When it’s not being used to spread Project Fear, BBC Radio 4 likes to relax by continually expressing its disgust at the success of Donald Trump and this morning was no exception. The BBC just cannot understand how a man like Trump – with his “awful” views – has had such a successful SuperTuesday! I can’t wait for him to become President, just as the UK exist the EU. It will bring on the collective collapse of the rancid BBC.
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He’s only awful to the BBC/Left because they support the Democrats. BBC bias!
Farage is awful to the BBC/Left because they support Labour. BBC Bias!
Both Trump and Farage are divisive to the BBC because they the BBC support the Democrats and Labour. BBC Bias!
The BBC never sit on the political fence. And they make it obvious to all except themselves. BBC Bias!
I remember how the BBC tried to sideline Farage. Now they have to show him some respect. Not much though. The make good tv programmes but unbiased…what a joke. It is the same in Australia where their ABC is as bad.
The trouble is I don’t know whether I am worried about Trump becoming POTUS or Hilary. I DON’T KNOW. Pardon the shouting. I just know that most of the media sees Hilary through rose tinted glasses and Trump through the opposite. Now I am not so stupid as to think that the press didn’t always prefer one side to another, but the BBC is supposed to be apolitical and I am paying for it. But the same applies to Brexit where we have the double pronged attack by the BBC of vote in but it we vote out Cameron will have to resign, presumably to allow Jeremy the keys to number 10. But even if we vote in, the BBC says it shows the Conservative Party are hopelessly split and we will need a general election so we can hand over the keys of no10 to Jeremy. It is the same with migration, the BBC only tells us what they want to tell. The BBC will not inform if it doesn’t like the facts.
Rule of thumb – if the BBC and the Guardian don’t like it/them = must be good
How true! That is an axiom I have worked to for years, and it hasn’t failed me yet.
You’re forgetting Eddy Izzard
Hilary Clinton has been involved in the supporting of every USA war in the last 30-40 years. She’s a war mongerer in my book,this does not get mentioned enough in the media, I also find her to be a dull,PC anddevious person without an original thought in her head.
Trump will find it difficult to get anything radical through the Senate, notwithstanding wars, althought as mentioned Hilary has the form on this one.
If Brexit win i would envisage the new leader to be Boris and that should happen very soon afterwards, should the remain traitors win, then I would expect Osborne to lead. BTW I heard on the radio the other day that Osborne’s putative pension pot currently stands at 750.000 pounds. I’d be interested to know firstly, if this is true, and secondly how much of this is directly connectd to our memebership of the EU?
US involvement in the two world wars, Korea and Vietnam all took place under a Democrat administration. It’s only British lefties who think that the Democrats are the ‘nice guys’ like Labour in the UK.
That’s right Cranmer, and let’s not forget that Blair is the anti war peacemaker of the Left also!!!
One of the advantages of becoming PM is that the pension pot goes by the board. After 1 year as PM the pension (at age 65) is set at 50% of the PMs salary for life and is always adjusted with the PMs salary. Also they get a (non-taxable because it isn’t income from employment) 6 figure personal allowance for carrying out their duties as an ex-PM, whatever they might be.
Personally I would not trust any Clinton-or indeed much of the USA election process-however for all that many consider his faults, Donald Trump is a Billionaire business man who did not get to where he is today via inherited wealth-his development & vast knowledge of business/financial involvement over many years, suits him better to feel & understand the problems his nation now faces, perhaps more than any other. Having said that and having spent a little time in the USA, it should be understood that America is facing a troublesome world, and to make matters worse-one that they are endeavouring to want to control ( New World Order)- absolute control over the population is their aim-Also just know that a world renowned American financier has told Europe that it must be prepared to accept one million immigrants, no matter their acceptability, each & every year…. who the hell does he think he is! We all face a very scary world.
“Donald Trump is a Billionaire business man who did not get to where he is today via inherited wealth”
His father was a multi-millionaire property developer whose great wealth undoubtedly propelled Donald into the world he occupies today. He’s not the model of a ‘self-made man’.
And regarding his infallible business nous – don’t forget his total bankruptcy in the early ’90s. He eventually dug his way out of that, but his cut of his father’s Will of ~$300 million no doubt helped a little.
He’s as contemptible as the rest of the candidates, and exactly what America deserves. But yes, the BBC has obviously, beyond a shadow of a doubt, ditched all impartiality about him. Who to hate more?
Yes his father was wealthier than many-accepted-and as you say he might be as contemptible as others, but certainly no more so than the presenty encumbant-but as can be seen American politics is fuelled by money, and together with a very strong Jewish element that has played its part in much of the ruinination of America-contolling the media, entertaiment industry, politics, finance & industry, with its tentacles that have spread robustly into the UK & Europe for decades, hence their support of the EU and Britain’s continuence in it. Ever greater Control.
“The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.”
Is that you Jack?
“The Jews control the world” crap has no place on a site like this. Go dump it on the neo-/Nazi sites.
When Jon Sopel has to report on Donald Trump he always looks like the man who has found something unpleasant on the sole of his shoe. I will look forward to further torment for him from now to the Presidential Election later in the year.
