“”Why we should have seen Trump coming””
by Nick Bryant New York correspondent.
“”But shouldn’t the establishment – and us in the media, for that matter – have seen the billionaire coming?”” (no you didn’t because you are always focused on the Democrats)
“”But an anti-establishment figure like Donald Trump would not have become so strong had not the party establishment become so weak. The GOP, the Grand Old Party, has been ripe for a takeover for years.”” (no, the Democrats have been so poor in performance).
Fantastic – a whole article about Trump that fails to use the words ‘amnesty’ or ‘immigration’.
Instead we get a whole bunch of synonyms for ‘angry’ with only the vaguest of hints as to what folks might be angry about. It’s practically anti-journalism.
I have a theory about Trump, which may or may not last the passage of time.
He will do whatever it takes to get the nomination, say whatever it takes, but he is out to get the Republican nomination. As far as he is concerned, if he doesn’t get the nomination he’ll just go it alone, but ideally he wants to get that nomination, and then it all comes down to his choice of running mate.
I think he will chose someone sensible, who will help him to tone down some statements and somehow haul him back towards the centre. Someone like Christie maybe.
He will be over Clinton like a rash during the real campaign. Her cabinet contains so many skeletons and he will be zero-ing in on them. Just wait for the squealing!
Trump is in great danger, as he is is being demonised by the establishment on all sides. This demonisation will then be used by the establishment and the media, to justify events if something untoward happens to Trump.
I knew it. So predictable.The BBC runs the story of the nanny be-header. Allah ordered his Mary Poppins to behead the child. BBC’s angle, she is mentally disturbed. For what? Doing what her fellow believers have done for centuries.
I chose a photo that is not graphic, but the horrible aspect is the proud adults taking a photograph of the child with a head.
The Moscow woman is normal for her culture. Get used to it.
Here are the figures from the Calais ‘jungle’ in the invaders’ own words (in the Grauniad):
population 3,455
elderly 13
women 169
children 445
men 2,841
families 145
Sometimes “impartiality” doesn’t produce the goods. For instance Montague’s lackadaisical conversation with Hammond this morning on Today delivered what exactly? Only that Hammond is a liar and that Montagu could not – would not – hold him to account. I didn’t hear the earlier interview with Brexit fan Dominic Raab (outside the peak 8:00-8:30 spot BTW) but I suspect that little light (and possibly a modicum of heat) was generated.
Far better – in the case of an almost unprecedented referendum – would be interviews conducted by admittedly partisan interviewers. Then the listeners would know 1. where the interviewer was coming from (ie the faux-impartiality of the BBC could, for once, be set aside) and 2. the proponents of both cases would actually have to defend themselves against knowledgeable interviewers, not the lazy, functionally illiterate/innumerate, badly briefed “journalists” of the BBC. Unfortunately this will never happen. After all we wouldn’t want the “little people” to understand a bit more, see their leaders in all their seedy glory and, worst of all, show up the BBC for the dysfunctional engine of bias and incompetence that it is.
Apparently over 40% of us are concerned for the value of the pound in our pocket, with rumours of Brexit resulting in a major run in the money markets. Thank goodness we have a banking system that is above probity, otherwise the less confident among us might feel the financial sector could make adjustments to suit, and how the BBC must be regretting the loss of Robert Peston, a man so frequently able to make those ‘influential’ forecasts.
When you hear “City” people talking about the value of sterling before and after Brexit, just remember that some people have an interest in sterling remaining strong, while others would prefer it to be weak, some would like it to fall immediately on Brexit, while others would like it to rise, some people will make money from a volataile pound while others will make money from stability, but none of them should be trusted over what they say on the radio because they are all trying to make money out of the situation.
The extreme left demonstrating their old, well used and trusted slogan of ‘the end justifies the means’ They don’t give a toss about the plight of these people, they just see them as a vehicle to further their cause against whatever it is they are against.
I have had first hand experience in dealing with some of these people and have observed their methods of lies and deceit in order to gain their objectives.
The French police would (if let off the leash) crush these activists, however I feel they are obviously politically restrained from doing so.
if we vote to leave the EU I don’t envisage a great deal of change in the in the markets in the long term as they tend to correct themselves.
In my view everything depends on the type of deal we negogiate with the EU. If we have a deal similar or the same as Norway then there should be no change, we will however, be in a much stronger position to deal with the EU than Norway given we are the 5th biggest economy in the world, have a population of 60 million + (Norway just 5 million) and the EU have a trading deficit with ourselves, meaning they need us more than we need them.
We currently only trade about 43-44% in the EU despite what tV pundits say( and it is declining quite rapidly over the last few years),incidentally a large portion of that is only a passing trade via Rotterdam. etc. The Remain keep talking about a supposed 3 million jobs disappearing (as did Clegg when against Farage) .
As I said earlier this statistic is utter nonsense and depends wholly upon the deal we negotiate, which i hasten to add, should be to our benefit economically if assessed right now.
Given the amount of money we contribute to EU ( second biggest contributor) I would suggest that if the Brexit win, the EU will undoubtedly offer wonderful gifts to this country, we could have the pickings of what we want. Cameron isn’t clever enough to understand this bargaining position. Boris is. I just want out completly as I evisage a headache and half with the introduction into the EU of Turkey and Bosnia.
Perhaps not so much that Cameron isn’t clever enough but that he isn’t willing enough and would renegotiate a deal that suits the EU and his Global masters more than it would suit us (the British plebs) We would be lucky if we got a deal as good as Norway (or as worse) so Cameron must go if there is a Brexit vote.
Cockneyboy, i have to disagree with you on your statement, I am intersted.
‘We would be lucky if we got a deal as good as Norway (or as worse)’
i have explained why we would get a better or similar deal to Norway, but I would like to hear your thoughts as to why we wouldn’t as I am a perplexed.
The only difficulty I can see with coming out of the EU, would be in the renegotiation of the 53 trade deals currently negogiated on our behalf by the EU. Given our current status and financial position in the world I don’t really envisage too many difficulties.We may have to pay a further 10% on imported cars as set worldwide by the World Trade Organisation but we may also find that with our ability to trade into the new markets beneficial. Many countries would I feel, offer good terms in order to set up a new trading arena. The competetion for business could be favourably intense, we shall be out of the failing EU market.
Our starting position would of course be a net gain of 10-12 billion pounds of EU contributions per year.
Perhaps I did’nt make myself clear. Allow me to clarify. I’m of the opinion like many others on the Brexit side that we are big enough and powerful enough as a country and market etc. to make a very good deal with Europe in a situation of Brexit, as Nigel Farage has put it a ‘bespoke deal for Britain’
The point I was making was that I would’nt trust Cameron to do it, not because he isn’t capable but that he does’nt really want to drive for the best possible outcome, which in my opinion (and many others) would be:
1) Complete control of borders
2) Reduced contribution
3) Restored Sovreignty
I hope that clarifies.
There inevitably will be many Mutual Recognition Agreements made between this country and others. The first step however, will be to agree with the EU, who i feel will be keener than ourselves to reach an agreement within two years. Especially the German and French car manufacturers as well as the French wine exporters.
Richard North’s article is good,disputatious but rightly pessimistic, he is exploring a ‘what if’ worst case scenario.It is necessary.
I believe he fails to take into account the absolute need from both buyers and sellers within the EU to make that deal ASAP (within two years). There will be concessions made from both parties.
There will, I feel, be a degree of initial emnity from the EU leaders towards this country, then after a very short cooling off period, the businesses will put the required presssure on governments to do deals, of such a nature that will be beneficial to both parties. Can you imagine Volkswagen, BMW,Audi,Renault,Citreon and French/Spanish and dare I say Bulgarian winemakers saying it’s ok for us not be allowed to do business with Britain. Governments have a history of shaping their countries in accordance and coexistence to the needs of business and the employment it provides to its people.
If the worst case scenario existed and EU deal could be organised, the savings, (in terms of the EU subsidy, 11 billion) could be used to subsidise our businesses for a while while it seeks new markets around the world with Mutual Recognised Agreements.
Given we vote to leave, I can see more positives for businesses in this country than negatives, companies like Legal and General have come out and said there will be no effect on them should Brexit occur.
I can imagine the only losers to our Brexit will be the MultiNationals, whose exploitation of the Labour force through free movement and the undercutting of indigeneous workers wages has been a national disgracen notwithstanding the diminution of our cultural identity, delapidation and resource depletion of our infrastructure.
In the first instance we would not need to renogotiate any of our existing trade deals, as under international law these would be deemed to be still in force. That does not mean that in due course we would not wish to revisit some treaties with a view to amending them to more accurately reflect British interests, something which is of course impossible if we stay in the EU’s clammy grip.
Win or Lose, with an overwhelming majority of the Tory Party voting out, it would be unthinkable that Cameron could survive for long. Cameron’s career route to leader was based on Euro scepticism. To now have been exposed as a Heathite on the same side of the Labour, LibDem and SNP leadership, and in opposition to the Tory grassroots as well as UKIP and the Democratic Unionists, would make it suicidal for the Tory Party to limp on with a leader exposed as a metropolitan lefty.
Mr Cameron is a dead man walking. Hopefully he will be big enough to realise it and go whichever way the referendum result goes. If not, I suspect another decapitation a la Margaret will occur and Mr Osborne will be seen to have nailed his colours to the wrong mast.
It will be interesting to see who the BBC “favours”. As ever I suspect we will have absolutely no difficulty in identifying him (or her).
Why do you think that David Cameron is a “Dead Man Walking”?, the facts are that the Conservative party are managing to hold a grown up debate without descending to the internal anarchy that inflicted the Conservatives at the end of the Thatcher / Major leaderships.
I don’t care for Cameron, however, he is a vastly safer pair of hands than any of the other politicians (from any party).
Take a look at PMQ’s today, not one dissenting voice was heard, hardly the picture of a party that ‘Thoughtful’ is claiming is trying to get rid its leader.
Finally, “Thoughtful” makes the suggestion that Cameron is an “idle Eton Toff”, surely that sort of remark is the hallmark of someone who dabbles in the politics of envy (e.g. Labour) and most certainly not the musings of someone with the handle “Thoughtful”.
Why do some people on the internet always feel the need to resort to insults in a way which they would never do when face to face?
Calling me someone who deals in the politics of envy is not going to wash with those who regularly read my posts here!
As for Cameron being an idle Eton Toff, I stand by that. A few days ago I wrote a post about post WWII Eton PMs and all of them shared one characteristic – idleness. Content to allow the country to muddle along whilst doing as little as possible.
There is also some kind of sense of entitlement, that they have a right to rule over us which is rather distasteful
If I had said ‘public schoolboy’ you might have had a point, but those PMs from other privately educated background have been entirely different from the Eton ones.
Perhaps if you sit down and try to think of what Cameron (and not his Ministers) has actually done since he took office, you might realise there’s precious little. He didn’t even have a set of demands to take to Brussels ! Even when pressed he couldn’t actually come up with much either!
Remember the zombie parliament when he simply ran out of policy ideas?
The big problem for the Tories is that he has stuffed his cabinet so full of other Eton Cronies that it’s going to leave the party without any kind of natural successor – unless you count his chum Boris of course !
The minute I read a personal insult against a fellow poster I refuse to read it. I was born at a time when good manners were deemed important, I am aware that in today’s society I am a dinosaur but there it is.
I try and read most posts at the end of the day and probably give too many upticks, but I learn so much from my fellow posters and am very grateful to you all.
Always best to play the ball and not the man (or woman).
Why do you think that David Cameron is a “Dead Man Walking”?, the facts are that the Conservative party are managing to hold a grown up debate without descending to the internal anarchy that inflicted the party at the end of the Thatcher / Major leaderships.
I don’t care for Cameron, however, he is a vastly safer pair of hands than any of the other politicians (from any party).
Take a look at PMQ’s today, not one dissenting voice was heard, hardly the picture of a party that ‘Thoughtful’ is claiming is trying to get rid its leader.
Finally, “Thoughtful” makes the suggestion that Cameron is an “idle Eton Toff”, surely that sort of remark is the hallmark of someone who dabbles in the politics of envy (e.g. Labour) and most certainly not the musings of someone with the handle “Thoughtful”.
I would call Cameron an unprincipled careerist idle Eton Toff, and upper-class twit. I can only think of one principled intelligent hard-working knowledgeable Eton Tory, and that’s Jacob Rees-Mogg. I would put Boris in the middle. Also if you look at the Labour Party, those MP’s on the Brexit side have been known to be honest and principled and intelligent on other issues including Climate Change.
If I asked you which country in the EU with a population of just 17m comes third in the list of imports from and exports to the U.K. with around 15% of the total, what would you say.
Diito a country with 11m population is 4th in the list of those exporting to the U.K.
One has a port called Rotterdam, and one a port called Antwerp where ships to and from the U.K. deal with containers being received from and sent on around the world, but because the Netherlands and Belgium are the first / last destinations that is where the trade is “booked” to!
Given that the EU sells so much more to us compared with what we sell to them, why should we have to pay them to trade with them.
Logically, they should be paying us.
Louise Arbour, ex UN High Commissioner “uman” Rights Chief Prosecutor for the International Crime Tribunal on Rwanda.
Simon “irritating voice” Schama, art historian, arch BBC luvvie, author, purveyor of virtue signalling potted history … anyone remember BBC “Civilisations” … yuk!
Mark Steyn (needs no introduction)
Nigel Farage UK Independence Party
Convene in Toronto, Canada, to debate the pressing issue of our time … HOW DO WE RESPOND TO THE GLOBAL REFUGEE CRISIS?
Yep! … count me in 😀 for that one … that should be fun
Turning on Radio 4 this morning it was the Today program on the Oscars, and a contributor who certainly made me smile, although I didn’t catch his name, he could have been a poster on these pages.
Describing it as three hours of virtue signalling, and like a lecture on ‘making sure you eat your vegetables’ he ridiculed what he referred to as the leftie liberal showbiz elite.
Sam Smith and his rubbish song – “I’m the first openly gay person to win an Oscar” – no you’re not John Gielgud won one in 1981 before you were born !
Some obscure film which won an Oscar because it was about McCarthyism came in for scathing criticism, don’t these hypocrites realise that they are every bit as bad as McCarthy with their holier than thou liberal condemnation of everything which doesn’t agree with their beliefs.
The Leonardo De Caprio who hectored everyone that he would be ‘keeping an eye on the enivronment’ before climbing on board his private jet !
There was ridicule for the suggested quota system which would mean films would have to have a set number of Black / Muslim, gay, diabled actors (etc etc insert suitable victim group) as a quick route to producing films no one wanted to watch and would quickly means studios would go bankrupt and films would just be made in countries which were more sane.
Humphries actually seemed to enjoy the lunatic and Fascist left being taken apart.
I didn’t hear this one but it must have been Toby Young of the Spectator and contributing editor (whatever that means) to Vanity Fair. Scion of a staunchly leftist family Young’s eyes have been opened by exposure to the real world particularly in his work to found the West London Free School. Humphrys probably recognised (with regret) in Young’s contribution what honest journalism actually looks like and thus what he – Humphrys – has sacrificed in working at the BBC: hence his indulgence for Young’s contribution.
