Monday arrives and so time for a new one of these. Wonder what you make of the Top Gear story that is in the news today? I was talking to Jon Gaunt about it just now and my view is that whoever decided it would be wheeze to perform car wheelies stunts near the War Memorial in Whitehall should be sacked. They won’t of course, but they should. Anyway, over to you…
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364 days of the year the Cenotaph is passed by busses, motorbikes, cyclists, cars, taxis, delivery vehicles etc, not to mention millions of pedestrians.
Driving past the Cenotaph in a fast car is in no way disrespectful to the memory of those who fight wars, since presumably the reason for its location in a much used thoroughfare – rather than in the middle of a park – was intended in part as a symbol that the sacrifices made in the name of freedom led to a country where people can get on with the living of life rather than spending the rest of time in a state of mournful reverence.
Anyone ‘outraged’ should consider whether the insult to the war dead is not by those who use it create faux moral outrage.
Driving by in a bus, car or lorry is merely a necessity when one is going about ones daily business, even thought provoking. Using it as a backdrop for a couple of hooning Americans in the name of entertainment by our ‘National’ broadcaster is something completely different.
I ain’t outraged, it just confirms how much respect the BBC (and Westminster council) has for the nation they are supposed to represent, the reverse would never of happened in America.
It’s not a necessity, you could easily detour around it. Otherwise it’s an insult.
It wasn’t used as a backdrop, Westminster was. Not sure what the fact they’re Americans has to do with it. That sounds like an insult to all the Americans who gave their lives for your freedom.
I presume the BBC broadcasting the ceremony at the Cenotaph every year, shows their disrespect too. Utterly pathetic to allow yourself to be manipulated by a tabloid.
Nothing and no one manipulates me, but it does seem you’re taking the Guardians stance on this story.
This is about the fact that it was the BBC pulling this stunt and on a Sunday. There was no insult to the Americans, remember its a monument to the British fallen we’re talking about. Would Americans be very happy if two Brits did the similar in a 700hp E-Type Jaguar with the Liberty Memorial as a backdrop?
‘Driving past the Cenotaph in a fast car is in no way disrespectful’
Quite. Don’t you know the rules of the game yet? Outrage and taking of offence is the sole preserve of the Left. Anger on the Left is excusable and good. On the Right – not so much. Who’s up for a speed burger eating competition beside the Gandhi statue?
Exactly! I even read a story somewhere yesterday that Osborne was complaining about the ‘fracas’ outside his office in Westminster as he was trying to write his Budget speech…
In this age of PR stunts they still think we’re all so ignorant of their transparent tactics that we’ll fall for it.
The fact that in order to undertake this ‘we’re still just like Clarkson, honest’ stunt a variety of bureaucratic hoops would have been jumped through, as well as the odd cheque or two from the bBBC (read Licence payer) to Westminster Council, is clearly not meant to be noticed by us, their gullible benefactors.
So much for London’s ‘Low Emission Zone’ nonsense. Wonder if Osborne will cite this ‘incident’ if he decides to raise the duty on fuel..?!!
When OFCOM get their way and fine al-Beeb for their shameless self-promotion we can look forward to Top Gear being presented and driven by Google cars.
Having had experience of OFCOM, and posted it here I can tell you they’re every bit as useless as the BBC Trust and every other Off Piss the government has seen fit to create. They are nothing more than jobs for the boys clubs – appoint some favoured one to position, pay them an exorbitant amount for doing a few hours and then allow to simmer!
The complaints about these overseeing bodies failing to act are legion, on the rare occasions they do their effectiveness is negligible!
My complain with OFCOM was a newspaper stating as fact the lies Medhi Hassan & Tell MAMA promulgated, only to be told OFCOM wouldn’t act, because even though they accepted they were lies, they were attributed to a source, and therefore the newspaper themselves hadn’t lied, merely repeated a lie, which they claimed was completely different and acceptable. When it came to the need for a caveat they said there wasn’t a need for that either!
Don’t look forward to anything better than the BBC trust, these Of — whateveres are designed not to work !
Thoughful I’ll second that I had a similar experience with a complaint to OFCOM. Advertising standards are also another complete waste of space.
My cynical thoughts exactly, SoS.
That must be some PR stunt that gets Osbourne in on it.
The BBC hasnt done a good job of hiding this conspiracy with Westminster council, it states it here on its website:
‘It also said it had consulted with the Metropolitan Police film unit and the special events unit of Westminster City Council ‘
Sorry you should be at the Gurdion website if you wish to defend the BBC your post is on no interest to a site dedicated to uncovering BBC bias is it ? now please leave quietly by the nearest exit
A cynical me would suggest it’s part of the al-Beeb’s remit to their new masters. Disrespect the old, the established, the male and the white.
On the flip side it’s wonderful to see the “great and the good” up in arms against new assault on the Central London Mosque (formally known as Broadcasting House)
“Ministers could turn BBC into state broadcaster, radio boss warns”
Where was the outrage when there was that huge demonstration by thousands of Muslims in Whitehall and they were walking on the wreaths of poppies laid at the base of the womens’ memorial?
Oh, I remember now al beebus and the rest of the MSM scum neglected to cover that story; I wonder why?
The BBC were so sensitive to the outrage they found a piece of video taken by a passerby and published this on the BBC Entertainment and Arts website.
Top Gear stunt: Cenotaph will not be shown on programme, BBC says
I guess a simple apology wouldn’t have been good advertising for the episode.
I was watching a programme about BBC children’s TV on Saturday evening – probably on Dave or some such like (I suppose it could have been BBC 4 – but Mr D is firmly in charge of the channel changer). There was a woman on talking about Jackanory – apparently the name was chosen because it was really an old rhyme about ‘Kill a Tory’, and the production team got away with it because nobody higher up got the joke. This was explained with a raised eyebrow to camera. Who says that the Conservatives are the nasty party? Shows that even in the 1970s it was perfectly acceptable at the BBC to be so overtly Left wing and indeed that this woman was happy to now give the explanation shows that she still thinks it acceptable. Sorry – but I don’t. I would never make jokes about killing someone – even Jeremy Corbyn .
” There was a woman on talking about Jackanory – apparently the name was chosen because it was really an old rhyme about ‘Kill a Tory’”
– These people are utterly despicable!
Commented deleted.
It isn’t whether the story is true tbaskett, but this ruddy production woman, Ann something or other (my memory isn’t what it was) believed it to be true.
Exactly Deborah and is apparently unashamed to share her thoughts on network tv.
Would she have been so forth coming had the title come from a poem about killing a labour supporter?
Commented deleted.
Try this and get your facts right, it clearly states that it was last shown at 22.40 Saturday BBC4.
16 minutes in, Deborah ain’t wrong.
thanks Geoff – as I explained Mr D had the channel changer. And tbaskett, I jolly well don’t make things up when I post on here – there is quite enough bias by the BBC without inventing it.
Quick internet search confirms a Whig rhyme ‘ first published in ‘The Top Book of All, for little Masters and Misses around 1760’
As Deborah says, it was former BBC producer Anna Home. She said:
“Originally it was a Whig political rhyme. It’s all about going out and shooting a Tory, and then shooting another one. So we thought that might cause a bit of a flutter if anyone cottoned on to that, but nobody ever did”.
Listening to Radio 4, Today Monday morning. Do the editors think us such fools? They follow a report about the success in Germany of the AfD party and Turks being allowed free access within the European Union with a report about the cost of rented property in London and the South East rising? Are we not supposed to be able to join up the dots and realise that this is the effect of a large number of migrants wanting to live in London and the South East. It certainly wasn’t mentioned as a reason.
Indeed. I’m getting sick to death of point blank refusal to acknowledge that.
Myself and my partner each pull in a modest middle class income. Despite our combined wages and having no kids, we’re on the verge of getting priced out of a 2 bed flat in a safe part of zone 2 in London. Despite non-stop building work in our area, rents are going up astronomically. I’d really like to know who is renting these properties as they can’t all be CEOs etc…
Try 8+ Eastern Europeans sharing the rent and using every room as a bedroom. Where I live we are supposed to have licensed landlords but they just wave the tenancy agreement with only 2 names on it IF the council check and find 10+ Eastern Europeans/Filipinos/Africans/Indian Sub Continent.
They don’t live like this in their own countries but force the rent up here for us and lower our standards of living.
The reporter on the piece I heard was also quick to point out that despite the AfD’s success the majority of Germans support Merkel’s stance on the ‘refugees’ and want to see the problem shared by the rest of Europe.
Spotted this too Deborah.
My thought was that the BBC were keen to show us all that the Turks are dying in order to defend the west from terrorism, while the ingrates in Germany cruelly slap them in the face with their petty voting.
The stories were back to back-and the BBC do try to link their sausages, even if they turn out to be turds on a twine.
Still though-the news ended with a good chunk of time as Caroline Lucas MP held forth on the need to stay friendly with the EU by staying in it.
For the one MP,the Greens were certainly given far longer to spout their hopey-changey exchange-student bullshit that merited…but hey, she`s won the German elections so that`ll be it.
As I look at my silent screen-Kinnock is cutting purses in the Welsh Valleys on Channel 4 as he`s riffing on the EU…best turn it up eh?…who could guess what he and his family would say about THAT!
There have also been reports that if the vote goes the way of Exit, then Scotland will want further separation from England in order to stay within the ECC. So far no-one has mentioned that if this DOES happen, and Scotland goes the whole hog and becomes part of the Eurozone, do we construct Passport Control along the Scottish /English border ? as surely there would be no easier way of entering England than via Scotland (or even Ireland come to that). So many repercussions that are never spoken of.
Well the Scots have to be funded from somewhere so if they lose ‘European money’ they would either want more money out of the English or, as you say, leave the UK and look to join the EU. Perhaps we should start the rebuilding of Hadrians Wall, it would at least provide some much needed jobs in the north.
Those jobs would be more needed in the South I’m afwaid dear chap. But yes, sentiment shared, and jolly nice to see a man of common sense stick up for England getting bled dwy by those whinging scotch. Stealing all our taxes. You’d think that we’d taken something of theirs for years! Ingrates.
Anyway, keep your pecker up.
Blimey, I stand corrected! I take my hat off to the economic powerhouse that is Scotland.
Mind and put that hat straight back on your bonce. If you put it down, even for a nanosecond, some scot will swipe it and sell it to get a can of speshul broo.
Somebody – it might have been on bBBC – calculated (the bankrupt) Scotland’s debt at the point of Union being around £1.7 trillion in today’s money.
Then there’s RBS and HBOS, a share of the UK’s £1.5 trillion national debt, a share of the unfunded public sector pensions commitment of £1.3 trillion, a share of £400 billion-worth of PFIs….
I think Merkel might just say ‘Nein!’
And the bond markets might just say ‘Stop yar ticklin’, Jock!’
Hear hear Johnny old boy!
Looking up Wikipedia, they state that the debt from the failed Darien scheme that led to the Union was £400,000; equivalent of ~£50 million today. What bloody liars! I have a good mind to direct them to the superior calculations you witnessed.
And look at this website with its ‘facts’ about RBS and HBoS:
“The banks were wholly regulated from London….
90% of RBS and HBoS UK employees were based in out-with Scotland so 90% of employers income tax was paid to Westminster, and not counted as Scottish or Scottish Government revenue.
Likewise 90% of the banks national insurance contributions were paid to Westminster and not counted as Scottish.
80% of the losses of RBS for example were generated from the banks London based operations.
