Babar blacksheep do you have any wool to pull over the eyes of the liberal media?
Andrew Gilligan thinks he does…
Babar Ahmad – a convicted terrorist – is pulling the wool over the liberal media’s eyes
From Tony Blair over the Iraq dossier, to the parliamentary expenses cheats who ended in jail, the last resort of any scoundrel is to claim that he acted in “good faith”.
Today, we witness this age-old excuse in daring new territory. The Victoria Derbyshire show on BBC Two will introduce us to Britain’s first-ever “good faith” supporter of Osama bin Laden.
Not the first time the BBC has allowed itself to be gulled….
Islamism in Birmingham schools: how the BBC is selectively reporting the ‘Trojan horse’ plot
The Trojan Horse plotters and their allies on Twitter have been getting touchingly excited about a BBC report into a secret meeting on Wednesday between officials of Birmingham City Council and the heads of the 21 schools involved. Alas, their claims that it “proved” the plot was a “hoax” don’t stand up to scrutiny.
And its biased reporting to be used in the defence of Islamists……
This despite the BBC report clearly stating,
“We still don’t know whether it’s genuine or a fake”
Victoria Derbyshire interviews convicted terrorist enabler Babar Ahmad…but not too hard.
Ahmad gives us two excuses for pleading guilty…one that it was a plea bargain….and two that he was guilty under US law so he had no choice really….which is it? He also compares himself to Nelson Mandela….but then again so did Mark Easton who thinks ‘extremists’ like Ahmad have a lot to teach us.
He also told us that he wouldn’t believe a non-Muslim when deciding if Bin Laden did 9/11….he’d rather go with the extremist, presumably however bad he was, just because he was Muslim…..kind of tells us where the loyalties really lie.
He claims he has PTSD caused due to how the British police treated him as they arrested him….and yet this is a man who fought in Bosnia and must have seen, and possibly done, some bloody deeds….speaking of which he claims that his support for the Taliban arose out of the way Muslims were treated in Bosnia…the massacre at Srebrenica…..Derbyshire didn’t intervene.
We’ve already looked at how the BBC have misled the public on Srebrenica but let me just remind you of why Srebrenica happened….it happened because the Muslim forces slaughtered the non-Muslims in surrounding villages….
In 1995 around 8000 Bosnian Muslims were killed in a massacre by Bosnian Serb forces.
This has become a ‘genocide’, a ‘Holocaust’…..a deadly narrative pushed by Muslims and picked up by the BBC and promoted with a relentless and deadly determination….a narrative that serves to radicalise Muslims.
There is another narrative….’the crimes were quite “extraordinary in the region committed by those Muslim soldiers made the Serbs’ desire for revenge inevitable…… the Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. He stated… “One can’t be bothered with prisoners”
Shortly before the Bosnian Serb attack on Srebrenica, the Muslim troops stationed in that enclave carried out murderous attacks on nearby Serb villages. These attacks were certain to incite Serb commanders to retaliate against the Srebrenica garrison.
Here is the report of French General Philippe Morillon, the UNPROFOR commander who first called international attention to the Srebrenica enclave, he is adamant that the crimes were quite “extraordinary in the region committed by those Muslim soldiers made the Serbs’ desire for revenge inevitable. He testified at The Hague Tribunal on February 12, 2004, that the Muslim commander in Srebrenica, Naser Oric, “engaged in attacks during Orthodox (Christian) holidays and destroyed villages, massacring all the inhabitants. This created a degree of hatred that was quite extraordinary in the region.”
Morillon also recounts how “the Serbs took me to a village to show me the evacuation of the bodies of the inhabitants that had been thrown into a hole, a village close to Bratunac. And this made me understand the degree to which this infernal situation of blood and vengeance […] led to a situation when I personally feared that the worst would happen if the Serbs of Bosnia managed to enter the enclaves and Srebrenica…I feared that the Serbs, the local Serbs, the Serbs of Bratunac, these militiamen, they wanted to take their revenge for everything that they attributed to Naser Oric. It wasn’t just Naser Oric that they wanted to revenge, take their revenge on; they wanted to revenge their dead on Orthodox Christians.”
Here is the Sky News video telling of the Muslim atrocities and the infiltration of Europe by fanatical Islamists….long before the Iraq war that the BBC blames for radicalising Muslims……..
When you think of those Islamists seeking to infiltrate Europe via the Balkans [Ignored by the BBC], the British Trojan Horse plot carried out by a senior MCB official [denied by the BBC] and the mass migration of Muslims into Europe now consider this Islamic State strategy that Der Spiegel spells out…how to infiltrate and take over a society…….naturally this being ISIS having the use of guns is a handy shortcut to power….but it is the use of Islamic educational and information institutions that should be of interest in the way they are used to spread the word and establish an Islamic ‘bridgehead’ in a society much as the Saudis do in the UK and elsewhere…..
An Iraqi officer planned Islamic State’s takeover in Syria and SPIEGEL has been given exclusive access to his papers. They portray an organization that, while seemingly driven by religious fanaticism, is actually coldly calculating.
What Bakr put on paper, page by page, with carefully outlined boxes for individual responsibilities, was nothing less than a blueprint for a takeover. It was not a manifesto of faith, but a technically precise plan for an “Islamic Intelligence State” — a caliphate run by an organization that resembled East Germany’s notorious Stasi domestic intelligence agency.
