Ok folks, Friday arrives and here is a new Open Thread to see us off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend! THIS is where you detail the endless bias from the rancid biased BBC. Enjoy 🙂
Migration fears not racist – Archbishop of Canterbury
It’s a major story, especially as the massively biased BBC have been forced to apologise for their bias in the past over their failure to recognise that 70% of the people of this country thoughts migration / immigration was a major problem.
One of the best pieces of evidence that they have a left wing bias, and are completely out of touch with the majority of the people of this country.
They simply haven’t learned any lessons at all, and their apology rings hollow.
Who will rid us of this troublesome broadcaster ??
I’d be interested to hear if the BBC report this in anything other than concerns over ‘housing’ and ‘jobs’ and in particular whether they make any mention of fears over the cultural impact of a million+ more Muslims coming into the country.
After the Humphrys interview with Ian Duncan Smith on Today this morning, I wonder if Humphrys wrestled IDS to the floor and held him in a half-nelson until IDS admitted that Brexit might be a snare and a delusion. The sheer aggression of the Humphrys attack on air was appalling in its ferocity and is, yet again and for the umpteenth time, clear evidence of the bias of the BBC on this issue. Humphrys couldn’t have been more dismissive and arrogant in his anti-Brexit certainty than Cameron.
“Ken Livingstone’s Savile jibe sparks anger”
What Ken says is another matter, what caught my attention was the Huffington Post plugs, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35783651
The BBC, Guardian and now the Huffington Post, what an unholy trinity they make. Nice name check for Paul Waugh too, are we to assume that the HuffPost is now on the approved BBC reading list? Talk about peas in a bloody pod.
Obama blaming UK and France for the ‘mess’ in Libya. Not so much a biased story but bias by omission. The omission in this case being the lack of reference to one Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. It was her, as far as I can remember, who persuaded Obama to get involved in the first instance. Involvement which took the UK and France’s no-fly zone idea and replaced it with a bombing campaign. Could this be the same Hillary Clinton who is likely to be running for US President? It’s a complete distraction to distance the US from the failure in post-war Libya and blame the UK and France.
There’s no such thing as Islamic state remember as it’s got absolutely nothing at all to do with Islam….. Except all the people there are Muslim…living in a place that is a mandatory requirement from Muhammad himself, the caliphate…Who believe they are living the perfect Islamic life… A life written out in unchangeable text that is the very basis and purpose of Islam….
So as you can see, absolutely nothing at all to do with Islam
Question to all on here. Is it racist to deny our Muslim brothers the right to say that the Islamic state is everything to do with Islam and is the perfect Islamic place on earth? Under the delusional laws of the left I smell a hate crime
Must give the chaps on Mr. Nobel’s prize committee a warm feeling that the unique funding stream still seems well and truly active. As Ringo says, Peace and Love.
The essential difference, though, is that America has attached huge importance to its claimed opposition to imperialism and rarely misses an opportunity to remind people of the circumstances surrounding its own creation. We, on the other hand, do not deny our imperialist past. In fact some of us tend to harp on about it. The list is restricted to 1945 onwards. American hypocrisy is the main issue, I think, rather than who did what.
When I wrote this I should have made it clear that I was talking about those who never miss an opportunity to remind us how guilty we should be feeling.
The Empire was a product of its time and I think we behaved better than most. Spain, France and Belgium spring to mind. A few failures but quite a lot of successes as well. Even former colonies admit this from time to time. They wouldn’t have joined the (British) Commonwealth otherwise.
Maria, I live in Gambia and most of the Gambians I know wish that the British were still running the country. And they are not very keen on the Germans !
Ha! Yes, the hypocrisy is detectable even on radar.
Remember when a couple of years back Kerry said of Russia regarding Ukraine: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped up pre-text,”?
“Using contested intelligence, a powerful adviser urges a president to wage a war of choice against a dictator; makes a bellicose joke when he is killed; declares the operation a success; fails to plan for a power vacuum; and watches Islamists gain power. That describes Dick Cheney and the Iraq War—and Hillary Clinton and the war in Libya.”
TWATO on Radio 4 and a piece on how to put on the blinkers and avoid the screamingly obvious!
Young people and their parents are more pessimistic about the future than ever before !
They are apparently concerned about Jobs, Housing, etc etc. – All the things which we are all concerned with, and in fact just the same set of worries the Arch Bitch stated today.
But can the BBC see the source of the problem? Well a rhetorical question with an obvious answer. Of course it can’t. 3 million more people & no new homes should be a no brainer – but not for the BBC! They have another target in mind. Wealthy pensioners (those who get a free TV licence) ate all the pies and left nothing for their Grand Kids.
It really demonstrates that the BBC still have learned nothing from their failure to even discuss immigration levels, either than or they don’t want to advertise the consequences of EU membership for this country !
Not quite right thoughtful, though I’m with you 95% of the way.
Wealthy pensions who have to go into care don’t stay wealthy for long. The 100% inheritance tax that is the full costs of care until down to your last £13,000 will make sure of that. Oh, and that’s AFTER you have paid tax by the way. Yes if you are a pensioner in care you pay tax on your income and then the full costs of care. Unless you have less than £13,000, including your house.
For those sensible people that either spent up or never saved anything or never earned anything, no such problem.
“Young people and their parents are more pessimistic about the future than ever before !”
As compared with when? During the Great War? The Black Death? The Thirty Years War?
The attempt to drive a wedge between the generations is a front relatively recently opened-up by the Left’s strategists. How utterly predictable of the BBC to be helping it along.
It is part of the cultural marxist assault on the family. For good reason as it is the family that will ultimately break the hold of these dreadful people on our country. So the cultural marxists of the BBc and the rest fear the family and will try to destroy it. If anyone thinks that modern feminism and the plethora of rights this and rights that for endless minorities is anything other than part of the assault then they are mistaken.
The culture war is getting nasty and in a way I welcome it as our opponents are mostly cowards and mistake overweening self esteem for principles. Don’t argue with them and hold fast.
As to grandparents plenty I know and in that I include myself are helping the next generations as much as we can and then more .
Not that the non breeding virtue signalling cultural middle class marxist trash do children very much.
We on the right will outbreed them and then see things change.
I think it’s a useful strategy for powerful neoliberals in general; that what passes for the left in this country are seen to be using it is of no import. Shift the blame away from those who use the housing bubble to generate wealth. This system is actually thriving in most of Europe, and even Russia, with the UK having comparatively less of a shit deal for the young than many of its neighbours.
If anyone thinks that there’s no better trained dogs than those who come bounding to the Daily Mail’s whistle over immigration, then I would advise them to look at the vicious little terriers scampering toward the Guardian’s whistle, eager to egg on the death of those bastard baby boomers. None of them aware that they are being played.
2pm Radio 2 news, ‘Rise in Scarlett Fever cases’ but our resident ‘expert’ doesn’t have a clue as to why, a disease that had all but disappeared in this country.
I’ll take a guess, could it be because Scarlet fever still remains a ‘threat’ in developing countries?
A quick scroll down on BBC Newsbeat’s coverage of this story and we can see a child of Greenham Common. The picture of Newsbeat’s Anna Doble does little to dispel the Leftist image of al-Beeb.
Did anyone else hear the good old cockney gal on the Jezza Swine Show today, re what Welby has been talking about?
Great stuff – Vine couldn’t shut her up or he would have simply confirmed everything the AoC had said about the shutting down of any debate about immigration, via the use of the “racist” slur against those not in favour of it.
I noticed it was the ONLY call he took on that subject too.
I did so after you suggested it Al Shubtill!
Very good-old Peggy from Basildon ought to be the next UKIP candidate there!
Reminded me of the mighty Irene Handl….an attack of the Beeb Vapours must have ensued in that fragrant office of theirs.
And one less researching intern manning the phones on Monday , no doubt…
Why can’t the BBC have some sort of comment of their own when it comes to business stories. They just seem to copy and paste stories and swallow them like mother’s milk without the slightest inkling about the real issues.
8 Feb – “A recent rise in oil prices is a “false dawn” and the oversupply of crude is set to worsen, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). ”
9 March – “There is evidence that oil prices are stabilising and could even begin to rise again, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said”
Bring back Peston (just joking)
‘Why can’t the BBC have some sort of comment of their own’
It’s usually in a wee box off to the right. Entitled ‘Analysis’. Not sure what’s in it is ever much more than running with their “sources'” PR punts and adding a bit of polish to the poo.
Because the BBC knows nothing about business! Isn’t really interested either. Pretty much the same for science and engineering.
I’d bet they’ve published more stories about perceived lack of women and ethnics in business and sciences than stories actually about business and sciences!
Really they should just stop reporting business and save the money.
Absolutely correct and nowhere is this better illustrated than on the World Service where journalists who clearly have no business experience whatsoever waffle away like students at a Women’s Studies seminar.
Sometimes it’s good to see the bias so in-your-face there can be no doubt.
On bBBC Have Your Say website today.
Story about the UK/US relationship. Queue lots of opportunities to slag off Cameron. Duly taken. 1000 comments and rising on message board at the time of writing.
Also on Have Your Say – McDonnell pledge for Labour to balance the books. Queue lots of opportunities to slag off Labour. Duly taken. Message board removed.
Want any more? How about a post on the Newcastle McLaren sacking HYS , noting that in the public sector such people are transferred or promoted (try Mid Staffs NHS – Nicholson, or Borders Agency Lin Homer, now with a £2m+ ‘football manager’ pension pot) – comment deleted for being off-topic.
The biased BBC absolutely banged to rights. Only the ‘correct’ opinions are permitted.
I just opened the BBC News website and up popped a window asking me to complete a satisfaction survey on the said website. I don’t suppose for one second they really want to know my views (I am after all an ageing white male), but regardless I filled in the form. But it is an opportunity for all of us to tell them how wonderful we think they are.
The BBC must have some backhand deal to keep promoting Apple products daily with some boring news but this article take top place of most pointless piece of journalism ever http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35782865
The headline should just be “Apple answer a customer email question”
These 2 links show the perks the BBC gets from Apple for advertising their product:
Proof., as if proof were needed, of the BBC’s bias over the US elections was broadcast on R4’s Feedback a few minutes ago. Faced with listeners questioning why the BBC gives so much coverage to the election, Jon Sopel, launched into attack mode by deliberately misconstruing things Trump has said, ignoring the Wicked Witch entirely, and saying that this man, who has never held public office and says all this, could have his finger on the button.
Now, I happen to think Trump is a circus act, so I am not defending him. I am, however, accusing Sopel of disgraceful bias by indulging in his one-sided ‘get Trump’ hissy-fit. Mrs. Clinton is, at best, a liar and quite possibly a criminal (we shall find out before long). She also betrayed her countrymen disgracefully over Benghazi. The fact that Sopel overlooks this is all the evidence anyone needs of the BBC’s inability to report truthfully about US affairs.
One look at their FaceBook feed shows the entire BBC has lost the plot over Trump, but Sopel ‘should’ know better. However his hit pieces long ago crossed any sensible editorial integrity line.
The endorsement of Trump by Ben Carson, now that he’s dropped out of the race, should put the cat amongst the pigeons; the Republican leadership need to either unite behind Trump and win (win big a la Reagan in 1981) or remain divided and end up with another Clinton in the White House and, as a consequence of that, a majority liberal Supreme Court bench for a generation.
IN any other endorsement, Ben Carson would have been loudly “Trumpeted” by the BBC.
Black…religious…a surgeon for Gods sake?…studious and honourable too?
But no-he`s come out for Trump.
So he`ll have been playing golf when he should have been healing…and would throw handfuls of Uncle Bens rice into the eyes of Angela Davis` kids, instead of doing mock racist calyso stuff like St Harold Belafonte did.
Just an Uncle Tom outside an abortion clinic now eh?…
Hope Donald gives Ben a job akin to Condaleezas-should stuff the race crap up Al Sharptons blowhole if he does that.
Let’s hope that Trump wins the election , we vote OUT and Boris becomes PM. Then the two of them can get together and realise that they have a common hatred of the BBC and decide to finish it off by having Murdoch and Fox buy half each. Seriously if we do vote out then the BBC will lose its protection provided by Cameron as he will have to go , and there may be a serious chance of it being cut down to size with Gove or Boris as PM.
Point of information, Murdoch is Fox – and if Sky is anything to go by, you might as well hand the BBC over to the Guardian. Oh, but wait…
In all seriousness, if we can achieve Brexit, we stand a very good chance of ridding ourselves of Cameron, I agree. However, I am very far from convinced that Boris (who is actually quite a squishy metropolitan – he just (says he) believes in free trade) has any desire to straighten-out the very bent BBC.
Still, once Cameron has been marched to the guillotine (not all things French are bad) a future Tory who had dumped all the remainers in the party would be in a good condition to nuke the BBC from orbit.
I see BBC still trying to divert attention away from the important issues by asking Boris about his ‘real’ reason for backing Brexit. Apparently Boris stood his ground and belittled the BBC questioner somewhat.
Well done Boris. This should be the immediate response by everyone to the BBC’s kill time and divert tactics.
Yes, it was John Pienaar who got the rough end of Boris. funny, I’d just said to my good lady, that the question asked was a “personality” question (about his alleged personal ambition to replace Cameron as party leader) when Boris let rip….very gratifying.
But the BBC were in attack mode on PM trying to suck Boris into some squabble about the award of the contract for the “garden bridge” for London.
This referendum campaign is already getting grubby, it’s going to get nasty. Can’t think why the BBC have so suddenly turned against a previously popular politician who has appeared as a guest star on stuff like HIGNFY. You’d almost think someone’s paying them, ALLEGEDLY, that can’t be right, can it?
Our Car Moron would have closed them down long ago but he needs them for his big plan to keep us in the failed and manufactured state, that is the EU.
Doesn’t Al Beeb ‘get loads of dosh’ from the the EU ?
Get rid of the three, Al Beeb the EU and Car Moron. Simples .
BBC North West News at lunchtime continues, on behalf of its 28gate mates, its obsession with fracking.
Usual close-up of the usual small group of protestors who must be able to claim BBC full time pay rates by now. Why is there only about 40 of them (and that’s a good turnout) if, as the BBC claim, it’s the locals who are most concerned? Lancashire is a well-populated county after all.
Still, not to let that get in the way of yet another eco-socialist agenda piece. The script barely changes: the noise, the pollution, the dangers, the blot on the landscape, the climate threat/commitment to CO2 reductions – the latter voiced by the BBC on behalf of Friends of the Earth (well couldn’t have ’em on could we, might have to ask ’em some awkward questions about keeping the lights on and ensuring the old and vulnerable don’t freeze to death). But I wonder why they never ask these residents whether they’d rather have a plentiful supply of energy or power cuts? Why don’t they ask if they’d rather have a fracking operation covering less than 500 square yards giving a guaranteed source of power or a wind farm covering 5 square miles to provide the theoretical equivalent though in reality giving them nothing most of the time?
A bloody disgrace but by now so used to the eco-bias my blood pressure doesn’t register even a minor blip.
Don’t say you weren’t warned! All next week R4 is broadcasting a series by Lyse Doucet, the woman’s whose struggles with English pronunciation will one day make a fine West End musical comedy.
The series is called ‘Syrian Voices’. There are no prizes for guessing how toe-curlingly awful it will be – though anyone who survives to the end of even one episode will certainly deserve one.
Whenever I hear the mangling, grinding tones of Doucet I immediately hit the ‘off’ button. Ditto Orla Guerin, though she sounds almost normal by comparison.
The BBC must have a deliberate policy of employing as many non-English correspondents as it can find – I can’t think of any other reason for their disproportionate number.
It is, indeed, BBC policy. There was a recent discussion on Scott Gronmark’s excellent blog about this (he is ex-BBC and knows whereof he speaks).
Among many possible objections to the policy is that the commissioning editors can have absolutely no idea whether some of the correspondents they are employing have dogs in the fight on which they are supposed to be reporting objectively. That many of them struggle to be understood by a British audience is just one of the issues involved.
