From Julia Hartley-Brewer in the Telegraph…note the click poll at the end of the artcicle where 93% [at time of posting] think the BBC is biased against Eurosceptics…….
The BBC thinks all Eurosceptics are frothing extremists. How can we trust it to be neutral?
Our national broadcaster has already picked a side in the EU referendum – and it doesn’t even realise its own bias
Forgive them, for they know not what they do. But make no mistake about it: the BBC has a problem with Eurosceptics.
Despite being legally bound to political impartiality, the BBC nevertheless has a habit of treating Eurosceptics with the same respect which it usually reserves for cheese-rollers, the people who risk life and limb to run downhill after rounds of cheese every year in Gloucestershire: amusing and brave British eccentrics but nevertheless quite, quite mad. by Ofcom rules.
Yet our national broadcaster’s biggest problem isn’t simply that, as an institution, it doesn’t like Eurosceptics and is instinctively pro-EU. The real problem is that the BBC doesn’t even realise it has a problem in the first place.
So ingrained is the veneration of the European Union as a force for good at the BBC that they are totally unaware of any bias in their reporting on the question of Britain’s future relationship with the EU.
They don’t mean it, of course, but the BBC bias against the Leave camp starts long before even the first question is asked on air.
I know from first-hand experience the look of horrified pity that I get from BBC producers when I say that I am a Eurosceptic, which is something akin to the mixture of revulsion and bemusement they would feel if I had just confessed to a secret passion for killing puppies while listening to Barry Manilow’s greatest hits.
I say this more in sorrow than in anger, as a staunch admirer and supporter of the BBC as a world-class British institution, but the truth is that many BBC employees, like those of the Guardian newspaper, move in a world where they rarely come across people with different views from their own.
They have therefore come to regard support for the EU as a mainstream, centrist opinion, because that’s what everyone with whom they work and socialise thinks, while anything else is seen as an extremist, minority view.
There are some honourable exceptions, of course (stand up Nick Robinson and Andrew Neil) but, after years of appearing on the BBC, my guess is that most of the corporation’s staff are completely unaware of having any bias at all and believe themselves to be utterly neutral when they patently are not.
Indeed, the bias starts even before the first question is put to guests on any BBC radio or television show, when producers decide which guest to book in the first place.
Again and again, Remain guests appear from the ranks of the well-briefed front benches and senior business worlds, while Leave guests are foaming-at-the-mouth Ukip local councillors or so-called “ordinary people” who are sneeringly portrayed as ignorant xenophobes simply for daring to question the economic and social case for mass immigration.
Once a guest has been booked, the questions are routinely loaded with unconscious Europhile bias.
“Why do you think Britain will be better off out of Europe?” is a typical BBC starter for 10 for an interviewee supporting the vote to Leave.
It is a question you will hear time and again over the coming months, despite the fact that no one in the Leave Camp is suggesting that Britain fills the Channel Tunnel with rubble and ups anchor to float Britain out to the north Atlantic, far away from the teeming hordes of our continental cousins.
This is doubly important because the Remain campaign deliberately uses “Europe” in place of “the EU” as a political tactic.
In the event of a vote to Leave the EU, we are no more going to “leave Europe” than we are going to sail away to join South America or Asia or the Antarctic.
Europe is a physical continent, the EU is a political entity. This is a not a difficult distinction, yet it is one that the great Oxbridge minds of the BBC appear to confuse on a daily basis. That sends out the subtle message that wanting to “leave Europe” is the stuff of madmen.
Then there is all the questioning of Eurosceptic politicians about splits in the Leave camp and who certain politicians will or won’t share a platform alongside – whether it be Nigel Farage, George Galloway or anyone else.
These are of course perfectly reasonable questions. Yet the same questions are rarely asked of those on the Remain side. Is it not equally pertinent to ask if David Cameron is happy to share a platform with his fellow Remain supporter, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, a man whom he recently described as a “risk to national security”?
And is it really the case that those campaigning for Remain see eye-to-eye on every single issue given that they include true blue Tories, far left Labour socialists, Liberal Democrats, the SNP and Green supporters among their tribe?
Meanwhile, pro-EU political grandees like Lord Heseltine and Kenneth Clarke are treated like gurus of wisdom and truth rather than simply voices on one side of a debate – let alone asked why anyone should take their scaremongering claims about the terrible fate awaiting Britain if we leave the EU when they made the very same predications if we failed to join the euro.
Rarely, too, do you hear a chief executive of a FTSE 100 company being asked if he is supporting Remain not from a deeply held love of international cooperation, but simply because his annual bonus is dependent upon company profits which are boosted by a large supply of cheap foreign labour that keeps wages down.
