Proverbs 24v1-2 as his favourite bible verses.
He therefore has read it-which would appear to be more that old Georgio has done of late.
Too bust reading his International Guardian( Malvinas edition).
Has anybody told our FunTime Frankie that it was HIS church that found a pew for Tony Blair no less-the very whiff of a Satanic fart, if forced into the face of a cretinous church that allowed Cherie Blair to do her worst.
The Catholics are trashed-and welcoming the Blairs was the day that God gave up on them…God hates the Guardian even more that they hate Him!
If I were a Catholic, I would be very worried just why the BBC is so enthusiastic about my leader (and my particular brand of ‘Christianity’, for that matter). How come?
The Pope has insulted every single Christian who wishes to protect his or her own identity. The question must be – does the Pope believe in Christianity and order? Or has he abandoned his beliefs in favour of internationalist Marxism.
I`m boycotting the Catholics this Sunday-and indeed every Sunday until Trump wins…or he gets an apology from our thick Argie.
Don`t the Church get this-if the State loves you…if the Guardian loves you…if the liberals like you…and especially if the BBC think you`re cool…chances are that you`re on the highway to hell with no turn offs.
Paul warns them severely about falling for mans secular and godless trends and philosophies-let them find it for themselves though…
If old Frankie stopped shilling for Islam and his Malvinas monkeys like Corbyn-he might look at Acts 17.26…it insists on BORDERS as Gods creation…so NOT to be removed, traduced or regarded as “cruel to migrants, anti-EU).
No Christian should countenance a YES vote in the referendum…for that reason alone.
Only the Biblically illiterate catholics fall for the EU “Solidarity and Soclal Teaching” agenda,,,but then again they would now-wouldn`t they?
2 Chronicles 14:7 would be quite a good choice!
Therefore he said unto Judah, Let us build these cities, and make about them walls, and towers, gates, and bars, while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the Lord our God, we have sought him, and he hath given us rest on every side. So they built and prospered.
Good scripture sir!
Can I match you with 2 Chron 7.14 whilst I`m here!
Oh-its dyscalculia or dyslexic numbers isn`t it?
Maybe i`m talking to the next pope!…and not a mention of “bridge building” in THIS scripture.
AND-I doubt if there`s even a mention of bridges(building) in the Bible too-but am about to check!
NO-there`s not!
Talking about building walls: The Pope uses the Swiss Guard with Heckler & Koch MP7 to keep Immigrant hoards out of the Vatican.
Rather strange that the papal insignia is the keys of St Peter. The keys that lock the gates of heaven to non-christians!
I heard about this on the Jon Gaunt show this morning, if true its shocking.
A Guernsey school (of all places) set a project for 12 to 13 year olds to write an essay on their feelings and dealing with their families when converting to Islam.
A clear agenda, nothing other than brainwashing and potentially damaging to these youngsters.
Full transcript…
Task description
Miss. A Stables set this assignment for group Y8FOB/Rs – Religious Studies
Set on Thu 11 Feb
Due on Fri 04 Mar
Complete the letter you started or started planning in class to your family on how you are converting to Islam.
Include: How you’re feeling, how becoming a Muslim has changed your life, how much you love your family and hope they can accept your choice.
Focus: How would it make you feel having to tell your parents this?? How would/could they react?
**Please also note this is a piece of creative writing and completely fictional YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY CONVERTING TO ISLAM. It is purely to test your knowledge of what we have learnt this year and how well you can argue objectively!!!!
Important information
This homework will take approximately 30 minutes
Miss. A Stables would like you to hand in this homework online via Show My Homework “
A winged horse told me that we are all born Muslim, so strictly speaking one reverts on returning to the true faith. Conversion from Islam, on the other hand, is a capital crime so it isn’t the wisest thing to write a letter…
“Now write a letter to your family, and your faith community including your imam, explaining why you’re abandoning Islam. Be specific about just what it is that you can no longer believe in, and outline any disgust you feel about the way that Islam demands you treat the rest of humanity and its institutions, culture and laws. Remember not to put your address at the top of the letter, for obvious reasons.”