“Severn Trent Water said high levels of chlorine were detected in a reservoir in Derbyshire”, because we all know reservoirs are all full of ‘natural chlorine’!
Given the fact it evaporates when left exposed to the open air as well, it seems an odd thing to do.
“areas of south Derbyshire and north east Leicestershire should not drink, bathe or even ‘wash their toilets’ with the water in their homes.”
So people shouldn’t even flush their toilets with the stuff which they normally use to clean their toilets?
GCooper March 11, 2016 at 9:07 pm
Don’t say you weren’t warned! All next week R4 is broadcasting a series by Lyse Doucet, the woman’s whose struggles with English pronunciation will one day make a fine West End musical comedy.
What a show! Lyce Doucet, Natalie Bennett and Loyd Grossman in leading roles.
Irritable vowel syndrome at its best.
Nice one!
Irritable vowel syndrome?
Blue Badge coming-and park where you like!
Is thr NHS funding research into this one?…or is there something in the BBC water coolers that creates this sorry condition?
Happen to think, seeing you`ve mentioned it that we need to leave the EU.
Seemed to screw up Schteve McClaren, and Jouey Batton when they were over there as I recall.
Allo Allo?…
OMG The BBC are in S’hampton interviewing people about Eastern European immigration! They have just claimed that ‘a Pole who has British citizenship’ is giving ‘a view from both sides’!!!
How does that work then???
The BBC should make their minds up too, is this person ‘a Pole’ or is she ‘as British as us’?
The only surprise here is that the BBC have covered the story.
As we all know, this has been going on for decades, and it’s getting exponentially worse. Corbyn won’t do a thing about it because he knows just as well as we do that if they put up a woman candidate (muzzy or otherwise) then the muzzy elders won’t turn out to vote, or even bother to fill in the postal votes for their 200 nieces, wives & daughters.
Today’s pressing question, well worth £145.50 of anyone’s money, is Why don’t they make shoes for black ballet dancers?
The obvious answers – because there’s not much demand for them; or why doesn’t the black dancer get shoes made for him – are ignored because the real reason is that manufacturers are racist, of course.
The word ‘cobblers’ comes to mind.
Here’s an interesting short film about a factory that makes ballet shoes . I would imagine they have a monopoly on the trade as there can’t be a huge demand. It employs some ethnic minorities – I think the beeb and that whingeing dancer should be satisfied with that.
> It employs some ethnic minorities – I think the beeb and that whingeing dancer should be satisfied with that
Yeah, let’s make sure the ethnic minorities know their place. Who cares if they want to perform, and find that the accoutrements of their profession aren’t as appropriate for them as they are for white people? They should be satisfied that someone else with a similar skin colour to them is working!
‘…accoutrements of their profession aren’t as appropriate’
Jeeesus Jerrod, the overwhelming majority of dancers are totally focused on the precision and beauty of their movements and work unbelievably hard to achieve perfection. They do not give a tinker’s fart what colour their shoes are, just that they will last long enough to justify the expense – and those that choose to make an issue out of such an inconsequential detail are very obviously more concerned with politics than ability.
I can confirm that this is cobblers. Actually, black ballet shoes are readily available, in fact I am told they are mandatory for boy dancers regardless of skin colour.
Just google “black ballet shoes” for confirmation, or ask your ballet dancing daughter/granddaughter/niece.
The bloke in the featured story seems to want coffee coloured shoes to exactly match his skin tone, just like the white dancers can’t have either. More race hustling I’m afraid.
PS. I think it must be pointed out that the film The Red Shoes was neither intended nor should be regarded as a slight towards Native Indigenous Americans.
One does wonder if Kirstie Brewer ever left her desk to write her ballet shoe/slipper race genocide piece, or if she even bothered to google it, for anyone in any doubt as to where her allegiance lies,
“Kirstie Brewer
Kirstie is a writer on social affairs, women and culture for The Guardian and also writes for the BBC. Follow her on Twitter @kirstiejbrewer and contact her here.”
Nice sideline in trousering licence fee money these guardianistas have, in order to maintain even the pretence of impartiality the BBC should disbar those with an affiliation to the extremist and boring rag that the Guardian has become, from submitting paid work.
I caught a piece of Any Questions on R4. It was from somewhere rural where cauliflowers are gathered in the morning early. The vacuous Soubery foghorn was arguing that if we left the EU, there would be no seasonal workers to pick cauliflowers. I have never heard anything so ridiculous. Long before British entry into the EU, I remember plenty of French onion men on their bicycles and there were lots of British people working in Europe, I was one of them. What is this stupid, stupid woman talking about?. I went into a Polski Sklep recently to get some beetroot. I was gawped at as if I’d landed from Mars and nobody could speak English. If I wanted this level of cultural enrichment, I would go and live in Poland. Frankly, acquainting myself with the Polish language and the mores of everyday Polish folk just to buy a couple of beetroot is too much effort by far. There would be outrage if there was random exiling of British citizens to Poland to enhace their cultural curiosity. Allowing Poland to be created willy-nilly around British citizens in the UK is never questioned. Essentially, however, there is no difference. The government seems intent on imposing a new form of internal exile on the indiginous population.
I listened to most of Any Questions last night and for once I actually thought it was quite good. I agree that Anna Soubry never knows when to shut up but apart from that it was lively and, can you believe it, very much in favour of Brexit! The star of the panel was a local Lincoln man, a greengrocer by trade who owns farms and has a wholesale business in fruit and veg. He was brilliant! He’s fed up with the EU telling him how to farm his land and fed up with all the regulations which the UK religiously follow but which are totally ignored in some other EU countries. He cited an example of a field of cauliflowers he saw while driving in Spain. He saw they were spraying them, knew what it was and also knew that the veg could not be picked or touched for 7 days yet the following day he drove past the same field and it was full of pickers and packers preparing the veg for export to the UK – which was illegal as the pesticide spray had not had time to disperse as it should have done. That’s part of EU law apparently.
Someone then put to him that foreign workers were forcing out British workers. He replied that as soon as British workers realised they had to be up and in the fields by 6.00am, they immediately said they were not interested in the job.
The audience were unashamedly pro-Brext which was a delight to hear. Junior Jono Dimbo must have needed to go and have a lie down in a darkened room afterwards as he had a bit of trouble last night! Anna Soubry didn’t help him either!
This trend is really worrying, especially in how reported, and responded to by the authorities., or vice versa.
I have seen this referred to as a victory for anti-facism.
Which calls to mind how May banned Spencer and Gellar from the UK, specifically because of threats to kick off if they spoke.
The mindset that violence is justified to suppress words is as bizarre as it is now pervasive amongst too many with a screw loose and a shaky grasp of free speech and democracy.
Home truths and the SNP are not good bedfellows. They do not respond well to criticism.
BBC Question Time had six panellists, five pro Remain, one Brexit and still the SNP complain of bias. They seem to live in a bubble of their own self importance.
At what point do they, the SNP, realise that they are not as popular in Scotland as they might imagine. They need to apologise to Scots who voted to stay in the UK. The economy today has borne an economic realism that had Scotland voted for independence, Scotland would be renamed Greece 2. (and I don’t mean the movie).
I personally have great faith in the Scots that they will stay within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – after all, they did help to make it ‘Great’.
But it’s a bit like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea on what to think about Dundee’s question time. The way certain panelists conducted themselves at points was too boorish (Susan Calman impersonator Ruth Davidson – who I think I hate more than Sturgeon, and fuckwit Willie Rennie in particular). And two folk who just happened to be picked at random to ask questions from the – as ever – artfully selected audience, were Braden Davy and Kathy Wiles; both Labour luvvies, who didn’t get identified as such. Kathy herself came to the aid of the the poor embattled BBC Scotland when there was a protest about their bias towards ‘No’ a couple of years ago, compared a few wee kids who had come along to the Hitler Youth, and then was sacked.
I mean, who the hell am I supposed to like here? I’m going to end up like Plainview in a few years I swear.
Oh here we go again another weekend . Let me guess BBC
– Trump is Bad
– Europe is like the garden of Eden
– Global warming is coming (most of us call it Spring)
I got one for Panorama ‘ How come the only people who ever get attacked on British streets are straight A college students with glittering careers ahead of them who are the sweetest loveliest people you could ever meet ?’
The Al Beeb webshite is leading with the article “Trump calls off Chicago rally amid violent clashes”.
Now we all know that the BhBC utterly lothe Trump and his supporters, so they undertake propaganda blitzkrieg on the events as this news really does fit perfectly into its “Trump is an extremist who is creating division with his hate speech” narrative. But let’s look at some undeniable facts from this article:
1: Again the Al Beeb are championing a group of dangerous, violent, fascist fuckwits as demonstrating against evil and being anti-fascist. They are not. These idiots and traitors are trying to force their will on others. Prevent others from having a a say. Preventing others from having different views to them. This is bigoted. Anti democratic. This is Fascism. They will use any means necessary to get their way, including violence and intimidation. Why are the Al Beeb and vile MSM continually encouraging the actions of these violent, fascist scumbags? Why are they relentlessly trying to suppress our thoughts and feelings for change? Are the MSM democratic in any way?…Thought provoking questions about where our society is and how the fight truly is on now if we are serious about winning back our countries. The media and the left are prepared and participating in battle my friends.
2: If the Al Beeb are so obvious and dedicated to encouraging violence and intimidation against those who think differently to them and championing those trying to suppress free will and speech, are the Al Beeb now utterly confident and unafraid to promote themselves as a fascist, socialist body who will aggressively pursue a bias agenda to achieve a fascist, socialist utopia? I think the answer for us on here is worryingly yes.
All the above fills me with fear and dread for the future. Even if we leave the EU and Ukip win the next general election, violence will be endemic. If we stay in the EU and labour win the next general election these same traitorous bast@rds will still be relentless in their campaign of violence and intimidation against us. All the while the Al Beeb will be against those of us who love our country and are truly want freedom.
Sky is atrocious, IMO. It seems to want to outdo the BBC. Two black presenters this morning facing two newspaper reviewers, one black. Interview with gobby, black, self righteous Chicagoan who disrupted the Trump rally and got exactly what he had secretly hoped for. He claimed that Trump had brought hate to peaceful, harmonious Chicago, or something like that*. Very pally, good-natured interview because, as we all know, everybody hates trump.
At least we don’t have to pay for it.
* Murder rate approx 15 per 100,000, rape rate approx 50 per 100,000 (2014).
And BTW, what happened to the Moscow woman whose handbag bore a very close resemblance to a child’s head?
Sky moved over to the liberal nonsense side only recently. Maybe a few years ago. At times you might as well be reading the Guardian or watching the BBC.
Before that, its mainly white male journos had a neat, original but always fair line on what was happening in politics. That they were largely male was wrong, but not that they were quality people.
Sky still has a few people who have the gravitas for the news, which is more than BBC News 24. Where do the BBC find some of those news readers? Who thinks they have any weight or authority?
Let us hope Mr Murdoch can explain to his lovely new wife, Jerry Hall, that he will need to pop out to sort something at work for a short while.
What is astonishing is that this is the same Rupert Murdoch who is so hated by the far Left! To hear some of them speak, you would expect to turn on Sky News and find the newsreader wearing a swastika armband! In reality, said newsreader is quite likely to be an ‘efnik’ and what she or he is reading could well have been written by one of the Guardian’s hacks.
> 1: Again the Al Beeb are championing a group of dangerous, violent, fascist fuckwits as demonstrating against evil and being anti-fascist. They are not. These idiots and traitors are trying to force their will on others.
Or as it’s known in reality, “exercising legitimate, peaceful, democratic protest”.
> They will use any means necessary to get their way, including violence and intimidation.
Forgive me, but when you’ve got a candidate who’s on stage saying things like:
“…knock the crap out of ’em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
“See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough. We’ve become very weak.”
If, after all that, you’re still claiming that it’s the protestors who are at fault, that the Trump supporters are not being stoked up to look for means of violently oppressing opposition, then you’re a deluded fool.
> Then you segue into how the violent actions are justified, because those committing them didn’t like what was being said.
No, I don’t. I cite how Donald Trump is inciting his followers. I realise you’re not the brightest of people, but even you can see that.
> And finally cite a reaction to an aggressive intrusion.
I cite an assault – for which the man has been arrested and charged – which was inflicted not on “an aggressive intrusion”, but on a protestor who had done nothing, and who was on his way out of the rally.
Rouse [who was protesting with Rakeem Jones, the man who was hit] said as soon as Trump’s speech began, someone in the crowd singled out him and his friends, screaming, “You need to get the f— out of there!” Rouse said that his group had not said anything and that the comment was unprovoked. But he said they were almost immediately surrounded by eight Cumberland County sheriff officers, who escorted them out. On the way up the stairs, the attack came. [source]
A violent outburst that was unprovoked, inflicted on somebody who was leaving peacefully.
You can lie about that all you want, but that won’t change it.
Not directly about the BBC, but I note that in the Times today , one of the BBC’s the tame Tory wets , Mathew Parris writes a piece in which he suggests that there are times when the elites should ignore the will of the people and that it is about time that responsible people began to stop worshiping democracy as the only sensible form of government. Of course the EU has been practising this for years, but it is interesting that a paid up member of the liberal elite should be writing this in the Times. No doubt we will soon be hearing this awful elitist idea on the BBC. It seems clear that the elite is getting worried that people all over the West are fed up with the liberal left world view and want change , usually a move to the right. Donald Trump in the USA, Marine Le Pen in France, the growing support for the AFD in Germany, the new Danish government , the Free Democrats in Sweden ,the new governments in Poland and Hungary etc. Hopefully we will give the elite a good kick in teeth and vote to leave the elite’s creation of the EU. I do hope that Mr Parris and his liberal elite chums finally wake up and see that democracy isn’t the problem , infact its working well , and the people are sick of the way the liberal elite have run the West into the dirt for the last 30 years , sold our various countries down the river, allowed the west to be swamped with aliens whose values are alarmingly different to ours. WE , the people, want the liberal left OUT and some people IN who do what we want, stand up for our values and our countries.
To be deluded is one thing. To be a fool is another. Jerrod wouldn’t speak to anyone face to face like that. He’d be frightened. But like the deluded Left, he believes that verbal violence will win the day.
Jerrod can’t with his gang shout down here opinions that he doesn’t agree with. That’s the usual policy of the fascist far Left. Oh, and throw bricks and chant.
Jerrod, you are so transparent. But you are amusing 😉
> Jerrod wouldn’t speak to anyone face to face like that. He’d be frightened.
You don’t know me, so don’t pretend you do.
> But like the deluded Left, he believes that verbal violence will win the day.
What rot. What is “verbal violence” anyway? It sounds less painful than the actual physical violence which Trump has been encouraging in his supporters.
> Jerrod can’t with his gang shout down here opinions that he doesn’t agree with.
It’s not me that tries that tactic, is it? You, GW, taffman, Thoughtful, and all the others who can’t stand to hear opposing viewpoints – you all try your hardest to shut them out. And then you get your knickers in a twist anytime your bullyboy tactics don’t work.
> Jerrod, you are so transparent. But you are amusing
Better to be amusingly transparent than a shameless hypocrite in denial, eh?
Hello again Jerrod! Looks like you’re having a bad morning.
I criticised your teams article on the Al Beeb webshite, not you personally. You do get yourself all worked up and take things to heart (which I’m surprised is still working). I suppose when a persons life is to dedicated to ‘helping/creating victim’s’ with the disadvantaged yet it becomes ever more apparent that only like minded, socially retarded, anti-establisment hippies are still interested in the messages of the left… It must hurt.
>Or as it’s known in reality, “exercising legitimate, peaceful, democratic protest”.
Any gathering of the fascist left is declared anti-fascist (the irony) and encouraged. Violence always takes place.