And while the Leave campaign is routinely portrayed as full of right-wing Little Englanders, this ignores the fact that many on the supposedly progressive Left, including the rail unions Aslef and the RMT, take a staunch Eurosceptic stance in the name of protecting wages.
The bias in the BBC’s coverage is all very subtle and much of it is totally unconscious, but it is nevertheless real, and it will have an effect on how the BBC’s many millions of listeners and viewers perceive the two competing camps and their campaigns.
We have another four months until voters get to decide Britain’s future on June 23. Until then, all of us – even the cheese-rollers of Gloucestershire – deserve to hear the full, unbiased facts, not Europhile half-truths, from our national broadcaster.
How can we trust it to be neutral?
Simple, we can’t – and neither should we kid ourselves that we can.
BBC = Lies, obfuscation, deceit.
The BBC have decided that they have to host a “debate” on the referendum to be held at Wembley Arena two days before the actual referendum.
I wonder why?????????
Far be it for the BBC ever to attempt to poison democracy and influence the outcome eh?
GfK Mediaview Brexit Poll
Stay in EU: 32%
Leave EU: 44%
Undecided: 21%
Uninterested: 3%
[Sample of 1303 respondents who do GfK’s daily radio & TV surveys, as of 16:34 on 23/02/2016]
How the BBC conducts itself beyond broadcasts gives me concern, especially considering other news and social media providers are now making efforts to censor undesired viewpoints:
Comment Isn’t Free: Guardian to CLOSE Comments On Articles About ‘Race, Immigration and Islam’
Guido Fawkes: We’re Waging ‘Jihad’ On Our Commenters, Read Breitbart Instead
Cracking Down On Talk Of ‘Rapefugees,’ Facebook Has Become The World’s Most Dangerous Censor
Is Twitter Censoring Non-Politically Correct Viewpoints?
Seldom granted permission to pass comment on political topics via Have Your Say on the BBC News website, I often visit the BBC News Facebook page instead. Though I imagine any comments submitted there are not as far reaching as they would be on the news website, the advantages are there’s more to comment on, I can engage with other commenters, and the comments submitted are (as far as I’m aware) much harder for admins to bury or remove. Also, besides the news, there are official pages for Radio 2 (specifically comments for The Jeremy Vine Show between 12 and 2pm), Question Time, Nick Robinson, and so on, and so on.
Sticking with the BBC News Facebook page, with all the recent drama surrounding the referendum on EU membership, I’ve been particularly looking forward to making my views known as the predicted pro-Remain bias has been so blatantly obvious in the corporation’s reporting, be it regional, national, or international.
However, it seems to me that the page has suddenly become saturated with providing what can only be described as fluff intertwined with emotional left-wing guff. As I type this, I see Eddie Izzard’s running a load of marathons again for Sport Relief – 27 of them this time, in honour of Nelson Mandela’s years in prison, donchaknow!? These reports are repeatedly posted several times a day (sometimes over several days) but anything regarding the EU referendum is usually posted just once, often at times when most of the mainland UK audience are either at work or fast asleep.
On Thursday 11th February, at ten to midnight, after the show had finished airing, the BBC Question Time Facebook page chose to single out Nigel Farage by posting a clip of an audience member attempting to have a pop at him regarding the link between immigration and the strain on the NHS. I think it’s fair to say Farage did very well on the night, hence the BBC choosing that particular clip.
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On Wednesday 3rd February, The Jeremy Vine Show opened with a discussion on Polish immigration and the comments on the BBC Radio 2 Facebook page were so overwhelmingly unsympathetic towards all opportunistic immigrants that in the end the accompanying post was deleted in its entirety. Later on, an apology was posted on the page claiming the story didn’t post due to a “technical issue”.
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The deliberate removal of comments on BBC News Have Your Say (especially ‘Vote Up/Down’ EU referendum polls and those critical of the corporation) has already been highlighted here at but it seems to me that Facebook provides further evidence of clear and deliberate effort by the BBC to try and limit the impact of comments that highlight and oppose their bias elsewhere.
I think the BBC is well aware of its own inclinations but currently finds itself in the unusual position of supporting David Cameron for two reasons; his pro EU stance and to avoid heavy scrutiny of the TV licence fee. Luckily for the BBC, Cameron needs them right now.
I wonder if it’s only a matter of time before we have no say.
We hardly expect al-Beeb to mention Facebook censoring Rapefugee comments but the daggers are out now Facebook is deleting advertisements for cannabis!
Why is Facebook shutting down legal marijuana pages in the US?
It all makes sense now, al-Beeb’s policies thought up whilst in a drug induced stupor!
This does surprise me, I would have thought that that Facebook (as an entity) would have been pro Cannabis, perhaps as it is still illegal in The UK they decided on a blanket ban to cover their backs. As I personally use an Ad blocking plug-in on all pages, I wouldn`t have seen it anyway.