‘The majority of the men charged are from the Asian community…’ the report states. Since among the 25 names I saw only one (Christopher Mulqueen-Bennett) that was not ‘Asian’ (paki), I think there are more accurate ways of referring to the proportion as merely ‘the majority’.
Of course, nowt mentioned about the negligence to ensure the welfare of these white trash kiddies, but quelle surprise – ‘there are fears that the investigation could impact on race relations in Halifax.’ Got to get one’s priorities straight.
I actually think that the real ‘fear’ in this campaign is within in the EU elite itself. The Leaders along with our own treacherous leader Mr Cameron know full well that the number of people in this country wanting to leave the EU is very high – do not believe what these opinion polls say – Cameron and the other leaders know that in referendum like this those who want the change i.e. in this case the Leavers will make the effort to turn out to vote, those who want the status quo tend to stay at home and don’t vote thinking it’s a forgone conclusion as everyone else will vote. They know that a Leave vote is on the cards and are effectively shitting themselves, because when we go other countries will be lining up to do the same and the EU will disintegrate into an even bigger pile of shite than it is now.
Vote leave, get the borders closed, including the Channel tunnel, and watch as what’s left of the EU disintegrates into all out war with the lunatics that they have let in from the Middle East and Africa. Good riddance to that.
The BBC does not ‘fall for it’ at all. They use it as a propaganda weapon to try and foist their agenda on the rest of us. They would use it even if they knew it were a gross distortion or an out right lie. They will stop at nothing to force their liberal left views on the rest of us.
You have to remember that to the marxist, all criminal actions are the natural results of oppression. So holding up babies at fences is a result of evil anti-immigration policies by governments, not a bad act by the participants themselves. Similarly if a social justice warrior is attacked by those he is claiming to defend, it is because he ‘failed to check his privilege’ or some such.
I’ve had a bit of a brain wave; I don’t get many so bear with me. Something that I notice so often nowadays is folk wearing all manner of items in their lapels. I always wear a poppy in November, but that’s about it. People now like to display their caring nature by wearing all sorts of things. There are red ribbons, yellow ribbons, things to show they’re concerned about AIDS, others to tell the world that they’re sharing the pain of those refugees (dossers) in Calais. I’m sure there must be others that lets us know they’re fretting about global warming, the plight of polar bears, penguins and the rain forest.
How about our honest MP’s doing something similar and displaying where they stood on joining the Euro? We all know that it’s been an utter catastrophe and it would be helpful to know which of our parliamentarians thought it would be a great idea. So when we are forced to listen to one of these sages warning us that a vote for Brexit will cause earthquakes in Birmingham (give ’em time) we’ll be able to point at them and laugh.
I’m just not sure what they should have attached to their apparel. Perhaps they could display picture of a donkey, a baboon’s backside or a turnip. Anything that tells us loud and clear, “MY JUDGEMENT SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED!”
Nick Clegg or Peter Mandelson to start the ball rolling?
Jeff, good observation but it’s already been noticed – journalist James Delingpole published a book called ‘How to be Right’ which lampoons the left, and the cover shows a wrist emblazoned with dozens of those wrist bands!
I actually think we may have reached ‘peak ribbon’ as I haven’t noticed them as much as I did a couple of years ago. Perhaps online virtue signalling is more important now?
Yes it does get worse.
She takes the opportunity to suggest that murders of ethnic minorities are somehow under reported and those of white british are not.
Sorry Dame Lawrence I disagree as 12 years ago there was a brutal murder of a young white man by a mob of 12 muslims in my home town. He was set about for no reason (other than perhaps a Jihadi killing) and kicked to death. I was involved in supplying the police with CCTV evidence that resulted in quick arrests and charges being brought.
The whole affair from the arrests to the convictions (a year later) were under reported by both local and national press, in fact it is quite possible that most people would not know about it.
I rest my case.
Here is an hour’s worth of Ben Shapiro in one of his best talks on the Left’s influence at Universities, and in life generally.
We can learn a lot from Ben.
He is ordered and succinct, and makes strong and immediately understandable points – and his humour lies close to the surface.
His delivery is rapid-fire and demands attention, but is worth the effort.
Just like to second that thought. (35 mins in) Ben Shapiro responds to a questioner of the extent of infiltration of America by ‘The Frankfurt School’ (often discussed on these pages as the real ‘ethos’ behind the BBC visage). Our Universities have exactly the same problem (following on from Delingpole’s (video above) invitation to the UK’s ‘Oxford Union’ gives a good indicator of the new left ‘fascism’ developing here in the UK. The same vocal minority in effect banning free speech (and all activities) the left don’t approve of seems to have become the new ‘fashionable’ disease which is the old style ‘Cultural Marxism’ – given a new set of cloths and then ‘fab’ labelled by our ‘progressive’ Liberals and ‘equality and diversity’ utopia of the Left. Much the same here with the BBC coalition of radicals..
I have my suspicions about the impartiality of YouGov, but putting that aside, there was a veiled insult on today’s Daily Politics aimed at supporter’s of Brexit. Even an attempt, as lame as it was, at subliminal propaganda. Apparently the demographic (according to YouGov) shows that a majority of university graduates support the Remain campaign. Of course this was unchallenged and unexamined by Andrew Neil, as is any argument that goes against BBC groupthink. In fact had Brillo given it a few moments thought he might have concluded that what this really revealed was just how much our educational system has been undermined by the left.
Oldartist – Why on earth are you worried about the impartiality of YouGov? I can’t believe that the fact that YouGov boss and ex-BBC reporter Peter Kellner is married to Baroness Ashton of EU fame would make you in the least suspicious……..Much.
iplayer and the licensing:
Things moving?
My Sony Bravia has just informed me iplayer wont work from September, and to find out how to access without buying a new tv go to http://bbc.in/1K7Bmb8
Went there…as much use as a chocolate teapot.
Fucking useless bunch of wankers…( not even that good)
Contact us form? …takes you conveniently round in circles.
The BBC keeps ‘improving’ Iplayer and unless you are using a ‘supported platform’ TV kit has become obsolete in the past in a matter of months from purchase.
When we lost our service via the DVD player the BBC claimed that ‘Big Screen’ use was now in the minority, all ‘the kids’ using their tiny devices. Youtube went around the same time so it isn’t just the BBC. Perhaps the most future proof scheme is to use a laptop to feed the TV. I was going to say use an Android tablet, but there is no guarantee that the tablet can use the latest Android version, which, no doubt, Iplayer will migrate to.
I wonder how happy ‘the kids’ will be if they get charged £145 to watch TV on a 2″ screen!
iPlayer has lost ‘popular’ support (according to the FT) it is also plagued with technical difficulties. Lucky they have plenty of money to ‘sort it out’. Except money is never enough. They will always need more money. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0%2Ff92e8ff4-f991-11e4-ae65-00144feab7de.html
History will show we have dealt with French twats in the past and we can deal with them in the future. So what if they tear up the Calais agreement? By then we won’t be subject to the European Court of Socialism and can deport unwanted guests for the cost of an airline ticket.
Bon voyage mes amis, or should that be ma salama sadiqi?
Another day, another dollop of crap served up by the Terror Potty Army.
I see it all as three big bins on the way out of the supermarket…put your green token into
a) The Global elites institutions-UN, WTO and-of course the rancid EU itself with the likes of Peter Glaze in France-president today, pastry chef in 2017.
b) The left and liberal elites at uni, on the telly and in the better class of paper
c)The big agri, business, druggie, cars, greenie tat type of manufacturers and massage boys.
These three bins of global privilege are scared of us-time to make them so.
There will be plenty tokens to stick in the bins between now and June…and the hysterical crap from Europes leaders, US liberals and all the usual One World Satanists of Revelation only confirms in me doing all I can to ensure these creeps are desolate and topping their useless selves before we can attempt another booze cruise back to France in lat summer.
AS we all know-listen to the BBC and the Lib Dems…then do the exact opposite.
Now and forever…no other compass is ever needed these days.
‘Usman Ahmed is a trainee orthopaedic surgeon who has been one of the poster boys for the strikes on the BBC’
Of course he is. Views his own, though, clearly.
Lucky the patient with a doctor showing such a grasp of the Hippocratic Oath wielding the knife around them. especially if their political views fail to please him.
‘Doctor, who has told you which end of the spine to tackle today?’
‘Apparently Radio 4 listeners were expected to use their psychic powers in order to determine what Stourton really meant – as opposed to what he actually said.’
Always a joy when CECUTT descends from fact and reality to ‘belief’ and ‘context’, BBC-styly, yet still feels they got it about right.
Are we really worried about 4000 migrants in Calais? Isn’t the issue a little more involved than that? Britain is made of sterner stuff. If we can defeat Hitler I’m sure 4000 scruffs will be no problem.
Pure scaremongering by Cameron and his French poodle Hollande. Nice try, must do better.
Oh really? What kind of jolly ‘jibe’ could result in deportation? Perhaps something about his hair? Or his name?
Nope, turns out that said ‘student’, is an Egyptian Muslim who spent most of his life in Saudi Arabia and was in the US training to be a 9/11 suicide bomber, sorry a pilot, said he would gladly serve life in prison for killing Donald Trump.
Normally the BBC are very keen on people being arrested for Twitter ‘racism’ or whatever, but it seems this logic doesn’t extend to Muslims who have grown up in countries where people are brainwashed daily that it is their goal in life to murder every last kaffir, who are breaking the terms of their visa by threatening to kill people called Donald Trump.
