Listening to the BBC’s report this morning on the left wing thugs who disrupted a Trump rally you were led to believe that this was the fault of Trump’s supporters who were ‘angry’ and somehow it was they who caused the violence…and of course, paradoxically, it is Trump’s ‘racist and violent’ rhetoric, his use of ‘hate speech’ and fostering divison, and that incites a reciprocal response from the opposition. The BBC of course is only ‘reporting’ the views of those who want to portray Trump as a racist….but do they have to ‘report’ it so often?
The ‘protestors’ were not to blame it seems for violence nor the attack on free speech…just as the Labour Party’s ‘Blackshirts’, the UAF, are never portrayed in their true light as violent, fascist thugs who set out to stir up violence for the cameras at ‘right-wing’ protests.
The Spectator has also noticed the lack of opprobrium for the anti-Trump ‘protestors’…
As lots of conservatives on social media have already said, just imagine if a bunch of violent Trump fans had disrupted a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton event. They would be called fascists, and the condemnation would be global. Politicians across the world would issue statements expressing concern.
When the same thing happens to a Trump rally, however, the reaction is strangely mute. This unfairness causes resentment which causes Trump to win more votes.
In fact, lots of people who previously might have not voted for Trump will now do so precisely because they don’t want to be told what to do by a bunch of snarling, smug left-liberal millennials. If there was any chance of stopping Donald Trump becoming the Republican nominee, it was shut down last night in Chicago.
I can never understand how the left continually get away with shouting down opposing opinion and dressing it up as an exercise in democracy and free speech. It isn’t. It’s fascism, and needs to be called out as such every time it occurs.
Exercising fre speech and democracy would be setting up your own rally and saying why you think the other guy is wrong.
Liverpool Mayor, Joe Anderson, has ‘demanded’ the power to ban right-wing groups after hordes of violent looney lefties attacked an event last month.
That has always been the way of the left. It is also the way children behave which should come as no surprise. The left are those who have never grown up and taken responsibility for either themselves or their actions. Instead, they are a perpetual parasite feeding off those they claim to despise.
Agreed, but they never seem to get called out on it. If Trump manages to change that then I will forgive him any other failings.
Bernie’s blackshirts and Hitlery’s henchmen
Media darlings one and all
What a cesspit
Thats the way the left has always behaved. Whether AntiFa here in Britain, attacking the EDL for protesting the rapes of their daughters, or the AntiFa in Germany, attacking Pegida.
As for EU politicians, hand in glove with the Saudis and Islamists, AntiFa provides a good excuse to blame the victims, and shut down patriots. Patriotism, either the national or the European kind, is frowned on by the EU.
BTW. BBC has found another Muslim “British”, ex-prisoner Babar Ahmed, who now totally rejects ISIS and its tenets. How does he do that, as ISIS is pure authentic Islam – Taqiyya.
Link to Victoria Debs interview with moderate Babar Ahmed.
He excuses himself that he was naive.
And then this
Freed terror Briton Babar Ahmad: I just want Scotland Yard to say sorry
To be followed by demands for money. This was precisely the case of that other Muslim in Gitmo. who always stated that it was never about money, but once released
I’ve always considered the lines between Fascism and Communism as being very thin, so much so that they often overlap and become as one. Both oppose free speech, both are anti democratic, neither believe in habeas corpus, both are corrupt to their very core, both are regimes founded on fear, death and power.
I’ve always woundered what kind ofexample in terms of an existing successful Socialist world model the Left would like to assimilate themselves to. To my knowledge there isn’t one, so what is the point of their very being! They are pursuing something that has never been successsful and doesn’t exist!
I would change the name of socialism to either ‘fantasists’ or ‘idealists’.
As for the protestors who have disrupted a Trump rally, they should be arrested and asked to explain in court why they oppose the right of people to hear free speech. Free speech needs more protection throughout the world. These delinquents can organise their own rally.
I always view political descriptions as a “C” with only a small gap between the ends, such that it is a long way between fascism and communism via “normal” politics but only a small step across the gap.
I am sure Trump is unconcerned. Flyover America will have seen and taken note. Chicago is just another huge city and that is the sort of city behaviour you expect these days.
London would be the same. Dreadful place these days and best avoided. The marxist element is in it’s natural lair in these cities of the Western world now .
Even my 15 year old daughter was outraged by the BBC reporting of the attack on the Trump rally. This led to further research and family discussions about freedom of speech and leftist tactics throughout history.
A good lesson learned and at two new pairs of eyes opened to the pathetic but dangerous reality of left wing politics.
Proof that the Trump rally , and Trump personally, was attacked by a leftist
And here this guy tramples on the American flag, and is an alleged ISIS supporter.
