Good to see another version of what the BBC regard as an eclectic mix on the VD show. Yoof strongly represented, if visually disturbing. Mandatory ‘person of colour’ raised the very red herring of ‘More UK ex-pats in Spain than Spanish over here’ cleverly overlooking the fact that 90% are retired, take little or nothing from the Spanish economy and contribute significantly more. Strange representative from the cast of the Mikado made gurning into a new art-form and a person of uncertain sexuality contributed mauve hair to the discussion. Saving the best to last, the towering political intelligence that is Norman Smith was on hand to offer valued opinions and expert analysis. What’s to criticise?
No scepticism from anyone? Refugees from Iraq lose a cat on Lesbos; it is recognised as a ‘refugee’ cat at a fishing village, presumably because there are no stray white cats on the island; treated by a vet, cared for and flown by a volunteer to Berlin, because that’s what one does with found animals; it’s owners identified in Norway and reunited with the feline. Tears of joy all round.
I would just like to mark the passing at the age of 97 of Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown RN, Britain’s greatest ever pilot. He flew more types of aircraft than any other person, including captured German machines, he made more carrier landings than any other person, he made the first landing on a carrier by a twin engined aircraft and a jet aircraft. He was, in short, a genuine British hero. Predictably, therefore, when Nick Robinson was introducing an obituary piece on Captain Brown this morning, he called him an RAF pilot.
They can’t get the simplest things right, yet we are expected to trust them on the compex issue of Britain staying or leaving the EU? Don’t make me laugh.
It’s just a shame Captain Brown won’t be with us to vote in the referendum. RIP.
Dozens of attempts to load the page again this morning, it really is the single worst website I visit! It’s made worse by the fact that who ever designed it seems either unwilling or unable to fix it !
You can’t have tried Breitbart London. Just when you think it’s finished loading, something else starts up which makes the page unresponsive, until your several attempts at scrolling the page all get recognised at once.
Roland, I find most news websites slow to load and even slower to navigate. I think it might be due to the large amount of advertising – particularly video – they contain which results in multiple threads of Flashplayer being fired up and then running concurrently.
There’s also a piece of adware called AdChoices which downloads itself onto your system and which seems to kick in for certain websites. I’ve yet to find a way of getting rid of it but suspect even if I do it will find a way of quickly re-installing itself.
Grace Dent presents untold stories of 21st century Britain. Young black film director Michael Jenkins is making a film about Padstow’s Darkie Day. It’s a long standing tradition where local residents black up their faces and process through the streets singing and dancing. The locals are defensive about their celebration which is part of their Cornish identity. Despite what outsiders think they say it has no racial overtones, but they did change the name to Mummers Day after complaints prompted MP Diane Abbott to call for the festival to be stopped. As a young Black British man Michael wants to experience it for himself and capture it on film. Will any of the town’s residents accept his invitation to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about Darkie Day’s origins and meaning? Is political correctness making it worse? This is a story where modern Britain meets medieval history in a clash of cultures.
This write up is hugely camouflaging the reality of a Black man who spoke favourably of the UAF (probably a member as he mentioned filming for them) and spoke of the EDL and UKIP in the same tone, Massively admiring of anti white racist Diane Abbot and obviously a massive race hustler and hater of white people himself.
This was an attack on white people and there culture, and it is no surprise that this is the kind of person the BBC sees fit not only to employ, but to also promote his private work too.
Here’s his facebook page, see what you think of him:
Of course the balance to this would be to broadcast a piece by Tommy Robinson pointing out the racism and violence endemic to Muslim culture in the UK, but then that would be ‘waycist’ and remember it’s only waycist when they say it is !
So an Inner London MP want’s to dictate to a community 300 miles away about a valuable culture she neither knows or cares about and has probably never ventured any further West in the UK than Bristol.
Listen Abbott you keep harping on and shoving about your bloody culture in our faces and we have no say in it, so keep your nose out of our culture and FRO….
“Will any of the town’s residents accept his invitation to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about Darkie Day’s origins and meaning?”
Who the Hell does this punk think he is? He goose steps into a town 300 miles from where he lives and starts issuing passive aggressive demands that the inhabitants submit to a show trial.
When have the BBC ever demanded that Diane Abbot or David Lammy – actual public figures – ‘sit down and have an honest conversation’ about gang culture?
I don’t profess to know anything about Darkie Day, but my local Morris dancers use black face makeup, and presumably have done so for hundreds of years. How unsurprising that the BBC has decided that it’s perfectly legitimate to spend our licence fees on this nonsense. This is little more than a platform for yet another “anti-racist” to claim spurious victim status.
The left are so fond of telling us that no one can define “Britishness”. Of course you can’t define something like that in simple terms any more than you can define what is art or why we like a particular type of music, but that doesn’t mean these things don’t exist. National identity has always been connected with community and local tradition, which is why the left try so hard to crush anything that reinforces this. It’s not that Britishness doesn’t exist, it’s that the left don’t want it to exist.
…..” but my local Morris dancers use black face makeup, and presumably have done so for hundreds of years. ”
A couple of years ago I was in Panto and had white face make-up – for the role of a Geisha girl. Didn’t experience any outcries of racist then. Funny that. Also it seems that only white actors blacking up are decried, yet not a problem when making up as other nationalities.
Excellent. Shame that a white person would find it hard to get away with such a firm response.
What I find highly objectionable is the claim that white people have had everything handed to them on a plate or simply “stole” everything that has contributed to their present position. Even a brief analysis of history would show that most of it was due to creativity, hard work, invention and superior organisation. Factors that are still conspicuously lacking in many other parts of the world (but now being imported on a sizeable scale).
Same in Essex, the Blacked up Morris dancers attend my local Camra beer festival, & no one batters an eyelid. If the Guardian /BBC all turn up they can just go fuck themselves,& I would throw them out personally.
The reason that people like him have this sense of entitlement as you correctly put it, is that the BBC et al have given them it! The BBC are obsessed with race and slavery and they portray everything in terms of white is evil , black /brown is pure and good, and that white Brits have a massive and enduring obligation to to black and brown people. This attitude runs through EVERYTHING that they broadcast. So is it any wonder that Jenkins believes that his views are more important than those of white folks, or that he has right on his side when he attacks centuries old English traditions. He probably thinks that all the white folks in Padstow will agree with him, because after all, the BBC give the impression that the whole of the country follows the liberal left values that they do. I wonder what lefty Rich Stein thinks? Even if was worried about the attacks on the traditions of home town he wouldn’t dare say anything that might upset his pay master and the rich liberal elite who dine at his establishments in the town.
Sadly I expect that within a year or two he will succeed in getting this centuries old tradition either stopped or turned into something that doesn’t offend even the uber sensitive souls who are determined to force us to conform to their views. The BBC is in the vanguard of the decades long attack on our culture and they are winning . So much of Englishness has already been lost and the rest will be gone in another decade or two.
I would love to see an al-Beeb documentary, warts and all, about the main collaborators in the African slave trade, and some of the chief slavers but I am guessing it wouldn’t fit with their progressive and revisionist narrative.
Indeed. Nor will the BBC ever admit that actually, there were a lot more white slaves in America than Black slaves.
… Or that the very first actual slave owner in America, (the man who brought the court case ending the right of those who have paid off their indentiture for passage to America to have a right to their freedom), was himself black.
So we have a history of Arabs and Blacks enslaving other Blacks across Africa and Asia. We also have the forgotten masses of white slaves (indentured labour and those press-ganged into labour for “slave owners, millions of those being Irish.) and you have the legal ending of indentured labour which created what we know as American slavery being created by a case of law brought by a black slave owner refusing to give up his “slave” once the indentured debt was repaid.
This hardly fits the BBC’s narritive though, does it? I mean, it pains them to admit that what we think of as “slavery” of Blacks was actually ended by the “white man” And they are disgusted that our government paid British slave owners compensation for the financial losses they suffered once slavery was ended.
What was common (and is still misconstrued as slavery) was indentured labour, which was a legal contract whereby people who did not have the means to travel could have it funded in return for their labours at their destination’s end. Of course people who were still owed a fortune under these contracts should have those legal and lawful debts compensated, for the moral good of agreeing to end slavery.
This is a story where modern Britain meets medieval history in a clash of cultures.
Funny, but I can think of several more serious examples of a ‘clash of cultures’ in ‘Modern Britain’ which the BBC time and again turns a blind eye to (and with the likes of Jenkins on it’s speed-dial list, it’s no effing wonder).
I had the misfortune of hearing this.
He certainly wasn’t the shiniest pebble on the beach!
Just an interfering idiot going out of his way to try and find things to be offended about.
Do you think I can claim for the trauma I suffered when I watched a Ugandan tribe enjoying a ‘racist’ Whitey Day when I lived in colonial East Africa as a child in the early 60s? The tribesmen were plastered in white mud or chalk for some reason, possibly ceremonial. (Picture the Black and White Minstrels in negative.) If you want to see the colour photo (it’s a hoot) look at: (My brother put all our Kenya/Uganda/Tanganyika colour transparencies up online. The Uganda section is especially good.) I hope the link works.
The food morons are at it again. This time a ‘science writer’ on You And Yours. Apparently she has co-written a new book on food adulteration, which is an interesting and relevant subject. At the end, however, she was asked (predictably) what she ate, which was fair enough as she seemed so fashionably opposed to the food the rest of us consume. Yes, you guessed it – locally produced, ‘natural’ ingredients whose provenance she knew. Anyone who follows these matters could have written the script for her. Oh, and she doesn’t like the fact that modern food is cheap. Apparently, we should be spending more on it.
But what of the listener in Derby, Doncaster or Dunstable, who doesn’t happen to live yards away from the organic quinoa smallholding? What of the pensioner who can barely afford a tin of sardines?
What these clowns fail to appreciate is that whether it conforms to their emotional longing for the 18th Century or not, modern food is clean, mostly nutritious and cheap. It isn’t perfect and yet lifespans keep on increasing, people are not dropping dead of malnutrition and most have sufficient. If these middle class hippies had their way there would be widespread starvation and where there was not actual starvation, there would be serious malnourishment.
As ever, the BBC promotes the nonsense fantasies of the latte-drinking classes. Sorry, Dahlings coffee is imported. Think of the food miles!
Listeners in at least one of those towns beginning with D are not worried one iota by their ultra-green organic food options. They are actually pre-occupied with the influx of Romanians and other such living 10 to 20 in a house, set up like youth hostel dormitories or with mattresses which can be piled up in the morning, loitering round in the daytime, and emptying their rubbish out into the street for the council to come and clear up regularly. Remembering that if you or I did the same we’d be up on a charge.
Not a problem for the mansion-owning, Guardian-reading, open-door immigration class of course.
Still, we’ve at least got a chance to do something about it now.
Priceless interview on Politics Today where Galloway flame-throwered Jo Coburn (aka Corbin). Like him or loath him, Galloway is a master of rhetoric, as he very ably demonstrated when some years ago he was called to account by a US Senate Committee- he chewed them up and spat them out. I have been waiting a long time to see someone have the balls to put down Coburn and although Al beeb had tried to ambush him- he was having none of it- “childish, tabloid journalism”.
One can only hope Boris and co will take a leaf from his book.
Devastating stuff from George-and Rooster can only reboot and say the same thing again.
Even the loudest Lefty dwarfs the best BBC “current affairs” cipher….she really needs a chaperone like Neil….every time she`s on her own , she makes Martha Kearney sound like Jade Goody….that is a step up, at least.
Poor Martha got a scorching for similar rainbow trout that she chose to throw into Anna Soubrys mouth a few minutes ago…Soubry spat poor Marthas pretensions and randomly phoned-in rubbish back into her muffin mix.
THESE are the tactics that George and Anna are showcasing for us…about time the BBC got ripped new holes to blow from in their lazy indifferent , arrogance and ignorant lines of questions.
Jo and Martha….send for the Cheeky Girls)-Lembit to chaperone them both until Gert and Doris show up.
Could be a good run-in this, if ALL politicos shaft the BBCs pretences and tabloid bollox as did George and Anna!
AND-I `ve just listened in to Nigel Lawson on this mornings Today.
AND-along with Galloway and Soubry as I `ve said HE TOO got the BBC slurry on personalities and Tory splits.
Clearly a BBC tactic-hope they go “all George” on their quiz show oafs, and flame them.
And Robinson said that this might unseat Cameron-but he`s going soon anyway…oops, the BBC won`t be using THAT one again.
After Lawson-we had some Charity quangocrat called Sir Stephen Bubb( oh, that`s the name innit for his ilk) “bangin` on” about disabilities…and they need more money, more BBC investigative programmes.
And then I thought-oh yes, Bubba!
The Mail know him VERY well-this was one from a few years before, but his like won`t ever be asked about wasting public money.
Not with Junket John due a trip to the ouzo vines in Greece before the bloody gimmies nick his pine trees.
Wonder which is the bigger leech-and is there a lifetime award for it?
Hump or Bubba?…let the phonelines open.
Bubbs birthday cake was presumably an attempt to keep him at the club…Yaya Toure at Citeh, sadly set the post-cedent for this kind of thing.
Reasons to leave the EU#110097
Because Louis Van Gaal is about to lead us out of Europe on Thursday-and if its good enough for his fops, it`s good enough for me.
Adam Johnson for our next boss!
That’s right George stick to the facts and policies. The ‘Remain’ have a weak argument in their opposition to freedom, democracy and controlling our own borders.
Now let’s see more long overdue humiliation of a disgustingly EU funded biased BBC.
This has prompted me to view the whole ‘interview’ later today. The egregious Coburn is well know for her left-wing bias, but her performance in the Galloway session sounds to be appalling. Of course, we all know her ilk and most of the BCC will do anything to provide a ‘Leave’ spokesman with a fair platform for explaining their case.
I certainly don’t agree with many of Galloway’s political views, but in his RT programme he is a very fair interviewer, allowing his interviewees (of all political persuasions) to speak without interruption, then following up with a polite and quietly spoken question. It’s almost a masterclass in the sort of interviewing we yearn to see on the BBC.
The only point I’d take issue with in Georgeous George’s excellent series of rrrebuffs is his use of the word tabloid since the Guardian is, at the time of writing, still a broadsheet. Mind you, with the pressures the august title is under, saving money on newsprint must surely have been discussed, even though the arms wide ‘Look at me, I’m intelligent’ factor on the train will severely reduce.
The other significant point about this interview, and indeed most such confrontations, is that people like Coburn, Kuenssberg, Robinson, Marr et al are far more interested in scoring points and making ‘quotable’ asides than asking actual, relevant and pertinent questions. The complete opposite of effective journalism, of course, but evidently well worth mega-buck salaries.
Well, I gritted my teeth to watch that pig Galloway (who never met an Arab terrorist he didn’t like) and I believe I have a glimmering of understanding now of his anti-EU position: as a dictator at heart, he deeply resents dictatorship of the British people being outsourced to the EU.
Of all the techniques the BBC uses to push its agenda the most effective by far is omission. They usually dodge the charge of bias by pointing out that they do usually give some attention to both sides of the argument.
But what about the the issues they never cover:
• That Islamists are not a “tiny” minority but a very substantial proportion of Muslims.