It seems the BBC is very much in favour of free speech, so far as it extends to murdering Republican politicians.
Convicted murderer Oscar Pistorius has been denied an appeal to SA’s highest court and will be sentenced on April 18th. Strange, though, that the judge who originally acquitted him of murder and sentenced him to manslaughter will be the very same judge to sentence him again on the new conviction.
(This is a rare event that has nothing to do with BBC bias.)
I am sick and tired of presenters and pundits on television and the radio saying the blanket line that both Leave and Remain are indulging in Project Fear.
This is not true.
It is the Remain who indulge in Project Fear not Leave. This needs to be made clear.
To any Remainers, This is a fact.
Vote Remain you will lose the right to keep your sovereignty, maintain one’s own democracy and make your own laws.
In my opinion this overrides anything else.
I have just learnt that Germany’s exports to ourselves is 78 billion pounds in goods and services, we export 36 billion pounds to Germany. It is ridiculous to suggest that Germany will not set up a trading deal with ourselves.Only a fool would think otherwise.
“French President Francois Hollande has said he wants the UK to stay in the EU – and warned of the “consequences” for immigration and the economy of leaving.”
“Mr Hollande also said unaccompanied children in the Calais refugee camp known as the “Jungle” who have relatives in Britain should be “quickly” reunited with them.”
Is this an acknowledgement that EU leaders are well aware that the indigenous population of Western Europe see immigration as having a negative impact? Is it an acknowledgement that the open borders policy was a catastrophic and monumental mistake?
For years we have suffered the BBCs endless propaganda, lecturing about the benefit of immigration, shrieking hysterically at any who would dare question, but now they use migrants arriving in the UK as a tool to stir up fear about leaving the EU, and this after all the years they have spent telling us how positive immigration is?
What a disgusting and cynical move by the pro EU camp.
Oldartist, I quite agree,
“French President Francois Hollande has said he wants the UK to stay in the EU – and warned of the “consequences”
The consequences will mean that in the flagging French economy, the UK will have to stop funding the french farmers through the disgusting Common Agricultural Rip Off, stop the French fishing in our waters, stop the French selling us their wine and cars and creating work and profits for France ( I don’t think so).Stop terrorists with EU passports from entering the country.
We currently have 250.000 French people living here. What consequences do you intend to inflict on British nationals in France. All talk and prompted to do so by the traitor Cameron.Planned in my book, Project fear again, I waiting for the useless President Obama to put his tuppence worth in, it’ll be soon.
Consequences eh Hollande, doesn’t scare the Leavers. Stuff your consequences Hollande.
Keep your economic migrants France, we don’t want them, no room. You can have them. Vivre la Channel.
A completely inconsequential comment from Hollande, leading member of a pro communist structured EU. He’ll be sacked soon by the French electorate. With a bit of luck so too will the traitor Dave be sacked.
by the way, the Calais Treaty,part of the Sangatte Treaty signed in 1986 in collaboration with establishing the movent of goods and people through the the euro tunnel cannot be just torn up. It is a bi-lateral agreement. According to international law we have to agree to this. It cannot be decided by one party.
The French interior minister has completely opposed what Hollande had to say on the matter.
Doesn’t this just show the contempt that Hollande has for this country and his refusal to honour an agreement. Who would want him as a co-member EU leader. Completely untrustworthy.
“Is this an acknowledgement that EU leaders are well aware that the indigenous population of Western Europe see immigration as having a negative impact? Is it an acknowledgement that the open borders policy was a catastrophic and monumental mistake?”
But it’s an eternally useful political football, that can be used to distract from any number of government failures (and frauds). Unfortunately for them, there are those who can both despise multiculturalism, AND see the fiddling of elected officials.
Re: the Hollande Calais threat stuff being discussed – forget the price of an air ticket. The price of a few rounds of ammunition and an impromptu ‘burial at sea’ will suffice.
It’s only a few short weeks ago that Dave was telling us that if his”negotiations” didn’t go well he would advocate leaving the EU. Now, however it seems that to merely contemplate such a thing is tantamount to committing national suicide. We’ve been told the economy will collapse, migrants will be pouring in through the tunnel, most foreign businesses will pull out and terrorists will be free to roam the streets. We’ve been lectured by the banks, big business and now the bloody French are having a go.
If everything they say is true then why was our beloved leader so circumspect a few weeks ago?
Methinks somebody is fibbing.
Surely if we left the EU we could have whatever benefit rules we liked? We could then remove one of the major ‘draw’ factors.
In fact we could construct a whole range of financial barriers – like the requirement to have a work permit, or evidence of being able to fund their stay.
If the ferry/train companies were made responsible for status checks and had to return non-valid ‘migrants’ how would the French be able to off-load these people to us?
The problem isn’t really ours anyway, it is a problem with ‘Schengen’, people that France doesn’t want have got past the EU external border controls and have freely moved to northern France and there is nothing that they can do about it, thanks to the EU. In fact France should be grateful that we are giving them financial aid!
[External border controls are not unusual. The USA has immigration officers in Canada, for instance. It saves wasted journeys for the ‘rejects’]
jims. . Airlines, ferry companies and Eurostar are responsible for status checks and are fined if they bring in an illegal and then have to return them to their departure point. This has been the uK law for some time. if you think about it, if this was not in place all these illegal immigrants would need to do is buy a ticket and come to the UK.
This law will still be in place if we leave the EU so Cameron is lying as is the BBC.
Andrew Neil today on the The Daily Politics programme, provided us with a breakdown on the statement that we currently spend 350 million pounds a day on our membership of the EU.
Th 350 million figure comes from being multiplied from a previous yearly figure of contribution of 18 billion pounds.
Now, from this 18 billion we receive a rebated figure of 5 billion. This rebate is not taken by the EU but is taken at source. It doesn’t leave the country.
So then, that leaves 13 billion. We then receive a further 4.5 billion in the form of regional aid and farming subsidies which brings the net cost down to 8.5 billion.
This regional and farming money has to be sometimes match funded by local councils who are directed where in terms of projects to spend this money. This is not always possible to do by councils. Local needs are not best met when spending is directed by the EU. Obscure art works at the expense of housing!
This is in fact 163 million a day that we lose to the EU not 350.
As a strong advocate of our leaving the EU and long standing Ukipper I want to be able to argue the truth about the EU, not half truths or misleading statements.
When I watched the Andrew Neil Daily Politics programme interview with Suzanne Evans I must confess that I felt a little let down by the 50 million pounds a day mantra I hear from the Leave side. Every financial detail that Neill stated was left undefended by Suzanne Evans.
The graph showing trillions of contributions that Old Timer has shown above I find hard to understand in relation to VAT. I am getting on in years, so this might explain this.
In terms of tax affairs, I have always believed VAT receipts are difficult to quantify because they seemingly so abused in offsetting other expenses. However, a rising figure of 3-4 billion to the EU seems to be acceptable but how companies use this in their tax returns is open to debate.
I wonder if this is why Suzanne Evans never mentioned the amount of VAT we pay into EU coffers?
I want to reiterate, throughout my life I have always done my utmost to be honest with people I meet, I want truths, I think this in the only way to argue the case for Leave.
The figure shown above for VAT paid is £15 Billion (Not Trillion). Also to my knowledge VAT should not be taken into account on a tax return. Sales should be shown net of VAT when taking account of the profit calculation.
But you are correct in that the £15 Billion is not the annual amount. On further checking the average annual amount paid by the UK over the last few years is about £2.2 Billion and it is rising, so your figure of 3-4 Billion may well be nearer the mark.
However, VAT has not been discussed let alone been highlighted by the Leave campaign and what is not in dispute is that it is a significant amount. In fact the true amount we pay the EU would be very difficult to establish, what with total contributions, VAT, rebates and incidental payments like the one of a few £Billion Cameron paid last year, despite saying he wouldn’t.
We must not forget either that the margin for error in the EU books is more than some countries total budget and a lot of that is fraud, bribes and general corruption. We should not be giving this amount of British cash to such an organisation just to get a little back when they want, and paid to whom they want.
The fact is the people of this country are at financially war with the EU and they do say that ‘The First Casualty of War is the Truth’. The sad thing is that Cameron is not fighting on our side, so do not expect the truth there either. Nor are all the organisations like the BBC and large corporations on our side. They get millions of pounds in grants each year for one mysterious reason or another.
It’s all smoke and mirrors, or worse and the charade that Cameron went through, saying he was negotiating hard for Britain for a couple of weeks and until the early hours, was just for show. What was the panic the referendum date had not been set? He could take all the time he wanted. Now of course he is behaving like a dictator in not allowing a level playing field for the Leave side. His motives are suspect to say the least and how in these circumstances can the referendum be fair?
I thought this might be an ‘export’ of goods but I am equally sure it is an ‘import’ of services. Who pays for the imports (we do) and who pays for the ‘export’ (we do). That’s EU economics. The UK is the EU’s ‘cash cow’ they can milk. NHS ‘Scandal’ As UK Pays Millions To EU
‘The UK pays more than £670m to EU countries for Britons’ healthcare abroad, while claiming back less than £50m from the EU’. http://www.theunituk.org.uk/2016/03/04/nhs-scandal-as-uk-pays-millions-to-eu/
I agree that we need to use good arguments to make the case for leaving the EU.
