Ok folks, Friday arrives and here is a new Open Thread to see us off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend! THIS is where you detail the endless bias from the rancid biased BBC. Enjoy đ
How sickening to see yet another champagne socialist getting free, primetime publicity courtesy of our globally respected, world class broadcaster, whilst masquerading as charity.
Jo Brand, a woman not to be trusted on any occassion, i will never forget the treatment the bBBC meted out to Carole Thatcher at the slimy,squealing, politically correct bleatings of Jo Brand telling tales on what Carole Thatcher apparently said to her in the Green Room.
Jimmy Saville groped children, live on Top of the Pops, not in the Green Room(well he probably did) but was still idolised by bBBC.
Jo Brand = BBC hypoctrite lefty luvvie, absolutely hate her both in terms of speech, sight and being. Apparently, no incredibly, she’s married, must be for the money, separate rooms I expect. Safe space areas quickly adopted and introduced by the husband in the other side of the house. – Or habiting their second home which so many lefty celebs seem to have.
It wasn’t Jo Brand on this occasion, despite the fact everyone thought it was. The real guilty party was the odious Adrian Chiles who despite being more ‘normal’ than Brand is every bit as far leftist and prescriptive.
Some of you may have received this via emailâŚâŚâŚâŚ
*A female physician in Munich ,Germany sends a message to the
> World .. . . . ..*
> *âYesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the
> situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is
> unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant
> medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything
> to the main hospitals.*
And it went on further.
I know I had heard of this letter and had heard it read out some where.
I don’t know if this gives it more credence but i have found the place it was read out.
This is a good, brief article on the doings at the Trump rally:
This is a pivotal event. The organized left disrupted and shut down a large and peaceful Trump event with collusion of the media. CNN is covering it as Trumpâs fault of course and itâs hard not to see this as a setup by the left-press and the usual dyspeptic suspects to create an incident in order to paint Trump as an extremist. My guess is that Trumpâs America is drawing a lesson from what they are seeing on their TV screens. Will they accept being muzzled by a collection of societyâs failures? If not, the next event may be bloody.
The supreme affront here is that the left is using exactly the same tactics of both the Nazis and the Communists in the 30âs.
The clowns who shut down Trump tonight may just be recruiting a backlash they will not survive. The one thing Trump never had was any sort of goon squad. Traditional Americans who want to listen to Trump or other traditionalist voices are at a point where they must choose.
Iâm typing this while itâs all going on. About 8PM.
Iâm watching the usual suspects disrupt Trumpâs event in Chicago. CNN was covering it in the manner one expects from them. Blacks, Latinos and the usual bruised fruit of humanity were gathering to disrupt and CNN was already there to validate the disrupter just as they did in Ferguson, NYC and Baltimore. This is a setup, CNN obviously knew from contacts within the left that they were going to do this and they are incorporating this show event as part of their war on Trump.
OK, Erin Burnett, CNNâs riot queen alumna from Ferguson, is controlling the coverage with David Gergen representing the sole quasi-American point of view. Sort of. In a peculiar development, some obscure Bush brother is providing droll and predictable anti-Trump commentary.
It will be no surprise to hear that Burnett and co. are laying the blame for the scuffles and the boorish destruction of a perfectly legal and orderly event at Trumps feet. Burnett and Co. are calling on Trump to âspeak to the nationâ and muzzle his American supporters. CNN is now openly colluding with political thugs of the left, disrupting a political rally while blaming any unpleasantness on the rally-holder for provoking the delicate sensibilities of the left.
After about half and hour in, Trump called off the event leaving his fans to stand around in close proximity to their tormentors.
The Trump crowd looked largely white and male. The protestors who infiltrated the event freely look to be a collection of blacks, white college types and Latinos. Protestors chanted âBernieâ âWe stopped Trumpâ and various Latino slogans. A black activist stormed the stage and ripped up materials.
8:15 The hall has been emptied and the crowd of protestors are keeping their formation outside, clearly they are ready for more actions.
I predict that they are hopped up on their victory and will not just peacefully disperse. The usual breaking of store windows, random cars rolled and random attacks on whites can be expected. Weâll see.
8:48 Move.Org Just announced that it played a central part in organizing the disruption of tonightâs event. So George Soros helped make this attack on our Republic possible.
Gergen (hoping for a job in the Hillary Clinton administration) said, âDonald Trump has unleashed poisonous vapors,â into America.
Maddow in full damage control mode Blames Trump for âInciting violence.â (Of course, holding a rally is always beyond the self control setting of the minority Chicago mentality.)
Chris Mathews find fault with Trump for holding a rally in an area with âSo many illegal Aliens.â!!!
You have to have a chuckle to yourself, from the wall to wall coverage on the BBC about December being the wettest “evah” because of “Climate Change”, it now looks odds on that March will be the driest “evah”. But will they tell us it is because of “Climate Change”? Not a hope.
I have looked at a lot of “The Trump” on You Tube. Yeah, I can see why the liberals and the BBC in particular hate the guy. Best of luck Mr Trump, but watch your back.
You are probably hearing less about f me at the moment because Traffic Cops on some lesser channel seems infinitely more preferable to BBC News. To be honest so does 2009 Homes Under the Hammer. I was sad to read I the JC the number of Israelis and an American murdered in Israel this week. Was it reported on the BBC?
Last week I read on the Daily Mail website and cannot believe it was not reported on the Beeb that it was going to be bitterly cold right up until Easter. Well I went to Whitby yesterday and had a lovely mild day, not quite T-shirt weather, but not far off. Has the BBC missed the opportunity for another report on extreme weather?
The racists at the bBBC are at it every day. The top news from Wales today is that the Welsh fire brigades don’t have enough black staff. Not a word about their competence, just their skin colour. Whilst they’re at it, they probably don’t employ enough disabled lesbians either. I wonder how well they fight fires.
Note it doesn’t actually say they are supporters of everybody’s favourite religion. Perhaps they are yet more Buddhists that terrorise the west – or more of those nasty, violent Christian girls?
And don’t forget ‘Mad Merkel’ wants to dump these people on us now that her country is overflowing with them.
Time to get out of the EU before its too late vote GO and Brexit.
Well hello Wales and all your BBC supporters
Where are all the Toby Faletau is the best no.8 in the world right now stories?
Tom Jones, Rob Brydon, Alex Jones, Jonathan ‘ the biased midget’ Davies, Eddie Butler and all the other Welsh goats – we have beaten your boys, so f-ck off and go and do one.
The fight back begins now LOL
Reference the above video that I posted, I must just clear up a possible point of confusion for our left-wing guests. The Lord Nelson the commentator refers to is Lord Horatio Nelson, British naval hero, not the South African convicted terrorist.
Well hello seismicboy.
No problem.
In the words of The Terminator I’ll be back.
We only needed another 5 minutes . 3 tries to 1 Not bad for a small nation .
But, and it’s a big but, you aint never gonna get over being dumped out of the World Cup as host nation.
Not as long as you have a hole in your arse will you forget that one.
Radio 4. 7 pm. Profile of Ted Cruz, presented by Mark Coles (!): With such a presenter, I did not expect a fair and balanced picture of Ted Cruz – and I wasn’t disappointed. Apparently, Cruz’s votes come from rabble-rousers, deniers of evolution, and generally from the dimwit section of the electorate. The BBC is a disgrace.
Did the BBC report happen to mention Ted Cruz taking apart the chairman of the Sierra Club, rabid global warming supporter so by definition a hero of the BBC, during this Judiciary Sub-Committee hearing? Aren’t these global warmists just so convincing and sincere. Enjoy this everybody:
Steve, Your question is, of course, rhetorical! I watched that session of the hearings when it was first broadcast, and came away much impressed by Sen. Cruz’s knowledge of the subject, and surprised by the dire and excruciatingly embarrassing performance of the Sierra Club president. Were ‘warmists’ subjected to the same sort of forensic questioning in this country, we would certainly see the same dire responses, and little wonder the BBC shut down any dissenting voices. On Cruz himself, I think it was those hearings that prompted me to watch him more closely in the presidential hustings. I hope the US does itself a favour, and in November elects this man to the White House. I’ve seen little in him not to admire.
Were âwarmistsâ subjected to the same sort of forensic questioning in this country, we would certainly see the same dire responses, and little wonder the BBC shut down any dissenting voices.
The BBC will make sure the science is never debated because the alarmists will lose. The alarmists, despite the power invested in them by their ‘settled science’, are shy little bunnies when it comes to debate anyway – watch ’em run….
Ta for this Steve.
It`s a must-watch in that it shows how the global boiling bunny has had a chip inserted somewhere where a brain might once have been.
Astonishly thick-as only a beehive specimen could possibly be.
But black-so it`d be racist to say he`s a thick greenie.
The answers are priceless-poor sod needs a reboot in the hope it might rattle that noggin of his.
History will show that the Sierra Club have done more damage to the environmental cause over the longest period of time than any other comparable bunch of liberal blowhards who`ve inhaled passive liberal crap for too long…and have learned nothing apart from where Al Gores nipples can be sucked until more US tax dollars and Grammys/Oscars/Peace Prizes come up for burning.
Have seen some thick Greenbaums in my time…but dopey old Aaron here reminds me of the bloke in the Green Mile…but what else…is there any other colour?
‘Migrant crisis: Turkish guards hit migrant boat with sticks’
In the year 2016 humanity realised that the only way to stop a boat was by hitting it with a stick!!!
Quote: Europe is facing its biggest refugee crisis since World War Two. Last year, more than a million people entered the EU illegally by boat, mainly going from Turkey to Greece.
Wow, the bBBC just admitted they are entering illegally – are they finally waking up to reality? Er, no, they’re soon back on form with this quite incredible quote taken from the ‘analysis’ by Mark Lowen in Instanbul:
“It could be that these are individual coastguard officers acting on their own and not following orders, perhaps fuelled by machismo and even xenophobia.”
Could it? Could it really Mark? The fact that you think you can make such a libelous, defamatory and completely unfounded suggestion in your copy, and the fact that the BBC ran with it, COULD mean that both you and your employer are nothing more than a childish international joke.
Now, where’s my stick? I wonder if it could stop your verbal excrement as well as an illegal smuggling vessel..?
I feel you are being a little harsh on our psychopathic brothers and sisters on the left here DS! I mean who doesn’t find Muhammads instruction of mass rape and torture of thousands of innocent girls, some still little children, a beautiful artistic event? Is it not just a case of ‘in the eye of the beholder’ when a kafir is gloriously beheaded? I would say a display of infidel bodies crucified, burned, decapitated is as beautiful as any western art. Muhammads cult has these beautiful acts of enlightenment all the way through his book that should be titled ‘the only way to live to be a true Muslim’. And besides, when the religion of peace grows and leads to events of cultural enlightenment like we witness in Iraq and Syria today, a good old beheading or mass execution will be prime time entertainment for us:
6pm: Men behaving badly (with hot infidel children)
7pm: DIYSOS – another infidel building is cleansed or blown up to please Allah.
8pm: TOWIS -The only way is sharia. Sharia execution squads are prowling the streets again to ‘re-educate’ all in the way of sharia.
9pm: Decapitation, decapitation, decapitation
We have found some infidels! Let’s please Allah the way his true believer’s know best
I don’t see what the problem is! I think the left are on to something here with the art thing
Ai Weiwei said her performance âtells the world the art will overcome the warââ
That would be so comical were it not so insulting and dangerously delusional.
Ai Weiwei is obviously not up to speed with that popular ISIS publication ‘Radical Islam’s Guide to Art’. I hear it’s one of the world’s shortest books, ending with a beheading.
Managed to catch a bit of the Saturday Review on Radio 4 just before 8pm tonight.
Think it was Rowan Pelling who said that she could not get past the idea of “some white middle age” guy doing a programme on Scandinavian Art that she was meant to be reviewing.
Imagine if we replace “middle age white guy” with-I dunno, say “black woman” or “disabled gay bloke”-then we can see why this is so bloody offensive-not a clue about Andrew Graham Dixon or whoever he is-but I`d say he was probably chosen because he knew about the topic or cared enough to want to make the rest of us aware of Scandinavian Art.
It was Pellings lazy casual offensiveness that bugged me-reflex waving of her pudenda to sneer at someone making a telly programme, blaming him for being white and middle aged.
It would be racist, sexist or discriminatory in any other setting-but it`s a BBC love-in on a weekend show that no-one bothers with-so Pelling gets away with it.
F Off BBC!
