New week, more bias, same BBC. I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier this morning regarding the Andrew Marr “interview” with Boris Johnson yesterday. In fact it was more of a sustained interruption than anything else! Marr exemplifies all that is rotten in the BBC, overtly biased and a creature of the liberal left. Anyway, here is where you can detail the bias!
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I’m not sure I fully understood what is being said here, so perhaps someone can help me out?
Learning Partnership West: Boss left after ‘bullying claims’
One said: “She coined the term ‘freeze and squeeze’. It would start with totally ignoring someone. Then excessive performance management and finally the person would be managed out.
“Appointments were often made with a heavy bias towards black and minority ethnics – particularly young black males.”
Another whistleblower said: “She had her favourites. You were in and then out quickly. She was the boss. She could do what she liked. You couldn’t challenge her.”
Sounds like she was some kind of Left wing Fascist, the kind the BBC usually champion !
“A council report obtained by the BBC concluded the company had “turned a corner” under new leadership”
If I get this right, some tiny sub company working for a tiny council had a Fascist director, who the staff didn’t like, who then left after some pressure?
Why is this on the BBCs front page news report? Seems more of a special interest story for the local paper, not the BBC as a whole.
“The head of a youth services firm left her job amid allegations of staff bullying, the BBC has learned.”
WTF is it with the BBC and “the BBC has learned”? It’s a news organisation. Its job is to find things out and tell us about them. Why does it need to tell us it’s learned them? Does it want a medal? We know it’s learned them, otherwise it couldn’t have told us. And now I’ve read about it, I’ve learned it too. But I don’t need to go about telling everyone that Roland has learned, because it would it would just sound odd, as if I were a child looking for a reward for being awfully clever.
Rant over.
And no, I haven’t a clue what the point of the article is either. So, actually, I haven’t learned very much after all.
It’s simply part of a large and growing arsenal of one degree of separation get outs likely written down in a guideline no one is allowed to see.
They can write whatever they like, pop that at the end, and if challenged say ‘it was him, sir’, with the neat twist of not having to actually finger ‘him’ for the purposes of getting away with it.
The move on. Allegedly. Lessons having been learned.
Known as ‘weasel words’ in the hack trade. ‘Some might say’, ‘Others might say’, ‘It has been said that’, ‘rumour has it that’, ‘a source said’, ‘a source close to (insert name of paper/broadcaster) said’, ‘legend has it’, etc etc etc.
It is a strange one, isn’t it? The BBC apparently did a documentary that featured one of their ‘schools’ ( ), btw.
I dunno, maybe it’s because it’s International Women’s Day, to make an example of her. Look at this nasty cow who was a little too fond of the boons, at a time when white working class kids are the most neglected and under-performing.
So then, Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England has spoken in favour of our membership of the EU, so too have some military commanders,so too has the woman who has lost all of her political credibility, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, she who cannot control our borders, is happy to enhance the terrorist threat through our EU membership, but has accepted that this is all fine,and has made herself to be an enemy of the Police. Who cares, because she certainly doesn’t!
However, anyone who speaks against the EU, for example the Chairman of the BCC, then watch out, the hubristic bullies will be after you.
We may soon live in a Communist EU State, you wait, you’ll see.
Shock horror, establishment figurehead (albeit a recent import) supports EU membership. It takes the BBC to be impressed.
I wonder how the class warriors at Broadcasting House feel, being on the same side as the most repressive and stagnant elements of British society? Cognitive dissonance, anyone?
I have no idea why Canadian Mark Carney was appointed Governor of the Bank of England in the first place. But his performance in that job has been pathetic. So far as I am am aware , he is not a British subject, so he should keep his mouth shut. On the positive side , yet more evidence that the Europhiliacs are panicking !
I believe Mr Carney was employed as a more affordable alternative to George Clooney with clean-cut, athletic looks promising much for potential short and long-term performance.
Carney comes from a country with a population a tenth that of its massive neighbour. He may care to explain how Canada manages to be an independent nation and trade freely with the USA without having to become part of the USA? He might even like to explain how Canada manages to have a free trade agreement with the EU? Is it actually possible to co-exist with a large neighbour and trade with them whilst retaining national sovereignty? What a strange concept for Mr Carney to get his head round.
Beltane, LOL ! Rob , So true ! And well said !
Adam Crozier wasn’t available – yet.
After the Post Office, the F.A and ITV, he has to get through Barclays, BP and Unilever, and then he’ll have his eye on the main prize !!!!
He’s a ‘Davos Man’. Attended Bilderberg in 2011 and 2012. Member of the Group of Thirty, a Rockerfeller financed think tank. Member of the World Economic Forum. He has the word ‘Globalist’ stamped through him like a stick of Blackpool rock.
Over three months to go, and they seem to be using up at a vast rate their list of people in high places to tell us how effing wonderful the EU is. They’ll have to call in Her Majesty by April 1st at this rate.
Charlie will want to stay in – he’s green, worried about climate change, likes Islam, and there might be enough German left in his to want to ride with Merkel and the Valkeries.
Haven’t heard much about Merkel recently . Where is she ?
Hiding, probably
One is amused.
Did you mean “on” rather “by” in your second sentence?
Tom ‘disaster’ Heap has been visiting New York, (in his solar powered canoe?), to tell us how they are cleaning up their water. Some eco-warriors are ‘holding it in’ when it rains to avoid overloading the sewage system. Does he realise that one inch of rain over New York produces 1.8 cu. metres per person? That’s 1.8 tonne. Somehow I don’t think even a BBC reporter in full flow can produce anything like that in BS!
“Somehow I don’t think even a BBC reporter in full flow can produce anything like that in BS! ”
Ooh, I wouldn’t be too sure….
I’m surprised this hasn’t been posted yet!
BBC’s Iain Lee ‘broke rules’ by attacking guest’s anti-gay views Trust says ex-Three Counties Radio presenter did not show sufficient respect when he told a former prison worker her attitudes were ‘poisonous’ and ‘hateful’
Perhaps the worst part is that Lee still doesn’t accept he did anything wrong !
“Lee told the BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee that he stands by both interviews in terms of their content and tone.”
“He told the committee that the only part of the output he felt was inappropriate was his comment in which he referred to some Christians as behaving in a “horrible, patronising, superior way”.”
The sad part is that it’s Lee who is the obnoxious hate filled bigot, and yet he cannot see what his Fascist beliefs have done to him as a person.
Perhaps of wider interest though is this, where the Trust found that the BBCs far left bias was affecting its interviewers over many networks:
“It expressed concern that it reflected a pattern across BBC local radio of presenters conducting interviews in an inappropriate manner.”
“Trustees had been concerned to note that there had been recent occasions when other local radio stations had broadcast output that had included the presenter’s own views on a particular subject,” it said.
“They noted that these included the broadcast of comments by a presenter that were potentially offensive and which exceeded the expectations of the audience.
“They believed that the BBC’s local radio output had a critical role to play in terms of enabling the widest possible public debate and that local radio presenters had considerable leeway to be provocative to engage audiences.
