Time for a new Open thread. Things not going to the BBC play. Trump keeps on winning across the pond and Project Fear is not having the impact they would like. Detail the bias here.
Here’s another story we won’t be hearing from the BBC:
“650,000 New National Insurance Numbers of EU Nationals Despite Official Figures Saying There Are Only 260,000 Migrants”
Just for my “fans” Way out West, in Wales, & other places, Essex is the most eurosceptic County in England, even with only one Ukip MP. 12 Essex Conservative MP’s are Outers! Before the election I was attacked on here, for being a Conservative, but most Essex people I know, who all voted Conservative, hate the EU big time. Chickens are coming home to roost now, & it will be seen in the result, Essex votes Out. Whatever the result is, we are off n out anyhow.
I don’t think it was because you are a Conservative that you were “attacked” but because you never had a good word to say about UKIP or Farage; when without them it wouldn’t matter if you were an “outer” or not as Camerloon wouldn’t have given you a referendum.
Give credit where it is due, but for Nigel Farage – there would be no upcoming EU referendum, would there?
Presumably you comment was aimed at my compatriots and myself .
Speaking for myself, Wales is not part of England. It is part of The United kingdom Great Britain & Northen Ireland . ‘Think outside of the box’ of Essex’ .
However, it is good to hear that you and your fellow Essexmen are now ‘outers’. Your problem was your unstinting support of the ‘Car Moron Salesman’. Remember, he started his bargaining with the Corrupt Fabricated Sate by stating he ‘wanted in’. Do you still hold the opinion that he has done a good job for our ‘United Kingdom’ or have you changed your mind mid stream?
Your Call .
2 hrs · Jeremy Corbyn says Jeremy Hunt misused data whilst arguing for a seven-day NHS in England.
The BBC revealed the health secretary used academically unverified and unpublished data to back his plans.
Last July, in the pay row with junior doctors, Mr Hunt said there were about 6,000 deaths a year because of the lack of “a proper seven-day service”.
These numbers were later questioned by academics.
Now, holding power to account is what a free media does, should do and the BBC claims to lead in.
Thing is, the BBC does it rather selectively, and acting as the opposition’s research department and PR softening-up attack dogs seems hardly impartial.
The question I’ve never heard asked about Savile is how can a guy with zero empathy, warmth, rapport, with no interest in the music he was playing or presenting and no absolutely no ability to properly entertain, somehow be gainfully employed by the BBC for over 30 years? That is unless you call a propensity of dressing like a complete nonce and sprouting annoying crappy catchphrases whilst selfishly intoxicating those around him with Havana fumes entertaining.
To say that management within the BBC knew nothing about his is proclivities is a complete whitewash, any decent sane manager/head would have recognised the guy was a talentless unpleasant jerk, just as most watching did and therefore sacked him, but strangely they didn’t….
Jon Gaunt (ex BBC Coventry) said on his program this morning said it was common knowledge, even at a local level Savile’s ‘habits’ were common knowledge.
IMO there is an almighty cover up going on here and to where it leads heaven knows, but as long as sacrificial lambs such as Blackburn, Gambachini and to a lesser degree DLT are thrown to the wolves it diverts the truth, which I hope one day soon will out. Hopefully Blackburn can now create a few sparks…
Dame Janet needs to go back and redo her report, she has been lazy.
The Daily Mail have published a story about Douglas Muggeridge (ex controller of Radio 1 and 2) worth a read.He was very concerned about Savile. No evidence eh Dame Janet!
Note that Roger Cook gets mentioned in the Smith “Report” into paedos getting nonce money from the license fee payer…and nobody at the BBc seeming to know of it.
And as I think back to Roger Cook, to Esther Ranzten and her team on That`s Life, Donal MacIntyre, Winfred Robertson, Anne Robinson, John Sweeney and all the rest of the BBCs crack investigative reporters…awards , endless praise for each other…seems to me that Savile was grafting in the caravan next door as they chiseled about in search of Camerons death duties, Heaths laundry bag.
And as Rotherham and Rochdale were kicking off their Persian slippers and Mosque sandals to put under kiddies beds nearby at Council invitation…Look North and Yorkshire TV would have been checking to see if Nick Griffin recycles, if Nigel Farage washes his hands after going to the portaloo.
Investigate the toupee industry of Trumpsville alright-but as for bothering to go next door or down to Saviles Basement Suite?…nah, just white trash who won`t care about staying in the EU, too thick to cross a box without Uncle Musas guiding hand on the knee.
BBC Investigative Unit…a coat hanger on Yentobs yacht?
Wonder if Jimmy Saviles autobiography is now ready for the small screen treatment?….cheap to make anyway now.
We live in strange times and I wondered if things could get any more so with the labour party.
Then along comes Eddy Izzard, a man who dresses like a woman, wears make-up, nail varnish and lipstick and the labour party are preparing to make him one of their officials.
I remember when the labour party stood for hard working people who wouldn’t give a cross-dressing prat the time of day.
Will we ever reach the bottom(oo er) of how loopy it`s all got-and we stand there and won`t laugh at how our WW2 heroes become the grandparents of Jess Phillips and old Eddie Izzie?…or IzzIe not?
No wonder all the Labour lefty boots won`t sit with him..at least he DOES make an effort!
The Eagle girls are MY reverse pinups…but Fiona MacTaggert always used to scare me!
Barbara Roche and Dianne Abbott, Vera Baird(alias Beaker).
Come on Labour-give us a calendar of these raging booties?
Imagine that you are painting the front door of your house and your wife is unloading the shopping when your next door neighbour tells you that all of these things could be bought with a 20% discount, via the residents’ association. He suggests that you join up, it’s all very democratic and that you will get one vote, just like everyone else. There is a slight catch, you will have to go along with their purchasing decisions as otherwise everyone will lose the discount.
Having joined up you discover that all of your neighbours are relatives and that they vote en bloc. They don’t like your preferred paint colours so you will have to repaint your front door. Also your wife is no longer able to shop at the local German supermarket but instead must ‘share’ the savings from their bulk-buy from a well-known Oxford Street shop, at twice the price.
Fortunately you are now shielded from the vagaries of the market.
The BBC are never happier when they are exploring their own navels.
Picking out the lint with the tumbleweed, no need to go out and actually cook up or synthesise one of their windsocks..running aunties bloomers up the flagpole and expect us to salute them.
So today-after Rotherham(Pt 1)…Rochdale and Oxford, God knows where else?
Well, what better thing to do that nick Stuart Halls combover comb and finely go through Uncle Jims ashes with it…and force our faces into it all, whilst pretending that the devil is in those details of theirs.
No he`s not -the devil is outside the childrens homes with a Russell Brand DVD and a Childline wristband on his wanking wrist!
So the BBC will try to force you to look again at their sooty faces, so you vote yes to more Islam, more sex ed and more Labour types like Paul Flowers and Tom O Carroll…and let the Beeb send you into a cul de sac for treatment at a later date for daring to question them.
Superbly put. All this doe-eyed, humble introspection makes me laugh. ‘Dark days for the BBC’ as it was described. It was the culture of the time at the ‘BBC’ that was to blame here. No ‘evidence’ (quite a different beast than ‘rumour’, as Dame Janet patronised certain victims) of anything getting reported to the upper echelons, where strangely enough, the culture was dictated from. How queer!
I would hazard a guess that in fact, those were some of the brightest days of the BBC. We’ll never learn of the darkest.
I seem to remember a pre-Saville video blurb for the BBC (World service??) featuring Bowen looking majestically into the distance while a voice proclaimed “the BBC, possibly the best investigative journalism in the world” Makes you wonder why these tireless BBC newshounds, sniffing out injustice etc., failed to notice the Saville stench in their own backyard.
The BBC had possibly the best investigative journalism in the world in the same way the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the most democratic country in the world.
A jingle played during Tony Blackburn’s pick of the pops on Saturday afternoons, a programme I rarely miss goes.
“The tower of power
Wonderful BBC”
Not so wonderful now I suspect, more a Tower of Babel and a-fortress of PCness and Buck passing
Ever wonder what life is like for ordinary Canadians, Germans or New Zealanders?
How about the manufacturing process for some common household item?
There must be millions of potential topics that a current affairs programme could cover, yet, there is Hugh Sykes back on PM giving another of his gentle, supportive, friendly propaganda spin pieces about Muslims, this time in India and the manufacture of cosmetics.
Just for good measure Halal isn’t about the barbaric killing of animals, it’s all that is good in life!
I guess if someone had a mind to do it they could do similar pieces of how nice Donald Trump or Nigel Farage are once one gets to know them? Strange isn’t how the BBC’s ‘mind’ always runs in the same grooves!
The comments of readers to their tear-jerk sob Calais Demolition feature are a joy to read:-
“”Authorities say around 1,000 migrants will be affected, but aid agencies say it’s much more””.
Rachel Laura Moorhouse: Well I hope they don’t get let into England not because I’m racist or anything like that because I’m not but we have enough people here as it is we don’t need 1000 or more migrants aswell
Like · Reply · 24 · 51 mins
15 Replies · 33 mins
Ryan Davies :Why do the BBC always show women and children despite the fact that >90% of these migrants are young men? Stop distorting the reality for propaganda purposes. You’re supposed to be impartial.
