Well, the BBC is hyping up Cameron’s play-acting in Brussels, giving us the predictable soap opera spin on whether Call me Dave can pull off a one minute to midnight victory for Blighty! As if. Anyway, there’s going to vast coverage in the next 48 hours so detail the bias HERE!
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Why is wee Jimmy Krankie on the odious little twerp Marr show ? We don’t care what she has to say- a little boy with lipstick on talking absolute crap. Ask how her plan to run an independent Scotland stacks up now with oil at 50p a barrell.
No more stupid that asking Nicola Sturgeon…or Yvette Cooper…both of who are also boys with lipstick.
Well if that’s the trend my vote’s going to Eddie Izzard for PM. No, not pre-menstrual.
“…a little boy with lipstick on…”
Haha! Made me chuckle. Doesn’t do it for you, then? You know the Ancient Greek proverb…
I would presume she would have taken tips from Erna Solberg about the Oil, though. What with it being approximately the same amount.
Greater Manchester chief Political Correctness Enforcement Officer has opened his god and emitted another meaningless bully word. The point of this post – not being BBC related is in a Labour Voting City and a Labour supporting paper, there are 80+ comments with hardly any supporting the PCEO.
Worth a read at how out of touch the elite really are.
Thought our fuzzy wuzzy Hopkins would be pleased at this “banner nickname” for Rochdale.
Up to now the poor sods have only had Lisa Stansfield and Mike Harding…neither of who will bring much needed “family friendly tourism” to this rather quiet town, nestled by the Pennines.
I see a huge Council payoff here-why not make it one end of the “Pediphile Trail”?
Start at Rochdale-filthy toenails and crap sandals a bonus….and walk across to be similarly entertained by Rochdales twin town over the border at Rotherham.
Now THAT would massage “community cohesion”…unity between historically-adversarial counties of Lancs and Yorks( well Greater Manchester and S. Yorkshire these days…but still).
Good entertainment at both bases(Quedas as they call them) to top and tail the school uniform modelling displays and a chance to test out assorted cables for thickness, should binding or love tapping be your relish.
Works for me-if the “Two Rs Ends”…theme is agreed…I`ll just ask Labour to send me the readies….then it`s off to Calais while the tide is with me to leave a load of brochures for our vibrant Sangatte Sun seekers…
As for Hopkins-if only Katie was in charge of things as opposed to this fuzzy duckie at GMP.
You forgot about, Hideously White Gracie Fields,she was also from Rochdale.
Perhaps the Chief Constable should have taken steps to stop the sex grooming, instead of covering up for community cohesion.
Glad this EU crap will now run for months.
I`m OUT. End of.
This therefore frees me up to do anything but listen to much of what the BBC will be drooling about until late June.
So-will the BSE bunch tell me why we`re trawling through Ted Heaths old files re “sexual matters”-when I want the files trawled to see how that empty suited traitor(with his Muttley_Geoffrey Rippon of Hexham) decided to hand out total fishing rights over the the Spaniards in 1973.
THAT would be worth Wiltshires finest snooping around-s they don`t have to deal with crime as their daddies used to do.
How the hell did Ted give the fishing industry away…did Spain or Russia have something on him to be such a quisling traitor?
Far more important than his weird wiring…we all KNOW he was an odd duck!
“This therefore frees me up to do anything but listen to much of what the BBC will be drooling about until late June.”
I bloody hope not. As one of the more brilliant commenters here, your regular caustic insight is delightful.
Most kind sir!
Guess it means that I no longer have to play “Europe Correspondent” here at this Shadow BBC service that we offer here at Biased BBC.
Rather like “Climate Change”-we have specialists here, I`d say who only need to tell me and I believe it.
Matter of trust…as unlike the BBC as you could get.
I reckon if we structured some of what we say and do here in a mocking parallel of the BBCs puffed up structures and job titles…we could do well.
Unsure if I should apply for the Wessex editor post here-or stay as Mercian correspondent.
Maybe a George R Award for longevity, creativity or whatever….in my time here, know that mockery and cartoons, comedy and songs hurts the BBC far more than polemic.
Neither the Left or Islam do comedy whatsoever-and they`ve not written a decent song sine “Tubthumping”…and that was pretty crap,TBH.
“I reckon if we structured some of what we say and do here in a mocking parallel of the BBCs puffed up structures and job titles…we could do well.”
Ah, but unfortunately there would have to be a pay structure to go with it.
But yeah, there’s a pretty good comedy department in the making here. I for one would think about paying the licence just to see Al-Fawalti Minarets ( http://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2015/12/11/weekend-open-thread-89/#comment-721567 ) commissioned.
That`s good D-D-D-D-D!…or can we say 4D…I did wonder why One Direction(1D as we called them in the ballpool) didnt`b become 0.8D when they lost Zayne.
Then I thought of the kids maths and percentages crap they hand in-and realised that it was easier to wait for the band to fold-than try to explain my maths.
But I digress-could we don linen suits and tempt the talent of “helana hand basket” with a commission?…if I know your pod status, and which delightful dusky chap you get the ” Tallah-aikum” powder from…and where in spiffing Salford you create alongside moi…. I could come alongside in my segway to get “helena H” to provide a treatment.
PS-offer her no less that £250,000 for the first sixteen pages will you-tight budgetipoos!
Hope we can meet on each other remuneration boards before April 6th.
“I could come alongside in my segway..”
For that, 1 million ‘likes’ if only I could.
Reply to Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt:
I’m very flattered you liked the sitcom idea Al-Fawalti Minarets that I posted a couple of months back.