“However, they considered that where presenters appeared to defend a particular stand on an issue in an inappropriately combative manner the effect was not to broaden debate but was likely to be the opposite – as potential callers might be less likely to contact a radio station if they felt they would not receive a fair hearing.”
Hopefully this will mean an end to Fascists like Iain Lee ever getting their foul opinions near a microphone again !
So has the little twerp been sacked? If not, all that has been achieved is yet another waste of taxpayers’ money.
The exsanguination of a thousand cuts starts with the first nick.
His opinions are his opinions, and some may find them foul and some may not. Clearly this has offered a rare opportunity for Ciffers to pull together again if, sadly for the BBC, trashing the Trust.
What is more encouraging is the ‘views their own’/Iain just being Iain’ dismissals and consequent ‘Carry On using the mic as your personal pulpit’ era may be coming to an end.
These guys have a rare privilege to host shows to the public, and blowing off the responsibilities inherent to that has dug the BBC a hole it cannot escape.
The problem is that these people don’t know what a ‘pulpit’ is. They just assume the mainstream liberal/left view is the norm. They are like old maids in some country village in about 1860 who have never heard of atheism or Darwin. No wonder they blink in confusion when someone calls them out on their bias.
So what does this really mean.
“…concern that it reflected a pattern across BBC local radio of presenters conducting interviews in an inappropriate manner.”
Local radio? Hasn’t anyone on the BBC Trust listened to Today Radio 4, Most interviews on Radio5, Newsnight, Question Time, Andrew Marr and that most obnoxious self righteous piece of shit Nicholarse Campbell on his equally grossly obnoxious Sunday morning question thing… fact anything that he broadcasts on…They’re not local.
“Hopefully this will mean an end to Fascists like Iain Lee ever getting their foul opinions near a microphone again !”
Apparently not he’s just been confirmed as the evening host for the new Talk Radio station that begins at the end of March…
The new talkRADIO presenter line-up is so-far confirmed as:
0600 – 1000 Paul Ross
1000 – 1300 Julia Hartley-Brewer
1300 – 1600 Jon Holmes
1600 – 1900 Sam Delaney (Yasmeen Khan Friday)
1900 – 2200 Jonny Gould (George Galloway Friday from 6th May)
2200 – 0100 Iain Lee
0100 – 0600 Mike Graham and Mike Parry (Friday ?)
Julia Hartley Brewer is certainly free thinking and not one of the liberal left elite. Don’t know about the rest.
Sam Delaney – lefty oik who reviews the papers on Sky from time to time. “Elite” isn’t really appropriate in his case.
Seriously obnoxious, IMO.
Twice recently I have went to press ‘newer comments’ on my iPad but the screen has flicked up and each time the ‘report comment’ was activated,
I apologise to the couple of you who have been reported by me. My mistake.
I agree with just about everything I read on here.
Grant at 3:59 PM
She’s probably wondering how she still has a job after unilaterally inviting all the refugees to Europe and then bleating that it’s only Germany who are pulling their weight. I would imagine the majority of the EU is thinking – ‘don’t piss on my shoes then tell me it’s raining’.
Seismic boy – or, as General Edel said in the rather good C4 serial ‘Deutschland 83’ – ‘Don’t piss in my soup and tell me you’re cooling it down!’
Marr has got form with Boris. In a pre 2015 election interview, Marr allowed Ed Milliband to talk over Boris several times, even though Ed had had his go (and an easy ride at that). I complained at the time. Yes, Boris has a bumbling style, but he has ideas and influence, and I, for one, would actually like to hear what he has to say. 5 minutes of people talking across each other is neither entertaining nor informative. A good interviewer should be able to manage Boris’ verbosity and still ask insightful questions. Poor show from Marr again
I think it was William Spindler of the U.N Refugee Agency on Radio 4 a moment ago taking to Gobbie Mair, insisting that not enough is being done by European nations to resettle Syrian refugees. Why the hell should they? He mentions Lebanon as taking in more Syrian refugees in its tiny country than the whole of Europe, yet he doesn’t mention Israel – who not only border Syria, but also claim unchallenged control of the skies over most of the country – not taking in any at all, not even in Golan Heights (which it has also dubiously claimed).
F*** off, Spindler. And Mair, do not, ever, EVER seek to paint people who may be xenephobic (is it any bloody wonder if they read the news all the time) as not deserving an explanation from arrogant plutocrats they did not vote for. Scum.
….yet he doesn’t mention Israel …. not taking in any at all.
Syria made sure over the years that every last Jewish citizen had to flee the country, by making life intolerable for them. There are no Jews left in Syria, in common with almost every other Arab country that implemented the policy to drive them out. Syria is also still in a state of war with Israel but despite that fact Israel has treated hundreds of wounded Syrians, smuggling them in over the border to Israeli hospitals and smuggling them back out again after treating them. It has to be done in secret because they will almost certainly be killed by their fellow Arabs should it be known that they were helped by the hated Jews.
There are in fact some Israelis who have suggested taking in Syrian refugees, but thankfully the government has resisted such calls. Israel committing suicide will not help its Arab neighbours.
These are all very good points (I am well aware of the past wars between the two nations); and regarding the sentiment of not wishing to commit suicide, I damn well hope Israelis sympathise with some of the smaller European countries.
However, the main bone of my contention was the way that Israel, a member of the U.N, has not been used as an example by Spindler, when it comes to the Golan Heights. It is Syrian territory, and could therefore be used to ameliorate the refugee crisis; but it ISN’T (it may well not help matters to hand it back, as it could possibly just be subsumed into the conflict and not be a safe-haven, but I haven’t heard a peep of a debate about it). This draft resolution – – would be an example of why I am not amused at the relative silence over the issue – with ample opportunity to mention it in all the seemingly non-stop Syrian crisis media coverage – when the guilty conscience of the European Caucasians is being so regularly pricked.
You get me?
No, I don’t get you but I have no time to get you right now. Perhaps tomorrow.
Don’t bother mate (ignore my addendum below, which was posted before I saw your reply). It’s not that important. By tomorrow I’ll have some other bee in my wee thick bonnet. All that’s important is that Europe and Israel keep a good relationship, and I’m all for that.
Oops, just wanted to add – let’s not be coy about the recent massive bounty of oil discoveries in Golan Heights, and the American-owned companies which have the rights to them. Because if we were, it might lead to an unnecessary hypothetical discussion about the impossibility of the area being handed back.
I had to chuckle – I read that 2 migrants have left Germany and returned to Iraq because of crowded refugee camps, hunger and the cold weather !! Apparently they paid over £5,000 each to traffickers and managed to get to Germany, but didn’t think much of the cheese and tea, or their weekly allowance of £23, so off they went to Sweden – but it was too cold there, so off they went back to Germany again before going back to Iraq. They should’ve booked a cruise cos it would have been better value than 5 grand for a basic trip to Europe. Honest to God doesn’t it show just how ‘thick’ these people are ? for a start don’t they have a weather app on their smartphones ? – er Sweden is just short of the Arctic Circle, hello ? and it just shows that even when they get basic food, an allowance and a roof over their heads, their expectations are just too high.