Like · Reply · 24 · 46 mins
Tim Fletcher: Interesting that photos of the men circulating have them covering their faces..not many females in the jungle 620..!!!!
Like · Reply · 12 · 20 mins
2 Replies · 8 mins
Freddi Hejgaard Stroland: Great, bulldoze them back where they come from, they are not welcome here, maybe they can start to understand that.
Like · Reply · 20 · 19 mins
19 Replies · Just now
Archana Parate: Don’t understand why can’t they apply asylum in France if they really are refugees than what’s the problem with applying asylum in France instead of living in bad conditions at camps. No real refugees will leave such great deal being offered by French government. Don’t understand if the people in these camps are genuine refugees or fake invaders
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 mins
Janice Weldie: The numbers they put out are wrong. These adult men say they are children, when clearly they are not!. Since they have no documentation, there is no proof. There are 205 women and 651 children (423 unaccompanied), says Help Refugees
Like · Reply · Just now
Rob Daniel: Evil at work.
What was the point of signing the Declaration of Human Rights and Rights of the Child if no one ever had any intention of honouring them.
Like · Reply · 6 · 19 mins
4 Replies · 6 mins
Justin Griffiths: About time. And as soon as so much as a tent goes up afterwards the French must act accordingly with their action here and flatten it.
Like · Reply · 4 · 19 mins
Timothy Chapman: then they should register in france or go back. beggars cant be choosers.
Like · Reply · 7 · 17 mins
Nicky Green-Vitiello Aron wind up cohen, ‘spoken’ like a true Nazi – let’s hope no one on this thread ever needs sanctuary – they Will ‘not be welcome’ Will be ‘bulldozed’ or maybe regarded as ‘the cancer of the earth’ the dumb and dumbers our politicians have caused this …See more
Like · Reply · 6 mins
1 Reply
Martyn Barnes: Thing is they r in a safe country and have travelled through a few more just so they can enter England if they r that desperate how come they are being choosy were they stay
Like · Reply · 2 mins · Edited
Fiona Williams: Those who are commenting that they don’t want migrants here need to look up their own family trees. Every nation (including us) should take a share of those fleeing their own country.
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 mins
Dean Kelly: They are in France only reason they want to come here is for benefits .what they fleeing from France for there ain’t a war going on there is there?
Like · Reply · Just now · Edited
Chris Ivory: Get yourself a proper suit.
Do your tie up.
Sing the National Anthem….See more
Like · Reply · 4 · 22 mins
Ross Marshall “Welcome to the jungle we got fun and games”
Like · Reply · 7 · 21 mins
Daniel Brown They’re only there for one reason … to gain entry to England illegally!
Like · Reply · 7 · 16 mins
Fiona Finn worst thing was even mention letting migrants into the country!
Like · Reply · 5 · 23 mins
Tim Fletcher They also didn’t go too countries near them !!!
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 mins
Anya Queen I was waiting for the news all afternoon. I’m so pleased with the result. Glad the judge saw sense and didn’t fall for the ‘poor children’ manipulation. The volunteers themselves have said they’re big angry teenagers with a lot of aggression. Not little doe eyed tots. It’s interesting watching the Calais solidarity pages now as they all fall apart! Bring on the bulldozers ASAP.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Vince Boyjonauth These MIGRANTS need to be ARRESTED….HANDCUFFED….put in a CARGO SHIP back to their homeland !!””….PROBLEM Solved !!
Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Lisie Dimikz Migrants.. Migrants… MIGRANTS!
Like · Reply · 1 · 20 mins
Rory Crowley Send the wretches back to where they came
Like · Reply · 4 · 17 mins
Altaf Bhat Are they Rafugees or Migrants?
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins
4 Replies · 6 mins
Morag Bailey Migrants not refugees
Like · Reply · 3 mins
Allan Wilson Bye bye jungle people lol
Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Ray Carter I feel for the people of calais who have had to deal with this.
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 mins
Ali Hudson-Small What will happen to the little children who are there unaccompanied?
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 mins
Daniel Humphreys Boohoo. There only moving them up the road to another camp that theve just built.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins
Debbie Graham Could use a flame thrower, or maybe a machine gun!
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 mins
John Young Where are they going to go to,
Like · Reply · 5 mins
Sujan Raj Bonshi it is the best chance for Europe country ,i think.
Like · Reply · 22 mins
Aron Cohen arabs and african are the cancer in the world
we should finish them
Like · Reply · 2 · 20 mins · Edited
1 Reply · 9 mins
Steven Kish What about the kids? Do they not have laws that protect kids from things like this? Them poor children done no harm but seem to suffer the most
Like · Reply · 12 mins
Stephen McDonald Time to attack some lorry drivers and come to the UK where they’ll be welcomed
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 mins
David Esson I have a spare room I don’t even use hahahaha
Like · Reply · 1 · 15 mins
Alan Wordley So why don’t they stay in France? A free and prosperous country? (Sarcasm)
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins
Elliott Parker hopefully they’ll all freeze to death,
France’s problem not ours.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Floyd Jarvis Islamic Immigrant ..Mohammads madd mad book of the koran..
Like · Reply · 12 mins
Dan Thompson Aculpulco has room for migrants to live there .
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 mins
Luke Hill Send them home.
Like · Reply · 8 · 23 mins
Gary West LOL ???
Like · Reply · 1 · 19 mins
Dean Kelly Get us the fuc£ out of the EU
Like · Reply · 3 mins
The BBC probably trying to figure out how to operate HYS-style modding and comments closing as we speak.
It is possible a force-paid UK service hitching itself to a free US-based one has had consequences those market rate talents who know nothing had not really thought through.
Did I just imagine ir or did the BBC national news at 6 o’clock broadcast a recorded interview in which a BBC employee, a contemporary of Saville, said – “good luck to him” ?
Rotherham has been relegated to regional news where you will find the authorities and cops praising each other for their role in rounding up the baddies. But given the role of the police, local authorities and social workers, there would be a case for a bombing raid on their HQ, as the Russians are doing with Isis. From the standpoint of the abused and tortured children Rotherham is no different to Racca.
It’s also front page of The TIMES today (Thursday). Let us not forget that it was one poor molested Woman (abused from Rotherham) who out of desperation sought a national newspaper (the only one) to listen to her. It was The Times that broke the story and the ‘authorities Police and the BBC” fought it. For Rotherham Police and Council it was an accepted Pakistani ‘way of life’ for Islams in England. The corruption – and cover-up- extended right into the Police who actually participated in it. Incredible and disturbing events the BBC don’t want to dwell on.
Last weekend having not much to do , I listened gritting my teeth to (what was once Roy Plumley’s popular ‘Desert Island Disks’ ruined to a pointless rummage through left wing celebrities ‘likes’ and ‘dis-likes’, former left wing politicians ‘youth tunes’ and modest (lefty) ‘businesswoman’ (Architect) Zaha Hadid. ‘‘Having to fight hard has made me a better architect’’ Straight off the bat Kirsty Swalk (BBC presenter) informs us dullards how Ms Hadid) has ‘suffered’ horribly in this (England) country. It’s because of her SEX (she says), – ‘becoarse I am a wommann’ (she’ s from Iraq and her English is not that good either). She says, (on radio 4): ‘ish becoarse I ahm a wommmaen, whish is a prohblem toa maeny peopples, I am a forainner, annuvver bick prohblem, ahnd mie whork ish nort normative’. Kirsty Swalk is well versed in leading her patients verbal ‘psychosis’ to a BBC conclusion that ‘they would have been famous’ were it not for certain (English) ‘problems’ such as Conservative Politicians (from Liverpool) who criticised her ‘architecture’ as making every bloody building look like a MOSQUE!
‘Ms Swalks’ Desert Island Disks is now a luxury Hilton Hotel Island with all mod cons. The Bible is offered as a foot rest only. (I am reading the Saturday papers whilst listening to this tosh – I notice that the same ‘Zaha Hadid: ‘Having to fight hard has made me a better architect’ has been banned from China (among others) for making her – so called ‘Westernised’ style of pop islam architecture erh ‘popular’. Maybe that’s why she appears on Desert Island Disks. BBC ‘friends’ Islam re-united. At least the BBC understand her ‘problem’ of being not ‘normative’.
Can someone please stop Mark Stone (Sky reporter everywhere in Europe) from being so bloody pious in his reporting in the Jungle. Since the onslaught of migrants trekking across Europe last summer, he has been vomit inducing with his continual use of ‘desperate’; ‘wanting a better life’; ‘this is now their home’; ‘children all alone’; –
if only these sodding reporters on all channels would be as enthusiastically and equally pitiful when reporting on the elderly in OUR OWN country….
who are ‘desperate’ because they have no care at home so become bed blockers in hospital;
who are ‘wanting a better life’ instead of living on a pension pittance – yet see migrants/asylum seekers be given luxury accommodation;
who are ripped off in the cost of care homes and added worry of being abused in “this their home”
and finally, its not ‘children all alone’ – its the elderly who are all alone.
One day the Ben Browns and Mark Stones of this world will one day be struggling to walk and dress themselves, or queuing at 7 am outside their doctors surgery for an appointment, and I bet the plight of migrants/refugees and pious reporting will be the last thing on their mind.