Sky is a f…..disgrace it really is
Watch the reports about yesterday’s attempt to storm the stage
Absolute propaganda of the lowest kind
Diamond and Silk comment
There’s a gal telling it like it is
> you were led to believe that this was the fault of Trump’s supporters who were ‘angry’ and somehow it was they who caused the violence
Funny, Alan provides no evidence to back his version of events. I wonder why…
Meanwhile, Trump has spent months responding to vocal protest with calls for physical retribution, and Alan stays silent on that.
‘Funny, Alan provides no evidence to back his version of events.’
Could it possibly be because it is there for all to see in film footage?
Like the horrendous video footage of someone being sucker-punched at a Trump event in North Carolina, you mean?
Oh, no, wait, that was a Trump supporter going out of his way to assault a protestor who was already leaving the venue.
Got to love those peaceful Trump supporters, eh?
You should become a boxer
Wouldnt be the first time you had been battered about the ring
I don’t condone it, but provoke enough and sh1t will happen.
Do you condone a man enjoying a Sunday family lunch out being interrupted and harried out of the establishment to the point that his kids were scared to death?
> I don’t condone it, but provoke enough and sh1t will happen.
And Trump has been doing plenty of provocation. Why do you ignore that, Geoff? If you really cared about not provoking people, you’d object to his rhetoric. But you don’t. Why is that? Is it for the same reason that you turn a blind eye to Biased BBCers’ behaviour as long as they agree with your political viewpoint while seeking to hold others to standards from which you consider yourself exempt?
Do you need a hand understanding what a hypocrite looks like, Geoff?
Post up your scotty photo again and we’ll all get a good idea
Why do you always skirt around the issue with your crappy rhetoric and never answer the question posed?
Do you think the BBC is biased?
> Why do you always skirt around the issue with your crappy rhetoric and never answer the question posed?
You raised the issue of provocation, and I asked why people like you and Alan are quite clearly (and apparently wilfully) ignoring Trump’s very obvious role as a provocateur.
And you, yet again, choose to ignore that and go off in some form of high dudgeon, seeking to change the topic so you don’t have to address a very real, pertinent question which exposes your hypocrisy all the more the longer you refuse to address it.
In the lack of any alternative reason, I’ll have to presume that’s because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on, and are too much of a coward to admit as such. But if there’s another reason, please do share.
You raised the issue of provocation, and I asked why people like you and Alan are quite clearly (and apparently wilfully) ignoring Trump’s very obvious role as a provocateur.
Has he broken the law? No. Let’s call it freedom of speech, then (you might like to watch the video of the two black ladies above).
So a whole rally was closed down because of fears for people’s safety. Without the interference of the illiberal left (who will twistedly see it as some kind of victory) the rally would have gone ahead and nobody would have come to any harm.
a) You don’t give a flying fuck for free speech.
b) You fear democracy.
Freedom of speech for Trump, freedom to receive a smack in the mouth for people you don’t agree with exercising that same right. Got it.
Free speech is a universal right – not just for oddly-haired demagogues who spout the sort of bullshit that fuels your own prejudices. Play the victim all you want (“Mummy! The horrible black people are talking so much AND getting in the way of my fists! It’s *so* unfair!”) but at least have the honesty to admit that you’re a hypocrite.
Nice one Jerrod. Have you tried posting something about universal freedom of speech on the UAF page? Try it. Your comrades are running a series of posters for their forthcoming anti racist binge. Blacks are being rounded up to give appropriate victim quotes – or quietly ignored To your plea for universal freedom of speech they will say ‘Goon removed’. You have to agree with them to avoid being no platformed. I saw the anti Trump demonstrations – unemployed coal miners, farm workers, redundant factory workers, were they? No, but lots of well fed middle class white and black students. But in your world Jerrod, blacks are dying of hunger, when not being lynched by Trump’s red necks or water hosed by Democratic Governors – oops sorry, that was the sixties,
My oh my, you not only want to deny free speech to those with whom you disagree you also like to think you can read my mind.
I have not commented on anybody black apart from the young ladies in the video who happen to agree with my concerns regarding free speech (how very inconvenient they are for you – SO non-stereotypical!). So what ‘prejudice’ have you been able to deduce from what I’ve said on this topic so far? And what’s all this ‘playing the victim’ crap? Are you on something or just having a pouty little foot-stamping tantrum because this site is too good at exposing the fascistic tendencies of the Hard Left?
And by the way, I abhor the punching incident but unpalatable though it was (and no doubt police action will be taken) it does not begin to compare with the closing down of a whole major democratic event before it even had chance to start.
Sucker punched by a 78 year old
I bet that that really really hurt……his poor feelings LOL
Seems to me that these clowns and would-be freedom bashers are all Clintons Generation.
Oafs who never saw the Berlin Wall, never read up on Lysenko or Sharansky-and see Maos`s Red Guards as well intentioned, passionate in the cause, and well worth a lobbing of their book across the despatch box in Parliament.
