Radio 4 on 22 Feb at 8 to 8:30 pm, about Hungary and the flood of migrants. Some points of interest:
(1) We were told that Orban’s policy on closing borders had “angered” the UN and EU (but not most of the people of Hungary?)
(2) Foreign companies had refused to sell razor wire for border control to Hungary, which had thus been making its own (and selling it abroad. The nerve of it!) No questions were asked about why these companies would turn down this business opportunity (i.e. what undemocratic political pressure was brought to bear on them?)
(3) The state-owned media apparently “parrots” the ruling party’s line about immigration and its links to terrorism (lucky for us in the UK that the BBC never parrots the official line on multiculturalism and mass immigration, isn’t it?!)
(4) The presenter interviewed a lady who had helped passing migrants last summer and had had no trouble from them. This was the cue for (get your sick-bucket ready) a remark on “the milk of human kindness … real life can trump government propaganda”. To be fair, others were interviewed who spoke of the lack of gratitude, the many demands and anti-Christian potential of the migrants.
(5) The evocation of concerns for “Christian Europe”, by what Orwell might have called Hungarian “old-thinkers”, was met with the familiar and tiresome evocation of what happened to the Jews in the 1930s Hungary, as if this were sufficient to dismiss the legitimate question. A Hungarian lady did reject the presenter’s argument.
(6) Muslims, who were said to have been in Hungary for hundreds of years, were now ‘afraid’, given the new mood.
(7) Hungary was unfortunately at Europe’s ‘cutting edge’ (a sort of pun on ‘cutting’, as in what happens to you when you try to cross razor wire) and was using EU funds to put up border fences, which the presenter clearly regretted.
Not the worst bias ever, but still pushing the multi-culti, anti-nationalist, pro-Muslim, anti-Christian line of the elite traitor class of Europe.
And as for Austrias 180 degree about turn?…Merkels?..Sweden and Denmarks?
Good old Zeman and Orban…both LIVED under Soviet doublespeak so have a good grip on the EUs Nazification and Pacification agendas…and the USSR didn`t prevail, anymore that will the NEUSSR that Brussels craves.
No=New Europe has it sorted-and the southern end of it know all too well what Muslims do when there`s a flat land and routes over to Poitiers and Vienna.
the EU “angered”?…must be bad…”disappointing” after Cologne, “regrettable” over Charlie Hebdo, “inappropriate” over Calais?….
Good old Orwell eh?
I’ve just been watching Robert Peston on the ITV news. He still spouts the same incoherent rubbish on this channel has he did when he was employed by the BBC. By his appearance, he appears to be living rough at the moment. I wonder if he shares the same cardboard box or shop doorway as Corbyn?
More BBC Red-io 4 (Wall to wall Labour 24 hours a day)
#1 Today Riot Girls : Emma “Second of three new plays charting British feminism through three generations of women.” 1995. Emma now works for NEW LABOUR. But how new are attitudes to women?
Bear with…please…seeking the context of this photo since it rings a bell with me as being a total misrepresentation if the facts……ANYONE ABLE TO HELP.?
Can someone anywhere tell me exactly where does 55 million pounds of our money go every day. This should be a National Scandal, why isn’t it? Yet we/the press/ moan bBBC about MP’s expenses of just a few thousand. What the hell is going on?
I am aware that we get 21 million back in rebates whereby the EU tell us how we must spend it, not housing or hospitals but often needless arty things . So 34 million net goes to the EU.
I would like a break down as to where my money goes in the EU and exactly who (what office) is spending my money.?
Can someone help me on this,especially someone who supports our remaining in the EU.
He should have asked the EU, top of a lengthy list, for a refund of our past few years contributions together with a moratorium on future contributions for the foreseeable future, say, £50bn + £0bn for ten years. That money would then be ring-fenced in the UK for power stations, roads, housing, hospitals & schools to provide the infrastructure that we lack due to past free movement of workers.
The EU has to recognise that the main migration trend within the EU is westwards, the current population of Eire being proof of this.
There would have been all sorts of advantages from that: the EU would appear visionary & committed to the mutual well-being of member States. Free movement (outside of the migration crisis) would have been preserved and this might just have been enough to make the EU focus on securing all its borders, especially those in south and east. Finally, conceding cash (tough though that may have been from a cash-strapped Luxembourg .. er, .. I mean EU) then the other EU States would have had a major incentive to end protectionism and get out there, in the big bad world, trading & selling, bringing more reform & prosperity to its population in its wake.
At present the EU appears to be tied to a ‘Devil beggar the hindmost’ race to poverty, with Germany currently trying to leapfrog over Spain, Italy & Greece. With or without the UK, they will still need to reform or the EU will just wither away.
Oh sod it! 34 million did you say? I knew that was too much in my account, even for an ISA. I suppose I’ll have to pay it back now. I might just treat myself to a bacon sarny first, though..
Funny how the left don’t always appear to realise the connotations of their throwaway quips.
Arch leftie Michael Rosen on “Word of Mouth” hosted a program on Talking or Texting? And there was this throwaway line about a divorced mother wanting to take the kids to Australia and a father seeking to invoke article 8 of the Human rights act, right to a family life. It has long been proved that this clause does not apply to protect European fathers from an ex denying them access, however, the judge in dismissing his case remarked “there’s always Skype!”
Well if there’s always Skype in this case, why is it that countless terrorists and failed asylum seekers cannot be sent hence because of article 8 of the Human Right Act ?
This is certainly a question to ask anyone canvassing for remaining in Europe !
Here’s the result of some polling of Labour party members which I sincerely doubt the BBC will be making known to the public!
The Labour party membership is increasingly in line with the views of their leader. 68% of Labour members opose renewal of Trident, 64% think trade unions should have more influence, 58% say they wouldn’t vote for any Labour leader if they had supported airstrikes against Syria. Recent recruits are even more Corbynite – over 80% of those who’ve joined in the last year are anti-Trident, over 70% think unions should have more influence and would only support a leader who opposed airstrikes in Syria.
A leftwards consolidation of the Labour party membership however risks opening up a significant gulf between the views of members and voters. The most obvious example of that here is immigration. On salience, health and the economy are seen as two of the three biggest issues facing the country by Labour members, Labour voters and the general public. But on immigration 60% of the general public think it is a major issue, 46% of Labour voters do, just 17% of Labour members do; 78% of Labour party members think immigration is good for the economy, only 41% of Labour voters do, only 29% of the general public.
Finally, on the EU referendum Labour party members are overwhelmingly in favour of REMAIN – 81% say they’ll vote to stay, 11% to leave, 8% don’t know.
“Finally, on the EU referendum Labour party members are overwhelmingly in favour of REMAIN – 81% say they’ll vote to stay, 11% to leave, 8% don’t know.”
Well that part of the Poll, at least,the BBC would be thrilled about, for sure!
It’s worth reading. The most important as it relates to the BBC are the issues which Labour supporters believe is important as against those the general public feels is important, and I think that these issues closely mirror BBC concerns (surprise)!
The most important issue for Labour Voters & Corbyn supporters is health at 68 & 71% but the public only comes in at 36% !
Housing 49 & 52 but the public are at just 20 !
Immigration and Asylum is the single most important issue for the British public at 60%, but the Labour supporters are way out of whack at just 17, and Corbyn supporters even lower at 14 !
31 % of the Public saw terrorism and defence as important at odds with Labour at 11, and Corbyn supporters at just 7 !
There’s a whole load of additional data behind these figures, and it’s all worth reading. Why the Labour lot are thinking the way the are, the issues which concern them but don’t appear to concern the public, and vice versa.
Corbyn only getting 17% approval from Labour Party members and 13% from his own on Europe? Hmmmnn. Interesting. Yesterday’s letter from business leaders was an absolute peach for the Tories & New Labourites.
I use that latter name advisedly now that Alan Johnson (not previously known as a massive Blairite) swung enthusiastically in favour of Europe on Sunday and thus allied himself and a chunk of both Corbyn and the non-Corbyn Labour Party with big business. The EU Referendum was always going to produce some strange alliances: Farage & Galloway being the first, now the Corbyn-led Socialist Labour Party and big business. On that latter alliance, do I recall correctly or is my memory tricking me that ‘the letter’ was announced first at 6am on R4 as “Business leaders have written a letter in support of continuing membership”, later on that became “Some business leaders have written a letter in support of continuing membership”? Further on in the day I think I heard different riders being applied such as “One third” or “A significant minority”. A gradual downplaying on BBC R4 seemed to me to be occurring through the day.
I wonder if there was a rather tense phone call between Labour HQ & the BBC just after 6am?
No, you’ve misinterpreted the poll. It’s not about approval on certain areas of policy, but which matters the people find important.
One of the very interesting results is how little both the people and the Labour people find the environment to be of any consequence.
The whole point of posting this table is to show how out of step with the people, both the Labour party and the BBC are.
I would even go so far as to suggest that the mindset of the BBC and their output mirrors the concerns of the Labour voters, and has no conception of the worries fears and wishes of the great British public which pays for them.
The House will forgive me for quoting five democratic questions that I have developed during my life………….one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system.
Speech to the House of Commons, 16 Nov 1998 (Hansard volume 319 column 685 fom 7.20pm, Debate on: European Parliamentary Elections Bill)[1]
So the Labour Party do not support the views on the EU that Tony Benn espoused. So one can only assume that those who do not support Benn’s views holds the views of Tony Blair, they are in essence Blairites, Dennis Skinner therefore a Blairite, i think somebody needs to tell him, someone who has contributed little if nothing positive in effecting political change, also not particularly bright IMO.
Tony Benn’s son is a Blairite, not a Bennite, who’d have thought!
I remember being electrified when Mr Benn recited this from his book at a literary event – it is the nearest I have to a mantra, which I will repeat to myself at times, and worry if I can’t remember it.
A bit late but just came across this post.
