The quote what I didn’t wrote


Boris Johnson was interrupted 57 times on the Andrew Marr Show today; PM was only intrerrupted 23 times two weeks ago.


Andrew Marr when interviewing Boris Johnson (40 mins) misquoted by omission Gerard Lyons, suggesting that he said Brexit would entail a period of dislocation, uncertainty and job loss in the transition…there would be, Marr told us, a period when people lose their jobs using a quote from Lyons to back that up….this is what Lyons actually said….

Leaving the EU will come with transition costs. While the UK public may want quick wins, the most important thing will be stability, a road map for the future and a clear strategic vision. Just as a new government may require one or two full terms to implement its manifesto, likewise it will take a number of years to repatriate powers and laws to our country.

Brexit will be an economic shock. We encounter such events throughout our own lives, when we move house or change jobs. Unless planned for they can be disruptive. That doesn’t mean growth will contract or jobs will be lost, but investment plans may temporarily be put on hold.

Marr then quotes, I paraphrase… ‘Leaving the EU is always worse than the alternative…’….a quote chosen you might suspect to put a very negative spin on Brexit..But that is giving an impression so far from what Lyons thinks about the EU and Brexit it’s untrue…literally untrue…….

This is what he said…

Leaving the EU would be an economic shock. Most, if not all, economic shocks depress economic activity. Thus economic forecasts that focus on, say, a couple of years ahead would tend to show that leaving the EU is always worse than the alternative. In compiling the Europe Report we felt it would be more meaningful to look at the likely impact longer-term, rather than just the initial shock period. Indeed the very fact that this referendum is taking place, four decades after the previous referendum, appears to support the case for a longer-term view.

Why does Marr not quote all the stuff Lyons says in favour of Brexit?   Marr has deliberately plucked out a half a quote in order to back up a false claim that Lyons says Brexit will be worse for the UK….something Lyons clearly does not think… his Tweets confirm as he responds to Marr’s piece…..


Lyons himself is not impressed with Marr’s misuse of his words…..




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16 Responses to The quote what I didn’t wrote

  1. Richard Pinder says:

    I watched George Galloway talk to Kate Hoey on RT: A much more civilized conversation without any interruptions: Proof that Labour supporters are able to listen, if they are on the correct side of reality, rather than fighting against reality, truth and facts, with interruptions, as is the case with most issues under the BBC mindset of “reality censorship“.

    But rather than opinions, it would be best practice to use scientific logic to test the hypothesis at hand. As we are not able to test a “Britain” in the EU, with a “Britain” that did not join the EU. Then we would need a proxy test.

    I suggest that for the proxy test, we use the two largest economies in Western Europe that are not in the EU. As these are Switzerland and Norway, and Switzerland and Norway have the most successful economies in Western Europe. Then the instant result of the test, is that we have overwhelming evidence that Britain would be far better off out of the EU, than staying in this sinking monolith.

    Like “Climate Change” the above test, as with using Venus as a proxy for calibrating carbon dioxide warming, is more reliable than predictive guess work using Computer Models with an fraudulent formula at the core, or using terms of opinion such as “Honourable“ “Respectable” “Authoritive” “Distinguished” “Expert” “Qualified” etc


    • Up2snuff says:

      Richard, the problem with using Switzerland & Norway as comparatives is that the Remain camp have ways of negating those arguments. I would suggest Canada as a better comparative. Land area is obviously very different but there are probably greater similarities with UK in other factors.


      • Mice Height says:

        Not least that they also have a clueless trust-fund-brat running their country (in to the ground).


        • Up2snuff says:

          re Mice Height above:

          🙂 LOL

          Could be worse. We could compare ourselves to Germany. :-p


  2. Peter Grimes says:

    Boris should demand an apology from Marr and AL Beeb. Either it was deliberate on their part (remember Marr’s persistent questioning of Boy Dave about a hunting quote which Dave hadn’t made) or AL Beeb are pissing our money up the wall on illiterate and biased researchers.

    I would go for the deliberate defence.


  3. Guest Who says:

    It is to be hoped Hills did not hit Twitter afterwards to whinge about how she felt, as many a BBC market rate is prone to do once their interviewee is safely out of the building.