Regarding Project Fear, Today listeners on Radio 4 continue to get treated to a major interview with a Remainer during the post 8 am news slot. Following on from the Prince of Darkness, EU freeloader and mortgage fraudster Lord Mandy of Rio, we had to listen to the entirely unconvincing ‘grey man’ who poses as our Foreign Secretary. Philip Hammond is an example of the entirely unmemorable breed of politician who is entirely lacking in principle. He’s no better than Dave’s shoeshine boy, doing whatever his master bids him. Having been put into Defence in order to see through crazy cuts to our armed forces, he is now supporting Remain even though his track record suggests Euro-scepticism. His performance during the interview was extremely lame and about as convincing as the Dodgy Dossier the Government has published today. For once the BBC interviewer actually went for a Remainer, although in Hammond’s case his performance was so awful, she had little choice.
Lets hope that Boris beats Osborne, Prince of Darkness Mk 2,
in the next Tory Leadership contest and that people who have forsaken their principles and are treating the electorate as fools, such as May and Hammond, are consigned to history.
The BBC and the liberal media are never going to understand Trump.
I recommend a very good essay by the excellent Christopher Caldwell to be found on http://www.weeklystandard.com.
It is entitled ‘The Migrants of Calais’ but is about so much more. Caldwell suggests that the current ruling classes in Europe and the USA are now completely divorced from the majority indigenous populations. Overwhelmingly metropolitan they inhabit a different world that has shaped the way they now all think. In effect they are no longer part of the nation as we, the ordinary indigenous folk, think of it.
So Trump has grasped this hence his appeal. The converse is that the liberal elites cannot understand this at all. Trump has understood that there is a real culture war and that it also encompasses the economic life of the nation and it’s core beliefs.
In this country you can see the same thing happening over the EU Referendum. The elites are confused whereas we who want to leave are not. The remainers have no real backbone. They do not seen to grasp the concept of a people and a nation.
A politician in the mould of Trump would find this country very receptive. As yet one has not appeared.
Excellent post, Dave S.
@Dave S: Excellent article, thanks for the link. A telling line with regard to the forthcoming EU referendum is:
“If a Union’s survival depends on the unexpected arrival at random intervals of millions of desperate foreigners, it’s probably not terribly stable to begin with.”
Says it all really.
At this very moment Dave I agree-a good old Trumpish man, might be the kick up the a….. this nation needs.
Why do we all have to go through humiliating security checks at airports? Its not because of Atheists, Buddhists or Christians but because of Muslims. Our emails are examined, and all of us are considered potential terrorists, because of Muslims. Political Correctness forbids anyone pointing this out. Anyone who does, lose their jobs and the destruction of their careers. We are losing our freedoms step by step, and soon we will be living in a police state. Diversity with Muslims as the main ingredient, carries a very heavy price.
This is just one aspect of Political Correctness. PC, the Frankfurt school doctrine to destroy the West, is so powerful, that any attempt to gainsay it, leads to the destruction of the individual. White men are the main targets of this evil doctrine. White men are held to be eternally guilty of all crime, particularly rape, even if totally innocent.
Lawrence Summers, President of Harvard, was hounded out of office for stating a simple and demonstrable fact, that men are better at Mathematics then women. Ditto Prof Tim Hunt.
Some reasonable people have tried to fight this evil doctrine, but have been crushed. Not so Donald Trump. While the left brings guns to a knife fight, the Donald brings a Gattling gun.
The left do not know how to deal with the The Donald. So they have turned to attacking Cruz and Rubio, while hoping Trump will shoot himself in the head.
There is hardly any doubt now, after Merkel decided to flood Europe with Muslims, that Muslim immigration has to be stopped, as a first step. All polls in the US support this policy. They probably do in Europe as well. If this is not done asap, the goal of Islam to conquer Christendom will come true – without Muslims firing more then a few token shots.
One has indeed emerged……Farage by name sir.
Although he claims that he is not the Messiah, just a very naughty boy!
I like the way that the BBC liberal/left see someone like Trump as both “populist” and at the same time “divisive” .
I suppose what they want is someone who is unpopular and inclusive , whatever that may be .
On reflection , what they want is a fig leaf of democracy and the world run by technocrats trained by common purpose ignore the proles types . No wonder they see the EU referendum as a disease .
The BBC has no requirement for impartiality when covering the US Election. This is great as it means they can say what they really think. They appear to believe that Trump is an amalgam of Hitler and Ronald McDonald. Above all it seems that, freed from the straitjacket of impartiality, there’s one truth they want to make absolutely clear:
Left is Right, and Right is Wrong.
They will have to change their tune if Trump becomes president.
They won’t change their tune. They’ve relentlessly and remorselessly attacked every Republican president since Nixon (as that is as far back as I remember I assume it might go back even further).
You are right as far as other Republican presidents are concerned. But this is The Donald. He will take BBC attacks on him as personal. That means he will go after the BBC in ways they will consider as “not fair”. He will use his office to make life very difficult for the BBC in America, and in Britain as well. I don’t see any PM in the UK or any leader in Europe picking a fight with the Donald.
Thanks for the headsup. Great article by C Caldwell. People have underestimated Donald T, and now dont what hit them.
Perfect observation Dave.
