Lord Hall Hall is weak and foolish. He surrendered without a fight to George Osborne over the licence fee and the over 75’s, he has surrendered the BBC’s reputation as a broadcaster that we can trust to deliver accurate and impartial news as it now acts as a conduit for Islamist propaganda, and let’s not talk about its climate change reporting, and now he has surrendered to the tyranny of the Tartan Blackshirts of the SNP who have terrorised him into handing over the BBC to their tender mercies and control freakery…that is the ultimate consequence of his latest move as he buckles to SNP pressure…
BBC to introduce ‘Scottish Six’ news programme next year
The BBC intends to replace its flagship UK six o’clock news bulletin with a separate Scottish programme from next year despite viewers expressing opposition.
Senior Corporation insiders confirmed that a so-called ‘Scottish Six’ news programme is on course to start in 2017 despite a “rear-guard action” by some senior figures in London who are opposed to the controversial plan.
The hour-long bulletin between 6pm and 7pm would take the BBC One slots currently filled on weekdays by the UK-wide BBC News at Six and Reporting Scotland.
If the head of the national BBC buckles to SNP pressure just how much more vulnerable is the head of BBC Scotland and the boss of BBC Scotland News?
Hall has long boasted of the BBC’s independence from political pressure and the importance of that….he shows little sign of actually putting that into practise as he succumbs to the SNP’s bully boy tactics…..this is the thin edge of the wedge…how many more thuggish ‘protests’ will now be seen outside BBC premises and how much more inordinate political pressure targeted at the BBC will we see now as they sense the weakness of Hall as he allows the BBC to be used to push ever more political and ideological messages having already pandered to Lenny Henry and to the Muslim pressure groups who demand more positive news about Muslims on the BBC?
That’ll be something agreed on in the Scotland Bill meetings, then (or a massive joke played on the Telegraph). This world becomes more and more like the f*****g Twilight Zone every day that passes. An enormously self-destructive move that precisely no one in Scotland who isn’t a lunatic has asked for. Of course, there’s the fact that only half the money from idiots who pay their licence fee up here goes towards Scottish programmes, but that’s all just part of the great big offensive joke that is the BBC, and their extortion-fueled bubble.
All of you here who still pay the licence, GROW A SET OF BALLS AND STOP PAYING IT.
The fact that I’m 75 and don’t have to pay (yet), doesn’t make Albeeb any more impartial does it ?
Why shouldn’t the BBC be dictated to, pushed about and bullied by elected politicians?
If it wants independence from them it should fund itself on a commercial basis using income from voluntary customers.
Taking government money via the revenue from a tax on TV use and having that income enforced by the state’s criminal law is always going to mean the BBC is little more than an obedient poodle of those in power.
No fancy ‘royal’ charter or bluster about independence can stop the piper calling the tune.
We, the humble instruments of that mighty power which, in advocating Crankie’s cause, so energetically sustains the declining liberties of Scotland.
In future times, should the page of History record the present era as one in which overwhelming Power combined with Senatorial Venality to crush an unprotected Female, we trust it will also preserve the gratifying remembrance, that the base Conspiracy was defeated by the irresistible force of Public Opinion, directed and displayed through the powerful medium of a FREE, UNCORRUPTED, and INCORRUPTIBLE British Broadcasting Corporation.
Single-party state, single police force, state guardian for every child …
… and now a controlling handle over the state broadcaster – BBC Scotland.
SNP control-freakery knows no bounds, but their own hubris is starting to trip them up, and this ‘Scottish Six’ is going to be deeply unpopular. Why? A few years back STV fell out with ITV and consequently Scots were “deprived” of the first series of Downton Abbey, among other programmes. This went down like a lead balloon with many STV viewers, but the reaction will be even more pronounced when viewers (= voters) realize that this time round it’s POLITICIANS – and not a local TV company – who are to blame for depriving Scotland of the national news programme. SNP politicians, and especially the Blessed Nicola, are still relatively popular in Scotland, but hey, they are STILL politicians, among the most hated and untrusted people on the planet.
But what on earth does the SNP have over the BBC to exert such pressure by bullying?
We do not pay the TV tax in the UK. However, we have only achieved this by leaving, and moving to France. This has reduced our collective blood pressure as BBC bias is not forced on us.
Blood pressure was increasd today, when we realized that Cameron and his Civil Service edicts stopped Michael Gove from being briefed on any EU legal matters that he is going to object to. We will assist you with our voting options, as we actually are registered to vote in this farce. Two votes for OUT.
Easy isn`t it?
Proportion of Scots in the UK?
Take them off the roll, let them fund their new output…and give us the savings.
Remove all BBC infrastructure up in Scotland-or sell at commercial rates.
Block the signals from up there.
Give us the rebate due.
Who gives a damn about what happens up there, until they slough off the SNP/Labour and its baleful influence?
When Ruth Davidson gets elected-we`ll talk again.
Scotland needs Eurovision and to get thick with the EU…let them sink or swim together.
PS-and lets get Trumps golf courses back for him.
Simply don`t give a monkeys over their fifth rate football, the Krankies, Naughtie , bloody Andy Murray or the Proclaimers.
And Chic Murrays free on YouTube…so scoot Scot!
PS-the good Scots who come to this site are exempt from all the above…we`ll find a way for you!
Thank you!
But whilst I share your disinterest in Scottish fitba, Krankies, Naughtie, Andy Murray, and ESPECIALLY the Proclaimers, I struggle to think of anything indispensable that’s quintessentially English which the BBC gifts us porridge-niggers with.
God Bless Ann Coulter.
Always a joy when a colonial namechecks Monty Python-only this time-at last-from the “right of centre”.
The left will hate this…which is why she`s done it!
Will have to get out that Life of Brian bit where the lefty Loretta gets a motion that says he`s a woman with the right to have a baby!…and the lefty oafs agree this as Brian is on the cross…who`d have thought that such prophecies would occur in our lifetimes eh?
Well , I am not too bothered either way , as Scotland , will soon be an Independent One Party State . But it must be financed by Scottish viewers , not subsidised by English viewers . However they could still view the normal 6 o`clock news via News 24 or satellite , or watch Sky or ITV instead .
If you’d bothered to read the article, you would’ve seen that, ‘The BBC has said around £190 million of the £323 million paid by Scottish licence fee payers is currently spent north of the Border.’
But you want to be SURE the £5 million being spent on Scottish Six will not be subsidised by English viewers? Take this as a compliment – I refuse to believe you are that stupid.
It might be quite entertaining.
We’ll get to see the Natz at Holyrood prostrating themselves five times a day with their arseholes pointing skywards in reverence to their beloved Moon God.