But Miss Stables. I know that you think that feelings are more important than thinking. But if I creatively convert back to Christianity after the project. Will you have to pretend to kill me?
Christianity has left the stable . . .
. . . as far as the State, the media and, most of all, the BBC are concerned.
It always strikes me as odd that in every BBC have your say, Christians are bashed for believing in sky faeries but Islam is embraced. No doubt as lovingly as Mohammed embraced Aysha.
The supporters of thugs, who could be quids in with the overturning of the “joint enterprise” law, are shown cheering & whooping it up outside the law courts. Did the BBC etc encourage this display thinking it an appropriate show of sympathy for the thugs or because they just wanted to increase the blood pressure of their audience?
When this evening’s “PM” covered the joint enterprise story they had someone on to outline the implications of the change, using the example of a burglary. It seem that under the new interpretation, if you want a partner to accompany you on a burglary you should take a homicidally violent one. He can then kill any witnesses, thereby improving your chance of escape, but if caught you’re at no risk of any charge other than burglary.
Violent criminals will now be in great demand.
The BBC might decide to come out against this ruling as some of St Stephen’s killers could have their convictions overturned.
I just heard the interview with the actor David Mccallum, of Man from Uncle fame, on BBC 4 Front Row in which he was introduced as having “controversial political views”. In other words he isn’t a socialist. It was all very polite, not at all controversial, but the tone of disbelief in the interviewer’s voice when he mentioned such outlandish ideas as self-reliance was palpable. Actually it was extremely amusing. Clearly she has not set foot outside BBCworld for quite awhile. Presumably all those people who didn’t vote Labour in the last election also had “controversial” views.
I just noticed the end production credit for a program saying ‘produced by BBC English Regions’. First time I’ve noticed the seditious, nation wrecking filth show such a sign.
Sorry if its been covered, has anyone seen the stacey dooley in cologne doc? Unbeleiveable. Iplayer.
Yes I just watched it after seeing your comment. Dooley must be the slowest learner on the planet. She was in Luton years ago marching with islamists and talking to Tommy Robinson, and she’s still none the wiser apparently. According to her, people who object to immigrants who rape and molest women are racists. Perhaps she has decided that expediency is preferable to integrity.
Julio, i second guessed the way it would be presented, thing is, if our intrepid stacey is allowed to produce such tosh-blonde german girl says its not muslims per se- what does this say about the beebs continuing brainwashing?
To be fair to Stacey, she is very, very stupid. She was on Celebrity Mastermind at Christmas, and did the full Lammy. A generation ago she would have been in an institution, whereas nowadays, well, in a sense, she still is, working for the BBC. Consider it care in the community.
At least with Bedlam, you didn’t HAVE to go along and watch their antics.
John sopel says donald trump has ‘saught’ to use his christian upbringing in his campaign. Wtf
Just for info …..this has just been forwarded in an email. ….Obummer continues to ruin America
First Muslim Woman Judge Carolyn Walker, hand-picked by President Obama sworn in as judge of the 7 Municipal District, Brooklyn by holding the unholy Quran at Brooklyn Boro hall on December 10, 2015, it was a Historic Day!!
Since the Quran forbids all law but Sharia Law, I guess she will head the first Federally sanctioned Sharia Court. Kinda makes you proud, doesn’t it?
Very little media coverage on this ……
Another chink in the armor, no one cares, until it’s too late ! step by step by step….this is how our culture will end.
Obama supporters, your dream is coming true in destroying America. Similar for Trudeau supporters in Canada
There is an interesting story developing in the U.S., which has had little coverage over here thus far, about the replacement of the recently deceased (conservative) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; the Republicans having a majority in the Congress, can block anyone Obummer nominates to replace him and their leader in the Senate says they will do so until after the election of the next POTUS.
The judge who does get that ninth seat is of critical importance, as the Supreme Court is now split 4 – 4 conservative and liberal; therefore another liberal on the bench could cause untold damage.
Scalia was a sad, and unexpected loss – I hope common sense prevails, and Obama doesn’t get his way.