I’ve since completed a comedy sketch that borrows the BBC’s characters Blackadder and Baldrick. Set in the fourteenth century, it makes fun of Islam, the BBC and other issues.
I’ve considered posting details about it (on an open thread), to see whether anyone would be interested in reading it. Lack of self-confidence has deterred me. Do you think it could be funny enough? (Obviously I’ll change the characters’ names for legal reasons.) Would anyone like to hear more?
Hello H. H. B.
Funny enough? If it’s half as funny as You Al-Fawalti Minarets it will be brilliant. Go for it.
You bet I would!
Thanks, D-D-D-D and worrywort. I’ll post up more details of the Blackadder sketch when I have time.
Fortunately, unlike a General Election, we only have four months of drooling to endure. Inevitably, only the ‘IN’ faction will be given any air time – and the BBC will just have to sort of like David Cameron for the duration – but I will be occupying myself with other things while it’s all going on. I’m OUT, too.
Like you, I`m resigned to months of slurry.
But I draw hope from last year-the elite simply don`t KNOW real people any more to ask…nor do they know even how to find them.
Beauty of a vote in a ballot box is that they`ll stay clueless.
Mind you-the OUT bunch DO need to get postal voted banned-especially in those areas the Left like to see get them…normally Anjem and his 1001 voters…all veiled, bridled and unable to ring a doctor in whatever language is permanently stuck into their earpieces.
Coming out of the EU is not coming out of NATO.
The car salesman with AL Beeb are doing their best to mislead and confuse the issue by linking the two.
Why does no one pull him up on this?
Scare tactics and blatant propaganda.
Phew! Well I feel so much better now about the future! Thanks Al Beeb! Silly, bigoted, racist me has the wrong end of the fantasy land stick! All that relentless amount of peaceful enriching done world wide in the name of the religion of peace – IS (founded 1999), Al-Qaeda (founded 1988), Boko Haram (founded 2002), Jemaah Islamiyha (Indonesia, founded 1993)- is nothing to worry about at all. What is important is ‘apparently’ IS are having a few problems in Afghanistan. The answer to the world’s problems is being dealt with by our friends the Afghans. IS are being attacked by the world renowned and hardline pacifists the Taliban and lots of other ROPer peace envoys/militias who even though all follow Wahhabism are against IS so are now the good guys. Looks like the dark days are over.
Looks like this could well be the last post regarding any issues with Islam, as at last Al Beeb are learning from previous mistakes….
As I write this Chris Grayling is being given an entirely unjustified and highly unpleasant, hostile interview by not very crypto- socialst and europhile Jo Coburn on Sunday politics. A good example of how the BBC will conduct itself until 23 June? They are fully signed up to Project Fear.
As a card carrying Conservative the BBBC are parroting David Cameron’s arguments, which I totally reject.
What you say about Joke Oburn is very true. But her monomaniacal Europhilia meant she just could not grasp Grayling’s point about our trade deficit with the EU. The only thing she could have validly criticised was Grayling’s perhaps too naive belief that the continentals would not cut off their noses to spite their faces. She just seemed to be as thick as shit.
I can only laugh out loud when I hear this nonsense about the EU providing greater protection and influence.
Merkel is hoping that NATO ships off the Turkish coast will deter “refugees” from swamping Germany and is begging Turkey to close its borders to keep “refugees” where they are. The Turks can now even dictate what is discussed in the German parliament. There was going to be some declaration condemning the Armenian massacre but a phone call from Ankara soon put a stop to it. The EU cannot control its own borders and has to rely on NATO and Turkey to deal with reality. The EU is a failed state in the making.
Agree . She was at her hectoring worst today. I have noted before that she adopts this style when she is interviewing someone who does not follow the agreed liberal left line . She is much more amenable when she interviews ‘fellow travellers’. This was blatantly displayed this morning when her hectoring of Grayling was followed by a much less confrontational interview with Benn. It was good to see how much trouble Melanie Phillips gave her with arguments on sovereignty that could not , indeed cannot , be refuted. If you believe in democracy for the UK rather than an unaccountable Brussels oligarchy, you must vote Leave.
I think it might be a stress reaction on Joke Coburn’s part. When interviewing someone who holds the approved opinions there is no danger of anything being said that will scare the horses. However, when the interviewee is in danger of revealing the truth then the pressure is on to prevent this.
Mustn’t do anything to upset the hive eh?
An awful shooting spree in Kalamazoo Michigan in which an 8 year old was shot & killed, but why was the BBC so quick to tell us that the shooter was a white male? By any definition racism is the different treatment on the basis of race, and given the BBC NEVER reports the ethnicity of Black & ‘Asian’ killers this makes them an anti white racist organisation.
And-as yet-no further mention of the murder of the imam in Lancashire.
31 year-old man arrested apparently.
The BBC is so loathed, I can only assume it was a fellow Muslim or a blackie attackie.
Had the suspect been white-the BBC would surely have splashed it all over their coverage.
Were I to be completely wrong-and the BBC were preventing me from knowing of the accuseds KKK links_i`d be surprised.
THAT`S how cynical that BBC have made me.
Could I claim for compo here?
Greater Manchester Police said: “Following the death of a male, who had been found with serious injuries at Wardleworth on Thursday 18th February, a 31 year old male was arrested and interviewed by Greater Manchester Police.”
“This male has now been completely eliminated from enquiries and it is confirmed has had no involvement whatsoever in the tragic death of the deceased. Specialist resources from the Major Incident Team have been tasked with the continued investigation.”
But they did point out that the latest mass shooter in the States was white on the 9.00 R4 news today.