(I’ll repost this since it’s now stuck at the end of the startthe week)
I see that the BBC is set to reorganise ..replacing management by network with management by theme/project.
I imagine their recruitment programme :
#1 #bbcOperationPromoteLeftism = BBC Red-io system and Red-TV get the reds as much unchallenged airtime as possible
#2 #bbcOperationLoveJeremyC= A 500 strong team dedicated to lioninsing “Our Dear Leader”
#3 #bbcOperationLoveTheEU = A 1,000 strong team dedicated to protecting the “Golden Goose”
#4 #bbcKeepItAllAboutNorthLondon – Talk about diversity etc whilst all the time it’s really about people in Hampstead and their mates
#4a #bbcWhiteMansGuilt is a sub-operation of that. Being in London they see a lot more BME’s than the majority of the country so enage in tokenism.
#5 #bbcOperationStopTrump
#6 #bbcOperationStopUKIP – A 1,000 strong team dedicated to task #5, #6
#7 #bbcOperationSaveThePlanet – The BBC’s most powerful department with suites of its own dedicated progs headed by Dark Lord Attenborough (religious broadcasting) General Horrobin etc.
#8 Head of Green Rooms – whereby each BBC prog has a room full of Greens ready to come on
#9 Head of Inclusion= Head of Exclusion – A 24 hour job to make sure non-leftwing voices are excluded from the airwaves – Run by Prof Steve Jones and Roger Bolton
#10 Head Of Keeping presenters dumb – Job involves recruiting dumb presenters like GameShow, Jenny Murray and JeremyVine who will believe any old #GreenCrap (and stop avoiding recruiting presenters who dare challenge like AS Neil and Clarkson)
#11 Head of Casting public Audiences = Head of Jerrymandering audience panels
: involves driving a bus full of lefty “locals” around the country to BBC QT type shows (Same bus as used at Fracking demos)
#12 Head of Open Democracy = Head of paranoid Secrecy
: Involves finding ways to get out of FOIA requests
also doubles up as BBC head of cover-ups. A 600 strong department.
Wondering why it might be that David Cameron has taken such a liberal position on Gay marriage? Think it might be because he might care two hoots about the LGBT community? Think again! The real reason is yet again Camerons untrammelled greed!
This is David Camerons bother in law & the future Baronet Sheffield, heir to the title and the Normanby Estate. If he dies childless, and looking at this photo there’s every indication that he will, then the entire fortune and title would go to the descendants of his sister, Samantha.
So far as I’m aware the estate, and stately home are still the same size and condition they were 5 years ago!
The point is not the age of the article, but the estate, income, title and the pile he stands to inherit Jure uxoris.
Who Cares ? Obviously Thoughtful has joined Class Warfare ! Eton Toffs , all BBC , Corbyn , Mirror , Guardian tosh. No one I know gives a toss about Gay marriage , let them get on with it , but I wouldn`t want to necessary attend one .
So Essexman, prey tell us your present thoughts on our PM and his drive to frighten us all in his attempt to get us to stay in the EU ?
We wait with baited breath ………….
I want to leave , Simples , & most of the people I know likewise. Everyone has only one vote . Cam is doing what Wilson did in 75 , he too recommended us to stay in . If I had been old enough to vote at the time, I would of voted “IN” . This time its “OUT”. But this is not a referendum on Gay marriage , that is a non event.
conveniently ignoring the provenance of migrants and the way that the crisis is being dealt with by those controlling the pinch points to launch a cheap shot to try and smear those that General Breedlove wants to attack….
eye-roll up + head shake
These loathsome parasites really do think we’re all gullible fools.
Well, after recent news of the BBC giving the EastEnders set a multi-million pound revamp, including a mosque to show a more ‘authentic’ depiction of that London, I’m sure it won’t be long before Corbyn et al will be feeling well in tune with the common man person.
Yes, EastEnders, that accurate representation of everyday life in Britain, where more people get resurrected than in an entire season of The Walking Dead; where no one, be they GLBT, disabled, dwarf, cross-dresser, or ginger, ever seems able to get a job beyond Albert Square and yet still manages to afford London prices; where most are always complaining about having no money yet can always afford to buy hot drinks or a cooked meal from the greasy spoon just across the road; where entire Muslim families are fully integrated into Western culture, wearing casual clothes, entering into interracial sexual relationships willy-nilly, and regularly frequenting the Queen Vic for a pint or two of orange juice instead of running the local convenience store or kebab shop; where no one has a fucking washing machine or liver disease, or the sense to do their weekly shop at a bloody supermarket…
Another BBC selective editorial integrity number, hot on the heels of the tear gassing of poor souls for no good reason…. well, other than the rock throwing and pyromania either not mentioned or tucked away.
‘Apparently Mr Bowen needs to brush up on his employer’s guidance for the use of social media’
It is likely that Mr. Bowen, along with many other BBC staff, are well aware what lies behind such ‘guidance’.
Just happened to catch the end of Jeremy Vine in the car, more migrant porn. A charming 93 year old ex serviceman tells us that the Calais migrant camps are worse than those he saw during WW2.
It may well be the case, but why are they our problem? At no time during the short piece of the interview I heard, was it pointed out to the listeners that these people had willingly travelled through plenty of countries offering maybe better accommodation to willingly put up with the squalor of the Calais camps.
Cue a (carefully selected?) caller post interview telling us that 20,000 is nothing and the women and kids would benefit our economy and that Germany did the right thing in taking one million (teel that to those in Colonge). He then goes on to tell us that his own research tells him (he’s talked to ‘hundreds’ of them..) that absolutely none of them are after benefits or council houses (where TF he thinks they are all going to live I have no idea).
Its great to hear from a still living WW2 vet, but I’m sure that the majority of those still alive and the majority of those that are not (especially those that died fighting) would be of a very different opinion, yet the BBC still manage to find a pro migrant 93 year old…
I find it even more sad because my Dad (ex RN) would have also been 93 this year and I know for sure what his stance would be on the subject and for that reason I will be voting in June 2016 the same way as he did in June 1975….
Oh, there’s careful selection going on alright. Did you notice Vine kept using “we” in his commentary, giving away the view that this is ‘our’ problem? Yet here are the top five rated comments from the accompanying BBC Radio 2 Facebook post, with many more following suit:
”The extremity of this could have been avoided if they put a stop to it by turning them away when they started to build the “jungle”. They can’t just expect us to take them all in to claim their free homes and money. Like they said, they don’t want to register with the French authorities because they will be stuck in France. What’s wrong with France!? We all know what’s wrong with France. They don’t hand out free homes and money like the generous Brits do. But the plan isn’t to go start a new life. It’s to turn Britain into their own. Why don’t they go home fight for their countries and turn them around like Britain had to and like all the other European countries had to? Life isn’t about handouts.”
”When will the media stop trying to brainwash us in to this falsehood? Some people are ‘looking for a better life’. Well, I want a ‘better life ‘ in New Zealand – I can’t just rock up at the door and say let me in. I can’t just turn up somewhere expecting everyone to help me. I can’t rip down border crossings because I want to go across. These people are choosing to live in these conditions in Calais. They are in a safe country and are free to apply for asylum there, but they’re choosing not to.”
”Shame on you BBC, manipulating this old man’s emotions. There is no comparison between this situation and WWII. Different situation altogether.”
”Sweet old man but wrong. No similarities at all! These are Muslim thugs, just search social media today and see what they are doing to our Lorry drivers. Typical BBC bias!”
”Why can’t the able men go home and fight for their country back? Britain did. They expect money, housing, food but they are not prepared to help towards it.”
However, the BBC has no shame. It is unable to recognise its own shortcomings. They world they inhabit is a special world where people like the writer and the two of us I imagine are not recognised as having valid opinions. That is why they will never change. They have a kind of incurable insanity, an insanity which like that of a sociopath is impervious to the feelings and views of others.
There are others in the BBC, like the self-styled Marxist economist Paul Mason, who is now employed elsewhere, are activists and revolutionaries, entryists who are now inside a powerful machine which they have hi-jacked for their own propaganda ends.
For this reason too the BBC must be disbanded – it is a morally corrupt and subversive force within our society.
The BBC is incapable of self-reform, it is futile to hope for it. The only solution is for it to be broken up.
Sorry to say this Geoff, but it seems likely that the veteran could have been been carefully manipulated when interviewed…anyone can write the questions to elicit the desired responses to suit the narrative, for example…
When you went into the camp in WW2 were the buildings still standing? Did the buildings look like the tents at the jungle? How do the tents look compared with the camp you saw in WW2?……….
Answer..truthful and accurate..”the camp at the jungle looks worse than those I saw in WW2″, edit the interview or discuss the answers beforehand to “set the tone” of the interview and build rapport….easily done.
Now ask the WW2 veteran, were there corpses piled up? were bulldozers putting corpses into pits of quicklime? was there a typhus epidemic? were people dying of starvation and eating leaves and grass, was there a wall where bodies had been left after shooting? was there a crematorium? can we see any of those things at the jungle camp in Calais?
This game of subliminally trying to link the mobile phone toting jungle residents (who are refusing rehousing in a new camp in heated and converted shipping containers because they don`t want to be identified) with memories of the Holocaust is simply despicable.
The BBC edit suite is very powerful, and with that comes great responsibility.
Unfortunately they are a bunch of immoral, unethical evil weasels, so anyone with a BBC mic stuck in front of them should smile sweetly and decline to comment for the purposes of not being stitched up by the bastards.
Because they are so few now, we tend to view WWII veterans in a kindly light, and give their opinions more weight than they might deserve.
In the 1960s and 70s most of our government leaders were WWII veterans, and many of them were scoundrels and traitors. The fact that they served in the war was a given, and proved nothing about them. This old gentleman might well be a communist fellow traveller for all I know. I thank him for his service, but he does not speak for me.
The Calais Gimmies have been offered an alternative to the Jungle camps. OK it’s not the Ritz, but better than Butlins was for post war British holiday makers. There are 600 of them all empty. Why, because if the migrants take them they will be treated as settled in France and they want to get to UK.
I agree that most government leaders are scoundrels and traitors – fast forward to the last 20 years – er Tony Blair ? HOWEVER, never forget, like in all wars, a lot of the serving men were cannon fodder and were lucky to survive.
I take issue with the remark ‘give their opinions more weight than they deserve’ – tell that to someone who survived building the Burma railway under the Japs, or like my Dad, on Russian convoys – he was 21 at the time. Would you say the same about our military of today who return with broken bodies ? I think not.
As I said, I thank them for their service, but their political opinions are their own, and they do not speak for me.
In the 1950s, 60s and 70s most adult men were war veterans, but that hardly meant they all agreed about everything did it? I happen to think that the gentleman cited might well have served in the war, but if he thinks the Jungle is as bad as Belsen he’s a dupe, and if he thinks we should let the Jungle dwellers into Britain he’s dead wrong as far as I am concerned.
I agree with your sentiments regarding the old chap – Thanks a lot mate for your war service (we do mean it, but it does not mean your opinion on the migrants is any more valid than my own!)
I think there is a further point here that is worth exploring. The left wing and in particular the BBC all seem to hold this opinion that because they are all left wing they are the natural successors to anyone who stood up to fascism in WW2 (either in the forces or in a civilian capacity)
Therefore it follows that only they can make pronouncements about who is fascist and who is not! (remember some European border guards being likened to nazis by the press because they wrote ID numbers on the arms of migrants who had deliberately destroyed their own documents)
However they (with the help of Blair and friends) have deliberately created a situation where our own culture and hard won freedoms are now at risk due to a tsunami of migrants who want to live in our country exploit our freedoms and replace them with their own culture aided and abetted by the BBC and her friends. All we ever see is a pictures of children at gates together with a plea for tolerance (and a subtext that we also are probably nazis if we dont agree to take them in). Yet very few are children, most are young adults and many are of these migrants are so desperate to enter Europe they are forced to commit sexual crimes to show how desperate they are to join us !!!!
Any one who disagrees is lumped in with the far right I thought it was a particularly nice touch when plod felt the collar of the lad who dared to go onto a UKIP website. Young Adolf in the making – I am sure.
Our state broadcaster can also deliberately ignore, downplay or manipulate facts of news stories it doesnt like in order to get the result it wants – The end justifies the means. Christ Goebells would be proud. Ultimately the bleedin obvious fact is that if a large number of muslims enter our country they will push for Sharia law.( Supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2008 – talk about signing your own death warrant).
It is interesting that those who scream nazi or fascist most loudly seem to be the true heirs of the fuhrer. They are blind to everything but their own narrow world view. Unfortunately they are protected by the shield of arrogance and corruption and are armed with the sword of lies. What can we do about it I dunno but at least people are starting to wake up from their slumber and hopefully Brexit could be a start. I guess what we need is a Churchillesque type figure Maybe its time to start beating Drakes Drum for real – Knowing my luck if I beat it only Benedict Cumberpatch or Bob Geldof would turn up = OH GOD!
I hate the f^(#ing Marxist traitor bastard BBC more and more with each passing day!
Perhaps I should change my name to “Mustapha Wipeout al-Beebi”, since a ‘shake-up’ will no longer do. It isn’t just the reports on here of bias on channels that I don’t listen to, such as Radio 2 – though these are convincing enough. It’s also based on my own (increasingly limited) consumption of the cultural effluent that now passes for serious broadcasting. Here is just one example, from something I caught on radio i-player earlier today, which has left me feeling very angry.
The offending item was “Black, White and Beethoven” on Radio 4 yesterday morning. I knew it would be dire, of course …
“Britain’s music scene today is a rich, multi-cultural feast that draws on talent from all corners of society. Unless, that is, your passion is classical music. In Britain, and across Europe, performers, composers, teachers and institutions remain resolutely, predominantly white.
Why should this be, and is this a concern? Many believe steps to redress this imbalance are now long overdue, and that urgent action is required. But what should these actions be, and would they be successful?
Chi-chi Nwanoku and members of her Chineke! Orchestra, Europe’s first professional Black and Minority Ethnic orchestra, talk about their lives in classical music: we also hear from other Black classical musicians about the circumstances of their work.
In Black White and Beethoven, Joseph Harker explores these issues – taking stock of where we are, and exploring some ideas that could help classical music to engage and reflect the full diversity of contemporary society.
Producer: Lyndon Jones for BBC Wales”.
There is so much that is questionable just in this introduction, let alone the half-hour programme itself. The following is just a warning sample:
(1) Note YET AGAIN the collocation of the adjectives ‘rich’ and ‘multi-cultural’ – this is brainwashing, Goebbels-style.
(2) “… remain resolutely, predominantly White”. If Western Classical music is a White invention and reflects White capacity for seriousness, self-discipline and spiritual introspection, one might reasonably expect it to remain White and not appeal equally to all cultures.
(3) “… is this a concern?” Only for BBC types! Most White people don’t appreciate a lot of serious music, for whatever reason; it has been a minority interest for all my life. I make no judgement about this but why on earth should it matter that Black and minority people are not involved? You can take a horse to water (e.g. in school) but you can’t make it drink if there is no inclination.