As with all companies corporation tax is not considered regional and therefore the corporation tax paid by the banks is not considered to be a Scottish Government revenue, it is all paid directly to Westminster. Note: RBS paid £16 billion in corporate taxes from 1998 to 2007, NONE of this was counted as Scottish Government revenue.”
They’re just inventing this stuff as they go along! I would suggest that in fact the national debt of the UK is closer to £10 trillion, as Westminster are hiding the fact that every Scot has had MILLIONS spent on them. Each. Per individual.
They’ve got us over a barrel sir, and I for one am not going to take it any more!
Wikipedia – what a fountain of truth for global warming I have found them to be! So at today’s prices it’s £50 million? Begs the question though……..what size country these days would go bankrupt for the sake of 50 million quid?! Smurfland, maybe?
And Business for Scotland – renowned for their impartiality and non-Little Scotlander view of life!
Ahhh, roll on independence….
Ha. yes! Wikipedia *spits* Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus I say.
And as far as Smurfland is concerned – Gargamel’s Mezuzah would be worth more than the North Sea Industry at the moment!
Oops was that said on BBC? Or is this your own contribution to Project Fear?
First, remember that SNP want to be out of the UK whether we are in or out of the EU. That is their reason for existence and will never change. They will always be looking for reasons and trying to judge the right moment to win another referendum.
Second if UK votes out, and if the UK Government then negotiates to leave (it’s not a “given”) then that is the whole of the UK comes out.
Third, the SNP may, repeat may, then agitate for a new referendum on separation from UK. Only if they think they can win of course.
Fourth, the UK Govt would have to agree to a new referendum
Fifth, the vote would have to be for separation.
Then and only after all these occurances (combined probability very very low) would England have to worry about how to control the border with Scotland. Personally I don’t think it would need to include passport control because all migrants would be happily staying in the peoples paradise of Scotland where they get even more things for free than they would in England.
Brissles…that topic of a border between Scotland and England came up during the referendum in 2014. So many repercussions? You’re dead right there, and when I heard La Surgeon rally her troops again at their conference last week for another attempt to begin after June, I groaned for sure. It was a torrid time in Scotland and the cybernats were just awful. But thankfully heads prevailed over hearts and I reckon the same would happen again. Actually, I don’t think she would ever call for a referendum unless she knew she could win it and I have my doubts. And as someone else has said, permission has to be granted by Westminster and after their recent behaviour in the House, I don’t see much love for the 56 down there right now.
I cannot believe that any self-respecting Scot would ever willingly exchange the massive amount of political autonomy they enjoy now, for willingly enslaving themselves to the EU, with the total lack of democratic control that would bring to them. They would have to join the Euro and the proposed single EU treasury. They would totally lose all control over how Scotland was run, and to a bunch of foriegners who care less for Scotland than the English ever did.
Economically, the massive drop in the price of oil should have already demonstrated how daft getting independence from the UK would have been. Socially and administratively, going into the EU as an “independent” Scottish member state, would leave Scotland as a totally powerless slave state to the EU.
I mean, after spending so long fighting for independence, why on earth would they throw all that away to join the EU?
Geyza, This Scot quite agrees with you but the SNP people are fanatics who allow their racism to overrule everything. It is a collective insanity.
It would be much the same, I assume, as the situation that exists between Northern Ireland (part of the UK) and the Republic of Ireland. According to Wikipedia, ‘The UK and Ireland have maintained a Common Travel Area (CTA) since 1923, but beyond this the UK could not accept abolishing border controls, and were given a full opt-out from the (Schengen) area. While not signing the Schengen Treaty, Ireland has always looked more favourably on joining but has not done so to maintain the CTA and its open border with Northern Ireland.’
A problematic situation would only arise if Scotland left the Union and joined the Schengen Area. In that scenario, England would have to start border controls unless it wanted to Scotland to become a colder version of Greece.
BBC local radio report: A BBC Radio presenter was in “serious breach” of its Editorial Guidelines during interviews with Rev Barry Trayhorn – (a Catholic priest arrested for preaching the Bible in prison to inmates – as Prison Chaplain – because one prisoner found it ‘offensive’), The BBC Trust has admitted that it was ‘wrong’ but did not admit to any bias shown by the BBC radio presenter. The BBC ‘interview’ was recorded on Three Counties Radio and is a damning example of BBC ‘journalism’ at work… ‘Both the station and Mr Lee issued an apology. However, Mr Lee told the BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee that he continues to “stand by both interviews in terms of their content and tone”.’ The BBC Trust has since to sacked the radio presenter who left the station on 16 November..’ (2015). The BBC presenter will no doubt be re-employed elsewhere (BBC trained). This is the radio recording that got Mr Lee the eventual sack by the BBC Trust (a rare occurrence in itself).
He has already been re-employed as a late night presenter on new Talk Radio UK which commences broadcasting, I believe later this month. He seems in no way apologetic.
How did that presenter get his job in the first place? Surely he must have an an interview and was asked a few questions. But this nerd cannot follow a conversation, and conducting an argument is clearly beyond his scope.
The odious Mr Lee formerly of the BBC and probably to return before long, appears from time to time on Sky News as a newspaper reviewer. I fear there is something seriously wrong with the man. He merely rants and I suspect he is barely in control of himself; we don’t hear much about the subject he is meant to be covering or what has been said in the newspaper.
Sky have surely made a mistake, and I hope they realise it. Maybe they have agreed to give him rehabilitation time at the request of the BBC which they have started to resemble in their news agenda coverage and views. If so it is a mistake. Why do they think that a ‘race to the bottom’ is worth entering.
Love the fact Mr Lee only picks up on the hateful crime against homosexuals. What’s wrong with defending adulterers? haven’t they got lobbying power in the pages of the Guardian or at the BBC?
The poor bible reading idiot should understand, ‘hateful speech’ is only allowed against readers of the Daily Mail, Telegraph, conservative voters and UKIP members. What was he thinking?
Commented deleted.
It was deeply insulting to those service men and their families who sacrificed so much in both World Wars. It just shows the contempt the establishment and their employees think of our forces . Imagine what would have happened if he and his overpaid ‘schoolboys’ had tried doing that around buildings of a certain religious persuasion.
Heads should roll.
It’s deeply insulting to those service men and their families who sacrificed so much in both World Wars to cite those service men and their families who sacrificed so much in both World Wars every time you want to create a little faux moral outrage.
My grandfather fought and died in the war so that Matt Le Blanc could drive down that street.
One of the ‘Magnificent Seven’ Al Beeb trolls – aptly named .
“My grandfather fought and died in the war so that Matt Le Blanc could drive down that street. ”
How do you know that ? As you say ‘he died in the war’.
My reply to you ………… Male bovine excrement.
Stick to playing your Xbox or get a real job.
Fair point, but that ‘minion’ was in a fairly senior position and needed to pull his finger out and make sure the cast and crew were properly fed after a full day’s hard graft and is now, let’s not forget, £100,000k richer for the tiny little slap that he got (or maybe it was for hurt feelings – aka in modern parlance – ‘trauma’).
Some might think ‘idle opportunist’, but I couldn’t possibly say that.
Childish stunts like these only gives credence that the age group making the decisions to do this, clearly don’t have the maturity to be in their positions of power. Joan Bakewell said a few years ago that the BBC is now ‘run by children’ – how true her words were. Wisdom comes with age, but sadly the last couple of generations may have more Yuni degrees you could shake a stick at, but when it comes to mature decision making they haven’t a bloody clue – (the Apprentice being a prime example). This may be scoffed at, but even an idiot can see the difference of a 25 year old in the services fighting for Queen and country, compared to a 25 year old who’s level of intelligence is playing on his X box.
One wonders if the so-called ‘Trustees’ ever watch AlBeeb?, if so, what do they do for their fee ?
Time to get rid of the whole damn thing.
Was it Paxo who said that Newsnight is run by 12 year olds?
Yes, the Cenotaph ‘wheelies’ stunt did show disrespect. Others have commented on the fact that traffic passes the monument every day, but the Top Gear stunt is very different. I cannot begin the understand the mind-set of those who thought it might be a good idea to perform such a stunt around such an important memorial. One thing is very certain – that Jeremy Clarkson, who has a profound respect for the courage of those who fought in the war, would not have countenanced that action.
I do hope that Jeremy Clarkson reads this site . Perhaps he will make a public statement ?
What is our PM and Sectary of State for Defence going to say about this ?
‘Lessons will be learned’ ?
One of the most enthralling and memorable bits of TV I remember watching was Jeremy Clarkson’s story of the Victoria Cross, its origins, history and significance – most especially in relation to his ex-father in law. His presentation was fascinating, detailed, respectful and in parts deeply moving – the sort of job that one trick pony Chris Evans would be utterly incapable of reproducing.
I watched that Beltane, it was an excellent documentary; almost unbelievable to read that Clarkson is in favour of a United States of Europe.
I agree Martin disrespect was intended. But I suspect that whoever commissioned this episode has not got the imagination to realise the symbolism of the Cenotaph. In all probability they were having too much fun cocking a snook at all the establishment who gather there every year to oppress and offend the prolitariat by laying wreaths to remember those who died for their country. That will show the tory scum – Right on!!!!
Yes – cars drive there everyday but why was the Cenotaph shown as the backdrop for this particular stunt, so whatever the ginger twat said in his statement offense to somebody was intended. If the BBC wanted a reaction they certainly got one and I think they are being rather disengenuous to act surprised. Maybe the BBC themselves are the victims in all of this – All these arseholes like me overreacting to lads just having a bit of fun!
I dont care if any BBC heads roll or not – I am just saddened but unsurprised that our that our wonderful state broadcaster who enriches peoples lives by informing, educating and entertaining has turned into such a shallow, self serving bunch of C***s!
Hopefully when Matt Leblanc pisses off back stateside, maybe he recreate the stunt at Arlington I am sure the american media will see the funny side maybe even more than we do!
What a load of guff.
The Cenotaph was not shown as the backdrop for stunt, a tabloid created a photo to make it look liek that was the case.
You’ve just insulted everyone who’s ever lived or died.
‘created a photo’
Kikuchiyo – you’re the one lying, mate.
Next week’s Top Gear stunt – burning car tyres next to Nelson Mandela’s statue?
I like that Maria…i like that a lot….how about burning tyres round it’s neck…that’ll rile the grunters….tough.
Amazing what can bring who out of hibernation in a deluge of supposed guffophobia based on knee jerk emotion over basic fact, with a neat line in generalist inclusive accusation.
A pity then that the segment of the BBC not assured of a pass no matter what seem to be apologising for all they are worth.
Well Kinkyshoe I feel I am entitled to reply to your so eloquently put points.
1. You consider them “guff” – thats your right however if you regularly look at this site You would realise that the BBC is no longer the non partisan/objective broadcaster it once was. (unless of course you have a very left wing jaundiced view of the world but then why would you be on this site?)
2. If the BBC did not wish to be controversial why did it not undertake the stunt on a disused airfield or similar? then it would have been much more difficult to create a photo to make it look liek that was the case,
3. I know I am extremely thick in comparison to you but why have I “just insulted everyone who,s ever lived or died.” This is genuinely troubling me as I am over fifty and after the big FIVE O I could pop my clogs at any moment and may well have a lot of explaining to do to all of my previously deceased relatives !
MMM…as i recall, remember the magnificent turnout every time a dead serviceman came back to GB….the slow journey, people along the route bowing heads, cars stopping, drivers standing erect, bridges full of people with flowers, all the way to WB…..and then…it stopped. Our embarrassed and red-faced wretched leaders didn’t like it one bit, and cobbled a story to bypass the all too often procession.These are the freaks and evil scum in charge…and they fail us at every turn..despise them…tell them you do…work it into them.
