The Guardian is becoming less of a newspaper and more and more of a campaigning, issues led vehicle for the green ink brigade. The BBC isn’t far behind especially with its highly inaccurate and one-sided ‘reporting’ of Race in America….even today it tells us that its programme about OJ Simpson was more concerned with racial issues than the murder itself.
The Guardian gives a platform to just about any disgruntled black person to say the most ridiculous rubbish and present it as truth….a ‘truth’ I suspect most black people wouldn’t subscribe to it being the result of a mind that sees everything in terms of race because that is how it has been trained to see the world…everything that you fail at is because of racism in society not because of your own limitations. Articles in the Guardian, and BBC, just reinforce that way of seeing the world and reduces the black person to a victim unable to help themselves….it is a self-fulfilling prophecy…but one caused not by the usual suspect racists but by do-gooding white progressives who think black people can’t achieve success without their help…and it makes those white progressives feel very good about themselves as they go about their ‘missionary’ duties to the adopted ‘natives’.
Here’s one such black ‘victim’ given a platform by the Guardian to vent his grievances…
I’m tired of being around people who feel intimidated by my blackness
In our society, black is seen as negative and white as successful, leading many to reach for a cultural mask. It’s time we stopped trying to fit in
[The] psychological coping mechanism, the “cultural mask”…the layering of identities that a black person takes on to cope.
As a black person you almost automatically learn to use this this mask in order to survive in a society predominantly catering to a white audience. It shows in different forms – from extremes of self-hate, where all things black are rejected, to coping strategies such as not wearing braids to a job interview in fear of being deemed “too ethnic”. These compromising adaptation strategies help us feel included, avoiding the fear that if one was to show blackness in its entirety there will be alienation and confusion from one’s counterparts.
We are taught that to be black in our society is to be negative and to be white in our society is to be successful, elegant and all those other positive, sophisticated terms. This negative position has conditioned some of us to not only reject our blackness but to become submissive and not speak out about our experiences of prejudice.
Complete nonsense…‘taught that being black is a negative’? Since when? There are many, many high profile, successful black people in the UK.
‘.. compromising adaptation strategies help us feel included‘…you mean like going to a job in a suit or not having a mohican or a crewcut or covered in tattoos or bits of metal thrust through parts of your face? Nothing to do with race, more to do with corporate culture and general rules on what is acceptable business presentation.
The real racists are people like VV Brown who wrote this whinge…..for in reality it is nothing more than a long attack on white people stereotyping them and ‘their culture’ as racist…..white culture, black culture…..can you have a culture based on skin colour….VV Brown is mistaking the origins of differing cultures….it is not skin colour that defines a culture but where that person, or his predecessors, came from and brought their culture from….White Germans could have a vastly different culture to Brits and yet they are the same colour.
Here’s another mad message from the Guardian..this time its a disappointing rant from Nick Cohen who gets it badly wrong…
Farage’s vile views are dominating the Europhobe pitch
The case for leaving Europe could not be racist. If Farage gave us a referendum about immigration, he would turn it into a culture war. Voting to leave would mean voting against racial equality and gay marriage and in favour of confining women to the kitchen and bedroom.
We got a taste of the Trumpish politics that are about to hit us during last year’s general election campaign. Farage announced on a TV debate that he would stop people coming “into Britain from anywhere in the world and get diagnosed with HIV and get the retro-viral drugs that cost up to £25,000 per year per patient”.
In one sentence he managed to “signal” to his “core” that he was against gays, foreigners and scroungers. It wasn’t so much dog-whistle as wolf-whistle politics. Farage was leering at prejudiced voters and telling them how much he fancied them.
Astonishing and highly inaccurate protrayal of Farage and his policies….he wants to limit immigration…therefore…he’s Hitler reincarnated? Cohen has lost the plot……his raging, liberal, intolerant arrogance is fully on show here…..a perfect example of the true mind of a ‘liberal’ who speaks grandly of free speech and democracy but when put to the test shows his true colours….all those UKIP voters….prejudiced, bigoted, racist losers who must be defeated….