But, I really feel the whole ‘saving money’ argument is a red herring, and is just laying ourselves out for defeat if this is allowed to be a major plank of the campaign.
I agree with Richard North’s analysis. Leaving the EU will initially be expensive. It is ridiculous to pretend we will be saving money (£50M a day seems a popular figure) in the first instance. The whole leaving process will be difficult and will require protracted negotiations with many parties. This will not come cheap and will almost certainly cost more – in the short and medium term – than what we are currently paying the EU. Incidentally, this is one good reason why an interim policy of joining the EEA and EFTA on leaving the EU is an essential and necessary part of any sensible leaving plan.
By joining these two organisations, we would maintain access to 90% of the EU markets. Though joining the EEA has its downsides too, the advantages gained make it a very sensible first step. Initially it obviates the need to negotiate dozens, or hundreds, of individual trade agreements as we would simply trade within the EEA area under existing EU rules.
Have I heard this plan mentioned on the BBC? Of course not. It is in the left’s interest to pretend there is no sensible plan for leaving the EU. Why allow voters the chance to realise there is a plan in place?
The arguments for leaving the EU should concentrate on it’s lack of democracy, it’s incompetence in foreign affairs, it’s unnecessary extra layer of bureaucracy it adds; and so on.
By just concentrating the campaign on ‘save £50M a day!!!!’ we may as well admit defeat today. All the BBC has to do is rubbish this idea (very easily by seeding reasonable doubt) a day or two before the referendum and the motion will be lost because people will [sensibly] not want to vote for massive uncertainty.
We cannot win on the ‘money’ argument, at least not in the short term, and it is fruitless to follow the lead of the many ignoramuses who seem to think this is the sole point to leaving the EU.
Room 101 : Unfunny Feminist and News Quiz regular Bridget Christie is a guest, within ten minutes a Thatcher jibe, all be it Carol, she suggests Peter Stringfellow is a cross between Nosferatu and Carol Thatcher.
Isn’t it about time these lefty comedians found some new and original material, Jeremy Corbyn might be starting point….
Eh????? I think al-Beeb you might find spring begins on March 20th in the Northern Hemisphere unless of course this is more climate change propaganda! Or maybe a different terrorist inspired calendar?
Alan Yentob. Once the brightest of stars in the BBC firmament. Now, after “his alleged conflict of interest with the scandal-hit Kids Company charity” he finds himself in reduced circumstances. Dressed in a Calais Aid donated overcoat, Wellington boots and pyjamas, he wanders the Jungle looking for his tent. Here we see him accuse a passing resident of stealing it –
Blimey! I thought it was clever photoshop until I opened the link.
Yentob is actually acting like a naive left-wing student who will eventually grow up when he gets a proper job. The BBC of course is not a proper job for grown-ups.
The yentobisation of the BBC exemplifies everything that is wrong about it. This man can be paid multiple salaries , shows complete incompetence in chairing a disgracefully run charity which has fleeced the taxpayer of £40 million, attempt to manipulate news coverage of said charity, claim exorbitant expenses .. Yet still remain on the payola roll.
Why did Tony Blackburn’s claim not to remember an interview 41 years ago merit sacking whereas Yentob’s behaviour seemingly doesn’t fall below standards expected of BBC employees?
If we leave the EU, the French assure us that the English Channel (La Manche) will freeze over within a year and allow migrants to skate across. We will become culturally exempt from Global Warning and must accept the consequences.
Fish in British coastal waters will either die or naturally opt to swim to fresher EU waters.
British export containers will be cursed and fall inexplicably off ship decks and destroy British jobs.
(The above will not apply to Scottish fish or Scottish containers due to many various scientific and artistic EU constraints).
Because of “Climate Change”, we are all going to run out of fruit and thousands of extra people are going to die in the U.K. around about 2050, no not about ten to nine, but in the year 2050. There, beat Mr Harrabin to it.
It looks like Piers Corbyn found that Terry Wogan was the only person at the BBC Intelligent enough to understand Climate Change as a science of proven thermodynamics and Solar Astronomy rather than an unprovable Carbonic-acid Gas religion. Now disproved by two American wiz kids, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. If only UKIP and the GWPF would wake up to the implications, they could destroy inferior morons like Harrabin.
The comments on practically every HYS increasingly refer to the utterly blatant BBC bias as much as the the subject matter of the article itself! That it’s so incredibly obvious and noted time and time again by the readers, especially in this time of charter renewal, and yet absolutely sod all is done to address it, tells you everything you need to know about those that claim to govern us. The very definition of ridiculous!
It seems strange that the new BBC HQ at Salford Quay is not part of the sharia law bond scheme, yet it was financed and built in large part by Qatar. The BBC pay ‘rent’ to the Qatar conglomerate that also helps finance the other build partner who just happens to be a ‘major Labour party financial donor’. The BBC are not teetotal, so perhaps they are not required to follow Sharia law (but keep it secret from those pesky TV license fee snoopers). From our own BIASED BBC section ‘(in Their Own Words’) it pretty much sums up the influence that the Arabs are able to influence on the BBC programming and our current government and EU direction in ‘soft’ loans called BONDS.
‘The BBC sees itself as an international ‘News’ organisation that deserves ‘private’ autonomy about disclosing too much public financial or embarrassing information such as ‘pay awards’ and ‘staff allegiances’. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 ensures that all BBC financial ‘facts and figures’ are kept secret “for the purposes of journalism”, (and that still exists until parliament decides to dispose of that license protection dreamt up under Labour in 2006. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/19/the_virus_that_ate_the_bbc/
(8) THE BBC relocation to Salford Quay Manchester means that the BBC is renting it’s luxury HQ premises from a private sector developer called PEELS (75%) and the remainder (25%) from Saudi Arabia (which are both UK tax exempt). In addition the fact that the landlord is one Labour entrepreneur and the other Saudi Arabian investor (both being UK tax exiled) sets the future tone of the future BBC as a ‘privately’ funded interest group. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2462151/BBCs-24m-Salford-relocation-difficult-justify-say-MPs.html‘
You also perfectly highlight the Left’s infinite belief that it can have all things all ways all the time: Al Beeb, as you say, is an ‘International News Organisation’ yet funded entirely nationally; but then it ‘deserves (?!) private autonomy about disclosing too much public financial or embarrassing information such as ‘pay awards’ and ‘staff allegiances’…
So the UK taxpayer funds the BBC to do whatever it wants on the world stage with absolutely no financial or political accountability whatsoever. Blair & Cameron must feel incredibly proud.
Never mind that the majority of young professionals in the UK are unable to find or afford a home of their own, the BBC focus on their number one priority:
The BBC couldn’t resist repeating their previous lies of:
“They condemned an “appalling” episode where asylum seekers were told to wear wristbands, and an instance where their doors were all painted one colour.”
Facts: The doors were one colour for years as they all belonged to one letting company. The wrist bands were to identify who was entitled to free food.
I guess if you keep repeating the lies enough times more and more people will accept it as fact.
TOADY programme 8.25 with Justin UK-hating Webb interviewing a researcher into shared childcare and an Irish mother. As well as the obligatory cross-dressing big-up, this time for an upcoming Mrs Grayson Perry series on the decline of the male (sic), JW acknowledged the existence of Irish culture and tradition. Al Beeb has never admitted an English culture or tradition, of course, which is why they support ever-increasing hordes from cultures alien to UK traditions, mores and culture.
Education, Education… a light dusting of cold precipitation…
As BBC news goes into overdrive about a small amount of snow the teacher unions are happy to join in the flap.
Yes, the group which by some reports constitutes the largest single employed category of card-carrying Labour party members are so concerned with the education of our children that they now take a day off at the drop of a mortarboard.
The only noteworthy travel disruption the BBC can bring us is the temporary closure of Leeds Bradford Airport. So are East Lancashire local authorities now flying in their school staff?
I can see it now. Please Sir, I couldn’t make it in to work today. BBC weather watchers app needed me to make a snowman and selfie it in to Carol Kirkwood.
Man up!
Yes, I know. That’s not an expression likely to resonate with Naga and her house eunuchs riding side-saddle on the red sofa.
THE HOME OFFICE was neither able to confirm or deny information that had been obtained by The Herald that Penally Training Camp is the subject of a potential change of usage from a training centre for military personnel to a holding centre for up to 1000 migrants who are waiting to be granted asylum in the UK.
Here ya go Taffman and Rhif Saith….
The Penally Training camp, by the way is just a mile or so from that jewel in the crown of west wales tourist spots..Tenby.
Wintry rain on Dartmoor this morning. It does look lovely and I might venture out a bit later with my snow boots on. I have been telling people in my village that I have kept a bottle of mulled wine and a bag of frozen cooked and cut turkey bits, a pack of bacon wrapped sausages, bread sauce, cranberry sauce and some frozen Christmas pudding for I had been telling them that this day was coming. They all didn’t believe me (you would think they would have learned by now) as they listen to the BBC’s “Climate Change” propaganda and that summer had already started because of “Global Warming”. As it happens, I bought a bag of sprouts from Tesco’s yesterday. And to think? Only nine months to Christmas carols on Classic F.M.
I nearly bought a pack of the new variety of frozen strawberries yesterday too. They are called Alpine Harrabinberries.
Anyone else hear the fawning interview between Richard Gere and Sarah Montague this morning?
