Time for a new Open thread. Things not going to the BBC play. Trump keeps on winning across the pond and Project Fear is not having the impact they would like. Detail the bias here.
‘Although the BBC’s funding public never did find out why in the first place ‘Newsnight’ editors considered the airing of Soral’s antisemitic conspiracy theories and whitewashing of the racism of his ‘close friend’ to be of any contribution to the public’s understanding of the issue under discussion, the news that Soral has now been convicted by a French criminal court in a case relating to antisemitism should surely prompt some belated self-examination of the editorial decisions made in the run-up to the airing of that interview.’
The BBC’s funding public seem to alternate between not finding things out, or the BBC misleading.
They are in charge of national information and education, you know,
Laughably, also from that article: “Now a French comedian has managed to short-circuit his country’s professed commitment to free speech.”
French free speech is the epitome of an oxymoron. I remember not being shocked in the slightest when Hervé Eon got carted off for calling Sarkozy a ‘prat’.
Does the BBBC write Jeremy Corbyns lines for PMQs. They started early with news bulletins carrying a story about numbers who may or may not have died in hospital at weekends and sure enough JC lead on this. We now learn through Guido Fawkes that ‘Rosie’ who emailed JC with a question he raised in PMQs works for the BBBC WTF.
Heard an American on the World Service yesterday bashing Trump. Dunno who he is and I doubt the BBC knows either. His only relevant qualification to be on air was, of course, his Trump bashing. The BBC really is pathetic.
Putting aside the amazing discovery that the Irish are a separate race, although I can’t condone the punch, the statement that he was lazy and Irish might have been factually correct.
Of course the Irish are a separate race. Everyone in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Cornwall is a Celt.
Furthermore, everyone in Yorkshire is a Viking (apart from places like Rotherham, where I doubt if £100,000 will be on offer to anyone, but that’s another story).
Wasn’t there a case a few years ago where a police constable was had up for calling a suspect a ‘black bastard’ and his defence said it was factually correct because he was black and illegitimate? Obviously that didn’t matter because in modern Britain crime is all about subjective feelings rather than objective fact, but still it was interesting.
The other night on Channel 4 news we witnessed the spectacle of confirmed lefty Jon Snow gushing : “The journalist in me says that was Cameron’s greatest speech of his career”
Not since the Pantomime Marraige Act has the PM been held in such high regard by the media elite.
Snow is one of Britains Premier traitors…has ben chiselling at the nations joists since 1982.
And indeed a total lefty suckup poncing around Asia and Vietnam, Pilgers worthless and featherweight tribute act.
Top Ten Premier Traitors
1. Ted Heath
2. Geoffrey Rippon
3 Roy Jenkins
4.Shirley Williams
5. Bill Rodgers
6. Nick Clegg/Leon Brittain
7. Jon Snow
8. Neil Kinnock and family
9. Christopher Meyer
10. Phil Shiner.
The above traitors are simply todays Portland Ring, Cambridge spies without brain enough to actually study there in most of the cases( Brittain excepted here, maybe?)
I can’t believe I’m doing this but, in defence of Ted Heath, he might not have known for certain how bloody awful the EU was going to become. I certainly wouldn’t take him off the list completely but I would place Blair and Cameron well above him.
Sorry Maria, but Heath definitely knew all about the treasonable act he was commiting. It came out after documents were released under the 30 year rule. It is widely acknowledged that he was aware of the future aims of a european political union, he just didn’t bother to tell the British people, because he knew the British electorate would have told him where to put his European project.
He has got to be the first person on the list. He put us into this (Common Market) EU mess
If there’s actual documentary evidence, fair enough, haven’t seen it.
Kenneth Clarke was on TV yesterday supporting the IN campaign (obviously). His rude, name calling, supercilious arrogance was appalling. The old fool gets worse – I’d have slapped him.
Plus of course virtually the whole of the Blair/Brown cabinet, those heroic statesmen and women who sniggered as they ‘Rubbed the Establishment’s nose in diversity’. True, the tragedy started decades earlier, but their efforts were – like Himmler’s finest – engineered on a deliberately destructive industrial scale.
Perhaps not so much rubbing the Establishment’s nose in diversity (as they are happy to claim) but following orders from the ‘lizards’ at Bilderberg. Or is my imagination running away with me?
I’m not sure that Al Beeb has ever promoted a theory that Blair’s opening up the borders was pay back for getting elected in 1997 (helped by Rupert Murdoch’s media etc.)
Murdoch was/is a great believer in open borders and an attendee (along with Blair) of the Bilderberg conferences.
If you watch the news, its pretty obvious to all that Al Beeb by its propaganda, wants ‘open borders’. Take the bleating it does for the ‘jungle’, and its cover of the ‘dead boy on the beach’.
Of course the BBC is in favour of open borders, as defined by the European Union treaty. However I don’t understand your reasoning in connecting this with Blair’s opening up of the Borders , a situation that the BBC (among others) have failed to discuss at any suitable length.
The reasons given by the leaked information from certain Labour members of the government do not satisfy me, hence my speculation which may be correct or fanciful.
Taffman, thanks for the links (the Guardian in particular) they make interesting reading.
There are facts and statistics along with comments from various politicians etc. it is informative but (in my opinion) doesn’t drill deep enough as to the real reasons that compelled Blair to make these politically suicidal decisions over immigration and then come up with non convincing explanations (leaked retrospectively)
To be fair to Heath, he DID have a decent war record-and had seen Hitler on the rise in Nuremburg as an exchange student…so I could see why he genuinely was scarred enough to think that if we locked ourselves into Europe then we`d not get another Hitler or WW3.
But his deceit that this would only be a trade deal, and not a political fix for later seals him as a quisling, and his sacrifice of our fishing industry needs a good digging up-still wonder if some state agency was blackmailing him for him to be such a double dealing traitor.
Blair was rightly described as Demon Eyes in 96/7 so was the elected sociopath who betrayed us in full sight…so tend to spare him…he was a created creature of many fantasies with a doped out bunch of cretins electing him…and he STILL represents the elites views…no wonder they all hate him…like Lady Di, they`d prefer him dead…but thankfully he`s our manacled corpse to the current state.
No traitor-just a sociopath fantasist…as is Ummuna, Thornberry, Grieve, Clegg, Ashdown, Cameron….need I go on?
Another horrific display of enrichment on show on the Al Beeb webshite.
“Rotherham abuse trial – 6 quilty of 6 offences”
How are the Al Beeb going to shoehorn any bullshit agenda and narrative into this report?
1: The abuse was carried out by the Muslim men. Once again they are the sick fucks raping and brutalising young white girls. The BBC are giving equal exposure and footing to the white women who were convicted of conspiracy. Seems at last the ‘not all those involved were ‘asian’ men has at last been proven (in their sick minds)
2: The word Asian was only used once and because it’s quoted. Even more sickening is this paraphrase “Prof Alexis Jay.. Found at least 1400 CHILDREN have been raped, trafficed and groomed over a 16 year period and that a number of perpetrators were adult men of Pakistani heritage” No!! You deceiving, lying, traitorous bast@rds!! All the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage! You know that! The police know that! The labour run council knows that! You can fiddle the facts as much as you want you vile scumbags but it was and always was Muslim men who did this!
The Al Beeb. Prepared to sacrifice everything and everyone we love to stick to a dangerous and unwinnable narrative.
I was fuming listening to the report on Radio 4 just a bit ago. Everybody concerned did their best not to mention ‘Pakistani’ or ‘Muslim’, to the point that despite all the talk about this situation being allowed to fester under a crazy culture of fear-induced silence, it still seems that they cart out the same milquetoasts to speak gravely, yet ever so…correctly about it.
Curse the Pakis and their children too. But they can wait. First – those who allowed it to happen.
Just listening to PM on Pravda (Sorry, Radio 4) talking about child abuse and grooming in Rotherham. More men convicted today of the – now routine and totally unsurprising – crimes that they have been getting away with for decades.
How can they talk about this issue for probably ten minutes without mentioning everyone’s favourite religion? The word ‘men’ of course was used exclusively, despite the fact that two of the convicted were women!
I accept they unusually made a reasonable attempt (judging from the normal low BBC standard) at expressing how this has been going on for years, and all the time while the people who were being paid to prevent this looked the other way.
Am I the only one who thinks it is now time to re-instate the death penalty specifically for Muslim paedophile rape gangs?
Like many other Muslim paedophile groups, the convicted were closely related to each other and prior friends. This illustrates perfectly a major difference between western and Muslim cultural values. If I were a paedophile with access to groomed young girls available for rape and abuse, the very last group of people I would think of approaching to join in would be my relatives and friends. Western culture recognises this crime as about the worst thing that can be done, even paedophiles must be aware of this.
However, it is almost as if this powerful – and entirely healthy – cultural inhibition does not seem to exist amongst Muslims. How else can so many of these crimes involve brothers, uncles, sons and close friends etc?
Although I have no specific knowledge, I doubt that non-Muslim paedophile gangs are made up of such closely related people. I expect gang members meet furtively on the dark-web and would be initially very suspicious of their co-conspirators in case they are law enforcement.
I simply could not conceive of phoning up a friend/relative/work colleague and saying “I’ve got a young schoolgirl involved in a sex cult, we get her drunk and threaten to tell her family if she tells – and then we anything we like to her – it’s great. Do you fancy coming along?”.
The fact that this has gone on in full knowledge of our police and social services for decades disgusts me beyond belief. I think their complicity and willingness to look the other way is almost on the same level as the crimes themselves.
I am sorry if I am not being sufficiently cultural sensitive, I recognise that most Muslims are not involved, but I am so F**ing sick of this. What can we do if we cannot even mention the root cause behind the evil of the perpetrators?
“This illustrates perfectly a major difference between western and Muslim cultural values. If I were a paedophile with access to groomed young girls available for rape and abuse, the very last group of people I would think of approaching to join in would be my relatives and friends.”
Solid post, but I disagree that “most Muslims are not involved” – I think a very large proportion of Muslim males are; and I would include “involved” to mean not reporting those you know to be carrying out the rape and sexual degradation of children or going out of their way to protect the perpetrators.
“Muslims make up 3% of the population yet are over 90% of the perpetrators of this type of crime.”
I think a very large proportion of Muslim males are [involved]; and I would include “involved” to mean not reporting those you know to be carrying out the rape
Yes you may be right here, but I suppose we don’t know that for sure. Certainly their ‘culture’ does not seem to carry the burden of shame that raping and violently exploiting a young girl carries in any civilised culture.
Still at least they are prepared to ‘honour’ their own girls by murdering them if they look at a white male in the wrong way, or perhaps let their head covering slip. If they’re feeling excessively tolerant they maybe only throw acid in their faces. Clearly Islamic Chivalry isn’t dead.
I was watching one of those US true crime programmes yesterday.
Muslim father called the police in, daughter attacked him with a knife, in the ensuing struggle daughter sadly died.
The only witness was his wife who backed his story up.
Unfortunately, for them, because he was a bit of a Jihadi, the FBI had bugged the house and the true sickening story emerged. He informed his teenage daughter she was to be subjected to an ‘honour’ killing, then while she screamed for mercy the mother assisted in the dirty deed.
But my main reason for posting was the FBI had naturally bugged the phone as well. For hours before the dirty deed, the parents rang family and friends, male and female, to announce what they were intending to do. The response, ‘about time’ ‘allah be praised’ etc, etc. Not one voice of dissent or concern, let alone informing the police or racing to the poor girl’s rescue.
Which just corroborates what Manchester said and I guess we all already knew, these Muslims have a completely different mindset to us. And, personally speaking, I believe these sub-humans have no place in this country. Indeed, the world would be a much happier, more peaceful place if Islam was totally eradicated.
The disparity is noticeable between the minimal coverage which this case at Sheffield Crown Court has had during the trial; compared with the far more extensive coverage which the (former) Sunderland footballer is getting on BBC Look North here in Yorkshire, whose trial is ongoing at Bradford Crown Court.
Disgraceful soft ball BBC interview with local Rotherham MP Sarah Champion, who spouts the usual Labour line that this Pakistani paedophilia and abuse is something that occurs in all communities. No challenge from the idiot Simon McCoy, and she’s allowed to spout this uncorroborated, totally made up nonsense as gospel when the real facts of Pakistani abuse hushed up all over the UK are staring everyone in the face. No matter what happens, Labour and its representatives will never acknowledge brown faces as evil, and will dissemble, divert and downright lie to protect their votes, and maintain their PC credentials. If you vote Labour, you are as culpable as these evil barstards. Just a shame there is not the ultimate sanction for all concerned.
The cretinous residents of Rotherham should have elected the UKIP candidate at the last election, instead of opting for more of the same Labour scum; the party which did nothing to stop the Muslim rape gangs and in fact prevented at every turn those who attempted to do something about it.
The good people of Rotherham deserve everything they get; they have had two opportunities to get rid of Labour. Even taking into account industrial scale postal vote fraud a large number of white working class will have to have voted labour for Champion to get in.
The decision to ignore what was going on in Rotherham came from the Home Office to the Chief Constable and down the line to the police on the front line. Decisions to ignore crimes are not taken at a local level.
The politician who “binned” the 2006 Home Report needs to be named.
The Labour Home Secretaries who would have known about this are Blunkett, Smith, Clarke and Johnson
Did you notice the way Sarah Champion somehow turned it round to make herself a victim – having allegedly recently nearly had a …*swoon*… ‘breakdown’? Fuck you bitch. You’re coated from head to toe in this mess. Nothing you can do will help now.
She is spouting the ‘all communities’ line in an effort to direct the public’s attention away from the perpetrators, and this will dilute any effort to clean the stables and prevent more victims. Shameful.
Its well known that the Pakistani community have the greatest number of babies born with disabilities because of breeding within their own families, brought to light many years ago by MP Anne Cryer; but was never given any nationwide credence for fear of being un pc. These peoples may be on the 3rd 4th generation since arriving on these shores in the 60’s but still have their ‘mud hut’ mentality with regards young girls and sex. Having seen the bloated ugly faces of those convicted, just picture yourself lain with one of them on top of you, and it magnifies how utterly vile these bastards are. I see one of the ‘family’ accused is now in a wheelchair – pity all of ’em aren’t, and I’d have no hesitation in tipping them straight in the river Don.
I have family connections to Rotherham – grandfathers both hardworking miners (and in the days when the mines were privately owned). I feel ashamed to the core that the Labour councillors (and police) could look away when all this was going on. A different time I know, but I can’t help but think if this had happened in the 40’s and 50’s – when men were men, and Yorkshire women were just as strong and verbal – the bastards would have been strung up and castrated.
I believe that if the police and the courts had not come down so hard on those white, working class men who went out “Paki-bashing” in the seventies and early eighties; then today we would not be seeing the mass sexual atrocity which has been carried out by Muslim men against indigenous, young, British girls.
The only deterrent that is effective against Muslims is greater physical force as a consequence of their transgressions against the female children of the native population of the U.K.; any other response is meaningless – which is evident from the ever increasing scale of the Muslim rape gangs’ activities over that last 30+ years, in towns and cities the length and breadth of this country.
“I believe that if the police and the courts had not come down so hard on those white, working class men who went out “Paki-bashing” in the seventies and early eighties; then today we would not be seeing the mass sexual atrocity which has been carried out by Muslim men against indigenous, young, British girls.”
Yes, and perhaps if more people had been allowed to randomly beat up “Whiteys” because of the colour of their skin, Jimmy Savile wouldn’t have sexually assaulted hundreds of indigenous, young, British girls.
Wonderful defence of “Paki-bashing” though, Shubtill. What’s next I wonder. We need to teach those Darkies a lesson?
The sickness which is this phenomenon ofMuslim child-rape gangs could never have advanced in our society, as it has to the extent we find today, without the indifference and ignorance of those such as “zero”; who have exhibited such a preparedness to sacrifice the innocence (and in some cases the lives) of children as opposed to confronting the reality of having such a toxic, alien culture growing in our country.
Your post above merely lives down to all my expectations of you – bravo “zero”!
OK “Zero” I think you need a lesson in human nature. Picking on people because of the colour of their skin is shit and wrong. I agree
However due to people like YOU – apologists for a culture which in many cases does not seem to accept the norms of the society which they want to live and actively work against it whilst all the time crying discrimination! – People get angry and may well go over the top in their remarks. This does not mean we are evil it just means we are very pissed of with the way that things are going and sometimes need to verbally let off steam.
I know you are perfect in all ways however I suggest your remarks on this site would have more credibility if you have not been so silent on the Rotherham scandal and more recently Cologne. So in the nicest possible way I suggest you keep your moral judgements to your sad little self and go and preach to someone who is interested in your views!
If that photograph had been taken in Bradford in the 1960s, you might have had a point. But it wasn’t.
Cheap trick. I’m sure there are equally emotive crime scene photographs of Whiteys who have been on the receiving end of much more recent “lessons”. We all know who they are – it’s quite a long list, even if the BBC seems to have forgotten them.
Paki scum systematically abuse white girls on a nationwide scale.
If the white scum were systematically abusing paki girls on a nationwide scale, I think we could perhaps see eye to eye on this, Zero.
Wow Zero, those darkies seem to know how to do it without having lessons from de crackers.
The point you are trying to refute was that our courts were excessive in dealing with thugs ( I acknowledge they were thugs) who went Paki bashing. The bashers were wrong, but the enforcement of a multkulture which followed, has, and is, contributing to serious conflict in the near future.
Enjoy the picture. Necklacing in South Africa. There are many more. They tell me that friends of Nissan Maindealer was involved in this kind of thing.
For the umpteenth time, please tell us just why are you posting on this site ? You obviously have an agenda. It certainly is not pointing out the ‘Bias’ of Al Beeb ?
Are you posting on behalf of your paymaster ?
Brissles. Yep the “inbreeding” story comes up surfaces every so often only to be sunk under a wave of Waycist accusations. Never let a story get in the way of an agenda.
I believe about 40% of marriages within Pakistani Muslim communities in Britain are between first cousins.