Murnaghan’s interview of Farage was a bloody disgrace, it was all about the personalities (and Galloway’s hat) not once were the issues tackled and all conducted in a way using body language that demonsted complete disdain for the interviewee that only an ex Beeboid could do…
The BBBC report from Corby interviewed a lady who said that when you hear the arguments for staying in you would probably vote to remain but when you hear the arguments to leave you would probably vote to leave and she was undecided. When they showed a quick version of the interview guess which one they broadcast.
THe BBC seek out these “oh, it`s so confusing, we need the facts still” kind.
Makes them think that THEY have a role in swinging it for Brussels.
If there is ANYONE who thinks that Calais, Sangatte, Cyprus, Cologne, no accounts signed off in 21 years, Ukraine and horsemeat incompetences….and all-means that we`re STILL better off in the Turd Reich revisited?…they really should get off the voting roll, and get jobs at the BBC…they`re THAT thick!
For Steve (and Neil as well)
Nicely-argued article by Michael Gove on why we should leave the EU. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/12166345/European-referendum-Michael-Gove-explains-why-Britain-should-leave-the-EU.html
He makes just one mistake: In Britain we established trial by jury in the modern world, we set up the first free parliament, we ensured no-one could be arbitrarily detained at the behest of the Government, we forced our rulers to recognise they ruled by consent not by right, we led the world in abolishing slavery, we established free education for all, national insurance, the National Health Service and a national broadcaster respected across the world.
‘respected across the world’!!!
Craig over at “Is the BBC biased” normally listens to Ed Stourtons ” Do the Popes red slippers go with the Persian rug?” show on Sunday mornings-so the rest of us don`t have to listen as well?
Call it Sundae…insubstantial, overgilded crap for Pope Francis as he confuses his mosques with his morgues, bringing empty blessings and bleatings to whichever has the better satanic chills…he thinks its gentle wind turbines though.
In a week where the church has had
a) Pray For Dawkins
b) Hatchet jobs on the Pope(adultery smears)
c) Hatchet job on Walesa(communist smears-he`s a staunch Catholic as well)
d) Dan Walker/Bill Turnbull(the latter wrote some nice piece in defence of faith in the Christian Institute newsletter…they get brave as they`re leaving)
e) Welbys use of the Comminium Prayer…(bit arcane, but any religious programme might see why at the minute)
and-of course-the big one
f) Who`s the bigger Christian-Frankie or Donald?
g)the anniversary of the 21 Coptic Christians beheaded on a Libyan beach by the Med.
Would you not have thought that this BBC windsock just MIGHT have given us a story?
A series of stories so the Church could be made sense of in this week?
Only one of the above was touched upon-the Pope being a seedball for writing to women who were clever or survived Theresenstadt…but that was only because ED wanted yet ANOTHER chance to present us with his faeces?…thesis if you`re spellings ropey!
AND-a game I recommend-count the seconds until
abortion, gay, poverty, abuse,islamophobe, campaigner get mentioned.
Todays was 150 seconds-the winning word ABORTION!
Ah-so THAT`S why Ed led with the coming Irish general election….the only pretext to put this non-story into a religious porgramme….the clever paddy at trilogy uni, Dubbins was one Michael Farce …probably a bender as well!
Utter crap…
PS-answer to f)…is Donald(1 Peter 4.17)
I listened to Sunday’ through a snoozy haze, having forgot to switch off the alarm.
My recollection is as above ie in a 1 hour religious programme there was not one single Anglican story, our established religion. Plenty on Catholics, if I remember correctly lesbian Catholics, and something on immigrants naturally. Just nothing on the actual religion of the nation.
Which when you think about it is par for the nihilist bBBC course,
As I watch from my Sentry Box…
German leaders have three times in a century tried to destroy Europe.
This is the last time.
Roll on June 23rd.
“EU referendum: European reaction to poll announcement”
from BBC website.
I counted 5 FOR EU/staying in and just 1 against.
Is this the BBC’s “Broad balance” on the EU referendum?
While tending the garden this morning I got to thinking about a worst case scenario.
This being Remain win
If this was to happen what next?
I believe that UKIP will grow electorally due to the leave voters from all political parties at last realising that Farage has been right about the EU all along. Our freedom to make laws, our freedom to trade, our freedom to live our own lives without European influence. These freedoms we hold dear as a country supercede any argument the traitor Cameron could put.
Labour supporters will have felt cheated by the Labour Party’s reluctance to have an open debate on the question of EU membership for fear of a backlash. Tories are very split and will feel betrayed by the party. UKIP will naturally hold it’s vote, Liberals? Greens are generally viewed as nonentities.
I am of the firm belief that the level of betrayal that will fester in both Laour/Tory voters will be both bitter and rancorous.
If the Remain group win, then I feel the UKIP vote will almost inevitably soar. There will be a lot of recrimination and political movement. For UKIP it may even mean that 4 million votes will become 10 million, then another referendum could even be in offing .I can only see growth for UKIP.
As a party it is a win /win for UKIP. As a country we almost certainly lose if we remain in a corrupt and undemocratic EU.
I think you are right it is like turning round an oil tanker. But turn it surely will. May take an in vote and more immigration and more EU implosion to get there
I doubt it , people are voting across party lines,once the referendum is over people will return to their natural voting homes. I will still vote Conservative, whatever the result, as they are the best party on the economy. I am voting out, but after that, the issue is settled, for a very long time.
“…they are the best party on the economy.” WTF?
When their party policy is for us to remain within the EU asylum and Camerloon has stated that if we weren’t already members he would sign us up for it? Dear God man – wake up!
