Al Beeb’s useful idiot Pandy Marr rather helpfully leaves on top of the newspapers on his table this morning the Sun with its headline of ‘Johnson tried to bed me before trial’. You are invited to think it’s Boris not the paedophile footballer.
I thought Andrew Marr was a disgrace this morning! I know he interrupts sometimes during interviews, but he never gave Boris a chance. I hope Andy Pandy gets some schtick for this. Viewers were unable to hear either of them most of the time as they talked over each other. I bet Boris was itching to thump him!! BbC propaganda through and through.
I see the odious andrew marr was showing desperation this morning try to prevent Boris getting his message across. There were constant almost continual interruptions from marr and towards the end he was almost making his own speech, still cutting across what Boris was saying==== Business as usual from the extreme, far left, anti British, fascist, biased bbc. I couldn’t stomach the whole programme but I expect that we had some weird, effnik music act performing to finish off with am and all his guests pretending they were enjoying it. God help us.
Marr this morning was a lesson on how not to interview people.He really got out of bed the wrong side and was plainly very rude to Boris Johnson ,He would not let him get a word in edgeways.Andrew rushes through the entire programme I suspect so that we can listen to the musician at the end of the show…why he thinks his audience want that on a Sunday serious show is a mystery.Please Andrew and all your little helpers at least try not to be so biased .
I had just watched this on iplayer and came to this forum to report Marr’s attempt to stifle Boris, however I was obviously beaten to it.
Marr was clearly attempting to prevent Boris from saying anything useful and informative (I thought the BBC were for producing clear information and arguments to inform the general public!) .
Marr’s performance was disgraceful and with a little stretch of the immagination you could almost hear the prompts he was receiving in his earpeice to go for Boris and prevent the transfer of information from him on the subject of Brexit.
The BBC at it’s best worse (if that makes sense)
Marr’s bleating post-match on twitter seemed to manage one of two responses; disdainful demands to man up from the faithful, or some serious questions on how desperate the BBC really is now… also from the faithful.
It is to be hoped the trauma he experienced will not result in him doing what comes naturally and falling into a bar, down a female employee’s knickers, and then suffer a relapse of his condition.
The BBC survivors’ club would start look like that scene in the Luftwaffe mess from the Battle of Britain.
What you witnessed was an amateur being interviewed when a real pro like Farage would have handled it differently.
Sadly, tho’ bonkers Boris is batting for the right team, he just lacks the nous to deal with tossers like comrade Marr.
I’ve just watched Sunday Politics on iplayer and can add, as a postscript to this, that it’s interesting to observe that Toby Young also concluded that Boris was being unduly interupted by Marr and was not allowed to develop a point. So it seems that we are not alone in this observation.
This is a classic multi-bias! BBC News Website Headline: Egyptian student faces US deportation for Trump comment.
Awwww, the poor smiley lad was just caught up in election fever when he suggested killing Trump.
The rhetoric is getting high in the EU debate here but , so far, I don’t think anyone is advocating murder. Mind you there are a few……. No better not go down that road, I may get deported !
Ah bless!
Trump may well need David Duke and the KKK to provide security for himself if the likes of this death threat eejit are NOT removed from Trumps Country.
Note that our death threat eejit has a lawyer who`s also a Muslim.
Wonder if he TOO would go to Egypt to show solidarity in any reprocessing of said thug in Egypts Salaam Hilton, when returned there.
Two less Democratic votes…
Good ole Beeb eh?
On their Red Button Service( whatever happened to the RBS and old Fred the Shred?)-you need only read
“Anti-Migrant PM loses majority in Slovakia!
to know that-YES, his DID win the election….but not by as much as he would have, had he willingly added a few million Muslims to his electoral roll, had he let them have swingers parties in Bratislavas Cathedral Square last New Year, had he let them have free passes to swim in all the school swimming pools and council ones.
So Fico-according to the BBC doesn`t win an election because he`s not letting enough Mozzers in.
THAT is BBC “logic”-clueless, venal, mendacious and malicious all at one and the same time.
Luckily I`ve been to Slovakia-so was inclined to read behind what the BBC tells us.
But anybody else who glosses over the RBS will draw the conclusion that the BBC wants us all to take away with us like a kiddies severed head.
Still though-Clinton “storms” Louisiana( but loses two other states-but hey….)
Fico the BBC!…lying lazy lotus eaters and scrunchie munchers.
Too true! BBC News website clearly has a “special” team on today. The spin on numerous stories is spectacular!!
I’ve already sent in one complaint with a second to follow shortly.
ChrisH , am popping over in May , actually to go to Wien & Gratz , but Mr Ryanair flies from Stansted , at a good time, & cheaper than the old state run legacy airlines. I`ll keep an eye out on the local scene, for what`s happening in Slovakia.
Got to be a role here for some of us to become “Foreign Correspondents” “International Editors” and the like here on behalf of THIS site, hasn`t there?
An upload of your “trials at the borders” could be sent over , and we could doctor it to show how much you`re reaching out to the vulnerable-and if we sent you more money, you might cry a little less.
I will try to cover the “Essex” region in your absence, until you`re back standing guard over your bailiwick.
Good old RyanAir eh?…they flew us all over to Ireland as the wimpy “national carriers” whinged on about a bit of volcanic ash in 2010…so do like that “Biggles Spirit”.
I`d have had O`Leary down for us leaving the EU-so maybe the wimps have got to HIM now!
Still…the last great thing that Ireland gave us…been downhill ever since.
Its all Bluster with Mr O`L , he will make even more money once we leave. Don`t forget Britain & ROI , have had their own Mini Schengen , since the separation from Great Britain from the South. That`s why the ROI are not in Schengen now. We will continue as before , once we leave.
The BBC report on the Slovakian PM appears to support that old disputed canard that Hitler was left wing/socialist Slovakia’s leftist-nationalist Prime Minister Robert Fico has won the general election but lost his parliamentary majority, almost complete results show.
Mr Fico has vowed not to accept “one single Muslim” migrant. (So like Mussolini, who got the trains to run on time, he does have his good points) His country takes over the EU’s rotating presidency in July. ( Oh dear) His hardline views on migration echo those of Polish, Czech and Hungarian leaders
The BBC’s Rob Cameron in Bratislava says Mr Kotleba is an unrepentant admirer of Slovakia’s wartime existence as a Nazi puppet state, and until recently dressed in a uniform modelled on that state’s pro-Nazi militia.
Thus proving what I am always saying – that the EU comprises many member states whose acquaintance with democracy is at best fleeting and very recent. And yet the BBC constantly peddles the fiction that voting ‘in’ is the only way we can ‘ensure democracy’. Really? For whom?
Many countries in the EU (and those agitating to join it, especially Turkey) haven’t a clue what the concept means – and the bureaucrats that run it have nothing but contempt for the will of the people.
BBC radio 4 Desert Island Discs and todays castaway is scientist Dr Dame Sue Ion and Kirsty Young can barely hide her dislike of her. The poor woman has told the UK government that the only way forward for its energy supply is through nuclear power.
All the way through the program there are little digs at her, such as – how were you at school with the creative touchy feely subjects? This is a question never asked of the luvvies who probably haven’t got a clue about science and maths, as it would show their total ignorance of anything which actually matters.
Dame Sue said that there’s no way green renewable energy is ever going to provide all our power requirements – well you can imagine how that went down! Reality and truth is not allowed to impinge and spoil the rose tinted world of the luntic liberal left.
Such a pity because Dr Sue seemed a really nice person.
What rubbish. Did you make up your mind how this interview was going to go, and mentally switch off?
> All the way through the program there are little digs at her, such as – how were you at school with the creative touchy feely subjects? This is a question never asked of the luvvies who probably haven’t got a clue about science and maths
Never? Never ever? Or just when you’re making up your mind in advance and not bothering to listen?
Sue Ion made a great case for people who weren’t going to end up with careers in science to study STEM subjects for as long as possible. And she was also asked about how she shared a physics class with another female scientist, Nancy Rothwell, and what it was about that class that caused it to produce two women who have achieved so much in their fields, in a subject which not enough women pursue.
But “Thoughtful” has decided that Kirsty Young is a science-hating bitch. So she ignores the truth, and fabricates something which better suits her own anti-BBC narrative.
Still, given Alan and Vance’s records for fabrication it’s hardly surprising that the halfwits that they accumulate think it’s okay to be lying little toerags too.
It appears homosexuals come pre equipped with a sense of grievance almost as big as their bile generator,not to mention multiple personalities……none of which are in any shape or form likeable 🙂
Politicians and journalists hate scientists because they know that they are so much more intelligent and knowledgeable than them. It is jealousy. I imagine Beeboid Kirsty Young just oepend he mouth and displayed her ignorance. That is why she is at home in the BBC and not in science !
Jerrod, Kirsty Young did not even go to University, let alone study science. Not qualified to interview a scientist . I dare say she listened, but did she understand ?
> But do you agree with my point about politicians and journalists being very ignorant of science?
My experience with politicians of all hues is that sadly all too many of them are ignorant of everything except politics. There are exceptions on all sides of the house, of course, but they tend not to be the ones who accrue the positions of power.
> Kirsty Young did not even go to University, let alone study science. Not qualified to interview a scientist
I don’t agree with that premise. She is an intelligent interviewer who tries to get the best from her interviewees in a programme that features people from all walks of life. You don’t have to be a politician to interview a politician, you don’t have to be an actor to be an actor – so why should you have to be a scientist to interview a scientist?
> I dare say she listened, but did she understand ?
Who’s to say exactly? Certainly not you (even if you had listened to the pogramme, which your wording suggests you did not).
It doesn’t really matter though, as Young did her job of giving Ion the space to talk cogently and coherently to an audience. Sadly, Thoughtful didn’t bother listening, instead spending too much time constructing a fictional version of events.
> It appears homosexuals come pre equipped with a sense of grievance
It appears that Number 6 is obsessed about what gay people think of him, and is genuinely afraid that the true answer is “as little as possible, as rarely as possible”.
Don’t you worry, not everyone here takes every post as gospel. And you know how the old proverb goes about lying – only children, fools and drunkards tell the truth.
Isn`t Jerrod , that little twerp Scott ? While watching some C5 Star Trek movies today, I`ve had Mr Spock run his prose through the Ships computers , & its come up Scott!
” and what it was about that class that caused it to produce two women who have achieved so much in their fields, in a subject which not enough women pursue.”
As a matter of interest are there any subjects which not enough men pursue?
