New week, more bias, same BBC. I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier this morning regarding the Andrew Marr “interview” with Boris Johnson yesterday. In fact it was more of a sustained interruption than anything else! Marr exemplifies all that is rotten in the BBC, overtly biased and a creature of the liberal left. Anyway, here is where you can detail the bias!
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Marr showed his true colours yesterday. Anyone watchig that interview can’t have failed to grasp the extent of BBC left wing bias. Loved how Boris reduced Marr to shool boy protestations though. It’s my show, it’s the Andrew Marr show so I’ll do the questions and you’ll do as I say Boris and answer my questions which, had Marr shut his gob for one second I am sure Boris would have done. Anyway, what about this for a piece of anti-Trump. Katty – how approriate
Glad he pissed her off though.
I don’t usually watch Marr and didn’t yesterday. I can’t usually bring myself to do so but I heard he interrupted Boris 57 times in his interview. Hard to get any kind of fluency in a conversation with all that going on.
Marr is imitating Brillo Neil. Ask a question, yell over the answer and repeat the interruptions. I think the difference is that Marr really believes the lefty clap trap, always has. Neil obeys orders for each interview.
If I may say so he tries to imitate Neil, who is much more accomplished. Andrew Neil will ask a question, give the interviewee time to answer or hang themselves; and then (depending on the answer) put the noose around their neck.
I watched the interview after reading all of the comments on here – I just thought it was a standard Marr interview of someone who didn’t share his political view and par for the al beebus course; Boris Johnson did very well and got across the points he needed to.
What else would one expect to happen during the referendum fight?
That al beebus would suddenly become fair to those whom it despises and give equal ground to them, as it does to those who share its worldview? No chance.
Just an observation for those wondering about the EU referendum project fear.
Next time you go shopping or you have a spare minute take a look around and notice all the products not made or grown in the EU.
Wine from Australia, The Americas
Lamb from New Zealand
Butter from Australia
Electronics from the far East
Furniture from China
Chicken & prawns from Thailand
Cars from all over the world.
In fact it’s difficult to think of a product which isn’t available in the EU.
If all these foreign countries can sell into the EU without any problem at all, then why wouldn’t we be able to do exactly the same if we left?
Have the Former UK got anything left of their own, to sell?
Thoughtful, my mum is buying a new Suzuki Celerio. They are made in Hungary and Thailand !
What amuses me is the way our political discourse has been turned upside down. The ‘radical’ position is now to leave the EU, the ‘conservative’ (small ‘c’) is to stay. So almost the entire left wing (bar a few outsiders like Kate Hoey etc) are arguing in favour of small c-conservatism. A mad world, my masters.
I’m enjoying The Night Manager on Sunday nights at the moment. For once, a BBC drama (well an adapted Le Carre to be accurate) that is coming up to scratch.
Credit where it’s due.
Not everything the BBC does is rubbish. I’m enjoying Renaissance Unchained with Waldemar Januszczak who, though a rotten, gimmicky, presenter has some interesting things to say about Renaissance art. But the problem is that these good programmes stand out simply because they are so rare.
You could argue that it was ever thus – that TV programmes were almost always dross in the past and that we only remember the nuggets, and that might be true, but I doubt it.
In any case, the the theme is bias and its probably worth mentioning that le Carre is a frightful old Lefty and that Waldemar Januszczak is the art editor of…. wait for it.. The Guardian.
That’s interesting. I’m recording it to watch later.
That way, if I hear that a black, disabled, Muslim, trannie, Syrian, Jew-tortured, asylum seeker with ADHD has been shoehorned into the plot, I can delete it without wasting any time. There’s usually something irritating in there somewhere.
Lets start off the new thread with some good news! ‘H’ from that wonderful band Steps (who could forget their seminal version of Bee Gees ‘Tragedy’?) and his partner are both, er, um Dads to twin boys…How’d that happen?
I’m sure Lizo will be reporting the happy event for the BBC later….
The BBC and liberal left like to spread the lie that gay parents are equal or better than hetrosexual couples. There are many studies that show the complete opposite
It’s a similar lie to saying mass immigration is great. Anyone who disagrees is labelled homophobic/nazi/racist/UKIP’er before you can even quote research papers.
BBC biology. Darwin is discredited, its all about ‘equality’ of the species. Celebs and Luvvies go shopping for internet babies and ‘Buy-one-and-get-one-free’ was on special offer. Who needs Darwin when you can have the most unsuitable idiots as ‘gender free’ mascots parading newborn babies as non bio ‘parents’. Darwin would turn in his grave thanks to the BBC biology lessons, anything genetically impossible (and perverted) is now legal.
Extended sob sob report on mid day news on the parasite swarm. “If there is a heavy down pour tonight as expected what chaos will it bring to this camp”. Well it might wash away the piles of rubbish the swarm have dropped all over it. Yes still flogging the dead horse story that is the parasite swarm.
The BBC has become relentless on this one. No matter how much evidence it sees that most people are sick and tired of ‘migrants’ and have seen right through the media’s sob stories, on it ploughs.
I just caught a short clip of the Marr interview today in which he actually puts his hand between the camera and Boris Johnson’s face. Incredible rudeness.
Didn’t notice that and I just watched the entire ‘interview’ on YouTube.
What is it that Boris Johnson and Geert Wilders have in common? They both make a good deal of sense and both are blonde with permanent bad hair days.
Wilders is a patriot and a hero. he stands head and shoulders above Boris.
I guess that’s true.
old, the BBC and all the “remainers” are running scared. Their panic antics are playing right into our hands. Idiots !
Rugby shirt on a pole!
S’trewth mate! How d’you go? Acting-Up Aussie Cultural Attaché here. Giving you pommie bludgers back in the Septic Isle some more fair dinkum comment live from the Antipodes; you lucky people.
Now, in case yer wonderin’ why Sir Les can’t be with us again… no worries… he ain’t gone walkabout. He’s incommunicado – as we say in the diplomatic service. Poor ol’ blighter comes back on the Wednesday from a cultural exchange weekend in downtown Singapore feelin’ a bit dickie. Talk about chunder! Bad case of the wet burps. The Doc says “You my son have contracted all kinds of species of local wildlife, and that’s a fact – confined to your billet for the fortnight”. Course, Sir Les was gutted. He’s not the sort to throw a sickie and miss the height of the cultural season. Ballet, orchestral concerts, the opera festival – all a wash out. I can tell you – the air was blue!
Any other business I hear, you ask? Well, let’s get one thing clear right at the top, I’m not one to barrack for the away team, but it falls to me to deliver you a timely earbashing on the Kiwi flag issue.
Now we all know the New Zealanders are a funny lot. I’ve been there and it’s like Frinton in the 1950s. Don’t bother, you ain’t missing much.
In case you don’t know the difference – Kiwis yack whilst Aussies yabber, but both would belt up if you put the hard word on them. Plus you can recognise them on the beach – Kiwis will be in the trunks and jandals and the Aussies in togs and thongs – be careful with that last one. Main difference: New Zealand stand buckley’s chance of beating Aussie at sport.