Quite an astonishing rate of incest but intercourse between first cousins in not illegal in this country. Perhaps it should be. I’m sure the police would be onto them like a ton of bricks were this the case.
Forced marriages are just as bad. Hundreds of young girls go missing from the school registers in the mill towns every year to be shipped off to rule Pakistan to marry a middle aged cousin.
Try to imagine a wedding night where a full grown man forces himself on a young teenager. We ignore this all in the name of diversity.
All this has been allowed by the white liberal trash who masquerade as political representatives.
Reference Rotherham.
Unfortunately, the tribal allegiance to Labour in South Yorkshire is such that even after clear, unambiguous examples of corruption and incompetence, the local voters STILL vote all the same people back in, and in the one party state that is the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire poor standards of governance continue unchecked, and the results are clear to see.
Nothing will change until the voters realise they have been betrayed for years, and finally have the gumption to do something about it at the ballot box.
Oh dear the drone at BBc appears to not want to play with this one it’s the “chukky egg” challenge . You remember they told me it was to promote the “fun” of some rugby tournament. This was my reply to their initial response which I sent on 18/2:
“Full Complaint: This was my original complaint: Full Complaint: Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/35493930 We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason. Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again. This is your reply: “Thanks for getting in touch with us about the Chucky Egg Challenge. The challenge is to encourage our audience to get involved with the excitement of the Six Nations. The aim of the game is to pass the egg to your opponent (like you would a rugby ball) as many times as you can in twenty seconds and not drop it. The person who drops the egg loses the game”. As you will note I didn’t ask about the “game” I was complaining that after enduring being lectured at length by the BBc about food waste and it’s fascination with what we throw away it suddenly decides to promote food waste by smashing eggs. To compound this “what to buy and why, decided to fill luggage with eggs and drop them out of an aircraft boarding hatch. with Naga being “surprised” they all broken. Does this mean the BBC will now stop running it’s seeming endless diatribe against the public “wasting food” as it appears you are happy enough to waste eggs in pointless articles.”
And this is the BBcs response from today:
“Thanks for getting back in touch. And for your further comments.
On Breakfast we cover a wide range of serious issues as well as things more ‘fun’ like the Chucky Egg Challenge. We of course acknowledge that you don’t think it’s a fun thing to do. The aim is to encourage people to get involved with the excitement of the 6 Nations.
We’re sorry you were unhappy about this. We appreciate you going to the trouble to let us know your thoughts on this.
Kind regards
Lucia Fortucci
BBC Complaints
Hey so we are back to the tactics they were using a few years ago where the point is ignored. Another complaint will be on it’s way very soon.
In your next reply, inform them that you have been sharing this correspondence on a website full of UK commenters who, after continual disappointment with the BBC’s output, are considering whether or not to cancel their licence, and stop watching live TV. You will continue to seek a response from them that isn’t dismissive and vague, and until that happens you will continue to post updates on the website.
“The excitement of the Six Nations” eh?
I ditched my mobile phone provider when it texted me to “get behind England” in the rugby crap.
It`s not as if they ever want me to get behind England when there is the prospect that it might leave the EU.
I am sick of pointless sport being used as East Germany did-and North Korea still do, no doubt.
Am old enough to remember the “Back the Bid” Bollocks of 2005 etc.
And that “legacy” we`ll be apyinf for `til doomsday?
Load of lardy kids and no football pitches unless you want floodlit fantasy crap and pay through the nose for it.
No swimming pools we can safely swim in without migrants spunk and verrucas…well, not at a decent price anyway.
Sport=like the NHS is yet ANOTHER False God thrown up by the AntiChrist…not that Gore or Obama actually ever played sport as far as I know.
Mo Farah, Seb Coe and Jonathan Edwards-might as well be Adam Johnson for the effect that their corrosive smarmy “achievements” have had on this country.
AND-if we could only retrain our hooligans…we might be able to deal with Islam, come the time.
PS-has Sheffield paid off its student games of the early 80s…Blunketts state-funded pocket billiards is still ongoing I expect…future generations will quail when they see we gave house room to him, to Prescott and to Mandelson…AND funded them.
Has anybody noticed the way a lot of EU Beeboids have been throwing in jocular remarks along the lines of;
‘YAWN! Another 4 months of this tedious Euro debate to go, you’ll be glad to hear. Ho ho ho ‘
It may seem like a throwaway comment but I believe the subtext is;
‘I am a highly intelligent, worldly and sophisticated pro-EU European BBC journalist and I simply cannot believe that these Neanderthal, little Englander rednecks have forced us to have a debate about the EU when it is clear to everyone I know in the vegan restaurant down our way that the EU is brilliant and progressive’
They are actually really annoyed that they are having to debate the issue at all, hence the faux, cod-jocular ‘yawns’.
Yes indeed – that is exactly what they are signalling. The irony is that if it were a general election they would be treating it with due seriousness, despite the fact that in terms of who actually governs this country, a general election is of relatively little significance compared to this referendum.
The cultural marxists are not happy. They know that to lose the referendum will be the beginning of the end for them. Imagine all those highly paid and useless jobs gone. They are nearly all unemployable in my world and would not survive for long without their tame big state to succour them.
Think of all those BBC execs on their huge salaries and pensions. Useless the lot of them and they know it. The entire marxist middle class is sustained by the rest of us. An establishment of the useless and the parasitical. A real Ancien Regime or Tsarist aristocracy. Well you know what happened to them.
So this referendum really matters to us. Win it and we start to claim England back for the people. It does not matter if you are a socialist or diehard conservative as long as you want freedom to govern and be governed as you wish then this is all that matters.
These so superior parasites of the marxist metropolitan class will do anything to stop us. Morale is everything and we must weaken theirs at every opportunity. It does not matter how. Just bring them down.
And-the lazy cultural marxist who run things would then have to learn how to draft a law, how to speak to a customer, how to defend a decision and how to live with the notion that they will once again be accountable and able to be fired with no compo or seat swaps.
Load of padded sloths on the money tree showing us their pink, florid and rainbow arses and shitting on us…and mocking our unwillingness or inability to get a tyre lever up there to prise the parasites off this countrys arteries.
Far easier to drive to the studio behind dark glass, to blag freebie to Brussels to piss on Steve Thorburns, James Bulgers memorials…and bring a load of Anjems back with some best Afghan and a GPS for Rochdale and Rotherham Twin Towns Summits to come.
No-these people have only talked and squittered all over this country, fiddling with the thermostat as the nation burns, moaning about climate change as Jordanian pilots burn in cages for our sins.
I could not dig, I dared not rob
And so I lied to please the mob
But here`s the drugs, the paedophiles
`Til Islam comes in Soviet style.
Probably behind the curve but just learned the Hungariian government is to hold a referendum on whether they should accept migrant quotas imposed by Brussels.
What a good idea !!!!!!
And good to know that others among our European friends see the EU as the problem not the solution.
There is much whining in the German media about a meeting of the states on the Balkan route, Austria, Slovakia, Macedonia, etc. to close their borders to “refugees”. The German media is bitter because their Austrian friends have decided to control their borders as Merkel is incapable of doing anything other than babbling about a “European solution”. The German elite are supposedly worried that Greece will be cut off from the rest of Europe at the Macedonian border and outraged that no EU functionaries at all were invited to the meeting. “National egotism”, “lack of European solidarity”, “the solution to Europe’s problems is more Europe”, blah, blah, blah. “Wir schaffen das” has suddenly become panic about the collapse of the EU. As you say, , more and more people in Europe are at least beginning to realise how misguided the European Project is.
A number of state elections are coming up shortly. It will be interrsting to see if the predicted Merkeldämmerung comes to pass. AfD is gaining in popularity inspite of media hostility. It would be amusing if a eurosceptic majority were eventually elected to the European parliament.
Just caught a prog called Outside Source.
Al Beeb have just covered both Rotherham and Cologne stories without mentioning the M word or the I word even once.
A grand total of one person has been prosecuted for sexual offences after the Cologne New Year events.
That seems to be being reported as a sort of positive result as if the intelligensia have escaped from awkward questions.
Think I’ll go and find a bucket to be sick in.
Nobody is fooled. Cultural marxists do not do truth or reality. As with the old USSR they can only bring lies into the world .They live by the lie and it will destroy them in the end.
Which is why the German opposition calls the media lugenpresse
If the BBC appear to convince the electorate that the country will vote in June to stay within the EU, there’s a prospect that the EU supporters will become complacent and not bother to vote.
Those against the EU will vote accordingly whatever the BBC say.
2016 could top 2015 for damaging the BBC. The BBC still feel that they lost the General Election in 2015 and wuz robbed.
Have just heard two Asians ref the Rotherham verdicts both admitting that political correctness was an issue and the Pakistanis involved should be described as such.
The Rotherham MP Sarah Champion refuses to accept this and says it is just a child abuse issue.
The lunatics are firmly in charge. The white population continue to be betrayed but sadly keep voting for those that have created the problem
There’s an engineering expression – “it you don’t measure it, you can’t control it”. This is why the BBC’s (and politicians) hiding of the full story here is very dangerous and I would go as far as saying, evil (I do not use this word lightly).
If no one is measuring the dimensions of the grooming gang phenomena (e.g. number of occurrences, locations, make-up of gangs ethnically, relegiously, etc., etc.,), then it will not be controlled and many many more young girls will be ruined.
Pretending it’s a “normal” child abuse issue, like pretending Cologne was a “normal” men behaving badly incident is tantamount to collusion in my view and therefore evil.
BBC Look North tonight; the entire programme devoted to the Rotherham paedophile case verdict – not once was the “M” word mentioned and it was only about two thirds of the way through that “Pakistani heritage” evasion appeared.
The bulk of the programme was about the failure of the authorities to act against the perpetrators, but very little about who those perpetrators (I’m here referring to who the perpetrators overwhelmingly are in this and similar cases) were and nothing about why those same authorities so determinedly chose not to act.
Always the case, the ‘perps’ are the victims and Al Beeb are the ones who did not act but tried to bury it . As per Jimmy Sav. – forever hiding and censoring the obvious.
Worst of all we are forced to pay for it via the TV Poll Tax.
We need another Churchill. Our Car Moron is weak and Theresa the Appeaser and the Home Office is unable to act on its responsibilities .
Make a start and vote to get out of the corruption , out of the EU.
Then privatise Al Beeb.
An ‘Eye Opener’ for British people – watch ‘Hard Talk’ re Referendum, Martin Schuluz and Sarah Montague , President of the European Parliament. This will tell you the way the EU is going. It should get more votes for Brexit .
Brissles was speculating as to what would have happened if the Rotherham sex abuse had taken place in the 1940s/50s. My late father (as a 17-year-old in 1941) served with his dad in Rotherham Home Guard. Judging by the attitudes that come across in his wartime diary, a well-honed bayonet up the jacksie would have been the reward of any uppity foreigner making free with womenfolk. (I’ve put a fully illustrated selection from his diaries up online, by the way. He went on to fight in Italy.)
What the hell went wrong in seventy years? Labour rule? Don’t blame my family – I think Granddad Dixon was the only working class bloke in Rotherham who voted Tory!
Rotherham is being quickly taken off the BBC website front page, now headlined under the News England section, tomorrow/today no doubt buried in the Regions section.
H H-B: “What the hell went wrong in seventy years?”
Sociology and social workers. Don’t get me wrong. Some of my friends are social workers. Lovely people. Working hard to clear up all sorts of messes. There has been a massive expansion in the sector however, probably disproportionate to population growth.
The effects of drugs, especially so-called soft drugs: alcohol & cannabis. I think there are now growing indications that long-term brain damage is/has occurred in a significant part of the population.
Government policies over a range of areas, not least employment, housing, transport and education, that have impacted on family dispersal all over the UK. Some of these policy downsides have also impacted on social mobility.
The Church is probably more robust than some claim but I think whether in School Assembly or children’s attendance at ‘Sunday School’, the basic education these provided (whether continued with in the teens & adult life or as believers or not) provided a moral framework for later life – and children have not been getting that education for several decades now.
I’m going to make myself sound very old fashioned and blame TV.
IMO, it has allowed shallow and stupid fads and ideas to be promoted with a speed and effectiveness that radio and newspapers could never match. People who would otherwise have struggled on the fringes, writing books or obscure newspaper columns, or babbling away in dark corners of third rate universities, have injected their ideas into people’s homes and been given an immediate authority and credibility solely by virtue of having been on TV, and perhaps being endorsed by a so-called “TV personality”. This credibility has never been earned. Fashion, hypocrisy and self righteousness have taken over. It started off slowly when TV was well controlled and followed the conventions of BBC radio but, over the last 40 years or so, standards have plummeted.
The only good news is that the internet is able to counter this to a limited extent but a huge amount of damage has been done, IMO.
For analysis which applies primarily to the USA, but has perfect equivalence in the UK, a previous poster recommended this book:
” After America, get ready for armageddon” by Mark Steyn.
Hat tip to the poster, I’m halfway through it now….and I think you’ll find some anwers there.
I can recommend John Marshs, The Liberal Delusion.
The war on the professions and the corrupting influence of money which drove the respectable middle class out of teaching and public administarion have also played a role.
Authority has been undermined, the notion that respect is earned, personal responsibility and leadership by example forgotten virtues.
I`m sure this won`t go down well but the combined effects of radical Freedmanite economics, neo liberalism and the power of international finance in the Thatcher era along with the insertion of cultural marxism to the education and social services systems (as a sop to the ambitious lefties and social liberals), and the supra-national power of the EU has led to the breakdown of the institutions that held Britain together…monarchy, military, grammar schools, universities and yes, trade unions, workers education, self help organisations and muscular Christianity, leading to the mish mash of atomisation for the middle and working classes and the rise of a super rich class whose loyalty is to money, globalism, and each other instead of God, Queen and country.
Good point. TV was (and still largely is) controlled by a small elite group which has the ability to beam its ideas non-stop into peoples’ homes. In the days of Lord Reith those ideas were conservative, but by the 60s the left had taken over. Just look at all the tedious 1960s TV plays pushing the left’s agenda onto the British public. I’m not saying people shouldn’t have watched them – I’m all for free thought – but it was the way that one small cultural group (the Dennis Potters etc) was able to dominate the entire nation that was/is the problem.
Anne63,exactly right.
Oh how I wish there was somebody like Mary Whitehouse around today.Television has influenced how people think,live and behave and invariably has not been for the general good of society.
The bBBC seem to think it’s good for television to be able to push the boundaries of the envelope without accepting responsibility when those boundaries are damaging to society.
Past governments have allowed the behemoth of televion, and in particular the bBBC, to ride roughshod and challenge accepted societal norms of behaviour without any effective form of accountability. I stress the word effective.
Many of the changes encouraged and promulgated by television have positively been to the detriment of this country, a country once heralded on a sense of morality based on fair play and decency. Decency by the way is word the bBBC and left hate.
This has led to a more liberal society, directed by the bBBC, as a result, the judiciary has softened its penalties on crime,sexual responsibility has all but gone, a sympathy with ‘downtrodden’ welfare receipts at the diminution of the work ethic,and an untrammeled, blatant left wing national broadcaster given free licence to brainwash and propagandacise a political agenda, whilst a weak and pathetic Conservative party allows this to continue unhindered, and therefore in effect compliant.
It is for this reason that I will not vote Conservative, nor Labour or liberal as I see them as saying goes
Anne, old-fashioned is fine. From 25 years ago (re: the USA, but almost equally applicable to the UK) by Hypocrisy Is the Greatest Luxury:
One Nation under God
Has turned into
One Nation under the influence
Of one drug
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V., it satellite links
Our United States of unconciousness
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive
The methadone metronome pumping out
A 150 channels 24 hours a day
You can flip through all of them
And still there’s nothing worth watching
T. V. Is the reason why less than ten percent of our
Nation reads books daily
Why most people think Central America
Means Kansas
Socialism means unamerican
And Apartheid is a new headache remedy
Absorbed in it’s world it’s so hard to find us
It shapes our minds the most
Maybe the mother of our Nation
Should remind us
That we’re sitting to close to. ..
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V. Is
The stomping ground for political candidates
Where bears in the woods
Are chased by Grecian Formula’d
Bald eagles
T. V. Is mechanized politic’s
Remote control over the masses
Co-sponsered by environmentally safe gases
Watch for the pbs special
It’s the perpetuation of the two party system
Where image takes precedence over wisdom
Where sound bite politics are served to
The fastfood culture
Where straight teeth in your mouth
Are more important than the words
That come out of it
Race baiting is the way to get selected
Willie Horton or
Will he not get elected on. ..
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V. Is it the reflector or the director?
Does it imitate us or do we imitate it
Because a child watches 1500 murders before he’s
Twelve years old and we wonder how we’ve created
A Jason generation that learns to laugh
Rather than abhor the horror
T. V. Is the place where
Armchair generals and quarterbacks can
Experience first hand
The excitement of video warfare
As the theme song is sung in the background
Sugar sweet sitcoms
That leave us with a bad actor taste while
Pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars
You saw the video
You heard the soundtrack
Well now go buy the soft drink
Well, the only cola that I support
Would be a union C. O. L. A. (Cost of Living Allowance)
On Television.
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
Back again, “New and Improved”,
We return to our irregularly programmed schedule
Hidden cleverly between heavy breasted
Beer and car commericals
Cnn espn abc tnt but mostly B. S.
Where oxymoronic language like
“virtually spotless” “fresh frozen”
“light yet filling” and “military intelligence”
Have become standard
T. V. Is the place where phrases are redefined
Like “recession” to “necessary downturn”
“crude oil” on a beach to “mousse”
“Civilian death” to “collateral damages”
And being killed by your own Army
Is now called “friendly fire”
T. V. Is the place where the pursuit
Of happiness has become the pursuit of trivia
Where toothpaste and cars have become s** objects
Where imagination is sucked out of children
By a cathode ray nipple
T. V. Is the only wet nurse
That would create a cripple
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
On Television. ..
One of my favourites 4D.
Remember U2 coming on stage to this one back in the early 90s…and it had a great effect on me.
You`ll know “The Revolution will not be televised ” of course by Gil Scott Heron too.