I take it you didn’t actually listen to the program Jerrod?
The problem Kirsty Young appeared to have – along with the BBC which used it’s favourite caution word – ‘controversial’ to describe Sue Ions field, is that of Atomic energy.
Perhaps you could explain to us all the current position of the Labour party regarding that?
She also uttered truth unto lefties about alternative / renewable energy, calling into question that which they hold most sacred, that wind wave & solar can indeed fulfil the countries energy needs.
So, yet again you got it wrong because of your own prejudices, nothing to do with my post at all. Typical of the (il)liberal left !
Will have to check this.
Thought we were all being comical….a scientist called Sue “ION”?
Sounds like some comedy superhero….or maybe a REAL hero who can still iron a pleat to her mums standards!
I do wonder if Kirsty, Jenni etc could create a crease or plan a pleat the way that dear old Bunty James or Winifred Atwell surely could have done!
Think it all went crap when bloody Janet Webb took over the Morecambe and Wise Show!
Could be a good TV contest that-Juliet Bradburyt, Myleene Klass, Rachel Stevens and Jennifer Aniston ironing a selected range of tricky clothes, prize being a day off cooking when we all celebrate Interminable Womens Day-and let the ladies have a day off…this week sometime I`m told!
> I take it you didn’t actually listen to the program Jerrod?
I did, actually. That’s why I was able to talk about its content without lying about it. Unlike you.
> The problem Kirsty Young appeared to have
In your enfeebled mind…
> along with the BBC which used it’s favourite caution word – ‘controversial’ to describe Sue Ions field, is that of Atomic energy.
What Kirsty Young did was ask questions which made reference to different opinions than Ion’s, and then gave Ion ample time to respond and set out her own viewpoint. Which she did very clearly, in an interview which her views were in no way contradicted or belittled.
As you’d have noticed, had you been actually listening instead of feverishly fabricating your own version of events.
> Perhaps you could explain to us all the current position of the Labour party regarding that?
I don’t know, actually. I’m sure you can make something up, though. You’re good at that, aren’t you? Well I say ‘good’ – ‘frequent trier’ would be nearer the mark…
> So, yet again you got it wrong because of your own prejudices, nothing to do with my post at all.
Um, I didn’t get it wrong, did I? You lied in order to justify your own bigotry, and you’re too much of a coward to admit it, so you claim everybody else is lying.
What a shame you have neither the guts nor the honesty to debate on the truth, and instead have to rely on fabricating events in a pitiful attempt to convince yourself that you’re right.
The Express are reporting that a man has been charged in connection with the stabbing of a pregnant woman in Sutton Coldfield. He is named as Babur Karamat Raja apparently. Isn’t enrichment wonderful?
Yep! and in the news today there is yet another Mohammed – (bed maker to Next & John Lewis) who has been charged with running a sweat shop of Hungarian workers, and in cahoots with a gangmaster who kept them in slave conditions. He can proudly line up with all the other ‘Mohammeds’ in this country who get struck off the medical register; are on garden leave in the Police Force whilst their racists complaints are pending; who abuse young white girls; are amongst the biggest property owners in this country, and who are the main resident in our prisons.
Many of them are now British by birth, (whose parents arrived here with just £5 in their pocket [don’t they all] when we were stupid enough to allow them to enter by the boatload) – but in my eyes there is NOTHING remotely British about them at all, except their passport.
Let`s hope that none of us tell the “men of West Bromwich” that an underachieving bunch of foppish fancy dans (led by some florid Dutch band master) are playing at a local park nearby as I write.
Apparently we would once have got £200 million pounds for them had they been ransomed last August.
Current price for said fops something like £135.58p as at now.
LVG…always the first to lead us out of Europe…was Brexit before it had a name.
Adam Johnson won`t be missing too much will he?
Nothing really new here, although at the time (one of the 1974 elections) being a pupil at junior school I thought nothing of it, but our lefty NUT badge wearing teacher chose kids to be the class candidate for each party, she just happened to choose the coolest kid to be the Labour candidate, the smelliest and most unpopular kid to be the Tory and a dippy girl for the Liberals. Of course Labour romped it, Stinky only got one vote (his own) and Dippy 2 votes, 24 votes to David Watts….
I digress, my point being that allied to the BBC such brainwashing has been going on for years in school and in the home, thankfully some of us mature to see through it, but alas many don’t and Marx work is done. Its not by accident that we find ourselves where we are today. Generations hence will be far worse when the work of Common Purpose becomes more obvious…
The liberal/left McCarthyism that has infected the whole of the education system is one of the most insidious evils of the last half a century. It’s hardly a surprise that the BBC is populated with idiots, they are the products of this very system.
Of course, the Express being a newspaper run at the whim of Richard Desmond, who bankrolls UKIP, has *no* bearing at all on the investigative rigour with which this story has been researched…
If events are truly as they are documented in that paper, then it would appear to be a very bad state of affairs. However, given its increasingly poor quality journalism after years of editorial cutbacks, and its open support of UKIP, it does occur to me that we ought to seek more than one source before taking the Express at its word. When the first story broke, there didn’t seem to be much in the way of independent corroboration, unfortunately – only other publications that were repeating the Express’s version of events without investigating further themselves.
Of course part of the reason why corroboration is difficult is that there is an underage child involved, and it’s therefore very unlikely that either the school or the local education authority would comment directly in enough detail to either confirm or contradict the Express’s story. But I’d still say – take it with more than a pinch of salt. Personally, I’d say it has to be taken with salt of Lot’s wife-sized proportions, but to each their own…
> The school said it called 101 for advice after a student was viewing a range of different sites
Which does raise the possibility that a UKIP site may not have been the one to provoke the school’s attention, and for the reasons above they’re not going into more details – which allows the UKIP self-publicists to paint themselves as victims again.
I’m not sure about that, Jerrod. It has been confirmed that the school has form here (see JimS’s link). It is of course only one school – one swallow does not necessarily a summer make. But then truth is often stranger than fiction. Ommmmm.
“However, given its increasingly poor quality journalism after years of editorial cutbacks, and its open support of UKIP, it does occur to me that we ought to seek more than one source before taking the Express at its word. ”
Which, of course, you also do before accepting the word of the Mirror or the Guardian – both of which have suffered major editorial cutbacks and openly support a British political party.
> Which, of course, you also do before accepting the word of the Mirror or the Guardian – both of which have suffered major editorial cutbacks and openly support a British political party.
GC, True, but he is still good sport in a small way ! Pathetic, yes, boring and predicatable , yes , but I kind of like that sad boy’s persistance. I think he loves this site , really . What would he do if this site did not exist ?
I think – no, I know – you’re wrong. I’ve never worked for the BBC.
Still, as I’m sure you’re aware, the truth doesn’t matter a whole lot around here. So you carry on lying all you want. And I’ll carry on laughing at your ineptitude.
> He’s a bitchy little ‘progressive’ bore and a troll from way back
Ah yes, I keep forgetting, on Biased BBC, “troll” is used for “anyone who takes an opposing view to me and doesn’t tell me I’m right, even when I’m talking utter bilge.”
I suppose stamping your foot and calling someone a troll beats behaving like an adult, eh, Coop? Can’t have people thinking you’re sane and rational now, can we? I mean, if you start acting with civility, Vance will have to chuck you out for bringing Biased BBC into repute!
You’re a troll because you don’t discuss BBC bias. You arrive with a handful of insults and accusations every time, revealing a motivation that has nothing to do with debate.
And, please, spare us your laughable views on mental health. Anyone who is so motivated by attention seeking that he needs to jump through hoops to circumvent being banned is walking the thin line between rational behaviour and obsession.
Well, I was discussing the topic of the UKIP school coverage in a calm and reasoned manner, and then you barrelled in to spit vitriol in my direction. So forgive me if I don’t particularly want to take lessons in adult behaviour from someone who’s not prepared – or is unable – to show any himself.
I am generally of the ‘do not feed the troll’ opinion, and rarely respond to them, but your point about silence being taken as compliance is valid.
One of this site’s strong points is it does not censor (or moderate in the modern parlance) detractors merely because they are exercising their right to free speech. As we know, not all sites are as tolerant.
This ‘Jerrod’s’ idea of a ‘calm and reasoned manner’, from earlier today:
“Still, given Alan and Vance’s records for fabrication it’s hardly surprising that the halfwits that they accumulate think it’s okay to be lying little toerags too.”
Steve and GC , you are making excellent points. One great thing about this site is that it would appear to be be uncensored. The BBC and all left-wing media is censored. I think that it is important that fascists like Jerrod should be free to post here. Give them a taste of what I would call freedom !
Jerrod is just Scott under a new guise. Well you would…if you thought a car bomber is “kinda hot” which was what Scott felt about the Times Square terrorist. Lovely.
If you are really concerned with hypocrisy, lies and trolling, Coop, why do you stay quiet when people with views different to mine – more in tune to yours – indulge in far worse behaviour than I have ever done?
I assume it’s because you’re a cowards who’s afraid to stand up to them, but who deplores their behaviour in private.
I mean, it wouldn’t be that you’re a hypocrite yourself, now, would it? How horrible it would be if one of Biased BBC’s self-appointed moral arbiters was guilty of the trait he claims to despise in others…
“Many of the pharmacies were in the Edgware Road area, catering to a largely Arabic client base.”
“They are not used to having to get prescriptions in their own countries, and do not want the bother of seeing a doctor here”
Chawan Shaida, Hussain Jamal Rasool & Rafif Sarheed are named, but – I wonder if the other 6 who Al Beeb referred to are fellow enrichers? Come on Al Beeb, let’s have the full story.
Another ‘lot’ to add to my list of ‘Mohammeds’ – the whole f…….g lot of them are as corrupt as hell. Sorry, but I’m not one of those (like every columnist) who always add a caveat of ……… “the majority of **** are peace loving and hardworking” – of course they are, especially when they screw the system for all its worth. These incidences show up the worst of ‘diversity’. These peoples stick to where the money is; when was the last time you saw ethnics on a ramble – yet our national parks have been criticised for not being diverse enough; our children are taught the fundamentals of Islam in schools – yet learning about our heritage and 1066 is off the curriculum menu. When did you last see an ethnic walking a dog ? – they don’t have pets.
Here’s Tommy Robinson in an interview with Hsaio-Hung Pai – (30 minutes).
He’s put up the interview to counter her book Angry White People, some of which is based on this interview.
As has been said, discussion with a leftie is like trying to nail jelly to a wall – deny the facts, constantly move the goalposts and, if all else fails, stigmatise.