Conspiracy theories are running wild over Scalia’s death, as one might expect when he was so much in the front line against Obama’s wrecking policies. Conspiracy theory aside, questions do need to be asked.
It’s 6:50am Friday as I write this. The front page of the BBC website has an item entitled “Thatcher regime’s ‘rural rioters’ probe”. Click the link and it takes you to the more neutral sounding “Thatcher government ordered ‘rural rioters’ inquiry”. The term ‘regime’ is used by Leftists and Globalists to describe governments that they believe to lack legitimacy e.g. Syrian regime, Putin’s regime, Apartheid regime and so on.
Bias? What bias?
Just to avoid any confusion, here’s what the BBC Trust wrote in a report on the ‘Arab Spring’ published in June 2012. A complaint is in order, methinks:
Perhaps the BBC is more vulnerable on its use of the word “regime” – a word that does
have clearly pejorative connotations, implying a degree of authoritarianism and perhaps
even illegitimacy. The BBC would not, for instance, refer to the British government as “the
Cameron regime”.
It says “government” as of 8am.
“Thatcher government ordered ‘rural rioters’ inquiry”
Some editor clearly felt that they had to check themselves.
Indeed. When the day shift takes over they look at this site and see where the night staff (this year’s university graduates) have crossed the mark and make amendments accordingly.
Oh they were full of it.
1. Thatcher was urged to sack treacherous Heseltine-but was too nice to do it.
2. Tebbit warned Mrs T that the poll tax would cause many problems dfor students-and, more particularly, their parents who`d be apying twice-and were HER supporters.
3. Ridley warned that Lefty councils would use the Poll tax to cause them endless political and economic trouble, and use their spending splurges as being due to the poll tax introduction
4. Lawson against the Poll Tax from the start, but was overruled.
5.Tebbit warns that the homeless woukd rather stay homeless that risk paying poll tax if registered at a hostel.
6. Some bollocks from Hurd about Hereford cider drinkers getting worse.
Of the above which one would YOU choose to put Mrs T in the worst light?
Correction-yes, put Mrs T in the worst light-but don`t for one second give any credit to her ministers for their foresight-and especially boo boys like all the above(except Hurd, who`s an EU powder puff, so a gelding).
On-and the one I DIDN`T hear about-that Bernie Sanders wrote to Mrs T to try and get her to give Bobby Sands what he wanted…very Corbyn, very McDonnell, very IRA…
Wonder why the BBC don`t give us THAT angle on Mrs Ts tin ear, on her misplaced compassion-or that the Democratic Left back terrorists whether IRA or IS….beyond the BBC to have to tell us THAT though.
Hey you crazy kids! If anyone is bored from hearing about Daves Snake Oil Tour Europe 2016. I have good news – The worlds favourite broadcaster is also giving attention to other just as important coalfaces!
Heard trailer on Radio 4 this morning for new series called The Riot Girls. Apparently it is a number of stories written from a feminist perspective. Sounds edgy and subversive to me – Right on!!!!
I am hoping it particularly covers female oppression issues such as threatening phallic roll on deodorants, Oppressive use of word such Man Hole covers etc, Why there are not more uni sex toilets and of course female executive pay.
Dont want to hear about any issues such as Rotheram, FGM, and mass sexual abuse in public places as these are not really very important!!!
“Man rapes girl”, “Man accused of planning to peacefully blow up..”, “group of men systematically enriched young girls for years”… For years, Al Beebs modus operandi has been to remove any trace of ‘race’ or ‘colour’ from their propaganda/articles. Basically this equates to years of absolutely no help at all in identifying perpetrators or social problems, but allows the Al Beeb to shoehorn the “these people are peaceful/no problem here” narrative.
Oh wait… What’s this on Al Beeb London webshite?! “Duo snatch £15k rolex off man”! Wouldn’t call it mass rape or a terrorism plot, but let’s click on to see… There you go!! Like cash crazed bingo junkies, the Al Beeb have boxes to tick and wintervals come early! Both instantly identited as white and pictures clearly shown.