Well, Rowan Pelling (whoever she is) had better get the whole programme banned as I suspect quite a few of those Scandinavian artists were also “middle-aged white guys”. Andrew Graham Dixon is a very well-respected art historian. He probably knows more about one painting than Rowan Pelling knows about the whole subject. Saturday Review is notorious for people pontificating on subjects they know nothing about. It might even be a kind of job creation scheme.
Germany has a leading role in policy-making for the European Union.
So the fait accompli Merkel presented everybody with after doing a ‘deal’ with the blackmailing Turks (the EU pays them twice as much dough for basically maintaining the status quo) was an example of taking a ‘leading role’?
The BBC – sleight of slippery-tongue is in its DNA.
One of the most jaw dropping amazingly biased things I heard this week is that the unpopularity of Angela Merkel is down to the attempts to destabilise her by Vladimir Putin.
No mention of her insane decision to open the doors of Europe to untold millions of Syrian Migrants then?
It seems that the usual bogyman will be used to distract attention away from something the people absolutely believe to be wrong, but the BBC believe to be right.
Then there’s the regional elections today in Germany, widely seen as a test of support of Merkels mass migration, yet it is relegated to ‘other news’ while the top spot is given to the bleatings of Muslim terrorist Babar Ahmad, on whose every word the beeboids hang with jaws agape !
I joined Al Qaeeda in good faith he says, making me wonder what kind of good faith leads you to believe that the slaughter of those who don’t share your murderous religion is a good thing?
Of course those kinds of questions are never asked by the BBC.
Yes I thought the BBC were reverently treating him as a great ‘prophet’ who we should all listen to – maybe some of his great Islamic Holy Wisdom will rub-off on us mere Earthlings?
Top-Billing on 8am R4 news. A convicted supporter of terrorism (12 year jail sentence) now accepts he was ‘misguided’ and ‘naive’ to support the Taliban. After all, they were such holy guys weren’t they? I remember at the time I was really tempted to get a standing order straight out to the Taliban – what decent person wouldn’t have?
I note that VD did not ask him any questions you might expect a journalist to ask. Why did she not ask which bits of the Koran he no longer accepts are the word of god, or which bits of the Taliban’s actions he regards as un-Islamic?
Let’s hope he can’t bake cakes or the Beeb will have him winning the next celebrity Allahthon!!
A rather belated response to Steve Jones, Taffman, Number 7 et al.
I apologise for my rant last night. The rivalry between England and Wales at rugby is something special. What we must combat is blatant anti-English (or even anti-Welsh rhetoric for that matter) that strives to drive a wedge between nations under the auspices of unity (clue there methinks)
No need to apologise old chap, I wasn’t in any way offended. I am a rugby fan and understand completely where you are coming from. The names you mentioned, particularly Eddy Butler and Jonathan Davies, are anti-English and will only give credit to England begrudgingly. Most rugby fans love the game first so the likes of Butler and Davies are largely ignored.
I prefer to see this as the hopelessly metropolitan liberal BBC’s attempt to bend over backwards so as not to offend any prized minority. The headline to the rugby result we get was about the most grudging I’ve ever heard : ‘England hang on to edge out Wales’. It took me a moment or two to divine from that arse-about-face formulation that England had actually won the match.
You’re right and it’s all of a row with the cultural Marxists’ worship of disabilities and the offensive tripe reported above, where that silly girl Pelling dismissed Andrew Graham Dixon’s forthcoming programme on Scandinavian Art on the grounds of his age and sex. We have seen similar slurs on here made by everyone’s favourite ‘contributor” of course.
Before being admitted to the club, ‘Progressives’ must undergo an irony bypass along with the prefrontal lobotomy, clearly.
Cake icing was supplied by John Inverdale at the end of the highlights section earlier. Warning us beforehand that the subject of citing was to be covered, following a clearly shown eye-gouge attempt, two particularly awful examples were to come. One was a possible forearm nudge – not enough space for a smash – for which Joe Marler was given the probable benefit of the doubt. Then, with suitably sepulchral tones, JI played a brief snatch of dialogue, picked up on the ref’s mike and which apparently provided clear and shocking evidence that one rugby player of unknown nationality called another rugby player of unknown nationality a ‘Gypsy Boy’.
I know. I couldn’t believe it either.
A term like âdeep thinkerâ is entirely subjective. You could probably apply it, with some degree of legitimacy to almost any politician. Itâs very different from saying he is a great thinker, which the review is trying to imply. Henry Kissinger, whether you agreed with him or not (and I didnât, necessarily) was a man of great intellect. I am afraid Omaha isnât even in the same ball park. This really is just another piece of political spin from an Obama toady.
A bum steer
Sâtrewth mate! How dâyou go? Assistant Aussie Cultural AttachĂŠ here â deputising for Sir Les, as per usual . Pointing out to you pommie bludgers when your dodgy BBC serves you a bum steer.
Just trying to put you back on the right road.
Strange one this morning. Canât see much point in it meself. Just a case of know-nothing bone idle journalism, I guess.
Hereâs the headline: âBaby kangaroo jumps into police officer’s shirt in Western Australiaâ
Now, itâs likely just what youâre thinking… a quiet arvo in the copshop in the land of the sandgropers (thatâs Western Australia) â with not even a minor road traffic bingle to occupy the boys in blue at this way out to billy-o station that’s miles off the beaten track and dry as a droverâs dog – and so bright spark copper, feeling a bit bored and not a Sheila for miles around, looks at the roo â bear in mind itâs not some big boomer just a ankle biter – and he thinks âgive it a burlâ.
At which inopportune moment in walks the sergeant and catches the bloke with the baby kangaroo âin flannel pantiesâ â as the lawyers and the Greeks like to say. Before the Sergeant could get off his bike and do his lolly the cop screws his loaf and says âBlimey, Serg, you fair frightened the little joey and he must have jumped in me shirt thinking itâs his maâs pouchâ. So his Sergeant replies âWell if thatâs a dinkydi tale my son, youâre going to have to adopt the little fella and at least give him a nameâ
Which is where that BBC sheila named Naga comes in â sheâs a right little ripper. Any red-blooded bloke would be happy to tuck that little bit of wildlife down his grundies. But we digress. Letâs come to the pacific crux. Naga says the cops name the animal âQ-joeâ. Q for the name of the copshop and joe for joey.
No. No. No. If you know anything at all about Aussie you should know about âKath and Kimâ a home grown bonza telly show. In the show Kimâs bloke Brettâs pet dog was called Cuejo. The joke being he thought it was a little sweetie but it hated Kim. The two were rivals for Brettâs attentions you might say. Famously Kim complained âHas Brett every considered I would like to be given a bath?â â and if you want to take it right back that mutt in the show was named after a Stephen King book about a rabid dog.
An interesting insight into the quislings inside 1 Downing Street, and no wonder the BBC isn’t at all concerned by Cameron, given the far left ideas he’s proposed.
Hammond: Let’s create a Schengen visa and open our borders. PM: I’ll fire anybody who leaks that
DAVID LAWSâs remarkable Coalition memoir reveals that while immigration topped the public agenda, it was a low priority in the Home Office â and that Tory Cabinet members, including George Osborne, were dreaming up schemes to let more immigrants inâŚ
So even when the number one priority for the British public by a country mile is immigration, the lack of democracy in the West meant that the 5 yearly dictatorship system contemplated ignoring the wishes of the people and doing what THEY wanted, not us.
Anyone who thinks we live in a democracy wants their bumps feeling !
“immigration has never really been a priority for the Home Office. The Home Office is really only institutionally interested in issues such as crime, disorder and terrorism. Immigration has always been, well, a secondary concern for the Home Office.”
Most of the top Home Office civil servants donât regard border control as a top priority at all.â
Desert Island discs guest this week is Yinka Shonibare MBE ???? And the contrast to last weeks guest is chalk & cheese. Kirsty Young seems almost in awe, reverential, non confrontational, and almost gushing with praise. Then again, this is a disabled black artist who spend his youth in Nigeria.
Must seem like heaven with the ideal guest for the far left biased BBC.
> And the contrast to last weeks guest is chalk & cheese.
No, it’s different to your fictional representation of last week’s show, which you decided was confrontational because that fitted your prejudices, but in reality wasn’t.
Thank goodness the rest of us listen to & watch actual programmes, rather than the fictional versions you concoct in your head so that you can feel hard done by.
> And if the party says 2+2 makes 5 how many does 2+2 make Winston ?
Are you claiming that my calling you out on your lies is part of some higher affiliiation?
I called you out on your lies because you lied, plain and simple. If you talk bullshit, don’t try and claim the moral high ground when someone catches you out.
Or, you know, you can carry on as you are â so desperate for the merest crumb of attention that you have to fabricate content so that Biased BBC commenters who don’t bother checking the lying excrement you come out with will maybe, just maybe, notice you.
I’ll take the moral high ground when you parade lies as fact & then accuse others of lying!
Prove your lies Jerrod! Go on ! I challenge you! Prove that Kirsty Young treated both her guests the same!
Even though it’s a subjective judgement and there can be no proof – yet you say there can be – so go ahead and prove it to all of us !
I think you are beginning to understand that this is a culture war in which no quarter should be given or asked for. The battle is for our grandchildren’s future as freemen and women in a free land.
My position is clear. I want the end of the BBC and the removal from public life of the cultural marxists who have subverted it for fifty years. You probably want the opposite. I don’t care what you think and neither should you care what I think .
Let us agree only on that and may the battle be joined.
Stumbled upon Radio 4 just now with Michael Palin telling us how Bosnian refugees have settled in the UK. The BBC is relentless in promoting its multicultural agenda in every genre and aspect of it’s broadcasting spectrum; from The Food Programme to Merlin. I am fed up with the BBC telling me how nice the Muslims are and I am fed up with with the withholding and distorting of the news. Jerrod (Scotty? ) I really don’t care about the lives and welfare of the Muslim invaders invading Europe. I see what they are doing to the fabric and structure of society; they are an existentialist threat to our way of life and something must be done to prevent them from achieving their aims. The ‘predudice’ that I display is because I can see exactly what is going on around me. I also recognise shils and useful idiots for what they are, Jerrod.
The âpredudiceâ that I display is because I can see exactly what is going on around me.
An excellent point and a very good way to put it Cassandra. The left are utterly blinded and in thrall by their own self-righteousness to the extent they will willingly commit suicide to show everyone else how ‘moral’ they are.
I know where you are coming from but i heard this and in a funny way the bBBC shot themselves in the foot.
If we take the prog at face value, the good people of Wincanton selected nine Bosnian families for sanctuary during the Balkans war – and they really were Pharmacists and Academic Research bods.
In other words, a manageable integrateable number who were accommodated mainly with private help and limited taxpayer involvement – and with useful skills.
Which is exactly what the bBBC and the champagne socialists and chattering class do not want. They want open door mass immigration. Period. While they hide behind the walls of their mansions and student left wing ideals, and inflict the policy impact on the rest of us.
The production team were obviously doing their usual multi culti pro Muslim pro immigration propaganda piece but on thinking it through it backfired gloriously and was a bit of an own goal.
I heard most of File on Four . It seems that a large number of asylum seekers are from Eritrea and young men anxious to escape conscription. This interesting fact was only lightly touched on amidst the endless sob stories of how badly we treat asylum seekers.
I cannot recall that Eritrea has any connection with us historically and since when did evading military service qualify one for asylum status. But this is the emoting BC and what do you expect really?
Interesting, if unsurprising given BBC editorial integrity and pervasive social media summaries, that the rather cucial ‘any time soon’ did not make the cut in the headline.
“Unidentified assailants fired on guests at the Etoile du Sud hotel in the town of Grand Bassam”
I’m with the BBC on this one, because for the life of me I don’t have the faintest clue who they might be. I mean, the only information we have to go on is that the gunmen were shouting “allahu akbar”. It’s a mystery I tell you, a total mystery!
As the attack happened in the Christian south I reckon it was the Christians that did it in order to rid themselves of foreign tourists who are nothing but trouble. Or…
One way of working out who the BBC thinks did it is the speed with which the assailants are identified and all of us on this site know which way that cookie crumbles.
Looks like good news in the German “Land” elections.
The initial exit polls indicate that the AfD is second strongest party in Sachsen-Anhalt with
a quarter of the votes cast.
Unidentified assailants fired on guests at the Etoile du Sud hotel in the town of Grand Bassam, about 40km (25 miles) east of the commercial capital Abidjan
Of course the BBC are right! We don’t know they are Muslims – they could be Christians trying to smear that other nice religion, they could perhaps be Quakers or even cats dressed up as people!