When Beyonce thinks Black Panthers as being something to promote at the Superbowl…we`ve gone well beyond any efforts to educate-for this rebel chic sells.
They can`t be blamed for not having been around to see it all at those times-but when their schools and yunis prechew the history, spit out the gobbets and forcefeed the little sparrows with a bland mush of lies, lavender and tumbleweed-and call it “the consensus as settled”-then you`d have thought that a few more would look into the true history of how we got from REM to here.
But no-the media mediate the whole shebang for them-and we who saw it are not in the loop. and are regarded as cruel and bitter…as if Christendom, and how Islam works in history;Communasocialismus worked out in reality are somehow “intolerant, judgemental-Manichean even”.
People like Tatchell and Greer would have “no platformed” their younger selves, Brownshirts and Red Guards would have been used, Der Sturmers and Freislers set off the leashes…for all THESE are socialist constructs.
No chance of their ever being democratically elected-so use the media, keep the media up to speed with your passions, howl down opponents and work the dopey drudges to death as in Animal Farm..then swap the brown shirts for lime green, the red guards for ones that are pink or lavender.
Islamic Green under a Black Flag of convenients and convenors will, at least give these thick unschooled snowflakes SOME certainties…some direction.
And never again will we hear a variety of BBC news readers read to me that ” a Christian magistrate is sacked for saying that an adoption is preferable if a man and a woman do it together”.
THAT is controversial?…the BBC say so, the Christian under the microscope-but , funnily enough no Muslim was asked for his view on this.
PS-BBC were back to Cecil Rhodes today on BH-with a few new goons for the rogues gallery named-but-as yet no Queen Victoria, Prince Albert…and-as ever- nothing about Whittington and Guy…both of who gave us hospitals , but NHS provision would NEVER be allowed to be accused of anything other than good things.
They can`t be blamed for not having been around to see it all at those times-but when their schools and yunis prechew the history, spit out the gobbets and forcefeed the little sparrows with a bland mush of lies, lavender and tumbleweed-and call it “the consensus as settled”….
Nail squarely on head.
It’s the reason the hard Left, and especially those of Generations X and Y, want to see the Baby Boomers dead and buried. We’ve seen it all before and have the common sense and experience to know when we’re being sold a crock of shite.
Completely agree with you, Chris.
How come Trump gets the blame?
After all the abuse that the liberal elite and the BBC have thrown at him-don`t THEY have some blame for what happened on Friday evening in Chicago?
Not that those semi-literate grievance hustlers would ever READ a newspaper or watch CNN-but those who tend to them as social workers, charity scrubbers, probation, housing and crap college provision CERTAINLY would have taught them right, slipped them the bus fare and a map of downtown…and would be delighted to have seen the “Tomorrow Belongs To Us” types follow the Clintons and Sanders, Sharpton and Farrakhan…and yes Obama and Alinsky…into the abyss.
Only hope the rest of the USA are now seeing all this and drawing their own conclusions…we saw Cologne-they see Chicago.
But it`s clear now that we`re in a race to either Socialist Fascism or Islam as a a first step towards a cultural caliphate that will follow…if we don`t get up off our knees…and not in a pointless prayer before the blade comes down on our necks.
Excellent summary Chris.
I suppose Dr Ben Carson is a racist too when he defends Trump from the UAF style mob. What say you Jerrod?
The BBC just does not know how to handle black people like Ben Carson or the wonderful Diamond and Silk. Probably because these black people think for themselves, aren’t grievance monkeys or race hustlers, and just want to get on with their lives. This is something they have in common with EVERY black person, or any other non-white shade for that matter, that I know. Obviously, this total indifference to race won’t do as far as the BBC is concerned. Proper integration is something the BBC just isn’t interested in.
The left need a victim class, black people, travelers, gays, immigrants, whatever. But they have to stay with the victim script or, like Ben Carson, Allen West, and many others, are ignored.
Too true G.W.F. the left turned away from the working class when they realised that decent homes to buy, decent schools with discipline and good exam results, respect for the armed forces and the desire to defend British people trumped high taxes, low aspirations, disarmament and putting British people last.
With Corbyn, like a dog returning to its vomit, the left have returned to the losing combination of policies that gave Thatcher the workers vote all through the 80s.
Their mistake is to think (again) that working people have a common cause with student politics. That was fleetingly true in France for a few weeks in 1968.
If only they’d read their Engels who identified the British workers as fundamentally bourgeois.
Nothing has changed since he wrote that in the late 19th Century.
That’s exactly right and is why the theorists on the far Left turned to Gramsci and cultural Marxists. The plan then becomes to completely destabilise society so that socialism can be imposed, as it will never come voluntarily in the UK from a workers’ revolution.