So the Al Beeb can do it, as long as the attacker is white and you lose a bloody rolex!!
White maybe, but British? Afterall this is London. Why should it be a surprise that in a country where the majority are white that the majority of crime will be perpetrated by such? But we know pound for pound thats not strickly true, take a look at an in house production…Crimewatch….
Al Beeb do not care for the nationality, the condition of the victim or crime committed. To them this was the opportunity to show to the flock that white people commit violent crime too. Things like this will happen daily around the UK, but it’s to them it’s the confirmed white aspect. Just think of the hundreds of crimes committed every single day that are far worse than this! We will not hear about this event again. The seed has been planted in the sheep’s mind. Next time on question time etc we will hear that white people commit violent crime too.
Bollox on breakfast about how the young are suffering as the baby boomers had it so good. Youngster in 20s whines about University fees and housing costs. When I left school in the late 1970s very few went to college even fewer went to university. Housing costs, I remember in the 1980s having to take out a shared ownership deal on my first property a one bedroom flat where if you rolled from one side of the bed you could open the window roll to the other side and touch the wall.. Remember interest rates over 10%. Massive inflation, industrial action every year etc etc.yea we really had the best of times.
Try telling that to the tail end of the boomers, those now in their early 50s still with a mortgage but find themselves ‘outsoucered’ with little realistic chance of a new career, even at the lower end of the pay scale.
A wealth of experience and the right work attitude, but no employer these days wants people who can think for themselves or have the potential to be un PC….
Bloody autofil, that should of course be ‘outsourced’
An article on Sex and Disability http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-35561347 leading to some less than sympathetic comments :
58. Posted by turdybirdy
on Just now
So we have the EU farce the Migration disaster, Wars on several fronts Police in turmoil and terrorist atrocities in the name of religion.
Yet the only thing the BBC give us the option to have an opinion on is if the disabled deserve sex or not and possibly how can we help them to attain it. This is even thinner gruel than what Cameron and the EU are debating.
Comment number 57. Posted by Raskilnikov
on 1 minute ago
Hi BBC, could you stop being weird please and stick to reporting news, thanks, a license fee payer.
“Sex and disability was once regarded as a taboo subject, but is now being spoken of more often. ”
Only at the BBC, only at the BBC. I can only assume their quota of disabled aren’t getting enough. Soon, it will be thought of a shameful, even illegal not to actively seek to bang a disabled person.
I’m sorry, although I have sympathy for the disabled, we are, as animals, biologically programmed to find the idea of having sex with the disabled as wrong, even repulsive. What drives us to want sex is the uncontrollable biological urge to mix our genes with the best. ‘Bad’ genes are to be avoided as there is no evolutionary advantage to breeding with runts.
As long as it’s legal, I have no wish to know what people get up to in their private lives. I should imagine that after Jonathan king, Saville et al, they are running out of ideas to keep the news room gossip mill churning. I am sure there are better ways of spending my licence fee than debating how a quadriplegic sows their oats.
Tonight’s episode of Citizen Khan sees the arrival from Pakistan of Mumtaz, a transexual, quadriplegic, devout Muslim looking for a sex-change operation on the NHS, but whose parents want her to marry a cousin old enough to be her grandfather. It’s a laugh a minute as Mr Khan struggles to sort out the problems before Mumtaz’s student visa expires! Don’t miss it.
Does the paraplegic have problems sitting on the shrink wrapped sofa?
Love thy Neighbour used to do this joke in 1968-and it`s grand to see that it`s as hilarois today as it was then.
Great plot- raises om many issues in one half hour of multiculti mirth.
I`ve got an idea about some Islamic medics running late to save a dying polar bear in Karachi, but their reliant robin spins into the glass at a Scottish airport, and the very hot tindaloo curry catches fire-and people think they were terrorists with a bomb.
Piloted it a few years ago…
“Sex and disability was once regarded as a taboo subject, but is now being spoken of more often. ”
It’s hardly a new subject, even if the BBC lacks a collective memory. Back in the 1980s the topic was discussed on a Radio 4 programme and the BBC presenter was sacked for making a joke about being kept awake at night by the sound of wheelchairs clashing together.