The BBC are so impartial (when it suits them).
I expect they were just naive tourists, they landed on the beach, one of them shouted “Alan, find the bar!” and then they fell over and their guns accidentally went off! A tragedy I tell you.
Funny how quickly the BBC can assist in pointing the finger at the Kurds in Turkey, but it seems not so when dealing with full-fat ragheads in Ivory Coast.
Could there possibly be any bias on Farming today on bBBC radio 4 at 6am on a Sunday morning?
An article about crofting and sheep farming in the extreme north corner of Scotland.
Seems benign doesn’t it.
Errr, except the farming couple involved are…..lesbians!
What are the chances of that?
Well, about 1 in 40 for those who saw my post a few days ago on straight v gay ONS marriage stats.
But this is the bBBC so we have to tick those poltical correctness boxes at all times.
But also hilarious Sluff, as you rightly ask, “what are the chances”. It would be almost impossible to commission a comedy to parody the BBC now, I just wonder how long the researcher had to sift through all the ‘boring’ crofters before they found the right ones. Unlikely isn’t it? Personal knowledge maybe, not suggesting any conflict of interest or business ethic wrongdoing of course, but a little scrutiny never goes amiss.
Odd because when I look at this on line there’s only one major media outlet carrying this.
Some truly disreputable liberal lefties were there, sucking up to their money source. Bill Clinton & Tony BLiar to name but two. How much money have both these ex leaders received from the Sunni Muslim oil rich state of Dubai amongst others?
I heard this story, “A Palestinian teacher, raised in a Palestinian refugee camp who teaches Palestinian refugee children and specialises in teaching traumatised children…..she says she will be using her prize to support her students”.
Who won this prize last year? the year before? and the year before? who awards it? on what criteria is it awarded? who are the panel of judges? What’s the racial and political background of the panellists? Are they elected? Are they teachers? who donates the prize money? Who sponsors the ceremony? Where is it held? is this the first time a Palestinian has won it? Is this Palestinian working in school under the jurisdiction of HAMAS, FATAH or a strictly impartial UN agency? Why is this newsworthy when I have never heard a report of this award ever before in 45 or so years of listening to various news outlets and having teachers in my family and social group?
Who knows? Not me, I listened to the BBC news on five live at 19.30, why would I expect context from the BBC?
Whatever happened to those Plato awards?
Where cankle clunky frau frumps and failed Blue Peter Presenters would wave a light sabre at Andy Crane or Sue Pollard, as the country turned over for Welly Wars with Jack Charlton?
And how many of the prize winners are still in teaching-and not drooling on lacked ward, or unable to get off the Sex Offenders Roll of Honour?
Imagine the prize money will go towards better chemistry teaching, or a bloody big whetstone to sharpen the lamp-posts they`ll be sending over to Israel.
And then complain that they can`t read the maps to the underground tunnels.
âWhy is this newsworthy when I have never heard a report of this award ever before in 45 or so years of listening to various news outlets and having teachers in my family and social group?â
The award started in 2015. The BBC reported the winner (Nancie Atwell) last year:
Zero, I wrote what I wrote because it is a true account of my personal experience.
Had the BBC report said “this is the second year of this award which was won last year by……”
I wouldn’t have posted, as the report didn’t say that, I posted.
The report gave no context, whilst bigging up one of the BBCs pet “groups of interest”.
That’s bias, in the context of BBC reporting of issues involving Palestinians, which is always to spin positively or make excuses.
When it was reported that Nancy Atwell won the award last year, was she racially classified in the way you have done whilst covertly accusing me of “racism” LOL
The global teaching prize referred to above is awarded by the Varkey foundation (an offshoot of a commercial education company) in partnership with UNESCO and the Clinton Global Intitiative a.k.a the Clinton Foundation, and the UAE. Another manifestation of the emerging allliance between corporate money, leftie liberals and Arab money seeking to shape the world in their image.
The Varkey foundation helps to train teachers…”The teacher training programme moves lessons away from focusing on students’ ability to remember and repeat facts; instead, it focuses on encouraging students to apply, analyse, and create based on what they remember”
So it`s an alliance of global interests, The Clintons, The UAE, the UN, promoting corporate social responsibility and progressive teaching techniques…reading about the Clinton Foundation confirms its all seasoned with a faint whiff of stale fish….just like the BBC!
Oh, and zero, your remark about a “brown Palestinian” looks even stupider (and, in your terms, more “racist”) by reference to the the Varkey website where there is a photo of the hijab wearing winner.
Reading the Manchester Evening lies for the latest Political Correct nonsense, and came across quite the most disgusting description of a rapist imaginable:
“Her attacker is described as having greasy hair, scarred skin, yellow teeth and bushy eyebrows which met in the middle.
He was described as Asian, in his late 20s or early 30s, around 6 feet tall with dark eyes and with a full goatee type beard.”
I expect he was most likely described as a Pakistani as rapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.
The Useless Brigade just have to get their PC nonsense in âThese offences are very rare “, no these attacks are all too common, and you have learned nothing from Rotherham and Rochdale and several other towns, get a grip you stupid PC enforcement operative and tell the truth !
You can bet your bottom dollar that the ‘Asian’ community will either be hiding him, or helping him escape back to Pakistan. One thing they certainly won’t do is assist the useless Police force which does so much for them at the expense of the rest of us.
I did wonder if we could just create a big blimp of a Laughing Policeman-an inflatable Plastic Plod with pastie in hand and a wad of crime number logging slips in his Kevlar handbag-to be wheeled( or even ballooned) around the country whenever there was a tragedy like this…and there could be three or four stock phrases that could be programmed into the speech chip.
1. “This was a regrettable incident,to be unreservedly condemned”
2. “This, fortunately is a rare event, and we would urge everybody to get back on with their lives”
3. “This has nothing to do with Islam”
4. “Let me repeat-this still has nothing to do with Islam…never has and never will-got that punky kaffir?”( or “eh up chuck” if north of Hendon).
Pay him ÂŁ350,000 a year (c/o ChrisH Policing Solutions…providing comfort to victims since 1989).
Big difference though Zero is that none of them selected their victims on the the basis of their ethnicity and religion !
Also these are the ones convicted, it seems there’s a reluctance on the part of certain Police forces which are Labour controlled to investigate the brown eyed boys as thoroughly as they might.
Aye, it is the end of that particular story, and it’s an infuriating thing to see folk like Thoughtful claim that whites are less likely to be sexual monsters, because – as you so easily proved – that is not the case.
What IS the case that bothers me, and many many others, is that these Paki filth are choosing white girls, in a racist belief that goes way beyond even the likes of mine. I’ve seen it even in the leafy suburbs of Edinburgh.
Anyway, you’ve picked your side. See you soon, no doubt.
“claim that whites are less likely to be sexual monsters, because â as you so easily proved â that is not the case”
Less likely or not likely? Which is it? Obviously “not likely” is wrong because it happens. However, without taking numbers and percentages into account, NOBODY has proved that “less likely” is incorrect.
1400 in Rotherham, plus others elsewhere, is a considerable number of crimes by a minority group.
You read the piece, but you didn’t comprehend it Zero!
The sentence was about that old euphemism ‘Asian’ to describe Pakistanis, to protect them from their appalling behaviour.
When I said “I expect he was most likely described as a Pakistani as rapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.” It was within the context of ‘Asian’ and your list of names proves that to be absolutely correct.
There are hardly any rapes by those of ‘Asian’ background’ outside the Muslims and you’ll find plenty of proof of that if you look.
Absolutely pathetic retort, you should be embarrassed to post that and think you’ve made a good argument. Do the maths, pro rata one would expect such as the indigenous far outweigh the demographic in question, even a couple of the above names are suspect…
78.0 per cent were White;
9.9 per cent were Black;
9.7 per cent were Asian;
Asians made up about 4% of the population when these figures were collated (1011). I would guess half are male, of whom, I would again guess, about a half again were of an age to rape, ie older than 15 and younger than 80.
Thus 9.7% of rapists were asian coming from only 1% of the population.
Blimey, remind me never to go to Manchester ! All those rapes in 6 months ??? – it knocks Soddom & Gomorrah into a cocked hat ! and they say we’ve progressed since the middle of the last Century. I remember being at school in the 50’s, it was national news if a girl had been raped (funny how that coincides with almost non existent migration)l and now its almost the norm with uncontrollable migration. It was ever thus, that those who throw dummies out of prams with stats and figures are clearly of a certain age, and so are unable to compare what life was like back then to only that which they know now.
78% white. I assume that will include large numbers of rapes within families where a wife/partner has been violently assaulted by an abusive husband/partner. This of course is something which would not be reported from within a Moslem marriage. So the figures are not comparing like for like. I believe that if the figures were available for comparing the grooming and raping of strangers the percentage committed by whites would be somewhat lower, although still the highest as one would expect of the (current) majority population.
Merkel looks like getting a pasting in the ‘Super Sunday’ elections with results described as the wrong side of disastrous.
Germany is a semi democratic state like the UK where an elected dictator is given absolute power to do as they please for 5 years with very little restriction.
Despite all the indicators and the mood of the country, the dictator is unrepentant, and has even been trying to justify her stupidity, and has no sign of stopping it.
A democracy is of course government of the people by the people for the people in the West we have government of the people by a political elite wholly disconnected from the people for their own political desires. It bears as little relation to democracy as the Communist system does.
‘These are numbers that really hit us,’ said Guido Wolf, the CDU’s top candidate in Baden-WĂźerttemberg. ‘This is the most difficult election campaign the party has had to run.’
Asked if Merkel should now overhaul her refugee policy, the CDU’s general secretary Peter Tauber said: ‘I don’t see that need.’
The insane policy which is being defended has pushed German voters away in their thousands and yet because Germany is not a democracy, there’s no obligation to pay any heed to the wishes of the people like there would be in a democracy, just carry on with business as usual.
These results are a serious rebuke for Merkel and the most pronounced protest vote we’ve seen so far,” said Holger Schmieding, an analyst at Berenberg Bank.
The result in the two western states was the worst-case scenario for Merkel, who has staked her legacy on her decision to open Germany’s doors to over 1 million migrants last year. But she still looks set to run for a fourth successive term as chancellor, with no real challenger for the right to lead her party into next year’s federal election.
In Baden-Wurttemberg, the GrĂźne have 30% and CDU 27%. There will be a so-called black/green coalition and so majority support for Merkel’s madness. The Greens’ popularity is largely due to the personal standing of the candidate. Nevertheless with 15%, the AfD have seen off the SPD the party of Schmidt and Brandt, the FDP, the party of Genscher and the Linke etc. This is the biggest success for a new party in the post war history of Germany. The AfD has picked up votes from all other parties and mobilised traditional non-voters.
Time to forget about Germany. Soon to join Sweden as a failing state. The former seems to be in the grip of a collective desire to atone before the world for the Nazi era and the latter is just insane.
Concentrate on this country now and vote to leave the EU yesterday if not sooner as they say.
Continental Western Europe is a lost cause .
If anything will demonstrate to the people of Britain just how our history and our political culture differs from the rest of Europe then the coming events will do just that .
Ma Merkel seems to be keeping to her bunker after the debacle. Even now her lick-spittles are out in the media claiming that the next EU summit will bring about the elusive “European solution” . The really surprising thing is how many people who had lost the will to vote turned out to vote AfD. If the same thing applies to the British electorate, the BREXIT campaign should concentrate on the grass roots and keep the dross from the world of politics out of it.
Considering Britain has had a constant, ever more left wing slant on everything rammed down our throats for at least 3 decades it has to be said the public don’t seem entirely convinced.
Had we had right wing propaganda on such a massive scale I wonder what peoples opinions would be today?
GCSE History in mid 90’s consisted of – How bad the Nazi’s were. History from all other periods were ignored. GCSE English – To Kill a Mocking Bird, a book about racism is bad. The Merchant of Venice – how the Jews were being persecuted in the 1500’s. We even had to study some black women’s poems about how the expression to darken ones do was racist!??
This passed for education although clearly it was just thought control. The people who thought the right way went to the high groups, got better results probably ended up getting better jobs. So having a left wing mindset began to have financial rewards.
The clever people realized pretending to hold preposterous left wing views had a social reward & so the chain of events that led to Labour being elected began.
Alot of these people today hold positions in teaching, the public sector, the media, the BBC & so although their leftist ideals go against simple common sense somehow the ludicrous message gets passed onto another generation.
These people must know they are wrong in everything they believe & this is why we see the likes of Jerrod arguing his pointless points so venomously.
