Monday arrives and so time for a new one of these. Wonder what you make of the Top Gear story that is in the news today? I was talking to Jon Gaunt about it just now and my view is that whoever decided it would be wheeze to perform car wheelies stunts near the War Memorial in Whitehall should be sacked. They won’t of course, but they should. Anyway, over to you…
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“The UK is such an important member of the alliance”
Lt-Gen Ben Hodges, head of the US Army in Europe, said he was “worried” the EU could unravel just when it needed to stand up to Russia.
So, the US General is so concerned that we should stay in the EU and forgo our independence and sovereignty to save the EU from Russia? Would he ask the US to do the same ? NO !
Perhaps he should advise the EU to give a far ‘better deal’ to the UK than our Used Car Salesman is pretending to get ?
We, the founders and ‘cradle of world democracy’ be advised by a servant of a nation that makes a mess of things? This man (General) needs to check his facts – The UK was a founder member of NATO long before the EU was founded .
Vote Brexit before its too late .
Daft argument from the Lt-Gen anyway. The EU, particularly Germany, was against intervention in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and even standing up to Putin when he invaded Ukraine, despite us signing agreements with Ukraine. (What is it with Germans and support for Fascist, military dictators?)
The idea that a German led EU would stand up to Russia is absurd.
Listening to AlBeeb and the rest of the MSM News before going to work this evening, Trump is winning and they do not like it.
Keep it up Donald Trump, there are a lot of ‘miserable and lemon-faced’ news readers on the box this evening .
taffman, BBC 1 6 0’clock News today. Really wetting their knickers that Trump might win. I am not a fan of Trump but anything the BBC hate cannot be all bad. Double whammy could be UK votes to leave EU and Trump is next President of USA !
On a positive note Trump would definitely be an asset and an allay to GB.
The idiotic PC brigade tried to ban him from the UK with their stupid petition .
taffman, and that idiot Cameron insulted him without even thinking that he may be President at the same time that Cameron is PM. You could not make it up !
PR sage Cameron seems less deft in his delivery these days.
Impressive to trumpet Berxiteers are ‘making it up as they go along’ as just about every ‘In’ outing seems based on a Project Fear porkie that crashes and burns before clearing the home airfield.
And the biased language continues in the latest global headline:
Trump wins 3 states but that is a “setback”, while Clinton wins 3 and “marches on”. Every chance the bbc gets they try negative word association with Trump.
Maybe it is just me….now the headline has changed to “Trump marches on despite Ohio loss”.
Much better…is this site monitored?
A Newsniffer expedition would be most illuminating.
‘You can bet your bottom dollar’ that this site is monitored .
Where do you think our ‘magnificent seven’ trolls come from?
They know who they are .
Anyone actually looked at the results?
Clinton won in two states by such narrow margins that they ought to be checking through the ‘hanging chads’.
Meanwhile Trump ‘lost’ in errrr Kasich’s home state. But he did poll twice as many as Cruz in that state, and beat Cruz every where else – true, narrowly in some places.
Moral – on the biased BBC, ignore headlines, go search for facts.
Mary Shelley’s hulking great Steph, patronising the viewers with an economic “weather map”
Gleeful news, slow growth, means storm clouds for the Chancellor.
Chortles all round on the sofa.
‘Mary Shelley’s hulking great Steph’
So that’s why Igor from BBC Human Resources was seen skulking around Geordie cemeteries after dark
If ever there was a need for the BBC to commission Diane Abbott for a jolly special, this is surely it.
Just got an emergency email from my good friends at 38 Degrees about an emergency petition.
I wonder if the BBC will cover it? Impartially, natch.
Have to say this activist group does make some major presumptions about those whose email addresses they have acquired. How are they funded?
😉 It is sad when they squabble.
For a fleeting moment this morning the BBC eases up on the anti-Trump rhetoric
That rarest of species, a right-leaning red sofa guest Charlie Wolf, reminds us that Trump has a 50% chance of winning the Presidential race – Trump is the popular insurgent, Hillary just leads a group of special interests looking for entitlement.