Hairy Balls!
S’trewth mate! How d’you go? Assistant Aussie Cultural Attaché here again. Bringing you pommie bludgers fair dinkum comment from the Lucky Country on all things going off back in the Unlucky one.
Another bone to pick with you pomms…. we need to put you right on this tumbleweed ‘hairy panic’.
First off, any other business… Sir Les, as y’know, is indisposed. Don’t get alarmed – he ain’t bailed out. The boss is back from his extended official fact finding tour of Bangkok rub ‘n’ tug shops – ‘cept at this moment he’s about as useful as tits on a bull. He’s in severe testicular quarantine – if you get my meaning. Got his macadamias in a splint. Nothing the quacks can’t put right with a shot or two of the ol’ pink jollop up where the sun don’t shine. Couple of the blokes went round to look him up with a big bunch of squashed grapes as a prezzie – ‘course at first he spit out his dummy, but he saw the funny side, eventually. She’ll be right.
Now, on your BBC Brekkie show that Naga Sheila spun a yarn about the tumbleweed up in Wangaratta. She’s a beaut alright, a right little ripper, looks as though her pop was a black fella but never let it be said we ain’t happy to spread the diversity.
Look, first she says some ratbag farmer let things get out of hand – which is about right. Then she says it was due to heavy rains followed by exceptional dry weather. Well we can all add two and two and come up with a score Don Bradman would be proud to declare on – she’s trying to blame the dreaded Climate Change. Get your hand off it! This tumbleweed has been blowin’ around the outback since the Abbos were throwin’ witchetty grubs on their barbies. So don’t start with all this Climate Change furphy.
They’ll be trying to say Australia is a hot dry continent next. Oh the humanity!
Great stuff-and funnier than anything I`ve heard on the BBC without Barry Cryer in it!
Have just been catching up via the live feed from Brussels on the Bbc site and it is very very interesting to read and hear comments from the others leaders in this debacle – first time really the BBC have aired views like this.
The one that caught my eye was from the Estonian PM who said..”we all, of course, pursue our national interests but…if Britain should leave, we all get nothing!” Does that not say it all? Does that not tell the EU elite something?
And then there’s Sir Richard “I’ve-got-it-all” Branson saying…it’s a very sad day if Britain leaves and could lead to the break–up of the EU.” Well, there’s a patriotic vote for you!!!!
Branson is yet another example from the cabal of business ‘leaders’ who will say anything to get us to stay in the EU.His businesses don’t seem to be especially dependent on continental Europe and his latest wheeze is based in the USA. His loss of train franchises was essentially due to the EU procurement practices that are forced on the UK and often benefit non British bidders. He holidays on his own Caribbean Island. So what experience is his view based on?
More of Radio 4 unfunny comedy with some of it’s most sour faced left wing intolerants:
Sue Perkins presents a third series of Dilemma, the panel show where she puts four guests through the moral and ethical wringer by posing a series of finely-balanced dilemmas and then cross-examining them on their answers.
This week, Sue is joined by comedians Kerry Godliman and John-Luke Roberts, journalist and broadcaster Julia Hartley-Brewer and ex-footballer Clarke Carlisle, who collectively attempt to resolve dilemmas based around dinosaur bones, injured guinea pigs, and unethical banks. They also assert their moral correctness over giving directions and selling state secrets.
The show was devised by the actor and award-winning comedian Danielle Ward.
Moral Correctness? I think we can all figure out what that means in reality!
The show was appalling to anyone outside of the student union fraternity with an hilarious discussion over how best to wreck the life of someone’s whose views weren’t as left wing as you’d like them to be, or alternatively, how you could force them to share your own left wing insanity!
How this can be considered entertainment is beyond me, and how the BBC can deny its far left wing bias when they allow crap like this on air is also beyond me.
I agree. In the end you can only conclude that either they are so barking mad that it doesn’t even occur to them that not everyone shares their junior common room politics, or they are so twisted that they know exactly what they are doing, know that we know too, but simply don’t care.