She says she is writing a book about people who criticise Islam, yet freely admits she hasn’t read the Koran and so is making no attempt to try to understand (which does not mean accept) the point of view of those about whom she is writing.
Clueless, delusional and intellectually dishonest.
Wasn`t this poppet the one who “graced” Start The Week the other week?
Clueless then-and clearly learns nothing, knows nothing and will continue on her weebley way from one liberal chow stand to another…paid by academics and the BBC to show that even “true Asians” hate racism as much as the BBC do.
Utter bull-a paid agent provocateur from the liberal left template of tits and toffs..
Unusual to come across a thick Chinese woman like this-given how racist the Chinese can be to non-Han people, it`s unusual to see her side with the libeals…much smarter and proud than that-which is why they need no leg up, no childrens TV presenters, no affirmative action.
Wei Wei Wong and the Young Generation?…we need you back!
(But not Peter Gordeno though-got enough prancing fops on telly these days!)
She was indeed Chris. Her basic point was that white people are angry because they are racist. I’m afraid she didn’t come across as the brightest person in the room.
Good Lord, if she’s ethnic Chinese she should be more than aware of “racism” as they (along with the Japanese) are some of the most “racist” people on earth; “racist”, that is, in terms of seeking to maintain and defend their separate individual cultures, societal structures and separate racial identities, which is anathematical to the multicultural agenda pursued by the progressive elites and their useful idiots here in the West.
@ If only Hsiao-Hung Pai was on hand every time former English Defence League, now Pegida UK leader, “Tommy Robinson” appeared on the TV. We would forever be spared the sight of mesmerised, hopeless interviewers giving him a free pass to pose unchallenged as brave defender of the white working-class against those nasty sharia-loving Muslims.
The Independent review of course fails to mention the point, raised time and time again by Robinson, that she had no knowledge of Islam. Perhaps if she had she may have agreed that there are indeed “nasty sharia-loving muslims”
Also, perhaps the “mesmerised, hopeless interviewers” (not the Beeb then lol) gave him a free pass because he is right!
Some people don’t exactly lie, they just seem to be strangers to the truth
Our friend Jerrod has, quite rightly, cautioned us not to take for granted a one-off press source – so I await the BBC taking up this story and giving us the truth…. I’m sure it will be soon in coming. Afterall this story is in the BBC house magazine. Pass the frittata.
It says: “A video posted on YouTube today ( covering the special train worked by steam locomotive “Flying Scotsman” shows a helicopter branded “BBC News” following the train. At 1 minute and 33 seconds in to this video the blue helicopter can be seen flying on the opposite side of the train at the same level as the train as it passes along a low embankment. I am not an expert but my understanding is that Civil Aviation Authority rules state: “The aircraft must not be flown closer than 150 metres (500 feet) to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure except with the permission of the CAA.”.”
The request has already been refused by the BBC on the journalism derogation, and it appears that the ICO cannot help. Does anybody know for sure what the rules are?
Well worth bookmarking that one, if your read the comments accumulating.
If the rules are as you pose, my first thought was ‘how will the BBC explain this one away, as that is a clear breach of actual regulations, versus having a cosy BFF chat with the Fuzz about capturing Cliff’s gaff raid in HD from on high’.
The BBC of course has decided the best way to deal with this is not explain and simply wheel out the ‘purposes of’ exemption.
Interesting precedent whereby the trusted national broadcaster can potentially break the law with impunity and then the transparent national broadcaster hides in the bunker and hopes it will all go away.
John, Jesse, please take note. Not sure the ‘vital’ nature of Sherlock and Strictly really compensate (other than Dr. Who, do they have anything else to trot out that can justify a £4B annual spend?).
I may have fallen victim to Poe’s Law here, Guest Who, but in my opinion Dr. Who is a stupefying show for ‘Fuck Yeah Science!’ laynerds and creepy manchildren.
I would say University Challenge and a thimbleful of BBC4 documentaries are the only things that they can trot out with any pride.
The rule you quote is correct and has not been changed with the recent introduction of Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA). I am a commercial helicopter pilot (ex-military) with 5000 hours flying. That experience, however, does not allow me to question the BBC which we know is a law unto itself.
Might be worth letting the CAA know just in case the written permission hadn’t been granted.
I agree with Steve. I am a commercial fixed wing pilot and flying instructor and I have reported several low flying incidents to the CAA before and they take them very seriously. If you call them, at their Gatwick House HQ, to report low flying someone will call you back pretty quickly to discuss and with video footage like the youtube video helps them to prosecute. They will confirm at the same time if exception to the 500′ rule was granted.
Doesn’t matter if the BBC camera crew wanted a close up low flying shot it is the pilot who is responsible for keeping to the rules and not the BBC.
Regardless of whether the pilot was granted low flying permission the Air Navigation Order states:
137 Endangering safety of an aircraft
A person must not recklessly or negligently act in a manner likely to endanger an
aircraft, or any person in an aircraft.
138 Endangering safety of any person or property
A person must not recklessly or negligently cause or permit an aircraft to endanger
any person or property.
If the helicopter suffered an engine failure flying that low and fast I’m pretty sure there would be a serious danger to the train and passengers.
Again, good points. If permission had been obtained to carry out low flying manoeuvres in that area then the pilot would still not be allowed to fly within 200 ft of any person, structure etc not within the approved area. With a few pilots lurking on this thread we are in danger of getting into a regs battle!
I do not wish to sound pedantic, but, there are occasions when civil flight by helicopter is taken well below the 200 ft (agl) when in pursuit of an “occupation” such as flights carried out on behalf of an Electricity board when viewing, photographing and inspecting overhead power line structures. These flights do take place at a lower level of 200 ft AGL and in close proximity to structures. Just sayin’
Off topic I know, but a statement that that bit of engineering flying past was from a time when our nation was really great. A time when we had confidence in our country before the education system and the EU airbrushed our past achievements and dare I mention it, the British Empire .
“it doesn’t tell us anything definitive, because lots of Conservative constituency chairmen didn’t want to talk to us, and we have no idea what their views are.”
Nothing to see here then? So why write a lengthy piece about a non-issue for which there is no empirical data? Unless, of course, they’re already preparing the ground for the next general election. I expect that we’ll see a similarly balanced article along the lines of grass roots working class labour supporters in favour of brexit. No?
The single thing about the referendum that the BBC likes is the possibility it offers to show the Conservative Party as a divided institution, which it is. The Corporation hates, of course, the idea that we might vote ‘out’ or, indeed, express any opinions that run counter to its prevailing Guardianista agenda.
Although you wouldn’t think it listening or watching BBC output, most of the Tory party wants an out vote, save those with snouts in the trough. By contrast the Labour party are far more divided, and even their leader would like to join the our campaign, but has been forced probably by vested interests, to stick with the in group.
Obviously with a far left (socially) government in power they would never condone the BBC telling the truth about Pakistani Muslims, it seems every one they caught selling drugs like Opium derivatives over the counter without prescription was a Paki & a Muslim.
Chawan Shaida of Bin Seena Pharmacy
Hussain Jamal Rasool, from Al Farabi pharmacy
Rafif Sarheed, who also worked for Al Farabi
I think we can take it that all the guilty were of a similar background as any white Christians would have been certainly named.
Pakistanis have to be the most vile people in the entire world, not content with gang rape, pedophilia, drug dealing, election rigging, hating just about everyone who isn’t just like them – women, gays, Jews etc etc we then find them corrupting the institutions we thought we could trust.
Why on Earth the Fascists find so fascinating about them I’ll never know, but I guess it’s similar to children and fire.
Why is it as soon as i heard the story, I instinctively knew the ‘cultural background’ of the criminals. I must be some sort of super sleuth or have magical powers.
However, there was a funny line in the report.
“The public will be shocked by Mr Shaida’s behavior.”
Err.. no it will not. We are more than aware of Mr Shaida and his ilks behavior, and are shocked no more.
Let’s be honest, if one was a white Brit, it would definitely be shocking. It would be huge news! Its about British morals and principles as well as the rule of law. Alien concepts to Mr Shaida.
Are they even qualified. You need at least a BSc but masters or PhD is apparently preferable. So, 5 – 10 years in british education, and still they are mudhut skanks.
Muslim? This is not even on the chart of shocking behavior. I would be more shocked in Shaida was NOT selling potentially dangerous medication without a doctors prescription.
This is based on personal experience.
My local post office. The son stole £200,000 over a period of a few years by fraud. Muslim! I was involved in a scam where the driver reverses into you and claims you ran into the back of his car. Muslim!
I believe ray_f your instinctive (correct) assumption, is what is sometimes referred to as the “racism of low expectations”; which people of the Failed World, particularly Muslims, rarely fail to conform to via their behaviour, both in their or their parents’ countries of origin, or when they are here in the West.
Not sure of date on this one,but Nolan being his typical leftist self on gimmegrants and being hauled up for treatment of one caller
There was another good one i heard about fattys tv show in NI…….lady in audience said she knew for a fact gimmegrants get £2000 from DSS when they land in the country
Sniffy panellist says thats nonsense…..where do you get your information from?
In the finest tradition of “Where’s Wally” I’ve looked very carefully at the picture of all those frustrated doctors and engineers in the boat and I can’t see any women or children. Can our beloved state broadcaster really have rounded them ALL up for their film coverage elsewhere?
This made me very angry! Presenter shows himself very clearly as a thick bully boy in charge of the switch. He embodies the whole BBC / liberal left attitude to the world…if you don’t agree with us, then you’re the problem. Then we cut you off.
No voice for the reasonable indigenous majority of this country!
I think it was on the Sunday AM religious show R4. The exChief Rabbi Sacks has been given the Templeton Prize for combatting religious extremism.
Now that is all well and good but the BBC hack completely failed to do his job which was to ask the obvious questions.
Who are the extremists and how many and why? Which countries are most at risk etc.
Instead he just waffled uselessly.
Now I think many of us can make a guess as to exactly what was being avoided.
It is really getting like the old USSR.
Repeat after me :
I must learn to read between the lines.
The BBC is no longer a serious news outfit.
BBC News Channel carries the film review slot where dyed-in-the-wool lefty Mark Kermode is joined by sympatico nice guy Gavin Esler. The viewer, simply hoping for a stear as to what’s a decent movie or what’s straight-to-video, feels somewhat of an intruder on a private consultation these days as Kermode tends to lecture Esler on what is good – ie ‘right-on’ and what is beyond the pale. There’s little in the way of interesting informed discusion lately as the BBC/Guardian go-to film critic confident and comfy in his life-sinecure (should that be cine-cure?) now struts and puffs and gushes with the authority of an old-time censor – telling us what is sound and what is dubious. Kermode delivers judgements not advice and Esler invariably laps it up.