I think what I’m trying to say is only a lie would require such constant bombardment on the public. Could it be even the BBC knows it’s bullshitting?
That’s an excellent summation of the damage done (and still being done) by contemporary education.
There was a story today from the Campaign For Real Education highlighting a lesson plan published in the TLE on the ‘evils’ of Margaret Thatcher. It read like some sort of cartoon series devised by the SWP – and yet it had been downloaded and, presumably, used thousands of times in British schools.
Someone at some stage is going to have to take a pruning saw to education in this country. A sufficient percentage of any population can be brainwashed to believe almost anything – a factor relied on by the far Left and underpinning the work of the BBC and the educational establishment to keep the misery machine on the rails.
Banana, you make some very good points. The problem for the political left is that, however much they tell the lie, normal people do not fall for it. very frustrating for Leftists !
Oh they know alright.
Hence the hysteria, the abuse, perpetual playing of the man and not the ball.
Well remember the couple of days after the Tories won the election.
Never saw staffrooms more angry and despairing, the green cafe so despondent and tears over the Guardian they could hardly bear to look at.
The self-deluded liberal fools never asked US what we thought..so full of self-regard and so empty of reason and observation, no contacts in real life any more…so when Dimbly tells them to go back and prepare for Government-they did just that.
Sadly, the generation you mention are utterly soft centred and mushy-and if we don`t vote NO on June 23rd, they`ll not grow up to be freely choosing grannies and grandads…because all those years in compulsory mind training for public sector charity jobs that are not needed will fail to prepare them for Islam.
Dodos that hope to be dildos…dopey gits, “educated beyond their capacities”
Ta zero.
If you see the above as a multiple choice list of options for my embryonic “self referral form”,,,and you reflect on what best describes your good self at this cycle of your life…then colleagues here at The Yeovil Yuni can do some diagnostic testing.
Cheaper than buying “Here`s Heath” magazine…and more fun in its fullest sense.
And an “All In The Mind” special, where we could yet become Ciggie Fraud and his Zephyr Zero Controversy of Spring 2016….
Is “Jumping The Shark” now an Olympic sport?
Did I REALLY hear Eddie Mairs PM show earlier let me know of Obamas weight loss?
Well at least we know where Maria Sharapova went when she last went to the loo In London!
The BBC…beyond Barking….
Tony Blair has just come out and said that the British should accept immigration is their fault as (and you can’t believe this), they should have had a better education.
I think Arthurp, there will be many tea stained shirts on this particular day, following the misfortune of reading that bilge from Blair.
I suppose it is also the fault of those parents whose kids are in schools where English is a second language, or those poor sods languishing on hospital queues or those stuck in limbo on the housing ladder.
As for those 1400 child rape victims in Rotherham, how silly were they, eh?
What a c**t! Why don’t both he and his God awful wife f**k off to another country, permanently, and spend all the loot they’ve been busy piling up since that tw@t left office?
Seriously – does anyone in the U.K. give two s**ts regarding anything that lying traitor has to say or write about on any subject anymore, ever?
I’d be happy if I hear nothing from this awful man and his awful wife for the rest of my life. He presided over a continuing decline in the quality of state education, and deliberately allowed mass immigration. (but the Cameron government has, as we now learn, also deliberately refused to control immigration, and are equally guilty on that count). However, much as I hate to agree with Blair, there is a grain of truth in what he says about the lack of education. There is a substantial underclass who have left school profoundly ignorant, lacking a work ethic and therefore virtually unemployable – the result of the refusal of the political classes to recognise that many children are unsuited to ‘book leaning’, and the urgent need for technical/vocational schools. Any sensible employer will choose a hard-working, responsible Pole or Romanian over a feckless, ignorant youth (many of whom anyway prefer idleness and the dole than pick fruit).
Yeah, but look at the complete and utter twat who tweeted it. A hard-core deluded lefty and agitator who thinks the BBC are biased to the right. Twatter is this filthy animal’s natural home, where it can feel morally superior amongst other sanctimonious hypocritical lefties.
They were in Frankie Howerd all night compiling this for Evans to read out,”On behalf of the Top Gear team and Matt, I would like to apologise unreservedly for what these images seem to portray.”
Translates as…. “the images seem to portray something bad, the camera angles made it look bad, which it wasn`t really, and Westminster Council gave us permission, but someones told me to apologise so I am, but it was the paparazzi camera angles wot dun it. Not me, not us.
The strategy is to make a politically correct yet irreverent version of what Clarkson and his team did.
Driving a souped up car through Whitehall is a revolutionary act……yawn.
What did that stunt cost us, I mean the licence payer?
I’m getting a morbid delight seeing Evans and the BBC falling flat on their smug faces and failing miserably with this ‘reboot’
Evans walked on on the BBC in 1997 stuck two fingers up to them and went to the pub, NEVER should he have been welcomed back, let alone given the job of presenting two of their flagship programs.
Watched an old episode of Top Gear last night on Dave, Evans can never carry off what the three amigo’s did, he’s neither intelligent or possessing of any personality.
I remember when Top Gear used to go abroad to film these sorts of shenanigans! But I suppose there’s no need now that the BBC have brought the world to us. I wonder if Osborne will include a noise nuisance tax in his budget?
Of course this is all spin and self-promotion for the BBC to make us think it would be worth keeping al-Beeb rather than watching true professionals at work on Amazon’s new car show.
And what about the carbon footprint of all this?
My Tristram needs to go past Whitehall as he goes to Gwaycoats School, and those fumes will cause him to require his inhaler now!
Where`s Caroline Lucas when you need a pixie perspective?
And the bloody SNP want us to pay less tax as we fly up and down to Scotland?
Irresponsible oafs…surely Wark, Naughtie etc need to pay FAR more money to fly between their houses here in the United Kingdom.
Come on luvvies-Gaia wants your bawbies!
At least Jimmy Savile RAN between Glencoe and Headingly…and was therefore an eco warrior compared to these tartan twirlies!
Savile ought to be honoured for his refusal to do anything but cycle, run and use the train!
Come on Harrabin!
PS-accepting here that Savile may have had some interest in forcing kids to be strapped into the car at the back…so maybe we could bin the seat belt stuff, until we can assess his motives for his advocacy!
Being given an easy ride by Derbyshire in episode 1 of The Sanitising of Saint Babar and no mention thus far of Al Beeb’s Ambassador to Tooting, Sadiq Khan and his close relationship with Ahmad.
Dear Babar also had JoCo shilling for him on DP. Some cheeky bloke was dissing Sadiq whatsisname for being a registered ‘friend’ of Babar under terms of his pre-us extradition.
JoCo lost that one….bt she had the advantagebof the last word as one does .
Here is a really simple source to prove conclusively, independently, definitively, factually, quantitatively, the lies of the biased BBC on immigration.
I particularly noticed that only one third of all asylum seekers are Syrian, and that over 79% of all asylum seekers between the ages of 14 and 34 are male ! None of which will surprise readers of this site. But compare that with the biased BBC’s coverage and spot the differences. It will not be difficult.
Guilty as charged.
A joy to hear the BBC create the “Merkel Triumph” perspective on those election results in Germany.
Within 24 hours, we`ve gone from “a “mare”…through to ” a moral victory and triumph for the Enlightened Lady of the Lamp”.
Here was the logic.
Yes-her party is no more and was stuffed by anti migrant polarising types…but “paradoxically”…the SDP did well as did the Greens-both of who enjoy seeing girls bent double in Cologne as they seek a compass for Mecca.
And because both of these lefty loony parties did well, as the AfD removed her party…why then, the PRO-migrant parties triumphed you see, and Merkels CDU are that if nothing else!
So…there you go Jenny Hill and Eddie Mair…ipso facto…Merkel trounced the anti-migrant movement!
Only the BBC eh?…all that crap about the Titanic rather dwarfing the fact that the crossing had been uneventful and perfectly cordial until it hit an ice cube somewhat larger that previously expected…
Reasons to get out a Europe…an occasional series.
1. Jeremy Clarkson wants to stay in.
He is violent and attacks subordinates….and I don`t like that.
So I`m voting out.
2. Andreas Lubitz-pilot who killed 150 kids and adults on his flight last March 24th-was allowed to fly under EU rules, and his right not to tell Germanwings that he was a psychopathic twat is enshrined in EU Law/BBC “let`s not stigmatise the nutter” guidelines.
BALPA would have stopped him, under British rules.
So if we stay in the EU, we`ll be getting the Kosovo Kamikazi instead of Irelands finest on RyanAir.
So-for the two reasons above-time to get out of the EU.
See-this Donald Trump Manichean logic of the madhouse works for me.
I`m so BBC…boy, it`s far easier than having to think anyway…it`s like this for the Left EVERY day!
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: âItâs quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they wonât back banning first…
News alert, news alert….The BBC have the big scoop…
I see that the fat, ugly, left-wing lump, Jo Brand has a show dedicated to herself on BBC1 next week.
How sickening to see yet another champagne socialist getting free, primetime publicity courtesy of our globally respected, world class broadcaster, whilst masquerading as charity.
It beats me how she gets so much airtime. Surely nobody is shagging it?
Jo Brand, a woman not to be trusted on any occassion, i will never forget the treatment the bBBC meted out to Carole Thatcher at the slimy,squealing, politically correct bleatings of Jo Brand telling tales on what Carole Thatcher apparently said to her in the Green Room.
Jimmy Saville groped children, live on Top of the Pops, not in the Green Room(well he probably did) but was still idolised by bBBC.
Jo Brand = BBC hypoctrite lefty luvvie, absolutely hate her both in terms of speech, sight and being. Apparently, no incredibly, she’s married, must be for the money, separate rooms I expect. Safe space areas quickly adopted and introduced by the husband in the other side of the house. – Or habiting their second home which so many lefty celebs seem to have.
It wasn’t Jo Brand on this occasion, despite the fact everyone thought it was. The real guilty party was the odious Adrian Chiles who despite being more ‘normal’ than Brand is every bit as far leftist and prescriptive.
Corbyn has shagged fatter.
Though equally as odious
I don’t know how many of you remember this:
March 4, 2016 at 9:00 pm
Some of you may have received this via emailâŚâŚâŚâŚ
*A female physician in Munich ,Germany sends a message to the
> World .. . . . ..*
> *âYesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the
> situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is
> unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant
> medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything
> to the main hospitals.*
And it went on further.
I know I had heard of this letter and had heard it read out some where.
I don’t know if this gives it more credence but i have found the place it was read out.
This is a good, brief article on the doings at the Trump rally:
This is a pivotal event. The organized left disrupted and shut down a large and peaceful Trump event with collusion of the media. CNN is covering it as Trumpâs fault of course and itâs hard not to see this as a setup by the left-press and the usual dyspeptic suspects to create an incident in order to paint Trump as an extremist. My guess is that Trumpâs America is drawing a lesson from what they are seeing on their TV screens. Will they accept being muzzled by a collection of societyâs failures? If not, the next event may be bloody.
The supreme affront here is that the left is using exactly the same tactics of both the Nazis and the Communists in the 30âs.
The clowns who shut down Trump tonight may just be recruiting a backlash they will not survive. The one thing Trump never had was any sort of goon squad. Traditional Americans who want to listen to Trump or other traditionalist voices are at a point where they must choose.
Iâm typing this while itâs all going on. About 8PM.
Iâm watching the usual suspects disrupt Trumpâs event in Chicago. CNN was covering it in the manner one expects from them. Blacks, Latinos and the usual bruised fruit of humanity were gathering to disrupt and CNN was already there to validate the disrupter just as they did in Ferguson, NYC and Baltimore. This is a setup, CNN obviously knew from contacts within the left that they were going to do this and they are incorporating this show event as part of their war on Trump.
OK, Erin Burnett, CNNâs riot queen alumna from Ferguson, is controlling the coverage with David Gergen representing the sole quasi-American point of view. Sort of. In a peculiar development, some obscure Bush brother is providing droll and predictable anti-Trump commentary.
It will be no surprise to hear that Burnett and co. are laying the blame for the scuffles and the boorish destruction of a perfectly legal and orderly event at Trumps feet. Burnett and Co. are calling on Trump to âspeak to the nationâ and muzzle his American supporters. CNN is now openly colluding with political thugs of the left, disrupting a political rally while blaming any unpleasantness on the rally-holder for provoking the delicate sensibilities of the left.
After about half and hour in, Trump called off the event leaving his fans to stand around in close proximity to their tormentors.