Has anyone noticed how the bBBC and its go-to newspaper The Guardian now apply the word “populist” to policies they don’t agree with? I see that the AfD’s gains as described on the BBC news website are due to their “populist” policies rather than their popular policies, so I thought I’d look up the latest definitions.
Apparently populist is now used more often in a pejorative sense to imply popular with the mass of people whose opinions you DON’T agree with because you consider them to be ignorant and generally to the “right.” Popular is applied to ideas that you DO agree with. Therefore in the bBBC dictionary of (poorly) cloaked bias Podemos is popular and the AfD is populist.
Cunning, aren’t they?
Indeed. Getting very tired of that and also everything and everyone being called “far right”, myself.
kaffir, yes , demonstrating that they do not believe in democracy !
The word populist has for a long time been the favourite pejorative word of the BBC when describing any party they perceive to be right of Chairman Mao. It makes the left/liberal political elite feel above the people and underlines their false feeling of superiority, while at the same time belittling the people who hold such popular and mainstream views in the hope that we will eventually tow the line. How very wrong they are! These people do not think we, the people, are sufficiently competent to vote, unless of course we agree with their twisted view of the world. Democracy is a concept the left haven’t even the slightest understanding of.
The left tend to compensate for the paucity of their arguments by playing around with words.
‘Populist’ is a good example.
I also heard the lady beeboid in Berlin tell us that Angela Merkel’s CDU have moved closer to the ‘political centre’, thereby opening up a gap on the right for the ‘populist’ AfD to fill. Do you see what she did there?
It does seem to be that ‘populist’ = right wing and dodgy whereas ‘Peoples” = left wing and admirable.
Did you get screen prints of the comments on today’s DM story re Boris and Obama? The same has happened, a sudden proliferation of green arrows on the following comment (even the commenter’s replying are realising something fishy is going on) said suddenly appeared at the top with 6600 votes, way ahead of the 2500 votes on the previous best rated comment. The majority of the comments overwhelmingly back Boris.
“More playground politics from Boris. “If you tell us what to do we’re going to do the opposite, so there!” We are better in the EU,and the world is better with us in the EU. Let’s stop with the insular tribal attitude and act like a responsible, grown-up, world power”
Afraid I didn’t Geoff, its something I only do occasionally when I have cause to pop over to the Mail.
Just fired off an E-Mail to the DM on the subject will update if I get a reply.
Its a potential story for them as to who is behind it.
This is not new at the Mail – people have been pointing it out for months. Discounting the possibility that it is genuine voting, on the grounds that you would be certifiable to believe it is, that means the system is being rigged. But by whom? It could be an outside job – or it could be the Mail itself, deliberately getting its readers agitated.
Whatever the reason, the Mail has chosen to do nothing about it, which means it doesn’t care.
I don’t know if you’re aware but Breitbart, the Telegraph and the Spectator have a similar issue. They all use the Disqus comment system which is even easier to manipulate than the Mail’s – you can buy off the shelf software to explicitly alter up and down votes.
Despite usually having pre-moderated comments that require a user to be logged in, meaning the comments are difficult to manipulate, the recommendation system itself is absolutely ripe for abuse. All you have to do to vote again is delete the Mail Cookie, or switch to a different browser. That’s a very easy thing to automate.
It would take a very long time to boost by thousands the up votes just by switching browsers so I suspect other means are being used. Given the Mail’s enormous resources, I find it hard to believe they couldn’t find a way to avoid this if they really wanted to.
I hate to say this (though clearly not in the same way as in recent events at the Beeb), …. but is Chris Evans a BBC ‘untouchable’ ??? Is he now of an ‘age’ where his ‘younger’ working colleagues and in authority, are in awe of him ??
They did sack him in 1997, I think its just another case of the BBC thinking he’s more popular than he actually is, like Graham bloody Norton and Jonathan Ross before them and all at massive expense to the licence payer.
Yea they might pull in the ratings (should the BBC be chasing ratings?) but its all lowest common denominator stuff, the Sun is also the best selling newspaper, but quality its not
I suspect that the BBC are in for a major shock with the new Top Gear. Clarkson’s humour was juvenile very often but it seemed to me that it was the humour of the sixth form at least. With Evans it seems the laughs are going to be straight from the Junior playground.
Strange really, I seemed to have warmed to Clarkson since the sacking. I don’t really understand why. I couldn’t help noticing that despite all the self-righteous outpourings, the BBC was still very happy to continue making money by showing re-runs of previous shows.
Worse things have happened at the Cenotaph than wheelies. I recall a medieval re-enactment society held a march along Whitehall last year. As the segregated mob passed the Cenotaph wreaths were trampled. The BBC thought that was excusable so a few wheelies wouldn’t even register.
Here’s a theory for you, will Boris somehow conveniently get the blame for allowing it?
Good post Steve; “medieval re-enactement society” – great line, I may have to borrow that one.
Feel free. I must have been channelling ChrisH to come up with that one.
Top Gear is so important to the BBC that I suspect some inside the Corporation are rubbing their hands. The old saying ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ still has a lot of truth in it.
It’s all self-promotion which other broadcasters have very strict “limits” to adhere to. Rather interesting that al-Beeb should be trying to blame the press for “Camera Angles” making the crime appear worse than it was. I thought the BBC were the experts when it came to using photographs to give a distorted perspective of reality.
I caught the first few minutes of Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 today and had the usual sense of déjà vu.
There was yet another American woman ‘expert’, speaking to Jane Garvey about women’s sexual feelings, basing her ideas around the notion of things that accelerate or decelerate desire. She said that if you like it, you should do it; and if you don’t, then don’t. What struck me most about the discussion was Garvey’s almost painful insistence that everyone and everything is ‘normal’, before touching on the case of a 36 year old woman who had not had a physical relationship and felt no need for one. This woman is clearly not ‘normal’ though her feelings are no doubt natural for her and she had not, apparently, been prevented for having relationships.
It occurs to me that once the focus becomes individual self-fulfillment, all-embracing inclusivity and non-judgementalism, then a word such as ‘normal’ is near to meaningless. ‘Normal’ must logically exclude at least some things, or else it means nothing. The same applies even more for ‘excellent’ – if someone excels, they surpass the majority who don’t. If everything is normal, then nothing is really normal any longer, and you have linguistic and moral anarchy, where words mean whatever you wish them to. Jane Garvey has a degree in English but this kind of misuse of language suggests either that she has not thought about how language works, or else feels that she has to play the BBC Leftist game of subverting notions of what is considered normal.
Interesting thoughts about the BBC attitude to the word normal. Reminded me of the recent episode of R4 In Our Time on the Mayan civilisation. Lord Melvyn Bragg (who I believe still takes the Labour whip) asked the acedemics about the collapse of the civilisation and about the inferior weaponry compared to the Conquistadores. The right-on acedemics audibly blanched – of course the civilisation didn’t collapse – there are still people calling themselves ‘Maya’ so if they say so the civilisation continues. As for inferior – the shit really hit the fan “That’s a word we don’t like to use” – They seemed to settle on the word ‘different’ as acceptable. Yes, I guess gunpowder, cavalry and steel weapons are different to flint-edged wooden clubs. I wouldn’t mind but you can almost see the achingly PC BBC apparatchiks hurriedly taking notes on the latest word in acedemic PC ready to be recycled back to us as holy writ.
The PC idiots are so terrified of being accused of judgementalism and cultural imperialism that they self-censor. A moment’s thought should suffice to appreciate that Bragg was referring to weaponry and not necessarily all other aspects of the culture. Classicists tell me that Roman military superiority to the Ancient Greeks did not mean that they were superior in other areas such as philosophy, technology, language and government. But ‘inferior’ is a boo-word in the mind of Leftists and must be avoided!
Another instance is ‘discrimination’. Thanks to PC, its meaning has narrowed towards that of not giving fair treatment to someone, but experts can discriminate between good wines and excellent wines, while accepting that both have their place depending on the occasion and your personal budget. So ‘discernment’ would be safer. Likewise ‘differently able’ rather than ‘disabled’.
That’s a very telling insight into the current state of our universities. We think the BBC is bad – and it is – but it’s from the universities that this rubbish is coming.
Didn’t hear it on the hearing, or was it edited out ?
German election coverage.
SPG/Green coalition – picture of very smart well turned out leaders in suits and ties.
Picture of AdD meeting featuring skinheads.
How very unbiased.
And then cue comments on Far Right Activits.
The Far Left biased BBC is in total denial. Ordinary people are not extremist, the 24% AfD vote (compared with 29% for CDU) are not extremists. They just do not want unfettered open door mass immigration, not least when only one third of the immigrants are Syrian and 80% of them are young males (my info source is Eurostat), thus giving a lie to the biased BBC coverage.
Bit of a cheat but being in last place on weekend thread makes me feel ‘under-represented’………..
Here is a really easy way to prove conclusively, independently, definitively, factually, quantitatively, the lies of the biased BBC on immigration.
Our dear friends in the EU Commission have collated the statistics (Eurostat can be a surprisingly useful source for lots of things) and very interesting reading they make.
I particularly noticed that only one third of all asylum seekers are Syrian, and that over 79% of all asylum seekers between the ages of 14 and 34 are male ! None of which will surprise readers of this site. But compare that with the biased BBC’s coverage and spot the differences. It will not be difficult.
Guilty as charged
Also it’s important to remember that over 90% of migrants entering the EUSSR are either Doctors or Engineers who bring skills that would be impossible to source indigenously.
We could send the Guardian and BBC to lifeless Mars and they’d still manage to find doctors and engineers there….
or alternatively we could just send the bbc and guardian to Mars
lets just leave it at that 🙂
There is a bit in Today’s Mail on that issue. It seems that Cameron & Mandelson are withholding new statistics data on the rapid increase of National Insurance certificates (required for free NHS treatments) as this is a reliable indicator for immigrant numbers. They simply don’t want the public to know how bad it is..
‘Migration cover-up fears growing as HMRC refuse to provide National Insurance figures that could show as many as 1.3MILLION extra EU citizens are living in Britain’
• Officials block release on number of ‘active’ NI numbers held by foreigners
• Information could reveal there are far more EU citizens in UK than expected
• ONS figures show 904,000 EU migrants have come to Britain since 2010
• Government has however issued 2.2 million NI numbers to EU migrants
Immigration is almost tangible in the UK today, even in the wilds of Cornwall its hard to escape a bit of diversity, be it an unrecognisable language, weird attire or weird food in your local supermarket.
Early this morning out with the dog minding my own, some aggressive shell suited Eastern European woman in a grotty car full of kids pulled over literally demanding directions, I think to the local library, couldn’t understand her and therefore couldn’t be arsed to help her….
You’d be mad to believe ‘official figures’
I think the supermarkets are a pretty good indicator of the local demographics. They don’t stock products that don’t sell. Halal meat is 50% of the Fresh Meat section in my local Tesco. Polish meats have an entire section. Proper sausages made with pork and blood less than 5%.
I hope they have black pudding in Heaven.
An excellent point that should be reiterated everywhere.
An excellent proof of population growth is to look at sewage works throughput and trends. It doesn’t tell you who but it is pretty conclusive about ‘how many’ and unlike asylum numbers and even national insurance numbers, it captures most illegals too!
Problem is….how to get the data?
But those at the top of Government must know approximately by how much sewage has increased. Why are the facts hard to get hold of? If they tallied with the census I am pretty confident these facts would be widely available, so we can only conclude they don’t and there is a massive cover up. Why? The real question is a conspiracy or a cock up by our elite?