(4) “Many believe steps to redress this imbalance are now long overdue, and that urgent action is required”. How ‘many’, specifically? Or is this just YET MORE BBC Marxist opinion disguised as fact? Why is ‘urgent’ action needed, when the problem, if indeed it even is a problem, is so minor? Maybe BME people are simply less interested in Classical Music!
(5) Why should Classical music “reflect the full diversity of contemporary society”? You can’t make people like something such as a particular style of music: I don’t like Folk music or Rap … but I don’t mind if others do, or if Whites dominate Folk and Blacks regard Rap as being theirs; good luck to both of them.
The Black presenter had to complain about the silence and respectful attitude of the (mainly White) audiences at Classical events. It was a ‘code’ that he had not been taught (boo hoo!) He noted there was no noise or sense of enjoyment, until the applause at the end. How dare he seek to reduce the Western Classical tradition to the level of dumbed-down popular mass culture, with hysterical teenage shrieking, pelvic thrusting and bum-waggling, swaying and mindless noise! Why should White music (and culture in general) become more Black? Who benefits? What is wrong with civilized self-restraint, concentration on the sublime music of Bach, Mozart or Beethoven and the showing of measured appreciation at the end?
I am sick to the back teeth of the rotten treacherous evil bastard BBC telling me to turn against my own Western culture.
I went to a concert at the Bridgewater Hall once. The music was fine, but I was a bit put off by the police outside, using dogs and batons to keep the black folks out. If only there were some way that black people were allowed in to classical music concerts on the same terms as whites, I am sure this could all be resolved peacefully.
As they don’t show any interest in lower priced events such as the Proms, or even the free ones, it seems highly unlikely that they would be seen at full priced concerts the rest of the year or, even more unlikely, on the concert platform.
Musicians from SE Asia are clearly in evidence in orchestras in Europe and the US and there are several famous soloists. SE Asia has been a big market for classical CDs for years. They don’t seem to have a problem.
There are quite a few black opera singers around. Singing doesn’t appear to be a barrier but they don’t appear to attract black audiences. The interest is just not there.
Just another example of singling out an aspect of white culture in order to attack it.
On the subject of classical music, I’ve just watched the documentary “Andre Previn at the BBC”. He said that when the BBC was broadcasting “Andre Previn’s Music Night” in the 1970s, it was harder to get a ticket for an LSO concert than a West End show. Morecambe and Wise obviously helped. Things are a little different now, the wretched BBC only interested in promoting stuff which doesn’t need it. Vicious circle. All the clips in the documentary were from the 1970s and 80s as far as I could tell (1970s fashions are a dead giveaway) and, apart from one or two high profile documentaries, there’s been nothing like them since.
The programme should have been called “Old white crap we can no longer be bothered with”.
That New Years Day Concert from Wien is still Hideously White , thank goodness . A bit of that Germanic Strauss is very relaxing ,to start January off . The BBC would prefer NWA , provided the music instead.
A concert of the National Anthems of Black majority Nations by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra would go down a treat. Especially if BBC staff where forced on to the streets to give out free tickets like confetti to passing Afro-Caribbean types.
In my experience there’s a bit of cognitive dissonance in the classical world. From what I can tell, most of them are leftists, but I get the sense many of them feel very guilty and embarrassed about being involved with what is generally a very culturally conservative art form. Thus they go over the top in trying to prove they are ‘relevant’, ‘diverse’ etc. They’re like trendy vicars in that sense.
Whittingdale – what a wet blanket, but to be honest I never expect much any more of so called Conservative politicians.
I did use iPlayer once or twice a week for the odd decent documentary but now all I can say is ‘how sad, never mind’.
I guess a non TV licence holding ‘potential terrorist’ will now have their internet history checked by Ms May?
I’m also guessing that as the Amazon TV stick and Sky’s Now TV box both have the Iplayer app on them, one will also need a licence just to own one. High time for the encryption of BBC output, don’t want it, don’t want to pay for it.
I doubt it will be limited to just BBC iPlayer. I would not be surprised if they make a licence fee compulsory to watch any recorded content that had previously been broadcast in UK.
I hope Capita have lots of Polish speaking Enquiry Officers when they go knocking on doors.
I’m really hoping that the Remain side have scored a couple of spectacular own goals. First wee Jimmy Krankie stuck her lacquered barnet above the parapet. My God that woman is a right royal pain in the arse. Whenever I hear that pitiful whining voice I feel like clambering over Hadrian’s Wall and slaughtering a few of the locals. I’ve never heard this creature speak when she isn’t griping and yet she’s got the brass neck to tell Dave to be “more positive.” Priceless!
And now the loathsome Peter Mandelson, The Prince of Darkness, has crawled out from under his stone. There’s a fellow you really can trust. He’s been involved in more devious back stabbing deals than the Caligula. You just know that Mandelson is a”wrong un.” Nothing whatever to do with his sexuality, that doesn’t enter the equation; he’s just sinister.This bloke gives most normal people the shivers and decent politicians a bad name.
There has to be someone else, an international figure, renowned as a free thinking humanitarian, that the Remain camp can call on.
Robert Mugabe…
Mention the mighty Ann Coulter earlier.
She cites all the liberal scum who`ve called Trump wrong-and the retrenchment of the liberal left as it sets its compass to stun, and then shoots itself as usual.
Funny-and great stuff to warm us all as we welcome President Trump next January.
It`s what the BBC really really want…and what Michael Moore and Megyn Kelly, Jon Stewart and Blowhole Bruce deserves.
Can`t WAIT for those Oscar bitchslappings that`ll follow! http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2016-02-17.html
Mr President…Put UP that wall…and nail the liberal left up on the Mexican side for target practice will ya?
No doubt the vibrancy and enrichment of this will be totally overlooked by the left wing media, who might report on its reappearance, but not where it came from.
The £/Euro rate is back today at the level it was before the “slump” which followed the announcement of the referendum. It will receive little media coverage. The Government/media have successfully planted the idea of a falling £ in the minds of the electorate (still being pedaled today by Jo Coburn (?) on the BBC2 lunchtime politics programme). Smart move as :- The latest poll by ComRes showed 55% of Britons were worried a vote to leave the European Union will weaken the pound and 43% said the value of sterling will be an important factor in how they vote in the referendum in June.
The future of the nation is reduced to the currency exchange deal for incidental spending for 2 weeks on the Med.
The big problem the Leave campaign has got is actually being able to get their message out there, as al beebus and ITV are so biased in favour of the Remainians.
I also think the Leavers need to push the debate in the direction of the weakest part of the Remainians’ argument: migration and its consequences (unlimited numbers, overburdening schools, hospitals, housing, depressing wages, increased crime etc etc) rather than this dead end discussion about how long trade re-negotiations would take should Brexit happen.
I think your right Al – unfortunately Auntie and all her imps will be concentrating on all this trade bollox as I am sure she knows that on immigration and its effects they are on a hiding to nothing. So if she endlessly pushes the same repetitive stories about trade, hopefully most of the sheep may lose interest, neck another lager and go back to sleep!
Today, I witnessed something very strange from Prime Ministers Questions on the Daily Politics programme.
The Speaker called for Bernard Jenkins to speak. He was not present, he clearly did not stand to get the eye of The Speaker which seems to be the normal protocal when being called upon to ask a question.
The Speaker then immediately asked David Davies to speak on what I think Bernard Jenkin was going to talk about, namely Fredom of Information, restricting information from the Civil Service to Leave Ministers in particular reference to number immigrants.
Very embarassing for The Speaker, unusual in that I cannot ever remember seeing that happen before.
A Labour MEP used his parliamentary allowance to fund trips to the US and pay his ex-wife £10,000 after their divorce, a court heard.
Peter Skinner, 56, alledgedly pocketed more than £17,000 of taxpayers’ money himself in a fraud spanning five years, and abused his position to pay thousands of pounds to his own father.
Some of the cash went toward the cost of repairing the clutch on his ex-wife’s Land Rover Discovery, jurors heard.
Skinner, from Snodland in Kent, the Labour MEP for the South East of England region from 1999 to 2014, also forged his father’s signature on a document so he could claim his father was working for him and send his parents £5,000 every three months, Southwark crown court heard.
Prosecutor Jonathan Davies said Parliamentary Assistance Allowance is only given to MEPs to cover the cost of their assistants but that Skinner “used it for personal expenditure”. The alledged fraud was exposed when one of Skinner’s former researchers noticed a document showing money paid to the MEP’s father. Skinner denies two charges of fraud and one count of false accounting. The trial continues.
“”When did most Americans search for ‘move to Canada’?”” (you’ve guessed it. post Trump’s victories today).
“”As sure as “Results Wednesday” follows Super Tuesday, Americans were reacting to the outcome of the voting by searching on Google for how to move to Canada”” (most Americans? you mean a few Democrats who couldn’t cope with Democracy in action?)
“”The biggest recorded spike in interest was when George W Bush was elected president for a second term in November 2004. Back then the Canadian immigration service reported a six-fold increase in interest on its website””‘ ( six times very little is not a lot)
DS. Please read this one again. This particular article is ‘even’, in that the link is made to the successes of both Clinton and Trump. Whilst the article is a complete non-story, on this occasion I think your accusation of bias is unfair (unless they have updated the page since you posted).
If Trump wins, I bet ethnics would still want to climb the wall into the US. But I don’t think intelligent people in Canada would like racist left-wing white American immigrants perverting democracy in Canada, rather than emigrating to a country more in tune to their professed racial preferences, such as Mexico. But I think these immigrants from the rebel republic would have to swear allegiance to the Queen, if they wanted to escape being citizens of Trump, and vote in Canada. Otherwise Canada should put these hypocrites on a plane to a country with an ethnic population more to the professed liking of American Democrats, rather than hideously White Canada.
It’s the same with BBC staff, they say they want to live in a multicultural area, but they are always found living next to people they call racist, and they never bloody emigrate, even when the Tories win elections.
To All above ……………
Thought of the day, if we were not in the EU, would you vote to join the present European Union in the state it is now ?
So why stay in ?
PS , Taffman , I have Welsh , French & Essex ancestry , so I am a bit of an Anglo Saxon Celt , might be a relative of yours from 2000 years ago. I am for Brexit too , I hope you can get your cousins in the Rhonda , to vote out as well . Essex will be for out, that`s for sure.
Greetings Essexman good to hear from you. I and many more are glad that you are for the ‘Out’ vote.
I do gather that many of our cousins in Merthyr are voting UKIP in the next Welsh Assembly. Now, to my original question, “tell us your present thoughts on our PM and his drive to frighten us all in his attempt to get us to stay in the EU ?”
Do you think that illegal immigration into the UK will be worse if we get out of the EU? How on earth did we mange to prevent invasion upon invasion over the last thousand years ?
Anyone with a few braincells knows that Saudi Arabia is a pit of medieval brutality, but the BBC somehow manages to mince its words when dealing with the Saudis. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-35609249
Today we have a feature on Saudi Twitter stars, who are, naturally, all Islamist clerics, which is helpfully headed with some cuddly smiling caricatures (can’t see Donald Trump ever being afforded such a luxury by the BBC leftists).
Cuddly, bearded Mohammad Al-Arifi is described as ‘the Brad Pitt of Muslim clerics’. Only after much mincing of words, do we learn that he wants to kill all Shia, and is a big proponent of wife-beating.
One headline news story on Radio 4 at 6am was french minister threatening to move the border back to blighty and let in all migrants if we Brexit.
Surely if we Brexit we would
1 Control our own borders
2 Have a police force and army that should do what the UK goverment wants
For F###s! sake are we now so emasculated that if Brexit happens we would be unable to control our own borders and remove undesirables without the help of the french!
Yes, another case of the BBC not doing it’s job and failing to ask proper questions.
The bilateral agreement negotiated between the British and French governments about border controls between Calais and the UK is entirely separate from the EU. Part of the agreement is that either side – if it wishes to back out – must give the other side two years notice of this intention.
So why did the the Beeb droid not ask “So is this clearly a threat from the French government as it is nothing to do with the EU?” or “So do the French government frequently renege on agreements they reach?” or “Will the UK government be entitled to serious compensation from the French government if they fail to honour their agreement?”.
Of course we know why they didn’t ask these questions. The BBC is a propaganda and not a news organisation and is solely interested in pushing the left wing line on any matter.
BBC News this moning. Scrolling along the bottom of screen “How extremist is Donald Trump?” That’s it nothing else. Just an assumpotion that Donald Trump IS extremist. AlBeeb just need to know how extremist. Disgraceful BBC bias.
The BBC Today Programme reinforces the BBC website by giving far more prominence to a disingenuous e mail from BMW to its staff than the thoughts of 200 SMEs on the EU. Guess what, the major European companies with British subsidiaries, whose senior executives form part of the EU corporatist cabal, want Britain to stay in the EU. The thoughts of SMEs who want Brexit are far less important, even though they represent the real economic future of Britain, employ most of the British workforce and don’t export much to the EU.
The interview by Nick Robinson with the bland BMW fatcat executive in charge of European sales and marketing was a triumph of BMW obfuscation. All they point out is ‘uncertainty’ if we leave the EU. Don’t they realise that small companies face major uncertainty all the time. Only big company executives who have never faced real business life or death decision making would say they can’t abide uncertainty. The BMW executive also lied in his interview by saying that BMW was in the opposite situation to the UK economy in that it’s UK operation exported 80 per cent of its output. Nick Robinson had to remind him that BMW imported 160,000 cars into the UK and only exported 1000,00 back into the EU.
Big business is performing no better than the likes of Lord Mandy of the Black Arts and Philip Greyman our Foreign Secretary in peddling lies to the British public.
Radio 4 told us at around 8am they were broadcasting the account of a man’s diary who lives under ISIS but by the time they gave the ways they had changed what he said – put it in actor’s words and changed some of it, not quite sure how much of the account owed to the BBC drama department and fiction rather than a true representation of what is really happening there.
John Whittingdale has announced that he will rush through legislation to ensure anyone using iPlayer has to pay the BBC TV tax.
“The BBC works on the basis that all who watch it pay for it,” John Whittingdale told the Oxford Media Convention.
I’m assuming he will also announce that anyone listening to the World Service, visiting BBC websites or listening to any BBC popular radio channels will also have to pay?
I fail to see how it can be policed without checking/logging everyones IP address/internet history.
Subscription/pay as you view has to be the way forward easily blocking those who can shamefully view for free from abroad and allowing those, who because they happen to own a TV/PC/laptop/tablet and don’t want to consume/fund Marxist bias and diverse brainwashing the opportunity to view elsewhere.
Totally agree. I wonder if the implication of this decision for the funding status quo has really been thought through? Using the reinforced snoopers charter to prosecute UK based i-player users who haven’t paid a licence fee could hasten the move to pay per view for the BBC, which we all (except the BBC and the Government) know is the only fair way forward. Thankfully I don’t think too many, other than Guardian readers, will want to subscribe to the BBC News service once its pay per view.
And kodi can be installed on many platforms….from ios to android to msoft to the amazon firestick. In fact it will even install onto a memory stick poked into the usb port of a smart tv.
All necessary info available on youtube..
Kodi is not easy to set up – at least in my experience. Links to channels appeared in many cases to have been blocked by ISPs, presumably on orders from HM Government. I think your average licence-payer would find it beyond their capabilities.
