Well then, it didn’t take the BBC long to start the undermining of Boris Johnson. I listened to the Today programme this morning and within ten minutes we had two very hostile interviews conducted by Nick Robinson. The first was with Lord Lawson and the second with Boris Johnson’s father. Both interviews were full on assaults on a/ The basis for Brexit and b/ Boris’s character. Between now and June 23rd, Project Fear will be the main weapon in the pro EU camp. The BBC will be a primary delivery mechanism. Why?
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Boris father inteview
I think the interview with Boris Johnson’s father hi-lights the problem with UK politics perfectly. He said, speaking of Boris, he could not think of a “more career-ending move”.
There was me thinking the decision to stay or leave the EU was whether the country would be better off and not about an individuals political career.
Same thing for the BBC. They only see the benefits of the EU to their own selfish corporate needs and couldn’t give a toss about anyone else in the country.
Commented deleted.
The difference here is the BBC are not character assassinating the “stay in” members. Why are they even giving Boris Johnson’s father air time? What next, his milkman?
I know this won’t go down well with many readers of this blog, who hate the natural environment even more than socialism or the BBC, but Boris’s father, Stanley Johnson, has great credentials for commenting on the EU. He is co-chairman of the recently-formed cross-party group Environmentalists for Europe, making the environmental case for remaining in the EU.
For an hour now there has been an HYS on the UK security if we leave the EU .
Looking at the ratings and the comments I don’t think it will stay up long.
The British not following the EU line.
As I write, 3 of the top ten comments have been removed.
Two on the ‘top’ page must have garnered 300-500 in support.
BBC transparency and speaking for the nation at work…
Its refreshing reading, the HYS ratings, it looks like Al Beeb’s propaganda is not working.
‘Back to the drawing board’ ‘Zero’ and your mates, the DG is not very happy .
They have just shut the page, wouldn’t let me on, either that or I’m banned and sitting on the naughty step for having the temerity to always disagree with their seditious agenda!
This HYS is still working but will probably get shut down about noon to 1pm when the BBC bosses finish their round of golf and arrive for work.
Nigel Lawson wasn’t as good as he normally is . When he was asked about Years Of Negotiations if there is a Brexit , Lawson could have said years of negotiations if we stay in , as that is what is happening all the time especially near a new treaty , or even that we would be in a far weaker position viz a viz our European “partners” because we would have shot our bolt if we remain .
I 100% agree Nibor.
The EU is nothing but bureaucracy, talking about what laws they can pass next, in between 7-course champagne meals. They love the paperwork, the conversation, the travelling first-class, the generous benefits, the lavish expenses…
We need to stop their gravy train!
And it’s an unelected bureaucracy as it’s the Commissioners who run the show with MEPs acting as nothing more than nodding dogs.
“Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected.” – *laughs*
I switched on the BBC three times today and on each occasion I was greeted with the image of Boris Johnson’s pro-EU father. Talk about intense efforts to negate the effects of Boris’ decision to join the OUT campaign. Predictable BBC.
What is this nonsense about ‘brexit’? There is no ‘brexit’ and there is no referendum which will result in Britain leaving the EU.
This is merely an official opinion poll to gauge the publics opinion of the EU. It doesn’t not bind the government to any course of action what so ever, and it does not mean that should the vote be in favour of the UK leaving the EU that the government will.
It’s a con trick!
This is not a vote to leave, it is only a vote to express whether you the voter would like to, and that’s very different !
True dat, but it’s still a battle we need to win; The first in a long line of battles to win our country back from these traitors who’ve sold us down the river.
Thoughtful – you may have unfortunately hit the nail on the head. Boris has ostensibly hinted at a renegotiation and that could well be. You are correct, the wording of the referendum question merely asks do you wish to stay or leave the European Union?
A Brexit could be countered by a motion being produced,in Parliament, to approach the EU for a better deal i.e. to stay in Europe. This would be put to the vote in the Commons and guess what it would be carried ( more MPs support remaining)
Cameron has already stated his intention to step down halfway through the reign of this government and he will be replaced by a suitable (lilleywhite) contender.
Maybe contributors on this forum, who are more expert than me, can point out the faults of this premise?
Is Boris a Trojan Horse ?
Think of it , imagine the PR that would give the BSE(not the mad cows disease) should Boris jump back to the fold midstream.
I really hate George Galloway, but this defining issue is much bigger than personalities. It is about OUR collective sovereign democracy and OUR right to vote for or against those people who make our laws. I agree with people from ALL sides of the political divide about the immense importance of fully regaining that right for our people. In that spirit, I actually, for once, enjoyed an interview he had with Jo Coburn, where he tore her to shreds for her childish insistence in only asking about HIM and NOT about the importance of WHY we must leave the EU. He was actually correct. She was grossly unproffessional, childish and showed a total bias in her approach to the EU debate.