That would also be subject to a referendum. The Kippers need, Conservatives, Labourites & undecided to vote us out, but after that, it’s back to normal, won’t be any need for Ukip once we leave, if we stay in then the issue is settled. Kippers can’t keep, going on about, We waz robbed, as, thats it, for a long time, the electorate will just ignored you.
Whilst I admire your (blind) loyalty, there are two points you seem to have overlooked. Firstly, the National debt, it must be about 1.2-1.4 trillion and is getting worse by the week. This is a disgrace and demonstrates a clear mismanagement of the economy. Our interest payments are immense and is at best described as economics for the short term. Only for our children to later pick up the debt.
Secondly, this is more a case of morality. I believe your stance on the EU is correct and you have a belief in your country, so why Essexman, support a party whose leadership supports our membership of the EU.
Remember Essexman, this is a Conservative Party leadership that has a total disregard to sovereignty, is unconcerned about controlling borders, will wilfully lie about immigration numbers-‘no if’s no buts’. and supports an undemocratic structure like the EU which initself is widely accepted to be corrupt.
If this was my party I’d leave it like a shot!
I keep hearing that the result will be settled for a long time that was even fiired at Mr Farage on Sky this morning. He deftly avoided answering it.
Comrades, Brothers and Sisters – I say no to that! If we lose the vote we must take a leaf out of the EU’s book and demand a second and (if necessary) a third until the British electorate understand the question and its implications. The fight must go on until we’re free. Never stop.
The SNP did that – they lost the first devolution vote, told enough lies to win the second. They then lost, fairly convincingly, the ‘Independence’ vote but are lying again to try and get another even though they said before the vote, when they believed they would win, that it would be the last time for a generation.
Well it will be settled either way, that’s the end of it.
It won’t be settled until we’re out. We must use the EU’s methods against them and keep having referenda until we win. That then will be the end of it.
Watching the ‘Marr Show’ this morning, Marr gave ‘Crankie’ a cordial and easy ride, on the other hand, despite his hard questioning of Farage he failed to ruffle the UKIP leader.
Two salient points I got from the Marr show are that Crankie and her countrymen want more immigrants with more benefits? and that Nigel Farage knows the EU parliament inside-out. That’s why all the TV ‘luvvies’ and the BSE (not the mad cow’s disease) people are afraid of him.
He is a modern statesman, Bravo Nigel.
Sorry to say this Essexman, but you sound like a defeatist .
Err No , but once the referendum is over , either way , the electorate which is not obsessed either way with the EU , will round on politicians who do not accept the outcome of the referendum .Once its over , its over, & as democrats, we must accept the result.
The electorate would soon be ‘obsessed’ when the immigration levels go ballistic with ‘open borders’ without the houses, hospitals, schools, doctors, police etc etc
As I said Essesxman you sound like a defeatist.
Where is your British Bulldog Spirit?
“Well it will be settled either way, that’s the end of it.”
If we lose this time there will be a “Round 2”. In a couple of years the EU will need a new treaty to further integrate the Euro Zone countries. That will be our next opportunity, provided we spend the intervening time preparing to force a UK rejection of the treaty. Either with enough anti-EU MPs across all parties or by forcing another referendum.
I notice that Al Beeb and the rest of the ‘MSM showmen’ are concentrating on the differences and foibles of the parties that are campaigning for Brexit, rather than focusing on the main debate – The EU OUT or IN.
Are they all afraid of something ?
The facts?
“as people await his likely final decision to plump for Brexit, Downing Street has concluded that he will go for Leave precisely because he is confident that they will lose”
In a biased act of pure speculation, the airhead Kuennsberg suggests that Boris is really an inner. So, even before he’s officially announced which side he’s on, here’s the BBC undermining him, and the OUT campaign.
Congratulations (for once) to the BBC. They are breaking the news that Boris is backing Brexit.
Just watching the 15:00 BBc propaganda broadcast with it’s stay in EU agenda starting up. Someone from the stay in brigade gives us the rhetoric I expect to run on until the vote. “We are safer and stronger”. Safer because apparently of a terror suspect who fled to Italy and was arrested. So are criminals no longer going to be arrested in other countries?
Anyone else io to put a counter view on this little scene. No of course not, the reply from my last complaint confirms to me the BBc doesn’t even pretend to indulge in unbiased reporting anymore. Wee Jimmy Crankie is on to tell us that an exit will almost certainly result in Scotlands referendum of a generation being re-run. So could be a double win for the English later this year.
If these EU extradition treaties are so effective, how is it that parts of Spain and its colonial possessions are little more than a sunny holiday camp for so many British criminals?
The problem is not extradition trearies but allowing in foreign criminals in the first place.
The first armed bank robbery in the UK was carried out by Russian anarchists, refugees who had fled from Tsarist Russia. Immigrant organised crime gangs are attracted by the richer pickings. When Hungary became a member of the EU, the chief of police in Budapest said acquistive crime dropped suddenly as all the petty criminals were off to Germany. Although it is hardly ever mentioned, shop lifting and burglary have increased rapidly in areas with high refugee concentrations. The Albanian and Lebanese crime clans who arrived German cities tended to be more ruthless and violent than indigenous organised criminals so the indigenous gangs had to raise their level of violence to keep up.
Sounds like Al Beeb are running the campaign to ‘Stay In’ for the europhiles.
We can expect more newcomers to this site over the coming months. All disillusioned Al Beeboids headed by ‘Borris’,
who is after the PM’s job.
D6 (cubed) Wee Jimmie can do one……again. The vote for Brexit involves all of the UK, i.e. Scotland, Norn Iron, Wales and all the English regions, not just her personal fiefdom, as the UK is the EU member.