Interesting googling ‘sewage’ I find page removed!
Not really. See:
Top 10 countries of origin graph:
I don’t really use links to BBC articles if I want facts.
Nicholas Soames criticises Boris Johnson for his remarks that Obama (even he) would not tolerate subjecting the USA to similar controls over domestic and foreign policy that the EU exerts on the UK. Well, I do think we have to make allowances for Soames, for he is not very bright.
No surprise that the EU-fanatical BBC makes this a major piece of news.
Was old fatty Soames the one who some poppet said made love to her as if she`d fallen under a wardrobe-with the key still in the front!
Or was that his equally fat dad?
I note from the papers that VOTE LEAVE have appointed joint leaders – Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart.
Now if I were a betting man I think I would get long odds on odds for just which of the two the BBC will invite to be questioned and be ceaselessly interrupted by the questioner.
The last thing the BBC will want to show is a female, German born, Labour M.P. telling the masses the truth!
Perhaps Vote Leave should say to every BBC request for Gove that it has been decided to give the role of speaking to the BBC to Gisela!
Gove is absolutely despised by the left wing intelligentsia. He’s everything they hate – a Unionist Scot, a Tory from Labour parents, a scholarship boy, and an educational traditionalist. ‘Vote Leave’ would be well advised to give Gisela Stuart plenty of exposure!
Joe Marler – God forbid – calls Samson Lee “gypsy boy”.
Naturally, this “racist” (eh?) comment is being milked for all it’s worth by Five Live – Marler being hung out to dry by a whole host of self-righteous ivory tower dwellers.
I bet Mr Lee is frankly embarrassed (but still sniggering up his sleeve at the stupid English luvvies)
And Tomas Francis who deliberately and with malice attempted to drag his raked fingers across Dan Cole’s eyes – shown clearly on camera – has dropped off the radar. The fact that no action was taken at the time, due to ‘insufficient evidence’ was shameful enough, but the subsequent concentration on a spuriously ‘racist’ word defies belief, except where pc priorities are concerned.
The minor detail that if, as should have happened, Cole was yellow and Francis red carded the final score might have been very different but that is obviously of no importance to those whose priorities go well beyond the game.
It’s even worse if you are a Tigers fan (NOT fanatic, mind) like me. The Tigers message board is awash with idiots spouting righteous PC bollox! Marler is a prop, ffs, and not known for his brain power.
I think I’ll pass on renewing my season ticket this year.
(Francis quite rightly copped an 8 week ban – his offence was as clear as the nose which he missed when he went for Dan Coles’ eye!)
It would be interesting if Marler asked the panel if they could translate “Effing Sais Cu*t” for him.
Which translated in PC Welsh means ‘you naughty boy’ 🙂 !
Salford Quay Manchester? – that rings a bell. I wonder what famous World famous Broadcaster lives there? The ‘legalise’ soft drugs campaign obviously have some traction with the BBC staff. Many BBC staff have drug related convictions and then they are never very far from the ‘world famous’ CO-OP STORE for those little ‘extras’ the BBC like to indulge in.
“Reverend” Flowers = Complete scum.
I’m surprised the BBC haven’t run articles on the Pink Brigade saying they are insulted as the Cenotaph has no rainbow colours or a dedicated memorial to the gays that gave their lives in the wars.
Please don’t give them any ideas like that!!!!
Sky Online News.
Running a pro-migrant Macedonia story. Usual photo of a crying 6 year old out of context. Have a read of their Readers Comments (HYS). It shows how out of touch the BBC and other media are with regard to public feeling.
Here are the comments:-
Plenty of room in Saudi.
“Meanwhile, the Dutch government has revealed that one in every four asylum-seekers arriving in its country has come from a country considered “safe”.”
So by no stretch of the imagination, are they refugees. They should be returned. Every last one of them.
Shame on you sky news for repeatedly showing only one side of this crisis. You and the other media channel’s have caused much of this because your rhetoric reaches far and wide and its this rhetoric that gives these migrants hope of an easier and better life and leads to death and misery for those concerned. This kind of reporting is irresponsible and it plays into the hands of the corrupt government and the pathetic EU.
Vote OUT!
Note to Cameron and crew. Place an advert in every newspaper and on the telly asking for all those willing to house a migrant for a short? while to please register at their local council.
That way we’ll find out just who actually wants them here and how many. Once that quota is filled NO MORE.
I like that, the army loads them onto lorries and drives them back to Greece. LOL.
Heartbreaking to think that this could all have been avoided had the eu member states had the guts to not open the doors in the first place. The UK should have been tough in the beginning when stragglers were breaking through the tunnel in trucks and France should never have allowed for “the jungle” to exist in the first place. When the doors were open it starts a rush followed by a steady flow and it will continue indefinitely. If migrant’s knew that spending cash will end up being sent back they would not attempt the journey and benefits should never have been given to many of the economic migrants posing as refugees.
That main picture just about says it. Fit young men but cowards running away from trying to save their countries. And then of course we have the usual picture of a crying young girl to try and hoodwink us going ‘ Oooh deary me we cannot allow this. Let them all come in before my heart breaks ‘. Their you are Sky. Is that the reaction you wanted from an old softee like me ?
With mass unemployment in the EU and housing shortages..where does these migrants expect to work or live ? They are from an arab muslim culture so should be heading South ! The west will pay a heavy price in years to come !
@Jimbob walton They don’t intend to work at all, just sponge of me and you, and take our council housing.
As previously reported on Sky News even the Pope has concluded that Europe is undergoing an Arab invasion. We see in the river crossing that these groups mostly of men of military age are indeed using their military skills to overcome obstacles such as landing on unguarded beaches, marching in columns over great distances carrying equipment, escaping camps & river crossings. No doubt an organised 5th column of their coreligionists & left wing anarchist groups are assisting them with mapping their route of march, finding unguarded entry points & supplying them with provisions & intelligence.
They look really hard done by don’t they? Their intention is NOT to humbly seek refuge in a safe country but to settle down in relative luxury whilst calling on their extended family to join them. Can ANYONE believe this is right??
They are as much asylum seekers as I am the next Pope!
I am so sick to the back teeth of this ongoing saga of thousands of cowardly men hiding behind children to get noticed!!! Go back and fight for your Country then you will be a real man…..GO HOME…I DONT WANT YOU HERE!
When are these ignorant people with an amazing sense of “right” realise they have NO RIGHT TO GO WHERE THEY WISH.
It is about time shots were fired above the heads of these people.
Imagine if in WW2 the entire UK population decided to run away and go and ponce off of another country. Instead they stayed and fought for their homeland. Just like these people should be doing.
Sign should read “Give me FREE stuff”.
It’s perfectly simple, hire large ships, put them back on and take them back to Turkey to the shiny new refugee camps we are paying through the nose for.. also pick up any in boats and return them to Turkey.
Then tell them (and the Turks) that any who arrive illegally in Europe via boats will be arrested and,Turkey will be responsible for the bill of anyone entering Europe via Turkey, if it refuses to pay then the membership application is hereby torn up until they get their land and sea borders in order.
you do know why the press do this with the kids, its nothing at all to do with the plight of the refugees, its to do with the referendum as they know non acceptance of the public to the idea of all these refugees flooding into our country is one thing that will tip the vote to OUT.
They are trying to get us to feel sorry for the refugees so we wont mind them and it wont effect the referendum
Surely im not the only one that can see that.
You’re right. It’s actually pathetic how the media concentrate on the women and children when the vast majority are fit young men on their own, not proper refugees but looking to get to soft countries like Germany and the UK for economical advantages. Actually you cannot blame them but you certainly can the likes of us and our politicians for effectively allowing it to happen with the rest of the EU. VOTE OUT ASAP.
80% are young men, but dont let the facts get in the way of a news worthy story !
@luvpump Of which ALL of them should be sent right back to help rescue their country!!!
C-O-W-A-R-D-S – the LOT!!!!!
I see the media are still using photo’s of kids to try and make the bleeding hearts open the borders. How shameful is that. It is having the opposite effect. Attitudes are hardening, hearts are hardening. Calls to open the borders are futile. Europe has had enough.
@Llamedos Totally agree but tell that to the hanky-wringers here. Complain & your tarred as a Fascist or Hitlerite, or BNP. There are so many foreigners here already – I suppose another million or so, shouldn’t do any harm??
There is no need for these deaths. If only they would try and enter the EU legally.
@Steve-N All they know how to do is to recklessly abandon things. It is always easier to leave only ruin behind you, waiting for others to make up for it. The point is, if too many many people chose to live like that, affected societies will end up in ruin. How dare they raise their hands to us after that?
Send them to Saudi Arabia!
Close the borders!
“A girl in Idomeni pleads for the Greece-Macedonia border to be opened”
WRONG, a girl does what her parents tell her and holds a piece of cardboard with no idea what’s written on it.
Tired of images like this being used, stop posting the 15% and show the REAL images….of the young fighting fit men.
I’m sorry it makes no difference how many ad children you picture on here we don’t care!! GO HOME !! Europe and the UK is in a big enough mess without more migration for what ever reason.
” the Dutch government says that one in every four asylum-seekers arriving in its country have come from a country considered “safe”.”
Surely this should read…. “All asylum seekers arriving in this country have come from a country considered safe.”
The only borders the Netherlands has are with ‘safe’ countries.
When they have passed through so many ‘safe’ countries, their original origins are irrelevant. That they are making their way across so many countries indicates that none are ‘asylum seekers’ but are ‘economic migrants’.
When the fighting in Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo and Bosnia flared up in the 90s, the International Red Cross and other similar organisations ran the transit camps and the care and registration of those fleeing the conflict.
Are they doing this in Turkey, Greece, Italy or Spain? I thought it was their main function in these situations.
We do not seem to be hearing of their involvement here.
Strange how all these signs are in English
Yep,keep putting the pics of kids up Sky,if they were genuine Refugees they would have stayed in Turkey,they are Country shopping and the Media is helping them,how about reporting the news,not MAKING it,your bias is almost as bad as the BBC.
@nancy61 Well said!! Sky News take note of your readers!
Didums, should have done what you were told and sat tight.. just the one picture of a child this time though?
The sign says Open the borders.
Should have stayed at home.
mean while in the UK 78 pensioners died from lack of care
Why write the note in English if you want to enter Greece or Macedonia??
Unless a passing film crew are looking for a story!!
@Brack 1969 Written by the film crew in the first place.
Stand there. Hold this up.
Sky we keep telling you and you keep ignoring your readers…enough with the pictures of kids…most of the migrants are young males, who should be fighting for their homeland.
We are immune to your heart string pulling ….i don’t bother to read most of the articles…I and most other British and Europeans do not want these ‘migrants’ in Europe and we don’t need them.
I would rather see aid sent to UN camps, and troops sent to Syria….
Put this is the headlines in syria and turkey and greece Pakistan Afghanistan and other places letting them know get into boats your likey die
why is sky still showing young children have they not realised it is no longer having any effect they say they cant speak English so who gave that little girl the perfectly written sign to hold up
@nancy61 Well said!! Sky News take note of your readers!
@Brack 1969 Written by the film crew in the first place.Stan
Funny that Al Beeb make absolutely no mention of the fact that these parasites we clearly guided and helped across the river by European (English?) lefty filth.
Any Europeans found helping this filth to break into Europe should be rounded up and dealt with appropriately. These far left scum absolutely boil my piss.
Apologies in advance; I posted this on the “Thump the Trump” thread, but I think it’s so good I’m re-posting it here so more folk may see it.