Benn’s five questions are worthy of consideration certainly, and certainly hold for the EU, but what is missing here is the context. What Benn missed out was “who does the getting rid”? He wanted to replace what he saw as vested interest with HIS form of democracy which was trade union block votes, protestors in the streets, pressure groups etc. Because the Hard Left had lost all the arguments, he wanted to find another way to get his lunacies across.
And sadly (and see Richard Pinder’s list no 8 on the Clash board) vox pop carries a big flaw that big strategic issues need to be settled and cannot be changed every five minutes. It makes no sense to start to build a road or bridge or a nuclear deterrent and go through a series of start/stops every time a pressure group temporarily wins an argument.
Sometimes decisions have to be made and not everyone can be happy all the time.
Al Beeb webshite currently running article “Does the EU impact on UK sovereignty?” Joshua ‘utter gobshite’ Rozenberg writes the biggest amount of guff imaginable to try and throw doubt and confusion onto what should be a “fuck yes! And you know full well it does you traitorous, lying cretin!” answer.
Take this quote taken directly from Wikipedia;
“Sovereignty is understood in jurisprudence as the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity”
Can anyone else see any doubt in what that means?
Why the article? Why even the question? It’s nothing other than re-engineering of facts to cast doubt on the very core reason for leaving the EU.
Dirty, lying, filthy tactics already on display by Al Beeb! Gloves are off and anything goes. I hope those undecided can see what is so obvious to us all on here
I can only see evidence of scaremongering from Cameron’s Remain group.I have yet to have seen scaremongering from the Out camp. Maybe I’m biased but I really haven’t.
So why do panellists, bBBC keep talking of scaremongering coming from both sides! bBBC – I defy you you to tell me examples of Out campaign scaremongering.
Hardly scaremongering. All these are very likely scenarios.
In addition the EU is on the verge of serious chaos possibly leading to disintegration and it is arguable that the leave camnpaign is downplaying this as much as the remain
You are trying to avoid the main and really the only matter that needs discussing. A free people govern themselves and that is the crux of the matter.
All sovereignity rests with us and it cannot be given or ceded to any outside power. This is the foundation of a free society composed of freemen. We settled this in the 17th century and that is that.
Are we to exchange the divine right of kings for the divine right of an unelected and foreign body that would exercise power over us?
The EU was sold to us on a lie and it is time the matter was put right.
> You are trying to avoid the main and really the only matter that needs discussing.
No – zero gave valid examples of scaremongering, including Iain Duncan Smith’s preposterous claims that staying in the EU makes terrorist acts against Britain more likely.
You have chosen to ignore that, and seek to make people look elsewhere as a means of distracting people from his valid point.
So Duncan Smith is preposterous is he? Which is why Norway is enacting legislation to close by force it’s border with Sweden in the event of the situation there becoming uncontrollable. Which is why Hungary is getting so much abuse from the BBC for it’s border closures and fences. How soon will the open borders of the EU be a distant memory?. The common factor is fear of terrorrism and open borders and no controls make this far more likely.
Isis have already told us that they will flood Europe with refugees and infiltrate their fighters and presumably we are also a target.
The EU has failed to secure it’s borders.
My fellow Al Beliebers. I am of the opinion that we need opposing voices on here. We need statements challenging if required to do so. It strengthens our debate and refines the details. Its healthy to hear the opinions of the people we discuss and criticise on here because if we are serious about challenging the might and power of the political and media elite then we had better toughen up and get our arguments right.
The reason I started using this website was because Al Beeb kept sensoring my posts on their HYS. It was crazy how Al Beebs, race baiters, and grievance hustlers views went unchecked and uncensored as fact, whilst any opposing voices were shut down on the grounds they could “offend” someone. The vast majority white population are game to antagonise, abuse, belittle, ignore… This website gives us the chance to speak out and get better out our arguments.
If zero comes across like a antagonistic, 6th form bellend, then it reinforces our argument that the lefts hold on power is down to style, fear and not substance. If zero accurately challenges one of our posts or allows the opportunity to debate then we should rise to the challenge. We all wouldn’t be on here if we didn’t believe we are right, and every day the posts you put on here proves that even more
> If zero comes across like a antagonistic, 6th form bellend…
Which he doesn’t. In fact, he presents counterpoints to “arguments” (I use the term advisedly, since they’re often just knackered old prejudices) and the response is a litany of kindergarten whining from people who have deluded themselves into thinking that they’re special.
Answer: Because he is a bBBC troll, I don’t mind talking to non trolls of the Left but not trolls intent on irritating and get contributors off the site. I tend to ignore him/her, the comments lacked sense and were geared to try and annoy rather than sensibly debate.
That’s because they employ cheap migrant labour who send the money out of the country’s circulation, can get tax concessions via EU countries, and destroying our childrens future by undercutting wages and reducing their skill levels replacing them with foreign labour.
One word descibes these big companies. Scumbags. Would I vote for a scumbag that is trying to do me down. No I would not. Unbelievably there are people in this country who are stupid and would do so!
I HATE Eggheads ! if ever there was a quiz where no-one can win its this one. The resident team are so up themselves and smug – tonight its on in the background and ‘Daphne’ professes not to know any of the answers, yet gets them all right purely by ‘guesswork’. I could often throw something at the box in anger, but when this is on I could throw the tele out of the window. Guaranteed to get the blood pressure up. Rant over.
Is it possible that there is a secret code to indicate which is the right answer? A rub of the nose, a glance, the initial letter of the question or follow up comment?
Brissles, count your blessings! We get the British Eggheads on Aussie TV, and it’s like University Challenge compared to our dumbed down (and increasingly politically correct) output. Even the BBC would be better!
As for Eggheads, the resident team do lose now and then. Mr H-B and I quite enjoy the show. I can’t stand Pointless, though – a weird format, and annoying presenters.
110,000 mIgrants have arrived in The EU in the last 5 weeks. A huge increase on last year . There are many ways this could be reported upon. The EU’s dismal failure to achieve anything to stem this flow over the winter could be highlighted. No moves against Turkish people traffickers . No naval presence off the Turkish coast. No meaningful deal with the Turks to assist . Perhaps the growing fears in Sweden, Germany etc about the evil consequences of letting in so many migrants could be highlighted. Maybe a reference to the estimate that 5000 jihadis are in the EU thanks to uncontrolled migration? No, none of this . Just the usual ‘heart breaking’ report from a BBC apparachik called Danny Savage that is unquestioning and pro migrant. UN quoted as saying that attempts to stop Afghans will cause chaos. So we face another season of this deceitful reporting while our culture is further undermined.
Things we are not being told. Norway is enacting legislation to allow it to close it’s borders with Sweden in the event of that country collapsing into chaos. Also abandoning the Geneva Convention on refugees. Now why would the Norwegians want to do that ?
I think we have to assume that Sweden is in danger of collapsing into a state of near anarchy and that this is a direcrt result of an open door policy by Sweden and Germany. How long before Germany starts to become unstable? If not already as many think.
This makes our referendum look a bit futile. Will the EU still exist in the morning after? It would account for Cameron’s odd approach and for the obvious signs of his panic in this campaign.
I agree. This is an amazing story – worthy of very serious coverage. One of Europe’s major countries believes another major country is close to collapse. And yet the BBC, to protect its own naive, fetishistic worship of immigration, chooses to suppress it.
I suppose it could also account for him quickly setting an early date for the referendum – much earlier than previously bandied about. He wants to hold it before the Islamic invasion of Europe reaches such proportions that nobody in his right mind would want to be a part of it.
The time is right for Britain to free itself from the EU, says LEO MCKINSTRY
THE HOUR of destiny has arrived. In the forthcoming referendum on EU membership, the choice facing the British people could hardly be more stark.
If we vote to leave we can regain our independence, bringing home control of our laws, our economy and our borders. But if we vote to remain, we will continue to be shackled to a sclerotic, undemocratic empire whose epic misrule now threatens the existence of European civilisation.
The very fact that the British public will soon have this pivotal vote is a tribute to the powerful, patriotic crusade waged by the Daily Express in support of British freedom. The drive for liberty has been given further impetus by the farce of David Cameron’s renegotiating strategy.
In place of the “fundamental reform” he once promised, he asked only for meaningless concessions that do nothing to restore our sovereignty. The Downing Street spin machine tried to disguise the emptiness of the deal by emphasising the theatrics of the Brussels summit, even though the deadlines were entirely arbitrary.
Swallowing this propaganda, the news coverage was full of excitable reports about sleep-deprived politicians, delayed meals and fraught nocturnal meetings. But all this masochism just served to emphasise Cameron’s impotence.
Nothing revealed more graphically the erosion of our sovereignty by the EU than the pathetic sight of a British Prime Minister begging foreign leaders to allow a trivial change in Britain’s welfare system. A free country should be able to decide its own benefit rules and not have them dictated by an alien regime.
The absurdity of Cameron’s position is that everything he requested could have been won if Britain left the EU. Protection for the City of London, control of welfare, the supremacy of British law and restrictions on immigration would all be guaranteed if we were free from the Brussels straitjacket.
This is the truth that the Europhiles try to avoid. Their blather about our British “national interests” is completely phoney because Brussels despises the entire concept of national integrity and democracy. Just as hollow is all their scaremongering about jobs, trade, and global influence.
Their arguments ignore the reality that the EU has been a spectacular failure. Its creators promised a new era of peace and prosperity. Instead Brussels has imposed economic paralysis and social chaos. The zealots’ dream of federalism has turned into a bleak nightmare.
If we vote to leave we can regain our independence, bringing home control of our laws, our economy and our borders
What was so striking about last week’s summit, apart from the humiliation of Cameron, was its surreal quality. Here was a bunch of political mediocrities, haggling over benefit regulations while Europe is in a state of social disintegration, thanks to the migration crisis manufactured by the EU’s fixation with free movement and open borders.