Our unfair electoral system may have denied Farage a seat. But nearly 4 million people voted for Ukip. They were the “left-behinds” – the losers, who have been hit by conservative economics and liberal multiculturalism. Their secure jobs have gone and so has their sense of national identity. They didn’t retch when Farage conjured the bogey of HIV-infected foreign scroungers. They cheered, and said: “Here’s a man who isn’t afraid of political correctness… Here’s a man who tells it like it is.”
They want their prejudices verified. They want a stage-army of villains to boo and jeer. Whether the Eurosceptics dog whistle or wolf whistle, they will come, and they won’t care that their behaviour wrecks their own cause, and disgraces their country.
It is for this reason, above all others, that they must be comprehensively defeated.
I always see the BBC’s Middle-Class White Labour voters, as being inferior to Black people. It would explain their behaviour. An inferior losers need to patronise someone, so as to create a selfish feeling of superiority.
They want their left-wing prejudices verified. They want a stage-army of UKIP villains to boo and jeer. Whether the Question Time Audience dog whistle or wolf whistle, they will come, and they won’t care that their behaviour wrecks their own cause, and disgraces their country.
It is for this reason, above all others, that the Pro-EU Traitors must be comprehensively defeated in the referendum.
I can feel already, an undercurrent of division growing in the realm, between the in’s and out’s…..witness the BBC and certain papers saying how ‘intelligent’ and educated are the stay ins…….sorry, i see not, i see indoctrinated, not educated people who are pro in. There will be trouble if we vote in, i can see it, the in’s will be vilified and harassed, or they should be. If the vote is out, they will come for us, either way, there will be unrest for ages…no bad thing.
The Victoria Derbyshire programme, broadcast on Tuesday, had a feature on the impact of gang violence on mental health ( – fast forward to 54:15 mins) which states the bleeding obvious; that people who witness gang violence are at risk of suffering PTSD.
As you will notice in the video, the gang members who agree to talk are unemployable. The message we always get is that they are imprisoned within gang culture, but they most often opt in to the gang system rather than avoid it.
I put it on a par with the rise in wearing the niqab. It represents negativity, but gives young people a sense of belonging. Basically, young people are stupid, and I say that as a fully qualified gold awarded stupid young person of the year 1985. But giving gang culture any amount of credibility by focusing on how to deal with its effects rather than how to obliterate it, is as fucked-up as surrendering to the Nazis and negotiating a peace deal!
And Portillo’s programme which is meant to be about railways in the US is turning out to be about slavery in America – he was at it again last evening. Much as have enjoyed his programmes about railways here, I switched to something else when it was clear which way he was going, again. I suppose he is using the programme to do his own form of virtue signalling. He has sold out, and daren’t face any criticism he might get if he didn’t mention it. If he wanted to make a point, he’s done that earlier, there’s no need to over egg the thing. I wonder what prize he is angling for.
Cull, Portillo does not make the point that, although slavery was awful, very few Afro-Americans seem to want to go and live in Africa. I remember Mohammed Ali being asked what he thought of Africa and replying ” Thank God my ancestors got on that boat ” !
I believe Liberia was founded by former slaves who wished to return to Africa – hence the name.
Stuart, You are right but that was a long time ago ! You won’t find many wanting to go and live there now ! I live in Gambia and visited Monrovia a few years ago. It is a little bit different from Boston , USA !
Oh, quite.. my point was that at one point there was quite a large project which gave at least some former slaves the opportunity to ‘vote with their feet’. Quite daring, really, and I think then as now, most people decided that, exciting as the adventure would be, it was not for them. Particularly as they had just made the jump from slave to ex-slave in their current nation – an enormous step, even if it would continue to be fraught in so many ways.
I’ve been complaining about this particular programme, over several days. I’m glad others have noticed.
You are correct, there is more to come. I’ve just noticed this in writing, on Fridays TV listings:
Great American Railroad Journeys: 15/15: Petersburg to Jamestown: How rail helped 19th Century slaves escape their plight. Last in the Series
I presume they got on a Train, instead of walking to freedom. Unless they got caught, or slavery was abolished? But I doubt freedom means returning to Africa. I presume most of them went to the hideously White North rather than to the shit hole of Liberia.