Yes, but think on……if they had arrived here! They’d be wallowing in benefits by now…..and happy as pigs in shit. Must apologise to pugs there….so sorrry.
I do sometimes worry that they’re going to make very…difficult slaves.
They were expecting a house, a car and a blonde concubine (preferably under 14).

Read the comments…….
One key factor that Mohamed didn’t think about in setting up his sect was the impact of latitude on day length and the fasting he imposed during Rhamadan between sunrise and sunset. It remains to be seen how far Islam penetrates into the north with the short winter days found there. I’m surprised that Sweden is so attractive to Muslims . Anyone know how far north they do live in Sweden? Obviously once you get north of the Arctic circle there is a great business opportunity for slimming/health farms for overweight oil rich Arabs during the winter.
I’m afraid that should be the proof that Mohammed did not receive his ‘revelations’ from God at all! Mohammed claimed the Earth is flat – and there’s a fatwa on that ! Which is obviously not true. Muslims in the far North follow the Ramadan requirements of Mecca when they are in the land of the midnight sun.
Shocking statistic stated on an article that makes me feel ashamed to be a white Brit on the Al Beeb webshite. “Two thirds of UK women” have been sexually harassed states our jihadis friends. Praise be to Allah!! What has happened to our vile people! So we are as bad as our friendly, enlightened, more intelligent Muslim brothers who gave us a wonderful display of enrichment in Cologne square……. Wait!!! What’s this?! What constitutes sexual harassment for this survey?……Wolf-whistling??!! Staring??!! WTF!! Haha!! You have got to be shitting me!!!
No agenda to push there then Al Beeb. Traitorous bast@rds!!
Or what the chaps in Court 12 have been up to. A whopping 43% of the defendants names appearing on that list appear to be of some sort of Asian/Pakistani origin.
And how large exactly was the ‘sample’ and who paid for the survey?
“Out of 889 women asked, 64% said they had experienced some form of sexual harassment…..”
“The survey was commissioned by the End Violence Against Women Coalition.”
Let me just commission my own survey of one! 100% of those males surveyed said they had been sexually harassed by a woman. Report that al-Beeb!
I too have been defiled. *sobs*
Some more cultural enrichment for your delectation
POLICE in Sweden have warned women not to go out alone after dark following reports of multiple sex attacks by “foreigners’.
Officers in the town of Ostersund said a gang of men “of foreign appearance” have carried out at least six attacks over the last two weeks and pose a serious threat to local women.
The news comes as a father was hospitalised in the Austrian capital Vienna when he was set upon by a Muslim “Sharia patrol” after he’d asked them to stop threatening his wife and daughter for not being “appropriately” dressed
“a gang of men “of foreign appearance””
Here they are:
Old story and comments closed but look at the Comments Editors Picks. Only one and it is removed because it broke the house rules. Oh dear
You couldn’t make it up. ooops it’s the BBC yes they can make it up.
One for the ‘left hand doesn’t know what the even lefter hand is doing’?
Interesting watching the BBC news this evening. We started off with the governor of The Bank of England giving a fairly clear view that if we vote OUT the economy will collapse, 90% of the population will be on the dole and retirement age will go up to 88.
Then we had another piece attacking Boris. The Beeb must have a permanent tent outside the mayors front door. He’s being hunted because of a county hall missive asking minions not to contradict him re his views on the EU. Not a massive story, but it keeps the constant drip drip drip of negative messages coming.
Then we had a tear jerking piece, sans violins, showing lovely young Syrian kids waiting in Turkey for us brutes in the west to give them sanctuary and a chance in life. My God, we’re a heartless bunch!
Later we had the kerfuffle over a pretty tennis player who has, apparently inadvertently, been using a recently proscribed substance. I’ve seen fortnight old film of a footballer who snogged a fifteen year old girl. And another, supposedly amusing, piece about folk being asked about giving up their cars.
All this time and on occasion all this trivia, but no mention whatsoever of a series of Muslim terrorist attacks in Israel, killing one and horrendously wounding many others. You might just think when something, clearly coordinated, happens to one of our closest allies, there would be some mention of it.
Do you think they just missed it?
BBC Online News:
Migrant crisis: UN legal concerns over EU-Turkey plan
“”Plans to ease access to the EU for Turkish citizens will be speeded up, with a view to allowing visa-free travel by June 2016″”
So, to coincide with the month of the EU Referendum here, we could have visa-free travel for 75 million Turks into Europe.
What could possibly go wrong?
The BBC ‘establishment’ has never been a trustworthy indicator of public concern. As Europe heads inevitably towards catastrophe and inevitable war against it own citizens (the collapse of democracy will be complete) this according to Peter Brown at the Unit UK is worried that UKIP is deliberately down playing the EU threat of existing EU demands that Cameron has not yet implemented to avoid public ‘resentment’ such as re-financing GREECE and propping up the EURO (even though we are not part of it, there is no choice). And then if not that, our coastline is being EU nationalised. And Cameron and his friends thinks this is a Europe we can do business with? What business?
TURKEY is a totalitarian Islamic (BBC approved) basket case that makes GREECE’s poor finances seem insignificant hardship. The whole of Europe on the dole and paid in Euro lottery money. The European project Crisis has only just begun. Mass immigration (was and is) EU policy in a giant PONZI scheme of ‘enlargement’ at ALL COSTS (or collapse) as it will eventually on its own.
The Mail lead story is about the new Dunkirk camp and its inhabitants brashly telling us ‘its only temporary, we’ll be in England soon’ This picture shows some arriving at the camp in a trailer, spot the obvious..
Yes the trailer/car has British plates, the plate belonging to an untaxed VW Golf, just who is it helping these people? isn’t it about time we had an in depth investigation from Panorama, Immigration should be giving this car a very close inspection on its return to the UK, also remember, untaxed = uninsured…..
Yet it has a recent MOT issued on 4th Feb 2016. Perhaps his “cousin” owns a testing station ……..
one of the kids is wearing a life preserver… wtf??!!
Open trailer. Nasty rain along the M20. Clearly a wise H&S precaution.
I have posted about this before, so I will be brief here. The charity, Unbound Philanthropy, donates almost £3 million to organizations in the UK that support open borders, which includes the usual leftists like Hope not Hate who get £240,000.
I predict a riot
There’s a new rising star in the BBC foreign correspondent firmament – Christian Fraser is going great guns out in Greece where he’s taking his turn covering the migrant crisis.
His assement of the EU-Turkey deal is that it is already a dead letter – why? Because the migrants just will not go back – ‘there will be a riot’ he assures us.
He’s probably correct.
Is this where we are supposed to laugh or cry?
Only the good people of the “Right Of Things” would have the humanity, decency, taste and sheer ability to deliver so touching a tribute to Mrs Reagan on the day that she died.
