The BBC reports the CBI saying its members overwhelmingly support staying in the EU…..what the BBC makes no mention of is that the real reason they want to stay is the flow of cheap labour that is made available to them to import which saves them the cost of paying proper wages and of having to train British workers as they can poach those already trained by their home countries….odd how the pay and conditions and the ability to get work is suddenly of no concern to the BBC which spent the run-up to the election peddling Labour’s economic narrative of low wages and a work force on the scrap heap….and on another subject, funny how Osborne’s daft adoption of Miliband’s ‘predistribution’ is now not such a good idea raising costs for businesses and costing jobs when it was never so criticised when proposed by Miliband.
The BBC doesn’t report this survey of global businesses that suggests Brexit will have little effect on how they deal with the UK….
‘Brexit’ won’t hurt our trade with UK: Global CFOs
A British breakaway from the European Union this summer will do little damage to the country’s business ties with the rest of the world, according to a new survey conducted by CNBC.
Chief financial officers (CFOs) from some of the world’s biggest firms were largely sanguine on the outcome of a “Brexit” and how that could affect any current or future trading conditions with the island nation.
Over 70 percent of global CFOs – across a wide range of industries – said there would be “no change” on their perspective on how likely they would be to do business with the U.K. in the event of an exit.
However, 14.6 percent of respondents said they would be “slightly less likely” to do business with the country and 2.1 percent said they would be “significantly less likely.” Conversely, 2.1 percent said they would be “slightly more likely” to form ties with a breakaway nation.
Does anyone give a fig what the CBI think? Are they still keen on the UK joining the Euro?
The fact that they and their friends Goldman Sachs, Tony BLair, Branson, Thompson, The Kinnocks etc etc all support Remain reaffirms everything I need to know.
Just listened to Costing the Yurt a few minutes ago,
Tom Heap DID meet some old gal who`d rather the Plymouth fishermen had a chance to catch fish in British waters, as opposed to the French hoovering it all up with no qualms…but we can only expect some negativity at times like these!
For the lesser-spotted newt, the Roman snail…all these and more would be DEAD if not for Brussels!
As for all those larks that fly over Portugal, those mad cows of Cumbria….er, jury still out on that?
AND-without irony, the newt survives in places where planning permission has already been granted for some massive solar panels-also an EU directive…er, moving swiftly onwards….
Utter dogs dinner of a show-basically if the EU doesn`t hobble our countryside, screw up every law and every fishing policy, fails to wipe out our cattle?…well would YOU trust the Tories not to concrete over it all and refuse to step in time with Lucas, Salmond and Wavey Davey?
So-vote yes…or else the newty-cresty grebey thing gets spiked under Thatchers old heel!
Utter shite-again, a whole sector of the UK economy craving EU subsidy because it has forgotten which end of a radish goes into the soil, and which end is in the outskirts of Birmingham.
The whole Big Blocs of Crap that crave us to stay in the EU are addicted to doing nothing anymore-seemingly incapable of living as we once did-and over a few millennia as well!
One compostable heap of hype…and as far removed from science and reason as the rest of the BBC on Radio 4.
I found Costing the Yurt a very interesting programme this afternoon.
The punchline to every story in the programme was that we had to stay in the EU, otherwise there’d be no one to stop our elected politicians doing whatever it is that we’ve elected them to do. From fishing to agriculture, to environmental policy to energy policy Brussels has to be there with the power to stop our politicians from taking decisions in the interest of the British people.
That’s rather the reason why I want us to get out. It’s called democracy.
The BBC is now so far up its own arse that it doesn’t understand the implications of the message that its broadcasting.
RJ I have noticed this tendency with supporters of the EU. The logic seems to be ‘anything British is bad, the EU is not British, therefore it must be good.’ To me it seems all part of the cultural self-hatred of the British intelligentsia that dates back at least to when George Orwell wrote about it in the 1930s.
The CBI is typical of these front organisations that purport to stand up for their trade or industry but are far removed from the realities of their members . It is run by an admin class who would say they are fighting for xxxxx interests but don’t know the complexities of the trade or industry they represent . A sign of success for them is not the eradication of a problem within an industry but a meeting to discuss it with a senior civil servant or minister . Sometimes the admin class doesn’t even want the problems solved , after all no problems no need for the organisation .
Their newsletters or equivalent show their horrific lack of understanding of the hurdles business have to contend with . The most pressing concerns of those at the coal face are mentioned in passing , a paragraph at most mildly deploring any iniquities . The annual dance and awards ceremonies vastly receive more print coverage . As do the pages selling the merchandise with the logo , ranging from business forms to umbrellas and ties .
In fact government legislation is another opportunity to sell more merchandise , more consultations , more legal services , seminars , conferences , hotel block bookings and jollies .
And what of the firms that the CBI represents? . Not one is run by a proper entrepreneur , who takes a risk , sets up and runs a company .