But let’s show some respect and diplomacy. So the Sheepshaggers are voting on whether to change their flag. Don’t be fooled, this ain’t really about some supposed mix up with the Aussie flag. It’s about tearing off the Union Jack. And basically replacing it with a rugby shirt on a pole. Now this ain’t a hard and fast rule but you can’t often trust people with black in their flag. They’re usually either pirates, Germans or in the third world – that’s a tip for you there.
Top five stories all pro Islamic migration – disgraceful !
I have an idea that those who doggedly and habitually post on this site in order to analyse and expose BBC bias might need an antidote to all the pc muck they have to wade through in order so to do.
So here’s Judge Jeanine demonstrating what genuine journalism looks like in a free country with a fine constitution and freedom of speech as she demolishes Mitt Romney and champions Donald Trump and the American people:
I’m in love.
Thanks for posting She is fantastic. In addition no one in the UK media have stood up to the Government as much as she has stood up to St Obama.
Wow ! Now that is some feisty lady. Just glad I am not married to her. But, impossible to imagine the BBC or ITV allowing anything like that in the UK. God bless America !
Yes, isn’t she something? I’m currently watching a clip of her tearing into the Clintons in April on YouTube.
TrueToo, I had never heard of her before this. But, can you imagine a similar British woman ? And how she would be treated by the left-wing media here ?
I’m not British, but there is one woman who was holding her own against Andrew Neill a few months back. That Clinton clip I mentioned above is dynamite. She exposes all kinds of crooked deals they were involved in, the worst of which is one that led to Russia, which supplies Iran with the means for the bomb, gaining control of a large percentage of US Uranium:
Judge Jeanine Pirro is not free from sin herself though. Her ex husband, a political lobbyist was jailed for a $1 million tax evasion scandal, which harmed her career, and her political ambitions when she ran for office for the Republican party was partly financed by donations from one Donald Trump!
She’s not as far right as she appears either, having said “I am red on fiscal policy. I am conservative and I support the Bush tax cut.” She added, however: “I have broad blue stripes when it comes to social issues…. I am a woman who is a moderate in New York.”
Sounds like a US version of David Cameron !
Was she implicated in her ex-husband’s crimes ?
That’s the relevant question. For all we know she was against them as she is against those of the Clintons. And it’s no crime for politicians to accept campaign donations in the US, from Trump or anyone else.
I should add that tax evasion pales into insignificance compared to the Clinton crime of endangering US security (and that of US allies like Israel) by engineering a uranium deal with Russia for personal gain.
Be careful with that one, because so far as I can tell it isn’t true.
It had to be approved by 10 separate departmental heads, each one has a veto, yet it was not exercised. Laying this solely at the door of Hilary Clinton is simply wrong!
There is plenty the Clintons have done wrong, which can’t unfortunately be proved, along similar lines to the BLiars in Britain, where substantial sums from Sunni Muslim Oil rich countries have found their way into her ‘foundation’.
So corrupt it stinks, but this is not a deal which was solely down to her.
Laying this solely at the door of Hilary Clinton is simply wrong!
Why? She was top dog. You mean the buck (literally) didn’t stop with her?
But she wasn’t top dog! She was Secretary of State, she did not use her influence on anyone else, the most which could be said is that she failed to act.
When the reply chain gets too long it stops working so I’ll reply here:
The only dog topper than her was Obama. So either he instructed her to endanger US security by smoothing the way for Iran to get uranium via the Russians or she acted without him knowing about the deal.
And how on earth can you know that she didn’t influence anyone else?
Are you a fan of hers?
Read the article !
Oh & by the way, if you want to research Irans nuclear ambitions start with A Q Khan and Pakistan!
Perhaps you aren’t aware of this:
Are you a fan of hers? No, but I am a big fan of the truth! There’s as much prima facie evidence that the Clintons are corrupt as there is about Tony Bliar. Again & again we see Western politicians giving a ‘speech’ for ridiculous amounts of money which are most likely a cover for a bribe.
This though is a red herring, and you are barking up the wrong tree. Plenty of other more realistic & provable corruption issues why chase one which you certainly cannot make stick?
In 2000, Pirro’s husband was convicted of federal tax evasion and conspiracy of over $1 million, which was seen as possibly hurting her legal and political career prospects. The conviction was so damning to the future of her political career that she seriously considered resigning from her position as a state D.A. and taking up a more lucrative post in the private sector. In the midst of her 2006 state attorney general campaign, Pirro revealed that she was the subject of a federal investigation into whether she illegally taped her husband’s conversations in order to catch him committing adultery. The couple announced they were separating in November 2007 and finalized their divorce in 2013.
Pirro received significant political contributions from her husband’s associates—after his release from prison —throughout her numerous unsuccessful attempts to hold higher office. These include numerous contractors and realtors who had done business with her husband on previous occasions.
She’s brilliant, but I would like to see Katie Hopkins give us her views online, because she has got more testosterone than the average career minded cretin MP.
The BBC manipulated false information in 2009 in what is now known as the ‘Climate-gate affair’ and now The Times has reported (4th March 2016) the University has gone bankrupt. The University has lost £10M experimenting on ‘‘green’ bio-fuels flops’ (report from The Times 4/03/16). The University at the centre of the 2009 Climate-gate affair over leaked emails (to the BBC News reporters i.e. Harrabin and Co.) , it has now abandoned what it had promised – (a relatively simple and cheap scheme to burn wood chips in power stations). Oh my! what a disaster for all those Wood Burners and stoves. And it only cost £8 million to find out that Coal is better.. but then they (panic) decide to investigate using Straw as a bio-fuel fuel (another £3 million disaster). Amazing!
Clive Lewis the Norwich South MP stated “these are large sums of money which ultimately come from you and me”. A local campaigner against the University “Generation Park Scheme: said the University had tries to conceal the failure..’… ‘it was also not mentioned in it’s report on environmental objectives published last year’. It’s interesting that the BBC will not report embarrassing failures that involve misuse of ‘public service money’ (as opposed to commercial failures which are then highlighted). At fault are EU directives on ‘zero carbon‘ targets that are impossible to achieve realistically in reduce carbon emissions without investing in Nuclear Power stations. Imagine the BBC powered by wood chips and straw as their staff slowly freeze to death inside ice cold bunkers due to ‘global warming’. Nope they just turn on the diesel generators. It was never mentioned (BBC involvement) in ‘Climate-gate’ but thanks to BIASED BBC research (thanks to Robin Horbury), The Telegraph did credit (in 2009) Robin Horbury at ‘BIASED BBC’ that ‘emails’ linked this University to the BBC itself. The BBC has done virtually nothing to deny it ever since. Funny that. Now the University is doubly discredited. Unfortunately none of the BBC £3.8 billion pounds goes into any of this research. It just does the ‘Green politik’ Bullshit then denies all knowledge. Then repeats what it does not know as ‘fact’ despite all evidence contrary or even bankruptcy.
The BBC gravitates like bees to honey to any corrupt, multinational scam that fleeces the public – like the EU, the UN and the global ‘warming’ fraud.
Did I say bees to honey? I meant flies to sh*t.
Most of the details up to the end of 2011 are below.
Click to access booker-bbc.pdf
We need an updated edition for the last five years.
