*A female physician in Munich ,Germany sends a message to the
> World .. . . . ..*
> *’Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the
> situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is
> unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant
> medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything
> to the main hospitals.*
> *Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff and we
> women are now refusing to go among those migrants!
> Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad
> to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the
> hospitals must be* *accompanied by police with K-9 units.*
> *Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic
> diseases that we in Europe do not know how to treat. *
> *If they receive a prescription to the pharmacy, they
> suddenly learn they have to pay cash. This leads to
> unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs
> for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy
> staff with the words: So, cure them here
> yourselves!
> *So the police are not just guarding the clinics and
> hospitals, but also the large pharmacies..*
> *We ask openly ‘where are all those who welcomed the
> migrants in front of TV cameras with signs at train
> stations?’ * *Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but
> a million of them are already here and we will definitely
> not be able to get rid of them.*
> *Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2
> million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these
> people are completely unemployable. Only a small minimum of
> them have any education. What is more, their women usually
> do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant.
> Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and
> little kids under six, many emaciated and very needy. If
> this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I am
> going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this
> situation, not even for double the salary back home. I came
> to Germany to work, not to Africa or the Middle East!*
> *Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad
> it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who has cleaned
> every day for years for 800 euros and then meets crowds of
> young men in the hallways who just wait with their hands
> outstretched, wanting everything for free, and when they
> don’t get it they throw a fit.*
> *I really don’t need this! But I am afraid that if I
> return home, at some point it will be the same in the Czech
> Republic. If the Germans, with their systems, cannot handle
> this, then, guaranteed, back home will be total chaos..*
> *You – who have not come in contact with these people have
> absolutely no idea what kind of badly behaved desperadoes
> these people are, and how Muslims act superior to our staff,
> regarding their religious accommodation.*
> *For now, the local hospital staff have not come down with
> the diseases these people brought here, but with so many
> hundreds of patients every day â this is just a question
> of time.*
> *In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff
> with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the
> brink of death, who they’d dragged across half of Europe for
> three months. The child died two days later, despite having
> received top care at one of the best paediatric clinics in
> Germany. The paediatric physician had to undergo surgery and
> the two nurses are recovering in the ICU. Nobody has been
> punished – what ???*
> *The local press is forbidden to write about it, so we can
> only inform you through email. What would have happened to a
> German if he had stabbed the doctor and nurses with a knife?
> Or if he had flung his own syphilis-infected urine into a
> nurses face and so threatened her with infection? At a
> minimum head have gone straight to jail and later to
> court. With these people so far, nothing has happened –
> WHY?*
> *And so I ask … where are all those greeters and receivers
> from the train stations? Sitting pretty at home, enjoying
> their uncomplicated, safe lives.* *If it were up to me I
> would round up all those greeters and bring them here first
> to our hospitals emergency ward as attendants ! Then
> into
> one of the buildings housing the migrants, so they can
> really look after them there themselves, without armed
> police and police dogs, who, sadly today, are in every
> hospital here in Bavaria.*
> *Is this “situation” coming to your country ??? ‘ *
Thanks for that Thoughtful – I guess it had been around for a while (I’m usually at the end of the queue for stuff like this), but interesting all the same.
Thank you Brissels.
Utterly horrific, and reminiscent of what we hear of-by email, by blog and sites like this one-from Calais, Greece, Stockholm and Mollenbeek-lat alone all those formerly proud and honourable cities in Germany.
Reduced to THIS?
And for that universal “Eurovision” view of things we`re expected to “buy into”?
Well all this is happening in fellow countries who we`re supposed to be empathetic to, know and care about, and to show solidarity towards….
And NONE of this-none of this is ever reported, ever raised in any liberal or BBC forum.
All those European stringers and correspondents…and NONE of them ever seem to know anything about stuff like this….and wilfully refuse to report the “negativities”, if they do.
Really sinister…and when it blows, it will really do so because the cretins who force this upon us refuse to face reality-and would rather turns guns on US rather that those who are using lawfare and legal weapons now to destroy and overwhelm the good and decent people who made hospitals possible for their descendents-not Muslim rabblerousers who want to rub our faces in all that they have chosen to impose upon better people than themselves-albeit brainwashed in syphilitic piss( thank you BBC,ZDF, Guardian, Welt and bloody Nena and her 99 balloons!).
Even if it WAS phoney-which I`d doubt very much-I do wish our trolls or naysayers would spend more time in addressing the issues raised than in trying to play the man ( as it were).
As a public sector worker-this is all too plausible…and would not excuse a Cologne, or sexual assault in a swimming pool-even if it proved to be untrue…but on reading it, I`d need proof of the liberal left that it`s not.
The Left can only smear and denigrate-investigative reporting from the Left died with Paul Foot in 2004.
The lazy buggers just don`t need to dig around any more-they`ve been in power for so long ( complete cultural hegemony, as they`d say-full spectrum monoculture)-that they just phone it in.
Cologne, Hebdo, Savile and Rotherham/Rochdale…NONE of this could even come from the Left.
MacAlpine, Brittain, Assange, Manning and Snowdon, Greenwald,Mitchell and Leveson ?Chilcot-THESE have the mark of lefty lefty liars.
And why dig for news when Hillsborough, Bloody Sunday and Deepcut will come round again like buses on the Silverstone circuit?…not even a need to go out and meet people any more for your stories.
Brain Stem death of the Left?…July 20th 2004.
Have you heard the latest from Remain? Apparently if we choose to leave the EU there is nothing to stop Spain taking Gilbraltar from us. Ye gods, it’s contemptible. We are the inheritors of these once proud and independent islands We share a heritage with Drake, Nelson and Churchill.
They must all be spinning in their urns…
That means that the head of Remain, Cameron, has told the Spanish to take Gibraltar if he loses the Referendum, promising them not to defend it, as revenge against the British people by its traitorous Prime Minister. “Project Fear” means that Cameron is travelling around Europe using the foreign aid budget to bribe France to threaten to take back the Channel Islands, Ireland to take back Ulster, Norway to take back the Shetland Islands and Cyprus to take back Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Promising them that with the support of the Labour Party, he can hold back Britain from defending itself.
Just looked at my Facebook page and among the usual crap like ads and ‘Dickheads you might know’ was a suggested page to like: Remain In The EU. I didn’t click to like.
“Members were later told Mr Longworth had been temporarily suspended for breaching the group’s official position of neutrality”
And to show just how neutral they are, they remove anyone who dare challenge the unofficial position, even though the BCC acknowledged his comments “reflect his personal assessment, rather than the position of the BCC”.
This dirty campaign is getting worse by the day. The ones with vested interests in remaining in the EU will stop at nothing to prevent anyone or anything getting in their way.
“Pro-EU campaign group Britain Stronger in Europe said: “This affair demonstrates that, while some individual businesspeople are campaigning to leave the EU, their views do not come close to representing the clear majority of British businesses – large and small.””
Loaded final paragraph. No counterview from any anti-EU campaign. No mention of 64% of FTSE 100 companies refusing to back David Cameron’s position via a letter published in The Times. Nothing about 200 owners of small and medium-sized enterprises signing a letter published in The Daily Telegraph in support of leaving the EU.
JimS – that is priceless! I’d like to think it represents a split in BBC ranks but It’s more likely that somebody reported the comment and a moderator just removed it without thinking about it.
(Unless of course HYS has a system now whereby reported comments are automatically removed.)
Would Dynamo make a few hundred asylum seekers disappear up his sleeves then?
And-if we could get Derren Brown to do the same..and then these types agree to do it regularly-then surely we could spirit away most of the gimmies?
Labour used to make the refugee numbers shrink in the same way-and Cameron is doing much the same.
Sadly, I think you’ll find that Jeremy Clarkson is quite pro-EU. That’s the message I got from his latest book “As I was saying”. He speaks a lot of sense on many subjects, but a load of bollocks on some.
Hoo-ee! You’ve got to see this. Not sure if any of you have heard of Robert Morrow (I hadn’t until just a few minutes ago because, well, I’m not a septic tank) but he’s just been elected as the Travis County Republican Party Chairperson, and BOY is he something else.
Ha ha
Just starting on BBC2 is Leave to Remain, a completely made up piece of propaganda about a mythical Afghan teenage refugee. How typical of the BBC to show it now, to try to induce guilt about the invaders.
I seem to remember when I posted a Stefan Molyneux video on this site, one of the regulars called him an idiot – or something along those lines – even though he’s one of the most clear thinking bloggers on the internet.
Look up his YouTube videos on Europe and the EU and you’ll find some absolutely sound arguments to get out!
I’m a big fan of his. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he makes a lot of sense on many issues.
He’s one of the bloggers and bloggers that I donate the money to that I once would have spent on the TV tax.
As a supplement to asking why the Clementi Report did not mention the Capita contract. Apparently, that’s up to Lord Hall to sort out in 2017-18, as the Capita contract is not due to lapse until 31st March 2019.
I am also told that Lord Hall is undergoing intensive Public Relations training into “Mortification” and “Corrective Action” Bullshit. As a precaution against any future forced appearance on a Government Committee, on issues such as the massive increase in Complaints, Bias, Europe, Paedophilia, Climate Change and the increases in Costs and Staffing levels.
If Whittingdale set the BBC free from the Government imposed Charter and Licence Fee, then he would not be able to interfere.
The BBC would then be an independent media organisation dependent on sales, subscription and possibly advertising for funding.
Although independent from Government, it would not be independent from the supply and demand of the customers, who could then take revenge on the BBC for its left-wing bias, by not subscribing to BBC’s products and its “Pay-per-view” services on Freeview.
Also, I wonder if the term “Freeview” in Britain, violates the Trade Descriptions Act. Someone should test this law in court, as I imagine it could be a way to destroy the Licence Fee.
The #bbcProjectWhiteMansGuilt featured in two Red-io 4 progs this week
With the antiracists seeming again seeming to be the biggest racists as they always look at the colour of anyones skin first
#1 In – #MakingHistory ..half the prog was devoted to there being almost no history professors of “African – or Caribbean heritage”
#2The Media Show – devoted another 10 mins to agonising over what black people prefer to watch or act in.
I’m sure most of the world just care about having quality historians or actors and aren’t bothered about gender or skin color.
But it seemed to me there is likely to be some dodgy maths behind the drama the antiracists seeked to portray ..What you first need is evidence that those statistics are robust and they didn’t show that.
In The media show Trevor Phillips focused on BME and said that is 15% right now and heading to 30% by 2030.
Well that seems like hype ..And I think that the BME population is heavily skewed towards schoolage ..so they are not yet in jobs. So that is why the figures are not reflected yet in employment numbers. It would surely be 20-25 years after leaving school that you’d expect people to become full titled History professors etc.
– The MH prog stated “of 17,000 profs is all subjects of UK universities only 75 were black in 2014” “with only 1 black history professor “(why don’t they state the full BME not just black ?)
– In the Media show Trevor admitted that of the 10 lists of both BME and white people were similar ..and admitted that some shows like the KUmars were more popular with them (well who is being racist then ?)
Oh gawd they are at it again showing children at the Greek refugee camps. They pick out one who who knows how to play Mozart on a violin ffs.She seems to be dressed in expensive clothes and looks like she has just showered and blow dried too amazing having travelled thousands of miles . She wants to go and be re-united with her father who is an ex-Syrian astronaut and brain surgeon now in Germany. BBC I call bollox.