Any gathering by anyone not delusionally left is branded right wing Nazi’s and are kettled and dispersed by water cannon.
If both were allowed and encouraged then that’s one thing. Why is that not happening? John Hawkins from the US describes what we are witnessing in the US and Europe perfectly
“Socialism is all about turning people against each other. It has to be. After all, if you believe in controlling people’s lives, the people who don’t wish to be controlled need to be vilified. If you believe in confiscating the wealth of successful people who won’t give it up willingly, then others must be convinced they’re terrible human beings who deserve to be punished. “Victim” classes must be created for the socialists to defend because if everyone is responsible for himself, what need is there for the socialist? Eventually, those who depend on government for their livelihood and those that the government smears and loots to pay them off come to hate each other”
That’s how the Al Beeb deal with Trump. How they deal with anyone apposed to their ideology. How you treat people on this website that you disagree with (which is everyone). You never agree with anything anyone says on here because it’s not about working to a common goal or understanding. Its the lefts fanatical pursuit of multiculturalism, open borders, suppression of free speech…that matters. This website exists because scumbags like you have taken your privileged position for granted and decided to force your delusions on the rest of us
Tell your friends at the Al Beeb hello from us here and that they are on the losing team
The online BBC reporting of this event is quite interesting. I clicked on the tab entitled “How extreme is Donald Trump?” and found the link leads to a different question, the content of which suggests that “Trump isn’t quite so extreme after all”.
The BBC reporting and analysis is just all over the place. Actually, to be more accurate, this is another instance where the BBC provides its thinking in the headline, believing that readers will not read beyond it (trying to influence in other words) whilst saying something different in the report content.
“Tothepoint”: So you don’t respond with anything about the language Trump has been using to whip up violent responses to democratic protest, instead coming out with paragraphs of frothing-at-the-mouth delusions about how anybody you don’t like, who you then clump together as “the fascist left”.
And then you go and quote “if you believe in controlling people’s lives, the people who don’t wish to be controlled need to be vilified” with zero sense of self-awareness. Poor you.
You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump. The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them. They are just racist bigots for even thinking differently to them. If the story is about bigotry its about bigots on both sides, however the bigots on the left are encouraged and are growing. You can’t see that because you are one of them
> You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump.
Oh, I am. I’m interested to know why they think a congenital liar who uses racist, misogynistic language, who files off the handle whenever he’s personally criticised, who encourages his supporters to use violence against peaceful protestors, should be a suitable candidate for president. Because all the evidence shows that he’s quite clearly not.
> The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them.
I don’t. But I’m interested in why you’re so keen to shut down talk of how violent Trump supporters have been. Why you’re too busy spouting your invective to acknowledge facts. Why you feel you have to lump everyone who you disagree with as “the left” and then mischaracterise their position. I mean, I know that it’s a wellworn tactic on Biased BBC, but it’s a clearly ineffective one. So why don’t you ever try other methods of engaging debate? Is it cowardice, or some other reason?
You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump. The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them. They are just racist bigots for even thinking differently to them. If the story is about bigotry its about bigots on both sides, however the bigots on the left are encouraged and are growing. You can’t see that because you are one of them. You and the lefts fanatical pursuit of your goals and your violent, fascist approach to anyone who disagrees with you is what’s causing the rise of Trump. Reap what you have sown
Nice of you to drop in. Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the debate, or is heckling from the sidelines the extent of your capabilities?
That’s a “no” to positive contribution from you then? Just amusing yourself with what you think you know.
Like so many other Biased BBCers, your high opinion of your own mental faculties is inconsistent with the evidence to the contrary you are so eager to put out into the world.
Aw come on Jerrod, I do think you are stirring up things a bit, the replies against you do have a point. And dare I admit, you also have a point.
Trump followers are a pretty crazed bunch & Trump seems to throw outrageous comments out to feed their craziness, but those folk are angry & feel totally let down by the political rulers in maybe the same way Corbyn supporters are here.
I have a feeling that Trump is not the oafish loudmouth he likes to portray himself as, just maybe he could be a good president? He certainly wouldn’t get the daft rhetorical ideas of his speeches past Congress, so maybe once in the White House reality would kick in & he wouldn’t be the bogey-man liberals & the Beeb think he will be, he has the experience of running big business.
Trump supporters do seem pretty barmy to me, but I can understand their anger, particularly after such a useless wet-rag of a president as Obama. However, & this is where I think what you say becomes a bit shaky, do a crowd of individuals have the right to break up a legitimate meeting of a political party just because they dislike what is being said? To peacefully stop such a gathering would break the American Constitution’s right of free speech (unfortunately free speech in Britain is curtailed) but to break it up with violence is a disgrace, no wonder the violence spread to both sides.
I think there is wrong on all sides, but I am dead against anyone stopping another from expressing their opinions, it does seem to me that the left does that more.
Trump makes unpleasant & perhaps silly statements that I am sure are primarily designed with a view to gaining the Republican nomination, he is a clever self-promoter. There is an uncomfortable ring of pragmatism in a lot of what he says in terms of national security, yet suggesting that the country curbs certain foreign nationals entry is perhaps nasty xenophobia, but it is not hatred. The only hatred I see is in the eyes of those ‘anti-fascists’ who would stop at nothing to deny Trump a platform to speak & his supporters from just being his supporters. That is wrong.
“I have a feeling that Trump is not the oafish loudmouth he likes to portray himself as, just maybe he could be a good president? ”
– I was watching Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle discuss this recently. They pointed out something very interesting. Trump has totally got the media’s number.
He purposefully inserts statements that he knows full well will be used as out-of-context soundbites to bash him with, but the end result is that the media just do his promotional work for him. You see/hear a nasty looking soundbite, then read the full transcript of his speech or interview and find out that he actually means something quite different and sensible in context. Every time a person does this they never, ever trust anything the media has to say on Trump again.
Charlie Statist
This morning our side-saddle red sofa jocky delivers some incredibly Marxian notions as he happily shoots the breeze with vegan Labour MP Kerry McCarthy.
Often we wake up to the BBC fretting about the expansion of our waistlines – but to ring the changes this morning the isshoo is food waste.
Tesco has launched some PR initiative to pass some of its inevitable surplus product onto charity.
If I heard the figures right the waste represents food for 70 million for one day a year – sounds a lot but would equate to just .3%
Charlie Stayt may as well have kicked off his interview with the labour spokeswoman with a quick rendition of the Internationale – but instead he confines himself to a welcoming: “I know you’ve been a campaigner on this issue”
To be fair his questions are read from a script. Who’s writing it – Trotsky?
Similarly to be fair Ms McCarthy although getting in an obligatory soundbite about “Queues for foodbanks” the punk-styled former NME reader is fairly reasonable. The problem with the interview is that suddenly we slide back into the pre-2010 BBC world of the leftist BBC attempting to outflank Labour on the left.
Charlie appears nostalgic for some time or place when : “By Saturday the supermarket shelves were bare – now it’s expected they should be full”. (Bah!)
Blame the system, Man. “Isn’t it a result of the ‘consumerist system’ that there’s just too much food?”
Not content with his call to bring back rationing and the bread queues our Charlie’s script-writer suggests that for non-compliers in this utopia we need to bring back the gulags : “When will it be time for legislation on this?”
Do I imagine I hear the opening notes of the Red Flag as we go over to the weather forcast?
Notice the Daily Mail today have splash headlines re HMRC refusing to release data regarding number of national insurance numbers last year where numbers appear to be more than twice official net immegration! Surprise surprise which newspaper did the Today program miss to mention in their newspaper review?
Yes, it was the lead in today’s Telegraph, too. Strange how two mass selling newspapers can consider a story so vital that they lead on it and yet the BBC somehow considers it beneath its notice.
Two crazy ‘remain’ characters in Wales on PM yesterday allowed to spout rubbish without challenge.
The first, a woman running a delicatessen business using produce from the Canary Islands and Spain. The stuff from the Canary islands takes ‘months’ to arrive whereas the stuff from Spain doesn’t. This is because the Canary Islands aren’t in the EU and Spain is! The implication was that if we ‘leave’ it will take ‘months’ to get stuff from there! Also if we ‘leave’ the pound/Euro relationship will be all over the place, (what just like it is now?) Should this woman be allowed sharp knives?
Then some bloke, Dave, who tells us that the EU is so useless that even after seven years it hasn’t managed to sign a trade deal with Canada, which is why we should ‘remain’! Given that we supposedly plan for 1 in 100 year flood events and the odds on ‘Brexit’ must be near 1 in 2 shouldn’t he be putting ‘shadow’ deals in place now, just in case? (If we invoke ‘Article 50’ we have two years anyway).
Yeah, I heard that shit as well. I think the message was that most small business should be forced to suffocate under the mountain of frivolous regulation so that some vacuous airhead can buy cheese more easily for her green-haired sandal-wearing ‘right-on’ lefty customers. The BBC fail to interview, or even mention, any of the overwhelming number of small business owners whose businesses wouldn’t be viable if they had to comply with all the pointless & petty EU regulations. You could even be excused for thinking that the rules are specifically contrived to give big business an advantage over smaller rivals. Surely not?
The BBC fails to include that shocking opening quote from Mr Tetlow’s aunt, Kamilla Richards, 21 – for that rather important insight we must rely on a newspaper.
Ok, another case of ‘misstaken identity’ but the young chap must have at least vaguely fit the profile of an intended target?
You know how, when you listen to the BBC Today programme, your heart sinks when they tell you they’re going to interview an American journalist about a Trump related issue? “Bound to be another biased liberal” you think.
Well it happened today, but imagine my surprise (and John ‘n Justins) when we got, what sounded like a pretty unbiased account of events at Trumps cancelled Chicago rally….the interviewee made it crystal clear that an organised group of “Muslims united against Trump” formed a large block within the hall and were at the forefront of the intimidation and violence.
This will strengthen Trump further. There is clear evidence of a fifth column at work.
Here’s the item reference below, the following one about AfD is also instructive as it gives insight into the still scarily delusional thinking in Angela Merkels party, as they face regional elections this weekend.
“Donald Trump has called off a rally in Chicago after protests against the Republican presidential front-runner led to violent clashes. Justin Webb has been talking to WBEZ Chicago political reporter Tony Arnold, who was at the rally last night.”
Embolden I think you will find the reporter mentioned 4 or 5 men wearing tee shirts ‘Muslims against Trump,’ who were then shown out.
What struck me about the US reporter was his desperate attempt to be even handed about those for and against Trump. We would expect BBC and SKY to simply present Trump as a clown/villain.
The student protests does strike me as similar to the methods used in the UK by the left to prevent people speaking who might hold views with which they disagree.
I have mostly given up listening to Radio 4’s ‘Today’ now but I did hear about 90 minutes this morning and was pleasantly surprised. The item about the cancelled Trump rally seemed fairly balanced. John Humphrys also impressed me with his questioning of the German CDU man, about mass immigration and the new AfD party, and his quizzing of John McDonnell, about Labour’s spending plans, austerity, etc. Humphrys has something of the contrarian about him, which is just what you need in news analysis, always provided that mainstream Leftish opinions receive the same scepticism as Tory government announcements. So, well done BBC! It’s not often I say that these days.
Trump attempting to hold a rally in the toilet of America, surely knew the rabid left and all bedfellows would be exposed in their multicultural technicolour glory.
It is inescapable that a vote for anyone other than Trump means that shite wins.
From your link, I had to laugh at the photo of a protester holding up the two torn apart pieces of a poster with the Trump slogan, ‘Make America great again.’
I guess he doesn’t want to make America great again.
As I heard the news from Chicago on the BBC, I knew that I`d not need to look TOO deeply into what was likely to have happened.
And the approval from the BBC and liberal elites about it all.
Heard both Radio 2 and Radio 4 news at 8a.m, then an hour later.
I thought of Chicago 68, Genoa,Seattle, London, Occupy, Farage being unable to campaign in Scotland, getting set upon whilst having a pub lunch with the family near his house…the march by Downing Street after the Tories won last May.
When the BBC say that there were “skirmishes” between “pro”, and “anti” Trump activists/protestors etc…you need only look at Alinsky, Chomsky for the language…Poll Tax, Macedonia, Calais, Thatchers death for the pictures.
Need we even bother to check that its the online global scum who plan the revolution from Costa coffee using the free leccy and WIFI-same sort who will throw the nations children under the Muslim bus, but worrying about whether it`s diesel or hybrid.
These scum have got away with this agitprop zipping up of the Christendom body bag for too long.
Trumps folk have the right to gather-the left need a good smacking if they prevent it…and if a few leeches from the BBC get a camera wrapped around their scrawny necks, well all to the good.
Can only hope that Trump will play this assault on free speech. like a plywood violin…and the good solid people of the USA draw the same conclusions that we do-and did-when turds like Russell Brand and Weyman Smithers at UAF DARE to try to tell us who can campaingn, who can speak in public…and who won`t dare, after THEIR goons have been let loose on the decent folk of the nation.
Tommy Robinson , Charlie Hebdo….all victims of the Fascists who march under the anti-Fascist banners of Hamas, SWP, Greens…tomorrow must NEVER belong to scum like this lot.
‘the online global scum who plan the revolution from Costa coffee using the free leccy and WIFI-same sort who will throw the nations children under the Muslim bus, but worrying about whether it`s diesel or hybrid’
The bBBC is failing in its duty to inform us that Chicago, the venue of violent lefties closing down free speech, is where Obama grew up and came to political power.
While clicking grimly through a podcast of Friday’s Toady in order to find the Humphrys ‘interview’ of IDS, I stumbled across a statement designed to make listeners dislike Donald Trump as much as the impartial BBC evidently does. My emphasis in bold:
The front runner for the Republican nomination for the White House, Donald Trump, has used a televised debate in Florida to repeat his assertion that Muslims hate the United States.
No doubt BBC propagandists would love listeners to believe that Trump simply started to rant against Muslims, once given the opportunity, the stage and a microphone.
Unfortunately for the BBC, we have the Internet and can see that Trump responded to a peecee question from a moderator, one that would no doubt have made the BBC proud:
Mr Trump, let me start with you. Last night you told CNN, quote, “Islam hates us.” Did you mean all 1,6 billion Muslims?
Trump: I mean a lot of ’em. I mean a lot of ’em.
48:06 minutes in:
(At 2:20 minutes in there’s a fine rendition of the anthem by four Miami University singers)
>Jerrod, the next time you walk through your beloved Londonistan, avoiding certain parts as you wisely should, come back and tell us in all honesty that the country, good or bad hasn’t been swamped with foreigners.
>Well get this and accept it, that many of us don’t like it, its human nature not some Marxist construct, re the Archbish yesterday, quite possibly even some of your own family feel the same too.
>You’re a lost cause as are the Chicago demonstrators, but many decent hard working people all over the world, America in this instant are worried about their kids and their grandchildren’s future, hence the rise of Trump, something you can and will never understand or admit to, just like the BBC….
To make it easy for you I’ve added the quote marks for you to copy and paste to facilitate and speed up your predicable, pathetic and over obsessive lefty retorts, retorts that maybe we shouldn’t respond to, maybe then you’ll go away. I suggest to the try the Breitbart or Daily Mail comment sections, you’ll be welcome there. Alternatively stick with the Guardian, they definitely will welcome you.
Oh Geoff. I do appreciate that you dearly want to bully someone off this site, and that you’re getting frustrated because it’s not working. You have my pity.
And if we had a government, prepared, willing and able to govern, they might do something about it. The fact that such a predictably partisan and largely puerile newspaper, of such very limited circulation, is given this amount of influence within the BBC speaks volumes for the real value our politicians put on democracy.
Regarding the pretty tame BBC interview by John Humphrys of the BBC Today programme with Mr John McDonnell, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor….
Mr McDonnell was able to bat away anything even approaching a difficult question from Mr Humphrys, and simply repeat his mantra that he would restore Labour’s economic credibility.
