As John Humphrys proposes we open the borders to allow in what will be millions of Muslims into Europe and the Pope surrenders his religion there is at least Rod Liddle manning the borders……the ‘open border’ narrative is similar to the multicultural one where we place no restrictions on other cultures who seek to colonise Europe….we can only benefit from such rich diversity…can’t we?…
What do all these evil maniacs have in common?
If it’s Islam, you can count on the BBC and the Guardian not to mention it
We are back with the liberals, the people who think that something is a circle when it isn’t a circle. The BBC managed to deliver a series of three reports — the top story of the day — on the conviction of the Muslim child sex abusers and rapists from Rotherham, without at any point mentioning the words ‘Islam’ or ‘Muslim’. They were just yer every-day ordinary British folk, then.
I mentioned this fact in a short Sunday Times article and a small handful of liberals objected. What relevance is their religion? Well, on one count, it was the fact that they were Muslims which prevented, for politically correct reasons, the social services and the police doing anything about it for a decade or longer. But even then I might swallow the libtard argument were it not for the fact that this was not a one-off. Very far from it. The same vile abuse has happened up and down the country and the one thing the perpetrators had in common was their religion. If there had been 15 separate incidents of, say, Christadelphian or Methodist gangs raping and sexually abusing children then I suspect that the BBC might have found this strange thing that they all had in common worthy of comment and possibly even investigation.
Some of the liberals went on to assert that the commonality was cultural rather than religious — but it wasn’t, not in the other places away from Rotherham. The commonality was Islam and the attacks were occasioned as a consequence partly of its somewhat tendentious view of women and what one should be allowed to do with them, and its similarly dismissive view of humans who are not Muslim (all the victims were non-Muslim). Nor were the horrific sexual assaults on the continental mainland — the mass attacks at Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve being the most infamous, but there have been many others — perpetrated by Pakistanis or Bangladeshis, but by North Africans and Arabs. But then the BBC didn’t care to report the identity of those people, either, showing a remarkable lack of curiosity.
The same liberals who want open borders are also the same one campaigning for same sex marriage a couple of years ago.
Millions of immigrant Muslims into a country that promotes same sex relationships is not compatible. Do these liberals want social unrest?!?
Millions of immigrant Muslims into a country that promotes same sex relationships is not compatible.
Why not? Muslims are known to rape boys. Its their culture ya know.
What is not permitted is any criticism of Mo.
“Do these liberals want social unrest?!”
Of course they bloody well do – it leads to the revolution they want and are the only people equipped for it. The right, soft, centre or extreme, is currently supine and indicating ‘enculez-moi’.
I agree that the ‘hard left’ certainly do want social unrest as it gives them their opportunity to overthrow democracy. But I’m not so sure about the ‘ordinary liberal lefty’ . I think it likely that they are so indoctrinated with the need to do as much virtue signalling as possible and with a belief that anything non PC , particularly if race or ethnicity is involved,is beyond the pale, that they just can’t, or won’t, think about the consequences of what they are advocating. There are some folks that I know who are sensible about a wide range of issues but seem to regard Islam as something like the C of E. They simply won’t accept that, even in the 21st century, Islam is a religion of conquest and that it will very likely wreck havoc on our country if we open our borders and let a million or two migrants in. I know a very nice 60 plus year old woman who regularly does around local towns with a board showing Israeli ‘ atrocities’ and collecting for Palestinians. I doubt she wants to create the conditions for revolution in the UK. But she is simply unable to comprehend that these folks don’t and will never share, her nice , tolerant, middle class English values.
Of course it doesn’t help when the state broadcaster , which penetrates nearly every home in the country , has been propagandising on behalf of a wide range of anti western causes for several decades. It has successfully indoctrinated millions of folks with the highly dangerous and utterly false liberal left view that the west is the cause of misery throughout the world and that we must abase ourselves before these victims of western oppression.
As usual you are forced to the conclusion that the BBC has much to answer for.
As for the reporting or non-reporting of crime, why did the media report daily about the white footballer recently, yet ignored the muslim gangs up and down the country, Rotherham, Oxford and in many other places, and still refuse to cover the issue properly.
The BBC is a subversive organisation, it has abused its position and should no longer have the right to broadcast.
Was it Muslim gangs? I read on BBC it was Asian gangs.
Tabs, Nepalese Buddhists
Do they want social unrest?
But of course-perpetual shit stirring of the potty is what the liberal left always intend to do.
“Where there`s blame, there`s a claim”…”because you`re worth it”…”just do it”(and the state will back you)…
all are flaccid advertising slogans-but the thick media whores and privileged lefties absorbed it even deeper.
Slogans being very Mao, very Uncle Joe and very Goebbels too.
So-if YOU were a parasitic creep with no independence, no brain, no principles, no curiosity-just a wish to be self righteous, virtuous, able to take time off at will because your job is unnecessary but requires a public sector union to deliver a block vote for the Leftiscumm-wouldn`t YOU seek the spirit of the beehive for unsackable,overpayment from now `til doomsday?