Yeah i too shared your skepticism. But it seems Syrians truly love western classical music, and it is not a completely alien experience, unlike our love of classic Syrian music!
Wow i thought, a syrian orchestra and operatic singers. Not quite.
No syrians were involved in instrument playing. D’oh!
But they were involved in the singing? Yes? D’oh
it was more of a pantomime then a staging. The opera singer was dressed as a muslim, but i doubt that made her a syrian refugee. After she finishes her singing, at about 20 seconds a real muslim women walks over and they appear to have a ‘conversation’ over the music! Pantomime. And then a bunch of migrants are wheeled out stood at the back looking completely bemused.
TOADY programme this morning, 8.35ish, Humpty talking with the EU commissioner for immigration, a Greek, and preferring the idea that all EU countries, UK included, should be obliged to accept refugee quotas. Said Greek concurs, naturally, and suggests in coming months a proposal will be discussed for ALL EU countries to take quotas.
Staying in looks to be our biggest gamble- EU will decide on immigration as always.
Hiya guys! Virgil here… Coordinator and PR for LGBT NUJ BBC at Salford Quays – Post Room. Yeah, just call me Virgil – but be sure to call me!
D’you know, my thumbs are killing me – almost literally, I’ve been busy nearly all morning on Grinder – I mean Twitter – ooops, sorry, Emma Freudian slip there. Look what I just did – as the pug puppy said to the carpet slippers. I’m usually so careful. You know what they always say at the BBC: never bring trade into the workplace.
Yeah seriously guys I’ve been putting the shout out about the EU. We’ve really got to get right behind this EU thing. That’s what Julian told me. I said ‘But Julian, what about Tory Cutz?’ He said ‘This takes priority’ – He’s my line manager and he’s so magnificent when he gets his dander up – he’s met Lyse Doucet and everything. So that’s practically straight from the horse’s mouth.
So, do contact me, I’m Virgil Simnell-Ling – I know it’s a mouthful – that’s why Twitter handles were invented. Hash tag EU, guys.
Work really hard on it, send me lots of your feedback – and that should give me some seminal crowd sourced input for my upcoming piece. How’s that sound? What’s the matter? Is it more than 140 characters? What do you mean it can be taken two ways?
Ooh Virgil, that was like soooo contra, what wiv the Grinder thing and Emma and all dat!
We just caaaaan’t leave Europe, it’s just like so amaaaaazing, and av got like FB friends in like Paris, Berlin, Rome – what’s so wrong wi dat?!! And if like we do leave then like this new Deli down the road might close cos they ain’t gonna send us no foreign food n dat.
Is dat crowd sourced input? Shout me Virg 🙂 Peace innit.
Peter Grimes has already mentioned the Today interview with a Greek EU immigration commissar. Yes, we all know that Greece is in one hell of a pickle. If any country should vote to leave the EU, then it’s Greece. We were told that pretty soon the whole of the EU would have to accept an allotted number of “refugees.” As you would imagine with the Beeb no one asked the relevant questions, such as; wouldn’t doing this encourage more desperate people to risk life and limb? Where the hell will we put them? What about our own homeless people? Apparently migrants always trump indigenous folk in the sympathy stakes.
Just how crazy would we have to be to vote to stay in this lunatic asylum?
I’ve got a very brief, two word, Anglo Saxon response to the commissar.
The second one’s off…
I want to coment on the demise of the footballer Tommy Lawton. The report highlights the hard times he fell on after finishing with the game. After reading the page I couldn’t help but think that Richard Attenborough could have found Tommy Lawton work somewhere in the bBBC or one of the many film production studios around London at the time. In those days the directors of football clubs took so much many out the mouths of footballers like Lawton, surely theycould have Tommy a lot more.
Richard Attenborough does not, in my opinion come out of this well.
My initial thoughts were to wonder whether the letter which was being autioned for an expected value of £350 should have been destroyed , but having thought about after breakfast this morning I am pleased that the immorality of people,(dare I say icon and Cry Freedom lefty luvvie) like Attenborough has been exposed. He comes across as one of life’s takers.
The news on both channels show migrants drawing money from a ‘wire office’ – apparently to pay traffickers to get them into Europe. Those on camera clearly had passports in their hands to withdraw money – whats betting these will be ditched long before they reach Europe ! Its disgusting that these peoples believe they have a right for others to feed and accommodate them, both in southern Europe and Calais – the conditions are of their own making, but journalists cease to mention that small fact. There IS no solution to this – if this lot are let through then millions more will descend. The borders will remain closed, and it will be milllions that will be stuck in Greece until God knows when. This will make Greece a no-go Country.
A few months ago, on here, I was predicting a cold winter for the UK. Either Old Goat or The Old Bloke were predicting a very warm winter. Cannot remember which one. Or was it Dover Sentry? Whoever it was, I conceded defeat before Christmas but it appears I gave in too easily.
I can’t remember last winter’s garden frosts but I recall at least three: two feeble and one moderately decent. Possibly there were four.
Well, the garden here has now had five frosts with at least two matching or near matching the decent one from 2014/2015. So, as far as Snuffy’s grass is concerned, – as valid a measure as that Central England thingy – the winter this year HAS been colder than last year. I gave in to the Warmistas far too soon. There’s still another nine days of official winter to go!
Glorious day here yesterday but am deeply envious of those who are covered in snow and looking out on a proper British winter landscape. Have a good weekend, everyone!
Can’t be! February 2016, allegedly, was the warmest, evah, and El Nino has fucked ‘the pause’, apparently.
Global warming is girding its loins, and soon the Harrabin will burst forth, full of the joys of spring and BBC ideology, to slap us all in the mush.
I still haven’t heard yet how 2015 was the hottest year – evah – and the CO2 emissions were at their highest – evah. I am beginning to suspect that the latter may well be true but that the former, so enthusiastically reported by the BBC last year for 2014, may show a slight cooling for 2015 or no change on the prior year.
Harrabin was going on about diesel emissions and deaths from respiratory problems on the Beeb yesterday but in the print media there apparently are concerns that it may also be caused by mould spores from people drying wet clothes on radiators. Think the BBC did pick up on this (think it is where I got this link): http://www.advancesagainstaspergillosis.org/2016/programme.htm but it is obviously a bit much to ask Horrorbinandmoretocome to do two bits of science at the same time.
U2S, it certainly wasn’t me that was suggesting the warmest evah, in fact I was warning of a more than average cold winter using the historical sun spot activity as a forecast. As it turns out, so far, most of the Northern Hemisphere has been below average period for cold and extension of period. We, in the Southern half of Great Britain have been exceptionally lucky, in that the extent of the temperature gradient between cold and mild winter temperatures stopped at about Manchester for most of the Met office “winter” period., that being Dec, Jan and Feb. Us and only us, got caught under a conveyor belt of pretty well much the same Atlantic depression for those three months.
Now, concerning the warmest/hottest Feb, evah, that might well be true, but that depends on where and how those measurements were taken. Was it the CET data that the Met Office used? You know, the one’s where the rural data sets were replaced with urban ones? The CET which itself is an hypothetical data set, of course, does not include N.Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Scotland has pretty well much had a snow day every day since September.
For my patch, last year 2015, despite a very mild and wet December, still came in below the 39 years average for both temperature and rainfall. Last year, again on my patch we had a frost day for one day every month, something of a record and so far this year, Jan, Feb and March have obliged and I’m pretty sure that we will once again see a frost day every month this year.
For scrutiny of everything the Met Office tell us about our weather, visit this superb site where analysts tell us what really happened! https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/
“BCC boss suspended over EU referendum comments”
Have a guess just what kind of comments he made, not even that contentious when read in context, of course similar treatment will be meted out to BBC EU Quislings, fat chance. I wonder if temporary suspension would have met Mr Longworth if his comments had fallen on the other side of the fence? Looks like the EU “debate” is to be handled in the same manner as climate change “debate”.
BBC keen to close the ‘loophole’ whereby people watch BBC content on iPlayer and don’t pay.
Funny how for all those years the BBC was happy with the ‘loophole’ whereby people who had a TV but didn’t watch the BBC still had to pay or go to jail.
What’s it to be, a telly tax or a subscription service?
What is particularly galling is that iPlayer will still be free to everybody else in the world. Also in those parts of the UK, and certain ‘communities’ that largely never pay their licences in the first place. It basically boils down to trying to squeeze more tax from English refuseniks.
Not strictly true, you do need a British IP address, but that can be circumnavigated, more galling is that with a decent satellite set up most of Europe can get live BBC with no comeback and at our expense. More reason to encrypt…
Not the case in my experience while on the mainland, even with a British IP address or (for the last year or so) even a British satellite box iPlayer is blocked.
Not that I ever really watch it, but even the bBBC’s output is better than the garbage most European TV networks broadcast..!
Some of you might remember the former paki Lord Mayor of Bradfordistan, Naveeda Ikram, being suspended from the Labour Party (and from her role as Mayor) back in October last year. This was covered by the national press in an open manner, but all the BBC had about the subject is covered in a handful of ‘updates’ buried away on this local live page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-leeds-34464972
Whenever these folks from the Indian subcontinent or other points east of Suez so to speak, get into a position where they benefit from being corrupt , they usual take the opportunity with both hands, just as they would at home. Expenses fiddling by MPs etc will be seen as very small beer once this lot get started and once they are in control of the police and judiciary , we can forget about ever having this sort of thing investigated. All those folks who want open borders and boat loads of immigrants , need to realise that they are saying good bye to acceptable standards of behaviour in public life. The media will eventually realise, but far too late , that they are not free to investigate this corruption and that one way or another they have become mere tools of an elite which is even more corrupt than the liberal lefties presently in charge. Eventually our democracy will crumble, the signs are already there for all to see.
But most are born and bred in the UK, and enjoyed a Western education
Could it be a lack of integration that allows this behaviour to grow?
Sadly, I’ve met a few IT contractors who fit that description, who are not shy about boasting how they fiddle their VAT and expenses. Makes the rest of us look guilty in the eyes of Hector
It’s not “lack of integration”: it’s just how they are.
There are very few areas of criminality in the U.K. in which Pakistani Muslims (indeed Muslims generally) are not involved; out of all proportion to the size of that “community” within U.K. society as a whole.
If you can stand watching Crimewatch take a moment to look at the hall of shame/most wanted list and compare it with the “Government produced” stats on ethnic origin.
It seems there is something of a trend here – similar to the Met Police refusal to publish their stats on the ethnicity of street crime in London.
I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms about the disgusting Right-wing bias shown by that piece of neo-Nazi scum Marcus Brigstocke on “The Now Show” (on Friday from 6:30 pm).
In an otherwise worthy and blameless edition, we were subjected by this well-known populist rabble rouser to the kind of Fascist filth that makes Nick Griffin look like a bleeding-heart liberal pinko. Brigstocke joked that being touched by Corbyn’s old cardigan wouldn’t cure you; I mean, would he have DARED to say that about the Pope or Mother Theresa? Then the jackbooted bastard claimed that not everything bad that happened in other countries was Britain’s fault! The nerve of it! Bloody flag-waving jingoist! Worst of all was when he dared to imply that opening the borders to everyone who wanted to come to Britain, was not the answer to the refugee crisis. Hitler all over again, I say! He followed that up with an attack on his ‘friends’ on the Left, lentil-eaters or something, which I found very hurtful and distressing.