The Al Beeb have used the Trumpmister as a free platform to do a ‘Derren Brown’ and plant their warped agenda and views into the minds of its viewers, with ‘information’ and ’emotion’. This was meant to be done without us knowing it was happening. Well that was their devious, conniving, plan anyway but because King Trump is getting more and more support from all sections of Western society, the Al Beeb have decided to ‘fuck it’ with the subtleties and napalmed the lot of us! Here’s where it’s going wrong for our jihadi loving friends at Al Beeb, as this unhealthy and slightly stalkerish approach to Trump has shown the Al Beeb for what they truly are. Lying, traitorous, fascist, bigoted, lunatic fuckwits, who hate everything the majority of brits hold dearest and are rightly worried about. The Al Beeb cannot stand us and they are openly at war with our way of life. The people on this website and in every country in Europe should be forever grateful to Trump for bringing the Al Beeb from behind the walls of deception they have spent years hidden behind.
Fuck you Al Beeb!! Yeeehaa Trump!
What the whole of the liberal left are too blinkered to see is that huge support for Trump exists precisely because of them.
That really does deserve to be carved in stone. Quite joyous, and brilliant, in its simplicity. Thank you.
Agreed, or as Newtons 3rd law has it,
To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction
Trump is simply channelling the reaction to the years of BS foisted on the US (and the west) by the PC brigade and its subversive ideology.
This process is coming to the whole of the West.
The silent majority is stirring.
I sure hope so but lets be fair, the silent majority are an annoyingly patient bunch.
What we have now is Donald the Bull in a Politically Correct China shop.
They prefer Homicidal Hillary with her rictus smile. But I’m not American, so I’m just glad they can’t both win.
In any event, the beeb should report the news, not comment upon – even implicitly – the choice of another electorate. Who the Americans vote for is their business.
I wager the BBC hate Palin more than Trump, which is why I hope he puts her in charge of Energy when be is President. Palin will then promote US energy and tell the BBC sponsoring Arabs what to do with their oil.
Beyond that – the Skotch have to welcome King Donald and their shitty universities will have to restore the honorary doctorates they removed from him.
Trump will dine with the Queen and Corbyn can get used to standing for the US Anthem
I hope Pres Trump stops all Muslim immigration after a strategic team meeting of all NATO heads of state, as a first step in this existential war. It is stupid beyond all bounds for us to allow millions of hostile Muslims into the West.
Merkel may walk tall in the presence of EU leaders, but there is marked change in demeanor when a US president comes calling.
I thought it was just ONE doctorate from Robert Gordon Uni (indeed shitty)
So…if Corbyn has to get used to standing for the US anthem, then the rest of the FEBs will too? Aoww the ‘umiliayyytion dahwlin’. Me naahn dint suck owff all those G.I.s in the woaa and me aowl grandad dint serve in the ‘ome guard peeling potaytas for THIS. Gowdon Bennett!!
Correct, my error, only one doctorate removed.
Robert Gordon’s is an ex-Technical College and it’s degrees are apparently more commonly obtained through the purchase of a Happy Meal.
Trump will dine with the Queen and Corbyn can get used to standing for “God Save the Queen” and God save “America” the secondary National Anthem of the USA, used before 1931. Both can be sung at the same time. But the only problem is that the Americans and British would sing different lyrics. Churchill and Roosevelt solved the problem by ordering British and American service personnel not to sing the lyrics. It makes the impression that America and Britain are still united by a common National Anthem. But Corbyn and the BBC would hate that type of ceremony.
You could feel the agony experienced by al-Beeb ‘reporters’ this morning as they sat there with clenched @rseholes and gritted teeth hoping that the results weren’t really true and wondering how on Earth people could possibly hold a different viewpoint to them.
quick repost cos it hidden in the starttheweekthread
I see #bbcOperationStopTrump was used in BBC business Daily (or Global Biz)
– They did a 5 minute segment about what Hispanic voters thought of Trump
..There was NO business angle.
Ha ha talking about Mexicans still! So very relevent to the BBCs home audience.
They dare not discuss the idea of controlling the Islamic migration streams, they know that many, many peoples opinions are hardening on this issue.
Why does Mexico never do very well at the Olympic games?
Because anyone who can run jump or swim is in America !
Radio 2 ‘news’ ( I say that loosely ) this morning reported on Clinton and Trump. They then interviewed a ‘Democrat’ who ripped into Trump saying he should be ‘negated’ by people voting Democrat as he is a danger. I waited to hear a GOP supporter being interviewed but that was it, an attack on Trump and Clinton is left untouched no balance whatsoever. There is no pretence at impartiality by the BBC now.
South Today which was quite ‘impartial’ until recently also wheeled out a Democrat supporter but no GOP supporter two days ago. The BBC is trying it’s hardest to influence American voters over hear, a clear breach of it’s own charter.
I was once for reforming the BBC but it is now toxic and cannot be reformed. It has to be abolished.
Trump is tapping into anger at what the establishment elites are doing and have been doing for the last 30 years .Goverments have been interchangeable Ordinary people get left bahind by the special interests and crazy policies.
There is an article by Peggy Noonan online in Wall Street Journal” Trump and the Rise of the Unprotected “in which she says similar things and explains the rise in support for Trump.Im no good at links sorry.