If I had to bet money on it, I’d say it was the latter. The sense of self-righteousness on the Left is chilling.
I can only imagine that everyone they know agrees with their views, and anyone who disagrees must be a Daily Mail reader, and therefore racist scum. Which, to be fair, seems to be the BBC’s default position on just about everything.
The clear difference in business people is that those in multi-nationals favour In and British only firms tend to favour Out. The reasons are quite obvious: multi-nationals want to organise their taxes around the countries they operate from to pay the least they can get away with, plus open borders means they can import cheap labour. British firms want to just pay British taxes and not the EU extra ones, and despite being able to use the cheap labour it still doesn’t off-set the extra costs EU membership accrues to them.
And are these the same multinationals who told us it would be disastrous if the UK didn’t join the Euro?
It’s not just the taxation problems.
Even after the “currency snake” and ERM debacle, when interest rates shot up to 16% in the UK to maintain the exchange rate with the DM, they still argued that the UK should lock itself permanently into that situation by adopting the Euro. There was much talk of “convergence of economies” and even that tying yourself to the Euro would force convergence. That turned out really well in Greece, Italy, Spain, France etc. Rather than the UK joining the Euro, it would make more sense for areas other than the South East to give up the pound for a weaker currency to achieve the Northern Powerhouse
I see Benedict cucumberloon is at it again from his cossetted comfortable Cotswolds base where asylum seekers are banned from settling!
Also mentioned is BBC harriden Sandy Toksvig – I expect the BBC will be in full hand wringing campaigning mode to bring as many bogus asylum seekers as possible to the UK.
” This morning, dozens of small children will be left out in the cold. French authorities are bulldozing half of the refugee camp in Calais. They’re destroying the makeshift church and the makeshift children’s centre.
There are a few hundred children in the camp, and they’re in limbo. Lots of the kids have family in the UK, but it’s taking too long to reunite them with their families. David Cameron could step in to make sure these children are protected – but unless he feels the pressure, he won’t. They’ll be left alone in the sprawling, freezing camp.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Jude Law and Sandi Toksvig have started an open letter to the Prime Minister asking him to step in and help. They’re well known names. But there’s not many of them. The letter has about 140 names so far – but imagine if it got thousands more overnight. It would cause a media splash, and put David Cameron under the spotlight.”
“This morning, dozens of small children will be left out in the cold”
Clearly their parents should be prosecuted for child cruelty, since the easy solution to this ‘problem’ is for them to apply for asylum in France, which last time I visited was classed a safe country – parts of Paris notwithstanding.
Perhaps the Labour Luvvies could answer that one from the comfort of their nice warm mansions.
From the Guardian article on the Cumberbumth, Jude Law and other millionaires who want cruel Dave to look after the children at Calais.
”They are desperate,” Law said. “One little boy grabbed me and pleaded with me, that the Jungle was not a good place, and he didn’t want to be there.”
So millionaire Jude stepped away from the little boy and agreed to sign a letter and send it to the Guardian
The luvvies need to be careful what they ask for.
I`ve seen LOADS of good-even great-acting performances from so many of our auditioning asylum seekers.
Most of the women can fall on a sixpence, and feign grief and pain at least as good as Jurgen Klinnsmann.
Got my ensemble for the Uttoxeter Hippodrome already next Eid for “Allah Baby and the 40,00 thieves”
But…Theresa May says its only 40, so she knows best.
Reckon the Slovenian “why does it always rain on me” performance of October 2015 with a plastic bag filled with old socks as a “baybee” was a better show that anything I`ve seen old Gullibull in….
“So millionaire Jude stepped away from the little boy and agreed to sign a letter and send it to the Guardian ”
He probably had to get home to shag the nanny.
Apologies if someone else has reported this but a piece of good news.
The bBBC is banged to rights for faking two nature programmes.
Not easy to find this of course!
Mmmm. Our saintly national broadcaster inventing coverage to suit its own narrative? Surely not!
Breitbart has it, too:
> Not easy to find this of course!