And the Last Poets with their “Niggaz are scared of Revolution”?…as Costello says…we`re mere white niggaz ourselves these days…but if we vote NO, we can start to reclaim our country…and removing the BBC will be a grand gesture I can dream about.
I think a lot of the problem is caused by the infiltration of cultural marxism into local government post-1968. Prior to that, local government and social policy jobs (teaching, social work etc) as far as I can tell were largely the preserve of a self-help class of people, who had ‘made good’ through grammar schools and the post-1945 social consensus. They had done well out of a mildly socialist society and wanted to help others benefit. Many of them were ‘chapel’, ie came from non-conformist religious backgrounds with a family history of public service.
My father was a local government officer and part of this background, and I know of one or two retired teachers, social workers etc like this also. However after the 1960s, spurred on by Roy Jenkins etc local government turned into a playground for radicals. I remember my father lamenting the problems he had with the ‘looney left’ councils of the 1980s (who were most emphatically NOT a figment of the Daily Mail’s imagination). So by the time of the Rotherham scandal the councils were well under the thumb of common purpose/cultural marxism which I suspect led to their consummate inability to act decisively and firmly.
What I think also happened was that part of the then ruling class, having had to give up the Empire and assailed by the 68ers (their kids at university) flapped and some of the “chinless wonders”of the aristocratic upper class remnant decided to accept that provided they and theirs could hold onto high finance, serious power (which was slipping away to the US and latterly the EU), and their independent schools then they could make a compromise with the likes of Woy Jenkins and the liberal / left lower middle classes in the universities, state schools and the media and let them loose on the proles, rather than risk a revolt against themselves.
They put self interest before national interest. The results are all around us.
AND-don`t forget-the catastrophic local government reforms that were furthered by Keith Joseph under Heaths regime in the early 70s.
Wilson and Benns cultural agenda of management sciences as based on Soviet thinking at the time-the scientific man, progress, independent academics and quangos as stakeholding champions under the guise of local democracy-all of this began at that time.
We`ve never recovered…yes Wilson, Benn and Jenkins trashed the foundations…but Heath, Joseph and Maudling did nothing about the cultural wet rot that was never dealt with.
AS I say, Thatcher allowed the cultural left to win by default in schools etc, as long as she won the economic battles…fatal.
Islam is doing the dead same today-winning the cultural war as we tinker over Eurorates after June 23rd.
In the EU=Islamic supremacy within 15 years-all democratic and demographically too.
Vote OUT-and use the next few years to damp proof “this ole house” of ours.
Why settle for Shaky when you could have had Elvis?
I cant find any report on the BBC website about Lord Owen saying we should Leave.
The Guardian has reported it, so I assume its probably only a matter of time. You cant expect the Beeb to be ahead of the pack when it only gets £4bn a year.
Thank you for posting this important information, which would have been missed by me, and doubtless by many other readers of this blog. It’s remarkable (not!) that David Owen, someone who has been invited to Radio 4 on numerous occasions to give his views (he was almost on speed dial) should be ignored on this occasion. The BBC had decided to ignore his views even from its own house journal.
I was precipitate: David Owen is now being interviewed on the Today programme. It sounds a little as though he might be a ‘soft exiter’, advocating we vote to leave for the purpose of getting change, but he is talking some good sense otherwise. We shall see.
No-was mightily impressed by David Owen.
Good old Webb walked into a shitstorm there, he`ll be getting the bad end of the boiled egg as we speak.
Own opened up a huge new front that any army bloke or academic could walk into.
Namely that Putins response in the Ukraine was totally predictable, even compulsory for him.
Given how crass, stupid and wrong headed the likes of Catherine Ashton was at that time in Kiev.
He destroyed any pretence that the EU will “protect us”…in fact they`ll bring WW3 on much faster due to their love of Islam and the Left, their hatred of their national citizens and patriots-and their Malloch Brown/Baroness Amos like lefty liberal stupidity borne of being in Clintons peacenik slipstream of dope and cigar smoke.
Peace Corps cabbages pickled in vinegar, wishing they were more than Muslim sauerkraut…but they are not.
Owens line of argument is a big one-and he would know.
Glad I kept him off my Treasonous and Treacherous Persons list(TTiP) now….
Here is the Owen bit. He is quoted as saying he ‘could back exit’.A bit like Boris who I suspect is backing exit until a better deal comes along which should be around 20th June in time for the Wembley show.
It’s interesting that the article ignores the bit in his interview where he blamed the EU for causing the trouble in Ukraine. (Something many of us here pointed out at the time.)
Just listened to R4 Today at 6.45am. The report was on the Brit Awards and had a plug about all the musicians in in the refugee camps all around the world. The reporter for this was Chi Chi Izundu. I wondered what her qualifications are for being a R4 Today specialist reporter; this information was taken from her own Link in page:
BBC TV and radio presenter, entertainment news specialist reporter, lead online entertainment writer and film maker. I am currently BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat’s Entertainment Specialist reporter with a specific brief into investigating entertainment related stories for Radio 1’s target audience of 15-29 year olds and the wider BBC. An award winning proactive, highly talented, creatively energetic journalist with many years of accomplished work, in fast paced deadline driven environments in news and current affairs.
Volunteer Experience & Causes
Radio Lollipop
Volunteer Kids Play Assistant
Radio Lollipop
April 2009 – Present (6 years 11 months)Children
Radio Lollipop is the volunteer program which is run at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the children’s ward at St Thomas’.
My job was to take a cart filled with arts and crafts, games and books to keep the children entertained on the wards around the hospital.
I volunteered weekly for three years.
Open Hands – Morocco
March 2012 – Present (4 years)Children
I joined a group of students out in Morocco visiting children in orphanages, helping maintain local areas, cooking and feeding homeless children and adults and with arts and crafts, playing with children at risk of becoming part of the sex trade.
I did this for a two week period.
Helping collect food stuffs
Food Bank – Hackney
October 2013 – Present (2 years 5 months)Poverty Alleviation
I have stood in the doorway of big supermarkets asking people to donate certain food stuffs to add to the Hackney Food Bank in order for them to be distributed to those who couldn’t afford to eat.
Causes Chi Chi cares about:
Arts and Culture
Civil Rights and Social Action
Disaster and Humanitarian Relief
Human Rights
Poverty Alleviation
Science and Technology
Impressive eh? I wonder what other reasons there were for the BBC to employ her?
She has written 36 articles from 2009 to 2013 with an average of 379 words. That works out as an impressive 8.3 words a day. She certainly is a “highly talented, creatively energetic journalist” :/
I agree, I have to say I laughed out loud when I heard her name, it reminded me of the Monty Python election sketch, I include three of the more notable names:
Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F’tang-F’tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel
Kevin Phillips-Bong
Mr Elsie Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip
I expect they will be hosting Newsnight soon. Don’t forget, we have Tulip Mandingo or whatever her name is, the BBC Nigerian correspondent. Rumour has it that her job experience includes working in Morrison’s in the self service area assisting people when they have an unexpected item in the bagging area.
Another beautiful morning here in the UK. Wonderful fresh air and sunshine in the glorious morning sky ……..Oh no! Just clicked onto the Al Beeb webshite…..my morning instantly ruined! WTF!!
“New Europe migrant limits face scrutiny” is the first headline/propaganda statement that catches my eye.
We know the Al Beeb jihadi fighters on every Al Beeb sofa and airwaves will be scrutinising it, saying the same dishonest shite and already disproven lie/narrative that it will affect the ‘children ‘. Who else is scrutinising it? We never know of course who these hidden faces are outside of jihadi headquarters.
Also noticed is its ‘Europe’ now and not the EU? Sneaky bast@rds! Isn’t it the EU that has dictated the uncontrolled movement of millions of doctors and engineer men from every shit hole country on earth to enrich our women? Countries lost control of their borders when joining the EU no? The Al Beeb don’t miss a trick in misleading and trying to brainwash the viewers do they! It keeps getting worse folks..
Next we hear that Austria and the Balkan countries propose plans to fingerprint all the enrichers and turn away those without passports or holding fake documents! Am I reading that right?? Firstly it’s taken millions of potential fucking scumbags, rapists and ROPer peace envoys to already be in Europe before that happens? I thought there was no risk? I thought they were all kids and doctors for Europes health services? The answer is we don’t have a clue. Our lying scumbag political parties and media elite have basically lied to us again and again. They have no idea who is here and why they came!
It states the countries have pledged to only accept those (I shit you not) ‘deemed in need of protection ‘ meaning Syrians ans Iraqis. Am I missing something here? We have constantly been told by Al Beeb and anyone else on TV and radio that’s it’s only Syrians on the move! We were told they are fleeing certain death and we must let them in! We knew it was bullshit but anyone who said otherwise was a raving racist extremist! So it’s true! It was from the very beginning! Lying bast@rds!
So from this single article we can confirm that the Al Beeb and Gravy train traitors in every parliament in the EU have systematically lied to the people of Europe. They have allowed millions of incompatible people into our lands. They have potentially let in thousands of people who are at war with us. Vote out. Hang them all for treason
How? First through (deliberate?) poor management, introduction of punitive cuckoo policy and general ineptness it brings the economy to a grinding halt. Next, and this is the genius part, it gives people a generous sum of money to put right the damage it initially caused. Brilliant. Oh, but there are strings attached to that money, but don’t worry about that…, yet. And just where does the money come from? stop asking questions.
Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. Stalin threw a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room, he turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”
The version I meant to post was along the lines of the chicken being stripped of its natural protective coating and being made reliant on another for warmth, but I suppose either will do. Wrong chicken story, not the first time either.
Surprised no one has commented on the oppressive authoritarianism of the BBC management over the sacking of Tony Blackburn.
It appears that the fact he refused to toe the BBC line and present a united front to the investigator was enough for the apparatchik in charge to fire him.
I’m sure there’s a lot more behind the scenes, but the fact that the BBC cannot allow any kind of dissent or deviation from the group think is something I’ve seen mentioned many times on these pages.
He obviously supports Britain coming out of the EU…
This does seems little strange, unlike Gambachini he has been sacked and not suspended, the irony being that the overnight repeat of Pick Of The Pops was replaced by a Gambachini show.
POTPs was one of the now rare shows that I listen to on Radio 2, so its one more reason not to listen to the BBC…
This happening to the seemingly harmless Blackburn, one now does wonder if the fawning BBC tributes to Ed Stewart and Terry Wogan were a good idea, after all weren’t they also on Radio 1 in 1971?
I predict Blackburn will be starting his unfair dismissal claim this afternoon and the BBC will pay him £3.2m in lost wages.
They have loads of money to give away! Just yesterday the tax payer paid part for the £100,000 Jeremy Clarkson fight with his producer.
Why is the BBC paying compo to the Irish lad who was hit by Clarkson?
Isn`t that Clarksons job?
Ditto other compo-how come the crims don“t pay, but the state does.
In Israel they`d bulldoze the houses of the scum concerned-why don`t we?
I can’t help feeling that continually raking up Savile, combined with their involvement in the Cliff Richard scandal and ceaseless reporting of over amorous footballers, is a all a ploy to set up the narrative, that we are somehow no worse than “some men” in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Aylesbury…… infact “every town and village” (q. Sarah Champion – MP, so matteroffactly,yesterday).
Tony Blackburn is a just another victim of these diversionary tactics ……
I can’t help feeling that continually raking up Savile, combined with their involvement in the Cliff Richard scandal and ceaseless reporting of over amorous footballers, is a all a ploy to set up the narrative, that we are somehow no better than “some men” in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Aylesbury…… infact “every town and village” (q. Sarah Champion – MP, so matteroffactly,yesterday).
Tony Blackburn is a just another victim of these diversionary tactics ……
TODAY (BBC R4 8.25am) and an item about a mature, middle-age couple in Surrey who very generously have taken in a Syrian asylum seeker/illegal immigrant granted leave to remain. Sima Kotecha is arguing with them! Being querulous about their taking in a young, single, foreigner!! I thought the BBC were all in favour of this?
I must say I felt the challenges to the naive couple were done through gritted teeth, as if she’d been told to challenge them to maintain a figleaf of impartiality. I say this because every challenge was ended with a “some might say” qualifier. In other words, this isn’t my view but I’ve got to go through the motions.
I did think the “refugee” in question seemed to have a very good command of English for someone who has only recently smuggled himself here. And I note that his story was accepted as fact by the BBC.
Anyway, I look forward to the balancing interview with those who’ve been enriched whilst helping other refugees, for instance refugees who may not have been as young as they claimed. Although some of those helpers are no longer around to give us their point of view.
They prefer to speak of “vulnerable girls”, why were they vulnerable? the BBCs relentless presentation of Savile as an untouchable “celebrity” that`s why.
The omission of words like “Bi sexual” and “gender fluid” is interesting, it seem that they are words that can only be used in “positive” contexts. Like the words “Islam” and “muslim”, notice the reporting of Rotherham without the I or M words. “Pakistani heritage” is the preferred BBC code, which manages to insult the two and a half million Pakistani Christians, a similar number of Pakistani Hindus and their diasporas.
‘Pakistani’ is the waste bin into which every negative story can be dumped, whilst the word ‘Asian’ (A euphemism if ever there was one) is used for all the positive stroking. People are banned from calling them Pakistanis and are forced to use the word Asian instead.
On a side note, I’m just running through some case law relating to costs and almost without exception all the ones relating to fraudulent claims have a Muslim name as the fraudulent party.
Sirs and mesdames, I have been madly caught up with work and other things lately so have not been posting much. I have noticed/pondered a couple of things that could be construed as ‘good’ news however:
1. The BBC, in so far as I can make out from programmes on Radio 4, does seem to be largely keeping impartiality over the Brexit issue. Compare their coverage of this with, say, the coverage of the migrant crisis last year, with Oscar Fingal Fergal O’ Flaherty Wills Keen remaking ‘Ghandi’ every night at the Hungarian border;
2. Politicians seem to be getting more savvy about media entrapment and bias. Mr Gove in the exclusive interview with Ms Kueenssberg took her up sharply for attempts at ‘leading the witness.’
3. It’s horrible for the people involved who genuinely need help through no fault of their own, but one good thing that might come out of the expected huge migrant influx as the weather warms up is that it will begin to peak just around the time of the Brexit vote, which can’t fail to have an influence on the electorate.
Mr Deschain – good point. It will be interesting to see how the BBC reports the next migrant crisis. If they give it too much coverage it could influence a Brexit vote. It’s possible they might try to promote the idea that a strong united Europe is required to solve the crisis and that if individual countries shirk their responsibilities (no names, no pack drill) the problem will only get worse for Britain in the future etc etc.
The Al Beeb has long ceased to present news and events unmolested by the minds of traitorous, fascist, British hating scumbags that infest every fibre at jihadi headquarters. Clearly we will only receive what they want us to know. The bias will start out like receiving ‘Chinese water torture’ levels of pain, to before long it will be full on ‘waterboarding’!
The reason we are all on here is because we know the Al Beeb is as bad and as driven as the Nazi’s ‘Ministry of public enlightenment’. The Al Beeb and all of its willing jihadis are at war with everything we on here believe in and love about our culture and history. Make no mistake the Al Beeb will declare all out war on the Brexit campaign if it felt we are going to win
On the BBC red sofa this morning we have the apparently modest and personable Michael Kelly. He stars alongside Kevin Spacey in the hit US version of political thriller House of Cards. Kelly’s quiet-spoken southern-tinged good manners are a welcome relief from the conveyor belt of over earnest worthy sometimes brash sometimes false-diffident luvvies from either side of the pond brought to us by the BBC.
But this is the BBC and we await with sad anticipation what I like to call ‘The One Show – what do you think of the Badger Cull?’ question.
And here it comes… and naturally it is going to be an invitation to slag off Donald Trump.
[House of cards on the table here – I’m no particular fan of The Donald – I don’t need to be – I’m British with no vote and I’m not anxious to virtue signal my disapproval or indeed to show my support with a ‘villainy signal’ – that’s my own newly minted antonym. Given that the liberal media are bought and sold on the Democrat Party and would be attacking whoever were the front runner at least Trump is taking the flak like a concrete bunker to thier pea shooters, which I enjoy]
So the sofa bods get around to asking Michael Kelly THE question – given he’s an actor what do they reckon he will say? This time they are sure-footed enough and ask the neutral sounding roundabout formulation about US politics in general name-checking both Trump and Bernie Sanders – clever.
You don’t need to know verbatim what Kelly said. Kelly of course doesn’t like Trump, does like Obama – he’s been held back by Republicans, donchaknow. Damn that Constitution, those Checks and Balances, that mid-term General Election for the House! Doesn’t it just suck when a black liberal gets to the White House and can’t rule as dictator – damn that! What were the Founding Fathers thinking?!
Anyway my further beef was with the BBC interview closing money shot. And I think, judging by the careful way that Kelly phrased his statement, it may have been pre-rehersed. “I think, in my opinion, he’s Racist”
I think, given all the bloody evidence before my very eyes, the BBC is Biased
“Annual UK net migration is 323,000
Estimated net migration to the UK was 323,000 in the year to September 2015, figures published by the Office for National Statistics show. That represents an increase of 31,000 on the same period in 2014/15 – but is down slightly on the record figure of 336,000 for the year to June 2015. The figures show 165,000 EU citizens came to the UK for work reasons.
Net migration is the difference between the number of people arriving and leaving.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35658731
Make of it what you will: the BBC certainly doesn’t seem very interested in any of it.
Be careful with this because ‘migration’ is absolutely not the same as immigration!
A migrant does not get citizenship and might come here from an EU country to work (prior to benefit changes)! Or they might be asylum seekers, refused asylum because of their fraudulent claims.
Immigration refers to people granted UK citizenship including those with ELR (extraordinary Leave to Remain).
It is certainly an important consideration in the Brexit debate, and following the table I posted on the previous thread, it is the single most area of concern to the British public. The fact the BBC choose not to publicise it shows just how out of touch & biased they are!