Not much of this will be debated on the BBC.Even Fox News can’t really seem to get it.
Deborahanother March 2, 2016 at 3:45 pm
A link where you can read the article without subscribing
Oh this is great. As UKIP knew-when you`re over the target with Fat Boy in the hold-it`s THEN that the low-energy LEDS come out, the thickies kindly celebrating a Gayaway Day with illuminating fireworks get busy and the sound of whining gears and Soviet-style barmy armies of the left come out to-well sell papers, serve up crap ethnic food, play us some TwoTone-and generally beg for Russell Brand or Owen Jones to save them from themselves.
These are dead red squirrels, red Fred Kites and Red Wedgies…life sapping losers and loafers who get money and column inches because they are useless eaters and parasitic tapeworms on the rest of us.
So-as the usual row of beans who polished Obamas spats, lost with Dole, cut a cigarillo dildo for Clinton and his beards, rather liked Dukakis and Mondale because they were shit, harmless threats to the Democratic lefties…all are over the BBC like measles to warn the plebs of the danger of a Trump Presidency?
WHAT?…competence, independence, no truck with fucks like them?
No polls, no spin?…oh Buddha, stop him someone he`s biting our plums!
Too late George, Bonnie, Al and Megyn…. the land of Jon Stewart and Michael Moore surely deserves YEARS of Trump.
So-to my mind-come on BBC..keep it coming…let`s revisit the “Spirit of 2004 with John Kewwy weepawdin 4 doodie”
Trump will trounce them there-Clintons causes will unravel and get her into jail if Benghazi etc are allowed to run…and I sense that Trump will relish doing just that.
Proof?…well look at all the liberal left and the BBC types-the house trained no marks like Jeb-have said about those who`ve gone for Trump this far-and all are splattered on his windscreen or processed chicken in his jet turbines…and STILL they presume to know of things?
Ann Coulter lists their catalogue of disasters and failures on her site- great reading for these times!
The greatest danger to Trump now is the risk of assassination or an “accident” involving his private jet, when he’s travelling in it – the system has a way of dealing with people it doesn’t like.
That’s very strange. I was thinking along similar lines and was about to make a comment; though I was going to say that I would be very surprised if Trump wasn’t assassinated shortly after becoming President.
But Al, I see your point as I remember an air accident involving Farage during an election campaign where he was lucky to survive. I’m not normally into conspiracy theories but there is also the early death of Breitbart. Probably nothing untoward in either incident, but I’m getting so used to the left using violence and any nasty tactic to prevent truth being spoken that I’m seeing their hands in any tragedy or potential one that would suit their purpose. I’ll grab my tin hat.
I agree with both of you, having thought for some weeks that an “accident” is increasingly likely if certain global interests feel threatened.
A few days ago I was thinking precisely the same thing. If the left can’t stop him by democratic means, they may well try to kill him.
Muslim flight student facing deportation after saying he was willing to serve life sentence for murdering Donald Trump
I agree. Trump is in great danger already.
They said that Barack Obama would be dead within weeks, from some KKK hit mob. To be honest, keeping him alive has done more for the cause of Libertarianism than anything else.
I don’t think there was any real danger of that. The left-wing like to ascribe their attitudes, methods and actions on their opponents* so it’s much more likely an enemy of the left will be murdered than a left-winger will by someone from the right.
*e.g. claiming the right-wing are the violent ones despite lack of any evidence of such but being extremely violent themselves, and claiming that the right-wing want to close down free speech which is actually what they do by continually enhancing PC to the point where little of importance can be said in public, or that a right-wing president would ignore the constitution – which is actually what Obama has tried to do.
I can’t wait for Trump to be POTUS either. Hopefully we should be in for an interesting time if he does. He will have a great struggle against all the opposition from the political elite, the media etc. in getting his policies carried out. Anti-Trump republicans are hoping for a ‘brokered convention’ to deny him the outright nomination. They all are really terrified of him. He must be doing something right.
Supersneer Wednesday…..Yep the BBC hates Trump. Naughtie had a go at him this morning on the Today programme with a syruppy sneer of disdain that blamed him for the uncivil nature of the election. They brought on a Republican who told us she’d never vote for Trump and didn’t support his policies….so why bring her on other than to attack Trump? No pro Trump voice of course.
Curious how much bile goes Trump’s way and nothing towards the lefty extremist Jeremy Corbyn whose cabal of advisers grows ever more bizarre and out of touch with reality everyday….and that’s not even including their terrorist sympathies.
The Radio 4 ‘PM’ show with Dundee’s own ‘Eddie’ Mair had another overt anti-Trump feature, a pathetic attempt at humour which you would never see aimed at the sainted Obama, or Hitlery & Slick Willy Clinton. With an announcement by fellow Dundee escapee Susan Rae, they played some non-verbal sound or other, meant to show Trump in a bad light. The show is poor enough already without this dross.
I didn’t know Mair was from Dundee like myself. Same age too.
Polar extremes yet similar working class upbringing……
‘Mair lives with his partner Paul Kerley, a journalist working for BBC online, in Harrow, North-West London’
Hmm. I wonder what it is about a patholgical liar who panders to the basest, most racially motivated, least factually motivated fatheads that appeals to Biased BBC’s core membership? I mean, it’s no surprise that he appeals – after all, telling half-truths and downright lies in order to provoke dog-whistle responses from racist halfwits is basically David Vance’s MO to a T.