Oh RD, you are correct, it’s not for the faint-hearted…I ought to have added a warning about that. You actually need the patience of a saint to learn how to use it.
Sadly, EE. I’m quite sure this has been thought through. (The left are particularly good at maneuvering and subterfuge, if this will maintain themselves in the lifestyle to which they feel entitled).
I will be unlikely to fall off my seat if, in a few months time, the government proudly announce that – as everyone with an internet connection must be using it to consume some form of BBC content; they are proud to announce that the requirement to buy a TV license has been extended to anyone who has an internet connection in the UK.
(This will include almost all mobile phone users, but I suspect they will not take this lobby on for a few more years).
They will announce this as a victory for the common man – the conservatives have plugged the loophole – as they call it – and secured funding for the world leading BBC.
This shows us how far to the left the Conservative Party has veered, when they don’t even understand that the leftist BBC will not start to support them just because they roll over and aquiesce to their every demand.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the blackmail tactics started. All this does is underline just how much the UK is valued in Europe – our money that is.
First of all, there will be no 3rd world immigrant camps this side of the tunnel because if Cameron lets them through they will simply melt into the darkness, which let’s be fair, would be very easy for them.
There is a simple solution to this French threat – make the tunnel terminal as secure as an airport (both directions across the border, wherever that is), anyone who gets through the tunnel without the appropriate papers is simply put on the next train back. It’s not rocket science.
Before the 1st world war there was a similar crisis with migrants coming from poor areas of Europe.
The British government simply fined channel ferry companies for anyone who boarded without proper papers
And not only that, 4000 or so parasites would be a very small price to pay compared to the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that will land here if we don’t escape the EU.
“We’re hoping, if we can keep the population stable, that will have a positive effect on welfare”
– Don’t panic, BBC Breakfast hasn’t just freaked out and suddenly called for Britain to actually have an immigration policy. And no, it’s not just me ‘villainy signalling’ my inner xenophobia and general little Englander unworthiness.
Mind you, we’re all going to have to watch our ‘p’s and ‘q’s from now on – the CPS are going after the internet trolls again. Look on the bright side, saves Plod having to get up from their desks.
We digress. That opening quote was from an RSPCA vet commenting on the BBC this morning on that vital issue of “Multi-cat Households” No, not multicultural – this wasn’t a bank or supermarket advert on ITV. We’re talking “So-called Cat Horders” I know, it’s an absolute wheeze, isn’t it?
By the way if you’re either a)a woman or b)a guy who can combine effrontery with effeminacy and squat a red sofa side-saddle while the girls go akimbo in the morning – then you too could present BBC Breakfast. Just pitch your output at a level of intelligence that is sub-Blue Peter 1978. What about all that BBC output in the 1970s, eh? Got any privately-recorded ‘tapes’? Or what we now like to call ‘revenge porn’.
“I’m calling for warm weather – I don’t think I’m gonna get it”
– Was that a BBC mission statement on Global Warming with a frank assessment of the actual science? Of course not. This was our Naga Pollyanna getting all excited about what the weather ‘should be’. Our Carol replies “No heat wave , Naga is going to be horrified by this”. Having personally experienced the weather in the British Isles for a decade or two myself – and others hereabouts perhaps – we will not be ‘horrified’ at the lack of early March ‘heat wave’.
“Carol has one – called Donald. Naga has two…”
– No, it’s not the 1970s again with Michael Crawford’s Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em negotiating his RAF entrance tests – remember that one? We’re back to the cat ownership issue. Valery on Blue Peter had one called Jason, you know.
Oh and one last thing – “alternative energy investors have been ‘spooked’ by changes to policy” – Should read – chancers hoping to cash in on tax payer subsidies for inefficient windmills have had a brake put on their gravy train.
The BBC – someone please put a brake on their gravy train
That Naga is getting really gobby. I’m not interested in her latest ‘quip’. I’m hoping that one day soon one of her colleagues will respond with a really good put-down. It is sorely needed.
Points West last night ran a story about some group of feminists wanting to give women special dispensation/time off during their ‘monthly’s’ ie for it not to be classed as sickness. Cue generic unshaven feminist to tell us about the curse which, before any women here jump on me, I fully understand and sympathise.
But the irony here is that feminsts have for years wanting equal rights, but now they seem to want special dispensation and opening up questions as to whether they are actually fit to do the more demanding jobs during this time?
High time we chaps too fought for special dispensation for our ‘curse’ that is shaving, maybe we should be allowed to start work 15 minutes later every day? Although having said that some feminists could claim the same need…
This is how silly all these rights and demands of individual groups has got, creating a problem where one didn’t exist and pissing off the majority. Any self respecting boss would fully sympathise, help and understand a woman at such times.
Those shirkers in the workplace are going to love this and see it as 12/24 days extra holiday a year, yet more benefits to attract more migrants…
Just Google Images for Muslims parade decapitated heads and you will see that it is widespread. Then remember that they have been doing it for centuries.
This is not an isolated act by a mad woman. It is part of the culture.
Why do they call the US Marines Leathernecks? They wore leather collars in the Barbary wars to prevent beheadings
“You begin to doubt its vetting procedures for potential nannies”, says Rod. Well, imagine the BBC’s righteous indignation, not to mention the attention of Plod, if anyone in the UK did indeed vet out Muslim nannies on account of their decapitating potential?
The decapitation habit is worth investigating especially as our media report the results of so many knife attacks as ‘neck injuries’, and then pass on without further ado.
Its continuing………. more reporting in hushed tones about the ‘desperate’ families on the Greek / Mac border. Now that a couple of interior/prime ministers have walked the border with entourage and press, they were shouted out by those stuck on the Greek side and our good Press chaps as per normal did totally biased reporting. It was hushed tones for the refugees and accusatory challenges for the suited dignitaries. WHAT is going to be the outcome of all this ? These peoples are safe in Turkey, yet those stuck in camps don’t seem to be using their bloody smartphones to tell those back home to stay where they are and not to bother to travel. No, most of Asia will now be on the march come Spring, and there can be only one outcome, chaos and uprising.
Super Tuesday has come and gone.
The race is between DT and HC.
One is the wife of a serial sex offender, who has stood by him and denigrated the women he has abused.
This couple have been linked to fraud and other corrupt acts. She has abused her position and breeched all legal constraints to hide her actives (her personal phone).
BC, to prove his stance on ‘law and order’ authorised the execute of a mental disabled black man.
This list is long and tediously dis heartening.
Then there is DT a thrice married billionaire mountebank who offers no substance when it comes to making ‘America Great’ again. That is something the west needs badly.
I don’t have a vote. I would wish for a Ronald Raegan at this time. But I will settle for a Donald Duck.
We have seen Obama’s birth certificate. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a direct copy of the original, but a compilation that could be deconstructed to show that parts had been substituted. That, of course, is the answer why it was a very long time before the fake one was released. However, I don’t discount that Obama could have been born in Hawaii, but only maintain that the original authentic birth certificate contained something damaging that Obama wishes to keep secret.
As I understand things, Obama has a ‘certificate of live birth’ which, at that time, was issued upon request. It wasn’t a birth certificate issued at the hospital at the time of birth.
At the time I downloaded his ‘birth certificate’ from the Whitehouse.gov website to see for myself. I doubt it is still available there.
Anyone with more than a passing aquaintance with an image processing program such as Photoshop can see the amateurish way it has been disassembled and reassembled (forged by any other name).
This video is an interesting breakdown with such a program and is an interesting view:
I would suspect that Obama, wishing the birthing questions to just ‘go away’ asked someone with little skill in image manipulation techniques to ‘fix it’ for him. (Shame BBC’s Jimmy wasn’t around to help, he could have helped with his daughters too).
Whoever did this, was very unskilled but obviously didn’t realise this fact. The tell-tale signs of the deception are hard to explain away at all convincingly.
I agree something will happen to Trump.They cannot let him win and lose their power.
Re the EU I know its been said before but I notice a distinct pattern across all media.
I turn on LBC in the morning and the EU scare story of the day is the headline. Today it’s about Calais migrants coming to Britain if we leave. Nothing positive to say.
Later,the Victoria Derbyshire show has its daily EU propaganda slot headed by Norman Smith .The pros and cons of whatever the daily scare story is. The scare story wins.
It’s so blatant and relentless .
Still at least Stuart Rose gave an honest answer and has said wages will rise if the flow of immigrants is stopped.Supply and demand ,simple.
He doesn’t think that would be a good thing…………Not for him in his wealthy Ivory Tower. Great for the rest of us though.More school places ,more housing. Higher wages .Whats not to like…….
Lets have an honest debate on the Beeb about that…….
I agree something will happen to Trump.They cannot let him win and lose their power.
Re the EU I know its been said before but I notice a distinct pattern across all media.
I turn on LBC in the morning and the EU scare story of the day is the headline. Today it’s about Calais migrants coming to Britain if we leave. Nothing positive to say.
Later,the Victoria Derbyshire show has its daily EU propaganda slot headed by Norman Smith .The pros and cons of whatever the daily scare story is. The scare story wins.
It’s so blatant and relentless .
Still at least Stuart Rose gave an honest answer and has said wages will rise if the flow of immigrants is stopped.Supply and demand ,simple.
He doesn’t think that would be a good thing…………Not for him in his wealthy Ivory Tower. Great for the rest of us though.More school places ,more housing. Higher wages .Whats not to like…….
Lets have an honest debate on the Beeb about that…….
Deborahanother, I’ve been thinking this myself a lot lately about Mr Trump. I suspect he will be ‘neutralised’ by some sort of scandal or slip-up nearer to the elections which will either cause him to resign or be outvoted; or perhaps the election will be rigged in some way. If he ever succeeds in becoming President, I would imagine some combination of book depositories, open topped cars and grassy knolls will come into play.
Look at the example of Jorg Haider in Austria. Despite winning the general election, the leaders of other EU states basically forced him out of power and he died in suspicious circumstances a few years later.
But here is a hope for Trump. If Rubio goes down in Florida it will be hard to stitch it to replace Trump for him. Expect bad things about Trump: racism and lack of a military past. But Trump could bounce back with a popular Tea Party Republican as his VP . Allen West, popular right wing black formidable speaker with a sound service record kicking ass in Iraq.
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JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
BBC Online News:
“”Why we should have seen Trump coming””
by Nick Bryant New York correspondent.
“”But shouldn’t the establishment – and us in the media, for that matter – have seen the billionaire coming?”” (no you didn’t because you are always focused on the Democrats)
“”But an anti-establishment figure like Donald Trump would not have become so strong had not the party establishment become so weak. The GOP, the Grand Old Party, has been ripe for a takeover for years.”” (no, the Democrats have been so poor in performance).
Another article from the BBC regretting the arrival of Trump.
Fantastic – a whole article about Trump that fails to use the words ‘amnesty’ or ‘immigration’.
Instead we get a whole bunch of synonyms for ‘angry’ with only the vaguest of hints as to what folks might be angry about. It’s practically anti-journalism.
I have a theory about Trump, which may or may not last the passage of time.
He will do whatever it takes to get the nomination, say whatever it takes, but he is out to get the Republican nomination. As far as he is concerned, if he doesn’t get the nomination he’ll just go it alone, but ideally he wants to get that nomination, and then it all comes down to his choice of running mate.
I think he will chose someone sensible, who will help him to tone down some statements and somehow haul him back towards the centre. Someone like Christie maybe.
He will be over Clinton like a rash during the real campaign. Her cabinet contains so many skeletons and he will be zero-ing in on them. Just wait for the squealing!
Muslim flight student facing deportation after saying he was willing to serve life sentence for murdering Donald Trump
Trump is in great danger, as he is is being demonised by the establishment on all sides. This demonisation will then be used by the establishment and the media, to justify events if something untoward happens to Trump.
Not seen the muslim woman screaming Alluh Ahkbar and decapitating a child in Russia on the BBC?
I am waiting for her to appear on Woman’s Hour explaining that she has every right to wear a Burka when carrying a child’s head around town.
I knew it. So predictable.The BBC runs the story of the nanny be-header. Allah ordered his Mary Poppins to behead the child. BBC’s angle, she is mentally disturbed. For what? Doing what her fellow believers have done for centuries.
I chose a photo that is not graphic, but the horrible aspect is the proud adults taking a photograph of the child with a head.
The Moscow woman is normal for her culture. Get used to it.
Apparently she now admits she did it for allah, and against Russia.
Cant understand why anyone with any sense, except a liberal, would employ a Muslim nanny to look after their children, and leave her alone with them.
BBC photograph of migrants from their news website today:
Guardian photograph of migrants today:
Daily Mail photograph showing migrants using battering ram to invade the sovereign territory of Macedonia:
Here are the figures from the Calais ‘jungle’ in the invaders’ own words (in the Grauniad):
population 3,455
elderly 13
women 169
children 445
men 2,841
families 145
That fence around the camp in Pembroke will not keep 1000 of them in. Best to tell local Welsh women to cover up and not show bare flesh.
Sometimes “impartiality” doesn’t produce the goods. For instance Montague’s lackadaisical conversation with Hammond this morning on Today delivered what exactly? Only that Hammond is a liar and that Montagu could not – would not – hold him to account. I didn’t hear the earlier interview with Brexit fan Dominic Raab (outside the peak 8:00-8:30 spot BTW) but I suspect that little light (and possibly a modicum of heat) was generated.
Far better – in the case of an almost unprecedented referendum – would be interviews conducted by admittedly partisan interviewers. Then the listeners would know 1. where the interviewer was coming from (ie the faux-impartiality of the BBC could, for once, be set aside) and 2. the proponents of both cases would actually have to defend themselves against knowledgeable interviewers, not the lazy, functionally illiterate/innumerate, badly briefed “journalists” of the BBC. Unfortunately this will never happen. After all we wouldn’t want the “little people” to understand a bit more, see their leaders in all their seedy glory and, worst of all, show up the BBC for the dysfunctional engine of bias and incompetence that it is.
Apparently over 40% of us are concerned for the value of the pound in our pocket, with rumours of Brexit resulting in a major run in the money markets. Thank goodness we have a banking system that is above probity, otherwise the less confident among us might feel the financial sector could make adjustments to suit, and how the BBC must be regretting the loss of Robert Peston, a man so frequently able to make those ‘influential’ forecasts.
When you hear “City” people talking about the value of sterling before and after Brexit, just remember that some people have an interest in sterling remaining strong, while others would prefer it to be weak, some would like it to fall immediately on Brexit, while others would like it to rise, some people will make money from a volataile pound while others will make money from stability, but none of them should be trusted over what they say on the radio because they are all trying to make money out of the situation.
No sign of this anywhere on the Beeb
I wonder why??
The extreme left demonstrating their old, well used and trusted slogan of ‘the end justifies the means’ They don’t give a toss about the plight of these people, they just see them as a vehicle to further their cause against whatever it is they are against.
I have had first hand experience in dealing with some of these people and have observed their methods of lies and deceit in order to gain their objectives.
The French police would (if let off the leash) crush these activists, however I feel they are obviously politically restrained from doing so.