Throughout Dame Janet’s statement she consistently referred to ‘Savile and Stuart Hall’ illustrating just how paranoid and protectionist the BBC was, is, and will remain. What other ‘Hall’ might remotely be confused with Stuart? Henry and Albert are long gone and well out of the picture – so who else might there be, not prepared to risk the slightest chance of any taint associated with their name?
Stuart Henry gone?…the Royal Ruler from Oldham…via Luxembourg…gone?
i`m giving up my Peter Styversand ciggies now!
Rosko still around?…or is he also on that 70s “Never Ending Tour of the Baltics” with Roy Wood, Jimmy Page and assorted members of the Rubettes and Showaddywaddy?
Good prices for the Minsk Hippodrome Pantomines this winter?
She also stated that the BBC had no corporate responsibility for what Saville did as senior managers were not told.
Middle mangers didn’t tell their bosses as there was a culture of fear and a cult of celebrity. Senior mangers are responsible for developing and maintaining an organisations culture and therefore they were complicit and corporately responsible.
I enjoyed reading Brendan O’Neil’s revenge of the plebs article in the Spectator, in fact I’ve cut and pasted it as a word document ready to use it as a rebuttal to any of my Lefty “liberal” friends (while giving full kudo’s to O’Neil obviously, I’m no plagiarist).
A few other observations this morning, Russia today featured the rise of the Sons of Odin, marching openly and quite unconcerned by the T.V. cameras, they then showed a counter, pro- Immigration anti Pegieda march in Germany, which seemed to consist of lots of masked immigrants and a motley crew of students.
I also have some anecdotal evidence that things in Munich are starting to get a bit unpleasant, and that even the most misguided of the welcoming committee for the gimmegrants, are beginning to wake up to the error of their ways. Especially the unfortunate Tranny who got a beating from some enrichers, who discovered his pork sausage when they tried to sexually abuse him in the street. Not that you’ll see any of this on the MSM
The Smith report into Savile – Double standards and hypocrisy.
Double standards in that in – for example the case of BP – the top management were hounded and held to account, in a particularly thuggish way ( but that is by the way ) because of the oil spill in the US, on the grounds they ought to have known exactly what was going on, and thus they at the top had to ‘go’.
In the case of the BBC it is exactly the opposite – the top management are getting away with blame because it is said they didn’t know what was going on, there seems no suggestion that they ought to have, and that seems quite acceptable to Smith.
The Establishment is looking after its own again.
And hypocrisy because the the BBC is often the first to call for heads to roll in businesses where something goes wrong. Especially those businesses it does not approve of.
It stinks to high heaven.
We ought to out in the street chucking bricks through windows.
Starting to read the detail, and the discrepancies between causes and consequences are astounding.
One thing stands out, and was the lead on Classic FM news just now, namely the fact that any staff thinking of raising concerns were left in no doubt that it would be a career ending event.
Meanwhile BBC DPA continues to use FOI exemptions to refuse any answers on critical matters of public interest, and the fully internal, fully secret BBC Complaints system continues to operate as it always has done, up to and including the banning of any who persist in asking questions of the BBC it dares not see go public.
One trusts Mssrs. Whittingdale, Norman etc are capable and willing to take note of how this serves licence fee payers and the nation.
Without me reading this sewage running down the BBCs leg as ever…incontinent , nasty old aunties bloomers eh…maybe we need a scale.
Are we talking Scarman standards…MacPherson…Savage?…or REAL bollocks like Hutton or Leveson?
Butler Slops or Lamebrain/Laming as in Bulger/Baby P?
Sounds to me like its UEA standard into “global warminess”…but if Hutton is 100% whitewash, Savage is 100% gravy train…where are we on that scale…and where`s that one on Blair in Iraq….Judge Nutmeg was it?
Ah well-saves us needing to go to Rotherham, Rochdale until our gentlemen of colour tell us they`ve swabbed their mosques, taxis and despunked the car park sofas….
I remember the Zeebrugge ferry disaster 1987 – the senior management were charged and prosecuted with corporate manslaughter. The fact that they were not on the ferry at the time but sitting in their offices was ruled to be irrelevant.
I’m struggling to see how senior BBC staff are exempt from responsibility……perhaps zero or one of the other BBC supporters on this site could explain?
For a while I’ve wondered whether the social-liberals will fall out of love with Islam dramatically over the women/feminism/gay/trans stuff. I’m starting to think increasingly that it won’t but will capitulate by promoting the idea that ‘Islam empowers women’ etc.
At the risk of giving offence I have retired from criticising Islam for its attitude to women and gays. The media spokespeople for both go out of their way to avoid confronting the realities of Islam. I conclude, rather unsportingly, that feminists and many gays indulge in secret fantasies about being sexually subdued by virile Islamists in dark masks – as portrayed by the BBC and our media.
Rather funny item on the News at 10 last night about a BBC reporter in Siberia trying to assess the mood of Russian people on the street. Twice when they were filming, a local TV news crew turned up and started interviewing the BBC interviewers, accusing them (so the BBC man said) of biased reporting. The Beeb man implied the Russian was some sort of government stoodge trying to keep tabs on him. Seems the Beebers don’t like it when people start playing them at their own game…
It used to be fun when one of those know-nothing senior managers hit The Editors blog to whine about state media censorship in China, N. Korea or Iran, and then shut it down when the comments didn’t go their way.
Of course,maps part of the BBC transparency efforts, this blog has long since withered on the vine.
But we do at least have BBC Trending, Pop up, etc, featuring selected vox pops.
Good clips of Jaywick too….and the Russian blokes saying that the BBC won`t be showing THAT as typical of Britain…as indeed they didn`t!
So RT and the BBC are right cheek, left cheek of the same arse in terms of media portrayal.
And to be fair, at least Putin gets value for his money to RT, and would nobble any anti-Russian treachery.
Whereas the BBC get ever more money to sell us to Brussels or to Cairos Islamic Theology hut.
The Russians are by far more nuanced, educated and clever in terms of their country than most of this nation is with how OURS is going.
They`ve long known the danger of doublespeak and media lies 24/7…and they are educated to think for themselves FAR better than out current crop of Godless Yunilevers.
I only came to media lies as a system since 2009 at this site…the Russians have known since 1987!
I really dislike those kind of BBC news features such as the one in Russia. It’s just propaganda, designed to discredit Putin. What other purpose can it serve? If, as they said, they wanted to guage Russian opinion, then it should have been done by a properly administered poll, not by a few Vox Pops of shivering Russians on the street. Yet the licence payers’ money had to be used for a jolly to Siberia!
You must be joking if you think Russians are nuanced and media savvy. You should watch a few of the domestic TV channels. The tiresome 4 hr question and answer sessions which are just excuses for Putin monologues. There are also the Great Autocrat dramas where local officials who have committed some offense grovel with bowed heads and shaking hands before Putin the Infallible.
The widespread cynicism and distrust caused by Pravda and other state organs seems to have been replaced by a longing for a new Tsar. Putin certainly fits the bill, but that is hardly progress.
“Progress” was what the USSR claimed to be…..Russians (and East Europeans) know where “progress” leads.
Disposal of the awkward millions on a one way trip to the cellars of the Lubyanka ending with a single bullet to the back of the neck or, if lucky, 20 years in the Gulag.
Putins regime, for all its faults, for all its reactionary nature, is better than that.
Defer to you ID.
Guess I`ve that old Pushkin and Shastakovich romantic view of cutting what in the morning and the Bolshoi in the evening.( Fred Kite style)
Those like me who saw the piece on Newsnight -and of a certain age-would have fancied the young mum who spoke good English but struggled to afford some cheese.
Guess too that I wondered how long I`d have to wander around Aldi before I found a gorgeous Russian speaking mum…outside W2 of course.
Wonder if this site would care to crowd source a fact-finding mission for me to go to see my Russian mum in Novosibirsk to check on my theories here-there`s a geezerbird in Southampton who wants his/her sex change funded by mob money like this…and thought it worth a punt.
Feel free to give me the money when the clocks go forward….feel i need to let Julia Bradbury down gently. you see!
Just watching the massive BBC snow job on the Savile & co inquiry regarding fives decades of horrific sexual abuse at the BBC. Lord Hall Hall says he wishes to ensure that staff will feel able in future to ” raise issues and believe something will be done about them”. Well that’s all fine and dandy for those at W1Aland, but what about complaints from the general public about the BBC’s programming standards and bias ? How about dealing with those from the good folks who pay their TV tax for this closed, unresponsive and hugely arrogant left-wing media version of FIFA ? How about actually doing something about the issues we raise, instead of continuing the constant and complete BBC culture of denial ?
Oh and by the way maybe we can get rid of the entirely useless BBC Trust and Ms Fairhead, who just play second fiddle on everything the BBC says and does. Well I know the answers to these rhetorical questions, so lets all continue work to get rid of the hateful TV tax and just let the public decide whether they want to pay for the programming from this dreadful organisation.
The BBC is just like a large charity these days. Huge amount of money coming in for their high salaries and inefficient operating. They spend most of their time and money maintaining their lavish lifestyles whilst forgetting their original purpose.
At the risk of giving offence I have retired from criticising Islam for its attitude to women and gays. The media spokespeople for both go out of their way to avoid confronting the realities of Islam. I conclude, rather unsportingly, that feminists and many gays indulge in secret fantasies about being sexually subdued by virile Islamists in dark masks – as portrayed by the BBC and our media.
If there are any lawyers on here perhaps they could tell me why it needs a Judge and Courts of Law to decide whether the Jungle is to be bulldozed ? its been built on illegally, the populace is illegal – what’s there to argue ?? I never cease to be amazed that this lot have trecked thousands of miles, what? with hammers and nails, tarpaulin, planks of wood, sheets of plywood, electricity generator, all on their back ???? Oh and I see there are huge telegraph or electricity poles throughout the Jungle – so how did they get there ?
I am not a lawyer but I suspect the answer is to do with the human rights of the squatters, who have escaped war torn Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria and seek to escape fingerprinting in France to get to the UK.
Those humans rights are of more worth than the rights of other humans in the area who live and pay taxes in Calais or drive lorries through the port.
I keep hearing that one of the buildings they’re going to demolish is a church. Is there really a church there, and if so how does it survive? Are there a number of Syrian Christians in amongst these people? Are there no mosques to knock down?
Anyone see this. Could one of you expert analysts have a look. I’m sure Schulz is spitting blood a one stage getting very animated about migration. Pretty weak questioning though from AlBeeb interviewer. Only caught a bit of it yesterday morning
Credit where is due. Its refreshing to see that the BBC have been so proactive over the Savile report today in sacking Tony Blackburn, maybe now they can put the Savile matter to bed and get back to what they do best, giving us what we don’t want and more bias and propaganda ….
Yeah Geoff, who would have thought that in all those years of abuse and institutionalised ignorance of events, the real guilty party would be ……Tony Blackburn, for failing to remember accurately a meeting that took place 45 years ago.
Scapegoat identified. Whitewash achieved. Trebles all round.
Listen to this short interview with Saville. ‘Ultimate freedom is what I want….freedom to do anything I want’.
Says it all. A few more questions and he would have been spilling his guts out on the contents of freedom he wanted.
My wife , who regards my views on the BBC as a tiresome eccentricity, is amazed that the BBC is not allowing comment on the T Blackburn story . She follows this sort of 1970’s pop thing and listens to the J Vine Show quite a lot . I usually retreat to another room , garden or shed, when this rubbish is spewed forth into our house. It is quite an eye opener to her that the BBC doesn’t allow free comment on topics it doesn’t like!! I am using this as an opportunity to educate her a little on the dastardly machinations of the hated BB,C so she may , perhaps, realise why I feel about the BBC the way I do. Lets hope that Tony makes the bastards pay in reputational terms at least in the run up to the Charter Renewal.
I don’t need to tell the regulars on this site to be particularly wary of BBC output over the next few months. They are devious people and will be playing a very clever game in being seen to be impartial whilst relentlessly pushing their various agendas. Somebody alluded above to an apparently critical item about a couple who took in an immigrant. That short item will be used as evidence of impartiality without shame. Meanwhile, their work continues. This morning’s ‘From Our Own (biased) Correspondent’ managed to slip in an unproven assertion that this year’s El Nino was being amplified by man-made global warming and how wonderful Detroit is now that they make bicycles there instead of cars.
Last night’s Look East celebrated the soon to be constructed wind mill farm off the East Anglian coast that would power 500,000 homes. Shame they didn’t have some aerial footage of the existing wind mill farms from yesterday. I flew over the North Sea on Wednesday, the visibility was fantastic and you could see forever. What I also saw was every wind mill within view standing perfectly still generating no electricity at all. In the same conditions that wonderful new white elephant will power approx. 0 homes.
I was speaking with an airline pilot a few months ago who regularly flew the London-Moscow route. He recalled flying across acres of the damn things all motionless, when the conditions were ‘right’ – as they often are when it is at its coldest.
This, of course, is a view we will neither see or hear from the liars at the BBC.
I have spent the vast majority of my working life flying around the UK and can confirm what you were told is absolutely correct. Slow moving high pressure systems in winter cause very cold conditions due to clear skies and little or no wind.
The big problem is she misled by the way she reads stuff out as if it were a hundred percent fact, when she should include her source and quote doubt.
audio The reporter was Sally Kettle 25/02/201
Some fear by the end of the year their will be no little seal pups
.. El Nino’s occur every 2 to 7 years
..In El Nino December the islands can expect upto 15 times as much rain
..plant growth explodes
..but for sea life the effect is likely to be CATASTROPHIC
Galapagos penguin… fear they could be pushed to extinction.
(However she ends by playing down the hype)
..An Island that has extraordinary changes to come has weathered plenty in the past
And of course Mr & Mrs Wilcox knew nothing about jimmy and his antics,even though Mr Wilcox was a top bod at the time..
Stinks like everything the BBC does.
Bearing in mind how lazy your reporters are, to save them a bit of work I have come up with a name for the sh*tstorm that is about to hit due to your appalling treatment of Tony Blackburn. In the finest traditions of unimaginative journalism it will come to be known as…Blackburngate.
How much of our licence fine will be used to pay off Tony Blackburn, all of the victims of jS and SH. Not forgetting the £100k for Clarkson,s victim. At this rate the BBC will have no money left to make any programmes or pay any of its staff. That is something to look forward to.
I watched in fascination at the lengthy verbal report and q & a given by Dame Janet Smith this morning. Give the woman her due, she kept all the journos in line and in return they treated her with respect. Whatever we all think about the BBC , and yes its hard to believe that those at the top didn’t know what Savile was up to, as a Judge, Dame Janet could only work with facts and evidence, not rumour; and of course she may have been lied to by those in the Beeb who were around at the time; but I think anyone given that job to write a report on events from up to 40 years ago was up against it from the start.
Its just whitewash on top of whitewash and our Used Car Moron of a leader does nothing about it despite its years of bias against the Tory Party. Collusion , anyone ?
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Let’s kick off with another typical BBC ‘expert’ opinion…
‘Although the BBC’s funding public never did find out why in the first place ‘Newsnight’ editors considered the airing of Soral’s antisemitic conspiracy theories and whitewashing of the racism of his ‘close friend’ to be of any contribution to the public’s understanding of the issue under discussion, the news that Soral has now been convicted by a French criminal court in a case relating to antisemitism should surely prompt some belated self-examination of the editorial decisions made in the run-up to the airing of that interview.’
The BBC’s funding public seem to alternate between not finding things out, or the BBC misleading.
They are in charge of national information and education, you know,
Laughably, also from that article: “Now a French comedian has managed to short-circuit his country’s professed commitment to free speech.”
French free speech is the epitome of an oxymoron. I remember not being shocked in the slightest when Hervé Eon got carted off for calling Sarkozy a ‘prat’.
Does the BBBC write Jeremy Corbyns lines for PMQs. They started early with news bulletins carrying a story about numbers who may or may not have died in hospital at weekends and sure enough JC lead on this. We now learn through Guido Fawkes that ‘Rosie’ who emailed JC with a question he raised in PMQs works for the BBBC WTF.
After Nevada: Five (unlikely) ways Trump can still be stopped
Unfortunately for the Beeb, many of those commenting have noticed that the headline isn’t exactly impartial.
Trying to rig elections using massive media firepower seems another unique BBC trait.
Lucky there is nothing important like this coming up he… er… hold on….
Heard an American on the World Service yesterday bashing Trump. Dunno who he is and I doubt the BBC knows either. His only relevant qualification to be on air was, of course, his Trump bashing. The BBC really is pathetic.
BBC Headline you are unlikely to see:
How Can Trump Be Helped To Win?
I saw breakfast briefly mention Trump winning, again, So a familiar pattern, ridicule and when that fails ignore.
Of course, the really VITAL news for the day, such that it must be rushed out by email is.,…
Clarkson apology to Top Gear producer
Jeremy Clarkson apologises to Top Gear producer he hit and settles £100,000 racial discrimination and injury claim
I kid ye not.
You get £100,000 for being given a fat lip and called lazy & Irish? Blimey, that seems a good deal.
How in any sane world could an Englishman calling an Irishman Irish generate a serious racial discrimination claim? It belittles genuine racism.
Putting aside the amazing discovery that the Irish are a separate race, although I can’t condone the punch, the statement that he was lazy and Irish might have been factually correct.
Of course the Irish are a separate race. Everyone in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Cornwall is a Celt.
Furthermore, everyone in Yorkshire is a Viking (apart from places like Rotherham, where I doubt if £100,000 will be on offer to anyone, but that’s another story).
You haven’t been paying attention, have you?
Should have got his monies worth and emptied the toerag.And before any screams im oirish and that means im not an ist or obia im just a unt.
More dosh if its racial.
Wasn’t there a case a few years ago where a police constable was had up for calling a suspect a ‘black bastard’ and his defence said it was factually correct because he was black and illegitimate? Obviously that didn’t matter because in modern Britain crime is all about subjective feelings rather than objective fact, but still it was interesting.
David Cameron, the new hero of the liberal media
The other night on Channel 4 news we witnessed the spectacle of confirmed lefty Jon Snow gushing : “The journalist in me says that was Cameron’s greatest speech of his career”
Not since the Pantomime Marraige Act has the PM been held in such high regard by the media elite.