Compare and contrast with the spittle-flecked nasties who tried to dance on Mrs Thatchers grave in 2013..and you`ll see why the right-the independent, honourable and sober…have all the best tunes as well as the heart and humanity to deliver them to the rest of us.
A great tribute by the Beach Boys-and , as the BBC screech, the elites squauk up in their belfry-and the lying left of Islamic self-abasement get 100% of the coverage, dissemble and create smears until June 23rd…let us pray that the decency that the Beach Boys portray will swamp the nasties.
The good people of Britain-let us all hope-will quietly take their revenge at the ballot box in the UK.
And-will then show the USA that Trump is our man over there for these times.
The perfect triple whammy:
1. Referendum results in Brexit from the E.U.
2. Donald Trump becomes POTUS.
3. Second Scottish referendum results in Scexit from the U.K.
It could not get any better than that.
4. Cameron resigns.
5. Corbyn remains leader of the labour party
6. The TV license gets scrapped resulting in taxpayers spending their £4bil elsewhere boosting the economy.
7. All immigration from Pakistan and Africa is ceased entirely.
8. HM The Queen to back Brexit.
Looking at Guido, you may have got your wish.
A few furrowed brows at the other national treasure likely on how to ‘report’ this one.
Giving full voice to those demanding resignations of any not staying true to the new empire may not work as well as before.
Corbyn may be nominal head of the party but he’s not doing much leading at the moment. Momentum and the air-time given to Diane Abbott are the only things keeping him in a job – though you would never know this from the continued adulation from the BBC/Guardian.
He does seem to be even more of a glove puppet for the trade unions than some of his miserable predecessors, doesn’t he?
The BBC likes to eulogise his standing with ‘grass roots supporters’ (by which they mean the latte drinking faction of renta-mob) but the reality is he”s only in power because of the thugs who finance the Labour party.
If he does and Boris becomes PM then perhaps the BBC should worry. Oh I do hope so.
Like it all except No 3. Not everyone in Scotland wants independence; 55% of us said No. Anyway, isn’t it down to the PM as to whether or not he will grant another referendum. I hope to goodness DC gets that bit right!! I can’t see him saying yes to wee Krankie.
Soapbox, I think many non-Scots do not realise how many of us absolutely loathe the SNP racist fascists but, if I were english, i would want to get rid of Scotland. Who can blame them ?
With my user name I can’t but say cheers for finding that!
Whatever else you do read the incomparable Gert Wilders’s speech of the 4th March made in Belgium.
Find it on Gates of Vienna and others.
This is the real European spirit talking not the fake European waffling of the EU and the current elites in power. He calls for a Europe wide defence of our civilisation.
We are all of us I hope proud to be Europeans and part of an ancient and fine civilisation. We are nothing like those who think they speak for us and at present rule.
You have to choose sides now.
Ta Dave, just heard it.
What struck me was his prediction of last nights “Turkish settlement”-where we`d get tipped further into Anjems lap, as the double dealing Erdogan slaps his sultans slippers round our faces.
And WE get to pay for the privilege, and thank him for being so gracious!
Of course Geert will get the Brussels gossip, but for him to predict so easily what the yellowbeaks of Brussels would agree to with Turkey only shows the complete lack of accountability of the whole EU facade.
Who the hell met up there in Brussels-anybody heard any names?…their democratic mandate to speak for a continent?
Yet the BBC tell us nothing-usual lack of curiosity about who on earth is discussing this stuff, is signing millions of Turks into Europe?
Truly mad, creepy and without any precedence, any mandate…but the Today Show and the BBC blather on as if all this is NORMAL?
No-we have GOT to get out of the mad bax of frogs that is the European Union…before we TOO think that 2000 years of western christian and parliamentary evolution can be tipped into Anjems lap, Hamzas bloody sandpit or Batmangheghlighs kaftan of many colours-and there`s no history, no record that all of this was given away, just so Yvette Cooper or Alan Yentob could loath their loathsome selves a little less.
Great post…thank God SOMEONE stirs in Europe for the rest of us
Great speech, thanks for posting about it; Wilders is the real deal, his book: ‘Marked for Death’ is very good and worth the read.
UK immigration from outside Europe is making the UK an increasingly dangerous place to live.
Rather unsurprisingly all seem to be Muslim countries bar one, all attracted to the freedom loving peoples of the UK. They come, they see, they claim benefits. Let them all in (sayeth the BBC).
The ten LEAST peaceful countries in the world
• Syria
• Iraq
• Afghanistan
• South Sudan
• Central African Republic
• Somalia
• Sudan
• Democratic Republic of Congo
• Pakistan
• North Korea
The ten MOST peaceful countries in the world?
• Iceland
• Denmark
• Austria
• New Zealand
• Finland
• Switzerland
• Canada
• Japan
• Australia
• Czech Republic
And where is the UK? (And note that ALL these “peaceful” countries are outside the EU). Finland and Denmark are not officially part of the EU bureaucracy and import quotas for immigration).
The UK came in 39th place, due primarily to higher perceptions of criminality and a greater threat of terrorist attacks, (according to the Independent). Being a nuclear state is also a detriment to its rank. Well this was initially reported in [The INDEPENDENT] and the rather interesting sounding ‘Institute for Economics and Peace’ claiming to be independent, (unverified). Probably UN funded.
At least THE WEEK often gives a good (unbiased) round up of the weeks stories from the Press (not much from the BBC unless it is the latest public arrest for gross indecency).
Solid post Phillip.
If a Western nation allows continuing mass immigration of people from the Third World into it, that country’s society will increasingly come to resemble the Third World; in proportion with the ever increasing numbers of those immigrants and their (equally) unassimilable descendants.
“UK immigration from outside Europe is making the UK an increasingly dangerous place to live.”
Your evidence for that claim is what? By the way, your prejudice, bigotry and the voices in your head don’t count as evidence.
Latest figures from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) showed that, for the offences it covers, there were an estimated 6.5 million incidents of crime against households and resident adults (aged 16 and over). This is a 8% decrease compared with the previous year’s survey, and the lowest estimate since the CSEW began in 1981. The largest volume reduction in CSEW estimates was for the all theft offences category (which was down 8%)
It seems that immigration is making the UK a safer place to live.
Why such a personal attack, Marvin? You talk about facts yet resort to childish insults, just because you don’t agree with his view. I don’t agree with your post but I’m willing to debate it without insulting you.
This is the abuse you posted:
“”By the way, your prejudice, bigotry and the voices in your head don’t count as evidence””
Personal attacks are the new civilised debate, dontchaknow?
It’s how those skilled in the art of persuasive discourse sway opinion in favour of their viewpoint.
Apparently. Or should that be ‘it seems’?
If you’re so concerned about personal abuse, can you point me to all the times you’ve stood up to all the right wing Biased BBC regulars who fling about abuse?
Or do their views make them exempt from the standards you claim to desire?
The definition of “right wing” being what?
“Why such a personal attack, Marvin?”
Because the truth hurts.