This being BBC Breakfast the sofa jockies ask for a quick brokered convention 101 course…
Wolf refers to Dewey Truman battle and asks if our Beeboids recall Dewey – judging by the blank looks frankly I doubt they’ve heard of Truman
This how one if the BBCs highest paid ‘entertainers’ (we pay) turns up for work. Only in the twisted world of the BBC could such be possible. As my old boss used to say, dress smart, think smart, work smart.
Wogan was always immaculately attrired.
Seriously, knowing he was going to be in the spotlight after the Top Gear weekend debacle and knowing a few paps would be lurking, wouldn’t most have made an effort? Attire wise this has shades of another ex BBC employee…
What is it, and are there more of them on the way?
He is in his pyjamas and slippers . He has just got out of bed .
A few weeks ago there was an almighty outcry (and quite rightly too) concerning Mums who cannot be bothered to get dressed to take their kids to schools, and also supermarkets who complained about shoppers turning up in their jammies. Hardly surprising that ‘slummy’ Britain thinksanything goes when they see images of this idiot walking in the Capital’s street in his pyjamas and slippers. Its not ‘edgy’ Evans, its slovenly ! and if that’s the best you can come up with despite your millions, then you’re even more of a disgrace.
Shades of Saville dress sense I’d say.
Like this you mean?

This new BBC show has failure all over it. Looks like Evans knows this too. What on earth possessed the BBc to think that they could replace the Clarkson team?
Typically poor executive decisions from our useless national broadcaster.
Evans must feel the need to dress like an overgrown child in order to maintain his cred with the youth.
What better a personification could there be for our current Lord Hall-led BBC.
The Savile analogy is well noted – he was the personification that the fuddyduddy BBC – rooted as it was in the statist rationed bureaucratic 1950s – chose to catch the late 60s and 70s new permissive wave.
New decade, new BBC sponsored fake-face to catch the youth – of course as far as I recall most well-adjusted normal young people hated Savile as already outdated. Didn’t BBC Radio run his Old Record Club way past its sell by date? My parents liked the music but I hated it. I have a vivid memory of wanting to fling the transistor down the toliet during his guess the record title nonsense – “One point to the audience and ten million points to me…” – if you forgot the brackets in James Darren’s “Goodbye Cruel World (I’m off to join the circus)” – or some such – just me?
You have to hand it to John Peel – he never quibbled over Cud’s ‘Only (a prawn in Whitby)’
Again – just me?
What is wrong with these people? The odious creature obviously has no idea what a complete prat he looks. No doubt he thinks he’s really ‘cutting edge’, but FFS.
And I wonder what’s in his handbag. Is this the latest thing for London men?
How old is he ? Dresses like a 7-year old but looks at least 70 .
There was a time when a bedraggled man wandering the streets in his pyjamas would have been arrested for his own protection. How nice of the BBC to give him a seven figure care in the community position.
One would have thought that given recent events, an ageing BBC man wandering around in kid’s pajama bottoms and slippers in public might have been a little ill-advised.
Rob and Cranmer , LOL !!!!
The BBC on Radio 4 Today are in a real state of angst this morning. Donald Trump has won in Florida, and looks like he will win the Republican nomination.
It’s budget day.
The Fascists are in trouble over anti Semitism.
Corbyn is going to fail at the budget response.
There’s appalled and shocked BBC are wringing hands like they were starting a fire at all the above, yet they appear almost resigned to the fact Trump is going to win. They seem to find comfort in the belief that he alienates Lefties so effectively he could be a good thing for their candidate Hilary Clinton.
The budget is the 8th one Osborne will have produced and there’s going to be another round of cuts – believed to be around £4 billion. There is going to be more money for education though.
They drag Labour dimwit Lucy Powell on, and give her the easiest interview I think I’ve ever heard the BBC do, probably in case they ask a question, and she inevitably either can’t answer it or makes no sense – again!
It’s moan moan moan about how schools aren’t being given enough money without thought to the others who are seeing cuts, nor the mess Labour left last time. No questions asked.
Then there’s the excuses piece for Jeremy Corbyns budget response which is apparently very difficult, and did you know that running a country, and its economy is not his specialist subject ! A Labour party leader who understood the economy & fiscal probity? Wow wouldn’t that be a sight!
So we should judge poor Jeremy, he only has a few minutes to frame what he’s going to say, and the parallel they draw is a school exam in a subject which you haven’t learned and haven’t revised for, where everyone is shouting at you.