We ‘shy’ voters sent her hame tae think again partly because we preferred Westminster ruling the UK as opposed to Brussels dictating to Scotland.
Nothing has given me cause to change my voting intentions, i.e. Scotland remains as part of the UK, and the UK exits the EU.
Wee Jimmie wants to import more immigrants to boost her votes .
If Great Britain votes to leave the EU and Scotland becomes independent, surely it has to apply to join the manufactured super state?
By the time they get to that stage the super state will be in a mess, bankrupt, and full of Islamic terrorists.
How the f**k does she know this?! I take it then that the SNP have managed to wrangle away the power to bring a referendum from Westminster in their negotiations over the Scotland Bill. If not, then shut up love. You don’t speak for me and about half the population.
And Dave, enjoy your national debt. *shrugs* Thick c**t.
Britain does have pretty good intelligence and security services and I cannot believe for one minute that the rest of Europe would not be prepared to share information with us (in others words deals outside membership of the EU)
On the subject of membership of the EU giving us advantages with extradition of criminals and terrorists, I don’t recall it working too well in the other direction where we had problems trying to deport certain undesirables and were prevented by the European Court of Human Rights (Captain Hook comes to mind)
BBC Breaking news online still repeating Boris likely to vote for BREXIT.
Personally I am very pleased if he does declare for OUT, because of his ‘celebrity’ status it will undoubtedly up the odds of BREXIT. But just noticed on a lot of other blogs that Boris has a ‘Marmite’ following and was very surprised to see quite a few ‘OMG – not Boris’ comments.
My take on it all is the majority of British people, the most entrepreneurial, charitable, generous, reasonable, courteous humans on the planet can be swayed a little this way or that!
Unfortunately this does make us slightly gullible with our ingrained kindness and cultural honesty to go more for the bleeding heart causes sometimes, when it is definitely not in our interest to do so.
But the big National decisions which we know in our hearts will fail, like Poll Tax and Iraq for example, which the Government pushed through against massive public demonstrations, ultimately fail.
They fail because we can spot the lies, Blair being the epitome of that.
This time we are allowed a referendum. The British people will accept there might even be a short term penalty.
But like the blitz, in our hearts we know we will win the big argument that UK is better off out in so many ways, that any small, short term, negatives will be overcome.
That is why I am voting out.
BBC Online News:
“”EU referendum: European reaction to poll announcement””
“I feel the British campaign against the EU is fuelled by hate politics more than ever”(a German)
“I feel happy about the deal reached by David Cameron, which stayed within the limits of the EU treaties” (a Belgian)
“As a Dutchman and a real European, I would like to see the UK remain a member of the EU” (a Dutchman)
“…. a lot of the points your PM raised make sense, like the problem of social benefits* (an Austrian)
So, that’s how the BBC sums up European Reaction to the Poll Announcement? They interview just four Europeans and they all support the EU.
No doubt, more of this to come. Biased BBC in action.
Who gives a f**k what they think? This is for Britons to decide and not the Europeans; hopefully we’ll get the hell out of Dodge, then it won’t matter a fig to us what the “European reaction” is to anything we do domestically.
The quote from a Dutchman was interesting. The Dutch are quite likely to follow us if we leave.
I think the Danish will also leave given the current mood they’re in after the German migration catastrophe, and the name calling that’s gone on.
They have a right of centre government too.
The mood in France seems to be moving to some radical pruning of the EU or to also leave it.
Only Germany Austria the PIGS and Eastern Europe seem committed, but for all but two of them it’s all about what they can extract from the other two.
I think that Austria is beginning to see some light. They are still an instinctively pro-EU country but I get the impression this immigrant tsunami caught them by surprise plus there were incidents in Austria similar to but on a smaller scale than Cologne. Austria has less than 10% of the population of Mad Merkel’s 4th Reich so can’t absorb too much more. Although still pro-EU I think things are turning and another immigrant swamping like last year may push them to think again.
How to speak like a true brit, a BBC online quiz, but try to access it from Britain:
I get this nice message:
BBC Worldwide (International Site)
We’re sorry but this site is not accessible from the UK as it is part of our international service and is not funded by the licence fee. It is run commercially by BBC Worldwide, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the BBC, the profits made from it go back to BBC programme-makers to help fund great new BBC programmes. You can find out more about BBC Worldwide and its digital activities at http://www.bbcworldwide.com.
I notice Camoron said to Marr that Boris shouldn’t be linking arms with Farage and Galloway; yet he made no mention of Gove et al doing the same.
I don’t much like Johnson and his decision to campaign to leave I didn’t expect, I think it will make Cam’s job as head water carrier for the E.U. here in the U.K. a lot harder – which can only be a good thing.
Compared to the ‘weighty’ reasons that people will decided to vote IN or OUT, my reasoning is very straightforward. I’ve had enough of having the smaller dictats enforced upon us for no good reason. Like…
Doing away with my incandescent lightbulbs – they were £1 for a pack of 2 in my co-op, now I pay over £2 EACH for this modern short lived rubbish and because of low wattage, am destined to sit in permanent gloom – like the Continentals do ! And as there are a million and one to choose from in all formats, a degree in lighting technology might help.
Vacuum cleaners and other small electrical equipment have been seized upon by Brussels to be manufactured with a lower wattage. Sod that ! I want turbo charged everything !
One of the first changes was going Metric – I still don’t understand it, never will, and refer back to feet and inches, pounds and ounces and oh yes, I know where I am when the weather is over 80 deg in the shade – its hot, not 24 deg Cent.