The basis on which crime statistics is reported is subject to constant change (such as changes in ‘counting rules’) and generally subject to de-emphasis by the government. Peter Hitchens, for one, has done some excellent analysis of this. But let’s use the official website that you quote, with the proviso that I’m quoting the current statistical bulletin at rather than the slightly older one you have used. According to it and using a year-on-year comparison:
Homicide was up 14%
Violence against the person was up 27%
Rape was up by 39%
Violence with injury was up by 16%
These sort of crimes do indeed make the UK a less safe place to live, as they have a greater impact than some crimes that may have decreased, such as certain types of motoring offences. A disproportionate number of these crimes are committed by immigrants or their first generation offspring (usual caveats: not all immigrants are criminals, we have plenty of indigenous ones) and this is reflected in the prison demographics. Therefore the claim “UK immigration from outside Europe is making the UK an increasingly dangerous place to live” is a perfectly legitimate viewpoint.
Enjoy your skinny latte in the BBC canteen, Marvin.
A much better analysis than Marvin’s selective comparison. And that’s not just confirmation bias! Well, maybe a little. I’m only human.
Interesting that there has been a steady decline since ~1995 in the number of offenses, though. The spread of the internet in people’s homes has really changed the way we live, and made the opportunities for certain crimes dwindle. Sometimes when driving about in the early evening I notice a ghostly calm I can’t remember from when I was younger.
I too have noticed this. I often make lengthy journeys cross country in the West and Wales. Off the M roads there is less traffic in the evenings now than 50 years ago. Now that could be the use of satnavs and the inability of the young to read a map but I get the feeling that the traffic is just not there.
This is probably not true of cities but then I never go to them any more unless by necessity.
I heard a study of the drop in crime a few years ago (on BBC radio in the days when I could to listen to it). Some seemingly valid points made were that theft has dropped because of 1) improved security – better locks on houses and especially cars and 2) consumer electronics like TVs are much cheaper relatively so not worth the risk of nicking. Against this was the possibility that many crimes are now electronic or fraud based and not recorded (or possibly even noticed!).
I do wonder where in these statistics all the child abuse cases in Rotherham etc., show up.
I think you may find that pick pocketting in London has a strong immigrant tie up from one country, as does hole in the wall scams – from the same country.
Trafficking of ladies of the night has I believe a strong tie up with some of our East European friends.
Illegal creation of alcohol is another area with definite connections, as is the growing of Cannabis.
I believe those with Caribbean connections have a strong interest in the drug trade.
Followers of the religion of peace seem to predominate in gang grooming and rape of young white girls.
I’m sure others could add many more strong links between crimes and those from overseas.
Is that enough evidence for you? Or do you go round with your eyes shut and fingers in your ears going La, La, La?
“Your evidence” – Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby + all the other Muslim rape gangs operating throughout the U.K.; the murder of Lee Rigby; the 7/7 attack; the murder of Keith Blakelock; the murder of Kris Donald; the no-go areas which “don’t” exist but really do; the staged motor vehicle “accidents” to defraud insurance companies etc, etc
There would need to be a crime survey that showed crimes as committed by ethnicity and nationality of the perpetrators – how else would you be able assert that immigration “is making the UK a safer place to live”.
“The official crime figures were stripped of their quality “kitemark” by a watchdog last year following widespread concerns over police “fiddling”, and the increases suggest forces are now beginning to record the true level of crime for the first time in years.”
“Violent crime surges 16pc in new figures”
“Recorded ‘violence against the person’ sees a spike while the number of rapes rises 31 per cent year-on-year to new record high, official figures from the Office for National Statistics show”
The flak is always heaviest when you are directly over the target.
Hence the appearance of Marvin and Jerrod.
Ah, so I take it you’re not prepared to justify your selective attitude to decorum. Just as I thought – you’re not really concerned with “abuse”, that’s merely an excuse to avoid debate.
Not the first time a Biased BBC regular has pretended to care about personal attacks while turning a blind eye to the more frequent perpetrators, while pretending to lay claim to some form of moral high ground. Never mind. I’m sure in your head you don’t believe you’re a shameless hypocrite, no matter what the evidence may suggest. And after all, what’s in a Biased BBCer’s head is far more important than the truth, isn’t it?
Jerrod, what is your view on the post by 60022Mallard and others preceding it regarding crime in the UK?
This is the subject in question not who was rude to whom and when.
Thanks most respectfully. p.s. please don`t generalise about posters on Biased BBC as that may be construed as prejudice on your part and may result in your posts being treated with less respect than they might deserve.
Our friend Marvin might also consider asking himself how accurate any of these statistics are. If we think about the Rotherham paedo gangs, when an estimated 1400 white girls were abused, bullied, groomed and gang raped, there were no original stats, because plod didn’t acknowledge that any such thing was happening. You won’t have a crime statistic if you don’t firstly accept that a crime has been committed.
Of course it’s not just our useless police force it’s also the local council, the local MP, the social services, the press and, of course the dear old Beeb.
Let’s not go into the horrors of FGM. This vile, sordid custom is beyond civilised understanding. I believe I’m right in saying there hasn’t been a single prosecution.
No prosecution, No stats. Doesn’t exist.
Verbal abuse about me by Jerrod:
“”…you’re a shameless hypocrite””
You Jerrod, need to appreciate the difference between debate and insult. Stick with debate, and we all including you may learn something.
> Verbal abuse about me by Jerrod:
> “”…you’re a shameless hypocrite””
If that’s what you term “abuse”, your silence when other Biased BBCers indulge in far worse is even more deafening. And, of course, even more shamelessly hypocritical.
I’d love to know who it is that forces these people to come here to have their poor feelings hurt
Close the door on the way out
That’s no way to speak to Dover Sentry – who is the only one whose feelings are hurt around here.
He may have an unusually thin skin, but that’s no justification for wishing him gone.
Any possibility of raising the debate to issues, instead of childish name-calling by all concerned ? I would hate to see this website lower itself to the level of the BBC .
Dont talk crap
Marvin , You are a very silly boy.
#bbcOperationBangingOn is restarting on account of George Martin (Beatles main producer) dying.
Cos somehow 90 year old man dying is big news.
– I find it rather rude that they obsess about someone as soon as they are dead. Surely if they really cared about someone they would have featured them more when they were alive
Well it is news, and deserves reporting, but you have a point.
Death of a celeb is cheap filler, and they have a massive editorial void to fill and too many staff not to throw them at it.
And you are totally correct about the timing. It amazes me how many have so many suddenly engaged in paroxysms of grief over someone they have never met and had not given a thought to in their last days.
The one person who may feel pleased by the attention is past caring.
New article from the BBC: “More celebrities to die if Britain votes to leave EU”.
Remember, you read it here first.
Get your point, but I wouldn’t call Sir George a ‘celeb’ he was a classically trained musician and seemingly a true English gent who had the foresight to sign the Beatles. Like them or not their impact on British culture was massive (good or bad) and as crucial to their sound as Lennon and McCartney.