The Trump crowd looked largely white and male. The protestors who infiltrated the event freely look to be a collection of blacks, white college types and Latinos. Protestors chanted âBernieâ âWe stopped Trumpâ and various Latino slogans. A black activist stormed the stage and ripped up materials.
8:15 The hall has been emptied and the crowd of protestors are keeping their formation outside, clearly they are ready for more actions.
I predict that they are hopped up on their victory and will not just peacefully disperse. The usual breaking of store windows, random cars rolled and random attacks on whites can be expected. Weâll see.
8:48 Move.Org Just announced that it played a central part in organizing the disruption of tonightâs event. So George Soros helped make this attack on our Republic possible.
Gergen (hoping for a job in the Hillary Clinton administration) said, âDonald Trump has unleashed poisonous vapors,â into America.
Maddow in full damage control mode Blames Trump for âInciting violence.â (Of course, holding a rally is always beyond the self control setting of the minority Chicago mentality.)
Chris Mathews find fault with Trump for holding a rally in an area with âSo many illegal Aliens.â!!!
Thomas O. Meehan
Chicago is Obama’s power base. To be expected.
You have to have a chuckle to yourself, from the wall to wall coverage on the BBC about December being the wettest “evah” because of “Climate Change”, it now looks odds on that March will be the driest “evah”. But will they tell us it is because of “Climate Change”? Not a hope.
I have looked at a lot of “The Trump” on You Tube. Yeah, I can see why the liberals and the BBC in particular hate the guy. Best of luck Mr Trump, but watch your back.
You are probably hearing less about f me at the moment because Traffic Cops on some lesser channel seems infinitely more preferable to BBC News. To be honest so does 2009 Homes Under the Hammer. I was sad to read I the JC the number of Israelis and an American murdered in Israel this week. Was it reported on the BBC?
Last week I read on the Daily Mail website and cannot believe it was not reported on the Beeb that it was going to be bitterly cold right up until Easter. Well I went to Whitby yesterday and had a lovely mild day, not quite T-shirt weather, but not far off. Has the BBC missed the opportunity for another report on extreme weather?
The racists at the bBBC are at it every day. The top news from Wales today is that the Welsh fire brigades don’t have enough black staff. Not a word about their competence, just their skin colour. Whilst they’re at it, they probably don’t employ enough disabled lesbians either. I wonder how well they fight fires.
Its not just those ‘men’ that are plotting to blow us up, now it is also those ‘girls’:
Does the BBC not know how foolish it looks?
Note it doesn’t actually say they are supporters of everybody’s favourite religion. Perhaps they are yet more Buddhists that terrorise the west – or more of those nasty, violent Christian girls?
And don’t forget ‘Mad Merkel’ wants to dump these people on us now that her country is overflowing with them.
Time to get out of the EU before its too late vote GO and Brexit.
Well hello Wales and all your BBC supporters
Where are all the Toby Faletau is the best no.8 in the world right now stories?
Tom Jones, Rob Brydon, Alex Jones, Jonathan ‘ the biased midget’ Davies, Eddie Butler and all the other Welsh goats – we have beaten your boys, so f-ck off and go and do one.
The fight back begins now LOL
I was somehow reminded of this:
Reference the above video that I posted, I must just clear up a possible point of confusion for our left-wing guests. The Lord Nelson the commentator refers to is Lord Horatio Nelson, British naval hero, not the South African convicted terrorist.
Thanks Steve,
Made me laugh.
Nice one, remember that.
Always wondered whether somebody fed him a spoof team sheet…
Calm down seismicboy.
The rugby cognoscenti in Wales have no problem with the result you are talking about – the better side won.
Don’t take any notice of the “armchair experts” and Google “Welsh Banter”.
Well hello seismicboy.
No problem.
In the words of The Terminator I’ll be back.
We only needed another 5 minutes . 3 tries to 1 Not bad for a small nation .
But, and it’s a big but, you aint never gonna get over being dumped out of the World Cup as host nation.
Not as long as you have a hole in your arse will you forget that one.
Radio 4. 7 pm. Profile of Ted Cruz, presented by Mark Coles (!): With such a presenter, I did not expect a fair and balanced picture of Ted Cruz – and I wasn’t disappointed. Apparently, Cruz’s votes come from rabble-rousers, deniers of evolution, and generally from the dimwit section of the electorate. The BBC is a disgrace.
Did the BBC report happen to mention Ted Cruz taking apart the chairman of the Sierra Club, rabid global warming supporter so by definition a hero of the BBC, during this Judiciary Sub-Committee hearing? Aren’t these global warmists just so convincing and sincere. Enjoy this everybody:
Steve, Your question is, of course, rhetorical! I watched that session of the hearings when it was first broadcast, and came away much impressed by Sen. Cruz’s knowledge of the subject, and surprised by the dire and excruciatingly embarrassing performance of the Sierra Club president. Were ‘warmists’ subjected to the same sort of forensic questioning in this country, we would certainly see the same dire responses, and little wonder the BBC shut down any dissenting voices. On Cruz himself, I think it was those hearings that prompted me to watch him more closely in the presidential hustings. I hope the US does itself a favour, and in November elects this man to the White House. I’ve seen little in him not to admire.
Save Our Sense.
Maybe if we issued them with quarter mile long tickling sticks, the BBC would see the comedy potential and let it pass.
Were âwarmistsâ subjected to the same sort of forensic questioning in this country, we would certainly see the same dire responses, and little wonder the BBC shut down any dissenting voices.
The BBC will make sure the science is never debated because the alarmists will lose. The alarmists, despite the power invested in them by their ‘settled science’, are shy little bunnies when it comes to debate anyway – watch ’em run….
Ta for this Steve.
It`s a must-watch in that it shows how the global boiling bunny has had a chip inserted somewhere where a brain might once have been.
Astonishly thick-as only a beehive specimen could possibly be.
But black-so it`d be racist to say he`s a thick greenie.
The answers are priceless-poor sod needs a reboot in the hope it might rattle that noggin of his.
History will show that the Sierra Club have done more damage to the environmental cause over the longest period of time than any other comparable bunch of liberal blowhards who`ve inhaled passive liberal crap for too long…and have learned nothing apart from where Al Gores nipples can be sucked until more US tax dollars and Grammys/Oscars/Peace Prizes come up for burning.
Have seen some thick Greenbaums in my time…but dopey old Aaron here reminds me of the bloke in the Green Mile…but what else…is there any other colour?
Suspend your disbelief:
‘Migrant crisis: Turkish guards hit migrant boat with sticks’
In the year 2016 humanity realised that the only way to stop a boat was by hitting it with a stick!!!
Quote: Europe is facing its biggest refugee crisis since World War Two. Last year, more than a million people entered the EU illegally by boat, mainly going from Turkey to Greece.
Wow, the bBBC just admitted they are entering illegally – are they finally waking up to reality? Er, no, they’re soon back on form with this quite incredible quote taken from the ‘analysis’ by Mark Lowen in Instanbul:
“It could be that these are individual coastguard officers acting on their own and not following orders, perhaps fuelled by machismo and even xenophobia.”
Could it? Could it really Mark? The fact that you think you can make such a libelous, defamatory and completely unfounded suggestion in your copy, and the fact that the BBC ran with it, COULD mean that both you and your employer are nothing more than a childish international joke.
Now, where’s my stick? I wonder if it could stop your verbal excrement as well as an illegal smuggling vessel..?
Could it be they were Morris Dancers, Mark?
The word ‘could’ in the hands of a BBC ‘reporter’ of facts is a mighty club indeed.
BBC Online News:
“”Syrian refugee performs on piano for Ai Weiwei at Idomeni camp””
“”Chinese artist Ai Weiwei set up a piano in the middle of a refugee camp on the Greek-Macedonian border.
He invited Nour Al Khzam to play. She is trying to reach her husband in Germany.
Ai Weiwei said her performance “tells the world the art will overcome the war””
Art will overcome war? In your Left wing fantasy dreams, BBC. In your dreams.
I feel you are being a little harsh on our psychopathic brothers and sisters on the left here DS! I mean who doesn’t find Muhammads instruction of mass rape and torture of thousands of innocent girls, some still little children, a beautiful artistic event? Is it not just a case of ‘in the eye of the beholder’ when a kafir is gloriously beheaded? I would say a display of infidel bodies crucified, burned, decapitated is as beautiful as any western art. Muhammads cult has these beautiful acts of enlightenment all the way through his book that should be titled ‘the only way to live to be a true Muslim’. And besides, when the religion of peace grows and leads to events of cultural enlightenment like we witness in Iraq and Syria today, a good old beheading or mass execution will be prime time entertainment for us:
6pm: Men behaving badly (with hot infidel children)
7pm: DIYSOS – another infidel building is cleansed or blown up to please Allah.
8pm: TOWIS -The only way is sharia. Sharia execution squads are prowling the streets again to ‘re-educate’ all in the way of sharia.
9pm: Decapitation, decapitation, decapitation
We have found some infidels! Let’s please Allah the way his true believer’s know best
I don’t see what the problem is! I think the left are on to something here with the art thing
Ai Weiwei said her performance âtells the world the art will overcome the warââ
That would be so comical were it not so insulting and dangerously delusional.
Ai Weiwei is obviously not up to speed with that popular ISIS publication ‘Radical Islam’s Guide to Art’. I hear it’s one of the world’s shortest books, ending with a beheading.
Managed to catch a bit of the Saturday Review on Radio 4 just before 8pm tonight.
Think it was Rowan Pelling who said that she could not get past the idea of “some white middle age” guy doing a programme on Scandinavian Art that she was meant to be reviewing.
Imagine if we replace “middle age white guy” with-I dunno, say “black woman” or “disabled gay bloke”-then we can see why this is so bloody offensive-not a clue about Andrew Graham Dixon or whoever he is-but I`d say he was probably chosen because he knew about the topic or cared enough to want to make the rest of us aware of Scandinavian Art.
It was Pellings lazy casual offensiveness that bugged me-reflex waving of her pudenda to sneer at someone making a telly programme, blaming him for being white and middle aged.
It would be racist, sexist or discriminatory in any other setting-but it`s a BBC love-in on a weekend show that no-one bothers with-so Pelling gets away with it.
F Off BBC!
My complaint is in. I’m utterly sick of that particular stock phrase of the trendy middleclass left.
Well, Rowan Pelling (whoever she is) had better get the whole programme banned as I suspect quite a few of those Scandinavian artists were also “middle-aged white guys”. Andrew Graham Dixon is a very well-respected art historian. He probably knows more about one painting than Rowan Pelling knows about the whole subject. Saturday Review is notorious for people pontificating on subjects they know nothing about. It might even be a kind of job creation scheme.
From BBC online news, the mask slips.
“The girl groomed online and kidnapped at 13, plus other fine reads”
Fine reads???? Fine reads for what kind of person exactly?
Halfway down right hand side, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35796831
Perhaps as interesting as the grooming the BBC slips the following sentence into the Merkel report.
“As Europe’s largest economy, Germany has a leading role in policy-making for the European Union.”
And there are millions around the U.K. and Europe who thought they had just as much say as anyone else in the EU – seems not!
Perhaps some countries are more equal than others.
Germany has a leading role in policy-making for the European Union.
So the fait accompli Merkel presented everybody with after doing a ‘deal’ with the blackmailing Turks (the EU pays them twice as much dough for basically maintaining the status quo) was an example of taking a ‘leading role’?
The BBC – sleight of slippery-tongue is in its DNA.
Another classic from the BBC.
An advert (or is that a “trail”) for the new Top Gear dressed up as news.
One of the most jaw dropping amazingly biased things I heard this week is that the unpopularity of Angela Merkel is down to the attempts to destabilise her by Vladimir Putin.
No mention of her insane decision to open the doors of Europe to untold millions of Syrian Migrants then?
It seems that the usual bogyman will be used to distract attention away from something the people absolutely believe to be wrong, but the BBC believe to be right.
Then there’s the regional elections today in Germany, widely seen as a test of support of Merkels mass migration, yet it is relegated to ‘other news’ while the top spot is given to the bleatings of Muslim terrorist Babar Ahmad, on whose every word the beeboids hang with jaws agape !
I joined Al Qaeeda in good faith he says, making me wonder what kind of good faith leads you to believe that the slaughter of those who don’t share your murderous religion is a good thing?
Of course those kinds of questions are never asked by the BBC.
Yes I thought the BBC were reverently treating him as a great ‘prophet’ who we should all listen to – maybe some of his great Islamic Holy Wisdom will rub-off on us mere Earthlings?