The gentleman of colour who is the Head of Rotherham Social Services was interviewed on Look North tonight; and informs us that this sort of sexual abuse is occurring in every town, village and hamlet in every county and that it has gone on for hundreds of years.
Seriously? I mean WTF! And this @sshole is allowed to make such statements unchallenged by the two al beebies questioning him.
“This sort of sexual abuse is occurring in every town, village and hamlet in every” place that Islam is in the majority “and that it has gone on for hundreds of years.”
Well it probably has been where he or his parents come from! It is exactly the slow realignment of or values and our culture with those of Africa or Asia due to mass immigration that makes me so angry with the stupid liberal left and their state funded fog horn the BBC who don’t seem to care how detrimental immigration is to us. Only an idiot would want to swap our tolerant and largely peaceful way of life for the steaming pile of shit that these immigrants bring with them.
Here is a question for you all ……………..
Has our Government and Lord Hall Hall used the Savile case to ‘bury’ the enormity of the wholesale industrial abuse in the North.
Funny how the inquiries always chase after dead men , at great expense ?
Doh. Its been on the shelf especially to do just that. Journos won’t be seen dead near South Yorks now for another 6 months. Nothing is changing, and it won’t until LibLabCon are gone. The people keep voting them in though.
Tragedy Oh great tragedy. The French Government are finally taking action to clear the jungle slums and accommodate the ‘so called’ refugees into more humane conditions . Something that the French should have done ten years ago . The media ‘luvvies’ love it . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35663225
The EU is conspicuousness by its inaction, impotence and inability to do anything about the invasion that is taking place – No action whatsoever . Time to get out .
Vote Brexit, before the EU dumps them on us, on top of all the 3 Million illegals that are already hidden in Britain by our ‘dodgy used car salesman’.
The Calais Jungle?
Not one peep though from the poor French flolk who live next to the marxist sewer that was created without planning permission.
Watched Alex Thomson of Channel 4 News last night-wading through the concrete mix as if he alone were speaking from the Somme.
Pompous ass in his Hunter wellies-and not a thought for that poor street behind him with run down cars and pebbledash council tenants who`d have been in terror and dread whilst Thomson had a young boy remove any mud spats from his f***in halo(EC Compliant kite mark natch).
The liberal media eh-drive by fascists. Eurostar booked and rubbernecking perverts who confuse a jaunt with a pilgrimage…hajj is not hash ….but hey, Top of the Sobs Award 2017 is in the bag Alex!
Poor Matt Frei was fretting about the cost of social housing too last night-poor lad, certainly emoted for Allah…once a BBC joystick…always one, a la Hotel California.
Hotel Californication sending out its love to the Jungle…yeah!….and Smiley Metroman doling out the condoms by Wells Cathedral before too long as a consequence.
Echos of Clock-boy, but without the fake bomb. Why no national outcry about this story? The teacher’s reaction is incomprehensible. That the headmaster thought it a police matter is even more incredible. That the Police thought it a police matter, well, that is Orwellian.
This case is the inevitable consequence of the recent penchant for our Parliament to enact bad laws than impinge upon our freedoms. Thomas Jefferson was quoted when these laws were passed. “……Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety…..”. It appears that the essential importance of this principled standpoint to the liberty of each and all (equal under the Law?) is not widely understood or respected.
The government is your enemy. Know this. Starve it.
Sack the teacher, the head and the police who responded.
This is the kind of collusion and groupthink that leads to coverups of episodes like Rotherham.
Make clear that we live in a democracy in which issues can be freely discussed and orthodoxies questioned.
Turn the game back on the people who have relentlessly used this tactic to bring this country to the state it’s currently in. Time to turn it round.
Bias by Diversion. Typical BBC, and FIFA are a favourite diversion.
Why oh why does the BBC give so much coverage to the upcoming election of a president of FIFA, yet virtually no coverage of General Elections in neighbouring European nations (except when a Greek Marxist Party has a chance of winning)? Does anybody really think the FIFA ‘election’ warrants any more than a post-event small report? Or could it be an easy diversion to avoid reporting inconvenient events (he asks rhetorically)?
I think the BBC agenda is served even in this diversion story by the pleasure they can take in a Jordanian Prince being among the favourites to win the post. Subtext….replace corrupt white people with shining Arab princes, just like the migrant story, the new natural order of things.
Apologies, I have been behind the curve with this story about the Jordanian Prince, BBC radio 4 have just informed me that the preferred candidate is now a Bahraini Prince!
Though there was also a discussion with the FA representative about the importnace of FIFA in managing “international transfers which is very important to the Premier league and then about forming a breakaway world football governing body headed by “a world figure like Kofi Annan”(LOL!) in the event of the preferred candidate not getting elected.
Agendas served…foreign transfers important to England, the desirability of Non White European leadership of world bodies, threats of breaking the organisation if a vote doesn`t deliver the desired result. At least it`s consistent across all subjects and platforms, though dismally failed to mention climate change.
All that football culture finally having its reward.
Home of football…”It`s Coming Home”
And straight into a Luton Shopping mall with abilities to head and to coach the amputees team as well…and full Pro-Licenses from the BBC.
Not that they actually should have to PAY for them as we do…and no licensed premises to stay open for the white losers after work, unless its got Alcopops from Netto and a comely nine year old in need of calligraphy lessons to serve them.
No-nothing to do with bloodied sandpits with money in need of a home is it?
Kofi Annan-more like his son I`d have thought! He`s the black Platini re world corruption anyway.
My candidate?…Boutros Boutros Boutros Glahi…son of the lad so good they named him twice.
The BBC published a story about the brain drain of teachers leaving the UK to work abroad. The predictability of the photographs and videos they will use to support and promote it’s cultural marxist agenda in any report is now quiet obvious to anyone with a pulse.
Nice to see a smiling teacher eh?
Thick adult at the front probably getting auditioned and trained in how to present for Three Counties Radio or read the weather on BBC Scilly Isles…only gay, asian or deformed need apply.
Of all the people who have had their careers ruined by false allegations of sexual abuse, only one has been welcomed back into the warm, tax-payer funded sanctuary of the BBC.
Step forward left-wing, labour supporting, pro-EU homosexual, Paul Gambaccini.
Give our esteemed state broadcaster some applause, 3D.
Gambaccini is white, male, and able-bodied. Quite a rare combination for the PCbBBC. Just try BBC London News for proof.
But he himself did say that he was shunned by former good friends at the BBC like Wogan etal.
But -as soon as he was acquited-all his luvvies came back to him bearing gigs and contracts, brioches from the green Room in a Saviles Travels flyer for the Weston Super Mare campaign.
Not all of the above is true-in a literal sense-but I`ve gone all BBC fuzzydux…and no matter what Paul told us-what I believe to be the case is true!
Gatelys Law 1999…welcome to Boyzone-as if the BBC and Islamists have ever left it!
Odd isn’t it, that for all their much publicised and vaunted ‘work ethic’, and the pressures we are told they are under, so many NHS staff and in particular junior doctors seem able to take time off to join the QT audience, no matter what part of the country the program is coming from?
I do wish the salary bands of ‘junior doctors’ would be spelled out. I’m certain the gullible public thinks these people are on fresh out of university salaries akin to something like Newly Qualified Teachers.
In fact, they represent all doctors below consultant level, with basic salaries up to about £70k. Plus quite generous holidays plus fantastic pension schemes, worth about 40% on top of salary.
How many shed tears for a private sector manager on £100k with no pension plan, having to work 60 hours a week?
The junior doctors may well have a case, and Hunt’s motives and arguments may well be questionable but the primary interest of junior doctors, as with most other people and professions, is selfish, not altruistic. I don’t blame the junior doctors for that, but I do blame the ‘bleeding heart’ bBBC for pretending otherwise.
The doctors are holding the country to ransom. Their pay is far too high, in fact it is so high that many of them can afford to work only part time and still earn £100 k pa. This after we, the tax payer , have paid several 100k to train up each one. Now they are resisting moves to make the NHS better for its patients by being rostered to work at one in four weekends. Millions of tax payers have to work at weekends why the hell can’t the doctors? As usual the BBC takes the side of the public sector . It won’t be long before they start to claim that the doctors are the vanguard of socialism , just as the miners used to be.
As always, Doublethinker, truth is the first casualty of this little war. But have some sympathy for Doctors, if only because they are not something to be meddled with lightly.
I might be wrong – if there are any doctors on here I’m sure you can correct me if necessary – but the 2 year Foundation Programme that was introduced in 2005, under the Labour Government as part of ‘Modernising Medical Careers’, replaced the previous Pre-Registration House Officer year that would lead on to Senior House Officer (and then eventually to the specialty), and has not been popular among the majority of those who sit it, not least because of the extended timescale.
I remember speaking to a doctor who felt that this played a big part in having Junior Doctors decide to enter the process fresh in America, Australia, New Zealand, and various European countries. And I do believe that when there was opposition to the plan, the general attitude was not sympathetic towards the doctors.
The beauty of this site is that (to paraphrase a bible line) sometimes some of us are ahead of the game, some give a word in season and it beareth fruit later…a drive-by visitor leaves a brick by the stained glass windows of this church of ours with a post-it note…and weeks, months later I get it!