This is excellent:
“As I watched the events in Chicago at the cancelled Donald Trump rally on Friday night [March 11th] unfolding in real-time – courtesy of a livestream – something finally dawned me I’ve known all along: though America is irredeemable, many Americans still have the courage to live.
No, that’s not right.
Many Americans have the will to live, if only they could be allowed to live.
But it’s hard to thrive in captivity, when every-time you reach for the stars, chains bind you to the earth.
A good friend of mine has always said if the boot ever came off for just a moment, we’d be shocked at how many people actually belong to the ranks of Those Who Can See.
Watching what happened over the weekend of March 11 – 13th across the United States of America, as one man bravely stands to speak up for redeeming America has left me absolutely breathless.
Because of the very nature of how irredeemable America is in 2016 (courtesy of repugnant white leftists/Marxist filth/Black radicals/Beltway Conservative non-profits fleecing real Americans/open borders), for a man to come along and merely state his goal is to “Make America Great Again” means an absolute repudiation of the nation-breaking policies these vermin have perpetuated.
Vermin isn’t strong enough of word, but because children may be reading this, we’ll stop there.
Who knows what compelled Donald J. Trump to run for the GOP nomination to be the President of the United States of America, and at this point who cares?
In only a few months of running for office. everything has changed (hey, I even stopped shopping at Macy’s!).
And on Friday night in Chicago, Illinois, a multi-racial gang consisting of white liberals/Marxists, illegal aliens, black radicals, and non-white detritus dared deny American’s their First Amendment right to “peacefully assemble.”
Say what you will, but the very name of “Trump” is now synonymous with the word “freedom.”
Freedom for what and freedom from what… I’ll leave that up to your interpretation, but something extraordinary is transpiring right now, beyond the wildest dreams of the most militant fictional writer daring to pen a story of the liberation of the European people.
You see, our future was never supposed tied to uplifting Africans, or watching as our nations were colonized by people not only alien to our culture, but racial aliens as well.
Our future was always supposed to be about creating a world for our posterity, one where they could flourish; not as slaves to subsidizing racial aliens proliferation in our nation, and watching as the cities/communities our ancestors built crumble under the weight of racial truths we can’t even say aloud.
As presently constituted, the United States of America in 2016 does not offer that possibility, though a significantly large number of Americans do yearn to be free once again.
Whatever possessed Donald J. Trump, a billionaire to turn traitor to his class, stand up and dare say it was time to “Make America Great Again” (with this phrase admitting something was desperately wrong in the nation), we owe him our thanks, gratitude, and our allegiance.”
Paul Kersey
The BBC seems pretty keen to keep him or anyone near him, top of mind…
It will be interesting if BBC r4 today, or ever, gives such prominence to Mr. Corbyn getting jiggy again with one of those anti-semites he and Owen and all sorts ‘say’ they want nothing to do with.
Meanwhile, back at the Labour free PR agency, or rather their ‘rockets, what rockets?’ Middle East ringer division…
‘describes himself as being employed by the corporation on his Twitter account’
Luckily, he has the BBC guided get out of anything always card…” work for the #BBC what is written here represents my own views”
Which is nice.
Absolutely fine for BBC to show evidence of Trump being a hypocrite
..but FFS they have done a 90s radio interview and then mocked up an entire webpage with photos it’s an advert against Trump..which it is ..with licence payers money.
The entire western world is at a pivotal moment in its history. The adage “lions led by donkeys” is never more true than to describe those who have been given that most precious of tasks… To lead us.
As we witness our way of life and everything we hold dear being torn apart and destroyed to ‘please’ those who utterly despise everything about us, we realise that our leaders are not only not up to the task but are actually dedicated to or activity complicit in the west’s impending destruction.
So what could we do? The establishment has over many years honed it’s abilities to shut down and prevent any challenge to what is happening. Laws were been created to sensor/restrict what we can say and how we can say it. The establishment engineered buzz words and punishments to control the language and topics of debates. Racist, islamphobe, xenophobe, fascist… These word were given special status as ‘hate/evil’ tags to take away platforms to anyone willing to say enough is enough. The MSM were used as a Nazi propaganda like mechanism to scare anyone even thinking about challenging what was happening. These words were used relentlessly. Anyone tarnished with these tags were ruined. The media then completely ignored these ‘dangerous’ extremists and ridiculed and vilified everything they said. They had no chance getting their message out…..
Then Trump came along. A man who was completely slipped under the radar. A man seen as so beneath our God like establishment he was just treated like a complete idiot. The tone was set. The lines were drawn. Trump didn’t need the media. They learned that too late. Trump didn’t need money from conspiring companies. They learned that too late. Trump began to say things unheard of during the last few decades. The left couldn’t ruin him now because they spent their load at the very beginning turning him into a comedy figure. But he’s isn’t that. He is deadly serious. Trump knows that people have had enough of this make belief world the liberal elite had cocooned themselves in. He tapped into this disconnect. This anger at what was happening to our countries. The media tried everything they could to discredit him but the shock factor had only passed. People started to see something wasn’t right with how the media talked about Trump. Ordinary people had those same fears. We always have. We always will.
Thank God for Donald Trump. Like agent Smith on the matrix he is a creation of the liberal elite who has got out of control. Donald Trump looks like he could be the saviour the West has been waiting for. Its obvious that things have already changed because of him. The silent majority has woken from it’s conditioned slumber. God bless you Donald Trump
Solid post Ttp.
I know that the tasteless Top Gear fiasco has been covered pretty much already. However, I wonder if the Beeb would have considered it a good idea to get their driver to perform adolescent stunts close to the Stephen Lawrence memorial. Jesus H Christ we’d never hear the end of it! Can you imagine? Anyway, never fear, something so dreadfully crass would never have entered their politically correct, right on and progressive heads.
But, with the Cenotaph…
“We would like to make it absolutely clear that the Top Gear team has the utmost respect for the Cenotaph, what it stands for, and those heroic individuals whose memory it serves so fittingly.”
So only the Top Gear team has respect for the Cenotaph. Shame that the whole BBC doesn’t.
St Lawrence’s memorial was involved in something. A flower pot was broken and CID went on an alert which eventually led to arrests and coverage from the BBC
Jon Snow manages to sneer his way through the death of Peter Maxwell Davies.
“Geriatric terrible” apparently….and he tutored a Tory too!
Who`d have thought THAT?…so went Jon Snows snidey interview.
Music sounds shit-keen eco nutter , republican but one who took every royal bauble and cheque that he could.
And all from bloody Orkney in his tartan waistcoat!
Oh-and the plebs walked out on his racket in the 60s, when people were unable to get his genius.
Still-Snow-had he been listening, and not soaking his tampons in rainbow shades-could have learned that Sir Peter Maxwell House was “an enigma”…and “a paradox”…when he took the Queens awards and shillings while denouncing the royals and shafting Mrs Thatcher.
Sound better than “fucking toff playdo hypocrite” then don`t they?
I myself recorded the “Falls Road Symphony with A minor” with Gerry and the Bombmakers in 1981…oh how those gals played merrily on their skillets, tureens and even a steel drum (or bin lid as the untutored thought) as we laid a sorry lament for the first victim of what we know now to be anorexic nerviness…Mr Bobby Sands.
Can I now put out my muse?…and will Joan(Lady) Bakewell cheer up for the video I`m planning?
“Sound better than “fucking toff playdo hypocrite” then don`t they?”
chrisH , Jon Snow ” soaking his tampons in rainbow shades ” . Brilliant. Jon, and notice how it is spelt, is not fit to lick Peter Maxwell Davies’ feet. I bet Jon never set foot in Orkney. I did once and spent most of my time in Highland Park !
chrisH, Even by your standards, that post is a masterpiece. Please get it down in writing for posterity.
Tonight on Radio 4 PM whether by accident or design the BBC let slip they are – to use an expression shi****g bricks over the global success or otherwise of Top Gear. It is the number one money spinner for them, by a country mile, and if it doesn’t deliver, they fear the whole reputation of the BBC could be tarnished.
Odd when you think about it, that a man who used to be at the centre of it, so vilified by the Fascist Left for what they claimed were ‘racist’ views, should be so amazingly popular with all manner of people of differing races, religions, and nationalities really, but then as we all know racism isn’t what it says on the tin.
They claimed that other big sellers were Doctor Who – although that bombed overseas with Steven Moffats appalling political correct scripts, sales took a nose dive. Alas the third big seller was Sherlock with the Cucumberpatch although I do wonder if it was more Conan Doyles reputation that the BBC that sold this. confirms the top three in 2014. There were other sales successes, but in the form of one off documentaries.
Just three drama series are providing the mainstay of the BBCs worldwide income, if they lose one then it could affect the sales & reputation of all the others.
I was listening to Radio 4 on Saturday just before 1pm, I didnt catch the name of the program but it sounded as if it was meant to be some satirical comedy – hard to tell as it didnt raise a smile let alone a laugh from me. However they did use the words dog shit in one piece. I found this quite disturbing as I was tucking into some sandwiches at the time. My thought was have standards dropped so low and are they allowed to use such words at mid-day?
For the record I swear a lot, I just don’t want to hear it on the TV and radio as it diminishes these words.
Although I feel sure that dog-shit sandwiches are very much an acquired taste, I defend your right to enjoy them at your leisure, without interference from the BBC.
I have often wondered why, to justify the enforced unique funding to the tune of £4Bpa and employment of 20,000 staff, BBC PR and senior management seem reduced to Sherlock Dr Who and Strictly, with EastEnders domestically.
Hardly vital, and hardly good value.
Enjoyed Andrew Graham Dixons take on Norwegian art tonight.
Guess I`d not have bothered , had Rowan Pelling snorted at a white middle aged bloke heading the project.
Glad I watched…but utterly tragic that such a great culture and exceptional country is now in mortal peril with Islam banging at its door.
Missed Norways music as well-“I`ve Been Losing You” by AHa is a gem!
Norway is not yet lost to Europe . The PM has taken powers to close the border with the failing state Sweden .
Much depends on how quickly Sweden descends into chaos. This looks inevitable and could have the effect of making the rest of Europe take action to preserve itself.
Dave S
I hope that you are right on that?
It may be a good advert to vote Brexit .
The whole of Europe is in a mess and it was all started by ‘Mad Merkel’.
History repeats itself, one German lunatic started the Second World War, now we the have the present one along with our very own PM as a reincarnation of the supine Neville Chamberlain waving his piece of paper – this time its his ‘big deal’ with the EU .
You could not make it up!
What changed this woman’s mind in 6 years ?
Oh dear Newsnight sounds desperate to denigrate Trump!
The voters are ‘less educated’, ‘white’ and ‘angry’ apparently.
Trump is appealing to the ‘lizard brain’ in the electorate.
Why so? BBC wants Clinton to win, so surely an “extremist” Republican such as Trump is going to favour Clinton? Isn’t it?
The bias in the programme was disgraceful but inevitable as the marxist liberals have to face the fact that Trump is going to be the Republican candidate and will win the election if it is a fair fight.
The discredited elites never allowed for this eventuality. You can sense the same panic developing in our liberal marxists as they are forced to face defeat here over the EU referendum.
The momentum is now with the counter revolution around the Western world and it is important that the pressure is maintained. Stop arguing with the liberal marxists wherever they are found and make sure they understand that this is a real cultural war and that nothing is going to make us give ground now.
All they have is words and words that they have changed to suit themselves. We have a civilisation and children and grandchildren to protect. They have nothing .
There is work to do.
In the news today……… Many of the traditional Welsh Valleys going to vote for UKIP in the Welsh Assembly Election on the 5th May, despite Mr (millionaire) Kinnock’s EU canvassing .