In the past year alone an astonishing 1.8million illegal migrants are estimated to have entered Europe while 2,000 are arriving every single day on the tiny Greek island of Lesbos. In Britain, European-led immigration is imposing an intolerable strain on our civic infrastructure, from housing to the NHS.
Only last week it was revealed that the number of EU workers in Britain has gone up by 215,000 in just 12 months. Equally empty are the scare stories over the economy and safety. Brussels is actually an engine of jobs destruction due to its devotion to over-regulation and the single currency.
Similarly, far from protecting European societies, the EU’s open-door policy has promoted the import of terrorism, criminality and gang violence. Europol has just admitted that there are probably at least 5,000 jihadists inside the EU, while here in Britain more than 700 European migrants are handed criminal convictions by the courts every week.
British Europhiles sometimes admit the need for improvement but the EU is not remotely interested in reform, only in achieving its goal of federal unification. Its lack of democratic accountability means that it has become a byword for institutionalised bureaucracy, incompetence and misuse of public funds.
Incredibly, this is an organisation which not only has offices in Papua New Guinea and Barbados but also employs about 10,000 bureaucrats on higher take-home pay than our Prime Minister. Yet British taxpayers have to pay £350million a week for the privilege of being governed by these paper-shuffling foreign officials who despise us. This is the moment to break the chains.
The pro-Europeans wail that Brexit will be “a leap in the dark” but the real risks lie in retaining our membership. That will mean more bullying through measures such as immigration quotas, the removal of welfare limits and heavier taxes.
Moreover, the EU will sink even further into chaos as it pursues its policy of enlargement by giving membership to Turkey and Bosnia, with their 80million-strong Muslim populations. The only certainty about the EU’s future is that it will be ever more Islamified and shambolic.
The message of the Remain camp is one of bleak defeatism, painting Britain as an enfeebled entity that cannot survive alone. But the British are far better than that. We have an inspirational past and a rich future beckons if we have the courage to be free.
” the farce of David Cameron’s renegotiating strategy.”
To be fair to Dave, he was successful in getting them all to agree that he could choose the colour of ink in his pen when putting his signature on our surrender document.
Like your style Jim, but you should know that the purpose of directives is to provide an endless job creation and justification programme for the Brussels bureaucracy for years to come.
Directives? Chicken feed. What you really need are Directive reviews!
Try this.
‘Nothing revealed more graphically the erosion of our sovereignty by the EU than the pathetic sight of a British Prime Minister begging foreign leaders to allow a trivial change in Britain’s welfare system. ‘
This is a great line which sums up the depths we as a country have stooped to.
I tried hard, I really did. I was determined to give R4’s WATO a chance to prove this lunchtime that it was so aware of the scrutiny it would be under that it would be scrupulously fair about the referendum. I could not have been more wrong – and hardly more incensed by the time the programme ended.
The ‘letter from big business leaders’ (actually a letter written by Cameron’s hacks and signed under who knows what pressure) was treated not as the embarrassment it was but as if it were holy writ. And when the equal opportunities hire who currently heads Virgin money was asked why she supported membership of the EU, she cooed about how the EU had spread ‘social justice’. Yes, really.
Note to Investors. If you do business with Virgin Money, take care. Asked about a letter from FTSE business leaders, which presupposes a sensible business orientated response, this airhead answers like a second rate Amal Clooney. Based on her performance today, I wouldn’t hire her to staff a sub-Post Office handing out the stamps and the pension dosh.
The rest of the show (because that’s all it was – it certainly wasn’t a serious news programme) maintained the same dismal tone. Martha Kearney, never the brightest bulb and someone who sounds like she, too, could run Virgin Money, made it perfectly clear which side she supported when she interviewed Theresa Villiers about why she favoured Brexit, while the crowning glory was a piece from Norther Ireland in which only one pro-Brexit voice was heard against a barrage of Remain talking points. Oh, and they game airtime to Martin McGuinness. On the EU. WIthout a health warning.
I managed to get to my destination without crashing the car, but in far from the best mood and from now on, it’s no quarter. The BBC has had its chance from me. It is a wrecker. A publicity machine for the EU. It isn’t even pretending to try to play fair.
No more chances. It is an open sewer of pro-EU propaganda. When we win, it needs to go and some serious retribution is called for. People need to lose their careers for this.
The Ghadia woman from Virgin Money is just spouting the same Remain propaganda we have already heard from her boss Richard Branson. Her main claim to fame is that she worked for Fred Goodwin from 2001-6. She then ended up at Northern Rock. So I think she’s done enough to ruin the British economy without doing more harm by advocating our continued membership of a bloc that is in terminal decline.
Is this the same Richard Branson who pays his tax to to other countries so that he doesn’t have to pay for the hospitals,schools, houses that have enabled and helped him to get where he is today.
The ‘Remain’ choice of role model – the message is, abuse the people who gave you the tools to have a start in life, and then, when you have enough money to repay them, put your money into other countries coffers and bugger Britain.
Yes, it’s disappointing that the Beeb don’t seem to have the sense to see that the jig’s up. They appear to be gambling more and more, on a less and less likely outcome. Is this the Ceausescu Ploy, or is it some other tin-pot dictator (deceased) I’m thinking of?
13 hours ago
This is priceless. does noone remember alastair campbell, media bully in chief.
and anyway the BBC has an inherent inbuilt lefty pro EU bias, as has been adequately documented.
Zero, when you have a mo… you are clearly needed for a clear up.
Sky have just told me that 2 out of 3 people refused permission to stay in the country are still here.
This has happened year on year since 2007 or so…and it continues.
Our Sky newsreader smiled her winsome smile and we went over to the weather.
“Wotcha gonna do about it?” being the meme required of us .
It`s as if every day is dress-down Friday…let `em all come and f*** the future.
Good drugs and you`ll suit black…and DON`T mention the national breakdown we`re witnessing.
Budesliga and croissants….Ken Bigley and Cologne…wh`appen maan!
God we`re stuffed-but let`s run up a flag to tell the EU to fuck off one last time shall we?
The Brits Awards are institutionally racist though-ask the Caliph if he`s taking requests!
Someone tell me, anyone tell me why it is ok for the bBBC to moan about MP’s expenses amounting to the odd thousands of pounds but its not ok for the bBBC to moan about the EU losing 4 billion euros, not auditing their accounts for 21 years and not allowing us to spend our own money which comes back in a rebate how we want to bloody spend it.
I want people of the out campaign to start telling it like it is, that the bBBC is given money from the EU, supports immigration because of the extra funding they receive from extra liscence fees,receives preferential EU loans, the Outers must keep saying on live TV how biased and untrustworthy they, the BBC are. How anti British they are, how they have their own agenda, I want them outed, well and truly exposed in this referendum. Every panellist on the Beeb must be told to put in a dig at the corrupt Beeb in every interview. Good and proper.
‘Theresa the appeaser’ should be brought to book for this disgrace. That’s why the camps are in France.
Home Secretary ? my Ar..e Just what crimes have they got to do before they get deported?
Can’t find anything on Al Beeb about this ?
Censorship ?
Very reassuring comments to this article, a rare opportunity to comment on the EU referendum. The BBC are not convincing the HYS commenters and their uptickers.
i cannot get onto HYS, I make mention of the biased reporting of the bBBC and its left wing propaganda and it clearly doesn’t agree with my views!! I never swear in my posts, I try and put together a constructive argument.
I have now given up trying to get on HYS.
What hapened to freedom of speech!!
You are free to agree with the BBC’s position on any topic, at any time and in any place. Use your freedom wisely – Big Brother is watching you.
To the BBC the freedom to be wrong isn’t a real freedom and your wrongness is a sign of your enslavement by a false consciousness (Marxist Ideology lesson 1).
Belgium starting to get the message ……………………………….
Lets hope ‘Theresa the appeaser’ is going to take action . ‘Forewarned if to be forewarned’ . She has had enough warning now is the time to act
On Monday afternoon on this very thread, KafirHarbi linked to the BBC HYS article on the EU referendum, mentioning that, “3 out of the highest voted 10 comments have been removed because they ‘breach the house rules’ – i.e. they referred to BBC bias.”
Possibly zero is going to be on the naughty step too for being over here cherry picking when he should have been helping over on HYS to ‘moderate’ what the BBC allows to be seen and what not?
Try as it might, the BBC simply cannot get people to think the way it does on the EU. The poor dears must grit their teeth in frustration as HYS contributors insist on indeed having their own say and not the BBC’s say.
Prayer for Today with Anna Magnusson this morning on R4 at around 4.43 am was hilarious. She starts rambling on about a book called Norwegian Wood and how the smell of wood burning reminded her of her childhood. Her sermon concluded with her imploring the listener to remember “migrant children and families on the move” in their prayers. Who could she mean?
Latest report from BBC Ministry of Migrant Propaganda on The Jungle. Full bleeding heart mode. A weeping ‘comedienne’, who didn’t look of British extraction and who had visited Calais with ‘ a group of celebrities’. A live interview from Calais with a young female from Save The Children. Guess what, she didn’t seem worried about immigration to the UK. No proper balancing view given and certainly not achieved by interviewing a lorry driver who doesn’t like using Calais anymore.
Some woman from Amnesty International on Toady this morning, speaking to Al Beeb’s favourite topic of migration.
Apparently our support for the local refugee camps is good but our willingness to take 20,000 over 5 years is inadequate.
The interviewer did actually press on how many was therefore the right number to take, and guess what?
She would not answer, but instead droned on about the need for a European wide policy.
The Far Left open-door brigade NEVER EVER give us a number.
No less than six images of food or food related items on the BBC web-site Home Page today. Is this a record? (PS. One, the olive oil image, has just been removed as at 10.11am)
No wonder we have an obesity crisis!
Why this obsession with food at the BBC? Rather amusingly, there is another photograph and this linked via the HP: Is there no-one at the BBC who is bright enough to figure out the equation ‘Food (too much) = Fatness’ ?
You And Yours has just had some crap about Jamie Olivers sea bass being in danger from the EU.