With Right-wing nutters like Trump and Farage barely ever off BBC screens in recent weeks, this appalling bias from Brigstocke should not have been broadcast, especially so early in the evening when impressionable youngsters might be listening. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to return “The Now Show” to its best traditions.
Yours etc
[Name and address – withheld for fear of Right-wing backlash]
I remember MB at the time of the lefties supporting the illegal DalesFarm travellers campsite. He did a piece on it that ended up with him shouting that anyone who dared to object to the camp of Irish criminals was a ‘RACIST! He screamed that at us several times. He was in good company with the Redmond
I wonder why he made no mention of the imprisonment of many of those he supported for thefts from museums etc. that total £millions?
Better still, dump the Now Show – its only for idiots anyway. And while you’re at it, there’s an equally non-programme on BBC2 at 6.30 called Too Much TV – a tv version of the Radio Times, telling us what’s on during the week – dear God have the BBC got so many under contract that they have to make up programmes for them to earn their money ????? What a travesty to what the Beeb used to stand for.
Brigstocke. An incredibly useful idiot. I remember listening to something crap on Radio 4 a few months back where after Maaahcus – OF ALL PEOPLE – did an effortlessly-mocking impression of a member of the upper crust (to the audience’s joy), he pleasingly hinted at the hypocrisy of this nation of high standards dealing with Saudi Arabia, but then moved smoothly into the role of wise and pragmatic lecturer where he told us that if we were to only do business with those nations of spotless reputation, well then there would be nobody to do business with at all!
And then, in what was presumably his intended coup de grâce for natural intellectual curiousity, he poured scorn on those STUPID enough to want to search to find the truth about certain matters; he being just the right amount of clever to realise that one should stop looking at a certain point, to retain one’s sanity.
Were they pulling our tails with this? One will never know.
Thinking about it, if anyone talented can find a recording of this particular show with Brigstocke (maybe there are folk here who remember it, too), then it would make a good link to include in the ‘In Their Own Words’ section of the website.
It was around the time when Saudi Arabia was chosen to head the UN human rights council, so September/October 2015. It’s quite astonishing.
Sense he`s a mixed bag these days is Marcus.
The joke in the Now Show re his skiing holiday has truth in it.
Well remember him blowing hard up in Meribel on the ski slopes in 2010/11-comedy in the local hotels etc, but awful prickly re his OWN climate change hypocrisies…which(to be fair) he WAS aware of!
AND-wasn`t he done with one of his dancers when he was supposed to be married?
Very end of pier-imagine being on the end of Prescott!
So-yes, he`s a phoney and creep-but does seem to be humbler and more willing to pop at his own side these days.
So maybe one who might go the whole Enfield in future years.
Oh, I agree that he’s willing to have a pop at his side. And any side. But overall, he makes himself out to be the very model of a modern pseudo-intellectual; an almost perfect specimen born into this world of idiots on all sides.
“And the big winners of this non-announcement will be wealthy people. At the moment not only do they earn more, they also get a proportionately bigger tax top-up from the government when they save for their retirement.”
Isn’t it odd (not) that the BBC, when commenting on tax issues, always fail to mention that higher earners pay a disproportionately high amount of tax in the first place. All they are doing with their “analysis” is appealing to the envious Corbynistas, as usual. Only in the UK do you find this degree of spite and envy, perpetuated and encouraged by the lefties who have taken a grip of the state broadcaster.
It’s not a tax top-up, though. It’s a recognition that income has been foregone so won’t be taxed now. If I’m going to be taxed on income I’m not receiving it’s a huge disincentive to save for a pension.
The BBC really has its knives out for Donald Trump and is using every media manipulation trick to blacken him and by not attacking either Clinton or Sanders have them appear suitable. Please don’t think by this I support (not that I have a vote) any of the candidates but I don’t have a Charter duty to neutrality nor journalistic responsibility. The BBC does.
Take this link on the News Homepage:
The wording How extreme is Donald Trump? implies that he is ‘extreme’. The only question is the degree. This is known as a When did you last beat your wife? question. The possibility that Trump is not extreme is excluded.
The link leads to US election 2016: How Donald Trump compares to Ronald Reagan As it turns out quite well. Actually reading the article shows that Trump is quite mainstream Republican on almost all the issues, compared to former presidents Reagan and George HW Bush (with George W Bush making an occasional appearance) and the remaining contenders. The Reagan headline is misleading.
However as all professional journalists know many readers don’t read past the headline and the first ‘bold’ paragraph. I’ve taken a screenshot because these things change.
Donald Trump has been condemned by many on the left and some on the right as being beyond the pale, a toxic virus that exists on the fringes of the political mainstream. But where do his policy views actually fit when compared to his fellow presidential candidates – and past Republican commanders-in-chief?
The following paragraph almost but not quite contradicts the lead. If you read that far but the smear remains. The New Yorker has definitely set a new mark when it comes to acceptable policy prescriptions on the topic of immigration, but in other areas he is moderate and occasionally to the left of his contemporaries.
I would call an exscreamomiter, a detector of high pitched sounds in a BBC Question Time Audience. It would only indicate zero if there was an Islamic suicide bomber on the Panel, even if UKIPers are in the audience, because UKIPers would insultingly leave the audience for selfish reasons.
Personally I find left-wing emotional rants and screaming as being beyond the pale, a toxic virus of the metropolitan political mainstream.
The BBC will never tell us (the purposes of journalism exemption from F.O.I. requests) but is Newsnight’s John Sweeney doing his own research or is a source within the Democrats doing it for him?
The BBC must wait for the Guardian, it seems. If it eventually does one can bet the headline will be different. I doubt we will ever see the RH graphic below. Looks out of place, doesn’t it?
“Clean” means devoid of all foreign genetic material (bacteria) inside the body, rather than the surface of the body. But I read that the time it takes to drop dead is debatable because no one has ever volunteered for an observational experiment.
But Marvin, if you give me your full name and address, I will look up the details, and ask them to consider you as a volunteer.
There is a very rare genetic disease called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) which affects the functioning of the immune system in some children. One way of dealing with the condition is to keep the child in as near sterile conditions as possible. That meets your definition of clean. This is done to keep the child alive. They do not drop dead.
I know that you’re in the habit of publishing people’s names and addresses on the internet so I won’t be supplying you with mine.
I don’t think the immune system attacks friendly bacteria. I think the foreign genetic material concerned is treated as non-foreign by the immune system.
I must have learned about this about 30 years ago, from the many pointless failed projects of the European Space Agency, dreaming about European Astronauts going to Mars, and how sterile the Astronauts can be for the voyage.
Marvin, understand biology ?
I do, and I can spot that you have the ‘brain of an amoeba’.
Get the researchers in your ‘pool’ to look it up.
Now tell us, why are you posting on this site besides being a troll for Al Beeb ?
Adam Johnson kisses a willing 15-year-old girl, legal in many European countries, and the BBC is all over him, chasing his employers and lecturing us as to his evils.
Yet …
Boy George, and a fellow thug, kidnap a young man, strip him, cuff him and chain him to a wall. They then beat him with chains and threaten him with rape with a sex toy until the lad fortunately escapes.
Boy George ends up in prison for the appalling, sexual assault.
He is a felon who has been arrested for drug abuse, with heroine no less, was sued for libel over his auto biography. He was convicted of falsely reporting a burglary in New York but had cocaine possession charge dropped during plea bargaining. He had a warrant issued for failing to appear in court.
The UK probation services have prevented Boy George appearing on tv in the past.
Yet Boy George is now on peak time tv in a shite program on the, erm, morally superior, BBC.
Would Adam Johnson have fared better on the BBC had he been gay?
Johnson should convert to Islam.
A 15 year old is practically an old maid to them.
Had he become a Muslim he would have been immune from prosecution which seems to be the normal procedure (Rotherham) and it would have been kept secret for racial harmony reasons.
If it then ever came to trial it would be so far into the future that even Chilcott would have been published.
“”What would the religious police do?
BBC Trending What’s popular and why””
“” You may have heard about Saudi Arabia’s Islamic ‘religious police’ – a term used to describe the officers or ‘mutaween’ employed by the country’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice””
“”But what do they actually do? Test your knowledge of the force and the laws they apply””
Multiculturalism hits Wales despite our PM’s promise to rid our nation of this horrific practise. Where do the women’s lib, Childline , NSPCA and feminists organisations who draw a lot of charity money from us stand on this? Perhaps they should fund the cost of the care of 2,000 women in Wales are suffering from the effects of FGM.?
Shwmae Number 7!
Well It looks as if our ‘Car Moron’ is quietly selling us down the swaney again. I cant see our ‘used car salesman’ opening up these ‘holiday camps’ near any of his supporter’s constituencies. Are there no defenders of our ‘Tory’ PM on this site any more ?
Plaid is filled with people who dream of independence and would happily sacrifice that to be a region of the EU, being unable to see the irony of their situation.
Fico may have lost the majority but i still the largest single party. In a multi party state its rare for obne party to have an overall majority. Also immigration isnt a big issue in Slovakia, because lets face it the invaders are not stopping there, theyre just annoying birds of passage!
The major concerns there are education and health care.
It has been suggested that if Brexit wins, immigration will get WORSE. There will be a massive rush to come here from the EU during the two years or so it will take to negotiate Brexit. There will also be a massive rush from existing EU immigrants to take citizenship, not that they have anything to fear as there s no way our immigrant loving elite will throw out any already here.
Its the duty of our PM to prepare for the anticipated invasion, or he will be labelled worse than Chamberlain in the annals of our great nation’s history . He should put his nation before his EU career.
Oh for a statesman to run this country .
“Should” and “will” are two very different things. Cameron is pro EU and may be happy to see Brexit go wrong and the anti immigration voters upset by the immigration disaster that will follow – comparable to the current invasion of Germany possibly as every Eastern European considering Britain packs his suitcase.
Building new homes on every brownfield site available is making our cities unbearable and the new development sin satellite villages is adding to the traffic inflow too.
A hard to deal with impact of immigration which is rarely mentioned too is the terrible impact on our roads in congestion! Its not just all the extra people on their way to work but the increase in lorries dealing with the extra imports required and the extra movement of goods around the country as immigrants purchase furntiture and so on for their homes here.
Building new homes on every brownfield site available is making our cities unbearable and the new development sin satellite villages is adding to the traffic inflow too. (I added this to the wrong post!)
Plus the hospitals, doctors, teachers, schools, houses, infrastructure and police required to keep law and order between the different Islamic factions that will continue to pursue their religious fundamentalism of a death wish .
Well, just for starters, Peter Kellner is the President of YouGov and just so happens to be married to … former EU foreign affairs supremo Catherine Ashton (Baroness Ashton of Upholland).
Many of my esteemed colleagues who do battle with the BBC on this fine site will have ventured into the murky waters of Have Your Say to attempt to have their say. I’m indebted to one such colleague on the last Start the Week open thread for directing me to the HYS below a frivolous propaganda piece on Donald Trump:
However, it is not the frivolity or the propaganda that concerns me now but a peculiar glitch in the workings of this HYS. In the process of having my say I stumbled on a comment headed by ‘You’ though it wasn’t one of mine. More peculiar, and quite disturbing, was the fact that clicking on that ‘You’ linked me to my personal profile and comment history.