Whittingdale may be quietly getting rid of Richard Ayre and his gang, but we still have the problem of how to deal with people like Fraser Steel, Colin Tregear, Richard Hutt, Alison Wilson, Roger Harrabin and all those people associated with the Tyndall Centre. The problem is that there is such a concentration of corruption at the BBC, that nobody seems to know what to do, or how to prevent a future revolving door of corruption with OFCOM.
But as I have seen snippets of leaks about this since 2011, it looks like a book will be produced, like the book on the IPCC by Donna Laframboise. Anyway, with Congress exposing scientific fraud in Climate science, and once we get rid of Cameron, and have someone with more brains in control. Then the government could set up an all party “Climate Science Fraud and Censorship Committee” with Piers Corbyn advising his brother to recommend Labour MP and scientist Graham Stringer as Chairman, and the other scientist, Tory MP Peter Lilly to be appointed his deputy. The Committee could look into the personalities involved with the fraud and censorship in the most corrupt institutions involved. Top of the list would be the BBC.
(from the old weekend thread)
An appalling and scary video from the Manchester Evening Lies which is part of the Mirror group, and can be relied on to give a distorted left wing Fascist view of life.
Sure, the guy is an ape, a complete dickhead, but the second person who claims he is backing up the first threatens to call the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad – which is what the once Manchester Police have now become – and then says – “it will not be tolerated in this country”
Shit !
I watched 1984 again at the weekend, and it’s scary just how similar the UK is becoming with aggressive authoritarian twonks like this trying to enforce their Fascist view of the world. ”
I like the way Mr double-plus good says the guy should be quiet as he’s ‘in the absolute minority, and will not be tolerated in this country’. So that means…..well, I’m sure even a primary school child could see where that logic leads.
Chilling isn’t it.
Annoying, more like.
“Chilling isn’t it.”
It’s a bloke on a tram trying to persuade an abusive, idiot drunk to shut up.
As someone who thinks Christian Worship should be compulsory for all children and that failure to comply should result in enforced deportation, I don’t think you, “Thoughtful”, are best placed to complain about; “aggressive authoritarian twonks trying to enforce their Fascist view of the world”
awwww calm down dear, it’s only a website. When the Zero backed revolution comes you can be first in line to refuse to go to Friday prayers. I’m sure the Sharia police will listen carefully to your protestations especially as you are so welcoming of anything but Christianity.
Hey Zero! 1984 was written as a warning, not an instruction manual !
Christian worship in schools is at this time a compulsory element: Education Acts provides for collective worship that is “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character” .
I understand that people like yourself seek to destroy our countries heritage, its culture and society so you can oppress the people to an even greater extent – you only need read 1984 to find that deeply ingrained in Socialist thinking.
As for the guy on the tram, there’s no evidence that he is drunk. The first guy is the one who shuts him up, and he does it without resorting to Fascist rhetoric. The problem is the second one who jumps in with his true nature.
How long before sites like this are shut down because they won’t be tolerated?
From an interesting new site
peter6218 • 11 minutes ago
Spot the propaganda mistake of the BBC . Of course nice ” refugee ” couple chosen so not representative of the 80% young men from Iraq, Afghan etc. They say that they are from Homs ( a lie )which is guaranteed to get them onwards to mother Merkel . In the original posted at 8 am this morning the girl says she would rather go home to die in ” Damascus “. The BBC realised their propaganda error and by this pm it is she would rather go home to die in Syria. Lies Lies and more Lies from the BBC.…
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BobCat™ peter6218 • 4 minutes ago
Has The Biased BBC picked this up?
Reported by Sky this afternoon:
Now what could possibly go wrong with that?
Over on the BBC…
From your second link notafan:
One camp resident, Syrian refugee Narjes al Shalaby, told AP news agency: “All we do here is sleep, wake up, sleep,” she said. “We get hungry, we wait in the queue for two hours for a sandwich, we come back, we sleep some more.”
An utter disgrace. Where the hell are Cumberbatch, Geldof, Charlotte Church and the like? Bloody shirkers, they should be out there entertaining those poor, helpless souls – inbetween handing out free cash, hugs, bikes and fur coats…
I mean really, you have to feel for Narjes – who the hell would want free food, a free roof over their head, a cheeky nap on demand and not a single bill to pay? The woman needs entertaining – it’s her ‘uman right, innit?
David Milliband on PM Radio 4 (Eddie Mair) from Turkey telling us what a great idea it would be for Turkey to be an EU member, and that the country would have been less likely to have closed down the newspaper this weekend.
Even with Schengen – which would apparently have been a great idea to allow refugees to freely travel into mainland Europe without the risks of people smuggling and drowning on the way! Mair seemed to approve!
Thank God his brother wasn’t elected !
The report is immediately followed by a warning that ISIS is planning a ‘spectacular attack’ in the UK. I wonder how that might be made easier for them Mr Millipede, after all we wouldn’t want to compromise the terrorists safety would we?
The programme that keeps giving!
The daily ‘trompe de Trump’, followed by the trashing of Nancy Reagan’s ‘just say no’ anti-drug slogan.
Apparently coffee is worse that cannabis, according to Baroness Meacher!
David Miliband gave a speech to the College of Europe in Nov 2007 in which he stated:
“The goal must be a multilateral free-trade zone around our periphery – a version of the European Free Trade Association that could gradually bring the countries of the Mahgreb, the Middle-East and Eastern-Europe in line with the single-market, not as an alternative to membership, but potentially as a step towards it. “
His timescale for this was around 2030. Think about that: Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria as part of the European Union, or “Eurabia” as it would become. But Miliband wasn’t giving a personal opinion formulated after a few too many drinks – he was speaking as the British Foreign Secretary and he was telling us what the actual plan is.
Read it at
Miliband was awful, once again seeming to endorse a world in which people are treated as counters to be moved around the global boardgame mostly towards Europe of course, giving vague answers when asked about Erdogans democratic credentials.
That there is a cease fire in Syria was not mentioned, not discussed, not considered.
Erdogan is basically a Turkish fascist….latest stunt…..forcibly shutting down a dissident newspaper then reopening it as a government supporting one.
Here’s how the game might develop, Erdogan obtains visa free travel to the EU for “Turks” then ups the ante against his minorities especially the Kurds, it’s win win for Erdogan as Kurds travel visa free to Europe, so he’s rid of them (along with other undesirables like gays and leftists) whilst also adding to the Islamic population of Europe.
Our leaders are either wearing blindfolds or are culpable. Call Erdogans bluff, increase aid and support safe havens for Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. Stop the flow of refugees. And stop the increasingly transparent “get Turkey into the EU and consequences be damned” conspiracy.
So, can someone explain to me how the Turkish deal works to the benefit of Europe and, by default, the UK?
They take back thousands of “refugees” in return for visa-free European travel for millions of “Turks”? Now, where did I read that one of the easiest places to get a dodgy passport is….Istanbul???
Allow me to quote our beloved leader David Cameron. Here’s what he said during his visit to Turkey on 27th July 2010:
“Well, I can tell you why: because Turkey is vital for our economy, vital for our security and vital for our politics and our diplomacy.
“I am here to make the case for Turkey’s membership of the European Union and to fight for it.”