Poor phrasing on my part.
I was seeking to to encompass all who fall under the media ‘park Orla outside a hospital to emote for a week’, from Nelson to Yasser as much as David or Cilla.
He was a true talent, and that needs celebrating. Endless no marks suddenly hitting the grief circuit, less so.
I agree about the fake emoting. I’m a Beatles fan so I have sadness at hearing of his death. But at 90 it can hardly be totally unexpected. Even so, RIP Sir George.
Its only just turned 9 am and already there have been dozens of ‘youngsters’ pontificating about the greatness of George Martin. What do they know ???? probably never heard of him until they read the Press Releases. Thankfully there is respite in the form of Ray Connolly (currently being interviewed ) who really DOES not what he’s talking about re the music industry of those past times. Those of us who lived at the height of 60s pop group mania are all a ‘certain’ age now, so its natural we’re all going to fall off the perch, but its testament to the durability of the music why a death from that time is being given mass coverage. Who from today, or in the past 20 years will receive such media attention in the next 40 years when they leave this mortal coil ? not many.
“Who from today, or in the past 20 years will receive such media attention in the next 40 years when they leave this mortal coil ?” asks BRISSLES
Will it be Anjem Choudray, Moazzem Begg or someone like that?
Or will it be Nigel Farage, Paul Nuttall or someone like that ?
It is up to us.
In the next 40 years every “celebrity” in the UK will be called Mohammed
Entirely agree. Genuine talent, unlike so many of the nobodies that grace our TV screens.
Never been a huge fan of the Beatles but, to their credit, as far as I’m aware they have always given him the credit he deserves.
“It is news, it deserves reporting”….. But first item on the BBCs national and international morning news…really?
Always ask yourself, “what is being concealed by the prominent reporting of this celebrity story?”
and start looking carefully across any reliable non BBC news outlets you are aware of
(I usually start with Breitbart London but thats just me!).
Remember, there are people whose job it is to “bury bad news”.
I rather doubt Sir George Martin timed his death to obscure some piece of ‘inconvenient’ news.
When people die it is genuinely newsworthy, in the sense that people want to know about it. It is also a sign of civlisation that we celebrate and mourn the passing of those who have made an impression on our own lives. Cultural figures have a greater tug on most people’s affections than politicians. Just as well, really.
Of course he didn`t “time his death”, but someone at the BBC decided that this piece of news warranted extensive coverage and its position as the lead story on its morning national and international news programme.
In the current context…EU referendum, European migration crisis, Turkish demands on the EU, US primary season, upsurge of violence in Israel coinciding with the arrival of the Vice President of the USA; I have to say I think that editorial decision is…..untimely…. and meant less time was spent discussing those stories in more depth.
And someone at the BBC made the correct decision – as did the editors of every grown-up newspaper in the land.
Cultural events matter to people and there has been no shortage of coverage of political events. What there has been, of course, is biased coverage of those events – which is our target.
Criticising the BBC when it does something sensible is what provides ammunition for the cretin parade.
I respectfully disagree with you, GCooper.
With all due respect to him and his family the death of Sir George should not have been lead item on the BBC radio national and international news. Its perceived significance appears to be related to age and musical taste. I and many others don`t subscribe to the idea that 60`s pop music is the ultimate British cultural attainment.
Regardless of that it is clearly of interest to many and it warranted reporting, just not with the prominence it was given.
My contention is that the time devoted to this story and its prominence possibly meant the exclusion or under reporting of another story of national or international significance.
The selection of the BBCs news, and their prioritisation of stories is a form of bias.
I can`t see any circumstances in which an “entertainment” story should take precedence over current affairs news stories in a news broadcast.
I am suspicious of the BBCs motives whenever this happens, which I think is with increasing frequency.
And I would respectfully suggest that if you imagine all Sir George Martin did was produce records by the Beatles, you have been misinformed.
There is, mercifully, more to civilisation than politics.
I did hear mention of “classically trained” but the focus of the BBC story was to hang Sir Georges significance on the Beatles link.
As you rightly say, “There is, mercifully, more to civilisation than politics.”
That didn`t stop the well known man of the people and music buff David Cameron giving us his solemn thoughts and leading the nations response to the news…nor the BBCs reporting him.
Sorry, and again with all due respect, this appears to be an entertainment news story used on a news broadcast to fill up time, distract enable bias by avoiding something else.
My moneys on the BBC not wanting to talk very much about another win for Trump or another Palestinian stabbing spree.
GC, the problem is that the BBC make just as much a fuss over the death of some third rate failure of a politician. Look at that scumbag Denis Healey for example. At least George Martin had a successful career and enriched a lot of peoples’ lives.
I don’t disagree with you that the BBC (and other media, to be fair) overdo the hagiographies of failed politicians. But to criticise the BBC for marking the death of an important musical/cultural figure like Sir George Martin is nuts.
What is being advocated here? Radio Savonarola?
GC, I met him several times when I worked for EMI (as an accountant ! ) and he was a real gent and his death should be reported on the BBC. But is it really a “lead story ” ?
I think it was, yes. Had I been editing the morning news I’d have gone with that over the rest of the endless toing and froing over the EU which, important though it is, hadn’t greatly changed overnight.
Users on this site (myself very much included) tend to be political junkies. For most, that isn’t their main concern in life – witness the popularity of the tabloids.
GC, actually I hardly ever watch the BBC and rely on this site to report the shenanigans. If you are suggesting the BBC is the equivalent of a tabloid I suspect that you are right !
Like you, I watch very little BBC TV – and most of what I do watch is on BBC Four. From what I can tell by scanning seven days ahead on my recorder (I never watch live TV) BBC is sub-tabloid for most of its daytime output and ITV is, incredibly, even worse!
That is why most of my criticisms are made of BBC radio, which I do listen to, albeit with gritted teeth.
“I and many others don`t subscribe to the idea that 60`s pop music is the ultimate British cultural attainment. ”
Horses for courses. After the War ‘pop’ music in the 50’s mainly relied on Tommy Steele et al, and later Cliff Richard together with the likes of Americans Bill Haley, Everley Brothers etc. It was the start of the 60’s that the true ‘teenager’ emerged – beforehand it was a younger version of Mum & Dad in fashion and outlook. The emergence of Mary Quant, Vidal Sasoon and the making of the mini car all combined with the music of that time that made it really different from anything that had gone on before, particularly the big bands and crooners. Styles from that era has never changed, we still have the mini dress, girls have long hair – never to return to the permed helmet that Mum would sport from her 40’s heyday. So in my opinion it was the 60’s that really defined everything that has gone on since. Many on here have worshipped and mourned at the temple of David Bowie that received coverage for days, and I could never see anything in him – let alone understood what his songs were all about. Good job we’re all different.
You’re right. Horses for courses.
The 60s reflected huge social change, not matched since, as youth escaped from the post war expectations into a newer freer liberated world. You didn’t mention the pill. Nor the kitchen sink films. That said, after George Martin’s demise I looked up the Grammy winners from the 60s and it looks like the 60s didn’t really start over in the USA until about 1968.