I scratched my head over this phenomenon for a while: had someone hacked into my computer, lifted my HYS password (and who knows what else) and was happily posting in my (user) name? By the time I revisited the HYS to investigate it further it had closed and clicking on that same ‘You’ only sent me back to the general comments and not to my profile. I undertook the tedious task of scrolling through the comments to find more examples of the ‘You’ and learn more about the nature of my apparent adversary, who, I found, had posted comments 140, 177, 655 and 904 while I had posted 485, 600, 645 and 1029.
While scrolling I began to read the occasional comment and it’s lucky that I did because I found these:
955. Posted by angelica adams
on 1 Mar 2016 15:21
I am confused Post 904 has You I did not post it. I posted 861 It is signed You but the name I use is Angelica Adams What is going on? I am concerned This has never happened before since I started posting in 2006.I do not want posts attributed to me that are not mine.
Of course I did a double take at that since comment 904 also appeared as ‘You’ on my computer. Scrolling down a bit, I found these:
961. Posted by Moira
on 1 Mar 2016 15:26
Angelica Adams I have had this same issue and reported but no action has been taken. Someone has registered themselves with the name of ‘You’ causing endless confusing because of the way this system works. Especially as I prefer not to be associated with their views.
983. Posted by Gulliver
on 1 Mar 2016 15:46
@955. angelica adams
When your signed in and you post a comment your user name appears as “You”, but only to yourself. When your signed out you will see your username appear as, in your case “angelica adams”.
Some clever clogs has decided to give themselves the username “You”, hence the confusion but rest assured no one else will attribute “You’s” comments to “angelica adams”.
That last bit seems reassuring at first but it doesn’t explain why I was directed to my personal history when clicking on one of the Yous that ‘You’ had posted. Seems the system doesn’t differentiate between a false and a real You. All Yous are equal and none are more equal than others.
Anyway, I thought perhaps one of my aforementioned esteemed colleagues could enlighten me if I’m missing something here. You’s posts seem innocuous enough and I doubt he/she is a hacker. He/she, as I subsequently discovered, even has like-minded objections to the BBC:
6. Posted by You
on 1 Mar 2016 15:22
The BBC is only interested in pushing it’s own agenda.
Two cases in point:
a) The EU
b) Donald Trump
It could not be more blatantly biased if it had a huge hat on on it’s head with said “Biased Reporting Here”.
From his contributions to HYS, You does not appear to be a cunning individual. His user name has the consequences, probably unintentional, of rendering him impervious to investigation by those wishing to have a look at his profile and comment history, since when they click on ‘You’ they just get directed back to themselves and not to him. Taking this a step further, any attempt by the BBC to try to do something about You’s peculiar user name will backfire: emails sent to him will boomerang back to the BBC ‘You’ who sent them. And should they wish to ban him for politely but insistently pointing out the BBC’s faults they will only succeed in banning themselves.
In fact, You could end up in an impervious position of influence and power that he would be able to utilise if only he knew and could realise its full potential. Hell, he could even in time compete with the BBC itself from within its own website!
The disgusting BBC is hopefully becoming less relevant with the proliferation of social media, since the amateur reporting of that media, though it can be rough and ready, is infinitely superior to the BBC. The latter filters all news through its dumb ‘progressive’ agenda before inflicting it on a long-suffering public or else simply ignores it when it conflicts too sharply with that agenda.
Since all the European spongers sorry economic migrants will be able to watch their national television without a license and not integrate does this not mean we are being treated less favourably? Let’s hope as a final act of EU membership this tax applies to all European services.
Off topic, but given that the BBC employs about as many so-called journalsits as the Greeks have homeworking remote olive tree inspectors….
Perhaps Upside Down or Back to Front or Inside Out London (whatever they call it) might like to investigate this? I doubt it.
Now we are supposed to accept the more the merrier as far as population is concerned – if only we would all just budge up a bit – in the words of New Labour’s David Blunket: “I can’t see any upper limit to immigration”
Where to house our exponentially expanding population?
Of course we don’t like the sound of building on the ‘Green Belt’
‘Brown Field Sites’, not so much. Don’t mind building on those, do we? Brown people good – Brown Field Site bad.
But do we really understand what sort of sites have been classified as ‘Brown Field’?
Old disused factories and such – that’s what ‘Brown Field’ means, doesn’t it?
Well, yes and no.
A ‘well-loved community hall’ that couldn’t be demolished to make way for ‘new community facilities and housing’ could it?
Our Mr Cameron may have gifted the residents of Woodford the Pantomime Marriage Act but the future of the Woodford Christmas Pantomime may be in doubt.
– there you are BBC newshounds, I’ve even gifted you a snappy Tory-bashing headline for when you get round to covering this story!
As we all, know, during the US primaries the BBC’s chief desire seems to be to highlight the shock-horror of Trump winning more than they expected and hoped for. They are having a collective conniption fit at the prospect of him winning the president. Likewise, they sideline Cruz in these hustings, for they see (and frequently describe) him as “right-wing” – and moreover, he is a Christian (the BBC really hates that). Rubio they tolerate, giving him second place in new bulletins, for reasons that can be guessed at. What we do not hear from the BBC is the number of delegates each candidate has gained. It stands today at Trump (378); Cruz (295), Rubio (123), Kasich (343) – i.e. non-Trump delegates (452). Rubio is way behind Cruz, and should really stand down soon to allow him to challenge Trump alone. For what it’s worth, in my opinion Trump is an embarrassment on almost every count, and Cruz looks presidential. Of course, no candidate is perfect, but commonsense surely tells you that the prospect Trump at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is rather worrying!
Trump is a real wild card but there are of course several checks and balances on presidential power in the US so he wouldn’t be able to do whatever he likes.
He actually looks to me more presidential than Cruz and he’s naturally tougher whereas Cruz seems to pretend toughness that he doesn’t really have.
Anyway, it might be academic because there are moves afoot in Republican circles to deny him the nomination if he doesn’t get the magical number of delegates – even if he is way ahead of the others, as he no doubt will be at the end. Believe it or not, they can do that to him.
The Labour MP on Marr’s sofa discussing the papers, points out an article on what is wrong in the USA political scene.
With no hint of irony, she’s just said ” you have to give the American people hope”
Yes….hope….you heard right….after 8 fucking years of hope and change, it seems hope is the answer!
What a cupid…you know the rest.
News programme presented by Paddy O’Connell. Including guess the Radio 4 mother, the new camp for migrants in Dunkirk and detecting diesel during your day. Reviewing the Sunday newspapers – financial wiz Nicola Horlick, cartoonist Paul Thomas and Any Answers presenter Anita Anand.
Totally one sided left wing biased report on the new Calais camp, which has moved the illegal migrants away from the tunnel to better conditions. This is apparently inhumane as the illegals wishes are paramount to the BBC, and they just don’t seem capable of questioning whether they should even be there. To them the only solution is an open borders open door policy.
Add “Broadcasting House, 06/03/2016” to Favourites
Add “Broadcasting House, 06/03/2016″to Favourites
Anita Anand reviewing the papers showed just how left wing she was, typical of any Fascist, she really does find any challenge of her views to be unacceptable.
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Some of you may have received this via email…………
*A female physician in Munich ,Germany sends a message to the
> World .. . . . ..*
> *’Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the
> situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is
> unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant
> medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything
> to the main hospitals.*
> *Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff and we
> women are now refusing to go among those migrants!
> Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad
> to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the
> hospitals must be* *accompanied by police with K-9 units.*
> *Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic
> diseases that we in Europe do not know how to treat. *
> *If they receive a prescription to the pharmacy, they
> suddenly learn they have to pay cash. This leads to
> unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs
> for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy
> staff with the words: So, cure them here
> yourselves!
> *So the police are not just guarding the clinics and
> hospitals, but also the large pharmacies..*
> *We ask openly ‘where are all those who welcomed the
> migrants in front of TV cameras with signs at train
> stations?’ * *Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but
> a million of them are already here and we will definitely
> not be able to get rid of them.*
> *Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2
> million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these
> people are completely unemployable. Only a small minimum of
> them have any education. What is more, their women usually
> do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant.
> Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and
> little kids under six, many emaciated and very needy. If
> this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I am
> going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this
> situation, not even for double the salary back home. I came
> to Germany to work, not to Africa or the Middle East!*
> *Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad
> it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who has cleaned
> every day for years for 800 euros and then meets crowds of
> young men in the hallways who just wait with their hands
> outstretched, wanting everything for free, and when they
> don’t get it they throw a fit.*
> *I really don’t need this! But I am afraid that if I
> return home, at some point it will be the same in the Czech
> Republic. If the Germans, with their systems, cannot handle
> this, then, guaranteed, back home will be total chaos..*
> *You – who have not come in contact with these people have
> absolutely no idea what kind of badly behaved desperadoes
> these people are, and how Muslims act superior to our staff,
> regarding their religious accommodation.*
> *For now, the local hospital staff have not come down with
> the diseases these people brought here, but with so many
> hundreds of patients every day â this is just a question
> of time.*
> *In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff
> with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the
> brink of death, who they’d dragged across half of Europe for
> three months. The child died two days later, despite having
> received top care at one of the best paediatric clinics in
> Germany. The paediatric physician had to undergo surgery and
> the two nurses are recovering in the ICU. Nobody has been
> punished – what ???*
> *The local press is forbidden to write about it, so we can
> only inform you through email. What would have happened to a
> German if he had stabbed the doctor and nurses with a knife?
> Or if he had flung his own syphilis-infected urine into a
> nurses face and so threatened her with infection? At a
> minimum head have gone straight to jail and later to
> court. With these people so far, nothing has happened –
> WHY?*
> *And so I ask … where are all those greeters and receivers
> from the train stations? Sitting pretty at home, enjoying
> their uncomplicated, safe lives.* *If it were up to me I
> would round up all those greeters and bring them here first
> to our hospitals emergency ward as attendants ! Then
> into
> one of the buildings housing the migrants, so they can
> really look after them there themselves, without armed
> police and police dogs, who, sadly today, are in every
> hospital here in Bavaria.*
> *Is this “situation” coming to your country ??? ‘ *
This is months old and was circulated back when the invasion started under mad Merkels lunacy.
Thanks for that Thoughtful – I guess it had been around for a while (I’m usually at the end of the queue for stuff like this), but interesting all the same.
Very interesting and, if true, alarming. I accept this is an email people have received, but does anyone know if it’s genuine?
Thank you Brissels.
Utterly horrific, and reminiscent of what we hear of-by email, by blog and sites like this one-from Calais, Greece, Stockholm and Mollenbeek-lat alone all those formerly proud and honourable cities in Germany.
Reduced to THIS?
And for that universal “Eurovision” view of things we`re expected to “buy into”?
Well all this is happening in fellow countries who we`re supposed to be empathetic to, know and care about, and to show solidarity towards….
And NONE of this-none of this is ever reported, ever raised in any liberal or BBC forum.
All those European stringers and correspondents…and NONE of them ever seem to know anything about stuff like this….and wilfully refuse to report the “negativities”, if they do.
Really sinister…and when it blows, it will really do so because the cretins who force this upon us refuse to face reality-and would rather turns guns on US rather that those who are using lawfare and legal weapons now to destroy and overwhelm the good and decent people who made hospitals possible for their descendents-not Muslim rabblerousers who want to rub our faces in all that they have chosen to impose upon better people than themselves-albeit brainwashed in syphilitic piss( thank you BBC,ZDF, Guardian, Welt and bloody Nena and her 99 balloons!).