Mr Humphrys pressed him, but not too forcefully, to explain how he would change Labour’s previous policies of borrow, tax and spend, like money was going out of fashion. Mr McDonnell simply said, again and again, that he would create growth in the UK economy, and therefore would never have to cut public spending, nor would he have to raise taxes. Mr Humphrys could have enquired if the ‘economic growth’ he claimed would occur (not that he was asked how he would create this) would be the same sort of so-called ‘economic growth’ that a certain previous Labour Chancellor had created ( you remember – the ‘no more boom and bust’ scenario – what could go wrong with that, eh ?)
Gordon Brown did not create real ‘economic growth’. He created ‘debt growth’ on an unbelievable scale, employing a million more public sector workers – i.e. non-wealth-creating jobs, with incredible long-term costs, including, but not limited to, future pension costs. He used a previously- created and perfectly sensible financial policy, when used in moderation, and bastardised it to create an additional, ‘off-the-books’, debt mountain to hang around taxpayers’ necks for the next 30-40 years – anyone remember PFI ?– and then ask the question as to why so many NHS authorities can’t even live within ever-growing budgets ? Were these the sorts of ‘borrowing-for-investment-only’ new debts that Mr McDonnell had in mind ? We’ll never know from this sort of soft-ball interviews.
Then we had the claim from Mr McDonnell that everyone, from the Unions, through entrepreneurs, to big business, supported and acclaimed his ideas – not that anyone with any sense might have got much more than this ‘motherhood and apple-pie’ message of ‘growth’ from anything we’ve heard so far. But did Mr Humphrys ask for evidence of all of this support…. well, no.
And then, the incredible claim from Mr McDonnell that, when he woke up this morning, he saw that his ideas had been acclaimed by ‘The Independent, and the Morning Star – right across the political spectrum’.
Now, I can understand that Mr McDonnell – a pretty rabid left-wing ‘Socialist’ – might think that the ‘Morning Star ‘ lay to the far left of the political spectrum, and ‘The Independent’ lay to the far right, but Mr Humphrys should have really known better, and pulled him up on this one (as well as all the other stuff he’d let go by).
But I guess if you work for the BBC, and read only ‘The Guardian’, regarding it as lying smack-dab in the centre of the political spectrum, then perhaps I shouldn’t be too surprised that Mr McDonell’s claim zipped straight through his brain and never registered as anything that should be queried. I guess this is the manner in which the BBC is going to become accustomed to dealing with their new doyen of financial probity.
Michael Palin tells the story of the little Somerset town of Wincanton and the group of refugees that its Postmaster, GP and Parish Priest rescued from war ravaged Bosnia at the height of the Balkan Wars.
A piece which is promoting migration of the huge numbers of migrants which we will inevitably get if we don’t leave the EU.
I’d call it propaganda. note the stories in today’s press of the migrant giving birth in a puddle (a good job someone with a hi-resolution camera was there to witness) and the ‘Hot Migrant’ website, one no doubt a fellow traveller here is a frequent visitor to….
Talking propanganda and the afore mentioned migrant birth in the Daily Mail, there appears to be more green arrow manipulation going on. At 10am the top comment was…
“Why don’t the other oil-rich Middle East countries take in these folks?? These countries have the same religion and culture and the Middle East is awash with MONEY. I don’t understand why Europe is involved” with about 3000 green arrows (now on 6700)
Now and with a massive and almost unheard of 17000 green arrows is the following comment…
“Shocked at scumbags red arrows, you really are the lowest of the low. People like you create the problems in this world!”
We’re being played chaps and chapesses, sad thing is dumbed down tw@ts believe it.
The French lefty journalist regular on the BBC News Channel Saturday lunchtime press chat with Esler (forget the name of the “show”) was getting terribly excited about the failure of the USA to take in “migrants” from half a world away. The actions of some neighbouring countries appears to have escaped him.
I’m now taking screenshots of some Mail threads, before and after, when it looks like the topic could be “sensitive”. They don’t even try to subtly alter the balance, the sudden jumps are just completely preposterous.
> A piece which is promoting migration of the huge numbers of migrants which we will inevitably get if we don’t leave the EU.
Nice of you to summarise a programme which you haven’t yet listened to in a way that conveniently fits your own prejudices.
Still, when you’re as used as Thoughtful is at not bothering to check whether their summary is in any way accurate, why wait for the programme proper? Get your lie in early! Give Geoff something to do of a Saturday now that we’re in a part of the year where he can’t whinge endlessly about Strictly Come Dancing and how his wife is far more interested in that show than she ever has been in him!
“can’t whinge endlessly about Strictly Come Dancing and how his wife is far more interested in that show than she ever has been in him! ”
It would be interesting to know the age of some of our Posters on here, because when the comments start getting personal and name calling, I wonder whether I’m on a site for serious debate, or in a playground of 10 years olds !!!
I was brought up in a very ‘left’ household – my late father even became a member of the Communist party in the late 50’s – a rebellious act against the Right wing governments who were mainly made up of the aristocracy and extremely wealthy. Times change, and even though he would never consider voting anything other than Labour, he was in despair at the party it had become and the damage caused by those at the very top. By nature of my environment, I too always voted Labour, but have not done so for many years – Blair sold the Country down the river with an open door policy for migrants (aside from Iraq !) and the body blow of pension raiding from Brown sealed their fate.
The likes of Jerrod clearly have their own very strong views, now, – as my dear Dad once did, but will they feel the same 20 or 30 years from now when everything they stand for in the present no longer applies to the Gt Britain they will inhabit ? – because it will be unrecognisable if we stay in Europe. Glad I’ll have long left this mortal coil by then – hopefully.
Although having never voted Labour, a little unusual around here I can tell you, I can relate to your post very easily BRISSLES. The post Blair Labour party has morphed into something very nasty and elitist indeed, they also appear more in tune than the Torys with the Euro elite, who in turn appear to be part of some wider global technocratic based ‘plan’. All thats pie in the sky though as anything I can do will have about as much impact on the great and good as a G20 protester putting through a McDonalds window.
Despite my reservations I content myself with voting for UKIP, and only UKIP, no tactical crap, to try and bring about change within the law. I just hope they can keep as uncontaminated as possible.
Although the Labour Party has a few EU dissenters, they are predominantly pro-EU which I find difficult to comprehend. I have always thought the Labour Party to be the voice of the workers and it seems to me that large chunks of the British economy over the last 15+ years have been underpinned by cheap foreign labour, thus denying British workers jobs.
But then again to a politician a job is a job, so if a Polish builder comes over here and works for peanuts and a British worker as a result ends up working part-time stacking shelves in Tesco there isn’t a problem. Except that the British worker will not have the satisfaction of having a skilled job and will probably end up claiming benefits!
The great Chris Booker gave us a few milestones from the likes of Monnet and Schumann, right up to Lisbon 2009 about how the creeping superstate of European United States was conceived and enshrined-all by stealth and with deceit.
Agreed with nearly all of it-but he did leave out the capture of the left by Delors in 1988.
Delors spoke at the Labour conference that October. He held out an offer that Labour would get their united socialist haven without any need to get elected.
After all-who elected Delors and the Commission?…and all that social chapter solidarity and anti-xenophobic socialist hate crime stuff could be enforced on the country-without the need to get elected ever again.
Labour loved it-Thatcher had reduced them to an irrelevance the year before, and the Left gave up on democracy and the ballot box that day.
Yes, we had a few odd ducks like Benn and Crow, Foot and even Kate Hoey types….but the broad swathe of decent lefty opinion chose to get their utopias via Strasbourg and the Hague.
The European Court of Justice was to be the main way…unelected secretive ex Maoists and Commies, and able to supersede national judiciaries and voting from the plebs.
Blair and Falconers Supreme Courts being the fag packet result when the time came.
The year later(1989) , the Wall fell, and Communists slithered now in the Greens and social democratic entryist channels…media, culture and do goodery with quangos.
No decent socialist would ever have entertained EU accession, until Roy Jenkins and his like-Shirley Williams, Dick Taverne etc-made it respectable, progressive and well-paid as well.
Jenkins was the Blair of his day-and shit though the current crop are-they never shafted this country quite the way that Messrs Heath and Jenkins did in those shaming days.
PS-and Thatcher hated Delors, knew what he was up to( No…No..No!)…and we can assume that it was this that the Left warmed to-and Howe,Brittan, Clarke, Hurd etc…did the rest the next year in 1990.
>Still, when you’re as used as Thoughtful is at not bothering to check whether their summary is in any way accurate, why wait for the programme proper?
Is this the same as how your friends and loved ones treated the events of Cologne and Rotherham? Every single fact of both events was willfully ignored or (to fit into your child like mind set) politicised to change what happened to fit agenda. Both events were categorically proven to be the opposite to what the Al Beeb and shit heads like you published/propaganded. You lied to us. You cheated us. You took away those innocent girls childhoods. I know that you are so socially retarded and delusional that you will never regret what happened to those innocent girls but you and your fellow warped, traitorous, scumbag cult friends are as much to blame as the Islamic rapists asked to come here by your friends to destroy our way of life
> tothepoint: how do you constantly own me on this website?
Good question Jerrod. Mainly because your a gobshite. Its also because you are a complete twat who despises everything about the people of great Britain who have given you the privilege to conspire against them. All you do is try and destroy Britain and everything we stand for. You have decided to abandon your people so that you can achieve your own delusional and warped goals.
Already looking forward to your rambling, aggressive response 🙂
Jerrod /Zero
Your defence of AlBeeb is getting ‘desperate’.
Why do you waste your time defending the indefensible.
It is pretty evident that your job is at risk.
Re Thoughtful above!
That will be Paddy Ashdowns constituency then?
Hope the quango secretaries that processed the claims are aware that he`s a rum `un!
How many more Guardian hacks can the licence payer support? Come to that how many more can the BBC fit in, they must be packed like battery hens by now. The two organisations are joined so closely at the hip its impossible to discern where one ends and the other begins. BBC top tip, save the licence payer a bit of cash by just auto directing clicks on BBC news straight to the Guardian online, the journos already seem to be partly BBC funded, and as for the content- without the logo at the top of the page who the hell would notice the difference?
So much for union solidarity then!
Doesn`t the dickhead left have a few Indie reporters facing the dole after the closing of the “i”” newspaper?
Not the best paper-but certainly infinitely better than the Guardian more often than not.
And-surely in need of consideration for lefty gigs at the public teat ahead of the CP Scott Trusty fairies that infest the Gordian!
Have these people got no shame?…would prefer Johann Hari or Raj Persaud to Curly Watts.
Bloody carousel of crap between the BBC and the Guardian…reminds me of sending stool samples between the comptroller and haberdashery in a 50s department store in those vacuum tubies?
Bristol Stool Index of 9.8 this story…stinks, really does!
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Haha… I was first
And I was first to appreciate the fact. There’s nothing so far that Jerrod could take exception to – is there?
Maybe this politically incorrect road sign directing people to Broadcasting House
Class “spot” G.W.F.
Thought I’d keep you up to date with the downward spiral of the GBP against the dollar due to the threat of Brexit. Oh except….
Thought I’d keep you up to date with the downward spiral of the GBP against the dollar due to the threat of Brexit. Oh except….
Migration fears not racist – Archbishop of Canterbury
It’s a major story, especially as the massively biased BBC have been forced to apologise for their bias in the past over their failure to recognise that 70% of the people of this country thoughts migration / immigration was a major problem.
One of the best pieces of evidence that they have a left wing bias, and are completely out of touch with the majority of the people of this country.
They simply haven’t learned any lessons at all, and their apology rings hollow.
Who will rid us of this troublesome broadcaster ??
I’d be interested to hear if the BBC report this in anything other than concerns over ‘housing’ and ‘jobs’ and in particular whether they make any mention of fears over the cultural impact of a million+ more Muslims coming into the country.
After the Humphrys interview with Ian Duncan Smith on Today this morning, I wonder if Humphrys wrestled IDS to the floor and held him in a half-nelson until IDS admitted that Brexit might be a snare and a delusion. The sheer aggression of the Humphrys attack on air was appalling in its ferocity and is, yet again and for the umpteenth time, clear evidence of the bias of the BBC on this issue. Humphrys couldn’t have been more dismissive and arrogant in his anti-Brexit certainty than Cameron.
“Ken Livingstone’s Savile jibe sparks anger”
What Ken says is another matter, what caught my attention was the Huffington Post plugs,
The BBC, Guardian and now the Huffington Post, what an unholy trinity they make. Nice name check for Paul Waugh too, are we to assume that the HuffPost is now on the approved BBC reading list? Talk about peas in a bloody pod.
Rather a fun one to sit back and savour, though.
Seems HuffoPo is filling the void once filled by the Indy, when New Statesman or Morning Star may not look too good.
And, lo..
Huff Post – recipient of ‘donations’ from open borderist George Soros, right? Is there anything left to say (left being the operative word!)?
There are some vile politicians in this country but Livingstone takes the pitta.
The BBC quoting the Huffington is no surprise – they seem to share a common purpose.
“Talk about peas in a bloody pod. ”
Complete with maggots.
Obama blaming UK and France for the ‘mess’ in Libya. Not so much a biased story but bias by omission. The omission in this case being the lack of reference to one Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. It was her, as far as I can remember, who persuaded Obama to get involved in the first instance. Involvement which took the UK and France’s no-fly zone idea and replaced it with a bombing campaign. Could this be the same Hillary Clinton who is likely to be running for US President? It’s a complete distraction to distance the US from the failure in post-war Libya and blame the UK and France.
List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II:
China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia – Serbia 1999
Afghanistan 2001
Libya 2011
With all that ordnance scattered about, surely the world should be free of any sort of “mess” by now?
A pretty good choice of targets, I’d have said – though I could have suggested a few more.
Does “So called” Islamic State count?
There’s no such thing as Islamic state remember as it’s got absolutely nothing at all to do with Islam….. Except all the people there are Muslim…living in a place that is a mandatory requirement from Muhammad himself, the caliphate…Who believe they are living the perfect Islamic life… A life written out in unchangeable text that is the very basis and purpose of Islam….
So as you can see, absolutely nothing at all to do with Islam
Question to all on here. Is it racist to deny our Muslim brothers the right to say that the Islamic state is everything to do with Islam and is the perfect Islamic place on earth? Under the delusional laws of the left I smell a hate crime
Must give the chaps on Mr. Nobel’s prize committee a warm feeling that the unique funding stream still seems well and truly active. As Ringo says, Peace and Love.
See? No bombing in Guatemala since 1969. Who says American foreign policy doesn’t work?
Pity Vice President Biden has so little grasp of American history when he lectures the Israelis Israel cannot defeat terror with military force alone.
Ironically the unfortunate American victim of a Palestinian stabbing was named Taylor Force.
This speaks for itself. Peace was imposed.
Palestinian killed in Israeli revenge attack.
Brilliant, quite brilliant.
Even the perpetrator of the revenge attack would laugh at that one.
“List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II:”
Pfffft, thats nothing, anyone can fly overhead and throw things out, feet on the ground though is another matter.
A fairly loose interpretation of invaded is required, but its the thought that counts.
The essential difference, though, is that America has attached huge importance to its claimed opposition to imperialism and rarely misses an opportunity to remind people of the circumstances surrounding its own creation. We, on the other hand, do not deny our imperialist past. In fact some of us tend to harp on about it. The list is restricted to 1945 onwards. American hypocrisy is the main issue, I think, rather than who did what.
And I’m proud to be one of those harpers, regardlesss of the Empire re-writes by namby pamby wishy washy beardy weirdy lefty “historians”.
“some of us tend to harp on about it.”
When I wrote this I should have made it clear that I was talking about those who never miss an opportunity to remind us how guilty we should be feeling.
The Empire was a product of its time and I think we behaved better than most. Spain, France and Belgium spring to mind. A few failures but quite a lot of successes as well. Even former colonies admit this from time to time. They wouldn’t have joined the (British) Commonwealth otherwise.