Bloody migrants at the eastern end of the Med probably eating them before the EU gets to them.Before sending them with some packed organ transplants in ice fresh to Jamies School Canteens nationwide( No sugar-though each dinner is £155).
Then we had crap too about the return of organics after the Cheesy wotsits rebellions of 2008…when “The Crush” happened and all those lingonberries were replaced by fluorescent fizz.
Urgh…winkie poos!
The BBC are obsessed with virginity-as long as it only apples to their source olives…and they are the biggest self-disclosing food snobs and weirdos in the nation.
They HATE we the little people getting a fair priced dinner… I think they`ve got too much money on their hands and a big God-shaped hole that gets stuffed with lardarse snob tucker from Lewisham Market.
It`s Lent Winifred-we don`t give a stuffed olive about Alex James cheesy bits…really don`t.
If we Christians called this season “Edd”…and threatened Winnie and Jenni if they tempted us with their obsessional mentions of food during this holiest of the holy seasons…the fat Bakewells might shut their holes and give us some NEWS!
#”You may say that I`m a dreamer”#
As the bBBC is a socialist collectivist organisation, it naturally believes that individual responsibility is wrong and only centralised statist (or in the case of the EU, supra-statist) solutions for the collective good are acceptable, preferably provided by an untouchable elite in their own image.
Thus people have to be told what to do and not to do, and controlled appropriately.
Acceptance of the above proposition leads to a large number of the bBBC’s ‘impartial’ stories falling into place.
Usual BBC crap about , not enough Non Hideously Whites at “The Brits” , FFS , what about the MOBO`s then , no one Hideously Honky at that show . I am waiting for the MOWO`s to start soon , will NWA be the presenter`s at this one ?
One of my Canadian relatives asked how we will survive outside the EU.
Perhaps the same way as Canada and the other 120+ countries outside ‘the club’? Sometimes I feel like the ‘remain’ are BDSM fans who are in danger of losing their dominatrix.
JIm, I like your imagery, but I prefer to see them as children believing that as long as they keep tight hold of Nanny Merkel’s hand nothing bad can ever happen to them (the fact that she’s just about destroyed Germany has passed them by). Mind you, both our versions involve a dominant woman in a uniform, so perhaps we’re no so far apart.
Beat me to I just read that to – absolutely unbelievable-how will the so called BBC spin this?
“At the last PMQs Jeremy Corbyn asked a question from “Rosie“, a fan of the Labour leader who opposes the government on housing. ”
“It will come as absolutely no surprise to readers that Rosie in fact works for the BBC:
Indeed, she’s been at the Beeb for three years. When she’s not working as a production coordinator or on commissioning and formats, she’s writing Jezza’s PMQs… “
The indefatigable Megyn Kelly of Fox News reported on January 8th on a lone jihadi attack on a police officer in Philadelphia. I don’t recall this being on the BBC. Of course if the officer had attacked the honourable member of The Religion of Peace unprovoked it would have been all over the BBC.
Fox put together a revealing clip juxtaposing the contradictory comments of the Police Commissioner and the Mayor on the attack. From 11:37 minutes in:
Ain’t no shortage of dhimmis in the good old US of A. The president himself is a dhimmi. (Several hours after the attack, the White House had still refrained from commenting on the ISIS-inspired shooting of the officer and his courageous response.) But Megyn Kelly, apart from being beautiful, is like a breath of fresh air with her no-nonsense approach to the news, especially news like this.
Can’t help comparing her to the mealy-mouthed ‘journalists’ at the BBC who filter all news through their PC agenda before deigning to deliver it deprived of its relevance and substance to a long-suffering public.
Just a couple of random bits from this morning on Radio 4.
If you ever wonder just how weird people are on Planet Beeb….just listen to Mishal Husains interview with some bloke who got a grant to be a GOAT in the Swiss Alps.
Funded by the Wellcome Trust, prosthetics made for him by a Swiss Universitys Health Faculty.
And all this just goes by the board…as if it`s NORMAL?
Mishal and her kind don`t even go close to the questions that a normal person outside the BBC might ask.
In her case-halal or haram?
But it`s the “normality” of this freak show as interview that bothered me….are they ALL really that mad?
And fifteen minutes later-blow me-some bloke eats worms and thinks he`s a badger…but gets a fish pie , seeing as the badger is an omnivore..apparently.
This latter piece of freak came courtesy of Libby Purves…who-to be fair-DID ask questions that resembled some that my prissy auntie in Chipping Norton might once have asked the gamekeeper.
This was fifteen minutes at the BBC this morning.
Do I see Bestiality and Interspecism prejudices coming along the track…votes for goats and badgers!
Utterly barking…arf arf.
Animal Crackers?..Animal Magic?….Mad Cow disease in all those fat broilers sitting on the BBCs breakfast eggs, so it seems.
‘Antonin Scalia death: President Obama pays respects’, so ran a BBC website headline last week following the death of Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice. Strangely enough, though, I can’t find anything on the BBC about the sick wisecrack Obama made about Scalia a couple of days ago as he addressed the National Governor’s Association at the White House.
Obama joked, “Some of you may be in the final year of your term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks you represent, fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges, the usual stuff”. The video clearly captures Obama’s gloating grin as he acknowledges a cackle of laughter from his audience, you could almost describe it as evil …
“After Nevada Five Ways Trump can still be stopped”. Poor old Anthony Lurcher (my spell check prefers the ‘L” to the “Zed”), his reputation for political commentary is already in the US trash can. Actually even Lurcher now sees that Trump is going to win the Republican nomination so anyone bothering to click on the link will discover that Lurcher actually included the word “unlikely” between “Five and “Ways” , but clearly some knob-head felt that was too strong for Al Beeb’s front page.
Never mind Ant- it may be a cold day in hell before Trump invites you for a fireside chat, but if Hilary wins you may still be invited to see the Christmas trees and ginger bread house on the White House Xmas tour.
Yes seems after Al-Beeb’s big 2015 “stop UKIP campaign”, 2016 they are running the “2016 Stop Campaign”
See the evidence :
I here I opened the BBC website (maybe customised per region ?)
and the top story is
“US election 2016: Donald Trump sweeps to victory in Nevada
followed by :
“Five ways Trump can still be stopped”
The Trump story itself has a caption
Media caption”I love the poorly educated” – Donald Trump delivers his victory speech ”
followed by
“22 things that Donald Trump believes America split into ‘alien tribes’ ”
(I’m not bothered about US election it’s not for almost a year)
The BBC cannot refrain from trying to influence elections in other countries. Always in favour of the left, of course.
Happily, there will be very few Americans, if any, influenced by the BBC. They have a vibrant, knowledgeable and open media there representing the full spectrum of opinion from right to left and they have no need to tune into the mealy-mouthed, anal retentive propagandists at the BBC.
The other night on Channel 4 news we witnessed the spectacle of confirmed lefty Jon Snow gushing : “The journalist in me says that was Cameron’s greatest speech of his career”
Not since the Pantomime Marraige Act has the PM been held in such high regard by the media elite.
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Radio 4 on 22 Feb at 8 to 8:30 pm, about Hungary and the flood of migrants. Some points of interest:
(1) We were told that Orban’s policy on closing borders had “angered” the UN and EU (but not most of the people of Hungary?)
(2) Foreign companies had refused to sell razor wire for border control to Hungary, which had thus been making its own (and selling it abroad. The nerve of it!) No questions were asked about why these companies would turn down this business opportunity (i.e. what undemocratic political pressure was brought to bear on them?)
(3) The state-owned media apparently “parrots” the ruling party’s line about immigration and its links to terrorism (lucky for us in the UK that the BBC never parrots the official line on multiculturalism and mass immigration, isn’t it?!)
(4) The presenter interviewed a lady who had helped passing migrants last summer and had had no trouble from them. This was the cue for (get your sick-bucket ready) a remark on “the milk of human kindness … real life can trump government propaganda”. To be fair, others were interviewed who spoke of the lack of gratitude, the many demands and anti-Christian potential of the migrants.
(5) The evocation of concerns for “Christian Europe”, by what Orwell might have called Hungarian “old-thinkers”, was met with the familiar and tiresome evocation of what happened to the Jews in the 1930s Hungary, as if this were sufficient to dismiss the legitimate question. A Hungarian lady did reject the presenter’s argument.
(6) Muslims, who were said to have been in Hungary for hundreds of years, were now ‘afraid’, given the new mood.
(7) Hungary was unfortunately at Europe’s ‘cutting edge’ (a sort of pun on ‘cutting’, as in what happens to you when you try to cross razor wire) and was using EU funds to put up border fences, which the presenter clearly regretted.
Not the worst bias ever, but still pushing the multi-culti, anti-nationalist, pro-Muslim, anti-Christian line of the elite traitor class of Europe.
And as for Austrias 180 degree about turn?…Merkels?..Sweden and Denmarks?
Good old Zeman and Orban…both LIVED under Soviet doublespeak so have a good grip on the EUs Nazification and Pacification agendas…and the USSR didn`t prevail, anymore that will the NEUSSR that Brussels craves.
No=New Europe has it sorted-and the southern end of it know all too well what Muslims do when there`s a flat land and routes over to Poitiers and Vienna.
the EU “angered”?…must be bad…”disappointing” after Cologne, “regrettable” over Charlie Hebdo, “inappropriate” over Calais?….
Good old Orwell eh?
I’ve just been watching Robert Peston on the ITV news. He still spouts the same incoherent rubbish on this channel has he did when he was employed by the BBC. By his appearance, he appears to be living rough at the moment. I wonder if he shares the same cardboard box or shop doorway as Corbyn?
Incoherent rubbish and misinformation…
More BBC Red-io 4 (Wall to wall Labour 24 hours a day)
#1 Today Riot Girls : Emma “Second of three new plays charting British feminism through three generations of women.” 1995. Emma now works for NEW LABOUR. But how new are attitudes to women?