Yes, like the UK police who rarely arrest them and if arrested they are rarely prosecuted and convicted of any crime.
if we vote to leave the EU I don’t envisage a great deal of change in the in the markets in the long term as they tend to correct themselves.
In my view everything depends on the type of deal we negogiate with the EU. If we have a deal similar or the same as Norway then there should be no change, we will however, be in a much stronger position to deal with the EU than Norway given we are the 5th biggest economy in the world, have a population of 60 million + (Norway just 5 million) and the EU have a trading deficit with ourselves, meaning they need us more than we need them.
We currently only trade about 43-44% in the EU despite what tV pundits say( and it is declining quite rapidly over the last few years),incidentally a large portion of that is only a passing trade via Rotterdam. etc. The Remain keep talking about a supposed 3 million jobs disappearing (as did Clegg when against Farage) .
As I said earlier this statistic is utter nonsense and depends wholly upon the deal we negotiate, which i hasten to add, should be to our benefit economically if assessed right now.
Given the amount of money we contribute to EU ( second biggest contributor) I would suggest that if the Brexit win, the EU will undoubtedly offer wonderful gifts to this country, we could have the pickings of what we want. Cameron isn’t clever enough to understand this bargaining position. Boris is. I just want out completly as I evisage a headache and half with the introduction into the EU of Turkey and Bosnia.
Perhaps not so much that Cameron isn’t clever enough but that he isn’t willing enough and would renegotiate a deal that suits the EU and his Global masters more than it would suit us (the British plebs) We would be lucky if we got a deal as good as Norway (or as worse) so Cameron must go if there is a Brexit vote.
Cockneyboy, i have to disagree with you on your statement, I am intersted.
‘We would be lucky if we got a deal as good as Norway (or as worse)’
i have explained why we would get a better or similar deal to Norway, but I would like to hear your thoughts as to why we wouldn’t as I am a perplexed.
The only difficulty I can see with coming out of the EU, would be in the renegotiation of the 53 trade deals currently negogiated on our behalf by the EU. Given our current status and financial position in the world I don’t really envisage too many difficulties.We may have to pay a further 10% on imported cars as set worldwide by the World Trade Organisation but we may also find that with our ability to trade into the new markets beneficial. Many countries would I feel, offer good terms in order to set up a new trading arena. The competetion for business could be favourably intense, we shall be out of the failing EU market.
Our starting position would of course be a net gain of 10-12 billion pounds of EU contributions per year.
Perhaps I did’nt make myself clear. Allow me to clarify. I’m of the opinion like many others on the Brexit side that we are big enough and powerful enough as a country and market etc. to make a very good deal with Europe in a situation of Brexit, as Nigel Farage has put it a ‘bespoke deal for Britain’
The point I was making was that I would’nt trust Cameron to do it, not because he isn’t capable but that he does’nt really want to drive for the best possible outcome, which in my opinion (and many others) would be:
1) Complete control of borders
2) Reduced contribution
3) Restored Sovreignty
I hope that clarifies.
Thank you Cockneyboy.
The World Trade option is not a sensible option, as explained in detail in Richard North’s FLEXCIT, and also in The Brexit Door blog this morning http://thebrexitdoor.com/2016/03/02/wto-rules-and-discrimination/
thank you for the article Martin W,
There inevitably will be many Mutual Recognition Agreements made between this country and others. The first step however, will be to agree with the EU, who i feel will be keener than ourselves to reach an agreement within two years. Especially the German and French car manufacturers as well as the French wine exporters.
Richard North’s article is good,disputatious but rightly pessimistic, he is exploring a ‘what if’ worst case scenario.It is necessary.
I believe he fails to take into account the absolute need from both buyers and sellers within the EU to make that deal ASAP (within two years). There will be concessions made from both parties.
There will, I feel, be a degree of initial emnity from the EU leaders towards this country, then after a very short cooling off period, the businesses will put the required presssure on governments to do deals, of such a nature that will be beneficial to both parties. Can you imagine Volkswagen, BMW,Audi,Renault,Citreon and French/Spanish and dare I say Bulgarian winemakers saying it’s ok for us not be allowed to do business with Britain. Governments have a history of shaping their countries in accordance and coexistence to the needs of business and the employment it provides to its people.
If the worst case scenario existed and EU deal could be organised, the savings, (in terms of the EU subsidy, 11 billion) could be used to subsidise our businesses for a while while it seeks new markets around the world with Mutual Recognised Agreements.
Given we vote to leave, I can see more positives for businesses in this country than negatives, companies like Legal and General have come out and said there will be no effect on them should Brexit occur.
I can imagine the only losers to our Brexit will be the MultiNationals, whose exploitation of the Labour force through free movement and the undercutting of indigeneous workers wages has been a national disgracen notwithstanding the diminution of our cultural identity, delapidation and resource depletion of our infrastructure.
In the first instance we would not need to renogotiate any of our existing trade deals, as under international law these would be deemed to be still in force. That does not mean that in due course we would not wish to revisit some treaties with a view to amending them to more accurately reflect British interests, something which is of course impossible if we stay in the EU’s clammy grip.
Looks like the Tory party are so fed up of the idle Eton toff that they intend to rid themselves of him regardless of the referendum result.
Win or Lose, with an overwhelming majority of the Tory Party voting out, it would be unthinkable that Cameron could survive for long. Cameron’s career route to leader was based on Euro scepticism. To now have been exposed as a Heathite on the same side of the Labour, LibDem and SNP leadership, and in opposition to the Tory grassroots as well as UKIP and the Democratic Unionists, would make it suicidal for the Tory Party to limp on with a leader exposed as a metropolitan lefty.
A totally correct analysis.
Mr Cameron is a dead man walking. Hopefully he will be big enough to realise it and go whichever way the referendum result goes. If not, I suspect another decapitation a la Margaret will occur and Mr Osborne will be seen to have nailed his colours to the wrong mast.
It will be interesting to see who the BBC “favours”. As ever I suspect we will have absolutely no difficulty in identifying him (or her).
Why do you think that David Cameron is a “Dead Man Walking”?, the facts are that the Conservative party are managing to hold a grown up debate without descending to the internal anarchy that inflicted the Conservatives at the end of the Thatcher / Major leaderships.
I don’t care for Cameron, however, he is a vastly safer pair of hands than any of the other politicians (from any party).
Take a look at PMQ’s today, not one dissenting voice was heard, hardly the picture of a party that ‘Thoughtful’ is claiming is trying to get rid its leader.
Finally, “Thoughtful” makes the suggestion that Cameron is an “idle Eton Toff”, surely that sort of remark is the hallmark of someone who dabbles in the politics of envy (e.g. Labour) and most certainly not the musings of someone with the handle “Thoughtful”.
Why do some people on the internet always feel the need to resort to insults in a way which they would never do when face to face?
Calling me someone who deals in the politics of envy is not going to wash with those who regularly read my posts here!
As for Cameron being an idle Eton Toff, I stand by that. A few days ago I wrote a post about post WWII Eton PMs and all of them shared one characteristic – idleness. Content to allow the country to muddle along whilst doing as little as possible.
There is also some kind of sense of entitlement, that they have a right to rule over us which is rather distasteful
If I had said ‘public schoolboy’ you might have had a point, but those PMs from other privately educated background have been entirely different from the Eton ones.
Perhaps if you sit down and try to think of what Cameron (and not his Ministers) has actually done since he took office, you might realise there’s precious little. He didn’t even have a set of demands to take to Brussels ! Even when pressed he couldn’t actually come up with much either!
Remember the zombie parliament when he simply ran out of policy ideas?
The big problem for the Tories is that he has stuffed his cabinet so full of other Eton Cronies that it’s going to leave the party without any kind of natural successor – unless you count his chum Boris of course !
The minute I read a personal insult against a fellow poster I refuse to read it. I was born at a time when good manners were deemed important, I am aware that in today’s society I am a dinosaur but there it is.
I try and read most posts at the end of the day and probably give too many upticks, but I learn so much from my fellow posters and am very grateful to you all.
Always best to play the ball and not the man (or woman).
Why do you think that David Cameron is a “Dead Man Walking”?, the facts are that the Conservative party are managing to hold a grown up debate without descending to the internal anarchy that inflicted the party at the end of the Thatcher / Major leaderships.
I don’t care for Cameron, however, he is a vastly safer pair of hands than any of the other politicians (from any party).
Take a look at PMQ’s today, not one dissenting voice was heard, hardly the picture of a party that ‘Thoughtful’ is claiming is trying to get rid its leader.
Finally, “Thoughtful” makes the suggestion that Cameron is an “idle Eton Toff”, surely that sort of remark is the hallmark of someone who dabbles in the politics of envy (e.g. Labour) and most certainly not the musings of someone with the handle “Thoughtful”.
I would call Cameron an unprincipled careerist idle Eton Toff, and upper-class twit. I can only think of one principled intelligent hard-working knowledgeable Eton Tory, and that’s Jacob Rees-Mogg. I would put Boris in the middle. Also if you look at the Labour Party, those MP’s on the Brexit side have been known to be honest and principled and intelligent on other issues including Climate Change.
If I asked you which country in the EU with a population of just 17m comes third in the list of imports from and exports to the U.K. with around 15% of the total, what would you say.
Diito a country with 11m population is 4th in the list of those exporting to the U.K.
One has a port called Rotterdam, and one a port called Antwerp where ships to and from the U.K. deal with containers being received from and sent on around the world, but because the Netherlands and Belgium are the first / last destinations that is where the trade is “booked” to!
I believe the term is “entrepot trade”
Given that the EU sells so much more to us compared with what we sell to them, why should we have to pay them to trade with them.
Logically, they should be paying us.
Oh dear. this may cause a few frowns around the water cooler.
Louise Arbour, ex UN High Commissioner “uman” Rights Chief Prosecutor for the International Crime Tribunal on Rwanda.
Simon “irritating voice” Schama, art historian, arch BBC luvvie, author, purveyor of virtue signalling potted history … anyone remember BBC “Civilisations” … yuk!
Mark Steyn (needs no introduction)
Nigel Farage UK Independence Party
Convene in Toronto, Canada, to debate the pressing issue of our time … HOW DO WE RESPOND TO THE GLOBAL REFUGEE CRISIS?
Yep! … count me in 😀 for that one … that should be fun
Turning on Radio 4 this morning it was the Today program on the Oscars, and a contributor who certainly made me smile, although I didn’t catch his name, he could have been a poster on these pages.
Describing it as three hours of virtue signalling, and like a lecture on ‘making sure you eat your vegetables’ he ridiculed what he referred to as the leftie liberal showbiz elite.
Sam Smith and his rubbish song – “I’m the first openly gay person to win an Oscar” – no you’re not John Gielgud won one in 1981 before you were born !
Some obscure film which won an Oscar because it was about McCarthyism came in for scathing criticism, don’t these hypocrites realise that they are every bit as bad as McCarthy with their holier than thou liberal condemnation of everything which doesn’t agree with their beliefs.
The Leonardo De Caprio who hectored everyone that he would be ‘keeping an eye on the enivronment’ before climbing on board his private jet !
There was ridicule for the suggested quota system which would mean films would have to have a set number of Black / Muslim, gay, diabled actors (etc etc insert suitable victim group) as a quick route to producing films no one wanted to watch and would quickly means studios would go bankrupt and films would just be made in countries which were more sane.
Humphries actually seemed to enjoy the lunatic and Fascist left being taken apart.
I didn’t hear this one but it must have been Toby Young of the Spectator and contributing editor (whatever that means) to Vanity Fair. Scion of a staunchly leftist family Young’s eyes have been opened by exposure to the real world particularly in his work to found the West London Free School. Humphrys probably recognised (with regret) in Young’s contribution what honest journalism actually looks like and thus what he – Humphrys – has sacrificed in working at the BBC: hence his indulgence for Young’s contribution.
(I’ll repost this since it’s now stuck at the end of the startthe week)
I see that the BBC is set to reorganise ..replacing management by network with management by theme/project.
I imagine their recruitment programme :
#1 #bbcOperationPromoteLeftism = BBC Red-io system and Red-TV get the reds as much unchallenged airtime as possible
#2 #bbcOperationLoveJeremyC= A 500 strong team dedicated to lioninsing “Our Dear Leader”
#3 #bbcOperationLoveTheEU = A 1,000 strong team dedicated to protecting the “Golden Goose”
#4 #bbcKeepItAllAboutNorthLondon – Talk about diversity etc whilst all the time it’s really about people in Hampstead and their mates
#4a #bbcWhiteMansGuilt is a sub-operation of that. Being in London they see a lot more BME’s than the majority of the country so enage in tokenism.
#5 #bbcOperationStopTrump
#6 #bbcOperationStopUKIP – A 1,000 strong team dedicated to task #5, #6
#7 #bbcOperationSaveThePlanet – The BBC’s most powerful department with suites of its own dedicated progs headed by Dark Lord Attenborough (religious broadcasting) General Horrobin etc.
#8 Head of Green Rooms – whereby each BBC prog has a room full of Greens ready to come on
#9 Head of Inclusion= Head of Exclusion – A 24 hour job to make sure non-leftwing voices are excluded from the airwaves – Run by Prof Steve Jones and Roger Bolton
#10 Head Of Keeping presenters dumb – Job involves recruiting dumb presenters like GameShow, Jenny Murray and JeremyVine who will believe any old #GreenCrap (and stop avoiding recruiting presenters who dare challenge like AS Neil and Clarkson)
#11 Head of Casting public Audiences = Head of Jerrymandering audience panels
: involves driving a bus full of lefty “locals” around the country to BBC QT type shows (Same bus as used at Fracking demos)
#12 Head of Open Democracy = Head of paranoid Secrecy
: Involves finding ways to get out of FOIA requests
also doubles up as BBC head of cover-ups. A 600 strong department.
anyone heard of any more ?
Wondering why it might be that David Cameron has taken such a liberal position on Gay marriage? Think it might be because he might care two hoots about the LGBT community? Think again! The real reason is yet again Camerons untrammelled greed!
This is David Camerons bother in law & the future Baronet Sheffield, heir to the title and the Normanby Estate. If he dies childless, and looking at this photo there’s every indication that he will, then the entire fortune and title would go to the descendants of his sister, Samantha.
This is what the Camerons stand to gain:
1000 acres of North Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire sound interesting?
To be fair that is a 2011 Article
So far as I’m aware the estate, and stately home are still the same size and condition they were 5 years ago!
The point is not the age of the article, but the estate, income, title and the pile he stands to inherit Jure uxoris.
Who Cares ? Obviously Thoughtful has joined Class Warfare ! Eton Toffs , all BBC , Corbyn , Mirror , Guardian tosh. No one I know gives a toss about Gay marriage , let them get on with it , but I wouldn`t want to necessary attend one .
So Essexman, prey tell us your present thoughts on our PM and his drive to frighten us all in his attempt to get us to stay in the EU ?
We wait with baited breath ………….
I want to leave , Simples , & most of the people I know likewise. Everyone has only one vote . Cam is doing what Wilson did in 75 , he too recommended us to stay in . If I had been old enough to vote at the time, I would of voted “IN” . This time its “OUT”. But this is not a referendum on Gay marriage , that is a non event.