66 likes for an obviously faked email which has been wandering around the internet for months? Really?
I see we have another recycled troll with a new name ….
Even if it WAS phoney-which I`d doubt very much-I do wish our trolls or naysayers would spend more time in addressing the issues raised than in trying to play the man ( as it were).
As a public sector worker-this is all too plausible…and would not excuse a Cologne, or sexual assault in a swimming pool-even if it proved to be untrue…but on reading it, I`d need proof of the liberal left that it`s not.
The Left can only smear and denigrate-investigative reporting from the Left died with Paul Foot in 2004.
The lazy buggers just don`t need to dig around any more-they`ve been in power for so long ( complete cultural hegemony, as they`d say-full spectrum monoculture)-that they just phone it in.
Cologne, Hebdo, Savile and Rotherham/Rochdale…NONE of this could even come from the Left.
MacAlpine, Brittain, Assange, Manning and Snowdon, Greenwald,Mitchell and Leveson ?Chilcot-THESE have the mark of lefty lefty liars.
And why dig for news when Hillsborough, Bloody Sunday and Deepcut will come round again like buses on the Silverstone circuit?…not even a need to go out and meet people any more for your stories.
Brain Stem death of the Left?…July 20th 2004.
Plenty of whataboutery there – as expected.
Snopes has it as Unproven, not fake.
You do know the difference?
BBC editorial integrity guidelines probably have the two as ‘blurrable’ if narrative demands, so likely not.
Unproven = not demonstrated by evidence or argument as true or existing.
Unproven = CURRENTLY not demonstrated by evidence or argument as true or existing.
A bit like the claims the Cologne sex attacks were directed by a right-wing extremist. as claimed by a bbc “journalist”
Still no word yet on who directed the attacks in the rest of Germany, Holland, France, etc…
LOT – They were probably directed by yet another of those (surprisingly plentiful) “lone wolves”.
Have you heard the latest from Remain? Apparently if we choose to leave the EU there is nothing to stop Spain taking Gilbraltar from us. Ye gods, it’s contemptible. We are the inheritors of these once proud and independent islands We share a heritage with Drake, Nelson and Churchill.
They must all be spinning in their urns…
That means that the head of Remain, Cameron, has told the Spanish to take Gibraltar if he loses the Referendum, promising them not to defend it, as revenge against the British people by its traitorous Prime Minister. “Project Fear” means that Cameron is travelling around Europe using the foreign aid budget to bribe France to threaten to take back the Channel Islands, Ireland to take back Ulster, Norway to take back the Shetland Islands and Cyprus to take back Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Promising them that with the support of the Labour Party, he can hold back Britain from defending itself.
He’ll be off to Argentina next week to offer them the Falklands…
In the future our times will be referred to as ‘The Age of Political Treason’. And with good reason.
Just looked at my Facebook page and among the usual crap like ads and ‘Dickheads you might know’ was a suggested page to like: Remain In The EU. I didn’t click to like.
Not necessarily biased, but interesting nonetheless: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-35732291
“Members were later told Mr Longworth had been temporarily suspended for breaching the group’s official position of neutrality”
And to show just how neutral they are, they remove anyone who dare challenge the unofficial position, even though the BCC acknowledged his comments “reflect his personal assessment, rather than the position of the BCC”.
This dirty campaign is getting worse by the day. The ones with vested interests in remaining in the EU will stop at nothing to prevent anyone or anything getting in their way.
“Pro-EU campaign group Britain Stronger in Europe said: “This affair demonstrates that, while some individual businesspeople are campaigning to leave the EU, their views do not come close to representing the clear majority of British businesses – large and small.””
Loaded final paragraph. No counterview from any anti-EU campaign. No mention of 64% of FTSE 100 companies refusing to back David Cameron’s position via a letter published in The Times. Nothing about 200 owners of small and medium-sized enterprises signing a letter published in The Daily Telegraph in support of leaving the EU.
Clearly some employee ‘views my own’ taken more seriously by certain employers more than others.
Breaching neutrality on Twitter by BBC staff seems almost a career enhancer.
BBC story EU Referendum: Duncan Smith attacks ‘Remain’ smears
Dropping down to the comments and the “Editors’ Picks” is 1519 by Marshall.
It is so good that it breaks the house rules and isn’t shown! Left hand doesn’t know what the lefter hand is doing?
JimS – that is priceless! I’d like to think it represents a split in BBC ranks but It’s more likely that somebody reported the comment and a moderator just removed it without thinking about it.
(Unless of course HYS has a system now whereby reported comments are automatically removed.)
This is how to deal with the Muslim invaders: send them to Toxteth!
Would Dynamo make a few hundred asylum seekers disappear up his sleeves then?
And-if we could get Derren Brown to do the same..and then these types agree to do it regularly-then surely we could spirit away most of the gimmies?
Labour used to make the refugee numbers shrink in the same way-and Cameron is doing much the same.
Sadly, I think you’ll find that Jeremy Clarkson is quite pro-EU. That’s the message I got from his latest book “As I was saying”. He speaks a lot of sense on many subjects, but a load of bollocks on some.
A bit like Donald Trump then!
Hoo-ee! You’ve got to see this. Not sure if any of you have heard of Robert Morrow (I hadn’t until just a few minutes ago because, well, I’m not a septic tank) but he’s just been elected as the Travis County Republican Party Chairperson, and BOY is he something else.
Have a peek at his Twitter: https://twitter.com/robmorroliberty
And there’s a good interview with him (second video down) here: http://www.twcnews.com/tx/austin/news/2016/03/2/newly-elected-gop-chairperson-robert-morrow-raises-eyebrows-on-camera–social-media.html
Here’s some select pearls of his wisdom:
Ha ha
Just starting on BBC2 is Leave to Remain, a completely made up piece of propaganda about a mythical Afghan teenage refugee. How typical of the BBC to show it now, to try to induce guilt about the invaders.
Great video shedding light on a subject that the BBC love to ignore.
I seem to remember when I posted a Stefan Molyneux video on this site, one of the regulars called him an idiot – or something along those lines – even though he’s one of the most clear thinking bloggers on the internet.
Look up his YouTube videos on Europe and the EU and you’ll find some absolutely sound arguments to get out!
I’m a big fan of his. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he makes a lot of sense on many issues.
He’s one of the bloggers and bloggers that I donate the money to that I once would have spent on the TV tax.
His: “The Truth About..” videos are excellent, the ones about Abraham Lincoln and Che Guevara were well worth watching (IMO).
As a supplement to asking why the Clementi Report did not mention the Capita contract. Apparently, that’s up to Lord Hall to sort out in 2017-18, as the Capita contract is not due to lapse until 31st March 2019.
I am also told that Lord Hall is undergoing intensive Public Relations training into “Mortification” and “Corrective Action” Bullshit. As a precaution against any future forced appearance on a Government Committee, on issues such as the massive increase in Complaints, Bias, Europe, Paedophilia, Climate Change and the increases in Costs and Staffing levels.
For ‘balance’:
I have always wondered how the demand of ‘must’ goes down with those who have clawed the greasy pole to power.
Still, John Whittingdale seems a compliant cove.
Interesting to see how the comments sections to these pieces have gone wild.
If Whittingdale set the BBC free from the Government imposed Charter and Licence Fee, then he would not be able to interfere.
The BBC would then be an independent media organisation dependent on sales, subscription and possibly advertising for funding.
Although independent from Government, it would not be independent from the supply and demand of the customers, who could then take revenge on the BBC for its left-wing bias, by not subscribing to BBC’s products and its “Pay-per-view” services on Freeview.
Also, I wonder if the term “Freeview” in Britain, violates the Trade Descriptions Act. Someone should test this law in court, as I imagine it could be a way to destroy the Licence Fee.
The #bbcProjectWhiteMansGuilt featured in two Red-io 4 progs this week
With the antiracists seeming again seeming to be the biggest racists as they always look at the colour of anyones skin first
#1 In – #MakingHistory ..half the prog was devoted to there being almost no history professors of “African – or Caribbean heritage”
#2The Media Show – devoted another 10 mins to agonising over what black people prefer to watch or act in.
I’m sure most of the world just care about having quality historians or actors and aren’t bothered about gender or skin color.
But it seemed to me there is likely to be some dodgy maths behind the drama the antiracists seeked to portray ..What you first need is evidence that those statistics are robust and they didn’t show that.
In The media show Trevor Phillips focused on BME and said that is 15% right now and heading to 30% by 2030.
Well that seems like hype ..And I think that the BME population is heavily skewed towards schoolage ..so they are not yet in jobs. So that is why the figures are not reflected yet in employment numbers. It would surely be 20-25 years after leaving school that you’d expect people to become full titled History professors etc.
– The MH prog stated “of 17,000 profs is all subjects of UK universities only 75 were black in 2014” “with only 1 black history professor “(why don’t they state the full BME not just black ?)
– In the Media show Trevor admitted that of the 10 lists of both BME and white people were similar ..and admitted that some shows like the KUmars were more popular with them (well who is being racist then ?)
BBC – BBC Two to broadcast ambitious new series telling A Black History Of Britain – Diversity http://bbc.in/1KdcnD9
Just put Lenny Henry on the testcard overnight with a bit of chalk and a blackboard (am I allowed to say that anymore ?)
If it were truthful it would show, like everywhere else on earth and throughout history, blacks are only known for manual labour and failure.
Oh gawd they are at it again showing children at the Greek refugee camps. They pick out one who who knows how to play Mozart on a violin ffs.She seems to be dressed in expensive clothes and looks like she has just showered and blow dried too amazing having travelled thousands of miles . She wants to go and be re-united with her father who is an ex-Syrian astronaut and brain surgeon now in Germany. BBC I call bollox.
Yeah i too shared your skepticism. But it seems Syrians truly love western classical music, and it is not a completely alien experience, unlike our love of classic Syrian music!
Syrian refugees stage Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte in Germany
Wow i thought, a syrian orchestra and operatic singers. Not quite.
No syrians were involved in instrument playing. D’oh!
But they were involved in the singing? Yes? D’oh
it was more of a pantomime then a staging. The opera singer was dressed as a muslim, but i doubt that made her a syrian refugee. After she finishes her singing, at about 20 seconds a real muslim women walks over and they appear to have a ‘conversation’ over the music! Pantomime. And then a bunch of migrants are wheeled out stood at the back looking completely bemused.
Headling should be
TOADY programme this morning, 8.35ish, Humpty talking with the EU commissioner for immigration, a Greek, and preferring the idea that all EU countries, UK included, should be obliged to accept refugee quotas. Said Greek concurs, naturally, and suggests in coming months a proposal will be discussed for ALL EU countries to take quotas.
Staying in looks to be our biggest gamble- EU will decide on immigration as always.
‘Proffering’ – damn predictive spelling!
Let us not forget this is the trusted and transparent state media monopoly with a force-funded €4.5Bpa to educate and inform the British public…
Amazing what they refuse to do versus what they willingly enact. Propaganda backed by censorship
Hiya guys! Virgil here… Coordinator and PR for LGBT NUJ BBC at Salford Quays – Post Room. Yeah, just call me Virgil – but be sure to call me!