Given that we well know what sort of lefty-slanted films are cap-nip for this BBC pair – when a movie gets a panning from Kermode one wonders what upset the applecart. Wooden acting, paper thin plot, bad special effects – or is the film just not ‘right on’?
Well, when it was in the Graun not many would read the review, and of those few were likely to watch it.
Hence the need to coordinate with the national broadcaster to elevate the propaganda effort to a wider audience.
If the movie is poor, it will do poorly at the box office. If it does well the BBC will either consign matters to the memory hole or get Newsbeat, Magazine, Pop Up, etc kindergardeners to write hit pieces about the message being ‘not helpful’ by engaging the actual public.
On the soon to be unavailable iPlayer, there were two black and white war movies, and a collection of dross I’d never heard of that would doubtless have had Mark down the basement with a Kleenex working up a year’s supply of hair gel.
BBC Online News:
BBC Reporter Christian Fraser (again):
“”Better For Us (migrants)To Stay In Syria And Die””
“”Migration crisis: ‘We didn’t leave Syria to live like this (on Macedonian border)””
“”They told Christian Fraser they are simply looking for a decent life””
“”I left the war for a better life. We just wanted to live freely””
“” (Fraser asks) But this isn’t a decent life in this camp. What’s it been like?””
“” (Fraser asks) What’s it been like here for the past seven days?”
She replies that she can’t take a shower, can’t wash her clothes. It’s cold, and they are living in tents. She says that they didn’t leave Syria to live like this. She says it would have been better to stay in Syria and die. (really??).
Fraser asks her if it’s frightening here in the dark, although she has her brother with her (a leading question). She of course agrees. She says there’s no protection there and a woman can’t survive there on her own.
Fraser asks if they have money to get to Germany. The brother says that whilst they are in the camp, their money is running out. (what are they spending it on?)
The woman describes herself as a Syrian University student but can’t speak a word of English.
A creepy interview by Fraser. He asks no questions on behalf of the BBC Licence payers, such as ‘why did you leave safe muslim Turkey to end up here?’
Of course, his BBC bosses approve of repeated interviews like this by Fraser. He will continue providing victim status to the migrants until they find the holiday camp of their choice at the expense of others.
Keep drawing your Licence Payers’ salary whilst you can, Fraser.
Biased BBC. Absolutely in tune with the Left’s stance on this subject.
Yes, more relentless boo-hooing on Today this morning. Nothing better illuminates the vast chasm between public opinion and that of the BBC’s chatterati than their constant efforts to make us want to play host to countless economic migrants.
Well the social media team is going to get hauled over the coals for their efforts in complement on Facebook.
To a story about the EU great and good having a summit to discuss things going from snafu to FUBAR in short order, the accompanying picture looks like a still from World War Z, only with no women or children.
“I left my country because of the war and my country has conscription”
“And what country is that?”
“Is that why so many migrants from Syria are young men of fighting age?”
The above conversation has, as yet, never been heard on the BBC or printed in the MSM.
So these ‘young men of fighting age’ are happy to leave their women, children, disabled and elderly to face the consequences of war. Young men like that we could well do without. And the majority of these ‘Syrians’ come from all over North Africa and Asia, as far as Pakistan, have no excuse at all to be here.
Quite right. In this morning”s R4 misery corner we had a young man from Afghanistan. And don’t forget the endless procession of Somalians…
The BBC doesn’t care. ‘We’ have more than they do – so let ’em in. The social, economic and political lunacy of that position is so obvious that you have too wonder at their sanity.
It isn’t although the bar is being lowered all the time to even include those ‘escaping poverty’ or ‘looking for a better life’ (according to the BBC), both of which are not legitimate claims for asylum either. The EU and UK’s intentions are to let everyone in regardless of whether they are facing persecution or not. The aim: fill the countries up with as many people as possible in the shortest time possible before people realise what’s going on. I doubt they’ll be admitting that anytime soon.
I hope the above works, it shows the kind of person whom the BBC are backing wholeheartedly. Of course it’s anti-Clinton propaganda so a lot of it could be taken with a large pinch of salt, but the sheer numbers of dead is surely beyond co-incidence or even any realistic calculation of probability. Coupled with the verbal testimony from an intimate from their early days it is really quite damning. And the BBC will say nothing against her – it shows up the BBC if anyone still doubted their evilness..
BBC Radio 4 News 10pm last night mentioned death of Nancy Reagan. Downgraded the Reagan’s status as actors, said a few words about her being supportive of her husband, improving her reputation with work for breast cancer (obviously a hint that she had a bad one) , but largely a negative report as one would expect from the Socialist Worker Party school of journalism. Hammered away at allegations that she used astrology to influence Presidential decisions.
I read the obituary on teletext. It said that despite her opposition to premarital sex she was three months pregnant when she married Ronnie. That’s a nice snarky remark to use when marking the death of a 94 year old lady. It is just possible that Mrs Reagan was against the sort of premarital sex which does not take place in the context of a relationship leading to marriage. Then again, let’s just have a pop at a dead lady because we disagree with her politics.
An appalling and scary video from the Manchester Evening Lies which is part of the Mirror group, and can be relied on to give a distorted left wing Fascist view of life.
Sure, the guy is an ape, a complete dickhead, but the second person who claims he is backing up the first threatens to call the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad – which is what the once Manchester Police have now become – and then says – “it will not be tolerated in this country”
Shit !
I watched 1984 again at the weekend, and it’s scary just how similar the UK is becoming with aggressive authoritarian twonks like this trying to enforce their Fascist view of the world.
Boy Dave would probably need to be compelled as he is so Remain-biased.
The commentariat, led by Al Beeb, see it another way, that Brexit would mean that the uncoupling process would start immediately. It wouldn’t, our government would need to give notice under the appropriate Treaty article. More likely that Dave would hesitate to do this.
The answer is ‘No’, the government is not compelled legally or constitutionally to act upon the result of the referendum, any more than the party of government is obligated to follow the manifesto it was elected upon. It is simply a method of gauging public opinion and can be contrasted with referenda in places such as Switzerland and California, which do legally compel the government to act.
You are I’m afraid suffering under the delusion that the UK is a democracy. The UK is in truth a 5 yearly dictatorship where the dictator in power can do what ever he or she pleases, so long as they have the backing of their party.
Could a PM take us out of Europe with out a referendum? Of course they could! They could begin a nuclear war with the Russians if they wanted to as well!
No Tory government would dare to remove us from the EU without another referendum post this one.
The real problem is that if Remain win and, as I suspect, our Brussels overlords then think we are totally spineless (we would then be so!) and foist immigrant quotas upon us, as they want to and will, Boy Dave will be kicked out before his pre-announced retirement date and so will the Tories at the subsequent GE. Do you think the Corbynutta or whichever Labour no-mark in power would give us another referendum, whatever the public outcry?
Just think how much more the EU could bugger us with a compliant ZaNuLab government in place.
I cannot for the life of me see how anyone can vote to remain in the EU. I decided to put together a list of areas which to my thinking, define what the referendum stands for.
Pro EU, emergent communist run state,
Cameron traitor
Anti democratic
Loss of sovereignty,
Bankers control,
Multinational company control
TTIP detriment to NHS
Open borders
Our laws made by other countries.
Non audited accounts.
Pay billions of pounds each year for membership of a failing club
Terrorist threat
Out of EU,
Free world trade
No communist run state
Cameron out
Control of our own borders,
Identity maintained,
Our surrounding seas for our fishermen
We live by our own laws.
Audited accounts exposing corruption.
Stop paying billions of pounds to a failing club
Lessened terrorist threat.
If I’ve missed anything feel free to add. Given the above just how can anyone justify saying it is best to stay in the EU.
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Al Beeb’s useful idiot Pandy Marr rather helpfully leaves on top of the newspapers on his table this morning the Sun with its headline of ‘Johnson tried to bed me before trial’. You are invited to think it’s Boris not the paedophile footballer.
Marr now introducing selective quotes from Gerard Lyons’ report on EU remain/brexit.
Adverse of course.
His Leftoid researchers doing well by him.
“BBC claptrap”
– Nice one, Boris.
I thought Andrew Marr was a disgrace this morning! I know he interrupts sometimes during interviews, but he never gave Boris a chance. I hope Andy Pandy gets some schtick for this. Viewers were unable to hear either of them most of the time as they talked over each other. I bet Boris was itching to thump him!! BbC propaganda through and through.
I see the odious andrew marr was showing desperation this morning try to prevent Boris getting his message across. There were constant almost continual interruptions from marr and towards the end he was almost making his own speech, still cutting across what Boris was saying==== Business as usual from the extreme, far left, anti British, fascist, biased bbc. I couldn’t stomach the whole programme but I expect that we had some weird, effnik music act performing to finish off with am and all his guests pretending they were enjoying it. God help us.
It’s Boris as Arthur Daley !
Marr this morning was a lesson on how not to interview people.He really got out of bed the wrong side and was plainly very rude to Boris Johnson ,He would not let him get a word in edgeways.Andrew rushes through the entire programme I suspect so that we can listen to the musician at the end of the show…why he thinks his audience want that on a Sunday serious show is a mystery.Please Andrew and all your little helpers at least try not to be so biased .
I had just watched this on iplayer and came to this forum to report Marr’s attempt to stifle Boris, however I was obviously beaten to it.
Marr was clearly attempting to prevent Boris from saying anything useful and informative (I thought the BBC were for producing clear information and arguments to inform the general public!) .
Marr’s performance was disgraceful and with a little stretch of the immagination you could almost hear the prompts he was receiving in his earpeice to go for Boris and prevent the transfer of information from him on the subject of Brexit.
The BBC at it’s best worse (if that makes sense)
Marr’s bleating post-match on twitter seemed to manage one of two responses; disdainful demands to man up from the faithful, or some serious questions on how desperate the BBC really is now… also from the faithful.
It is to be hoped the trauma he experienced will not result in him doing what comes naturally and falling into a bar, down a female employee’s knickers, and then suffer a relapse of his condition.
The BBC survivors’ club would start look like that scene in the Luftwaffe mess from the Battle of Britain.
What you witnessed was an amateur being interviewed when a real pro like Farage would have handled it differently.