As for Bowie and the 70s. Well by then all the social history stuff was out of the way, and the thing is we just wanted to have some fun !!
Lessons have been learned. What those lessons are may vary…
I know nothing about Christian Concern but I suspect there may be other religious groups who may be more ” horrid. Who is this Iain Lee ? Just another useless idiot ?
Something to counter the BBC narrative on the benefits of Islam
An amazingly clear analysis of the present position and future threat to Western civilisation, a civilisation the BBC and its ilk do so much to denigrate
Thanks G.W.F an excellent link to a crystal clear analysis of the threat to our way of life…
This quote sums it up for me….
“It is quite possible that the tables will turn and that the bastion of democracy on the continent may, in the future, lie in Central Europe. Perhaps once the former inhabitants of Western countries will try to emigrate to us [Central Europe] just as once we had lined up to emigrate from there to escape totalitarian regimes. We tried out communism for them; they have tried out Islamization for us. We will be even. We must be ready to help them.”
Thanks a lot G.W.F. Another passage that struck me, and relates to the BBC and MSM, is the following:
“On BBC, you can watch original shows about Muslims, or, perhaps, about how great it is to convert to Islam. The media carry information about current events — even about rapes, honour killings, female circumcision, terrorism — but nobody dares to link it with Islamic culture and its value system. They call it different things — the influence of a perverse ideology, extremism, radicalization — yet nobody dares to criticize Muslims.”
Thanks for posting this. A clear and very factual account of the situation in Europe and in particular this country.
Czechs have long experience of tyranny and a complicit media. No doubt vwe are soon to learn just what that means for us here.
The culture war is getting much more intense and our lugenpresse ( and the BBC of course ) has chosen sides. Not the side of freedom and free speech but that of the wannabee tyrant that lurks inside every liberal.
‘Do as I say and think as I order you to think because it is good for you’
Our occasional visiting liberals understand this all too well. .
“This is editorial… get a helicopter over Moore’s place asap. We’ll tip off the Police with an anonymous source now”
A masterclass in bias this morning by Nick Robinson.
First the snide, insinuating tone of voice selected, to introduce a piece on changing the Sunday trading laws….”others think that Sunday should be treated as some kind of special day” (imagine that line used about Ramadan or Yom Kippur).(there was a neat little line about the Sunday “competitive advantage” enjoyed by “small convenience stores” introduced by the woman whose name escapes me, who conducted a vox pop on the “ishoos raised.”)
Next, the challenge to David Burrows MP “now it`s no secret that you are a devout Christian, by this (opposing changes to Sunday trading laws) aren`t you just trying to impose your values on everyone? again, imagine that line used on a Muslim, Jewish or Sikh MP.
Burrows pointed out that the current settlement allowed for reasonable compromise in seaside towns, bigger cities and special events like the Olympics. But I think we can see that`s not going to be enough for the anti Christian alliance of big business, BBC “values”, liberalism and Islam.
So here we have it, another piece of “Conservative” party legislative change, unmentioned in the manifesto, that attacks and dilutes part of the British way of life and the effect of which will specifically enable discrimination against Christians who will be disadvantaged in seeking employment unless they accept pressure to work on Sundays.
Lest we forget, a seven day working week was a strongly imposed Soviet value.
embolden, the BBC make it sound as if being a Christian is worse than being a paedophile. I suppose in the eyes of the BBC it is !
Grant, it seems to me the reasoning goes like this: British Muslim/Jew/Hindu etc – acceptable because part of their cultural background. British Christian – a free will choice by someone whose cultural background is non-religious; therefore irrational and suspect.
Cranmer, The Left, which includes the BBC, have complete moral inversion. What for the rest of us is bad, for them is good and vice versa. Pure evil .
When GCooper’s day of reckoning comes, I’m going to impose strict rations on the muslim slaves in the month before Ramadan.
The poison keeps flowing while the mugs who pay for it are asleep. In the small hours I switched on the World Service to hear some young American reporter trilling about the vital role the US government plays in ‘providing jobs’ in America. When (timidly) prodded as whether there was an opposing view, the rather languid hack sneered at Glenn Beck and ‘Right Wing talk radio’ who opposed the growth of government jobs. End of timid prodding, back to the Bernie Sanders/Hugo Chavez economics course, which sees the dominance of the state as a Good Thing.
This was a fairly routine socialist sermon from Brodacasting House. It spreads its Marxist message to ears in Africa and Asia that might never have encountered any other view and gets away with it because few, save travellers or those who work curious hours, ever listen to it.
When The Day Of Reckoning comes, I do hope a few lampposts are reserved for those who have made the World Service the modern day Radio Tirana.
GC, I have posted before that I live in Gambia, although I am visiting Scotland just now. Many of my Gambian friends listen to the world service and some watch BBC24 news. Many years ago I pointed out examples of BBC bias to them and they , politely, clearly thought I was nuts. But , over time, some have come to realise that I have a point. One of them even takes delight in reporting bias to me ! But, you are right that most in Africa and Asia probably take all the BBC’s poisonous output as impartial truth, and the BBC know it.
Something major about to happen to the BBC’s web-site?
No major Blogs open to comment save that of Kamal Ahmed.
No HYS on the Have Your Say pages.
Only one article open to comment on the main news page and guess what? What is the subject? Yes, the US Election Primaries. Again! Which Party are they talking about? Republicans, of course. A current BBC obsession.
The BBC are appearing to go off the internet. I detect a distinct lack of enthusiasm in W1a. They were so keen fifteen, ten, even five years, ago. At one time every radio item by one of the Senior Editors stood a chance of having a ‘plug’ for their Blog attached to it. We were encouraged to get on-line. We were encouraged to engage with the BBC.
Now it appears they hate the involvement with their grubby, sweaty Licence Fee paying, or not, public and their views. The Senior Editors (politics, economics & business) cannot even be bothered to Blog much more than once a week, if at all. I just wonder whether someone at the top has been hearing complaints from lower down the food chain that JoePublic has at last realised the serious and serial deficiencies of the BBC and any open forum whatsoever risks them being expressed and seen by a wider audience.
I wonder whether the BBC’s on-line presence is about to be drastically slimmed down as a cost saving measure. Oh, and also “to provide other news providers with a fair chance of establishing a segment in the market.”
Just in time to justify more money for the BBC and have Parliament agree to a 16/17% increase in the Licence Fee, perhaps? Oh, and cut down on all that encouragement to vote and vote in particular ways in the forthcoming EU Referendum.
It couldn’t happen here, could it?
Such a move against free speech, openness and democracy?
Perhaps they have cut back on their online blogs, HYS and other online content due to limited funds.
According to this article on how the TV license is spent
They only get £511,780 to spend on their websites EVERY DAY!
BBC News at One, and an all too frequent treat in the stringy, twitching shape of Norman Smith. What a frenetic, shrieking, transparently biased wretch he is, wasting three minutes of my life to hammer home the all-important news that the Tory party are split over EU membership. Well done Norm, you are a king among political commentators.