D’you know, my thumbs are killing me – almost literally, I’ve been busy nearly all morning on Grinder – I mean Twitter – ooops, sorry, Emma Freudian slip there. Look what I just did – as the pug puppy said to the carpet slippers. I’m usually so careful. You know what they always say at the BBC: never bring trade into the workplace.
Yeah seriously guys I’ve been putting the shout out about the EU. We’ve really got to get right behind this EU thing. That’s what Julian told me. I said ‘But Julian, what about Tory Cutz?’ He said ‘This takes priority’ – He’s my line manager and he’s so magnificent when he gets his dander up – he’s met Lyse Doucet and everything. So that’s practically straight from the horse’s mouth.
So, do contact me, I’m Virgil Simnell-Ling – I know it’s a mouthful – that’s why Twitter handles were invented. Hash tag EU, guys.
Work really hard on it, send me lots of your feedback – and that should give me some seminal crowd sourced input for my upcoming piece. How’s that sound? What’s the matter? Is it more than 140 characters? What do you mean it can be taken two ways?
Ooh Virgil, that was like soooo contra, what wiv the Grinder thing and Emma and all dat!
We just caaaaan’t leave Europe, it’s just like so amaaaaazing, and av got like FB friends in like Paris, Berlin, Rome – what’s so wrong wi dat?!! And if like we do leave then like this new Deli down the road might close cos they ain’t gonna send us no foreign food n dat.
Is dat crowd sourced input? Shout me Virg 🙂 Peace innit.
Peter Grimes has already mentioned the Today interview with a Greek EU immigration commissar. Yes, we all know that Greece is in one hell of a pickle. If any country should vote to leave the EU, then it’s Greece. We were told that pretty soon the whole of the EU would have to accept an allotted number of “refugees.” As you would imagine with the Beeb no one asked the relevant questions, such as; wouldn’t doing this encourage more desperate people to risk life and limb? Where the hell will we put them? What about our own homeless people? Apparently migrants always trump indigenous folk in the sympathy stakes.
Just how crazy would we have to be to vote to stay in this lunatic asylum?
I’ve got a very brief, two word, Anglo Saxon response to the commissar.
The second one’s off…
O/T but i couldn’t find a previous link,
I want to coment on the demise of the footballer Tommy Lawton. The report highlights the hard times he fell on after finishing with the game. After reading the page I couldn’t help but think that Richard Attenborough could have found Tommy Lawton work somewhere in the bBBC or one of the many film production studios around London at the time. In those days the directors of football clubs took so much many out the mouths of footballers like Lawton, surely theycould have Tommy a lot more.
Richard Attenborough does not, in my opinion come out of this well.
My initial thoughts were to wonder whether the letter which was being autioned for an expected value of £350 should have been destroyed , but having thought about after breakfast this morning I am pleased that the immorality of people,(dare I say icon and Cry Freedom lefty luvvie) like Attenborough has been exposed. He comes across as one of life’s takers.
The news on both channels show migrants drawing money from a ‘wire office’ – apparently to pay traffickers to get them into Europe. Those on camera clearly had passports in their hands to withdraw money – whats betting these will be ditched long before they reach Europe ! Its disgusting that these peoples believe they have a right for others to feed and accommodate them, both in southern Europe and Calais – the conditions are of their own making, but journalists cease to mention that small fact. There IS no solution to this – if this lot are let through then millions more will descend. The borders will remain closed, and it will be milllions that will be stuck in Greece until God knows when. This will make Greece a no-go Country.
Yep and how many of us are going to continue to go to Greece for our Summer holidays. Without the tourist $ they are in a death spiral
Just popped in to ask for my tenner back!
A few months ago, on here, I was predicting a cold winter for the UK. Either Old Goat or The Old Bloke were predicting a very warm winter. Cannot remember which one. Or was it Dover Sentry? Whoever it was, I conceded defeat before Christmas but it appears I gave in too easily.
I can’t remember last winter’s garden frosts but I recall at least three: two feeble and one moderately decent. Possibly there were four.
Well, the garden here has now had five frosts with at least two matching or near matching the decent one from 2014/2015. So, as far as Snuffy’s grass is concerned, – as valid a measure as that Central England thingy – the winter this year HAS been colder than last year. I gave in to the Warmistas far too soon. There’s still another nine days of official winter to go!
Glorious day here yesterday but am deeply envious of those who are covered in snow and looking out on a proper British winter landscape. Have a good weekend, everyone!
Can’t be! February 2016, allegedly, was the warmest, evah, and El Nino has fucked ‘the pause’, apparently.
Global warming is girding its loins, and soon the Harrabin will burst forth, full of the joys of spring and BBC ideology, to slap us all in the mush.
I still haven’t heard yet how 2015 was the hottest year – evah – and the CO2 emissions were at their highest – evah. I am beginning to suspect that the latter may well be true but that the former, so enthusiastically reported by the BBC last year for 2014, may show a slight cooling for 2015 or no change on the prior year.
Harrabin was going on about diesel emissions and deaths from respiratory problems on the Beeb yesterday but in the print media there apparently are concerns that it may also be caused by mould spores from people drying wet clothes on radiators. Think the BBC did pick up on this (think it is where I got this link): http://www.advancesagainstaspergillosis.org/2016/programme.htm but it is obviously a bit much to ask Horrorbinandmoretocome to do two bits of science at the same time.
Or, come to think of it, any science much at all.
U2S, it certainly wasn’t me that was suggesting the warmest evah, in fact I was warning of a more than average cold winter using the historical sun spot activity as a forecast. As it turns out, so far, most of the Northern Hemisphere has been below average period for cold and extension of period. We, in the Southern half of Great Britain have been exceptionally lucky, in that the extent of the temperature gradient between cold and mild winter temperatures stopped at about Manchester for most of the Met office “winter” period., that being Dec, Jan and Feb. Us and only us, got caught under a conveyor belt of pretty well much the same Atlantic depression for those three months.
Now, concerning the warmest/hottest Feb, evah, that might well be true, but that depends on where and how those measurements were taken. Was it the CET data that the Met Office used? You know, the one’s where the rural data sets were replaced with urban ones? The CET which itself is an hypothetical data set, of course, does not include N.Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Scotland has pretty well much had a snow day every day since September.
For my patch, last year 2015, despite a very mild and wet December, still came in below the 39 years average for both temperature and rainfall. Last year, again on my patch we had a frost day for one day every month, something of a record and so far this year, Jan, Feb and March have obliged and I’m pretty sure that we will once again see a frost day every month this year.
For scrutiny of everything the Met Office tell us about our weather, visit this superb site where analysts tell us what really happened!
“What would the religious police do? asks the BBC. Take the quiz and find out if you’re Sharia-ready. I did and scored 0 out of 6.
Meanwhile there’s a dead bishop on the landing. Call the church police!
“BCC boss suspended over EU referendum comments”
Have a guess just what kind of comments he made, not even that contentious when read in context, of course similar treatment will be meted out to BBC EU Quislings, fat chance. I wonder if temporary suspension would have met Mr Longworth if his comments had fallen on the other side of the fence? Looks like the EU “debate” is to be handled in the same manner as climate change “debate”.
BBC keen to close the ‘loophole’ whereby people watch BBC content on iPlayer and don’t pay.
Funny how for all those years the BBC was happy with the ‘loophole’ whereby people who had a TV but didn’t watch the BBC still had to pay or go to jail.
What’s it to be, a telly tax or a subscription service?
What is particularly galling is that iPlayer will still be free to everybody else in the world. Also in those parts of the UK, and certain ‘communities’ that largely never pay their licences in the first place. It basically boils down to trying to squeeze more tax from English refuseniks.
Not strictly true, you do need a British IP address, but that can be circumnavigated, more galling is that with a decent satellite set up most of Europe can get live BBC with no comeback and at our expense. More reason to encrypt…
Not the case in my experience while on the mainland, even with a British IP address or (for the last year or so) even a British satellite box iPlayer is blocked.
Not that I ever really watch it, but even the bBBC’s output is better than the garbage most European TV networks broadcast..!
Some of you might remember the former paki Lord Mayor of Bradfordistan, Naveeda Ikram, being suspended from the Labour Party (and from her role as Mayor) back in October last year. This was covered by the national press in an open manner, but all the BBC had about the subject is covered in a handful of ‘updates’ buried away on this local live page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-england-leeds-34464972
Well, she’s just been arrested (now bailed pending further enquiries) in ‘connection with allegations of perverting the course of justice and misconduct in a public office’. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/14322375.Former_Bradford_Lord_Mayor_arrested_over__misconduct__allegations/
Let’s see if this goes badly for her – the continued suspension seems to suggest it will – and if it does, how extensively the BBC cover it.
Whenever these folks from the Indian subcontinent or other points east of Suez so to speak, get into a position where they benefit from being corrupt , they usual take the opportunity with both hands, just as they would at home. Expenses fiddling by MPs etc will be seen as very small beer once this lot get started and once they are in control of the police and judiciary , we can forget about ever having this sort of thing investigated. All those folks who want open borders and boat loads of immigrants , need to realise that they are saying good bye to acceptable standards of behaviour in public life. The media will eventually realise, but far too late , that they are not free to investigate this corruption and that one way or another they have become mere tools of an elite which is even more corrupt than the liberal lefties presently in charge. Eventually our democracy will crumble, the signs are already there for all to see.
But most are born and bred in the UK, and enjoyed a Western education
Could it be a lack of integration that allows this behaviour to grow?
Sadly, I’ve met a few IT contractors who fit that description, who are not shy about boasting how they fiddle their VAT and expenses. Makes the rest of us look guilty in the eyes of Hector
It’s not “lack of integration”: it’s just how they are.
There are very few areas of criminality in the U.K. in which Pakistani Muslims (indeed Muslims generally) are not involved; out of all proportion to the size of that “community” within U.K. society as a whole.
If you can stand watching Crimewatch take a moment to look at the hall of shame/most wanted list and compare it with the “Government produced” stats on ethnic origin.
It seems there is something of a trend here – similar to the Met Police refusal to publish their stats on the ethnicity of street crime in London.
Where did that 70% figure go?
An Open Letter to Lord Hall.
cc. the BBC Trust; John Whittingdale MP.
Dear Tony,
I wish to protest in the strongest possible terms about the disgusting Right-wing bias shown by that piece of neo-Nazi scum Marcus Brigstocke on “The Now Show” (on Friday from 6:30 pm).
In an otherwise worthy and blameless edition, we were subjected by this well-known populist rabble rouser to the kind of Fascist filth that makes Nick Griffin look like a bleeding-heart liberal pinko. Brigstocke joked that being touched by Corbyn’s old cardigan wouldn’t cure you; I mean, would he have DARED to say that about the Pope or Mother Theresa? Then the jackbooted bastard claimed that not everything bad that happened in other countries was Britain’s fault! The nerve of it! Bloody flag-waving jingoist! Worst of all was when he dared to imply that opening the borders to everyone who wanted to come to Britain, was not the answer to the refugee crisis. Hitler all over again, I say! He followed that up with an attack on his ‘friends’ on the Left, lentil-eaters or something, which I found very hurtful and distressing.
With Right-wing nutters like Trump and Farage barely ever off BBC screens in recent weeks, this appalling bias from Brigstocke should not have been broadcast, especially so early in the evening when impressionable youngsters might be listening. I trust that you will take the necessary steps to return “The Now Show” to its best traditions.
