Ape Sh*t



Did Rod Liddle really compare Muslims to monkeys in the Sunday Times today?  Yep he did.

We’ve had the story about monkeys getting religion as they throw rocks at a tree, Rod Liddle casts a cynical eye over such a likelihood and says that….

‘I suppose throwing rocks at a tree does resemble, a little, the Muslim ritual of “stoning the Devil” on the hajj during Eid al-Adha, in which pious Muslims pelt three walls with seven stones apiece.  Laura [The scientist who observed the chimp behaviour] did not make this connection – perhaps because buried within her is a certain valuable instinct for survival.  I have mentioned it because, of late, I have become bored with my head and do not much mind being separated from it.’

Of course we know that Religious people are less intelligent than atheists  as science has proved,  I wonder if the head of BBC religious programming will be examining this latest research in depth.

It is in fact an interesting theological question…How would ISIS deal with religious monkeys?  They have no pockets so can’t really pay the protection money tax, they can’t really convert, or can they?, so will they have to be exiled or killed?  And what of the females?  Not even going there!

All God’s creatures or not?




Faith in BBC a ‘religious right’

BELIEF in the values of the BBC entitles an employee to the same protection at work as faith in Christianity, Islam and the world’s other leading religions, a review for the state equality quango has concluded.


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6 Responses to Ape Sh*t

  1. Dazed and Confused says:

    The problem is, Muslims don’t just throw rocks at trees, do they?…Women (as seen in the upcoming and sickening link) are also a target of their backward neanderthal ideology…..Shhhh!…Don’t pass this on to either the BBC or their leftist allies – as it may upset them, and I’ll be a “nazi, waycist, Fascist” to boot….



  2. Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

    To channel Marvin for a moment – Apes, not monkeys, Alan.

    To channel Delenda est for a moment – please discontinue the comparison of intelligent creatures with toilet bacteria.

    Actually, where IS Delenda? Haven’t seen him comment for ages.


  3. chrisH says:

    The good people of Hartlepool did hang a monkey way back…for being a French spy, so they say.
    If I were a monkey(or indeed any other related mammal with a brain but chooses to throw shit at the wall and grimace at the camera) I`d no longer work for Look North at the moment until it`s all calmed down at least.
    But even the thickest Islamist-monkey hanger though he might be-would not have voted in a Peter Mandelson, just so Tony would have a bed warmer in the next constituency, should he need it.
    Stuart Bell, Marietta Higgs, Geoffrey Wyatt?….from Captains Cook to Cock without the Kirk inbetween.
    Liddle himself is from Middlesbrough-so I`d trust him on all this.


  4. Richard Pinder says:

    This is the type of article that usually appears in the Mensa Magazine, hopefully next month, possibly with an article by John Whittingdale, telling us about his opinions on low IQ at the BBC, or W1A syndrome, as its scientific description will be called. Also I hope we see another article about Climate science censorship at the BBC.

    But we do know that the dimmest religious people in the BBC are Environmental Priests pretending to be Climate Scientists. Belief in something without any evidence is also a cornerstone of left-wing political dogma at the BBC.

    In fact all the new religions seem to originate from left-wing morons who then use taxpayers money to set up new religious institutions such as the Tyndall Centre, which stifle scientific debate. But the newest religion I can think of is the religion that says that “The EU is the light, the World is the dark”


  5. vlad the inhaler says:

    “Religious people branded as less intelligent than atheists”.

    Do they mean “religious” or “theistic” or perhaps both? Theistic people, after all, included such well-known idiots as Einstein, Newton and Schweitzer, while those of an atheistic disposition includes similarly famous humanitarians as Mao and Stalin, not to mention a certain very popular Stephen Fry who the beeb keeps telling me is a ‘National Treasure’ but who looks like a pretentious parasite to me.

    And, on a totally different topic, for God’s sake lets vote to get out of the E.U. You know it’s wrong to be in when you look at the people who support it.


  6. Number 6 says:

    Presumably the religion of peace is excluded from that ‘less intelligent’ blanket insult……natch