See the official record at
It’s difficult to spot a policy of Cameron’s these days that isn’t designed to bring the UK to its knees faster than you can say ‘Lord Haw-Haw’.
It might even be worse than that. Apart from the visas for Turks, “Europe” may have to take a “genuine” Syrian refugee from a Turkish camp for every non-Syrian returned to Turkey.
As our wise leader Camerloon would have us believe we are “stronger in a reformed Europe “.
Clearly, grovelling and kissing the feet of the Turks is wonderful demonstration of the awesome power of the EU. As usual that cretin Verhofcrap has been on TV saying that the answer to every European crisis is more Europe. Roll on BREXIT.
And pay €4.9Bn for the pleasure. This is EU/Merkel’s making, if they had followed the UK Govt lead (provide aid on the ground and process genuine refugees there) from day 1 it wouldn’t have come to this.
Syria appears to be the most educated place on earth ! – one half of the couple mentioned above was a university student, and now its almost guaranteed that those picked for interview always come from Syria and are professionals !!?! Funny how its never Somalia or Afghanistan or Pakistan, ooooh nooooo the reporter chooses those that would be good tele; and quite honestly I think in the same way we have become immune to the spiel by politicians of “hard working families” mentioned so often with such gravitas in speeches, so its the same for the “desperate and wanting a better life” plight of the migrants. The sympathy steam has long run out – except of course with celebs wanting to appear pious and up their profile.
Indeed. I wonder why the BBC doesn’t repeat the fawning series it made on education, “Syrian School”? A little bit embarrased by it these days?
That’s because Bliar was the Middle East envoy and he vowed to get more than half the population into university. It obviously worked. Unfortunately, they are all Media or Arts graduates so they are making the dangerous trek to a better life behind a Costa counter….
Laugh? I nearly wet myself. BBC discovers real Saudi comedians, which tells us more about BBC comedy than Saudi comedy, if this is supposed to be funny.
Maybe they were born in Saudi and still hold the nationality, but at least two of them live in the USA and have done for some time. I suspect the woman doesn’t live in Saudi either, because she says she’s a ‘driver’, and as we all know women aren’t allowed to drive in Saudi.
Saudi comedians? Nothing new about that:
Better still
Thinking about it, they’re probably Egyptian.
Oh dear, another faux pas.
Radio 4’s Feedback goes from bad to worse.
Most of the latest programme is taken up with congratulating Evan Davis for running the same show for ten years, introducing the new ‘comedy commissioner’ and speculation as to whether the ‘Whitingdale reforms(!)’ will make a difference, as the BBC does ‘more with less’ and pushes its ‘distinctiveness’.
Clearly the listeners are so happy with the BBC that they feel no need for ‘feedback’!
Got to fill the time with something so we get a plug for the new comedy talent, May Martin. We get a sample: “Some people are born gay, some people achieve gayness, some have gayness thrust upon them (99% of us?)” No guesses where she is ‘coming from’ or why she got the gig. She claims that 50% of under-25s “aren’t identifying one way or another”. ( I think the clue is in the bits between your legs dear and which bits are complementary between other people’s legs).
Or maybe she is joking – it’s the ‘new’ comedy?
There was a R4 prog on the other day – it may have been Feedback – where somebody (not sure who, a member of the public writing in I think) asked why there were not more right-wing comedians on R4. Answer was ‘there aren’t that many of them’. Of course it doesn’t occur to them that the reason there arent’ that many of them is because the culture of the arts is institutionally left wing. They would never say for example ‘we don’t have black/female/gay comedians because there aren’t that many of them’….comedians like Ommid Djalili (sp) and Little Miss Jocelyn were more or less created by the BBC to tick boxes. (I’d say ‘groomed’ but that has different connotations these days).
I think Pat Condell would be perfect for three or four editions of “A Point of View” from 20:50 on Fridays on Radio 4. He would bring comedy and seriousness about the issues of the day, and would be at least as good as Lefty American Democrat Adam Gopnik, Lefty drug-smoker Sarah Dunant, the late Lisa Jardine, and others.
Lee Hurst
Andrew Lawrence
Harry Enfield
Stephen Crowder
NOW, are we all prepared for the programme on BBC1 at 9 pm tonight ????
I know exactly which programme you are referring to and I fear the mother of all propaganda pieces.
More than a million arrived last year seeking sanctuary, with thousands making the perilous crossing to Greece by boat each day. This grittily immersive film takes us right onto the front line as Chris and Xand van Tulleken – doctors, part-time aid workers and twin brothers – set out to assist, seeing first-hand what conditions are like for those fleeing through Europe in winter.
Over two weeks in early January, the plucky duo travel to the tiny Greek island of Lesbos, the gateway to Europe for Syrian refugees, before following the trail to Athens, through the Balkans, then onto Berlin and finally Calais.
Let that interpretation of ‘seeking sanctuary’ be your guide to tonight’s programme.
O/T, but how depressing is C4 News. The message through the past half hour is how shitty are the UK institutions
Jeremy Vine at lunchtime had an item to ‘commemorate’ the death of Nancy Reagan.
Except she was the wife of the Left’s most hated president since Nixon so this being the BBC and Big Ron also being bezzie mates with Margaret Thatcher, they had to bring on a lefty academic to trash every single aspect of Reagan’s record as President whilst throwing in a good kicking of Nancy’s ‘Just Say No’ initiative on drugs.
It was nothing less than a one-sided hatchet job and blatant piece of political opportunism – in the worst possible taste given she has only just died.
Prior to that Vine had this African woman on who’s just written a book about FGM, she herself being a victim. Well, it was all news to our Jeremy but what a brave woman to bring it to the world’s attention! But ‘people will say’, exclaims Jezza, that it’s not a problem here so what can we do about it? She did put him straight, but not as firmly as she should have done given this:
The legislation outlawing FGM was introduced in 1985, but there were no prosecutions until last week. Why?……..The legislation outlawing FGM was introduced in 1985. No prosecutions followed. In 2003, recognition of the fact that many girls were being taken abroad to be mutilated led to an amendment making it illegal to perform FGM on a UK national or UK permanent resident in any territory. Again, no prosecutions followed – until last Friday, when it was announced that Dr Dhanuson Dharmasena and Hasan Mohamed (both of London) would be the first people prosecuted under FGM legislation in the UK.
And this from the Huffington Post:
An NHS doctor has been cleared of performing female genital mutilation (FGM) in the first British case of its kind amid claims that he was used as a “scapegoat”.
Dhanuson Dharmasena, 32, was accused of illegally stitching a young mother up after she gave birth – re-doing the FGM she had as a six year-old in Somalia. But a jury acquitted him after less than half an hour of deliberations.
Defence barrister Zoe Johnson QC said Dharmasena had “been hung out to dry” and forced to pay the “ultimate price” for hospital failings.
In other words it’s been a problem for such a long time and, as recent newspaper reports have explained, thousands of cases have come to the attention of NHS hospitals over the years.
‘Educate and inform’? Not on Jezza’s watch unless, of course, he’s just the fall guy for the BBC not having any better explanation as to why thus far it hasn’t given it the coverage it desperately deserves and he was under instructions to ‘take one for the team and crack a deaf ‘un’.