#2 Feb 8, 2016 – Drama, Stage Left, Episode 1
“A four-part drama following the fortunes of a LEFT-WING theatre company”
Charlotte Church and her anti-austerity drive….community cohesion and solidarity with those steel workers nearby.
How Labour…how lovely-and SO BBC!
Bear with…please…seeking the context of this photo since it rings a bell with me as being a total misrepresentation if the facts……ANYONE ABLE TO HELP.?
Oh sugar….where went the link?
Could be any Social Security office you care to mention.
Thank you Lobster… tends to agree.
Can someone anywhere tell me exactly where does 55 million pounds of our money go every day. This should be a National Scandal, why isn’t it? Yet we/the press/ moan bBBC about MP’s expenses of just a few thousand. What the hell is going on?
I am aware that we get 21 million back in rebates whereby the EU tell us how we must spend it, not housing or hospitals but often needless arty things . So 34 million net goes to the EU.
I would like a break down as to where my money goes in the EU and exactly who (what office) is spending my money.?
Can someone help me on this,especially someone who supports our remaining in the EU.
Nobody can tell where the money goes. The EU books have not been audited since 1996!
Agreed Feargal, hence my final sentence.
‘Can someone help me on this,especially someone who supports our remaining in the EU’
That is where Dave went wrong in my view.
He should have asked the EU, top of a lengthy list, for a refund of our past few years contributions together with a moratorium on future contributions for the foreseeable future, say, £50bn + £0bn for ten years. That money would then be ring-fenced in the UK for power stations, roads, housing, hospitals & schools to provide the infrastructure that we lack due to past free movement of workers.
The EU has to recognise that the main migration trend within the EU is westwards, the current population of Eire being proof of this.
There would have been all sorts of advantages from that: the EU would appear visionary & committed to the mutual well-being of member States. Free movement (outside of the migration crisis) would have been preserved and this might just have been enough to make the EU focus on securing all its borders, especially those in south and east. Finally, conceding cash (tough though that may have been from a cash-strapped Luxembourg .. er, .. I mean EU) then the other EU States would have had a major incentive to end protectionism and get out there, in the big bad world, trading & selling, bringing more reform & prosperity to its population in its wake.
At present the EU appears to be tied to a ‘Devil beggar the hindmost’ race to poverty, with Germany currently trying to leapfrog over Spain, Italy & Greece. With or without the UK, they will still need to reform or the EU will just wither away.
And the other question, Wronged, is what do the others pay? When did you ever see or hear what France, or Poland or Belgium put in the pot?
Beltane, I believe we are the second biggest contributor to the EU.
Germany is the largest, the answer to your question is not as much as ourselves.
Oh sod it! 34 million did you say? I knew that was too much in my account, even for an ISA. I suppose I’ll have to pay it back now. I might just treat myself to a bacon sarny first, though..
Funny how the left don’t always appear to realise the connotations of their throwaway quips.
Arch leftie Michael Rosen on “Word of Mouth” hosted a program on Talking or Texting? And there was this throwaway line about a divorced mother wanting to take the kids to Australia and a father seeking to invoke article 8 of the Human rights act, right to a family life. It has long been proved that this clause does not apply to protect European fathers from an ex denying them access, however, the judge in dismissing his case remarked “there’s always Skype!”
Well if there’s always Skype in this case, why is it that countless terrorists and failed asylum seekers cannot be sent hence because of article 8 of the Human Right Act ?
This is certainly a question to ask anyone canvassing for remaining in Europe !
Here’s the result of some polling of Labour party members which I sincerely doubt the BBC will be making known to the public!
The Labour party membership is increasingly in line with the views of their leader. 68% of Labour members opose renewal of Trident, 64% think trade unions should have more influence, 58% say they wouldn’t vote for any Labour leader if they had supported airstrikes against Syria. Recent recruits are even more Corbynite – over 80% of those who’ve joined in the last year are anti-Trident, over 70% think unions should have more influence and would only support a leader who opposed airstrikes in Syria.
A leftwards consolidation of the Labour party membership however risks opening up a significant gulf between the views of members and voters. The most obvious example of that here is immigration. On salience, health and the economy are seen as two of the three biggest issues facing the country by Labour members, Labour voters and the general public. But on immigration 60% of the general public think it is a major issue, 46% of Labour voters do, just 17% of Labour members do; 78% of Labour party members think immigration is good for the economy, only 41% of Labour voters do, only 29% of the general public.
Finally, on the EU referendum Labour party members are overwhelmingly in favour of REMAIN – 81% say they’ll vote to stay, 11% to leave, 8% don’t know.
“Finally, on the EU referendum Labour party members are overwhelmingly in favour of REMAIN – 81% say they’ll vote to stay, 11% to leave, 8% don’t know.”
Well that part of the Poll, at least,the BBC would be thrilled about, for sure!
The full poll is here
It’s worth reading. The most important as it relates to the BBC are the issues which Labour supporters believe is important as against those the general public feels is important, and I think that these issues closely mirror BBC concerns (surprise)!
The most important issue for Labour Voters & Corbyn supporters is health at 68 & 71% but the public only comes in at 36% !
Housing 49 & 52 but the public are at just 20 !
Immigration and Asylum is the single most important issue for the British public at 60%, but the Labour supporters are way out of whack at just 17, and Corbyn supporters even lower at 14 !
31 % of the Public saw terrorism and defence as important at odds with Labour at 11, and Corbyn supporters at just 7 !
There’s a whole load of additional data behind these figures, and it’s all worth reading. Why the Labour lot are thinking the way the are, the issues which concern them but don’t appear to concern the public, and vice versa.
Corbyn only getting 17% approval from Labour Party members and 13% from his own on Europe? Hmmmnn. Interesting. Yesterday’s letter from business leaders was an absolute peach for the Tories & New Labourites.
I use that latter name advisedly now that Alan Johnson (not previously known as a massive Blairite) swung enthusiastically in favour of Europe on Sunday and thus allied himself and a chunk of both Corbyn and the non-Corbyn Labour Party with big business. The EU Referendum was always going to produce some strange alliances: Farage & Galloway being the first, now the Corbyn-led Socialist Labour Party and big business. On that latter alliance, do I recall correctly or is my memory tricking me that ‘the letter’ was announced first at 6am on R4 as “Business leaders have written a letter in support of continuing membership”, later on that became “Some business leaders have written a letter in support of continuing membership”? Further on in the day I think I heard different riders being applied such as “One third” or “A significant minority”. A gradual downplaying on BBC R4 seemed to me to be occurring through the day.
I wonder if there was a rather tense phone call between Labour HQ & the BBC just after 6am?
No, you’ve misinterpreted the poll. It’s not about approval on certain areas of policy, but which matters the people find important.
One of the very interesting results is how little both the people and the Labour people find the environment to be of any consequence.
The whole point of posting this table is to show how out of step with the people, both the Labour party and the BBC are.
I would even go so far as to suggest that the mindset of the BBC and their output mirrors the concerns of the Labour voters, and has no conception of the worries fears and wishes of the great British public which pays for them.
They know they wont get hard left socialism through the ballot box, but they hope to achieve this via the EU.
Tony Benn said he following,
The House will forgive me for quoting five democratic questions that I have developed during my life………….one can ask five questions: what power do you have; where did you get it; in whose interests do you exercise it; to whom are you accountable; and, how can we get rid of you? Anyone who cannot answer the last of those questions does not live in a democratic system.
Speech to the House of Commons, 16 Nov 1998 (Hansard volume 319 column 685 fom 7.20pm, Debate on: European Parliamentary Elections Bill)[1]
So the Labour Party do not support the views on the EU that Tony Benn espoused. So one can only assume that those who do not support Benn’s views holds the views of Tony Blair, they are in essence Blairites, Dennis Skinner therefore a Blairite, i think somebody needs to tell him, someone who has contributed little if nothing positive in effecting political change, also not particularly bright IMO.
Tony Benn’s son is a Blairite, not a Bennite, who’d have thought!
I remember being electrified when Mr Benn recited this from his book at a literary event – it is the nearest I have to a mantra, which I will repeat to myself at times, and worry if I can’t remember it.
A bit late but just came across this post.
Benn’s five questions are worthy of consideration certainly, and certainly hold for the EU, but what is missing here is the context. What Benn missed out was “who does the getting rid”? He wanted to replace what he saw as vested interest with HIS form of democracy which was trade union block votes, protestors in the streets, pressure groups etc. Because the Hard Left had lost all the arguments, he wanted to find another way to get his lunacies across.
And sadly (and see Richard Pinder’s list no 8 on the Clash board) vox pop carries a big flaw that big strategic issues need to be settled and cannot be changed every five minutes. It makes no sense to start to build a road or bridge or a nuclear deterrent and go through a series of start/stops every time a pressure group temporarily wins an argument.
Sometimes decisions have to be made and not everyone can be happy all the time.
Eddie Mair on PM interviewing 2 small business owners here in the U.K. about Brexit – both foreigners. WTF?
Al Beeb webshite currently running article “Does the EU impact on UK sovereignty?” Joshua ‘utter gobshite’ Rozenberg writes the biggest amount of guff imaginable to try and throw doubt and confusion onto what should be a “fuck yes! And you know full well it does you traitorous, lying cretin!” answer.
Take this quote taken directly from Wikipedia;
“Sovereignty is understood in jurisprudence as the full right and power of a governing body to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity”
Can anyone else see any doubt in what that means?
Why the article? Why even the question? It’s nothing other than re-engineering of facts to cast doubt on the very core reason for leaving the EU.
Dirty, lying, filthy tactics already on display by Al Beeb! Gloves are off and anything goes. I hope those undecided can see what is so obvious to us all on here
I can only see evidence of scaremongering from Cameron’s Remain group.I have yet to have seen scaremongering from the Out camp. Maybe I’m biased but I really haven’t.