Then they pounced upon the shape and size of fruit and veg. Apparently only straight cucumbers will suffice for those idiots across the Channel.
How can anyone even think of voting to stay IN ????
Well said B – also the U.K. (at one end of the scale) is told by the E.U. what capacity cisterns our toilets can have and (at the other end) has to obtain its permission prior to constructing a new nuclear power station.
The lightbulb fiasco highlights a deep problem with the EU – the way consumers are stitched-up by giant companies and the EU working together.
What actually happened was that the two giant bulb makers that had owned most of the European market were watching cheap Chinese incandescent lamps destroying their comfortable duopoly. Their desire to keep the Chinese out coincided with the EU Commission having been duped by the eco lunatics into believing that the heat given off by incandescent lamps was somehow ‘wasted’ (it isn’t – heat is heat).
The EU effectively banned incandescent lamps from major outlets and replaced them with dangerous, expensive alternatives. Where once you could buy lightbulbs for pennies and anyone could compete to sell them cheaply, now, just as you say, there is a bewildering complexity (making competition difficult), inferior products and huge prices being charged. It’s a rigged market in favour of the producers.
Still, the two big lightbulb makers are happy and so are the bureaucrats and the hippies, so who cares if everyone else suffers? To the EU mandarins we are all just peasants anyway.
Not only is there a bewildering array but the ‘lumens’ given out by many of these bulbs condemn us to live in eighteenth century twilight! Even more dangerous are the now not uncommon exploding halogen bulbs and the CFC bulbs which apparently contain mercury and are dangerous if they are broken.
Spot on aerfen. Were all supposed to pay a fortune to install new holes in the ceiling for all those 35w spotlights. And of course there is a eu directive to ensure only official electricians with their certs can do the work.
Im with you,fed up of peering through the twiliight. I find it impossible to read anything after dark in most hotel rooms, and its getting harder at home as my stash of 100w bulbs gradually runs out.
35Watt? Youre having a laugh, even the halogen bulbs are being abandoned this year (or is it next), we’ll all be forced to use 5W LEDs instead, and they cost a small fortune.
Best stock up on halogen now!
Glad I’m not alone with hatred of the ‘gloom’,. The choice of bayonet or screw, and clear or pearl was simple enough before EU interference, but now its far too complicated, and so with the fear of it all changing again, I bought a supply of something that says on the wrapping equivalent 102w – 8 bulbs = £16.40. Manufactured in Hungary, the fittings look decidedly dodgy, and on past experience are a lot harder to install in the electrical fitting.
Reasons to leave the EU…#99011
Strasbourg were invoked in getting Venables and Thompson released early.
This despite the expressed outrage of James Bulgers parents-who said they be a paedophile risk.
And in 2010-Venables got sent back to prison for downloading kiddie porn, at the highest levels.
Both Venables and Thompson got well-rewarded for killing the toddler.
Very much the children of Major-Blair.
The EU-like its Serenys and its Crooks, its Butler Slosses and its Blair-Booths actually CRAVE these kind of research specimens to “rehabilitate and to heal”.
So are just as evil in their way as the two scum that id what they did in Feb 93.
Vote NO-for James Bulger and his family.
Watching the ‘Marr Show’ this morning, Marr gave ‘Crankie’ a cordial and easy ride, on the other hand, despite his hard questioning of Farage he failed to ruffle the UKIP leader.
Two salient points I got from the Marr show are that Crankie and her countrymen want more immigrants with more benefits? and that Nigel Farage knows the EU parliament inside-out. That’s why all the TV ‘luvvies’ and the BSE (not the mad cow’s disease) people are afraid of him.
He is a modern statesman, Bravo Nigel.
Agent Taffman. My gawd.
Does the BBC seek to be the broadcasting arm of the EU?
Both have white senior elite management, yet preside over diverse populations.
Both favour unopposed immigration.
Both are financially unaccountable.
Both have management salaries far beyond any elected head of state. (http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/485712/EU-chief-to-pocket-1-8million)
Both have vast numbers of staff compared to any comparable organisation .
Both have identical far-left/marxist views.
Both are unelected.
Both reject criticism.
The European Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), anyone?
At least all the Bias will be under one roof.
Dover Sentry
Both have a disdain and fear of Nigel Farage.
Nigel is like garlic to a Vampire and both of the above organisations are such.
taffman, it’s occurred to me that if the UK votes to leave the cess-pit, the BBC will have lost an Ally. Or perhaps lost an ‘Axis’ ally.
I can’t wait for June 23rd. Firkins on order!
if the UK votes to leave the cess-pit our used car salesman is finished along with his propaganda newspeak machine. The sooner the better .
AND-if we voted to stay out…then we need no longer participate in the Eurovision “Song Contest”!
Hopefully, all the other members-and Iran, Turkey and other postal voting associate members-would blackball us, and kick us out for a “time of reflection” on just how bad we`d been.
Vote NO-reason #11099#?
It`s what Tel would have wanted, so let`s send our love up to him by voting to get out!
OH-and in 1976 the Starman Himself! was singing that He was the European Canon that was here( “Station To Station”, title track)
No other was needed-yet we packed him to New York instead.
Shameful….vote NO#1101198!
It`s what David Bowie would have wanted all his fans to do in His honour(PBUH!)
Anybody know how Stewpot or Lemmy would have voted?…
Sorry to interrupt the discussion about the BBC’s Remain campaign but your climate change horoscope, courtesy of Junior Astrologer Matt McGrath, has just been published here:
As you can see it is very detailed and specific. It might/might not be warmer/colder/wetter/dryer at some time during this year or next according to some/most/all climate models.