Sadly, tho’ bonkers Boris is batting for the right team, he just lacks the nous to deal with tossers like comrade Marr.
I’ve just watched Sunday Politics on iplayer and can add, as a postscript to this, that it’s interesting to observe that Toby Young also concluded that Boris was being unduly interupted by Marr and was not allowed to develop a point. So it seems that we are not alone in this observation.
This is a classic multi-bias! BBC News Website Headline: Egyptian student faces US deportation for Trump comment.
Awwww, the poor smiley lad was just caught up in election fever when he suggested killing Trump.
The rhetoric is getting high in the EU debate here but , so far, I don’t think anyone is advocating murder. Mind you there are a few……. No better not go down that road, I may get deported !
Ah bless!
Trump may well need David Duke and the KKK to provide security for himself if the likes of this death threat eejit are NOT removed from Trumps Country.
Note that our death threat eejit has a lawyer who`s also a Muslim.
Wonder if he TOO would go to Egypt to show solidarity in any reprocessing of said thug in Egypts Salaam Hilton, when returned there.
Two less Democratic votes…
Good ole Beeb eh?
On their Red Button Service( whatever happened to the RBS and old Fred the Shred?)-you need only read
“Anti-Migrant PM loses majority in Slovakia!
to know that-YES, his DID win the election….but not by as much as he would have, had he willingly added a few million Muslims to his electoral roll, had he let them have swingers parties in Bratislavas Cathedral Square last New Year, had he let them have free passes to swim in all the school swimming pools and council ones.
So Fico-according to the BBC doesn`t win an election because he`s not letting enough Mozzers in.
THAT is BBC “logic”-clueless, venal, mendacious and malicious all at one and the same time.
Luckily I`ve been to Slovakia-so was inclined to read behind what the BBC tells us.
But anybody else who glosses over the RBS will draw the conclusion that the BBC wants us all to take away with us like a kiddies severed head.
Still though-Clinton “storms” Louisiana( but loses two other states-but hey….)
Fico the BBC!…lying lazy lotus eaters and scrunchie munchers.
Too true! BBC News website clearly has a “special” team on today. The spin on numerous stories is spectacular!!
I’ve already sent in one complaint with a second to follow shortly.
ChrisH , am popping over in May , actually to go to Wien & Gratz , but Mr Ryanair flies from Stansted , at a good time, & cheaper than the old state run legacy airlines. I`ll keep an eye out on the local scene, for what`s happening in Slovakia.
Got to be a role here for some of us to become “Foreign Correspondents” “International Editors” and the like here on behalf of THIS site, hasn`t there?
An upload of your “trials at the borders” could be sent over , and we could doctor it to show how much you`re reaching out to the vulnerable-and if we sent you more money, you might cry a little less.
I will try to cover the “Essex” region in your absence, until you`re back standing guard over your bailiwick.
Good old RyanAir eh?…they flew us all over to Ireland as the wimpy “national carriers” whinged on about a bit of volcanic ash in 2010…so do like that “Biggles Spirit”.
I`d have had O`Leary down for us leaving the EU-so maybe the wimps have got to HIM now!
Still…the last great thing that Ireland gave us…been downhill ever since.
Its all Bluster with Mr O`L , he will make even more money once we leave. Don`t forget Britain & ROI , have had their own Mini Schengen , since the separation from Great Britain from the South. That`s why the ROI are not in Schengen now. We will continue as before , once we leave.
The BBC report on the Slovakian PM appears to support that old disputed canard that Hitler was left wing/socialist
Slovakia’s leftist-nationalist Prime Minister Robert Fico has won the general election but lost his parliamentary majority, almost complete results show.
Mr Fico has vowed not to accept “one single Muslim” migrant. (So like Mussolini, who got the trains to run on time, he does have his good points)
His country takes over the EU’s rotating presidency in July. ( Oh dear) His hardline views on migration echo those of Polish, Czech and Hungarian leaders
The BBC’s Rob Cameron in Bratislava says Mr Kotleba is an unrepentant admirer of Slovakia’s wartime existence as a Nazi puppet state, and until recently dressed in a uniform modelled on that state’s pro-Nazi militia.
Thus proving what I am always saying – that the EU comprises many member states whose acquaintance with democracy is at best fleeting and very recent. And yet the BBC constantly peddles the fiction that voting ‘in’ is the only way we can ‘ensure democracy’. Really? For whom?
Many countries in the EU (and those agitating to join it, especially Turkey) haven’t a clue what the concept means – and the bureaucrats that run it have nothing but contempt for the will of the people.
BBC radio 4 Desert Island Discs and todays castaway is scientist Dr Dame Sue Ion and Kirsty Young can barely hide her dislike of her. The poor woman has told the UK government that the only way forward for its energy supply is through nuclear power.
All the way through the program there are little digs at her, such as – how were you at school with the creative touchy feely subjects? This is a question never asked of the luvvies who probably haven’t got a clue about science and maths, as it would show their total ignorance of anything which actually matters.
Dame Sue said that there’s no way green renewable energy is ever going to provide all our power requirements – well you can imagine how that went down! Reality and truth is not allowed to impinge and spoil the rose tinted world of the luntic liberal left.
Such a pity because Dr Sue seemed a really nice person.
> Kirsty Young can barely hide her dislike of her
What rubbish. Did you make up your mind how this interview was going to go, and mentally switch off?
> All the way through the program there are little digs at her, such as – how were you at school with the creative touchy feely subjects? This is a question never asked of the luvvies who probably haven’t got a clue about science and maths
Never? Never ever? Or just when you’re making up your mind in advance and not bothering to listen?
Sue Ion made a great case for people who weren’t going to end up with careers in science to study STEM subjects for as long as possible. And she was also asked about how she shared a physics class with another female scientist, Nancy Rothwell, and what it was about that class that caused it to produce two women who have achieved so much in their fields, in a subject which not enough women pursue.
But “Thoughtful” has decided that Kirsty Young is a science-hating bitch. So she ignores the truth, and fabricates something which better suits her own anti-BBC narrative.
Still, given Alan and Vance’s records for fabrication it’s hardly surprising that the halfwits that they accumulate think it’s okay to be lying little toerags too.
Someones fav gay bar burnt down at the weekend then 🙂
Do they really equip padded cells with computer access these days?
It would appear that they do….
It appears homosexuals come pre equipped with a sense of grievance almost as big as their bile generator,not to mention multiple personalities……none of which are in any shape or form likeable 🙂
Oh, I dunno about that, Number 7. My heterosexual bile-generator out-produces most.
Politicians and journalists hate scientists because they know that they are so much more intelligent and knowledgeable than them. It is jealousy. I imagine Beeboid Kirsty Young just oepend he mouth and displayed her ignorance. That is why she is at home in the BBC and not in science !
> I imagine Beeboid Kirsty Young just oepend he mouth and displayed her ignorance.
Nope, she asked questions and listened to the answer. And there’s no need to imagine, the interview’s on the website.
Jerrod, But do you agree with my point about politicians and journalists being very ignorant of science ?
Jerrod, Kirsty Young did not even go to University, let alone study science. Not qualified to interview a scientist . I dare say she listened, but did she understand ?
> But do you agree with my point about politicians and journalists being very ignorant of science?
My experience with politicians of all hues is that sadly all too many of them are ignorant of everything except politics. There are exceptions on all sides of the house, of course, but they tend not to be the ones who accrue the positions of power.
> Kirsty Young did not even go to University, let alone study science. Not qualified to interview a scientist
I don’t agree with that premise. She is an intelligent interviewer who tries to get the best from her interviewees in a programme that features people from all walks of life. You don’t have to be a politician to interview a politician, you don’t have to be an actor to be an actor – so why should you have to be a scientist to interview a scientist?
> I dare say she listened, but did she understand ?
Who’s to say exactly? Certainly not you (even if you had listened to the pogramme, which your wording suggests you did not).
It doesn’t really matter though, as Young did her job of giving Ion the space to talk cogently and coherently to an audience. Sadly, Thoughtful didn’t bother listening, instead spending too much time constructing a fictional version of events.
> It appears homosexuals come pre equipped with a sense of grievance
It appears that Number 6 is obsessed about what gay people think of him, and is genuinely afraid that the true answer is “as little as possible, as rarely as possible”.
‘Do they really equip padded cells with computer access these days?’
Certainly there seems a surge in provision in certain unique quarters, at weekends and after midnight.
Well, you are on here Jerrod, so they must do.
“Do they really equip padded cells with computer access these days?”
Well Jerrod (Scott) you should know .
Why ask?
Jerrod: “…the halfwits…”
Don’t you worry, not everyone here takes every post as gospel. And you know how the old proverb goes about lying – only children, fools and drunkards tell the truth.
You can trust me, sir!
Isn`t Jerrod , that little twerp Scott ? While watching some C5 Star Trek movies today, I`ve had Mr Spock run his prose through the Ships computers , & its come up Scott!
” and what it was about that class that caused it to produce two women who have achieved so much in their fields, in a subject which not enough women pursue.”
As a matter of interest are there any subjects which not enough men pursue?
The Sex Workers profession has far fewer men. Apparently two thirds female doesn’t make it a female profession.
Click to access statistics-on-sex-work-in-the-uk.pdf
Teaching is still predominately female.
Click to access sfr11_2014_updated_july.pdf
I take it you didn’t actually listen to the program Jerrod?
The problem Kirsty Young appeared to have – along with the BBC which used it’s favourite caution word – ‘controversial’ to describe Sue Ions field, is that of Atomic energy.
Perhaps you could explain to us all the current position of the Labour party regarding that?
She also uttered truth unto lefties about alternative / renewable energy, calling into question that which they hold most sacred, that wind wave & solar can indeed fulfil the countries energy needs.
So, yet again you got it wrong because of your own prejudices, nothing to do with my post at all. Typical of the (il)liberal left !
Will have to check this.
Thought we were all being comical….a scientist called Sue “ION”?
Sounds like some comedy superhero….or maybe a REAL hero who can still iron a pleat to her mums standards!
I do wonder if Kirsty, Jenni etc could create a crease or plan a pleat the way that dear old Bunty James or Winifred Atwell surely could have done!
Think it all went crap when bloody Janet Webb took over the Morecambe and Wise Show!
Could be a good TV contest that-Juliet Bradburyt, Myleene Klass, Rachel Stevens and Jennifer Aniston ironing a selected range of tricky clothes, prize being a day off cooking when we all celebrate Interminable Womens Day-and let the ladies have a day off…this week sometime I`m told!