He displayed the standard modern leftists combination of arrogance and ignorance whilst talking about homelessness and the failure of “us” to respond to it. (I have worked with homeless people and despite everything I was taught to the contrary, I have met many who tell me they choose to live the way they do and vigourously resist attempts to house them, others of course don`t, have been unlucky and need help…the point I make is that it is more complicated than the virtue signalling film star for social change would have us believe).
He even talked about “my friends who sleep on the streets” and how they don`t like to use night shelters because “there are gangs there and they get shaken down and robbed”, he spoke eloquently about the “healing power” to the giver and receiver of charitably giving money directly to the homeless, regardless of what they want to spend it on, which is a fair enough point to make.
But why didn`t Sarah ask him how many of his “friends” had come to live with him? I don`t know much about film stars lifestyles but would I be a million miles out to assume that Richard has at least one large property in a desirable part of the USA where he could offer accomodation to his “friends”, regardless of their drinking habits.
As he was so eager to point out to Sarah when she baulked at the high levels of dependent drug and alcohol use amongst the homeless…..”well Sarah come on now you drink too don`t you? that`s just not relevent”.
An additional thought, some of the homeless guys I`ve worked with over the years have expressed pretty trenchant views of immigration……I wonder if Sarah and Richard Gere agreed not to discuss this factor in the homelessness issue….demand for housing outstripping supply and the relationship of this phenomenon with open borders activism.
Despite Montague actually mentioning virtue signalling at one point, Gere was given a massive public pulpit to. well, signal his virtue as well as get a little bit of publicity for his latest film. I can understand why Montague was charmed by Gere: what ageing faux-journalist wouldn’t be? Wow, he actually called her by her first name!! I didn’t expect Montague to ask or pursue anything vaguely challenging and I wasn’t disappointed. Why, for instance, didn’t she state baldly that Gere is, after all, only an actor and thus ask why his opinions outside the practice of acting should have any more credibility than any other working stiff. But, of course, “homelessness” is a subject right in tune with the Narrative and is therefore in the realm of BBC “settled science”. I’m only surprised Gere wasn’t asked for his opinion on Brexit.
There is no reason why Greer can’t give all of his millions to migrants . In fact if he really feels as he says he does then surely it is the only honest thing he can do. Once he has given all his money away then I might consider what he is saying . Until he can go away, to put it politely.
What about the BBC ‘s licence fee privilege? As good Socialists, they shouldn’t mind it “redistributed” to the poor & needy in Commercial TV, should they?
I looked at the have your say bbc site to see the comments but couldn’t see anything to click on. No comments seemed to be on the stories.
Am I on the wrong site or am I supposed to log in to see any comments?
This morning where I live there is a covering of snow. There is a list of schools which have decided to remain closed as a result, and it is very interesting, because it falls neatly into two catagories.
Category 1 are the schools in places which might be expected to suffer in wintery conditions.
Category 2 however are the schools with a mainly ‘ethnic’ intake. We are told that the reason for this innocently, is that the teachers are also struggling to get into work.
This is the euphemistic explanation! The more realistic reason is that the far left do gooders who make up the teaching ‘profession’ don’t actually want to live in the multicultural hell holes they seek to promote, but live far away on the hill, and their own children make up the intake of the other schools which are in category 1 !
I believe that this is absolutely typical of the Fascist Left which seeks to promote its ideals at the expense of the less fortunate, haranguing them with their own beliefs, which they themselves run a mile from as soon as they can!
Lord Adonis of the National Infrastructure Commission is given another unchallenging interview on Today. The earlier interview with Dr Jennifer Baxter, head of energy and environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers skated round the same issue as was neatly avoided by the Adonis one; namely that the holy grail of “demand management” of electricity is a code for rationing. All those lovely smart meters (useless though they are in practice and thus praised by Harrabin to the skies) will allow whoever runs the grid to . . er . . distribute energy shortages “fairly” (to use the language of the warriors of social justice) down to individual consumer level. And why will there be shortages? Nothing to do with the renewables orgasm surely? Again, the BBC, caught up in its love affair with mock-science, fails to clarify what’s happening here. It does identify a culprit though: the government. However, it fails, as it always does, to identify (in fact positively conceals) the underlying reason why this government and all governments (certainly since 1992) are guilty here.
If Trump was a fascist, then Trumpaphobia would be a crime, and “Hope not Hate” would give hope to Trump. As the BBC says, this is America’s choice, not anyone else’s. How would British voters feel if a Liberal Fascists like Obama weighed in on Brexit?
In fact its quite bizarre: Trump could use the Liberal Fascist “Hate Crime” laws in America, against anyone who provides verbal evidence of “Hatred of Trump“, in a court of law. It could motivate Democrats into supporting Trump if he decides to abolish the Liberal Fascist laws against Hate and Fear. If Trump wins, you wont have to go to prison for the racist crime of fearing death by Islamic Terrorism.
Posted by Raskilnikov
5 minutes ago
Hi Katty Kay, have you had a few lines this morning? To think your views are shared by the whole of Europe is the sort of bizzare, arrogant behavior usually associated with drug use, either that or you need to visit a shrink to help you get over your delusions of grandeur
…and once again most of the comments shout (loudly) about the BBC’s outright bias, with some yet again asking where the dirt on Clinton is (and there’s plenty of that) in the name of balance.
Tomorow it will be same again. And still nothing will be done to address the issue.
Frankly I’m amazed the propaganda isn’t worse than it is, it’s not like anything would happen if it was.
BBC suggests that it’s strange that an EU country that is not yet overrun by hordes of Muslim immigrants should try to anticipate and avoid that ever happening. It encloses the word threat (as in Muslim threat) in scare quotes, because obviously Muslims pose no threat to the European way of life whatsoever..
“Smer’s campaign stresses the need to protect largely Christian Slovakia from Muslim migrants – yet asylum requests remain in the low hundreds.”
Well yes, that’s why it’s called ‘protecting’. Britain has 3 million+ Muslims, not much we can do, it’s far more logical to shut the stable door BEFORE the hordes arrive.
The BBC go on to explain that Slovakia is enjoying peace and prosperity and economic growth. However, it’s apparently far more important to go and find the almost non-existent Muslim community, to try and damage this peace and prosperity.
“I went looking for something called the Islamic Foundation of Slovakia.
The building is also home to a small prayer room on the ground floor; officially there are no mosques in Slovakia, as Islam is not a recognised religion.
The foundation owns a small piece of land near the city centre – a vacant plot for a mosque that will almost certainly not be built any time soon, regardless of whether or not Robert Fico forms the next government.”
I went to the BBC article and noted as usual the kind of padding that characterizes the lazy writing style of BBC reporters. This is what 12 year old’s write when they don’t understand the subject.
‘Mr Fico cuts a neat, almost pugilistic figure, like a retired boxer still drawn to the ring.
At the rally he is immaculate as always, in a sharp suit and sporting a crew-cut.
The perpetual scowl he reserves for journalists disappears, and the friendlier, fluffier Fico emerges into the spotlight.’
Yada yada.
If you ever wondered why the BBC would move hell and high water to have “Will-I-am” appear on one of their flagship programmes – well here we go – He agrees with their political world view totally….Who knew?…
One wonders if Tom Jones ever made a moderately positive comment about the Tories before he was ousted and replaced by that UKIP hating, left wing thicko Paloma Faith..
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
vladMar 10, 08:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Maureen Lipman tears into the BBC for its anti-Semitism – Gary Lineker & Miriam Margolyes in particular. Delicious. https://youtu.be/PX8_GOKob5s
Guest WhoMar 10, 08:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 And who they do not ‘support’. https://x.com/bbcworld/status/1898839867473219940?s=61 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun John C has the full…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
Can’t find anything about this on BBC News:
Calderdale Council. Tut tut.
‘The majority of the men charged are from the Asian community…’ the report states. Since among the 25 names I saw only one (Christopher Mulqueen-Bennett) that was not ‘Asian’ (paki), I think there are more accurate ways of referring to the proportion as merely ‘the majority’.
Of course, nowt mentioned about the negligence to ensure the welfare of these white trash kiddies, but quelle surprise – ‘there are fears that the investigation could impact on race relations in Halifax.’ Got to get one’s priorities straight.
Damn it, it’s over a year old. Delete it.
I actually think that the real ‘fear’ in this campaign is within in the EU elite itself. The Leaders along with our own treacherous leader Mr Cameron know full well that the number of people in this country wanting to leave the EU is very high – do not believe what these opinion polls say – Cameron and the other leaders know that in referendum like this those who want the change i.e. in this case the Leavers will make the effort to turn out to vote, those who want the status quo tend to stay at home and don’t vote thinking it’s a forgone conclusion as everyone else will vote. They know that a Leave vote is on the cards and are effectively shitting themselves, because when we go other countries will be lining up to do the same and the EU will disintegrate into an even bigger pile of shite than it is now.
Vote leave, get the borders closed, including the Channel tunnel, and watch as what’s left of the EU disintegrates into all out war with the lunatics that they have let in from the Middle East and Africa. Good riddance to that.
And the BBC fall for it, hook, line, and sinker, every time.
The BBC does not ‘fall for it’ at all. They use it as a propaganda weapon to try and foist their agenda on the rest of us. They would use it even if they knew it were a gross distortion or an out right lie. They will stop at nothing to force their liberal left views on the rest of us.
You have to remember that to the marxist, all criminal actions are the natural results of oppression. So holding up babies at fences is a result of evil anti-immigration policies by governments, not a bad act by the participants themselves. Similarly if a social justice warrior is attacked by those he is claiming to defend, it is because he ‘failed to check his privilege’ or some such.