Snow is one of Britains Premier traitors…has ben chiselling at the nations joists since 1982.
And indeed a total lefty suckup poncing around Asia and Vietnam, Pilgers worthless and featherweight tribute act.
Top Ten Premier Traitors
1. Ted Heath
2. Geoffrey Rippon
3 Roy Jenkins
4.Shirley Williams
5. Bill Rodgers
6. Nick Clegg/Leon Brittain
7. Jon Snow
8. Neil Kinnock and family
9. Christopher Meyer
10. Phil Shiner.
The above traitors are simply todays Portland Ring, Cambridge spies without brain enough to actually study there in most of the cases( Brittain excepted here, maybe?)
I can’t believe I’m doing this but, in defence of Ted Heath, he might not have known for certain how bloody awful the EU was going to become. I certainly wouldn’t take him off the list completely but I would place Blair and Cameron well above him.
I’m very surprised that Blair isn’t on there.
Sorry Maria, but Heath definitely knew all about the treasonable act he was commiting. It came out after documents were released under the 30 year rule. It is widely acknowledged that he was aware of the future aims of a european political union, he just didn’t bother to tell the British people, because he knew the British electorate would have told him where to put his European project.
He has got to be the first person on the list. He put us into this (Common Market) EU mess
Heath was, in life, a very dishonest person IMO.
Indeed. Not for nothing is he often referred to as ‘traitor Heath’
If there’s actual documentary evidence, fair enough, haven’t seen it.
Kenneth Clarke was on TV yesterday supporting the IN campaign (obviously). His rude, name calling, supercilious arrogance was appalling. The old fool gets worse – I’d have slapped him.
You might get away with that if your black!
I know disillusioned police officers in the Met.
They have a saying
‘guilty until proven black.’
I blame our judiciary not black people.
Mandelson also deserves a dishonourable mention.
Then we have Heseltine and Clarke….
Where on earth is Blair!?
I can think of no head more suited to adorning a pike on London Bridge!
Agreed – the equal of Heath in terms of the long term damage both have inflicted on our nation.
Plus of course virtually the whole of the Blair/Brown cabinet, those heroic statesmen and women who sniggered as they ‘Rubbed the Establishment’s nose in diversity’. True, the tragedy started decades earlier, but their efforts were – like Himmler’s finest – engineered on a deliberately destructive industrial scale.
Perhaps not so much rubbing the Establishment’s nose in diversity (as they are happy to claim) but following orders from the ‘lizards’ at Bilderberg. Or is my imagination running away with me?
Yep your imagination is running away with you.
Mind you , there are one or two Al Beeb shape-shifters on this site.
I’m not sure that Al Beeb has ever promoted a theory that Blair’s opening up the borders was pay back for getting elected in 1997 (helped by Rupert Murdoch’s media etc.)
Murdoch was/is a great believer in open borders and an attendee (along with Blair) of the Bilderberg conferences.
If you watch the news, its pretty obvious to all that Al Beeb by its propaganda, wants ‘open borders’. Take the bleating it does for the ‘jungle’, and its cover of the ‘dead boy on the beach’.
Of course the BBC is in favour of open borders, as defined by the European Union treaty. However I don’t understand your reasoning in connecting this with Blair’s opening up of the Borders , a situation that the BBC (among others) have failed to discuss at any suitable length.
The reasons given by the leaked information from certain Labour members of the government do not satisfy me, hence my speculation which may be correct or fanciful.
Taffman, thanks for the links (the Guardian in particular) they make interesting reading.
There are facts and statistics along with comments from various politicians etc. it is informative but (in my opinion) doesn’t drill deep enough as to the real reasons that compelled Blair to make these politically suicidal decisions over immigration and then come up with non convincing explanations (leaked retrospectively)
To be fair to Heath, he DID have a decent war record-and had seen Hitler on the rise in Nuremburg as an exchange student…so I could see why he genuinely was scarred enough to think that if we locked ourselves into Europe then we`d not get another Hitler or WW3.
But his deceit that this would only be a trade deal, and not a political fix for later seals him as a quisling, and his sacrifice of our fishing industry needs a good digging up-still wonder if some state agency was blackmailing him for him to be such a double dealing traitor.
Blair was rightly described as Demon Eyes in 96/7 so was the elected sociopath who betrayed us in full sight…so tend to spare him…he was a created creature of many fantasies with a doped out bunch of cretins electing him…and he STILL represents the elites views…no wonder they all hate him…like Lady Di, they`d prefer him dead…but thankfully he`s our manacled corpse to the current state.
No traitor-just a sociopath fantasist…as is Ummuna, Thornberry, Grieve, Clegg, Ashdown, Cameron….need I go on?
If we allowed a plea of insanity on the grounds of sociopathy every single one of the bastards would get off.
Blair was a traitor and has gone on to profit from it ever since he slithered out of office.
“To be fair to Heath, he DID have a decent war record”
But Blair also has a war record.
Touche Maria!
I have a top 1000 Chris….but can’t be bothered to waste my time on earth listing their putrid names, i would mark all for death…cleanse the Nation…..
Another horrific display of enrichment on show on the Al Beeb webshite.
“Rotherham abuse trial – 6 quilty of 6 offences”
How are the Al Beeb going to shoehorn any bullshit agenda and narrative into this report?
1: The abuse was carried out by the Muslim men. Once again they are the sick fucks raping and brutalising young white girls. The BBC are giving equal exposure and footing to the white women who were convicted of conspiracy. Seems at last the ‘not all those involved were ‘asian’ men has at last been proven (in their sick minds)
2: The word Asian was only used once and because it’s quoted. Even more sickening is this paraphrase “Prof Alexis Jay.. Found at least 1400 CHILDREN have been raped, trafficed and groomed over a 16 year period and that a number of perpetrators were adult men of Pakistani heritage” No!! You deceiving, lying, traitorous bast@rds!! All the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage! You know that! The police know that! The labour run council knows that! You can fiddle the facts as much as you want you vile scumbags but it was and always was Muslim men who did this!
The Al Beeb. Prepared to sacrifice everything and everyone we love to stick to a dangerous and unwinnable narrative.
It is completely beyond the realm of credibility that these rapes were perpetuated by only four men.
One of them is nicknamed Bono as well!
I was fuming listening to the report on Radio 4 just a bit ago. Everybody concerned did their best not to mention ‘Pakistani’ or ‘Muslim’, to the point that despite all the talk about this situation being allowed to fester under a crazy culture of fear-induced silence, it still seems that they cart out the same milquetoasts to speak gravely, yet ever so…correctly about it.
Curse the Pakis and their children too. But they can wait. First – those who allowed it to happen.
Just listening to PM on Pravda (Sorry, Radio 4) talking about child abuse and grooming in Rotherham. More men convicted today of the – now routine and totally unsurprising – crimes that they have been getting away with for decades.
How can they talk about this issue for probably ten minutes without mentioning everyone’s favourite religion? The word ‘men’ of course was used exclusively, despite the fact that two of the convicted were women!
I accept they unusually made a reasonable attempt (judging from the normal low BBC standard) at expressing how this has been going on for years, and all the time while the people who were being paid to prevent this looked the other way.
Am I the only one who thinks it is now time to re-instate the death penalty specifically for Muslim paedophile rape gangs?
Like many other Muslim paedophile groups, the convicted were closely related to each other and prior friends. This illustrates perfectly a major difference between western and Muslim cultural values. If I were a paedophile with access to groomed young girls available for rape and abuse, the very last group of people I would think of approaching to join in would be my relatives and friends. Western culture recognises this crime as about the worst thing that can be done, even paedophiles must be aware of this.
However, it is almost as if this powerful – and entirely healthy – cultural inhibition does not seem to exist amongst Muslims. How else can so many of these crimes involve brothers, uncles, sons and close friends etc?
Although I have no specific knowledge, I doubt that non-Muslim paedophile gangs are made up of such closely related people. I expect gang members meet furtively on the dark-web and would be initially very suspicious of their co-conspirators in case they are law enforcement.
I simply could not conceive of phoning up a friend/relative/work colleague and saying “I’ve got a young schoolgirl involved in a sex cult, we get her drunk and threaten to tell her family if she tells – and then we anything we like to her – it’s great. Do you fancy coming along?”.
The fact that this has gone on in full knowledge of our police and social services for decades disgusts me beyond belief. I think their complicity and willingness to look the other way is almost on the same level as the crimes themselves.
I am sorry if I am not being sufficiently cultural sensitive, I recognise that most Muslims are not involved, but I am so F**ing sick of this. What can we do if we cannot even mention the root cause behind the evil of the perpetrators?
“This illustrates perfectly a major difference between western and Muslim cultural values. If I were a paedophile with access to groomed young girls available for rape and abuse, the very last group of people I would think of approaching to join in would be my relatives and friends.”
That’s an extremely good point.
A very good point indeed.
Solid post, but I disagree that “most Muslims are not involved” – I think a very large proportion of Muslim males are; and I would include “involved” to mean not reporting those you know to be carrying out the rape and sexual degradation of children or going out of their way to protect the perpetrators.
“Muslims make up 3% of the population yet are over 90% of the perpetrators of this type of crime.”
Yes you may be right here, but I suppose we don’t know that for sure. Certainly their ‘culture’ does not seem to carry the burden of shame that raping and violently exploiting a young girl carries in any civilised culture.
Still at least they are prepared to ‘honour’ their own girls by murdering them if they look at a white male in the wrong way, or perhaps let their head covering slip. If they’re feeling excessively tolerant they maybe only throw acid in their faces. Clearly Islamic Chivalry isn’t dead.
I was watching one of those US true crime programmes yesterday.
Muslim father called the police in, daughter attacked him with a knife, in the ensuing struggle daughter sadly died.
The only witness was his wife who backed his story up.
Unfortunately, for them, because he was a bit of a Jihadi, the FBI had bugged the house and the true sickening story emerged. He informed his teenage daughter she was to be subjected to an ‘honour’ killing, then while she screamed for mercy the mother assisted in the dirty deed.
But my main reason for posting was the FBI had naturally bugged the phone as well. For hours before the dirty deed, the parents rang family and friends, male and female, to announce what they were intending to do. The response, ‘about time’ ‘allah be praised’ etc, etc. Not one voice of dissent or concern, let alone informing the police or racing to the poor girl’s rescue.
Which just corroborates what Manchester said and I guess we all already knew, these Muslims have a completely different mindset to us. And, personally speaking, I believe these sub-humans have no place in this country. Indeed, the world would be a much happier, more peaceful place if Islam was totally eradicated.
The disparity is noticeable between the minimal coverage which this case at Sheffield Crown Court has had during the trial; compared with the far more extensive coverage which the (former) Sunderland footballer is getting on BBC Look North here in Yorkshire, whose trial is ongoing at Bradford Crown Court.
I wonder why that could be?
Disgraceful soft ball BBC interview with local Rotherham MP Sarah Champion, who spouts the usual Labour line that this Pakistani paedophilia and abuse is something that occurs in all communities. No challenge from the idiot Simon McCoy, and she’s allowed to spout this uncorroborated, totally made up nonsense as gospel when the real facts of Pakistani abuse hushed up all over the UK are staring everyone in the face. No matter what happens, Labour and its representatives will never acknowledge brown faces as evil, and will dissemble, divert and downright lie to protect their votes, and maintain their PC credentials. If you vote Labour, you are as culpable as these evil barstards. Just a shame there is not the ultimate sanction for all concerned.
The cretinous residents of Rotherham should have elected the UKIP candidate at the last election, instead of opting for more of the same Labour scum; the party which did nothing to stop the Muslim rape gangs and in fact prevented at every turn those who attempted to do something about it.
Probably big footie match on polling day . Give them a break Al – Going polling uses up serious drinking time – BAAAA!
All brain-dead Labour voters…they truly are…find out..talk to some…morons.
The good people of Rotherham deserve everything they get; they have had two opportunities to get rid of Labour. Even taking into account industrial scale postal vote fraud a large number of white working class will have to have voted labour for Champion to get in.
The decision to ignore what was going on in Rotherham came from the Home Office to the Chief Constable and down the line to the police on the front line. Decisions to ignore crimes are not taken at a local level.
The politician who “binned” the 2006 Home Report needs to be named.
The Labour Home Secretaries who would have known about this are Blunkett, Smith, Clarke and Johnson
Did you notice the way Sarah Champion somehow turned it round to make herself a victim – having allegedly recently nearly had a …*swoon*… ‘breakdown’? Fuck you bitch. You’re coated from head to toe in this mess. Nothing you can do will help now.
She is spouting the ‘all communities’ line in an effort to direct the public’s attention away from the perpetrators, and this will dilute any effort to clean the stables and prevent more victims. Shameful.
How can she claim she “nearly” had a breakdown? It’s a bit like saying she “nearly” had a broken leg – either she had one or she didn’t.
Its well known that the Pakistani community have the greatest number of babies born with disabilities because of breeding within their own families, brought to light many years ago by MP Anne Cryer; but was never given any nationwide credence for fear of being un pc. These peoples may be on the 3rd 4th generation since arriving on these shores in the 60’s but still have their ‘mud hut’ mentality with regards young girls and sex. Having seen the bloated ugly faces of those convicted, just picture yourself lain with one of them on top of you, and it magnifies how utterly vile these bastards are. I see one of the ‘family’ accused is now in a wheelchair – pity all of ’em aren’t, and I’d have no hesitation in tipping them straight in the river Don.
I have family connections to Rotherham – grandfathers both hardworking miners (and in the days when the mines were privately owned). I feel ashamed to the core that the Labour councillors (and police) could look away when all this was going on. A different time I know, but I can’t help but think if this had happened in the 40’s and 50’s – when men were men, and Yorkshire women were just as strong and verbal – the bastards would have been strung up and castrated.
I believe that if the police and the courts had not come down so hard on those white, working class men who went out “Paki-bashing” in the seventies and early eighties; then today we would not be seeing the mass sexual atrocity which has been carried out by Muslim men against indigenous, young, British girls.
The only deterrent that is effective against Muslims is greater physical force as a consequence of their transgressions against the female children of the native population of the U.K.; any other response is meaningless – which is evident from the ever increasing scale of the Muslim rape gangs’ activities over that last 30+ years, in towns and cities the length and breadth of this country.
“I believe that if the police and the courts had not come down so hard on those white, working class men who went out “Paki-bashing” in the seventies and early eighties; then today we would not be seeing the mass sexual atrocity which has been carried out by Muslim men against indigenous, young, British girls.”
Yes, and perhaps if more people had been allowed to randomly beat up “Whiteys” because of the colour of their skin, Jimmy Savile wouldn’t have sexually assaulted hundreds of indigenous, young, British girls.
Wonderful defence of “Paki-bashing” though, Shubtill. What’s next I wonder. We need to teach those Darkies a lesson?
The sickness which is this phenomenon ofMuslim child-rape gangs could never have advanced in our society, as it has to the extent we find today, without the indifference and ignorance of those such as “zero”; who have exhibited such a preparedness to sacrifice the innocence (and in some cases the lives) of children as opposed to confronting the reality of having such a toxic, alien culture growing in our country.
Your post above merely lives down to all my expectations of you – bravo “zero”!
Good job it wasnt those nasty jooz…..or even worse,happening in Israel
You can bet your last penny that the self righteous prick headlines would scream WAAAAYYYYYYCCCCIIIISSSTTTTTTTT
OK “Zero” I think you need a lesson in human nature. Picking on people because of the colour of their skin is shit and wrong. I agree
However due to people like YOU – apologists for a culture which in many cases does not seem to accept the norms of the society which they want to live and actively work against it whilst all the time crying discrimination! – People get angry and may well go over the top in their remarks. This does not mean we are evil it just means we are very pissed of with the way that things are going and sometimes need to verbally let off steam.
I know you are perfect in all ways however I suggest your remarks on this site would have more credibility if you have not been so silent on the Rotherham scandal and more recently Cologne. So in the nicest possible way I suggest you keep your moral judgements to your sad little self and go and preach to someone who is interested in your views!
Is this ‘zero’ actually Dez,Scotty or any of the other multiple personality bbc trolls that infect this site?
Sounds very like the MO doesnt it?
If that photograph had been taken in Bradford in the 1960s, you might have had a point. But it wasn’t.
Cheap trick. I’m sure there are equally emotive crime scene photographs of Whiteys who have been on the receiving end of much more recent “lessons”. We all know who they are – it’s quite a long list, even if the BBC seems to have forgotten them.
Paki scum systematically abuse white girls on a nationwide scale.
If the white scum were systematically abusing paki girls on a nationwide scale, I think we could perhaps see eye to eye on this, Zero.
Wow Zero, those darkies seem to know how to do it without having lessons from de crackers.
The point you are trying to refute was that our courts were excessive in dealing with thugs ( I acknowledge they were thugs) who went Paki bashing. The bashers were wrong, but the enforcement of a multkulture which followed, has, and is, contributing to serious conflict in the near future.
Enjoy the picture. Necklacing in South Africa. There are many more. They tell me that friends of Nissan Maindealer was involved in this kind of thing.
For the umpteenth time, please tell us just why are you posting on this site ? You obviously have an agenda. It certainly is not pointing out the ‘Bias’ of Al Beeb ?
Are you posting on behalf of your paymaster ?
The clue is in his name.
Brissles. Yep the “inbreeding” story comes up surfaces every so often only to be sunk under a wave of Waycist accusations. Never let a story get in the way of an agenda.
I believe about 40% of marriages within Pakistani Muslim communities in Britain are between first cousins.
Quite an astonishing rate of incest but intercourse between first cousins in not illegal in this country. Perhaps it should be. I’m sure the police would be onto them like a ton of bricks were this the case.
Forced marriages are just as bad. Hundreds of young girls go missing from the school registers in the mill towns every year to be shipped off to rule Pakistan to marry a middle aged cousin.
Try to imagine a wedding night where a full grown man forces himself on a young teenager. We ignore this all in the name of diversity.
All this has been allowed by the white liberal trash who masquerade as political representatives.
Reference Rotherham.