More bias?…
Ask any supporter to name 5 good reasons to stay in the EU ?………
Mass immigration with open borders
No democracy
The Euro
Asset stripping
We pay in more than we get out .
EU Rules & regulations
Would we join it now ?
Ur um no ?
Oh….forgot to say…..Kinnock was my MP back in the day….in Bedwellty ( as it once was) and in Islwyn.
I remember the adoring masses on the council estates worshipping him as he toured their areas around general election time.
The poor bastards voted Labour for ever….and are still poor. But they just cant see why.
So… We’re alright, we’re alright, we’ere alright
Then falls into sea.
I never tire of watching the verbose, gravy train buffoon trip on the shingly beach.
Here we go, folks. Hahahahaha
Nearly genius…and didn`t they do well to actually get a brain big enough to map for us?
Can only imagine the lefties who kindly cashed in their brains for a place on Richard Bransons probe(oo er!) weren`t using them-because the BBC and the Guardain do all the hard work of emoting and spitting venom.
There ought to be a big lobe given over to the hyperphallicus…that bit where Clinton and Prescott blame for tonking interns and secretaries before getting them sacked and reduced to penury…whilst their wives go on to write books or bid for President.
The Kennedy Centre as we call it.
Shw mae Taff…..are you optimistic about the voting intentions of the sheeple?
I’m not.
Until 10 years ago I was stuck in the typical constituencies where the sheep with a red rosette got a massive majority.
Luckily, now finding myself in a place more marginal , its much better.
However, the memories linger of those idiot attitudes and blindness to reality.
Even though many of those sheeple were vitriolic in their conedemnation of Bliar and everything he stood for, the morons kept sending Labour back with massive majorities, and few turned towards Plaid, who in truth, ought to have been hoovering up the votes those dissatisfied with
Bliar. But it really didnt happen. Plaid are still hopeless.
Will they turn to ukip in an even bigger way than they did in the last GE or the Euro elections? I dont think so, but I live in hope that you are proved correct.
Gyda llaw, I attended my first UKIP Branch meeting last week, and was encouraged by the enthusiasm I found there.
Same in Scotland.
SNP absolute mess of running the economy, schools, hospitals, etc – but still projected to win 75% of Scottish seats at Scottish election.
Scotland has too many BBC brainwashed ‘head up their backsides’ voters. They don’t understand that they have become the laughing stock of the rest of Britain.
The sensible members of Scotland need to slap the Commie nationalists down a lot more than they are currently doing.
I was in Glasgow recently, loved the place, enjoyed the company of the people I met. But my goodness,some of their political knowledge is limited,they are so misguided, they use keywords or stock statements without any understanding behind the comment, no detail,lack of evidence.
Scottish words/statements I encountered talking to a group of youngsters (20’s)
We’ve got the oil
Poll tax
You English
You/Us mentality
Answer this, why does everyone hate the English? (pointing his finger at me)
Braveheart / Beat the English
Many Scots especially the young have a lot of growing up to do. They need to lose the chip on their shoulder. The older generation need to start talking more to their offspring.
Although the first 3 on your list are well before the 20’s year olds can remember (oil discovered mid-70s – pretty much gone now), Thatcher/Poll tax was, what, 1988? Even the movie Braveheart was made in 1995! So they are being fed this stuff by an older generation.
The nationalist problem was stoked by Labour who invented the narrative of Mrs Thatcher being a nasty Englishwomen to cement Labour’s position in Scotland. Poll tax introduced one year earlier in Scotland – big deal. But they made it a big deal, ably supported by the BBC, of course. Then in the later years of Majors’ government the BBC canonised John Smith (remember him now? – not really). Labour unleashed nationalism and amusingly it has bitten them in the ass badly.
So I think young Scots need to listen less to cranky, monomaniac old Nats like Salmon and Sturgeon who’ve never seen much of the world. Advise them to take some trips south to enjoy the diversity and exuberance of the great nation they are part of.
Agree with your comments engineerdownunder, they are fed a one dimensional argument. I enjoyed their company and found all the people I met very friendly. Ironically, they asked me who I supported, I replied i voted for UKIP. Their reaction was to laugh at me. They said they were a rascist party, but they couldn’t explain why when I asked them.
They seem to like to condemn England as separate, an enemy if you will, more in the sense of gratifying an expected cultural norm rather than a genuine dislike. Their feelings towards the English are viewed as culpable for everything they see as wrong in society ( whether it is or isn’t), whilst contrarily they view the SNP as on their side against Westminster (note not England).
When I mentioned that far from UKIP being a rascist party, I saw the SNP as an extremely rascist party against the rest of Britain, and gave them examples such as in education. They seemed in complete denial of this, they were obviously left wing and well meaning but the friendly tone change a little when I highlighted this point.
Nevertheless, they were a lovely group of people albeit misguided, I feel better for having met them.
“They seem to like to condemn England as separate, an enemy if you will, more in the sense of gratifying an expected cultural norm rather than a genuine dislike. Their feelings towards the English are viewed as culpable for everything they see as wrong in society ( whether it is or isn’t)…”
I grew up in the ’80s with that kind of attitude expressed openly by many. So it goes quite a while back. It was mainly rougher kids from poorer backgrounds (though by no means the poorest, and of course there were plenty of bright poor kids – my mum was a straight ‘A’ student who went to St Andrews Uni in the ’60s, and she grew up in a council house) who held those values, though, and I suspect you encountered a few of that type. It’s not that their parents need to start talking to these particular specimens you encountered; it’s that their parents DO talk to them. Of course, there’ll be many who read cyber-propaganda sites like ‘Wings Over Scotland’ and get their info from there.
Still, I could have predicted they’d play the ‘ol racist card when you mentioned UKIP (as if any of them would ever marry a Paki). Predictable.
The oil thing is understandable, though. The debatable revelations of the previously classified McCrone Report has angered many, and whilst the truth about the ability to rely on Oil heavily for an independent Scotland is in the grey area between the exaggeration of engineerDU’s ‘pretty much gone now’ and the SNP’s ‘Loads, don’t you worry’, it’s going to be something both sides will use to manipulate when the price inevitably rises again.
“So I think young Scots need to listen less to cranky, monomaniac old Nats like Salmon and Sturgeon who’ve never seen much of the world. Advise them to take some trips south to enjoy the diversity and exuberance of the great nation they are part of. ”
With all due respect, I don’t think many kids up here want to visit cities swimming with blacks and pakis who have turned whole areas into no-go cesspits. It’s not a great nation any more. It can be again, though.
Dysgwr_Cymraeg, I haven’t lived in Wales for many years but the impression I got in the 90s was that Plaid appealed mainly to a. hard core Welsh nats in the Lynn peninsula who pretend not to be able to speak English, and b. middle class university educated statists keen to join the ‘Taffia’ and get a government job. The Valleys people in general that I knew, didn’t seem to think much of them.
I was born in North Wales and when the Plaid came along they attracted those associated with the local elite – the parson and the teacher.
And that is very true cranmer, as I grew up in the mining valleys of the south east.
Most of the electorate there appear still to fall into the ‘sheeple’ category, as I witnessed by being a resident of Bedwellty whuch then became Islwyn, and later moved into Torfaen. There was a rock solid Labour majority whatever was the economic or pilitical position in those places.
I’d say though that Plaid has attempted to broaden its appeal since then, but still attracts the nats who, like the SNP would rather achieve a fake independence and then be governed by Brussels. I keep telling them that the EU would love a bunch of regions instead of the UK.
It’s much easier to control.
It’s no use trying to tell them that of course, they want independence !
Devolution is not enough for them, and to listen to Leanne Bloody Wooden droning on infuriates me.
It still seems to me that Plaid really ought to have sucked up millions of the votes of disaffetcted Labour folk….but they never did….Labour still runs the Welsh Assembly.
So….one can only hope that in a single issue fight like the EU referendum, or even in the Welsh Assembly Election which comes before, that enough can see sense and vote Ukip.
“Dysgwr_Cymraeg, I haven’t lived in Wales for many years but the impression I got in the 90s was that Plaid appealed mainly to a. hard core Welsh nats in the Lynn peninsula who pretend not to be able to speak English, and b. middle class university educated statists keen to join the ‘Taffia’ and get a government job. The Valleys people in general that I knew, didn’t seem to think much of them.”
Don’t you thnk that was why valley girl Leanne ,who cannot even speak Welsh, but pretends to be learning, was chosen a leader?
Shw mae Dysgwr_Cymraeg !
I am still optimistic, but don’t let complacency step in , Its up to people like to educate the rest of the sheep .
Get out of the EU.
Shw mae Dysgwr_Cymraeg !
I am still optimistic, but don’t let complacency step in , Its up to people like us to educate the rest of the sheep .
Get out of the EU.
“Many of the traditional Welsh Valleys going to vote for UKIP in the Welsh Assembly Election on the 5th May, despite Mr (millionaire) Kinnock’s EU canvassing .”
Since the houing is cheap thhey are almost certainly being invaded by Poles, Romanians etc as well as being a dumping ground for various asylum seekers.
These are close communities where traditionally everyone has known each other. And although willing to be welcoming to the occasional stranger who wishes to assimilate, they will not take kindly to being fragmented by invaders “minority communities”.
Can only hope and pray that the likes of Kinnock and Blair get used by the Remainian pan handlers to cross the nation and tell us why we should continue to stay on the Titanic…there`s a hope of some choux pastry crumbs tomorrow once we`ve dreamed the iceberg away together.
We do need to see much more of the Welsh Wizzard, the Sedgefield Chef!
Just in case we ever think that the EU will defend us from back scratching traitors like these perpetual dynasties of Labour lizards.
Anybody heard from John Prescott lately?…surely the man to swing it for us!
Sounds like Ian Katz is seeking to use the soft power of the BBC to effect change in the USA again, after his awesome success with Operation Clarke County, mobilising all the Newsnight viewers.
The resident of Buford, Wyoming will likely need to wait a while.
No matter what the BBC says, as a UKIP voting Mensa member, living in Yorkshire. From personal experience, I am absolutely certain that the ‘less educated’ ‘black’ and ‘angry’ voters in inner-city areas, vote Labour. It’s a fact, the nice country areas stuffed full of well educated white people, vote UKIP or Tory. Its well known that the Labour party and the Democrats have a remit to represent the low IQ Blacks and poor working class whites. The science of racial differences in intelligence, is the original left-wing science censorship taboo, and the evidence is that the Blacks overwhelmingly vote Labour. But the most unusual factor in the equation is the fact that the BBC is full of Labour voting middle-class whites, something that in the real world, only exists amongst a minority of immature low IQ middle class family members, who have to be sent off to University to do some Mickey mouse degree in the Arts, Media and Humanities. And end up unemployable, with the exception of employment with the BBC.
If (Hilary Clinton/the BBC) employed some actors to turn violent at a (Trump/Question Time) meeting. The (Democrats/BBC) could swing the vote in favour of the Establishment. Especially as the Police would have to arrest (Trump/the Panel) for inciting violence through the use of free speech.
In early 1930’s Germany, the only speaker who never incited violence was Adolf Hitler. All his opponents had to be arrested for inciting a great deal of violence from members of the audience wearing uniforms.
For ‘educated’, read ‘indoctrinated’.
What scares Katz and his fellow Guardianistas is the authentic voice of the working class which they pretend to idolise.
Haven’t they dropped that pretense totally in the last decade or so?
I cannot think of any recent examples! Mostly they like to demonize the working class as fat, unskilled, lazy, or patronise or use as material for comedy.