I’ve had a bit of a brain wave; I don’t get many so bear with me. Something that I notice so often nowadays is folk wearing all manner of items in their lapels. I always wear a poppy in November, but that’s about it. People now like to display their caring nature by wearing all sorts of things. There are red ribbons, yellow ribbons, things to show they’re concerned about AIDS, others to tell the world that they’re sharing the pain of those refugees (dossers) in Calais. I’m sure there must be others that lets us know they’re fretting about global warming, the plight of polar bears, penguins and the rain forest.
How about our honest MP’s doing something similar and displaying where they stood on joining the Euro? We all know that it’s been an utter catastrophe and it would be helpful to know which of our parliamentarians thought it would be a great idea. So when we are forced to listen to one of these sages warning us that a vote for Brexit will cause earthquakes in Birmingham (give ’em time) we’ll be able to point at them and laugh.
I’m just not sure what they should have attached to their apparel. Perhaps they could display picture of a donkey, a baboon’s backside or a turnip. Anything that tells us loud and clear, “MY JUDGEMENT SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED!”
Nick Clegg or Peter Mandelson to start the ball rolling?
Perhaps wearing a beret and a string of onions around the neck for those that want to remain in ?
Jeff, good observation but it’s already been noticed – journalist James Delingpole published a book called ‘How to be Right’ which lampoons the left, and the cover shows a wrist emblazoned with dozens of those wrist bands!
I actually think we may have reached ‘peak ribbon’ as I haven’t noticed them as much as I did a couple of years ago. Perhaps online virtue signalling is more important now?
I didn’t read the book but I did watch Delingpole at the Bruge Group earlier this year talking about the lefties.
Thanks for posting that EUTV, great stuff; I thought his analogy about flies and progressives very accurate.
The bBBC fails to meet its diversity targets: 99% are left-wing and they’ve still not managed to get rid of the remaining 1%.
It gets worse!!!
Yes it does get worse.
She takes the opportunity to suggest that murders of ethnic minorities are somehow under reported and those of white british are not.
Sorry Dame Lawrence I disagree as 12 years ago there was a brutal murder of a young white man by a mob of 12 muslims in my home town. He was set about for no reason (other than perhaps a Jihadi killing) and kicked to death. I was involved in supplying the police with CCTV evidence that resulted in quick arrests and charges being brought.
The whole affair from the arrests to the convictions (a year later) were under reported by both local and national press, in fact it is quite possible that most people would not know about it.
I rest my case.
Here is an hour’s worth of Ben Shapiro in one of his best talks on the Left’s influence at Universities, and in life generally.
We can learn a lot from Ben.
He is ordered and succinct, and makes strong and immediately understandable points – and his humour lies close to the surface.
His delivery is rapid-fire and demands attention, but is worth the effort.
Thanks for posting Tom, a worthwhile 57 minutes or so.
Just like to second that thought. (35 mins in) Ben Shapiro responds to a questioner of the extent of infiltration of America by ‘The Frankfurt School’ (often discussed on these pages as the real ‘ethos’ behind the BBC visage). Our Universities have exactly the same problem (following on from Delingpole’s (video above) invitation to the UK’s ‘Oxford Union’ gives a good indicator of the new left ‘fascism’ developing here in the UK. The same vocal minority in effect banning free speech (and all activities) the left don’t approve of seems to have become the new ‘fashionable’ disease which is the old style ‘Cultural Marxism’ – given a new set of cloths and then ‘fab’ labelled by our ‘progressive’ Liberals and ‘equality and diversity’ utopia of the Left. Much the same here with the BBC coalition of radicals..
It looks like Birmingham’s, [ Beormingahām (home or settlement of the Beormingas)], days are numbered!
But Wilder argues that building names were never sacred, and that altering our language is an inevitable.
“I’m more shocked it’s taken us this long to think critically about the naming and tilting process we use on campus, and how they may no longer fit our demographic,” he says.
Harvard drawn into race battle over ‘Masters’ and names of buildings
I have my suspicions about the impartiality of YouGov, but putting that aside, there was a veiled insult on today’s Daily Politics aimed at supporter’s of Brexit. Even an attempt, as lame as it was, at subliminal propaganda. Apparently the demographic (according to YouGov) shows that a majority of university graduates support the Remain campaign. Of course this was unchallenged and unexamined by Andrew Neil, as is any argument that goes against BBC groupthink. In fact had Brillo given it a few moments thought he might have concluded that what this really revealed was just how much our educational system has been undermined by the left.
Oldartist – Why on earth are you worried about the impartiality of YouGov? I can’t believe that the fact that YouGov boss and ex-BBC reporter Peter Kellner is married to Baroness Ashton of EU fame would make you in the least suspicious……..Much.
iplayer and the licensing:
Things moving?
My Sony Bravia has just informed me iplayer wont work from September, and to find out how to access without buying a new tv go to
Went there…as much use as a chocolate teapot.
Fucking useless bunch of wankers…( not even that good)
Contact us form? …takes you conveniently round in circles.
The BBC keeps ‘improving’ Iplayer and unless you are using a ‘supported platform’ TV kit has become obsolete in the past in a matter of months from purchase.
When we lost our service via the DVD player the BBC claimed that ‘Big Screen’ use was now in the minority, all ‘the kids’ using their tiny devices. Youtube went around the same time so it isn’t just the BBC. Perhaps the most future proof scheme is to use a laptop to feed the TV. I was going to say use an Android tablet, but there is no guarantee that the tablet can use the latest Android version, which, no doubt, Iplayer will migrate to.
I wonder how happy ‘the kids’ will be if they get charged £145 to watch TV on a 2″ screen!
iPlayer has lost ‘popular’ support (according to the FT) it is also plagued with technical difficulties. Lucky they have plenty of money to ‘sort it out’. Except money is never enough. They will always need more money.
History will show we have dealt with French twats in the past and we can deal with them in the future. So what if they tear up the Calais agreement? By then we won’t be subject to the European Court of Socialism and can deport unwanted guests for the cost of an airline ticket.
Bon voyage mes amis, or should that be ma salama sadiqi?
Another day, another dollop of crap served up by the Terror Potty Army.
I see it all as three big bins on the way out of the supermarket…put your green token into
a) The Global elites institutions-UN, WTO and-of course the rancid EU itself with the likes of Peter Glaze in France-president today, pastry chef in 2017.
b) The left and liberal elites at uni, on the telly and in the better class of paper
c)The big agri, business, druggie, cars, greenie tat type of manufacturers and massage boys.
These three bins of global privilege are scared of us-time to make them so.
There will be plenty tokens to stick in the bins between now and June…and the hysterical crap from Europes leaders, US liberals and all the usual One World Satanists of Revelation only confirms in me doing all I can to ensure these creeps are desolate and topping their useless selves before we can attempt another booze cruise back to France in lat summer.
AS we all know-listen to the BBC and the Lib Dems…then do the exact opposite.
Now and forever…no other compass is ever needed these days.
Police Officer Stabbed By 15 Year Old Girl In ISIS Inspired Palestine-Style Kitchen Knife Attack (Germany)
Not seen much about this, in fact this is the first report I’m aware of, not much chance of the BBC picking it up I suppose.
‘Usman Ahmed is a trainee orthopaedic surgeon who has been one of the poster boys for the strikes on the BBC’
Of course he is. Views his own, though, clearly.
Lucky the patient with a doctor showing such a grasp of the Hippocratic Oath wielding the knife around them. especially if their political views fail to please him.
‘Doctor, who has told you which end of the spine to tackle today?’
If I remember correctly one of the Glasgow airport bombers was a Muslim doctor. Reassuring isn’t it?
Meanwhile the trust in transparency continues….
‘Apparently Radio 4 listeners were expected to use their psychic powers in order to determine what Stourton really meant – as opposed to what he actually said.’
Always a joy when CECUTT descends from fact and reality to ‘belief’ and ‘context’, BBC-styly, yet still feels they got it about right.
Are we really worried about 4000 migrants in Calais? Isn’t the issue a little more involved than that? Britain is made of sterner stuff. If we can defeat Hitler I’m sure 4000 scruffs will be no problem.
Pure scaremongering by Cameron and his French poodle Hollande. Nice try, must do better.
Let’s hope they send them Sea-France. It’s a £2000 fine per illegal plus they have to take them back!
‘Trump-jibe student faces US deportation’, says BBC
Oh really? What kind of jolly ‘jibe’ could result in deportation? Perhaps something about his hair? Or his name?
Nope, turns out that said ‘student’, is an Egyptian Muslim who spent most of his life in Saudi Arabia and was in the US training to be a 9/11 suicide bomber, sorry a pilot, said he would gladly serve life in prison for killing Donald Trump.
Normally the BBC are very keen on people being arrested for Twitter ‘racism’ or whatever, but it seems this logic doesn’t extend to Muslims who have grown up in countries where people are brainwashed daily that it is their goal in life to murder every last kaffir, who are breaking the terms of their visa by threatening to kill people called Donald Trump.
It seems the BBC is very much in favour of free speech, so far as it extends to murdering Republican politicians.
Really good news:
Convicted murderer Oscar Pistorius has been denied an appeal to SA’s highest court and will be sentenced on April 18th. Strange, though, that the judge who originally acquitted him of murder and sentenced him to manslaughter will be the very same judge to sentence him again on the new conviction.
