Did you hear Dr Adam Marshall, acting director-general of the BCC, on Wake up to money (34 mins) on Friday? Interesting what he had to say. He told us that what really concerned his members was the poor state of the global economy, what’s happening in the emerging economies, China, Russia, Brazil, the oil price, inflation and turmoil in financial markets, all of which ‘weigh the heaviest’ on their minds ….the EU referendum is of little consequence by comparison.
Isn’t that fascinating? Here’s the pro-EU BCC saying that the outcome of the EU referendum has little bearing on our economic future.
Odd for one that he hasn’t immediately been sacked under pressure from No10 but also odd that the BBC didn’t see fit to rebroadcast his views on each and every news bulletin throughout the day as they are wont to do with selected interviews they take a liking to. Odd how someone in what is now such a high profile position should make such a controversial statement and be ignored by the BBC.
I should give credit where credit is due…the BBC’s Adam Parsons did press Marshall to comment on the departure of his predecessor, John Longworth.
Well if it of little interest to them I hope they don’t bother to vote .
“He told us that what really concerned his members was the poor state of the global economy, what’s happening in the emerging economies, China, Russia, Brazil, the oil price, inflation and turmoil in financial markets, all of which ‘weigh the heaviest’ on their minds”
No he did not. He said those things ‘weigh the heaviest’ in the BCC forecast of the UK economy.
“Isn’t that fascinating? Here’s the pro-EU BCC saying that the outcome of the EU referendum has little bearing on our economic future.”
He said no such thing.
Stating that the global economy is the most important influence on UK economy is not the same as saying; “the EU referendum is of little consequence”.
You just made that up in your own head. You’re inventing things he never said.
You’re a liar Alan, and you know it. Never mind ‘eh; just hope nobody notices…
Not quite irrelevance. From this Sunday’s SUNDAY TIMES (12th March): “Tim Martin, the founder of JD Wetherspoons, has attacked the ‘middle aged’ and ‘male elite’ that favor deeper integration with Europe. As he spoke out in favor of BREXIT, Mr Martin also criticised the single currency in his half-year results statement”.
How refreshing, I thought. It made me think he was describing (only) the BBC in a nutshell on the ‘likes’ of Lord Haw Haw and co with his upper class links twanks linked directly to the ‘upper echelon’ of civil-service traitors (who still ensure the BBC controls 70% of the UK’s TV and Radio news). So I thought I would quote more from the Times business piece on Tim Martin who is a real self made entrepreneur (as the damn Times blocks online content – apart from short clips) so here it is – the edited salient points from the article…
‘We didn’t need euro and we don’t need Europe, warns pub landlord’
He spoke of On the ”middle aged’ and ‘male elite’ that inhabit that favor deeper British integration with Europe. He spoke out in favor of BREXIT …
“Say what you like about the euro, but it certainly is not democratic’ he said.. ‘It involves taking some of the most important economic powers of government, the ability to set interest rates and a budget, the central controls of any economy, and transferring them to an unelected apparatchiks in Europe”.
Almost all these “proponents of the euro” were all educated at the same British Universities, he said with “similar education and backgrounds”. They think (the elite) that “they can better handle important matters of state than the great unwashed, British public, with its interfering courts, aggressive and intruding press and cantankerous population”.
He described the ‘pro euro’ CBI stance as “evangelical” nonsense in its support for the euro “the mouthpiece for big business, was evangelical in its support”. He then went on “As I said then, the pro euro mania was a quasi-religious project, rather than a true economic one”. i.e. the case that somehow British business can only ‘succeed’ in the EU project is misleading when we sell all over the world without any EU help at all).
Shares in JD Wetherspoon’s immediately rose 0.6 per cent to 696p on the news.
A vote of confidence then in the UK economy. I’ll drink to that. Lord Rose (ex M&S boss is another pro euro (failed M&S posh twat) and the BBC’s Lord Tony Haw Haw are very much interchangeable twerps from the same background of being both part of the privileged elite hell bent on the EU project despite all agricultural failures, fishery failures, euro money crash warnings, EU endemic corruption and the economical collapse in fringe states, the problems of ‘enlargement’ as well as forced immigration have not hit the ‘elite’ yet. The BBC land of pink Gin ‘Tellytubbies’ will not last forever.
(Extract from this Sunday TIMES newspaper).
“Lord Rose (ex M&S boss is another pro euro (failed M&S posh twat..” and is also ex-BBC, let me add.
Well said , Tim Martin. And beer and food at reasonable prices !
GC, Rose is a total incompetent. And , yes, ex-BBC. Philip Green took him to the cleaners a few years ago. It was wonderful to watch !
Tim Martin , has often attacked the Euro & EU over the years . As a regular reader of Wetherspoons News , a lot of his articles take that stance. A few years a ago JDW , actually had their own pub referendum on the Euro. Needless to say , the “NO” to the Euro, swept the board . This was during a period, when Blair wanted to join , the whole project.
Agreed-Tim seems to be that rare bird-a corporate success with a mind of his own.
Can only guess it`s because he created his own business from scratch, as opposed to getting parachuted into mummys handbag emporium or daddys offshore green energy scam.
The latter types are always to be found signing Camerons hemline, or getting airtime on Today or on Evan Davis`s velocipede of “cool bizness runnings”
Only reason why the CBI, NFU etc want to stay in Europe is that these lazy leeches want to stay squatting over the migrant pool, and not have to bother in dealing with the UK plebs who “just don`t get it”.
Cartels and blocs who would rather NOT have to create anything ever again-when the EU funds them to do buggerall and writes their laws, protocols and cheques?…what ELSE would they say, but scuttle the nation and let Islam lead us all to hell.
That`s why Bransons island and planes are required I guess…utter Oxbridge nonentities.
Not a Lord King or a Tim Martin among them.
Just Cedric Browns and Ernest Saunders instead.
chrisH, ” mummy’s handbag emporium” ! Love it . Many thanks for brightening a ” gloomy sunday “
The problem isn’t nepotism, it’s a generation of ‘managers’ and ‘directors’ who swan out of university (much like their MP counterparts), with a head full of social democrat hogwash and certainly without ever having started or built a business.
Fast tracked through the large accountancy firms and global corporations, they then hop from board to board, usually destroying shareholder value as they go, spreading their BS as if it were fairy dust.
Their final act, before retiring to count the money, is usually selling out a national asset to a multinational which proceeds to wreck the business. Ask a Cadbury employee or summon up the shade of Arnold Weinstock and ask him about GEC.