I never notice names really, so thank you to whoever it was that was quoting the Book of Enoch a short time back.
With all the EU crap going on-just read his speech on 12th Feb 1971…in Lyon);.He gave it in French because he was a clever lad like that…but its English translation is prophetic as he often was, is as fundamentally argued from first principles as it is possible to get( and even with titans of today like Murray, Phillips, Hitchens and O`Neills-let alone Gove or Lawson-nothing comes CLOSE to his arguments about why the Europe Project was a disaster in the making).
I read it and then again-and like something out of Galatians, I find myself stunned!
When did we LOSE intellect like this…urgent, scholarly yet accessible with all references to be checked for the zealots?
Gods timing is perfect as ever-because St Enoch of Stechford starts with these few words;
“It is a principle of national politics not to attack your opponents-let alone your own side-when abroad. That is what domestic politics is for, and it is THERE you should be fighting to alter the debate and the policy”.
I paraphrase…but soon after reading that I heard this from Laura Kuennsberg from down a “bad line in China”
“George Osborne might try to go miles to avoid the EU debate,,…but it refuses not to dog his steps here, as he urges a YES vote in the coming Referendum”.
Again I paraphrase-but what Laura says is that Osborne answered her questions about the EU vote on the plane over…and SHE tells us that Osborne is attacking all and sundry here, not on board with his EU vision.
Maybe true?…probably not-but for her presumptuous webstitching from Shanghai to fill the top of the UK News bulletin at the peak 8am slot-and for Susan Reay to read it as if it was NEWS…not confected synthesised opinion meldings by the BBC itself-is yet another skid mark on aunties 28 starred knickers for all to see…and they`ll need more that Smiths Surf to get Sir Jimmys calling cards out in the wash too.
Until now I`d not have thought what treachery this is-but on reading Powell when this catastrophe of European Union wasn`t even HALF as bad as Enoch had envisaged-then I think the dumbed down,hollowed out, Crap Fear campaign by the Crepe Crusaders of the BBC is lies, merde, scheisse…and Kuennsberg and the editors who fiddled this as a news item need a kicking.
So now I`ve Powells writings as my sunna to my Bible…when it comes to politics anyway.
Powells only error at this stage was to confuse the black Christian bus drivers of Birmingham with the coming whip holding jihadi seekers allowance misfits and deviants of Islamic creatings…but prophets are for the future that they themselves could not see…why would he?…Al Qutbs execution wouldn`t have mattered a jot on the day the Beatles did their last concert…and Powell had bigger fish to fry at that time anyway.
So-thanks to whoever gave us a few Powell thought for the day-got to be a degree here on this site for THAT.
May I therefore create my own sunna with these quotes of Enochs?…do the exegesis yourselves though eh, if the spirit leads and moves ye!
” The deliberate confusion from within the EU Community is designed to assist our political class in the necessary process of anaesthetising the British people, while they undergo the operation necessary to remove their national sovereignty . And with no lasting memory that they ever had it”( Lyon 12.2.71).
“How can any patriot worthy of the calling understand the mindset of the traitor or the shallow self-serving opportunist who pushes off to the Continent to shamelessly seek its own elected Government stymied ,and its case law of centuries testing overturned or rendered mute? Not only that-but they who do this are thanked and praised by the quisling class that fund it, broadcast it and connive to justify it to a cowed and docile demos for solely home consumption .
NO-a state that allows its citizens to to plead its cases against it, to a foreign court, no longer has any claim to be a nation anymore.”(Grays,Essex,30.10.81).
Powell was wrong in his Gospel accounts of 1994-so he`ll understand up there if I use poetic and contemporary license to play a bit fast and loose with HIS words…who knows?..we might get a split between the Powell Reformers like me….and the old school Powell Fundamentalists like?…well, let`s hope eh?
Ta for my Powellite John the Baptist here…whever you were and are!
In all the flurry of reporting of the Dame Janet Smith report into the Saville atrocities it’s easy to lose sight of the BBC behaviour in the final years of Savile’s life, when the BBC absolutely knew about him and actively conspired to cover up any allegations by documentary makers.
“Immediately after Savile’s death, Meirion Jones and Liz Mackean from the BBC programme Newsnight began to investigate reports that he had sexually abused children. ”
Why did they have to wait until after his death if they had the allegations and reports to hand while he was still alive?
“The report was scheduled for broadcast on 7 December 2011, but a decision was taken to cancel its transmission”
“The BBC showed two Savile tributes over the 2011 Christmas period, and it was alleged that the Newsnight report had been dropped because its content would have compromised the showing of the tributes.”
No senior managers were aware of Saviles proclivities? Well I suppose that all depends on what you define as a senior manager, but to my mind the controller of Radio 1 would constitute a ‘senior’ manager ??
“Newspaper reports claimed Douglas Muggeridge, controller of Radio 1 in the early 1970s, was aware of allegations against Savile, and asked for a report in 1973”
“Derek Chinnery, controller of Radio 1 from 1978 to 1985, recalled an occasion when he confronted Savile, saying “I asked, ‘what’s all this, these rumours we hear about you Jimmy?’ And he said, ‘that’s all nonsense’. There was no reason to disbelieve.””
“Michael Grade told Channel 4 News that during his time at the BBC he had “fleetingly” heard rumours about Savile, but described claims of a cover-up as “ludicrous””
Grade joined BBC Television in 1984 as Controller of BBC One, Later he became Director of Programmes in 1986, and Managing Director Designate in 1987. His tenure as Controller was rocky.
Again it depends what your definition of senior is, and also the definition of ‘knowing’ what was going on. If hearing rumours is not enough to satisfy that requirement – and remember that this was a lawyer running the investigation, then pre guilty verdict EVERYTHING is allegation and no one KNOWS anything until a guilty verdict is pronounced. There is after all a presumption of innocence.
“The BBC said no evidence of allegations of misconduct or actual misconduct by Savile had been found in its files”
Odd that seeing as Douglas Muggeridge had asked for a report in 1973 !
Sir Roger Jones, former chairman of Children in Need, the BBC’s annual charity fundraising event to support disadvantaged children and young people, said Savile had been barred from involvement because of rumours about an inappropriate interest in young girls. Savile had appeared on the telethon in 1984, 1987 and 1989 before Jones became chairman.
Would he be regarded as holding a senior position? If he was aware of the rumours it is utterly inconceivable that BBC top level management hadn’t at least some awareness of the rumours.
The report by Nick Pollard into the BBC’s handling of the affair was published on 19 December 2012. It criticised George Entwistle for apparently failing to read emails warning him of Savile’s “dark side”.
I guess if you can say that you don’t read your Emails you don’t know, but that’s no excuse !
Meirion Jones who first broke the news was terminated from the BBC in February 2015. Liz Mackean, the reporter from the BBC programme Newsnight also involved in the initial report, left the BBC in early 2013, and stated “When the Savile scandal broke, the BBC tried to smear my reputation.” The editor of Panorama that aired the investigation on Savile on 22 October 2012 is now in an administrative position at BBC. Clive Edwards, who as commissioning editor for current affairs oversaw the Panorama documentary, was decommissioned
If this wasn’t a revenge attack then I don’t know what is.
I know all this has been discussed at length on these pages, but memories are short, and I believe that these facts prove the Smith review to be, as has been claimed, a whitewash of senior management.
An excellent post, thank you. I wonder if there might be some potential for private prosecutions in this matter? It occurs to me that certain individuals within the BBC might have failed to exercise appropriate duty of care, leading to actual harm of members of the public.
After all, if railway company bosses are subject to such laws, why aren’t BBC ‘executives’?
GC, You may have a good point there. I doubt if police prosecutions are likely as it would appear that the police have been colluding with the BBC throughout. I wonder if private legal actions against individual BBC executives would be possible. So they would suffer rather than the licence-payers. Any lawyers on this website care to comment ?
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Here’s another story we won’t be hearing from the BBC:
“650,000 New National Insurance Numbers of EU Nationals Despite Official Figures Saying There Are Only 260,000 Migrants”
Just for my “fans” Way out West, in Wales, & other places, Essex is the most eurosceptic County in England, even with only one Ukip MP. 12 Essex Conservative MP’s are Outers! Before the election I was attacked on here, for being a Conservative, but most Essex people I know, who all voted Conservative, hate the EU big time. Chickens are coming home to roost now, & it will be seen in the result, Essex votes Out. Whatever the result is, we are off n out anyhow.
I don’t think it was because you are a Conservative that you were “attacked” but because you never had a good word to say about UKIP or Farage; when without them it wouldn’t matter if you were an “outer” or not as Camerloon wouldn’t have given you a referendum.
Give credit where it is due, but for Nigel Farage – there would be no upcoming EU referendum, would there?
How about a meeting to combine Essex with Wessex for UDI in any event?
From Lyme Regis over to Jaywick via our capital of Winchester?….anybody in Mercia want to come alongside?
Excellent idea combine all the Saxon Tribes , & make Tony Blackburn Honorary Chieftain .
And answer came there none.
Tony Blackburn?
Why ever not?
But Jonathan Meades did a fine programme in praise of Essex, and is a Wiltshire lad-so maybe he might be a candidate.