Maria, I live in Gambia and most of the Gambians I know wish that the British were still running the country. And they are not very keen on the Germans !
Ha! Yes, the hypocrisy is detectable even on radar.
Remember when a couple of years back Kerry said of Russia regarding Ukraine: “You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on a completely trumped up pre-text,”?
“Using contested intelligence, a powerful adviser urges a president to wage a war of choice against a dictator; makes a bellicose joke when he is killed; declares the operation a success; fails to plan for a power vacuum; and watches Islamists gain power. That describes Dick Cheney and the Iraq War—and Hillary Clinton and the war in Libya.”
TWATO on Radio 4 and a piece on how to put on the blinkers and avoid the screamingly obvious!
Young people and their parents are more pessimistic about the future than ever before !
They are apparently concerned about Jobs, Housing, etc etc. – All the things which we are all concerned with, and in fact just the same set of worries the Arch Bitch stated today.
But can the BBC see the source of the problem? Well a rhetorical question with an obvious answer. Of course it can’t. 3 million more people & no new homes should be a no brainer – but not for the BBC! They have another target in mind. Wealthy pensioners (those who get a free TV licence) ate all the pies and left nothing for their Grand Kids.
It really demonstrates that the BBC still have learned nothing from their failure to even discuss immigration levels, either than or they don’t want to advertise the consequences of EU membership for this country !
Not quite right thoughtful, though I’m with you 95% of the way.
Wealthy pensions who have to go into care don’t stay wealthy for long. The 100% inheritance tax that is the full costs of care until down to your last £13,000 will make sure of that. Oh, and that’s AFTER you have paid tax by the way. Yes if you are a pensioner in care you pay tax on your income and then the full costs of care. Unless you have less than £13,000, including your house.
For those sensible people that either spent up or never saved anything or never earned anything, no such problem.
“Young people and their parents are more pessimistic about the future than ever before !”
As compared with when? During the Great War? The Black Death? The Thirty Years War?
The attempt to drive a wedge between the generations is a front relatively recently opened-up by the Left’s strategists. How utterly predictable of the BBC to be helping it along.
It is part of the cultural marxist assault on the family. For good reason as it is the family that will ultimately break the hold of these dreadful people on our country. So the cultural marxists of the BBc and the rest fear the family and will try to destroy it. If anyone thinks that modern feminism and the plethora of rights this and rights that for endless minorities is anything other than part of the assault then they are mistaken.
The culture war is getting nasty and in a way I welcome it as our opponents are mostly cowards and mistake overweening self esteem for principles. Don’t argue with them and hold fast.
As to grandparents plenty I know and in that I include myself are helping the next generations as much as we can and then more .
Not that the non breeding virtue signalling cultural middle class marxist trash do children very much.
We on the right will outbreed them and then see things change.
I think it’s a useful strategy for powerful neoliberals in general; that what passes for the left in this country are seen to be using it is of no import. Shift the blame away from those who use the housing bubble to generate wealth. This system is actually thriving in most of Europe, and even Russia, with the UK having comparatively less of a shit deal for the young than many of its neighbours.
If anyone thinks that there’s no better trained dogs than those who come bounding to the Daily Mail’s whistle over immigration, then I would advise them to look at the vicious little terriers scampering toward the Guardian’s whistle, eager to egg on the death of those bastard baby boomers. None of them aware that they are being played.
The Great British BBC ‘we’ at work.
When asked to put numbers behind such claims they usually disappear behind a ‘purposes of’ exemption.
2pm Radio 2 news, ‘Rise in Scarlett Fever cases’ but our resident ‘expert’ doesn’t have a clue as to why, a disease that had all but disappeared in this country.
I’ll take a guess, could it be because Scarlet fever still remains a ‘threat’ in developing countries?
Meanwhile in Hackney ‘Massive ‘Rat’ Found’ I thought the story was about Ms Abbott, it would appear not…
Looks more like Corbyn than Abbott – that thing would probably do better at PMQs than he does.
We’ze gonna eat good tonight, Brandine. I’z cort us a Jerrod.
In a Hackney curry house by now.
A quick scroll down on BBC Newsbeat’s coverage of this story and we can see a child of Greenham Common. The picture of Newsbeat’s Anna Doble does little to dispel the Leftist image of al-Beeb.
Even taking into account playing with “depth of field” it’s a big mother – probably related to the local MP.
Please tell me that awful photo is a wind up. The bloody thing must be over 4 feet long.
Another reason not to go to Hackney…
It looks like a coypu rather than a rat. Perhaps it left Norfolk, tried a curry and keeled over.
But no webbed back feet!
You are right Aerfen, my mistake.
The coypu have, allegedly been exterminated. If only we could do the same with other invasive species.
Just for clarity, I’m obviously talking about the likes of grey squirrels and munkjack deer.
“Another reason not to go to Hackney… 2
You need one???
Maria Brewin March 11, 2016 at 1:12 pm
List of countries the USA has bombed since the end of World War II:
Sort of unofficial, but don’t forget Noraid.
Oh yes – when terrorism was, like, sort of OK.
Did anyone else hear the good old cockney gal on the Jezza Swine Show today, re what Welby has been talking about?
Great stuff – Vine couldn’t shut her up or he would have simply confirmed everything the AoC had said about the shutting down of any debate about immigration, via the use of the “racist” slur against those not in favour of it.
I noticed it was the ONLY call he took on that subject too.
I did so after you suggested it Al Shubtill!
Very good-old Peggy from Basildon ought to be the next UKIP candidate there!
Reminded me of the mighty Irene Handl….an attack of the Beeb Vapours must have ensued in that fragrant office of theirs.
And one less researching intern manning the phones on Monday , no doubt…
Why can’t the BBC have some sort of comment of their own when it comes to business stories. They just seem to copy and paste stories and swallow them like mother’s milk without the slightest inkling about the real issues.
8 Feb – “A recent rise in oil prices is a “false dawn” and the oversupply of crude is set to worsen, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). ”
9 March – “There is evidence that oil prices are stabilising and could even begin to rise again, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has said”
Bring back Peston (just joking)
‘Why can’t the BBC have some sort of comment of their own’
It’s usually in a wee box off to the right. Entitled ‘Analysis’. Not sure what’s in it is ever much more than running with their “sources'” PR punts and adding a bit of polish to the poo.
Because the BBC knows nothing about business! Isn’t really interested either. Pretty much the same for science and engineering.
I’d bet they’ve published more stories about perceived lack of women and ethnics in business and sciences than stories actually about business and sciences!
Really they should just stop reporting business and save the money.
Absolutely correct and nowhere is this better illustrated than on the World Service where journalists who clearly have no business experience whatsoever waffle away like students at a Women’s Studies seminar.
Sometimes it’s good to see the bias so in-your-face there can be no doubt.
On bBBC Have Your Say website today.
Story about the UK/US relationship. Queue lots of opportunities to slag off Cameron. Duly taken. 1000 comments and rising on message board at the time of writing.
Also on Have Your Say – McDonnell pledge for Labour to balance the books. Queue lots of opportunities to slag off Labour. Duly taken. Message board removed.
Want any more? How about a post on the Newcastle McLaren sacking HYS , noting that in the public sector such people are transferred or promoted (try Mid Staffs NHS – Nicholson, or Borders Agency Lin Homer, now with a £2m+ ‘football manager’ pension pot) – comment deleted for being off-topic.
The biased BBC absolutely banged to rights. Only the ‘correct’ opinions are permitted.
I just opened the BBC News website and up popped a window asking me to complete a satisfaction survey on the said website. I don’t suppose for one second they really want to know my views (I am after all an ageing white male), but regardless I filled in the form. But it is an opportunity for all of us to tell them how wonderful we think they are.
The problem with spending your time on said survey would be the moderator.
Cue the Beeboid tea lady.
The BBC must have some backhand deal to keep promoting Apple products daily with some boring news but this article take top place of most pointless piece of journalism ever
The headline should just be “Apple answer a customer email question”
These 2 links show the perks the BBC gets from Apple for advertising their product:
Click to access rfi20110889_discounts_for_bbc_staff.pdf
‘The BBC must have some backhand deal to keep promoting Apple products daily’
Well, there is a ‘unique’ relationship.
Every year, just before Christmas, an awful lot of Apple kit gets lost and needs replacing. Oddly, the location functions seldom seem to work.
Not sure what the situation is on leaving, but Paul Mason once blogged about his half dozen iAnger&Protest coordination devices.
Proof., as if proof were needed, of the BBC’s bias over the US elections was broadcast on R4’s Feedback a few minutes ago. Faced with listeners questioning why the BBC gives so much coverage to the election, Jon Sopel, launched into attack mode by deliberately misconstruing things Trump has said, ignoring the Wicked Witch entirely, and saying that this man, who has never held public office and says all this, could have his finger on the button.
Now, I happen to think Trump is a circus act, so I am not defending him. I am, however, accusing Sopel of disgraceful bias by indulging in his one-sided ‘get Trump’ hissy-fit. Mrs. Clinton is, at best, a liar and quite possibly a criminal (we shall find out before long). She also betrayed her countrymen disgracefully over Benghazi. The fact that Sopel overlooks this is all the evidence anyone needs of the BBC’s inability to report truthfully about US affairs.
One look at their FaceBook feed shows the entire BBC has lost the plot over Trump, but Sopel ‘should’ know better. However his hit pieces long ago crossed any sensible editorial integrity line.
The endorsement of Trump by Ben Carson, now that he’s dropped out of the race, should put the cat amongst the pigeons; the Republican leadership need to either unite behind Trump and win (win big a la Reagan in 1981) or remain divided and end up with another Clinton in the White House and, as a consequence of that, a majority liberal Supreme Court bench for a generation.
R4 Feedback needs to change its name.
Perhaps something along the lines of:-
“We are the BBC and your opinions don’t count”
In other words Foxtrot Oscar.
Don’t forget “you must pay us otherwise we’ll have you in court”.
IN any other endorsement, Ben Carson would have been loudly “Trumpeted” by the BBC.
Black…religious…a surgeon for Gods sake?…studious and honourable too?
But no-he`s come out for Trump.
So he`ll have been playing golf when he should have been healing…and would throw handfuls of Uncle Bens rice into the eyes of Angela Davis` kids, instead of doing mock racist calyso stuff like St Harold Belafonte did.
Just an Uncle Tom outside an abortion clinic now eh?…
Hope Donald gives Ben a job akin to Condaleezas-should stuff the race crap up Al Sharptons blowhole if he does that.
Let’s hope that Trump wins the election , we vote OUT and Boris becomes PM. Then the two of them can get together and realise that they have a common hatred of the BBC and decide to finish it off by having Murdoch and Fox buy half each. Seriously if we do vote out then the BBC will lose its protection provided by Cameron as he will have to go , and there may be a serious chance of it being cut down to size with Gove or Boris as PM.
Point of information, Murdoch is Fox – and if Sky is anything to go by, you might as well hand the BBC over to the Guardian. Oh, but wait…
In all seriousness, if we can achieve Brexit, we stand a very good chance of ridding ourselves of Cameron, I agree. However, I am very far from convinced that Boris (who is actually quite a squishy metropolitan – he just (says he) believes in free trade) has any desire to straighten-out the very bent BBC.
Still, once Cameron has been marched to the guillotine (not all things French are bad) a future Tory who had dumped all the remainers in the party would be in a good condition to nuke the BBC from orbit.
I see BBC still trying to divert attention away from the important issues by asking Boris about his ‘real’ reason for backing Brexit. Apparently Boris stood his ground and belittled the BBC questioner somewhat.
Well done Boris. This should be the immediate response by everyone to the BBC’s kill time and divert tactics.
Yes, it was John Pienaar who got the rough end of Boris. funny, I’d just said to my good lady, that the question asked was a “personality” question (about his alleged personal ambition to replace Cameron as party leader) when Boris let rip….very gratifying.
But the BBC were in attack mode on PM trying to suck Boris into some squabble about the award of the contract for the “garden bridge” for London.
This referendum campaign is already getting grubby, it’s going to get nasty. Can’t think why the BBC have so suddenly turned against a previously popular politician who has appeared as a guest star on stuff like HIGNFY. You’d almost think someone’s paying them, ALLEGEDLY, that can’t be right, can it?
I wonder if we will find that the EU payments to the BBC (for ‘services rendered’) were magnitudes higher this year than in previous ones?
“You’d almost think someone’s paying them”.
Yes. Us, the proles. Don’t forget – The majority are in the minority.
Our Car Moron would have closed them down long ago but he needs them for his big plan to keep us in the failed and manufactured state, that is the EU.
Doesn’t Al Beeb ‘get loads of dosh’ from the the EU ?
Get rid of the three, Al Beeb the EU and Car Moron. Simples .
Shymae taffman.
Don’t get me started!
Beeb and Sky are getting me pissed (American usage).
Rhif Saith (Number 7)
This might help ?
Dim problemo.
Even an Englishman can use t’Internet.
Hwyl ……..
Taffman 🙂
Message to self – take more water with it.
Sorry taffman.
I think it likely that they have a deal with Cameron to protect the LF provided they pull out all the stops on the referendum propaganda.
BBC North West News at lunchtime continues, on behalf of its 28gate mates, its obsession with fracking.
Usual close-up of the usual small group of protestors who must be able to claim BBC full time pay rates by now. Why is there only about 40 of them (and that’s a good turnout) if, as the BBC claim, it’s the locals who are most concerned? Lancashire is a well-populated county after all.
Still, not to let that get in the way of yet another eco-socialist agenda piece. The script barely changes: the noise, the pollution, the dangers, the blot on the landscape, the climate threat/commitment to CO2 reductions – the latter voiced by the BBC on behalf of Friends of the Earth (well couldn’t have ’em on could we, might have to ask ’em some awkward questions about keeping the lights on and ensuring the old and vulnerable don’t freeze to death). But I wonder why they never ask these residents whether they’d rather have a plentiful supply of energy or power cuts? Why don’t they ask if they’d rather have a fracking operation covering less than 500 square yards giving a guaranteed source of power or a wind farm covering 5 square miles to provide the theoretical equivalent though in reality giving them nothing most of the time?
A bloody disgrace but by now so used to the eco-bias my blood pressure doesn’t register even a minor blip.
Subversive, country-wrecking bastards.
Don’t say you weren’t warned! All next week R4 is broadcasting a series by Lyse Doucet, the woman’s whose struggles with English pronunciation will one day make a fine West End musical comedy.
The series is called ‘Syrian Voices’. There are no prizes for guessing how toe-curlingly awful it will be – though anyone who survives to the end of even one episode will certainly deserve one.
Is this the same as the thing called “Seerienne voyssez” I’ve heard advertised on the BBC today?
Whenever I hear the mangling, grinding tones of Doucet I immediately hit the ‘off’ button. Ditto Orla Guerin, though she sounds almost normal by comparison.
The BBC must have a deliberate policy of employing as many non-English correspondents as it can find – I can’t think of any other reason for their disproportionate number.
It is, indeed, BBC policy. There was a recent discussion on Scott Gronmark’s excellent blog about this (he is ex-BBC and knows whereof he speaks).
Among many possible objections to the policy is that the commissioning editors can have absolutely no idea whether some of the correspondents they are employing have dogs in the fight on which they are supposed to be reporting objectively. That many of them struggle to be understood by a British audience is just one of the issues involved.
How did Obama and Cameron fall out?
Couldn’t have anything to do with Obama’s Betray our friends — Reward our enemies docrine, could it?
Maybe it’s because Cameron laughed at Obama’s patent for synthetic watermelon.
Or maybe it’s got nothing to do with anything, as no falling out has taken place.
What on earth has gone on in Nottingham?
“Severn Trent Water said high levels of chlorine were detected in a reservoir in Derbyshire”, because we all know reservoirs are all full of ‘natural chlorine’!
Given the fact it evaporates when left exposed to the open air as well, it seems an odd thing to do.
