Always amusing how much effort the BBC puts into avoiding mentioning or downplaying immigration and its effects.
Just why did the BBC decide to frame Macedonia’s actions in protecting itself against the attempt by mostly young, male Muslims to invade Macedonia using brute force as something Macedonia had to ‘defend’….Macedonia doesn’t have to ‘defend’ its actions, it has to defend its, and Europe’s, borders against vast numbers of people who have no intention of integrating and who will in the course of time demand that their families be let in and that they be allowed to practice their religion as they see fit.
Back in Blighty yesterday the world was looking at the shortage of school places.
The BBC’s report tells us what the problem is…
With a population bulge about to hit secondary schools, councils want powers to open new maintained schools and to compel academies to expand.
The population bulge which has put primary schools under pressure will start hitting secondary schools this year, according to official figures.
And that’s it…no talk of immigration or anything connected to it just that euphemistic ‘population bulge’.
The BBC in a What the Papers Say article report the Sun saying…
“One in six schools are full”, is the headline in the Sun, which says the “classroom crisis” is set to worsen because of “Britain’s immigration-fuelled population boom”. In its leader column, the paper says “overcrowded classrooms and the challenges of accommodating myriad different languages will nobble attempts to drive up standards”.
And the Mail saying…
The Daily Mail agrees, saying the number of children who are “non-native speakers soared by nearly 400% from 51,955 to 190,506 in seven years, stretching teachers’ time”.
Rather selective choice of Mail quote as the Mail’s main headline was…
British children ‘neglected’ as migrant pupil numbers soar with 1.2 million children in school whose first language is not English
Then scroll down to the video of Author Matthew Green and Jenni Russell of the Times reviewing the front pages and you will get an EU love-in where they find the arguments for the EU ‘quite convincing’.
What’s also remarkable is that the BBC, other than to show the page itself, doesn’t discuss the Mail’s front page which looks at Blair and the Iraq War …a very sore subject with the BBC…we’ve mentioned this a few days ago when the Mail had Blair’s secret plot to import millions of immigrants on its front page and the BBC ignored that…..I’m guessing the BBC ignore this because it would link to the story on immigration…and then they would have to explain why they didn’t expose Blair at the time of his plot and when Andrew Neather blew the doors off it all and revealed everything….
Conman Blair’s cynical conspiracy to deceive the British people and let in 2million migrants against the rules: Explosive new biography lays ex-PM’s betrayal bare
Look at the selected quotes the BBC plucked from the Mail yesterday….
The Daily Mail agrees, saying the number of children who are “non-native speakers soared by nearly 400% from 51,955 to 190,506 in seven years, stretching teachers’ time”.
The Daily Mail says it has been a “disastrous year for some charities”, with interventions from the prime minister and a committee of MPs, the latter warning charities “are now looking at their ‘last chance’ to put their own house in order”.
The Daily Mail adds a disclaimer to what might otherwise appear to be a good-news story, that while people were “significantly happier at 69”, this was “despite most of them developing chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure”.
Daily Mail – Back to uni on helicopters, private jets and in flash cars: Rich Kids of London show off their favourite transport as they ‘sneer at peasants outside Primark’ and clean their shoes with £50 notes
The Daily Mail reports the hedgehog population was thought to be about 36 million strong in the 1950s, but has declined to less than a million since 2003.
And what about this….
‘Eye-catching headlines’
What would be that ‘eye-catching headline’?… about the BBC…
Now the good news: we’re all in the BBC survivors’ club – the Daily Mail reports on how seasoned BBC hacks Frank Gardner, Andrew Marr, Nick Robinson and George Alagiah formed the Survivors’ Club, having been through serious illness or injury.
Incredible that the actual headline story plastered across the frontpage of the Mail is not even mentioned….not a peep about Iraq. It’s almost as if the BBC doesn’t want you to read the book on Blair and his betrayal of the British people….which the BBC silently consented to.
There must be ring leaders in the bbc; all actions, decisions, instructions, directives etc emanate from people. So, who in the bbc are pulling the strings? They should be put on trial alongside Mr Beliar and the other traitors.
I wonder whether that’s the correct analysis ? Perhaps’ they’re all in it together’, and nobody has to take the decisions because they all want to do he same thing anyway.
I am afraid it is rather like the Nazi Party in WW2 led by cynical Gruppenfuhrers who have a private agenda to fulfill. And staffed by selection of Rottenfuhrer ,s and SS Schutze s all of whom are ” only doing my job – Guv”
All are guilty however none will ever be bought to book because the shites over the last few decades seemed to have managed to infiltrate every state machine from education to police work.
I guess getting a job at the BBC is one of the few ways a non entity like our Scott can excercise power. Empowering sad little lives which normally would amount to nothing.
I would not be surprised if Mein Kampf was top of the BBC reading list for budding executives.
“I would not be surprised if Mein Kampf was top of the BBC reading list for budding executives. ”
More likely “The Prince” by Machiavelli. How else to explain the rise of the Duke of Yentob?
Tonight’s bBBC ‘news’ reporting from Greece about the Muslim invasion tells the fiction that the solution all depends on an end to the Syrian conflict. But the majority of the Muslim invaders are from Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, etc. (although many of them destroy their documentation so that, for instance, there are now 600,000 in Germany of unknown origin).