Presumably you comment was aimed at my compatriots and myself .
Speaking for myself, Wales is not part of England. It is part of The United kingdom Great Britain & Northen Ireland . ‘Think outside of the box’ of Essex’ .
However, it is good to hear that you and your fellow Essexmen are now ‘outers’. Your problem was your unstinting support of the ‘Car Moron Salesman’. Remember, he started his bargaining with the Corrupt Fabricated Sate by stating he ‘wanted in’. Do you still hold the opinion that he has done a good job for our ‘United Kingdom’ or have you changed your mind mid stream?
Your Call .
A reminder of your leader’s pre-election promise ………………………………..
‘A man of Straw’ ?
BBC Facebook:
Jeremy Corbyn · Trending
2 hrs ·
Jeremy Corbyn says Jeremy Hunt misused data whilst arguing for a seven-day NHS in England.
The BBC revealed the health secretary used academically unverified and unpublished data to back his plans.
Last July, in the pay row with junior doctors, Mr Hunt said there were about 6,000 deaths a year because of the lack of “a proper seven-day service”.
These numbers were later questioned by academics.
Now, holding power to account is what a free media does, should do and the BBC claims to lead in.
Thing is, the BBC does it rather selectively, and acting as the opposition’s research department and PR softening-up attack dogs seems hardly impartial.
The question I’ve never heard asked about Savile is how can a guy with zero empathy, warmth, rapport, with no interest in the music he was playing or presenting and no absolutely no ability to properly entertain, somehow be gainfully employed by the BBC for over 30 years? That is unless you call a propensity of dressing like a complete nonce and sprouting annoying crappy catchphrases whilst selfishly intoxicating those around him with Havana fumes entertaining.
To say that management within the BBC knew nothing about his is proclivities is a complete whitewash, any decent sane manager/head would have recognised the guy was a talentless unpleasant jerk, just as most watching did and therefore sacked him, but strangely they didn’t….
Jon Gaunt (ex BBC Coventry) said on his program this morning said it was common knowledge, even at a local level Savile’s ‘habits’ were common knowledge.
IMO there is an almighty cover up going on here and to where it leads heaven knows, but as long as sacrificial lambs such as Blackburn, Gambachini and to a lesser degree DLT are thrown to the wolves it diverts the truth, which I hope one day soon will out. Hopefully Blackburn can now create a few sparks…
Dame Janet needs to go back and redo her report, she has been lazy.
The Daily Mail have published a story about Douglas Muggeridge (ex controller of Radio 1 and 2) worth a read.He was very concerned about Savile. No evidence eh Dame Janet!
Wasn’t there also mention of a key witness that the good Dame managed to fail to interview until well past a sensible point?
Note that Roger Cook gets mentioned in the Smith “Report” into paedos getting nonce money from the license fee payer…and nobody at the BBc seeming to know of it.
And as I think back to Roger Cook, to Esther Ranzten and her team on That`s Life, Donal MacIntyre, Winfred Robertson, Anne Robinson, John Sweeney and all the rest of the BBCs crack investigative reporters…awards , endless praise for each other…seems to me that Savile was grafting in the caravan next door as they chiseled about in search of Camerons death duties, Heaths laundry bag.
And as Rotherham and Rochdale were kicking off their Persian slippers and Mosque sandals to put under kiddies beds nearby at Council invitation…Look North and Yorkshire TV would have been checking to see if Nick Griffin recycles, if Nigel Farage washes his hands after going to the portaloo.
Investigate the toupee industry of Trumpsville alright-but as for bothering to go next door or down to Saviles Basement Suite?…nah, just white trash who won`t care about staying in the EU, too thick to cross a box without Uncle Musas guiding hand on the knee.
BBC Investigative Unit…a coat hanger on Yentobs yacht?
Wonder if Jimmy Saviles autobiography is now ready for the small screen treatment?….cheap to make anyway now.
Louis Theroux knew all about Jimmy in his BBC interview a few years back
fast forward to 45m10s
It’s Alan Partridge isn’t it!
We live in strange times and I wondered if things could get any more so with the labour party.
Then along comes Eddy Izzard, a man who dresses like a woman, wears make-up, nail varnish and lipstick and the labour party are preparing to make him one of their officials.
I remember when the labour party stood for hard working people who wouldn’t give a cross-dressing prat the time of day.
What a sad state of affairs.
You and me both Thirdoption!
Reckon THIS Freak Of The Week story trumps yours though!
With due respect…but 2015 will always be the Year of Rachel Dolezal re “How Queer Of The Year!”
Will we ever reach the bottom(oo er) of how loopy it`s all got-and we stand there and won`t laugh at how our WW2 heroes become the grandparents of Jess Phillips and old Eddie Izzie?…or IzzIe not?
No wonder all the Labour lefty boots won`t sit with him..at least he DOES make an effort!
The Eagle girls are MY reverse pinups…but Fiona MacTaggert always used to scare me!
Barbara Roche and Dianne Abbott, Vera Baird(alias Beaker).
Come on Labour-give us a calendar of these raging booties?
She is white. Too much privelege
Imagine that you are painting the front door of your house and your wife is unloading the shopping when your next door neighbour tells you that all of these things could be bought with a 20% discount, via the residents’ association. He suggests that you join up, it’s all very democratic and that you will get one vote, just like everyone else. There is a slight catch, you will have to go along with their purchasing decisions as otherwise everyone will lose the discount.
Having joined up you discover that all of your neighbours are relatives and that they vote en bloc. They don’t like your preferred paint colours so you will have to repaint your front door. Also your wife is no longer able to shop at the local German supermarket but instead must ‘share’ the savings from their bulk-buy from a well-known Oxford Street shop, at twice the price.
Fortunately you are now shielded from the vagaries of the market.
The BBC are never happier when they are exploring their own navels.
Picking out the lint with the tumbleweed, no need to go out and actually cook up or synthesise one of their windsocks..running aunties bloomers up the flagpole and expect us to salute them.
So today-after Rotherham(Pt 1)…Rochdale and Oxford, God knows where else?
Well, what better thing to do that nick Stuart Halls combover comb and finely go through Uncle Jims ashes with it…and force our faces into it all, whilst pretending that the devil is in those details of theirs.
No he`s not -the devil is outside the childrens homes with a Russell Brand DVD and a Childline wristband on his wanking wrist!
So the BBC will try to force you to look again at their sooty faces, so you vote yes to more Islam, more sex ed and more Labour types like Paul Flowers and Tom O Carroll…and let the Beeb send you into a cul de sac for treatment at a later date for daring to question them.
Superbly put. All this doe-eyed, humble introspection makes me laugh. ‘Dark days for the BBC’ as it was described. It was the culture of the time at the ‘BBC’ that was to blame here. No ‘evidence’ (quite a different beast than ‘rumour’, as Dame Janet patronised certain victims) of anything getting reported to the upper echelons, where strangely enough, the culture was dictated from. How queer!
I would hazard a guess that in fact, those were some of the brightest days of the BBC. We’ll never learn of the darkest.
I seem to remember a pre-Saville video blurb for the BBC (World service??) featuring Bowen looking majestically into the distance while a voice proclaimed “the BBC, possibly the best investigative journalism in the world” Makes you wonder why these tireless BBC newshounds, sniffing out injustice etc., failed to notice the Saville stench in their own backyard.
The BBC had possibly the best investigative journalism in the world in the same way the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is the most democratic country in the world.
failed to notice or turned a blind eye?
A jingle played during Tony Blackburn’s pick of the pops on Saturday afternoons, a programme I rarely miss goes.
“The tower of power
Wonderful BBC”
Not so wonderful now I suspect, more a Tower of Babel and a-fortress of PCness and Buck passing
That never started as a BBC jingle – it has been nicked from Radio Luxembourg (wonderful 208) if my memory serves me well.
I don’t think Blackburn ever worked @ Radio Luxembourg, the jingle is a BBC Radio 1 jingle from 1967, one he would have used back in the day.
Those 60`s jingles were made in the USA , I have heard them on some their Gold stations out in the States too.
Many thanks for the link.
I found the BBC breaking emails today a true treat…
BBC staff ‘knew of Savile complaints’
BBC staff knew of complaints of abuse against DJ Jimmy Savile, but senior management were not told, inquiry says
Management not staff. Apparently.
Tony Blackburn has left BBC – Lord Hall
BBC has “parted company” with long-standing DJ Tony Blackburn over his evidence to abuse inquiry, Lord Hall confirms
A masterpiece of ‘reporting’.
The BBC nonceocracy “parted company” with the British people a long time ago.
Ever wonder what life is like for ordinary Canadians, Germans or New Zealanders?
How about the manufacturing process for some common household item?
There must be millions of potential topics that a current affairs programme could cover, yet, there is Hugh Sykes back on PM giving another of his gentle, supportive, friendly propaganda spin pieces about Muslims, this time in India and the manufacture of cosmetics.
Just for good measure Halal isn’t about the barbaric killing of animals, it’s all that is good in life!
I guess if someone had a mind to do it they could do similar pieces of how nice Donald Trump or Nigel Farage are once one gets to know them? Strange isn’t how the BBC’s ‘mind’ always runs in the same grooves!