Unfortunately, the tribal allegiance to Labour in South Yorkshire is such that even after clear, unambiguous examples of corruption and incompetence, the local voters STILL vote all the same people back in, and in the one party state that is the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire poor standards of governance continue unchecked, and the results are clear to see.
Further proof? Just 12 miles up the road there is Doncaster. Try googling “Donnygate” or just look at this URL, which amazingly is from the Grauniad.
Nothing will change until the voters realise they have been betrayed for years, and finally have the gumption to do something about it at the ballot box.
It’s funny cos he thinks it’s true…
I like this:
Oh dear the drone at BBc appears to not want to play with this one it’s the “chukky egg” challenge . You remember they told me it was to promote the “fun” of some rugby tournament. This was my reply to their initial response which I sent on 18/2:
“Full Complaint: This was my original complaint: Full Complaint: Having had BBC Breakfast lecture the public at length over food waste, a story you have been running for some considerable time, Why is the BBC now promoting food waste? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/35493930 We watched the presenters who would normally sit with stern faces reeling off figures about how much food the average family just throws away and how we are so dim we don’t know how advisory dates work on food packaging smashing eggs for what in reality is no good reason. Can you please advise us how this is fun but the public supposedly throwing away food is such a serious issue that you feel the need to run the story again and again and again, There was even an item, on earlier this week…again. This is your reply: “Thanks for getting in touch with us about the Chucky Egg Challenge. The challenge is to encourage our audience to get involved with the excitement of the Six Nations. The aim of the game is to pass the egg to your opponent (like you would a rugby ball) as many times as you can in twenty seconds and not drop it. The person who drops the egg loses the game”. As you will note I didn’t ask about the “game” I was complaining that after enduring being lectured at length by the BBc about food waste and it’s fascination with what we throw away it suddenly decides to promote food waste by smashing eggs. To compound this “what to buy and why, decided to fill luggage with eggs and drop them out of an aircraft boarding hatch. with Naga being “surprised” they all broken. Does this mean the BBC will now stop running it’s seeming endless diatribe against the public “wasting food” as it appears you are happy enough to waste eggs in pointless articles.”
And this is the BBcs response from today:
“Thanks for getting back in touch. And for your further comments.
On Breakfast we cover a wide range of serious issues as well as things more ‘fun’ like the Chucky Egg Challenge. We of course acknowledge that you don’t think it’s a fun thing to do. The aim is to encourage people to get involved with the excitement of the 6 Nations.
We’re sorry you were unhappy about this. We appreciate you going to the trouble to let us know your thoughts on this.
Kind regards
Lucia Fortucci
BBC Complaints
Hey so we are back to the tactics they were using a few years ago where the point is ignored. Another complaint will be on it’s way very soon.
In your next reply, inform them that you have been sharing this correspondence on a website full of UK commenters who, after continual disappointment with the BBC’s output, are considering whether or not to cancel their licence, and stop watching live TV. You will continue to seek a response from them that isn’t dismissive and vague, and until that happens you will continue to post updates on the website.
And bore the shit out of everyone.
I’m sure they read this site and they are well aware of me.
“The excitement of the Six Nations” eh?
I ditched my mobile phone provider when it texted me to “get behind England” in the rugby crap.
It`s not as if they ever want me to get behind England when there is the prospect that it might leave the EU.
I am sick of pointless sport being used as East Germany did-and North Korea still do, no doubt.
Am old enough to remember the “Back the Bid” Bollocks of 2005 etc.
And that “legacy” we`ll be apyinf for `til doomsday?
Load of lardy kids and no football pitches unless you want floodlit fantasy crap and pay through the nose for it.
No swimming pools we can safely swim in without migrants spunk and verrucas…well, not at a decent price anyway.
Sport=like the NHS is yet ANOTHER False God thrown up by the AntiChrist…not that Gore or Obama actually ever played sport as far as I know.
Mo Farah, Seb Coe and Jonathan Edwards-might as well be Adam Johnson for the effect that their corrosive smarmy “achievements” have had on this country.
AND-if we could only retrain our hooligans…we might be able to deal with Islam, come the time.
PS-has Sheffield paid off its student games of the early 80s…Blunketts state-funded pocket billiards is still ongoing I expect…future generations will quail when they see we gave house room to him, to Prescott and to Mandelson…AND funded them.
“Sport=like the NHS is yet ANOTHER False God thrown up by the AntiChrist…not that Gore or Obama actually ever played sport as far as I know.”
God I agree. Love playing it, hate twits bleating on about it.
How terrible being on BBc wages and caught in the housing crisis. What would she be like if she was on a minimum wage job, my heart bleeds.
Has anybody noticed the way a lot of EU Beeboids have been throwing in jocular remarks along the lines of;
‘YAWN! Another 4 months of this tedious Euro debate to go, you’ll be glad to hear. Ho ho ho ‘
It may seem like a throwaway comment but I believe the subtext is;
‘I am a highly intelligent, worldly and sophisticated pro-EU European BBC journalist and I simply cannot believe that these Neanderthal, little Englander rednecks have forced us to have a debate about the EU when it is clear to everyone I know in the vegan restaurant down our way that the EU is brilliant and progressive’
They are actually really annoyed that they are having to debate the issue at all, hence the faux, cod-jocular ‘yawns’.
Yes indeed – that is exactly what they are signalling. The irony is that if it were a general election they would be treating it with due seriousness, despite the fact that in terms of who actually governs this country, a general election is of relatively little significance compared to this referendum.
The cultural marxists are not happy. They know that to lose the referendum will be the beginning of the end for them. Imagine all those highly paid and useless jobs gone. They are nearly all unemployable in my world and would not survive for long without their tame big state to succour them.
Think of all those BBC execs on their huge salaries and pensions. Useless the lot of them and they know it. The entire marxist middle class is sustained by the rest of us. An establishment of the useless and the parasitical. A real Ancien Regime or Tsarist aristocracy. Well you know what happened to them.
So this referendum really matters to us. Win it and we start to claim England back for the people. It does not matter if you are a socialist or diehard conservative as long as you want freedom to govern and be governed as you wish then this is all that matters.
These so superior parasites of the marxist metropolitan class will do anything to stop us. Morale is everything and we must weaken theirs at every opportunity. It does not matter how. Just bring them down.
You sir, have nailed it. Can I quote/misquote this elsewhere?
And-the lazy cultural marxist who run things would then have to learn how to draft a law, how to speak to a customer, how to defend a decision and how to live with the notion that they will once again be accountable and able to be fired with no compo or seat swaps.
Load of padded sloths on the money tree showing us their pink, florid and rainbow arses and shitting on us…and mocking our unwillingness or inability to get a tyre lever up there to prise the parasites off this countrys arteries.
Far easier to drive to the studio behind dark glass, to blag freebie to Brussels to piss on Steve Thorburns, James Bulgers memorials…and bring a load of Anjems back with some best Afghan and a GPS for Rochdale and Rotherham Twin Towns Summits to come.
No-these people have only talked and squittered all over this country, fiddling with the thermostat as the nation burns, moaning about climate change as Jordanian pilots burn in cages for our sins.
I could not dig, I dared not rob
And so I lied to please the mob
But here`s the drugs, the paedophiles
`Til Islam comes in Soviet style.
Probably behind the curve but just learned the Hungariian government is to hold a referendum on whether they should accept migrant quotas imposed by Brussels.
What a good idea !!!!!!
And good to know that others among our European friends see the EU as the problem not the solution.
There is much whining in the German media about a meeting of the states on the Balkan route, Austria, Slovakia, Macedonia, etc. to close their borders to “refugees”. The German media is bitter because their Austrian friends have decided to control their borders as Merkel is incapable of doing anything other than babbling about a “European solution”. The German elite are supposedly worried that Greece will be cut off from the rest of Europe at the Macedonian border and outraged that no EU functionaries at all were invited to the meeting. “National egotism”, “lack of European solidarity”, “the solution to Europe’s problems is more Europe”, blah, blah, blah. “Wir schaffen das” has suddenly become panic about the collapse of the EU. As you say, , more and more people in Europe are at least beginning to realise how misguided the European Project is.
A number of state elections are coming up shortly. It will be interrsting to see if the predicted Merkeldämmerung comes to pass. AfD is gaining in popularity inspite of media hostility. It would be amusing if a eurosceptic majority were eventually elected to the European parliament.
Just caught a prog called Outside Source.
Al Beeb have just covered both Rotherham and Cologne stories without mentioning the M word or the I word even once.
A grand total of one person has been prosecuted for sexual offences after the Cologne New Year events.
That seems to be being reported as a sort of positive result as if the intelligensia have escaped from awkward questions.
Think I’ll go and find a bucket to be sick in.
Nobody is fooled. Cultural marxists do not do truth or reality. As with the old USSR they can only bring lies into the world .They live by the lie and it will destroy them in the end.
Which is why the German opposition calls the media lugenpresse
If the BBC appear to convince the electorate that the country will vote in June to stay within the EU, there’s a prospect that the EU supporters will become complacent and not bother to vote.
Those against the EU will vote accordingly whatever the BBC say.
2016 could top 2015 for damaging the BBC. The BBC still feel that they lost the General Election in 2015 and wuz robbed.
Have just heard two Asians ref the Rotherham verdicts both admitting that political correctness was an issue and the Pakistanis involved should be described as such.
The Rotherham MP Sarah Champion refuses to accept this and says it is just a child abuse issue.
The lunatics are firmly in charge. The white population continue to be betrayed but sadly keep voting for those that have created the problem
There’s an engineering expression – “it you don’t measure it, you can’t control it”. This is why the BBC’s (and politicians) hiding of the full story here is very dangerous and I would go as far as saying, evil (I do not use this word lightly).
If no one is measuring the dimensions of the grooming gang phenomena (e.g. number of occurrences, locations, make-up of gangs ethnically, relegiously, etc., etc.,), then it will not be controlled and many many more young girls will be ruined.
Pretending it’s a “normal” child abuse issue, like pretending Cologne was a “normal” men behaving badly incident is tantamount to collusion in my view and therefore evil.
BBC Look North tonight; the entire programme devoted to the Rotherham paedophile case verdict – not once was the “M” word mentioned and it was only about two thirds of the way through that “Pakistani heritage” evasion appeared.
The bulk of the programme was about the failure of the authorities to act against the perpetrators, but very little about who those perpetrators (I’m here referring to who the perpetrators overwhelmingly are in this and similar cases) were and nothing about why those same authorities so determinedly chose not to act.
Always the case, the ‘perps’ are the victims and Al Beeb are the ones who did not act but tried to bury it . As per Jimmy Sav. – forever hiding and censoring the obvious.
Worst of all we are forced to pay for it via the TV Poll Tax.
We need another Churchill. Our Car Moron is weak and Theresa the Appeaser and the Home Office is unable to act on its responsibilities .
Make a start and vote to get out of the corruption , out of the EU.
Then privatise Al Beeb.
An ‘Eye Opener’ for British people – watch ‘Hard Talk’ re Referendum, Martin Schuluz and Sarah Montague , President of the European Parliament. This will tell you the way the EU is going. It should get more votes for Brexit .
Brissles was speculating as to what would have happened if the Rotherham sex abuse had taken place in the 1940s/50s. My late father (as a 17-year-old in 1941) served with his dad in Rotherham Home Guard. Judging by the attitudes that come across in his wartime diary, a well-honed bayonet up the jacksie would have been the reward of any uppity foreigner making free with womenfolk. (I’ve put a fully illustrated selection from his diaries up online, by the way. He went on to fight in Italy.)
What the hell went wrong in seventy years? Labour rule? Don’t blame my family – I think Granddad Dixon was the only working class bloke in Rotherham who voted Tory!
Rotherham is being quickly taken off the BBC website front page, now headlined under the News England section, tomorrow/today no doubt buried in the Regions section.
H H-B: “What the hell went wrong in seventy years?”
Sociology and social workers. Don’t get me wrong. Some of my friends are social workers. Lovely people. Working hard to clear up all sorts of messes. There has been a massive expansion in the sector however, probably disproportionate to population growth.
The effects of drugs, especially so-called soft drugs: alcohol & cannabis. I think there are now growing indications that long-term brain damage is/has occurred in a significant part of the population.
Government policies over a range of areas, not least employment, housing, transport and education, that have impacted on family dispersal all over the UK. Some of these policy downsides have also impacted on social mobility.
The Church is probably more robust than some claim but I think whether in School Assembly or children’s attendance at ‘Sunday School’, the basic education these provided (whether continued with in the teens & adult life or as believers or not) provided a moral framework for later life – and children have not been getting that education for several decades now.
“What the hell went wrong in seventy years?”
I’m going to make myself sound very old fashioned and blame TV.
IMO, it has allowed shallow and stupid fads and ideas to be promoted with a speed and effectiveness that radio and newspapers could never match. People who would otherwise have struggled on the fringes, writing books or obscure newspaper columns, or babbling away in dark corners of third rate universities, have injected their ideas into people’s homes and been given an immediate authority and credibility solely by virtue of having been on TV, and perhaps being endorsed by a so-called “TV personality”. This credibility has never been earned. Fashion, hypocrisy and self righteousness have taken over. It started off slowly when TV was well controlled and followed the conventions of BBC radio but, over the last 40 years or so, standards have plummeted.
The only good news is that the internet is able to counter this to a limited extent but a huge amount of damage has been done, IMO.
For analysis which applies primarily to the USA, but has perfect equivalence in the UK, a previous poster recommended this book:
” After America, get ready for armageddon” by Mark Steyn.
Hat tip to the poster, I’m halfway through it now….and I think you’ll find some anwers there.
I can also recommend “Lights Out: Islam, Free Speech And The Twilight of the West” and this speech at the Landsting Hall at the Danish Parliament:
Mark Steyn: Last Laughs in Europe
Many thanks MB
I can recommend John Marshs, The Liberal Delusion.
The war on the professions and the corrupting influence of money which drove the respectable middle class out of teaching and public administarion have also played a role.
Authority has been undermined, the notion that respect is earned, personal responsibility and leadership by example forgotten virtues.
I`m sure this won`t go down well but the combined effects of radical Freedmanite economics, neo liberalism and the power of international finance in the Thatcher era along with the insertion of cultural marxism to the education and social services systems (as a sop to the ambitious lefties and social liberals), and the supra-national power of the EU has led to the breakdown of the institutions that held Britain together…monarchy, military, grammar schools, universities and yes, trade unions, workers education, self help organisations and muscular Christianity, leading to the mish mash of atomisation for the middle and working classes and the rise of a super rich class whose loyalty is to money, globalism, and each other instead of God, Queen and country.
Good point. TV was (and still largely is) controlled by a small elite group which has the ability to beam its ideas non-stop into peoples’ homes. In the days of Lord Reith those ideas were conservative, but by the 60s the left had taken over. Just look at all the tedious 1960s TV plays pushing the left’s agenda onto the British public. I’m not saying people shouldn’t have watched them – I’m all for free thought – but it was the way that one small cultural group (the Dennis Potters etc) was able to dominate the entire nation that was/is the problem.
Agreed and the “comedies” too … remember how much Til Death do us Part was lauded? Never found it remotely funny.
Anne63,exactly right.
Oh how I wish there was somebody like Mary Whitehouse around today.Television has influenced how people think,live and behave and invariably has not been for the general good of society.
The bBBC seem to think it’s good for television to be able to push the boundaries of the envelope without accepting responsibility when those boundaries are damaging to society.
Past governments have allowed the behemoth of televion, and in particular the bBBC, to ride roughshod and challenge accepted societal norms of behaviour without any effective form of accountability. I stress the word effective.
Many of the changes encouraged and promulgated by television have positively been to the detriment of this country, a country once heralded on a sense of morality based on fair play and decency. Decency by the way is word the bBBC and left hate.
This has led to a more liberal society, directed by the bBBC, as a result, the judiciary has softened its penalties on crime,sexual responsibility has all but gone, a sympathy with ‘downtrodden’ welfare receipts at the diminution of the work ethic,and an untrammeled, blatant left wing national broadcaster given free licence to brainwash and propagandacise a political agenda, whilst a weak and pathetic Conservative party allows this to continue unhindered, and therefore in effect compliant.
It is for this reason that I will not vote Conservative, nor Labour or liberal as I see them as saying goes
‘Birds of a feather stick together’
Anne, old-fashioned is fine. From 25 years ago (re: the USA, but almost equally applicable to the UK) by Hypocrisy Is the Greatest Luxury:
One Nation under God
Has turned into
One Nation under the influence
Of one drug
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V., it satellite links
Our United States of unconciousness
Apathetic therapeutic and extremely addictive
The methadone metronome pumping out
A 150 channels 24 hours a day
You can flip through all of them
And still there’s nothing worth watching
T. V. Is the reason why less than ten percent of our
Nation reads books daily
Why most people think Central America
Means Kansas
Socialism means unamerican
And Apartheid is a new headache remedy
Absorbed in it’s world it’s so hard to find us
It shapes our minds the most
Maybe the mother of our Nation
Should remind us
That we’re sitting to close to. ..
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V. Is
The stomping ground for political candidates
Where bears in the woods
Are chased by Grecian Formula’d
Bald eagles
T. V. Is mechanized politic’s
Remote control over the masses
Co-sponsered by environmentally safe gases
Watch for the pbs special
It’s the perpetuation of the two party system
Where image takes precedence over wisdom
Where sound bite politics are served to
The fastfood culture
Where straight teeth in your mouth
Are more important than the words
That come out of it
Race baiting is the way to get selected
Willie Horton or
Will he not get elected on. ..
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
T. V. Is it the reflector or the director?
Does it imitate us or do we imitate it
Because a child watches 1500 murders before he’s
Twelve years old and we wonder how we’ve created
A Jason generation that learns to laugh
Rather than abhor the horror
T. V. Is the place where
Armchair generals and quarterbacks can
Experience first hand
The excitement of video warfare
As the theme song is sung in the background
Sugar sweet sitcoms
That leave us with a bad actor taste while
Pop stars metamorphosize into soda pop stars
You saw the video
You heard the soundtrack
Well now go buy the soft drink
Well, the only cola that I support
Would be a union C. O. L. A. (Cost of Living Allowance)
On Television.