• Where the money comes from to pay for all the stuff they think the govt should provide. But to be fair to them I’m not sure if anyone at the Beeb actually knows the answer to this question.
• The vast cost and anti-democratic nature of the EU.
• The nasty reality of Labour’s racism. More at
• The vast downside of “green” energy.
Yes and then there are the many news stories that somehow escape their gaze. If it wasn’t for Breitbart and a handful of others, some issues would receive next to no coverage at all.
The BBC chose to bury the serious anti Semitic nature of the Oxford University club see BBCWatch .org. These extracts from Dan Hodges in the Telegraph 17th February makes links with the racism in the Labour party .
Labour also has to realise this is not an accidental but an institutional and systemic failing. It is not “a few bad apples”. Whether it’s the leader’s easy tolerance of racism from his own personal acquaintances. Or the collective endorsement of racist policies such as the boycotting of Jewish speakers or goods. Or the casual racism expressed and tolerated at demonstrations or campaign meetings. Or the racist harassment of Jews on university campuses. Labour is a racist party now.
This is not another “Jeremy Corbyn” problem. Yes, his own tolerance of racism has exacerbated it. But everyone in the Labour Party has tolerated it. Ask anyone about the racism embedded in the Labour Party and they will shrug. “Yeah, anti-Semitism is a problem. But what can we do?”
I’m sure that there are people who have spent a lifetime campaigning against what they would call “Zionism” who are not racist. In the same why I’m sure there are people who have spent a lifetime campaigning against immigration who are not racist. That’s not the point. They are now being used as human shields by a lot of people who are racist. And that shield has to be stripped away.
What is the point of “Start the Week”? More specifically what is the point of Andrew Marr? I tuned in to this morning’s offering on “Future Economies”, which was basically a talking shop for like minded individuals – no real discussion or opposing points of view. Marr has real difficulty listening, frequently finishing other peoples sentences with his own conclusions. Perhaps they all agree with him. He obviously thinks they do. In fact he is completely incapable of recognising that there may be an alternative worldview to his own. The BBC encapsulated in one man.
3 out of the highest voted 10 comments have been removed because they ‘breach the house rules’ – i.e. they referred to BBC bias. Does any other western news organisation go in for this degree of censorship?
This is why the BBC has decided to cover this referendum in a “broadly” balanced manner and refuse to give coverage to opinion polls. It is the only way that they can ignore a vast majority of people deciding to vote leave in the last 2 weeks of the campaign and still keep reporting to us that “leave” is a fruitcake nutter opinion.
Cameron’s failure to get the FTSE 100 companies to endorse “remain”, even with the weight of Her Majesty’s civil service doing the bullying is surely a very good sign.
Of the three issues which this referendum is about, Economy, Sovereignty and Security of our borders, the Remain side are losing very heavily on the Economy. More and more inward investment decisions are announced regardless of whether we are in or out. More and more companies are staying neutral to ensure they are not picketted or attacked, thus stopping themselves being used by the “remainiacs” as a political football.
They have lost completely on Sovereignty, which is why they pretend that Sovereignty is a alien concept which “literally nobody cares about at all” Whereas sovereignty is the reason the Suffragettes existed. It is what drove on the Levellers to success and It is the reason why millions of men fought in two world wars. If Sovereignty were not so important, why did the Levelers exist? Why did the Suffragettes suffer for the vote and why did millions fight in two world wars?
That leaves security. Well on pan-national threats, we rely on NATO for that and it still works for us. On individual threats, then being out of the EU to control who is allowed through our borders is the only sensible solution. Once we get out of the EU, our individual security may not be great at first, because there may be terrorists here that we could not stop, because they have walked in already with their EU passports. However, our security will continuously improve over time as we stop them at the border and send them back.
1) It was the timing of the programme that was the problem because someone at UKTV had mislabeled it.
2) Who exactly owns UKTV? Oh yes 50% BBC 50% Scripps (USA).
3) Would not a more appropriate headline be “UKTV half owned by BBC Worldwide Broke Ofcom rules”?
I wonder if as part of the ruling Ofcom ordered that the decision be put on BBC online and if they did if they will order the propaganda ministry to put their name to their mistakes and stop trying to imply it was anything Derren Brown did.
I had a peep, and its still there, worse than ever. A constant roll of fast moving images of young BBC employees, playing about in the Broadcasting House Toilets. I think this will continue until BBC 1(+1hr) comes out of the Toilet.
“The pound has already dropped more than 17% against the dollar in the last 18 months, partly due to the outlook for UK interest rates.”
It’s a volatile market, at the least the BBC is good enough to tell us “”I don’t think investors are saying Brexit is good or bad, but it’s the uncertainty,” said Simon Smith, chief economist at FxPro.”
On the flip side of it though, and what the BBC isn’t telling is this: The FTSE is currently up 88 points, nearly 1.5% in a single day !
As much as I detest George Galloway, he was right to point out that he was ambushed by the Daily Politics.
The BBC are so used to getting away with this tactic, as on Question time, with an audience loaded with Labour activists, that they were shocked when he challenged them on it.
I can’t believe I’m saying this…….but good for you George.
I disagree with Galloway about most things but I watch his RT show. He is a good interviewer and I imagine he finds the kiddies on the BBC just not up to the job.
I remember a technique that the BBC could learn from Galloway. Used by him to get Piers Corbyn to talk Politics. He said “You don’t speak on behalf of your Brother, but you do have an opinion of your own” and then Galloway was able to ask him about politics.
Climate Change and the EU, and even on Iraq, Galloway seems more sane than I originally thought. Certainly more sane than anyone still employed with the BBC.
I echo your points about Galloway . At least he took on Jo Coburn, who is downright nasty with people she doesn’t like. Of course these folk are usually Tories. This woman is out of her depth as an inquisitorial interviewer . Andrew Neil makes her look even more inadequate on the days he is hosting the programme.
They take a forensic look at the evidence that the climate is indeed changing, how we know that we are responsible, and what can be done to stop it. The scientific willing may be there, but is the political will finally catching up?
All agreed then – the science is settled, despite what the satellite and weather balloon temperature records show.
And they call this a scientific programme?
This propagandist shite will have Reith spinning faster than the Hadron Collider….
Actually, the BBC honestly calls this a comedy. So this must be why the Head of Comedy, Jon Plowman, was at that fraudulent BBC Climate Change Seminar. This is the product of that seminar.
Not all that funny, but the jokes are.
(1) The Climate is always changing.
(2) We now know that we are not responsible.
(3) To stop the Climate from Changing would need either the ability to regulate the Earths cloud albedo, or Atmospheric pressure. Nuclear bombs could be used, but I guarantee that something would go wrong, making things much worse than just adapting to a warm period or mini-Ice Age.
(4) The Environmental activists in the Grantham Institute and the Tyndal Centre make sure that the scientists are bribed into being willing to commit scientific fraud.
(5) Other than upper class twits from Eton, the political will is very slowly catching up on catching out this scientific fraud.
With effects as savage as the norovirus, I have just been brutalised by another agenda riddled hellfire missile of an article on Al Beebs webshite, telling us “Holywood has inclusion crisis”! Stats were everywhere to shoehorn the “minorities have a bad deal” narrative. The important stats like “was the film shit?” or “what racial/gender of the audience who actually watched and paid for the movies/shows?” doesn’t come into it.
Ability, quality, demand has absolutely nothing at all to do with entertainment in the eyes of Al Beeb and like minded fuckwits. Its all about box ticking. Eastenders anyone? Discrimination at its finest
This would be the same Hollywood where films portray every judge and police chief as black (always intelligent, always honourable) and every villain as white (preferably English)?
I thought the “Who are you?” quip, by some Tory backbencher, during Comrade Corbyn’s tedious response to Camerloon’s referendum statement in the HoC this afternoon was priceless; even the ventriloquist’s dummy sitting next to him (Andy Burnham) struggled to stifle his mirth.
And the poor old fool-old Corbyn-simply didn`t get the fact that he`s a leaden laughing stock.
Absolutely no comeback, no humour-just a Paddington bear kind of stare that made him even MORE helpless.
Not so much slow on his feet…but in need of orthopaedic shoes and some castors on his zimmer…would fatty Abbott don the plastic apron and dribble spoons to help the old fool out of the chamber( pot).
Felt sorry for him really…but we all know that the left only laugh at the deaths of old opponents…sad sods.
Cracking joke. Sometimes MPs can get it hilariously spot on and get one’s admiration. Humourless dour Corblimey not in the least amused. Bird on left laughs then remembers she’s supposed to be offended. Blokey bloke on right at least has the good grace to continue finding it funny.
More & more comment about the false referendum which is not being head on the BBC.
The UK is the EUs second largest contributor and there’s no way they are going to allow us to leave. All the other contributor members would be expected to make up the shortfall, something which many would find completely unacceptable.
After a decision to leave negotiations have to begin, only they won’t be negotiations as most would understand them, in that they won’t be about the UK leaving, but in what the EU can do to allow us to stay. Only a committed leader could actually fight his way through this, and there’s absolutely no way anyone could describe Cameron as being committed to leaving.
Once a new relationship has been negotiated, it will be down to a second referendum, and so on until the right result is returned.
Something must explain Boris’ decision to refuse to lead the OUT campaign and refuse to debate alongside Farage and Galloway against Cameron, Sturgeon and Corbyn.
I don’t get David Cameron’s scare tactics. He says if we vote ‘leave’ we will increase migration and will endanger national security. Why, when we can controls our own borders? Unless he means he’s a weak PM and needs the EU to do it for him. Also, he stated we will be more susceptible to Paris-style attacks. Isn’t France in the EU and they still got attacked.
The whole government machinery is pathetically weak. TV news this morning (SKY I think) reported on the large number of illegals, some with convictions, that the UK authorities have simply not bothered to deport. The report didn’t actually say “not bothered”, but that seemed to be the message.
Leaving the EU would not in itself solve the problem. We need to get some backbone and understand that a degree of self interest is not racist or evil. We’re destroying the advantages that attract immigrants in the first place. We need to solve the problem of our native dross, not attract more.
We’re an island for God’s sake; it should be easy.
oldartist February 22, 2016 at 1:21 pm
“….The left are so fond of telling us that no one can define “Britishness”. ”
Not sure where I read this but here goes…
If you need a definition of hunger you are not, and never have been, hungry.
If you need a definition of pain you are not, and never have been, in pain.
If you need a definition of Britishness ……
Members of theNUS are attempting to no platform an anti-racism campaigner who founded Hope Not Hate because he is apparently “Islamophobic”.
Nick Lowles, director of the organisation, posted a message on Facebook saying he had been targeted by the National Union of Students because he has “repeatedly spoken out against grooming and dared condemn Islamist extremism”.
When a random sample was asked how a Boris recommendation to leave would affect their vote, the Stay share plunged by nine per cent and the proportion of undecideds shot up by 10 per cent.
The effect was highest among young voters, those not normally interested in politics, and those who did not vote in last year’s election — indicating Mr Johnson reaches people who are beyond regular politicians.
Dr Turner said: “This is a direct effect of Boris. The Mayor is eating directly into the Remain campaign. It is not dir-ect switching … but a significant group that had planned to vote Remain but becomes undecided. It suggests these people are suspending their verdicts until they hear what he has to say.”
There were many British apologists for Stalin during his evil reign. Even when the horrors of life in the Soviet Union were gradually emerging many on the British left, in many cases the predecessors of today’s Labour party, continued to lend him support. In academia too, Eric Hobsbawm was notoriously soft on Stalin. Gradually as I learned more about the history of the British left, it was this more than anything else that led me to realise the there is something very dark at the heart of socialism.
That there are still people in this country who try paste over Stalin’s crimes, and that they work at the BBC, is hardly a surprise. As despicable as these liars are, I have heard it all before.
Hearing that Nigel was going to be on Sky News this evening I tuned in hoping to hear something intelligent about the Brexit campaign. It should have been and could have been interesting. Unfortunately they also invited along MP Chris Bryant. My God what an irritating pain in the arse this prize winnig pranny is. Not content with his own endless abuse, bile and smears, whenever Nigel attempted to speak Bryant was interrupting, squealing like a St Trinian’s schoolgirl. He was waving his arms about in the most extraordinary manner and accused Farage of being a huge fan of President Putin. Had I been on the receiving end of this barrage of abuse I might have felt like chinning him, though, of course, that wouldn’t have done any good at all.
There’s going to be an awful lot more of this poisonous innuendo, nastiness and smears in the months ahead. The “IN” crowd seem to have the Beeb, Channel 4 and Sky in their pockets.
Be prepared.
People like Bryant are perpetual grievance hustlers.He`s gay and wants to get “Delilah” banned.
A trivial lightweight who poses in his undercrackers trying to entice blokes on gaydar.
THIS is the kind of “MP” who dares to question a patriot like Farage?
Like Jess Phillips-we`ve got a hell of a lot of lefty low grade nakkas who think that shouting over people who know stuff is the only way to get famous.
Bloody South Wales-Kinnock….Hain…and now this creep Bryant?
How the hell do they find them?
This is an excellent interview, where the democratic deficit of the EU is fully exposed without interruption. Such clarity is not possible on the BBC. Their presenters cannot follow the basic logic.
Ta lobster!
Glad to see this-would account for George joining Nigel on stage last Friday night.
Also-given the fact that this was recorded last weekend or so…Nigel predicted every damn tactic and timing of Mr Slippery Dave.
IN this spirit of communitarian sharing…I enclose the mighty Brendan O Neill who nails the whole EU debate in just a few principles-won`t be straying too far from them!
And what a joy to see something we never thought we`d see-George and Nigel breaking bread!
If only I could superimpose their heads on that late 70s Manley/Seaga poster with a dreadlocked Juncker/Cameron bringing them together on stage!
Lobster – thank you so much for posting that; how wonderful to hear 2 people expressing the, seemingly overwhelming, arguments for the U.K. to regain its independence via escaping the E.U. rat cage and for them to be provided the air time in which to do so.
I’m guessing uncharacteristically for the next 17 weeks we won’t be hearing much about the westward tide of marauders, or any Calais sob stories from our ‘fav’ broadcaster?
This evening’s main “news where you are” on NorthWest Tonight was the NHS scandal, in which transgender ‘women’ have to wait longer for their free treatment than those suffering from cancer, heart disease, strokes, etc. Obviously a pressing issue in the NorthWest; I hear people complaining about it all the time.
And-let nobody ever say again that there`s any conflict between Manchester…Cottonopolis, Wayne Fontana and Oasis….and Liverpool…Carla Lane and Gerry Marsden and Paisley Park.
For-what brings us both together mighty northern nexuses of new scouse nous?
That at BOTH ends of the A57…both turnoffs from the M62-we `ve gor the WORST SCHOOLS in the country!
Champions!…both of us!
Wonder if Wilshaw drove by to put a brick through the school windows with that verdict on red and blue post-it notes?
Sure as hell he`d not have got out of his car to say THAT to anybody there-or, if he did..he`d have had to buy the wheels back and pay for the bricks to be removed from the axles , once he`d returned to his paddy wagon!
AS an exiled northerner i`m very proud of this commendation to BOTH slakka cities up there.
HOpe that influence will now cross the Pennines and turn Leeds and Hull into schools that will vie for that ” Top of the Form” award for pissing OFSTED off most, making Osborne look like a spuggie.