Yes, we couldn’t avoid slavery in last night’s episode, either.
Later in the evening, on BBC4, we were treated to yet another repeat of Bombay Railway. What a difference – balanced, factual and interesting documentary, with the gentle narration of Bernard Hill. I watched it, yet again, because it was so interesting, and informative, and devoid of messages and agendas.
** ..everything that you fail at is because of racism in society not because of your own limitations. **
More broadly, anyone or anything that fails must automatically be a Victim of oppression, and anyone or anything that succeeds is an Oppressor of victims.
Thus the BBC’s continual war against white people, Israel, men, Christianity, America, capitalism, European culture/nations, and its relentless support for black people, Islam, women, ethnic minorities, gender minorities, welfare, Green activists, and socialism.
The only time the BBC has moral dilemmas is when two victim cultures collide. It resolves them by choosing to support the group higher on the Victim scale. Hence, Muslim migrants are not criticised by the BBC for violating European women in public, because the migrants are more “oppressed”.
You might think the BBC’s feelings about Black people in the USA would lead to much more coverage of Dr. Ben Carson’s campaign for the Republican nomination. Apparently not. What little coverage they do give is largely patronising. Apparently the negative of being a Republican trumps (no pun intended) the positive of being black.
deegee, Black Republicans are Uncle Toms !
How often have YOU heard that Hillary represents black people-and we need a Clinton to renew Bills honorary black Presidency, now that Obama is going?
Channel 4 did this-and Sharpton said the same to boost Sanders campaign.
It`s a tired, lazy and tedious meme-hence the reflex of the BBC and Channel 4 to repeat it ad nauseum.
You`d not know that there was a serious black candidate in the race in reality.
The liberal lying toads are certainly NOT colour blind…unless its suits them…and the brilliant Ben Carson just becomes a face on a packet of rice ass they need it.
Scum….utter lying scum.
On today’s Woman’s Hour, Jenni was interviewing Beth Ditto (an LGBT activist and anti-fat-shaming campaigner and clothes designer). Jenni asked in a concerned way why Hillary wasn’t doing better in the US Presidential race: Beth thought it was because she was a woman. Never mind the Benghazi debacle, the private computer server and e-mail scandals, her appalling sexually predatory husband Bill, her contempt for American voters, her foreign donors, Whitewater, Arkansas politicking, etc, etc, etc – it must be sexism that’s holding her back!
Anti-fat shaming clothes designer eh?
Well unless it`s cutting out tweed and enriching the toe cap of a Doc Marten?…then no wonder the poor poppet is so addled.
Unlike she doubles the doors at Evans Outsize to fit old Camilla with a kaftan, seeing that Demis Roussos has no need to inhabit them anymore.
Fat-shaming fashion designers…will tell the owner of my chippy that he too could be a fat shaming campaigning hypocrite with wee Beth>
Need I ask if she`s a tubster too?
I suspect Hilary’s apparent personality may have much to do with it. Bill whatever you might say about him is very likeable. She is not.
I empathise but I am not trying to be President of the United States.
I used to read the Guardian when a student in the 70s. It was then still a newspaper with an emphasis on reporting and opinion confined to the centre pages. Ok it was left of centre but still recognisably a newspaper. Having picked up a copy recently in a coffee shop, there being nothing else to read, I was amazed at what a rag it has become. Basically the Labour Party house paper full of angst about the left and nothing else. I can’t see how it can survive in the longer term despite its trust fund. At least it has a trust fund in common with most of the privileged corbynistas.
Agreed-and in fact it was sold to us at a pittance to get us to read it too.
Like you-I knew that it was fact based as I understood it-so respected it, and (as it was once the Manchester Guardian) I took some regional pride in it.
Always the paper of choice at the union desk to read…all others seemed Tory and not free thinking…and in the Thatcher era was a rallying point for many of us.
I do wonder when the life support was turned off it…I never saw the vital signs waning…just know it used to be a reputable paper, and now it`s a zombie refugee from Greenham Common who craves Russell Brands pork (well, not pork of course….maybe a nut roast or plum jam)sword up its fundament to remind itself that it still feels anything…brain stem death long preventing ant concepts ot thought for itself and reason for surviving.