They get paid by us to produce, or rather cut and paste, this crap.
Yes, and no chance of BBC web-site members (who, if Licence Fee payers, strictly speaking ‘own’ the BBC) being allowed to comment on Matt McGrath’s article.
One of the facilities the Interwebby brings to society is groupings of people who can inform, educate and entertain each other.
Is that not the mission of the BBC?
Although I read that load of drivel as fast as I could, I will still never get that five minutes back. What planet are they on, because sure as hell it’s not Earth!
I shall hasten to my shed to make a papier-mache model showing absolute proof that global warming and climate change doesn’t exist.
I hope Boris keeps a low profile, I’ve always thought he is an accident waiting to happen!
I wouldn’t trust him to jump ship midstream if he finds the sea a bit rough.
‘I wouldn’t trust him to jump ship midstream if he finds the sea a bit rough. ‘
Or is that his plan in order to harm the Brexit campaign?
Quite hoe anyone, especially a professional politician, can be unaware of the issues, pros & cons by now is beyond me.
Anyone still pondering, good luck to them. Any ‘swayed’ to and fro subsequent to a decision, especially as hackneyed BBC ‘analysis’ and selected guest opinion ramps up, deserves all they get.
I agree re Boris – However I suppose that at least now we have a “proper” high profile Tory for the campaign the likes of ” Gorgeous” George might sink back a bit more into the obscurity where he should firmly remain! –
Unfortunately whilst I dont trust Boris the press (at the moment) seem to like him and he probably keeps the sheep more entertained than say Farage (who though I believe has a lot more integrity) Will always be pilloried by the MSM led by the Evil Aunty. However you can bet your bottom dollar that Boris`s cupboard will be even more thoroughly checked for skeletons than before.
I guess if Boris is what it takes to at least give us a chance then I will have to support him 100%
God what a sad state of affairs when on a subject as important as this, image becomes more important than integrity!
Oaknash, I agree with your sentiment but you seem to be forgetting the important point that with George Galloway (Respect) and his supporters, the out campaign could get upwards of 20 million votes and that’s just from Tower Hamlets!
Excellent wronged!
If Galloway is able to get us the postal vote to stay out, at all the carpet bagging towns where he`d have once laid his hat( and a few commie muslima poppets too eh George?)…then we`re home and dry.
Mr Galloway-the Postman Pat of the OUT campaign!
Now ih he wore that FEZ of his….we`d REALLY do well!
Lets try a Muzzie tactic and show our displeasure by throwing shoes at them. As for Politicians being unaware, the question we should be asking is “what’s in it for them?” Self interest is their priority.
worrywort I agree, I’d go further, given the ‘out’ win. I believe those self interested politicians who voted for us to ‘remain’ would be so out of step from the British public, they should immediately resign from being an MP. They would not be fit for purpose.
Would you settle for old glasses cases and boxes?….got LOADS of them to get rid off!
Also-loads of Troops Out crap in the loft-now do I throw the whole Pluto/Virago/Red Pepper set of books at my target one by one-or should I take them to bits and throw them as a series of rolled up balls or paper planes…or “darts in lovers eyes” as Mr Bowie tells me in -yes, you`ve guessed it-the magnificent “Station To Station”(title track)?
Getting my glasses cases now!
Online surveys to follow
Judas ‘I’m a multi millionaire, who benefits financially from the additional media exposure’ Law is straining every last sinew of acting ability to preach to the racist, evil Brits about the plight of ‘kids’ in the Calais media centre (jungle) on Al Beeb. Apparently if these 25 year old + children have family here we should just let them in. Why are they there? Why not claim asylum in the country they arrived in? Why have their parents ‘abandoned’ them? Judas isn’t bothered about any technicalities. By the look of disgust on Judas’ face his sermon will make him feel better about all that wealth and privilege he has. The people who actually live in reality and have to deal with the destruction of our way of life and molestation and rape of our young, innocent girls are not asked again what we want. Why would it matter what the racist, people-phobs think! As long as it makes you feel better judas..
“feel better about all that wealth and privilege he has.” There does appear to be more than a little conscience salving doing the rounds among the chattering classes Tothepoint, must make it easier to settle into your second third or fourth home. I’m not a loather of the wealthy, good luck to them, but being at the sharper end of the employment stick I can see the impact economic migration is having. I spoke to a contractor recently whose team lost out at the 11th hour on a job, undercut by foreign workers, well thats just business people may say. But how on earth are the indigenous British workers with mortgages household bills and the rest of it supposed to compete with lads who have no overheads living six to a room? Rambling a liitle there but I wanted to get that in.
Exactly my point. Its not the fact they have money and privilege but that they feel compelled to make self righteous statements on behalf of everyone else. How the hell can anyone living in a cocoon where they and their loved ones have vast wealth, private schooling and healthcare, be in any position to preach to us about what is the right thing to do for our country. Its only the wealthy and those with vested interests that believe mass immigration has any benefits at all. It hasn’t. It doesn’t. It will bring about the destruction of our way of life. It will reduce living standards for everyone but the wealthy. It will force changes to the principles that have made our nation so successful. It will lead to anger, violence, and death on all sides as tribalism takes hold as people of all races and religions realise that the state isn’t there to protect them at all and when it does its too late. When it all falls around us scumbags like Judas Law will be far away making the most of the wealth and privilege we have given him. What a utter twat!
From the authentic working class lad that was Michael Caine…to this pointless popinjay called Law.
IN one generation.
No further questions yer honour.
This “Sing O The Times” follows on from a previous “From Joseph Chamberlain to Jess Phillips in three generations one I thought of…any more welcome.