No mention of Warrington though today-surely THAT`LL be shit too!…hope so ,they`re always copying each end of the road between Liverpoo and Manktown.
Well Sir Arthur.
Note on “You and Yours” later on that the lines will be open for those of us who`ve suffered at the hands of midwife shortages and lack of post-natal care…and doubtless a soupcon of fertility funding ishooz.
Listen in at 12 noon later…I imagine you`ll hear an awful lot of geezerbirds, smoky/husky voiced Loretos telling us all about THEIR problems in getting a decent gynae or obsti before trying to get pregnant with Gerry Gorilla at Whipsnade.
Tomorrow-the lack of hair products tailored at the Afro-combover market-do we ALL have to Ralph Coates with a corn row…or can we blend Brylcreem with Reggae Reggae sauce…have your say!
Just watched BBC News at Ten (or more accurately endured News at Ten) and their coverage of the EU debate in the Commons followed by analysis (or was it advice?) on the situation.
Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg were covered sparingly while the emphasis was on Cameron, Corbyn and the leader of the SNP party (sorry can’t remember his name) who are all pro European Union.
There followed comments by BBC’s Laura Keusonberg (sorry about spelling my german is not very good) who has over the last few days developed her own theory that Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have ulterior motives for supporting exit from the EU namely connected with their careers and ostensibly nothing to do with their convictions.
Following this political comment was a economic ‘analysis’ by the BBC expert (whose name I can’t remember as I’m not very good at Islamic names) which mentioned the figure that represents our exports to the EU, which was fine however there was no mention about the export figure of the EU to the UK, which we all know is greater.
This reporting and presentation was one of the most biased I have personally witnessed (in favour of staying in the EU) and although I am a man of peace found myself at the edge of tolerance.
News at Ten, Newsnight and Question Time are probably the most biased news programmes on television; Daily/Sunday Politics and This Week in comparison come across as reasonably balanced and fair, is it something to do with editors or what?
Yours sincerely disgusted……..
Funny you should mention that because you’re not the only one to notice:
“I love how, in the mainstream media, Boris has overnight suddenly turned from a lovable rogue who is harmless at worst, to a cynical careerist and vicious backstabber putting himself before his country.”
The other issue raised is that it isn’t the Tory party which has deep divisions over Europe, it is in fact the Labour party, though you’d be hard pressed to know that given the BBC.
Most Torys are in favour of leaving to some degree on the spectrum. A small percentage at best soft Europhiles and maybe just 2% of them hard Europhiles like Ken Clark. A vote for exit would be a good result for the Tory party as most of the soft Europhiles would just go along with it. The issue which is problematic for the Tories is the influence of big business which finances the party – not its MPs & membership.
Labour on the other hand has some really deep divisions over Europe even if it is trying to portray a united front. Only last month the Grauniad had an article with Labour MPs attacking Corbyn over his change of position on Europe:
Thoughtful, I can only agree with what you have written. It is well known (but not dwelled on) that Corbyn has always been anti EU, just like Benn, Foot and now Galloway and that the Labour Party is in a mess (I was originally a supporter and one time member)
Not aimed directly at the BBC however indirectly aimed at the BBC’s notion that somehow people from Arab and other Islamic countries will assimilate and enrich our society and in the process celebrate and uphold our beliefs and dare I say it use common sense and justice (rather than something related to something more medieval ) I refer to the arrest and imprisonment ( for four months) of a four year old boy in Egypt who was charged with murder, which may have had something to do with mistaken identity – I rest my case!
Sometimes we all do foolish things. I decided to watch Newsnight for a while. There she was the Polly Toynbee in all her glory. Her views are predictable and her opinions those of the Guardian establishment and Newsnight’s finest. So why bother to watch . Switched her off and felt better straight away.
On the positive side the few Newsnight viewers not part of the hive will hardly be swayed by the BBC’s so obvious propaganda.
I lasted 5 minutes. I thought it might be interesting to hear what Charles Moore was saying. Toynbee constantly interrupted him and he was too polite to tell her to shut up. The interviewer seemed more interested in her interruptions than Moore’s answers and allowed her to rabbit on. A programme made by Guardian readers for Guardian readers.
That is often the problem. The Left is far more rude and ruthless than the Centre/Right, IMO. (Obviously there are exceptions, before someone points it out.)
It’s one of the few honest things the BBC has done. Now all they have to do is write out all the white British characters and turn the Queen Vic into a madrassa, and they will finally be giving a true depiction of the real East End.
Well, there we had it on bbbc news24 this evening. The press preview on the far left, anti British, biased bbc – a full character assassination of Boris Johnson for nearly the whole of the programme. All because he had the wherewithall to make his own decision on what he is going to do about the eu.
God only knows what bribes camoron has already given or promised to the rest of the sheep in the cabinet just so that they will support him……..
It is amusing to watch the bbbc as they don’t like the tories at the best of times but they have to ‘like’ Davide camorone at the moment because he is about the only person in the Country who wants to stay in the eu (apart from the whole of the bbbc editorial staff and journos).
Just watch my fellow posters as we approach the date of the referendum the propaganda and the viciousness of the bbbc will be exposed as they start to panic as they realise that they might have to come out of their precious eu and lose all those millions and millions of pounds that they receive from it for doing nothing (except support the eu blindly) might dry up and disappear.
It is funny though junkers is running the eu like sepp blatter was running FIFA – pay out loads of other people’s money in return for voting support when things become a bit difficult. You have to give these people a hand….TOTAL fraud at its best.
I think I will definitely be taking a ‘leap in the dark’
Off topic a bit, but just heard on the news that there is to be a multi million pound build on the set of Eastenders, yep, its a mosque ! – never watch any soaps, but Islam is slowly but surely seeping into our lives in a way that could never have been anticipated even 15 years ago. Bake Off and soaps, entertainment of the masses, and what better way to sleep walk the public into acceptance. Give it 30 years and there’ll be more mixed marriages of Islam and converts from Christianity on an unprecedented scale. I will have left this mortal coil (hopefully) by then, and glad that I wont have to live in this country that I feel a stranger in due to mass immigration.
Let’s make Eastenders really authentic and have whole episodes without a word of English spoken, only Turkey Rasher sandwiches (Halal of course) in the caff and an alcohol free queen vic. Perhaps then the do-badders of Middle England who call me waycist might get an idea of what their namby-pamby guardinista views have done to my city.
The BBC will still have to employ some white actors to play the criminals. I look forward to the story lines on FGM, “honour” killing and how to get multiple postal votes.
Pound hits lowest level against Dollar since 2009.
A good time to buy the £ it as will go back up .
Once we get out of the EU, watch the Euro drop.
The strictly non-advertising BBC TV suddenly flash up commercial logos of a bunch of supermarkets, mobile phone operators and energy suppliers….
What’s going on here?
Are they being pilloried this morning for too much sugar in our food and drink? Named and shamed for excess profit margins or creative tax avoidance, perhaps? Slow to pass on cost savings to the over-pressed consumer? Is today’s BBC beef the lack of diversity in the boardroom? The gender pay gap? Bonuses for failure? Food wastage… pollution… low pay…. racial discrimination….unpaid interns… lack of apprenticeships? Help me out here!
Forget all that lefty malarky this morning folks. These are the pro-EU corporate club. The BBC will tell you 364 days a year that they are a cartel of evil conniving capitalists – but this morning they are the BBC’s strange bedfellows in the EU-love-in.
Does EasternEnders make much for the BBC abroad? I’m guessing no, so why ‘invest’ £15m (of our money) in what can only be described as mission creep? They know that those they’re trying to appeal to won’t be watching (they watch channels picked up on their oversized dishes) so the aim is clearly to ‘convert’ our young and braindead.
In all honesty if the hard of thinking really can’t get by without out their daily dose of diversity, misery and confrontation, like a druggy, they will search it out wherever its broadcast, so what a good opportunity to put it on BBC3, not on a main terrerestrial at 7.30. Leave the time slot that gave us Only Fools to a gentle feel good comedy like the good old days (Citizen Smith not Khan….)
“Leaving the European Union would threaten jobs and put the UK’s economy at risk, leaders of some of Britain’s biggest companies have said.”
While the above statement as a whole is factually accurate, it’s clear that the two halves of the sentence should be transposed. Yes, “some” of the biggest companies have said this (although the BBC carefully choose to cover up the fact that most have not) the structure of the sentence is clearly designed to impart to the casual reader that the first part is true. Well, to be fair, even that would be true if we examined whose jobs would be at risk. Would it be British jobs or immigrant jobs I wonder?
“chairmen or chief executives of 36 FTSE 100 companies signed the letter backing the campaign to stay in the EU, including Burberry, BAE Systems and EasyJet.”
Burberry – WTF? Appealing to the chav element are we BBC?
BAE – nothing to do with arms sales I suppose?
Easyjet – ever seen a British cabin crew member on an Easyjet flight?
Would that be the Burberry which closed down its British factories and moved production to Romania? My heart bleeds for them. They are the sort of company I would call BINO: British in name only.
The BBC report told us that sea level had risen by the fastest in the past 3000 years and by 14cm in the last hundred, but then suggested that it would rise by 130cm in the next 100. theguardian at least gives a range for this period of 28-131cm.
Forewarned is forearmed my friends!
The 8am news had “something mithery” about midwives-some report, usual gloom and gloop as they do-and the BBC pass it on at the communal cesspit!
Blow me-and Winifred Robertson will follow up on the midwife crisis at Low Noon later….if it save me buying my Jag and running away with Julia Bradbury, then I might save some dosh-and then go onto to Money Box to tell them of it later!
My point…the gormless BBC END their news bullet tin with some trauma from Bristol Zoo-apparently, a single mother gorilla was rushed from Whipsnade in the early hours of the morning, and could only find an NHS bed to give birth at Bristol down the M4!
I daresay the poor thing can`t ring into Winnie with her traumatic experience…but one of us ought to.
Bloody bloke who delivered Baby Gorilla said it had been “fun”!
Fun?…bloody caeserean with a terrified mother?…sexist prat!
No-we`ve got feminism here blended with NHS cuts and the baybee crisis too-if THAT isn`t on TWATO with Jeremy Hunt snivelling in his socks…then the BBC haven`t done their job.
AND-the heartless Zoo won`t let mum go back to work either, on display at Whipsnade…or scratchings its nakkas and grooming fleas from the rest of the BBC Berkshire staff…whatever it does!
And her maternity benefit?…social care for old greyback in Knowsley?
AS ever from the Tories…no answers.
“Doctor Doolittle was asked onto the programme-but he wouldn`t appear-and none of us understood his issued statement, muddy and full of pawprints.
inal point-how come there`s no crisis with “junior vets”?….surely the BMA could find room for another crop of agitprop druggies to campaign for species rights to take strike action…come on vets!
PS…don`t tell Julia of my plans will you?…she thinks it`s a walking holiday!
From NHS midwifery failings to the NHS doctor doing a pro-bono gorilla C-section – when they write the history of awkward BBC juxtapositions that’s nailed on to be in the top ten.
The key to a happy Licence Fee is of course the sure fire ability to absorb and believe two completely contradictory things before breakfast.
It made my toes curl – a BBC moment akin to some former Blue Peter presenter turning to Tom Cruise on the One Show sofa and asking “What do you reckon about the Badger Cull in Wiltshire, then?”
They had a feature on Today on virtual reality headsets this morning just after 08.00 and the authenticity of the experience….
…stone me if it didn`t turn into a discussion about how the technology could be used to enable people to experience how it feels to go through the experiences of a Syrian refugee.
I mean, really, grade A for puting out the agenda and minus Z for reducing a refugees experience to an arcade game to be picked up and put down on a whim.
Embolden, why don’t they give these headsets to the ‘refugees’. They can then spend days in virtual Europe without leaving home and getting their feet wet. Much safer.
A few years ago I was talking to a senior consultant from a London hospital about the amount of money they had to spend on translation services. The reply was that if they didn’t have the right ethnic mix of staff on duty all they could provide was a veterinary service. I know we’ve moved from providing a National Health Service to an International Health Service, but can we afford to take it trans-species? I look forward to the BBC interviews with the new class of unhappy “patients”
I’m sure the pictures on mother and baby will be suitably cute.
Oooo… hello…. oooo… is there anybody there….? I’m haling you from the Other Side – no, not the BBC – I’m in that other strange unearthly spectral plane where those forever cut off from the real world float about and play and frolic on the ether – yes, I know that sounds just like the BBC!
Ooo Ooo I think I’m coming through – don’t smirk, missus! It is only I, your departed uncle Francis, yes… the Shade of Frankie Howerd. Shade, luv! Riffraff, I have to explain everything. Shade, I mean the spirit, the enduring soul of Frankie. Got it now? I’ve come to commune with one and all.
Sad tidings I bring, yes tidings. I’ve been delegated, you see. By those on the other side – Great Britons we used to call them. You remember them… in the Ladybird books, on the PG Tips picture cards? Mr Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Edith Cavell…. that lot.
Yes, now. Enough of this windy prologue. The departed Great Britons over there on the other side wanted someone to come over – yes, well, and they delegated me. Who better? They needed someone who was still in his prime, the very peak and pinnacle of his manhood – back at the time of the last European Referendum. Referendum, you see. 1975. To speak to the nice ladies and gentlemen – and the riffraff. Well, ask David Frost, I’m no stranger to satirical discourse, the cut and thrust, yes thrust, of political debate, you see.
Now I’ll give you an example. Lord Nelson. There was Lord Nelson looking all forlorn. “Horatio” I said (we’re all on speaking terms over here) “Horatio, come away from that nagging Lady Hamilton for a moment and give the learned ladies and gentlemen a smidgen of your wisdom on the EU and the ‘safer, stronger’ debate, and I will pass it on to the hoi polloi, the all and sundry. What’s your opinion….” I said “What’s your opinion on the modern Royal Navy, such as it is? And are we really any safer and stronger in with the French and Germans or on our ownsome?”
So he turned to me and sighed and he raised his telescope – oi… no! Don’t start that smirking. He raised his telescope with his good hand – shutchaface! Don’t spoil this beautiful vignette with filth. He raised his telescope with his good hand… up to his good eye… and he said “I see no ships, Frankie… I see no ships” he said “only bloody hardships!”
I feel I’m being drawn away… they’re pulling me back… bye bye for now! Vote Leave!
Do the late departed GET a vote?
Clearly Mrs Thatcher was summonsed up-but does her vote only count as ONE vote…if indeed they count it at all?
Do I put Mr Howerd down as a definite “Yayss”?
If so, can I add Arthur Mullard, Hylda Baker, Henry McGee, Terry-Thomas(that hyphen was insured at Lloyds!), Bill Maynard, Jimmys Edwards and Clitheroe…Dead Comix say GO!
Ta for the correction Geoff.
For years I`d been telling everybody that Dick Van Dyke was dead …until he made a fool of me when he turned 90 a few weeks back.
In my defence I WAS only working as Coffin FM news monkey at Mid-Staffs unti 2014…and since then I`ve been a geriatric consultant who shares my golf buggy with a few droolies when I`m heading to Switzerland…so do make mistakes!
Magic Maurice!
