Trump isn’t anti-migrant or anti-Muslim…he wants to stop illegal migration and temporarily control Muslim entry to the US until they work out how to deal with the threat of Islamic State infiltrators who aim to kill as many Americans as possible…..many established Hispanics support Trump’s statement as they see the vast numbers of poor Mexicans as a threat to their livelihoods…whilst the Democrats want an open door policy because those vast numbers of poor Mexicans will usually vote Democrat…in the same way that Labour hoped immigrants to the UK would vote Labour.
Many middle-class, non-immigrant Hispanics worry that large-scale migration will undermine their hard-earned status as core Americans, impoverish their neighborhoods, drive up crime, worsen local schools and compete for jobs. Polls show the growing support for conservatives policies as Hispanics families root themselves in America — but the polls also show how the growing number of poor Hispanic immigrants keeps refreshing the Democratic supermajority among Hispanic voters.
The BBC for some reason doesn’t have a bad word to say about Obama rigging the election by importing millions of potential Democrat voters.
Let’s not forget this when the BBC attacks Trump for his comments about controlling Muslim immigration…Obama said……‘we are at war with ISIL’…
After the San Bernardino killings in December 2015, Obama acknowledged in a televised address to the nation that the US was at war, a concession he must have made with some reluctance.
At war? Who with exactly? Of what religion are they exactly? If you’re at war then you have to take measures to control those who may adhere to the enemy’s ideology….the US didn’t just stop Japanese immigration after 1941 they interned all Japanese, even those born in the US.
Obama tries to have his cake and eat it by attacking Trump and then admitting some Muslim communities are radicalised…
If we’re to succeed in defeating terrorism we must enlist Muslim communities as some of our strongest allies, rather than push them away through suspicion and hate.
That does not mean denying the fact that an extremist ideology has spread within some Muslim communities. This is a real problem that Muslims must confront, without excuse.
President Obama ended his address by saying, “Let’s not forget that freedom is more powerful than fear.” What he probably should have added is that freedom, to be more powerful than terror, must be successfully protected.
Jim Naughtie, along with the rest of the BBC, really seems to have it in for Donald Trump, or ‘The Donald’ as he calls him in a juvenile attempt to belittle him.
On Wednesday on the Today programme (08:10) the silken tones of Naughtie were put to use to mock and malign Trump but Naughtie also had a further dig later on in the day on The World At One… noted by Craig at Is the BBC biased? [need you really ask?]
Here’s Craig’s transcript of what Naughtie claimed Trump said and what he actually said….you might agree that what Naughtie missed out was rather important to the context and meaning…
Here’s a transcription of what listeners heard on The World at One. Would you really have assumed straight way that Donald Trump was talking specifically about Islamic State from this?:
James Naughtie: On international security you hear The Donald in full flow. This isn’t language the State Department would ever use, Nor a plan that any previous American administration would have contemplated.
Donald Trump: I would bomb the shit out of ’em. I would just bomb those suckers. And, that’s right, I’d blow up the pipes. I’d blow up the refin….I’d blow up every single inch, and there would be nothin’ left. And you know what? You’ll get Exon to come in there and in two months…you ever seen these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new. It will be beautiful. And I’d ring it, and I’d take the oil.
For context, here’s a fuller version of what Donald Trump said:
Donald Trump: ISIS is making a tremendous amount of money because they have certain oil camps, right? They have certain areas of oil that they took away. They have some in Syria, some in Iraq. I would bomb the shit out of ’em. I would just bomb those suckers. And, that’s right, I’d blow up the pipes. I’d blow up the refin….I’d blow up every single inch, and there would be nothin’ left. And you know what? You’ll get Exon to come in there and in two months…you ever seen these guys, how good they are, the great oil companies? They’ll rebuild that sucker, brand new. It will be beautiful. And I’d ring it, and I’d take the oil.
Craig says…
What’s puzzling me here is that what Donald Trump actually said is pretty jaw-dropping, isn’t it? So why would any critic of Donald Trump (especially a BBC one) want – or need – to gild the ‘offensive’ lily any more?
But actually as with much that Trump says there is more than an element of truth to it and his ideas are essentially what most people probably think but don’t articulate in such a forceful manner.
In fact both the British and US government think he’s right as they carry out that exact policy of ‘bombing the shit’ out of IS oil assets…
Austerity bites as Islamic State’s oil income hit by US-led bombing campaign
The US-led bombing campaign against Isil has cut its oil revenues and squeezed its finances to a point where it is cutting fighters’ salaries, according to a new report.
British Jets Strike IS Oil Refinery
Just hours after military action was approved, four British Tornado jets took off from their base in Cyprus to attack Islamic State targets in Syria. The first bombs were dropped on the Omar oil refineries in the east, that it’s believed were used to fund the terror group.
And as for what he said about Mexicans…
“[Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the business mogul said.
What did NATO General Breedlove say about immigration into Europe?…
US Gen Philip Breedlove said they were “weaponising” migration to destabilise and undermine the continent.
He also suggested that criminals, extremists and fighters were hiding in the flow of migrants.
Not a peep out of the BBC or the Guardian or all the others who attacked Trump for his comments so vocally.
Why are British prisons so full of foreigners now? Open the borders and allow anyone to come here unchecked and uncontrolled and what do you expect? The BBC et al don’t give a damn about the people murdered, the women raped, the thousands of victims of crime who wouldn’t be victims if we had proper border controls….they tried to whitewash Cologne, blame Paris and London on anyone but the people who carried out the attacks, and avoid associating any crime with immigrants….preferring not to mention ethnicity or religion if possible….such as in Rotherham where the BBC’s cover up still continues.
Simply common sense, but those cnuts at the BBC go looking for trouble.
Notice how the racists at the bBBC keep telling us that “Hillary” is leading in the southern states because of the high proportion of black people?
Any time they mention “the black community”, try turning it around and saying something about “the white community” without being shouted down by the looney lefties.
As with the EU campaign so with Trump. The BBC is predictable and I hope this continues. Trump has no reason to even notice anything the BBC says and on the EU every time the BBC shows it’s true colours more votes for the leavers.