Of course, the difference is that Trump is finding enough engagement to actually be dangerous, whereas all Vance can muster is a couple of dozen hangers-on who’d be outnumbered by people who think they’re talking ridiculously moronic nonsense, if only Vance hadn’t banned them all. The brave Mister Vance – he can’t engage with intelligent people, so he makes sure that he doesn’t have to by making sure Biased BBC is populated only by people of his level or even lower.
Yeah, must be tough for Vance, seeing his methodology being executed by someone who’s actually good at it. I mean, Trump is a rampant hypocrite, a charlatan, a mischievous liar – but unlike DV, he’s no fool.
Get Agrippa Jerrod.
Scotty with her knickers in a twist again 🙂
Hullo! I’m a racist halfwit (but despise Trump), and love that I have this bonkers echo chamber to vent about the politically correct sludge and racial hypocrisy that makes my impotent brain swirl.
I take it that you were one of the banned ones that was too intelligent for this place? May I put it to you that you are below even my minute level of intellect, as you failed to realise what this place was, couldn’t quickly adapt to it, and merely use other forums to exercise other aspects of your personality?
That would put you a rung below me on the evolutionary ladder. Yeesh. Not a good place to be.
> Hullo! I’m a racist halfwit
Refreshing honesty there.
> you failed to realise what this place was
Oh I know what this place is – a place for David Vance to accumulate halfwits and morons, as they’re the only people who won’t laugh at his inadequacy, and will fuel his delusional mania. He craves attention, and if morons are the only people who’ll give it to him then that’s who he’ll court.
But he claims it’s a forum for higher debate. He lies. If he was honest – if he admitted that he was a fame-hungry dilettante who is more concerned about spreading attention-seeking lies than the truth, that he loved the bits of the licence fee that he pockets for his numerous BBC appearances, if he was brave enough not to ban people who point out what a snivelling, lying little creep he was, then he might have the respect of more than just a handful of socially inadequate morons.
Mustapha’s First Law of Blogs: “People of low intelligence and poor education always personalize.”
There is a mountain of damning evidence against the BBC on this site and on others such as “Is the BBC Biased?” Even allowing for some rhetoric and exaggeration from time to time, the sheer number of linked articles, video clips, graphs, charts, statistics, verbatim quotations and broadcast time references, etc, repeatedly nail down the BBC’s omissions, distortions and falsehoods. No amount of personal abuse against David Vance will change that.
“a place for David Vance to accumulate halfwits and morons”
And here you are.
Hi Jerrod,
Just to clarify a couple of things:
a) I have not one iota of respect for Mr Vance.
b) If he has claimed that this is a forum for higher debate, then I must have missed it. Apologies to him for using his Rolls Royce as a toilet, but I come here to air the more…distasteful and bilious aspects of my feelings about the world, and of course the BBC.
c) All the epithets you’ve shot out are probably fitting for me, and I will wear them with no heed to pride nor shame.
d) I like you. Stick around.
Welcome. Isn’t freedom of speech a wonderful thing?
> Isn’t freedom of speech a wonderful thing?
Try telling that to the people whom Alan and Vance have banned because they’ve pointed out that they prioritise their own attention-seeking over the truth. It’s more important in their eyes, it seems, to lie and get a crowd than to be honest members of society.
Thankfully, the electorate saw fit to resoundingly reject Vance when he made his laughable attempts to grab political power. It must be so galling for him to see Trump use exactly the same techniques of lies and bigotry, and do so to better effect.
Imagine being someone who is a worse human being, and worse at being a politician, than Trump. Don’t you think poor, pathetic David Vance deserves our pity? It must be terrible for him to have to rely on the adulation of idiots for validation.
Interesting you raise banning, here on a private forum.
Black on topic, any thoughts on the publicly funded BBC policies of banning on HYS threads, or default FOI exemptions or banning of those who raise concerns they don’t know how or want to answer, using the CECUTT internal, in secret oversight system?
> any thoughts on the publicly funded BBC policies of banning on HYS threads
That’s not “on topic” though, is it? It’s just you reiterating your bugbears, and your belief that we are all being somehow deprived of something as a result of your inability to pollute its online content with your own ego-puffery.
Being this is a forum about BBC activity, I must disagree that it is not on topic. Seems very much ‘on topic’.
As to your attempt at not answering and lashing out with the all inclusive claim and snark, not terribly sure you have helped the BBC’s case with such a reply
It’s a topic about Donald Trump, so no, once again you’re wrong. Still, not exactly much change there.
Although I guess as the topic is about an idiotic buffoon who believes in his own superiority above all evidence to the contrary, it was inevitable that sooner or later we’d be graced by the one man whose self-belief and idiocy makes Trump look like a modest genius.
“Imagine being someone who is a worse human being, and worse at being a politician, than Trump. ”
Jeremy Corbyn?
Diane Abbot?
Ed Milliband?
Tony Blair?
Gordon Brown?
John Prescott?
I could go on.