Aborigine Londoner February 23, 2016 at 7:57 am
“Let’s make Eastenders really authentic and have whole episodes without a word of English spoken, only Turkey Rasher sandwiches (Halal of course) in the caff and an alcohol free queen vic.”
I can remember (ages ago; Peggy Mitchell was the landlady) the Queen Vic had a large ‘Happy Diwali’ banner behind the bar.
I’m not much of a drinker, but that’s not like any East-end pub I know.
A Muslim pub?
Bagels and salted beef butties available to the Golders Green darts team?
“Lashings of hot mint tea”…or hot battery acid on tap by the ladies loos?
Citizen Kahn to run it, all seats to still have the plastic coverings on?
And one long paraplegic games tournement in Huddleston Park?….Atta boy!
Now its been suggested that pregnant mums could be in line to get a payment of £3,000 so it gives them a choice of where and how they have their babies. This is supposedly to save the NHS money. Now, to my (twisted?) way of thinking, the white population is on the decline due to low birth rate, however the migrant birth rate is on the rise, and with a cash incentive of 3 grand per baby surely will encourage ethnic families to increase in size – which in turn creates a society which will even rapidly become less white. A REALLY scary scenario.
I have just come off that site. It is still there along with dozens of posts referring to BBC bias. The article was childish propaganda. Expect the mid day moderators to remove all posts complaining about bias.
On a separate matter – watch out for the loony leftists impact as they team up behind Cameron and his band of Trots in favour of remaining in. Left Unity want in, the deranged psychos of Class War want in, with more to join. A few windows are likely to be smashed by left fascists who want in. And they will be sympathetically interviewed by that odious Brillo.
The overwhelming number of highest rated posts are pointing to the blatantly biased headline and article. Strangely the HYS is now closed, soon to be erased from the front page and never to be seen again.
If only the population at large were to see the bias, and HYS was representative, we would have it in the bag with a majority of somewhere close to 4:1. Sadly it will be much closer, and by the time the muslim postal block vote is ‘counted’ we will probably lose. Project fear is in full swing, as it was in Scotland. It’s the only thing they have in their armoury, but it’s devastatingly effective at swinging the undecided. The inners know with certainty that they will never change the minds of the outers, so they concentrate their efforts an propaganda on those who will bottle it on the day and vote for the devil they know.
Then it falls to us to enlighten those people we know who are undecided. To alert them to the tactics and strategy of project fear in order to recognise how the BBC and the traitors who want to remain in, will try to manipulate them into voting to destroy our democracy and our national identity.
Arguments about the TTIP threat to the NHS, How we cannot vote out the EU commission and how the suffragettes campaigned for decades and millions of soldiers fought and died to allow us now to be able to vote out bad governments who make bad laws, are very effective in this regard.
On business and the economy, remind your friends that several billion pounds of inward investment into the EU have been announced in the past few months and remains safe, regardless of whether we are in or out. That most of the FTSE 100 companies refused to sign a letter endorsing the “remain” campaign and that on the day of our independence in 2018, we would instantly become the EU’s biggest single customer by far. Trade might be temporarily disrupted a little by leaving, but it will not be hurt in the medium term and in the long term, our international trade can be massively boosted with trade deals to 6 billion+ consumers worldwide.
And if they are left with any further doubts, remind them of the non-discriminatory, compassionate positive and common sense immigration policy we could put in place only by leaving. Keeping out terrorists and criminals. whilst welcoming needed skilled professionals from all over the world and having room for genuine refugees.
Democracy, Economy & Security. ALL benefit massively from leave.
reposted from the Andy Pandy thread, sorry for the repitition.
Nobody has stepped forward to lead the Brexit campaign. And I have to say, I am glad. This is a people vs the corrupt, anti-democratic establishment. Having a lame duck Boris lead from the back, without taking parts in debates and without sharing the stage with other Brexiters, is a recipe for disaster. Brexit is actually better served by it being a flat, level, equal campaign lead by all of us in our own individual ways, because the votes of each individual are of equal worth. As Cameron steps up to lie to us all, he is not facing a single figure. He is facing an army of people. The British people, campaigning with all our diverse, eccentric, yet effective and purposeful determination. From Kate Hoey to Farage, From Galloway to David Davis, from Gove to Carswell, the campaign is widespread, diverse and covers all sections of society. But the debate will be won by the London Cabbies, the hairdressers, the barmen, the accountants and the bricklayers of this country. From ALL of us talking to someone new each day and convincing them that the only safe vote is out. whether it be by showing how we cannot vote out bad law, whilst we are in the EU, because we cannot vote out the EU commission, to educating them about TTIP and the danger that poses to our NHS. For example, ask someone Who will they vote for if in 2021, a consortium of American health insurance companies take the British Government to court under rules imposed by the EU under TTIP and force that government to privatise and sell off the NHS?
The simple fact is this. IF we vote to leave, and the resulting outcome is awful… Guess what? We can still vote to change it. We can elect a new government and change the laws and structures of this country to adapt and overcome whatever difficulties this nation faces. THAT is what sovereignty means. That is why suffragettes campaigned so hard for the vote for women. That is why millions risked their lives in 2 world wars to fight FOR sovereign democracy, here and across the continent of Europe. So that WE, THE PEOPLE could vote to change governments that we believed had failed.
BUT, if we vote to remain in the EU and the outcome is terrible… We are screwed. We as a people will be unable to vote out the incompetent “leaders” who screwed it up.
This is why a vote to LEAVE really IS the safest, most secure vote. Get out there and tell everyone.
The problem with Brexit not having a leader is that Cameron gets masses of publicity as de facto leader of remain with no equivalent for leave. He is currently live on the BBC news channel talking from the UK headquarters of a Spanish company. What democratic right does a Spanish company have to interfere in the referendum ? It masquerades as a British company called O2 . My concern is that many ‘don’t knows’ in this debate will be unduly influenced by this deceit .
And away from the Cameras, it falls to the rest of us campaigning to leave (whether for Vote_Leave, Leave.EU, Grassroots_Out or independently on forums like this website), to speak to as many people as we can and keep growing the massive grassroots campaign for out, so that when Cameron spouts his poisonous lies, we know he is speaking to an audience at home that increasingly knows for a fact he is spouting poisonous lies.
Then it matters not how many times he addresses the nation. We will all know it is bullshit.
Everyday, remember to ask at least one person, “What do you think of all this EU stuff?” and take it from there. recruit those who you convince to vote Leave to spread that message by the same means.
Spread that message exponentially via social media and in-person social networking. We are convincing more people faster that way, than old, out-dated and out of touch mainstream media can.
It ALSO has the benefit of showing more and more people how utterly corrupt and biased the BBC is.
And don’t forget to stress to any waverers, that its always better to leave a dodgy old Pyramid scheme (which is what the EU experiment is) first, before everyone else in it catches on and it implodes.
Far better to get out with our dignity intact, and leave the others to flounder about, name calling, griping and fighting over any remaining spoils.
Piss off Pauline Caffkey!
Non news on Radio 4 says she`s poorly again-third time that attention seeking jock has bungee jumped into the NHS up in Scotland.
Now either the quacks are crap there-or she`s got Yuppie Flu…make your mind up hen!
As long as Nurse Sturgeon stumps up for the malingering jet lagger…and doesn`t send her down here in a lead box for US to treat eh?
Now then…other news today on ” All In The Mind”?….
Ach, it’s a good thing she’s in for a 3rd time and it’s somehow got onto the news (although I think it’s Meningitis, not M.E, you heartless sod). It’ll discourage nurses from trying to get their virtue-signalling certificate by flying over to save the nigs.
If I were Jeremy Hunt, I`d hire old Cafferty and her motor car-and get her to tour the junior doctor picket lines by way of “solidarity”.
THAT might get the fops out of the recording studios and charity run gym bunny warrens-and back to whining to PATIENTS about the NHS cuts…poor sods would HAVE to listen, unless they could charge a Tazer on the telly trolley needing a £20 card.
ME…Meningitis…Melingering…all the same to me as the NHS Chief Medical monkey…me spellinz a bit crap though.
Could we hire her for the next Momentum rally as public speaker then?
Bloody edit time! Forgot to add – I believe there were no scotch doctors who signed that Lancet open letter to the Judean Kikes about that Gaza palava, so they can’t be all that bad.
The real experts in treating ebola and its complications are in Sierra Leone. Wouldn’t it be to her benefit if she was transferred to a hospital in Freetown?
The the BBC could run stories about the NHS in Scotland being worse than health services in the Third World.
Hard luck chrisH, that hermetically sealed ambulance is on its way to Londistan as we speak – or will the RAF supply a Hercules to keep the bills down? Either way, they’ve cleared a floor at Barts to be on the safe side.
What are the MSM going to do ? They want to guilt trip people with footage of “refugees” but they must also know that seeing the barbarians at the gates will sway a lot of people to vote out…Decisions, decisions…
Think I’ll be boycotting as many companies who signed the in letter, as I possibly can…I think there will be a lot of shy voters in the Out camp to, lets hope so.
Stomached the brow mopping moppets on Radio 4…until 2 minutes into THIS peice of shit.
Some bird in Geneva channelling her Lyse Doceut/Orla Guerin…frankly WEIRD-impression of a BBC refugee reporter.
Just listen!
Are these Swiss misses taking the piss?
I mean-and here I go all Tony Curtis here….”nobody toyks like vatt”!
Only the BBC would employ these Lloyd Grossman tribute acts post op…Imogen Forks indeed.
Now Fork Off Imogen!
IN psychology they call it imprinting.
After the NoNewsNoon , I was invited by Nihal not to pre-judge the Staffie at my daughters nursery…nor to condemn the pitbull at the public park.
Prejudicial and hurts the feelings of Tattoo Tom and Stella Wife-beiter apparently.
Oh no….and-as Nihal no doubt wishes to imprint on us all-we are NOT to judge Muslims either.
For the killer breeds of Germany are-in a real sense-“the other”, and like Colognes finest little breeders…are hurth if we don`t offer our kids up for sanctification and celebration.
Ah-but are not all Muslims “Caninophobic” as well-like we saps with too much time on our hands at noon on Radio 4 duty?
Er-we`ll need a ruling on that one…into Regents Park now….Pit bull tied loosely on the golden railings outside…wish me luck!….
Yet more dog shit from the BBC…and Nihal is a doggie bag that needs a binning.
Having an accent that is either Irish, Scottish or anchored somewhere in the mid Atlantic seems a prerequisite to get a job as a BBC reporter . Failing that, have an incomprehensible regional accent that grates, such as the awful Stephanie McGovern of BBC Breakfast fame ( any Irish or Scots mixed up with West Yorkshire there ?)
I’ll see your Imogen Forks and raise you the perma-serious face and the constipated tones of Channel 4’s very own page 3 conflict kitten : Lindsey Hilsum
Anne of Cleves talkng to Joan Baez brother.
One old fossil and relic of a bygone age that Islamic State might want to throw a jumping jack at.
Purple nose of Biro….at least the doughty Anne Leslie found herself a bloke BEFORE she went off to report on things foreign.
Lindsey-has she ever been to herself as Charlene Duncan once sang?
Got the germ of a good Womans Hour special here…Wives and Lovers by Burt Bacharach to set the tone required for those old birds who missed out on the likes of us eh?
Burt never sings that one on the BBC I notice-but then the old scrote never sings for anybody!
The above report gives more weight to getting Great Britain out of the ‘failed’ EU.
It is because the ‘soft underbelly’ of Europe is not securing its borders – the message to any gimmigrants is ‘to get over the Med and you can get in. There is no one with ‘balls’ there to stop you’ .
So, what has the European Parliament done to guard its borders since last years invasion ?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Good to see another version of what the BBC regard as an eclectic mix on the VD show. Yoof strongly represented, if visually disturbing. Mandatory ‘person of colour’ raised the very red herring of ‘More UK ex-pats in Spain than Spanish over here’ cleverly overlooking the fact that 90% are retired, take little or nothing from the Spanish economy and contribute significantly more. Strange representative from the cast of the Mikado made gurning into a new art-form and a person of uncertain sexuality contributed mauve hair to the discussion. Saving the best to last, the towering political intelligence that is Norman Smith was on hand to offer valued opinions and expert analysis. What’s to criticise?
‘Refugee cat’ reunited with family Perhaps it was inevitable that the BBC would cover this story, given that the Guardian had covered it in detail.
No scepticism from anyone? Refugees from Iraq lose a cat on Lesbos; it is recognised as a ‘refugee’ cat at a fishing village, presumably because there are no stray white cats on the island; treated by a vet, cared for and flown by a volunteer to Berlin, because that’s what one does with found animals; it’s owners identified in Norway and reunited with the feline. Tears of joy all round.
The moral? Cat lovers should support refugees?
And being a cat it will get itself onto the first plane ‘home’?
Tears of joy all round.
And especially, I’d suspect, from Simon Reeve.
I would just like to mark the passing at the age of 97 of Captain Eric “Winkle” Brown RN, Britain’s greatest ever pilot. He flew more types of aircraft than any other person, including captured German machines, he made more carrier landings than any other person, he made the first landing on a carrier by a twin engined aircraft and a jet aircraft. He was, in short, a genuine British hero. Predictably, therefore, when Nick Robinson was introducing an obituary piece on Captain Brown this morning, he called him an RAF pilot.
They can’t get the simplest things right, yet we are expected to trust them on the compex issue of Britain staying or leaving the EU? Don’t make me laugh.
It’s just a shame Captain Brown won’t be with us to vote in the referendum. RIP.
Dozens of attempts to load the page again this morning, it really is the single worst website I visit! It’s made worse by the fact that who ever designed it seems either unwilling or unable to fix it !
If you don’t already use it try Mozilla Firefox. I never have a problem.
Changing my browser because someone is incapable of designing a web site which works properly is not the answer.
Perhaps, but it is certainly an answer. And probably the only one you are likely to get.
Try the otherwise excellent Counting Cats in Zanzibar – on a good day it’s a 1+ minute download. On a bad day . . . .
You can’t have tried Breitbart London. Just when you think it’s finished loading, something else starts up which makes the page unresponsive, until your several attempts at scrolling the page all get recognised at once.
Roland, I find most news websites slow to load and even slower to navigate. I think it might be due to the large amount of advertising – particularly video – they contain which results in multiple threads of Flashplayer being fired up and then running concurrently.
There’s also a piece of adware called AdChoices which downloads itself onto your system and which seems to kick in for certain websites. I’ve yet to find a way of getting rid of it but suspect even if I do it will find a way of quickly re-installing itself.
You are right, it’s a site I’d use more often, but I can’t bear the agonizing wait.
This site and Breitbart is fine for me, I use Chrome with the Adblock and Ghostery extensions enabled.
Don’t complain about the ads, annoying I know, but they facilitate such publications, and make them free for us.
Ghostery allows you to dictate what you want to allow on loaded pages, and block things like Adchoices.
Breitbart is very slow but even Peter Hitchens seems to be a problem for my computer now.
CTRL + ALT + Delete.
start task manager.
select Processes tab
scroll down and select ‘plugin-container.exe’
click the End Process button.
That speeds up the page and temporarily kills Flash video adverts.
It isn’t the design of the website, it’s the server. Too much data that needs backing up.
If it was a bad design it wouldn’t work at all.