I did check and was gobsmacked that she and I share the same birthday!
> I take it you didn’t actually listen to the program Jerrod?
I did, actually. That’s why I was able to talk about its content without lying about it. Unlike you.
> The problem Kirsty Young appeared to have
In your enfeebled mind…
> along with the BBC which used it’s favourite caution word – ‘controversial’ to describe Sue Ions field, is that of Atomic energy.
What Kirsty Young did was ask questions which made reference to different opinions than Ion’s, and then gave Ion ample time to respond and set out her own viewpoint. Which she did very clearly, in an interview which her views were in no way contradicted or belittled.
As you’d have noticed, had you been actually listening instead of feverishly fabricating your own version of events.
> Perhaps you could explain to us all the current position of the Labour party regarding that?
I don’t know, actually. I’m sure you can make something up, though. You’re good at that, aren’t you? Well I say ‘good’ – ‘frequent trier’ would be nearer the mark…
> So, yet again you got it wrong because of your own prejudices, nothing to do with my post at all.
Um, I didn’t get it wrong, did I? You lied in order to justify your own bigotry, and you’re too much of a coward to admit it, so you claim everybody else is lying.
What a shame you have neither the guts nor the honesty to debate on the truth, and instead have to rely on fabricating events in a pitiful attempt to convince yourself that you’re right.
You have my pity.
The Express are reporting that a man has been charged in connection with the stabbing of a pregnant woman in Sutton Coldfield. He is named as Babur Karamat Raja apparently. Isn’t enrichment wonderful?
Yep! and in the news today there is yet another Mohammed – (bed maker to Next & John Lewis) who has been charged with running a sweat shop of Hungarian workers, and in cahoots with a gangmaster who kept them in slave conditions. He can proudly line up with all the other ‘Mohammeds’ in this country who get struck off the medical register; are on garden leave in the Police Force whilst their racists complaints are pending; who abuse young white girls; are amongst the biggest property owners in this country, and who are the main resident in our prisons.
Many of them are now British by birth, (whose parents arrived here with just £5 in their pocket [don’t they all] when we were stupid enough to allow them to enter by the boatload) – but in my eyes there is NOTHING remotely British about them at all, except their passport.
Meanwhile ………
Let`s hope that none of us tell the “men of West Bromwich” that an underachieving bunch of foppish fancy dans (led by some florid Dutch band master) are playing at a local park nearby as I write.
Apparently we would once have got £200 million pounds for them had they been ransomed last August.
Current price for said fops something like £135.58p as at now.
LVG…always the first to lead us out of Europe…was Brexit before it had a name.
Adam Johnson won`t be missing too much will he?
As an update, the BBC have finally got round to reporting the story, but now it’s anonymous “men” as usual.
Obviously white Anglo Saxon
Anyone remember the school that called Old Bill because an extremist pupil did the unforgivable thing of looking up the UKIP website?
Well now it appears that they also stopped children voting for UKIP in a mock election, because the party is ‘racist’!
Nothing really new here, although at the time (one of the 1974 elections) being a pupil at junior school I thought nothing of it, but our lefty NUT badge wearing teacher chose kids to be the class candidate for each party, she just happened to choose the coolest kid to be the Labour candidate, the smelliest and most unpopular kid to be the Tory and a dippy girl for the Liberals. Of course Labour romped it, Stinky only got one vote (his own) and Dippy 2 votes, 24 votes to David Watts….
I digress, my point being that allied to the BBC such brainwashing has been going on for years in school and in the home, thankfully some of us mature to see through it, but alas many don’t and Marx work is done. Its not by accident that we find ourselves where we are today. Generations hence will be far worse when the work of Common Purpose becomes more obvious…
The liberal/left McCarthyism that has infected the whole of the education system is one of the most insidious evils of the last half a century. It’s hardly a surprise that the BBC is populated with idiots, they are the products of this very system.
Of course, the Express being a newspaper run at the whim of Richard Desmond, who bankrolls UKIP, has *no* bearing at all on the investigative rigour with which this story has been researched…
If events are truly as they are documented in that paper, then it would appear to be a very bad state of affairs. However, given its increasingly poor quality journalism after years of editorial cutbacks, and its open support of UKIP, it does occur to me that we ought to seek more than one source before taking the Express at its word. When the first story broke, there didn’t seem to be much in the way of independent corroboration, unfortunately – only other publications that were repeating the Express’s version of events without investigating further themselves.
Of course part of the reason why corroboration is difficult is that there is an underage child involved, and it’s therefore very unlikely that either the school or the local education authority would comment directly in enough detail to either confirm or contradict the Express’s story. But I’d still say – take it with more than a pinch of salt. Personally, I’d say it has to be taken with salt of Lot’s wife-sized proportions, but to each their own…
Me? I always go for the impartial BBC when I want the facts!
Hampshire School calls Police over UKIP web view
JimS – Nice one !!
> The school said it called 101 for advice after a student was viewing a range of different sites
Which does raise the possibility that a UKIP site may not have been the one to provoke the school’s attention, and for the reasons above they’re not going into more details – which allows the UKIP self-publicists to paint themselves as victims again.
This might help explain the problem!
I’m not sure about that, Jerrod. It has been confirmed that the school has form here (see JimS’s link). It is of course only one school – one swallow does not necessarily a summer make. But then truth is often stranger than fiction. Ommmmm.
I’ve never really paid much attention to The Express, but with articles like this – (read their description of what apparently makes the fog radioactive) – their dog whistle has no effect on me.
I have enough hatred already, anyway.
UK Column had an interview with the father a few days ago:
He explained how he contacted the Express and describes his encounter with the school and the police.
So children being buggered in the Calais Jungle didn’t happen because al-Beeb didn’t report it? Your bias knows no bounds.
“However, given its increasingly poor quality journalism after years of editorial cutbacks, and its open support of UKIP, it does occur to me that we ought to seek more than one source before taking the Express at its word. ”
Which, of course, you also do before accepting the word of the Mirror or the Guardian – both of which have suffered major editorial cutbacks and openly support a British political party.
> Which, of course, you also do before accepting the word of the Mirror or the Guardian – both of which have suffered major editorial cutbacks and openly support a British political party.
Well, yes, actually, thanks for asking.
GC, Jerrod is good sport and very funny , but I prefer Test Match Cricket !
He’s a bitchy little ‘progressive’ bore and a troll from way back – his names change but the spoor doesn’t.
GC, True, but he is still good sport in a small way ! Pathetic, yes, boring and predicatable , yes , but I kind of like that sad boy’s persistance. I think he loves this site , really . What would he do if this site did not exist ?
I think he works for the BBC and puts the TWAT in TWATO
I think – no, I know – you’re wrong. I’ve never worked for the BBC.
Still, as I’m sure you’re aware, the truth doesn’t matter a whole lot around here. So you carry on lying all you want. And I’ll carry on laughing at your ineptitude.
Trolls are best ignored, try not to engage with the bbc stafff.
I am not sure. Maybe better to engage them . Otherwise , silence may suggest compliance
> He’s a bitchy little ‘progressive’ bore and a troll from way back
Ah yes, I keep forgetting, on Biased BBC, “troll” is used for “anyone who takes an opposing view to me and doesn’t tell me I’m right, even when I’m talking utter bilge.”
I suppose stamping your foot and calling someone a troll beats behaving like an adult, eh, Coop? Can’t have people thinking you’re sane and rational now, can we? I mean, if you start acting with civility, Vance will have to chuck you out for bringing Biased BBC into repute!
You’re a troll because you don’t discuss BBC bias. You arrive with a handful of insults and accusations every time, revealing a motivation that has nothing to do with debate.
And, please, spare us your laughable views on mental health. Anyone who is so motivated by attention seeking that he needs to jump through hoops to circumvent being banned is walking the thin line between rational behaviour and obsession.
Well, I was discussing the topic of the UKIP school coverage in a calm and reasoned manner, and then you barrelled in to spit vitriol in my direction. So forgive me if I don’t particularly want to take lessons in adult behaviour from someone who’s not prepared – or is unable – to show any himself.
> Liar.
Nope. Guess again.
LOL ! Funny boy !
I am generally of the ‘do not feed the troll’ opinion, and rarely respond to them, but your point about silence being taken as compliance is valid.
One of this site’s strong points is it does not censor (or moderate in the modern parlance) detractors merely because they are exercising their right to free speech. As we know, not all sites are as tolerant.
This ‘Jerrod’s’ idea of a ‘calm and reasoned manner’, from earlier today:
“Still, given Alan and Vance’s records for fabrication it’s hardly surprising that the halfwits that they accumulate think it’s okay to be lying little toerags too.”
You can add hypocrite to liar and troll.
Steve and GC , you are making excellent points. One great thing about this site is that it would appear to be be uncensored. The BBC and all left-wing media is censored. I think that it is important that fascists like Jerrod should be free to post here. Give them a taste of what I would call freedom !
Jerrod is just Scott under a new guise. Well you would…if you thought a car bomber is “kinda hot” which was what Scott felt about the Times Square terrorist. Lovely.
> You can add hypocrite to liar and troll
If you are really concerned with hypocrisy, lies and trolling, Coop, why do you stay quiet when people with views different to mine – more in tune to yours – indulge in far worse behaviour than I have ever done?
I assume it’s because you’re a cowards who’s afraid to stand up to them, but who deplores their behaviour in private.
I mean, it wouldn’t be that you’re a hypocrite yourself, now, would it? How horrible it would be if one of Biased BBC’s self-appointed moral arbiters was guilty of the trait he claims to despise in others…
“Many of the pharmacies were in the Edgware Road area, catering to a largely Arabic client base.”
“They are not used to having to get prescriptions in their own countries, and do not want the bother of seeing a doctor here”
Chawan Shaida, Hussain Jamal Rasool & Rafif Sarheed are named, but – I wonder if the other 6 who Al Beeb referred to are fellow enrichers? Come on Al Beeb, let’s have the full story.
Another ‘lot’ to add to my list of ‘Mohammeds’ – the whole f…….g lot of them are as corrupt as hell. Sorry, but I’m not one of those (like every columnist) who always add a caveat of ……… “the majority of **** are peace loving and hardworking” – of course they are, especially when they screw the system for all its worth. These incidences show up the worst of ‘diversity’. These peoples stick to where the money is; when was the last time you saw ethnics on a ramble – yet our national parks have been criticised for not being diverse enough; our children are taught the fundamentals of Islam in schools – yet learning about our heritage and 1066 is off the curriculum menu. When did you last see an ethnic walking a dog ? – they don’t have pets.