It’s no surprise that Eastenders does not feature in the list of top BBC exports. The BBC might be able to hoodwink the general public into thinking that the depiction of British life as a depressing, multicultural mess where crimes and poor acting go unpunished is value-for-money entertainment. The rush to achieve diversity as a box-ticking exercise has resulted in a wholly unrepresentative view of society – the exact opposite of the objectives one would imagine.
As for the acting and storyline, well, enough said.
Check this link out
My favourite is one episode equating to 200g of ketamine.
I like the picture of Dot Cotton in the character section.
Clicked on ‘random article’ a couple of times after reading the Eastenders bit and found something that should amuse a few folk here:
It’s funny ‘cos it’s true!
Scientific fact.
I’ll have to ditch everything I learned in my Physiology of the Brain uni lectures. (nothing)
The Night Manager
I don’t mind saying right at the outset – this is bound to be a mainly positive review. I’m a fan of John le Carré. His novels bridge that divide between genre and literary work and deserve credit – if for nothing else one has to admire him for his prescient early stepping aside from the hoopla of what have become increasingly obnoxious so-called literary prizes. Although distracted by the title – it brought to mind Dirk Bogard and Charlotte Rampling in the challenging The Night Porter – at least in terms of plot and character we were always going to be in safe hands. Raised in the hard school of the all pervasive Cold War threat his work was shot through with humanity and insight – just think about his titles: The Spy Who Came in from the Cold; The Looking Glass War. But through the noir and the moral-equivalence there still shone Englishness – was it Le Carré who reminded us that it was only the most English of men who assumed a foreign surname, it ought to have been? When the chips were down you had to side with the old school George Smiley over Karla the Moscow hood.
With the rest of us cold war kids the author has struggled to come to an understanding of the post-Berlin Wall new world order. When new politics dismantles your main plot device where do you turn? What actors and props would be left on the stage when the iron curtain rose? Le Carré has effectively explored the wider world, with finely researched dense new backdrops and armed with his somewhat rootless multilingual multinational characters – a decidedly modern touch with which to tickle the angst-laden liberal zeitgeist. But in his old age and search for new certainties he’s become a rather worthy old cove; for wont of a Warsaw Pact instead sampling what Conrad in Nostromo vaguely termed ‘material interests’ and what the modern liberal would sloganise as western states and multi-national corporations – for avoidance of the word capitalism.
One scene in particular caught the attention. Don’t panic, I won’t go all camp liberal media and cite Tom Hiddlestone’s bum in 140 characters. No, my sensitive Biased-BBC whiskers twitched at the Olivia Coleman teary monologue about her hatred of the international arms trade and in particular of Hugh Laurie’s rather well-acted sinister king pin arms trader. You can see what attracted the BBC-types. There may well still really be one or two buccaneering faux aristocrat Englishmen at the heart of that dubious trade – I doubt it, but there may be. But I’ve got news for the BBC: if it weren’t for all the minor public school baddies, the bent Spanish lawyers, the biometric turn-a-blind-eye Swiss bankers and the unethical foreign policy MI6 and those suited white yank spooks out of Langley…. that lot in the world’s hotspots – they would still be riding around on camels lopping one another’s heads off.
>…was it Le Carré who reminded us that it was only the most English of men who assumed a foreign surname, it ought to have been?
Maybe Greene should take the credit for that. The two of them certainly had similarities when it came to imagining England’s finest in the spying game. Of course, Greene worked for MI6, too.
The cast of The Night Manager saves its hide.
Amazing actors, one and all. When all the main characters are in close up it is all fine. But how on earth can scenes be devoid of tension and intrigue? The director and writer should be super glued to seats to watch the US dramas of the 21st century. Why do they cut to the ‘wide’ when characters are being intimate? It’s as if it was story boarded to alienate the audience.
Olivia Coleman and Hiddleston are there to represent ‘we’ nice liberals and ‘our nice liberal view of the world.’ The real baddies are the right wing toffs, and, hells bells, Hugh Laurie and Tom Hollander are terrific in those parts.
From The Wire and Sopranos, up to Game of Thrones and House of Cards, US dramas eschew the politically correct and warm, compassionate leads in exchange for genuine human conflict. Everyone is complicated and every scene grabs you by the throat. No one is villainous simply because they are a baddie no one is good because they represent the Guardian.
The BBC drama folk still float in the twentieth century.
>From The Wire and Sopranos, up to Game of Thrones and House of Cards US dramas eschew the politically correct and warm, compassionate leads for genuine human conflict. Everyone is complicated and every scene grabs you by the throat. No one is villainous simply because they are a baddie.
Particularly The Sopranos. It spoiled nearly everything I’ve seen since. Apart from the rushed denouement of the last couple of episodes, it’s perfect.
But, apropos of Le Carré being discussed, Tinker Tailor was made in the Twentieth Century by BBC, and it still stands head and shoulders over most series made today. I think the issue is that fuckwits are in charge these days. Quite a profound deconstruction, I know.
“No, my sensitive Biased-BBC whiskers twitched at the Olivia Coleman teary monologue about her hatred of the international arms trade”
Well there had to be something. To me, Olivia Coleman’s character lacked credibility. I’m not criticising her acting but I think it highly unlikely that such a gobby, self righteous individual would have progressed so far in that world.
I haven’t read the book, so I can’t say for certain that the BBC is responsible, but she struck me as a leftover from a 1970s Play for Today.
In other respects it was well above average IMO.
The multi-racial, diverse, agenda selected surveillance team must be a bit of a give away to the baddies!
I expect it makes it easier to follow having the desk officers do the field work too but it doesn’t matter as they blab away in plain-speak on their mobile phones all the time.
But it is just a story,isn’t it?
The only bit of miscasting in The Night Manager (IMO) is Hugh Laurie; I like him as an actor but to me he just doesn’t seem right in that role, he isn’t able to project that hard edge just visible beneath the surface to play someone like that.
It needed someone like a Charles Dance or Ben Kingsley, Tim Pigott-Smith or Ciaran Hinds to play Roper.
That said it is quite good for al beebus, compared to their usual cr@p.
On Sunday Rod Liddle wrote a particularly good piece in the Sunday Times about how present day students were incapable of coping with points of view which differed from the their own right on leftist ones. Various theories were advanced as to why this might be. But the pivotal role of the BBC in forming this generation of intolerant leftist kids was missed. If you grow up in a country where the all pervasive state funded broadcaster is itself intolerant of anything but a liberal left view point then you are much likely to be tolerant of views which oppose your own. Compound this with teachers who blindly follow the liberal left view , or even a much harder leftist view, and you must have a profound impact on what and how young people think. But many of us on this site suspect that this is exactly what the teaching unions, Labour and the BBC have been aiming at all along.
“Compound this with teachers who blindly follow the liberal left view ….”
I may bang on repeatedly about this, but again, think how old (young) these teachers are ! Teachers and the Beeb were neither Left nor Right when I was at school (50s and 60s), so at what time period during the last 50 years did it all go tits up ? Sometimes ‘progression’ aint so great…… hospitals are dirtier, we’ve become more materialistic, please & thank you have long gone, dressing ‘smartly’ has been consigned to the dustbin, a ‘mature’ 20 year old is non-existent, all food is our deadliest enemy, and TB has returned to our Country ! I’m depressed now.
Long ago in a place far far away (the North East in about 1979) I visited a PGCE open day. I listened to one of the lecturing staff and it was absolutely clear he thought he had a divine right as a public sector academic, and he described the private sector with utter disdain. Here we are over 35 years later and I still remember it because it was so gratuitous, flagrant and unexpected.
I’m tempted to suggest the answer to your question is the mid 60s. In the social liberation of the time, we gained confidence to question and oppose the past and the status quo, but not the skills to discern and appreciate the good parts. Those youngsters grew up, and over time a number of them in key positions transmuted the undiscerning mentality into the right-on left wing orthodoxies of the chattering classes, as so nobly illustrated today by our esteemed Far Left state broadcaster.
Not old enough to remember the 60’s in any detail, but my Dad, not greatly educated, but a WW2 vet always blamed the Beatles and television for the breakdown of our society. Simplistic and sadly I laughed and mocked him, but now in my maturity, I reckon he certainly had a point.
He died in the mid 90’s and I often think that he must have looked at the Teds, hippies, beatniks and punks in the same disbelief and detachment that I now look at the metallised, inky, metrosexuals, masculine females and other lefty freaks, difference is, such freaks today are given a platform….
Brissles – my mother trained and worked as a teacher from about 1960 to about 1965, after which point she moved on to a career she felt more suited to. She said that the move from traditional to ‘progressive’ teaching methods and attitudes happened quite quickly but that it wasn’t just young radical teachers, older ones were keen on it also.
If you read Orwell you will see that the generation that was born just before the First World War, at least in the educated middle and upper classes, was polarised into pro-Fascist and pro-Communist factions. The Fascists were completely gone by 1940, for obvious reasons, which meant the Communist/socialist left were the only real ‘progressives’ that young people could look up to. The expansion of higher education after the war (ironically, a Conservative idea) created the ideal conditions for statism to flourish. It took off around 1963 and grew exponentially, probably reaching a peak around 1968, but by that time the damage was done.
So it’s been a long time coming. You can probably trace most of today’s leftism back to the French Revolution and the earlier revolutionary thinkers.
>So it’s been a long time coming. You can probably trace most of today’s leftism back to the French Revolution and the earlier revolutionary thinkers.
You certainly can. And it caught on in the London Coffee Houses of the 18th century, with staunch Conservatives like Burke bemoaning the poisoning the minds of the Lower Orders. The beginning of the disintegration of God-given order.
I would disagree with you on that one because I think a lot of the earlier thinkers such as those that influenced the American Revolution actually had some good ideas. Tom Paine is usually described as an atheist but actually wasn’t, he believed in God but not the revealed religion pushed by the church, for example. It was the corruption of revolutionary ideals following 1789 that was the beginning of the trouble, in my view. After the example of the ‘Terror’ and the rise of Napoleon I don’t see how any right-thinking person could want ‘revoloooshun’.
Ah, I see. I must admit that all I really know of Thomas Paine is that he was a critic of the reality of government in general. The sentiment from this quote from Common sense is what always comes to mind when I think of him (which I’ve had to copy and paste so I don’t messily paraphrase):
“Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher.”
I wasn’t aware of his religious sensibilities. It was the corrupted ideals that I was referring to being discussed in the coffee houses, though – admittedly since God ran thick through nearly every mind at that point in time, it wasn’t as if atheism itself was the most threatening factor. It was that people were starting to think they’d been fooled into believing they were not deserving of a greater place in the order.
But right-thinking is so easily corrupted anyway. The politics of emotion and all that.
Actually, this is a better quote:
“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”
Thatcher would have snorted in derision at that!
“…and so they are casting their problems on society and who is society? There is no such thing!”
Just heard – car bomb in Berlin.
Must be either Top Gear or Pegida.
Clearly nothing to do with a million immigrants.
On Classic FM just now it seems it was just the driver, which is a relief if en route with malicious intent, except perhaps to those near and dear to him/her.
It will be interesting how the BBC ‘handles’ the follow up.
Names, ranks, serial numbers, neighbours, etc. Or… watertight oversight?
Could be assassination rather than terrorism.
True. But collateral consequences seem to make it still more likely from those who do not value innocent human life. We shall see. Or, maybe, not until the matter of 15′ ice cream waiting is fully explored.
Murder investigation after car bomb kills driver in Berlin
Phew. That’s all right then.