This blueprint was implemented with astonishing accuracy in the ensuing months. The plan would always begin with the same detail: The group recruited followers under the pretense of opening a Dawah office, an Islamic missionary center. Of those who came to listen to lectures and attend courses on Islamic life, one or two men were selected and instructed to spy on their village and obtain a wide range of information. To that end, Haji Bakr compiled lists such as the following:
- List the powerful families.
- Name the powerful individuals in these families.
- Find out their sources of income.
- Name names and the sizes of (rebel) brigades in the village.
- Find out the names of their leaders, who controls the brigades and their political orientation.
- Find out their illegal activities (according to Sharia law), which could be used to blackmail them if necessary.
The spies were told to note such details as whether someone was a criminal or a homosexual, or was involved in a secret affair, so as to have ammunition for blackmailing later. “We will appoint the smartest ones as Sharia sheiks,” Bakr had noted. “We will train them for a while and then dispatch them.” As a postscript, he had added that several “brothers” would be selected in each town to marry the daughters of the most influential families, in order to “ensure penetration of these families without their knowledge.”
The spies were to find out as much as possible about the target towns: Who lived there, who was in charge, which families were religious, which Islamic school of religious jurisprudence they belonged to, how many mosques there were, who the imam was, how many wives and children he had and how old they were. Other details included what the imam’s sermons were like, whether he was more open to the Sufi, or mystical variant of Islam, whether he sided with the opposition or the regime, and what his position was on jihad. Bakr also wanted answers to questions like: Does the imam earn a salary? If so, who pays it? Who appoints him? Finally: How many people in the village are champions of democracy?
The agents were supposed to function as seismic signal waves, sent out to track down the tiniest cracks, as well as age-old faults within the deep layers of society — in short, any information that could be used to divide and subjugate the local population.
The expansion of IS began so inconspicuously that, a year later, many Syrians had to think for a moment about when the jihadists had appeared in their midst. The Dawah offices that were opened in many towns in northern Syria in the spring of 2013 were innocent-looking missionary offices, not unlike the ones that Islamic charities have opened worldwide.
When a Dawah office opened in Raqqa, “all they said was that they were ‘brothers,’ and they never said a word about the ‘Islamic State’,” reports a doctor who fled from the city. A Dawah office was also opened in Manbij, a liberal city in Aleppo Province, in the spring of 2013. “I didn’t even notice it at first,” recalls a young civil rights activist. “Anyone was allowed to open what he wished. We would never have suspected that someone other than the regime could threaten us. It was only when the fighting erupted in January that we learned that Da’ish,” the Arab acronym for IS, “had already rented several apartments where it could store weapons and hide its men.”
The situation was similar in the towns of al-Bab, Atarib and Azaz. Dawah offices were also opened in neighboring Idlib Province in early 2013, in the towns of Sermada, Atmeh, Kafr Takharim, al-Dana and Salqin. As soon as it had identified enough “students” who could be recruited as spies, IS expanded its presence.
The BBC never goes beyond the face value that Muslims like Babar Ahmad presents to them…Derbyshire in particular is extremely reluctant to challenge Muslim speakers who are clearly not your everyday members of the Public so slick and practiced are their arguments….the BBC in fact supports the very narrative put forward by the Islamists of it being Western foreign policy that is to blame for all the world’s ills and thereby feeds the propaganda that drives the recruitment of yet more radicalised Muslims.
The BBC needs to start asking what are the consequences for Western society that has an ever increasing number of Muslims within. Of course it won’t ask that as the answer is one they don’t want to hear or to be allowed to be heard.
The BBC just want it all phoned in these days.
No checking, no originality or even a willingness to be journalists anymore…their practice of “journalism attachment” is basically choosing to be the velcro in Abu Hamzas courtroom suit…disability rights campaigners hoping that we`ll buy him a big zipper, so he feels less marginalised as a war veteran.
Passionate liars…and for an organisation seeking high and low to “protect her Majestys neutrality”-by removing a leading anti-EU spokesman-they ALWAYS take the victim, the accused, the Muslims word as hadith…as if taking it as “gospel” would mean anything to them!
So- a lad says he`s been a dope addict since six years old…a killer of an old lady is allowed to portray herself as suicidal, so she might get off…and a serial killer says she`s now tearful in her prison, so she`ll be wanting some compo.
All faithfully reported by the BBC as if any of this matters a damn.
No-the BBC-like the EU elite, the politicos, Big Business, Green advocacy types-ALL are addicted to pre-chewed news mash as smoothly spat down our throats by the BBC…imagine if we had to prepare our own dinners, seek our own information, get some real truth?
After years in the EU with no fresh air or need to do science, or think for themselves anymore-the whole power blocs above us don`t know us, have no contacts, no words and nothing to offer but more bureaucracy, more Muslims and more sticky tape to wrap us up in….unless you`re a lazy addict who seeks a foreign fix to fucksville within five years-you`ve got to say no.
If only to shaft the BBC and stuff Camerons pickled olive down his gizzard.
VD gives him three chances at giving an outright condemnation of ISIS. It never really comes.
I had a friend who served in the British Army in Bosnia as a company intelligence officer for his regiment. He was not permitted to file reports of Muslim atrocities only on Serb atrocities.