It makes me wonder if the BBC is even capable of remaining impartial during this debate at all? I know that the EU pays them not to be, but the law requires that they should be.
I’m surprised you have to wonder. It’s like asking a cat to be nice to mice. They can’t, even if they want to.
As for me, this is the second time I’ve found myself on the same side as George Galloway in a referendum. He was against Scottish independence. It’s a bizarre feeling, but makes you realise this is bigger – much bigger – than personalities. Time enough for that after the bigger picture is resolved.
I wouldn’t trust Galloway on any issue and always suspect he’s got a hidden motive which is either pro-Islamic or part of some other Hard Left agenda. So, for example, I would suspect his reason for supporting the ‘out’ campaign is that an independent Britain would be far easier to convert to an Islamo- socialist state if it’s already free from EU control.
Yes Johnny – George can not be trusted. But on reflection as another post said to me on the weekend thread if he brings with him thousands of votes for Brexit who am I to object. He also made some strong points and certainly highlighted Aunties venomous/bullying side when she meets a someone who does not share her world vision.
It was also quite entertaining watching Jo Coburn get her well frosted knickers in a twist especially when The Gorgeous One put her firmly in her place. (Her face looked like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle I just hope hubby doesnt ask to have any shirts ironed tonight before he goes to the golf club).
On the serious side in WW2 England had to share a bed with both Uncle Jo and a US administration which was determined to see the end of our Empire and of course the ever grateful De Gaul. There was no doubt the war was justified and Churchill correctly reasoned that sometimes you have to deal with less than ideal bedfellows to get the desired result. Maybe even Vinegar Jo Coburn if she supported Brexit.
Although I would be tempted to agree with you (and you allude to what is still only a judgement call on Galloway’s part) I would still view getting out of the EU as a necessary first step.
The rolling back of many of the changes made to British culture simply cannot occur without it.
We can fight the other “necessary” battles with the likes of Galloway once we’ve extricated ourselves from the current horror. In the meantime, his help in achieving this is as welcome as anyone’s.
Wasn’t it Churchill himself who said that in the battle against Hitler he would be happy to give Stalin a good reference if it kept him on our side…Or to that effect.
Until now, I`ve been completely unfazed by Boris Johnsons decision to join the Leave campaign.
Boris is a shallow puffball, but he DID work in Brussels as a hack-so seems to know more than many.
But the bile thrown at him-from (usually calmer voices like) Nick Cohen…as well as endless niggles at him and his decision all day from the BBC..tells me that these celebrity addled pro-EU sponges are FURIOUS at him!
So trhey must know it`s going to matter to them
So then-welcome Boris-if you`re winding them all up on the liberal left then we salute you!
Boris, George , Nigels ….got some unlikely pals to pray for now until 24th June then?
Nigel is the man to listen to . He’s knows the EU Parliament inside out , that’s why the media and the ‘pro in’ are afraid of him. In fact he knows more about the EU than the PM.
So then, predictably the bBBC and Remain have focused on attacking the personalities of the Leave group rather than discuss the issues and merits of belonging to the EU.
So, lets play their game for a while.Let’s look at some personality’s. Surely, the biggest and most important member of the EU is the leader Mr Junker. He is the true leader of the Remain group where EU matters are concerned, not Cameron.
Junker, ex Prime Minister of Luxembourg. He used to advise and encourage companies like Amazon and Paypal to position their Head Offices in Luxembourg and thereby avoid paying Corporation Tax to this country. All the while he talks about uniform taxes across Europe, what a hypocrite.
This corrupt EU organisation haven’t declared an audit for over 21 years because the missing of unaccountable Billions of euro’s.
The EU has built nine airports across the EU and hardly a plane has landed on them, we give the 55 million pounds a day and get only 21 million pounds back in rebate, leaving a shortfall of 34 million net. They then tell our government how that money is to be spent, not on schools, hospitals but on needless arty monoliths. Cameron wants this country to be a part of this disgusting financial mismanagement.
Can someone anywhere tell me exactly where does 55 million pounds of our money go every day. This should be a National Scandal, why isn’t it? Yet we/the press/ moan bBBC about MP’s expenses of just a few thousand. What the hell is going on?
Another Remain personality.
How about the patriotic Richard Branson who pays all of his taxes into non EU Switzerland to avoid paying tax to Britain.
We now know that Ted Heath knew all along the intentions of the EU, he was just a very dishonest man, we were told that we would be joining a trading group of European countries called a Common Market not a political union. We did not join on these terms.