The poor love! So when Jeremy fails to perform with the budget response do be too hard on him, ’cause it’s very difficult !
Then there’s the issue of Labours Fascism and it’s couched in exactly the same terms as it was yesterday, leaving me to believe it’s a BBC policy. Quietly breathed questions & introductions, it has been alleged, someone says, someone’s accusations, will you ‘discuss this’ at Labour meetings? It’s like operation deflect. It’s something unpleasant at the Party which the BBC don’t really want to talk about, and it’s all the fault of the people who have brought this to light. Remember something similar in Rotherham?
Not a very good morning for the BBC, and I expect the day isn’t going to get any better !
Corbyn will need his Trot strategists to help with his opposition to the Budget.
His speech might go like this:
‘No platform for the Chancellor, Fascist Scum out of OUR Treasury, Osborne, Out, Out, Out, What do we want? A socialist Budget. When do we want it? Now.’
Never before, not even for a Labour PM have I heard the BBC apologise/defend/explain that it is difficult for the Leader of the Opposition to speak in the Budget debate. The Today programme this morning again showing its true colours.
Not exactly true. The bBBC have said often over the years that the immediate budget reply is one of the hardest things for the Leader of the Opposition. But it is usually an aside, for example in the microseconds just before the reply. And needless to say, if it was a Labour PM (and hence Chancellor) the difficulties of the opposition (Tory in that case) would raise barely a mention.
Where you are completely correct is that the Far Left student Trots in the biased BBC newsroom have ‘suddenly’ decided to big up this aspect and make it newsworthy.
Let’s face it. Jezza needs all the help he can get, and not just from his Palestinian and IRA chums.
Can’t see Jezza’s problem. Surely he will have several questions, posed by e-mail, from such ready sources as: ‘Kylie, a hard-working single mum of nine from Bristol, who asks…..’
and: ‘Terry, a disabled unemployed ex-wind turbine installer, who wants to know….’
It’s 11.40 and they are hard at it in the studio, getting ready for George’s speech. Kicked off with a solid phalanx of negativity, ‘storm clouds gathering’, ‘where has the sun gone’ etc etc and having set the scene for more savage tory cuts, the theme changes to what a desperately hard job poor Jeremy faces with his reply, ‘always such a thankless task, difficult to be lucid on the hoof’ sort of rubbish.
In other words preparing the massed ranks of fan for another disjointed and shambolic performance.
Why is there no Dad’s Army to watch instead – there would be at any other time.
‘Jeremy, a public servant from London, asks why the budget does not make provision for him to take his ethnic-minority girlfriend on a motorcycling holiday to Germany.’
Adolph from Woking is wanting to know what is being done about the Jewish, sorry Zionist problem.
The BBC were at it again, abusing the issue of ‘balance’. This time BBC Breakfast showed Prince William expressing the view that there is a case for selective hunting, shooting sick or injured wildlife if the money raised goes back into conservation.
According to the BBC this requires ‘balance’, so they wheel on some conservationist to say that the Prince is wrong, that the whole idea is disgraceful, wildlife is in danger etc.. She was given a considerable amount of time, far more than the few seconds from the Prince, to put forward her view.
To my mind, the Prince’s view was an item of news; it should have been reported and left at that.
But not according to the BBC; it was controversial and needed countering. Imagine if the BBC stopped doing this, there would be much less of the BBC, I wonder why they continue with it?
When is something significant going to be done about the BBC’s abuses?
Something missing from the BBC story.
Palestinian refugee camp teacher wins $1m global prize
According to Associated Press:
‘As al-Hroub accepted her award, Palestinians in the audience waved their country’s flag and some chanted, fists pumping in the air, “With our souls, our blood, we sacrifice for you Palestine.”‘
Something else missing:
‘”I feel amazing and I still can’t believe that the Pope said my name,” al-Hroub told The Associated Press.’
Why would a clearly Muslim woman in headscarf and traditional clothes be appreciative of the what the head of Catholic Christianity says? She grew up near Bethlehem, whose Christian population has shrunk. As far back as 1995, the percentage of Christians in Bethlehem was 35%. Other experts estimate that it is currently only between 20% and 25%.