The BBC – you know it’s a crock of shite.
That awful progressive academic he had on, was the same American professor (who lectures over here, in Birmingham I believe) he used to attack the Fox News reporter who said there were no-go zones in British and European cities. A complete tw@t!
The irony is that the Left should cheer (part of) Regan’s legacy, as he was the president who initiated the destruction of what was once that great country within the Anglosphere – South Africa.
An unbelievable story glossed over by the BBC.
‘no one dared to highlight this issue because they feared being accused of racism or intolerance’.
And that’s exactly what happened, and the management took the action all the staff feared. A complete over reaction, they should all be summarily dismissed so they get to learn the fear they are engendering in their staff. What on earth did the Fascists think they were doing?
Another story where no one is a winner. The consultant, who was clearly right to challenge the jihadi who put lives at risk so she could continue what are lifestyle choices set by a kiddy fiddler. The jihadi, who should have been told that her cult has no place in a hospital and if she wanted to be a far right racist ROPer then to fuck off back to Muhammad land. The delusional, apologist, white man hating media who just want these stories to go away…. But our peace loving friends who will gladly slit the throats of every man, woman and child to ensure the creation of a world caliphate are not playing ball and ramping up the enrichment. And the British public who realise how far detached from reality the spineless, traitorous scumbags who run our institutions are.
Whenever politicians have a photo opportunity in a hospital, they always have to take their ties off and roll their sleeves up, in case any nasty germs infect the patients, yet apparently there is no problem with a muslim wearing a hijab in the operating theatre. How much of this bullshit do they think we will take?
They suspended the wrong surgeon.
The latest rumours about Turkey being allowed to join the EU seems to have made a few people unnecessarily nervous. So I thought I’d do my good deed for the day and put everyone’s mind at rest and looked up a few stats. The population of Turkey is close to 76,000000. About 98% of them are Muslims. So far so good…
Children in Turkey are 5 times more likely to die in infancy. And adults die approx 7 years earlier than their British counterparts. Turks are 30 times more likely to be unemployed. They have 40% more babies and make 59% less money. Here’s a really cheery fact; If you’re Turkish you are 78% more likely to be in prison. So there you’ve got it. Oh, and the icing on the cake, Dave and Angela are all for it
Nothing whatsoever to worry about…
BBC Shop Closure Terms & Conditions will cease trading in the UK from midnight on 29th March 2016.
Last order dates will vary depending on where you wish your order to be delivered.
Closing down offers are only available whilst stocks last and we can cancel them at any time.
Not all items offered for sale on BBC Shop in the UK will be included in the closing down offers, for example audio books will not be on offer.
We anticipate high volumes of traffic and orders during the closing down sale, which may impact the performance of the BBC Shop website.
I wouldn’t get too carried away with that Thoughtful. It’s just a re-branding exercise for the BBC who are putting all their eggs into into the next failure ‘BBC Store’. None of it will make any money, but they have to be seen to be ‘doing’ something for all that ‘extra’ money they predict when they officially start charging for the BBC iPlayer service. I wonder if there are that many UK students wishing to pay for the BBC iPlayer they currently use for free. Freeview TV is a likely winner when they start charging students to watch TV on their smartphone. Nobody wants to wear a BBC T shirt on Campus after the ‘sexual events’ of Saville, Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall being now ‘uncool’ perverts. I guess that could be why they shut up the BBC shop. Maybe a discreet shop in Soho is all that is required for their ‘clients’.
Women’s History Month – Joann Fletcher (Immortal Egypt) £6.99 – Mary Beard (Pompeii) £1.89 – Fight!!
Monday bBBC1 9pm
Doctors visit migrants.
This is al beeb’s idea of prime time tv for the masses
Utterly pathetic. Reach for the off switch.
Yes, the BBC makes TV just for itself these days. What the viewer wants is incidental.
The Flying Scotsman , programme on BBC4 , tonight. Everyone was Hideously White, no surprise there. It was only spoilt when ,at the very end, when they had a trailer for a forth coming BBC2 programme on “Life in the White House” with Barry O. One programme I won`t be viewing.
I hope whoever was responsible for that progranmme is going to be sent for re education in the necessity for diversity even though there is absolutely no evidence that our ethnic minorities have the slightest interest in steam trains or any of those things that go to make up our despised culture- despised that is by the cultural marxists of the BBC and it’s hangers on.
I’m always interested to know why we should be in the EU, there must surely be some reason?
Fortunately the green pixie, Caroline Lucas, gives us this in the Spectator:
“It is the EU which is introducing caps on bankers’ bonuses, stronger action on tax evasion and avoidance, and more lobbying transparency. Even on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Treaty, it is David Cameron who is the loudest cheerleader, and our European neighbours (3 million of whom have signed a petition opposing TTIP) who offer us the best chance of defeating it.“
So the EU, which is negotiating the TTIP, which is bad, is good because 3 million out of 500 million of its ‘citizens’ oppose the treaty! I guess it is similar to the logic of one of the panelists on Any Questions? at the weekend who wanted to be in a ‘reformed EU’ but offered no clue as to how such ‘reform’ was to be achieved. The pair of them must be drinking too much of Baroness Meacher’s coffee I think!
This is very good.
I too am a white advocate
by Katherine Rushton & Sam Creighton, The Daily Mail, 2/3/2016
“The BBC has lost its edge and now relies too heavily on quiz shows and lifestyle programmes, a government-backed report said yesterday.
The channel, which costs more than £1 billion a year to run, is ‘less innovative and less risk-taking’ than it was a decade ago, the study claimed.
The BBC has increased the number of entertainment shows during that period, with series like The Great British Bake Off and The Voice.
The study claimed that it has edged out documentaries, coverage of classical music and the arts, and ‘specialist factual’ shows on subjects such as science, health and history.
The report, commissioned by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, said: ‘At least in some dimensions BBC1 has increased its entertainment output at the expense of the volume of specialist factual and documentaries.’
The report, by media analysts Oliver & Ohibaum Associates and Oxera Consulting, criticised the bland line-up of programmes during the daytime in particular, where there is ‘a lack of variability’ and a reliance on cheaper factual entertainment titles around ‘house and home’ subjects.
The review also criticised BBC Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 5 Live for treading on the toes of their commercial rivals, costing them up to £38 million a year.
It is not the first time the BBC has been accused of clogging its schedules with long-running shows, instead of taking risks with new series.
ITV said in a submission to the Government last year: ‘It is hard to see the case to spend the licence fee on a 42nd series of Bargain Hunt, the 19th series of Homes Under the Hammer, the 16th series of Escape to the Country or the 11th series of Antiques Road Trip.’
The BBC said: ‘This report appears to propose a BBC designed for the convenience of its competitors not the enjoyment of audiences.'”
Of course, in a sensible world it wouldn’t be down to governments commissioning ferociously expensive ‘studies’ from stupidly named, self-appointed ‘experts’ at our expense.
The market would decide, as it does in the USA, where the quality of the best prgrammes has galloped ahead of ours in recent years.
Just going to throw a few ideas out for the Al Beeb for when they begin the enrichment season to brainwash..sorry help enlighten the racist white population…we know it’s coming 🙂
1: Pedo-file.