The BBC News Facebook page is in melt down!
The comments of readers to their tear-jerk sob Calais Demolition feature are a joy to read:-
“”Authorities say around 1,000 migrants will be affected, but aid agencies say it’s much more””.
Rachel Laura Moorhouse: Well I hope they don’t get let into England not because I’m racist or anything like that because I’m not but we have enough people here as it is we don’t need 1000 or more migrants aswell
Like · Reply · 24 · 51 mins
15 Replies · 33 mins
Ryan Davies :Why do the BBC always show women and children despite the fact that >90% of these migrants are young men? Stop distorting the reality for propaganda purposes. You’re supposed to be impartial.
Like · Reply · 24 · 46 mins
Tim Fletcher: Interesting that photos of the men circulating have them covering their faces..not many females in the jungle 620..!!!!
Like · Reply · 12 · 20 mins
2 Replies · 8 mins
Freddi Hejgaard Stroland: Great, bulldoze them back where they come from, they are not welcome here, maybe they can start to understand that.
Like · Reply · 20 · 19 mins
19 Replies · Just now
Archana Parate: Don’t understand why can’t they apply asylum in France if they really are refugees than what’s the problem with applying asylum in France instead of living in bad conditions at camps. No real refugees will leave such great deal being offered by French government. Don’t understand if the people in these camps are genuine refugees or fake invaders
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 mins
Janice Weldie: The numbers they put out are wrong. These adult men say they are children, when clearly they are not!. Since they have no documentation, there is no proof. There are 205 women and 651 children (423 unaccompanied), says Help Refugees
Like · Reply · Just now
Rob Daniel: Evil at work.
What was the point of signing the Declaration of Human Rights and Rights of the Child if no one ever had any intention of honouring them.
Like · Reply · 6 · 19 mins
4 Replies · 6 mins
Justin Griffiths: About time. And as soon as so much as a tent goes up afterwards the French must act accordingly with their action here and flatten it.
Like · Reply · 4 · 19 mins
Timothy Chapman: then they should register in france or go back. beggars cant be choosers.
Like · Reply · 7 · 17 mins
Nicky Green-Vitiello Aron wind up cohen, ‘spoken’ like a true Nazi – let’s hope no one on this thread ever needs sanctuary – they Will ‘not be welcome’ Will be ‘bulldozed’ or maybe regarded as ‘the cancer of the earth’ the dumb and dumbers our politicians have caused this …See more
Like · Reply · 6 mins
1 Reply
Martyn Barnes: Thing is they r in a safe country and have travelled through a few more just so they can enter England if they r that desperate how come they are being choosy were they stay
Like · Reply · 2 mins · Edited
Fiona Williams: Those who are commenting that they don’t want migrants here need to look up their own family trees. Every nation (including us) should take a share of those fleeing their own country.
Like · Reply · 1 · 7 mins
Dean Kelly: They are in France only reason they want to come here is for benefits .what they fleeing from France for there ain’t a war going on there is there?
Like · Reply · Just now · Edited
Chris Ivory: Get yourself a proper suit.
Do your tie up.
Sing the National Anthem….See more
Like · Reply · 4 · 22 mins
Ross Marshall “Welcome to the jungle we got fun and games”
Like · Reply · 7 · 21 mins
Daniel Brown They’re only there for one reason … to gain entry to England illegally!
Like · Reply · 7 · 16 mins
Fiona Finn worst thing was even mention letting migrants into the country!
Like · Reply · 5 · 23 mins
Tim Fletcher They also didn’t go too countries near them !!!
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 mins
Anya Queen I was waiting for the news all afternoon. I’m so pleased with the result. Glad the judge saw sense and didn’t fall for the ‘poor children’ manipulation. The volunteers themselves have said they’re big angry teenagers with a lot of aggression. Not little doe eyed tots. It’s interesting watching the Calais solidarity pages now as they all fall apart! Bring on the bulldozers ASAP.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Vince Boyjonauth These MIGRANTS need to be ARRESTED….HANDCUFFED….put in a CARGO SHIP back to their homeland !!””….PROBLEM Solved !!
Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Lisie Dimikz Migrants.. Migrants… MIGRANTS!
Like · Reply · 1 · 20 mins
Rory Crowley Send the wretches back to where they came
Like · Reply · 4 · 17 mins
Altaf Bhat Are they Rafugees or Migrants?
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins
4 Replies · 6 mins
Morag Bailey Migrants not refugees
Like · Reply · 3 mins
Allan Wilson Bye bye jungle people lol
Like · Reply · 4 · 10 mins
Ray Carter I feel for the people of calais who have had to deal with this.
Like · Reply · 2 · 7 mins
Ali Hudson-Small What will happen to the little children who are there unaccompanied?
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 mins
Daniel Humphreys Boohoo. There only moving them up the road to another camp that theve just built.
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins
Debbie Graham Could use a flame thrower, or maybe a machine gun!
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 mins
John Young Where are they going to go to,
Like · Reply · 5 mins
Sujan Raj Bonshi it is the best chance for Europe country ,i think.
Like · Reply · 22 mins
Aron Cohen arabs and african are the cancer in the world
we should finish them
Like · Reply · 2 · 20 mins · Edited
1 Reply · 9 mins
Steven Kish What about the kids? Do they not have laws that protect kids from things like this? Them poor children done no harm but seem to suffer the most
Like · Reply · 12 mins
Stephen McDonald Time to attack some lorry drivers and come to the UK where they’ll be welcomed
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 mins
David Esson I have a spare room I don’t even use hahahaha
Like · Reply · 1 · 15 mins
Alan Wordley So why don’t they stay in France? A free and prosperous country? (Sarcasm)
Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins
Elliott Parker hopefully they’ll all freeze to death,
France’s problem not ours.
Like · Reply · 1 min
Floyd Jarvis Islamic Immigrant ..Mohammads madd mad book of the koran..
Like · Reply · 12 mins
Dan Thompson Aculpulco has room for migrants to live there .
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 mins
Luke Hill Send them home.
Like · Reply · 8 · 23 mins
Gary West LOL ???
Like · Reply · 1 · 19 mins
Dean Kelly Get us the fuc£ out of the EU
Like · Reply · 3 mins
Les Adams Don’t care!
Like · Reply · 2 mins
And so on….
The BBC probably trying to figure out how to operate HYS-style modding and comments closing as we speak.
It is possible a force-paid UK service hitching itself to a free US-based one has had consequences those market rate talents who know nothing had not really thought through.
Did I just imagine ir or did the BBC national news at 6 o’clock broadcast a recorded interview in which a BBC employee, a contemporary of Saville, said – “good luck to him” ?
Rotherham has been relegated to regional news where you will find the authorities and cops praising each other for their role in rounding up the baddies. But given the role of the police, local authorities and social workers, there would be a case for a bombing raid on their HQ, as the Russians are doing with Isis. From the standpoint of the abused and tortured children Rotherham is no different to Racca.
It’s also front page of The TIMES today (Thursday). Let us not forget that it was one poor molested Woman (abused from Rotherham) who out of desperation sought a national newspaper (the only one) to listen to her. It was The Times that broke the story and the ‘authorities Police and the BBC” fought it. For Rotherham Police and Council it was an accepted Pakistani ‘way of life’ for Islams in England. The corruption – and cover-up- extended right into the Police who actually participated in it. Incredible and disturbing events the BBC don’t want to dwell on.
Last weekend having not much to do , I listened gritting my teeth to (what was once Roy Plumley’s popular ‘Desert Island Disks’ ruined to a pointless rummage through left wing celebrities ‘likes’ and ‘dis-likes’, former left wing politicians ‘youth tunes’ and modest (lefty) ‘businesswoman’ (Architect) Zaha Hadid. ‘‘Having to fight hard has made me a better architect’’ Straight off the bat Kirsty Swalk (BBC presenter) informs us dullards how Ms Hadid) has ‘suffered’ horribly in this (England) country. It’s because of her SEX (she says), – ‘becoarse I am a wommann’ (she’ s from Iraq and her English is not that good either). She says, (on radio 4): ‘ish becoarse I ahm a wommmaen, whish is a prohblem toa maeny peopples, I am a forainner, annuvver bick prohblem, ahnd mie whork ish nort normative’. Kirsty Swalk is well versed in leading her patients verbal ‘psychosis’ to a BBC conclusion that ‘they would have been famous’ were it not for certain (English) ‘problems’ such as Conservative Politicians (from Liverpool) who criticised her ‘architecture’ as making every bloody building look like a MOSQUE!
‘Ms Swalks’ Desert Island Disks is now a luxury Hilton Hotel Island with all mod cons. The Bible is offered as a foot rest only. (I am reading the Saturday papers whilst listening to this tosh – I notice that the same ‘Zaha Hadid: ‘Having to fight hard has made me a better architect’ has been banned from China (among others) for making her – so called ‘Westernised’ style of pop islam architecture erh ‘popular’. Maybe that’s why she appears on Desert Island Disks. BBC ‘friends’ Islam re-united. At least the BBC understand her ‘problem’ of being not ‘normative’.
Hadid and her kind have done more damage to London and other British cities than the Luftwaffe ever did.
Still, destroying a sense of British heritage and history? What, for a BBC clown, is there not to like?