“An explosion — described as “murder using a car bomb” by a local prosecutor — rocked a residential area of western Berlin Tuesday morning, killing a 43-year-old Turkish citizen.”
Seeems it was probably nothing to do with terrorism, immigrant on immigrant.
Meanwhile here in Britain:
More BBC science fiction
“February’s global temperature soared 1.35C above average and close to the UN Paris conference agreed 1.5C above pre-industrial levels maximum.”
Only problem is the average that has been exceeded by 1.35C is post industrial (1951-80) but it still has not exceeded pre-industrial by 1.5C. Why not? Because the global average today is still only 1C above pre-industrial.
To take a monthly figure especially in an El Nino cycle is pointless and mislea
Syria: A different country after five years of war”>Syria: A different country after five years of war
Not a word about the religious/ethnic divisions that Assad (snr. and Jnr.) leveraged to stay in power and ultimately exploded to this war.
I can only see this as a publicity stunt by a cynical and self serving BBC, to push the new Top Gear.
They started planning this eight months ago, which in my recollection is before anyone was confirmed as a Top Gear presenter. Therefore, it was organised by BBC management, not the new Top Gear team.
Now that the controversy is big news, they have made a ‘thing’ of saying that they will not broadcast the offending footage on Top Gear. And to make the point clear, they have not only repeated that same footage several times over on their news channel (repeated twice within the same minute on at least one news broadcast), they have also shared the footage with the press. My paper of choice (Telegraph) included the same clip in their online/tablet article on the controversy. As Mea Culpa’s go, this is shoddy in the extreme.
It does make one decision clear for me. I will now be subscribing to the new Clarkson/Hammond/May program when it starts in October.
If as Evans claimed yesterday they were going to bin the footage, why did they go ahead yesterday and continue the stunt with a fake Queen and an RAF Chinook? What was the cost?
Many people claiming to be cancelling their Amazon subscription after Clarkson’s pro EU comments.
James Dellingpole’s did a good piece on it.
radio 4 world at one.
The EU funded Peter Mandelson has been giving an uninterrupted paean to the wondrous virtues of remaining in the EU. Oddly lardy Mark Mardell forgot he was supposed to challenge politicians who advocate a particular policy. Perhaps he and his BBC researchers couldn’t think of a single possible argument for Brexit nor find fault with any propaganda Mandelson was spouting.
The one time he did challenge Mandelson was how he was wrong about supporting the Euro so he could be wrong now in supporting the EU. Mandelson thought this was very humorous. No, no, no. He had never supported the Euro, simply that should conditions be propitious for our entry then … blah blah blah blah. yes you did! I remember!
No wonder he had to resign twice from government and could only find employment with the corrupt EU.
Come on BBC, raise your act to at least plausible. I know you hate the Telegraph but read how Mandelson has to support the EU to maintain his EU payments:
How exactly can a politician on a lowly salary afford to buy an £8 million house in London ?
It seems Mandelson’s riches are as transparent as Tony BLiars are. Wouldn’t surprise me to find that there’s a deal of Sunni Oil money involved though, and no surprise that Cameron want to leave his job so he too can enrich himself in a similar manner.
Has Saudi pronounced what their position on Brexit is, because you can be certain that all our political class will be faithfully following the money !
He’s on the BBC a lot. Maybe they slip him a bit more than Ms. Abbott, the sexists.
I would not slip anything to the fragrant Diane !
That bunch of Blair’s slimeballs have made themselves so rich they are now nicely insulated from the inevitable disaster their actions have gradually wrought upon the country.
Come the revolution, comrades…
Poor old Chris Evans was worrying about last months world-shattering record breaking rise in temperatures, when peer-revved and given shriekback and positive amplifornication from the green Gilberts at Norwich polys Partridge Seat of Seance.
Poor Chris eh…fairly fretting he was before the 8 a.m news.
But not enough to worry about Le Blancs manic revving up all over the Cenotaph yesterday-think it was in the news, but Chris seemed not to mention it. Was that Gaia choking on the fumes?…I think not!
And nothing about Andy Murrays Sprogs and Sporrans hopping over to India to take tiffin with the the Dunblane Dumbell.
Apparently THOSE airmiles -as certified by Vassos and Sports Guys all over the BBC…do NOT count towards drowning the polar bears.
For these are all sporty car ones for media consumption and Evans promotion…so they don`t count as stuffing Gaia.
You may ask why so?-they just are…righty?
>Poor old Chris Evans was worrying about last months world-shattering record breaking rise in temperatures, when peer-revved and given shriekback and positive amplifornication from the green Gilberts at Norwich polys Partridge Seat of Seance.
Most kind sir!
Maybe my Leonard Sachs verbiage for Generation Blog Roll will begin to turn the liberal ship of fools around, and -if so-chiefly yourself 4D-I will wave a teary onion under both my necks as I thank you and the team that make all this worthwhile…
I dedicate this accolade to George Roper-yith , yith…I do!
See you at Jerrods Cross!
My reply from the Daily Mail re comment manipulation, whoever said they don’t seem bothered may possibly be correct, they seem either slow or not wanting to react to these ‘spikes’ but at least I got a reply….
“A number of readers have contacted us with similar concerns regarding comment voting on the site. Our technical team were made aware of these concerns and looked into the matter. They then implemented numerous steps designed to prevent this from occurring to the same extent. Unfortunately due to the nature of the problem, it will never be possible to completely “fix the issue” – as soon as a patch is implemented or measures put into place, it is possible that people who wish to game the system will try a different tactic. When we see spikes in arrows that cause concern to our users, we pass this information on to our technical department. However, as readers do not need to be logged in to register a vote, and they can use proxy IP addresses to create a distributed network, it is not possible to trace exactly who is trying to have this affect. All that we can do is endeavour to deal with the issue as and when it becomes prevalent.”
I read into it that they are putting the onus onto the reader to alert them?
It was I who suggested they aren’t really trying and having read the reply they sent you, I’m even more convinced.
The Mail thrives on controversy and getting readers’ blood boiling is, by their lights, a Good Thing.
Today In Parliament featured Tom Watsons fearless wishing to discover who said what to the Queen about the EU.
Can you believe the gall of such a scumbucket as Watson?
These people absolutely loathe the Queen-and nearly ran her through after the death fo Lady Di in 1997.
So all this guff about “Privy Seal protocols” really stinks as yet another pretext to hound anybody who wants to leave the EU.
The BBC lapped it all up of course…stitch and bitch at the tumbrils was always the BBCs style-and never more so than today.
When the BBC and Labour decide on political ambushes…just stand back and watch them blow each others fat faces off.
Incompetence and malice…Tom Watson, his new-found patriotic concerns for his beloved Queen and the billet doux warriors who stuff Labour envelopes as easily as they stuff us over their payment.
Hope Prince Philip tells them all to f…off …and we need to get out of the EU while we still have a ship to tootle him onto.
Don`t have to be a royalist to despise the BBC/Watsons Millie Dowler playbook .
38 degrees showing just how left wing and biased the BBC really is:
This is the biggest threat to the BBC so far. John Whittingdale, the minister who’s deciding our BBC’s future, just announced he wants the government to choose the people who run the BBC. [1] It means our most trusted news source could become government controlled.
Whittingdale sneaked out his devastating plan at the weekend, to a newspaper that’s behind a paywall. [1] He knows that another scandal might put a stop to his plans to undermine the BBC for good. [2] So he’ll be hoping that 38 Degrees members aren’t paying attention.
We’ve got to act fast. If enough us sign an emergency petition in the next 48 hours demanding the BBC stays independent, 38 Degrees members will deliver it to him in person before Sunday. And exposing his plans in public will shine a light on his real agenda to dismantle our BBC.
The way decisions are made in the BBC is under review. [3] But John Whittingdale’s using this as an opportunity to push his anti-BBC agenda and put his people in charge. They would have the power to decide news coverage and which BBC programmes are made. [4] It could mean the end of the BBC as we know it.
Whittingdale’s feeling the pressure right now after a series of damaging revelations on his plans for the BBC – including being caught lying about reading responses to the public consultation. [5] If we turn up the heat now, Whittingdale will have no option but to back down.
If thousands of us sign this emergency petition, then deliver it to him in just a few days, we could make Whittingdale realise that he’s fighting a losing battle and leave our BBC alone. This week could become the turning point in our people-powered campaign to protect the BBC.
‘Our’ BBC.
Not in my effing name it isn’t.
As you say, the fact that the BBC is so strongly supported by an organisation so far to the Left is all the proof needed that those who come here trying to pretend the BBC does not have a similar bias are either deluded or laying down smoke.
Is this the end for Michael Buerk?
War reporter Michael Buerk: I’m sick of being lectured to by celebs like Cumberbatch
MICHAEL Buerk has lashed out at privileged celebrities who pay lip service to liberal causes in a bid to appear politically correct.
He took aim at Emma Thompson and Benedict Cumberbatch in particular as the diehard celebrity liberals who talk down to the public about refugees and climate change.
I guess he’s off the Beeb’s Eid list!
The BBC always promotes any kind of sex that does not lead to ethnic Brits becoming pregnant. The current obsession is with trannies, and tonight on BBC2 we are to be treated to:
Miss Transgender: Britain’s New Beauty Queens..
I wonder if BMEs will be ‘fully represented’ in this latter day ‘freak show’.
Skipping past iPlayer before it’s off the tab list, I noticed the BBC is pushing ‘Sex in strange places’, which seemed a bit daring. Still, any port in a storm. Turns out they meant geographically.
Not sure the countries in question will be too thrilled at being called ‘strange’ by the denizens of W1A, some still with repressed memories of camper action in staff car parks.
‘Sex in Strange Places’.
I bet that doesn’t include the gents in a well-known chain cinema in Manchester where I had the misfortune to hear much all-male grunting and groaning going on in trap 2 one Saturday afternoon.
Luckily, even though it was a matinee showing, no minors were present at the time.
Evan Davies his usual useless self on Newsnight (oh how that program has gone downhill since the departure of the estimable Paxman) refereeing argument between bullying Alistair Campbell winging about the Brexit bias of some of the press and attacking the Mails Trevor Kavanagh (who remained admirably polite in the face of Campbell’s ranting a him).
Since when have the press been required to be unbiased? Thats a role which only the BBC is expected to fulfill.
“Since when have the press been required to be unbiased? Thats a role which only the BBC is expected to fulfill. ”
And which, twice today, it has failed to do. The first was by allowing the disgraced, poisonous, unelected, liar Mandelson so much time to promote the EU, which pays his absurdly generous pension. The second was by allowing the unelected, poisonous, bullying, former alcoholic, sometime ponographer (the last two are admitted so that is not libelous) Campbell to do the same.
The fact that they were Blair’s accomplicies is beside the point (neither has any current role of relevance). Though it should undoubtedly be on the charge sheet when the time comes.
The BBC seems comfortable with frequent association to these two.
If you’re thinking about voting with Camoron……………………
A view from the Krauts!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Phew – managed to get the link to work b4 I ran out of edit time)
Thanks for that illuminating and in parts funny, but can you imagine the Beeb allowing such “racist” humour.
Krauty might not find it so funny when they are asked for billions more euros if Brexit happens
It should be shown regularly through the campaign to remind people what our EU “partners” , “military allies”, “friends” etc. really think of us. It would add thousands to the Brexit campaign.
Marvel at Scotland’s baby names for 2015!
Thor! Nicola! Corbyn! Lots of interesting names but Jack was the most popular (565) boy’s name. One name that doesn’t interest the BBC but totals 270 (various spellings) is in at number 15 and is yours to guess at.
Surprised ‘Venom’ not doing better in SNP safe seats.