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
Back again, “New and Improved”,
We return to our irregularly programmed schedule
Hidden cleverly between heavy breasted
Beer and car commericals
Cnn espn abc tnt but mostly B. S.
Where oxymoronic language like
“virtually spotless” “fresh frozen”
“light yet filling” and “military intelligence”
Have become standard
T. V. Is the place where phrases are redefined
Like “recession” to “necessary downturn”
“crude oil” on a beach to “mousse”
“Civilian death” to “collateral damages”
And being killed by your own Army
Is now called “friendly fire”
T. V. Is the place where the pursuit
Of happiness has become the pursuit of trivia
Where toothpaste and cars have become s** objects
Where imagination is sucked out of children
By a cathode ray nipple
T. V. Is the only wet nurse
That would create a cripple
Television, the drug of the Nation
Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
On Television. ..
One of my favourites 4D.
Remember U2 coming on stage to this one back in the early 90s…and it had a great effect on me.
You`ll know “The Revolution will not be televised ” of course by Gil Scott Heron too.
And the Last Poets with their “Niggaz are scared of Revolution”?…as Costello says…we`re mere white niggaz ourselves these days…but if we vote NO, we can start to reclaim our country…and removing the BBC will be a grand gesture I can dream about.
I think a lot of the problem is caused by the infiltration of cultural marxism into local government post-1968. Prior to that, local government and social policy jobs (teaching, social work etc) as far as I can tell were largely the preserve of a self-help class of people, who had ‘made good’ through grammar schools and the post-1945 social consensus. They had done well out of a mildly socialist society and wanted to help others benefit. Many of them were ‘chapel’, ie came from non-conformist religious backgrounds with a family history of public service.
My father was a local government officer and part of this background, and I know of one or two retired teachers, social workers etc like this also. However after the 1960s, spurred on by Roy Jenkins etc local government turned into a playground for radicals. I remember my father lamenting the problems he had with the ‘looney left’ councils of the 1980s (who were most emphatically NOT a figment of the Daily Mail’s imagination). So by the time of the Rotherham scandal the councils were well under the thumb of common purpose/cultural marxism which I suspect led to their consummate inability to act decisively and firmly.
A good post Cranmer, very true.
What I think also happened was that part of the then ruling class, having had to give up the Empire and assailed by the 68ers (their kids at university) flapped and some of the “chinless wonders”of the aristocratic upper class remnant decided to accept that provided they and theirs could hold onto high finance, serious power (which was slipping away to the US and latterly the EU), and their independent schools then they could make a compromise with the likes of Woy Jenkins and the liberal / left lower middle classes in the universities, state schools and the media and let them loose on the proles, rather than risk a revolt against themselves.
They put self interest before national interest. The results are all around us.
AND-don`t forget-the catastrophic local government reforms that were furthered by Keith Joseph under Heaths regime in the early 70s.
Wilson and Benns cultural agenda of management sciences as based on Soviet thinking at the time-the scientific man, progress, independent academics and quangos as stakeholding champions under the guise of local democracy-all of this began at that time.
We`ve never recovered…yes Wilson, Benn and Jenkins trashed the foundations…but Heath, Joseph and Maudling did nothing about the cultural wet rot that was never dealt with.
AS I say, Thatcher allowed the cultural left to win by default in schools etc, as long as she won the economic battles…fatal.
Islam is doing the dead same today-winning the cultural war as we tinker over Eurorates after June 23rd.
In the EU=Islamic supremacy within 15 years-all democratic and demographically too.
Vote OUT-and use the next few years to damp proof “this ole house” of ours.
Why settle for Shaky when you could have had Elvis?
I cant find any report on the BBC website about Lord Owen saying we should Leave.
The Guardian has reported it, so I assume its probably only a matter of time. You cant expect the Beeb to be ahead of the pack when it only gets £4bn a year.
Thank you for posting this important information, which would have been missed by me, and doubtless by many other readers of this blog. It’s remarkable (not!) that David Owen, someone who has been invited to Radio 4 on numerous occasions to give his views (he was almost on speed dial) should be ignored on this occasion. The BBC had decided to ignore his views even from its own house journal.
I was precipitate: David Owen is now being interviewed on the Today programme. It sounds a little as though he might be a ‘soft exiter’, advocating we vote to leave for the purpose of getting change, but he is talking some good sense otherwise. We shall see.
No-was mightily impressed by David Owen.
Good old Webb walked into a shitstorm there, he`ll be getting the bad end of the boiled egg as we speak.
Own opened up a huge new front that any army bloke or academic could walk into.
Namely that Putins response in the Ukraine was totally predictable, even compulsory for him.
Given how crass, stupid and wrong headed the likes of Catherine Ashton was at that time in Kiev.
He destroyed any pretence that the EU will “protect us”…in fact they`ll bring WW3 on much faster due to their love of Islam and the Left, their hatred of their national citizens and patriots-and their Malloch Brown/Baroness Amos like lefty liberal stupidity borne of being in Clintons peacenik slipstream of dope and cigar smoke.
Peace Corps cabbages pickled in vinegar, wishing they were more than Muslim sauerkraut…but they are not.
Owens line of argument is a big one-and he would know.
Glad I kept him off my Treasonous and Treacherous Persons list(TTiP) now….
Here is the Owen bit. He is quoted as saying he ‘could back exit’.A bit like Boris who I suspect is backing exit until a better deal comes along which should be around 20th June in time for the Wembley show.
It’s interesting that the article ignores the bit in his interview where he blamed the EU for causing the trouble in Ukraine. (Something many of us here pointed out at the time.)
Just listened to R4 Today at 6.45am. The report was on the Brit Awards and had a plug about all the musicians in in the refugee camps all around the world. The reporter for this was Chi Chi Izundu. I wondered what her qualifications are for being a R4 Today specialist reporter; this information was taken from her own Link in page:
BBC TV and radio presenter, entertainment news specialist reporter, lead online entertainment writer and film maker. I am currently BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat’s Entertainment Specialist reporter with a specific brief into investigating entertainment related stories for Radio 1’s target audience of 15-29 year olds and the wider BBC. An award winning proactive, highly talented, creatively energetic journalist with many years of accomplished work, in fast paced deadline driven environments in news and current affairs.
Volunteer Experience & Causes
Radio Lollipop
Volunteer Kids Play Assistant
Radio Lollipop
April 2009 – Present (6 years 11 months)Children
Radio Lollipop is the volunteer program which is run at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and the children’s ward at St Thomas’.
My job was to take a cart filled with arts and crafts, games and books to keep the children entertained on the wards around the hospital.
I volunteered weekly for three years.
Open Hands – Morocco
March 2012 – Present (4 years)Children
I joined a group of students out in Morocco visiting children in orphanages, helping maintain local areas, cooking and feeding homeless children and adults and with arts and crafts, playing with children at risk of becoming part of the sex trade.
I did this for a two week period.
Helping collect food stuffs
Food Bank – Hackney
October 2013 – Present (2 years 5 months)Poverty Alleviation
I have stood in the doorway of big supermarkets asking people to donate certain food stuffs to add to the Hackney Food Bank in order for them to be distributed to those who couldn’t afford to eat.
Causes Chi Chi cares about:
Arts and Culture
Civil Rights and Social Action
Disaster and Humanitarian Relief
Human Rights
Poverty Alleviation
Science and Technology
Impressive eh? I wonder what other reasons there were for the BBC to employ her?
And how much of the above CV can be verified?
Even more impressive stats here:
She has written 36 articles from 2009 to 2013 with an average of 379 words. That works out as an impressive 8.3 words a day. She certainly is a “highly talented, creatively energetic journalist” :/
She black innit?
I agree, I have to say I laughed out loud when I heard her name, it reminded me of the Monty Python election sketch, I include three of the more notable names:
Tarquin Fin-tim-lin-bin-whin-bim-lim-bus-stop-F’tang-F’tang-Olé-Biscuitbarrel
Kevin Phillips-Bong
Mr Elsie Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzip
I expect they will be hosting Newsnight soon. Don’t forget, we have Tulip Mandingo or whatever her name is, the BBC Nigerian correspondent. Rumour has it that her job experience includes working in Morrison’s in the self service area assisting people when they have an unexpected item in the bagging area.
All brain-dead Labour voters…they truly are…find out..talk to some…morons.
Good luck with that Sluff……they are monumentally thick….
Is it coz i is black?…innit.
Another beautiful morning here in the UK. Wonderful fresh air and sunshine in the glorious morning sky ……..Oh no! Just clicked onto the Al Beeb webshite…..my morning instantly ruined! WTF!!
“New Europe migrant limits face scrutiny” is the first headline/propaganda statement that catches my eye.
We know the Al Beeb jihadi fighters on every Al Beeb sofa and airwaves will be scrutinising it, saying the same dishonest shite and already disproven lie/narrative that it will affect the ‘children ‘. Who else is scrutinising it? We never know of course who these hidden faces are outside of jihadi headquarters.
Also noticed is its ‘Europe’ now and not the EU? Sneaky bast@rds! Isn’t it the EU that has dictated the uncontrolled movement of millions of doctors and engineer men from every shit hole country on earth to enrich our women? Countries lost control of their borders when joining the EU no? The Al Beeb don’t miss a trick in misleading and trying to brainwash the viewers do they! It keeps getting worse folks..
Next we hear that Austria and the Balkan countries propose plans to fingerprint all the enrichers and turn away those without passports or holding fake documents! Am I reading that right?? Firstly it’s taken millions of potential fucking scumbags, rapists and ROPer peace envoys to already be in Europe before that happens? I thought there was no risk? I thought they were all kids and doctors for Europes health services? The answer is we don’t have a clue. Our lying scumbag political parties and media elite have basically lied to us again and again. They have no idea who is here and why they came!
It states the countries have pledged to only accept those (I shit you not) ‘deemed in need of protection ‘ meaning Syrians ans Iraqis. Am I missing something here? We have constantly been told by Al Beeb and anyone else on TV and radio that’s it’s only Syrians on the move! We were told they are fleeing certain death and we must let them in! We knew it was bullshit but anyone who said otherwise was a raving racist extremist! So it’s true! It was from the very beginning! Lying bast@rds!
So from this single article we can confirm that the Al Beeb and Gravy train traitors in every parliament in the EU have systematically lied to the people of Europe. They have allowed millions of incompatible people into our lands. They have potentially let in thousands of people who are at war with us. Vote out. Hang them all for treason
Socialism will save us all,
How? First through (deliberate?) poor management, introduction of punitive cuckoo policy and general ineptness it brings the economy to a grinding halt. Next, and this is the genius part, it gives people a generous sum of money to put right the damage it initially caused. Brilliant. Oh, but there are strings attached to that money, but don’t worry about that…, yet. And just where does the money come from? stop asking questions.
Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. Stalin threw a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room, he turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”
Now that’s socialism.
The version I meant to post was along the lines of the chicken being stripped of its natural protective coating and being made reliant on another for warmth, but I suppose either will do. Wrong chicken story, not the first time either.
Surprised no one has commented on the oppressive authoritarianism of the BBC management over the sacking of Tony Blackburn.
It appears that the fact he refused to toe the BBC line and present a united front to the investigator was enough for the apparatchik in charge to fire him.
I’m sure there’s a lot more behind the scenes, but the fact that the BBC cannot allow any kind of dissent or deviation from the group think is something I’ve seen mentioned many times on these pages.
I for one find this very sinister.
He obviously supports Britain coming out of the EU…
This does seems little strange, unlike Gambachini he has been sacked and not suspended, the irony being that the overnight repeat of Pick Of The Pops was replaced by a Gambachini show.
POTPs was one of the now rare shows that I listen to on Radio 2, so its one more reason not to listen to the BBC…
This happening to the seemingly harmless Blackburn, one now does wonder if the fawning BBC tributes to Ed Stewart and Terry Wogan were a good idea, after all weren’t they also on Radio 1 in 1971?
I predict Blackburn will be starting his unfair dismissal claim this afternoon and the BBC will pay him £3.2m in lost wages.
They have loads of money to give away! Just yesterday the tax payer paid part for the £100,000 Jeremy Clarkson fight with his producer.
Why is the BBC paying compo to the Irish lad who was hit by Clarkson?
Isn`t that Clarksons job?
Ditto other compo-how come the crims don“t pay, but the state does.
In Israel they`d bulldoze the houses of the scum concerned-why don`t we?
I can’t help feeling that continually raking up Savile, combined with their involvement in the Cliff Richard scandal and ceaseless reporting of over amorous footballers, is a all a ploy to set up the narrative, that we are somehow no worse than “some men” in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Aylesbury…… infact “every town and village” (q. Sarah Champion – MP, so matteroffactly,yesterday).
Tony Blackburn is a just another victim of these diversionary tactics ……
I can’t help feeling that continually raking up Savile, combined with their involvement in the Cliff Richard scandal and ceaseless reporting of over amorous footballers, is a all a ploy to set up the narrative, that we are somehow no better than “some men” in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Aylesbury…… infact “every town and village” (q. Sarah Champion – MP, so matteroffactly,yesterday).
Tony Blackburn is a just another victim of these diversionary tactics ……
I can’t believe it. I don’t believe it!
TODAY (BBC R4 8.25am) and an item about a mature, middle-age couple in Surrey who very generously have taken in a Syrian asylum seeker/illegal immigrant granted leave to remain. Sima Kotecha is arguing with them! Being querulous about their taking in a young, single, foreigner!! I thought the BBC were all in favour of this?
Apparently not.
I must say I felt the challenges to the naive couple were done through gritted teeth, as if she’d been told to challenge them to maintain a figleaf of impartiality. I say this because every challenge was ended with a “some might say” qualifier. In other words, this isn’t my view but I’ve got to go through the motions.
I did think the “refugee” in question seemed to have a very good command of English for someone who has only recently smuggled himself here. And I note that his story was accepted as fact by the BBC.
Anyway, I look forward to the balancing interview with those who’ve been enriched whilst helping other refugees, for instance refugees who may not have been as young as they claimed. Although some of those helpers are no longer around to give us their point of view.
BBC Online News:
“”Tony Blackburn ‘sacked’ by BBC over Savile inquiry””
“”Who was Jimmy Savile?””
This is not going to be a good year for the BBC…. I hope.
Savile was clearly “bi Sexual” even “gender fluid” yet mysteriously these fashionable neoligisms are absent from his profile.
Bisexual abuser, Bisexual predator, Gender fluid abuser, Gender fluid predator.
They prefer to speak of “vulnerable girls”, why were they vulnerable? the BBCs relentless presentation of Savile as an untouchable “celebrity” that`s why.
The omission of words like “Bi sexual” and “gender fluid” is interesting, it seem that they are words that can only be used in “positive” contexts. Like the words “Islam” and “muslim”, notice the reporting of Rotherham without the I or M words. “Pakistani heritage” is the preferred BBC code, which manages to insult the two and a half million Pakistani Christians, a similar number of Pakistani Hindus and their diasporas.
‘Pakistani’ is the waste bin into which every negative story can be dumped, whilst the word ‘Asian’ (A euphemism if ever there was one) is used for all the positive stroking. People are banned from calling them Pakistanis and are forced to use the word Asian instead.
On a side note, I’m just running through some case law relating to costs and almost without exception all the ones relating to fraudulent claims have a Muslim name as the fraudulent party.
Sirs and mesdames, I have been madly caught up with work and other things lately so have not been posting much. I have noticed/pondered a couple of things that could be construed as ‘good’ news however:
1. The BBC, in so far as I can make out from programmes on Radio 4, does seem to be largely keeping impartiality over the Brexit issue. Compare their coverage of this with, say, the coverage of the migrant crisis last year, with Oscar Fingal Fergal O’ Flaherty Wills Keen remaking ‘Ghandi’ every night at the Hungarian border;
2. Politicians seem to be getting more savvy about media entrapment and bias. Mr Gove in the exclusive interview with Ms Kueenssberg took her up sharply for attempts at ‘leading the witness.’
3. It’s horrible for the people involved who genuinely need help through no fault of their own, but one good thing that might come out of the expected huge migrant influx as the weather warms up is that it will begin to peak just around the time of the Brexit vote, which can’t fail to have an influence on the electorate.
3. If it’s reported.
Mr Deschain – good point. It will be interesting to see how the BBC reports the next migrant crisis. If they give it too much coverage it could influence a Brexit vote. It’s possible they might try to promote the idea that a strong united Europe is required to solve the crisis and that if individual countries shirk their responsibilities (no names, no pack drill) the problem will only get worse for Britain in the future etc etc.
The Al Beeb has long ceased to present news and events unmolested by the minds of traitorous, fascist, British hating scumbags that infest every fibre at jihadi headquarters. Clearly we will only receive what they want us to know. The bias will start out like receiving ‘Chinese water torture’ levels of pain, to before long it will be full on ‘waterboarding’!
The reason we are all on here is because we know the Al Beeb is as bad and as driven as the Nazi’s ‘Ministry of public enlightenment’. The Al Beeb and all of its willing jihadis are at war with everything we on here believe in and love about our culture and history. Make no mistake the Al Beeb will declare all out war on the Brexit campaign if it felt we are going to win
On the BBC red sofa this morning we have the apparently modest and personable Michael Kelly. He stars alongside Kevin Spacey in the hit US version of political thriller House of Cards. Kelly’s quiet-spoken southern-tinged good manners are a welcome relief from the conveyor belt of over earnest worthy sometimes brash sometimes false-diffident luvvies from either side of the pond brought to us by the BBC.
But this is the BBC and we await with sad anticipation what I like to call ‘The One Show – what do you think of the Badger Cull?’ question.
And here it comes… and naturally it is going to be an invitation to slag off Donald Trump.