“areas of south Derbyshire and north east Leicestershire should not drink, bathe or even ‘wash their toilets’ with the water in their homes.”
So people shouldn’t even flush their toilets with the stuff which they normally use to clean their toilets?
What aren’t we being told?
High levels of chlorine is the MSM excuse.
Yes chlorine gas is dangerous but it is highly soluble so any soluble level coming through the mains is unlikely to be dangerous.
Cover up pending.
P.S. Who are Severn and Trent?
GCooper March 11, 2016 at 9:07 pm
Don’t say you weren’t warned! All next week R4 is broadcasting a series by Lyse Doucet, the woman’s whose struggles with English pronunciation will one day make a fine West End musical comedy.
What a show! Lyce Doucet, Natalie Bennett and Loyd Grossman in leading roles.
Irritable vowel syndrome at its best.
With extended direction by Robert Peston.
Nice one!
Irritable vowel syndrome?
Blue Badge coming-and park where you like!
Is thr NHS funding research into this one?…or is there something in the BBC water coolers that creates this sorry condition?
Happen to think, seeing you`ve mentioned it that we need to leave the EU.
Seemed to screw up Schteve McClaren, and Jouey Batton when they were over there as I recall.
Allo Allo?…
OMG The BBC are in S’hampton interviewing people about Eastern European immigration! They have just claimed that ‘a Pole who has British citizenship’ is giving ‘a view from both sides’!!!
How does that work then???
The BBC should make their minds up too, is this person ‘a Pole’ or is she ‘as British as us’?
Part of the BBC’s new cost cutting drive – save costs by using ‘experts’ who can each cover a diverse range of opinions.
Next week, Diane Abbott debating with herself over the immigration question.
In practice, very little change then.
The only surprise here is that the BBC have covered the story.
As we all know, this has been going on for decades, and it’s getting exponentially worse. Corbyn won’t do a thing about it because he knows just as well as we do that if they put up a woman candidate (muzzy or otherwise) then the muzzy elders won’t turn out to vote, or even bother to fill in the postal votes for their 200 nieces, wives & daughters.
Not a peep from the Beeb on this…
Today’s pressing question, well worth £145.50 of anyone’s money, is Why don’t they make shoes for black ballet dancers?
The obvious answers – because there’s not much demand for them; or why doesn’t the black dancer get shoes made for him – are ignored because the real reason is that manufacturers are racist, of course.
The word ‘cobblers’ comes to mind.
Here’s an interesting short film about a factory that makes ballet shoes . I would imagine they have a monopoly on the trade as there can’t be a huge demand. It employs some ethnic minorities – I think the beeb and that whingeing dancer should be satisfied with that.
> It employs some ethnic minorities – I think the beeb and that whingeing dancer should be satisfied with that
Yeah, let’s make sure the ethnic minorities know their place. Who cares if they want to perform, and find that the accoutrements of their profession aren’t as appropriate for them as they are for white people? They should be satisfied that someone else with a similar skin colour to them is working!
‘…accoutrements of their profession aren’t as appropriate’
Jeeesus Jerrod, the overwhelming majority of dancers are totally focused on the precision and beauty of their movements and work unbelievably hard to achieve perfection. They do not give a tinker’s fart what colour their shoes are, just that they will last long enough to justify the expense – and those that choose to make an issue out of such an inconsequential detail are very obviously more concerned with politics than ability.
*stamps feet*
Damnit! Why don’t those racists alter basketball pitches to accomodate people from shorter races?! Fascists!
I can confirm that this is cobblers. Actually, black ballet shoes are readily available, in fact I am told they are mandatory for boy dancers regardless of skin colour.
Just google “black ballet shoes” for confirmation, or ask your ballet dancing daughter/granddaughter/niece.
The bloke in the featured story seems to want coffee coloured shoes to exactly match his skin tone, just like the white dancers can’t have either. More race hustling I’m afraid.
PS. I think it must be pointed out that the film The Red Shoes was neither intended nor should be regarded as a slight towards Native Indigenous Americans.
Nor was it a reference to Ken Livingstone’s preferred choice of footwear.
One does wonder if Kirstie Brewer ever left her desk to write her ballet shoe/slipper race genocide piece, or if she even bothered to google it, for anyone in any doubt as to where her allegiance lies,
“Kirstie Brewer
Kirstie is a writer on social affairs, women and culture for The Guardian and also writes for the BBC. Follow her on Twitter @kirstiejbrewer and contact her here.”
Nice sideline in trousering licence fee money these guardianistas have, in order to maintain even the pretence of impartiality the BBC should disbar those with an affiliation to the extremist and boring rag that the Guardian has become, from submitting paid work.
I caught a piece of Any Questions on R4. It was from somewhere rural where cauliflowers are gathered in the morning early. The vacuous Soubery foghorn was arguing that if we left the EU, there would be no seasonal workers to pick cauliflowers. I have never heard anything so ridiculous. Long before British entry into the EU, I remember plenty of French onion men on their bicycles and there were lots of British people working in Europe, I was one of them. What is this stupid, stupid woman talking about?. I went into a Polski Sklep recently to get some beetroot. I was gawped at as if I’d landed from Mars and nobody could speak English. If I wanted this level of cultural enrichment, I would go and live in Poland. Frankly, acquainting myself with the Polish language and the mores of everyday Polish folk just to buy a couple of beetroot is too much effort by far. There would be outrage if there was random exiling of British citizens to Poland to enhace their cultural curiosity. Allowing Poland to be created willy-nilly around British citizens in the UK is never questioned. Essentially, however, there is no difference. The government seems intent on imposing a new form of internal exile on the indiginous population.
Somewhere near Boston?
I listened to most of Any Questions last night and for once I actually thought it was quite good. I agree that Anna Soubry never knows when to shut up but apart from that it was lively and, can you believe it, very much in favour of Brexit! The star of the panel was a local Lincoln man, a greengrocer by trade who owns farms and has a wholesale business in fruit and veg. He was brilliant! He’s fed up with the EU telling him how to farm his land and fed up with all the regulations which the UK religiously follow but which are totally ignored in some other EU countries. He cited an example of a field of cauliflowers he saw while driving in Spain. He saw they were spraying them, knew what it was and also knew that the veg could not be picked or touched for 7 days yet the following day he drove past the same field and it was full of pickers and packers preparing the veg for export to the UK – which was illegal as the pesticide spray had not had time to disperse as it should have done. That’s part of EU law apparently.
Someone then put to him that foreign workers were forcing out British workers. He replied that as soon as British workers realised they had to be up and in the fields by 6.00am, they immediately said they were not interested in the job.
The audience were unashamedly pro-Brext which was a delight to hear. Junior Jono Dimbo must have needed to go and have a lie down in a darkened room afterwards as he had a bit of trouble last night! Anna Soubry didn’t help him either!
I don’t think the BBC like Trump ?………………………..
Nope, they don’t like him.
Note the term ‘hundreds’ – its normally ‘Tens of thousands’.
‘Hundreds’ in the US is Bug@@r all .
This trend is really worrying, especially in how reported, and responded to by the authorities., or vice versa.
I have seen this referred to as a victory for anti-facism.
Which calls to mind how May banned Spencer and Gellar from the UK, specifically because of threats to kick off if they spoke.
The mindset that violence is justified to suppress words is as bizarre as it is now pervasive amongst too many with a screw loose and a shaky grasp of free speech and democracy.
Jasmine Lawrence on sabbatical?
Home truths and the SNP are not good bedfellows. They do not respond well to criticism.
BBC Question Time had six panellists, five pro Remain, one Brexit and still the SNP complain of bias. They seem to live in a bubble of their own self importance.
At what point do they, the SNP, realise that they are not as popular in Scotland as they might imagine. They need to apologise to Scots who voted to stay in the UK. The economy today has borne an economic realism that had Scotland voted for independence, Scotland would be renamed Greece 2. (and I don’t mean the movie).
I personally have great faith in the Scots that they will stay within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – after all, they did help to make it ‘Great’.
wronged and taffman – lang may yer lum reek!
But it’s a bit like choosing between the devil and the deep blue sea on what to think about Dundee’s question time. The way certain panelists conducted themselves at points was too boorish (Susan Calman impersonator Ruth Davidson – who I think I hate more than Sturgeon, and fuckwit Willie Rennie in particular). And two folk who just happened to be picked at random to ask questions from the – as ever – artfully selected audience, were Braden Davy and Kathy Wiles; both Labour luvvies, who didn’t get identified as such. Kathy herself came to the aid of the the poor embattled BBC Scotland when there was a protest about their bias towards ‘No’ a couple of years ago, compared a few wee kids who had come along to the Hitler Youth, and then was sacked.
I mean, who the hell am I supposed to like here? I’m going to end up like Plainview in a few years I swear.
“I’m not going to pay them oil prices, I’ll pay them quail prices.”
That’s a great film, one D D-L’s best.
This huge news has not been greeted as enthusiastically on Facebook, where BBC News is plugging it, as they possibly may have hoped.
I simply wonder how customising a doll makes women more confident.
Oh here we go again another weekend . Let me guess BBC
– Trump is Bad
– Europe is like the garden of Eden
– Global warming is coming (most of us call it Spring)
I got one for Panorama ‘ How come the only people who ever get attacked on British streets are straight A college students with glittering careers ahead of them who are the sweetest loveliest people you could ever meet ?’
The Al Beeb webshite is leading with the article “Trump calls off Chicago rally amid violent clashes”.
Now we all know that the BhBC utterly lothe Trump and his supporters, so they undertake propaganda blitzkrieg on the events as this news really does fit perfectly into its “Trump is an extremist who is creating division with his hate speech” narrative. But let’s look at some undeniable facts from this article:
1: Again the Al Beeb are championing a group of dangerous, violent, fascist fuckwits as demonstrating against evil and being anti-fascist. They are not. These idiots and traitors are trying to force their will on others. Prevent others from having a a say. Preventing others from having different views to them. This is bigoted. Anti democratic. This is Fascism. They will use any means necessary to get their way, including violence and intimidation. Why are the Al Beeb and vile MSM continually encouraging the actions of these violent, fascist scumbags? Why are they relentlessly trying to suppress our thoughts and feelings for change? Are the MSM democratic in any way?…Thought provoking questions about where our society is and how the fight truly is on now if we are serious about winning back our countries. The media and the left are prepared and participating in battle my friends.
2: If the Al Beeb are so obvious and dedicated to encouraging violence and intimidation against those who think differently to them and championing those trying to suppress free will and speech, are the Al Beeb now utterly confident and unafraid to promote themselves as a fascist, socialist body who will aggressively pursue a bias agenda to achieve a fascist, socialist utopia? I think the answer for us on here is worryingly yes.
All the above fills me with fear and dread for the future. Even if we leave the EU and Ukip win the next general election, violence will be endemic. If we stay in the EU and labour win the next general election these same traitorous bast@rds will still be relentless in their campaign of violence and intimidation against us. All the while the Al Beeb will be against those of us who love our country and are truly want freedom.
If anything sky was even worse
If i were Clinton,i would be very wary right now……whats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
“If anything sky was even worse”
Sky is atrocious, IMO. It seems to want to outdo the BBC. Two black presenters this morning facing two newspaper reviewers, one black. Interview with gobby, black, self righteous Chicagoan who disrupted the Trump rally and got exactly what he had secretly hoped for. He claimed that Trump had brought hate to peaceful, harmonious Chicago, or something like that*. Very pally, good-natured interview because, as we all know, everybody hates trump.
At least we don’t have to pay for it.
* Murder rate approx 15 per 100,000, rape rate approx 50 per 100,000 (2014).
And BTW, what happened to the Moscow woman whose handbag bore a very close resemblance to a child’s head?
Sky moved over to the liberal nonsense side only recently. Maybe a few years ago. At times you might as well be reading the Guardian or watching the BBC.
Before that, its mainly white male journos had a neat, original but always fair line on what was happening in politics. That they were largely male was wrong, but not that they were quality people.
Sky still has a few people who have the gravitas for the news, which is more than BBC News 24. Where do the BBC find some of those news readers? Who thinks they have any weight or authority?
Let us hope Mr Murdoch can explain to his lovely new wife, Jerry Hall, that he will need to pop out to sort something at work for a short while.
What is astonishing is that this is the same Rupert Murdoch who is so hated by the far Left! To hear some of them speak, you would expect to turn on Sky News and find the newsreader wearing a swastika armband! In reality, said newsreader is quite likely to be an ‘efnik’ and what she or he is reading could well have been written by one of the Guardian’s hacks.
> 1: Again the Al Beeb are championing a group of dangerous, violent, fascist fuckwits as demonstrating against evil and being anti-fascist. They are not. These idiots and traitors are trying to force their will on others.
Or as it’s known in reality, “exercising legitimate, peaceful, democratic protest”.
> They will use any means necessary to get their way, including violence and intimidation.
Forgive me, but when you’ve got a candidate who’s on stage saying things like:
“…knock the crap out of ’em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.”
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”
“See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough. We’ve become very weak.”
…and then a protestor gets punched as they were leaving by a Trump supporter.
If, after all that, you’re still claiming that it’s the protestors who are at fault, that the Trump supporters are not being stoked up to look for means of violently oppressing opposition, then you’re a deluded fool.
Interesting post.
First you claim the protest was peaceful.
Then you segue into how the violent actions are justified, because those committing them didn’t like what was being said.
And finally cite a reaction to an aggressive intrusion. Very BBC Gaza.
Got it.
Your version of ‘sticks & stones’ must be a hoot.
> First you claim the protest was peaceful.
> Then you segue into how the violent actions are justified, because those committing them didn’t like what was being said.
No, I don’t. I cite how Donald Trump is inciting his followers. I realise you’re not the brightest of people, but even you can see that.
> And finally cite a reaction to an aggressive intrusion.
I cite an assault – for which the man has been arrested and charged – which was inflicted not on “an aggressive intrusion”, but on a protestor who had done nothing, and who was on his way out of the rally.
Rouse [who was protesting with Rakeem Jones, the man who was hit] said as soon as Trump’s speech began, someone in the crowd singled out him and his friends, screaming, “You need to get the f— out of there!” Rouse said that his group had not said anything and that the comment was unprovoked. But he said they were almost immediately surrounded by eight Cumberland County sheriff officers, who escorted them out. On the way up the stairs, the attack came. [source]
A violent outburst that was unprovoked, inflicted on somebody who was leaving peacefully.
You can lie about that all you want, but that won’t change it.
Not directly about the BBC, but I note that in the Times today , one of the BBC’s the tame Tory wets , Mathew Parris writes a piece in which he suggests that there are times when the elites should ignore the will of the people and that it is about time that responsible people began to stop worshiping democracy as the only sensible form of government. Of course the EU has been practising this for years, but it is interesting that a paid up member of the liberal elite should be writing this in the Times. No doubt we will soon be hearing this awful elitist idea on the BBC. It seems clear that the elite is getting worried that people all over the West are fed up with the liberal left world view and want change , usually a move to the right. Donald Trump in the USA, Marine Le Pen in France, the growing support for the AFD in Germany, the new Danish government , the Free Democrats in Sweden ,the new governments in Poland and Hungary etc. Hopefully we will give the elite a good kick in teeth and vote to leave the elite’s creation of the EU. I do hope that Mr Parris and his liberal elite chums finally wake up and see that democracy isn’t the problem , infact its working well , and the people are sick of the way the liberal elite have run the West into the dirt for the last 30 years , sold our various countries down the river, allowed the west to be swamped with aliens whose values are alarmingly different to ours. WE , the people, want the liberal left OUT and some people IN who do what we want, stand up for our values and our countries.
Quote from Jerrod to a poster here:
“…..then you’re a deluded fool”
To be deluded is one thing. To be a fool is another. Jerrod wouldn’t speak to anyone face to face like that. He’d be frightened. But like the deluded Left, he believes that verbal violence will win the day.