Here’s Tommy Robinson in an interview with Hsaio-Hung Pai – (30 minutes).
He’s put up the interview to counter her book Angry White People, some of which is based on this interview.
As has been said, discussion with a leftie is like trying to nail jelly to a wall – deny the facts, constantly move the goalposts and, if all else fails, stigmatise.
She says she is writing a book about people who criticise Islam, yet freely admits she hasn’t read the Koran and so is making no attempt to try to understand (which does not mean accept) the point of view of those about whom she is writing.
Clueless, delusional and intellectually dishonest.
Wasn`t this poppet the one who “graced” Start The Week the other week?
Clueless then-and clearly learns nothing, knows nothing and will continue on her weebley way from one liberal chow stand to another…paid by academics and the BBC to show that even “true Asians” hate racism as much as the BBC do.
Utter bull-a paid agent provocateur from the liberal left template of tits and toffs..
Unusual to come across a thick Chinese woman like this-given how racist the Chinese can be to non-Han people, it`s unusual to see her side with the libeals…much smarter and proud than that-which is why they need no leg up, no childrens TV presenters, no affirmative action.
Wei Wei Wong and the Young Generation?…we need you back!
(But not Peter Gordeno though-got enough prancing fops on telly these days!)
She was indeed Chris. Her basic point was that white people are angry because they are racist. I’m afraid she didn’t come across as the brightest person in the room.
Good Lord, if she’s ethnic Chinese she should be more than aware of “racism” as they (along with the Japanese) are some of the most “racist” people on earth; “racist”, that is, in terms of seeking to maintain and defend their separate individual cultures, societal structures and separate racial identities, which is anathematical to the multicultural agenda pursued by the progressive elites and their useful idiots here in the West.
Don’t make me Ang Lee. You wouldn’t like me when I’m Ang Lee.
Ey! Why yerrow fork hate non yerrow fork so match? Especiary bracks.
This lady looks totally gobsmacked . Seems to spend most of her time time rubbing her eyes. Rather dim,I think !
From the idiotic Independent
@ If only Hsiao-Hung Pai was on hand every time former English Defence League, now Pegida UK leader, “Tommy Robinson” appeared on the TV. We would forever be spared the sight of mesmerised, hopeless interviewers giving him a free pass to pose unchallenged as brave defender of the white working-class against those nasty sharia-loving Muslims.
The comments section!
The Independent review of course fails to mention the point, raised time and time again by Robinson, that she had no knowledge of Islam. Perhaps if she had she may have agreed that there are indeed “nasty sharia-loving muslims”
Also, perhaps the “mesmerised, hopeless interviewers” (not the Beeb then lol) gave him a free pass because he is right!
Peter Gordeno – now THAT’s a name from the past !!!!
Strangers to the truth
Some people don’t exactly lie, they just seem to be strangers to the truth
Our friend Jerrod has, quite rightly, cautioned us not to take for granted a one-off press source – so I await the BBC taking up this story and giving us the truth…. I’m sure it will be soon in coming. Afterall this story is in the BBC house magazine. Pass the frittata.
An odd question perhaps for this place but are there any pilots out there and who can answer a question about flying helicopters? I was intrigued by this FOI request:
It says: “A video posted on YouTube today ( covering the special train worked by steam locomotive “Flying Scotsman” shows a helicopter branded “BBC News” following the train. At 1 minute and 33 seconds in to this video the blue helicopter can be seen flying on the opposite side of the train at the same level as the train as it passes along a low embankment. I am not an expert but my understanding is that Civil Aviation Authority rules state: “The aircraft must not be flown closer than 150 metres (500 feet) to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure except with the permission of the CAA.”.”
The request has already been refused by the BBC on the journalism derogation, and it appears that the ICO cannot help. Does anybody know for sure what the rules are?
Well worth bookmarking that one, if your read the comments accumulating.
If the rules are as you pose, my first thought was ‘how will the BBC explain this one away, as that is a clear breach of actual regulations, versus having a cosy BFF chat with the Fuzz about capturing Cliff’s gaff raid in HD from on high’.
The BBC of course has decided the best way to deal with this is not explain and simply wheel out the ‘purposes of’ exemption.
Interesting precedent whereby the trusted national broadcaster can potentially break the law with impunity and then the transparent national broadcaster hides in the bunker and hopes it will all go away.
John, Jesse, please take note. Not sure the ‘vital’ nature of Sherlock and Strictly really compensate (other than Dr. Who, do they have anything else to trot out that can justify a £4B annual spend?).
I may have fallen victim to Poe’s Law here, Guest Who, but in my opinion Dr. Who is a stupefying show for ‘Fuck Yeah Science!’ laynerds and creepy manchildren.
I would say University Challenge and a thimbleful of BBC4 documentaries are the only things that they can trot out with any pride.
The rule you quote is correct and has not been changed with the recent introduction of Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA). I am a commercial helicopter pilot (ex-military) with 5000 hours flying. That experience, however, does not allow me to question the BBC which we know is a law unto itself.
Might be worth letting the CAA know just in case the written permission hadn’t been granted.
I agree with Steve. I am a commercial fixed wing pilot and flying instructor and I have reported several low flying incidents to the CAA before and they take them very seriously. If you call them, at their Gatwick House HQ, to report low flying someone will call you back pretty quickly to discuss and with video footage like the youtube video helps them to prosecute. They will confirm at the same time if exception to the 500′ rule was granted.
Doesn’t matter if the BBC camera crew wanted a close up low flying shot it is the pilot who is responsible for keeping to the rules and not the BBC.
The helicopter 200 ft rule might have been granted. I too, am a pilot, fixed wing.
Good point. Hopefully the PIC will have applied to have the site they flew low in approved!
That looks a lot closer than 200ft to me.
Regardless of whether the pilot was granted low flying permission the Air Navigation Order states:
137 Endangering safety of an aircraft
A person must not recklessly or negligently act in a manner likely to endanger an
aircraft, or any person in an aircraft.
138 Endangering safety of any person or property
A person must not recklessly or negligently cause or permit an aircraft to endanger
any person or property.
If the helicopter suffered an engine failure flying that low and fast I’m pretty sure there would be a serious danger to the train and passengers.
Again, good points. If permission had been obtained to carry out low flying manoeuvres in that area then the pilot would still not be allowed to fly within 200 ft of any person, structure etc not within the approved area. With a few pilots lurking on this thread we are in danger of getting into a regs battle!
Here is another camera angle…
I do not wish to sound pedantic, but, there are occasions when civil flight by helicopter is taken well below the 200 ft (agl) when in pursuit of an “occupation” such as flights carried out on behalf of an Electricity board when viewing, photographing and inspecting overhead power line structures. These flights do take place at a lower level of 200 ft AGL and in close proximity to structures. Just sayin’
This is a good point. One maybe the BBC could have made rather than a blanket refusal to explain anything, ever.
The precedent behind this remains utterly dire.
Off topic I know, but a statement that that bit of engineering flying past was from a time when our nation was really great. A time when we had confidence in our country before the education system and the EU airbrushed our past achievements and dare I mention it, the British Empire .
“it doesn’t tell us anything definitive, because lots of Conservative constituency chairmen didn’t want to talk to us, and we have no idea what their views are.”
Nothing to see here then? So why write a lengthy piece about a non-issue for which there is no empirical data? Unless, of course, they’re already preparing the ground for the next general election. I expect that we’ll see a similarly balanced article along the lines of grass roots working class labour supporters in favour of brexit. No?
The single thing about the referendum that the BBC likes is the possibility it offers to show the Conservative Party as a divided institution, which it is. The Corporation hates, of course, the idea that we might vote ‘out’ or, indeed, express any opinions that run counter to its prevailing Guardianista agenda.
Although you wouldn’t think it listening or watching BBC output, most of the Tory party wants an out vote, save those with snouts in the trough. By contrast the Labour party are far more divided, and even their leader would like to join the our campaign, but has been forced probably by vested interests, to stick with the in group.
Here’s something different – praise for the BBC !
‘Biggest crackdown’ on rogue pharmacists
Obviously with a far left (socially) government in power they would never condone the BBC telling the truth about Pakistani Muslims, it seems every one they caught selling drugs like Opium derivatives over the counter without prescription was a Paki & a Muslim.
Chawan Shaida of Bin Seena Pharmacy
Hussain Jamal Rasool, from Al Farabi pharmacy
Rafif Sarheed, who also worked for Al Farabi
I think we can take it that all the guilty were of a similar background as any white Christians would have been certainly named.
Pakistanis have to be the most vile people in the entire world, not content with gang rape, pedophilia, drug dealing, election rigging, hating just about everyone who isn’t just like them – women, gays, Jews etc etc we then find them corrupting the institutions we thought we could trust.
Why on Earth the Fascists find so fascinating about them I’ll never know, but I guess it’s similar to children and fire.
Why is it as soon as i heard the story, I instinctively knew the ‘cultural background’ of the criminals. I must be some sort of super sleuth or have magical powers.
However, there was a funny line in the report.
“The public will be shocked by Mr Shaida’s behavior.”
Err.. no it will not. We are more than aware of Mr Shaida and his ilks behavior, and are shocked no more.
Let’s be honest, if one was a white Brit, it would definitely be shocking. It would be huge news! Its about British morals and principles as well as the rule of law. Alien concepts to Mr Shaida.
Are they even qualified. You need at least a BSc but masters or PhD is apparently preferable. So, 5 – 10 years in british education, and still they are mudhut skanks.
Muslim? This is not even on the chart of shocking behavior. I would be more shocked in Shaida was NOT selling potentially dangerous medication without a doctors prescription.
This is based on personal experience.
My local post office. The son stole £200,000 over a period of a few years by fraud. Muslim! I was involved in a scam where the driver reverses into you and claims you ran into the back of his car. Muslim!
Islam is as corrupt now as it’s always been.
I believe ray_f your instinctive (correct) assumption, is what is sometimes referred to as the “racism of low expectations”; which people of the Failed World, particularly Muslims, rarely fail to conform to via their behaviour, both in their or their parents’ countries of origin, or when they are here in the West.
Tiny forehead on that first paki. See that a lot.
Was that comment designed to entice Jerrod on to throw the “racist” word around?
U wot m8?
Not sure of date on this one,but Nolan being his typical leftist self on gimmegrants and being hauled up for treatment of one caller
Number 6, Well spotted . Good answers from the respondents to AlBeeb’s emotional propaganda.