Top-Billing on 8am R4 news. A convicted supporter of terrorism (12 year jail sentence) now accepts he was ‘misguided’ and ‘naive’ to support the Taliban. After all, they were such holy guys weren’t they? I remember at the time I was really tempted to get a standing order straight out to the Taliban – what decent person wouldn’t have?
I note that VD did not ask him any questions you might expect a journalist to ask. Why did she not ask which bits of the Koran he no longer accepts are the word of god, or which bits of the Taliban’s actions he regards as un-Islamic?
Let’s hope he can’t bake cakes or the Beeb will have him winning the next celebrity Allahthon!!
A rather belated response to Steve Jones, Taffman, Number 7 et al.
I apologise for my rant last night. The rivalry between England and Wales at rugby is something special. What we must combat is blatant anti-English (or even anti-Welsh rhetoric for that matter) that strives to drive a wedge between nations under the auspices of unity (clue there methinks)
No need to apologise old chap, I wasn’t in any way offended. I am a rugby fan and understand completely where you are coming from. The names you mentioned, particularly Eddy Butler and Jonathan Davies, are anti-English and will only give credit to England begrudgingly. Most rugby fans love the game first so the likes of Butler and Davies are largely ignored.
I prefer to see this as the hopelessly metropolitan liberal BBC’s attempt to bend over backwards so as not to offend any prized minority. The headline to the rugby result we get was about the most grudging I’ve ever heard : ‘England hang on to edge out Wales’. It took me a moment or two to divine from that arse-about-face formulation that England had actually won the match.
You’re right and it’s all of a row with the cultural Marxists’ worship of disabilities and the offensive tripe reported above, where that silly girl Pelling dismissed Andrew Graham Dixon’s forthcoming programme on Scandinavian Art on the grounds of his age and sex. We have seen similar slurs on here made by everyone’s favourite ‘contributor” of course.
Before being admitted to the club, ‘Progressives’ must undergo an irony bypass along with the prefrontal lobotomy, clearly.
Cake icing was supplied by John Inverdale at the end of the highlights section earlier. Warning us beforehand that the subject of citing was to be covered, following a clearly shown eye-gouge attempt, two particularly awful examples were to come. One was a possible forearm nudge – not enough space for a smash – for which Joe Marler was given the probable benefit of the doubt. Then, with suitably sepulchral tones, JI played a brief snatch of dialogue, picked up on the ref’s mike and which apparently provided clear and shocking evidence that one rugby player of unknown nationality called another rugby player of unknown nationality a ‘Gypsy Boy’.
I know. I couldn’t believe it either.
According to the paper review,Obama apparently is a deep thinker,and we need a brain like Obama’s to solve the crumbling Iraq dam problem
And the other lefty twat pipes up with Obama has a motto ‘dont do stupid stuff’…….and apparently if Trump gets elected we might have to have a rethink
Obama….yeah….what a genius…..doesnt even know his wifes name……lefties…..irony….lol
A term like âdeep thinkerâ is entirely subjective. You could probably apply it, with some degree of legitimacy to almost any politician. Itâs very different from saying he is a great thinker, which the review is trying to imply. Henry Kissinger, whether you agreed with him or not (and I didnât, necessarily) was a man of great intellect. I am afraid Omaha isnât even in the same ball park. This really is just another piece of political spin from an Obama toady.
Judging by the rumours about Obama, “Michael” was probably wishful thinking on his part.
A bum steer
Sâtrewth mate! How dâyou go? Assistant Aussie Cultural AttachĂŠ here â deputising for Sir Les, as per usual . Pointing out to you pommie bludgers when your dodgy BBC serves you a bum steer.
Just trying to put you back on the right road.
Strange one this morning. Canât see much point in it meself. Just a case of know-nothing bone idle journalism, I guess.
Hereâs the headline: âBaby kangaroo jumps into police officer’s shirt in Western Australiaâ
Now, itâs likely just what youâre thinking… a quiet arvo in the copshop in the land of the sandgropers (thatâs Western Australia) â with not even a minor road traffic bingle to occupy the boys in blue at this way out to billy-o station that’s miles off the beaten track and dry as a droverâs dog – and so bright spark copper, feeling a bit bored and not a Sheila for miles around, looks at the roo â bear in mind itâs not some big boomer just a ankle biter – and he thinks âgive it a burlâ.
At which inopportune moment in walks the sergeant and catches the bloke with the baby kangaroo âin flannel pantiesâ â as the lawyers and the Greeks like to say. Before the Sergeant could get off his bike and do his lolly the cop screws his loaf and says âBlimey, Serg, you fair frightened the little joey and he must have jumped in me shirt thinking itâs his maâs pouchâ. So his Sergeant replies âWell if thatâs a dinkydi tale my son, youâre going to have to adopt the little fella and at least give him a nameâ
Which is where that BBC sheila named Naga comes in â sheâs a right little ripper. Any red-blooded bloke would be happy to tuck that little bit of wildlife down his grundies. But we digress. Letâs come to the pacific crux. Naga says the cops name the animal âQ-joeâ. Q for the name of the copshop and joe for joey.
No. No. No. If you know anything at all about Aussie you should know about âKath and Kimâ a home grown bonza telly show. In the show Kimâs bloke Brettâs pet dog was called Cuejo. The joke being he thought it was a little sweetie but it hated Kim. The two were rivals for Brettâs attentions you might say. Famously Kim complained âHas Brett every considered I would like to be given a bath?â â and if you want to take it right back that mutt in the show was named after a Stephen King book about a rabid dog.
An interesting insight into the quislings inside 1 Downing Street, and no wonder the BBC isn’t at all concerned by Cameron, given the far left ideas he’s proposed.
Hammond: Let’s create a Schengen visa and open our borders. PM: I’ll fire anybody who leaks that
DAVID LAWSâs remarkable Coalition memoir reveals that while immigration topped the public agenda, it was a low priority in the Home Office â and that Tory Cabinet members, including George Osborne, were dreaming up schemes to let more immigrants inâŚ
So even when the number one priority for the British public by a country mile is immigration, the lack of democracy in the West meant that the 5 yearly dictatorship system contemplated ignoring the wishes of the people and doing what THEY wanted, not us.
Anyone who thinks we live in a democracy wants their bumps feeling !
“immigration has never really been a priority for the Home Office. The Home Office is really only institutionally interested in issues such as crime, disorder and terrorism. Immigration has always been, well, a secondary concern for the Home Office.”
Most of the top Home Office civil servants donât regard border control as a top priority at all.â
Desert Island discs guest this week is Yinka Shonibare MBE ???? And the contrast to last weeks guest is chalk & cheese. Kirsty Young seems almost in awe, reverential, non confrontational, and almost gushing with praise. Then again, this is a disabled black artist who spend his youth in Nigeria.
Must seem like heaven with the ideal guest for the far left biased BBC.
> And the contrast to last weeks guest is chalk & cheese.
No, it’s different to your fictional representation of last week’s show, which you decided was confrontational because that fitted your prejudices, but in reality wasn’t.
Thank goodness the rest of us listen to & watch actual programmes, rather than the fictional versions you concoct in your head so that you can feel hard done by.
And if the party says 2+2 makes 5 how many does 2+2 make Winston ?
> And if the party says 2+2 makes 5 how many does 2+2 make Winston ?
Are you claiming that my calling you out on your lies is part of some higher affiliiation?
I called you out on your lies because you lied, plain and simple. If you talk bullshit, don’t try and claim the moral high ground when someone catches you out.
Or, you know, you can carry on as you are â so desperate for the merest crumb of attention that you have to fabricate content so that Biased BBC commenters who don’t bother checking the lying excrement you come out with will maybe, just maybe, notice you.
I’ll take the moral high ground when you parade lies as fact & then accuse others of lying!
Prove your lies Jerrod! Go on ! I challenge you! Prove that Kirsty Young treated both her guests the same!
Even though it’s a subjective judgement and there can be no proof – yet you say there can be – so go ahead and prove it to all of us !
I think you are beginning to understand that this is a culture war in which no quarter should be given or asked for. The battle is for our grandchildren’s future as freemen and women in a free land.
My position is clear. I want the end of the BBC and the removal from public life of the cultural marxists who have subverted it for fifty years. You probably want the opposite. I don’t care what you think and neither should you care what I think .
Let us agree only on that and may the battle be joined.
Solid post Dave S.
Stumbled upon Radio 4 just now with Michael Palin telling us how Bosnian refugees have settled in the UK. The BBC is relentless in promoting its multicultural agenda in every genre and aspect of it’s broadcasting spectrum; from The Food Programme to Merlin. I am fed up with the BBC telling me how nice the Muslims are and I am fed up with with the withholding and distorting of the news. Jerrod (Scotty? ) I really don’t care about the lives and welfare of the Muslim invaders invading Europe. I see what they are doing to the fabric and structure of society; they are an existentialist threat to our way of life and something must be done to prevent them from achieving their aims. The ‘predudice’ that I display is because I can see exactly what is going on around me. I also recognise shils and useful idiots for what they are, Jerrod.
The âpredudiceâ that I display is because I can see exactly what is going on around me.
An excellent point and a very good way to put it Cassandra. The left are utterly blinded and in thrall by their own self-righteousness to the extent they will willingly commit suicide to show everyone else how ‘moral’ they are.
Quite mad.
I know where you are coming from but i heard this and in a funny way the bBBC shot themselves in the foot.
If we take the prog at face value, the good people of Wincanton selected nine Bosnian families for sanctuary during the Balkans war – and they really were Pharmacists and Academic Research bods.
In other words, a manageable integrateable number who were accommodated mainly with private help and limited taxpayer involvement – and with useful skills.
Which is exactly what the bBBC and the champagne socialists and chattering class do not want. They want open door mass immigration. Period. While they hide behind the walls of their mansions and student left wing ideals, and inflict the policy impact on the rest of us.
The production team were obviously doing their usual multi culti pro Muslim pro immigration propaganda piece but on thinking it through it backfired gloriously and was a bit of an own goal.
I heard most of File on Four . It seems that a large number of asylum seekers are from Eritrea and young men anxious to escape conscription. This interesting fact was only lightly touched on amidst the endless sob stories of how badly we treat asylum seekers.
I cannot recall that Eritrea has any connection with us historically and since when did evading military service qualify one for asylum status. But this is the emoting BC and what do you expect really?
Why would George Osborne say that Turkey won’t be joining the EU any time soon?
I just can’t think why.
Maybe because he’s a f*****g liar?
Interesting, if unsurprising given BBC editorial integrity and pervasive social media summaries, that the rather cucial ‘any time soon’ did not make the cut in the headline.
“Unidentified assailants fired on guests at the Etoile du Sud hotel in the town of Grand Bassam”
I’m with the BBC on this one, because for the life of me I don’t have the faintest clue who they might be. I mean, the only information we have to go on is that the gunmen were shouting “allahu akbar”. It’s a mystery I tell you, a total mystery!
As the attack happened in the Christian south I reckon it was the Christians that did it in order to rid themselves of foreign tourists who are nothing but trouble. Or…
One way of working out who the BBC thinks did it is the speed with which the assailants are identified and all of us on this site know which way that cookie crumbles.
Looks like good news in the German “Land” elections.
The initial exit polls indicate that the AfD is second strongest party in Sachsen-Anhalt with
a quarter of the votes cast.
Compare and Contrast:
Unidentified assailants fired on guests at the Etoile du Sud hotel in the town of Grand Bassam, about 40km (25 miles) east of the commercial capital Abidjan
Gunmen scream ‘Allah Akbar’ and kill 12 people including four Europeans at Ivory Coast beach resort popular with Westerners
Of course the BBC are right! We don’t know they are Muslims – they could be Christians trying to smear that other nice religion, they could perhaps be Quakers or even cats dressed up as people!
The BBC are so impartial (when it suits them).
I expect they were just naive tourists, they landed on the beach, one of them shouted “Alan, find the bar!” and then they fell over and their guns accidentally went off! A tragedy I tell you.
I believe it was Alan’s Snack Bar !
And compare and contrast these two:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-35798502 – “Unidentified gunmen”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35798517 – ” it was the work of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) or an affiliated group”
Funny how quickly the BBC can assist in pointing the finger at the Kurds in Turkey, but it seems not so when dealing with full-fat ragheads in Ivory Coast.
Could there possibly be any bias on Farming today on bBBC radio 4 at 6am on a Sunday morning?
An article about crofting and sheep farming in the extreme north corner of Scotland.
Seems benign doesn’t it.