From the team that gave us countryfile, a team of experts brings us the best enrichment locations up and down the country.
2: Allahu akbar.
From the producers of pointless, a game show where contestants have to find as many ways of not saying what the real answer is.
3: The religion of peace.
A new series brought to you from the home of Muslims, Islamistan (or Luton will do). This series will show the true peaceful side of the most persecuted, kind, loving, friendly race of people in the world. Being subjected to horrific acts of name calling and not receiving eye contact, our heroes make right this savage treatment with glorious mass murder and rape. We will all be rooting for the group of ROPers to enrich that innocent 12 year old girl after we see how unkind we are to our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Episode 1: death to the infidels
Episode 2: watching the homosexuals fly (from the buildings)
Episode 3: stone her to death! Allah be praised!
I am hoping that one of the Al Beeb employees that use this site can bring back my ideas to HQ. I think several baftas and a full time stint as a sofa jockey await me!
Please feel free to add your own suggestions
4. Changing Towns.
With a format not dissimilar to the once great interior design romp Changing Rooms, the team visits various northern towns that have become true beacons of enrichment. The plan is to see how whole areas of once working class terraced housing have been gradually turned into vibrant, miniature versions of Pakistan, complete with genuine litter, ingenious ways of squeezing a family of twelve into a two bedroom terrace and a quite staggering array of mosques.
Episode 1: Blackburn
Episode 2: Bradford
Episode 3: Allah will confirm location
“Europe is facing its biggest refugee crisis since World War Two”
No it isn’t. In the main, these people are not refugees, they are on the move looking for a better life at our expense.
“Turkey is currently sheltering more than 2.7 million refugees from the civil war in neighbouring Syria.”
Quite possibly correct, but when they have reached Turkey they have found refuge. The second they step foot out of Turkey they forfeit their refugee status and become economic migrants, or to use a more fitting description ‘parasites’.
“”It would have been better to stay in Syria and die” – You’ve answered your own question luv.
“All we do here is sleep, wake up, sleep,” she said. “We get hungry, we wait in the queue for two hours for a sandwich, we come back, we sleep some more.”
Sounds like he’s preparing himself well for life in western Europe then!
Breaking news ! Merkel’s Mess .
She has a ‘cunning plan’ with Turkey to take migrants back ?
Watch Al Beeb’s breaking news take on this, that is as soon as the useless corporation can censor and dress it up . What a mess the EU is in .
Two questions – why is Merkel always calling the tune? and why is our ‘Used Car Salesman’ trying to keep us in this failed state .
Brexit is the only way to salvation .
Just wait for the pictures of migrants being forcibly being taken back to Turkey, cos sure as hell they ain’t going to go willingly. Cue more tear gas, water cannons and sit-ins rather than be rounded up to go on the lorries to return from whence they came. It’ll be crying kids and women shown being manhandled by the police/army, and comparisons made to Nazism during WW2, and more cries of yuman rights by the studio wallahs over here. Can’t wait.
Exactly. They haven’t paid the trafficers to get them to the land of milk and honey, only to be forcibly returned to the 3rd world cesspit that is Turkey.
Greece should be rounding them up at gunpoint and putting them on the next boat back, regardless of what Turkey agrees to. It seems highly likely that Turkey is helping them onto the boats, so that they can deliberately flood Europe with these parasites and then use blackmail tactics to fleece the EU for all it’s got. It’s certainly looking that way, even just by reading Al Beeb.
And here it is ……..
Cue – run the photographs of women and children …………….
Does the licence fee entitle me to reduced price boxes of hankies?
I’m….sob……..going to …..need………………..sob…………………………….wail………..many …of…. them. Sob.
‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ nursery rhyme example ………
Ships first sent to rescue migrants ……………
Then sent to turn them back ? …………………
Could it all be because of the forthcoming referendum ?
I’d like to add to Tothepoint’s suggestions for new BBC TV programmes:
‘Allah, Allah’ (sitcom)
A hilarious comedy about the last booze-serving pub in Rotherham, and its owners’ plucky but hopeless resistance to their new overlords. (They are sheltering two British airmen on the run from an RAF Diversity course.)
‘Some Mullahs do ‘ave ’em’ (sitcom)
A Shi’ite Mullah has to contend with an idiot (Fariq Al Spencer) who can’t get anything right.
Episode 1: Will Fariq ever grasp that the Sunnis are heretics, or will the Mullah have to behead him?
(A truly Shi’ite show, even by the Beeb’s standards)
Ragheads (quiz)
Two teams of women compete to answer multi-choice questions on the Koran (replying as best they can, through burkkas and hijabs). There’s no prize for the winning team, but the losers receive a public stoning.
The Al Beeb are definitely missing a diversity opportunity and some boxes being ticked with those programs! Great ideas Helena. Already have them on series link
BBC Online News:
(by Dominic Casciani Home affairs correspondent)
“”Channel migrants ‘detained in freight shed””
“”Channel border officials were so “overwhelmed” by clandestine migrants last year they had to house some of them in a freight shed, inspectors say””
Does anybody care about this? The BBC are writing it for themselves. They seek to support their biased Left wing agenda that all immigrants are victims.
The Turkey agreement is bad on so many levels.In effect the numbers of migrants will be unchanged .We the EU get a verified refugee for every migrant returned to Turkey. So no difference in the numbers .Thats if it can be done.I seriously doubt it and I don’t trust the Turkish government.
Then there’s the rush to give Turks movement without visas by June and early discussions to join EU.
I haven’t listened to Beeb this morning ,but I note that its now not possible to comment on any of the Telegraphs articles relating to any of this .Not that I do comment on there but I like reading the comments for solidarity with other outers of which there always seems to be a majority.Closing down comment is a bit sinister if you ask me .I suppose it shows how worried the remainers must be to stifle dissent.
William Hague has a very spun article about how wonderful and what a role model Turkey is.Its very depressing….
One wonders if the impartial BBC ‘analysis’ of this deal will match that above? Especially regarding the timing in the last para?
BBC 7am news now proclaiming this ‘deal’ as if it is a ‘victory for the EU’ that has been cleverly negotiated by such diplomatic high-achievers as Merkel and Cameron. A toast of Victory Gin all round sirs!
Cameron is heard saying what a great deal this is for Europe “Something I have been arguing for for years”.
The left actually are completely mad! I can hardly conceive a worse deal for ‘Europe’. (I suppose if each immigrant was allocated a named 12 year old girl in each country for ‘comfort’, that would be worse, but at least it would save the hypocrisy of the social services/police/etc having to pretend they disapproved of child rape.)
Unfortunately, the left have so degraded the level of public debate (or made it illegal in most important instances) that I still expect most people will listen to the news and believe that they are hearing something good.
Double-Plus-Good I say!
Yes, double plus good, remember all the irresponsible scare mongering about how many Rumanians and Bulgarians would take advantage of the new immigration arrangements? Remember the news stories when only one bemused Rumanian arrived at Luton airport and was interviewed by every news outlet?