The STASI are here.
Can someone please stop Mark Stone (Sky reporter everywhere in Europe) from being so bloody pious in his reporting in the Jungle. Since the onslaught of migrants trekking across Europe last summer, he has been vomit inducing with his continual use of ‘desperate’; ‘wanting a better life’; ‘this is now their home’; ‘children all alone’; –
if only these sodding reporters on all channels would be as enthusiastically and equally pitiful when reporting on the elderly in OUR OWN country….
who are ‘desperate’ because they have no care at home so become bed blockers in hospital;
who are ‘wanting a better life’ instead of living on a pension pittance – yet see migrants/asylum seekers be given luxury accommodation;
who are ripped off in the cost of care homes and added worry of being abused in “this their home”
and finally, its not ‘children all alone’ – its the elderly who are all alone.
One day the Ben Browns and Mark Stones of this world will one day be struggling to walk and dress themselves, or queuing at 7 am outside their doctors surgery for an appointment, and I bet the plight of migrants/refugees and pious reporting will be the last thing on their mind.
The gentleman of colour who is the Head of Rotherham Social Services was interviewed on Look North tonight; and informs us that this sort of sexual abuse is occurring in every town, village and hamlet in every county and that it has gone on for hundreds of years.
Seriously? I mean WTF! And this @sshole is allowed to make such statements unchallenged by the two al beebies questioning him.
“This sort of sexual abuse is occurring in every town, village and hamlet in every” place that Islam is in the majority “and that it has gone on for hundreds of years.”
Well it probably has been where he or his parents come from! It is exactly the slow realignment of or values and our culture with those of Africa or Asia due to mass immigration that makes me so angry with the stupid liberal left and their state funded fog horn the BBC who don’t seem to care how detrimental immigration is to us. Only an idiot would want to swap our tolerant and largely peaceful way of life for the steaming pile of shit that these immigrants bring with them.
Here is a question for you all ……………..
Has our Government and Lord Hall Hall used the Savile case to ‘bury’ the enormity of the wholesale industrial abuse in the North.
Funny how the inquiries always chase after dead men , at great expense ?
Doh. Its been on the shelf especially to do just that. Journos won’t be seen dead near South Yorks now for another 6 months. Nothing is changing, and it won’t until LibLabCon are gone. The people keep voting them in though.
Tragedy Oh great tragedy. The French Government are finally taking action to clear the jungle slums and accommodate the ‘so called’ refugees into more humane conditions . Something that the French should have done ten years ago . The media ‘luvvies’ love it .
The EU is conspicuousness by its inaction, impotence and inability to do anything about the invasion that is taking place – No action whatsoever . Time to get out .
Vote Brexit, before the EU dumps them on us, on top of all the 3 Million illegals that are already hidden in Britain by our ‘dodgy used car salesman’.
The Calais Jungle?
Not one peep though from the poor French flolk who live next to the marxist sewer that was created without planning permission.
Watched Alex Thomson of Channel 4 News last night-wading through the concrete mix as if he alone were speaking from the Somme.
Pompous ass in his Hunter wellies-and not a thought for that poor street behind him with run down cars and pebbledash council tenants who`d have been in terror and dread whilst Thomson had a young boy remove any mud spats from his f***in halo(EC Compliant kite mark natch).
The liberal media eh-drive by fascists. Eurostar booked and rubbernecking perverts who confuse a jaunt with a pilgrimage…hajj is not hash ….but hey, Top of the Sobs Award 2017 is in the bag Alex!
Poor Matt Frei was fretting about the cost of social housing too last night-poor lad, certainly emoted for Allah…once a BBC joystick…always one, a la Hotel California.
Hotel Californication sending out its love to the Jungle…yeah!….and Smiley Metroman doling out the condoms by Wells Cathedral before too long as a consequence.
For those who still doubt how undermined the foundations of our society are, this case encapsulates it.
Echos of Clock-boy, but without the fake bomb. Why no national outcry about this story? The teacher’s reaction is incomprehensible. That the headmaster thought it a police matter is even more incredible. That the Police thought it a police matter, well, that is Orwellian.
This case is the inevitable consequence of the recent penchant for our Parliament to enact bad laws than impinge upon our freedoms. Thomas Jefferson was quoted when these laws were passed. “……Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety…..”. It appears that the essential importance of this principled standpoint to the liberty of each and all (equal under the Law?) is not widely understood or respected.
The government is your enemy. Know this. Starve it.
Oh, and Vote Leave and vote UKIP.
Sack the teacher, the head and the police who responded.
This is the kind of collusion and groupthink that leads to coverups of episodes like Rotherham.
Make clear that we live in a democracy in which issues can be freely discussed and orthodoxies questioned.
Turn the game back on the people who have relentlessly used this tactic to bring this country to the state it’s currently in. Time to turn it round.
Bias by Diversion. Typical BBC, and FIFA are a favourite diversion.
Why oh why does the BBC give so much coverage to the upcoming election of a president of FIFA, yet virtually no coverage of General Elections in neighbouring European nations (except when a Greek Marxist Party has a chance of winning)? Does anybody really think the FIFA ‘election’ warrants any more than a post-event small report? Or could it be an easy diversion to avoid reporting inconvenient events (he asks rhetorically)?
I think the BBC agenda is served even in this diversion story by the pleasure they can take in a Jordanian Prince being among the favourites to win the post. Subtext….replace corrupt white people with shining Arab princes, just like the migrant story, the new natural order of things.
Apologies, I have been behind the curve with this story about the Jordanian Prince, BBC radio 4 have just informed me that the preferred candidate is now a Bahraini Prince!
Though there was also a discussion with the FA representative about the importnace of FIFA in managing “international transfers which is very important to the Premier league and then about forming a breakaway world football governing body headed by “a world figure like Kofi Annan”(LOL!) in the event of the preferred candidate not getting elected.
Agendas served…foreign transfers important to England, the desirability of Non White European leadership of world bodies, threats of breaking the organisation if a vote doesn`t deliver the desired result. At least it`s consistent across all subjects and platforms, though dismally failed to mention climate change.
All that football culture finally having its reward.
Home of football…”It`s Coming Home”
And straight into a Luton Shopping mall with abilities to head and to coach the amputees team as well…and full Pro-Licenses from the BBC.
Not that they actually should have to PAY for them as we do…and no licensed premises to stay open for the white losers after work, unless its got Alcopops from Netto and a comely nine year old in need of calligraphy lessons to serve them.
No-nothing to do with bloodied sandpits with money in need of a home is it?
Kofi Annan-more like his son I`d have thought! He`s the black Platini re world corruption anyway.
My candidate?…Boutros Boutros Boutros Glahi…son of the lad so good they named him twice.
The BBC published a story about the brain drain of teachers leaving the UK to work abroad. The predictability of the photographs and videos they will use to support and promote it’s cultural marxist agenda in any report is now quiet obvious to anyone with a pulse.
They’re learning…… no headscarves.
Nice to see a smiling teacher eh?
Thick adult at the front probably getting auditioned and trained in how to present for Three Counties Radio or read the weather on BBC Scilly Isles…only gay, asian or deformed need apply.
Of all the people who have had their careers ruined by false allegations of sexual abuse, only one has been welcomed back into the warm, tax-payer funded sanctuary of the BBC.
Step forward left-wing, labour supporting, pro-EU homosexual, Paul Gambaccini.
Give our esteemed state broadcaster some applause, 3D.
Gambaccini is white, male, and able-bodied. Quite a rare combination for the PCbBBC. Just try BBC London News for proof.
But he himself did say that he was shunned by former good friends at the BBC like Wogan etal.
But -as soon as he was acquited-all his luvvies came back to him bearing gigs and contracts, brioches from the green Room in a Saviles Travels flyer for the Weston Super Mare campaign.
Not all of the above is true-in a literal sense-but I`ve gone all BBC fuzzydux…and no matter what Paul told us-what I believe to be the case is true!
Gatelys Law 1999…welcome to Boyzone-as if the BBC and Islamists have ever left it!
Odd isn’t it, that for all their much publicised and vaunted ‘work ethic’, and the pressures we are told they are under, so many NHS staff and in particular junior doctors seem able to take time off to join the QT audience, no matter what part of the country the program is coming from?
I do wish the salary bands of ‘junior doctors’ would be spelled out. I’m certain the gullible public thinks these people are on fresh out of university salaries akin to something like Newly Qualified Teachers.
In fact, they represent all doctors below consultant level, with basic salaries up to about £70k. Plus quite generous holidays plus fantastic pension schemes, worth about 40% on top of salary.
How many shed tears for a private sector manager on £100k with no pension plan, having to work 60 hours a week?
The junior doctors may well have a case, and Hunt’s motives and arguments may well be questionable but the primary interest of junior doctors, as with most other people and professions, is selfish, not altruistic. I don’t blame the junior doctors for that, but I do blame the ‘bleeding heart’ bBBC for pretending otherwise.
The doctors are holding the country to ransom. Their pay is far too high, in fact it is so high that many of them can afford to work only part time and still earn £100 k pa. This after we, the tax payer , have paid several 100k to train up each one. Now they are resisting moves to make the NHS better for its patients by being rostered to work at one in four weekends. Millions of tax payers have to work at weekends why the hell can’t the doctors? As usual the BBC takes the side of the public sector . It won’t be long before they start to claim that the doctors are the vanguard of socialism , just as the miners used to be.