(This is a rare event that has nothing to do with BBC bias.)
I am sick and tired of presenters and pundits on television and the radio saying the blanket line that both Leave and Remain are indulging in Project Fear.
This is not true.
It is the Remain who indulge in Project Fear not Leave. This needs to be made clear.
To any Remainers, This is a fact.
Vote Remain you will lose the right to keep your sovereignty, maintain one’s own democracy and make your own laws.
In my opinion this overrides anything else.
I have just learnt that Germany’s exports to ourselves is 78 billion pounds in goods and services, we export 36 billion pounds to Germany. It is ridiculous to suggest that Germany will not set up a trading deal with ourselves.Only a fool would think otherwise.
We are, however, governed by fools.
I agree Roland, and with Merkel in charge so too are they!
“French President Francois Hollande has said he wants the UK to stay in the EU – and warned of the “consequences” for immigration and the economy of leaving.”
“Mr Hollande also said unaccompanied children in the Calais refugee camp known as the “Jungle” who have relatives in Britain should be “quickly” reunited with them.”
Is this an acknowledgement that EU leaders are well aware that the indigenous population of Western Europe see immigration as having a negative impact? Is it an acknowledgement that the open borders policy was a catastrophic and monumental mistake?
For years we have suffered the BBCs endless propaganda, lecturing about the benefit of immigration, shrieking hysterically at any who would dare question, but now they use migrants arriving in the UK as a tool to stir up fear about leaving the EU, and this after all the years they have spent telling us how positive immigration is?
What a disgusting and cynical move by the pro EU camp.
Oldartist, I quite agree,
“French President Francois Hollande has said he wants the UK to stay in the EU – and warned of the “consequences”
The consequences will mean that in the flagging French economy, the UK will have to stop funding the french farmers through the disgusting Common Agricultural Rip Off, stop the French fishing in our waters, stop the French selling us their wine and cars and creating work and profits for France ( I don’t think so).Stop terrorists with EU passports from entering the country.
We currently have 250.000 French people living here. What consequences do you intend to inflict on British nationals in France. All talk and prompted to do so by the traitor Cameron.Planned in my book, Project fear again, I waiting for the useless President Obama to put his tuppence worth in, it’ll be soon.
Consequences eh Hollande, doesn’t scare the Leavers. Stuff your consequences Hollande.
Keep your economic migrants France, we don’t want them, no room. You can have them. Vivre la Channel.
A completely inconsequential comment from Hollande, leading member of a pro communist structured EU. He’ll be sacked soon by the French electorate. With a bit of luck so too will the traitor Dave be sacked.
by the way, the Calais Treaty,part of the Sangatte Treaty signed in 1986 in collaboration with establishing the movent of goods and people through the the euro tunnel cannot be just torn up. It is a bi-lateral agreement. According to international law we have to agree to this. It cannot be decided by one party.
The French interior minister has completely opposed what Hollande had to say on the matter.
Doesn’t this just show the contempt that Hollande has for this country and his refusal to honour an agreement. Who would want him as a co-member EU leader. Completely untrustworthy.
“Is this an acknowledgement that EU leaders are well aware that the indigenous population of Western Europe see immigration as having a negative impact? Is it an acknowledgement that the open borders policy was a catastrophic and monumental mistake?”
It’s been acknowledged years ago:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11559451 (Merkel says German Multicultural Society has failed)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-12371994 (State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron)
But it’s an eternally useful political football, that can be used to distract from any number of government failures (and frauds). Unfortunately for them, there are those who can both despise multiculturalism, AND see the fiddling of elected officials.
Re: the Hollande Calais threat stuff being discussed – forget the price of an air ticket. The price of a few rounds of ammunition and an impromptu ‘burial at sea’ will suffice.
It’s only a few short weeks ago that Dave was telling us that if his”negotiations” didn’t go well he would advocate leaving the EU. Now, however it seems that to merely contemplate such a thing is tantamount to committing national suicide. We’ve been told the economy will collapse, migrants will be pouring in through the tunnel, most foreign businesses will pull out and terrorists will be free to roam the streets. We’ve been lectured by the banks, big business and now the bloody French are having a go.
If everything they say is true then why was our beloved leader so circumspect a few weeks ago?
Methinks somebody is fibbing.
Surely if we left the EU we could have whatever benefit rules we liked? We could then remove one of the major ‘draw’ factors.
In fact we could construct a whole range of financial barriers – like the requirement to have a work permit, or evidence of being able to fund their stay.
If the ferry/train companies were made responsible for status checks and had to return non-valid ‘migrants’ how would the French be able to off-load these people to us?
The problem isn’t really ours anyway, it is a problem with ‘Schengen’, people that France doesn’t want have got past the EU external border controls and have freely moved to northern France and there is nothing that they can do about it, thanks to the EU. In fact France should be grateful that we are giving them financial aid!
[External border controls are not unusual. The USA has immigration officers in Canada, for instance. It saves wasted journeys for the ‘rejects’]
jims. . Airlines, ferry companies and Eurostar are responsible for status checks and are fined if they bring in an illegal and then have to return them to their departure point. This has been the uK law for some time. if you think about it, if this was not in place all these illegal immigrants would need to do is buy a ticket and come to the UK.
This law will still be in place if we leave the EU so Cameron is lying as is the BBC.
Scrap the licence tax.
Andrew Neil today on the The Daily Politics programme, provided us with a breakdown on the statement that we currently spend 350 million pounds a day on our membership of the EU.
Th 350 million figure comes from being multiplied from a previous yearly figure of contribution of 18 billion pounds.
Now, from this 18 billion we receive a rebated figure of 5 billion. This rebate is not taken by the EU but is taken at source. It doesn’t leave the country.
So then, that leaves 13 billion. We then receive a further 4.5 billion in the form of regional aid and farming subsidies which brings the net cost down to 8.5 billion.
This regional and farming money has to be sometimes match funded by local councils who are directed where in terms of projects to spend this money. This is not always possible to do by councils. Local needs are not best met when spending is directed by the EU. Obscure art works at the expense of housing!
This is in fact 163 million a day that we lose to the EU not 350.
I hope this is both clear and helpful.
Wronged. To clarify expenditure rates.
“…spend 350 million pounds a
dayweek…”“…This is in fact 163 million a
dayweek…”Thank you for that Angrymanupnorth, much appreciated.
I was wondering about our VAT contribution and whether that was included in the disputed daily figures quoted by various sources.
Good spot OT – It needs wider reporting.
As a strong advocate of our leaving the EU and long standing Ukipper I want to be able to argue the truth about the EU, not half truths or misleading statements.
When I watched the Andrew Neil Daily Politics programme interview with Suzanne Evans I must confess that I felt a little let down by the 50 million pounds a day mantra I hear from the Leave side. Every financial detail that Neill stated was left undefended by Suzanne Evans.
The graph showing trillions of contributions that Old Timer has shown above I find hard to understand in relation to VAT. I am getting on in years, so this might explain this.
In terms of tax affairs, I have always believed VAT receipts are difficult to quantify because they seemingly so abused in offsetting other expenses. However, a rising figure of 3-4 billion to the EU seems to be acceptable but how companies use this in their tax returns is open to debate.
I wonder if this is why Suzanne Evans never mentioned the amount of VAT we pay into EU coffers?
I want to reiterate, throughout my life I have always done my utmost to be honest with people I meet, I want truths, I think this in the only way to argue the case for Leave.
Hello Wronged.
The figure shown above for VAT paid is £15 Billion (Not Trillion). Also to my knowledge VAT should not be taken into account on a tax return. Sales should be shown net of VAT when taking account of the profit calculation.
But you are correct in that the £15 Billion is not the annual amount. On further checking the average annual amount paid by the UK over the last few years is about £2.2 Billion and it is rising, so your figure of 3-4 Billion may well be nearer the mark.
However, VAT has not been discussed let alone been highlighted by the Leave campaign and what is not in dispute is that it is a significant amount. In fact the true amount we pay the EU would be very difficult to establish, what with total contributions, VAT, rebates and incidental payments like the one of a few £Billion Cameron paid last year, despite saying he wouldn’t.
We must not forget either that the margin for error in the EU books is more than some countries total budget and a lot of that is fraud, bribes and general corruption. We should not be giving this amount of British cash to such an organisation just to get a little back when they want, and paid to whom they want.
The fact is the people of this country are at financially war with the EU and they do say that ‘The First Casualty of War is the Truth’. The sad thing is that Cameron is not fighting on our side, so do not expect the truth there either. Nor are all the organisations like the BBC and large corporations on our side. They get millions of pounds in grants each year for one mysterious reason or another.
It’s all smoke and mirrors, or worse and the charade that Cameron went through, saying he was negotiating hard for Britain for a couple of weeks and until the early hours, was just for show. What was the panic the referendum date had not been set? He could take all the time he wanted. Now of course he is behaving like a dictator in not allowing a level playing field for the Leave side. His motives are suspect to say the least and how in these circumstances can the referendum be fair?
I thought this might be an ‘export’ of goods but I am equally sure it is an ‘import’ of services. Who pays for the imports (we do) and who pays for the ‘export’ (we do). That’s EU economics. The UK is the EU’s ‘cash cow’ they can milk.
NHS ‘Scandal’ As UK Pays Millions To EU
‘The UK pays more than £670m to EU countries for Britons’ healthcare abroad, while claiming back less than £50m from the EU’.