Errr, except the farming couple involved are…..lesbians!
What are the chances of that?
Well, about 1 in 40 for those who saw my post a few days ago on straight v gay ONS marriage stats.
But this is the bBBC so we have to tick those poltical correctness boxes at all times.
But also hilarious Sluff, as you rightly ask, “what are the chances”. It would be almost impossible to commission a comedy to parody the BBC now, I just wonder how long the researcher had to sift through all the ‘boring’ crofters before they found the right ones. Unlikely isn’t it? Personal knowledge maybe, not suggesting any conflict of interest or business ethic wrongdoing of course, but a little scrutiny never goes amiss.
Always a silver lining – at least the sheep are safe.
Strap on.
I’ve let myself down badly with that one I know.
Surely it’s better than them claiming benefits like most of the other immigrants from the Middle-East.
Palestinian wins $1m global teaching prize
Odd because when I look at this on line there’s only one major media outlet carrying this.
Some truly disreputable liberal lefties were there, sucking up to their money source. Bill Clinton & Tony BLiar to name but two. How much money have both these ex leaders received from the Sunni Muslim oil rich state of Dubai amongst others?
I heard this story, “A Palestinian teacher, raised in a Palestinian refugee camp who teaches Palestinian refugee children and specialises in teaching traumatised children…..she says she will be using her prize to support her students”.
Who won this prize last year? the year before? and the year before? who awards it? on what criteria is it awarded? who are the panel of judges? What’s the racial and political background of the panellists? Are they elected? Are they teachers? who donates the prize money? Who sponsors the ceremony? Where is it held? is this the first time a Palestinian has won it? Is this Palestinian working in school under the jurisdiction of HAMAS, FATAH or a strictly impartial UN agency? Why is this newsworthy when I have never heard a report of this award ever before in 45 or so years of listening to various news outlets and having teachers in my family and social group?
Who knows? Not me, I listened to the BBC news on five live at 19.30, why would I expect context from the BBC?
Whatever happened to those Plato awards?
Where cankle clunky frau frumps and failed Blue Peter Presenters would wave a light sabre at Andy Crane or Sue Pollard, as the country turned over for Welly Wars with Jack Charlton?
And how many of the prize winners are still in teaching-and not drooling on lacked ward, or unable to get off the Sex Offenders Roll of Honour?
Imagine the prize money will go towards better chemistry teaching, or a bloody big whetstone to sharpen the lamp-posts they`ll be sending over to Israel.
And then complain that they can`t read the maps to the underground tunnels.
âWhy is this newsworthy when I have never heard a report of this award ever before in 45 or so years of listening to various news outlets and having teachers in my family and social group?â
The award started in 2015. The BBC reported the winner (Nancie Atwell) last year:
But sheâs a White American so it was ok then; itâs just not ok if a Brown Palestinian wins it.
Anyone on this site searching for a definition of bigotry, look no further.
Zero, I wrote what I wrote because it is a true account of my personal experience.
Had the BBC report said “this is the second year of this award which was won last year by……”
I wouldn’t have posted, as the report didn’t say that, I posted.
The report gave no context, whilst bigging up one of the BBCs pet “groups of interest”.
That’s bias, in the context of BBC reporting of issues involving Palestinians, which is always to spin positively or make excuses.
When it was reported that Nancy Atwell won the award last year, was she racially classified in the way you have done whilst covertly accusing me of “racism” LOL
Zero, just wanted to add, nevertheless, thanks for posting, and sorting the context for me.
Have I got this right now?
White liberal won the first year and Palestinian won the second year?
Thanks again zero…Wot I ave lernt todday……
The global teaching prize referred to above is awarded by the Varkey foundation (an offshoot of a commercial education company) in partnership with UNESCO and the Clinton Global Intitiative a.k.a the Clinton Foundation, and the UAE. Another manifestation of the emerging allliance between corporate money, leftie liberals and Arab money seeking to shape the world in their image.
The Varkey foundation helps to train teachers…”The teacher training programme moves lessons away from focusing on students’ ability to remember and repeat facts; instead, it focuses on encouraging students to apply, analyse, and create based on what they remember”
So it`s an alliance of global interests, The Clintons, The UAE, the UN, promoting corporate social responsibility and progressive teaching techniques…reading about the Clinton Foundation confirms its all seasoned with a faint whiff of stale fish….just like the BBC!
Oh, and zero, your remark about a “brown Palestinian” looks even stupider (and, in your terms, more “racist”) by reference to the the Varkey website where there is a photo of the hijab wearing winner.
That will buy a few several hundred metre long by one metre wide classrooms.
“Off you go son, and remember what we taught you”
Reading the Manchester Evening lies for the latest Political Correct nonsense, and came across quite the most disgusting description of a rapist imaginable:
“Her attacker is described as having greasy hair, scarred skin, yellow teeth and bushy eyebrows which met in the middle.
He was described as Asian, in his late 20s or early 30s, around 6 feet tall with dark eyes and with a full goatee type beard.”
I expect he was most likely described as a Pakistani as rapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.
The Useless Brigade just have to get their PC nonsense in âThese offences are very rare “, no these attacks are all too common, and you have learned nothing from Rotherham and Rochdale and several other towns, get a grip you stupid PC enforcement operative and tell the truth !
You can bet your bottom dollar that the ‘Asian’ community will either be hiding him, or helping him escape back to Pakistan. One thing they certainly won’t do is assist the useless Police force which does so much for them at the expense of the rest of us.
I did wonder if we could just create a big blimp of a Laughing Policeman-an inflatable Plastic Plod with pastie in hand and a wad of crime number logging slips in his Kevlar handbag-to be wheeled( or even ballooned) around the country whenever there was a tragedy like this…and there could be three or four stock phrases that could be programmed into the speech chip.
1. “This was a regrettable incident,to be unreservedly condemned”
2. “This, fortunately is a rare event, and we would urge everybody to get back on with their lives”
3. “This has nothing to do with Islam”
4. “Let me repeat-this still has nothing to do with Islam…never has and never will-got that punky kaffir?”( or “eh up chuck” if north of Hendon).
Pay him ÂŁ350,000 a year (c/o ChrisH Policing Solutions…providing comfort to victims since 1989).
âI expect he was most likely described as a Pakistani as rapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.â
Hereâs a list of some of the criminals convicted of sex offences in Manchester during the last six months:
Roman Torac; rape and sexual assault.
Asher Crawford; ‘sadistic’ rapist beat, drugged and imprisoned his victim during a horrifying 12-hour ordeal.
Frederick Irish; sexually abused underage boy
Gregg Smith; four counts of rape, four counts of sexual assault including with a 14 yr old girl.
Samuel Wilson; rape
Christopher Knight; part of a gang of paedophiles who raped babies, toddlers and pre-school children.
Leon Bent; rape.
Alan Dawson; sexual abuse of several girls aged between 12 and 14.
Matthew Settle; groomed a 13-year-old boy, downloaded a library of indecent images of children.
Roy Dove; confessed to having sex with 14-year-old girl
Frank Baldwick; used a teenager to bring him a youngster to abuse.
Fabrice Kapena; rape
Daniel Rak; sexually assaulted 19 year old
Liam Harkin; serial sex attacker
Moses Pande; admitted six child sex offences
David Walker; âpredatoryâ paedophile abused children for two decades
Paul Edward Seville; pleaded guilty to a catalogue of sickening sexual offences against young girls.
Stephen O’Toole; raped and abused a teenage girl
Luis Moreno; jailed for grooming and raping five schoolgirls
Joseph Doyle; told a sex worker he was a âkillerâ before subjecting her to a terrifying ordeal.
Jack Braidwood; climbed through a basement window and tried to rape a woman as she slept.
Michael Fitzmaurice; sex predator molested a schoolgirl for four years via the internet.
Nana Baafi; raped a teenage girl after grooming her online.
Henry Drennan; rape
David Robert Harris; 10 counts of rape
Ryan Howley; tried to groom and sexually exploit 12 and 13-year-old children
Trevor Lawlor; attacked two mothers in front of their children in a âcampaign of rapeâ.
Nile Pimlott; admitted sexual activity with an underage girl missing from home.
Big difference though Zero is that none of them selected their victims on the the basis of their ethnicity and religion !
Also these are the ones convicted, it seems there’s a reluctance on the part of certain Police forces which are Labour controlled to investigate the brown eyed boys as thoroughly as they might.
You said that; ârapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.â
I have provided evidence that your statement is incorrect.
End of story.
One question, how do you know the religion of all of the above?
Aye, it is the end of that particular story, and it’s an infuriating thing to see folk like Thoughtful claim that whites are less likely to be sexual monsters, because – as you so easily proved – that is not the case.
What IS the case that bothers me, and many many others, is that these Paki filth are choosing white girls, in a racist belief that goes way beyond even the likes of mine. I’ve seen it even in the leafy suburbs of Edinburgh.
Anyway, you’ve picked your side. See you soon, no doubt.
“claim that whites are less likely to be sexual monsters, because â as you so easily proved â that is not the case”
Less likely or not likely? Which is it? Obviously “not likely” is wrong because it happens. However, without taking numbers and percentages into account, NOBODY has proved that “less likely” is incorrect.
1400 in Rotherham, plus others elsewhere, is a considerable number of crimes by a minority group.
Is ‘End of story’ like when a BBC spokesperson says they are comfortable in their belief the BBC got it about right, and hangs up?
1382 to go, in Rotherham alone.
Statistics, statistics, and the selective data of BBC researchers.
You read the piece, but you didn’t comprehend it Zero!
The sentence was about that old euphemism ‘Asian’ to describe Pakistanis, to protect them from their appalling behaviour.
When I said “I expect he was most likely described as a Pakistani as rapes by another other than Moslems are exceeding rare indeed.” It was within the context of ‘Asian’ and your list of names proves that to be absolutely correct.
There are hardly any rapes by those of ‘Asian’ background’ outside the Muslims and you’ll find plenty of proof of that if you look.
Absolutely pathetic retort, you should be embarrassed to post that and think you’ve made a good argument. Do the maths, pro rata one would expect such as the indigenous far outweigh the demographic in question, even a couple of the above names are suspect…
Zero, A more precise method of research then just randomly choosing names can be found in the actual ONS statistics for ethnicity and rape:
Click to access sexual-offending-overview-jan-2013.pdf
78.0 per cent were White;
9.9 per cent were Black;
9.7 per cent were Asian;
Asians made up about 4% of the population when these figures were collated (1011). I would guess half are male, of whom, I would again guess, about a half again were of an age to rape, ie older than 15 and younger than 80.
Thus 9.7% of rapists were asian coming from only 1% of the population.
Interestingly a fifth of all rapists were born overseas:
Can see why you didnt have time to list all the asian rapists.
Blimey, remind me never to go to Manchester ! All those rapes in 6 months ??? – it knocks Soddom & Gomorrah into a cocked hat ! and they say we’ve progressed since the middle of the last Century. I remember being at school in the 50’s, it was national news if a girl had been raped (funny how that coincides with almost non existent migration)l and now its almost the norm with uncontrollable migration. It was ever thus, that those who throw dummies out of prams with stats and figures are clearly of a certain age, and so are unable to compare what life was like back then to only that which they know now.
78% white. I assume that will include large numbers of rapes within families where a wife/partner has been violently assaulted by an abusive husband/partner. This of course is something which would not be reported from within a Moslem marriage. So the figures are not comparing like for like. I believe that if the figures were available for comparing the grooming and raping of strangers the percentage committed by whites would be somewhat lower, although still the highest as one would expect of the (current) majority population.
^They all sound blick, zero. Is you some kind of racist?
Merkel looks like getting a pasting in the ‘Super Sunday’ elections with results described as the wrong side of disastrous.
Germany is a semi democratic state like the UK where an elected dictator is given absolute power to do as they please for 5 years with very little restriction.
Despite all the indicators and the mood of the country, the dictator is unrepentant, and has even been trying to justify her stupidity, and has no sign of stopping it.
A democracy is of course government of the people by the people for the people in the West we have government of the people by a political elite wholly disconnected from the people for their own political desires. It bears as little relation to democracy as the Communist system does.
And right on cue as if to prove a point:
‘These are numbers that really hit us,’ said Guido Wolf, the CDU’s top candidate in Baden-WĂźerttemberg. ‘This is the most difficult election campaign the party has had to run.’
Asked if Merkel should now overhaul her refugee policy, the CDU’s general secretary Peter Tauber said: ‘I don’t see that need.’