Apart from it being reported on the BBC website itself, and indeed headlining the Entertainment & Arts page until the news of Harper Lee’s death broke.
Publishing a news story that’s critical about itself, and leading with it in the relevant section of their news website? What a damned cover up!
But the real question that needs answered is why on earth anybody employed by this organisation (other than the tea-lady who joined the company yesterday) needs special training to inform them that faking stuff in documentaries and especially news items (how many times has this organisation willingly published fake footage with little or no checking, in supporting some of its favoured friends ?) is just utterly unacceptable ?
Oops – sorry – it’s the BBC we’re talking about. Silly question(s).
Exactly the point, Richard.
And not just any old training, apparently, it’s gold standard training according to the BBC’s spokesperson.
Jeez, these lefties are much, much dimmer than even we gave them credit for.
But why do they do it?
And why have they been repeatedly found out for doing it?
And why are they so crap at fiddling the footage, if even a Hamas blogger for Al Jazeera could spot the cutaways and the edits?
We need an Archive on Four programme here-what is the psychological need of these needy tricksters who-as soon as they get a BBC contract-think that they can nick from Thunderbirds, Quatermass or any old decent stock of film?
Whether its Blue Peter…Annie Liebovitz and the Queen…..countless phone ins and radio votes…they are serial offenders-and don`t seem to be able to either help themselves, or even use techniques that would fool us.
History of Fiddling….a new BBC series
1. Film and footage
2. Phone ins and votes
3. Childrens telly phone ins and votes
On the spat between Trump and the Pope.
Turn to Ann Coulter who tweets
Ann Coulter
Quick Quiz: Between Donald J. Trump & the Pope, which one runs a huge multinational that protects subordinates when they rape little boys?
She might have been talking about the BBC
Not so much Papal Nunzio as Papal Nonce-io!
That is apparently the origin of the word nonce in the first place.
As does Islam in its dark webs up north in childrens homes, so I understand.
BBC-Islam, The Catholics…all are global faith systems utterly unused to scrutiny and bullying their way around the world.
NO wonder they`re in cahoots over much of what they say and do.
Can`t agree on much-but the subordination of children and women would seem to be common to them…
Dunno if my esteemed colleagues here have seen this Oxford EU debate:
3 for the EU and 3 against. Nigel Farage is in fine form.
The one pictured is pro-EU Anne Williamson. Pity, since she is definitely not a dumb blonde.
Poor old Sarah had to keep Nigel Farage on the end of her tongs this morning.
Nigel concise and clear-wrong message though.
So , just as I though that Nigel had been allowed to speak uninterrupted…Sarah asks her Euro puppet -Katie Adder maybe?-to “put what Farage said into context”..ie…don`t listen to that old soak, the EU and Sarah know better.
That`s a classic BBC ploy-if you get a Lawson or Farage on-ensure the BBCs licensed hack follows up to put it all into liberal esperanto.
My image is of Nigel being the antidote to all things BBC and EU…and Katie as et another adder or dodgy snake kept in Sarahs sewing basket to scare us all with its shiny gums.
Can`t be sure-because once Nigel had spoken-like any other right thinking sane person-I turned off,
Nigel needs no “interpretation” from the BBC-never has , never will.
Whether Nigel Lawson or Farage-Nous sommes toutes Nigels!
I think you mean Katya Adler, whose surname means ‘Eagle’ (like MPs Angela & Maria!) rather than ‘snake’, oddly enough. Here is yet another BBC ‘internationalist’, like Lyse Doucet, Barbara Plett-Usher, Orla Guerin, Fergal Keane, Rageh Omar et al, being of German Jewish origin, who may not be the most suited to speaking for the indigenous people of Britain … not that the BBC cares about them any longer.
Seeing its Mental Elf Season at the BBC, we get the FARMERS as “Victim bloc of the Day”.
BBC hates farmers usually…becauseGeorge Monbiot does…but if they can pan Somerset Rural health Services for not having enough tractors converted into ” one-stop grief and grievance awareness” sob boxes-then the BBC will be happy.