Free uniforms, get your jollies next to the bad boys and the drugs trade-snoop around the perversion and deviances, writing, measuring and feeding it all-then promoting it, filimg it all and tyeeling the drabs that something FAR more interesting is out there…and you get to sniff serge or kevlar in the back of a van as the adrenaline flows-and then Mr Big accepts your pizza and script consultant cheque?…wouldn`t YOU crave the media appearance and a chance to lay flowers at little Aylans shrine in Highgate?
Course you wouldn`t-but you¬re not a liberal lefty cretin and lowlife are you?
(Jerrod excepted)
Which is why we`re here writing this stuff to ourselves, whilst Humphrys and Maitlis get free rides to exercise their privilege, and require us to feed them for it.
Boy-we`re stupid…
Terrific writing.
ChrisH’s posts here are surreal . I often wonder what he is on and if I can have some. I love the bit “Jerrod excepted” !!!
For me it’s “and you get to sniff serge or kevlar in the back of a van as the adrenaline flows”
Chris, at the top of his game there.
Love it.
Destroy, I have to read his posts about 4 times just to understand half of it. He is bordering on genius or madness or both. Fantastic free entertainment unlike the crap on the BBC !
Oh he’s a brilliant one. No doubt about that. Perfectly sane, though.
That pensive tone at the end. Recognising that here we are in this echo chamber; us who refused to adapt. Whilst the likes of Humphrys and Maitlis prosper. That it is necessary for those who wish always to enjoy good fortune, to change with the times.
Now, with mind to unknowable presence, he is not the cat’s father! 😉
Destroy, Yes, so very true !
There are two separate things going on here. The first is utterly moronic, but neverttheless part of the open borders mindset. That is an incredibly naive and foolish idea that a world without borders would be like a happy-clappy world music festival. The second is, at least superficially, more sinister: a deep loathing of Western Civilisation. It’s not always focussed, and manifests itself it different ways, such as the liberal/left McCarthyism in education or the bias of the BBC. But it has always underpinned the philosophy of the left. Looking at the more stupid members of a typical QT audience it’s easy to see that these two mindsets often coexist in the mind of one person.
Islamism and leftist views might be incompatible but they do share the same destructive aims and destructiveness has always been at the heart of Socialism.
But I don’t think they’re stupid, although their use of the ‘tory scum’ mantra does perhaps illustrate a rather closed mindset.
What relevance is their religion?
(1) Being Muslim paedophiles meant that they where able to do it because they where protected by Political Correctness.
(2) Islam has a much lower age limit for paedophilia.
(3) Islam does not respect the human rights of non-Muslim females.
(4) Muslim women are protected by their religion.
(5) Islam was very important to these paedophiles.
(6) Islam is only irrelevant to selfish self absorbed left-wing atheists at the BBC.
(7) We find that the BBC supports Islam, not the innocent victims such as Children(Rotherham), Protestants(Americans), Jews(Israel), Buddhists(Thailand), Hindus(India), Germans(Cologne) and the Sonny & Cher Islamic Civil War(Middle East).
(8) We find that the Popes support for Islam and his claim that Protestants in America, like Donald Trump, are not Christian, is stoking up Anti-Papists in America, and not pleasing Catholic Republican voters either, especial when you consider the hypocrisy of defending the Vatican City State with Walls and Sub-Machine guns, and its discrimination against employing any non-Catholics, not even Muslims, unlike the more religiously tolerant USA.
(2) Islam has a much lower age limit for paedophilia.
I don’t think there is such a thing as paedophilia in Islam. Muslims see their Prophet as the perfect example of a human and try to live their lives like his – therefore sex with an eight year girl, as their Prophet did, is perfection in Islam.
That is a slanderous, gross mis-representation.
She was 9.
Research was done for the Law & Freedom Foundation and published as a report which is now in book form entitled “Easy Meat – Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery;
The study also looked at Europe and found the same profile in many European countries. Whilst the races differed they were all Muslims. The profile is the same; gangs gang raping white indigenous children and protected by the authorities for fear of the backlash. Personally I think that instructions have come from #10 to play this all down which the media have gratefully complied with.
I don’t think their instructions need to come from higher authority.
Part of leftist psychology is voluntary surrender to the hive mentality, members understand without question what is required of them. The hive implements the top trumps rules without needing to think about it (in fact, thinking about it would be incompatible with the hive, and probably lead to public stinging).
Leftist top trumps: Muslim beats everything else. Everyone knows this rule (and I’m not even a hive member) but I doubt you will see it written down anywhere. The police know it, MPs know it, social services know it. Even though the top trumps rules are not written down they are followed without question.
Everyone in the hive knows there will be no consequences to anyone who follows the rules. (It’s the modern-day equivalent of “Nobody ever gets fired for buying IBM”).
Simple rule sets allow openly stupid people to rise to the very top of governing hierarchies. Otherwise, how could the left ever get into, and maintain, power?
It should also be remembered that Rod Liddle is a former editor of Radio 4’s TODAY programme…. Why isn’t he there now?