I`m guessing it was Zircon era up to Rio via Death on The Rock and Majors election…but I`d stopped reading long before…but THAT era would seem to me the time when it turned catatonic and incontinent.
Worth another post mortem just like “news content” from the BBC and Channel 4-was it 24 hour news or Pilger/Snow type of reportage collage that killed them.
Going to be one hell of a care home for these liberals who no-one believes and are cheap gristle to throw to the Muslim hordes.
Best part of the Guardian are the comments who generally disagree with the articles. But they tell me they have censored the comments now. Or no platformed them as out leftists do
Only slightly tangental to the main topic but BBC related.
The women saying no, ‘afropuff’ hair is not unruly By BBC Trending I did a quick google of ‘African hair’. Many negro women in Africa shave their heads or crop their hair very short; many cover it with head scarves while others braid it. Even those with an ‘Afro’ keep it shorter and neater than the ladies in the photographs. I’m not even going to consider those Muslims who hide it completely.
Unruly ‘Afro’ hair owes far more to 1960 and 70’s Black Liberation in the United States than anything to do with the way black African women actually wear their hair. I wonder if the BBC knows that.
Not just the Guardian choosing to fill its rag with all manner of op-ed crap from serial lefty liars and pollyannas.
News content over the years?…must have fallen off a cliff by now, there`s so little actual NEWS(i.e…new things that are independently and coldly reported).
But if you watch the BBC “News” or Channel 4 “News”…it`s increasingly filled with racial hustlers, gay sob stories and benefit farming agitprop shit stabbers and stirrers.
That`s when Damon Albarn hasn`t some turd for them to spraypaint.
Channel 4 last night had competing grievance mongers from the two Democrat candidates-black with deadbeat dead dad-black with dead sister…white cops of course, Hillary cares…”so why bother with old Bernie?” asks Jon Snowflake #1.
Utter crap-not news at all.
Then up comes one VV Brown-who pretends to be white privilege in her video…but all agree that this could NEVER be seen as racist/offensive to whites…because it couldn`t!
Call THAT news?
Need I go on?…Gompertz/Rooney and sob stories from Macedonia filling the bulletins…none of it news…just sporting escapist and virtue signalling collage crap.
To be fair, the Allah-offal TWATO no longer calls itself “news”-but current affairs and analysis with some news at the bottom of its cage if you care to look.
News died with the 24 hour cycle and the prior “journalism of attachment” of Pilger, Snow(albeit in poncing form)…many of who confused their “time in `Nam” with “time at Nans”…Hillary and Tony come to mind here.
And such fantasists and sociopathic public schooled/public sector lamebrains now head up any news content-using Saviles string vest as a filter to deicide what` furthers the coming shitstorm…and what might make the docile and the bovine uneasy.
THAT`S why they get paid so much…liars and liberals, lotus eating lollards all!
Could do with a longitudinal study to confrim this my theory-which is mine….Anne Elk!
Jon Snow-Consignia in human form…a prancing perversion of real news output.
News – in terms of : What was that, that just happened? (cack-short hand for that old-school journo school saying Who What etc) seems to be a fast diminishing return. We imagine the modern student doesn’t get past Who – visions of a bloke in a blue police box spreading lesbianism through the galaxy
Current Affairs is just a beguiling term for what I call Cause for Concern. How many times now, ‘Here is the news, a shock new report out today says…’ Cut and paste from the PR release or what?
Gobby statistics always saying this and that.
Infotainment and of the worst kind. Virtue signalling used to be just a genre waiting for a name. Why would anyone watch Newsnight or Channel 4 News other than to have their inner liberal tickled. Is it just a plot to keep us biased BBCers grunting at the TV? And it’s everywhere – watch the commercial channels and you would think if you weren’t in a mixed race couple you couldn’t have a mortgage or a new sofa.
Not that I know but back in the day when the BBC was just handing their local news over to their community units and before the local upgrade to regional it must have been UB40 (oh for the days when pop groups were named after governement stationery) who first told of the One in Ten. Tony Blair took this up and with more than 50% of us convinced we were indeed the 1 in 10 played the electoral fiddle whilst Rome burned.