There was another good one i heard about fattys tv show in NI…….lady in audience said she knew for a fact gimmegrants get £2000 from DSS when they land in the country
Sniffy panellist says thats nonsense…..where do you get your information from?
‘From the DSS…..i work there’ comes the reply……
Tumbleweed time…….
In the finest tradition of “Where’s Wally” I’ve looked very carefully at the picture of all those frustrated doctors and engineers in the boat and I can’t see any women or children. Can our beloved state broadcaster really have rounded them ALL up for their film coverage elsewhere?
This made me very angry! Presenter shows himself very clearly as a thick bully boy in charge of the switch. He embodies the whole BBC / liberal left attitude to the world…if you don’t agree with us, then you’re the problem. Then we cut you off.
No voice for the reasonable indigenous majority of this country!
And so to bed…
I think it was on the Sunday AM religious show R4. The exChief Rabbi Sacks has been given the Templeton Prize for combatting religious extremism.
Now that is all well and good but the BBC hack completely failed to do his job which was to ask the obvious questions.
Who are the extremists and how many and why? Which countries are most at risk etc.
Instead he just waffled uselessly.
Now I think many of us can make a guess as to exactly what was being avoided.
It is really getting like the old USSR.
Repeat after me :
I must learn to read between the lines.
The BBC is no longer a serious news outfit.
“terrorist assholes from Fuckheadistan”
BBC News Channel carries the film review slot where dyed-in-the-wool lefty Mark Kermode is joined by sympatico nice guy Gavin Esler. The viewer, simply hoping for a stear as to what’s a decent movie or what’s straight-to-video, feels somewhat of an intruder on a private consultation these days as Kermode tends to lecture Esler on what is good – ie ‘right-on’ and what is beyond the pale. There’s little in the way of interesting informed discusion lately as the BBC/Guardian go-to film critic confident and comfy in his life-sinecure (should that be cine-cure?) now struts and puffs and gushes with the authority of an old-time censor – telling us what is sound and what is dubious. Kermode delivers judgements not advice and Esler invariably laps it up.
Given that we well know what sort of lefty-slanted films are cap-nip for this BBC pair – when a movie gets a panning from Kermode one wonders what upset the applecart. Wooden acting, paper thin plot, bad special effects – or is the film just not ‘right on’?
London Has Fallen…. you betcha it has and the rot set in with the BBC
Well, when it was in the Graun not many would read the review, and of those few were likely to watch it.
Hence the need to coordinate with the national broadcaster to elevate the propaganda effort to a wider audience.
If the movie is poor, it will do poorly at the box office. If it does well the BBC will either consign matters to the memory hole or get Newsbeat, Magazine, Pop Up, etc kindergardeners to write hit pieces about the message being ‘not helpful’ by engaging the actual public.
On the soon to be unavailable iPlayer, there were two black and white war movies, and a collection of dross I’d never heard of that would doubtless have had Mark down the basement with a Kleenex working up a year’s supply of hair gel.
BBC Online News:
BBC Reporter Christian Fraser (again):
“”Better For Us (migrants)To Stay In Syria And Die””
“”Migration crisis: ‘We didn’t leave Syria to live like this (on Macedonian border)””
“”They told Christian Fraser they are simply looking for a decent life””
“”I left the war for a better life. We just wanted to live freely””
“” (Fraser asks) But this isn’t a decent life in this camp. What’s it been like?””
“” (Fraser asks) What’s it been like here for the past seven days?”
She replies that she can’t take a shower, can’t wash her clothes. It’s cold, and they are living in tents. She says that they didn’t leave Syria to live like this. She says it would have been better to stay in Syria and die. (really??).
Fraser asks her if it’s frightening here in the dark, although she has her brother with her (a leading question). She of course agrees. She says there’s no protection there and a woman can’t survive there on her own.
Fraser asks if they have money to get to Germany. The brother says that whilst they are in the camp, their money is running out. (what are they spending it on?)
The woman describes herself as a Syrian University student but can’t speak a word of English.
A creepy interview by Fraser. He asks no questions on behalf of the BBC Licence payers, such as ‘why did you leave safe muslim Turkey to end up here?’
Of course, his BBC bosses approve of repeated interviews like this by Fraser. He will continue providing victim status to the migrants until they find the holiday camp of their choice at the expense of others.
Keep drawing your Licence Payers’ salary whilst you can, Fraser.
Biased BBC. Absolutely in tune with the Left’s stance on this subject.
Yes, more relentless boo-hooing on Today this morning. Nothing better illuminates the vast chasm between public opinion and that of the BBC’s chatterati than their constant efforts to make us want to play host to countless economic migrants.
Well the social media team is going to get hauled over the coals for their efforts in complement on Facebook.
To a story about the EU great and good having a summit to discuss things going from snafu to FUBAR in short order, the accompanying picture looks like a still from World War Z, only with no women or children.
And it has been noticed.
“I left my country because of the war and my country has conscription”
“And what country is that?”
“Is that why so many migrants from Syria are young men of fighting age?”
The above conversation has, as yet, never been heard on the BBC or printed in the MSM.
So these ‘young men of fighting age’ are happy to leave their women, children, disabled and elderly to face the consequences of war. Young men like that we could well do without. And the majority of these ‘Syrians’ come from all over North Africa and Asia, as far as Pakistan, have no excuse at all to be here.
Quite right. In this morning”s R4 misery corner we had a young man from Afghanistan. And don’t forget the endless procession of Somalians…
The BBC doesn’t care. ‘We’ have more than they do – so let ’em in. The social, economic and political lunacy of that position is so obvious that you have too wonder at their sanity.
Conscription is not grounds for a successful asylum claim.
It isn’t although the bar is being lowered all the time to even include those ‘escaping poverty’ or ‘looking for a better life’ (according to the BBC), both of which are not legitimate claims for asylum either. The EU and UK’s intentions are to let everyone in regardless of whether they are facing persecution or not. The aim: fill the countries up with as many people as possible in the shortest time possible before people realise what’s going on. I doubt they’ll be admitting that anytime soon.
I hope the above works, it shows the kind of person whom the BBC are backing wholeheartedly. Of course it’s anti-Clinton propaganda so a lot of it could be taken with a large pinch of salt, but the sheer numbers of dead is surely beyond co-incidence or even any realistic calculation of probability. Coupled with the verbal testimony from an intimate from their early days it is really quite damning. And the BBC will say nothing against her – it shows up the BBC if anyone still doubted their evilness..
No it didn’;t work. I’ll try again.
► 9:46 Hillary and the True Beast She Is. – YouTube
BBC Radio 4 News 10pm last night mentioned death of Nancy Reagan. Downgraded the Reagan’s status as actors, said a few words about her being supportive of her husband, improving her reputation with work for breast cancer (obviously a hint that she had a bad one) , but largely a negative report as one would expect from the Socialist Worker Party school of journalism. Hammered away at allegations that she used astrology to influence Presidential decisions.
I read the obituary on teletext. It said that despite her opposition to premarital sex she was three months pregnant when she married Ronnie. That’s a nice snarky remark to use when marking the death of a 94 year old lady. It is just possible that Mrs Reagan was against the sort of premarital sex which does not take place in the context of a relationship leading to marriage. Then again, let’s just have a pop at a dead lady because we disagree with her politics.–10997944
An appalling and scary video from the Manchester Evening Lies which is part of the Mirror group, and can be relied on to give a distorted left wing Fascist view of life.
Sure, the guy is an ape, a complete dickhead, but the second person who claims he is backing up the first threatens to call the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad – which is what the once Manchester Police have now become – and then says – “it will not be tolerated in this country”
Shit !
I watched 1984 again at the weekend, and it’s scary just how similar the UK is becoming with aggressive authoritarian twonks like this trying to enforce their Fascist view of the world.
I need some clarification.
Could this Tory government remove us from the EU without a Referendum?
For instance, if BREXIT fails, Cameron via the 1922 Committee could be removed as PM.
With say Boris as PM, would his government have the authority to remove the UK from the EU ?
DS… I don’t know the answer to your question (I suspect the answer would be No), but here’s another poser-
In the event that the country votes #Brexit in the Referendum, is the government compelled to follow that vote by law?
My understanding is that the answer is No, but I’m happy to be corrected.
Boy Dave would probably need to be compelled as he is so Remain-biased.
The commentariat, led by Al Beeb, see it another way, that Brexit would mean that the uncoupling process would start immediately. It wouldn’t, our government would need to give notice under the appropriate Treaty article. More likely that Dave would hesitate to do this.
The answer is ‘No’, the government is not compelled legally or constitutionally to act upon the result of the referendum, any more than the party of government is obligated to follow the manifesto it was elected upon. It is simply a method of gauging public opinion and can be contrasted with referenda in places such as Switzerland and California, which do legally compel the government to act.
You are I’m afraid suffering under the delusion that the UK is a democracy. The UK is in truth a 5 yearly dictatorship where the dictator in power can do what ever he or she pleases, so long as they have the backing of their party.
Could a PM take us out of Europe with out a referendum? Of course they could! They could begin a nuclear war with the Russians if they wanted to as well!
No Tory government would dare to remove us from the EU without another referendum post this one.
The real problem is that if Remain win and, as I suspect, our Brussels overlords then think we are totally spineless (we would then be so!) and foist immigrant quotas upon us, as they want to and will, Boy Dave will be kicked out before his pre-announced retirement date and so will the Tories at the subsequent GE. Do you think the Corbynutta or whichever Labour no-mark in power would give us another referendum, whatever the public outcry?
Just think how much more the EU could bugger us with a compliant ZaNuLab government in place.
Just keep an eye on the developing negotiation with Turkey to see where its all going.
I cannot for the life of me see how anyone can vote to remain in the EU. I decided to put together a list of areas which to my thinking, define what the referendum stands for.
Pro EU, emergent communist run state,
Cameron traitor
Anti democratic
Loss of sovereignty,
Bankers control,
Multinational company control
TTIP detriment to NHS
Open borders
Our laws made by other countries.
Non audited accounts.
Pay billions of pounds each year for membership of a failing club
Terrorist threat
Out of EU,
Free world trade
No communist run state
Cameron out
Control of our own borders,
Identity maintained,
Our surrounding seas for our fishermen
We live by our own laws.
Audited accounts exposing corruption.
Stop paying billions of pounds to a failing club
Lessened terrorist threat.
If I’ve missed anything feel free to add. Given the above just how can anyone justify saying it is best to stay in the EU.