The BBC as propaganda mouthpiece – and entirely devoid of ANY sense of self awareness.
Putin & Assad “weaponising” migrant crisis
conveniently ignoring the provenance of migrants and the way that the crisis is being dealt with by those controlling the pinch points to launch a cheap shot to try and smear those that General Breedlove wants to attack….
eye-roll up + head shake
These loathsome parasites really do think we’re all gullible fools.
So it’s all the Russians fault who could see that one coming.
Unbelievable, and yet utterly believable.
Jeremy Corbyn reveals he is EastEnders fan and uses BBC soap as “moral compass” to make decisions.
You can imagine Jezza sat around chez Corbyn with Yanis Varoufakis , Paul Mason and the shadow cabinet rapt with attention at ‘stenderz
Why not cut out the middle
menpersons and let the script team run the Labour Party openly – call it “coming out” if you like.?Then you will reach for the mind bleach…
I don’t believe I’m ‘earing this.
Well, after recent news of the BBC giving the EastEnders set a multi-million pound revamp, including a mosque to show a more ‘authentic’ depiction of that London, I’m sure it won’t be long before Corbyn et al will be feeling well in tune with the common
manperson.Yes, EastEnders, that accurate representation of everyday life in Britain, where more people get resurrected than in an entire season of The Walking Dead; where no one, be they GLBT, disabled, dwarf, cross-dresser, or ginger, ever seems able to get a job beyond Albert Square and yet still manages to afford London prices; where most are always complaining about having no money yet can always afford to buy hot drinks or a cooked meal from the greasy spoon just across the road; where entire Muslim families are fully integrated into Western culture, wearing casual clothes, entering into interracial sexual relationships willy-nilly, and regularly frequenting the Queen Vic for a pint or two of orange juice instead of running the local convenience store or kebab shop; where no one has a fucking washing machine or liver disease, or the sense to do their weekly shop at a bloody supermarket…
Another BBC selective editorial integrity number, hot on the heels of the tear gassing of poor souls for no good reason…. well, other than the rock throwing and pyromania either not mentioned or tucked away.
‘Apparently Mr Bowen needs to brush up on his employer’s guidance for the use of social media’
It is likely that Mr. Bowen, along with many other BBC staff, are well aware what lies behind such ‘guidance’.
Just happened to catch the end of Jeremy Vine in the car, more migrant porn. A charming 93 year old ex serviceman tells us that the Calais migrant camps are worse than those he saw during WW2.
It may well be the case, but why are they our problem? At no time during the short piece of the interview I heard, was it pointed out to the listeners that these people had willingly travelled through plenty of countries offering maybe better accommodation to willingly put up with the squalor of the Calais camps.
Cue a (carefully selected?) caller post interview telling us that 20,000 is nothing and the women and kids would benefit our economy and that Germany did the right thing in taking one million (teel that to those in Colonge). He then goes on to tell us that his own research tells him (he’s talked to ‘hundreds’ of them..) that absolutely none of them are after benefits or council houses (where TF he thinks they are all going to live I have no idea).
Its great to hear from a still living WW2 vet, but I’m sure that the majority of those still alive and the majority of those that are not (especially those that died fighting) would be of a very different opinion, yet the BBC still manage to find a pro migrant 93 year old…
I find it even more sad because my Dad (ex RN) would have also been 93 this year and I know for sure what his stance would be on the subject and for that reason I will be voting in June 2016 the same way as he did in June 1975….
Oh, there’s careful selection going on alright. Did you notice Vine kept using “we” in his commentary, giving away the view that this is ‘our’ problem? Yet here are the top five rated comments from the accompanying BBC Radio 2 Facebook post, with many more following suit:
”The extremity of this could have been avoided if they put a stop to it by turning them away when they started to build the “jungle”. They can’t just expect us to take them all in to claim their free homes and money. Like they said, they don’t want to register with the French authorities because they will be stuck in France. What’s wrong with France!? We all know what’s wrong with France. They don’t hand out free homes and money like the generous Brits do. But the plan isn’t to go start a new life. It’s to turn Britain into their own. Why don’t they go home fight for their countries and turn them around like Britain had to and like all the other European countries had to? Life isn’t about handouts.”
”When will the media stop trying to brainwash us in to this falsehood? Some people are ‘looking for a better life’. Well, I want a ‘better life ‘ in New Zealand – I can’t just rock up at the door and say let me in. I can’t just turn up somewhere expecting everyone to help me. I can’t rip down border crossings because I want to go across. These people are choosing to live in these conditions in Calais. They are in a safe country and are free to apply for asylum there, but they’re choosing not to.”
”Shame on you BBC, manipulating this old man’s emotions. There is no comparison between this situation and WWII. Different situation altogether.”
”Sweet old man but wrong. No similarities at all! These are Muslim thugs, just search social media today and see what they are doing to our Lorry drivers. Typical BBC bias!”
”Why can’t the able men go home and fight for their country back? Britain did. They expect money, housing, food but they are not prepared to help towards it.”
Thanks for that, a shame Jeremy didn’t read them out on his show, silly me I forgot they don’t fit with the agenda…
I am with the writer.
However, the BBC has no shame. It is unable to recognise its own shortcomings. They world they inhabit is a special world where people like the writer and the two of us I imagine are not recognised as having valid opinions. That is why they will never change. They have a kind of incurable insanity, an insanity which like that of a sociopath is impervious to the feelings and views of others.
There are others in the BBC, like the self-styled Marxist economist Paul Mason, who is now employed elsewhere, are activists and revolutionaries, entryists who are now inside a powerful machine which they have hi-jacked for their own propaganda ends.
For this reason too the BBC must be disbanded – it is a morally corrupt and subversive force within our society.
The BBC is incapable of self-reform, it is futile to hope for it. The only solution is for it to be broken up.
The very reason I like France (or one of them) is the very reason that the hordes don’t like it here!
It’s worth paying a little extra for the lifestyle.
Sorry to say this Geoff, but it seems likely that the veteran could have been been carefully manipulated when interviewed…anyone can write the questions to elicit the desired responses to suit the narrative, for example…
When you went into the camp in WW2 were the buildings still standing? Did the buildings look like the tents at the jungle? How do the tents look compared with the camp you saw in WW2?……….
Answer..truthful and accurate..”the camp at the jungle looks worse than those I saw in WW2″, edit the interview or discuss the answers beforehand to “set the tone” of the interview and build rapport….easily done.
Now ask the WW2 veteran, were there corpses piled up? were bulldozers putting corpses into pits of quicklime? was there a typhus epidemic? were people dying of starvation and eating leaves and grass, was there a wall where bodies had been left after shooting? was there a crematorium? can we see any of those things at the jungle camp in Calais?
This game of subliminally trying to link the mobile phone toting jungle residents (who are refusing rehousing in a new camp in heated and converted shipping containers because they don`t want to be identified) with memories of the Holocaust is simply despicable.
Sorry, did I say “jungle residents”?
I meant to say “jungle camp squatters”.
My bad.
The BBC edit suite is very powerful, and with that comes great responsibility.
Unfortunately they are a bunch of immoral, unethical evil weasels, so anyone with a BBC mic stuck in front of them should smile sweetly and decline to comment for the purposes of not being stitched up by the bastards.
Because they are so few now, we tend to view WWII veterans in a kindly light, and give their opinions more weight than they might deserve.
In the 1960s and 70s most of our government leaders were WWII veterans, and many of them were scoundrels and traitors. The fact that they served in the war was a given, and proved nothing about them. This old gentleman might well be a communist fellow traveller for all I know. I thank him for his service, but he does not speak for me.
The Calais Gimmies have been offered an alternative to the Jungle camps. OK it’s not the Ritz, but better than Butlins was for post war British holiday makers. There are 600 of them all empty. Why, because if the migrants take them they will be treated as settled in France and they want to get to UK.
That looks just like Belsen doesn’t it?
Far, far better conditions than where most of them have come from. And insulated with free food and heating.
er….could I have one for the summer if they’re unwanted? Cheap wine and close to the sea and beach. Many will have a sea view.
The authorities can have my fingerprints for the door lock. No problem. And I can speak French quelque fois.
I understood it was the red door that put them off
I agree that most government leaders are scoundrels and traitors – fast forward to the last 20 years – er Tony Blair ? HOWEVER, never forget, like in all wars, a lot of the serving men were cannon fodder and were lucky to survive.
I take issue with the remark ‘give their opinions more weight than they deserve’ – tell that to someone who survived building the Burma railway under the Japs, or like my Dad, on Russian convoys – he was 21 at the time. Would you say the same about our military of today who return with broken bodies ? I think not.
As I said, I thank them for their service, but their political opinions are their own, and they do not speak for me.
In the 1950s, 60s and 70s most adult men were war veterans, but that hardly meant they all agreed about everything did it? I happen to think that the gentleman cited might well have served in the war, but if he thinks the Jungle is as bad as Belsen he’s a dupe, and if he thinks we should let the Jungle dwellers into Britain he’s dead wrong as far as I am concerned.
I agree with your sentiments regarding the old chap – Thanks a lot mate for your war service (we do mean it, but it does not mean your opinion on the migrants is any more valid than my own!)
I think there is a further point here that is worth exploring. The left wing and in particular the BBC all seem to hold this opinion that because they are all left wing they are the natural successors to anyone who stood up to fascism in WW2 (either in the forces or in a civilian capacity)
Therefore it follows that only they can make pronouncements about who is fascist and who is not! (remember some European border guards being likened to nazis by the press because they wrote ID numbers on the arms of migrants who had deliberately destroyed their own documents)
However they (with the help of Blair and friends) have deliberately created a situation where our own culture and hard won freedoms are now at risk due to a tsunami of migrants who want to live in our country exploit our freedoms and replace them with their own culture aided and abetted by the BBC and her friends. All we ever see is a pictures of children at gates together with a plea for tolerance (and a subtext that we also are probably nazis if we dont agree to take them in). Yet very few are children, most are young adults and many are of these migrants are so desperate to enter Europe they are forced to commit sexual crimes to show how desperate they are to join us !!!!
Any one who disagrees is lumped in with the far right I thought it was a particularly nice touch when plod felt the collar of the lad who dared to go onto a UKIP website. Young Adolf in the making – I am sure.
Our state broadcaster can also deliberately ignore, downplay or manipulate facts of news stories it doesnt like in order to get the result it wants – The end justifies the means. Christ Goebells would be proud. Ultimately the bleedin obvious fact is that if a large number of muslims enter our country they will push for Sharia law.( Supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2008 – talk about signing your own death warrant).
It is interesting that those who scream nazi or fascist most loudly seem to be the true heirs of the fuhrer. They are blind to everything but their own narrow world view. Unfortunately they are protected by the shield of arrogance and corruption and are armed with the sword of lies. What can we do about it I dunno but at least people are starting to wake up from their slumber and hopefully Brexit could be a start. I guess what we need is a Churchillesque type figure Maybe its time to start beating Drakes Drum for real – Knowing my luck if I beat it only Benedict Cumberpatch or Bob Geldof would turn up = OH GOD!
I hate the f^(#ing Marxist traitor bastard BBC more and more with each passing day!
Perhaps I should change my name to “Mustapha Wipeout al-Beebi”, since a ‘shake-up’ will no longer do. It isn’t just the reports on here of bias on channels that I don’t listen to, such as Radio 2 – though these are convincing enough. It’s also based on my own (increasingly limited) consumption of the cultural effluent that now passes for serious broadcasting. Here is just one example, from something I caught on radio i-player earlier today, which has left me feeling very angry.
The offending item was “Black, White and Beethoven” on Radio 4 yesterday morning. I knew it would be dire, of course …
“Britain’s music scene today is a rich, multi-cultural feast that draws on talent from all corners of society. Unless, that is, your passion is classical music. In Britain, and across Europe, performers, composers, teachers and institutions remain resolutely, predominantly white.
Why should this be, and is this a concern? Many believe steps to redress this imbalance are now long overdue, and that urgent action is required. But what should these actions be, and would they be successful?
Chi-chi Nwanoku and members of her Chineke! Orchestra, Europe’s first professional Black and Minority Ethnic orchestra, talk about their lives in classical music: we also hear from other Black classical musicians about the circumstances of their work.
In Black White and Beethoven, Joseph Harker explores these issues – taking stock of where we are, and exploring some ideas that could help classical music to engage and reflect the full diversity of contemporary society.
Producer: Lyndon Jones for BBC Wales”.
There is so much that is questionable just in this introduction, let alone the half-hour programme itself. The following is just a warning sample:
(1) Note YET AGAIN the collocation of the adjectives ‘rich’ and ‘multi-cultural’ – this is brainwashing, Goebbels-style.
(2) “… remain resolutely, predominantly White”. If Western Classical music is a White invention and reflects White capacity for seriousness, self-discipline and spiritual introspection, one might reasonably expect it to remain White and not appeal equally to all cultures.
(3) “… is this a concern?” Only for BBC types! Most White people don’t appreciate a lot of serious music, for whatever reason; it has been a minority interest for all my life. I make no judgement about this but why on earth should it matter that Black and minority people are not involved? You can take a horse to water (e.g. in school) but you can’t make it drink if there is no inclination.
(4) “Many believe steps to redress this imbalance are now long overdue, and that urgent action is required”. How ‘many’, specifically? Or is this just YET MORE BBC Marxist opinion disguised as fact? Why is ‘urgent’ action needed, when the problem, if indeed it even is a problem, is so minor? Maybe BME people are simply less interested in Classical Music!
(5) Why should Classical music “reflect the full diversity of contemporary society”? You can’t make people like something such as a particular style of music: I don’t like Folk music or Rap … but I don’t mind if others do, or if Whites dominate Folk and Blacks regard Rap as being theirs; good luck to both of them.
The Black presenter had to complain about the silence and respectful attitude of the (mainly White) audiences at Classical events. It was a ‘code’ that he had not been taught (boo hoo!) He noted there was no noise or sense of enjoyment, until the applause at the end. How dare he seek to reduce the Western Classical tradition to the level of dumbed-down popular mass culture, with hysterical teenage shrieking, pelvic thrusting and bum-waggling, swaying and mindless noise! Why should White music (and culture in general) become more Black? Who benefits? What is wrong with civilized self-restraint, concentration on the sublime music of Bach, Mozart or Beethoven and the showing of measured appreciation at the end?
I am sick to the back teeth of the rotten treacherous evil bastard BBC telling me to turn against my own Western culture.
I went to a concert at the Bridgewater Hall once. The music was fine, but I was a bit put off by the police outside, using dogs and batons to keep the black folks out. If only there were some way that black people were allowed in to classical music concerts on the same terms as whites, I am sure this could all be resolved peacefully.
That’s fantastic; perhaps they could perform some of the wonderful music black composers have been creating down the centuries, such as…er…or…erm.
There are one or two, and I mean one or two. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor for example.
All wickedly neglected, of course.
As they don’t show any interest in lower priced events such as the Proms, or even the free ones, it seems highly unlikely that they would be seen at full priced concerts the rest of the year or, even more unlikely, on the concert platform.