I wonder if Judas has had a nice chat with the truckers that are battling to bring into the UK all the goods that he spends his millions on?
And this from a chap who has 5,6 7 kids from more than a couple of liaisons !! I wonder if HIS kids are confused and would like to be reunited with their family (!)
Does anyone know if Steph the business reporter on BBC Breakfast is pre or post-op?
Heard Nigel Lawson “interviewed” by Nick Robinson on Toady, he did very well and slapped down all of Robbi’s arguments for us to remain and quickly dispensed with the Boris issue; it is the way those advocating Brexit must act towards al beebus talking heads, don’t give them an inch and if they make a mistake – jump down their throats.
And the usual BBC trick of broadcasting Lawson at a lower decibel level than the interviewer, thus making him sound less authoritative and making it easier for the interviewer to ‘shout him down’ – as happened this morning. The decibel trick is, of course, used on all unfavoured guests.
Breakfast is in damage limitation mode with Boris Johnson joining the out team after all just like us “he only has one vote”. The line this morning also seems to be any Conservative ministers backing the out campaign are “going against the prime minister”.
North west run story on local ex imam killed in a childrens playground. Apparently some aspects of the story reporting didn’t go down too well in certain sectors. I’m certainly not going to make any speculations. However North west decided to omit the word “childrens” out running the story.http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/south-street-wardleworth-dead-playground-10914239
Until the BBC are even-handed and give us facts…then THIS story from Rochdale just lets my mind run riot.
At this stage-without knowing a damn thing, so relying only on why the BBC shot it into the top of its news for the nation last week…and then gone awful quiet since…only leaves me with the lying scum wanting me to think
a) whitey did it in a race-hate crime frenzy…but, it just might be
b) ex Madrassa lad attacking his old paedo by the schoolyard.
Both are equally wrong, at both extremes and evil-but only ONE of these is wanted by the BBC and the liberal left.
And, as we saw in Cologne-their media weaves take time, are disgusting but eventually cover the scene of the crime until they can contract out an attack on Tommy or Pegida.
I think the bBBC referendum strategy is two fold. One is the obvious bias in favour of Remain and we’ll get a whole series of snide pieces of bias in reporting, selection of spokespeople, vox pop, and all the tactics as mentioned above, such as those mysterious moments of poor radio car transmission that only ever affect the Leave spokespeople.
But the other strategy is to generate enormous continual wall-to-wall coverage of all aspects to bore us all to death.
The tactic will amount to ‘vote remain to stop all the coverage’ threatening by implication that ‘vote leave’ will result in many more months of coverage and speculation, talking heads, etc.
They’ve been at it already like a ferret inside a bicycle pump. I don’t think I can stand even four months of it.
Two wonderful moments as compensation, Sluff, for the start of the avalanche of ‘Rendism on the TODAY programme this morning, BBC R4 8-9am segment.
Forthcoming launch of the New Day newspaper: John Humphrys implies that not only should people be told what to think by newspapers (and by implication all of the media including & especially the BBC!) they WANT to be told what to think.
Humphrys, again, on getting away from the four months of the Referendum campaign. He recites a selection of secluded island getaways, no doubt costing more to travel to than normal BBC listeners can afford for their hols, and casually mentions to a travel consultant contributor the possibility of going to Tasmania. The length & time for the journey, Global Warming & Climate Change notwithstanding, sadly ruled it out.
It is only for multi-millionaire BBC news presenters . . . .
Heard Today at 7.50.
Nick Robinson strewing rose petals before some-she elephant that Obama would have sat astride for advice a few years ago re Syria.
So clearly she knows-and knew fuckall-because the place is a basket case after Obama chose to weigh the dung, rather that read a history book on Russia, let alone any videos/DVDs on Assad/Nasser etc…UAR anybody?( glad I collected stamps now!).
No-this woman moans that THEY were not to know that Putins word is not necessarily his bond…no Wisden, no Queensbury. not even a Wimbledon rule book?
“The cad”-no…let`s go stronger-“the bounder”.
Both Nick and Lady Pachyderm agree that none of this was cricket-Obama disappointed and regretful, and he feels our pain…let`s ask no more, lest he cry!
Only one thing though-all well and good blasting the Russian Patriot-but as you slag off Russia, what about IRAN for Gods sake?
IRAN?…do THEY have a role in backing Assad then?…for neither seemed to mention it ( did bale out early though, so you never know!)
Reckon Robinson and the BBC-Obamas fishstix like Kerry etc…are the REAL Islamophobes-because when it comes to nearness to Shia and Sunni “challenges”…they recoil just as Les did with chives in VIc and Bobs late Night Out!
At least we can now define the cartoon cringers now as Islamophobic, and tell the local mosque of our “concerns”.
Has anyone accused the BBC of being “institutionalised islamphobic”?
So I`m the FIRST with that breaking news!….now lets see that local network of theirs all become kiddies homes to see if I`m not right.
Operation fear is in full swing alright, but I have a feeling that most people have already decided which way they are going to vote, regardless of the MSM and their dirty tricks.
I’m amazed at the amount of people who I previously thought were sensible, who are voting to stay in, this has shocked me to my core.
I hate to sound defeatist, and I do think the vote will be close, but ultimately I have a feeling that we will end up stuck in Europe after the referendum, only in a much weaker position, having played our joker, jeux sans frontier style, and lost.
I also think there will be a great deal of jiggery pokery surrounding postal votes.
Still we can only do our best. One thing I do know for sure, its going to get quite nasty and personal, and whatever the outcome I can see a lot of bitterness and recrimination for years to come, after this, especially from me if we stay in !!!!