The only true working class protest in 1968 was when the London dockers marched in support of Enoch Powell. The Labour Left took note, and made sure they imported a new electorate to replace the white working class. What was Tower Hamlets like in 1968, and what is it like now?
The ethnic cleansing has been successful to an extent unknown outside of a defeat in a war, which in a sense is what happened. It was a secret, undeclared war against the white working class of Britain.
This, from Janet Daley, is a good analysis of why Trump’s “make America great again” message is resonating with so many Murcans.
The pride in their country that used to pervade all Americans is countered relentlessly by what many Trump supporters would see as an urban intellectual elite – and particularly an educational establishment – that is obsessed with national guilt: over slavery, and then segregation, and the treatment of native Americans, and the various excesses of American militarism. However justified that self-criticism, it has tipped over into self-loathing and left a furious electorate feeling that this is no longer the country they called their own.
The other interesting feature of the Trump campaign, is that much of his support is from young whites; which gives the lie to the effects of all the mass Progressive propagandizing and (attempted) indoctrination via the media, schools, colleges and universities. Which may auger well for our upcoming referendum.
It hasn’t worked! What Trump says resonates so strongly that the globalists, Progressives and the rest of the “elite” are s***ing themselves at democracy in action: as they may actually end up with a president who isn’t in anyone’s pocket nor is a follower of the “global trade” fetish.
Given the Gaza ‘Cease fire broken when Israel responded to indiscriminate rocket fire’ or ‘Police arrest marchers defending themselves against Cameron’s UAF negotiating team’ I hold out little hope of much ‘analysis’ of the politics of provocation, but I wonder how the BBC will treat this, if at all…
Donald has tweeted that if Sanders wants his rabble to turn up causing trouble at his rallies,he better be ready for a dose of the same
Cue left wing twatty indignation…..seen already on sky news
Hypocrites one and all
I cannot imagine a BBC ‘reporter’ saying, or being allowed to say such a thing about those the BBC supports.
Once the again,idiots like the bbbc have failed ro realise that they have been rumbled
The more nonsensical crap they try to throw,the stronger his support becomes
Their bias is only outweighed by their deluded stupidity
This is excellent:
As I watched the events in Chicago at the cancelled Donald Trump rally on Friday night [March 11th] unfolding in real-time – courtesy of a livestream – something finally dawned me I’ve known all along: though America is irredeemable, many Americans still have the courage to live.
No, that’s not right.
Many Americans have the will to live, if only they could be allowed to live.
But it’s hard to thrive in captivity, when every-time you reach for the stars, chains bind you to the earth.
A good friend of mine has always said if the boot ever came off for just a moment, we’d be shocked at how many people actually belong to the ranks of Those Who Can See.
Watching what happened over the weekend of March 11 – 13th across the United States of America, as one man bravely stands to speak up for redeeming America has left me absolutely breathless.
Because of the very nature of how irredeemable America is in 2016 (courtesy of repugnant white leftists/Marxist filth/Black radicals/Beltway Conservative non-profits fleecing real Americans/open borders), for a man to come along and merely state his goal is to “Make America Great Again” means an absolute repudiation of the nation-breaking policies these vermin have perpetuated.
Vermin isn’t strong enough of word, but because children may be reading this, we’ll stop there.
Who knows what compelled Donald J. Trump to run for the GOP nomination to be the President of the United States of America, and at this point who cares?
In only a few months of running for office. everything has changed (hey, I even stopped shopping at Macy’s!).
And on Friday night in Chicago, Illinois, a multi-racial gang consisting of white liberals/Marxists, illegal aliens, black radicals, and non-white detritus dared deny American’s their First Amendment right to “peacefully assemble.”
Say what you will, but the very name of “Trump” is now synonymous with the word “freedom.”
Freedom for what and freedom from what… I’ll leave that up to your interpretation, but something extraordinary is transpiring right now, beyond the wildest dreams of the most militant fictional writer daring to pen a story of the liberation of the European people.
You see, our future was never supposed tied to uplifting Africans, or watching as our nations were colonized by people not only alien to our culture, but racial aliens as well.
Our future was always supposed to be about creating a world for our posterity, one where they could flourish; not as slaves to subsidizing racial aliens proliferation in our nation, and watching as the cities/communities our ancestors built crumble under the weight of racial truths we can’t even say aloud.
As presently constituted, the United States of America in 2016 does not offer that possibility, though a significantly large number of Americans do yearn to be free once again.
Whatever possessed Donald J. Trump, a billionaire to turn traitor to his class, stand up and dare say it was time to “Make America Great Again” (with this phrase admitting something was desperately wrong in the nation), we owe him our thanks, gratitude, and our allegiance.
Paul Kersey
Magnificent Paul/Al Shubtill.
Why would any American protest against ‘Making America Great’?
Assassinate Trump. Worth a watch. The media are conducting a dangerous campaign.