Musicians from SE Asia are clearly in evidence in orchestras in Europe and the US and there are several famous soloists. SE Asia has been a big market for classical CDs for years. They don’t seem to have a problem.
There are quite a few black opera singers around. Singing doesn’t appear to be a barrier but they don’t appear to attract black audiences. The interest is just not there.
Just another example of singling out an aspect of white culture in order to attack it.
On the subject of classical music, I’ve just watched the documentary “Andre Previn at the BBC”. He said that when the BBC was broadcasting “Andre Previn’s Music Night” in the 1970s, it was harder to get a ticket for an LSO concert than a West End show. Morecambe and Wise obviously helped. Things are a little different now, the wretched BBC only interested in promoting stuff which doesn’t need it. Vicious circle. All the clips in the documentary were from the 1970s and 80s as far as I could tell (1970s fashions are a dead giveaway) and, apart from one or two high profile documentaries, there’s been nothing like them since.
The programme should have been called “Old white crap we can no longer be bothered with”.
Perhaps if Clive Myrie replaced Katie Dereham in presenting the Proms it might help ??????
That New Years Day Concert from Wien is still Hideously White , thank goodness . A bit of that Germanic Strauss is very relaxing ,to start January off . The BBC would prefer NWA , provided the music instead.
Next year it might have added taharrush, you never know.
A concert of the National Anthems of Black majority Nations by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra would go down a treat. Especially if BBC staff where forced on to the streets to give out free tickets like confetti to passing Afro-Caribbean types.
In my experience there’s a bit of cognitive dissonance in the classical world. From what I can tell, most of them are leftists, but I get the sense many of them feel very guilty and embarrassed about being involved with what is generally a very culturally conservative art form. Thus they go over the top in trying to prove they are ‘relevant’, ‘diverse’ etc. They’re like trendy vicars in that sense.
Oh well, it looks like iPlayer will soon be off limits to non-licence payers like me.
Whittingdale – what a wet blanket, but to be honest I never expect much any more of so called Conservative politicians.
I did use iPlayer once or twice a week for the odd decent documentary but now all I can say is ‘how sad, never mind’.
I guess a non TV licence holding ‘potential terrorist’ will now have their internet history checked by Ms May?
I’m also guessing that as the Amazon TV stick and Sky’s Now TV box both have the Iplayer app on them, one will also need a licence just to own one. High time for the encryption of BBC output, don’t want it, don’t want to pay for it.
We use Amazon Prime.
The iPlayer feed is just another app easily deleted from the pin board. No loss. The offerings for months have been dire.
It appears that those petitions demanding that OUR BBC is protected from the Conservative Government are redundant
I doubt it will be limited to just BBC iPlayer. I would not be surprised if they make a licence fee compulsory to watch any recorded content that had previously been broadcast in UK.
I hope Capita have lots of Polish speaking Enquiry Officers when they go knocking on doors.
Just got two BBC ‘Breaking News’ emails (on the stories that really are top of the BBC editorial integrity list), about 30′ apart:
Breaking News
Footballer not guilty of child sex crime
Ex-England footballer Adam Johnson not guilty of one count of sexual activity with 15-year-old girl
For more details, see the BBC News website
Breaking News
Footballer guilty of child sex crime
Footballer Adam Johnson guilty of sexual activity with 15-year-old girl, after being found not guilty of one count
For more details, see the BBC News website
I’m really hoping that the Remain side have scored a couple of spectacular own goals. First wee Jimmy Krankie stuck her lacquered barnet above the parapet. My God that woman is a right royal pain in the arse. Whenever I hear that pitiful whining voice I feel like clambering over Hadrian’s Wall and slaughtering a few of the locals. I’ve never heard this creature speak when she isn’t griping and yet she’s got the brass neck to tell Dave to be “more positive.” Priceless!
And now the loathsome Peter Mandelson, The Prince of Darkness, has crawled out from under his stone. There’s a fellow you really can trust. He’s been involved in more devious back stabbing deals than the Caligula. You just know that Mandelson is a”wrong un.” Nothing whatever to do with his sexuality, that doesn’t enter the equation; he’s just sinister.This bloke gives most normal people the shivers and decent politicians a bad name.
There has to be someone else, an international figure, renowned as a free thinking humanitarian, that the Remain camp can call on.
Robert Mugabe…
The conservatives have certainly decided to show that they fully back the BBC with this outrageous announcement. Partners in crime?
partners in keeping us in the EU more like !
I knew that Witteringbum was a BBC stooge
Mention the mighty Ann Coulter earlier.
She cites all the liberal scum who`ve called Trump wrong-and the retrenchment of the liberal left as it sets its compass to stun, and then shoots itself as usual.
Funny-and great stuff to warm us all as we welcome President Trump next January.
It`s what the BBC really really want…and what Michael Moore and Megyn Kelly, Jon Stewart and Blowhole Bruce deserves.
Can`t WAIT for those Oscar bitchslappings that`ll follow!
Mr President…Put UP that wall…and nail the liberal left up on the Mexican side for target practice will ya?
Yet another dread disease rears it’s ugly head again:
No doubt the vibrancy and enrichment of this will be totally overlooked by the left wing media, who might report on its reappearance, but not where it came from.
It looks like the churnalists at bBBC NorthWest couldn’t keep a straight face long enough to report on this news: Workers in Liverpool face having to work to 76 to maintain current living standards
The £/Euro rate is back today at the level it was before the “slump” which followed the announcement of the referendum. It will receive little media coverage. The Government/media have successfully planted the idea of a falling £ in the minds of the electorate (still being pedaled today by Jo Coburn (?) on the BBC2 lunchtime politics programme). Smart move as :-
The latest poll by ComRes showed 55% of Britons were worried a vote to leave the European Union will weaken the pound and 43% said the value of sterling will be an important factor in how they vote in the referendum in June.
The future of the nation is reduced to the currency exchange deal for incidental spending for 2 weeks on the Med.
The big problem the Leave campaign has got is actually being able to get their message out there, as al beebus and ITV are so biased in favour of the Remainians.
I also think the Leavers need to push the debate in the direction of the weakest part of the Remainians’ argument: migration and its consequences (unlimited numbers, overburdening schools, hospitals, housing, depressing wages, increased crime etc etc) rather than this dead end discussion about how long trade re-negotiations would take should Brexit happen.
I think your right Al – unfortunately Auntie and all her imps will be concentrating on all this trade bollox as I am sure she knows that on immigration and its effects they are on a hiding to nothing. So if she endlessly pushes the same repetitive stories about trade, hopefully most of the sheep may lose interest, neck another lager and go back to sleep!
‘BBC’s Racist Falkland Article Amended’
The BBC is institutionally racist and especially anti-semitic. The British Police shoukd be investigating the BBC , er….. except …….. !!!!!!!!
Salford Council implement a legal swearing by law for the area around media city !
Message to Salford Council – FUCK OFF
Further message to Salford Council…when you get there, FUCK OFF again.
And let’s throw in a ‘Blinking Heck’ just for good measure.
Tony Blair is a swear word in our house as is Jimmy Saville
Will swearing oaths on the Bible in solicitors’ offices in the Salford area be banned now as well?
I think they might have a bit of a problem!
“Swearing at police is not a crime because officers hear foul language “too frequently” to be offended, a judge has ruled.”
Unless of course council officers are above the police :p
Vague law is bad law.
Just wait for a large chunk of Shakespeare to get absorbed into what the Blob deems offensive.
Today, I witnessed something very strange from Prime Ministers Questions on the Daily Politics programme.
The Speaker called for Bernard Jenkins to speak. He was not present, he clearly did not stand to get the eye of The Speaker which seems to be the normal protocal when being called upon to ask a question.
The Speaker then immediately asked David Davies to speak on what I think Bernard Jenkin was going to talk about, namely Fredom of Information, restricting information from the Civil Service to Leave Ministers in particular reference to number immigrants.
Very embarassing for The Speaker, unusual in that I cannot ever remember seeing that happen before.
Perchance our BBC overlook this EU related story…
MEP ‘faked claims to pay ex-wife £10,000′
A Labour MEP used his parliamentary allowance to fund trips to the US and pay his ex-wife £10,000 after their divorce, a court heard.
Peter Skinner, 56, alledgedly pocketed more than £17,000 of taxpayers’ money himself in a fraud spanning five years, and abused his position to pay thousands of pounds to his own father.
Some of the cash went toward the cost of repairing the clutch on his ex-wife’s Land Rover Discovery, jurors heard.
Skinner, from Snodland in Kent, the Labour MEP for the South East of England region from 1999 to 2014, also forged his father’s signature on a document so he could claim his father was working for him and send his parents £5,000 every three months, Southwark crown court heard.
Prosecutor Jonathan Davies said Parliamentary Assistance Allowance is only given to MEPs to cover the cost of their assistants but that Skinner “used it for personal expenditure”. The alledged fraud was exposed when one of Skinner’s former researchers noticed a document showing money paid to the MEP’s father. Skinner denies two charges of fraud and one count of false accounting. The trial continues.
– Evening Standard 2/3/2016
BBC Online News:
“”When did most Americans search for ‘move to Canada’?”” (you’ve guessed it. post Trump’s victories today).
“”As sure as “Results Wednesday” follows Super Tuesday, Americans were reacting to the outcome of the voting by searching on Google for how to move to Canada”” (most Americans? you mean a few Democrats who couldn’t cope with Democracy in action?)
“”The biggest recorded spike in interest was when George W Bush was elected president for a second term in November 2004. Back then the Canadian immigration service reported a six-fold increase in interest on its website””‘ ( six times very little is not a lot)
Biased BBC trying to suggest that all Americans are fleeing Trumps democratic progress. Nice try Biased BBC. But fail.
DS. Please read this one again. This particular article is ‘even’, in that the link is made to the successes of both Clinton and Trump. Whilst the article is a complete non-story, on this occasion I think your accusation of bias is unfair (unless they have updated the page since you posted).
If Trump wins, I bet ethnics would still want to climb the wall into the US. But I don’t think intelligent people in Canada would like racist left-wing white American immigrants perverting democracy in Canada, rather than emigrating to a country more in tune to their professed racial preferences, such as Mexico. But I think these immigrants from the rebel republic would have to swear allegiance to the Queen, if they wanted to escape being citizens of Trump, and vote in Canada. Otherwise Canada should put these hypocrites on a plane to a country with an ethnic population more to the professed liking of American Democrats, rather than hideously White Canada.
It’s the same with BBC staff, they say they want to live in a multicultural area, but they are always found living next to people they call racist, and they never bloody emigrate, even when the Tories win elections.
It’s probably illegals looking to go to Trudeau’s land of milk and honey if Trump wins! Plus the odd bearded terrorist in training.
To All above ……………
Thought of the day, if we were not in the EU, would you vote to join the present European Union in the state it is now ?
So why stay in ?
What if it was still only the Common Meerkat?
I’ll get my coat.
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
What do you call an Meerkat with a carrot in each ear?
Anything you want as he can’t hear you!
As per me old pal Essexman above.
I’ll get my coat too ………..
PS , Taffman , I have Welsh , French & Essex ancestry , so I am a bit of an Anglo Saxon Celt , might be a relative of yours from 2000 years ago. I am for Brexit too , I hope you can get your cousins in the Rhonda , to vote out as well . Essex will be for out, that`s for sure.
Greetings Essexman good to hear from you. I and many more are glad that you are for the ‘Out’ vote.
I do gather that many of our cousins in Merthyr are voting UKIP in the next Welsh Assembly. Now, to my original question, “tell us your present thoughts on our PM and his drive to frighten us all in his attempt to get us to stay in the EU ?”
Do you think that illegal immigration into the UK will be worse if we get out of the EU? How on earth did we mange to prevent invasion upon invasion over the last thousand years ?
Thanks, Taffman.
‘How extreme is Donald Trump?’
‘How radical is Bernie Sanders?’
Extreme = bad, radical = good. Typical BBC abuse of language to push its own agenda.
The Republican article also manages to drop in ‘far-right’, when describing Rubio’s plan to increase defence spending.
Anyone with a few braincells knows that Saudi Arabia is a pit of medieval brutality, but the BBC somehow manages to mince its words when dealing with the Saudis. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-35609249
Today we have a feature on Saudi Twitter stars, who are, naturally, all Islamist clerics, which is helpfully headed with some cuddly smiling caricatures (can’t see Donald Trump ever being afforded such a luxury by the BBC leftists).
Cuddly, bearded Mohammad Al-Arifi is described as ‘the Brad Pitt of Muslim clerics’. Only after much mincing of words, do we learn that he wants to kill all Shia, and is a big proponent of wife-beating.
Maybe he has learned to put ‘views my own’ on his header bio, like BBC impartial staff? Works wonders. Apparently.
One headline news story on Radio 4 at 6am was french minister threatening to move the border back to blighty and let in all migrants if we Brexit.
Surely if we Brexit we would
1 Control our own borders
2 Have a police force and army that should do what the UK goverment wants
For F###s! sake are we now so emasculated that if Brexit happens we would be unable to control our own borders and remove undesirables without the help of the french!
Yes, another case of the BBC not doing it’s job and failing to ask proper questions.
The bilateral agreement negotiated between the British and French governments about border controls between Calais and the UK is entirely separate from the EU. Part of the agreement is that either side – if it wishes to back out – must give the other side two years notice of this intention.
So why did the the Beeb droid not ask “So is this clearly a threat from the French government as it is nothing to do with the EU?” or “So do the French government frequently renege on agreements they reach?” or “Will the UK government be entitled to serious compensation from the French government if they fail to honour their agreement?”.
Of course we know why they didn’t ask these questions. The BBC is a propaganda and not a news organisation and is solely interested in pushing the left wing line on any matter.
BBC News this moning. Scrolling along the bottom of screen “How extremist is Donald Trump?” That’s it nothing else. Just an assumpotion that Donald Trump IS extremist. AlBeeb just need to know how extremist. Disgraceful BBC bias.
Lucky the BBC Complaints system, up to and including the Trust, will be comfortable in their belief that this is entirely legitimate.
The BBC Today Programme reinforces the BBC website by giving far more prominence to a disingenuous e mail from BMW to its staff than the thoughts of 200 SMEs on the EU. Guess what, the major European companies with British subsidiaries, whose senior executives form part of the EU corporatist cabal, want Britain to stay in the EU. The thoughts of SMEs who want Brexit are far less important, even though they represent the real economic future of Britain, employ most of the British workforce and don’t export much to the EU.
The interview by Nick Robinson with the bland BMW fatcat executive in charge of European sales and marketing was a triumph of BMW obfuscation. All they point out is ‘uncertainty’ if we leave the EU. Don’t they realise that small companies face major uncertainty all the time. Only big company executives who have never faced real business life or death decision making would say they can’t abide uncertainty. The BMW executive also lied in his interview by saying that BMW was in the opposite situation to the UK economy in that it’s UK operation exported 80 per cent of its output. Nick Robinson had to remind him that BMW imported 160,000 cars into the UK and only exported 1000,00 back into the EU.
Big business is performing no better than the likes of Lord Mandy of the Black Arts and Philip Greyman our Foreign Secretary in peddling lies to the British public.