Yours etc
[Name and address – withheld for fear of Right-wing backlash]
I remember MB at the time of the lefties supporting the illegal DalesFarm travellers campsite. He did a piece on it that ended up with him shouting that anyone who dared to object to the camp of Irish criminals was a ‘RACIST! He screamed that at us several times. He was in good company with the Redmond
I wonder why he made no mention of the imprisonment of many of those he supported for thefts from museums etc. that total £millions?
Better still, dump the Now Show – its only for idiots anyway. And while you’re at it, there’s an equally non-programme on BBC2 at 6.30 called Too Much TV – a tv version of the Radio Times, telling us what’s on during the week – dear God have the BBC got so many under contract that they have to make up programmes for them to earn their money ????? What a travesty to what the Beeb used to stand for.
Brigstocke. An incredibly useful idiot. I remember listening to something crap on Radio 4 a few months back where after Maaahcus – OF ALL PEOPLE – did an effortlessly-mocking impression of a member of the upper crust (to the audience’s joy), he pleasingly hinted at the hypocrisy of this nation of high standards dealing with Saudi Arabia, but then moved smoothly into the role of wise and pragmatic lecturer where he told us that if we were to only do business with those nations of spotless reputation, well then there would be nobody to do business with at all!
And then, in what was presumably his intended coup de grâce for natural intellectual curiousity, he poured scorn on those STUPID enough to want to search to find the truth about certain matters; he being just the right amount of clever to realise that one should stop looking at a certain point, to retain one’s sanity.
Were they pulling our tails with this? One will never know.
Thinking about it, if anyone talented can find a recording of this particular show with Brigstocke (maybe there are folk here who remember it, too), then it would make a good link to include in the ‘In Their Own Words’ section of the website.
It was around the time when Saudi Arabia was chosen to head the UN human rights council, so September/October 2015. It’s quite astonishing.
Sense he`s a mixed bag these days is Marcus.
The joke in the Now Show re his skiing holiday has truth in it.
Well remember him blowing hard up in Meribel on the ski slopes in 2010/11-comedy in the local hotels etc, but awful prickly re his OWN climate change hypocrisies…which(to be fair) he WAS aware of!
AND-wasn`t he done with one of his dancers when he was supposed to be married?
Very end of pier-imagine being on the end of Prescott!
So-yes, he`s a phoney and creep-but does seem to be humbler and more willing to pop at his own side these days.
So maybe one who might go the whole Enfield in future years.
Oh, I agree that he’s willing to have a pop at his side. And any side. But overall, he makes himself out to be the very model of a modern pseudo-intellectual; an almost perfect specimen born into this world of idiots on all sides.
“And the big winners of this non-announcement will be wealthy people. At the moment not only do they earn more, they also get a proportionately bigger tax top-up from the government when they save for their retirement.”
Isn’t it odd (not) that the BBC, when commenting on tax issues, always fail to mention that higher earners pay a disproportionately high amount of tax in the first place. All they are doing with their “analysis” is appealing to the envious Corbynistas, as usual. Only in the UK do you find this degree of spite and envy, perpetuated and encouraged by the lefties who have taken a grip of the state broadcaster.
It’s not a tax top-up, though. It’s a recognition that income has been foregone so won’t be taxed now. If I’m going to be taxed on income I’m not receiving it’s a huge disincentive to save for a pension.
Which I suspect they think will boost the economy as ‘you only live once’ mentality sets in and pension money is frittered on Ferraris & holidays.
BBC reports on Islamic State genocide against Christians and other minorities.
Well they will have to if enough of us petition the government.
Interesting to see the new logo currently being tweeted by Labour M.P.s….It reads “Vote Labour Inshallah”…..
I’m sure that the BBC will be besides themselves with admiration for their beloved Comrades..
Haha! Lyn Brown MP still has it up on her page.
Of course…She’s the M.P. for West Ham, and needs every Islamic vote she can get..
The BBC really has its knives out for Donald Trump and is using every media manipulation trick to blacken him and by not attacking either Clinton or Sanders have them appear suitable. Please don’t think by this I support (not that I have a vote) any of the candidates but I don’t have a Charter duty to neutrality nor journalistic responsibility. The BBC does.
Take this link on the News Homepage:

The wording How extreme is Donald Trump? implies that he is ‘extreme’. The only question is the degree. This is known as a When did you last beat your wife? question. The possibility that Trump is not extreme is excluded.
The link leads to US election 2016: How Donald Trump compares to Ronald Reagan As it turns out quite well. Actually reading the article shows that Trump is quite mainstream Republican on almost all the issues, compared to former presidents Reagan and George HW Bush (with George W Bush making an occasional appearance) and the remaining contenders. The Reagan headline is misleading.
However as all professional journalists know many readers don’t read past the headline and the first ‘bold’ paragraph. I’ve taken a screenshot because these things change.

Donald Trump has been condemned by many on the left and some on the right as being beyond the pale, a toxic virus that exists on the fringes of the political mainstream. But where do his policy views actually fit when compared to his fellow presidential candidates – and past Republican commanders-in-chief?
The following paragraph almost but not quite contradicts the lead. If you read that far but the smear remains.
The New Yorker has definitely set a new mark when it comes to acceptable policy prescriptions on the topic of immigration, but in other areas he is moderate and occasionally to the left of his contemporaries.
I would call an exscreamomiter, a detector of high pitched sounds in a BBC Question Time Audience. It would only indicate zero if there was an Islamic suicide bomber on the Panel, even if UKIPers are in the audience, because UKIPers would insultingly leave the audience for selfish reasons.
Personally I find left-wing emotional rants and screaming as being beyond the pale, a toxic virus of the metropolitan political mainstream.
The BBC will never tell us (the purposes of journalism exemption from F.O.I. requests) but is Newsnight’s John Sweeney doing his own research or is a source within the Democrats doing it for him?
Can Donald Trump ever claim to be ‘100% clean’? The report strongly implies that Trump is involved with the Mafia.
Could anyone imagine a similar investigation of Hilary Clinton’s scandals and dubious connections? The Atlantic provides a list: From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer as does WND Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever.
The BBC must wait for the Guardian, it seems. If it eventually does one can bet the headline will be different. I doubt we will ever see the RH graphic below. Looks out of place, doesn’t it?
My scientific understanding of biology is that if you succeed in becoming 100 percent clean after a bath or a shower, you would drop dead.
Obviously you don’t understand Biology.
Just replace ‘bath or a shower’ with ‘ultra high-pressure hose’ and he’d be right, though. Makes u fink.
“Clean” means devoid of all foreign genetic material (bacteria) inside the body, rather than the surface of the body. But I read that the time it takes to drop dead is debatable because no one has ever volunteered for an observational experiment.
But Marvin, if you give me your full name and address, I will look up the details, and ask them to consider you as a volunteer.
There is a very rare genetic disease called Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) which affects the functioning of the immune system in some children. One way of dealing with the condition is to keep the child in as near sterile conditions as possible. That meets your definition of clean. This is done to keep the child alive. They do not drop dead.
I know that you’re in the habit of publishing people’s names and addresses on the internet so I won’t be supplying you with mine.
Marvin the paranoid android
‘Marvin’, an aptly chosen name. Perhaps he should have used ‘Haemorrhoid’ , don’t you think?
Or “Call me Dave”.
I don’t think the immune system attacks friendly bacteria. I think the foreign genetic material concerned is treated as non-foreign by the immune system.
I must have learned about this about 30 years ago, from the many pointless failed projects of the European Space Agency, dreaming about European Astronauts going to Mars, and how sterile the Astronauts can be for the voyage.
Marvin, understand biology ?
I do, and I can spot that you have the ‘brain of an amoeba’.
Get the researchers in your ‘pool’ to look it up.
Now tell us, why are you posting on this site besides being a troll for Al Beeb ?
According to Marvin (Scott et al) immune/response is f***ed.
Oh well, how sad, never mind.
I will miss all those white blood cells ( aren’t they called something like leucocytes ).
Fare thee well thee cells that have kept me alive.
It has been decreed by Marvin that you are redundant.
The interesting thing about the BBC is that they have no dissenters.
This is typical of a Political Party.
Wait a minute……
“This is typical of a Political Party.”
Or a cult.
I’ve always considered the BBC to be a bunch of cults. Or something like that.
Did you miss the N and accidently hit L???
can a BiasedBBC, sharp minded soul enlighten me?
Adam Johnson kisses a willing 15-year-old girl, legal in many European countries, and the BBC is all over him, chasing his employers and lecturing us as to his evils.
Yet …
Boy George, and a fellow thug, kidnap a young man, strip him, cuff him and chain him to a wall. They then beat him with chains and threaten him with rape with a sex toy until the lad fortunately escapes.
Boy George ends up in prison for the appalling, sexual assault.
He is a felon who has been arrested for drug abuse, with heroine no less, was sued for libel over his auto biography. He was convicted of falsely reporting a burglary in New York but had cocaine possession charge dropped during plea bargaining. He had a warrant issued for failing to appear in court.
The UK probation services have prevented Boy George appearing on tv in the past.
Yet Boy George is now on peak time tv in a shite program on the, erm, morally superior, BBC.
Would Adam Johnson have fared better on the BBC had he been gay?
Question to be asked of BG.
Who does your current “partner” work for?
Johnson should convert to Islam.
A 15 year old is practically an old maid to them.
Had he become a Muslim he would have been immune from prosecution which seems to be the normal procedure (Rotherham) and it would have been kept secret for racial harmony reasons.
If it then ever came to trial it would be so far into the future that even Chilcott would have been published.
BBC Online News:
“”What would the religious police do?
BBC Trending What’s popular and why””
“” You may have heard about Saudi Arabia’s Islamic ‘religious police’ – a term used to describe the officers or ‘mutaween’ employed by the country’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice””
“”But what do they actually do? Test your knowledge of the force and the laws they apply””
Such a ‘slappy happy’ shallow article about a seriously violent organisation. ‘Test Your Knowledge..’ Really?
Multiculturalism hits Wales despite our PM’s promise to rid our nation of this horrific practise. Where do the women’s lib, Childline , NSPCA and feminists organisations who draw a lot of charity money from us stand on this? Perhaps they should fund the cost of the care of 2,000 women in Wales are suffering from the effects of FGM.?
Shwmae Taff.
Unfortunately it’s getting even worse!
Shwmae Number 7!
Well It looks as if our ‘Car Moron’ is quietly selling us down the swaney again. I cant see our ‘used car salesman’ opening up these ‘holiday camps’ near any of his supporter’s constituencies. Are there no defenders of our ‘Tory’ PM on this site any more ?
In response to your question the answer is no – even me, an EX party worker.
Despite previous, historic, loyalty to Libore/Plaid it would seem – on a local straw poll that the hegemony are in for a shock in May and June.
‘Plaid’ are a bunch of ‘no hoper’s ‘ a headless horse going nowhere .
I am voicing the opinion of a true Welshman.
Dreamers still looking for Glyndwr.
The opinion of an Englishman whose Gt. Grandmother was a Cadwaladar.
Plaid is filled with people who dream of independence and would happily sacrifice that to be a region of the EU, being unable to see the irony of their situation.
What do you readers make of this ?
Read between the lines, even the beeboids describe him as a leftist.
What they don’t mention is why he lost – not hard line enough on migration in the opinion of the electorate?