So why do panellists, bBBC keep talking of scaremongering coming from both sides! bBBC – I defy you you to tell me examples of Out campaign scaremongering.
“I defy you you to tell me examples of Out campaign scaremongering”…
“Staying in the EU risks our NHS”
“UKIP Warns of Risk of Turkey Joining EU”
“Staying in the EU would make a Paris-style terror attack MORE LIKELY, warns Iain Duncan Smith”
Hardly scaremongering. All these are very likely scenarios.
In addition the EU is on the verge of serious chaos possibly leading to disintegration and it is arguable that the leave camnpaign is downplaying this as much as the remain
I see…
So saying that leaving the EU would threaten jobs and put the UK’s economy at risk is scaremongering.
But saying that remaining in the EU means you’re more likely to be murdered by terrorists isn’t scaremongering at all..
Seriously? This is what you believe?
You are trying to avoid the main and really the only matter that needs discussing. A free people govern themselves and that is the crux of the matter.
All sovereignity rests with us and it cannot be given or ceded to any outside power. This is the foundation of a free society composed of freemen. We settled this in the 17th century and that is that.
Are we to exchange the divine right of kings for the divine right of an unelected and foreign body that would exercise power over us?
The EU was sold to us on a lie and it is time the matter was put right.
Solid post DS.
I wonder if zero, if he is able, will provide us with his reasons as to why we should remain within the E.U.?
> You are trying to avoid the main and really the only matter that needs discussing.
No – zero gave valid examples of scaremongering, including Iain Duncan Smith’s preposterous claims that staying in the EU makes terrorist acts against Britain more likely.
You have chosen to ignore that, and seek to make people look elsewhere as a means of distracting people from his valid point.
So Duncan Smith is preposterous is he? Which is why Norway is enacting legislation to close by force it’s border with Sweden in the event of the situation there becoming uncontrollable. Which is why Hungary is getting so much abuse from the BBC for it’s border closures and fences. How soon will the open borders of the EU be a distant memory?. The common factor is fear of terrorrism and open borders and no controls make this far more likely.
Isis have already told us that they will flood Europe with refugees and infiltrate their fighters and presumably we are also a target.
The EU has failed to secure it’s borders.
‘a means of distracting people’
Your posts here summarised.
Zero, why are you on this site?
My fellow Al Beliebers. I am of the opinion that we need opposing voices on here. We need statements challenging if required to do so. It strengthens our debate and refines the details. Its healthy to hear the opinions of the people we discuss and criticise on here because if we are serious about challenging the might and power of the political and media elite then we had better toughen up and get our arguments right.
The reason I started using this website was because Al Beeb kept sensoring my posts on their HYS. It was crazy how Al Beebs, race baiters, and grievance hustlers views went unchecked and uncensored as fact, whilst any opposing voices were shut down on the grounds they could “offend” someone. The vast majority white population are game to antagonise, abuse, belittle, ignore… This website gives us the chance to speak out and get better out our arguments.
If zero comes across like a antagonistic, 6th form bellend, then it reinforces our argument that the lefts hold on power is down to style, fear and not substance. If zero accurately challenges one of our posts or allows the opportunity to debate then we should rise to the challenge. We all wouldn’t be on here if we didn’t believe we are right, and every day the posts you put on here proves that even more
“If zero accurately locates his derrière from his elbow…”
I think it happened once, but he didn’t realise he had got away with it. His latest efforts are pure gold, though.
> If zero comes across like a antagonistic, 6th form bellend…
Which he doesn’t. In fact, he presents counterpoints to “arguments” (I use the term advisedly, since they’re often just knackered old prejudices) and the response is a litany of kindergarten whining from people who have deluded themselves into thinking that they’re special.
Your persuasive skills have utterly swung the debate.
Head straight to the ‘IN’ campaign PR team at the BBC: they need you.
Why should he or she not be, taffman?
Not scared of zero (or nuffink?), are you?
Taffman you rightly asked Zero,
‘Zero, why are you on this site? ‘
Answer: Because he is a bBBC troll, I don’t mind talking to non trolls of the Left but not trolls intent on irritating and get contributors off the site. I tend to ignore him/her, the comments lacked sense and were geared to try and annoy rather than sensibly debate.
bBC headline
‘EU exit would risk jobs, says group of business bosses’
That’s because they employ cheap migrant labour who send the money out of the country’s circulation, can get tax concessions via EU countries, and destroying our childrens future by undercutting wages and reducing their skill levels replacing them with foreign labour.
One word descibes these big companies. Scumbags. Would I vote for a scumbag that is trying to do me down. No I would not. Unbelievably there are people in this country who are stupid and would do so!
I HATE Eggheads ! if ever there was a quiz where no-one can win its this one. The resident team are so up themselves and smug – tonight its on in the background and ‘Daphne’ professes not to know any of the answers, yet gets them all right purely by ‘guesswork’. I could often throw something at the box in anger, but when this is on I could throw the tele out of the window. Guaranteed to get the blood pressure up. Rant over.
Is it possible that there is a secret code to indicate which is the right answer? A rub of the nose, a glance, the initial letter of the question or follow up comment?
Brissles, count your blessings! We get the British Eggheads on Aussie TV, and it’s like University Challenge compared to our dumbed down (and increasingly politically correct) output. Even the BBC would be better!
As for Eggheads, the resident team do lose now and then. Mr H-B and I quite enjoy the show. I can’t stand Pointless, though – a weird format, and annoying presenters.
Turn off time?
Cash in the Licence Fee time?
Appreciate the peace & quiet time?
Start to hear the birdsong time?
110,000 mIgrants have arrived in The EU in the last 5 weeks. A huge increase on last year . There are many ways this could be reported upon. The EU’s dismal failure to achieve anything to stem this flow over the winter could be highlighted. No moves against Turkish people traffickers . No naval presence off the Turkish coast. No meaningful deal with the Turks to assist . Perhaps the growing fears in Sweden, Germany etc about the evil consequences of letting in so many migrants could be highlighted. Maybe a reference to the estimate that 5000 jihadis are in the EU thanks to uncontrolled migration? No, none of this . Just the usual ‘heart breaking’ report from a BBC apparachik called Danny Savage that is unquestioning and pro migrant. UN quoted as saying that attempts to stop Afghans will cause chaos. So we face another season of this deceitful reporting while our culture is further undermined.
Things we are not being told. Norway is enacting legislation to allow it to close it’s borders with Sweden in the event of that country collapsing into chaos. Also abandoning the Geneva Convention on refugees. Now why would the Norwegians want to do that ?
I think we have to assume that Sweden is in danger of collapsing into a state of near anarchy and that this is a direcrt result of an open door policy by Sweden and Germany. How long before Germany starts to become unstable? If not already as many think.
This makes our referendum look a bit futile. Will the EU still exist in the morning after? It would account for Cameron’s odd approach and for the obvious signs of his panic in this campaign.
I agree. This is an amazing story – worthy of very serious coverage. One of Europe’s major countries believes another major country is close to collapse. And yet the BBC, to protect its own naive, fetishistic worship of immigration, chooses to suppress it.
It’s disgusting!
I suppose it could also account for him quickly setting an early date for the referendum – much earlier than previously bandied about. He wants to hold it before the Islamic invasion of Europe reaches such proportions that nobody in his right mind would want to be a part of it.
Great article:
The time is right for Britain to free itself from the EU, says LEO MCKINSTRY
THE HOUR of destiny has arrived. In the forthcoming referendum on EU membership, the choice facing the British people could hardly be more stark.
If we vote to leave we can regain our independence, bringing home control of our laws, our economy and our borders. But if we vote to remain, we will continue to be shackled to a sclerotic, undemocratic empire whose epic misrule now threatens the existence of European civilisation.
The very fact that the British public will soon have this pivotal vote is a tribute to the powerful, patriotic crusade waged by the Daily Express in support of British freedom. The drive for liberty has been given further impetus by the farce of David Cameron’s renegotiating strategy.
In place of the “fundamental reform” he once promised, he asked only for meaningless concessions that do nothing to restore our sovereignty. The Downing Street spin machine tried to disguise the emptiness of the deal by emphasising the theatrics of the Brussels summit, even though the deadlines were entirely arbitrary.
Swallowing this propaganda, the news coverage was full of excitable reports about sleep-deprived politicians, delayed meals and fraught nocturnal meetings. But all this masochism just served to emphasise Cameron’s impotence.
Nothing revealed more graphically the erosion of our sovereignty by the EU than the pathetic sight of a British Prime Minister begging foreign leaders to allow a trivial change in Britain’s welfare system. A free country should be able to decide its own benefit rules and not have them dictated by an alien regime.
The absurdity of Cameron’s position is that everything he requested could have been won if Britain left the EU. Protection for the City of London, control of welfare, the supremacy of British law and restrictions on immigration would all be guaranteed if we were free from the Brussels straitjacket.
This is the truth that the Europhiles try to avoid. Their blather about our British “national interests” is completely phoney because Brussels despises the entire concept of national integrity and democracy. Just as hollow is all their scaremongering about jobs, trade, and global influence.
Their arguments ignore the reality that the EU has been a spectacular failure. Its creators promised a new era of peace and prosperity. Instead Brussels has imposed economic paralysis and social chaos. The zealots’ dream of federalism has turned into a bleak nightmare.
If we vote to leave we can regain our independence, bringing home control of our laws, our economy and our borders
What was so striking about last week’s summit, apart from the humiliation of Cameron, was its surreal quality. Here was a bunch of political mediocrities, haggling over benefit regulations while Europe is in a state of social disintegration, thanks to the migration crisis manufactured by the EU’s fixation with free movement and open borders.
In the past year alone an astonishing 1.8million illegal migrants are estimated to have entered Europe while 2,000 are arriving every single day on the tiny Greek island of Lesbos. In Britain, European-led immigration is imposing an intolerable strain on our civic infrastructure, from housing to the NHS.