Beltane , and never a mention that Labour are split too. Blatant BBC bias ! They have no shame !
A herd of Elephants in the room!
Radio 5 topics last 7 days, “Your Call”, 9am-10am – Nicky Campbell
09/03/2016 = Sunday opening
08/03/2016 = How do you take on a tantrum
07/03/2016 = Middle age spread
04/03/2016 = Bi-polar
03/03/2016 = Swearing
02/03/2016 = Hair (grey)
01/03/2016 = Prostitution
Millions mass at the border of Europe, Chemical attacks in Syria, UK involvement in Syria, Trump, The EU referendum, North Korea, ISIS, The Euro crisis, Child exploitation in Northern towns, Chinese South pacific expansion….etc etc. The BBC, in their own words, listen to…….”Your calls on the day’s big story”.
The pathetic array of non-stories “debated” on Princess Nikki’s show recently really has been noteworthy. It’s almost as if they are trying to avoid mentioning something else. I wonder what it can be?
Rob , sorry to correct you, but are you referring to Dame Nikki ? Important to get nomenclature right !
Its those Asians again. Cameron tells Labour not to hold gender segregated meetings. BBC report it as Asians holding segregated meetings. This appears twice in the article, no mention of the M word.
This kind of misuse of language is too frequent to be accidental, which set me thinking as to why it is done.
The creation of false “constituencies” is a form of deflection and misdirection, preventing discussion of the truth.
By saying “Asians”, the BBC and the Left not only hide who is really at fault (Muslims) but also create a pseudo-constituency of people (Hindus, Sikhs, even Chinese, etc) who they can then claim to be offended by being lumped together with the guilty. A Right-wing equivalent would be “hard-working families”, a phrase frequently used by the government in the context of welfare reform, but not always very relevant; someone who gets £80,000 a year might work hard and deserve what they earn, but someone on only £15,000 might also be hard-working but underpaid. “Migrants” is another one: it includes in theory any who will migrate on to somewhere else (conclusion: you shouldn’t worry about it so much, some will go back or move on) but in practice what it means is “immigrants” (which the BBC has decided is something of a boo-word which might scare people).
The BBC use of the word ” Asians ” is , in itself racist . Asia is a geographical area , that is all. The BBC is institutionally racist.
Wonderful news!
Hellfire, Laura K’s twitter feed must be in meltdown as she awaited the magic moment.
‘The BBC failed to mention at any point before, during, or after Davey’s interview that he is now working for EDF’s lobbying firm, MHP.’
Only so much time, and I think their daily dose of integrity had been consumed by about 1am.
If the bBBC actually did any investigating it might want to ask the question as to why the same design nuclear plant in Finland is coming in at about Eu 8bn (itself massively over the original Eu 3bn budget) while ours is set to cost £18bn.
Then it might ask why we don’t just copy an existing design such as Sizewell B (original cost £2bn) rather than a design with no actual operating experience? Don’t tell me they can’t find the paperwork.
I listened to the Ed Davey stuff which was a master-class in self-justification, and I for one did not hear any comment about his lobbyist credentials. If true, that is an appalling piece of bias by the bBBC.
BBC just love to push a LBGTQ-supercalifragilisticexpialidocious non-story on to us
Anyone who “comes out” is a hero in the eyes of the BBC.
It is to be hoped that they don’t ever cast Benedict C. lest he have another luvvie moment and forget to correctly address the sisters.
But this was a story broken by the Daily Mail who are not normally seen as having a Left wing bias. Are you perhaps suggesting that this is evidence of the BBC balancing their left wing bias by printing a right wing story to provide balance?
You have to stick with this right to the end to find out the party allegiance of lord Janner
I don’t remember them being so reticent about the political affiliations of the late Lord MacApline, following the false allegations levelled against him.
Beeboids are vermin !
In the twisted little minds of Beeboids they had to reconcile that Janner was Labour and a paedophile but that he was Jewish. It would have been so easier if he had been a Jewish Tory paedophile. The BBC disgusts me .
Let the fanfare trumpets sound out as Jeremy Corbyn has asked his 100th question at PMQs !!
Why on earth the BBC should think this minor waymark newsworthy can only be explained by their utter love for the Labour party & its leadership. I cannot think of any other political opposition leader Labour or otherwise where this has been even considered for passing comment, let alone a news item !
As you say thoughtful…who else but the BBC and Labour HQ would have bothered to count the old scrotes musings to himself?
These liberal sadsacks REALLY think that this is JFKs “First Hundred days” type of story-as if we await the Great Helmsmans boring droolings and count them off.
Utter crap-and does the BBC count “Rosies Question” re not being able to get a house or whatever?
Because THAT was not a question but a BBC-inspired piece of crap!
So the EU will stop trading with the UK if we vote to leave eh? This is from BMW’s latest press release:
‘The four largest sales markets for the BMW Group over the past year were China, the USA, Germany and Great Britain.’
I do wish the Remainers would stop trying to frighten us with bullsh*t.
Unfortunately for them SJ, BS is pretty much all they have.
Deutsche Bank and UBS lose bonus tax case
On every single report of this news item the BBC has seen fit to give high prominence to the fact that the Tory Business Secretary Sajid Javid was working at Deutsche Bank during the period.
“A spokesman for Mr Javid said: “This is a matter between Deutsche Bank and HMRC.
“Sajid Javid was paid with all tax deducted already. He received no benefit whatsoever from this scheme and all taxes due have been paid.””
It wasn’t a tax evasion scheme and noting the absence of Police involvement no crime was committed by anyone either, so why the need to smear someone, unless it’s because you don’t like their political allegiances
I would imagine that the Queen WOULD be concerned about the role of the EU in the ruin of what still remains of the country.
She has been around long enough to see the trajectory, she has a constitutional knowledge that is both practical and unsurpassed…and if SHE doesn`t have an opinion on it all, then she`d have been blind or failing in duty these last forty years or so.
My complaint isn`t about her views-but about the fact that she is getting dragged into the media scrum by the likes of Clegg.
Who the hell believes a single word THAT nonentity says?
I`m fed up with the bias-if she had said that we needed to stay in the EU, you can bet that there would be no fuss…and that the Leave campaign would not be getting any right to drag the Queen into a political row, because they would be getting ignored.
I sense the Europhilic elite are trying-for the umpteenth time already-to hog the rules, determine the news agenda-and to scare off opposing voices with threats or losing their jobs.
They need a good slap, and a bit of fear put their way in return.
None of us authorised the EU to talk on our behalf over anything since 1986-least of all over Turkish accession and migration. Nobody voted for the Euro, or for Islam-and we need to porve to the elite that these toxic poses and stances of theirs make them pariahs and unelectable.
Make no mistake-if we DON`T do that, well then we`ll not be getting another chance to embarrass the New Nazis ever again, short of war and revolution.
Turf out the parasites now while we can.