NOTE TO ADMIN: You need to clear out tons of old data or back it up.
I have heard some appalling biased tat on the BBC. but this really does take the biscuit!
Darkie Day: Michael and the Mummers
Grace Dent presents untold stories of 21st century Britain. Young black film director Michael Jenkins is making a film about Padstow’s Darkie Day. It’s a long standing tradition where local residents black up their faces and process through the streets singing and dancing. The locals are defensive about their celebration which is part of their Cornish identity. Despite what outsiders think they say it has no racial overtones, but they did change the name to Mummers Day after complaints prompted MP Diane Abbott to call for the festival to be stopped. As a young Black British man Michael wants to experience it for himself and capture it on film. Will any of the town’s residents accept his invitation to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about Darkie Day’s origins and meaning? Is political correctness making it worse? This is a story where modern Britain meets medieval history in a clash of cultures.
This write up is hugely camouflaging the reality of a Black man who spoke favourably of the UAF (probably a member as he mentioned filming for them) and spoke of the EDL and UKIP in the same tone, Massively admiring of anti white racist Diane Abbot and obviously a massive race hustler and hater of white people himself.
This was an attack on white people and there culture, and it is no surprise that this is the kind of person the BBC sees fit not only to employ, but to also promote his private work too.
Here’s his facebook page, see what you think of him:
Of course the balance to this would be to broadcast a piece by Tommy Robinson pointing out the racism and violence endemic to Muslim culture in the UK, but then that would be ‘waycist’ and remember it’s only waycist when they say it is !
So an Inner London MP want’s to dictate to a community 300 miles away about a valuable culture she neither knows or cares about and has probably never ventured any further West in the UK than Bristol.
Listen Abbott you keep harping on and shoving about your bloody culture in our faces and we have no say in it, so keep your nose out of our culture and FRO….
Note too the enormous sense of entitlement:
“Will any of the town’s residents accept his invitation to sit down and have an honest conversation with him about Darkie Day’s origins and meaning?”
Who the Hell does this punk think he is? He goose steps into a town 300 miles from where he lives and starts issuing passive aggressive demands that the inhabitants submit to a show trial.
When have the BBC ever demanded that Diane Abbot or David Lammy – actual public figures – ‘sit down and have an honest conversation’ about gang culture?
I don’t profess to know anything about Darkie Day, but my local Morris dancers use black face makeup, and presumably have done so for hundreds of years. How unsurprising that the BBC has decided that it’s perfectly legitimate to spend our licence fees on this nonsense. This is little more than a platform for yet another “anti-racist” to claim spurious victim status.
The left are so fond of telling us that no one can define “Britishness”. Of course you can’t define something like that in simple terms any more than you can define what is art or why we like a particular type of music, but that doesn’t mean these things don’t exist. National identity has always been connected with community and local tradition, which is why the left try so hard to crush anything that reinforces this. It’s not that Britishness doesn’t exist, it’s that the left don’t want it to exist.
…..” but my local Morris dancers use black face makeup, and presumably have done so for hundreds of years. ”
A couple of years ago I was in Panto and had white face make-up – for the role of a Geisha girl. Didn’t experience any outcries of racist then. Funny that. Also it seems that only white actors blacking up are decried, yet not a problem when making up as other nationalities.
Her’s an analysis of that ‘white guilt’ complex, as espoused by a lefty liberal, and properly answered.
Excellent. Shame that a white person would find it hard to get away with such a firm response.
What I find highly objectionable is the claim that white people have had everything handed to them on a plate or simply “stole” everything that has contributed to their present position. Even a brief analysis of history would show that most of it was due to creativity, hard work, invention and superior organisation. Factors that are still conspicuously lacking in many other parts of the world (but now being imported on a sizeable scale).
Thanks for posting that Dysgwr_Cymraeg.
Superb rebuttal from the lecturer. But can that kid talk! He hardly drew a breath while he was agonising about this unequal world of ours.
I promise not to mention Israel here.
Same in Essex, the Blacked up Morris dancers attend my local Camra beer festival, & no one batters an eyelid. If the Guardian /BBC all turn up they can just go fuck themselves,& I would throw them out personally.
The reason that people like him have this sense of entitlement as you correctly put it, is that the BBC et al have given them it! The BBC are obsessed with race and slavery and they portray everything in terms of white is evil , black /brown is pure and good, and that white Brits have a massive and enduring obligation to to black and brown people. This attitude runs through EVERYTHING that they broadcast. So is it any wonder that Jenkins believes that his views are more important than those of white folks, or that he has right on his side when he attacks centuries old English traditions. He probably thinks that all the white folks in Padstow will agree with him, because after all, the BBC give the impression that the whole of the country follows the liberal left values that they do. I wonder what lefty Rich Stein thinks? Even if was worried about the attacks on the traditions of home town he wouldn’t dare say anything that might upset his pay master and the rich liberal elite who dine at his establishments in the town.
Sadly I expect that within a year or two he will succeed in getting this centuries old tradition either stopped or turned into something that doesn’t offend even the uber sensitive souls who are determined to force us to conform to their views. The BBC is in the vanguard of the decades long attack on our culture and they are winning . So much of Englishness has already been lost and the rest will be gone in another decade or two.
I would love to see an al-Beeb documentary, warts and all, about the main collaborators in the African slave trade, and some of the chief slavers but I am guessing it wouldn’t fit with their progressive and revisionist narrative.
And woody Allen would win a world heavyweight boxing title before the BBC would acknowledge that the Arabs still enslave blacks to this very day.
Indeed. Nor will the BBC ever admit that actually, there were a lot more white slaves in America than Black slaves.
… Or that the very first actual slave owner in America, (the man who brought the court case ending the right of those who have paid off their indentiture for passage to America to have a right to their freedom), was himself black.
So we have a history of Arabs and Blacks enslaving other Blacks across Africa and Asia. We also have the forgotten masses of white slaves (indentured labour and those press-ganged into labour for “slave owners, millions of those being Irish.) and you have the legal ending of indentured labour which created what we know as American slavery being created by a case of law brought by a black slave owner refusing to give up his “slave” once the indentured debt was repaid.
This hardly fits the BBC’s narritive though, does it? I mean, it pains them to admit that what we think of as “slavery” of Blacks was actually ended by the “white man” And they are disgusted that our government paid British slave owners compensation for the financial losses they suffered once slavery was ended.
What was common (and is still misconstrued as slavery) was indentured labour, which was a legal contract whereby people who did not have the means to travel could have it funded in return for their labours at their destination’s end. Of course people who were still owed a fortune under these contracts should have those legal and lawful debts compensated, for the moral good of agreeing to end slavery.
This is a story where modern Britain meets medieval history in a clash of cultures.
Funny, but I can think of several more serious examples of a ‘clash of cultures’ in ‘Modern Britain’ which the BBC time and again turns a blind eye to (and with the likes of Jenkins on it’s speed-dial list, it’s no effing wonder).
I had the misfortune of hearing this.
He certainly wasn’t the shiniest pebble on the beach!
Just an interfering idiot going out of his way to try and find things to be offended about.
Not a very ‘diverse’ mix of people in his FaceBook photos is there!
Do you think I can claim for the trauma I suffered when I watched a Ugandan tribe enjoying a ‘racist’ Whitey Day when I lived in colonial East Africa as a child in the early 60s? The tribesmen were plastered in white mud or chalk for some reason, possibly ceremonial. (Picture the Black and White Minstrels in negative.) If you want to see the colour photo (it’s a hoot) look at: (My brother put all our Kenya/Uganda/Tanganyika colour transparencies up online. The Uganda section is especially good.) I hope the link works.
The food morons are at it again. This time a ‘science writer’ on You And Yours. Apparently she has co-written a new book on food adulteration, which is an interesting and relevant subject. At the end, however, she was asked (predictably) what she ate, which was fair enough as she seemed so fashionably opposed to the food the rest of us consume. Yes, you guessed it – locally produced, ‘natural’ ingredients whose provenance she knew. Anyone who follows these matters could have written the script for her. Oh, and she doesn’t like the fact that modern food is cheap. Apparently, we should be spending more on it.
But what of the listener in Derby, Doncaster or Dunstable, who doesn’t happen to live yards away from the organic quinoa smallholding? What of the pensioner who can barely afford a tin of sardines?
What these clowns fail to appreciate is that whether it conforms to their emotional longing for the 18th Century or not, modern food is clean, mostly nutritious and cheap. It isn’t perfect and yet lifespans keep on increasing, people are not dropping dead of malnutrition and most have sufficient. If these middle class hippies had their way there would be widespread starvation and where there was not actual starvation, there would be serious malnourishment.
As ever, the BBC promotes the nonsense fantasies of the latte-drinking classes. Sorry, Dahlings coffee is imported. Think of the food miles!
Listeners in at least one of those towns beginning with D are not worried one iota by their ultra-green organic food options. They are actually pre-occupied with the influx of Romanians and other such living 10 to 20 in a house, set up like youth hostel dormitories or with mattresses which can be piled up in the morning, loitering round in the daytime, and emptying their rubbish out into the street for the council to come and clear up regularly. Remembering that if you or I did the same we’d be up on a charge.
Not a problem for the mansion-owning, Guardian-reading, open-door immigration class of course.
Still, we’ve at least got a chance to do something about it now.
Having your town turned into a Bucharest slum is one of the many advantages of the EU which I have concluded I can do without.
Priceless interview on Politics Today where Galloway flame-throwered Jo Coburn (aka Corbin). Like him or loath him, Galloway is a master of rhetoric, as he very ably demonstrated when some years ago he was called to account by a US Senate Committee- he chewed them up and spat them out. I have been waiting a long time to see someone have the balls to put down Coburn and although Al beeb had tried to ambush him- he was having none of it- “childish, tabloid journalism”.
One can only hope Boris and co will take a leaf from his book.
Devastating stuff from George-and Rooster can only reboot and say the same thing again.
Even the loudest Lefty dwarfs the best BBC “current affairs” cipher….she really needs a chaperone like Neil….every time she`s on her own , she makes Martha Kearney sound like Jade Goody….that is a step up, at least.
Poor Martha got a scorching for similar rainbow trout that she chose to throw into Anna Soubrys mouth a few minutes ago…Soubry spat poor Marthas pretensions and randomly phoned-in rubbish back into her muffin mix.
THESE are the tactics that George and Anna are showcasing for us…about time the BBC got ripped new holes to blow from in their lazy indifferent , arrogance and ignorant lines of questions.
Jo and Martha….send for the Cheeky Girls)-Lembit to chaperone them both until Gert and Doris show up.
Could be a good run-in this, if ALL politicos shaft the BBCs pretences and tabloid bollox as did George and Anna!
AND-I `ve just listened in to Nigel Lawson on this mornings Today.
AND-along with Galloway and Soubry as I `ve said HE TOO got the BBC slurry on personalities and Tory splits.
Clearly a BBC tactic-hope they go “all George” on their quiz show oafs, and flame them.
And Robinson said that this might unseat Cameron-but he`s going soon anyway…oops, the BBC won`t be using THAT one again.
After Lawson-we had some Charity quangocrat called Sir Stephen Bubb( oh, that`s the name innit for his ilk) “bangin` on” about disabilities…and they need more money, more BBC investigative programmes.
And then I thought-oh yes, Bubba!
The Mail know him VERY well-this was one from a few years before, but his like won`t ever be asked about wasting public money.
Not with Junket John due a trip to the ouzo vines in Greece before the bloody gimmies nick his pine trees.
Wonder which is the bigger leech-and is there a lifetime award for it?
Hump or Bubba?…let the phonelines open.
Bubbs birthday cake was presumably an attempt to keep him at the club…Yaya Toure at Citeh, sadly set the post-cedent for this kind of thing.
Reasons to leave the EU#110097
Because Louis Van Gaal is about to lead us out of Europe on Thursday-and if its good enough for his fops, it`s good enough for me.
Adam Johnson for our next boss!
That’s right George stick to the facts and policies. The ‘Remain’ have a weak argument in their opposition to freedom, democracy and controlling our own borders.
Now let’s see more long overdue humiliation of a disgustingly EU funded biased BBC.
This has prompted me to view the whole ‘interview’ later today. The egregious Coburn is well know for her left-wing bias, but her performance in the Galloway session sounds to be appalling. Of course, we all know her ilk and most of the BCC will do anything to provide a ‘Leave’ spokesman with a fair platform for explaining their case.
I certainly don’t agree with many of Galloway’s political views, but in his RT programme he is a very fair interviewer, allowing his interviewees (of all political persuasions) to speak without interruption, then following up with a polite and quietly spoken question. It’s almost a masterclass in the sort of interviewing we yearn to see on the BBC.
The only point I’d take issue with in Georgeous George’s excellent series of rrrebuffs is his use of the word tabloid since the Guardian is, at the time of writing, still a broadsheet. Mind you, with the pressures the august title is under, saving money on newsprint must surely have been discussed, even though the arms wide ‘Look at me, I’m intelligent’ factor on the train will severely reduce.
The other significant point about this interview, and indeed most such confrontations, is that people like Coburn, Kuenssberg, Robinson, Marr et al are far more interested in scoring points and making ‘quotable’ asides than asking actual, relevant and pertinent questions. The complete opposite of effective journalism, of course, but evidently well worth mega-buck salaries.
Well, I gritted my teeth to watch that pig Galloway (who never met an Arab terrorist he didn’t like) and I believe I have a glimmering of understanding now of his anti-EU position: as a dictator at heart, he deeply resents dictatorship of the British people being outsourced to the EU.
He’d much prefer himself in that role.
JHB makes some great points here:
Of all the techniques the BBC uses to push its agenda the most effective by far is omission. They usually dodge the charge of bias by pointing out that they do usually give some attention to both sides of the argument.
But what about the the issues they never cover:
• That Islamists are not a “tiny” minority but a very substantial proportion of Muslims.
• Where the money comes from to pay for all the stuff they think the govt should provide. But to be fair to them I’m not sure if anyone at the Beeb actually knows the answer to this question.
• The vast cost and anti-democratic nature of the EU.
• The nasty reality of Labour’s racism. More at
• The vast downside of “green” energy.
Etc, etc, etc…
Yes and then there are the many news stories that somehow escape their gaze. If it wasn’t for Breitbart and a handful of others, some issues would receive next to no coverage at all.
The BBC chose to bury the serious anti Semitic nature of the Oxford University club see BBCWatch .org. These extracts from Dan Hodges in the Telegraph 17th February makes links with the racism in the Labour party .
Labour also has to realise this is not an accidental but an institutional and systemic failing. It is not “a few bad apples”. Whether it’s the leader’s easy tolerance of racism from his own personal acquaintances. Or the collective endorsement of racist policies such as the boycotting of Jewish speakers or goods. Or the casual racism expressed and tolerated at demonstrations or campaign meetings. Or the racist harassment of Jews on university campuses. Labour is a racist party now.
This is not another “Jeremy Corbyn” problem. Yes, his own tolerance of racism has exacerbated it. But everyone in the Labour Party has tolerated it. Ask anyone about the racism embedded in the Labour Party and they will shrug. “Yeah, anti-Semitism is a problem. But what can we do?”