Her book, Together We Play and Learn provides activities for children forced to stay away from school, in areas affected by conflict. In the occupied Palestinian territory, for instance, children must often be confined to their homes, due to fighting, military incursions, curfews, closures and unsafe conditions in general Other than this there is no mention of peace or war, renouncing violence or for that matter inciting it.
I’m guessing Sean Coughlan,Education correspondent, wasn’t in the audience and cobbled together the report from other sources.
I am a little concerned over the Pope’s interest in Islam and the Pallies. When Catholics and Muslims have combined the results are not always pleasant, as in Croatia WW2. The Muslim/Catholic Ustasha – even hardened Nazis thought they went too far.
On Al Beeb Toady this morning, spare a thought for the Jewish Labour Party spokeperson who spoke about anti- Semitism in the party.
The Corbyn/McDonnell, leadership are very quiet indeed on this issue, anyone would think they condoned it!
Trump marches on despite Ohio loss, Clinton extends lead
Who else reads this BBC headline as Trump, the loser, bravely soldiering on? Donald Trump won decisively in Florida, Illinois and North Carolina but you wouldn’t know from the BBC coverage. Ohio Gov. John Kasich notched his first and only victory of the primary season by carrying his home state, but he has the fewest delegates of anyone still in the running and had virtually no electoral path to the nomination.
Another state Missouri is still up for grabs with a 0.2% difference between Trump and Cruz and a likely (and quite reasonable) recount. Missouri works under the WINNER-TAKES-MOST system.That is even if Trump lose, presumably by a hair, he won’t do away empty handed.
BBC and half a story, again
@deegee It’s better than the memory hole version I first noted. I have to start taking screenshots on my phone. They can’t help themselves from trying to paint a picture of a loss/Trump is losing, when the reality is that he is crushing the competition at the moment.
Budget bash time. La Kuenssberg has just laid out Corby’s response in her pre-match briefing – not much point watching now as he won’t deliver it with the same sarcastic venom which she generates. Interesting body language now the Beeb’s business editor Simon Jack is speaking as he is one of the few Beeboids who seems in any sense balanced on economic questions. La Kuenssberg seems to be busy checking her twatter feed. Doubt Jack will be allowed out of his box again any time soon after his list of pro low income/redistributive tory policies Osbert has already introduced- definitely off piste Simon old son.
The lady excelled herself later at the de-brief. The BBC really should issue those sitting to either side of the venomous baggage with wet suits, such is the amount of saliva produced at each ‘balanced assessment’.
Here we go again, images of moronic footballers with stupid haircuts doing what they do best – behaving like a moron at the Cheltenham Festival – peeing in beer glasses and tipping it over the balcony. Only in Britain. My first thought ? what must their parents think, or perhaps their parents are no better ! clearly they weren’t brought up with any sense of decency or manners. Even allowing for alcoholic fuelled behaviour there comes a point when it becomes beyond the pale. Living in Switzerland for a time, this type of behaviour wouldn’t even enter the heads of 20 somethings; Swiss girls would rather die than be seen dressed like a hooker and vomiting in the streets at weekends. Makes you proud to be British.
Trouble is footballers are paid too much money these days, even players in the lower leagues. I support a non-league side and have met quite a few from my team. They are all decent lads who play football to a pretty decent standard and hold down proper jobs as well. As a result they are much more balanced than many professional footballers who seem to have over-inflated ideas of their worth and just take the piss (pardon the pun!)
FB I agree. My own Dad was a Manager in the 2nd Division during the 70’s and 80’s , so I saw for myself how a personality change would occur once a professional footballer pulled on his playing shirt! I also remember players who were always in the betting shop or cutting it fine with the alcohol levels before running onto the pitch, so I’ve been quite aware there has never been saintly behaviour in the sport; but since then we’ve become an ‘anything goes’ society with more degenerative behaviour becoming the norm.
Update on the petition to end TV Licences. It seems that Winteringbum needs a bit of backbone to stop him completely falling under the BBC spell
At the end of February, I emailed the Petition Committee, asking for a time frame for a response on the TV licence petition that you and I have signed. Sean Harris replied:
“The paper petition presented to Parliament on 20 January 2016 should receive a written response from the Government by the end of March. I cannot comment on the petition hosted on because the House of Commons Petitions Committee can only consider e-petitions started on the UK Parliament and Government petitions website or paper petitions that are presented in Parliament.”