I have already touched on this point on earlier threads. Clearly the Al Beeb have super powerful magnets that wipe their memories every time they walk into jihadi HQ.. or…they are lying, scumbag, traitorous bast@rds that are willfully and purposely deceiving and misleading us on this country changing issue.
The Al Beeb and the rent-a-mob, violent, fascist left just throw their hat on whatever narrative suits the topic being discussed/forced. They know full well that only a small fraction are from Syria. They have stated that fact in plenty of articles. They know that these jihadi rapists are not doctors and nurses but lying, filthy criminals, braking every law they come across to get to where suits them. Its not fear that drives them but greed, and the Al Beeb are collecting them from the borders of Muhammad land and taking them straight to the front door of a town near you.
Can’t get a job? Doesn’t affect Al Beeb. Wages drop due to over supply of work force? Doesn’t affect Al Beeb. Can’t get a school place? Doesn’t affect Al Beeb. Can’t see a doctor? Doesn’t affect Al Beeb. Your daughter is groomed, raped, threatened with her life and those of her loved ones if she talks about it? Doesn’t affect the Al Beeb. The Al Beeb think ‘fuck you native brits!’ so ‘fuck you!’ straight back you Al Beeb.
Least we forget the damage you have done. I know I will not
Dam right Tothepoint-this lot are the pleasing entry ticket for those that follow the teachings of Islam-the power behind this unprecedented invasion of an alien culture now pervading Britain & indeed the European Union is the stealth work of the Muslim Brotherhood-a group founded before WW2 who sided with the Nazi’s, & aided & supported those that were seeking to develop today’s EU-however that story will unlikely not see the light of day-nevertheless we in the West following a Christian culture are at war & the general public better realise this fact. The steady Islamisation of British public space is either being ignored or even tacitly encouraged by a political, security and judicial establishment that is failing to identify the stealthy and mind-bending game that is being played.
The BBC like all the useless liberal marxist media will not do it’s job properly. There has been no real attempt to look at the actual people coming into Europe . No real attempt to find out exactly where they have come from and what percentage are from Syria. Why there are so many young men and so on.
The next question is why? Two reasons spring to mind. Firstly they are just useless. Over promoted kids without common sense. I don’t underestimate this explanation.
The second reason is that so infected with unreal dreams are these people ( the journalists that is ) that they self censor and that when faced with difficult facts they have to either ignore or distort them to fit the truth as they see it.
Take your pick.
It seems to me that those at the head of the BBC octupus deliberately suck in lots of youthful idealists, with great dreams and personal good intentions, trying to make a living. Taking a long, clear, look at the ugly face of the octupus, in the clear light of day, would be far too damaging to the future careers of those who have managed to attach themselves to the lowest suckers. Its all rather sad really – all those millions of hours worked by millions of people to fund a corporation that has done immeasurable harm to those who stumped up the money.
Take heart my friends.
We who know and care about such things can spit feathers all day about what the BBC are doing.
But truth is that they`ve been doing it now since 1977 or so-and we could count the ways since then that we had slippery smart alecs massaging and fiddling on to give us THEIR view of things.
And in the knowledge that many people back at home would reflect on their betters, the brave or the educated…and vote accordingly.
Now the likes of Redhead, Timpson, Tavererne. Pardoe or Grimond were TITANs compared to the thick slurry that passes for liberal informed opinion these days.
We can fret all we like-seems that they`re getting away with it.
But Reagan trounced Carter-with all the liberal elite on both sides of the Atlantic apoplectic.
Cameron-spineless chinless pointless Cameron beat the assembled progressive alliance of all things nice and luvverley last year…even though the whole liberal peashooting, drug taking, gay blading, green weaving set of spud guns were ranged against a frankly clueless Tory operation.
So it is today-the BBC can hog nearly all the news making spigots…but just mention Jimmy Savile and the slugs dissolve in their own slimy salt.
The real Britisn People now HATE the BBC-the BBC are utterly shameless and transparant, and every woman rugby player telling a wheelchaired wheeling sugar lump about migration means more green jobs and is kryptonite to Farage or Trump…the more that the REAL workers of Britain laugh up their sleeves and vow revenge…and a return to May 8th last year with Brands Blimps spitting along Whitehall or putting joss sticks in the barrel of a Johnny Seven.
In other words-only the left progressive libtards take any kind of notice or steer from the BBC-and their minds can`t be changed because it`s all quicksand above the shoulders with them.
The young don`t bother with the BBC…libtards too, bur reprogrammable if Cologne is to be believed as “changing perceptions among the young and stupid”.
So take heart my friends-just heap abuse and scorn on lefties and gratuitously-at each and every chance you get.
And mock, mock and abuse the BBC too-songs, comedy or any vehicles you get….they are dead retards who need dead heading…shackled stupid cretins who have Saviles stiff digits in each and every hole that`s been stoppered by the Lefty cabbages who are able so to do.
Saviles gavel in your mitt?…send the buggers down!
I can’t stand that smug cow Jenni Russell.
I’d love to slap her round the head with Polly Toynbee.
Sorry, I feel better now – I’m sure you all understand.