Radio 4 told us at around 8am they were broadcasting the account of a man’s diary who lives under ISIS but by the time they gave the ways they had changed what he said – put it in actor’s words and changed some of it, not quite sure how much of the account owed to the BBC drama department and fiction rather than a true representation of what is really happening there.
So, pretty much a typical BBC ‘news’ story then?
John Whittingdale has announced that he will rush through legislation to ensure anyone using iPlayer has to pay the BBC TV tax.
“The BBC works on the basis that all who watch it pay for it,” John Whittingdale told the Oxford Media Convention.
I’m assuming he will also announce that anyone listening to the World Service, visiting BBC websites or listening to any BBC popular radio channels will also have to pay?
I fail to see how it can be policed without checking/logging everyones IP address/internet history.
Subscription/pay as you view has to be the way forward easily blocking those who can shamefully view for free from abroad and allowing those, who because they happen to own a TV/PC/laptop/tablet and don’t want to consume/fund Marxist bias and diverse brainwashing the opportunity to view elsewhere.
Totally agree. I wonder if the implication of this decision for the funding status quo has really been thought through? Using the reinforced snoopers charter to prosecute UK based i-player users who haven’t paid a licence fee could hasten the move to pay per view for the BBC, which we all (except the BBC and the Government) know is the only fair way forward. Thankfully I don’t think too many, other than Guardian readers, will want to subscribe to the BBC News service once its pay per view.
Easy solution for everyone who refuses to pay the tv tax…..an android tv box with kodi on it
Knocks sky in particular into a cocked hat
It is genuinely unbelievable
Watch pretty much what you want when you want
And kodi can be installed on many platforms….from ios to android to msoft to the amazon firestick. In fact it will even install onto a memory stick poked into the usb port of a smart tv.
All necessary info available on youtube..
Kodi is not easy to set up – at least in my experience. Links to channels appeared in many cases to have been blocked by ISPs, presumably on orders from HM Government. I think your average licence-payer would find it beyond their capabilities.
Oh RD, you are correct, it’s not for the faint-hearted…I ought to have added a warning about that. You actually need the patience of a saint to learn how to use it.
You can buy the boxes preloaded with everything and plug n play
Easy peasy
Sadly, EE. I’m quite sure this has been thought through. (The left are particularly good at maneuvering and subterfuge, if this will maintain themselves in the lifestyle to which they feel entitled).
I will be unlikely to fall off my seat if, in a few months time, the government proudly announce that – as everyone with an internet connection must be using it to consume some form of BBC content; they are proud to announce that the requirement to buy a TV license has been extended to anyone who has an internet connection in the UK.
(This will include almost all mobile phone users, but I suspect they will not take this lobby on for a few more years).
They will announce this as a victory for the common man – the conservatives have plugged the loophole – as they call it – and secured funding for the world leading BBC.
This shows us how far to the left the Conservative Party has veered, when they don’t even understand that the leftist BBC will not start to support them just because they roll over and aquiesce to their every demand.
That’s another one of those uniques or exemptions the BBC seem littered with.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before the blackmail tactics started. All this does is underline just how much the UK is valued in Europe – our money that is.
First of all, there will be no 3rd world immigrant camps this side of the tunnel because if Cameron lets them through they will simply melt into the darkness, which let’s be fair, would be very easy for them.
There is a simple solution to this French threat – make the tunnel terminal as secure as an airport (both directions across the border, wherever that is), anyone who gets through the tunnel without the appropriate papers is simply put on the next train back. It’s not rocket science.
Before the 1st world war there was a similar crisis with migrants coming from poor areas of Europe.
The British government simply fined channel ferry companies for anyone who boarded without proper papers
Can’t figure out the establishment thinking behind this.
Such threats totally backfire and stiffen resolve.
Keep it up, BBC!
And not only that, 4000 or so parasites would be a very small price to pay compared to the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that will land here if we don’t escape the EU.
“We’re hoping, if we can keep the population stable, that will have a positive effect on welfare”
– Don’t panic, BBC Breakfast hasn’t just freaked out and suddenly called for Britain to actually have an immigration policy. And no, it’s not just me ‘villainy signalling’ my inner xenophobia and general little Englander unworthiness.
Mind you, we’re all going to have to watch our ‘p’s and ‘q’s from now on – the CPS are going after the internet trolls again. Look on the bright side, saves Plod having to get up from their desks.
We digress. That opening quote was from an RSPCA vet commenting on the BBC this morning on that vital issue of “Multi-cat Households” No, not multicultural – this wasn’t a bank or supermarket advert on ITV. We’re talking “So-called Cat Horders” I know, it’s an absolute wheeze, isn’t it?
By the way if you’re either a)a woman or b)a guy who can combine effrontery with effeminacy and squat a red sofa side-saddle while the girls go akimbo in the morning – then you too could present BBC Breakfast. Just pitch your output at a level of intelligence that is sub-Blue Peter 1978. What about all that BBC output in the 1970s, eh? Got any privately-recorded ‘tapes’? Or what we now like to call ‘revenge porn’.
“I’m calling for warm weather – I don’t think I’m gonna get it”
– Was that a BBC mission statement on Global Warming with a frank assessment of the actual science? Of course not. This was our Naga Pollyanna getting all excited about what the weather ‘should be’. Our Carol replies “No heat wave , Naga is going to be horrified by this”. Having personally experienced the weather in the British Isles for a decade or two myself – and others hereabouts perhaps – we will not be ‘horrified’ at the lack of early March ‘heat wave’.
“Carol has one – called Donald. Naga has two…”
– No, it’s not the 1970s again with Michael Crawford’s Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em negotiating his RAF entrance tests – remember that one? We’re back to the cat ownership issue. Valery on Blue Peter had one called Jason, you know.
Oh and one last thing – “alternative energy investors have been ‘spooked’ by changes to policy” – Should read – chancers hoping to cash in on tax payer subsidies for inefficient windmills have had a brake put on their gravy train.
The BBC – someone please put a brake on their gravy train
I hate cats they remind me of politicians, they only want to know you when they want something.
I’ll stick with my ever faithful old Collie!
No, I like cats. At least they’re quite open about their disdain. Cattitude!
That Naga is getting really gobby. I’m not interested in her latest ‘quip’. I’m hoping that one day soon one of her colleagues will respond with a really good put-down. It is sorely needed.
Points West last night ran a story about some group of feminists wanting to give women special dispensation/time off during their ‘monthly’s’ ie for it not to be classed as sickness. Cue generic unshaven feminist to tell us about the curse which, before any women here jump on me, I fully understand and sympathise.
But the irony here is that feminsts have for years wanting equal rights, but now they seem to want special dispensation and opening up questions as to whether they are actually fit to do the more demanding jobs during this time?
High time we chaps too fought for special dispensation for our ‘curse’ that is shaving, maybe we should be allowed to start work 15 minutes later every day? Although having said that some feminists could claim the same need…
This is how silly all these rights and demands of individual groups has got, creating a problem where one didn’t exist and pissing off the majority. Any self respecting boss would fully sympathise, help and understand a woman at such times.
Those shirkers in the workplace are going to love this and see it as 12/24 days extra holiday a year, yet more benefits to attract more migrants…
Most bosses would help. Without feeling the need to run to the BBC to tell them how virtuous they are.
Rod Liddle has a good article in the Spectator:
Could he be posting here under a pseudonym? Everything he says will be familiar to readers of this site.
Snap 😉
It’s possible that Rod’s invitation to the BBC alumni reunion may not make it…
Just Google Images for Muslims parade decapitated heads and you will see that it is widespread. Then remember that they have been doing it for centuries.
This is not an isolated act by a mad woman. It is part of the culture.
Why do they call the US Marines Leathernecks? They wore leather collars in the Barbary wars to prevent beheadings
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=muslims+parade+decapitated+heads&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:%7Breferrer:source%7D&rlz=1I7SVEC&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit0aCvpqTLAhVIyRQKHeiYC5EQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643[img" alt="search?q=muslims+parade+decapitated+heads&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:%7Breferrer:source%7D&rlz=1I7SVEC&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit0aCvpqTLAhVIyRQKHeiYC5EQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=643[img" />https://www.google.co.uk/
“You begin to doubt its vetting procedures for potential nannies”, says Rod. Well, imagine the BBC’s righteous indignation, not to mention the attention of Plod, if anyone in the UK did indeed vet out Muslim nannies on account of their decapitating potential?
One has to hope a slight seed of doubt in the mind of the typical BBC employee as she leaves Adam and Jocasta with their muslim nanny……………………
The decapitation habit is worth investigating especially as our media report the results of so many knife attacks as ‘neck injuries’, and then pass on without further ado.
Its continuing………. more reporting in hushed tones about the ‘desperate’ families on the Greek / Mac border. Now that a couple of interior/prime ministers have walked the border with entourage and press, they were shouted out by those stuck on the Greek side and our good Press chaps as per normal did totally biased reporting. It was hushed tones for the refugees and accusatory challenges for the suited dignitaries. WHAT is going to be the outcome of all this ? These peoples are safe in Turkey, yet those stuck in camps don’t seem to be using their bloody smartphones to tell those back home to stay where they are and not to bother to travel. No, most of Asia will now be on the march come Spring, and there can be only one outcome, chaos and uprising.
Super Tuesday has come and gone.
The race is between DT and HC.
One is the wife of a serial sex offender, who has stood by him and denigrated the women he has abused.
This couple have been linked to fraud and other corrupt acts. She has abused her position and breeched all legal constraints to hide her actives (her personal phone).
BC, to prove his stance on ‘law and order’ authorised the execute of a mental disabled black man.
This list is long and tediously dis heartening.
Then there is DT a thrice married billionaire mountebank who offers no substance when it comes to making ‘America Great’ again. That is something the west needs badly.
I don’t have a vote. I would wish for a Ronald Raegan at this time. But I will settle for a Donald Duck.
JPJ, It is not over. I predict surprises. I am not that sure that Killary will run, and it is possible that Trump will be removed.
And I’m still waiting to see Barry O’Bummer’s birth certificate…
Born in Hawaii my arse…
We have seen Obama’s birth certificate. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a direct copy of the original, but a compilation that could be deconstructed to show that parts had been substituted. That, of course, is the answer why it was a very long time before the fake one was released. However, I don’t discount that Obama could have been born in Hawaii, but only maintain that the original authentic birth certificate contained something damaging that Obama wishes to keep secret.
As I understand things, Obama has a ‘certificate of live birth’ which, at that time, was issued upon request. It wasn’t a birth certificate issued at the hospital at the time of birth.
At the time I downloaded his ‘birth certificate’ from the Whitehouse.gov website to see for myself. I doubt it is still available there.
Anyone with more than a passing aquaintance with an image processing program such as Photoshop can see the amateurish way it has been disassembled and reassembled (forged by any other name).
This video is an interesting breakdown with such a program and is an interesting view:
I would suspect that Obama, wishing the birthing questions to just ‘go away’ asked someone with little skill in image manipulation techniques to ‘fix it’ for him. (Shame BBC’s Jimmy wasn’t around to help, he could have helped with his daughters too).
Whoever did this, was very unskilled but obviously didn’t realise this fact. The tell-tale signs of the deception are hard to explain away at all convincingly.
I agree something will happen to Trump.They cannot let him win and lose their power.
Re the EU I know its been said before but I notice a distinct pattern across all media.
I turn on LBC in the morning and the EU scare story of the day is the headline. Today it’s about Calais migrants coming to Britain if we leave. Nothing positive to say.
Later,the Victoria Derbyshire show has its daily EU propaganda slot headed by Norman Smith .The pros and cons of whatever the daily scare story is. The scare story wins.
It’s so blatant and relentless .
Still at least Stuart Rose gave an honest answer and has said wages will rise if the flow of immigrants is stopped.Supply and demand ,simple.
He doesn’t think that would be a good thing…………Not for him in his wealthy Ivory Tower. Great for the rest of us though.More school places ,more housing. Higher wages .Whats not to like…….
Lets have an honest debate on the Beeb about that…….
I agree something will happen to Trump.They cannot let him win and lose their power.
Re the EU I know its been said before but I notice a distinct pattern across all media.
I turn on LBC in the morning and the EU scare story of the day is the headline. Today it’s about Calais migrants coming to Britain if we leave. Nothing positive to say.
Later,the Victoria Derbyshire show has its daily EU propaganda slot headed by Norman Smith .The pros and cons of whatever the daily scare story is. The scare story wins.
It’s so blatant and relentless .
Still at least Stuart Rose gave an honest answer and has said wages will rise if the flow of immigrants is stopped.Supply and demand ,simple.
He doesn’t think that would be a good thing…………Not for him in his wealthy Ivory Tower. Great for the rest of us though.More school places ,more housing. Higher wages .Whats not to like…….
Lets have an honest debate on the Beeb about that…….
Deborahanother, I’ve been thinking this myself a lot lately about Mr Trump. I suspect he will be ‘neutralised’ by some sort of scandal or slip-up nearer to the elections which will either cause him to resign or be outvoted; or perhaps the election will be rigged in some way. If he ever succeeds in becoming President, I would imagine some combination of book depositories, open topped cars and grassy knolls will come into play.
Look at the example of Jorg Haider in Austria. Despite winning the general election, the leaders of other EU states basically forced him out of power and he died in suspicious circumstances a few years later.
Rio 2016: Refugee team to compete at Olympics
This idea is utter nonsense. I’ve already given up being interested in the Olympics. No wonder they can’t sell the tickets.
Just had to check the calendar. Thought I had lost 28 days somewhere along the line
The Olympics has been a joke for long before this !
When they changed the rules to prevent people like Eddy the Eagle competing, I stopped caring.
This story is on FaceBook.
The top-rated comment is:
Miyuki Tse How about a team of female victims who have been sexually assaulted by the “refugees”?
Bit of a dilemma for ‘BBC Trending’ there.
Maybe they can run the Gay plane story again? It had two likes a week ago.
But here is a hope for Trump. If Rubio goes down in Florida it will be hard to stitch it to replace Trump for him. Expect bad things about Trump: racism and lack of a military past. But Trump could bounce back with a popular Tea Party Republican as his VP . Allen West, popular right wing black formidable speaker with a sound service record kicking ass in Iraq.
Resident bbc breakfast prick just had to comment after a clip of last nights debate…..Donald put down one of his opponents with a typical aside
Arsehole on the sofa…’just when you think he cant get any weirder’…..Munchetty smiling knowingly….witch
Now had it been st hussein of Obama putting down an opponent,he would have been ‘so cool’ or some such spotty adolescent hyperbole
And they expect me to pay for this crap?
Well they can dream on
Running strap at bottom of bbc news channel….’trump savaged by republican foes’
Really?Where is the evidence of this so-called ‘savaging’
Cos i didnt see it…..and you can be sure the bbc scum would be running it wall to wall if it did happen
LOL !!! Yes one of Cameron’s many faults is his narrow Euro-centric view of the world. Parochial, to say the least !
I wish someone would do a ‘BBC’s view of the world’ map…maybe I’ll have a go myself when I get time!
Just for Cranmer

Haha, thanks! I’m touched…nobody has ever made a map just for me before!
It looks like the BBC going round in circles until they disappear down the plughole. In my dreams !