As always, Doublethinker, truth is the first casualty of this little war. But have some sympathy for Doctors, if only because they are not something to be meddled with lightly.
I might be wrong – if there are any doctors on here I’m sure you can correct me if necessary – but the 2 year Foundation Programme that was introduced in 2005, under the Labour Government as part of ‘Modernising Medical Careers’, replaced the previous Pre-Registration House Officer year that would lead on to Senior House Officer (and then eventually to the specialty), and has not been popular among the majority of those who sit it, not least because of the extended timescale.
I remember speaking to a doctor who felt that this played a big part in having Junior Doctors decide to enter the process fresh in America, Australia, New Zealand, and various European countries. And I do believe that when there was opposition to the plan, the general attitude was not sympathetic towards the doctors.
The beauty of this site is that (to paraphrase a bible line) sometimes some of us are ahead of the game, some give a word in season and it beareth fruit later…a drive-by visitor leaves a brick by the stained glass windows of this church of ours with a post-it note…and weeks, months later I get it!
I never notice names really, so thank you to whoever it was that was quoting the Book of Enoch a short time back.
With all the EU crap going on-just read his speech on 12th Feb 1971…in Lyon);.He gave it in French because he was a clever lad like that…but its English translation is prophetic as he often was, is as fundamentally argued from first principles as it is possible to get( and even with titans of today like Murray, Phillips, Hitchens and O`Neills-let alone Gove or Lawson-nothing comes CLOSE to his arguments about why the Europe Project was a disaster in the making).
I read it and then again-and like something out of Galatians, I find myself stunned!
When did we LOSE intellect like this…urgent, scholarly yet accessible with all references to be checked for the zealots?
Gods timing is perfect as ever-because St Enoch of Stechford starts with these few words;
“It is a principle of national politics not to attack your opponents-let alone your own side-when abroad. That is what domestic politics is for, and it is THERE you should be fighting to alter the debate and the policy”.
I paraphrase…but soon after reading that I heard this from Laura Kuennsberg from down a “bad line in China”
“George Osborne might try to go miles to avoid the EU debate,,…but it refuses not to dog his steps here, as he urges a YES vote in the coming Referendum”.
Again I paraphrase-but what Laura says is that Osborne answered her questions about the EU vote on the plane over…and SHE tells us that Osborne is attacking all and sundry here, not on board with his EU vision.
Maybe true?…probably not-but for her presumptuous webstitching from Shanghai to fill the top of the UK News bulletin at the peak 8am slot-and for Susan Reay to read it as if it was NEWS…not confected synthesised opinion meldings by the BBC itself-is yet another skid mark on aunties 28 starred knickers for all to see…and they`ll need more that Smiths Surf to get Sir Jimmys calling cards out in the wash too.
Until now I`d not have thought what treachery this is-but on reading Powell when this catastrophe of European Union wasn`t even HALF as bad as Enoch had envisaged-then I think the dumbed down,hollowed out, Crap Fear campaign by the Crepe Crusaders of the BBC is lies, merde, scheisse…and Kuennsberg and the editors who fiddled this as a news item need a kicking.
So now I`ve Powells writings as my sunna to my Bible…when it comes to politics anyway.
Powells only error at this stage was to confuse the black Christian bus drivers of Birmingham with the coming whip holding jihadi seekers allowance misfits and deviants of Islamic creatings…but prophets are for the future that they themselves could not see…why would he?…Al Qutbs execution wouldn`t have mattered a jot on the day the Beatles did their last concert…and Powell had bigger fish to fry at that time anyway.
So-thanks to whoever gave us a few Powell thought for the day-got to be a degree here on this site for THAT.
May I therefore create my own sunna with these quotes of Enochs?…do the exegesis yourselves though eh, if the spirit leads and moves ye!
” The deliberate confusion from within the EU Community is designed to assist our political class in the necessary process of anaesthetising the British people, while they undergo the operation necessary to remove their national sovereignty . And with no lasting memory that they ever had it”( Lyon 12.2.71).
“How can any patriot worthy of the calling understand the mindset of the traitor or the shallow self-serving opportunist who pushes off to the Continent to shamelessly seek its own elected Government stymied ,and its case law of centuries testing overturned or rendered mute? Not only that-but they who do this are thanked and praised by the quisling class that fund it, broadcast it and connive to justify it to a cowed and docile demos for solely home consumption .
NO-a state that allows its citizens to to plead its cases against it, to a foreign court, no longer has any claim to be a nation anymore.”(Grays,Essex,30.10.81).
Powell was wrong in his Gospel accounts of 1994-so he`ll understand up there if I use poetic and contemporary license to play a bit fast and loose with HIS words…who knows?..we might get a split between the Powell Reformers like me….and the old school Powell Fundamentalists like?…well, let`s hope eh?
Ta for my Powellite John the Baptist here…whever you were and are!
In all the flurry of reporting of the Dame Janet Smith report into the Saville atrocities it’s easy to lose sight of the BBC behaviour in the final years of Savile’s life, when the BBC absolutely knew about him and actively conspired to cover up any allegations by documentary makers.
“Immediately after Savile’s death, Meirion Jones and Liz Mackean from the BBC programme Newsnight began to investigate reports that he had sexually abused children. ”
Why did they have to wait until after his death if they had the allegations and reports to hand while he was still alive?
“The report was scheduled for broadcast on 7 December 2011, but a decision was taken to cancel its transmission”
“The BBC showed two Savile tributes over the 2011 Christmas period, and it was alleged that the Newsnight report had been dropped because its content would have compromised the showing of the tributes.”
No senior managers were aware of Saviles proclivities? Well I suppose that all depends on what you define as a senior manager, but to my mind the controller of Radio 1 would constitute a ‘senior’ manager ??
“Newspaper reports claimed Douglas Muggeridge, controller of Radio 1 in the early 1970s, was aware of allegations against Savile, and asked for a report in 1973”
“Derek Chinnery, controller of Radio 1 from 1978 to 1985, recalled an occasion when he confronted Savile, saying “I asked, ‘what’s all this, these rumours we hear about you Jimmy?’ And he said, ‘that’s all nonsense’. There was no reason to disbelieve.””
“Michael Grade told Channel 4 News that during his time at the BBC he had “fleetingly” heard rumours about Savile, but described claims of a cover-up as “ludicrous””
Grade joined BBC Television in 1984 as Controller of BBC One, Later he became Director of Programmes in 1986, and Managing Director Designate in 1987. His tenure as Controller was rocky.
Again it depends what your definition of senior is, and also the definition of ‘knowing’ what was going on. If hearing rumours is not enough to satisfy that requirement – and remember that this was a lawyer running the investigation, then pre guilty verdict EVERYTHING is allegation and no one KNOWS anything until a guilty verdict is pronounced. There is after all a presumption of innocence.
“The BBC said no evidence of allegations of misconduct or actual misconduct by Savile had been found in its files”
Odd that seeing as Douglas Muggeridge had asked for a report in 1973 !
Sir Roger Jones, former chairman of Children in Need, the BBC’s annual charity fundraising event to support disadvantaged children and young people, said Savile had been barred from involvement because of rumours about an inappropriate interest in young girls. Savile had appeared on the telethon in 1984, 1987 and 1989 before Jones became chairman.
Would he be regarded as holding a senior position? If he was aware of the rumours it is utterly inconceivable that BBC top level management hadn’t at least some awareness of the rumours.
The report by Nick Pollard into the BBC’s handling of the affair was published on 19 December 2012. It criticised George Entwistle for apparently failing to read emails warning him of Savile’s “dark side”.
I guess if you can say that you don’t read your Emails you don’t know, but that’s no excuse !
Meirion Jones who first broke the news was terminated from the BBC in February 2015. Liz Mackean, the reporter from the BBC programme Newsnight also involved in the initial report, left the BBC in early 2013, and stated “When the Savile scandal broke, the BBC tried to smear my reputation.” The editor of Panorama that aired the investigation on Savile on 22 October 2012 is now in an administrative position at BBC. Clive Edwards, who as commissioning editor for current affairs oversaw the Panorama documentary, was decommissioned
If this wasn’t a revenge attack then I don’t know what is.
I know all this has been discussed at length on these pages, but memories are short, and I believe that these facts prove the Smith review to be, as has been claimed, a whitewash of senior management.
An excellent post, thank you. I wonder if there might be some potential for private prosecutions in this matter? It occurs to me that certain individuals within the BBC might have failed to exercise appropriate duty of care, leading to actual harm of members of the public.
After all, if railway company bosses are subject to such laws, why aren’t BBC ‘executives’?
GC, You may have a good point there. I doubt if police prosecutions are likely as it would appear that the police have been colluding with the BBC throughout. I wonder if private legal actions against individual BBC executives would be possible. So they would suffer rather than the licence-payers. Any lawyers on this website care to comment ?
Cracking post Thoughful, you need to post it on the Weekend thread.
All this was common knowledge and discussed at the time, but of course the long delay in publishing has eroded the memory of most, by design….