I agree that we need to use good arguments to make the case for leaving the EU.
But, I really feel the whole ‘saving money’ argument is a red herring, and is just laying ourselves out for defeat if this is allowed to be a major plank of the campaign.
I agree with Richard North’s analysis. Leaving the EU will initially be expensive. It is ridiculous to pretend we will be saving money (£50M a day seems a popular figure) in the first instance. The whole leaving process will be difficult and will require protracted negotiations with many parties. This will not come cheap and will almost certainly cost more – in the short and medium term – than what we are currently paying the EU. Incidentally, this is one good reason why an interim policy of joining the EEA and EFTA on leaving the EU is an essential and necessary part of any sensible leaving plan.
By joining these two organisations, we would maintain access to 90% of the EU markets. Though joining the EEA has its downsides too, the advantages gained make it a very sensible first step. Initially it obviates the need to negotiate dozens, or hundreds, of individual trade agreements as we would simply trade within the EEA area under existing EU rules.
Have I heard this plan mentioned on the BBC? Of course not. It is in the left’s interest to pretend there is no sensible plan for leaving the EU. Why allow voters the chance to realise there is a plan in place?
The arguments for leaving the EU should concentrate on it’s lack of democracy, it’s incompetence in foreign affairs, it’s unnecessary extra layer of bureaucracy it adds; and so on.
By just concentrating the campaign on ‘save £50M a day!!!!’ we may as well admit defeat today. All the BBC has to do is rubbish this idea (very easily by seeding reasonable doubt) a day or two before the referendum and the motion will be lost because people will [sensibly] not want to vote for massive uncertainty.
We cannot win on the ‘money’ argument, at least not in the short term, and it is fruitless to follow the lead of the many ignoramuses who seem to think this is the sole point to leaving the EU.
Old Timer,Manchesterlad,phillip_2.
Thank you for your insightful responses. I have learnt a great deal.
Room 101 : Unfunny Feminist and News Quiz regular Bridget Christie is a guest, within ten minutes a Thatcher jibe, all be it Carol, she suggests Peter Stringfellow is a cross between Nosferatu and Carol Thatcher.
Isn’t it about time these lefty comedians found some new and original material, Jeremy Corbyn might be starting point….
Shower of hateful gits
“The Queen stepped out of her car into spring sunshine”
Science lesson for Queen on Lister School visit
Eh????? I think al-Beeb you might find spring begins on March 20th in the Northern Hemisphere unless of course this is more climate change propaganda! Or maybe a different terrorist inspired calendar?
Alan Yentob. Once the brightest of stars in the BBC firmament. Now, after “his alleged conflict of interest with the scandal-hit Kids Company charity” he finds himself in reduced circumstances. Dressed in a Calais Aid donated overcoat, Wellington boots and pyjamas, he wanders the Jungle looking for his tent. Here we see him accuse a passing resident of stealing it –
Blimey! I thought it was clever photoshop until I opened the link.
Yentob is actually acting like a naive left-wing student who will eventually grow up when he gets a proper job. The BBC of course is not a proper job for grown-ups.
The yentobisation of the BBC exemplifies everything that is wrong about it. This man can be paid multiple salaries , shows complete incompetence in chairing a disgracefully run charity which has fleeced the taxpayer of £40 million, attempt to manipulate news coverage of said charity, claim exorbitant expenses .. Yet still remain on the payola roll.
Why did Tony Blackburn’s claim not to remember an interview 41 years ago merit sacking whereas Yentob’s behaviour seemingly doesn’t fall below standards expected of BBC employees?
Botney Does Calais.
Sublime, and of course, ridiculous.
‘Where there’s muck there’s brass’ eh Mr Yentob
Is the tosser wearing pyjamas under his coat?
If we leave the EU, the French assure us that the English Channel (La Manche) will freeze over within a year and allow migrants to skate across. We will become culturally exempt from Global Warning and must accept the consequences.
Fish in British coastal waters will either die or naturally opt to swim to fresher EU waters.
British export containers will be cursed and fall inexplicably off ship decks and destroy British jobs.
(The above will not apply to Scottish fish or Scottish containers due to many various scientific and artistic EU constraints).
Seeing that picture of Mr Yentob, I don’t know why, but it gave me flashbacks of pictures of Savile in and around hospitals.
Because of “Climate Change”, we are all going to run out of fruit and thousands of extra people are going to die in the U.K. around about 2050, no not about ten to nine, but in the year 2050. There, beat Mr Harrabin to it.
It looks like Piers Corbyn found that Terry Wogan was the only person at the BBC Intelligent enough to understand Climate Change as a science of proven thermodynamics and Solar Astronomy rather than an unprovable Carbonic-acid Gas religion. Now disproved by two American wiz kids, Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller. If only UKIP and the GWPF would wake up to the implications, they could destroy inferior morons like Harrabin.
The comments on practically every HYS increasingly refer to the utterly blatant BBC bias as much as the the subject matter of the article itself! That it’s so incredibly obvious and noted time and time again by the readers, especially in this time of charter renewal, and yet absolutely sod all is done to address it, tells you everything you need to know about those that claim to govern us. The very definition of ridiculous!
Bloody. Hell.
Will somebody wake me up when it’s all over..?
It seems strange that the new BBC HQ at Salford Quay is not part of the sharia law bond scheme, yet it was financed and built in large part by Qatar. The BBC pay ‘rent’ to the Qatar conglomerate that also helps finance the other build partner who just happens to be a ‘major Labour party financial donor’. The BBC are not teetotal, so perhaps they are not required to follow Sharia law (but keep it secret from those pesky TV license fee snoopers). From our own BIASED BBC section ‘(in Their Own Words’) it pretty much sums up the influence that the Arabs are able to influence on the BBC programming and our current government and EU direction in ‘soft’ loans called BONDS.
‘The BBC sees itself as an international ‘News’ organisation that deserves ‘private’ autonomy about disclosing too much public financial or embarrassing information such as ‘pay awards’ and ‘staff allegiances’. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 ensures that all BBC financial ‘facts and figures’ are kept secret “for the purposes of journalism”, (and that still exists until parliament decides to dispose of that license protection dreamt up under Labour in 2006.
(8) THE BBC relocation to Salford Quay Manchester means that the BBC is renting it’s luxury HQ premises from a private sector developer called PEELS (75%) and the remainder (25%) from Saudi Arabia (which are both UK tax exempt). In addition the fact that the landlord is one Labour entrepreneur and the other Saudi Arabian investor (both being UK tax exiled) sets the future tone of the future BBC as a ‘privately’ funded interest group.
And Q’Amoron hasn’t changed a damned thing…
You also perfectly highlight the Left’s infinite belief that it can have all things all ways all the time: Al Beeb, as you say, is an ‘International News Organisation’ yet funded entirely nationally; but then it ‘deserves (?!) private autonomy about disclosing too much public financial or embarrassing information such as ‘pay awards’ and ‘staff allegiances’…
So the UK taxpayer funds the BBC to do whatever it wants on the world stage with absolutely no financial or political accountability whatsoever. Blair & Cameron must feel incredibly proud.
Never mind that the majority of young professionals in the UK are unable to find or afford a home of their own, the BBC focus on their number one priority:
Looks like they hired Camilla as Executive Producer with Botney on Trust duty.
Because…. what are you, or anyone, going to do about it?
Comments could be going better for Owen and his BFF media mates, tbh…
Thats a face for radio……now if someone could just cut his tongue out
Haha! That’s not going to win anyone over.
I can easily imagine Reece Shearsmith doing a spookily accurate parody of Owen Jones. He won’t, though.
That would make sense. By “us” he must mean low IQ middle-class Labour voters, not Mensa members who vote UKIP.
Getting the feeling Dave and his mates’ support for the BBC in return for EU PR could be working out better, politically…
When the BBC gets £4bil a year it is very easy to bribe the one minister in charge of reviewing the charter.
Same thing happened before with Jeremy Hunt and his decision to allow the Murdochs takeover of BSkyB.
Luckily, thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, they can blow as much as they like on what they like, with no consequences.
‘Impending shortage’ of asylum seeker homes
The BBC couldn’t resist repeating their previous lies of:
“They condemned an “appalling” episode where asylum seekers were told to wear wristbands, and an instance where their doors were all painted one colour.”
Facts: The doors were one colour for years as they all belonged to one letting company. The wrist bands were to identify who was entitled to free food.
I guess if you keep repeating the lies enough times more and more people will accept it as fact.
TOADY programme 8.25 with Justin UK-hating Webb interviewing a researcher into shared childcare and an Irish mother. As well as the obligatory cross-dressing big-up, this time for an upcoming Mrs Grayson Perry series on the decline of the male (sic), JW acknowledged the existence of Irish culture and tradition. Al Beeb has never admitted an English culture or tradition, of course, which is why they support ever-increasing hordes from cultures alien to UK traditions, mores and culture.
Education, Education… a light dusting of cold precipitation…
As BBC news goes into overdrive about a small amount of snow the teacher unions are happy to join in the flap.
Yes, the group which by some reports constitutes the largest single employed category of card-carrying Labour party members are so concerned with the education of our children that they now take a day off at the drop of a mortarboard.
The only noteworthy travel disruption the BBC can bring us is the temporary closure of Leeds Bradford Airport. So are East Lancashire local authorities now flying in their school staff?