Jerrod can’t with his gang shout down here opinions that he doesn’t agree with. That’s the usual policy of the fascist far Left. Oh, and throw bricks and chant.
Jerrod, you are so transparent. But you are amusing 😉
> Jerrod wouldn’t speak to anyone face to face like that. He’d be frightened.
You don’t know me, so don’t pretend you do.
> But like the deluded Left, he believes that verbal violence will win the day.
What rot. What is “verbal violence” anyway? It sounds less painful than the actual physical violence which Trump has been encouraging in his supporters.
> Jerrod can’t with his gang shout down here opinions that he doesn’t agree with.
It’s not me that tries that tactic, is it? You, GW, taffman, Thoughtful, and all the others who can’t stand to hear opposing viewpoints – you all try your hardest to shut them out. And then you get your knickers in a twist anytime your bullyboy tactics don’t work.
> Jerrod, you are so transparent. But you are amusing
Better to be amusingly transparent than a shameless hypocrite in denial, eh?
Is that the same as being a TWAT?
Don’t feed the troll.
I agree. I don’t usually respond to Guest Who’s trolling for that very reason.
i think he believes he’s the wee boy with his finger in the bbc dyke
so to speak 🙂
I miss Bunny. She was always coming for someone,normally Nigel Farage.
Hello again Jerrod! Looks like you’re having a bad morning.
I criticised your teams article on the Al Beeb webshite, not you personally. You do get yourself all worked up and take things to heart (which I’m surprised is still working). I suppose when a persons life is to dedicated to ‘helping/creating victim’s’ with the disadvantaged yet it becomes ever more apparent that only like minded, socially retarded, anti-establisment hippies are still interested in the messages of the left… It must hurt.
>Or as it’s known in reality, “exercising legitimate, peaceful, democratic protest”.
Any gathering of the fascist left is declared anti-fascist (the irony) and encouraged. Violence always takes place.
Any gathering by anyone not delusionally left is branded right wing Nazi’s and are kettled and dispersed by water cannon.
If both were allowed and encouraged then that’s one thing. Why is that not happening? John Hawkins from the US describes what we are witnessing in the US and Europe perfectly
“Socialism is all about turning people against each other. It has to be. After all, if you believe in controlling people’s lives, the people who don’t wish to be controlled need to be vilified. If you believe in confiscating the wealth of successful people who won’t give it up willingly, then others must be convinced they’re terrible human beings who deserve to be punished. “Victim” classes must be created for the socialists to defend because if everyone is responsible for himself, what need is there for the socialist? Eventually, those who depend on government for their livelihood and those that the government smears and loots to pay them off come to hate each other”
That’s how the Al Beeb deal with Trump. How they deal with anyone apposed to their ideology. How you treat people on this website that you disagree with (which is everyone). You never agree with anything anyone says on here because it’s not about working to a common goal or understanding. Its the lefts fanatical pursuit of multiculturalism, open borders, suppression of free speech…that matters. This website exists because scumbags like you have taken your privileged position for granted and decided to force your delusions on the rest of us
Tell your friends at the Al Beeb hello from us here and that they are on the losing team
The online BBC reporting of this event is quite interesting. I clicked on the tab entitled “How extreme is Donald Trump?” and found the link leads to a different question, the content of which suggests that “Trump isn’t quite so extreme after all”.
The BBC reporting and analysis is just all over the place. Actually, to be more accurate, this is another instance where the BBC provides its thinking in the headline, believing that readers will not read beyond it (trying to influence in other words) whilst saying something different in the report content.
Typically loathsome stuff from the BBC
“Tothepoint”: So you don’t respond with anything about the language Trump has been using to whip up violent responses to democratic protest, instead coming out with paragraphs of frothing-at-the-mouth delusions about how anybody you don’t like, who you then clump together as “the fascist left”.
And then you go and quote “if you believe in controlling people’s lives, the people who don’t wish to be controlled need to be vilified” with zero sense of self-awareness. Poor you.
‘with zero sense of self-awareness’
How appropriate.
You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump. The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them. They are just racist bigots for even thinking differently to them. If the story is about bigotry its about bigots on both sides, however the bigots on the left are encouraged and are growing. You can’t see that because you are one of them
> You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump.
Oh, I am. I’m interested to know why they think a congenital liar who uses racist, misogynistic language, who files off the handle whenever he’s personally criticised, who encourages his supporters to use violence against peaceful protestors, should be a suitable candidate for president. Because all the evidence shows that he’s quite clearly not.
> The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them.
I don’t. But I’m interested in why you’re so keen to shut down talk of how violent Trump supporters have been. Why you’re too busy spouting your invective to acknowledge facts. Why you feel you have to lump everyone who you disagree with as “the left” and then mischaracterise their position. I mean, I know that it’s a wellworn tactic on Biased BBC, but it’s a clearly ineffective one. So why don’t you ever try other methods of engaging debate? Is it cowardice, or some other reason?
You and those crazed, hate filled anarchists that portrait themselves (laughably) as trying to stand up for freedom for all are not interested in the opinions of those that were at that rally to see Trump. The left and Al Beeb just wanted to shut them down. Dismiss them. They are just racist bigots for even thinking differently to them. If the story is about bigotry its about bigots on both sides, however the bigots on the left are encouraged and are growing. You can’t see that because you are one of them. You and the lefts fanatical pursuit of your goals and your violent, fascist approach to anyone who disagrees with you is what’s causing the rise of Trump. Reap what you have sown
Just address Jerrod , by his real name Scott , & fire a few of these ,his way >>>>>> . No musical theatre or ballet on today, for him to watch.
Nice of you to drop in. Do you have anything of substance to contribute to the debate, or is heckling from the sidelines the extent of your capabilities?
Ha , Ha ,You have been caught , hook , line & sinker !
That’s a “no” to positive contribution from you then? Just amusing yourself with what you think you know.
Like so many other Biased BBCers, your high opinion of your own mental faculties is inconsistent with the evidence to the contrary you are so eager to put out into the world.
Aw come on Jerrod, I do think you are stirring up things a bit, the replies against you do have a point. And dare I admit, you also have a point.
Trump followers are a pretty crazed bunch & Trump seems to throw outrageous comments out to feed their craziness, but those folk are angry & feel totally let down by the political rulers in maybe the same way Corbyn supporters are here.
I have a feeling that Trump is not the oafish loudmouth he likes to portray himself as, just maybe he could be a good president? He certainly wouldn’t get the daft rhetorical ideas of his speeches past Congress, so maybe once in the White House reality would kick in & he wouldn’t be the bogey-man liberals & the Beeb think he will be, he has the experience of running big business.
Trump supporters do seem pretty barmy to me, but I can understand their anger, particularly after such a useless wet-rag of a president as Obama. However, & this is where I think what you say becomes a bit shaky, do a crowd of individuals have the right to break up a legitimate meeting of a political party just because they dislike what is being said? To peacefully stop such a gathering would break the American Constitution’s right of free speech (unfortunately free speech in Britain is curtailed) but to break it up with violence is a disgrace, no wonder the violence spread to both sides.
I think there is wrong on all sides, but I am dead against anyone stopping another from expressing their opinions, it does seem to me that the left does that more.
Trump makes unpleasant & perhaps silly statements that I am sure are primarily designed with a view to gaining the Republican nomination, he is a clever self-promoter. There is an uncomfortable ring of pragmatism in a lot of what he says in terms of national security, yet suggesting that the country curbs certain foreign nationals entry is perhaps nasty xenophobia, but it is not hatred. The only hatred I see is in the eyes of those ‘anti-fascists’ who would stop at nothing to deny Trump a platform to speak & his supporters from just being his supporters. That is wrong.
“I have a feeling that Trump is not the oafish loudmouth he likes to portray himself as, just maybe he could be a good president? ”
– I was watching Stefan Molyneux and Bill Whittle discuss this recently. They pointed out something very interesting. Trump has totally got the media’s number.
He purposefully inserts statements that he knows full well will be used as out-of-context soundbites to bash him with, but the end result is that the media just do his promotional work for him. You see/hear a nasty looking soundbite, then read the full transcript of his speech or interview and find out that he actually means something quite different and sensible in context. Every time a person does this they never, ever trust anything the media has to say on Trump again.
I know, right?
It’s so unfair when the right starts punching back, isn’t it?
Charlie Statist
This morning our side-saddle red sofa jocky delivers some incredibly Marxian notions as he happily shoots the breeze with vegan Labour MP Kerry McCarthy.
Often we wake up to the BBC fretting about the expansion of our waistlines – but to ring the changes this morning the isshoo is food waste.
Tesco has launched some PR initiative to pass some of its inevitable surplus product onto charity.
If I heard the figures right the waste represents food for 70 million for one day a year – sounds a lot but would equate to just .3%
Charlie Stayt may as well have kicked off his interview with the labour spokeswoman with a quick rendition of the Internationale – but instead he confines himself to a welcoming: “I know you’ve been a campaigner on this issue”
To be fair his questions are read from a script. Who’s writing it – Trotsky?
Similarly to be fair Ms McCarthy although getting in an obligatory soundbite about “Queues for foodbanks” the punk-styled former NME reader is fairly reasonable. The problem with the interview is that suddenly we slide back into the pre-2010 BBC world of the leftist BBC attempting to outflank Labour on the left.
Charlie appears nostalgic for some time or place when : “By Saturday the supermarket shelves were bare – now it’s expected they should be full”. (Bah!)
Blame the system, Man. “Isn’t it a result of the ‘consumerist system’ that there’s just too much food?”
Not content with his call to bring back rationing and the bread queues our Charlie’s script-writer suggests that for non-compliers in this utopia we need to bring back the gulags : “When will it be time for legislation on this?”
Do I imagine I hear the opening notes of the Red Flag as we go over to the weather forcast?
Notice the Daily Mail today have splash headlines re HMRC refusing to release data regarding number of national insurance numbers last year where numbers appear to be more than twice official net immegration! Surprise surprise which newspaper did the Today program miss to mention in their newspaper review?
Perhaps NI numbers are like postal votes these days – you can have as many as you want.
Yes, it was the lead in today’s Telegraph, too. Strange how two mass selling newspapers can consider a story so vital that they lead on it and yet the BBC somehow considers it beneath its notice.
Two crazy ‘remain’ characters in Wales on PM yesterday allowed to spout rubbish without challenge.
The first, a woman running a delicatessen business using produce from the Canary Islands and Spain. The stuff from the Canary islands takes ‘months’ to arrive whereas the stuff from Spain doesn’t. This is because the Canary Islands aren’t in the EU and Spain is! The implication was that if we ‘leave’ it will take ‘months’ to get stuff from there! Also if we ‘leave’ the pound/Euro relationship will be all over the place, (what just like it is now?) Should this woman be allowed sharp knives?
Then some bloke, Dave, who tells us that the EU is so useless that even after seven years it hasn’t managed to sign a trade deal with Canada, which is why we should ‘remain’! Given that we supposedly plan for 1 in 100 year flood events and the odds on ‘Brexit’ must be near 1 in 2 shouldn’t he be putting ‘shadow’ deals in place now, just in case? (If we invoke ‘Article 50’ we have two years anyway).
Yeah, I heard that shit as well. I think the message was that most small business should be forced to suffocate under the mountain of frivolous regulation so that some vacuous airhead can buy cheese more easily for her green-haired sandal-wearing ‘right-on’ lefty customers. The BBC fail to interview, or even mention, any of the overwhelming number of small business owners whose businesses wouldn’t be viable if they had to comply with all the pointless & petty EU regulations. You could even be excused for thinking that the rules are specifically contrived to give big business an advantage over smaller rivals. Surely not?
Shot down on a London street with an automatic weapon – because “he was the only black male on the road”
Are freelance battalions of rabid little englanders at work? You might think so if you’re a fan of the liberal media.
However: ‘Det Ch Insp Mark Lawson said Wednesday night’s killing was being investigated as gang-related’
The BBC fails to include that shocking opening quote from Mr Tetlow’s aunt, Kamilla Richards, 21 – for that rather important insight we must rely on a newspaper.
Ok, another case of ‘misstaken identity’ but the young chap must have at least vaguely fit the profile of an intended target?
See how our undersatnding of these matters would be truncated were we to rely solely on the BBC for news.
You’ve got to love it, haven’t you?
“Only black male on the road”? In London? Really?
You know how, when you listen to the BBC Today programme, your heart sinks when they tell you they’re going to interview an American journalist about a Trump related issue? “Bound to be another biased liberal” you think.
Well it happened today, but imagine my surprise (and John ‘n Justins) when we got, what sounded like a pretty unbiased account of events at Trumps cancelled Chicago rally….the interviewee made it crystal clear that an organised group of “Muslims united against Trump” formed a large block within the hall and were at the forefront of the intimidation and violence.
This will strengthen Trump further. There is clear evidence of a fifth column at work.
Here’s the item reference below, the following one about AfD is also instructive as it gives insight into the still scarily delusional thinking in Angela Merkels party, as they face regional elections this weekend.
“Donald Trump has called off a rally in Chicago after protests against the Republican presidential front-runner led to violent clashes. Justin Webb has been talking to WBEZ Chicago political reporter Tony Arnold, who was at the rally last night.”
Embolden I think you will find the reporter mentioned 4 or 5 men wearing tee shirts ‘Muslims against Trump,’ who were then shown out.
What struck me about the US reporter was his desperate attempt to be even handed about those for and against Trump. We would expect BBC and SKY to simply present Trump as a clown/villain.
The student protests does strike me as similar to the methods used in the UK by the left to prevent people speaking who might hold views with which they disagree.
tee shirts with “muslims against Trump”
not exactly the work of a genius trying to alienate people from supporting him……
I have mostly given up listening to Radio 4’s ‘Today’ now but I did hear about 90 minutes this morning and was pleasantly surprised. The item about the cancelled Trump rally seemed fairly balanced. John Humphrys also impressed me with his questioning of the German CDU man, about mass immigration and the new AfD party, and his quizzing of John McDonnell, about Labour’s spending plans, austerity, etc. Humphrys has something of the contrarian about him, which is just what you need in news analysis, always provided that mainstream Leftish opinions receive the same scepticism as Tory government announcements. So, well done BBC! It’s not often I say that these days.
Something tells me that Merkel is on the way out, while Trump is on the way in?
Where do you stand on this Zero/Jerrod/Scott ? Over to you, whoever is on duty ………………
Note, I have not shown any abuse towards you .
Trump attempting to hold a rally in the toilet of America, surely knew the rabid left and all bedfellows would be exposed in their multicultural technicolour glory.
It is inescapable that a vote for anyone other than Trump means that shite wins.
Here is another article about the rally in Chicago:
Slightly different version of events to the one the BBC happened to push.
From your link, I had to laugh at the photo of a protester holding up the two torn apart pieces of a poster with the Trump slogan, ‘Make America great again.’
I guess he doesn’t want to make America great again.
As I heard the news from Chicago on the BBC, I knew that I`d not need to look TOO deeply into what was likely to have happened.
And the approval from the BBC and liberal elites about it all.
Heard both Radio 2 and Radio 4 news at 8a.m, then an hour later.
I thought of Chicago 68, Genoa,Seattle, London, Occupy, Farage being unable to campaign in Scotland, getting set upon whilst having a pub lunch with the family near his house…the march by Downing Street after the Tories won last May.
When the BBC say that there were “skirmishes” between “pro”, and “anti” Trump activists/protestors etc…you need only look at Alinsky, Chomsky for the language…Poll Tax, Macedonia, Calais, Thatchers death for the pictures.
Need we even bother to check that its the online global scum who plan the revolution from Costa coffee using the free leccy and WIFI-same sort who will throw the nations children under the Muslim bus, but worrying about whether it`s diesel or hybrid.
These scum have got away with this agitprop zipping up of the Christendom body bag for too long.
Trumps folk have the right to gather-the left need a good smacking if they prevent it…and if a few leeches from the BBC get a camera wrapped around their scrawny necks, well all to the good.
