The BBC seems Pope-mad at the moment practically reporting every word of any Pope living or dead…indeed rifling through John Paul’s very personal letters for salacious tittle tattle that doesn’t exist…..hardly a day goes by without some dope on a Pope…
Pope Francis questions Donald Trump’s Christianity
Pope Francis decries migrant ‘tragedy’ at Mexico Mass
Pope Francis set for historic Orthodox Patriarch meeting
The Secret Letters of Pope John Paul II
Australian sex abuse victims want meeting with Pope
Curiously the BBC seems entirely unconcerned about a recent Papal declaration…
Pope Francis: Europe Enriched by Arab Invasions
The pontiff explained how previous invasions of Europe had enriched its cultures:
“We can speak today of an Arab invasion. It is a social fact.” … “How many invasions Europe has known throughout its history! It has always known how to overcome itself, moving forward to find itself as if made greater by the exchange between cultures.”
So we’re being invaded by the Arabs/Muslims…and it will have some sort of effect upon our own culture and society…..Maybe the Pope, like the BBC, just doesn’t see what is going on around Europe where there are heavy concentrations of ‘Arabs’ or people who subscribe to the same religion as the ‘Arabs’.
Is there any wonder the Christian church, of all denominations, is struggling when the head of one major branch firstly can’t bring himself to acknowledge openly that this is a ‘Muslim’ invasion but secondly he actually encourages his flock to embrace this new ‘culture’….a culture that is aggressively opposed to the one he is supposed to be the leading spirit of.
What hope can there be when the Pope doesn’t stand up and defend his own religion?
What hope when the Great and the Good don’t have the convictions and courage to stand up for their own beliefs?
Cameron is selling us down the river to Europe, the Pope is retiring Christianity from Europe and the BBC cheerleads them both.
In fact just been listening to John Humphrys (around 08:38) feeding ‘questions’ to the EU’s immigration commissioner, a Greek, Dimitris Avramopoulos, asking him if Europe, including the UK, must accept far more ‘migrants’.
The answer? Of course, open the borders.
Humphrys accepted that without comment making no attempt to suggest any problems that might entail from such pious grandstanding…such as the one above….or indeed the clue that Greece has been overrun and overwhelmed by migrants….and as they continue to flood in in a never-ending stream how long before Europe is overrun and overwhelmed? Let more in, smart thinking, a smart solution to being overrun and overwhelmed! A Europe eventually divided on religious grounds….if not a Europe at war….Syria but on a much larger scale. And of course no mention of the government’s prefered solution…..funding camps near to Syria…no mention of the £2 billion being spent on helping the refugees.
This wasn’t an interview, just the BBC giving a pro-immigrant voice free rein to voice their opinions…..and now we’re hearing that most of the refugees are children….Humphrys and the Today programme going for it today.
The BBC is less than reluctant to mention the reality….Most of the migrants are Muslim males which has consequences for any society they are allowed into….never mind that they will be demanding the rest of their families be allowed in at a later date.
It is an irony that the more the Popes, the Camerons, the BBCs of this world do to silence the debate on immigration and instead warn us of the dangers of the Far Right gaining power the more the Far Right succeed in mobilising people who see their own justified concerns dismissed and maligned….The BBC et al are creating the very conditions that will give rise to a Right-Wing uprising…if the Pope won’t stand up for his own religion and European culture it looks like there are others who will….
Über nationalism coming to a land near you because of the BBC’s hatred of Über nationalism. Will the BBC be showering praise upon Father Jacek Miedlar for working to save Poland from Islamic ideology as they did for Lech Wałęsa as he saved Poland from the Commies and their totalitarian ideology?
The pope isn’t, of course, a European. He probably despises imperialist, European Christianity for invading the Americas and is working as an avenger from the inside.
The current pope is a lefty from Latin America – more Marxist then Christian. He is causing huge disquiet among faithful Catholics. No wonder atheists, marxists and the like, are enamoured by Pope Francis.
Maybe someone could ask Pope Frank how Catholic Spain would have been if they had not kicked out the Moors? Without Catholic Spain there would have been no Argentina, which would not bother me at all, but ought to give His Holiness pause for thought surely?
What can one expect from a 2 Millenia Christian Heritage National Broadcaster? Of course if it’s the BBC you appoint a Muslim head of Religious programmes, of course. You really could not make that one up.
You then back this up on a National scale by the head of CofE Archbishop
by requesting Muslim Sharia laws to be introduced into our culture! It really is that astoundingly true!
The Pope would rather be liked in the Guardian than to lead his worldwide flock.
Good old John Paul 2 knew that the “social gospel” was a marxist attempt to subvert the church in Latin/South America and thereby turning people who needed teaching into lefty social workers…who`d then be taken apart by the atheist left that would follow.
Martin Luther King knew of this infiltration, this “doing the states bidding by waving your so-called Christianity around but grovelling before Stalins jackboot-as you`d be doing very soon afterwards”.
Benedict knew the same too,,,and was removed after being left out to dry by the liberals who prefer Stourton to Satan-but end up with both anyway, unable to discern any difference…so doing the work, reading the script of both.
The Catholic Church could have been the necessary bulwark against Islam…same worldwide mission, similar reach and history of colonising, same approach to world government.
But it`s finished-leaving only Islam to abuse its children, because the Catholics would rather prop up the EU that save souls for Christ.
Blair was made a catholic a few years back…”no further questions yer `onor!”
Except for “which way do I stick the altar boys arses as we turn towards Mecca?”
Reminds me of the Bob Monkhouse joke ” I went to church in Chelsea but didn’t realise it was a gay congregation until I noticed that only half the congregation were kneeling ” .
The Vatican has no problem with right wing Governments, provided the dominant religion is Catholicism. His ire is only aimed at certain European “Imperialist” countries
How many refugees does he think South America should take? The 10 Syrian families that Uruguay accepted are not enjoying life there
Only a matter of time now until Islam has a “crack” at getting into South America en masse.
Yes, there have been “issues” over drugs turf, and the South Americans aren`t guilt-ridden veggies like the West…so it`ll be more of a push for the Muslims.
But as soon as cheap flights THERE become an option don`t be surprised if the bigger nuts of Islam have a go.
I`ll be surprised if Spain and Portugal don`t yet “lighten the migration burdens imposed by their EU by sorting a few cheap flights through their hubs before too long.
THEN we`ll see how Jorge-Porque likes THAT,and what his old buddies in Buenos Aires make of it.
They can try, but they won’t get far. There are plenty of videos showing what Mexican cartels do to rivals
What will be interesting is how Old Auntie decides how to report on it. Gangland executions, or racist murders? I think we all know the answer
“Poland rises against Islam”. Fr Miedlars speech calling for the defence of Poland with English subtitles is here…..