The BCC’s John Longworth was forced to resign for his comments on Brexit and the BBC has been repeatedly playing a clip of Phil Smith, the managing director of ‘Business West’ and BCC member, making a very aggressive attack on Longworth on the BBC’s PM programme on saturday.(11 mins). Perhaps this clip should come with a health warning.
Smith is in no way impartial and has already set out his company’s views……
This is Business West’s business manifesto for 2015.….staying in the EU is essential and they don’t even want a referendum….here’s the European Union page….
Smith talks continuously of the BCC being neutral and yet we have shown it is anything but that and he clearly isn’t himself.
Guido has been catching a few other BCC members out in their outspoken support for the EU…and yet they haven’t been suspended or ‘sacked’…..
Earlier Guido noted that the British Chambers of Commerce had allowed their Kent chief to publicly endorse the Remain campaign. Now it emerges the chief executive of the Cornwall BCC branch has also signed a letter supporting staying in the EU. Kim Conchie wrote last week that:
“leaving the EU is playing Russian Roulette with the world’s fifth largest economy; it would be a great folly”
Remember, the official BCC line is that they are “a non-partisan organisation” and that senior figures airing personal views will “create confusion regarding the BCC’s neutral stance”. John Longworth lost his job for publicly backing Leave. Yet here are two top BCC spokesmen who have endorsed Remain with no consequences…
Anyone have the inside track on what these “mouthpieces” for the BCC previously said on joining the Euro?
i’ll bet there are some skeletons in cupboards in the “business community” calling for us to remain on that one.
The logical extension of if it is such a wonderful place to do business, surely doing it in the same currency must be even more wonderful, yet I’ll bet nearly to a “man” they realise what a disaster that would have been for us.
I don’t think we should get too carried away by John Longworth’s resignation. It is unfortunate, and I’m as disappointed and angry as anyone. But I think this is actually working in favour of the OUT campaign. People will regard him as the victim rather than the offender. If he had spoken out in favour of staying in the EU, he would still be seen as the victim – assuming he would have had to resign, that is.
“Perhaps this clip should come with a health warning. Smith is in no way impartial and has already set out his company’s views……”
Wrong. Phil Smith is there to represent his members interests; “A large majority of Business West members (77%) feel that the UK should remain within the EU”. Indeed, If he wasn’t representing their interests they could ask him to resign.
Meanwhile, John Longworth is there to represent the BCC members, which as you ably demonstrate by supporting Brexit, he has failed to do; “Guido has been catching a few other BCC members out in their outspoken support for the EU.”
“Smith talks continuously of the BCC being neutral and yet *we have shown it is anything but that*…”
Ha! By “we” you mean; “you”, and by “shown” you mean; “I hope nobody notices I’m talking bollocks”.
“…John Longworth is there to represent the BCC members…”
No, he was there to represent the BCC which declared itself neutral on the EU referendum even though the majority of its members are pro-EU. And there lies the conflict.
I’m struggling to find a transcript of Longworth’s speech, but I don’t remember him saying anything pro-Brexit – just the possibility that Britain could be better off out, instead of the pro-EU stance that Britain will definitely be worse off.
As i understand it Mr Longworth made clear that he was speaking of his personal view.
Careful selection of a figure there Mr Zero, being a 2014 survey before Mr Cameron had conducted his negotiations. Did he achieve the “looser” relationship that 36/77ths of those favouring staying wanted. Perhaps with your crystal ball you can tell us, but probably not, so we must consider your comments bollocks again?
A colleague of his recently suggested a trend towards issuing Internet access has been extended far and wide to all sorts. Clearly though still only after hours back at the ranch.
Somewhat off subject. Boris not pro EU, never off the bBC news 24 about the Email sent by his staff. Shady Khan pro EU has a terrorist supporting aide and almost silence from the bBC. Contrast and compare.
If you need a reason for getting out of the EU, none better. bBC don’t think they will be airing this one.
These business ‘representative’ organisations often have had their snout in the EU trough via grants. Their ‘leaders ‘ are often failed rather than successful businessmen . Their track record of judgement eg on the Euro is poor. Ignore them. They don’t have a vote . Indivividuals do. Vote Leave.