I’m sure that there are people who have spent a lifetime campaigning against what they would call “Zionism” who are not racist. In the same why I’m sure there are people who have spent a lifetime campaigning against immigration who are not racist. That’s not the point. They are now being used as human shields by a lot of people who are racist. And that shield has to be stripped away.
What is the point of “Start the Week”? More specifically what is the point of Andrew Marr? I tuned in to this morning’s offering on “Future Economies”, which was basically a talking shop for like minded individuals – no real discussion or opposing points of view. Marr has real difficulty listening, frequently finishing other peoples sentences with his own conclusions. Perhaps they all agree with him. He obviously thinks they do. In fact he is completely incapable of recognising that there may be an alternative worldview to his own. The BBC encapsulated in one man.
Anybody monitoring the BBC HYS comments pm BBC ‘Leaving EU a big gamble for UK security’ will have a field day.
3 out of the highest voted 10 comments have been removed because they ‘breach the house rules’ – i.e. they referred to BBC bias. Does any other western news organisation go in for this degree of censorship?
Spot on KafirHarbi
Noticed the overwhelming, I would say 90% of comments and upticks are for EU OUT!
It is similar pattern on many of the other blogs, including lefty ones, I recently had a look at all over the web.
Are the pollsters wrong and the establishment hiding something from us?
Probably not wrong so much as lying through their teeth. Much as they did at the last election.
This is why the BBC has decided to cover this referendum in a “broadly” balanced manner and refuse to give coverage to opinion polls. It is the only way that they can ignore a vast majority of people deciding to vote leave in the last 2 weeks of the campaign and still keep reporting to us that “leave” is a fruitcake nutter opinion.
Cameron’s failure to get the FTSE 100 companies to endorse “remain”, even with the weight of Her Majesty’s civil service doing the bullying is surely a very good sign.
Of the three issues which this referendum is about, Economy, Sovereignty and Security of our borders, the Remain side are losing very heavily on the Economy. More and more inward investment decisions are announced regardless of whether we are in or out. More and more companies are staying neutral to ensure they are not picketted or attacked, thus stopping themselves being used by the “remainiacs” as a political football.
They have lost completely on Sovereignty, which is why they pretend that Sovereignty is a alien concept which “literally nobody cares about at all” Whereas sovereignty is the reason the Suffragettes existed. It is what drove on the Levellers to success and It is the reason why millions of men fought in two world wars. If Sovereignty were not so important, why did the Levelers exist? Why did the Suffragettes suffer for the vote and why did millions fight in two world wars?
That leaves security. Well on pan-national threats, we rely on NATO for that and it still works for us. On individual threats, then being out of the EU to control who is allowed through our borders is the only sensible solution. Once we get out of the EU, our individual security may not be great at first, because there may be terrorists here that we could not stop, because they have walked in already with their EU passports. However, our security will continuously improve over time as we stop them at the border and send them back.
“Derren Brown’s Something Wicked show breaks Ofcom rules”
Just how disingenuous can the BBC be?
1) It was the timing of the programme that was the problem because someone at UKTV had mislabeled it.
2) Who exactly owns UKTV? Oh yes 50% BBC 50% Scripps (USA).
3) Would not a more appropriate headline be “UKTV half owned by BBC Worldwide Broke Ofcom rules”?
I wonder if as part of the ruling Ofcom ordered that the decision be put on BBC online and if they did if they will order the propaganda ministry to put their name to their mistakes and stop trying to imply it was anything Derren Brown did.
Anyone miss BBC 3 yet? It’s only online now.
I did miss it
But I’ll make sure I aim better next time
I had a peep, and its still there, worse than ever. A constant roll of fast moving images of young BBC employees, playing about in the Broadcasting House Toilets. I think this will continue until BBC 1(+1hr) comes out of the Toilet.
The pound is falling on the foreign exchanges because of worries about the referendum!
Or so the BBC would have you believe!
“Pound hits lowest level against dollar since 2009 on Brexit fears”
“The pound has already dropped more than 17% against the dollar in the last 18 months, partly due to the outlook for UK interest rates.”
It’s a volatile market, at the least the BBC is good enough to tell us “”I don’t think investors are saying Brexit is good or bad, but it’s the uncertainty,” said Simon Smith, chief economist at FxPro.”
On the flip side of it though, and what the BBC isn’t telling is this: The FTSE is currently up 88 points, nearly 1.5% in a single day !
Would that be Simon Smith & his amazing Dancing Bear ( Market) !One for Chris H`s book of Classic Comedy Lines .
As much as I detest George Galloway, he was right to point out that he was ambushed by the Daily Politics.
The BBC are so used to getting away with this tactic, as on Question time, with an audience loaded with Labour activists, that they were shocked when he challenged them on it.
I can’t believe I’m saying this…….but good for you George.
I disagree with Galloway about most things but I watch his RT show. He is a good interviewer and I imagine he finds the kiddies on the BBC just not up to the job.
I remember a technique that the BBC could learn from Galloway. Used by him to get Piers Corbyn to talk Politics. He said “You don’t speak on behalf of your Brother, but you do have an opinion of your own” and then Galloway was able to ask him about politics.
Climate Change and the EU, and even on Iraq, Galloway seems more sane than I originally thought. Certainly more sane than anyone still employed with the BBC.
I echo your points about Galloway . At least he took on Jo Coburn, who is downright nasty with people she doesn’t like. Of course these folk are usually Tories. This woman is out of her depth as an inquisitorial interviewer . Andrew Neil makes her look even more inadequate on the days he is hosting the programme.
The Infinite Monkey Cage on ‘Climate Change’ certainly lived down to expectations –
They take a forensic look at the evidence that the climate is indeed changing, how we know that we are responsible, and what can be done to stop it. The scientific willing may be there, but is the political will finally catching up?
All agreed then – the science is settled, despite what the satellite and weather balloon temperature records show.
And they call this a scientific programme?
This propagandist shite will have Reith spinning faster than the Hadron Collider….
And they call this a scientific programme?
Actually, the BBC honestly calls this a comedy. So this must be why the Head of Comedy, Jon Plowman, was at that fraudulent BBC Climate Change Seminar. This is the product of that seminar.
Not all that funny, but the jokes are.
(1) The Climate is always changing.
(2) We now know that we are not responsible.
(3) To stop the Climate from Changing would need either the ability to regulate the Earths cloud albedo, or Atmospheric pressure. Nuclear bombs could be used, but I guarantee that something would go wrong, making things much worse than just adapting to a warm period or mini-Ice Age.
(4) The Environmental activists in the Grantham Institute and the Tyndal Centre make sure that the scientists are bribed into being willing to commit scientific fraud.
(5) Other than upper class twits from Eton, the political will is very slowly catching up on catching out this scientific fraud.
With effects as savage as the norovirus, I have just been brutalised by another agenda riddled hellfire missile of an article on Al Beebs webshite, telling us “Holywood has inclusion crisis”! Stats were everywhere to shoehorn the “minorities have a bad deal” narrative. The important stats like “was the film shit?” or “what racial/gender of the audience who actually watched and paid for the movies/shows?” doesn’t come into it.
Ability, quality, demand has absolutely nothing at all to do with entertainment in the eyes of Al Beeb and like minded fuckwits. Its all about box ticking. Eastenders anyone? Discrimination at its finest
This would be the same Hollywood where films portray every judge and police chief as black (always intelligent, always honourable) and every villain as white (preferably English)?
Gimme an effin break.
I thought the “Who are you?” quip, by some Tory backbencher, during Comrade Corbyn’s tedious response to Camerloon’s referendum statement in the HoC this afternoon was priceless; even the ventriloquist’s dummy sitting next to him (Andy Burnham) struggled to stifle his mirth.
And the poor old fool-old Corbyn-simply didn`t get the fact that he`s a leaden laughing stock.
Absolutely no comeback, no humour-just a Paddington bear kind of stare that made him even MORE helpless.
Not so much slow on his feet…but in need of orthopaedic shoes and some castors on his zimmer…would fatty Abbott don the plastic apron and dribble spoons to help the old fool out of the chamber( pot).
Felt sorry for him really…but we all know that the left only laugh at the deaths of old opponents…sad sods.
Boom Boom
Cracking joke. Sometimes MPs can get it hilariously spot on and get one’s admiration. Humourless dour Corblimey not in the least amused. Bird on left laughs then remembers she’s supposed to be offended. Blokey bloke on right at least has the good grace to continue finding it funny.
More & more comment about the false referendum which is not being head on the BBC.
The UK is the EUs second largest contributor and there’s no way they are going to allow us to leave. All the other contributor members would be expected to make up the shortfall, something which many would find completely unacceptable.
After a decision to leave negotiations have to begin, only they won’t be negotiations as most would understand them, in that they won’t be about the UK leaving, but in what the EU can do to allow us to stay. Only a committed leader could actually fight his way through this, and there’s absolutely no way anyone could describe Cameron as being committed to leaving.
Once a new relationship has been negotiated, it will be down to a second referendum, and so on until the right result is returned.
There are already worrying suggestions that this is Boris’ game. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Something must explain Boris’ decision to refuse to lead the OUT campaign and refuse to debate alongside Farage and Galloway against Cameron, Sturgeon and Corbyn.
Negotiated ? Our supine leader started the negotiations stating that he wanted to remain ‘in’.
Change the leader .
I think Dave has made it very clear that their will be NO second referendum. With respect to this I trust Cameron much more than Boris.
I don’t get David Cameron’s scare tactics. He says if we vote ‘leave’ we will increase migration and will endanger national security. Why, when we can controls our own borders? Unless he means he’s a weak PM and needs the EU to do it for him. Also, he stated we will be more susceptible to Paris-style attacks. Isn’t France in the EU and they still got attacked.
The whole government machinery is pathetically weak. TV news this morning (SKY I think) reported on the large number of illegals, some with convictions, that the UK authorities have simply not bothered to deport. The report didn’t actually say “not bothered”, but that seemed to be the message.
Leaving the EU would not in itself solve the problem. We need to get some backbone and understand that a degree of self interest is not racist or evil. We’re destroying the advantages that attract immigrants in the first place. We need to solve the problem of our native dross, not attract more.
We’re an island for God’s sake; it should be easy.
oldartist February 22, 2016 at 1:21 pm
“….The left are so fond of telling us that no one can define “Britishness”. ”
Not sure where I read this but here goes…
If you need a definition of hunger you are not, and never have been, hungry.
If you need a definition of pain you are not, and never have been, in pain.
If you need a definition of Britishness ……
Great comparisons.
Oops! It’s happened again folks – the Fascist Hard Left get bitten by the Much More Fascist Much Harder Left……
Members of theNUS are attempting to no platform an anti-racism campaigner who founded Hope Not Hate because he is apparently “Islamophobic”.
Nick Lowles, director of the organisation, posted a message on Facebook saying he had been targeted by the National Union of Students because he has “repeatedly spoken out against grooming and dared condemn Islamist extremism”.
‘Taste, ‘medicine’ and ‘own’ come to mind.
London Evening Standard reporting a BMG poll
When a random sample was asked how a Boris recommendation to leave would affect their vote, the Stay share plunged by nine per cent and the proportion of undecideds shot up by 10 per cent.
The effect was highest among young voters, those not normally interested in politics, and those who did not vote in last year’s election — indicating Mr Johnson reaches people who are beyond regular politicians.
Dr Turner said: “This is a direct effect of Boris. The Mayor is eating directly into the Remain campaign. It is not dir-ect switching … but a significant group that had planned to vote Remain but becomes undecided. It suggests these people are suspending their verdicts until they hear what he has to say.”
No details as to who or where was polled.
And here’s another example of the BBC’s lies in action – this time whitewashing one of their Soviet heroes:
“BBC Claims Stalin Only Killed ‘Thousands’”
What next? ‘Pol Pot – upset a few people now and then’?
There were many British apologists for Stalin during his evil reign. Even when the horrors of life in the Soviet Union were gradually emerging many on the British left, in many cases the predecessors of today’s Labour party, continued to lend him support. In academia too, Eric Hobsbawm was notoriously soft on Stalin. Gradually as I learned more about the history of the British left, it was this more than anything else that led me to realise the there is something very dark at the heart of socialism.
That there are still people in this country who try paste over Stalin’s crimes, and that they work at the BBC, is hardly a surprise. As despicable as these liars are, I have heard it all before.
It’s a fair comment. The only omission is the word ‘personally’.
Hearing that Nigel was going to be on Sky News this evening I tuned in hoping to hear something intelligent about the Brexit campaign. It should have been and could have been interesting. Unfortunately they also invited along MP Chris Bryant. My God what an irritating pain in the arse this prize winnig pranny is. Not content with his own endless abuse, bile and smears, whenever Nigel attempted to speak Bryant was interrupting, squealing like a St Trinian’s schoolgirl. He was waving his arms about in the most extraordinary manner and accused Farage of being a huge fan of President Putin. Had I been on the receiving end of this barrage of abuse I might have felt like chinning him, though, of course, that wouldn’t have done any good at all.
There’s going to be an awful lot more of this poisonous innuendo, nastiness and smears in the months ahead. The “IN” crowd seem to have the Beeb, Channel 4 and Sky in their pockets.
Be prepared.
People like Bryant are perpetual grievance hustlers.He`s gay and wants to get “Delilah” banned.
A trivial lightweight who poses in his undercrackers trying to entice blokes on gaydar.
THIS is the kind of “MP” who dares to question a patriot like Farage?
Like Jess Phillips-we`ve got a hell of a lot of lefty low grade nakkas who think that shouting over people who know stuff is the only way to get famous.
Bloody South Wales-Kinnock….Hain…and now this creep Bryant?
How the hell do they find them?
Yes, agreed. It would be grossly insulting to all aquatic lifeforms to describe Bryant as pondlife.
It’s hard to imagine why the BB would want him on one of its programmes. Oh, but wait…
Interesting interview between Nigel Farage and George Galloway on RT.
This is an excellent interview, where the democratic deficit of the EU is fully exposed without interruption. Such clarity is not possible on the BBC. Their presenters cannot follow the basic logic.
Ta lobster!
Glad to see this-would account for George joining Nigel on stage last Friday night.
Also-given the fact that this was recorded last weekend or so…Nigel predicted every damn tactic and timing of Mr Slippery Dave.
IN this spirit of communitarian sharing…I enclose the mighty Brendan O Neill who nails the whole EU debate in just a few principles-won`t be straying too far from them!
And if we keep it as simple and as powerful as Brendan puts it…we`ll be OK.
And what a joy to see something we never thought we`d see-George and Nigel breaking bread!
If only I could superimpose their heads on that late 70s Manley/Seaga poster with a dreadlocked Juncker/Cameron bringing them together on stage!
chrisH – that is an outstanding article by O’Neill thanks for linking it, such a sincere and straightforward argument.
Thanks for this ref. Cross-linkage is really important right now.
Lobster – thank you so much for posting that; how wonderful to hear 2 people expressing the, seemingly overwhelming, arguments for the U.K. to regain its independence via escaping the E.U. rat cage and for them to be provided the air time in which to do so.
I’m guessing uncharacteristically for the next 17 weeks we won’t be hearing much about the westward tide of marauders, or any Calais sob stories from our ‘fav’ broadcaster?
I find it most dramatic when you contrast two reports.