In the meantime…
As you probably know, Culture secretary John Whittingdale has said he wants to close ASAP a loophole that allows viewers to legally watch the BBC iPlayer without paying the licence fee. I felt this shouldn’t go unchallenged, especially because it’s an extension of an already unfair and outdated tax. To enforce these new laws ‘officers’ would have the power to enter homes, access your browser history, and then potentially seize your computers, mobile phones or tablets as evidence that a ‘crime’ has been committed. Are you ready to accept that?
If you would like to block this, I invite you to go on my blog where I explain all the details of this related project. It should just take a couple of minutes of your time, but if we all do this, and do it fast, we could beat Whittingdale to the post and stop his project before his team finish writing it.
If we can’t abolish the wretched TV licence tax, we can at least prevent it becoming an Internet tax.
Speak to you soon, when I get a reply from the Petition Committee.
In the meantime I’m on twitter @lalionneUK if you want to comment or chat.
Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett
Signed it. I agree it is potentially an internet tax and a snoopers’ charter – but I doubt any opposition would be voiced on the BBC. For heaven’s sake, why can’t they just have a firewall on BBC online TV that requires a code from a TV licence; if you haven’t got one, you have to pay a certain amount to view programmes, like Netflicks. I would gladly pay for this for the few times I actually watch the BBC – but I refuse to be required to have a licence to use a computer!
Why go to the trouble of entering your home? No need as one can simply delete internet history.
This is about access to your internet history via your Internet Service Provider, because of course us IPlayer users are all are potential terrorists, see Teresa May….
Another 200g of ketamine last night courtesy of Middle East Enders. This time it’s the joyful subject of brain damage to add to the ongoing topics of joy they have already covered.
heart attacks
I can’t be arsed to remember them all but I’m sure you get my gist.
I forgot the C-word, sorry.
I’m sure people have seen this in the Mail budget story, but it demonstrates exactly what has happened to this country in the last 100 years, shame on Cameron for such a publicity stunt, looks like the few white faces were herded to the back….
UK School 1900

UK School 2016

“The thing is” said Dave “As Coudenhove-Kalergi – the father of the EU – wrote in Practical Idealism:
‘The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.’ But don’t worry ladies, as responsibility for this great task lies with your brothers and male cousins. We are not asking you to breed with filthy Kuffar like me, ha ha!”
The ruling class is happy now. It loathed us ordinary English for centuries and now has a new lower class to patronise and lord it over. No wonder we left this country and started anew in the US and the rest of the world.
On a more apposite note it shows how poor at PR our idiot PM really is. I presume this is a London school . It shows just why this country is fracturing into divisions that are in essence monocultural.
What a legacy they have left for our children these politicians and academics and the rest of the virtue signallers of the western world.
UK school 1949 during the years of socialism under Labour. We sure benefited from the Empire and now I feel so guilty over what we took from the colonies. I will have to learn to hate my white skin.
My junior school as late as 1975 and my form group at senior school as late as 1982 was as above, same junior school now has an Arabic Headmaster, not to mention the pupils….
Agree Geoff. Sadly we are now in the position where the in-situ migrants are breeding way ahead of the ‘original’ indigenous population – the Eastern Europeans top the list followed by the Africans and Pakistanis. We’ve had it ! at the present rate of migrant births, by the end of the Century this country will resemble an outpost of every black and brown nation, and there’s absolutely no way of preventing it. The saving grace that there will be so few whites working and paying taxes that there’ll be no benefits to speak of.
Re Geoffs picture above.
Why are all the white kids and staff pushed to the back, Mr Cameron?
Looks like Rosa Parks in reverse to me.
It does look that way, doesn’t it? I would imagine the aides said something like ‘all those whose parents come from another country can come forward and ask the PM about immigration’ or something, probably hoping there were no Poles or light skinned Romanians hanging around.
“Did I really say Britain is a Christian country? Yep! Twice! D’oh”
Now where in the world is this school that Michelle Obama visited?
Tower Hamlets, London.
A pity that Michael is not covering up.