I can see it now. Please Sir, I couldn’t make it in to work today. BBC weather watchers app needed me to make a snowman and selfie it in to Carol Kirkwood.
Man up!
Yes, I know. That’s not an expression likely to resonate with Naga and her house eunuchs riding side-saddle on the red sofa.
THE HOME OFFICE was neither able to confirm or deny information that had been obtained by The Herald that Penally Training Camp is the subject of a potential change of usage from a training centre for military personnel to a holding centre for up to 1000 migrants who are waiting to be granted asylum in the UK.
Here ya go Taffman and Rhif Saith….
The Penally Training camp, by the way is just a mile or so from that jewel in the crown of west wales tourist spots..Tenby.
Take note Taffman and Rhif Saith
Getting very close?
Better issue German style warnings about what women and children should wear. Don’t want to excite Dave’s guests do we?
Wintry rain on Dartmoor this morning. It does look lovely and I might venture out a bit later with my snow boots on. I have been telling people in my village that I have kept a bottle of mulled wine and a bag of frozen cooked and cut turkey bits, a pack of bacon wrapped sausages, bread sauce, cranberry sauce and some frozen Christmas pudding for I had been telling them that this day was coming. They all didn’t believe me (you would think they would have learned by now) as they listen to the BBC’s “Climate Change” propaganda and that summer had already started because of “Global Warming”. As it happens, I bought a bag of sprouts from Tesco’s yesterday. And to think? Only nine months to Christmas carols on Classic F.M.
I nearly bought a pack of the new variety of frozen strawberries yesterday too. They are called Alpine Harrabinberries.
Anyone else hear the fawning interview between Richard Gere and Sarah Montague this morning?
He displayed the standard modern leftists combination of arrogance and ignorance whilst talking about homelessness and the failure of “us” to respond to it. (I have worked with homeless people and despite everything I was taught to the contrary, I have met many who tell me they choose to live the way they do and vigourously resist attempts to house them, others of course don`t, have been unlucky and need help…the point I make is that it is more complicated than the virtue signalling film star for social change would have us believe).
He even talked about “my friends who sleep on the streets” and how they don`t like to use night shelters because “there are gangs there and they get shaken down and robbed”, he spoke eloquently about the “healing power” to the giver and receiver of charitably giving money directly to the homeless, regardless of what they want to spend it on, which is a fair enough point to make.
But why didn`t Sarah ask him how many of his “friends” had come to live with him? I don`t know much about film stars lifestyles but would I be a million miles out to assume that Richard has at least one large property in a desirable part of the USA where he could offer accomodation to his “friends”, regardless of their drinking habits.
As he was so eager to point out to Sarah when she baulked at the high levels of dependent drug and alcohol use amongst the homeless…..”well Sarah come on now you drink too don`t you? that`s just not relevent”.
An additional thought, some of the homeless guys I`ve worked with over the years have expressed pretty trenchant views of immigration……I wonder if Sarah and Richard Gere agreed not to discuss this factor in the homelessness issue….demand for housing outstripping supply and the relationship of this phenomenon with open borders activism.
Despite Montague actually mentioning virtue signalling at one point, Gere was given a massive public pulpit to. well, signal his virtue as well as get a little bit of publicity for his latest film. I can understand why Montague was charmed by Gere: what ageing faux-journalist wouldn’t be? Wow, he actually called her by her first name!! I didn’t expect Montague to ask or pursue anything vaguely challenging and I wasn’t disappointed. Why, for instance, didn’t she state baldly that Gere is, after all, only an actor and thus ask why his opinions outside the practice of acting should have any more credibility than any other working stiff. But, of course, “homelessness” is a subject right in tune with the Narrative and is therefore in the realm of BBC “settled science”. I’m only surprised Gere wasn’t asked for his opinion on Brexit.
There is no reason why Greer can’t give all of his millions to migrants . In fact if he really feels as he says he does then surely it is the only honest thing he can do. Once he has given all his money away then I might consider what he is saying . Until he can go away, to put it politely.
White male privilege – always under attack from the BBC.
That’s brilliant – his best yet.
What about the BBC ‘s licence fee privilege? As good Socialists, they shouldn’t mind it “redistributed” to the poor & needy in Commercial TV, should they?
I looked at the have your say bbc site to see the comments but couldn’t see anything to click on. No comments seemed to be on the stories.
Am I on the wrong site or am I supposed to log in to see any comments?
This morning where I live there is a covering of snow. There is a list of schools which have decided to remain closed as a result, and it is very interesting, because it falls neatly into two catagories.
Category 1 are the schools in places which might be expected to suffer in wintery conditions.
Category 2 however are the schools with a mainly ‘ethnic’ intake. We are told that the reason for this innocently, is that the teachers are also struggling to get into work.
This is the euphemistic explanation! The more realistic reason is that the far left do gooders who make up the teaching ‘profession’ don’t actually want to live in the multicultural hell holes they seek to promote, but live far away on the hill, and their own children make up the intake of the other schools which are in category 1 !
I believe that this is absolutely typical of the Fascist Left which seeks to promote its ideals at the expense of the less fortunate, haranguing them with their own beliefs, which they themselves run a mile from as soon as they can!
Lord Adonis of the National Infrastructure Commission is given another unchallenging interview on Today. The earlier interview with Dr Jennifer Baxter, head of energy and environment at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers skated round the same issue as was neatly avoided by the Adonis one; namely that the holy grail of “demand management” of electricity is a code for rationing. All those lovely smart meters (useless though they are in practice and thus praised by Harrabin to the skies) will allow whoever runs the grid to . . er . . distribute energy shortages “fairly” (to use the language of the warriors of social justice) down to individual consumer level. And why will there be shortages? Nothing to do with the renewables orgasm surely? Again, the BBC, caught up in its love affair with mock-science, fails to clarify what’s happening here. It does identify a culprit though: the government. However, it fails, as it always does, to identify (in fact positively conceals) the underlying reason why this government and all governments (certainly since 1992) are guilty here.
Today’s Two Minutes Hate against Donald Trump.
Europe hates Trump. Does it matter?
Comments suggest not everyone hates Trump.
If Trump was a fascist, then Trumpaphobia would be a crime, and “Hope not Hate” would give hope to Trump. As the BBC says, this is America’s choice, not anyone else’s. How would British voters feel if a Liberal Fascists like Obama weighed in on Brexit?
In fact its quite bizarre: Trump could use the Liberal Fascist “Hate Crime” laws in America, against anyone who provides verbal evidence of “Hatred of Trump“, in a court of law. It could motivate Democrats into supporting Trump if he decides to abolish the Liberal Fascist laws against Hate and Fear. If Trump wins, you wont have to go to prison for the racist crime of fearing death by Islamic Terrorism.
Do they have a competition with the Grauniad to see which one can delete the most comments?
Posted by Raskilnikov
5 minutes ago
Hi Katty Kay, have you had a few lines this morning? To think your views are shared by the whole of Europe is the sort of bizzare, arrogant behavior usually associated with drug use, either that or you need to visit a shrink to help you get over your delusions of grandeur
The BBC speaks for the Nation. And Europe. Apparently.
Presumptuous much?
…and once again most of the comments shout (loudly) about the BBC’s outright bias, with some yet again asking where the dirt on Clinton is (and there’s plenty of that) in the name of balance.
Tomorow it will be same again. And still nothing will be done to address the issue.
Frankly I’m amazed the propaganda isn’t worse than it is, it’s not like anything would happen if it was.
BBC suggests that it’s strange that an EU country that is not yet overrun by hordes of Muslim immigrants should try to anticipate and avoid that ever happening. It encloses the word threat (as in Muslim threat) in scare quotes, because obviously Muslims pose no threat to the European way of life whatsoever..
“Smer’s campaign stresses the need to protect largely Christian Slovakia from Muslim migrants – yet asylum requests remain in the low hundreds.”
Well yes, that’s why it’s called ‘protecting’. Britain has 3 million+ Muslims, not much we can do, it’s far more logical to shut the stable door BEFORE the hordes arrive.
The BBC go on to explain that Slovakia is enjoying peace and prosperity and economic growth. However, it’s apparently far more important to go and find the almost non-existent Muslim community, to try and damage this peace and prosperity.
“I went looking for something called the Islamic Foundation of Slovakia.
The building is also home to a small prayer room on the ground floor; officially there are no mosques in Slovakia, as Islam is not a recognised religion.
The foundation owns a small piece of land near the city centre – a vacant plot for a mosque that will almost certainly not be built any time soon, regardless of whether or not Robert Fico forms the next government.”
I went to the BBC article and noted as usual the kind of padding that characterizes the lazy writing style of BBC reporters. This is what 12 year old’s write when they don’t understand the subject.
‘Mr Fico cuts a neat, almost pugilistic figure, like a retired boxer still drawn to the ring.
At the rally he is immaculate as always, in a sharp suit and sporting a crew-cut.
The perpetual scowl he reserves for journalists disappears, and the friendlier, fluffier Fico emerges into the spotlight.’
Yada yada.
If you ever wondered why the BBC would move hell and high water to have “Will-I-am” appear on one of their flagship programmes – well here we go – He agrees with their political world view totally….Who knew?…
One wonders if Tom Jones ever made a moderately positive comment about the Tories before he was ousted and replaced by that UKIP hating, left wing thicko Paloma Faith..
I thought it was convicted jailbird druggy Boy George who replaced Sir Tom, but hey ho he too ticks a couple of boxes….