1st from the Mail.
2nd the Beeb.
Always the victim never the villain.
This evening’s main “news where you are” on NorthWest Tonight was the NHS scandal, in which transgender ‘women’ have to wait longer for their free treatment than those suffering from cancer, heart disease, strokes, etc. Obviously a pressing issue in the NorthWest; I hear people complaining about it all the time.
Good old North West always reporting on the issues that matter. Missed that one
And-let nobody ever say again that there`s any conflict between Manchester…Cottonopolis, Wayne Fontana and Oasis….and Liverpool…Carla Lane and Gerry Marsden and Paisley Park.
For-what brings us both together mighty northern nexuses of new scouse nous?
That at BOTH ends of the A57…both turnoffs from the M62-we `ve gor the WORST SCHOOLS in the country!
Champions!…both of us!
Wonder if Wilshaw drove by to put a brick through the school windows with that verdict on red and blue post-it notes?
Sure as hell he`d not have got out of his car to say THAT to anybody there-or, if he did..he`d have had to buy the wheels back and pay for the bricks to be removed from the axles , once he`d returned to his paddy wagon!
AS an exiled northerner i`m very proud of this commendation to BOTH slakka cities up there.
HOpe that influence will now cross the Pennines and turn Leeds and Hull into schools that will vie for that ” Top of the Form” award for pissing OFSTED off most, making Osborne look like a spuggie.
No mention of Warrington though today-surely THAT`LL be shit too!…hope so ,they`re always copying each end of the road between Liverpoo and Manktown.
Well Sir Arthur.
Note on “You and Yours” later on that the lines will be open for those of us who`ve suffered at the hands of midwife shortages and lack of post-natal care…and doubtless a soupcon of fertility funding ishooz.
Listen in at 12 noon later…I imagine you`ll hear an awful lot of geezerbirds, smoky/husky voiced Loretos telling us all about THEIR problems in getting a decent gynae or obsti before trying to get pregnant with Gerry Gorilla at Whipsnade.
Tomorrow-the lack of hair products tailored at the Afro-combover market-do we ALL have to Ralph Coates with a corn row…or can we blend Brylcreem with Reggae Reggae sauce…have your say!
The ex squaddie social network pages have fired up in the last 24 hours the overwhelming view is out.
Just watched BBC News at Ten (or more accurately endured News at Ten) and their coverage of the EU debate in the Commons followed by analysis (or was it advice?) on the situation.
Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg were covered sparingly while the emphasis was on Cameron, Corbyn and the leader of the SNP party (sorry can’t remember his name) who are all pro European Union.
There followed comments by BBC’s Laura Keusonberg (sorry about spelling my german is not very good) who has over the last few days developed her own theory that Boris Johnson and Michael Gove have ulterior motives for supporting exit from the EU namely connected with their careers and ostensibly nothing to do with their convictions.
Following this political comment was a economic ‘analysis’ by the BBC expert (whose name I can’t remember as I’m not very good at Islamic names) which mentioned the figure that represents our exports to the EU, which was fine however there was no mention about the export figure of the EU to the UK, which we all know is greater.
This reporting and presentation was one of the most biased I have personally witnessed (in favour of staying in the EU) and although I am a man of peace found myself at the edge of tolerance.
News at Ten, Newsnight and Question Time are probably the most biased news programmes on television; Daily/Sunday Politics and This Week in comparison come across as reasonably balanced and fair, is it something to do with editors or what?
Yours sincerely disgusted……..
Funny you should mention that because you’re not the only one to notice:
“I love how, in the mainstream media, Boris has overnight suddenly turned from a lovable rogue who is harmless at worst, to a cynical careerist and vicious backstabber putting himself before his country.”
The other issue raised is that it isn’t the Tory party which has deep divisions over Europe, it is in fact the Labour party, though you’d be hard pressed to know that given the BBC.
Most Torys are in favour of leaving to some degree on the spectrum. A small percentage at best soft Europhiles and maybe just 2% of them hard Europhiles like Ken Clark. A vote for exit would be a good result for the Tory party as most of the soft Europhiles would just go along with it. The issue which is problematic for the Tories is the influence of big business which finances the party – not its MPs & membership.
Labour on the other hand has some really deep divisions over Europe even if it is trying to portray a united front. Only last month the Grauniad had an article with Labour MPs attacking Corbyn over his change of position on Europe:
But for some reason despite it being in the Guardian, it never made BBC news.
After the dust has settled on this referendum, it won’t be the Tory party that’s in disarray, it will be Labour !
Thoughtful, I can only agree with what you have written. It is well known (but not dwelled on) that Corbyn has always been anti EU, just like Benn, Foot and now Galloway and that the Labour Party is in a mess (I was originally a supporter and one time member)
Not aimed directly at the BBC however indirectly aimed at the BBC’s notion that somehow people from Arab and other Islamic countries will assimilate and enrich our society and in the process celebrate and uphold our beliefs and dare I say it use common sense and justice (rather than something related to something more medieval ) I refer to the arrest and imprisonment ( for four months) of a four year old boy in Egypt who was charged with murder, which may have had something to do with mistaken identity – I rest my case!
Sometimes we all do foolish things. I decided to watch Newsnight for a while. There she was the Polly Toynbee in all her glory. Her views are predictable and her opinions those of the Guardian establishment and Newsnight’s finest. So why bother to watch . Switched her off and felt better straight away.
On the positive side the few Newsnight viewers not part of the hive will hardly be swayed by the BBC’s so obvious propaganda.
I lasted 5 minutes. I thought it might be interesting to hear what Charles Moore was saying. Toynbee constantly interrupted him and he was too polite to tell her to shut up. The interviewer seemed more interested in her interruptions than Moore’s answers and allowed her to rabbit on. A programme made by Guardian readers for Guardian readers.
“he was too polite to tell her to shut up”
That is often the problem. The Left is far more rude and ruthless than the Centre/Right, IMO. (Obviously there are exceptions, before someone points it out.)
Al Beeb is going full ‘multi culti’ ……………….
That’s £15m of our hard earned money.
It’s one of the few honest things the BBC has done. Now all they have to do is write out all the white British characters and turn the Queen Vic into a madrassa, and they will finally be giving a true depiction of the real East End.
Well, there we had it on bbbc news24 this evening. The press preview on the far left, anti British, biased bbc – a full character assassination of Boris Johnson for nearly the whole of the programme. All because he had the wherewithall to make his own decision on what he is going to do about the eu.
God only knows what bribes camoron has already given or promised to the rest of the sheep in the cabinet just so that they will support him……..
It is amusing to watch the bbbc as they don’t like the tories at the best of times but they have to ‘like’ Davide camorone at the moment because he is about the only person in the Country who wants to stay in the eu (apart from the whole of the bbbc editorial staff and journos).
Just watch my fellow posters as we approach the date of the referendum the propaganda and the viciousness of the bbbc will be exposed as they start to panic as they realise that they might have to come out of their precious eu and lose all those millions and millions of pounds that they receive from it for doing nothing (except support the eu blindly) might dry up and disappear.
It is funny though junkers is running the eu like sepp blatter was running FIFA – pay out loads of other people’s money in return for voting support when things become a bit difficult. You have to give these people a hand….TOTAL fraud at its best.
I think I will definitely be taking a ‘leap in the dark’
We can expect more Al Beeb ‘trolls’ on this site as they go to panic stations.
As they say in the media ‘watch this space ‘.
Off topic a bit, but just heard on the news that there is to be a multi million pound build on the set of Eastenders, yep, its a mosque ! – never watch any soaps, but Islam is slowly but surely seeping into our lives in a way that could never have been anticipated even 15 years ago. Bake Off and soaps, entertainment of the masses, and what better way to sleep walk the public into acceptance. Give it 30 years and there’ll be more mixed marriages of Islam and converts from Christianity on an unprecedented scale. I will have left this mortal coil (hopefully) by then, and glad that I wont have to live in this country that I feel a stranger in due to mass immigration.
BRISSLES , see my above post ^ 🙂
Let’s make Eastenders really authentic and have whole episodes without a word of English spoken, only Turkey Rasher sandwiches (Halal of course) in the caff and an alcohol free queen vic. Perhaps then the do-badders of Middle England who call me waycist might get an idea of what their namby-pamby guardinista views have done to my city.
Halalbert Square?
“yep, its a mosque !”
Don’t worry, it won’t be there long. Wait for the episode when a gang of Joos burns it down.
You just got there before me Taffman, before I could post !!! lol !
Well done BRISSLES – keep up the good work !
The BBC will still have to employ some white actors to play the criminals. I look forward to the story lines on FGM, “honour” killing and how to get multiple postal votes.
Pound hits lowest level against Dollar since 2009.
A good time to buy the £ it as will go back up .
Once we get out of the EU, watch the Euro drop.
The strictly non-advertising BBC TV suddenly flash up commercial logos of a bunch of supermarkets, mobile phone operators and energy suppliers….
What’s going on here?
Are they being pilloried this morning for too much sugar in our food and drink? Named and shamed for excess profit margins or creative tax avoidance, perhaps? Slow to pass on cost savings to the over-pressed consumer? Is today’s BBC beef the lack of diversity in the boardroom? The gender pay gap? Bonuses for failure? Food wastage… pollution… low pay…. racial discrimination….unpaid interns… lack of apprenticeships? Help me out here!
Forget all that lefty malarky this morning folks. These are the pro-EU corporate club. The BBC will tell you 364 days a year that they are a cartel of evil conniving capitalists – but this morning they are the BBC’s strange bedfellows in the EU-love-in.
Does EasternEnders make much for the BBC abroad? I’m guessing no, so why ‘invest’ £15m (of our money) in what can only be described as mission creep? They know that those they’re trying to appeal to won’t be watching (they watch channels picked up on their oversized dishes) so the aim is clearly to ‘convert’ our young and braindead.
In all honesty if the hard of thinking really can’t get by without out their daily dose of diversity, misery and confrontation, like a druggy, they will search it out wherever its broadcast, so what a good opportunity to put it on BBC3, not on a main terrerestrial at 7.30. Leave the time slot that gave us Only Fools to a gentle feel good comedy like the good old days (Citizen Smith not Khan….)
I saw on Russia today, an Afghan “youth” raped a woman helper at a Belgian refugee camp, not sure if it the story made it on to the beeb or not.
I expect he was 14 going on 28.
“Leaving the European Union would threaten jobs and put the UK’s economy at risk, leaders of some of Britain’s biggest companies have said.”
While the above statement as a whole is factually accurate, it’s clear that the two halves of the sentence should be transposed. Yes, “some” of the biggest companies have said this (although the BBC carefully choose to cover up the fact that most have not) the structure of the sentence is clearly designed to impart to the casual reader that the first part is true. Well, to be fair, even that would be true if we examined whose jobs would be at risk. Would it be British jobs or immigrant jobs I wonder?
“chairmen or chief executives of 36 FTSE 100 companies signed the letter backing the campaign to stay in the EU, including Burberry, BAE Systems and EasyJet.”
Burberry – WTF? Appealing to the chav element are we BBC?
BAE – nothing to do with arms sales I suppose?
Easyjet – ever seen a British cabin crew member on an Easyjet flight?
Would that be the Burberry which closed down its British factories and moved production to Romania? My heart bleeds for them. They are the sort of company I would call BINO: British in name only.
Yes, that would be the one. And as for Easyjet, doesn’t Stavros or whatever he’s called still own it? British companies my arse.
The BBC World Service has been reporting impending doom over the rise in sea level (the item doesn’t feature in BBC reports today, but was drawn from his theguardian article)
The BBC report told us that sea level had risen by the fastest in the past 3000 years and by 14cm in the last hundred, but then suggested that it would rise by 130cm in the next 100. theguardian at least gives a range for this period of 28-131cm.
Then, of course, there’s this:
and this:
OG, thank you for the links. The day isn’t long enough to fact-check all of the BBC’s lies.
Forewarned is forearmed my friends!
The 8am news had “something mithery” about midwives-some report, usual gloom and gloop as they do-and the BBC pass it on at the communal cesspit!
Blow me-and Winifred Robertson will follow up on the midwife crisis at Low Noon later….if it save me buying my Jag and running away with Julia Bradbury, then I might save some dosh-and then go onto to Money Box to tell them of it later!
My point…the gormless BBC END their news bullet tin with some trauma from Bristol Zoo-apparently, a single mother gorilla was rushed from Whipsnade in the early hours of the morning, and could only find an NHS bed to give birth at Bristol down the M4!
I daresay the poor thing can`t ring into Winnie with her traumatic experience…but one of us ought to.
Bloody bloke who delivered Baby Gorilla said it had been “fun”!
Fun?…bloody caeserean with a terrified mother?…sexist prat!
No-we`ve got feminism here blended with NHS cuts and the baybee crisis too-if THAT isn`t on TWATO with Jeremy Hunt snivelling in his socks…then the BBC haven`t done their job.
AND-the heartless Zoo won`t let mum go back to work either, on display at Whipsnade…or scratchings its nakkas and grooming fleas from the rest of the BBC Berkshire staff…whatever it does!
And her maternity benefit?…social care for old greyback in Knowsley?
AS ever from the Tories…no answers.
“Doctor Doolittle was asked onto the programme-but he wouldn`t appear-and none of us understood his issued statement, muddy and full of pawprints.
inal point-how come there`s no crisis with “junior vets”?….surely the BMA could find room for another crop of agitprop druggies to campaign for species rights to take strike action…come on vets!
PS…don`t tell Julia of my plans will you?…she thinks it`s a walking holiday!
From NHS midwifery failings to the NHS doctor doing a pro-bono gorilla C-section – when they write the history of awkward BBC juxtapositions that’s nailed on to be in the top ten.
The key to a happy Licence Fee is of course the sure fire ability to absorb and believe two completely contradictory things before breakfast.
It made my toes curl – a BBC moment akin to some former Blue Peter presenter turning to Tom Cruise on the One Show sofa and asking “What do you reckon about the Badger Cull in Wiltshire, then?”
Hope it`s a very long flagpole!
Oo er missus…that`s YOUR fault AISI!
They had a feature on Today on virtual reality headsets this morning just after 08.00 and the authenticity of the experience….
…stone me if it didn`t turn into a discussion about how the technology could be used to enable people to experience how it feels to go through the experiences of a Syrian refugee.
I mean, really, grade A for puting out the agenda and minus Z for reducing a refugees experience to an arcade game to be picked up and put down on a whim.
Embolden, why don’t they give these headsets to the ‘refugees’. They can then spend days in virtual Europe without leaving home and getting their feet wet. Much safer.
A few years ago I was talking to a senior consultant from a London hospital about the amount of money they had to spend on translation services. The reply was that if they didn’t have the right ethnic mix of staff on duty all they could provide was a veterinary service. I know we’ve moved from providing a National Health Service to an International Health Service, but can we afford to take it trans-species? I look forward to the BBC interviews with the new class of unhappy “patients”
I’m sure the pictures on mother and baby will be suitably cute.
Oooo… hello…. oooo… is there anybody there….? I’m haling you from the Other Side – no, not the BBC – I’m in that other strange unearthly spectral plane where those forever cut off from the real world float about and play and frolic on the ether – yes, I know that sounds just like the BBC!