Only women are supposed to cover up. Snigger.
Radio 4 seems to be getting all misty-eyed and emotional about celebrating the 1916 Easter uprising.
Irish freedom, Irish self-government, Irish democracy all wonderful according to the BBC. Wouldn’t the Irish have been stronger and better off in a reformed British Empire? All that uncertainty.
I wonder how many of today’s republican heroes know that the Dubliners pelted the surrendered ‘freedom fighters’ with rotten veg and the contents of a great many chamber pots, when led away from the Post Office in 1916.
The chap from the unfunny (IMO) Mrs Brown, Brendan O’Carroll has been given 60 minutes on BBC2 on that very subject, quote…
“Now, on the centenary of the revolt, Brendan tells the dramatic story of the Rising and looks into the part his family played in it. He explores how the Rising, though a complete military failure, sent shock waves through the British Empire and signalled the birth of today’s Republic of Ireland.”
I’m sure we’ve already been there with his ‘Who Do You Think You Are Story’ still the BBC are good with repeats….
As a proud Irish descendent, O Carroll is the ultimate potty mouthed widow twanky who would NEVER have been allowed to wave his bloomers at Padraig Pearce or Roger Casement.
These sobersides friends of the Kaiser would have blown Brendan out of a super spud gun, not indulged his retro rebel fantasies.
So for the BBC to give him The Auld Triangle gig is pretty appalling-nobody who remembers the best of Irish culture until bloody joining the EU screwed it would regard O Carroll as anything but an Plastic Patsy who mugs it for British laughs…how come we denounce blackface when Brendan offends the Irish much as Citizen Khan does the Muslim?
Let`s hope Brendans clan were supplying the Hun as well as Sir Edward Carsons lot up north.
Be nice to see a REAL rebel…not Geldofs Perpetual Good Rebellion every time
Quite right chrisH, it’s sad to think the Irish seem to have replaced the Book of Kells, Wilde, Shaw and Joyce with an overweight, foul-mouthed cross dresser whose grand-mother would have made him rinse with Lifebuoy had she not already died of shame.
Typical BBC response to the budget – straight to Laura K – their POLITICAL editor in poll position for comment
Poor old Kamal Ahmed their economics chap has to play second fiddle
You see they believe, as do the Left, that politics can and will overcome economics
Post budget bash. La Kuenssberg looking puzzled over the red book numbers. How did Osbert do so much with so little (the measures outlined were roughly fiscally neutral) ? A lot of headline grabbing stuff, especially the sugar tax. Very annoying, and he also cracked down on public sector tax avoidance through contract employment (shock and horror at a certain public sector corporation ?). Corby followed the Kuenssberg predicted script but without any solid numbers and following Osbert’s pre-emptive stats strike he blustered, and a Corby bluster is not a terrifying political proposition. Osbert had the only decent gag, at the expense of the erstwhile coalition partner. The emerging beeb line : “Tory’s pay off their pals by raising the higher rate tax threshold about the rate of inflation.” Not exactly going to get the masses climbing over the gates of the Winter Palace on that one. Bugger.
The bBBC’s top sports ‘news’ is still that, a few days ago, a rugby player called a gyppo a gyppo.
Couldn’t help but notice Citizen Corbyn waffling on for ages about his support for Sugar Tax. Bitter lemons for Labour to suck on there- that part of the Dear Leader’s speech would have been a main plank of attack had Georgie boy not popped their bubbles.
This is how it’s going to be from now – the patronising Leftist media elite come up with a daft idea – the BBC flog it to death, Labour is hopeless, so our squishy so-called Tories enact it all anyway. That’s known as ‘shooting their fox’. Blair just about banned real fox hunting.
It wasn’t only the sugar tax, but earlier in PMQs he was waffling on about air pollution !!! what ???? er why ???? of all the issues that face the British peoples not least the threat of the Turkish population threatening to turn up at the door, and he bangs on about air pollution ! he’ll have cause to worry even more if they bring their smoking pipes (Turkish Meerschaums) with ’em !
With the amount of Vegans currently in the Labour movement, I would think worries about air pollution should begin nearer at home for him.
Oh that’s a relief! Just 2 reports of imminent plots of mass murder on the streets of Europe averted on the Al mujahideen Beeb webshite today.