The insane policy which is being defended has pushed German voters away in their thousands and yet because Germany is not a democracy, there’s no obligation to pay any heed to the wishes of the people like there would be in a democracy, just carry on with business as usual.
German voters batter Merkel over migrant policy
These results are a serious rebuke for Merkel and the most pronounced protest vote we’ve seen so far,” said Holger Schmieding, an analyst at Berenberg Bank.
The result in the two western states was the worst-case scenario for Merkel, who has staked her legacy on her decision to open Germany’s doors to over 1 million migrants last year. But she still looks set to run for a fourth successive term as chancellor, with no real challenger for the right to lead her party into next year’s federal election.
In Baden-Wurttemberg, the GrĂźne have 30% and CDU 27%. There will be a so-called black/green coalition and so majority support for Merkel’s madness. The Greens’ popularity is largely due to the personal standing of the candidate. Nevertheless with 15%, the AfD have seen off the SPD the party of Schmidt and Brandt, the FDP, the party of Genscher and the Linke etc. This is the biggest success for a new party in the post war history of Germany. The AfD has picked up votes from all other parties and mobilised traditional non-voters.
Time to forget about Germany. Soon to join Sweden as a failing state. The former seems to be in the grip of a collective desire to atone before the world for the Nazi era and the latter is just insane.
Concentrate on this country now and vote to leave the EU yesterday if not sooner as they say.
Continental Western Europe is a lost cause .
If anything will demonstrate to the people of Britain just how our history and our political culture differs from the rest of Europe then the coming events will do just that .
Ma Merkel seems to be keeping to her bunker after the debacle. Even now her lick-spittles are out in the media claiming that the next EU summit will bring about the elusive “European solution” . The really surprising thing is how many people who had lost the will to vote turned out to vote AfD. If the same thing applies to the British electorate, the BREXIT campaign should concentrate on the grass roots and keep the dross from the world of politics out of it.
Considering Britain has had a constant, ever more left wing slant on everything rammed down our throats for at least 3 decades it has to be said the public don’t seem entirely convinced.
Had we had right wing propaganda on such a massive scale I wonder what peoples opinions would be today?
GCSE History in mid 90’s consisted of – How bad the Nazi’s were. History from all other periods were ignored. GCSE English – To Kill a Mocking Bird, a book about racism is bad. The Merchant of Venice – how the Jews were being persecuted in the 1500’s. We even had to study some black women’s poems about how the expression to darken ones do was racist!??
This passed for education although clearly it was just thought control. The people who thought the right way went to the high groups, got better results probably ended up getting better jobs. So having a left wing mindset began to have financial rewards.
The clever people realized pretending to hold preposterous left wing views had a social reward & so the chain of events that led to Labour being elected began.
Alot of these people today hold positions in teaching, the public sector, the media, the BBC & so although their leftist ideals go against simple common sense somehow the ludicrous message gets passed onto another generation.
These people must know they are wrong in everything they believe & this is why we see the likes of Jerrod arguing his pointless points so venomously.
I think what I’m trying to say is only a lie would require such constant bombardment on the public. Could it be even the BBC knows it’s bullshitting?
That’s an excellent summation of the damage done (and still being done) by contemporary education.
There was a story today from the Campaign For Real Education highlighting a lesson plan published in the TLE on the ‘evils’ of Margaret Thatcher. It read like some sort of cartoon series devised by the SWP – and yet it had been downloaded and, presumably, used thousands of times in British schools.
Someone at some stage is going to have to take a pruning saw to education in this country. A sufficient percentage of any population can be brainwashed to believe almost anything – a factor relied on by the far Left and underpinning the work of the BBC and the educational establishment to keep the misery machine on the rails.
Banana, you make some very good points. The problem for the political left is that, however much they tell the lie, normal people do not fall for it. very frustrating for Leftists !
Oh they know alright.
Hence the hysteria, the abuse, perpetual playing of the man and not the ball.
Well remember the couple of days after the Tories won the election.
Never saw staffrooms more angry and despairing, the green cafe so despondent and tears over the Guardian they could hardly bear to look at.
The self-deluded liberal fools never asked US what we thought..so full of self-regard and so empty of reason and observation, no contacts in real life any more…so when Dimbly tells them to go back and prepare for Government-they did just that.
Sadly, the generation you mention are utterly soft centred and mushy-and if we don`t vote NO on June 23rd, they`ll not grow up to be freely choosing grannies and grandads…because all those years in compulsory mind training for public sector charity jobs that are not needed will fail to prepare them for Islam.
Dodos that hope to be dildos…dopey gits, “educated beyond their capacities”
âHence the hysteria, the abuse, perpetual playing of the man and not the ball.â
âself-deluded liberal foolsâ
âempty of reason and observationâ
âutterly soft centred and mushyâ
âDodos that hope to be dildosâ
âdopey gitsâ
âeducated beyond their capacitiesâ
Self awareness not one of your strong points Chris?
He has a notebook, likes making lists, and is prepared to use it.
Don’t tell ‘Im, Chris!
Ta zero.
If you see the above as a multiple choice list of options for my embryonic “self referral form”,,,and you reflect on what best describes your good self at this cycle of your life…then colleagues here at The Yeovil Yuni can do some diagnostic testing.
Cheaper than buying “Here`s Heath” magazine…and more fun in its fullest sense.
And an “All In The Mind” special, where we could yet become Ciggie Fraud and his Zephyr Zero Controversy of Spring 2016….
Is “Jumping The Shark” now an Olympic sport?
Did I REALLY hear Eddie Mairs PM show earlier let me know of Obamas weight loss?
Well at least we know where Maria Sharapova went when she last went to the loo In London!
The BBC…beyond Barking….
Tony Blair has just come out and said that the British should accept immigration is their fault as (and you can’t believe this), they should have had a better education.
My tea is now splattered down my front.
I think Arthurp, there will be many tea stained shirts on this particular day, following the misfortune of reading that bilge from Blair.
I suppose it is also the fault of those parents whose kids are in schools where English is a second language, or those poor sods languishing on hospital queues or those stuck in limbo on the housing ladder.
As for those 1400 child rape victims in Rotherham, how silly were they, eh?
What a c**t! Why don’t both he and his God awful wife f**k off to another country, permanently, and spend all the loot they’ve been busy piling up since that tw@t left office?
Seriously – does anyone in the U.K. give two s**ts regarding anything that lying traitor has to say or write about on any subject anymore, ever?
I’d be happy if I hear nothing from this awful man and his awful wife for the rest of my life. He presided over a continuing decline in the quality of state education, and deliberately allowed mass immigration. (but the Cameron government has, as we now learn, also deliberately refused to control immigration, and are equally guilty on that count). However, much as I hate to agree with Blair, there is a grain of truth in what he says about the lack of education. There is a substantial underclass who have left school profoundly ignorant, lacking a work ethic and therefore virtually unemployable – the result of the refusal of the political classes to recognise that many children are unsuited to ‘book leaning’, and the urgent need for technical/vocational schools. Any sensible employer will choose a hard-working, responsible Pole or Romanian over a feckless, ignorant youth (many of whom anyway prefer idleness and the dole than pick fruit).
Yeah, but look at the complete and utter twat who tweeted it. A hard-core deluded lefty and agitator who thinks the BBC are biased to the right. Twatter is this filthy animal’s natural home, where it can feel morally superior amongst other sanctimonious hypocritical lefties.
Interesting background.
But I am not sure the BBC can rely much longer on being considered incapable of truth from all sides of the political spectrum.
Slogans stick. The BBC of all entities knows this.
Where can I buy a box full ??
The daily strategy meetings between Top Gear producers, BBC Press Office and BBC PR must be a hoot.
They were in Frankie Howerd all night compiling this for Evans to read out,”On behalf of the Top Gear team and Matt, I would like to apologise unreservedly for what these images seem to portray.”
Translates as…. “the images seem to portray something bad, the camera angles made it look bad, which it wasn`t really, and Westminster Council gave us permission, but someones told me to apologise so I am, but it was the paparazzi camera angles wot dun it. Not me, not us.
The strategy is to make a politically correct yet irreverent version of what Clarkson and his team did.
Driving a souped up car through Whitehall is a revolutionary act……yawn.
What did that stunt cost us, I mean the licence payer?
I’m getting a morbid delight seeing Evans and the BBC falling flat on their smug faces and failing miserably with this ‘reboot’
Evans walked on on the BBC in 1997 stuck two fingers up to them and went to the pub, NEVER should he have been welcomed back, let alone given the job of presenting two of their flagship programs.
Watched an old episode of Top Gear last night on Dave, Evans can never carry off what the three amigo’s did, he’s neither intelligent or possessing of any personality.
I remember when Top Gear used to go abroad to film these sorts of shenanigans! But I suppose there’s no need now that the BBC have brought the world to us. I wonder if Osborne will include a noise nuisance tax in his budget?
Of course this is all spin and self-promotion for the BBC to make us think it would be worth keeping al-Beeb rather than watching true professionals at work on Amazon’s new car show.
And what about the carbon footprint of all this?
My Tristram needs to go past Whitehall as he goes to Gwaycoats School, and those fumes will cause him to require his inhaler now!
Where`s Caroline Lucas when you need a pixie perspective?
And the bloody SNP want us to pay less tax as we fly up and down to Scotland?
Irresponsible oafs…surely Wark, Naughtie etc need to pay FAR more money to fly between their houses here in the United Kingdom.
Come on luvvies-Gaia wants your bawbies!
At least Jimmy Savile RAN between Glencoe and Headingly…and was therefore an eco warrior compared to these tartan twirlies!
Savile ought to be honoured for his refusal to do anything but cycle, run and use the train!
Come on Harrabin!
PS-accepting here that Savile may have had some interest in forcing kids to be strapped into the car at the back…so maybe we could bin the seat belt stuff, until we can assess his motives for his advocacy!
Nice home that Babar Ahmad has.
Being given an easy ride by Derbyshire in episode 1 of The Sanitising of Saint Babar and no mention thus far of Al Beeb’s Ambassador to Tooting, Sadiq Khan and his close relationship with Ahmad.
No apparent contrition.
Dear Babar also had JoCo shilling for him on DP. Some cheeky bloke was dissing Sadiq whatsisname for being a registered ‘friend’ of Babar under terms of his pre-us extradition.
JoCo lost that one….bt she had the advantagebof the last word as one does .
Here is a really simple source to prove conclusively, independently, definitively, factually, quantitatively, the lies of the biased BBC on immigration.
Our dear friends in the EU Commission have collated the statistics (Eurostat can be a surprisingly useful source for lots of things) and very interesting reading they make.
I particularly noticed that only one third of all asylum seekers are Syrian, and that over 79% of all asylum seekers between the ages of 14 and 34 are male ! None of which will surprise readers of this site. But compare that with the biased BBC’s coverage and spot the differences. It will not be difficult.
Guilty as charged.
A joy to hear the BBC create the “Merkel Triumph” perspective on those election results in Germany.
Within 24 hours, we`ve gone from “a “mare”…through to ” a moral victory and triumph for the Enlightened Lady of the Lamp”.
Here was the logic.
Yes-her party is no more and was stuffed by anti migrant polarising types…but “paradoxically”…the SDP did well as did the Greens-both of who enjoy seeing girls bent double in Cologne as they seek a compass for Mecca.
And because both of these lefty loony parties did well, as the AfD removed her party…why then, the PRO-migrant parties triumphed you see, and Merkels CDU are that if nothing else!
So…there you go Jenny Hill and Eddie Mair…ipso facto…Merkel trounced the anti-migrant movement!
Only the BBC eh?…all that crap about the Titanic rather dwarfing the fact that the crossing had been uneventful and perfectly cordial until it hit an ice cube somewhat larger that previously expected…
Reasons to get out a Europe…an occasional series.
1. Jeremy Clarkson wants to stay in.
He is violent and attacks subordinates….and I don`t like that.
So I`m voting out.
2. Andreas Lubitz-pilot who killed 150 kids and adults on his flight last March 24th-was allowed to fly under EU rules, and his right not to tell Germanwings that he was a psychopathic twat is enshrined in EU Law/BBC “let`s not stigmatise the nutter” guidelines.
BALPA would have stopped him, under British rules.
So if we stay in the EU, we`ll be getting the Kosovo Kamikazi instead of Irelands finest on RyanAir.
So-for the two reasons above-time to get out of the EU.
See-this Donald Trump Manichean logic of the madhouse works for me.
I`m so BBC…boy, it`s far easier than having to think anyway…it`s like this for the Left EVERY day!