That’s what this Turkish agreement means…..don’t worry, only 2 or 3 thousand Turkish people will come to the UK and they’ll all be doctors, lawyers and City traders…………
Round here all the kebab shops and coffee houses are already Turkish. How did they get here? And we’re still waiting for an answer on why 650,000 National Insurance numbers were issued to Europeans last year but only 165,000 came here. I see and hear with my own eyes and ears. There’s a hell of a lot more than 165,000 in the last year in East London alone. Last weekend I spent over 20 hours watching people in Islington. It’s a different world and the kind of Idyll we would like to think of when mentioning enrichers. Unfortunately the other 31 boroughs show a stark contrast.
I suspect you have it wrong Aborigine Londoner, They aren`t Turks. what you are seeing are Germans, like the German football star playing for Arsenal, Mehmet Ozil.
Those “Turks” you think you are seeing are actually German or even British.
A ‘Turks a Turk’ whether in possession of a German or British passport – and regardless of country of birth they still worship the moon and star flag, so should remain amongst their own. Its a really frightening scenario – it was said only a few Eastern Europeans would bother to come to the UK when the gates were opened, and now we’re f…..g swamped; the possibility that even an 1/8th of Turkey’s population making their way freely doesn’t bear thinking about.
Glasgow Airport, British Army and the FSA all duly forewarned.
BBC dictionary –
Muslim trainee pilot makes comments about murdering Donald Trump on Facebook, saying he would willingly serve life in prison for the same
– ‘jibe’, ‘comment’
Most of the article is devoted to how our trainee pilot, who grew up in West-hating Saudi Arabia, is a poor innocent Muslim victim.
Meanwhile drunks mouthing off on Twitter about Top Gear/Sue Perkins are happily described as ‘threats’
Why is it that a Muslim from an extremist West-hating brainwashed, Islamofascist country is not taken seriously by the BBC and described as ‘This kid is going to become a poster boy for hating America.’, but fans of popular motoring shows are considered by the BBC to be ‘threats’? Which is the more credible scenario?
“You wouldn’t want to be a drone”
Was that Dan Walker in a moment of self-awareness reflecting on his lot in life as a side-saddle sofa jocky and house eunuch?
Sadly for the new boy the word drone has several meanings. One of them is monotonous speech. Another, mainly referring to the insect kingdom, is a member of a colony of subservient males whose sole purpose is to service the queens. But our gaff prone Dan was talking about the remote-controlled aircraft – shown this morning on the BBC used by Dutch armed forces in training eagles to take down drones. They might be used by terrorists we are told. We are also told in that deeply patronising stilted BBC way “We were reassured no eagles were harmed in the training.” Bully for them.
To local news – or should that be world news with BBC London with Asad Ahmad and International Women’s Day…
BBC London gives over its top headline this morning to a political party and the message they want to send out – The Women’s Equality Party – Sandi Toksvig will be pleased.
What’s tomorrow – International Labour Party Day? Green Tuesday Day? Don’t hold your breath for Conservative Day.
Christian Fraser has an impressive BBC title : ‘World Affairs Correspondent’ no less. Grand title maybe but humanity simply gushes from the chap. last evening talking to a spokesbloke for the syrain refugees (scare quotes should be all over those words) our Christian says ” Our hearts are with you!” Aw bless. One wonders who he meant by ‘our’. Who does Cristian Fraser speak for? His own reporting team and technical team in Greece? The BBC employees in general? Corporate BBC? Licence Payers? Britain? Europe? The EU? The World?
Zeus has frowned on the migrants – overnight there was heavy rain and thunder and lightning. Our Christian assures us: “I would say this is probably the worst camp in this part of Greece”.
Forget those top-level EU talks with Turkey, Christian Fraser of the BBC talks as though he’s the expert here. or is he just another drone?
‘I got a drone on Christmas Day’.
‘Really? My mother-in-law wouldn’t stop talking either.’
A bit of some grotty weather to go through the southern half of the U.K. over the next couple of days but after that, for two weeks, expect the following from our BBC:
“Crazy temperatures” “Incredibly mild for the time of year” “The hottest March Day evah” “Unusually dry” “Chilly at night” “well above average” “well above where temperatures should be” ” hottest march night evah” (at Heathrow airport) Roger Harrabin tweets….followed by “Sub Arctic Blast” “coldest March night on record” “snow in London brings capital to standstill” “Russian weather” “temperatures well bellow where they should be”, “frosts” and no Roger Harrabin tweets.
in other words…………….normal British weather at this time of year. You have been warned.
Having listened a bit more closely to the news it is clear that there actually is no “agreement”.
The Turkish government has agreed in “principle” to the refugee swap shop….illegal border crossers swapped for those in Turkish camps. But this is actually dependent on visa free travel for “Turks”and accelerated consideration of Turkeys EU membership bid. So what we are hearing is Turkeys blackmailing of the EU… in effect….Give us what we want and more Euros or we flood you with migrants. Think about that….. Turkey are demanding their interests be met or else they will allow the further invasion of Europe with their co-religionists. That used to be viewed as an act of war, but Turkey are our NATO allies so that`s all good.
There will be a summit next week, which will discuss Turkeys demands….So we are expected to believe that Hungary, Czech republic, Slovakia and former Ottoman possessions like Bulgaria, Greece and Rumania are going to vote for that?
Of course our friends at the BBC are doing all they can to make “flood you with migrants” sound like an offer we can`t, no, mustn`t refuse and indeed that this is a tide, a natural and unstoppable force of nature that we need to accept gracefully….no questions asked.
And NATO…well they`re going to use the Navies of Europe to carry out surveillance operations, share information and watch the smugglers but don`t worry folks, they won`t be turning any boats back and will rescue any one in trouble at sea…..and return them to Turkey….to try again.
Be interesting if BBC editorial integrity sees them find space to ‘report’ this slight words/deeds malfunction by their favourite peanut-brained, virtual-signalling, Labour gobbette on a stick or, one suspects, that will be all they have time for.
….”because what WE did with the Kinder Transport”.
How dare she? The little piece of shit.
“WE” did nothing. Sir Nicholas Winton and his friends individually persuaded many middle class families to look after a child if they were transported from Germany and to guarantee £50 of their own money to do it.
For her to claim some ‘statist’ credit for what he arranged is absolutely disgusting.
So true. Any humanitarian gesture by the British government towards Jews fleeing the Nazis before and during the Holocaust was the exception rather than the rule:
Following the infamous White Paper of 1939, the British authorities in Palestine contributed to Hitler’s ‘final solution’ by sending desperate Jewish refugees back into the Holocaust. And thousands of them were, of course, children.
Churchill was an exception to this extraordinary inhumanity:
Out of their ignorance or ideological blindness or both, Cooper and her fellow travellers on the left always grope for the most absurd and insulting comparisons to try to justify the political positions they adopt.
Al Beeb radio reached a new low Toady with five migration/asylum stories in one hour. I mentioned this to Mrs Sluff and five seconds later on cue there was ANOTHER open door emote story. If that wasn’t enough, Thought for the Day then emoted about tear gassing all those frustrated doctors and engineers tearing down the border fencing.
But someone is for the high jump as sneaked in to the coverage past the editors was the observation that 70%+ of all migrants are young males. We know this and all the surveys show it of course but to hear it on Al Beeb? A truly amazing event which will probably cost someone their job.