Fico may have lost the majority but i still the largest single party. In a multi party state its rare for obne party to have an overall majority. Also immigration isnt a big issue in Slovakia, because lets face it the invaders are not stopping there, theyre just annoying birds of passage!
The major concerns there are education and health care.
It has been suggested that if Brexit wins, immigration will get WORSE. There will be a massive rush to come here from the EU during the two years or so it will take to negotiate Brexit. There will also be a massive rush from existing EU immigrants to take citizenship, not that they have anything to fear as there s no way our immigrant loving elite will throw out any already here.
Its the duty of our PM to prepare for the anticipated invasion, or he will be labelled worse than Chamberlain in the annals of our great nation’s history . He should put his nation before his EU career.
Oh for a statesman to run this country .
“Should” and “will” are two very different things. Cameron is pro EU and may be happy to see Brexit go wrong and the anti immigration voters upset by the immigration disaster that will follow – comparable to the current invasion of Germany possibly as every Eastern European considering Britain packs his suitcase.
Building new homes on every brownfield site available is making our cities unbearable and the new development sin satellite villages is adding to the traffic inflow too.
Pity she died. another maggie in the wings please before its too late.
Anything on AlBeeb about this ?
UK has been left “creaking at the seams” by EU migration.
Is something being hidden ?
Not on the Beeb but.
A hard to deal with impact of immigration which is rarely mentioned too is the terrible impact on our roads in congestion! Its not just all the extra people on their way to work but the increase in lorries dealing with the extra imports required and the extra movement of goods around the country as immigrants purchase furntiture and so on for their homes here.
Building new homes on every brownfield site available is making our cities unbearable and the new development sin satellite villages is adding to the traffic inflow too. (I added this to the wrong post!)
Plus the hospitals, doctors, teachers, schools, houses, infrastructure and police required to keep law and order between the different Islamic factions that will continue to pursue their religious fundamentalism of a death wish .
Not to mention the impact of Sharia insured drivers with “claimed” licences without even reading the Highway Code let alone the Road Traffic Act.
Mind you, calling the pr@ on the wrong side of the road an effing asylum seeker seems to have a positive effect.
Are ‘Yougov’ trying to fix the results again ?
They might find my input to their online pools a bit disturbing to their metrosexual consensus.
However!!! I haven’t been banned yet!!
Have you not researched the connection between Yougov and the EU?
No, boohanna please let us know more ……….
Well, just for starters, Peter Kellner is the President of YouGov and just so happens to be married to … former EU foreign affairs supremo Catherine Ashton (Baroness Ashton of Upholland).
Sorry taffman, I should have said what Mustapha added straight off the bat.
As you can see it would be highly unusual if Yougov DIDN’T produce biased polling.
Many of my esteemed colleagues who do battle with the BBC on this fine site will have ventured into the murky waters of Have Your Say to attempt to have their say. I’m indebted to one such colleague on the last Start the Week open thread for directing me to the HYS below a frivolous propaganda piece on Donald Trump:
However, it is not the frivolity or the propaganda that concerns me now but a peculiar glitch in the workings of this HYS. In the process of having my say I stumbled on a comment headed by ‘You’ though it wasn’t one of mine. More peculiar, and quite disturbing, was the fact that clicking on that ‘You’ linked me to my personal profile and comment history.
I scratched my head over this phenomenon for a while: had someone hacked into my computer, lifted my HYS password (and who knows what else) and was happily posting in my (user) name? By the time I revisited the HYS to investigate it further it had closed and clicking on that same ‘You’ only sent me back to the general comments and not to my profile. I undertook the tedious task of scrolling through the comments to find more examples of the ‘You’ and learn more about the nature of my apparent adversary, who, I found, had posted comments 140, 177, 655 and 904 while I had posted 485, 600, 645 and 1029.
While scrolling I began to read the occasional comment and it’s lucky that I did because I found these:
955. Posted by angelica adams
on 1 Mar 2016 15:21
I am confused Post 904 has You I did not post it. I posted 861 It is signed You but the name I use is Angelica Adams What is going on? I am concerned This has never happened before since I started posting in 2006.I do not want posts attributed to me that are not mine.
Of course I did a double take at that since comment 904 also appeared as ‘You’ on my computer. Scrolling down a bit, I found these:
961. Posted by Moira
on 1 Mar 2016 15:26
Angelica Adams I have had this same issue and reported but no action has been taken. Someone has registered themselves with the name of ‘You’ causing endless confusing because of the way this system works. Especially as I prefer not to be associated with their views.
983. Posted by Gulliver
on 1 Mar 2016 15:46
@955. angelica adams
When your signed in and you post a comment your user name appears as “You”, but only to yourself. When your signed out you will see your username appear as, in your case “angelica adams”.
Some clever clogs has decided to give themselves the username “You”, hence the confusion but rest assured no one else will attribute “You’s” comments to “angelica adams”.
That last bit seems reassuring at first but it doesn’t explain why I was directed to my personal history when clicking on one of the Yous that ‘You’ had posted. Seems the system doesn’t differentiate between a false and a real You. All Yous are equal and none are more equal than others.
Anyway, I thought perhaps one of my aforementioned esteemed colleagues could enlighten me if I’m missing something here. You’s posts seem innocuous enough and I doubt he/she is a hacker. He/she, as I subsequently discovered, even has like-minded objections to the BBC:
6. Posted by You
on 1 Mar 2016 15:22
The BBC is only interested in pushing it’s own agenda.
Two cases in point:
a) The EU
b) Donald Trump
It could not be more blatantly biased if it had a huge hat on on it’s head with said “Biased Reporting Here”.
Just had a sudden thought. It happens sometimes:
From his contributions to HYS, You does not appear to be a cunning individual. His user name has the consequences, probably unintentional, of rendering him impervious to investigation by those wishing to have a look at his profile and comment history, since when they click on ‘You’ they just get directed back to themselves and not to him. Taking this a step further, any attempt by the BBC to try to do something about You’s peculiar user name will backfire: emails sent to him will boomerang back to the BBC ‘You’ who sent them. And should they wish to ban him for politely but insistently pointing out the BBC’s faults they will only succeed in banning themselves.
In fact, You could end up in an impervious position of influence and power that he would be able to utilise if only he knew and could realise its full potential. Hell, he could even in time compete with the BBC itself from within its own website!
You beauty. Give him/her time. Until the BBC close the ‘loophole’.
I often enjoy the names sometimes used on Whatdotheyknow FOI requests.
Especially as the BBC DPA do not, and every so often get frustrated enough to look utterly silly stamping their dainty feet over it.
Spencer Count is a regular joy, testing the BBC staff self-awarding largesse.
Who or what is/are the DPA?
Data Protection Act. The BBC has its own department to fulfil its obligations, with about as much integrity as CECUTT with editorial.
Two news articles, both featuring children and migrant camps, now have a guess at which one is not being featured by a well known world renowned British broadcaster even though the camp is right on our doorstep. The first,
“Multiple Young Boys Requiring Surgery After Being Raped In Calais ‘Jungle’ Camp”
“Migration: Children getting sick in camp – MSF”
Absolutely no prizes for getting it right.
Possibly the BBC only has the space, and editorial integrity for what is ‘news’ vs. another day at the office?
The disgusting BBC is hopefully becoming less relevant with the proliferation of social media, since the amateur reporting of that media, though it can be rough and ready, is infinitely superior to the BBC. The latter filters all news through its dumb ‘progressive’ agenda before inflicting it on a long-suffering public or else simply ignores it when it conflicts too sharply with that agenda.
Since all the European spongers sorry economic migrants will be able to watch their national television without a license and not integrate does this not mean we are being treated less favourably? Let’s hope as a final act of EU membership this tax applies to all European services.
Off topic, but given that the BBC employs about as many so-called journalsits as the Greeks have homeworking remote olive tree inspectors….
Perhaps Upside Down or Back to Front or Inside Out London (whatever they call it) might like to investigate this? I doubt it.
Now we are supposed to accept the more the merrier as far as population is concerned – if only we would all just budge up a bit – in the words of New Labour’s David Blunket: “I can’t see any upper limit to immigration”
Where to house our exponentially expanding population?
Of course we don’t like the sound of building on the ‘Green Belt’
‘Brown Field Sites’, not so much. Don’t mind building on those, do we? Brown people good – Brown Field Site bad.
But do we really understand what sort of sites have been classified as ‘Brown Field’?
Old disused factories and such – that’s what ‘Brown Field’ means, doesn’t it?
Well, yes and no.
A ‘well-loved community hall’ that couldn’t be demolished to make way for ‘new community facilities and housing’ could it?
Our Mr Cameron may have gifted the residents of Woodford the Pantomime Marriage Act but the future of the Woodford Christmas Pantomime may be in doubt.
– there you are BBC newshounds, I’ve even gifted you a snappy Tory-bashing headline for when you get round to covering this story!
And on that bombshell, as BBC PR and market rate heads explode on how to spin this one, it is lovely and sunny out, so garden Ho!
As we all, know, during the US primaries the BBC’s chief desire seems to be to highlight the shock-horror of Trump winning more than they expected and hoped for. They are having a collective conniption fit at the prospect of him winning the president. Likewise, they sideline Cruz in these hustings, for they see (and frequently describe) him as “right-wing” – and moreover, he is a Christian (the BBC really hates that). Rubio they tolerate, giving him second place in new bulletins, for reasons that can be guessed at. What we do not hear from the BBC is the number of delegates each candidate has gained. It stands today at Trump (378); Cruz (295), Rubio (123), Kasich (343) – i.e. non-Trump delegates (452). Rubio is way behind Cruz, and should really stand down soon to allow him to challenge Trump alone. For what it’s worth, in my opinion Trump is an embarrassment on almost every count, and Cruz looks presidential. Of course, no candidate is perfect, but commonsense surely tells you that the prospect Trump at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is rather worrying!
Kasich (34), of course.
Trump is a real wild card but there are of course several checks and balances on presidential power in the US so he wouldn’t be able to do whatever he likes.
He actually looks to me more presidential than Cruz and he’s naturally tougher whereas Cruz seems to pretend toughness that he doesn’t really have.
Anyway, it might be academic because there are moves afoot in Republican circles to deny him the nomination if he doesn’t get the magical number of delegates – even if he is way ahead of the others, as he no doubt will be at the end. Believe it or not, they can do that to him.
The Labour MP on Marr’s sofa discussing the papers, points out an article on what is wrong in the USA political scene.
With no hint of irony, she’s just said ” you have to give the American people hope”
Yes….hope….you heard right….after 8 fucking years of hope and change, it seems hope is the answer!
What a cupid…you know the rest.
BBC Radio 4 ‘Broadcasting House’
News programme presented by Paddy O’Connell. Including guess the Radio 4 mother, the new camp for migrants in Dunkirk and detecting diesel during your day. Reviewing the Sunday newspapers – financial wiz Nicola Horlick, cartoonist Paul Thomas and Any Answers presenter Anita Anand.
Totally one sided left wing biased report on the new Calais camp, which has moved the illegal migrants away from the tunnel to better conditions. This is apparently inhumane as the illegals wishes are paramount to the BBC, and they just don’t seem capable of questioning whether they should even be there. To them the only solution is an open borders open door policy.
Anita Anand.
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Anita Anand reviewing the papers showed just how left wing she was, typical of any Fascist, she really does find any challenge of her views to be unacceptable.