The BBC’s Hugh Sykes has tweeted that the alleged sex abuse of a 15 year old girl by Sunderland footballer (ex), Adam Johnston, was the result of a conspiracy by Manchester United to undermine Sunderland….or so he has heard from ‘credible’ sources.
The BBC long ignored allegations against Islamist Tower Hamlet Mayor, Lutfur Rahman, until reality caught up with them and they could no longer ignore the story. Similarly they seem to be ignoring reports about London Mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan who has been linked to Muslim extremist groups by several reports…..and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is in the mix too.
What is also interesting is that the reports about Khan’s brother-in-Law shows how the BBC’s claims that Muslim extremism in the UK is purely a result of the Iraq War is, well, a complete lie, a lie that is politically motivated as the BBC tries to blame all the world’s ills on that war which it so ardently opposed….
‘Mr Javaid’s name appeared on a fatwa in 1998 calling for a “full-scale war of jihad” against Britain and the US.’
From the Mail:
Sadiq Khan, Labour candidate for London mayor, made a speech while the ‘black flag of jihad’ was flying and gave his support to groups linked to extremism
From The Sun:
Extremist views: Labour terror error as Tories fear rout in London mayor contest
LABOUR’S candidate for Mayor of London and party boss Jeremy Corbyn attended a rally in 2006 with an extremist Muslim leader who threatened “fire throughout the world”.
Sadiq Khan later defended Dr Azam Tamimi, a senior figure in the Muslim Association of Britain, for using “flowery” language.
Last night Tory MP Alec Shelbrooke slammed the news, telling The Sun: “Once again this goes to show how the hard-left clique at the top of the Labour Party hate the West and everything we stand for.”
From the Telegraph:
Labour’s mayoral hopeful Sidiq Khan linked to ‘online bin Laden’
Labour’s candidate for London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, has faced criticism, after it emerged that Labour’s candidate had shared a platform with a group backed by an extremist imam who was as an al-Qaeda recruiter.
From the Evening Standard:
The links of mayoral hopeful Sadiq Khan’s former brother-in-law to one of the UK’s most notorious extremist organisations are revealed today.
Douglas Murray in the Spectator illustrates why people like Khan are a problem as they seek to downplay extremism and claim Islam is not extreme itself in comparison to a Western society:
Sadiq Khan MP had a piece in the Telegraph last week attacking an excellent piece by Charles Moore in the same paper the Saturday before. In his piece Sadiq makes a number of claims which are worth rebutting…..
Once again a prominent Muslim has used what could have been an opportunity to tackle a problem to instead underplay the problem and deride legitimate concerns expressed about this. Rather than distracting people from the main problem, Sadiq Khan has merely highlighted it.
Problems such as this:
Among those running against Mr Khan at the 2010 general election in Tooting was a Liberal Democrat candidate who was an Ahmadiyya Muslim. Personally I find the Ahmadiyaa among the most admirable as well as progressive movements within Islam. They are also among the most persecuted and reviled, deemed to be heretics by many Muslims. Bigotry against Ahmadiyaa Muslims was extended towards the Liberal Democrat candidate in Tooting. Indeed it was so strong that during the 2010 campaign it was reported that he was told not to come to an election hustings at Sadiq Khan’s own mosque – the Tooting Islamic Centre.
When the Conservative candidate arrived at the same mosque he was reportedly mistaken for the Ahmadiyya Liberal Democrat candidate. The Conservative candidate then had to be locked in a room at the back of the mosque by members of the mosque to safeguard him from attack.
Why does the BBC also seek to playdown and hide the problem of Islam based ‘extremism’ and also fail to report, until forced to by weight of evdence and other Media being more honest, Khan’s reported links to extremists?
I imagine the naive BBC would love to see a Muslim London mayor, so cosmopolitan…..remind me, just how did that work out for the non-Muslim residents of Tower Hamlets?
It is less than a month since Drummer Lee Rigby was murdered in Woolwich, yet already the incident feels half-forgotten. In terms of the legal process, all is well. Two men have been charged. There will be a trial. No doubt justice will be done. But I have a sense that the horror felt at the crime is slipping away.
The media, notably the BBC, quickly changed the subject. After a day or two focusing on the crime itself, the reports switched to anxiety about the “Islamophobic backlash”.
Anti-imperialist though he is, Mandela was educated with a profound respect for the British culture of parliamentary democracy. It became, in many respects, his model for a multiracial South Africa. It arose from good beliefs inculcated early in life. In our own country today, almost the opposite happens. In our state schools, in mosques, on the internet, in university gatherings, many young people are taught to detest the freedom in which they live. Just as surely as good teaching, bad teaching has its power. We refuse even to face it, let alone to stop it.
..”a multiracial South Africa”..
How interesting. It seems that word has been completely obliterated by the rather more problematic “multicultural”. The difference, of course, being a little matter of sharing a commitment to a common culture. And if culture is not common, to all, then it ceases to be culture in a functional, operational, sense. It turns its coat and becomes, instead of the assurance of society’s continuity, the agent of its destruction.
I am fine with “multiracial” – I have severe problems with “multicultural”.
You missed out the BBCs complicity in covering up and denying the whole Pakistani Muslim rape of young white girls. In fact they went to far as to attempt to have those who did bravely attempt to bring it to public attention prosecuted !
Yes, you’re absolutely right, Thoughtful. But it was even more sinister and devious than that. The same production team that had been busy covering up for the original Muzzie paedo gangs went back 10 years later to investigate why the police hadn’t done enough to apprehend these (enriching) perverts. It’s beyond belief that the BBC didn’t have some inkling of what was going on. Of course they did! However they weren’t remotely interested. They were just hell bent on getting Nick Griffin behind bars. And they very nearly succeeded. The police, although they had been blind, deaf and downright incompetent when it came to investigating white girls being gang raped suddenly sprang into action. At the behest of the BBC.
Roll on 10 years, the same Panorama team, and led by the same producer arrive to investigate why the police had been so bloody useless in the original case. I don’t have a problem with that because they were, but…
The old phrase pot and kettle….