I can’t tell you how pleased I was to see those great new ideas for BBC shows
Also watch out for:
It ain’t half wet Imam – a colourful bunch of lads hope to sit out the Syrian war in Britain. But a grumpy character keeps threatening to send them back ‘up the Jungle’
The Religion of War and Peace – the BBC doing what it does best: bringing extravagant costume drama into our dull lives
Not all new shows will be home-grown. There will still be some popular imports such as:
Car-jack – innovative new crime series
Shias – set in an Iranian dry bar with break out character Asia getting his own spin-off show
And Citizen Khan? – No that’s just ridiculous.
Far Left logic malfunction.
Apparently, today we learn on Al Beeb news there is a ‘crisis’ in asylum seeker housing – that is, not enough places to live (presumably this includes houses with doors painted in the correct colours etc).
Meanwhile our beloved state broadcaster constantly gives a platform for their favoured Far Left view that we are allowing in too few refugees/migrants/asylum seekers while constantly refusing to state what higher number we should be admitting.
So errr, how can we plan for housing (supply) when no upper limit of admissions (demand) is ever offered?
Will Al Beeb be asking the question?
Don’t hold your breath.
No bias here, but this TV quote must be shared…. copied from Guido (apologies if posted before):-
House of Cards’ Frank Underwood backs Brexit:
“So where will Europe be in ten years time? Without borders, without a coherent currency, without leadership? With the driving sense of purpose of a pilchard?
If I were a Brit I wonder if I’d be more afraid to stay in the EU than to leave. It’s always easy to whip up a feeling of fear about change, but it infects mostly those who sit in comfort and dine on fois gras. Me, I’ve always been a spare ribs man. I need something to chew on. And spit out.
Brussels is a bit of a used bus ticket. Anyway I don’t ride buses. There was a time when Europeans rode chariots and sailed ships, had ambition, ideas, built great empires.
They had two thousand years as the centre of the world but ask yourself. When did Europe last peel any potatoes? Their leaders have sat so long on their marble thrones that not only have their balls turned to concrete but their minds, too.”
That’s a great quote, thanks for posting it; particularly the final paragraph.
This so called agreement with Turkey is a marxist /BBC/Cameron clique dream. So expect maximum lies and distortion. Turkey is innately hostle to the West especially under Erdogan an admitted Islamist.
I expect everybody from everywhere who wants to get to Europe to be given a Turkish passport and then it is Europe here we come.
We are facing the inundation of Europe by the third world – that dream of the marxists and now of our leaders. Centuries of slowly building the finest civilisation the world has ever seen to be wrecked in one generation. Our art, music and writing destroyed. Our cathedrals demolished by those who neither care for our culture nor think we are anything but worthless trash.
Every other culture in the world is given the right to existence except ours. These are dreadful days indeed and it is the enemy within that has bought us to this pass. What has been a culture war is now something far far worse. It is an existential battle for Western civilisation and we will lose unless we stand together and hold firm.
This EU vote is important. We must leave and leave soon.
Meanwhile, back in BBC Fantasyland (“Start The Week” on Radio 4 on Monday from 9:00) … … …
Honestly, I really was only half listening from another room to the studio discussion led by Kirsty Squawk (“Uh? I thought she mainly did ‘NewsShite’?!” – Yeh, I know, I know, but …) and caught a comment near the end conveying concern about “the demonization of the other” and I knew all was well and would be well for all eternity, in Beebland if nowhere else.
Every other culture in the world is given the right to existence except ours.
And Israel’s.
This EU vote is important. We must leave and leave soon.
I second that motion.
Great comment Dave S.
Let’s hope this proposed EU – Turkish deal, if it gets through, is the final nail in the EU’s coffin and a guarantee of a Leave majority in June.
The deal is shambolic. Let’s hope it’s Merkel’s last chance to destroy our civilisation. Imagine the scenario . All the illegals who are now herded into a concentration camp called Greece refuse to go to a squalid camp back in Turkey. Riots and violence ensue. Some Syrians are targeted for deportation by EU security forces, bleeding heart BBC reporters follow every move, yet all that happens is that another batch of Syrians replace the deportees – fast tracked to Germany and Sweden, all sensible EU countries having refused to accept their quotas.
We all eagerly await the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Turkish ‘visitors ‘ to the Shengen zone , just after the UK referendum . Most are economic migrants and will disappear into the ghettos of European cities. Quite a few thousand ISIL jihadis with false Turkish passports mingle in with them . Fuel for yet more terrorist massacres in European capitals in 2017.
This may have appear elsewhere on this site, but worth sharing:
A site for BBC bias relating to the EU referendum, with a call for help. If you log it here, consider logging it there also.
How does Trump do it? How does he always time his ‘outrageous’ and ‘extremist’ comments, so as to produce ‘bad’ coverage in the mainstream media, just before a caucus is held? You may have seen on BBC News24 a story linking Trump with the KKK. Nice one al Beeb. They got it from News outlets stateside. Broadcast the day before ‘Super Tuesday’. One could be forgiven for thinking that the BBC has a managerial strategy for reporting on Trump.
The BBC like to associate Trump with the word ‘Extreme’, included in the strap-line to this article:
which also hits the ground running with a ‘some say’ sentence associating Trump with the terms ‘beyond the pale’ and ‘toxic virus’. Nice balance BBC! We also get some non-journalism in this piece, handily containing in the headline ‘Trump’ and ‘ ‘X’ rated’, with waffle, and with the obligatory “…Muslim mum says….” narrative. Don’t let your kids watch the Trump! Or at least think about not letting them….
Yawn. The usual moral relativist BBC drivel.
Fortunately, we have truth tellers on hand to put a few more facts into the public domain. They tend not to be funded by monies extracted through threat of imprisonment though. Here’s Stefan Molyneux, who, as ever, has been on the hunt for some facts:
But the American voters are not doing as they should, according to the BBC. ‘They’ don’t appear to be able to dump the Trump. Many on the Left, including the BBC, are finding this all rather perplexing as they avoid enquiry into this vague business I heard rumour of involving the FBI, and confidential e-mails, and Hillary Clinton, and private email servers, and national security and,…. Not that the allegedly impartial, and (should I say) ‘so called BBC’, favour the Democrats over the Republicans. No, no, no. Perish such a thought.
Thanks Stefan. No thanks BBC. Scrap the immoral Telly Tax.
Netanyahu ignoring the King’s summons? How dare he?
Netanyahu rejects US ‘surprise’ at Obama talks cancellation
Several media sources have indicated more serious news. Obama is apparently considering using the Security Council to force a two-state solution.
How will the BBC take to that news? There are complex British connections. The United Kingdom has a veto vote in that Security Council and is a member of the moribund Quartet.
Equally as important decisions of the Security Council are considered International Law with the General Assembly are more like recommendations. That isn’t exactly true but the Security Council can impose all types of pressure, up to and including military force to get its way. When the BBC finally realises what is happening will it push for British boots on the ground to punish Israel for the ‘up yours’ such a resolution will inevitably receive?
Report: Obama considering UN resolution on peace processY net
White House Working on Renewed Mideast Peace Push Wall Street Journal