These “lone wolf’s” who are desperate to integrate and enrich our dull and backward society are clearly being forced into doing this because there aren’t enough mosques and jobs for these peaceful, kind and generous men and women.
I don’t know about my fellow beleeders on here but I have absolutely no idea at all what links these events! Its like there’s nothing in common at all! If only they would make us aware of what their cause was or what they are fighting for we could do something about this…
Next article… “Migrants find new routes as old ones close”
And forward we go down the path to destruction
It seems you can’t even call a spade a spade any more. The ‘victim’ said it was banter but the coach has to apologize for calling it banter -complete madness.
I see every man and his dog is chiming in on twatter (if GT is technically a man)
Social media – the instrument of the socialist. Or, alternatively, how to get your name in the news when normal people couldn’t give a flying f-ck what you think.
The person in question is from a ‘Traveller’ background so although not a Romany he is still in popular parlance a gypsy. So what exactly is the crime? It seems that nowadays ANY allusion to race, creed or colour is considered offensive, just as the Victorians found any reference to sex offensive. And yet the PC left think we’ve become more enlightened!
Like the PC words: on Pointless there was a round where they asked for “Female actors” from a variety of sitcoms. There is nothing wrong with the word actress (and they love it at Oscars time). Implying that feminine words are verboten is actually an insult to women as it is saying that, in this case, an actress is less important than an actor – rather than acknowledging that they are as important but, thankfully, different. To complete their process the word “woman” should be banned and replaced by “Female Men”, but that would confuse Jerrod of course.
I had the dubious pleasure of visiting a Wimpy recently where the waiters and waitresses are referred to as “waitrons”!
That’s worse, it makes them sound like automatons. Still better than calling them Wimps.
And I’ve never yet been able to get legal advice from a Barrista in Starbucks.
I wonder if the PC brigade is active in countries that have feminine and masculine nouns! I remember a French teacher telling me once that a pupil asked why Voiture was feminine. His reply was “probably because petrol pump is masculine”. He’d be on a charge today!
“Thor! Nicola! Corbyn! Lots of interesting names but Jack was the most popular (565) boy’s name. One name that doesn’t interest the BBC but totals 270 (various spellings) is in at number 15 and is yours to guess at.”
Thor and Loki, referencing Nordic mythology could perhaps indicate a backlash against the SNP and a desire to look back to ethnic roots, rather than obsessing about Scottish identity which is increasingly meaningless under the faux nationalism of the SNP.
Today’s OFF-SWITCH moment came on
Radio 4 at 18:30 before “Chain Reaction”:
Victoria Coren Mitchell interviews Sandi Toksvig (just for a change).
I mean honestly, who has ever heard of those two?
Couldn’t the BBC have chosen two people who are on TV and radio more often?
You didn’t listen?
Tonight’s slip up exposing the way the BBC ‘stars’ think about their position?
Victoria Coren Mitchell asked incredulously of Toksvig, why did you need to start your own party when the BBC had given you a platform as a presenter, comedienne and host to air your views ??
Sorry ???!!!???
The BBCs presenter really regard it as a platform from which they can air their poisonous views to the paying public?
That really did let the cat out of the bag! Much as we’ve all suspected as much for a long time, having it confirmed on air is something a little different !
Thanks for listening and gathering up that little gem! Very revealing.
I have a fair few friends in the USA, and Facebook is how we stay in touch.
Safe to say things politically are quite polarised, but it is valuable to get a sense of things beyond the BBC filter.
Given the only thing the BBC is capable of is Trump, and not in the good way, I found this share interesting:
Seems the BBC is not alone in questionable editorial integrity enough to miff many.
Here is one for you all to pick the bones from as I am not sure if you picked anything up about about this across the boarder ?…………
The BBC was “not a state broadcaster and we must never be a state broadcaster”.
Well if it is not a “state broadcaster” why the hell are we forced by law to pay a tax to watch TV ?
Al Beeb are a parasite living on an unfair poll tax . If it is not a state broadcaster why does it not rely on its own income.
Get rid of the licence fee .
Something tells me that our Used Car Salesman is not going to keep his main election promise ………………..
Lets see what the news brings in the next few days ?