As I say-why the heck don`t they pour their tear-soaked slurry sponges into Claudia Hammonds “All In The Mind”…any chance we`ll see Raj Pesaud back there yet?…how long IS “reflective purdah” at the Beeb if you`re a plagiarist?
But no-Today worried about farmer suicides…and it`s not as if any of them listen to Today or the Archers is it?
No-but one woman DID say that her farming dad killed himself during Labours Foot and Mouth Ballsup of 2001/2.
Nick Brown and old Ma Beckett, Meacher and the whole lot of crocks that Blair allowed to wipe out a golden generation of cattle.
And the poor farmer wasn`t the only one.
Any chance of a judicial review of where veggie gay incompetencies, privileged malice, and political expediency and blind ignorance gets us?…eh Beeb?
You Labour butchers killed more than one farmer…and if I can pretend that Moaty was only looking for a farmers boy posting in Rothbury…would you THEN give a stuff about suicidal farmers screwed over daily by the EU. and after years of Labours baitings?…
Course not-end of THAT line of enquiry…venal shroud waving scum…half the loonies now work in the BBC and liberal squirming “creative industries”…easier than news anyway, which is what it might once have been…
Radio 5-Dead hadn’t read the memo and this morning had a session not on mental health but on meningitis. With characteristic bias, they told us nothing about the disease, how to avoid or diagnose it, but kept asking parents whose child had had meningitis “how did you feeeel?”.
Weepy drivel at the bBBC’s worst.
I can see why the pro-Europhile BBC gets it in the neck from those of us who want out!
But-PLEASE don`t pressure them into NOT doing opinion polls.
Their opinion polls did a grand job in shafting the Labour/Liberal parties a few months back…and we got the useless Tories in.
SO I personally hope that the BBC poll us to death…we`ll tell them the same crap as last time.
It is a wet and miserable Friday afternoon and I would like to share some PC feminist entertainment which did appear on the BBC a year ago. Let’s hear it for the Sirens, Third Generation Feminists. Warning. There is disturbing content when half a dozen feminists brutally hack to pieces a child’s doll.
Once is suspicious, twice even more suspicious, three times makes it bloody obvious that its more than gremlins that stop Farage from speaking.
Its happened at least once the BBC, then Sky, now on ITV News sound gremlins prevent Farage from having this say on the EU negotiations.
Its a bloody conspiracy and makes one feel that the Thanet result was maybe a fix!
Al-Beeb editorial directive pc/bull/sh1t says that in future in order to prevent the stigmatisation of Gremlins all episodes shall be referred to by the gender neutral term Jerrod. If it’s really bad then use the term Zero.
Having read various posts on this website about Al Beeb having frequent sound problems when interviewing Nigel Farage, well we in the Wild West of Great Britain spotted the very same on the main ITV news at 6 PM when interviewing him about the present fiasco going on in EU.
I think most of the MSN in this country is pro EU
Bravo! That we have this website.
Keep up the good work.
Geoff, apolls , did not see your post above.
it appears that the media has an insidious agenda against the UKIP ?
When the BBC has problems… and when the BBC has no problem at all….
Beyond the comments, which honestly could be going better, it seems the British public needs to be more dangerously informed, and educated. Step up the national disgrace, and what’s this rushed to my in box?:
BBC Having difficulty reading this email? View it online
BBC News
Breaking News
Unanimous support for UK-EU deal – Tusk
There is unanimous support for UK-EU deal, European Council President Donald Tusk says
For more details, see the BBC News website
Yes! Unanimous support!….. A bloke says….
I am of course rushing to the BBC Newx website for ‘more details’ now.
Ok, I fibbed. I”m not really.
Oh, and they are on a roll. Another just swung in…
BBC Having difficulty reading this email? View it online
BBC News
Breaking News
Deal ‘includes seven-year welfare brake’
EU-UK deal includes seven-year brake on welfare payments and UK safeguards to protect City of London, BBC learns
See…. the BBC ‘has learned’. And passes such wisdom on to us. Using our money. It’s a miracle!