And how the BBC loved our Tony. Don’t forget that folks – it might easily get scrubbed from the record.
One last thought…
How is it the BBC takes up International Women’s Day and runs with it? On whose say so?
This is good AISI!
A Professorship in Media Studies and Jouralistic Facilitative Sciences awaits you here at Wessex Uni.
Good teaching above, maybe the Craig and Sue seat of “Ripping the lefty press a new one”?
Will make a psot card from it-and teach my students that THIS is the basis of old school journalism.
Read Littlejohn, Phillips and Hitchens…with a historical note to Zec and Waterhouse…sadly since those days teenage knicker wringers like Jon Snow and Johann Hari have dominated “journalism”.
Total Raqqas, both of `em…if only they`d go and see for themselves for us all….
Nick Cohen and most of the left would seem to have far more in common with the stereotype he creates that the real people who question his “progressive” views. In fact the whistling and catcalling losers and “left behinds” he refers to, might be a perfect description of an average QT audience. But really, this kind of hominem argument from him and the rest of the liberal clones at the BBC and Guardian to shut down any dissent is getting a bit tedious.
I have just been reading Julian Barnes’s book about Shostakovich. Of course we could never compare the horrors of Stalinism and how any kind of free thinking was suppressed to life today in our so-called liberal democracy, yet…
I often wonder if the quality of Nick Cohens work depends on Seasonal Affective Disorder or his meds being in lockstep?
A terrible and boring speaker-but his “What`s Left” and his defence of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, his fears for free speech being eroded does put him on the right side for the likes of me…and his ability to inflame the Left every so often seems to surpass ours-he`s a licensed apostate,who hopefully is able to live off Saturday Night Fever royalties.
Flawed….as we see above and most Sundays…but he`s with the angels more often than not.
About the only Lefty who is readable too….
Apparently the British Bog Roll Manufacturers Association is hoping that the Guardian follows the Independent and stops publishing in print. The association expects that sales of bog rolls will rise following the demise of the Guardian.
Having worked in nursery and primary schools, it is very interesting to watch the concept of race being incubated in children. When children are 3 they have zero concept of race; give them a game to play where they have to choose a character to play and colour doesn’t come into it – a little black girl will might choose to be a blonde haired white princess, a little white boy may well identify with a black footballer. When they are 5 they recognise that some of their friends or school mates are a different colour, but they comment upon it in the same way that they might comment upon the colour of their coat or socks. However, give it a few years and they are taught history at school: inbetween learning about Henry VIII and WW2 they learn about Slavery (no other topics are taught in primary school history). Suddenly, the black kids have a chip on their shoulder – you can almost see it happening in front of you. For their part, the white kids have begun to be made guilty For What They Have Done To Black People. Thereafter, you find the kids organising themselves along racial lines in the playground. If you didn’t know better you’d think it was by design…
There you have it Ian…i have railed against the toxic education ‘establishment’ for years. They are dominated by left-wing cretins, intent on control of the minds of the young…hence these anti-jewish morons in our Uni’s, unaware of the truth, even though it has never been easier to research and confirm the truth via the net. They are in denial and fools to themselves. We need a McCarthy like purge of the entire education system to eradicate these monsters who are intent on destroying our country.
There is no doubt that genuine reporting as opposed to opinion has been on the wane in serious newspapers . The Guardian is the worst however. I recall that Alistair Cooke always referred to himself as a reporter. His Pygmy successors are of course ‘commentators ‘ or, even worse,’bloggers’. You can still craft great journalism, as Cooke showed, without being overtly biased. Interestingly Cooke started his career at the Manchester Guardian, that great liberal newspaper not to be confused with its bastard successor .
… and of course our wonderful BBC ‘climate analyst‘ Harrabin exemplifies this point perfectly.
So up himself with self-regard he no doubt insists on the analyst moniker. Not for him mere reporting of facts, with all the skills learnt from his English degree he proudly tells the British people what to think. Stalin would be proud.
Actually I think the Telegraph is going the same way … all opinion and no reporting. Maybe it’s the internet effect.