Ooo Ooo I think I’m coming through – don’t smirk, missus! It is only I, your departed uncle Francis, yes… the Shade of Frankie Howerd. Shade, luv! Riffraff, I have to explain everything. Shade, I mean the spirit, the enduring soul of Frankie. Got it now? I’ve come to commune with one and all.
Sad tidings I bring, yes tidings. I’ve been delegated, you see. By those on the other side – Great Britons we used to call them. You remember them… in the Ladybird books, on the PG Tips picture cards? Mr Churchill, Lawrence of Arabia, Edith Cavell…. that lot.
Yes, now. Enough of this windy prologue. The departed Great Britons over there on the other side wanted someone to come over – yes, well, and they delegated me. Who better? They needed someone who was still in his prime, the very peak and pinnacle of his manhood – back at the time of the last European Referendum. Referendum, you see. 1975. To speak to the nice ladies and gentlemen – and the riffraff. Well, ask David Frost, I’m no stranger to satirical discourse, the cut and thrust, yes thrust, of political debate, you see.
Now I’ll give you an example. Lord Nelson. There was Lord Nelson looking all forlorn. “Horatio” I said (we’re all on speaking terms over here) “Horatio, come away from that nagging Lady Hamilton for a moment and give the learned ladies and gentlemen a smidgen of your wisdom on the EU and the ‘safer, stronger’ debate, and I will pass it on to the hoi polloi, the all and sundry. What’s your opinion….” I said “What’s your opinion on the modern Royal Navy, such as it is? And are we really any safer and stronger in with the French and Germans or on our ownsome?”
So he turned to me and sighed and he raised his telescope – oi… no! Don’t start that smirking. He raised his telescope with his good hand – shutchaface! Don’t spoil this beautiful vignette with filth. He raised his telescope with his good hand… up to his good eye… and he said “I see no ships, Frankie… I see no ships” he said “only bloody hardships!”
I feel I’m being drawn away… they’re pulling me back… bye bye for now! Vote Leave!
Do the late departed GET a vote?
Clearly Mrs Thatcher was summonsed up-but does her vote only count as ONE vote…if indeed they count it at all?
Do I put Mr Howerd down as a definite “Yayss”?
If so, can I add Arthur Mullard, Hylda Baker, Henry McGee, Terry-Thomas(that hyphen was insured at Lloyds!), Bill Maynard, Jimmys Edwards and Clitheroe…Dead Comix say GO!
Greengrass (Maynard) is still with us….
Ta for the correction Geoff.
For years I`d been telling everybody that Dick Van Dyke was dead …until he made a fool of me when he turned 90 a few weeks back.
In my defence I WAS only working as Coffin FM news monkey at Mid-Staffs unti 2014…and since then I`ve been a geriatric consultant who shares my golf buggy with a few droolies when I`m heading to Switzerland…so do make mistakes!
Magic Maurice!
Agreed. Vote leave. Stay in? “Nay, nay and thrice nay”
Aborigine Londoner February 23, 2016 at 7:57 am
“Let’s make Eastenders really authentic and have whole episodes without a word of English spoken, only Turkey Rasher sandwiches (Halal of course) in the caff and an alcohol free queen vic.”
I can remember (ages ago; Peggy Mitchell was the landlady) the Queen Vic had a large ‘Happy Diwali’ banner behind the bar.
I’m not much of a drinker, but that’s not like any East-end pub I know.
A Muslim pub?
Bagels and salted beef butties available to the Golders Green darts team?
“Lashings of hot mint tea”…or hot battery acid on tap by the ladies loos?
Citizen Kahn to run it, all seats to still have the plastic coverings on?
And one long paraplegic games tournement in Huddleston Park?….Atta boy!
Now its been suggested that pregnant mums could be in line to get a payment of £3,000 so it gives them a choice of where and how they have their babies. This is supposedly to save the NHS money. Now, to my (twisted?) way of thinking, the white population is on the decline due to low birth rate, however the migrant birth rate is on the rise, and with a cash incentive of 3 grand per baby surely will encourage ethnic families to increase in size – which in turn creates a society which will even rapidly become less white. A REALLY scary scenario.
EU exit would risk jobs, says group of business bosses
Current highest-rated comment:
This kind of post has a history of being removed, despite being about as on-topic as you could find.
I have just come off that site. It is still there along with dozens of posts referring to BBC bias. The article was childish propaganda. Expect the mid day moderators to remove all posts complaining about bias.
On a separate matter – watch out for the loony leftists impact as they team up behind Cameron and his band of Trots in favour of remaining in. Left Unity want in, the deranged psychos of Class War want in, with more to join. A few windows are likely to be smashed by left fascists who want in. And they will be sympathetically interviewed by that odious Brillo.
The overwhelming number of highest rated posts are pointing to the blatantly biased headline and article. Strangely the HYS is now closed, soon to be erased from the front page and never to be seen again.
If only the population at large were to see the bias, and HYS was representative, we would have it in the bag with a majority of somewhere close to 4:1. Sadly it will be much closer, and by the time the muslim postal block vote is ‘counted’ we will probably lose. Project fear is in full swing, as it was in Scotland. It’s the only thing they have in their armoury, but it’s devastatingly effective at swinging the undecided. The inners know with certainty that they will never change the minds of the outers, so they concentrate their efforts an propaganda on those who will bottle it on the day and vote for the devil they know.
Then it falls to us to enlighten those people we know who are undecided. To alert them to the tactics and strategy of project fear in order to recognise how the BBC and the traitors who want to remain in, will try to manipulate them into voting to destroy our democracy and our national identity.
Arguments about the TTIP threat to the NHS, How we cannot vote out the EU commission and how the suffragettes campaigned for decades and millions of soldiers fought and died to allow us now to be able to vote out bad governments who make bad laws, are very effective in this regard.
On business and the economy, remind your friends that several billion pounds of inward investment into the EU have been announced in the past few months and remains safe, regardless of whether we are in or out. That most of the FTSE 100 companies refused to sign a letter endorsing the “remain” campaign and that on the day of our independence in 2018, we would instantly become the EU’s biggest single customer by far. Trade might be temporarily disrupted a little by leaving, but it will not be hurt in the medium term and in the long term, our international trade can be massively boosted with trade deals to 6 billion+ consumers worldwide.
And if they are left with any further doubts, remind them of the non-discriminatory, compassionate positive and common sense immigration policy we could put in place only by leaving. Keeping out terrorists and criminals. whilst welcoming needed skilled professionals from all over the world and having room for genuine refugees.
Democracy, Economy & Security. ALL benefit massively from leave.
They have closed the comments now that it is clear that the vast majority of comments and opinions are in favour of Brexit.
The BBC are fighting a losing battle. This WILL come back to bite them hard after the referendum.
My comment never got past the moderator to begin with, even though it was measured and polite.. though I did say I was likely to vote for Brexit..
As I predicted, now removed.
Although comments are still open.
reposted from the Andy Pandy thread, sorry for the repitition.
Nobody has stepped forward to lead the Brexit campaign. And I have to say, I am glad. This is a people vs the corrupt, anti-democratic establishment. Having a lame duck Boris lead from the back, without taking parts in debates and without sharing the stage with other Brexiters, is a recipe for disaster. Brexit is actually better served by it being a flat, level, equal campaign lead by all of us in our own individual ways, because the votes of each individual are of equal worth. As Cameron steps up to lie to us all, he is not facing a single figure. He is facing an army of people. The British people, campaigning with all our diverse, eccentric, yet effective and purposeful determination. From Kate Hoey to Farage, From Galloway to David Davis, from Gove to Carswell, the campaign is widespread, diverse and covers all sections of society. But the debate will be won by the London Cabbies, the hairdressers, the barmen, the accountants and the bricklayers of this country. From ALL of us talking to someone new each day and convincing them that the only safe vote is out. whether it be by showing how we cannot vote out bad law, whilst we are in the EU, because we cannot vote out the EU commission, to educating them about TTIP and the danger that poses to our NHS. For example, ask someone Who will they vote for if in 2021, a consortium of American health insurance companies take the British Government to court under rules imposed by the EU under TTIP and force that government to privatise and sell off the NHS?
The simple fact is this. IF we vote to leave, and the resulting outcome is awful… Guess what? We can still vote to change it. We can elect a new government and change the laws and structures of this country to adapt and overcome whatever difficulties this nation faces. THAT is what sovereignty means. That is why suffragettes campaigned so hard for the vote for women. That is why millions risked their lives in 2 world wars to fight FOR sovereign democracy, here and across the continent of Europe. So that WE, THE PEOPLE could vote to change governments that we believed had failed.
BUT, if we vote to remain in the EU and the outcome is terrible… We are screwed. We as a people will be unable to vote out the incompetent “leaders” who screwed it up.
This is why a vote to LEAVE really IS the safest, most secure vote. Get out there and tell everyone.
The problem with Brexit not having a leader is that Cameron gets masses of publicity as de facto leader of remain with no equivalent for leave. He is currently live on the BBC news channel talking from the UK headquarters of a Spanish company. What democratic right does a Spanish company have to interfere in the referendum ? It masquerades as a British company called O2 . My concern is that many ‘don’t knows’ in this debate will be unduly influenced by this deceit .
And away from the Cameras, it falls to the rest of us campaigning to leave (whether for Vote_Leave, Leave.EU, Grassroots_Out or independently on forums like this website), to speak to as many people as we can and keep growing the massive grassroots campaign for out, so that when Cameron spouts his poisonous lies, we know he is speaking to an audience at home that increasingly knows for a fact he is spouting poisonous lies.
Then it matters not how many times he addresses the nation. We will all know it is bullshit.
Everyday, remember to ask at least one person, “What do you think of all this EU stuff?” and take it from there. recruit those who you convince to vote Leave to spread that message by the same means.
Spread that message exponentially via social media and in-person social networking. We are convincing more people faster that way, than old, out-dated and out of touch mainstream media can.
It ALSO has the benefit of showing more and more people how utterly corrupt and biased the BBC is.
Keep up the good work. We ARE winning.
And don’t forget to stress to any waverers, that its always better to leave a dodgy old Pyramid scheme (which is what the EU experiment is) first, before everyone else in it catches on and it implodes.
Far better to get out with our dignity intact, and leave the others to flounder about, name calling, griping and fighting over any remaining spoils.
Piss off Pauline Caffkey!
Non news on Radio 4 says she`s poorly again-third time that attention seeking jock has bungee jumped into the NHS up in Scotland.
Now either the quacks are crap there-or she`s got Yuppie Flu…make your mind up hen!
As long as Nurse Sturgeon stumps up for the malingering jet lagger…and doesn`t send her down here in a lead box for US to treat eh?
Now then…other news today on ” All In The Mind”?….
Ach, it’s a good thing she’s in for a 3rd time and it’s somehow got onto the news (although I think it’s Meningitis, not M.E, you heartless sod). It’ll discourage nurses from trying to get their virtue-signalling certificate by flying over to save the nigs.
Silver lining!
If I were Jeremy Hunt, I`d hire old Cafferty and her motor car-and get her to tour the junior doctor picket lines by way of “solidarity”.
THAT might get the fops out of the recording studios and charity run gym bunny warrens-and back to whining to PATIENTS about the NHS cuts…poor sods would HAVE to listen, unless they could charge a Tazer on the telly trolley needing a £20 card.
ME…Meningitis…Melingering…all the same to me as the NHS Chief Medical monkey…me spellinz a bit crap though.
Could we hire her for the next Momentum rally as public speaker then?
If she goes to the weegie Queen Elizabeth Hospital, I’m afraid it will only be in spirit.
Bloody edit time! Forgot to add – I believe there were no scotch doctors who signed that Lancet open letter to the Judean Kikes about that Gaza palava, so they can’t be all that bad.
The real experts in treating ebola and its complications are in Sierra Leone. Wouldn’t it be to her benefit if she was transferred to a hospital in Freetown?
The the BBC could run stories about the NHS in Scotland being worse than health services in the Third World.
Well, it’s staffed by third world nurses.
Hard luck chrisH, that hermetically sealed ambulance is on its way to Londistan as we speak – or will the RAF supply a Hercules to keep the bills down? Either way, they’ve cleared a floor at Barts to be on the safe side.
What are the MSM going to do ? They want to guilt trip people with footage of “refugees” but they must also know that seeing the barbarians at the gates will sway a lot of people to vote out…Decisions, decisions…
Think I’ll be boycotting as many companies who signed the in letter, as I possibly can…I think there will be a lot of shy voters in the Out camp to, lets hope so.
Stomached the brow mopping moppets on Radio 4…until 2 minutes into THIS peice of shit.
Some bird in Geneva channelling her Lyse Doceut/Orla Guerin…frankly WEIRD-impression of a BBC refugee reporter.
Just listen!
Are these Swiss misses taking the piss?
I mean-and here I go all Tony Curtis here….”nobody toyks like vatt”!
Only the BBC would employ these Lloyd Grossman tribute acts post op…Imogen Forks indeed.
Now Fork Off Imogen!
IN psychology they call it imprinting.
After the NoNewsNoon , I was invited by Nihal not to pre-judge the Staffie at my daughters nursery…nor to condemn the pitbull at the public park.
Prejudicial and hurts the feelings of Tattoo Tom and Stella Wife-beiter apparently.
Oh no….and-as Nihal no doubt wishes to imprint on us all-we are NOT to judge Muslims either.
For the killer breeds of Germany are-in a real sense-“the other”, and like Colognes finest little breeders…are hurth if we don`t offer our kids up for sanctification and celebration.
Ah-but are not all Muslims “Caninophobic” as well-like we saps with too much time on our hands at noon on Radio 4 duty?
Er-we`ll need a ruling on that one…into Regents Park now….Pit bull tied loosely on the golden railings outside…wish me luck!….
Yet more dog shit from the BBC…and Nihal is a doggie bag that needs a binning.
Having an accent that is either Irish, Scottish or anchored somewhere in the mid Atlantic seems a prerequisite to get a job as a BBC reporter . Failing that, have an incomprehensible regional accent that grates, such as the awful Stephanie McGovern of BBC Breakfast fame ( any Irish or Scots mixed up with West Yorkshire there ?)
I’ll see your Imogen Forks and raise you the perma-serious face and the constipated tones of Channel 4’s very own page 3 conflict kitten : Lindsey Hilsum
Anne of Cleves talkng to Joan Baez brother.
One old fossil and relic of a bygone age that Islamic State might want to throw a jumping jack at.
Purple nose of Biro….at least the doughty Anne Leslie found herself a bloke BEFORE she went off to report on things foreign.
Lindsey-has she ever been to herself as Charlene Duncan once sang?
Got the germ of a good Womans Hour special here…Wives and Lovers by Burt Bacharach to set the tone required for those old birds who missed out on the likes of us eh?
Burt never sings that one on the BBC I notice-but then the old scrote never sings for anybody!
Lucky Julia say I!…as does my wife.
The above report gives more weight to getting Great Britain out of the ‘failed’ EU.
It is because the ‘soft underbelly’ of Europe is not securing its borders – the message to any gimmigrants is ‘to get over the Med and you can get in. There is no one with ‘balls’ there to stop you’ .
So, what has the European Parliament done to guard its borders since last years invasion ?
Vote out to make Britain safer .