    I wonder how the BBC will ‘report’ this?


  4. wronged says:

    ‘Boris Johnson was interrupted 57 times on the Andrew Marr Show today; PM was only intrerrupted 23 times two weeks ago. #marr’

    It is these sort of statistics which provide the evidence required when the bBBC claim not to be biased. I myself,became so fed up with the number of pro EU panel members on Question Time that I started to to keep a score, currently running at 18 remain, 8 leave and 2 undecided.

    One always knows when the bBBC argument is weak when, instead of discussing the issue they prefer to make personal attacks on the interviewee. It is a sorry state of affairs when we have a national broadcaster which rides roughshod over the provision of political balance and is incredibly unaccountable.
    Our communist state broadcaster is alive, well and thriving.


    • embolden says:

      Not content with that interview, the BBC used another platform to attack Boris Johnson on Sunday afternoon.

      They ran a feature on the World this Weekend in which an impressionist, David Benson, was given the opportunity to give a demonstration of his Boris Johnson act, which, we were told, had gone down a storm at the Edinburgh fringe last year.

      It included a couple of outlandish comments on the EU/Brexit debate and repeated expostulations of “Cripes!”. We were invited to regard him as a serious performance artist rather than an end of the pier impressionist in the tradition of Dick Emery and Mike Yarwood.

      This was presented as the last item on the “News and current affairs from around the world broadcast” in such a way that a casual listener, tuning in for the next programme might not have realised the spoof nature of the broadcast.

      Two questions came to mind, why did the BBC feel the need to allow Benson to promote his commercial theatre act, uninterrupted, to a national audience? and why did the BBC consider it worthwhile to include a spoof feature on what it seems to regard as one of its flagship news and current affairs broadcasts?

      Has he got a BBC “comedy” slot in the offing?


  5. david01 says:

    After waving his arm about in front of the camera lens Marr uttered the killer line “This is the Andrew Marr Show, not the Boris Johnson show”. Marr was so intent on mis-quoting Johnson and attempting to get his own agenda on to the programme he would have done better to ignore Johnson and place himself in front of the camera. I have rarely seen such a travesty of an interview as this. I cannot understand why politicians faced with this ridiculous grandstanding do not do what John Nott did years ago, stand up , hand the microphone to the interviewer and walk away. Perhaps a metaphor for “Better out than to Remain”


  6. ObiWan says:

    “…I cannot understand why politicians faced with this ridiculous grandstanding do not do what John Nott did years ago, stand up , hand the microphone to the interviewer and walk away.”

    Well, quite. Ben Shapiro has some handy tips for dealing with leftist bullies and morons:


  7. Bagley says:

    Annoyed by Boris Johnson being constantly interrupted on The Andrew Marr and No One Else’s Show! yesterday morning, I later took great delight in watching Conservative MP and Britain Stronger In Europe campaigner Nick Herbert squirming during a disastrous interview with Andrew Neil on Sunday Politics.


  8. Dave S says:

    Really what do we expect? BBC = lugenpresse. Complaining is pointless. Just ignore them and hold to your opinions.


  9. Edward says:

    Worryingly, Boris did not look as though he was taking this interview with Marr seriously. Marr was being a complete interruptive knob, and Boris was being a complete political careerist diplomatic knob back at him.

    The BBC know that most political arguments cannot be resolved within 20 minutes (the amount of time Question Time gives to each question), so Andrew Marr – having less than 20 minutes – shouldn’t have an issue with debating politics with his guests. But he asked Boris a question and was quick to interrupt before he could give an answer.

    It was as if Marr wasn’t listening to Boris.

    But Boris seemed to be happy with that.


    • Beltane says:

      I very much doubt Boris would take any interview on the BBC seriously, most especially one with Mardy Marr. Surely a clear sign of Marr’s testy little moody was when he slopped his water – maybe Boris had made some cutting observation in the green room earlier? For all his buffoonery Boris can be quite Churchilian at times with the same sort of acid tongue. Good for him and ever better for Mr Marr whose conceit is only exceeded by his self-satisfaction.