Only last week it was revealed that the number of EU workers in Britain has gone up by 215,000 in just 12 months. Equally empty are the scare stories over the economy and safety. Brussels is actually an engine of jobs destruction due to its devotion to over-regulation and the single currency.
Similarly, far from protecting European societies, the EU’s open-door policy has promoted the import of terrorism, criminality and gang violence. Europol has just admitted that there are probably at least 5,000 jihadists inside the EU, while here in Britain more than 700 European migrants are handed criminal convictions by the courts every week.
British Europhiles sometimes admit the need for improvement but the EU is not remotely interested in reform, only in achieving its goal of federal unification. Its lack of democratic accountability means that it has become a byword for institutionalised bureaucracy, incompetence and misuse of public funds.
Incredibly, this is an organisation which not only has offices in Papua New Guinea and Barbados but also employs about 10,000 bureaucrats on higher take-home pay than our Prime Minister. Yet British taxpayers have to pay £350million a week for the privilege of being governed by these paper-shuffling foreign officials who despise us. This is the moment to break the chains.
The pro-Europeans wail that Brexit will be “a leap in the dark” but the real risks lie in retaining our membership. That will mean more bullying through measures such as immigration quotas, the removal of welfare limits and heavier taxes.
Moreover, the EU will sink even further into chaos as it pursues its policy of enlargement by giving membership to Turkey and Bosnia, with their 80million-strong Muslim populations. The only certainty about the EU’s future is that it will be ever more Islamified and shambolic.
The message of the Remain camp is one of bleak defeatism, painting Britain as an enfeebled entity that cannot survive alone. But the British are far better than that. We have an inspirational past and a rich future beckons if we have the courage to be free.
” the farce of David Cameron’s renegotiating strategy.”
To be fair to Dave, he was successful in getting them all to agree that he could choose the colour of ink in his pen when putting his signature on our surrender document.
I hope it complied with Directive 2001/95/EC (General Product Safety Directive).
Like your style Jim, but you should know that the purpose of directives is to provide an endless job creation and justification programme for the Brussels bureaucracy for years to come.
Directives? Chicken feed. What you really need are Directive reviews!
Try this.
Click to access workshop_revision_general_product_safety_directive_2001_95_ec_2010_en.pdf
Anyone care to read all the attachments? There are only 41!
‘Nothing revealed more graphically the erosion of our sovereignty by the EU than the pathetic sight of a British Prime Minister begging foreign leaders to allow a trivial change in Britain’s welfare system. ‘
This is a great line which sums up the depths we as a country have stooped to.
We must take back control of our country.
I tried hard, I really did. I was determined to give R4’s WATO a chance to prove this lunchtime that it was so aware of the scrutiny it would be under that it would be scrupulously fair about the referendum. I could not have been more wrong – and hardly more incensed by the time the programme ended.
The ‘letter from big business leaders’ (actually a letter written by Cameron’s hacks and signed under who knows what pressure) was treated not as the embarrassment it was but as if it were holy writ. And when the equal opportunities hire who currently heads Virgin money was asked why she supported membership of the EU, she cooed about how the EU had spread ‘social justice’. Yes, really.
Note to Investors. If you do business with Virgin Money, take care. Asked about a letter from FTSE business leaders, which presupposes a sensible business orientated response, this airhead answers like a second rate Amal Clooney. Based on her performance today, I wouldn’t hire her to staff a sub-Post Office handing out the stamps and the pension dosh.
The rest of the show (because that’s all it was – it certainly wasn’t a serious news programme) maintained the same dismal tone. Martha Kearney, never the brightest bulb and someone who sounds like she, too, could run Virgin Money, made it perfectly clear which side she supported when she interviewed Theresa Villiers about why she favoured Brexit, while the crowning glory was a piece from Norther Ireland in which only one pro-Brexit voice was heard against a barrage of Remain talking points. Oh, and they game airtime to Martin McGuinness. On the EU. WIthout a health warning.
I managed to get to my destination without crashing the car, but in far from the best mood and from now on, it’s no quarter. The BBC has had its chance from me. It is a wrecker. A publicity machine for the EU. It isn’t even pretending to try to play fair.
No more chances. It is an open sewer of pro-EU propaganda. When we win, it needs to go and some serious retribution is called for. People need to lose their careers for this.
The Ghadia woman from Virgin Money is just spouting the same Remain propaganda we have already heard from her boss Richard Branson. Her main claim to fame is that she worked for Fred Goodwin from 2001-6. She then ended up at Northern Rock. So I think she’s done enough to ruin the British economy without doing more harm by advocating our continued membership of a bloc that is in terminal decline.
Indeed, what a stunning track record she has.
Yeesssss …
… and no questions asked about this by the BBC?
Well, there’s a thing!
Is this the same Richard Branson who pays his tax to to other countries so that he doesn’t have to pay for the hospitals,schools, houses that have enabled and helped him to get where he is today.
The ‘Remain’ choice of role model – the message is, abuse the people who gave you the tools to have a start in life, and then, when you have enough money to repay them, put your money into other countries coffers and bugger Britain.
Yes, some role model.
Yes, it’s disappointing that the Beeb don’t seem to have the sense to see that the jig’s up. They appear to be gambling more and more, on a less and less likely outcome. Is this the Ceausescu Ploy, or is it some other tin-pot dictator (deceased) I’m thinking of?
Just seen this on Labour List
Ministers aiming to “intimidate” the BBC – Maria Eagle
It might be worth sharing your views with them – the love to hear dissenting views
According to Maria Eagle
“The BBC doesn’t belong to any Government, any more than it belongs to any Director General – it belongs to all of us.”
Of course it does. We all own our BBC don’t we.
some more than others and those that pay for it least of all it seems
Well, we may not actually own it, but surely we are each a Guardian?
13 hours ago
This is priceless. does noone remember alastair campbell, media bully in chief.
and anyway the BBC has an inherent inbuilt lefty pro EU bias, as has been adequately documented.
Zero, when you have a mo… you are clearly needed for a clear up.
Sky have just told me that 2 out of 3 people refused permission to stay in the country are still here.
This has happened year on year since 2007 or so…and it continues.
Our Sky newsreader smiled her winsome smile and we went over to the weather.
“Wotcha gonna do about it?” being the meme required of us .
It`s as if every day is dress-down Friday…let `em all come and f*** the future.
Good drugs and you`ll suit black…and DON`T mention the national breakdown we`re witnessing.
Budesliga and croissants….Ken Bigley and Cologne…wh`appen maan!
God we`re stuffed-but let`s run up a flag to tell the EU to fuck off one last time shall we?
The Brits Awards are institutionally racist though-ask the Caliph if he`s taking requests!
Someone tell me, anyone tell me why it is ok for the bBBC to moan about MP’s expenses amounting to the odd thousands of pounds but its not ok for the bBBC to moan about the EU losing 4 billion euros, not auditing their accounts for 21 years and not allowing us to spend our own money which comes back in a rebate how we want to bloody spend it.
I want people of the out campaign to start telling it like it is, that the bBBC is given money from the EU, supports immigration because of the extra funding they receive from extra liscence fees,receives preferential EU loans, the Outers must keep saying on live TV how biased and untrustworthy they, the BBC are. How anti British they are, how they have their own agenda, I want them outed, well and truly exposed in this referendum. Every panellist on the Beeb must be told to put in a dig at the corrupt Beeb in every interview. Good and proper.
This should be the Out campaigns starting point.
‘Theresa the appeaser’ should be brought to book for this disgrace. That’s why the camps are in France.
Home Secretary ? my Ar..e Just what crimes have they got to do before they get deported?
Can’t find anything on Al Beeb about this ?
Censorship ?
Very reassuring comments to this article, a rare opportunity to comment on the EU referendum. The BBC are not convincing the HYS commenters and their uptickers.
Vote Leave!
Reading the HYS comments, it should be an indicator of the way the votes will be going ?
i cannot get onto HYS, I make mention of the biased reporting of the bBBC and its left wing propaganda and it clearly doesn’t agree with my views!! I never swear in my posts, I try and put together a constructive argument.
I have now given up trying to get on HYS.
What hapened to freedom of speech!!
“What happened to freedom of speech!!”
You are free to agree with the BBC’s position on any topic, at any time and in any place. Use your freedom wisely – Big Brother is watching you.
To the BBC the freedom to be wrong isn’t a real freedom and your wrongness is a sign of your enslavement by a false consciousness (Marxist Ideology lesson 1).
Belgium starting to get the message ……………………………….
Lets hope ‘Theresa the appeaser’ is going to take action . ‘Forewarned if to be forewarned’ . She has had enough warning now is the time to act
On Monday afternoon on this very thread, KafirHarbi linked to the BBC HYS article on the EU referendum, mentioning that, “3 out of the highest voted 10 comments have been removed because they ‘breach the house rules’ – i.e. they referred to BBC bias.”
By midnight, when the comments were closed, over 4000 had been posted. The following comments out of the ten most popular miraculously remained up:
28. Posted by democracythreat on 22 Feb 2016 10:27
The BBC wasted no time at all drafting an article that said Boris Johnson was acting out of selfish false convictions.
They have never entertained that DC is guilty of precisely the same behaviour. Apparently DC is pure, and Boris is corrupt.
Not a shred of evidence was produce to back up the allegation against Johnson.
The BBC has become a parody of a news organization. It is a disgrace.
30. Posted by well excuse me
22 Feb 2016 10:28
Interesting how this article paints mr Johnsons stance as careerist, and not mr Fallon? Then again, the bbc does receive EU funding.
Well done Boris for being brave enough to stand against the EU and up to democracy. 100% out!
No doubt a moderator is going to be severely reprimanded if not fired for that serious lapse of judgement.
Possibly zero is going to be on the naughty step too for being over here cherry picking when he should have been helping over on HYS to ‘moderate’ what the BBC allows to be seen and what not?