Resulting to name calling? MO of the left to a T. Well…
Dismissive tone. Utterly up their own arse. Feels like they have all the answers to problems caused by delusional fuckwits like themselves. Clearly still living at home with their mother and most likely flying the flag right now around the kiddy wards once prowled by his hero Sir Jimmy. Definitely the MO of our good friend and Christian and white man hating Jerrod.
You and your violent, fascist, bigoted weirdo friends are going to be busy ‘demonstrating’ in the coming years. Its over for you. I would cash in your Al Beeb pension whilst you can get your traitorous, perfidious, feeble riddled hands on it
> name calling? MO of the left to a T.
Says the man who then trots out:
> delusional fuckwits
> Clearly still living at home with their mother
> flying the flag right now around the kiddy wards
> You and your violent, fascist, bigoted weirdo friends
Do you realise that you’re being an idiotic hypocrite, and just don’t care, or are you “doing a Vance” and pretending that the rules you want to impose on others don’t apply to you?
If you want to pretend that name-calling is something only your opponents do, don’t disprove that hypothesis in the very same breath. Otherwise, it’s hardly surprising that people with a brain will regard you as something of a laughing stock, now, is it?
I wonder if you are able to engage in an argument without resorting to abuse. It seems not. A well tried but increasingly ineffective cultural marxist technique used to silence debate. That it provokes counter abuse is regrettable.
The European wide counter revolution is gaining momentum daily. It is not going to be stopped by abuse. In fact we welcome it. The important thing is that many of us understand that this is a culture war which is going to get increasingly bitter. That means taking sides and that means accepting what comes.
It applies to both sides . Insulting Mr Vance will not change a thing. The cultural marxists have had their time and failed. New people and new ways of looking at our world are coming.
Borne out of necessity and also because the world always turns.
If you were really upset by what you term “abuse”, you’d complain about the general tone that is present day in, day out on this site. That you do not suggests you’re perfectly fine with appalling behaviour, as long as it’s being flung by you and your fellow travellers.
So forgive me if I do not care that a snivelling little hypocrite thinks to accuse me of “abuse”, when I’m merely applying the same principles of debate that you and your cronies feel is okay when you’re doing it.
Now, if you want to stop being sanctimonious and actuallly stand up for civilised debate, then on here there are many more people who deserve your opprobrium than I. That you choose not to speaks volumes.
Jerrod – interesting choice of name.
It does something strange to mind and I can’t help but think of the mass infant butcher, Herrod. Perhaps my subconscious is trying to tell me something?
You are coming across unhealthily angry and aggressive on this thread Jerrod ?
Clearly feeling inadequate compared to David Vance, you have had to result to a deeply personal and opinion based attack on him. I know it was hypocritical of me to attack you in the same way, but the default response of the left is to always personalise what should be a genuine topic for debate. Now you know how it feels to be attacked by the left lynch mob!
Clearly the left are struggling to come to terms with and understand why Trump is doing so well. You must see that it’s either that or they are resulting to default name calling because they are worried to open the debate. Trump has rattled the elite on both sides of the Atlantic as their usual MO of silencing detractors isn’t working. The attacks by the media and political parties on Trump only plays well amongst like minded people. People are feeling like their opinion is now worthless to those supposedly representing us and speaking on our behalf. It seems as though the left feel they have been given the responsibility of setting the life paths of the people, by the people. We should shut and just do as they say. Maybe bring in a few laws if questions are asking why. Its delusional and dictatorial. The Trump and EU scenarios are bringing to the open the disconnect between the self styled intellectuals (of the left) and the halfwit morons (everyone that doesn’t think the way they do). The disconnect is growing. You must see that and worry for your future. I would be if I was you because the events of Rotherham and Cologne are not easily forgotten
> Trump has rattled the elite on both sides of the Atlantic
By lying. By being an abusive little liar. I do appreciate why you find his success appealing, as you clearly have no respect for the truth.
And pray what is this truth you speak of and how do you little ol Jerrod know what the ‘truth’ really is?
Bet you can’t wait for :
President Trump
President Le Pen
Prime Minister Wilders
Like your fellow employees, you’re now and firmly in the minority.
Best place for you.
Nothwithstanding your very vitriolic and personal attacks upon the members of this forum, you have piqued my interest. What lies has Trump told? I have tried a quick Google and can’t find any.
You could start with fact-checking site Politifact.com, which compiled this list back in December:
Obviously he’s continued to tell lies since (use Politifact and FactCheck.org if you need help locating them all). A recent one is claiming that he had never heard of David Duke, the white supremacist and KKK supremo who endorsed him because of his racist dog-whistle nastiness that so appeals to the similarly deluded on here. Back in the days of the nascent Reform Party, Trump decried Duke in terms that made it absolutely clear who he was.
The Left have again succumbed to their ‘achilles heel’. Namely, their lack of patience in waiting for the new socialist nirvana to rise. They push ahead with their agendas, hoping that they can slip ‘under the radar’. but time and time again they move too quickly and they are sussed by the electorate. Neat tricks, such as infiltrating the Tories/Republicans, work for a while (with MSM support) but finally we see through them and they scuttle off to regroup for the next ‘Groundhog Day’.