Can only hope that Trump will play this assault on free speech. like a plywood violin…and the good solid people of the USA draw the same conclusions that we do-and did-when turds like Russell Brand and Weyman Smithers at UAF DARE to try to tell us who can campaingn, who can speak in public…and who won`t dare, after THEIR goons have been let loose on the decent folk of the nation.
Tommy Robinson , Charlie Hebdo….all victims of the Fascists who march under the anti-Fascist banners of Hamas, SWP, Greens…tomorrow must NEVER belong to scum like this lot.
‘the online global scum who plan the revolution from Costa coffee using the free leccy and WIFI-same sort who will throw the nations children under the Muslim bus, but worrying about whether it`s diesel or hybrid’
Your best yet ChrisH.
The bBBC is failing in its duty to inform us that Chicago, the venue of violent lefties closing down free speech, is where Obama grew up and came to political power.
“As I heard the news from Chicago on the BBC, I knew that I`d not need to look TOO deeply into what was likely to have happened.”
Haha! Quite. Makes a change to see a dindu get coward-punched for being in the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’ though.
While clicking grimly through a podcast of Friday’s Toady in order to find the Humphrys ‘interview’ of IDS, I stumbled across a statement designed to make listeners dislike Donald Trump as much as the impartial BBC evidently does. My emphasis in bold:
The front runner for the Republican nomination for the White House, Donald Trump, has used a televised debate in Florida to repeat his assertion that Muslims hate the United States.
01:06:50 min in:
No doubt BBC propagandists would love listeners to believe that Trump simply started to rant against Muslims, once given the opportunity, the stage and a microphone.
Unfortunately for the BBC, we have the Internet and can see that Trump responded to a peecee question from a moderator, one that would no doubt have made the BBC proud:
Mr Trump, let me start with you. Last night you told CNN, quote, “Islam hates us.” Did you mean all 1,6 billion Muslims?
Trump: I mean a lot of ’em. I mean a lot of ’em.
48:06 minutes in:
(At 2:20 minutes in there’s a fine rendition of the anthem by four Miami University singers)
Compare and contrast that rendition of the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ with this one by left-wing hypocrite Roseanne Barr:
Aarrghh. You should post a warning before putting crap like that up on the site!
Sorry, that was a bit irresponsible of me.
I didnt think anything could rank alongside the horrendous fat old lefty ratbag that is Jo Brand
How wrong i was
I still think there is a special place in hell reserved for Jo Brand.
“I still think there is a special place in hell reserved for Jo Brand.”.
GC, the Devil will have to get her out of the driving seat of her T 34 first.
No problem. I’ve recovered from the ordeal.
The US is screwed if this is the best the Republicans can put forward as POTUS. Trump may not be ideal but he looks a giant among these pygmies.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog this week:
– Reckless BBC Newsgathering Endangers Public
– Court Report: TV Licensing at Grantham Magistrates’ Court
– TV Licensing Court Presenter Faces Awkward Questions
– BBC’s The One Show in Schoolgirl Exposure Clanger
>Jerrod, the next time you walk through your beloved Londonistan, avoiding certain parts as you wisely should, come back and tell us in all honesty that the country, good or bad hasn’t been swamped with foreigners.
>Well get this and accept it, that many of us don’t like it, its human nature not some Marxist construct, re the Archbish yesterday, quite possibly even some of your own family feel the same too.
>You’re a lost cause as are the Chicago demonstrators, but many decent hard working people all over the world, America in this instant are worried about their kids and their grandchildren’s future, hence the rise of Trump, something you can and will never understand or admit to, just like the BBC….
To make it easy for you I’ve added the quote marks for you to copy and paste to facilitate and speed up your predicable, pathetic and over obsessive lefty retorts, retorts that maybe we shouldn’t respond to, maybe then you’ll go away. I suggest to the try the Breitbart or Daily Mail comment sections, you’ll be welcome there. Alternatively stick with the Guardian, they definitely will welcome you.
Have a good weekend….
> maybe then you’ll go away
Oh Geoff. I do appreciate that you dearly want to bully someone off this site, and that you’re getting frustrated because it’s not working. You have my pity.
Ian Katz hires yet another Guardian journalist.
Nick Watt, the telegenic Guardian chief political correspondent who has been appointed the new Newsnight political editor.
You could have knocked me down with a feather
And if we had a government, prepared, willing and able to govern, they might do something about it. The fact that such a predictably partisan and largely puerile newspaper, of such very limited circulation, is given this amount of influence within the BBC speaks volumes for the real value our politicians put on democracy.
Yet more evidence that the Leftists who run the BBC simply couldn’t care less that they have been rumbled. They think their position is impregnable.
Regarding the pretty tame BBC interview by John Humphrys of the BBC Today programme with Mr John McDonnell, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor….
Mr McDonnell was able to bat away anything even approaching a difficult question from Mr Humphrys, and simply repeat his mantra that he would restore Labour’s economic credibility.
Mr Humphrys pressed him, but not too forcefully, to explain how he would change Labour’s previous policies of borrow, tax and spend, like money was going out of fashion. Mr McDonnell simply said, again and again, that he would create growth in the UK economy, and therefore would never have to cut public spending, nor would he have to raise taxes. Mr Humphrys could have enquired if the ‘economic growth’ he claimed would occur (not that he was asked how he would create this) would be the same sort of so-called ‘economic growth’ that a certain previous Labour Chancellor had created ( you remember – the ‘no more boom and bust’ scenario – what could go wrong with that, eh ?)
Gordon Brown did not create real ‘economic growth’. He created ‘debt growth’ on an unbelievable scale, employing a million more public sector workers – i.e. non-wealth-creating jobs, with incredible long-term costs, including, but not limited to, future pension costs. He used a previously- created and perfectly sensible financial policy, when used in moderation, and bastardised it to create an additional, ‘off-the-books’, debt mountain to hang around taxpayers’ necks for the next 30-40 years – anyone remember PFI ?– and then ask the question as to why so many NHS authorities can’t even live within ever-growing budgets ? Were these the sorts of ‘borrowing-for-investment-only’ new debts that Mr McDonnell had in mind ? We’ll never know from this sort of soft-ball interviews.
Then we had the claim from Mr McDonnell that everyone, from the Unions, through entrepreneurs, to big business, supported and acclaimed his ideas – not that anyone with any sense might have got much more than this ‘motherhood and apple-pie’ message of ‘growth’ from anything we’ve heard so far. But did Mr Humphrys ask for evidence of all of this support…. well, no.
And then, the incredible claim from Mr McDonnell that, when he woke up this morning, he saw that his ideas had been acclaimed by ‘The Independent, and the Morning Star – right across the political spectrum’.
Now, I can understand that Mr McDonnell – a pretty rabid left-wing ‘Socialist’ – might think that the ‘Morning Star ‘ lay to the far left of the political spectrum, and ‘The Independent’ lay to the far right, but Mr Humphrys should have really known better, and pulled him up on this one (as well as all the other stuff he’d let go by).
But I guess if you work for the BBC, and read only ‘The Guardian’, regarding it as lying smack-dab in the centre of the political spectrum, then perhaps I shouldn’t be too surprised that Mr McDonell’s claim zipped straight through his brain and never registered as anything that should be queried. I guess this is the manner in which the BBC is going to become accustomed to dealing with their new doyen of financial probity.
The Day The Refugees Came with Michael Palin.
Michael Palin tells the story of the little Somerset town of Wincanton and the group of refugees that its Postmaster, GP and Parish Priest rescued from war ravaged Bosnia at the height of the Balkan Wars.
A piece which is promoting migration of the huge numbers of migrants which we will inevitably get if we don’t leave the EU.
I’d call it propaganda. note the stories in today’s press of the migrant giving birth in a puddle (a good job someone with a hi-resolution camera was there to witness) and the ‘Hot Migrant’ website, one no doubt a fellow traveller here is a frequent visitor to….
Talking propanganda and the afore mentioned migrant birth in the Daily Mail, there appears to be more green arrow manipulation going on. At 10am the top comment was…
“Why don’t the other oil-rich Middle East countries take in these folks?? These countries have the same religion and culture and the Middle East is awash with MONEY. I don’t understand why Europe is involved” with about 3000 green arrows (now on 6700)
Now and with a massive and almost unheard of 17000 green arrows is the following comment…
“Shocked at scumbags red arrows, you really are the lowest of the low. People like you create the problems in this world!”
We’re being played chaps and chapesses, sad thing is dumbed down tw@ts believe it.
The French lefty journalist regular on the BBC News Channel Saturday lunchtime press chat with Esler (forget the name of the “show”) was getting terribly excited about the failure of the USA to take in “migrants” from half a world away. The actions of some neighbouring countries appears to have escaped him.
I didn’t quite believe it until I saw it myself.
I’m now taking screenshots of some Mail threads, before and after, when it looks like the topic could be “sensitive”. They don’t even try to subtly alter the balance, the sudden jumps are just completely preposterous.
> A piece which is promoting migration of the huge numbers of migrants which we will inevitably get if we don’t leave the EU.
Nice of you to summarise a programme which you haven’t yet listened to in a way that conveniently fits your own prejudices.
Still, when you’re as used as Thoughtful is at not bothering to check whether their summary is in any way accurate, why wait for the programme proper? Get your lie in early! Give Geoff something to do of a Saturday now that we’re in a part of the year where he can’t whinge endlessly about Strictly Come Dancing and how his wife is far more interested in that show than she ever has been in him!
“can’t whinge endlessly about Strictly Come Dancing and how his wife is far more interested in that show than she ever has been in him! ”
It would be interesting to know the age of some of our Posters on here, because when the comments start getting personal and name calling, I wonder whether I’m on a site for serious debate, or in a playground of 10 years olds !!!
I was brought up in a very ‘left’ household – my late father even became a member of the Communist party in the late 50’s – a rebellious act against the Right wing governments who were mainly made up of the aristocracy and extremely wealthy. Times change, and even though he would never consider voting anything other than Labour, he was in despair at the party it had become and the damage caused by those at the very top. By nature of my environment, I too always voted Labour, but have not done so for many years – Blair sold the Country down the river with an open door policy for migrants (aside from Iraq !) and the body blow of pension raiding from Brown sealed their fate.
The likes of Jerrod clearly have their own very strong views, now, – as my dear Dad once did, but will they feel the same 20 or 30 years from now when everything they stand for in the present no longer applies to the Gt Britain they will inhabit ? – because it will be unrecognisable if we stay in Europe. Glad I’ll have long left this mortal coil by then – hopefully.
Although having never voted Labour, a little unusual around here I can tell you, I can relate to your post very easily BRISSLES. The post Blair Labour party has morphed into something very nasty and elitist indeed, they also appear more in tune than the Torys with the Euro elite, who in turn appear to be part of some wider global technocratic based ‘plan’. All thats pie in the sky though as anything I can do will have about as much impact on the great and good as a G20 protester putting through a McDonalds window.
Despite my reservations I content myself with voting for UKIP, and only UKIP, no tactical crap, to try and bring about change within the law. I just hope they can keep as uncontaminated as possible.
Although the Labour Party has a few EU dissenters, they are predominantly pro-EU which I find difficult to comprehend. I have always thought the Labour Party to be the voice of the workers and it seems to me that large chunks of the British economy over the last 15+ years have been underpinned by cheap foreign labour, thus denying British workers jobs.
But then again to a politician a job is a job, so if a Polish builder comes over here and works for peanuts and a British worker as a result ends up working part-time stacking shelves in Tesco there isn’t a problem. Except that the British worker will not have the satisfaction of having a skilled job and will probably end up claiming benefits!
The great Chris Booker gave us a few milestones from the likes of Monnet and Schumann, right up to Lisbon 2009 about how the creeping superstate of European United States was conceived and enshrined-all by stealth and with deceit.
Agreed with nearly all of it-but he did leave out the capture of the left by Delors in 1988.
Delors spoke at the Labour conference that October. He held out an offer that Labour would get their united socialist haven without any need to get elected.
After all-who elected Delors and the Commission?…and all that social chapter solidarity and anti-xenophobic socialist hate crime stuff could be enforced on the country-without the need to get elected ever again.
Labour loved it-Thatcher had reduced them to an irrelevance the year before, and the Left gave up on democracy and the ballot box that day.
Yes, we had a few odd ducks like Benn and Crow, Foot and even Kate Hoey types….but the broad swathe of decent lefty opinion chose to get their utopias via Strasbourg and the Hague.
The European Court of Justice was to be the main way…unelected secretive ex Maoists and Commies, and able to supersede national judiciaries and voting from the plebs.
Blair and Falconers Supreme Courts being the fag packet result when the time came.
The year later(1989) , the Wall fell, and Communists slithered now in the Greens and social democratic entryist channels…media, culture and do goodery with quangos.
No decent socialist would ever have entertained EU accession, until Roy Jenkins and his like-Shirley Williams, Dick Taverne etc-made it respectable, progressive and well-paid as well.
Jenkins was the Blair of his day-and shit though the current crop are-they never shafted this country quite the way that Messrs Heath and Jenkins did in those shaming days.
PS-and Thatcher hated Delors, knew what he was up to( No…No..No!)…and we can assume that it was this that the Left warmed to-and Howe,Brittan, Clarke, Hurd etc…did the rest the next year in 1990.
You forgot Hesel(slime)tine.
>Still, when you’re as used as Thoughtful is at not bothering to check whether their summary is in any way accurate, why wait for the programme proper?
Is this the same as how your friends and loved ones treated the events of Cologne and Rotherham? Every single fact of both events was willfully ignored or (to fit into your child like mind set) politicised to change what happened to fit agenda. Both events were categorically proven to be the opposite to what the Al Beeb and shit heads like you published/propaganded. You lied to us. You cheated us. You took away those innocent girls childhoods. I know that you are so socially retarded and delusional that you will never regret what happened to those innocent girls but you and your fellow warped, traitorous, scumbag cult friends are as much to blame as the Islamic rapists asked to come here by your friends to destroy our way of life
> tothepoint: how do you constantly own me on this website?
Good question Jerrod. Mainly because your a gobshite. Its also because you are a complete twat who despises everything about the people of great Britain who have given you the privilege to conspire against them. All you do is try and destroy Britain and everything we stand for. You have decided to abandon your people so that you can achieve your own delusional and warped goals.
Already looking forward to your rambling, aggressive response 🙂
Jerrod /Zero
Your defence of AlBeeb is getting ‘desperate’.
Why do you waste your time defending the indefensible.
It is pretty evident that your job is at risk.
Re Thoughtful above!
That will be Paddy Ashdowns constituency then?
Hope the quango secretaries that processed the claims are aware that he`s a rum `un!
BBC chooses Guardianista to be newsnights new political editor shocker!!!
Who, anywhere on this website, could have possibly predicted that?
I’m reeling!….lol
How many more Guardian hacks can the licence payer support? Come to that how many more can the BBC fit in, they must be packed like battery hens by now. The two organisations are joined so closely at the hip its impossible to discern where one ends and the other begins. BBC top tip, save the licence payer a bit of cash by just auto directing clicks on BBC news straight to the Guardian online, the journos already seem to be partly BBC funded, and as for the content- without the logo at the top of the page who the hell would notice the difference?
So much for union solidarity then!
Doesn`t the dickhead left have a few Indie reporters facing the dole after the closing of the “i”” newspaper?
Not the best paper-but certainly infinitely better than the Guardian more often than not.
And-surely in need of consideration for lefty gigs at the public teat ahead of the CP Scott Trusty fairies that infest the Gordian!
Have these people got no shame?…would prefer Johann Hari or Raj Persaud to Curly Watts.
Bloody carousel of crap between the BBC and the Guardian…reminds me of sending stool samples between the comptroller and haberdashery in a 50s department store in those vacuum tubies?
Bristol Stool Index of 9.8 this story…stinks, really does!