Try as it might, the BBC simply cannot get people to think the way it does on the EU. The poor dears must grit their teeth in frustration as HYS contributors insist on indeed having their own say and not the BBC’s say.
“The BBC does not receive EU funding”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Prayer for Today with Anna Magnusson this morning on R4 at around 4.43 am was hilarious. She starts rambling on about a book called Norwegian Wood and how the smell of wood burning reminded her of her childhood. Her sermon concluded with her imploring the listener to remember “migrant children and families on the move” in their prayers. Who could she mean?
Drip, drip drip…
Correction to the above, it was 5.43am (must get more sleep!).
Latest report from BBC Ministry of Migrant Propaganda on The Jungle. Full bleeding heart mode. A weeping ‘comedienne’, who didn’t look of British extraction and who had visited Calais with ‘ a group of celebrities’. A live interview from Calais with a young female from Save The Children. Guess what, she didn’t seem worried about immigration to the UK. No proper balancing view given and certainly not achieved by interviewing a lorry driver who doesn’t like using Calais anymore.
Some woman from Amnesty International on Toady this morning, speaking to Al Beeb’s favourite topic of migration.
Apparently our support for the local refugee camps is good but our willingness to take 20,000 over 5 years is inadequate.
The interviewer did actually press on how many was therefore the right number to take, and guess what?
She would not answer, but instead droned on about the need for a European wide policy.
The Far Left open-door brigade NEVER EVER give us a number.
No less than six images of food or food related items on the BBC web-site Home Page today. Is this a record? (PS. One, the olive oil image, has just been removed as at 10.11am)
No wonder we have an obesity crisis!
Why this obsession with food at the BBC? Rather amusingly, there is another photograph and this linked via the HP: Is there no-one at the BBC who is bright enough to figure out the equation ‘Food (too much) = Fatness’ ?
You And Yours has just had some crap about Jamie Olivers sea bass being in danger from the EU.
Bloody migrants at the eastern end of the Med probably eating them before the EU gets to them.Before sending them with some packed organ transplants in ice fresh to Jamies School Canteens nationwide( No sugar-though each dinner is £155).
Then we had crap too about the return of organics after the Cheesy wotsits rebellions of 2008…when “The Crush” happened and all those lingonberries were replaced by fluorescent fizz.
Urgh…winkie poos!
The BBC are obsessed with virginity-as long as it only apples to their source olives…and they are the biggest self-disclosing food snobs and weirdos in the nation.
They HATE we the little people getting a fair priced dinner… I think they`ve got too much money on their hands and a big God-shaped hole that gets stuffed with lardarse snob tucker from Lewisham Market.
It`s Lent Winifred-we don`t give a stuffed olive about Alex James cheesy bits…really don`t.
If we Christians called this season “Edd”…and threatened Winnie and Jenni if they tempted us with their obsessional mentions of food during this holiest of the holy seasons…the fat Bakewells might shut their holes and give us some NEWS!
#”You may say that I`m a dreamer”#
As the bBBC is a socialist collectivist organisation, it naturally believes that individual responsibility is wrong and only centralised statist (or in the case of the EU, supra-statist) solutions for the collective good are acceptable, preferably provided by an untouchable elite in their own image.
Thus people have to be told what to do and not to do, and controlled appropriately.
Acceptance of the above proposition leads to a large number of the bBBC’s ‘impartial’ stories falling into place.
Usual BBC crap about , not enough Non Hideously Whites at “The Brits” , FFS , what about the MOBO`s then , no one Hideously Honky at that show . I am waiting for the MOWO`s to start soon , will NWA be the presenter`s at this one ?
Project Fear has gone international:
One of my Canadian relatives asked how we will survive outside the EU.
Perhaps the same way as Canada and the other 120+ countries outside ‘the club’? Sometimes I feel like the ‘remain’ are BDSM fans who are in danger of losing their dominatrix.
JIm, I like your imagery, but I prefer to see them as children believing that as long as they keep tight hold of Nanny Merkel’s hand nothing bad can ever happen to them (the fact that she’s just about destroyed Germany has passed them by). Mind you, both our versions involve a dominant woman in a uniform, so perhaps we’re no so far apart.
BBC outlook is Rosie
H/T to Guido for this
BBC writing Corbyn’s QTs – whatever next?
Beat me to I just read that to – absolutely unbelievable-how will the so called BBC spin this?
“At the last PMQs Jeremy Corbyn asked a question from “Rosie“, a fan of the Labour leader who opposes the government on housing. ”
“It will come as absolutely no surprise to readers that Rosie in fact works for the BBC:
Indeed, she’s been at the Beeb for three years. When she’s not working as a production coordinator or on commissioning and formats, she’s writing Jezza’s PMQs… “
The indefatigable Megyn Kelly of Fox News reported on January 8th on a lone jihadi attack on a police officer in Philadelphia. I don’t recall this being on the BBC. Of course if the officer had attacked the honourable member of The Religion of Peace unprovoked it would have been all over the BBC.
Fox put together a revealing clip juxtaposing the contradictory comments of the Police Commissioner and the Mayor on the attack. From 11:37 minutes in:
Ain’t no shortage of dhimmis in the good old US of A. The president himself is a dhimmi. (Several hours after the attack, the White House had still refrained from commenting on the ISIS-inspired shooting of the officer and his courageous response.) But Megyn Kelly, apart from being beautiful, is like a breath of fresh air with her no-nonsense approach to the news, especially news like this.
Can’t help comparing her to the mealy-mouthed ‘journalists’ at the BBC who filter all news through their PC agenda before deigning to deliver it deprived of its relevance and substance to a long-suffering public.
Sadly though-Donald doesn`t like Megyn and wouldn`t appear on her sly set up aof a Republican debate.
So-she`ll be a fake….Donalds the boss!
Ain’t nothin’ sly about Megyn Kelly. No way, man.
Yet again ‘lone wolf’ ‘mentally ill’ Seems to me that every Muslim is mentally ill !
Just a couple of random bits from this morning on Radio 4.
If you ever wonder just how weird people are on Planet Beeb….just listen to Mishal Husains interview with some bloke who got a grant to be a GOAT in the Swiss Alps.
Funded by the Wellcome Trust, prosthetics made for him by a Swiss Universitys Health Faculty.
And all this just goes by the board…as if it`s NORMAL?
Mishal and her kind don`t even go close to the questions that a normal person outside the BBC might ask.
In her case-halal or haram?
But it`s the “normality” of this freak show as interview that bothered me….are they ALL really that mad?
And fifteen minutes later-blow me-some bloke eats worms and thinks he`s a badger…but gets a fish pie , seeing as the badger is an omnivore..apparently.
This latter piece of freak came courtesy of Libby Purves…who-to be fair-DID ask questions that resembled some that my prissy auntie in Chipping Norton might once have asked the gamekeeper.
This was fifteen minutes at the BBC this morning.
Do I see Bestiality and Interspecism prejudices coming along the track…votes for goats and badgers!
Utterly barking…arf arf.
Animal Crackers?..Animal Magic?….Mad Cow disease in all those fat broilers sitting on the BBCs breakfast eggs, so it seems.
‘Antonin Scalia death: President Obama pays respects’, so ran a BBC website headline last week following the death of Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice. Strangely enough, though, I can’t find anything on the BBC about the sick wisecrack Obama made about Scalia a couple of days ago as he addressed the National Governor’s Association at the White House.
Obama joked, “Some of you may be in the final year of your term, working as hard as you can to get as much done as possible for the folks you represent, fixing roads, educating our children, helping people retrain, appointing judges, the usual stuff”. The video clearly captures Obama’s gloating grin as he acknowledges a cackle of laughter from his audience, you could almost describe it as evil …
“After Nevada Five Ways Trump can still be stopped”. Poor old Anthony Lurcher (my spell check prefers the ‘L” to the “Zed”), his reputation for political commentary is already in the US trash can. Actually even Lurcher now sees that Trump is going to win the Republican nomination so anyone bothering to click on the link will discover that Lurcher actually included the word “unlikely” between “Five and “Ways” , but clearly some knob-head felt that was too strong for Al Beeb’s front page.
Never mind Ant- it may be a cold day in hell before Trump invites you for a fireside chat, but if Hilary wins you may still be invited to see the Christmas trees and ginger bread house on the White House Xmas tour.
Yes seems after Al-Beeb’s big 2015 “stop UKIP campaign”, 2016 they are running the “2016 Stop Campaign”
See the evidence :
I here I opened the BBC website (maybe customised per region ?)
and the top story is
“US election 2016: Donald Trump sweeps to victory in Nevada
followed by :
“Five ways Trump can still be stopped”
The Trump story itself has a caption
Media caption”I love the poorly educated” – Donald Trump delivers his victory speech ”
followed by
“22 things that Donald Trump believes America split into ‘alien tribes’ ”
(I’m not bothered about US election it’s not for almost a year)
The BBC cannot refrain from trying to influence elections in other countries. Always in favour of the left, of course.
Happily, there will be very few Americans, if any, influenced by the BBC. They have a vibrant, knowledgeable and open media there representing the full spectrum of opinion from right to left and they have no need to tune into the mealy-mouthed, anal retentive propagandists at the BBC.
BBC won’t name the perpetrators – when they happen to be black and white
This morning the BBC Breakfast red sofa goes on tour to the Peak District for another episode of Silly Billy Turnbull’s valedictory roadshow
It’s not all happy days – the locals are under pressure – apparently.
Cue a visit to a farm
For a moment I thought we might actually see the knackering shed where our Billy took his audition for house eunuch…
But no, we meet a sad farmer with his cattle herd suffering TB “caught from the local wildlife”
(I think he meant Badgers)
David Cameron, the new hero of the liberal media
The other night on Channel 4 news we witnessed the spectacle of confirmed lefty Jon Snow gushing : “The journalist in me says that was Cameron’s greatest speech of his career”
Not since the Pantomime Marraige Act has the PM been held in such high regard by the media elite.