Great post Jagman84. Not sure about the ‘under the radar’ approach anymore though. The Al Beeb are currently carrying out a hearts and minds campaign on the scale of ‘operation rolling thunder’ in Vietnam. The left were like the Italian mafia. Criminal, crooked and deadly when necessary, but always trying to hide their true intensions and affairs from the glare of the public. Its all out war now. The Al Beeb are in full jihad. The Al Beeb are blatantly forcing their agenda on us all whether we want it or not. Its not reporting of news it’s now a dangerous educational service no different than those used by IS
Boy, someone really needs a Snickers, and quick.
Hello Scott , what makes you think that you are so intelligent then ?
His mam told him.
BBC Online News:
“”When did most Americans search for ‘move to Canada’?”” (you’ve guessed it. post Trump’s victories today).
“”As sure as “Results Wednesday” follows Super Tuesday, Americans were reacting to the outcome of the voting by searching on Google for how to move to Canada”” (most Americans? you mean a few Democrats who couldn’t cope with Democracy in action?)
“”The biggest recorded spike in interest was when George W Bush was elected president for a second term in November 2004. Back then the Canadian immigration service reported a six-fold increase in interest on its website””‘ ( six times very little is not a lot)
Biased BBC trying to suggest that all Americans are fleeing Trumps democratic progress. Nice try Biased BBC. But fail.
Most of those will be “moves” like the one Paul O’Grady was going to make if there was a Conservative government here after the last election.
…And yet he’s still bloody here taking the licence payers pound with his crappy wheezing camp Sunday night show…
I don’t particularly like Mr Trump. To my mind he’s a sort of huckster/carnival barker – he promises a lot but I suspect if Americans get inside his fairground tent, it might not be quite as good as they expected. Politics is, after all, the art of the possible, and promising things like building a wall and getting Mexico to pay for it seems a rather rash promise. I do admire, however, the fact that he, like Mr Farage, has broadened political debate from bland centrism and spoken the previously unspeakable.
That said, Mr Trump is in many ways a product of the politically correct left, as another poster pointed out. I think this is partly why the left hate him so much – because he holds up a mirror to the failure of their policies.
I somewhat agree as I have two minds about Trump.
What I like is that he and his supporters are sticking two fingers up at the smug/PC establishment and demonstrating that mainstream western politics is perhaps out of touch with a large number of ordinary citizens.
Part of me wants him to become POTUS in order to underline this, but the other half questions who he is and what drives him e.g. why would a multi billionaire want to become POTUS and not least what will he do if he acheives this?
He is in effect already a rich and powerful part of the establishment so what has he got to gain (unlike career politicians) ?
The answer may be that he is a man of convictions and truly believes in his cause or something else?
I agree with much of your comment. He is blunt and frank to the point of absurdity in our pc world. And it really is refreshing. No matter what he says, and no matter what Rubio and Cruz and the media throw at him, his support doesn’t slacken. He seems to see the world as one big business venture, and perhaps that is a valid way of looking at it. But it’s difficult to see how his philosophy will translate into policy should he become president.
Trump is forcing change. Change we on here and those brave enough to try and do something about it cannot bring about. Look at Tommy Robinson?! It needed someone like Trump. Someone who doesn’t give 2 fucks what those against him say. All our politicians do. He didn’t need the media. All our politicians do. He doesn’t need financial backers… He didn’t have to toe the party line… Western civilisation is on its knees and the only people given the media attention or political support are those who want to further it’s demise. We are all pissed off at what is happening to our country but clearly where was that getting us? It’s not about whether or not Trump will be the worst president ever. He most possibley will be. Our way of life is being destroyed around us and if something doesn’t change the last thing we will care about is who the president of the US is! Its war and terror on unimaginable scales. Even if the only thing Trump achieves is to knock some sense into the traitorous bast@rds who run our country then I will back the man all the way
Vote Trump. Vote Ukip. Vote out. We just need to do whatever it takes to win back our country before its too late
Off topic, but perhaps of some interest to some on this site.
The creator of Dilbert, Scott Adams, has been making some interesting analyses of Donald Trump’s techniques on his blog. Adams is a trained hypnotist, apparently, so is in a good position to judge how Trump’s behaviour acts on the mind. He predicted back in September that Trump would win the Republican nomination and that he will win by a landslide. I can’t pretend to know enough about American politics to grasp half of what he’s talking about, but I find his theories of Trump’s behaviour fascinating.
The dopey buggers in the MSM just dont get it
The more they parrot the now almost hysterical atacks on Donald,the more popular he gets
They are pouring petrol on the anti-establishment fire movement of ordinary people who have had enough of their incessant bullshit and lies and PC crap
If the likes of the rabble at the bbc think its a bad thing,by default the opposite is true
Keep throwing the insults,sleights and mockery you idiots
Youre doing a brilliant job 🙂
They could barely contain their glee this morning on Today, that the “Republican establishment” in the guise of Mitt Romney and John McCain, have been sticking the boot in and trying to derail the Donalds campaign.
This translates to me as “don`t worry folks, they will find a way of blocking the electorate from making a choice that the globalists, leftists and muslims the BBC serves don`t like.”
They are preparing to corrupt democracy itself to keep power in the hands of those who seek to manage the decline of America and the west.
It’s coming back to bite Romney on the arse though I believe. …flip flop Mitt…..