[House of cards on the table here – I’m no particular fan of The Donald – I don’t need to be – I’m British with no vote and I’m not anxious to virtue signal my disapproval or indeed to show my support with a ‘villainy signal’ – that’s my own newly minted antonym. Given that the liberal media are bought and sold on the Democrat Party and would be attacking whoever were the front runner at least Trump is taking the flak like a concrete bunker to thier pea shooters, which I enjoy]
So the sofa bods get around to asking Michael Kelly THE question – given he’s an actor what do they reckon he will say? This time they are sure-footed enough and ask the neutral sounding roundabout formulation about US politics in general name-checking both Trump and Bernie Sanders – clever.
You don’t need to know verbatim what Kelly said. Kelly of course doesn’t like Trump, does like Obama – he’s been held back by Republicans, donchaknow. Damn that Constitution, those Checks and Balances, that mid-term General Election for the House! Doesn’t it just suck when a black liberal gets to the White House and can’t rule as dictator – damn that! What were the Founding Fathers thinking?!
Anyway my further beef was with the BBC interview closing money shot. And I think, judging by the careful way that Kelly phrased his statement, it may have been pre-rehersed. “I think, in my opinion, he’s Racist”
I think, given all the bloody evidence before my very eyes, the BBC is Biased
Great post
“Annual UK net migration is 323,000
Estimated net migration to the UK was 323,000 in the year to September 2015, figures published by the Office for National Statistics show. That represents an increase of 31,000 on the same period in 2014/15 – but is down slightly on the record figure of 336,000 for the year to June 2015. The figures show 165,000 EU citizens came to the UK for work reasons.
Net migration is the difference between the number of people arriving and leaving.”
Make of it what you will: the BBC certainly doesn’t seem very interested in any of it.
Be careful with this because ‘migration’ is absolutely not the same as immigration!
A migrant does not get citizenship and might come here from an EU country to work (prior to benefit changes)! Or they might be asylum seekers, refused asylum because of their fraudulent claims.
Immigration refers to people granted UK citizenship including those with ELR (extraordinary Leave to Remain).
It is certainly an important consideration in the Brexit debate, and following the table I posted on the previous thread, it is the single most area of concern to the British public. The fact the BBC choose not to publicise it shows just how out of touch & biased they are!
Shocked, I tell you… shocked!
As, it seems, are a few others.
Dame Janet’ll fix it.
And didn’t she just!
Throughout Dame Janet’s statement she consistently referred to ‘Savile and Stuart Hall’ illustrating just how paranoid and protectionist the BBC was, is, and will remain. What other ‘Hall’ might remotely be confused with Stuart? Henry and Albert are long gone and well out of the picture – so who else might there be, not prepared to risk the slightest chance of any taint associated with their name?
Stuart Henry gone?…the Royal Ruler from Oldham…via Luxembourg…gone?
i`m giving up my Peter Styversand ciggies now!
Rosko still around?…or is he also on that 70s “Never Ending Tour of the Baltics” with Roy Wood, Jimmy Page and assorted members of the Rubettes and Showaddywaddy?
Good prices for the Minsk Hippodrome Pantomines this winter?
She also stated that the BBC had no corporate responsibility for what Saville did as senior managers were not told.
Middle mangers didn’t tell their bosses as there was a culture of fear and a cult of celebrity. Senior mangers are responsible for developing and maintaining an organisations culture and therefore they were complicit and corporately responsible.
I enjoyed reading Brendan O’Neil’s revenge of the plebs article in the Spectator, in fact I’ve cut and pasted it as a word document ready to use it as a rebuttal to any of my Lefty “liberal” friends (while giving full kudo’s to O’Neil obviously, I’m no plagiarist).
A few other observations this morning, Russia today featured the rise of the Sons of Odin, marching openly and quite unconcerned by the T.V. cameras, they then showed a counter, pro- Immigration anti Pegieda march in Germany, which seemed to consist of lots of masked immigrants and a motley crew of students.
I also have some anecdotal evidence that things in Munich are starting to get a bit unpleasant, and that even the most misguided of the welcoming committee for the gimmegrants, are beginning to wake up to the error of their ways. Especially the unfortunate Tranny who got a beating from some enrichers, who discovered his pork sausage when they tried to sexually abuse him in the street. Not that you’ll see any of this on the MSM
The Smith report into Savile – Double standards and hypocrisy.
Double standards in that in – for example the case of BP – the top management were hounded and held to account, in a particularly thuggish way ( but that is by the way ) because of the oil spill in the US, on the grounds they ought to have known exactly what was going on, and thus they at the top had to ‘go’.
In the case of the BBC it is exactly the opposite – the top management are getting away with blame because it is said they didn’t know what was going on, there seems no suggestion that they ought to have, and that seems quite acceptable to Smith.
The Establishment is looking after its own again.
And hypocrisy because the the BBC is often the first to call for heads to roll in businesses where something goes wrong. Especially those businesses it does not approve of.
It stinks to high heaven.
We ought to out in the street chucking bricks through windows.
Starting to read the detail, and the discrepancies between causes and consequences are astounding.
One thing stands out, and was the lead on Classic FM news just now, namely the fact that any staff thinking of raising concerns were left in no doubt that it would be a career ending event.
Meanwhile BBC DPA continues to use FOI exemptions to refuse any answers on critical matters of public interest, and the fully internal, fully secret BBC Complaints system continues to operate as it always has done, up to and including the banning of any who persist in asking questions of the BBC it dares not see go public.
One trusts Mssrs. Whittingdale, Norman etc are capable and willing to take note of how this serves licence fee payers and the nation.
Without me reading this sewage running down the BBCs leg as ever…incontinent , nasty old aunties bloomers eh…maybe we need a scale.
Are we talking Scarman standards…MacPherson…Savage?…or REAL bollocks like Hutton or Leveson?
Butler Slops or Lamebrain/Laming as in Bulger/Baby P?
Sounds to me like its UEA standard into “global warminess”…but if Hutton is 100% whitewash, Savage is 100% gravy train…where are we on that scale…and where`s that one on Blair in Iraq….Judge Nutmeg was it?
Ah well-saves us needing to go to Rotherham, Rochdale until our gentlemen of colour tell us they`ve swabbed their mosques, taxis and despunked the car park sofas….
Agree with everything you say.
I remember the Zeebrugge ferry disaster 1987 – the senior management were charged and prosecuted with corporate manslaughter. The fact that they were not on the ferry at the time but sitting in their offices was ruled to be irrelevant.
I’m struggling to see how senior BBC staff are exempt from responsibility……perhaps zero or one of the other BBC supporters on this site could explain?
More on the Munich transgender issue, it seems the new arrivals tried to execute them by stoning them death !!!!
Feel the enrichment..!!!
For a while I’ve wondered whether the social-liberals will fall out of love with Islam dramatically over the women/feminism/gay/trans stuff. I’m starting to think increasingly that it won’t but will capitulate by promoting the idea that ‘Islam empowers women’ etc.
At the risk of giving offence I have retired from criticising Islam for its attitude to women and gays. The media spokespeople for both go out of their way to avoid confronting the realities of Islam. I conclude, rather unsportingly, that feminists and many gays indulge in secret fantasies about being sexually subdued by virile Islamists in dark masks – as portrayed by the BBC and our media.
Phooar, just look at those hunks.
Oh they already realised they love Islam because any excess by Muslims can be blamed on “men”.
Rather funny item on the News at 10 last night about a BBC reporter in Siberia trying to assess the mood of Russian people on the street. Twice when they were filming, a local TV news crew turned up and started interviewing the BBC interviewers, accusing them (so the BBC man said) of biased reporting. The Beeb man implied the Russian was some sort of government stoodge trying to keep tabs on him. Seems the Beebers don’t like it when people start playing them at their own game…
The BBC doesn’t do irony.
It used to be fun when one of those know-nothing senior managers hit The Editors blog to whine about state media censorship in China, N. Korea or Iran, and then shut it down when the comments didn’t go their way.
Of course,maps part of the BBC transparency efforts, this blog has long since withered on the vine.
But we do at least have BBC Trending, Pop up, etc, featuring selected vox pops.
Which is nice.
Good clips of Jaywick too….and the Russian blokes saying that the BBC won`t be showing THAT as typical of Britain…as indeed they didn`t!
So RT and the BBC are right cheek, left cheek of the same arse in terms of media portrayal.
And to be fair, at least Putin gets value for his money to RT, and would nobble any anti-Russian treachery.
Whereas the BBC get ever more money to sell us to Brussels or to Cairos Islamic Theology hut.
The Russians are by far more nuanced, educated and clever in terms of their country than most of this nation is with how OURS is going.
They`ve long known the danger of doublespeak and media lies 24/7…and they are educated to think for themselves FAR better than out current crop of Godless Yunilevers.
I only came to media lies as a system since 2009 at this site…the Russians have known since 1987!
I really dislike those kind of BBC news features such as the one in Russia. It’s just propaganda, designed to discredit Putin. What other purpose can it serve? If, as they said, they wanted to guage Russian opinion, then it should have been done by a properly administered poll, not by a few Vox Pops of shivering Russians on the street. Yet the licence payers’ money had to be used for a jolly to Siberia!
You must be joking if you think Russians are nuanced and media savvy. You should watch a few of the domestic TV channels. The tiresome 4 hr question and answer sessions which are just excuses for Putin monologues. There are also the Great Autocrat dramas where local officials who have committed some offense grovel with bowed heads and shaking hands before Putin the Infallible.
The widespread cynicism and distrust caused by Pravda and other state organs seems to have been replaced by a longing for a new Tsar. Putin certainly fits the bill, but that is hardly progress.
“Progress” was what the USSR claimed to be…..Russians (and East Europeans) know where “progress” leads.
Disposal of the awkward millions on a one way trip to the cellars of the Lubyanka ending with a single bullet to the back of the neck or, if lucky, 20 years in the Gulag.
Putins regime, for all its faults, for all its reactionary nature, is better than that.
Defer to you ID.
Guess I`ve that old Pushkin and Shastakovich romantic view of cutting what in the morning and the Bolshoi in the evening.( Fred Kite style)
Those like me who saw the piece on Newsnight -and of a certain age-would have fancied the young mum who spoke good English but struggled to afford some cheese.
Guess too that I wondered how long I`d have to wander around Aldi before I found a gorgeous Russian speaking mum…outside W2 of course.
Wonder if this site would care to crowd source a fact-finding mission for me to go to see my Russian mum in Novosibirsk to check on my theories here-there`s a geezerbird in Southampton who wants his/her sex change funded by mob money like this…and thought it worth a punt.
Feel free to give me the money when the clocks go forward….feel i need to let Julia Bradbury down gently. you see!
Cris H – I laughed at the mere mention of the name ‘Fred Kite’. What a great comic creation he was. How the left must have loathed Sellers…
Just watching the massive BBC snow job on the Savile & co inquiry regarding fives decades of horrific sexual abuse at the BBC. Lord Hall Hall says he wishes to ensure that staff will feel able in future to ” raise issues and believe something will be done about them”. Well that’s all fine and dandy for those at W1Aland, but what about complaints from the general public about the BBC’s programming standards and bias ? How about dealing with those from the good folks who pay their TV tax for this closed, unresponsive and hugely arrogant left-wing media version of FIFA ? How about actually doing something about the issues we raise, instead of continuing the constant and complete BBC culture of denial ?
Oh and by the way maybe we can get rid of the entirely useless BBC Trust and Ms Fairhead, who just play second fiddle on everything the BBC says and does. Well I know the answers to these rhetorical questions, so lets all continue work to get rid of the hateful TV tax and just let the public decide whether they want to pay for the programming from this dreadful organisation.
The BBC is just like a large charity these days. Huge amount of money coming in for their high salaries and inefficient operating. They spend most of their time and money maintaining their lavish lifestyles whilst forgetting their original purpose.
Breitbart’s view…
At the risk of giving offence I have retired from criticising Islam for its attitude to women and gays. The media spokespeople for both go out of their way to avoid confronting the realities of Islam. I conclude, rather unsportingly, that feminists and many gays indulge in secret fantasies about being sexually subdued by virile Islamists in dark masks – as portrayed by the BBC and our media.
Phooar, just look at those hunks.
GWF, there’s been quite a lot of speculation about this kind of thing in the non-mainstream media, particularly with reference to Sweden.
It would be rather amusing if one of those vests went off by accident, setting all the others off.
If there are any lawyers on here perhaps they could tell me why it needs a Judge and Courts of Law to decide whether the Jungle is to be bulldozed ? its been built on illegally, the populace is illegal – what’s there to argue ?? I never cease to be amazed that this lot have trecked thousands of miles, what? with hammers and nails, tarpaulin, planks of wood, sheets of plywood, electricity generator, all on their back ???? Oh and I see there are huge telegraph or electricity poles throughout the Jungle – so how did they get there ?
I am not a lawyer but I suspect the answer is to do with the human rights of the squatters, who have escaped war torn Turkey, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria and seek to escape fingerprinting in France to get to the UK.
Those humans rights are of more worth than the rights of other humans in the area who live and pay taxes in Calais or drive lorries through the port.
I keep hearing that one of the buildings they’re going to demolish is a church. Is there really a church there, and if so how does it survive? Are there a number of Syrian Christians in amongst these people? Are there no mosques to knock down?
I think the Church is an Ethiopian Orthodox Church in a tent for the Eritreans.
Didn`t the BBC broadcast “Songs of Praise” from there a while back?
Any removal or demolition of a Mosque will be a very hush hush event.
Anyone see this. Could one of you expert analysts have a look. I’m sure Schulz is spitting blood a one stage getting very animated about migration. Pretty weak questioning though from AlBeeb interviewer. Only caught a bit of it yesterday morning
Credit where is due. Its refreshing to see that the BBC have been so proactive over the Savile report today in sacking Tony Blackburn, maybe now they can put the Savile matter to bed and get back to what they do best, giving us what we don’t want and more bias and propaganda ….
Yeah Geoff, who would have thought that in all those years of abuse and institutionalised ignorance of events, the real guilty party would be ……Tony Blackburn, for failing to remember accurately a meeting that took place 45 years ago.
Scapegoat identified. Whitewash achieved. Trebles all round.
Listen to this short interview with Saville. ‘Ultimate freedom is what I want….freedom to do anything I want’.
Says it all. A few more questions and he would have been spilling his guts out on the contents of freedom he wanted.
My wife , who regards my views on the BBC as a tiresome eccentricity, is amazed that the BBC is not allowing comment on the T Blackburn story . She follows this sort of 1970’s pop thing and listens to the J Vine Show quite a lot . I usually retreat to another room , garden or shed, when this rubbish is spewed forth into our house. It is quite an eye opener to her that the BBC doesn’t allow free comment on topics it doesn’t like!! I am using this as an opportunity to educate her a little on the dastardly machinations of the hated BB,C so she may , perhaps, realise why I feel about the BBC the way I do. Lets hope that Tony makes the bastards pay in reputational terms at least in the run up to the Charter Renewal.
Tony is obviously a Conservative & Leave the EU supporter. What Hall said, was totally diversion tactics, to throw people off the Savile scent.
Agreed !
Why no comment from our ‘used car salesman’ on this corrupt institution of National importance ?
I don’t need to tell the regulars on this site to be particularly wary of BBC output over the next few months. They are devious people and will be playing a very clever game in being seen to be impartial whilst relentlessly pushing their various agendas. Somebody alluded above to an apparently critical item about a couple who took in an immigrant. That short item will be used as evidence of impartiality without shame. Meanwhile, their work continues. This morning’s ‘From Our Own (biased) Correspondent’ managed to slip in an unproven assertion that this year’s El Nino was being amplified by man-made global warming and how wonderful Detroit is now that they make bicycles there instead of cars.
Last night’s Look East celebrated the soon to be constructed wind mill farm off the East Anglian coast that would power 500,000 homes. Shame they didn’t have some aerial footage of the existing wind mill farms from yesterday. I flew over the North Sea on Wednesday, the visibility was fantastic and you could see forever. What I also saw was every wind mill within view standing perfectly still generating no electricity at all. In the same conditions that wonderful new white elephant will power approx. 0 homes.
I was speaking with an airline pilot a few months ago who regularly flew the London-Moscow route. He recalled flying across acres of the damn things all motionless, when the conditions were ‘right’ – as they often are when it is at its coldest.
This, of course, is a view we will neither see or hear from the liars at the BBC.
I have spent the vast majority of my working life flying around the UK and can confirm what you were told is absolutely correct. Slow moving high pressure systems in winter cause very cold conditions due to clear skies and little or no wind.
And power is needed most when the weather is coldest.
The big problem is she misled by the way she reads stuff out as if it were a hundred percent fact, when she should include her source and quote doubt.
Her written news report Is the Pacific too warm for Galapagos sea lions?
And of course Mr & Mrs Wilcox knew nothing about jimmy and his antics,even though Mr Wilcox was a top bod at the time..
Stinks like everything the BBC does.
Yes that caring founder of Childline had ‘only heard rumours’ and thought it best to do nothing about them….
Dear BBC,
Bearing in mind how lazy your reporters are, to save them a bit of work I have come up with a name for the sh*tstorm that is about to hit due to your appalling treatment of Tony Blackburn. In the finest traditions of unimaginative journalism it will come to be known as…Blackburngate.
Feel free to use it.
How much of our licence fine will be used to pay off Tony Blackburn, all of the victims of jS and SH. Not forgetting the £100k for Clarkson,s victim. At this rate the BBC will have no money left to make any programmes or pay any of its staff. That is something to look forward to.
They would first move all their channels, one by one, to a online only service before even thinking about reducing the wages of their “talent”.
Even if the BBC was reduced to just pages of Ceefax (if you are old enough to remember it!) it would have the same staff numbers and budget.
I watched in fascination at the lengthy verbal report and q & a given by Dame Janet Smith this morning. Give the woman her due, she kept all the journos in line and in return they treated her with respect. Whatever we all think about the BBC , and yes its hard to believe that those at the top didn’t know what Savile was up to, as a Judge, Dame Janet could only work with facts and evidence, not rumour; and of course she may have been lied to by those in the Beeb who were around at the time; but I think anyone given that job to write a report on events from up to 40 years ago was up against it from the start.
Its just whitewash on top of whitewash and our Used Car Moron of a leader does nothing about it despite its years of bias against the Tory Party. Collusion , anyone ?