Take a quick look at this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35702584
The article is typical BBC, but check out the comments below it. I have noticed, since the GE, that people are feeling more confident about criticizing BBC bias when it is so blatant .
Yes, I noticed her pushing the idea that only the far right back Trump. Typical leftie idiocy from the BBC.
I doubt Marco Rubio has a chance to be President. Not only because he has less support than Trump but because he is short.
Abraham Lincoln was a giant. Has the US ever elected a short President? To what extent does image influence voters? I imagine it plays quite a role, even if on the subconscious level.
Rubio is similar to Milliband. Both rather boyish and immature. Impossible to visualise them doing battle on the world stage or even on the national stage.
Ted Cruz? He seems to make a lot of sense but there is something almost sly and unwholesome about him.
Trump? He may demonstrate aspects of the buffoon and the bully but the image of him as President doesn’t jar.
And he’s six foot two.
I have the feeling Trump will make it to the White House. A prediction if he does. US policy will be very different and I expect him to only have time for Russia and China and Brazil perhaps Japan. The EU will be sidelined after all it is militarily useless and on the down slide economically.
As for this country we had better prepare for the end of the so called special relationship. I doubt Trump will even be bothered with us. After all our political and media class affects to loathe him so no loss there for the USA.
There is no “special relationship” and I’m not at all sure that it ever was that special – I did use to think it was though.
I also don’t think it is always a given. After Pearl Harbour Churchill schmoozed the formerly isolationist Roosevelt and they had a very good personal relationship but it ended with the very naive Truman who was more interested in Stalin. Thatcher and Reagan also had a great relationship which partly continued with Bush sr. Blair and Bush jr. also were quite friendly,. but I agree that it has been overblown by our side more than theirs.
I got a 1000/1 on Kasich to be Republican Nominee a few weeks ago.He is down to 25/1.I prefer his chances to Cruz & Rubio stopping Trump as he has kept himself out of the personal attacks.Last night`s debate hit a new low point and it is not impossible the Republican base might decide to vote for Kasich as the only candidate who has any real dignity as well him having a successful CV as Ohio governor.
BBC Newsnight tonight, for those of you who have not seen it I would advise to watch it. A lesson in how to begin a story which captures the attention of the listener, ostensibly concentrating on a particular subject and then (like great comedians and joke tellers) delivering an unsuspected punch line.
What happened? Well Kirsty Wark linked a number of interviews and clips which carried out a character assasination on Donald Trump which to be fair is to be expected, as you could argue that he puts himself in a position to encourage it.
There was information produced that linked him to Mafia owned businesses and their dubious representatives etc., something not that uncommon in the USA (ref John Kennedy etc. etc. the Mormons and Las Vegas etc. etc. ad infinitum) so I continued to listen thinking ‘well ok, but so what you don’t want him to achieve POTUS we know that; so where is this leading to?
The answer to my question become clear when there followed interviews of ‘experts’ including an academic from some English university (sorry I had swallowed a few by then and can’t remember his name) who went on to describe Donald Trump’s global political interests, which mentioned that it is perceived that he is an admirer of Vladimir Putin.
Interesting but so what? There followed further rhetoric which simply and clearly stated that Putin is interested in seeing the EU become a weaker organisation (I’m paraphrasing here) and then the punch line (paraphrased) was that Britain’s role in maintaining the strength of the EU is vital – finally got to the point of it all, clear bias for remaining!
Does the BBC ever ask about Hillary (and Bill) Clinton’s links to dubious people?
Why does the BBC think Hillary is suitable to be President when she makes Richard M Nixon look like a Boy Scout?
Why doesn’t the BBC call for Obama to be impeached over abuse of the IRS & DHS, Benghazi, links to Black racists?
Does the BBC ever question who are Hillary’s backers and how she has got so much money?
I only inflicted the last bit of Newsshite upon myself, so I missed the usual patrician sneering at Trump.
I did, however catch the wise words of Prof. Garden-Trash and the other far-sighted commentators evacuating themselves to Squark. People like these are always puzzled by phenomena like UKIP, Trump, Le Pen, AfD, PEGIDA and Populism in general. If you believe that democracy has something to do with “the will of the people” then it is hard to see what is so bad about populism. The problem in essence is that people like Garden-Trash believe that rule by a simple democratic majority is dangerous; the rabble might decide to ban Muslim immigration. This is an anathema to the moral sensibilities of “progressives” and why they are so desparate to curtail and circumscribe “the will of the people” and impose their moralistic worldview by legalistic means like human rights and “hate speech” laws. The supremely vulgar may remain supremely vulgar but at least they will end up in jail or vilified if they attempt to speak their minds. Undemocratic institutions like the EU with this legalistic approach are a godsend for “progressives.” Alan Johnson, for example, a leader of some INard organisation, states that we need the EU for workers rights. It never seems to occur to him that in an independent democratic country people can vote for what they want. If there is not a democratic majority for the workers’ rights Johnson wants in the UK then the EU has imposed them against the will of the people.
I heard that. Seems Trump bought cement off a Mafia boss, who has a monopoly on cement in NY. Not sure that is such a crime, is it?
Well, as de Balzac posited – behind every great fortune lies a great crime.
But he’s hardly the first yank prez to have a great fortune.